Planting roses in the ground in spring. Planting climbing roses in the ground

Rose bushes are able to charm anyone with their beauty, they look so magical. And it's not just about garden bushes. Weaving roses deserve special attention. They are able to decorate any place, turn an old gazebo into a small corner of paradise. Yes and flower garden will sparkle with bright colors if you know how to plant climbing roses in the garden around the perimeter of the green corner. The main thing is to figure out how to care for a climbing rose and find out what microclimate and description of cultivation she prefers.


Let's say you decide to diversify your backyard with the recognized queen of garden flowers. In this case, planting a climbing rose is the first thing you need to familiarize yourself with. Knowing how a weaving plant, it will be easier for you to understand the features of constant care for him. Remember: it is important to prepare the soil for planting plants. Immediately before deepening the seedling into the ground, add the necessary nutrient compositions to the ground, for example, phosphate fertilizers, humus, humus, as well as phosphorobacterin.

When planting a flower, keep in mind that root system requires large space, so the wells must be voluminous. Place the seedling in the recess, be sure to fill the voids between the root branches. Cover the plant with earth, then pour a bucket of warm water under the young bush. The final stage - sprinkle a little earth on top and carefully tamp the space around the climbing rose. When the planting of the purchased climbing rose in the spring in the ground is completed, it's time to provide competent care for the young shrub.

Caring for climbing roses

Caring for yellow or red varieties in the garden, especially if we are talking about weaving varieties, will be carried out correctly if the crown is regularly formed. V spring period flower growers, as a rule, remove frozen shoots from the bush. Further, the features of this procedure will depend on the variety itself.

If we are talking about a shrub that can bloom only once a season, at the end of its flowering, the basal shoots will need to be cut out completely. Let's say you breed weaving varieties that bloom several times a year. In this case, the main shoots will need to be completely removed no earlier than 4 years after planting the seedling.

Plant propagation

Climbing rose is not only planting and care. In order to achieve abundant long flowering and at the same time, over time, to get a few additional bushes of a weaving rose, it is necessary to master the procedure for propagating plants. Breed on your own personal plot a climbing yellow or other color rose can be used with seeds, cuttings, this method is feasible, but you will have to buy seed in the store. The thing is that it does not make sense to plant grains collected from a bush growing on your personal plot, since varietal characteristics will not be traced in them.

Features of preparation for winter

Knowing how to plant a climbing rose and take care of it in the summer is not enough. It is especially important to be able to prepare the plant for the cold, to understand. The technology of the process itself will be completely different from how it is usually prepared for wintering. garden rose. If the bush is enough to simply dig in the ground, then here it is necessary to take care of the entire plant. A planted flower should not be watered with the onset of autumn. It is advisable to stop feeding the rose.

In the middle - the end of autumn, the bush will need to be bent to the ground. Do this gradually, tying the shrub with some kind of rope (remember that you need to bend the branches in one “bundle”, and not one by one).

Do not be surprised if the procedure takes a couple of days: the shrub will gradually get used to the angle of inclination. You can open the plant after hibernation in the spring.

Climbing rose - decoration of the garden plot. It is often used for vertical gardening both in private estates and in public places.

The simplicity of the formation of the bush and the variety of varieties allow you to create magnificent color compositions on arches, tripods, as well as decorate the walls of buildings and create hedges.

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to grow climbing roses in the garden and what conditions must be observed for the healthy growth of the plant and its flowering.

Location selection

Climbing rose bushes grow well and bloom profusely in sunny and ventilated places. Since the plant has whips from 2 to 5 meters, it needs a garter for supports. It can be purchased or self-made.

Note: it is desirable that a shadow falls on the rose for at least 2 hours a day in order to avoid burns of leaves and stems.

Soil requirements are low. When planting seedlings, the ground is prepared by introducing the mineral and organic complex of fertilizers necessary for growth.

The rose takes root well on loamy and peaty soils. Easily tolerates drought, but does not tolerate wetlands. Places in the garden where groundwater is close to the surface should be excluded, because the roots of the rose reach 2 meters.

Planting scheme and hole preparation

Rose seedlings are planted in prepared holes. Roses are light-loving plants, for the development of lashes and the laying of flower buds for the next year, good lighting of the bush is necessary.

To do this, seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 50 cm from each other or from the wall.

A bucket of humus, 1 kg of lime, 1 bucket of sand or clay are placed at the bottom (depending on the composition of the soil on the site, if the substrate is sandy, then it is supplemented with clay), 3 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate.

