Quail breeding and feeding at home. Instructions for making ventilation with your own hands

Quail breeding in Russia is gaining more and more momentum, and for good reason. This business brings high income with little investment. What is the whole secret? These birds are better than ordinary chickens. Their meat is considered very healthy and nutritious, and eggs contain a high level of vitamins.

In addition, they are practically not susceptible to infectious diseases and can lay eggs in cramped conditions.

Therefore, they can be bred anywhere - in an apartment, in a country house, in a private house.

But if you decide to breed quails, then you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances - what you need for breeding, which breed is better to choose than to feed, how to keep, and much more.

Features of breeding quails at home for beginners

Quail breeding is a profitable business that has a huge number of advantages over breeding other types of poultry. Anyone can open this business, the main thing is desire and perseverance.

In addition, this business will definitely pay off, even if you invest a little money in it. So what's the deal?

It all lies in the features of keeping and breeding quails:

  1. Quails have high egg production. With 100 goals per day, you can get almost 70-80 eggs.
  2. Quails do not suffer from the infectious disease bird flu and can breed in cramped conditions.
  3. For their maintenance and breeding, special conditions are not required, it is enough to have a small cage.

The profitability of the business is high, if you purchase 500 heads, they will pay off in 2-3 months. Eggs and meat of these birds are in great demand, the demand is several times higher than the supply.

Therefore, we can definitely say that this business will be profitable, no matter what the investments are, they will definitely bring a good profit.

Basic requirements for breeding and keeping quails

It absolutely does not matter where the quails will live - in an apartment, in a residential building or in a utility room, the main thing is to create comfortable conditions. It is from them that the growth and normal life of quails will depend.

These conditions include - the absence of drafts, compliance with temperature regime, humidity and suitable lighting.

What can drafts lead to?

If there are drafts in the room, this can cause feathers to fall out. The plumage will become ruffled and disappear completely.

All this can lead to the death of the bird. Therefore, many experts recommend keeping the bird in rooms without windows.


The most suitable temperature in the sparrowhawk should be 18-20 degrees above zero. Fluctuations up to 18 and 25 degrees are also allowed.

If it drops below 18 degrees, quails may stop laying eggs. And at a temperature of less than 10 degrees, the birds begin to freeze, stray to the center of the sparrowhawk, jump on each other, as a result they injure themselves and die.

Humidity level

Humidity in the room should be at least 55%. If it is lower, then this can lead to a decrease in quail egg production.

In addition, the quality of the plumage decreases, the feathers become brittle and hard, and the plumage takes on a disheveled appearance.

If suddenly the level of humidity in the room decreases, then the floor should be poured abundantly with water, put wet rags on it and set it in different places containers with water. But don't overdo it high humidity also not very favorable.

It is undesirable that it rises above 75%. The optimum humidity level for breeding quails should be 60-70%.


When breeding quails, it is important to observe the required level of illumination. It is worth noting that these birds do not like too bright light.

They become irritable and may peck each other to death. Therefore, it is undesirable to let them out on the street in bright daylight.

The best option would be a regular light bulb with a power of 40-50 watts. It can be installed in a room where quails live.

A mini-course on breeding quails for yourself and for business is presented in the video.

Creation of comfortable conditions: equipment

Novice entrepreneurs should breed quails in cages, it is advisable to purchase them or make them yourself. There is no need to invent and invent something else, because with the slightest mistake, you can completely destroy the entire population of birds.

But it is worth remembering that the cage must meet all the requirements for keeping these birds and have the following features:

It is important to remember that the cage is the main residence of birds, so you should not buy already used ones, because they may contain various infections. Even if it is well processed in compliance with sanitary norms However, it is not always possible to completely destroy harmful bacteria and microbes.

If you decide to make a cage yourself, be sure to follow all safety measures. The cage should be high, the distance between the bars should exactly fit the size of the bird's head, and be sure to install trays for feeding, dropping and receiving eggs.

Choosing a breed and buying quails for home growing

When buying quails, you should focus on the type of breed. But first you need to decide on the type of breed and the group.

Separate groups:

  • egg direction;
  • meat and egg group;
  • meat breed.

Therefore, in order to accurately determine the choice of breed, it is worth considering each group separately.

egg breeds

This group includes the following species:

Meat-egg breeds

Tuxedo quail. This breed was obtained by crossing black and white quails.

The color of the lower part, together with the neck and head, is white, and the upper part has a dark color with a brown tint.
Egg production is average, they lay about 260 eggs per year.

The weight of the birds is high, the mass can reach up to 220-230 grams.

meat breeds

Quail "Pharaoh"

Pharaoh. This breed was obtained by the American breeder A. Marsh through many years of selection.

Unlike other breeds, this species has a rather impressive size. The weight of males can reach up to 270 grams, and the weight of females is almost 300 grams.

Egg production is low, females lay about 220 eggs per year. The egg-laying age starts from 45-50 days.

Stages of growing quails

Unlike chickens, quails are not divided into meat and laying hens. The first year they are grown for the purpose of obtaining eggs, and in the subsequent period they are fattened for meat.

The growing steps are as follows:

  1. First step.
    Raising chicks - from the moment of their birth and up to 6 weeks.
  2. Second phase.
    Further maintenance and rearing of laying hens.

    The approximate period is not more than a year.

  3. The third stage is feeding.
    Basically, many entrepreneurs initially focus on breeding poultry for meat.

    They are usually fattened for up to two months and prepared for slaughter.
    Slaughter can be done when the bird reaches a weight of 120 grams.

It is worth noting that you need to buy birds aged no more than 1 month, and you can buy them at any time of the year, because they can lay eggs all year round.

But still, you need to buy from those who breed these birds themselves, and not from dealers. This is due to the fact that the young are already accustomed to the same diet and any changes can lead to big problems until the death of the quails.

Therefore, it is advisable to immediately purchase food from the same seller for 3 weeks and it is best to take the recipe from him.

Feed for quails, their feeding

Quail should be fed 2-3 times a day. About 25-30 grams of food should be allocated per head.

In no case do not overfeed quails, this can significantly reduce egg production.

