Stages of creative activity when creating a new technical object. The essence of creativity and its manifestation in childhood

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Stages of the child's creative activity

A child's creativity is an important element in the formation of his own self-awareness and self-understanding. It is as if the child remakes the world for himself, and helps himself to understand and comprehend it better. He learns to comprehend the beauty of this world and learns to see the "white spots" that must be filled with his creativity in order for the world to become a little better and more beautiful.

For the development of creativity, children need certain knowledge, skills and abilities, ways of activity that they themselves, without the help of adults, cannot master.

For a child of the younger group, creativity in creating an image can manifest itself in changing the size of objects. For example: there is a lesson, children are sculpting apples, and if someone, after completing the task, decides to mold an apple smaller, or larger, or of a different color (yellow, green), for him this is already a creative decision. The manifestation of creativity in younger preschoolers is also some kind of addition to modeling, drawing, say, a stick - a petiole.

As you master the skills (already in the older groups), the creative solution becomes more complicated. Fantastic images, fairytale heroes, palaces, magical nature, outer space with flying ships and even astronauts working in orbit appear in drawings, modeling, applications. And in this situation, the teacher's positive attitude to the initiative and creativity of the child is an important stimulus for the development of his creativity. The teacher celebrates and encourages the creative discoveries of children, opens in the group, in the hall, in the lobby of the exhibition of children's creativity, decorates the institution with the works of the pupils.

In the child's creative activity, three main stages should be distinguished, each of which, in turn, can be detailed and requires specific methods and techniques of guidance from the teacher.

The first stage: The emergence, development, awareness and design of the idea

The topic of the upcoming image can be determined by the child himself or suggested by the educator (its specific decision is determined only by the child himself). The younger the child, the more situational and unstable his plan is. Studies show that initially three-year-old children can only implement their plans in 30-40 percent of cases. The rest basically change the idea and, as a rule, naming what they want to draw, then create something completely different.

Sometimes the idea changes several times. Only by the end of the year, and then on condition that classes are conducted systematically (in 70-80 percent of cases), the concept and implementation of children begin to coincide. What is the reason?

On the one hand, in the situational thinking of the child: at first he wanted to draw one object, suddenly another object enters his field of vision, which seems to him more interesting.

On the other hand, when naming the object of the image, the child, who still has very little experience of activity, does not always correlate what was conceived with his visual capabilities. Therefore, taking a pencil or brush in hand and realizing his inability, he abandons the original idea.

Stage Two: The Image Creation Process

The topic of the task not only does not deprive the child of the opportunity to show creativity, but also directs his imagination, of course, if the educator does not regulate the decision.

Great opportunities arise when a child creates an image according to his own design, when the teacher only sets the direction for choosing a theme, the content of the image.

Activity at this stage requires the child to be able to master the methods of image, expressive means specific to drawing, modeling, and application.

Stage three: analysis of the results- is closely related to the two previous ones - this is their logical continuation and completion. Viewing and analysis of what children have created are carried out at their maximum activity, which allows them to more fully comprehend the result of their own activities.

At the end of the lesson, everything created by children is displayed on a special stand, i.e. each child is given the opportunity to see the work of the whole group, to mark, justifying his choice, those that he liked the most.

The teacher's tactful, guiding questions will allow children to see the creative finds of their comrades, an original and expressive solution to the topic.

A detailed analysis of children's drawings, modeling or applique work is not necessary for each lesson. This is determined by the peculiarity and purpose of the created images.

But here's what is important: the teacher conducts discussion of works, their analysis every time in a new way.

So, if the children made Christmas tree decorations, then at the end of the lesson all the toys are hung on the hairy beauty. If you created a collective composition, then upon completion of the work, the teacher pays attention to the general appearance of the picture and suggests thinking about whether it is possible to supplement the panorama, make it richer, and therefore interesting. If children used to decorate a doll's dress, then all the best works are "exhibited in the store" so that the doll or several dolls can "choose" the one they like.

Magazine "Preschool education" No. 2, 2005

Due to the great practical importance of the structure of creative activity, this problem has been studied by many authors. The most acceptable is the following stage-by-stage differentiation of creativity.

The first stage is awareness, formulation, formulation of the problem, i.e. scientific creativity(scientific creativity - formulation and proof of a hypothesis).

