Interior decorative plaster for walls. Decorative plaster in the interior of the living room: features of choice and use

To create antique interiors, decorative plaster is indispensable, because there is simply no better solution for artificially aging walls. Amazingly cracked wall covering, traces of corrosion, patina - all these effects are unthinkable without a plastering solution.

Replacing decorative plaster with paint will not only “cheapen” the interior visually, but will also reduce the number of exquisite design options hundreds of times. The apparent savings will lead to additional expenses, because over time the paint will begin to crack and peel off the walls, and this will not happen with plaster for at least ten years.

Compared to paper wallpaper, smooth decorative plaster looks much more prestigious. In addition, you do not need to calculate the number of rolls and take care that they are from the same batch (due to the difference in shades). Wallpapering is not complete without adjusting the pattern, so there will be a lot of trimmings. Due to uneven walls, the canvas will have to be overlapped, because that when glued end-to-end, they will “lie down” crookedly. The repeating pattern of the wallpaper initially reduces the cost of the design, creating the impression of a series. Not to mention the fact that the edges curving over time make such walls sloppy.

Flawless in terms of convenience, versatility and economy, an alternative to wallpaper is decorative plaster, which you can use without worrying about the listed details.

The sale of this amazing finishing material in Moscow and other Russian cities is carried out through the Clavel-Trade trading network. The range of decorative plasters is regularly updated with new types. You can choose the effect, order a product, get acquainted with its characteristics and see photos of finished coatings in interiors on our website.

Types of decorative plaster by composition and how best to apply them

Depending on the recipe, decorative plaster is divided into 4 varieties:

lime (Venetian), the main components of which are lime and micro-marble. The term of its extinguishing is calculated in two to three years, which determines the strength and durability of the coating. The creation of modern interiors with “marbled” wall decoration is not complete without a finishing material based on slaked lime, prepared for at least 3 years.

silicate plaster. In addition to "liquid glass", the composition of the plaster mass includes natural fillers - marble, sand, talc. Thanks to them, plaster has a unique quality - to maintain its original appearance, despite the effects of moisture.

Acrylic decorative plaster. Eco-friendly water-based latex, combined with ground marble and a silicate mineral called wollastonite, is excellent for facades and walls inside buildings. Subject to the technology of finishing works, the service life of acrylic-based decorative plaster reaches 15 years.

Silicone plaster mass is similar in composition to acrylic with the addition of polysiloxane polymers, in other words, silicones. The coating of these components withstands weather surprises, including fluctuations in humidity and temperature changes, which is why silicone mortar is used for facade work.

You can make truly profitable purchases by visiting Clavel-Trade stores. There are always lime, silicate, acrylic and silicone plasters in the assortment, which will help to create any kind of decor both in interiors and outdoors.

Texture types

Decorative plaster differs not only in composition, but also in different tactile properties of the coating.

Which interior plaster is the smoothest to the touch: Venetian, textured or structural?

One of the most pleasant to the touch is the Venetian. It is used to create a perfectly even, smooth coating. With the help of a lime-based composition, it is easy to imitate a marble surface with its inherent warmth of stone and mirror smoothness. In contrast to the prices for the most budgetary finishes with natural stone, the cost of walls with Venetian plaster is an order of magnitude lower.

Whether the surface will be strongly or slightly rough in the case of structural plaster, depends on the size of the filler particles included in the composition: silicate, dolomite, barite or marble. If they do not exceed 1 mm, then you will not be able to feel the relief with your hand. Larger fillers (from 1 to 3 mm) will make the coating embossed and slightly rough to the touch.

Due to mineral additives, structural plaster masses have high strength indicators, so they are rarely used for interior decoration. They are mainly used to cover facades and walls in rooms with high traffic: in corridors and porches.

Textured plaster creates a very smooth and pleasant to the touch relief. It is formed due to the high viscosity and plasticity of such a material. The particles included in its formulation with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 mm are responsible for the microrelief of the coating, however, it will not be rough: only velvety.

Is it expensive to finish the walls with decorative plaster?

What is the price of the finish coat?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the thickness of the layer. Everything is simple here - the more abundantly we plaster the walls, the greater the material consumption will be. For a rough calculation, you can use the following formula - 1 additional millimeter of coating thickness requires one kilogram of plaster per square meter.

The second is the number of layers required to create a particular effect. In this case, the labor costs of the master and the time required to complete the entire "pie" increase, since. each new layer requires thorough drying.

Self-plastering the walls can be cheap, but then you will have to forget about creating an exquisite designer interior.

The cost of finishing works is also affected by the quality of their execution - the higher the qualification of the finisher and the more time he spends on creating the desired effect, the higher the cost of execution will be.

The complexity of the finishing project and the exclusivity of the realized effect will require additional costs. The same applies to the saturation of the color scheme, because the more intense the color of the walls, the more colorant will be needed.

The interior decoration of apartments and private houses has long been not limited to wall pasting. Today, the range of materials allows you to realize any original design idea. However, it rightfully occupies a special niche on the shelves of hardware stores. We will present photos in the interior in today's article, but it is worth understanding the types of such building mixtures, understanding how to choose the composition, and whether it is possible. Do not ignore the cost of decorative plaster for walls. And let's start the conversation with the areas of application of this amazing (let's not be afraid of this word) material.

Decorative plaster is a universal finishing material that creates an interior, textures and volumes. Such putty is used in apartments, private houses, cafes, restaurants, hotels ... the list can be continued for a long time. The first mention of such a mixture appeared in the Middle Ages. Then it was made from natural materials. Today, natural stone and other components have replaced acrylic compounds, and the putty itself has become accessible to all segments of the population.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a finishing material

The advantages of such mixtures are many times greater than the disadvantages. Let's try to list them:

  1. when finishing with a decorative mixture, it is not necessary to first level the walls. Surface treatment is limited to the application of primer;
  2. the viscosity of the composition makes it easy to apply it to semicircular surfaces;
  3. When properly applied, seams and joints will not be visible. It seems that the wall was plastered in one continuous layer;
  4. the use of white decorative plaster leaves the master the right to tint. The paint is added while stirring the mixture;
  5. an extensive assortment makes it possible to choose the style of interior planned by the home master;
  6. additional protection in the form of special varnishes keeps the plastered surface from abrasion;
  7. water-based putties are subject to restoration in case of chipping.

Against the background of the listed positive aspects, the disadvantages are lost, but we cannot ignore them:

  1. no such finishing material is used, erected less than 5 years ago. Drawdown, mandatory in such cases, contributes to the appearance of cracks on the walls. The same applies to buildings in a seismic zone;
  2. such coatings are not tolerated. If a special varnish protects from a small level, then it will not help in the bathroom;
  3. a weighty “against” argument for home craftsmen is the high cost of putty, although today the price has decreased compared to the level of two or three years ago.