Preparing seedlings and planting

Seedlings are planted in early spring and autumn. It is better to plant in autumn in September, then the rose will have time to take root by winter period and will begin to grow rapidly in early spring.

In spring, planting is done in April, so in the first year flowering will come 10-15 days later than in adult plants.

A climbing rose seedling can be grown independently from seeds, which will require persistent and painstaking work. Rose seeds are small, require stratification and very careful handling and care.
Preparation for landing goes like this:

  • the day before planting, soak the roots of the plant in a stimulant solution;
  • cut the stems of the seedling, leaving a height of about 30 cm, grease the slices with pitch, which will prevent infections;
  • all bad and long roots are removed, cuts are processed charcoal(can be replaced with activated charcoal, which is easy to buy at a pharmacy);
  • just before planting, the roots are dipped into a mash made of clay and mullein.

After the preparatory work, transgress to landing. A hill of earth is poured into the prepared hole, on which the seedling is placed.

Note: the root neck of the plant should be located 10-15 cm below ground level. Such a deepening allows you to protect the bush from harsh winters.

The roots are distributed throughout the mound and covered with the rest of the earth mixture to the surface. So that there is no space left with air inside, the earth is rammed. The seedling is watered abundantly warm water or root stimulant solution. Upper layer soils are mulched with sawdust, straw or grass. This will prevent weeds and allow young plant develop well.

rose bush care

When growing roses, the florist should pay attention to the following points:

    1. Watering. Roses need abundant watering once every 8-10 days directly into the hole.
    2. Root top dressing is carried out at least 1 time in two weeks. The best fertilizer will be a mixture of wood ash(1kg), mullein (1kg) and superphosphate (20-30g) per bucket of water. During the growing season, the rose requires at least 4 dressings. Use organic, mineral and complex fertilizers. During the flowering period, top dressing is not produced.
    1. Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying the leaves with a solution of complex liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers.
    2. . Spring pruning promotes the formation of a bush, regulates the duration and abundance of flowering. In the spring, frozen and damaged shoots are removed. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the height of the pruning, which depends on the variety of the rose. Summer pruning is carried out to stimulate a new abundant flowering, for this, already faded lashes are removed.

    1. Formation of a bush for abundant flowering. In early spring the main lashes are left on the ground for the growth of replacement shoots that will bloom next year. When the replacement shoots reach a height of 50 cm, the main lashes are raised and placed in a horizontal or spiral position.
    2. Treatment for diseases and pests. Conducted as needed. The main diseases that climbing roses are susceptible to are powdery mildew, rust, bacterial cancer, black spot. For the prevention and treatment of these ailments, solutions are used blue vitriol(200g per 10l), iron sulfate (300g per 10l), Bordeaux mixture (200-300g per 10l). From pests use chemicals(Spark, Fufafon, Intavir).

Attention: cut and destroy all damaged shoots so that diseases do not spread to healthy lashes.

(click on picture to enlarge)

More useful information you can read about the features of growing and caring for climbing roses.

- flowers available for breeding by an ordinary gardener that do not require complex care. Compliance with the above tips will allow you to enjoy the beautiful flowering bushes of climbing roses on suburban area. As the rose growers say, once you start, then you will not be able to stop.

From this video You will learn how to properly plant and care for a climbing rose:

To successfully grow a bush with roses, you should landing work and further care follow all the rules. First of all, it concerns landing First of all, it concerns landing. Since roses are very capricious, you need to competently approach the choice of a landing site: it is advisable to choose a bright area, protected from strong winds. If you plant plants in a dark place, their development will be slower, and you may not wait for flowering.

It is also necessary to correctly approach the time of disembarkation. It is advisable to carry out work in the spring, and not in the fall, since the planted plants may not have time to get stronger for the cold. When performing work, you need to correctly calculate the distance between the seedlings. It is best if there is a distance of a meter between the bushes, and two meters between the rows. If you made supports for climbing roses, then you need to leave a distance of about 30 cm to them.

Planting roses: what to look for?

A very important aspect is the planting depth - it is necessary that the root neck be covered with earth by about 15 cm. The soil must be dug up, and lime, peat or humus should be added to the soil 10-15 days before planting. Optimal size the pit is 50 cm. Before planting bushes, the land must be made fertile, for which it is mixed with cow dung, after which the soil is poured into the prepared pit.