The second stage is to find a principle for solving a problem, a non-standard problem, i.e. decisive hypothesis, idea of ​​an invention, design a work of art (a concept is an image of a goal and ways to achieve it).

The third stage is the substantiation and development of the found principle, its theoretical, design and technological development, concretization and proof of the hypothesis, the design development of the invention idea, i.e. technical creativity(technical creativity - the creation of new technical objects), the development and development of an idea, i.e. artistic creation(artistic creation is the embodiment of an artistic concept using the means of the visual arts). This stage also includes the development of a plan for the experimental verification of the hypothesis, a plan for the practical implementation of the invention, the development of a plan for the implementation of the concept, idea and problem of the work (plot construction, characteristics of the characters, the scene, etc.).

The fourth stage is the practical testing of the hypothesis, the implementation of the invention, the objectification of the work of art (painting, sculpture, etc.).

Let's consider each stage from the point of view of the volume of heuristic activity.

The first stage is based on knowledge of information in the field of creativity and its systematization. The amount of heuristic activity can range from 0 to 100% depending on the problem. If the problem has already been formulated by someone, but not solved, then it is required to understand its formulation, formulation and realize it as an object of activity. In this case, the heuristic activity is negligible. If it is required to pose, formulate a problem, then the volume of heuristic activity increases significantly.

The second stage requires maximum heuristic activity in all its forms and manifestations.

The third stage is characterized by the maximum presence of a logical form of thinking that connects various algorithmic operations. Heuristic activity can relate to the further development of the found concept.

At the fourth stage, the volume of heuristic activity is due to the difficulties of practical testing of the hypothesis by logical means. Difficulties in elimination can be associated with heuristic search.

The main form of scientific creative search is a hypothesis. The central mechanism of creativity is the generation of hypotheses and their experimental verification. A hypothesis is an assumption about how to resolve a contradiction in a problem situation, and is a form of creative search. Anything that can be the subject of research-search can be the subject of a hypothesis; everything that can be the subject of scientific knowledge, in other words, a scientific theory, can be the subject of a scientific hypothesis. A scientist cannot make a single step in research without putting forward a hypothesis or formulation based on the existing theory of a hypothetical assumption.

The functional characteristic of the hypothesis shows that it is an ecotrapolational form of knowledge and, thus, the result of heuristic activity, which allows one to go beyond the framework of logical knowledge. But at the same time, here too, heuristic activity is connected with logical activity, it is directed by it, although to a certain extent it is constrained by it. It is about this case that they say that a discovery is often made by someone who does not know that it has not been made. Logically coherent and systematized information sometimes limits the activities for its development; it is necessary to have many qualities of the intellect in order to overcome the stiffness. Logic essentially presents a series of instructions on how to speak correctly, and for others - how to give the proper meaning to the stated propositions. In the entire chain of logical operations, we do not at all deal with the formation of new truths.

In practice, when solving problems, for example, of a technical nature, to understand creativity, such signs of the creative process are enough - the result - at the level of patentable solutions, the solution obtained provides technical progress, the work is carried out for the first time in this area or using this method. Serious specialists quite clearly draw the line between the results of creative and routine work.

To detail the heuristic and various other types of activity, let us consider the structure of thought processes in solving creative problems.

Each structural element is characterized by structural links and predominant activity.

Structural elements of thought processes

Structural links and predominant activity

This presentation of the creative process leads to the following conclusions:

1. The creative process is a multi-structural activity. Heuristic elements are included in it as components.

2. Structural elements of creativity, in which there is at least partially heuristic activity, are characterized by a large number of incoming connections. Their presence shows that the course of heuristic activity requires a large number of auxiliary mental actions and is regulated on the basis of constant functioning of feedbacks.

3. The flow of the process of solving creative problems is possible only in the presence of all the elements of the structure. Insufficient development of at least one structural element makes it impossible for its normal (rational) course, although some compensation is possible in an insignificant interval. The level of development of each structural element should not differ by more than the size of the interval of fluctuations in its changes under normal conditions.

Being creative means more than having certain traits. It means being creative, approaching the challenges we face with imagination and originality. In short, it means demonstrating skills in applying the creative process. Although the authorities disagree about the number of stages in this process - some talk about three, others - about four, five or seven - these differences do not concern fundamental things. They are only about whether to combine actions under one heading or several. There are no significant differences regarding the main actions discussed.