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From the article you will learn what plaster is used for, how it is classified by materials and technologies, how to analyze costs when using it, photo ideas and professional advice.

Decorative plaster: species names with photo examples

The main types are called structural, texture and Venetian plaster. However, do not forget about the types that mimic expensive materials. These include marble, flock (silk) or marbled putty. Each of these types is special in its own way, and therefore we will consider them in detail, having familiarized ourselves with photographs of walls plastered with various mixtures and methods.

The properties of all species are identical and depend on the components of the mixture (we will discuss this in detail below), but the appearance is different.

Textured finishing material and its appearance

The name of the species already indicates that the applied finishing material has a distinct texture. It is not difficult to apply such a coating, the cost is relatively low, which makes the mixture popular among master finishers.

There are 3 main textures - this is a “lamb” (the coating resembles animal hair with curls), “fur coat” (gradually losing popularity) and “bark beetle” (more difficult to apply, looks like a tree with grooves similar to the result of the work of a bark beetle).

Photos of textured decorative plaster for interior work can be seen below:

Helpful information! This material has a very significant advantage - the result is noticeable immediately after application. To see it, you do not need to wait for complete drying.

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Photos, videos, applications, examples of textures and interiors, the average cost, how to properly apply plaster on the wall yourself - you will find all this and much more in our material.

What is the difference between structural putty

The peculiarity of this mixture is that the master never knows what the surface structure will be like after complete drying. It will not work to set a certain direction for the patterns. Such mixtures should not be applied in wet areas. If you want to finish the bathroom walls with such material, you need to ensure low air humidity until the putty is completely dry. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the photo of wall decoration with structural decorative plaster:

Venetian plaster and its features

Applying this putty requires experience and skill. A home master who has not done such work is unlikely to be able to do everything right. This smooth decorative stucco looks like marble when applied, matt or glossy, depending on the finish. The difficulty in its use lies in the fact that the surface before application requires careful preparation.

Interesting information! With the help of such material, you can create the appearance of not only natural stone, but also various precious metals. This effect is achieved by adding special pigments to the mixture.

One of the varieties of this type of application can be called Leonardo plaster, the photo of which is presented in a small gallery:

Related article:

Features and composition of the material, how to make it yourself, advantages and disadvantages, an overview of manufacturers, a video lesson on the preparation and application of Venetian plaster with your own hands, expert recommendations - in our publication.

Flock or silk plaster: photos in the interior and some advantages

After application and topcoat, it looks like flowing silk with mother-of-pearl overflows. On the shelves it is presented in the following colors: golden, silver, bronze or garnet tone, as well as white, which can be tinted.

Good to know! Washable decorative plaster is not recommended to be cleaned with hard metal brushes or abrasive products. To remove contaminants, gel-based products without caustic chemical components are suitable.

Photos of the interiors of the hallway with decorative plaster are presented below:

Features of applying decorative plaster in the bedroom

There are no differences in composition from the previous version. Any types and compositions are applicable. But if a light shade is more acceptable in the hallway, then the bedroom needs a dark, deep color scheme. The use of a mixed interior is welcome here. Materials such as, or embossed gypsum panels are compatible with putty. An interesting option with fabric - drapery gives a peculiar charm to the room and intimacy to the atmosphere.

Helpful information! The bedroom is a room in which mechanical damage to the walls is minimized, unlike the corridor. This means that wax can be used as a top coat. It will give the wall a gloss that visually resembles a glass coating.

Use of decorative plaster in the toilet and bathroom

For such premises, a material resistant to moisture is needed. As with the kitchen, acrylic or silicate mixtures are a good choice. Plaster for such premises is more expensive, due to the inclusion of impurities in its composition that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. Often, for such purposes, facade mixtures are used for outdoor finishing work.

Important information! Despite the fact that the “bark beetle” plaster is resistant to moisture, it is not worth it to decorate bathrooms and bathrooms. Water will accumulate in the grooves, which over time will lead to rusty or lime stains on the walls. Moreover, their appearance does not depend on the color or shade of the wall.

Decorative plaster: photo in the interior of the living room

Here there is where the fantasies of a home master can roam. Various combinations of materials, playing with color and putty application styles, and even the possibility of plastering the ceiling under “Venetian” or “silk”. The ceiling option, with the right approach, will help make the living room bigger and taller (visually of course). It should be understood that if the entrance hall gives the first impressions of the owners, then the living room is the soul of the whole house or apartment, where a lot of time will be spent. This indicates the need for tinting in light colors. Mother-of-pearl and metallic shades, like gold, silver or bronze, will help to add expressiveness. But they should not be abused.

Using several different techniques for applying plaster, you can create a panel, landscape or picture on the wall - this already depends on the artistic skills of the master. In the absence of experience or desire to perform such work, you can turn to professional plasterers for help, but not a single experienced master will be able to bring to life what the owner himself will do. We agree that it is difficult, but nothing is impossible. The work will progress slowly, but the result will amaze not only the guests, but also the home master himself.

A few reviews about decorative plaster from netizens

The picture would not be complete without feedback on the decorative plaster of people who finished their houses and apartments with such mixtures.

Milakisa, Russia, Yekaterinburg: I am a designer. I try to test all new interesting interior solutions in my apartment before offering them to the customer. So I first applied decorative plaster to the walls in my bathroom, and after that I began to include it in design projects for the client. The choice in favor of this material fell due to the fact that it is very practical. From above, the resulting three-dimensional pattern is covered with a special wax, thanks to which the walls can be wiped with a wet cloth. And I also like the non-repeating relief pattern of this coating, since it is applied by hand, then each section of the wall is not similar to the next one ...

More on Otzovik:

And one more.

NadiZZZ, Russia, Nizhny Tagil: We are not designers, but when it comes to renovating an apartment, we want something new and original. I agreed with my husband on decorative plaster. Although this is a rather dreary and labor-intensive business. Moroccan plaster is a decorative coating with a medium-sized texture in the form of elevated areas (“islands”) of applied plaster above the main surface. The surface texture of such plaster is smooth, pleasant to the touch. (…) We are glad that everything is done! Enjoy the view! More a little about this type of plaster: it is hypoallergenic, easily tolerates wet cleaning, has a long warranty period, is easily repaired and restored, and can withstand high loads.

More on Otzovik:

How to make a mixture for decorative plaster yourself

Consider the option of preparing bark beetle plaster. To do this, you need to purchase a dry finishing putty, white primer and grout for tile joints. As a filler, we buy marble or granite chips. The size of the fractions determines how wide the grooves will be.

We knead the putty with the grout based on the soil so that the mixture looks like sour cream. To check the density, you can apply a small amount to a small piece of drywall. The mixture should not drain, but you should not make it too thick - it will be difficult to apply this. Lastly, pour out the stone chips and mix thoroughly again.