The following types of food should be included in the diet:

  1. Compound feed for chickens.
  2. Grain crops - oats, barley, millet groats.
  3. Greens - sprouted wheat, clover, green onion feathers, lettuce, clover.
  4. Skins of various vegetables - boiled or raw potato skins and the pulp itself, cabbage leaves, boiled or raw carrots.
  5. Sunflower seeds.
  6. Cottage cheese.
  7. Boiled eggs, chopped into small pieces.
  8. Fish flour.
  9. Finely chopped raw or boiled fish.
  10. Chalk crushed to powder.
  11. Chopped eggshell.
  12. Small pieces of shells (2-3 times a week).
  13. Fish fat.
  14. If quails are kept in a private house, then they should be kept in summer period let them out on the street so that they eat insects, slugs on the street.

    But be sure to monitor the temperature regime, it should be at least 18 degrees.

    If the birds are kept in an apartment, then be sure to give them various insects that can be purchased at any pet store.

    Pet health care

    When breeding quails, it is important to monitor their health. This will help to avoid many dangerous diseases.

    It is worth highlighting the main symptoms of diseases that you should pay special attention to:

    1. The presence of lethargy.
    2. Drowsiness.
    3. passive behavior.
    4. Lack of desire for food.

    If the bird has these symptoms, then it must be placed in a separate cage and it is mandatory to consult with a veterinarian.

    Also, if the bird has injuries, it must be removed and kept in a separate cage until complete recovery.

    During active laying of eggs in females, the oviduct may be damaged, as a result of which individuals may die. In these cases, protein in the diet should be reduced and daylight hours reduced.

    Preparation for slaughter

    After individuals reach 30 days of age, they can already be distinguished by gender. During this period, it will already be possible to separate females and males separately and transplant them into different cages.

    Then they are fattened and prepared for slaughter.

    During this period, the following conditions must be met:

    1. The temperature regime should be kept at a level of 20-24 degrees above zero.
    2. Daylight hours need to be reduced.
    3. Quails need to be fed 4 times a day with plenty of food: 2 times cereals, 2 times chopped greens.
    4. The duration of fattening should be at least 50-60 days.
    5. Approximately 6 hours before the slaughter, the quails stop being fed and only water is allowed to drink, this will help cleanse it of all that is superfluous.
    6. You can start slaughter when the mass of individuals reaches 120-160 grams.

    Sales of finished products - profitability of quail breeding

    Of course, many are interested in the question of whether it is worth it to breed overfloods at all, whether this business will bring income.

    But first, it’s worth drawing up a business plan, let’s look at the example of 1000 goals:

    1. The cost of a livestock of 100 birds is $1,000.
    2. The cost of the cells will need about 12 - 2200 dollars.
    3. domestic incubator small-sized type- 200 dollars.
    4. Food costs - $ 200 per month.
    5. Lighting and heating expenses - $100 per month.
    6. Monthly profit from the sale of eggs - $ 800.
    7. Monthly profit from the sale of meat products - $ 300.
    8. Net profit per month - $ 900.
    9. Payback - 5 months.

    Eggs should be packaged in special packages. The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator is no more than 60 days, with room temperature no more than 30 days.

    Eggs should be sold in markets, shops, supermarkets. It is also worth considering that this is a dietary product and very useful, so you can agree on supplies to kindergartens, hospitals, health centers, motels, camp sites, rest homes.

    Quail meat can be delivered to restaurants and try to establish sales through large retail outlets.

    It is also worth considering that cooperation with buyers will require the conclusion of an agreement and it will be necessary to obtain a supply and marketing permit from the veterinary service, which is usually issued after a complete examination of the products in the laboratory.

    1. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you should not chase big profits.
      As a rule, the first pancake is lumpy and it should be borne in mind that quails are capricious birds, they can die and lag behind in growth.

      Therefore, for starters, it is worth buying a small number of quails.

    2. In addition, a small number of individuals will not require the preparation of additional permits, acts and certificates, which will greatly simplify the further marketing of products.
    3. It is important to observe all the necessary conditions of detention: temperature, humidity, light and the absence of drafts.

    Quail farming is a profitable business that would be a great option for a small business or simply as an option for a family business. The main thing is that you need to approach this matter correctly, prepare everything you need, equip breeding sites and comply with all necessary conditions during the growth period of quails.

    Then you can get a high income with little investment.

    You can learn about the quail business from the video.

    In contact with

    At home, quails are used not only for obtaining dietary eggs, but also for slaughtering for meat, although the carcasses of these birds do not differ in weight. Keeping quails does not require special conditions: they can be grown in cages, aviaries, or even city apartments. In addition, they consume little feed, but they are distinguished by a fairly high egg production, and the meat has high palatability.

    In this article you will find useful information about growing meat and egg breeds of birds in a private house and city apartment, and photos and videos will help you learn the necessary skills.

    Keeping quails at home

    These birds are easy to keep in a home garden or even in an apartment, using the cage of an ordinary canary or parrot for this. But to increase egg production, some rules for keeping and feeding should still be observed, although quails are considered unpretentious birds.


    Quail can be grown not only in the suburbs or village, but also in the city. The only condition is that the technology must comply with the basic rules for keeping birds:

    • The temperature should not be below 19 degrees;
    • The room must have windows or a ventilation system for an uninterrupted supply fresh air(this is important for the productive maintenance of such energetic birds);
    • There should be no drafts and dampness in the room, since quails are very sensitive to cold air.

    It is preferable to equip the room with windows. But if there are drafts in it, it is easy to notice this by a decrease in egg production and loss of feathers in birds.


    To get a large number of eggs, it is better to use cage content. This is due to the fact that birds are very mobile, easily crawl through cracks and can get hurt or lost (Figure 1).

    Note: At the initial stage of breeding, you can use a cage for a parrot or a terrarium. As a result, 5-6 birds can be settled in a small area (only 20-30 cm).

    The floor in the cage should be sprinkled with dry sand. Sometimes it is replaced with paper, but it needs to be changed daily, clearing the internal space of litter.

    Figure 1. Types of self-made cells

    After raising a small number of birds, you can move on to breeding a larger population. This will require larger cells. The advantage of cage keeping over an aviary is that a large number of birds can be accommodated in a small area. In addition, in cages, the egg production of females is higher than when living in an aviary.