For ease of memorization and ease of use, we will consider the creative process as consisting of four stages: the search for problems, the formulation of a specific problem or a specific controversial issue, their study and the creation of a set of ideas. Each of these steps will be the subject of a separate lesson, but a quick overview of the entire process will get you started right away.

First stage: Search for tasks... The essence of creativity is imaginatively approaching tasks in an original and effective manner. There is often no need to search for tasks; they come up in front of you in the form of obvious problems and contentious issues. For example, if your dorm roommate comes home at 2 or 3 a.m. every day, walks in and talks to you noisily when you’re trying to sleep, you don’t have to be very discerning to know that you have a problem. Or if you find yourself in the midst of a fierce debate about whether abortion is murder, no one needs to tell you that you will speak up on a controversial issue.

However, not all tasks are so obvious. Sometimes problems and controversial issues are so small and subtle that very few people pay attention to them; in other cases, there are no problems and controversial issues at all, but there is only an opportunity to improve the existing situation. Such tasks will not cause strong emotions in you, therefore you will not find them, if you just sit and wait - you have to look for them.

The first step in the creative process is the habit of looking for tasks - not at a specific time, but constantly. Its importance is reflected in the fact that you can only be creative in response to tasks that you are aware of.

Second phase: Formulating a problem or controversial issue... The goal of this stage is to find the best formulation of the problem or issue at issue, the formulation that will lead to the most valuable ideas36. "A well-formulated problem," noted Henry Hazlitt, "is half-solved." Since different formulations open up different directions for thought, it is best to consider as many formulations as possible. One of the most common mistakes when working on problems and controversial issues is to consider them from only one point of view, thereby closing many promising avenues for thought.

Take the inmate mentioned earlier when he was pondering how to escape from prison. His first formulation of the problem, apparently, was this: "How can I get a pistol and, firing back, get out of here?" or: "How do I get the guards to open my cell so I can disarm them?" If he had settled on this formulation, he would still have remained where he was. His sophisticated escape plan could only be born in response to the question: "How can I cut a grate without a saw?"

Often, after formulating a problem or controversial issue in many ways, you will not be able to decide which is the best formulation. If it does, postpone the decision until the next steps in the process allow you to make a final decision.

Stage three: Researching a problem or controversial issue... The purpose of this stage is to obtain the information necessary in order to effectively work on a problem or contentious issue. In some cases, this will mean just a search for suitable material in your past experience and observations, suitable for solving the given problem. In others, you will need to gain new information through new experiences and observations, conversations with informed people, or your own research. (In that prisoner's case, that meant scrutinizing all the available places and items in the prison.)

Fourth stage: Generating ideas... The goal of this stage is to generate enough ideas to decide what action to take or what opinion to take. At this stage, two obstacles are often encountered. The first is the often unconscious tendency to limit one's ideas to ordinary, familiar, traditional responses and to block out the unusual and unfamiliar. Resist this tendency, remembering that, as alien and inappropriate as the latter type of reactions may seem, it is in these reactions that creativity manifests itself.

The second obstacle is the temptation to interrupt the idea generation process too quickly. As we will see in the following lessons, research has shown that the longer you keep creating ideas, the more likely you are to come up with worthwhile ideas. Or, as one writes

There is one final question that needs to be clarified before you are ready to start practicing the creative process: how do you know you have found a creative idea? How can you distinguish it from other ideas? A creative idea is an idea that is both imaginative and effective. The second quality is just as important as the first. It is not enough that the idea is out of the ordinary. If that were the case, then the strangest, most eccentric ideas would be the most creative ones themselves. No, to be creative, an idea must “work,” must solve a problem, or clarify a controversial question to which it answers. A creative idea doesn't have to be just extraordinary - it should be extraordinarily good. This is the standard that you should apply when thinking about the ideas you have come up with.

Once you've generated a lot of ideas, decide which one feels best to you. Sometimes it will be one single idea; in other cases, a combination of two or more ideas. At this stage, your decision should be preliminary. Otherwise, you will have a strong desire to abandon the important critical thinking process by which ideas are judged.

artistic creativity child teacher

In the second paragraph of our work, we will try to consider the main stages in the development of the creative activity of a preschooler.