Helpful information! It is necessary to pour marble or granite chips into the mixture in parts, periodically checking the result by applying it to a piece of drywall. An excess of fractions will not lead to greater beauty, the result will most likely be the opposite.

Methods for applying decorative mixtures to surfaces

If the home master has experience in such work, they will not be a problem. The main thing here is the availability of the necessary tool. If there is no experience, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the various technologies for applying plaster and find out what tools you will need for this before starting work. You can learn about bark beetle plastering technologies from. If you plan to plaster a more complex "Venetian", then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Overview of manufacturers, types and cost of decorative plaster

Let's take a look at a few different blends and their cost as of February 2018:

brand View Drying time, h Strength set, days Packed weight, kg Cost, rub.
Manifik Lisse

12 28 8 2800

12 14 30 2000
Ceresit ST174

16 25 25 2600
Baumit Edel Putz Spezial Natur Kratz

24 30 25 700

14 28 15 3200


Despite the relatively high cost, the popularity of decorative plaster mixes is growing day by day. No wonder. After all, the interior created by such a finishing material can surprise even the most sophisticated critic.

And finally, an informative video on the topic of applying decorative plaster with your own hands.

Among other types of finishing materials, decorative plaster for interior wall decoration occupies a special place due to its characteristics and aesthetic appearance, which it gives to the surfaces to be coated.

Decorative wall plaster in its composition is similar to the usual one with common components - sand, cement, lime, but, unlike it, it may contain various additional granules: various crumbs, wood fibers, pieces of mica, and so on. Cement usually acts as a binding base, fillers are sold separately, and are added when applying the finishing layer of plaster. In addition, the structure of the plaster includes additives that improve its properties and provide antiseptic, adhesive, bactericidal and hydrophobic effects.

In addition to giving aesthetics to the surface of the walls, decorative plaster evens it out, smoothing out depressions and other defects. You can buy plaster both in finished form, in a pasty state, and in dry form for dilution with water. It is not difficult to work with this decorative coating; if you have the necessary skills, you can plaster the walls with your own hands without the help of specialists.

The popularity of this type of decorative finishing material is due to the advantages of plaster over other types of finishes:

  • moisture resistance of the coating;
  • resistance to humidity levels, temperature changes;
  • no need to specially treat the walls before decorative plastering;
  • providing additional sound insulation and thermal insulation;
  • strength and durability of the coating;
  • the ability to realize any idea, a variety of textures and shades.

Types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration

It is possible to classify the material according to the type of binder and filler. In the first case, it is divided into the following types:

  • acrylic (polymer);
  • mineral;
  • silicate;
  • silicone.


Taking into account the type of filler, the coating is divided into textured, structural (based on marble chips), Venetian and flock. They differ in their decorative properties. Using textured and structural materials, you can create a relief on the surface, and with the help of the Venetian and flock type - a smooth or glossy wall.

In addition to the above, there are specific types of this decorative coating:

  • colored plaster - it is based on marble chips and acrylic. Waterproof, durable enough, presented in fifteen shades;
  • roller - consists of a natural filler with a fraction of 1 to 2.5 mm, when applied, it forms a texture with small depressions and channels;
  • latex-plastic - forms a glossy surface with an imitation of smooth natural stone or marble, as well as relief textures. The material is resistant to moisture, it can be washed, add a different color when applied;
  • "wet silk" coating - a texture with mother-of-pearl particles that imitates a fabric surface;
  • "sea breeze" coating - creates a translucent layer with a slight sheen of mother-of-pearl, fine-grained sand is present in the composition.

wet silk
Sea breeze
latex plastic


The composition of mineral plaster includes lime, mineral particles, clay of various colors, stone chips and cement as the main binder. Today, mineral decorative coating is the most common, it is considered absolutely environmentally friendly. Despite the fact that the structure of mineral plaster contains lime, it is not afraid of moisture and wet cleaning, it also contains substances that do not allow lime to dissolve. It is suitable for application on all types of mineral substrates, including concrete, gypsum plasters, drywall, fiberboard and chipboard. The mineral mixture is usually covered with walls that are subject to abrasion, having ledges (corridor, stairwell, entrance area), as well as the surface of the basement of the building. In the photo below you can see an example of covering the walls of the hall with mineral plaster.

The advantages of this type of coverage include the following:

  • high strength to mechanical and atmospheric influences, temperature extremes. Over time, the strength of the coating only increases;
  • forms a "breathing" surface;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care, the possibility of wet cleaning.

However, the mineral coating is afraid of vibration. Under such conditions, over time, it can become cracked and crumble if the wall was poorly primed.

The mineral mixture is sold only in dry form, prepared by diluting with water at room temperature. Mineral plaster is divided into types based on the size of the granules and the composition of the filler.


It is an elastic plaster, with a base of various binders (acrylic, epoxy, polyurethane). Types of polymer coating are divided into aqueous and non-aqueous. The first type includes acrylic, polyvinyl acetate, butane-styrene plasters, the second - epoxy and polyurethane. Due to its composition, it is enough to apply polymer coatings with the thinnest layer, they are suitable for concrete surfaces, cement-sand, drywall. The polymer solution is usually sold ready-made, applied in a continuous line of thickness, which depends on the size of the granules.

The advantages of this type are:

  • plastic;
  • vapor permeability;
  • strength, resistance to various influences;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • good sound insulation;
  • a wide range of colors and textures;
  • ease of application, which you can handle with your own hands without the help of professionals.


Silicone plasters are durable, their only drawback can only be considered a high price. Silicone decorating solution consists of silicone resins, various fillers (woven fibers, mineral granules), special additives (antifungal, bactericidal), as well as pigment in various shades. This material is a kind of polymer plaster, has the following advantages:

  • creates a protective coating of the surface from moisture, damage;
  • ease of care, dirt is easily removed from the coating;
  • the color of the outer layer remains unchanged for a long time;
  • protects the walls from the occurrence of fungus, mold.

Like any other type of polymer plaster, silicone plaster is applied to the wall, pre-treated with a special primer, which is produced by the same manufacturer as the plaster. Use only the type of primer that is indicated on the packaging of the silicone coating by the manufacturer, if you use any other, the decorative coating will not lie on the substrate as needed. There is no need to dilute silicone plaster with water, as it is already sold ready-made.


The material produced on an acrylic or silicate basis has a thin layer structure. To create a decorative effect, quartz or marble chips are found in its composition. Only a white mixture is produced, pigments are purchased separately in order to tint the material with your own hands at your discretion. In appearance, structural plaster looks like a granular heterogeneous mass, therefore it is often used to create patterns. Structural mixtures are divided into types according to fine, medium and large fractions of stone chips. The photo shows coarse-grained structural plaster, which creates a noticeable decorative relief.

The structural mixture has good adhesion to most mineral surfaces and can be applied to drywall and chipboard. Water-based structural plaster is used to finish the interior surfaces. The whole process of applying the material with your own hands is quite easy, since the mixture has high plasticity and is sold ready-to-work.