    Cellular batteries consist of several compartments and must meet certain requirements:

    • One adult should have up to 120 square centimeters of floor. With a more crowded content, egg production decreases.
    • The height of the cage should not exceed 25 cm, and the top should be made of soft fabric mesh. This is a necessary condition, since quails are very shy birds and jump up at the slightest danger, and can get hurt on the edges of the metal mesh.

    Given the small height of the cells, they can be placed in several tiers. It is important to remember that up to 70 birds can be placed per square meter of area without reducing egg production. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the manufacture of a cell battery and a photo of the finished product.

    Note: IN this moment The most common cage model is a double cage, in the center of which there is a common drinker. Although single cells are still popular.

    In order to breed quails on an industrial scale, it is necessary to take into account some requirements for cell content:

    Cages for keeping can be single or multi-tiered (up to six tiers). It is important that they have a darkened area, as quails do not like bright sunlight. It is better to make cages from metal for hygiene reasons. Quails must be kept in heated cages.


    Important conditions for keeping quails include:

    • Lighting

    An important condition for productive cultivation is lighting. The length of daylight hours directly affects the productivity of birds. However, they do not like too bright light, because in such light they become too energetic and can peck each other to death. Lighting from a lamp of 40-50 W is considered optimal, and the duration of artificial daylight hours should be 17 hours, and the light should be turned on and off at the same time.

    • Humidity

    The optimal humidity level for keeping adults is considered to be 55 percent. If the humidity is lower, the birds will drink more water and consume less feed, and with prolonged dryness of the room, feathers begin to fall out of the birds and egg production decreases.

    To increase humidity, the floor in the room can be poured with water or containers with liquid can be placed. However, too high a humidity level is not desirable (above 75 percent).

    • Temperature

    The optimum temperature is considered to be no higher than 25 degrees, since at temperatures below 18, female quails stop laying eggs. With strong temperature fluctuations and drafts, the birds begin to crawl out on top of each other and die.

    How to keep quails at home: video

    Sometimes quails are also kept in small enclosures, fenced with a net. Inside they put a box for an ash bath, a feeder and a drinker, and also equip a nest for collecting eggs. In addition, a simple cage for keeping several birds can be made from a regular mesh (details in the video).

    How to keep quail laying hens at home

    What do they need

    Plays a key role in the maintenance of laying hens correct selection fodder. For feeding, tray and groove feeders are used. In the first two weeks of cultivation, tray feeders are used, which are later replaced by fluted feeders. Options for feeders that you can make yourself are shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. Types of feeders (from left to right): tray, groove and hopper feeders

    The number of feeders in the cages should be calculated in such a way that each bird has approximately 10 mm of space in the feeder.

    Note: To save time, you can use the so-called bunker feeders (feed is poured into them every few days) and automatic drinkers. Homemade feeders and drinkers can be made from ordinary plastic bottles.

    When keeping quails, it is necessary to make sure that the birds always have enough food, and there is pure water. Since they need to be grown in warm rooms, fungi and pathogens quickly start up in the water, so the water must be replaced with fresh water several times a day. Drinking bowls can be made with your own hands, using improvised materials for this (Figure 4).

    The feeders are cleaned of manure daily, and the feeders and cages are disinfected with ash lye several times a month.

    Note: All care work should be done calmly, because birds are very easily excited.

    Figure 4. Types of homemade drinkers

    If the lighting in the room is too bright, or the birds are crowded and lack protein, cannibalism (pecking) may begin. So that the livestock does not die, the birds are seated in separate cages, the diet is changed and the room is darkened.

    Content Features

    To grow productive layers, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    • Birds are very willing to swim in the sand, so you need to place containers with dry river sand in the cages;
    • Stocking density depends on the direction of productivity, but on average there are from 80 to 100 individuals per square meter. When kept for further breeding, planting is made less dense (less than 80 heads per square meter).
    • One cage can contain birds of various breeds. However, you should not keep egg and meat birds together, as well as representatives different breeds, which differ greatly in size so that a larger bird does not peck at a small one.

    Where can they be placed

    The cages are made of mesh, and a feeder and drinker are installed in the front. There should be no sharp corners or other details on the inside of the cage, since quails are very restless birds, and at any sharp sound they start jumping and can get hurt.

    Keeping quail laying hens at home: video

    The correct maintenance of laying quails at home is shown in detail in the video. From it you will learn what conditions birds need for high egg production, and how to create them correctly in conditions household.

    In the cold season, quails need to provide optimal conditions. For this, a barn is best suited, in which cages with birds can be placed (Figure 5).

    Note: It is better to keep birds in several individuals in a cage. In this case, you can save on space heating, as the quails will warm each other.

    A small number of individuals can be placed in cages in any corner of the barn, but if there are more than 20 quails, a separate room should be built for them.


    The main feature of keeping quails in a barn is the construction of a building of a suitable size. If there are about 20 individuals on the farm, they will need a small corner, 40 * 60 cm in size, in which racks with cages can be arranged.

    Figure 5. Arrangement of a barn for keeping quails

    For a livestock of several hundred, there is a special shed, with a total area of ​​​​about 30 square meters. Cell batteries with cages are placed in it, as well as a separate brooder and a place for storing feed and equipment.

    Keeping temperature in winter

    Experienced poultry farmers recommend not only building a barn for quails, but also equipping cages for them from materials that retain heat. Wood is considered the best in this sense. The dimensions of the wooden cages are the same as those of the wooden ones.

    The arrangement of the barn itself needs to be given more attention.:

    • For hygienic reasons, the walls inside are plastered and whitened with lime;
    • The floor is cemented to make it easy to clean and disinfect in the future;
    • The windows are glazed and the cracks are clogged. Bricking windows completely is not recommended, as light is important to maintain egg production.

    Heating can be any: gas, stove or electric, depending on the financial resources of the economy.

    Many are interested in the question of how to keep quails at home, namely in a city apartment. Often, ordinary poultry cages are used for this purpose, but it is much more convenient to use special cages (Figure 6).

    The basic rules for keeping quails in a city apartment will be described below.

    What needs to be done for this

    First of all, you need to purchase several birds, a cage for them and provide for a place where the birds will constantly be.

    Note: The cell size depends on the number of individuals. If you plan to breed them, you will need a 30*40*20 cm cage. You can keep one male with several females in it. For young animals, you need to buy other cages and brooders.