There is another way to prepare the soil: you can dilute a mixture of several parts of clay and 1 part of manure with water. For a 10 liter bucket of such a mixture, you need to take 3 tablets of phosphorobacterin. If your site has acidic soil, you also need to add dolomite flour to the soil. Carefully plant the seedlings so as not to damage the root system with a shovel, after which the plant must be thoroughly watered.

Gardening Tips:

  • The shoots and roots of the rose need to be cut to a length of 30 cm, which will allow the formation of a healthy root system in the future;
  • Be sure to cover the cuts with garden pitch, thanks to which all the “wounds” on the flowers will heal faster.

Proper plant care

Are you interested in a weaving rose, planting and caring for which will help you grow a bush that is beautiful and pleasing with bright rose buds? That is why so much attention should be paid to watering, fertilizing, and disease control. So, according to experts, manure has the most important nutrients for this plant, and it is also suitable. The main thing to remember is that roses need to be fed before the flowering period, after which we stop fertilizing. It is important to consider moderate watering.

If immediately after planting it is necessary to moisten the plant abundantly, then in the future one should not lose sight of the fact that roses perceive drought quite well and do not tolerate an excess of moisture in the soil. Moreover, this can lead to the appearance of diseases and their spread throughout the garden.

Disease protection:

Protecting plants from winter cold

To your beautiful bushes normally survived the cold, it is very important to properly prepare them for the winter. First of all, the top of the young shoots is cut off, and the branches are tied with an ordinary rope. After the air temperature drops below -5 ° C, it's time to cover the bushes.

Important: you should not carry out shelter work earlier, because the plants will not have time to harden, they will dry out from a lack of oxygen, germinate and freeze as a result.

It is necessary that the work be carried out in sunny weather, preferably without wind. Carefully remove the shoots and lay them in the leaves - on open ground shoots should not be laid. The first layer of shelter should consist of grass or spruce branches, after which you need to cover the bushes with a second layer: either with a film or other waterproof material. The main thing is to create a layer of air between them..

As you can see, in order for a climbing rose, planting and caring for which is quite simple, to turn out bright and healthy, you need to water it, feed it and plant it, taking into account all the above recommendations.

The ideal flower for vertical gardening is a climbing rose, planting and caring for which requires certain rules to be followed. With their help, it is possible to create columns, arches, garlands and pyramids, they are used to decorate arbors, walls of houses, fences. Compositions that include several varieties at the same time are especially impressive.

Plants require good lighting and little breeze. With a lack of sunlight, the ripening of the stems, which will bloom next year, is delayed. However, in order to lengthen the flowering period, you should choose places in which there was a shadow for at least 2-3 hours a day.

It is not recommended to plant a climbing rose in a sun-drenched place: the petals can burn out and the stems get burned. You should not choose the corners of buildings: roses cannot stand drafts. The most suitable place will be where the sun will heat the bushes right in the morning, as a result, the dew will quickly evaporate, and powdery mildew can be avoided.

Climbing roses are planted in spring and autumn. In plants planted in spring, shoots and leaves develop faster, but a strong root system does not have time to form - it does not have enough time for this. When planted in autumn, rooting occurs quickly, in spring the plants are fully prepared for flowering.

In more severe climatic conditions, autumn plantings are undesirable: roses that have not had time to get stronger by winter may not endure frost and die.

It is preferable to plant them in the spring, so that before the onset of cold weather they have time to develop and prepare for them.

The soil is dug up a few months before the proposed planting, humus, peat, lime are added to it. On the eve of planting, manure should be applied (if the soil is acidic - dolomite flour) and watered abundantly.

The bush also requires special training. Shoots and roots are pruned, leaving 20-30 cm, so that in the future the bush will bloom profusely. The places where the roots are pruned are powdered with ash, the sections of the shoots are treated with garden pitch to protect against infections.

The size of the pit for climbing roses should be 50x50 cm. When planting, the root neck of the bush is positioned so that it is covered by a layer of earth by about 10 cm. When planting several rose bushes near the planting site, there should be a distance to the support of at least 45 cm. It is recommended to mulch the soil under the bush with grass or sawdust.

The plant is resistant to drought, watering is required once a week. Worse when wet appearance roses, some diseases may develop. Growing climbing roses in regions with severe frosts requires shelter.

Implementation of care

In preparation for winter, pruning is performed: unripened shoots are removed. As soon as the air temperature drops to -5 ° C, it is necessary to remove the shoots from the supports and lay them down (after pouring dry grass, spruce branches on the ground). From above, the shoots are covered with straw or dry leaves, then with a film. In the spring, the shelter is removed and the roses are placed on supports.