This type of plaster has less uniformity than structural. It is based on lime flour, granite, marble chips, synthetic fibers, wood, mica, and a polymer base can also be used. Textured finish is well suited for covering different surfaces - wooden walls, brick, plaster, concrete. The advantages of this type of coverage are:

  • the ability to imitate various types of textures: stone, leather, paper, concrete surface, wood, thanks to which textured plaster has gained popularity among many users and designers;
  • due to its structure with special particles, it masks noticeable defects and uneven walls;
  • practically does not require special surface preparation before application, it is enough just to cover the walls with an adhesive solution;
  • breathability, high strength and durability of the plastered coating;
  • convenience of the material: it is sold both in dry and ready-made form in various packaging, the solution can be tinted during or after application;
  • affordable price;
  • you can easily create a design with a textured solution with your own hands, it does not require special skills or knowledge.

Textured plaster is divided into types:

  • coating "lamb" - has a uniform granular structure, roughness;
  • "fur coat" coating - the main component is cement, the surface is rough in the form of small villi;
  • coating "bark beetle" - fine-grained stone filler creates grooves on the surface, imitating insect-eaten wood.

bark beetle
Fur coat


It is a multilayer coating, the composition of Venetian plaster includes marble chips and slaked lime. This is a smooth type of stucco that looks like marble or onyx. This is an expensive material that requires special skills when working with it, in addition, it is characterized by a long drying process. It is applied in several layers (up to eight layers) with a rubber spatula, each of them should dry well. Often this type of material is used to decorate the interior of rooms in a classic or antique style. Venetian plaster can be polished to achieve a glossy surface, and can also be tinted with various shades. Before applying the Venetian mixture, you must first prepare the walls, otherwise the decorative coating may crack. Finishing in this way of plastering will help to get the effect of a visual increase in space due to the refraction of light from the walls.


This coating consists of natural cellulose, silk fibers, mineral filler and pigments. This type of plaster is expensive, but creates a highly artistic effect, additionally soundproofing the room. The cover is breathable and practical. A complex application technique includes three stages: applying the adhesive base to the walls, flocking and varnishing the surface, resulting in an original, aesthetic coating. The laboriousness of the process requires the use of professional skills and knowledge, so flocking with your own hands will be quite difficult.

The environmental friendliness and durability of the material contributed to the spread of its use in the decoration of various premises - the walls of apartments, children's rooms, public institutions, bathrooms, kitchens. The lacquered outer layer is not subject to abrasion, burning, moisture penetration, and if necessary, the coating can be easily repaired. The photo below clearly shows the aesthetics of this decorative coating.

Based on marble chips

Finishing with the addition of marble or granite chips creates a very strong and durable coating. The appearance of such a finish depends on the size of the crumb. To give the coating a golden glow, quartz sand is added to the solution. A coating based on marble chips is indispensable in those places that are most exposed to abrasion, mechanical stress, for example, in hallways, or in apartments with active pets. The finished surface with marble chips can be tinted with various shades.

Before applying the marble coating, it is necessary to prime the walls very well, otherwise they will shine through. Marble plaster fits well on almost any surface. This material is similar to Venetian plaster and its other common types in that it uses a synthetic binder as a base. The application must be carried out in continuous strips in order to avoid the appearance of irregularities after the complete drying of the plaster layer.

Creating a relief with your own hands

Decorative plaster must be applied to the prepared wall surface. At the same time, the old coating is removed, the walls are cleaned to a concrete or brick base, debris is removed with a construction vacuum cleaner or an ordinary damp cloth. Places where plaster can accidentally get during the process are sealed with masking tape or covered with a film. Further, if there are cracks, they are repaired, and the wall is primed in several layers.

If you need to process a small area, it is recommended to use ready-made plaster mixes, and if a large area is processed, it is more economical to use dry mixes, diluting them with water in accordance with the instructions.

When applying the material, it should be borne in mind that the light shade of the plaster is the basis for the darker one. The solution is applied with a rubber or metal spatula, flocked plaster can be applied with a spray gun. Next, the relief is applied with your own hands. In this case, you can use various tools: special patterned rollers, plastic wrap, draw with your own hands, use ready-made stencils to extrude a picture. After that, a thinner and darker second layer is applied so that the pattern can be seen from under it. After 30 minutes, a polyurethane sealant is applied to fix the result and give the coating strength.

Drawings and panels

Drawing on plaster will create a unique and original design. The photos below prove that a panel made with your own hands or with the help of professionals will serve as a decoration for any, even the most modest, interior. The best place for drawing a picture is to use a free wall, protruding or a wall in a niche. The panel should be in harmony with the rest of the room. All walls in the room should be decorated with panels only if it is a nursery. Photos and videos will help to understand all the intricacies of drawing a picture or a panel.

The simplest technique is the application of a three-dimensional stencil panel. To do this, you need to cut a pattern on a sheet of hardboard, plywood or drywall, which is then fixed to a leveled and dried wall using spray adhesive. The plaster is applied along the contour of the stencil, the more solution is applied, the more voluminous the pattern will be. After the pattern dries, a roller with tinted paint is rolled over it.

Another way is painting on structural plaster, in which with the help of pointed wooden sticks, sponges, brushes, textures are created on the panel using a cardboard template. The third, more complex way is stucco panels, that is, volumetric drawings in the entire wall or whole paintings. This technique usually requires the participation of professionals.

Methods for finishing with plaster

Creating a decorative effect on the wall begins after all the preparatory work is completed. There are the following ways to finish with plaster with your own hands:

  • to create the effect of polished marble on the wall, Venetian plaster is used. It is applied with a rubber spatula in several thin layers. Each of the layers is applied with tangential movements and different spatulas, thanks to which the layers are superimposed in different directions, and the light reflected in them creates a glow effect. The finishing layer is fixed with matte varnish or wax;
  • to create a simple relief pattern, the plaster is applied in one layer with a spatula and left to dry, or slightly smoothed with a trowel;
  • with a notched or comb trowel, you can create uniform patterns and regular shapes (semicircle, checkerboard);
  • an ordinary plastic film will help create a chaotic pattern: to do this, you need to lean it in expanded or folded form against the surface of wet plaster, then remove it, if necessary, smooth the relief. An example of such a technique is shown in the photo;
  • with the help of special textured mixtures, you can create various surfaces - such as "bark beetle", "rain", "rock". In this case, a spatula is used;
  • a fairly simple way of finishing - with the help of nozzles for rubber rollers with a ready-made convex pattern applied to them. It can be a floral ornament, geometric shapes, and much more.

How to create a pattern on plaster

Care rules

Despite the fact that decorative plaster is a fairly durable and resistant coating, you should follow some rules for caring for it. The first year after application, it does not require special care, it is enough to carry out wet cleaning with or without ordinary detergent.