Bolotina L.R. proposes to distinguish three main stages in the child's creative activity, each of which, in turn, can be detailed.

  • 1. The emergence, development, awareness and design of the concept. The theme of the upcoming image, story, drawing, dance can be determined by the child himself or suggested by the teacher (a specific decision is determined only by the child himself). The younger the child, the more situational and unstable his plan is. Research in the field of visual creativity shows that initially children of 3 years old only in 30% -40% of cases can create their own ideas. The rest change the idea, as a rule, naming what they want to draw at the beginning of the lesson, then draw something completely different. Sometimes the change of idea happens several times. And only by the end of the year, subject to systematic lessons with children, 70-80% of children had the same idea and implementation. The reason for this phenomenon lies, on the one hand, in the situational thinking of the baby: at first he wanted to draw one thing, suddenly another object appears in his field of vision, which seems to him more interesting. On the other hand, when naming an idea, a kid is far from always able to correlate what was conceived with his visual capabilities. And therefore, picking up a pencil or brush, and realizing his inability, he abandons the original idea. The older the children and the richer their experience in any artistic activity, the more stable their concept becomes.
  • 2. Creation of an image by children. The image, the story on the topic, named by the educator, does not deprive the child of the opportunity to be creative, but helps to direct his imagination, of course, if the educator does not regulate the decisions. Significantly great opportunities arise when the image is created according to the intention of children, when only directions for choosing a theme are given, the content of the image. The child's activity at this stage requires him to master the methods of image, expressive means that are specific for drawing, modeling and application.
  • 3. Analysis of the results is closely related to the two previous stages, is their logical continuation and completion. Viewing and analysis of what children have created should be carried out with their maximum activity, which allows children to fully comprehend the result of their activities. At the end of classes, all images created by children are displayed on a special stand. With the tactful directing attention of the children to the actions of the teacher, they will see interesting discoveries of other children, original and expressive solutions to the topic. Viewing and analyzing children's works at the end of the lesson should be organized in different ways, avoiding a template and stereotype, otherwise it will be boring, and therefore the stage of creating an image is not instructive for children.

A detailed analysis of children's work is optional in every lesson. This is determined by the peculiarity and purpose of the created images. So, if the children made decorations for the Christmas tree, then at the end of the lesson, all the toys made by the children should simply be hung with them on the Christmas tree and noted that all the toys look good. And if children decorated a dress for a doll, then it is better to hang them in the store so that the doll or several dolls can choose the ones they like.

Let us consider, using the example of childhood growing up, how creativity develops.

For babies, creativity in creating an image can manifest itself in changing the size of the objects depicted by him. For example, children sculpt apples, and if one of them sculpts an apple, then depicts a smaller or larger apple, then this will be a creative decision for him. A manifestation of the creativity of children of this age can also be considered the addition of an image with some details, for example, a baby attaches a stick (petiole) to a sculpted apple, a string to a ball, etc.

A creative approach to the image can be expressed in color changes: for example, by drawing a red apple, the child next to (on his own initiative) draws yellow or green. Children can make various additions related to the topic. For example, children of the middle group, as instructed by the teacher, draw a bird, who wants what. Having finished the image, the boy draws thin wavy lines from the open beak: "The bird sings," he explains, "this is her voice." And here we see the manifestation of imagination and creativity.

As they master the visual activity, the creative solution of the visual problem by children also becomes more complicated. In older groups, they with great pleasure convey fantastic images in drawings, sculpting, appliqués, depict fairytale characters, magical nature, fairytale palaces, outer space, with flying ships, people who have entered outer space, and more.

An important stimulus for the development of children's creativity is the positive attitude of adults towards the initiative and creativity of children. Therefore, it is necessary to celebrate and encourage the creative discoveries of children, to arrange exhibitions of products of children's creativity in the kindergarten group, hall, lobby.

Almost all types of artistic activities are available to preschoolers - composing stories, inventing poems, singing, drawing, modeling. Naturally, they have great originality, which is expressed in a naive, direct reflection of reality, in extraordinary sincerity. Already at this stage, the development of artistic creative abilities of children takes place, which are manifested in the emergence of an idea, the implementation of its activities, in the ability to combine their knowledge and impressions, in greater sincerity when expressing feelings and thoughts.