    It will be better if the cage has a mesh bottom with a pallet. This will help to quickly remove the litter and save you from bad smell in the apartment.

    Experienced poultry farmers advise keeping quails not in an apartment, but on a glazed balcony. It is much easier to provide optimal conditions for bird productivity there.

    Figure 6. Types of cages for keeping in a city apartment

    Firstly, the balcony is well lit, which will positively affect the egg production of birds. Secondly, the balcony is relatively quiet and there are no drafts. In addition, this type of keeping will save you from the unpleasant smell of litter, which invariably appears if more than one bird lives in the house.

    Conditions of detention

    In order for quails to feel comfortable on the balcony, you need to provide them with certain conditions. First of all, you should choose a place to install the cells. It is better to place them in a kind of closet, knocked down from a bar.

    Inside, the frame is insulated with foam to protect birds from drafts and cold air. In addition, you need to put a fan and a heater to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity conditions.

    It is also desirable to connect electricity to the cells so that in winter you can extend the daylight hours with the help of light bulbs.

    If keeping in a barn is actively practiced in winter, then in summer it is better to use an aviary for this purpose (Figure 7).

    Constantly being in the open air, birds adapt to the climate faster, and their health is strengthened. In addition, quails get the opportunity to independently seek natural food.


    The quail enclosure can be small: only about one and a half meters in height. From above it must be covered with a net to protect birds from other pets and predators.

    It is advisable to place the aviary in a shaded area, as quails do not like too bright sunlight. In addition, it is necessary to equip small rooms inside, where they can rest at night or take shelter from the weather.


    The main difficulty of captive keeping is that in such conditions their egg production is sharply reduced. This is because quails feel wild and do not lay eggs.

    Figure 7. Types of enclosures for keeping

    To cope with this problem, you need to regularly feed the birds with protein feed, premixes and industrial feed, as well as vitamins. In addition, the aviary should be constantly moved, as the grass is eaten on the site.

    Benefits of this type of content

    Secondly, several hundred individuals can be kept in an aviary at the same time, which is not always possible with cage keeping. And thirdly, in the fresh air, birds gain weight faster and at the end of summer are quite suitable for slaughter for meat.

    In summer, quails can be kept both in cages and on a fenced range. With cellular placement, racks are installed in a shaded area. Further care is no different from the measures taken when growing quails indoors.

    If the birds will constantly be in the aviary, you need to knock down the frame and pull the net over it (including from above). Such an aviary can be constantly rearranged as the birds eat grass.

    Many people know about useful and medicinal properties ah quail eggs. The meat of this bird is very tender, quail has always been a mandatory attribute at royal receptions.

    Demand for these products in the domestic market begins to grow. Increasing popularity healthy eating, a large number of recipes for cooking quail give excellent prospects for breeding poultry. The sales market for the products is quite wide. Novice businessmen who wish to start breeding quails in small quantities can offer a valuable product to their relatives and friends. With an increase in turnover, large networks and small retail outlets, cafes, restaurants and other establishments will become markets Catering. You can start by placing ads for sale in local media, on the Internet.

    Before deciding to start organizing a quail farm, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, draw up a competent and detailed business plan, consider other possible for beginners.

    Advantages of a quail breeding business at home:

    1. relatively low start-up capital;
    2. rather high cost of products for sale;
    3. quick payback of products;
    4. low competition;
    5. simple care and maintenance;
    6. the minimum area for keeping quails;
    7. medicinal properties of eggs and meat that contribute to the sales process.

    Advice: there are risks that should be considered when making a decision for a beginner. Quails are very susceptible to temperature changes, so it is important to organize a comfortable stay for them. They also have a hard time with a sharp change in the situation, so transferring to other conditions during mass breeding can lead to losses.

    Despite their excellent qualities, the products of quail farms are not as in demand as other types of birds. Thinking about it, you won’t have to look for buyers for a long time. When growing quails, it is more difficult for beginners to establish distribution channels, so it is recommended to start looking for them at the start.

    Quail breeding at home: where to start

    To grow quails, it is necessary to solve organizational issues: decide on the scale and direction, choose premises and staff, register a business. A correctly drawn up plan, competent planning, and the choice of a development concept will be an excellent start for beginners, which will lead to the success and profitability of the project, even if it is planned to breed quails at home.

    Choosing the scale of the project

    Quail breeding is profitable at home. The ancient Romans began to organize large-scale production, but they never achieved their goal. The fact is that one person can easily cope with 500-1000 quails. If their livestock is increased, overhead costs begin to skyrocket, and profitability begins to fall.

    Therefore, a small or medium business is suitable for a successful profitable project.

    Choosing the direction of development

    Quail is a very valuable bird. Having organized a business for growing it at home, you need to choose the direction of development:

    1. Sale of eggs. Quail eggs - very useful product, it can be used by allergy sufferers and diabetics in unlimited quantities. Many medicinal properties make them popular in the field of medicine. A real sensation arose back in the late 80s, when in the Vitebsk sanatorium they managed to get children on their feet after the Chernobyl disaster, giving them three raw quail eggs in the morning and in the evening. In terms of the content of vitamins and useful microelements, they are many times superior to chicken ones.
    2. Sale of quail meat. Meat is also a very valuable dietary product, which is recommended to be consumed in case of oncological diseases and tuberculosis. In terms of taste, quail meat is incredibly tasty.
    3. Sale of quail feather.
    4. Sale of young animals for divorce.
    5. Litter sale.

    If next to a quail farm you keep a small land plot, the litter will be great organic fertilizer or it can be sold to greenhouses, for the maintenance of the greenhouse.

    As a rule, a small farm combines several lines of business in its activities at once.

    The choice of quail breed

    When choosing a breed, you need to remember that not all of them are suitable for breeding at home. Some of them are ornamental quails that live in zoos. There are breeds for laboratory and scientific research.