In order to create an additional water-repellent and protective coating, the plaster can be coated with a special wax. After several years of operation, this method will help to renew the outer layer of the coating. After application, the wax layer is polished with a rag; further care for it should not include the use of solvents - only plain water or soapy water.

Glazing is another care option, it adds shine and emphasizes the relief forms of the coating. A special tool is applied with a mitten, you can do with a sponge or brush. If the coating has lost its appearance over time, or it needs to be renewed, you can repaint it, remove it to the base and apply a new layer, or level it with putty over the coating.


How to create a pattern on decorative plaster using special rollers.

Photo with decorative plaster in the interior

How surfaces decorated with decorative plaster look like.

The development of modern technologies is reflected in the construction industry. Today, along with the traditional, conventional types of wall and ceiling decoration, the use of decorative plaster is gaining popularity. The theme is fresh and unbroken, due to this decor, the interior becomes special. We understand the main nuances of this material, study its advantages, disadvantages, varieties, current color solutions and design.


Under decorative plaster it is customary to understand the finishing plaster material. Its main distinguishing feature is texture. In contrast to the rough starting coat, which is a preparatory layer and leveler for plaster, the finish in question has a soft and delicate texture.

A decorative variety for interior decoration of coatings is designed to decorate walls, ceilings, ledges, niches, columns and other design features of premises.

The main component of decorative plaster is a binder. In addition, the composition includes various additives that determine the decorative and operational qualities of the plaster mixture. This is a separate type of plaster, which is not applied for leveling. Such material is an alternative to classic and liquid wallpaper, painting, wall panels, drywall, laminate, other wall and ceiling cladding.

Decorative plaster is highly plastic. It is convenient and comfortable to work with. A characteristic feature of this finish is the presence of a relief. It makes the plaster material special. The pattern is beautiful, corresponds to the fashion trends of interior compositions and is almost always individual. These factors determine the relevance of using decorative plaster instead of conventional cladding.

Such mixtures differ from starting varieties in that they do not shrink after drying. Subject to the application technology, they will not crack, fall off the surfaces. Most of these mixtures have an ecological basis. Therefore, they are harmless to the human body.

An interesting nuance is the fact that decorative plaster can be made independently from ordinary putty. The composition is quite simple and does not require large financial costs.

They can be used in any room of the home. Decorative plaster coatings can decorate walls and ceilings in the living room, bedroom, children's room, hallway, corridor, office, home library. They are applicable in decorating the space of a glazed balcony or loggia. At the same time, the mixtures can be dyed in any color, they can be supplemented with additives (for example, marble chips, mother-of-pearl or silver).

Advantages and disadvantages

Decorative plaster, used to decorate the interior, has many advantages.

  • It is produced on modern equipment from high-quality raw materials. Due to this, it has high performance characteristics.
  • She is aesthetically pleasing. Any interior looks stylish, beautiful and appropriate with such decor. At the same time, the pattern of textured plaster does not limit the number of furniture details.
  • Regardless of the type of print, it is expressive. With different design, this decor fits into the interior of the home according to the chosen direction of style.
  • Decorative cladding based on plaster has a different form of release. You can choose a convenient option for yourself, taking into account financial capabilities and your own preferences.
  • Such decoration can be a stylish accent or a full-fledged interior design of a room. With it, you can zone the space of the room.

  • Decorative coating can bring the desired mood into the interior. With it, you can make the room stylish and cozy.
  • Due to the shade used and a certain effect of the material, you can visually increase the height and width of the walls, erase the clear boundaries of the ceilings.
  • The textured plaster mixture simplifies surface cladding. It allows you to approach the decoration of space creatively, revealing its full potential.
  • Decorative plaster is compatible with other finishes. You can combine it with wallpaper, wall paneling, sheathing and even stretch fabric inserts in plasterboard constructions that transition to the wall.
  • This is a durable material. It is resistant to negative environmental factors, temperature changes and sunlight. With careful care and operation, it will last more than 10 years.
  • Plaster mixtures are varied. Due to different additives, they differ in a certain effect. This fact allows you to perform the desired pattern on the coating layer without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • This material has thermal insulation properties. It additionally insulates the floors on which it is applied.

It is impossible not to mention the disadvantages of decorative plaster.

  • She is really strong. However, it does not provide significant mechanical stress. A strong impact will result in chips or scratches.
  • Not every composition is durable. Sometimes for this it is necessary to cover the interior plaster with water-based varnish, after diluting it with water.
  • Good material with a special effect is expensive. If you add special trowels with the desired relief to this, the finish can cost a round sum.
  • Caring for a relief surface is not easy. You can't just vacuum the planes, ridding them of dust. Removing dirt will also be problematic.
  • The consumption of decorative interior plaster is more than classical analogues. At the same time, marriage is also possible, so the material will have to be bought with a margin.
  • This finish does not tolerate hack work. If you delay the workflow, the pattern in all areas will be different. In this case, the layer of the applied mixture may also differ.


All existing types of decorative plaster can be classified according to the form of release. In the modern construction market, interior plaster products for interior work are today presented in the form of a powder mixture and a finished mass.

The first option requires preliminary mixing of the composition with water at room temperature in the required proportions. In the second case, this is a mass that does not need to be diluted. Often it is already colored, which is not the case with the dry counterpart, which has a predominantly base color. However, this factor gives him great advantages, allowing staining of any degree of intensity.

The composition of the interior plaster can be of several types.

  • Mineral based on cement. Differs in plasticity, suitable for finishing mineral types of bases.
  • Acrylic, named after the main component (acrylic resin). Suitable for all types of floors, has a high viscosity.
  • silicate, made on the basis of liquid glass. Breathable universal plaster.
  • Silicone, modification based on synthetic resins. One of the best varieties for finishing interior floors.

Colors and design

Color solutions for interior plaster are varied. They can be limited by two factors: the degree of illumination of a particular room of the dwelling and its footage. Otherwise, it all depends on the presence of taste and creativity in the design of walls and ceilings.

For the ceiling, they try to choose white and ivory. Recently, bleached gray, decorated with a silvery sheen, has been added to them.

For walls, the use of a white shade is impractical. Beige, marble tones are popular here. However, not all so simple: the choice of color should be based on the chosen style and its business cards. For example, if a loft style is chosen, the color of the finish that imitates brick or stone will resemble natural material. That is, these are gray, mustard, brick tones.

If you need to show unity with the ecological style, choose beige, sandy tones. In some lines, there is a stylization made in pinkish, gray-blue and even blue tones. Popular colors, in addition to white, are green, olive, blue. Black color is not able to fully convey the beauty of the relief. However, it can be used in minimal quantities (for example, for painting).