The originality of children's creativity also lies in the fact that it is based on such a pronounced feature of preschoolers as imitation, is widely reflected in play activity - figurative realization and impressions from the world around. It is in the game that the creativity of preschoolers manifests itself first. A game that arises at the initiative of children is characterized by the presence of a plan.

The creative imagination of children is also manifested in the fact that they often deliberately combine different plots for their games: they take materials from fairy tales, stories, from life.

Education encourages the child to conscious artistic manifestations, evokes positive emotions, and develops abilities.

Visual activity can only acquire a creative character when children develop aesthetic perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, and when they master the skills and abilities necessary to create an image.

The creative nature of the activity provides for the emergence and development of an idea. A characteristic feature of fine art is the creation of expressive images. The beauty and expressiveness of the image depends on how the children have mastered the formative movements and are able to convey in the drawing, modeling, application of the object's forms.

The depiction of objects and phenomena by children in reality is at the same time an attitude towards these objects and phenomena.

However, not only interest in creating a drawing, modeling, applique prompts children to do their job better, to strive to achieve the expressiveness of the image. It is of great importance, and instilling in them the desire to make the work understandable and interesting for others. And it appears already in the 4th year of life.

So, it is quite obvious that, in carrying out work on the development of children's creativity, it is necessary to include children more widely in all processes of preparation for performance (and the older the children, the more they need to be activated): to listen to their opinions, to consult with them. It is important to put children in the position of naughty performers, and active participants in the preparation of creative activity and its implementation.

Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine



Department of Production Organization and Personnel Management

Estimated task

By discipline basics heuristics

Option 13


EK-27A student

Perepelitsa M.E.


Sinigovets O.N.

Kharkiv 2012

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… .3

1.Structure and main stages of creative activity …………………… .4

1.1 Basic principles and stages of creative activity for creating a new product …………………………………………………………………………… .6

2. Feasibility of increasing production capacities ………… ..9

3.Increasing the attractiveness of the product for the consumer ………………… .13

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ... 19

List of literature sources …………………………………………… .20


In this Design Assignment, issues such as the structure and the main stages of creative activity are considered. Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before. Creativity is the creation of something new, valuable not only for a given person, but also for others. Creativity is the process of creating subjective values.

The procedure for constructing a "decision tree". Decision tree method. It is used to obtain an optimal solution, taking into account possible environmental conditions and the likelihood of their occurrence. On the basis of which a specific management task will be decided.

The essence and meaning of the verbal association method will also be revealed, examples of using the method to identify new ideas will be given.

The purpose of this work, I believe, is to study the patterns of constructing new actions in unfamiliar situations, that is, the organization of productive thinking processes, on the basis of which the generation of ideas is realized, the sequence of increasing their plausibility.

With the help of this work, I will consolidate my knowledge of heuristics and get a unique opportunity to solve unconventional problems in unfamiliar conditions. After all, it is this young science that contributes to the development of human creative potential.

1.Structure and main stages of creative activity

Creation- a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of creating a subjectively new one. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly deduced from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps the author, can get exactly the same result if you create the same initial situation for him. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material some possibilities irreducible to labor operations or a logical conclusion, expresses in the end result some aspects of his personality. It is this fact that gives the products of creativity additional value in comparison with the products of production.

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before. Creativity is the creation of something new, valuable not only for a given person, but also for others. Creativity is the process of creating subjective values.

Structural diagram of creative activity

Scheme of creative activity according to Rossman

1) Discerning a need or difficulty.

2) Analysis of this need or difficulty.

3) View available information.

4) Formulation of all objective decisions (putting forward ideas and hypotheses).

5) Critical analysis of all forms of decisions (to filter out ideas and hypotheses -> a cycle appears).

6) The birth of a new idea (go to point 4).

7) Experimentation to confirm the correctness of the formulated new idea. A mental (mental), model or natural experiment is carried out.

Diagram of the structure of creative activity according to Hickson

1) Preparation. The accumulation of knowledge, the improvement of skills, the formulation of the problem are carried out.

2) Concentration of efforts. Work aimed at obtaining a solution is a strong-willed concentration of efforts.

3) Take a break. A period of mental rest, while the creator is distracted from solving the formulated problem.