It is important to clean the shelter in time: with high humidity and lack of fresh air they can get sick. Returning to the supports after removing the shelter, they are laid in a spiral or horizontally so that the roses begin to form flowers with renewed vigor, and not new shoots.

Proper care of roses means timely pruning, which maintains a healthy appearance and contributes to abundant flowering. In the spring, weak and frozen branches are cut off, after flowering - faded shoots. This helps to rejuvenate the bush and replace the shoots with new ones.

We should not forget about plant nutrition: during the growing season, complex fertilizers intended for roses or mullein infusion are applied. Recommended organic fertilizers alternate with mineral or use simultaneously. Before flowering, 5 top dressings are necessary; from the beginning of flowering, manure should not be applied.

In the process of growing, reproduction is of no small importance. Reproduction by layering is recommended in the spring: the shoot is bent to the ground, part is sprinkled with soil with the addition of humus and watered regularly. By the spring of next year, the shoot takes root, it is separated from mother plant, further grown as an independent plant.

When propagated by cuttings, they are cut from the middle of the shoot (there must be at least 4 buds) at the end of flowering. After planting the cuttings in the ground, it is necessary to water them and loosen them.

Climbing rose: reproduction and care (video)

Major diseases and pests

More often affected by powdery mildew and bark cancer. powdery mildew occurs in hot weather high humidity, white spots are noticeable on the leaves, gradually increasing in size. Growth and flowering stop, the plant may die. Must be treated with Bordeaux liquid.

It is not uncommon to find bark cancer after removing the shelter. There are small bright brown spots on the bark. Gradually, they grow, capture the escape completely. It is necessary to remove the affected areas and burn. As a preventive measure, you should cover the plant and remove the shelter in a timely manner, and also do not use it for top dressing in the fall. nitrogen fertilizers.

climbing roses can infect aphids and spider mite, to combat them, infusion treatment is used horsetail(if there are few pests) or insecticides.

Despite the fact that climbing roses are not exactly easy to grow and require care, their beauty allows you to transform how garden plot and exquisite garden.

How to plant and care for a climbing rose (video)

Gallery: climbing roses (15 photos)

climbing rose - spectacular decoration garden, which can disguise any, even the most unsightly area or a high wall. But for her to play the role ornamental plant, she needs to bloom regularly. And flowering directly depends on the conditions of detention and the characteristics of caring for the shrub. Let's find out how to properly plant a climbing rose in the spring in open ground, and how to care for it so that it takes root and grows healthy.

Climbing roses are usually planted in autumn. This time of year has a lot of advantages: it is still warm outside, rooting is fast, pink shoots have already matured and are ready for wintering, and next year the bush grows as intensively as everyone else. But autumn planting rarely used in the north, where winter comes early, and there is almost no time left for the rooting of the rose. It is also impossible to delay planting if you have already prepared a seedling.

Features of planting a climbing rose in the spring are due to the fact that it needs time to root and adapt to new conditions. All this inhibits the growth of the aerial part. As a result, the bush lags behind in development from other shrubs by about 2 weeks, and it may happen that by the onset of cold weather the stems do not have time to mature (woody). Then death awaits them in the winter. To prevent this from happening, after spring planting rose needs to be provided optimal conditions maintenance and intensive care. Then it not only adapts quickly, but also catches up with other plants in development.

Best time to land

The timing of planting a climbing rose in the spring depends on the local climate and weather, which cannot be predicted. but experienced growers yet determined the approximate time suitable for this:

  • In the south of the country, roses are planted in open ground with the onset of April. The deadline is early May.
  • V middle lane In Russia and in the Moscow region, the climate is more severe, so it is better to plant bushes from the end of April to the end of May.
  • In the Urals and Siberia with a harsh continental climate, it is advisable to plant from late May to mid-June.

You can't just follow these guidelines. Therefore, keep an eye on the weather and soil conditions. It should have time to warm up to + 8 ... + 10 ° C. Otherwise, the roses will take root and take root poorly. For landing, you should choose a cloudy and quiet day, when there will be no bright sun, precipitation and strong wind.

Choosing a place and necessary conditions

We will tell you what requirements the site on which you are going to plant a climbing rose should meet.