    The following breeds are recommended for breeding quails for beginners at home:

    1. Pharaoh - an adult weighs more than 320 grams, one female produces about 200 eggs per year. If you breed such a breed for meat, then after 45 days the quail will weigh 250 grams. Carcasses are quite large, have an excellent presentation.
    2. Japanese quail - refers to egg breed, one female can produce up to 320 eggs per year. But such a quail is also in demand for sale for meat. An adult weighs about 200 grams - this is a standard portion in an elite restaurant.
    3. Estonian and French quail breeds belong to the egg and meat direction. The female gives about 300 eggs a year and weighs about 300 grams. The only drawback is that it is very difficult to find such a breed in its pure form.

    Business organization

    Breeding quails at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance. They eat the same food as chickens, and for their rearing there is enough space no more than a cage with a parrot.

    Business registration

    You can start organizing a small poultry house in the country and sell products to your friends without paperwork. But for sale to retail outlets, business registration is required.

    To do this, you need to go to the tax office and register as individual entrepreneur. This procedure requires a minimum package of documents, the registration process will take up to 5 working days. In order to, you need to pay a state duty of 800 rubles.

    If you are planning a large-scale farm, for which you are going to attract third-party investments and sell goods in large quantities to large retail chains, it is better to open a limited liability company. more complex and time-consuming than opening an IP, but has many advantages.

    In the application for registration, you need to select the classification of the future business (OKVED code). To grow quails at home, you need to select the OKVED code 01.24 Breeding poultry.

    After that, submit information about the registration to the pension fund, statistical authorities. You also need to obtain permission to conduct activities from the sanitary and epidemiological service.


    The number of workers depends on the number of birds. For example, a family of three who have organized a farm on their backyard with up to 3,000 quails can manage on their own by hiring an unskilled worker on a part-time basis to raise poultry. The services and assistance of a veterinarian may be required, but it is not necessary to keep it in the main state. It is better to pay for his services by the hour.

    To open a medium-sized business for 2-3 thousand quails, one worker is needed. On such poultry farms, workers are divided into two types:

    1. For the care of quails - feeding, cleaning cages, growing, collecting eggs, slaughtering, packaging products.
    2. For the organization of logistics processes - the purchase of feed base and veterinary drugs, the search for distribution channels, work with suppliers and outlets, marketing, registration of certificates and permits.

    Room preparation

    You can start breeding quails at small room at home, since the bird itself is small in size and does not require much space. Quail very shy bird, excess stress affects her egg production. Therefore, the chosen room should be quiet and calm.

    The main requirement is compliance with the temperature regime. Permissible fluctuation - from 18 to 22 ° С. You also need to maintain humidity at 65-70%. If you sharply change such indicators, this will significantly affect the life of quails and can lead to the death of the bird.

    Cells should not be located in a draft. But warm air must act constantly - this is an important requirement for keeping quails at home. IN winter period about 2 m³ of fresh air per hour should be supplied per 1 kilogram of poultry, in warm time– about 5 m³.

    The bird is kept in cages about 30 centimeters high. From 80 to 120 adults can be placed per 1 m² (depending on weight). Cells are set in 4-5 tiers. This means that theoretically, about 500-600 quails can be placed per 1 m² of premises.

    But in practice, this figure is slightly less, since with a high density it is difficult to monitor the state of each individual.

    Advice: cages for growing poultry at home can be made with your own hands from scratch from gratings and plywood, or you can buy specialized ones. The bottom of the cage should have a slope for rolling and easy removal of eggs. Feeders are usually installed outside the cage space, drinkers should be closed type so that food and droppings do not get into the water.

    Lighting lasts about 18 hours a day, while the lamps should not shine too brightly - this will make the quails aggressive.

    Growing quails at home in cold weather is not an easy process, as birds do not tolerate cold weather and sudden changes. This may seem more difficult than . Many do special room for the summer with good ventilation, then they attach an insulated shed for keeping in the winter, or they transfer the cells to the living area, allocating a special heated room. But before chasing high temperature other factors to consider:

    1. adults have denser plumage and warm up many times faster than chicks;
    2. wooden cages can retain heat;
    3. increase the temperature lighting(if there are no windows in the room, their presence is mandatory), if you use conventional lamps incandescent - count no more than 4 watts per 1 m²;
    4. keep an eye on the humidity in the room, as heating appliances dry the air.

    Quail farm equipment

    High-quality equipment for growing quails at home will greatly facilitate bird care and increase productivity. Cages made of durable material, reliable nipple drinkers, high-performance heating and ventilation systems will last for many years. All this can be bought at a low price or used, but over time, savings may become impractical. In any case, when buying equipment, it is worth starting from the availability of start-up capital.

    What you need to purchase to organize a quail farm at home:

    • cages for keeping young animals;
    • cages for laying hens;
    • drinkers;
    • lighting lamps;
    • feeders;
    • source of space heating for the winter period;
    • ventilation system;
    • incubators;
    • brooders.

    A brooder is a special place for chicks that have just hatched. They stay in it until they reach 3-4 weeks. You can replace such equipment with an ordinary cardboard box with bedding and a light bulb for heating.

    quail eggs cost

    The average cost of quail eggs in Russia is 2-5 rubles apiece. Hatching eggs of rare breeds range from 10-15 rubles apiece.

    To calculate the payback of the project, consider the cost item (per year):

    • one laying quail eats an average of 10 kilograms of feed - this is 200 rubles;
    • 500 quails - 5 tons of feed per year - this is 100 thousand rubles;
    • electricity costs will average 25 thousand rubles.

    If one laying hen produces 300 eggs per year, 500 individuals are capable of producing 150 thousand eggs per year.

    Selling them at a price of 2 rubles (the minimum threshold is taken), the revenue will be 300 thousand rubles. Net income will be 175 thousand rubles (300 thousand rubles - 100 thousand rubles - 25 thousand rubles).

    In practice, the construction and preparation of the premises, the purchase necessary equipment, registration of permits is 100-200 thousand rubles. (depending on the scale of the project, the number of quails).

    As can be seen from the calculations, it is possible for beginners to recoup the costs of organizing a business and reach the break-even point in the first year of the farm.

    To date, a number of national programs have been developed, providing. At the same time, the priority area is Agriculture. If you take part in such programs, start-up costs and tax deductions can be minimized.

    Sales of quail eggs

    The implementation of a successful plan for breeding quails at home is possible only with the establishment of stable distribution channels.