Decorating plaster is a special issue. Let's make a reservation right away: the design of interior plaster can be done in two ways. In the first case, this is the implementation of a relief pattern by pushing through an uncured plaster layer. Here, textured rollers are used, they are wrapped with a clothesline, cling film, the use of crumpled newspaper, a special trowel, fingers, moldings, stencils and other devices.

Otherwise, the decoration is more complex. First, the first decorative layer is performed. Then, in the right place, by applying the mass, a three-dimensional pattern is performed. It can have a different size, relief and theme. Such drawings are created by professionals with artistic and sculpting skills.

Often, shells or paints are used for such decoration, covering the created pattern with them. The subject matter is different. It can be a picture of ancient times, a flower or plant composition, stylized ornaments, the effect of three-dimensional sculptures. It all depends on the chosen direction of design.

Selection and use

Let's designate the main aspects of choosing decorative plaster to decorate a certain interior, taking into account the main branches of design.


Classics, neoclassics, classicism, Italian style need elements of solemnity. Preferred light shades and the inclusion of gilding in the finish. Large relief is not needed. Suitable Venetian, Versailles plaster. You can depict elements of gypsum stucco.

It would be appropriate to use textured rollers: applying a relief will make the interior stylish.


Minimalistic or dressy modern trends need a discreet display of coatings. For example, for minimalism relief is not required at all. If we consider modern modernity, gloss is needed here. A small relief, an unusual texture, a simple pattern - these are the main criteria for choosing a pattern.


For finishing, it is better to mix the plaster of two shades. This will give the cover a personality.


Scandinavian, English, African, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and other interior styles are distinguished by their characteristic features and approach to decorating walls and ceilings. For example, history is more important than ever for oriental interiors. Such covers can be decorated with embossed calligraphy in the form of poems, fanz roofs, sakura branches. If you take the Arabic direction, here you can recreate the texture of an aged surface, depict on it a motif from the fairy tales of Scheherazade. There are a lot of options: it all depends on the capabilities of the performer.

Vintage and ecological

It all depends on the overall concept of the chosen interior. If this is an abundance of wood, you should not repeat it in a shade of plaster. It is better to make it expressive using the technique of contrasting tones. At the same time, bark beetle plaster, the texture of the board is appropriate.

For baroque and rococo styles, it is important to show luxury. Need Versailles or Venetian plaster in two shades. The presence of silver will create a special effect. If we consider the interior in the spirit of Provence, we need simplicity and a matte texture, for country music you can use textured rollers.


When choosing interior plaster, the footage and type of room in an apartment or private house matter. For example, for a spacious living room, various patterns and even large paintings on the entire wall are appropriate. If the room is small, it is better to use the technique of drawing in the form of a panel. For a special effect, you can arrange a plaster pattern in a baguette frame.

If you plan to decorate the bedroom, it is better to choose simple patterns. There is no need to create complex pictures here. This can create emotional stress. It is better to decorate this space with an imitation of aging, Versailles decoration in bright colors is suitable. If you want to highlight the headboard area, you can accentuate this area by pasting the rest of the walls with wallpaper of a related color.

When using a pattern on a plaster surface, a print on the wallpaper is undesirable.

Finishing the house with decorative plaster is gaining more and more scope. Decorative wall plastering is done not only in private houses, but also in apartments. In this regard, many are interested in what kind of material it is and what it is intended for.

What is decorative plaster? This is a special, plastic mixture, often with the addition of various kinds of pebbles, mica, etc. It is intended for decorating and finishing walls, less often ceilings. How is it different from ordinary plaster? Let's take a look at its ingredients.

Decorative plaster is made from:

  • Lime, cement, gypsum, acrylic, silicate and others - as a binder. It is they who ensure the adhesion of the plaster to the surface. Gypsum is used very rarely due to the fact that such a mixture will quickly harden. And there will be difficulties with drawing a picture or pattern.
  • Fillers - in most types of decorative plaster there are fillers, such as sand, mica, marble chips, pebbles, etc. They serve to give the plaster that very decorative effect.
  • Additives - these can be anti-foam agents, plasticizers, etc.
  • Water - and finally, the solvent for this whole mixture.

Simply put, decorative plaster differs from ordinary plaster only in filler. But it is these components that make it unique. What distinguishes decorative plaster from traditional types of finishing materials, such as, for example, wallpaper.

Wallpaper or decorative plaster

If you are faced with a difficult choice of material for wall decoration, choosing between decorative plaster and wallpaper imitating it, we suggest that you compare them to make the right decision.

First, the price of the material. The simplest wallpaper for decorative plaster is cheaper than the plaster itself. However, not all so simple. If we calculate in total the preparatory work for wallpapering, puttying, stripping, glue, etc., then the benefit will not be so striking. The only exception is Venetian decorative plaster. Here, wallpaper under the "Venetian" will cost much cheaper than the original.

Secondly, the service life. Here, decorative plaster has a clear advantage. It will last you at least 30 years. And some of its species and up to 50-60 years. Wallpaper will have to be changed after a maximum of 15 years. And in most cases, after 5-10 years. By the way, calculate and include the wallpaper change in the paragraph above about comparing the price of materials.

Thirdly, finishing care. Decorative plaster is perfectly washed and cleaned. Wallpaper, not all types can boast of this.

Fourthly, this is the uniqueness of the resulting pattern of decorative plaster. Wallpapers have a finite number of types of patterns.

You can still list the advantages and disadvantages of both decorative plaster and wallpaper for decorative plaster for a long time, but the conclusions are already clear. If you need simplicity and cheapness, wallpaper is your choice. There is an opportunity to spend money, if you want originality in decor and durability - do the finishing with decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

All decorative plaster is divided into two large groups.

Types of decorative plaster.

  • decorative plaster for interior work
  • decorative plaster for outdoor use

These two types of plasters differ in that the external decorative plaster is more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, i.e. fade less in the sun. And also facade decorative plaster tolerates “wet” weather conditions much better. It is resistant to rain, snow, etc.

Due to its properties, decorative plaster for the facade of a house exists in fewer types. Therefore, we will consider options for decorative plaster for interior decoration. Because they also include options for the facade of the house.

Types of internal decorative plasters

1. Embossed - they are called so because the pattern they create is embossed. Subdivided into subspecies:

  • Structural decorative plaster - the pattern is obtained mainly due to the composition of decorative plaster. The pebbles, quartz sand and the like in the mixture give the pattern a certain structure when applied. Typical representatives are decorative plasters "Bark beetle", "Fur coat", "Lamb".
  • Textured decorative plaster - this type of decorative plaster is distinguished by its fine grain and plasticity. Here the pattern is obtained due to a special technique for applying plaster. To do this, they use both improvised means - brushes, film, sponges, etc., and industrial special products - rollers with a certain stencil pattern.

2. Smooth - accordingly, the pattern is smooth. The representative is "Venetian" decorative plaster imitating marble or onyx.