Lighting and location

For roses, lighting is very important. They love it when the sun shines on them all day long. However, choosing a sunny location for a climbing shrub is very difficult: after all, it is usually planted near high fences and walls that close the place on at least one side. Then you should be guided by the fact that rose bushes are most important morning rays sun. Therefore, choose a site on which sunlight will fall at least from the east, and preferably from the southeast. Then your beauty will quickly take on growth.

Important! In the first days after planting a rose in the ground, it will need to be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. This will help to avoid sunburn. When the bush takes root, the need for shading the shrub will disappear.


The pink shrub tolerates the warm Russian summer well and even the heat, subject to frequent and plentiful watering. But in winter it is not very comfortable for him: most varieties of roses belong to the 5th winter hardiness zone. This means that without shelter, they can only survive frosts down to -25 ... -20 ° C. Therefore, they need to be covered for the winter.

Attention! Some varieties may belong to the 4th or even 3rd winter hardiness zone. They can withstand, respectively, up to -30 ... -35 ° C and -35 ... -40 ° C. In the first case, the rose will only need a light shelter, and in the second it can not be built at all (with the exception of the Urals and Siberia, where frosts often fall below marks at -40 ° C).

Air and humidity

Roses need moderate wet air(40-70%), which is maintained independently in summer. An angular location (planting near the corner of a wall) is not suitable for a climbing shrub, as it does not tolerate drafts. It is best to plant it at a distance of 0.6 m from the middle of the wall or other support in another area, protected from through wind.


Rose bushes are best suited for light, fertile loam with good drainage and neutral response. They do not tolerate close proximity. ground water: it is not necessary that the roots reach them, and they can grow up to 2 meters in depth. If the waters are located close to the surface, and the area itself is swampy, then when constructing a landing pit, it is necessary to provide for the construction of drainage. So that the water does not stagnate in the ground, it is better to plant a rose on a slightly inclined plane.

When choosing seedlings, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The root system must be well developed, healthy and strong. Do not take seedlings if the roots have become sluggish, most likely, the bush was dug up a long time ago, and it has become very weak.
  • Shoots must be healthy and strong. They should not have sick and frail stems.
  • The color of the trunk should be green. If it is gray or brown, we pass by such a seedling.

Before planting, a climbing rose needs to be prepared in order to smooth out the stress it experiences and help it settle down faster:

  1. Soak its roots in water for one day. You can add a little potassium permanganate to get a light pink solution.
  2. Then soak it for 3-4 hours (maximum - 10-12 hours) in a growth stimulator solution (Zircon, Kornevin).
  3. Remove the bush and, if necessary, trim it. It will be necessary to remove not only shoots up to 20-25 cm, but also damaged roots to healthy tissue.
  4. Places with a cut before planting should be treated with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol or another fungicide.

Important! In some nurseries, seedlings are sold not with an open root system, but with an earthen clod. They are usually packaged in biodegradable material. Such bushes can be planted directly in the package without pre-treatment of the roots. But this is on condition that you land immediately after purchase.

Planting process

To plant a climbing rose in spring, you will need the following tools, items and materials:

  • gloves (to keep hands clean and protect them from being pierced by spikes);
  • shovel (for digging a landing hole);
  • drainage material (it can be expanded clay, crushed brick, crushed stone or other large fraction stones), as well as sand;
  • fertilizers superphosphate, potassium magnesia or potassium sulfate (preferably granular, as they will nourish the plant throughout the entire growing season);
  • peat and humus (for the preparation of a light, loose and nutritious soil mixture);
  • dolomite flour, wood ash or lime (for soil deoxidation);
  • warm water (for irrigation) and a bucket for it;
  • shelter for shading roses.

After preparing the seedling for planting, prepare the planting hole:

  1. Dig a hole with a depth and width of about 0.6-0.7 m. The optimal distance between the holes is 1 m.
  2. If you plant a bush in a swampy area, then the depth should be greater - about 0.8-0.9 m (for drainage). Lay a thick layer (15-20 cm) of crushed brick or large gravel at the bottom of the pit, and pour about 5 cm of coarse river sand on top.
  3. Prepare a nutritious and loose mixture. To do this, mix peat and humus in equal proportions. If the soil is acidic, then it will be useful to add about 1 kg of wood ash or 500-600 g of lime or dolomite flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Fill the hole with nutrient mixture 30-40%. Add granular fertilizer to it: 2-3 handfuls of superphosphate and 1 handful of potassium sulfate or potassium magnesia.