    Sale of quail eggs can be carried out:

    • in large retail chains;
    • through the creation of their own retail outlets;
    • to shops, department stores, egg outlets;
    • on the Internet (you can create your own business card website with a description of your products or post information on the bulletin board);
    • placement of information about the sale in local media;
    • in cafes, restaurants, etc.

    The most convenient option for start-up entrepreneurs is to conclude a long-term contract for the constant supply of a certain number of eggs.

    How much does a quail cost

    You can buy young quails today from 35 to 250 rubles per individual (depending on the breed and pricing policy seller). Selling young animals can be an additional method of business development. You can also diversify your business and think about.

    The offer to sell young stock may be of interest to start-up entrepreneurs who plan to grow quails at home, for poultry houses. Even large poultry farms sometimes buy young stock of new breeds.

    Quail farm as a business: reviews

    My parents have been breeding quails for 5 years already. During this time, there were ups and downs, only positive feedback comes from them. The main thing to remember is that the quail business is based on manual labor. There are no holidays, no weekends, no holidays. They can't even rest. Today, their farm consists of about 500 adult birds, they earn by selling eggs. Sell ​​them on the market. During this time, they did not become millionaires, but they do not want to quit such a business either.

    This business is for those who like to mess with birds. Starting costs are not so small - try to put cages, equip a room, ventilation and heating systems - you need about 100 thousand rubles to breed quails. Reviews of payback for 1 month are complete nonsense. It may not be so difficult to look after them, but it still takes a whole day to kill. And how much litter is collected per year - 10 bags need to be disposed of. As a result, you will earn as much as you spent, and that is not counting unforeseen expenses. Who needs it?

    Moved to private house and got 50 quails to start with. They are very easy to care for and don't take much time. They eat regular food. So far, I like everything - in a year I want to register an individual entrepreneur and buy an incubator for larger-scale breeding. Since you don’t need to feed the quails and clean the cages, I’m not going to miss my vacation, you can ask friends or relatives to look after.

    What a pleasure for home use! Children are very fond of eggs, cooking meat is very simple, the taste is simply delicious, and it is very healthy. My friends are queuing up to buy eggs!

    Breeding quails at home is promising business which has its advantages and disadvantages. A low threshold of entry, little competition gives a great start to beginners. But this business requires competent planning and largely depends on the availability of distribution channels.

    Did you know that the interest in raising quail for dietary meat and eggs has a long history dating back to ancient China? In Russia, quail breeding is developing only recent years fifty, but there are already a lot of developments in this direction.

    Why more and more people are fond of breeding quails at home and in the country?

    Because it is a great alternative to classic poultry farming. There is no need to build a large chicken coop, organize walking and puzzle over what and how to feed a chicken or goose herd.

    For five dozen quails, a few square meters of space are enough. And provided that it is properly organized, you will receive about 45-48 eggs per day, which is equivalent to 8 chicken eggs, and they bring much more benefits.

    You can talk endlessly about the benefits of quail eggs and meat. But let's list them all:

    1. Quail meat is considered dietary, and also very rich in the content of B vitamins, iron, copper, potassium, useful amino acids.
    2. It can be stored for a long time, since it does not lose its useful properties after freezing.
    3. The product is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, anemia.
    4. Quail eggs can be used in baby food from early age because of their benefits and nutritional value: compared to chicken, they contain several times more potassium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, copper and B vitamins.
    5. The great advantage of eating such eggs is that they can be eaten raw, as quails are not carriers of salmonellosis.
    • acquisition of adults;
    • rearing your own chicks.

    The choice of breed for keeping at home

    There are several dozen breeds of quail - in different catalogs there are from 44 to 50 varieties.

    The choice of breed for home keeping is based on unpretentiousness in feeding and keeping, as well as high egg production and early maturity of an adult bird.

    Currently the most popular breeds in Russia:

    • marble;
    • Japanese;
    • British;
    • "Pharaoh".

    Japanese Pharaoh

    reference: As a result of crossing, the breeds are mixed, so it is quite difficult to find purebred quails of any breed.


    Japanese quail have the same plumage color as that of a wild bird. The mass of males reaches 130 grams, females - up to 150 grams. Egg laying begins at the age of 40-60 days, and the total number of eggs per year reaches 300-320 pieces; egg weight - 9-11 grams. Perhaps this is the most unpretentious breed of domestic quail in the care and maintenance.

    Marble and British quail descended from the Japanese as a result of selection and differ from them only in plumage color. They have approximately the same egg production - 280 pcs. per year with an egg weight of 10-11 grams.


    Pharaoh bird refers to meat breeds of quail: the mass of females can reach 230-240 grams, males - 200-265 grams. In a year, the female lays about 220 eggs weighing 12-18 grams.

    In the table below you can see the general characteristics of quail breeds:

    Buying adults

    You need to purchase adult quails at the age of one and a half months. At this age, the individual is already ready to rush. Best place to buy birds quail farms, from official breeders. Moreover, this can be done at any time of the year, since the productivity of quails does not depend on the weather. Everything is in your hands, as they say, what conditions you create, you will get such a result.

    When purchasing quails from a breeder, do not forget about food. It is important to buy exactly those feeds that the birds are already accustomed to.

    The fact is that a sharp change in diet can lead not only to a decrease in the number of eggs, but also to indigestion in general. Within 3-4 weeks, you will be able to gradually transfer the birds to a new diet and do it painlessly for them.

    Egg incubation and hatching

    Domestic quail females do not have a brooding instinct, so incubators are used to remove young animals.

    Device for artificial breeding young growth can be purchased at the store, or you can build it yourself.

    Quail eggs have small size and any small-sized incubator is fine for you, if you do not plan to breed a large herd. In a standard incubator, 370-390 eggs can be placed - 2-3 times more than chicken ones.