Decorative plaster for interior walls and for facade decoration also differs in its composition. Depending on the main connecting element, decorative plasters are divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic decorative plaster - contains acrylic resins. It has good protection against water and moisture, but has poor breathability. Weak abrasion resistance compared to other types of decorative plaster. Low fire safety.
  • Mineral decorative plaster - consists mainly of cement, lime and gypsum. Good, natural plaster, suitable for finishing rooms with normal humidity. On the facade, in the bathroom and kitchen, it requires additional protection in the form of painting, varnishing, etc. Good breathability makes the indoor climate healthy and pleasant.
  • Silicone decorative plaster is a universal mixture for any premises and facade of a building. Good vapor permeability, moisture resistance and abrasion resistance make this type of decorative plaster suitable for any finishing work.
  • Silicate decorative plaster is another versatile mixture for decorating indoors and outdoors. Not afraid of water, sunlight, antistatic. But the application requires skill, as the plaster quickly hardens.

We hope you have figured out the types and types of decorative plaster. Let's see a photo of decorative plaster in the interior.

Decorative plaster in the interior

With the help of various types of decorative plaster and methods of its application, very different design effects can be achieved. Here everyone will find the pattern that he likes. However, keep in mind: often the samples of decorative plaster in the store and what you end up with on the wall may not match. After all, each application of decoration is different from the previous one. But despite this, it is possible to generalize the effects obtained.

Effects of decorative plaster

  • Venetian plaster. It has the appearance of a polished stone or marble surface. Apply on any surfaces prepared for its application.

  • Travertine effect. Complete imitation of stone, called travertine. The porous surface and light pale color make it an excellent room decoration.

  • concrete effect. With the help of this type of plaster, there is an absolute imitation and creation of the effect of a concrete wall.

  • Skin effect. For lovers of discreet luxury, this look is perfect. Due to its texture, it conveys well and creates the effect of a wall covered in leather. At the same time, thanks to the variety of tools, using decorative plaster in the interior of the room, it is possible to create an imitation of different types of leather.

  • Tree effect. Incredibly accurately imitates the look of wood flooring, thanks to the accuracy of the reproduction of small details and plant patterns.

  • Silk effect. To create it, a mother-of-pearl coating is used, which, smoothly shimmering, creates the feeling that the wall is covered with silk.

  • Brickwork effect. Popular due to its low cost compared to real brick and accurate imitation of the presence of brick in the interior.

  • The "bark beetle" effect. Using this technique, a pattern can be obtained that mimics the effect of a surface damaged by a bark beetle.

  • The "orange peel" effect. It will be an ideal option for applying under painting for rooms in oriental design.

  • Wave effect. Simulates the look of a sea wave. With the right choice of paint, it looks very nice on the surface.

  • Flowers effect. Decorative plaster "flowers" is used in frequent cases and stands out among the general variety of styles of decorative plaster. When creating a pattern, the shape and appearance of the flower depends solely on the spatula used and its movements. In this case, there is no binding to color and shape. You can decorate and paint the finished wall both in one color and using different techniques.

Types of finishing with decorative plaster are very diverse. Some use ready-made, template forms, while others can create their own art and create patterns that are pleasing to his soul.

The use of decorative plaster in the interior of rooms

Decorative plaster in the apartment performs one of the main functions of the decor of the premises. Properly selected design of decorative plaster will make the interior even more beautiful and perfectly complement the style taken as a basis. Also, each room of the apartment requires an individual approach due to the peculiarities of its location and external characteristics.

Using this type of finishing material in the kitchen will be an excellent choice, as it washes well and looks decent enough on the wall surface. Types of plaster used for decoration: Venetian, with imitation of marble or stone surface; silk imitation, plaster with small or large chips, etc.

The main thing worth emphasizing is that decorative plaster should be applied only to one wall of the room, so as not to make the kitchen too “heavy” and spoil the design of the room.

Often, when finishing with decorative plaster, Venetian plaster or various textured types are used for the bathroom, which are easy to clean.

Decorative plaster in the hallway, as well as in the corridor, form the main impression of the design of the apartment. Speaking about the types of decorative plaster in rooms of this type, we can name the main ones that most of all meet the requirements (resistance to cold, moisture and good operation): the effect of velvet and silk, the effect of "bark beetle" and Venetian plaster.

Finishing the balcony with decorative plaster allows you to maintain the harmony of design with all rooms of the apartment. Also, it performs an excellent heat-preserving function, is quite easy to operate and maintain, soundproofs and, at the same time, allows the walls to breathe. To decorate the walls, various types of plasters are used, from textured, with imitations of different plants and reliefs, to, for example, imitations of stone or brick.

DIY decorative plaster

If for some reason store-bought decorative plaster options do not suit you, you may be wondering how to make decorative plaster with your own hands. Well, it is quite within the power of everyone. In addition, you can decently save on materials. Let's make a reservation right away, decorative plaster made independently will not be as high-quality and durable as factory material. But the service life of such decor in 10-15 years is quite suitable for most people. Especially considering the relative cheapness of such finishes.

So, how to make decorative plaster? It all depends on what kind of room you want to decorate with decorative plaster of self-made. Or maybe you want to finish the facade? In these cases, the material used will be different.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster for interior decoration is made either from gypsum or cement putty or plaster.

For finishing residential premises with normal humidity, do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is suitable. It is made like this:

  • We take the same amount of starting and finishing gypsum putty. Instead of starting putty, you can use gypsum plaster. Then you get the so-called decorative plaster from ordinary plaster. They usually mean gypsum plaster.
  • A mixture of putties is poured into a bucket of water at room temperature or put them in alternately.
  • You can add a little diluted wallpaper paste. This will improve mold and mildew resistance. And slightly increase the time of use of the mixture.
  • Mix everything well with a mixer or a drill with a nozzle.
  • The resulting mixture should be the consistency of ordinary sour cream.
  • Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is ready!

Important! The decorative plaster prepared in this way dries quite quickly. Prepare as much solution as you can apply in 10-15 minutes. It would be even better if two people apply the plaster: one applies the base layer, the second immediately performs the drawing.

Such decorative plaster can also be used in rooms with high humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms. But it will definitely need to be protected with a water-repellent varnish.

For finishing the facade, this version of the plaster is not suitable. But you can replace gypsum putty with ordinary tile adhesive. Suitable for any cement adhesive mortar for gluing ceramic tiles. For greater plasticity and increased adhesion, add a little primer to the water.

From such a mixture, for example, do-it-yourself decorative bark beetle plaster is obtained if a small stone of a fraction of about 2 mm is added to it.

Important! Do not forget that the decorative plaster that you have made will need to be protected from moisture with facade paint.

How to apply decorative plaster

Regardless of whether you made decorative plaster yourself or bought it ready-made in the store, applying decorative plaster is the same.