Plant roses in the prepared hole:

  1. Place the seedling in the hole and distribute its roots evenly throughout the volume.
  2. Holding the bush with one hand, fill the empty space between the roots with the nutrient mixture with the other.
  3. When the roots are sprinkled, pour a bucket of warm water into the hole. Pour carefully so as not to wash off the covered soil.
  4. Fill the hole to the top with the nutrient mixture, while the root neck should be about 10-12 cm deep.
  5. Compact the soil in the hole and build a small earthen rampart around it. It will be needed so that the water during irrigation does not spill over the entire surface of the soil, but is absorbed directly in the zone of the root system.

Advice! After planting a climbing rose in open ground, shade it for 10-14 days if the bright sun is shining outside.

How to tie a climbing rose

A climbing rose needs a support. Often it is enough just to plant it near it, for example, near the following structures:

  • arch;
  • wall;
  • fence;
  • pergola or gazebo;
  • dry tree trunk.

But if the support does not have places to cling to, or it does not exist at all, then the rose needs to be tied up. To do this, use a thick garden twine (be sure to carry out the procedure with gloves and with an assistant):

  1. Gather the lashes into a compact bush.
  2. Ask an assistant to hold the rose in this position.
  3. Wrap the shrub around with garden twine and tie it into a strong knot.

Now the climbing rose is tied up, but she also needs support. If there is no slatted surface or small ledges on the wall, fence or gazebo for the plant to cling to, build a rope or wire mesh. You can simply tie a strong rope to the top of the support, and tie a peg to the lower end and stick it near the bush. 3-4 such rope supports are enough for the rose to crawl up along them.

Another version of the support is the construction of a wooden pyramid from thin but strong wooden blocks. In the pictures below, see how you can tie climbing roses so that they look beautiful.

After planting a climbing rose, she needs to provide intensive care so that she grows faster, and her shoots have time to ripen for hibernation. Care includes:

  • Watering. Water the rose abundantly (10-20 liters of warm settled water) as needed before the onset of frost. In heat and drought, the frequency of watering should be 4-6 times a week, the rest of the time - 2-3 times. Closer to frost, watering should be reduced to 1 time per week.
  • top dressing. If you have brought ashes into the planting hole and granular fertilizers with the content of phosphorus and potassium, then 2 fertilizing with nitrogen will be enough during the season. Young roses prefer organic. To do this, 2-3 weeks after planting the bush in the ground, feed it with mullein (1 part in 10 parts of water, infused for 7 days). You can also use infusion chicken manure(1 part to 20 parts of water, infused for a week). Such top dressing should be repeated in the middle of summer, but in the second half and autumn, nitrogen cannot be applied to the soil.
  • Loosening and/or mulching e. When a dense crust is formed, it must be broken. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots. Instead of loosening the soil, it can be covered with a layer of mulch - pieces of bark, sawdust, decorative stones.
  • treatment for diseases. During the rainy season, spray the rose once a week with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol. The rest of the time, you can treat 1 time 2 weeks with Fitosporin or Zircons to form immunity to fungal infections.
  • Pest control. If an aphid bush is affected, treat it with soapy water. If other pests appear, use insecticides (Aktar, Aktellik, Chlorophos or Karbofos). The second treatment should be carried out 1 week after the first.
  • Sanitary pruning. In autumn, when the first frosts come, the climbing rose needs to be cut. For sanitary pruning, it is enough to remove all weak, thin, damaged and diseased shoots, as well as those that did not have time to ripen by winter. You can not leave them, as they will die when severe frosts. The same applies to flowers and leaves, if they themselves have not fallen off.
  • Formative pruning. It can be done both in spring and autumn. The rules for the procedure depend on which pruning group your rose belongs to. If flowers are formed on the shoots of this year, then the old shoots need to be shortened greatly. And if flowering occurs only on last year's stems, then they need to cut off only the top. With a mixed type, neither old nor young shoots can be severely cut.
  • Shelter for the winter. If your rose variety is thermophilic (most likely it is), then it must be covered for the winter. This can be done in two ways. The first is to remove the whips from the support and cover them with spruce paws and a layer of waterproof material. The second is in the construction of a frame around the rose and wrapping it with roofing felt or other material. Then the void inside the frame is covered with dry foliage, and covered with a film on top. In any case, the trunk must be spudded or covered with peat.

Climbing roses look very elegant. At proper care they can bloom throughout the summer, forming lush bedspreads of double and fragrant flowers. With them you can mask all the unsightly parts of the garden and outbuildings. They can become the main focus and create a romantic atmosphere. But for this you need to try and give the bush all your love and care.