    In the table below, we have presented a comparative analysis of several of the most popular models of quail egg incubators:

    ModelSize/Number of eggsTemperature/Power
    Layer-36-EA n/n 3767X34X31/36pcs33-45/36 W
    Automatic tray rotation, digital thermometer, observation window, LED for brightnessNo electronic moisture regulator, no water trays, no egg cage included3600
    ModelSize/Number of eggsTemperature/Power
    BLITZ 4853X35X31/130 pcs30-40/50W
    Automatic tray rotation, water addition system, built-in fan and heavy-duty housing, moisture management system and alarm, built-in battery for uninterrupted power supply8990
    ModelSize/Number of eggsTemperature/Power
    BLITZ 12070X35X35/330pcs30-40/140 W
    Automatic turning of trays, digital thermometer, four water baths, temperature failure alarm, heavy-duty housing, built-in battery, two trays can be placed, there is a programming systemModest temperature range, no egg tray included17990
    ModelSize/Number of eggsTemperature/Power
    BLITZ Base100X65X120/140 pcs30-40/440 W
    Sturdy metal case, equipped with five egg trays, the design can be disassembled, full automation of processes, there is a water tank, it works not only on distilled water, two fans and an overheating protection system, lighting. System of fast heating of the chamber and slow heat transfer. There is an air filter against dust and debris, a malfunction alarm.Modest temperature range42900

    So, if you want to purchase a ready-made device, do not forget to consider the following important points:

    1. The most economical option is a foam incubator. It will not be very durable, but it will not ruin you for the price either.
    2. Automatic egg turning incubators are expensive and are most often used in industrial production.

      The dimensions of such a unit are rather big. For domestic use such designs may involve mechanically turning the eggs using a special lever.

      Manual turning is not very convenient, it can damage the eggs, and the quail incubators themselves most often break in these places.

    The photo below shows one of the options for ready-made quail incubators:

    Household incubator with automatic flip

    Experienced quail breeders recommend making do-it-yourself incubators from a variety of improvised materials - from old bedside tables and refrigerators to solid wood and plywood construction. Read this article to learn how to make a high-quality, reliable and convenient quail incubator with your own hands.

    The main thing is that the temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 37-38 degrees, and the room should not be colder than 20. To maintain optimal humidity(65-75 percent) it is necessary to monitor the amount of water from special incubator trays.

    To hatch the young, eggs are collected immediately after laying and stored for no more than 7 days. After 17 days, the first bites begin, and within a few hours all the chicks hatch.

    Very often you can hear the question about the natural incubation of quail eggs. As shows personal experience, small chickens, ornamental breeds, bantams, for example, do an excellent job of this. It is risky to lay small eggs under larger birds, most likely they will simply crush them.

    So, in your incubator there are pereplyata. They weigh only 8 grams, but are already able to move and eat on their own. What to do next:

    1. Transplanted into juvenile cages. For these purposes, you can use cardboard or plywood boxes measuring 60X60X20 cm.
    2. Chicks need to be kept warm. To do this, use a lamp or an electric heater.
    3. Birds need to be provided with access to water and clean sand.
    • daily chicks need a temperature of 37 degrees;
    • in the first week - 35;
    • on the second - 31;
    • on the third - 27;
    • on the fourth - 22-24.

    Remember that dampness, drafts and temperature changes are detrimental to babies.

    As for lighting, for the first two weeks it should be round-the-clock, then it is gradually reduced and by the age of 45 days it is enough to turn on the light for 12 hours. After you transfer the grown birds to cages for adults, the daylight hours should be 17 hours a day.

    Feeding and watering

    From the first days of life, chicks need protein, minerals and vitamins..

    1. For the first three days, quails are fed with finely chopped boiled eggs, poured into a flat wide dish.
    2. Next, cottage cheese and corn grits or special feed for newborn chickens are added to the diet.
    3. From the 8th day, the chicks are fed only with purchased compound feed for chickens, and from the 20-28th day their diet is no different from adults.

    The quail will be watered only from warm vacuum drinkers. boiled water . In the very first days of life, for the prevention of diseases, the chicks are fed a solution of levomycetin.

    By 8-9 weeks, quails complete growth, and from 40-50 days they reach sexual maturity and can lay eggs.

    Basic rules for successful breeding in the country or in the apartment

    In cages 30x30 cm in size and 25 cm high, 3 females and 1 male can be kept. The floor of the cage for keeping quails should be covered with straw, shavings or hay. The bedding is replaced when it gets dirty.

    Some poultry farmers practice an increase in daylight hours, due to which they receive 2 eggs per day. It must be remembered that a decrease in rest time can lead to an increase in the aggressiveness of the bird.

    The technology of winter keeping of quails implies that the temperature in the room, even in winter, should not be below 16 degrees, otherwise the egg production of birds drops dramatically. The room should be warm enough, with good ventilation, but without drafts. Humidity is 60-70 percent, the optimum temperature is 19-21 degrees.

    In the photo below you can see what a proper quail cage looks like:

    Metal cage for quails

    Feeding adult birds

    It is best to place feeders and drinkers outside the cages., but freely available to birds. If quails stick their heads through the bars for feeding, cleanliness is maintained in the cage, and food is also consumed less.

    Feed the bird 2-3 times a day at the same time at the rate of 30 grams of the mixture per 1 individual. The easiest option for the diet of female quails is ready-made food for laying hens.

    Poultry consumes well and any grain waste, greens, chopped root crops, sprouted grains, any vegetables, sunflower seeds, boiled potatoes, small boiled pasta.

    Bone or fish meal or boiled fish is added to the feed 2-3 times a week. From mineral additives, chalk, lime, shells, as well as small pebbles are needed..

    We bring to your attention interesting video about quails with useful information about their maintenance and breeding:

    Quail diseases

    So, a few words about what diseases quails are prone to and what healthy birds should look like.

    Healthy quails stand firmly and straight on their feet, have a clean, bright and smooth plumage.

    Quail diseases:

    1. Injuries and bruises;
    2. Pecking and cannibalism;
    3. Feather loss;
    4. Avitaminosis and lack of shells in eggs;
    5. Prolapse of the oviduct.

    In each case, it is necessary to take their own adequate measures, in some situations the owner can handle it himself, sometimes the intervention of a veterinarian is required. Read more about diseases, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention in this article.

    Preparation for slaughter

    For fattening, chicks after 30 days of age are divided by gender. Males, as well as culled females, are placed in a separate fattening room, keeping them separately from each other.

    Air temperature at fattening - 20-24 degrees, light regime - reduced intensity.

    Poultry is fed 3-4 times a day in large volumes: 2 times a day a green mixture of herbs (nettle, corn) is given with a small addition of fodder fat, 2 more times - grain waste. The term of fattening usually does not exceed 50-60 days.