4) Illumination. New ideas arise, it is possible to modify existing ideas, but in each case the result should be the desired solution to the problem.

5) Completion of the work. At this stage, the results of creative activity are summarized and evaluated.

Scheme of creative activity according to Belozertsev

1) Formation of a problem situation with a simultaneous understanding of its structure by the subject of creative activity. Formulation (setting) of technical problems.

2) The birth and nurturing of new technical ideas, a new principle, a new transformation.

3) Creation of an ideal model (implementation).

4) Construction. Results - draft and technical design, working drawings, model implementation of the implementation.

5) The stage of substantive and relatively complete implementation of an idea, problem or invention in a new technical object.

Generalized model of the structure of creative activity according to Shumilin

1) Awareness, formulation and formulation of the problem.

2) Finding the principle of solving (resolving) the problem (synonyms: non-standard problem, solving hypothesis, idea of ​​invention or design of a work of art).

3) Substantiation and development of the found principle. Theoretical, design and technological elaboration of this principle.

If scientific creativity, then concretization and proof of the hypothesis. If technical, then the design study of the idea. For artistic creation - the development and development of the concept of a work of art.

Developing plans involves experimentally testing hypotheses. The plan for the practical implementation of the invention is the implementation of the concept.

4) Practical testing of a hypothesis, implementation of an invention or concept, objectification of a work of art.

The main task of the idea generation stage is the creation of modern competitive goods that, in terms of their technical and economic indicators and technological performance, meet the highest scientific and technical achievements, satisfy the needs of consumers. When developing ideas for a new product, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the greatest safety, economic feasibility and full compliance of the product's functions with environmental conditions. This rule applies to all products, regardless of whether they are an integral part of the product, or a finished product.

The requirements for the greatest safety are associated with the premise that any product - an object of production and operation (use) - must have the necessary properties that maximally exclude harmful effects on humans and the environment. Taking into account the significant increase in consumer requirements for the safe consumption of goods, it is more profitable be guided by the requirements of absolute safety.

The requirements of economic feasibility provide that the main parameters and design of the product must ensure a high level of its efficiency as an object of production and operation (use). The beneficial effect of using the product for its intended purpose, in accordance with the established operating modes, should be ensured by the minimum necessary expenditures of labor, material and energy resources.

Of no less importance at the present stage of scientific and technical development of world industrial production is compliance with the requirements of full compliance with the functions performed by the product and environmental conditions. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the functional properties of the product must necessarily correspond to the level of parameters of the external environment and the range of their changes. It is also necessary to achieve full agreement of these properties with the parameters of the environment, if the latter are highly dynamic and stochastic. The fulfillment of all these prerequisites requires intense creative activity.

The process of creative activity is carried out in an organic combination of stages:




All stages of the creative process are based on information, methodological and technical support.

Information support includes a knowledge base, a database of forecasts, patents, standards, references.

A set of methods for solving inventive, standardization and optimization problems is identified with methodological support.

The technical support includes computer technology, computer-aided design systems, software and hardware complexes.

In the process of creative activity, the stage of preparation for scientific research involves: the accumulation of the necessary initial knowledge; the previous systematization of facts in the studied area of ​​the development of science and technology, the intellectual and creative preparation of the individual for the search for ideas. The concept stage is associated with the study of an unresolved problem situation and the definition of a problem for its further solution. For this purpose, the available scientific and technical information is studied and the main task of the search is formulated; find out the central question (focal point of the problem) to be solved; establish the necessary requirements and significant restrictions; develop a plan for finding a solution. Particular attention is paid to the study of the conditions for the emergence and experience of solving similar problems at different stages of the development of science and technology.

Central in the process of creative activity is the stage of search. It is here that a problem situation is transformed and solved, a plan for finding a solution to the corresponding concept is implemented. The most characteristic stages of this stage are considered:

Generating ideas;

Determination of the principles for solving the problem; identification of positive and negative consequences arising from the principles of solving the problem;

Analysis of different options and selection of the optimal one.

The creative process is completed by the stage of implementation, at which the following is carried out: technical design of the solution to a creative problem; research verification and testing of a technical solution with the following introduction of the necessary amendments and additions to it; implementation of the solution and its further development. The main element of creative search is the generation of new ideas.