First, you need to learn how to properly apply decorative plaster. This knowledge will help you get to know the process better and control the workers. And even more so, they will come in handy if you do the finishing with decorative plaster with your own hands.

Let's prepare the necessary tool for decorative plaster:

  • Construction bucket
  • Trowel for decorative plaster
  • Spatulas
  • ironing board
  • Rollers for decorative plaster
  • Masking tape (tape)
  • Wax for decorative plaster
  • Mixer or drill with attachment
  • Lacquer for decorative plaster
  • Stencils for decorative plaster

It is possible that not everything from the list is necessary for you. It depends on the type of your plaster and on what technique of applying decorative plaster will be used. For example, if decorative plaster is expected to be applied with a roller, then you need it. If the decoration will be done by improvised means, then add them to the appropriate list.

So, how to apply decorative plaster on the walls? Or maybe you need decorative plaster on the ceiling? Let's try to summarize the processes that need to be performed, regardless of the type of plaster and the place of its application.

  • preparation for decorative plaster - includes preparing walls or ceilings, preparing tools, gluing contours for decorative plastering with masking tape.
  • preparation of decorative plaster - be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions, if any. It contains such useful information as the consumption of decorative plaster per m2, the required amount of water and other proportions, the time it takes to work with the mixture, the drying time of decorative plaster, and much more.

Let's consider some of the nuances in more detail. Do-it-yourself wall decoration with decorative plaster begins with the preparation of the base. Whether it is walls or ceilings, they should be without large potholes, cracks or sagging. The old finish must be cleaned and the surface primed. If you want to do the application of decorative plaster with your own hands on drywall, then putty the joints and caps from self-tapping screws. Walls for decorative plaster are not prepared as carefully as the ceiling. The thing is that a slightly larger layer of decorative plaster is usually applied to the walls than to the ceiling. And it perfectly hides minor imperfections: scratches, loose putty, etc.

The exception is the application of Venetian plaster. In this case, the walls, like the ceiling, should be as smooth and clean as possible.

Methods for applying decorative plaster

Do-it-yourself decorative internal plaster is applied to the prepared surface with a spatula and trowel. You can use an ironing board. In some cases, a spray gun is used if spray application is intended. In any case, the technology for applying decorative plaster at the initial stage is the same. First, apply the base layer, the foundation. This layer is made continuous. Then it is decorated until it dries. The way of decorating depends on the type of your plaster and your imagination.

If you are doing decorative wall plastering with your own hands for the first time, practice on a piece of drywall or on that part of the wall that will be covered by furniture. As you gain experience, move on to other areas.

The technology for applying Venetian decorative plaster is somewhat different. It is applied in thin layers with a rubber spatula with neat multidirectional strokes. There can be 5-8 such layers. Before applying the next layer, the previous one is allowed to dry well.

Decorative facade plaster

Finishing the facade with decorative plaster on your own is a simple task. The main difficulty is working at height if your house is higher than one floor. The very same decorative plaster of the house outside, practically does not differ from the technology of applying decor inside the room. Let's look at the decorative plastering of the facade of the house using the most popular type as an example: applying decorative bark beetle plaster.

How to apply decorative bark beetle plaster

To begin with, prepare the surface as described above: level out large differences in height and clean. Then apply primer. It is better if it is soil with quartz sand. Prepare a mixture of decorative plaster. Apply plaster with a trowel in a small layer. Let the "bark beetle" dry a little and start decorating.

Move the trowel over the plaster in a rotating motion. Or you can only make vertical or horizontal movements. It all depends on what kind of picture you want to end up with. Movement should be without strong pressure.

Painting decorative plaster

There are no special secrets in painting decorative plaster. We think that everyone will cope with this task. Just choose the right paint for facade or interior work, as well as the hairiness of the roller. A solid background is made with a long pile roller. If you only want to paint the top exposed layer, use a foam roller and paint without pressing the foam roller hard against the wall.

Repair of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster periodically requires repair or restoration. Cracks, swellings, delaminations and chips appear on it. It is easy to repair the damaged area with your own hands.

If you notice plaster swelling, go over the entire surface of the wall with a wooden mallet and listen to how it sounds. A dull sound will tell you which area has peeled off. This area of ​​damaged plaster should be removed with a perforator, chisel, hatchet, etc. Then clean the wall with a wire brush and prime. Before applying a new composition of decorative plaster, moisten well with warm water not only the cleaned area, but also the adjacent plaster for better adhesion of materials to each other.

Try to apply decorative and repeat the pattern that was previously. In order for the difference in the pattern not to be so noticeable, repair the plaster by beating off a rectangular area.

After the plaster has completely dried, it must be repainted. So you mask the joints and the heterogeneity of the layers.

Cracks in decorative plaster are repaired in a similar way. The crack should be expanded and all the activities described above should be carried out.

How much does decorative plaster cost

The price of decorative plaster varies greatly from manufacturer, country of origin and type of plaster itself. The cheapest decorative plaster costs about 2 US dollars per kg/l. The best decorative plaster of well-known Italian manufacturers can reach a hundred or more dollars per kilogram or liter.

On average, you can voice the following prices: simple relief plaster will cost about $ 5, and Venetian about 15 per kg / liter.

Prices for work with decorative plaster have a smaller spread and depend on the type of plaster and the qualifications of the master. The average price for work with decorative plaster is 10-30 dollars per square meter. "Venetian" is more expensive than working with textured plaster. However, take into account the work on surface preparation and subsequent protection of decorative plaster with wax, varnish, paint, etc.

Decorative plaster reviews

Our description of decorative plaster should have helped you decide whether you need such a finish, whether it suits your home. And if you answered “Yes” to these questions, then most likely you asked yourself: decorative plaster, which is better?

An important role in the choice of decorative plaster is played by reviews of real buyers and users. Those who have lived with decorative plaster for several years and can tell you what nuances should be taken into account. Or warn against buying this or that type of decorative plaster, from buying from a certain manufacturer or distribution network.

Here are some typical decorative plaster reviews:

We made ourselves a Venetian in green tones in the bathroom. Looks great. Tiles wouldn't be the same. And the decorative without seams already changes color from lighting, a feast for the eyes. True, and the cost was considerable. But they were willing to pay for beauty.

He trimmed his toilet with textured plaster. I did it myself after reading articles on the Internet and watching master classes. It lay perfectly on the plastered walls, but the LSU box could not be finished. Glass-magnesium sheets had to be plastered on the floor, because there are streaks from decorative plaster.

I made my own plaster and applied it myself. The whole family decorated and are very pleased with the result. No one else has such patterns and never will. And it turned out very budget, did not expect.

The thing is certainly remarkable, but the price is exorbitant. I'll stick wallpaper for myself under the decor. Cheaper and more practical.

Made decorative plaster in the kitchen. The walls look very interesting. But it would be better if the apron was made of tiles. Tired of laundering fat near the stove. Don't repeat my mistakes.