    The bird is slaughtered when it reaches a mass of at least 120-150 grams. Before slaughter, quails are not fed for 6 hours, giving only water..

    The slaughter is done with a small hatchet. After bleeding Bottom part legs and wings are cut off, the carcass is plucked and gutted. This process, unlike slaughtering chickens, takes only a couple of minutes. After preparation, the quail carcass is ready for cooking.

    For information on how to properly slaughter and subsequent cutting of quails, see the video:

    Thus, breeding domestic quail is no more difficult than raising chickens or other poultry.

    The main thing is to observe the simplest conditions of detention, maintain cleanliness in the room, as well as feed and water the bird correctly and on time. In this case, providing your own diet with fresh eggs and quail meat is guaranteed!

    Since ancient times, quail meat was considered the food of kings and nobility. Even in the USSR, quail meat was available only to the highest party ranks. Although today the situation has not changed dramatically, it has become available to almost everyone to enjoy this meat. The meat of this bird is distinguished by high dietary qualities and excellent taste.

    In addition to meat, great nutritional value and taste are quail eggs. They almost never cause allergies and are not affected by salmonellosis. They are often used in children's and diet food. These eggs can be consumed both boiled and raw.

    Many grow quail for personal consumption. But also quail breeding as a business has the right to exist and can bring tangible income. We will talk about this topic in our today's article.

    A little about quails

    Quail is a small bird from the pheasant family, the chicken order. These birds are the smallest of the chickens. Its dimensions are only 15-20 cm, and the weight does not exceed 150 grams. Although there are species that reach a mass of up to 250 grams.

    The documents

    If you are considering raising quails as a business, then, of course, you will need to complete some documents. Here you can go two ways:

    • register individual entrepreneurship;
    • set up a private household.

    To register as an individual entrepreneur, you need to contact the federal tax service and register, indicating the following codes of the all-Russian classification of types of economic activity:

    • 01.47.1 - rearing and breeding of poultry: chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowls;
    • 01.47.2 - production of poultry eggs;
    • 01.47.3 - activities of poultry incubators.

    By choosing this type of activity, you will have to pay taxes. But if you are initially going to grow poultry for business, then this is the only way out.

    If you are going to raise a bird for your own needs, with the subsequent sale of the surplus, then you will need to document your personal subsidiary plot with the local administration, where the number of birds will be indicated. After that, your birds will be attached to a veterinarian who will draw up all the necessary documents for you when selling meat, eggs or birds.

    How to start breeding quails at home as a business? In order for quails to feel good and not get sick, they must be kept in a dry and warm room. The area will depend on the planned livestock. If the cages are placed in several tiers, and this is how they should be placed, then about 600 birds can fit comfortably on an area of ​​18-20 square meters with great comfort. If we talk about the norms, then a population of 1000 birds can be placed on this area.

    cages for keeping

    In general, quails do not need any special care. But for their successful maintenance, you must comply with some conditions:

    • the temperature should be between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius;
    • avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts;
    • humidity at the level of 65-70% will be optimal;
    • lighting continues 17-20 hours a day, with a brightness of 20 lux;
    • the presence of sound insulation, as birds get a lot of stress with sharp and loud sounds.

    If there is such an opportunity, then the house is 20 square meters in size, it is better to divide it into 4 separate rooms. They will be for:

    • for the young;
    • for adult birds;
    • for an incubator;
    • for food storage and preparation.

    Read also: How to start raising pigs as a business and how to succeed

    Moreover, there is no need to build capital partitions made of bricks; partitions made of chipboard or drywall will suffice.

    The biggest disadvantage of accustoming quails to life in captivity is the almost complete loss of the ability to incubate eggs. Therefore, an incubator for breeding is necessary.

    Cages and boxes for young animals, if you have the skills, are easy to make on your own. Schemes and material consumption can be found on the Internet.


    Quails grow and gain weight quite quickly - from 1 to 30 days, its weight increases from 6 grams to 90. With good care and the absence of stress, after 1 or 2 months they acquire a mass sufficient to start laying eggs. An adult bird eats about 35 grams of feed per day.

    Quail food exists in ready-made, but you can mix the ingredients yourself. The diet of these birds should include corn, barley, wheat and millet, sunflower cake, chopped grass, in addition, various vitamin and mineral supplements.

    It is imperative to add fish or meat and bone meal to the composition of the feed for laying birds and powdered milk. Instead of these products, various insects and worms can be used.

    Food, even for adult quails, is given 2 or 3 times a day, preferably at the same time. In summer, be sure to include in the diet fresh vegetables and herbs, and in winter, green onions, oats or millet are added to the feed.

    If the bird is supposed to be grown for meat, then they begin to fatten it at the age of about thirty days. To do this, within 3 or 4 days, the content of fodder fat and corn in the diet of poultry is increased. In no case do not allow a sharp change in nutrition, otherwise they may die. This diet is maintained for a month, by the end of which the quail will weigh about 200 grams.


    As mentioned above, thanks to domestication, female quails stopped hatching eggs. So, for successful breeding of birds, you will need an incubator. It is quite possible to make such a device yourself, unless, of course, the scale of future breeding does not exceed certain limits. For large livestock, it is better to use ready-made devices, the cost of which depends on the functions they perform.

    quail chickens

    When breeding, males and females aged 2 to 8 months are used. Eggs intended for incubation must be carefully selected, rejecting all non-standard ones.

    In the incubator for breeding quails, the temperature should be maintained at 37.7 ° C for the first 12 days, and then it decreases by 0.5 ° C and is maintained at 37 ° C from day 16 until the chicks hatch.

    In the first week of the life of the chicks, the temperature is maintained within 37ºС, in the second it is gradually reduced to 32ºС, and in the third to 24ºС. After three weeks, the young can be placed with adult quails.


    Mostly quails are bred for meat and eggs. Breeding for the purpose of obtaining only meat shows profitability within 25%. The quail production cycle for meat lasts two months, in very rare cases three. That is, in a year, you can go through a maximum of six such cycles.

    Cultivation for eggs also takes two months. Females, starting from the age of two months, carry an average of one egg per day. This means that each female gives 30 eggs per month. Egg production is maintained high level up to 8-9 months, then the quality of the eggs deteriorates.