How to breed dry soy milk. Soy milk: benefits and harms, uses, calories

Soy milk powder benefits and harms



  • Proteins - 4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
  • Fats - 1.6 g.


  • Kefir.
  • Tofu cheese.
  • Milk soups.
  • Yoghurts.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Bakery products.

weight loss

How to breed?


Selection and storage

Product for children


Soy milk - benefits, harm, composition

Soy milk is a plant-based product made from soybeans. Experts say that for the first time soy milk was produced in China in the second century. According to legend, a Chinese philosopher, whose mother lost her teeth with old age, came up with an original way for her to eat her favorite soybeans without teeth. He simply gave the hard soy beans a more manageable shape.

Soy milk in the modern world is very popular. The bulk of its lovers live in East Asia, where soy milk is consumed more often than cow's milk. Many admirers of this product are located in South and North America and southern Europe. It is believed that it gained its popularity in the wake of vegetarianism.

The technology for making milk from soybeans is quite simple: soaked soybeans are mashed with special devices using the water in which they were soaked. Subsequently, the excess thick is removed, and the remaining liquid is heated to a temperature of about 150 degrees for a short time.

The procedure for making soy milk at home is similar.

Soy milk has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste and light aroma. It is used not only in its raw form, but also serves as the basis for the preparation of yogurt, tofu cheese, milkshakes. Soy milk is widely used in Japanese cuisine. Chefs add it as a broth to some traditional dishes.

Residents of China use soy milk as a snack with a variety of pastries, and Malaysians, adding sweet syrup to it, enjoy milkshakes.

Milk with additives in the form of cocoa, berries, carrots and ginseng is also popular.

When buying soy milk, it is important to consider that this product can go bad in the same way as cow's milk.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of soy milk

The basis of the composition of soy milk is a valuable protein (its content reaches 35%), which contains all the essential acids, a huge amount of non-essential amino acids, as well as a number of vitamins and microelements.

Minerals found in soy milk include potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. Vitamins contained in it: A, D, E, B1, K, B5, B2, B9, B6, PP, B4.

In addition, many varieties of the drink are fortified with vitamin B12 and calcium, due to which the composition of soy milk approaches that of cow's milk.

It is also important that soy milk is well absorbed by the body.

The calorie content of soy milk is about 140 kcal per 250 ml. The content of proteins in this case is 10 g, fats and carbohydrates - 4 and 14 g, respectively. It should also be noted that there is skimmed milk from soybeans. The calorie content of soy milk with a lower fat content is about 100 kcal per 250 ml.

The benefits of soy milk

Due to the enriched composition of soy milk, its nutritional value is close to cow's. At the same time, in soy milk, unlike cow's milk, there is no cholesterol, and the content of saturated fats is minimized. Such features of the composition make it possible to use soy milk for food for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and simply for those who monitor their health.

The benefits of soy milk for children with galactosemia are also known, i.e. galactose intolerance. The absence of this element in the composition of soy milk allows it to be a quality alternative to breast milk. It is also useful for those who are allergic to animal milk and lactose intolerant.

Harm of soy milk

Despite the truly rich composition, the benefits of soy milk are often the cause of discussion.

Due to the high content of phytic acid, which is part of soybean milk, milk interferes with the absorption of a number of nutrients: calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

The harm of soy milk for men who consume it daily in excessive amounts can be expressed in a decrease in the concentration of spermatozoa. However, a number of studies refute this claim.

Despite the fact that allergy to soy protein is much less common than to milk protein, this fact cannot be ruled out when prescribing soy milk to a child as a substitute for breast milk.

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Soy milk: benefits and harms, how to choose and store, cooking at home, use in cosmetology, composition table

Soy milk is a food product of plant origin, known to mankind since ancient times. The drink is extremely popular among vegetarians, as it is used as a replacement for regular milk, which resembles in color, texture and taste. Every year, soybean plantations are growing, as it serves as an inexpensive source of protein, and the range of products based on it is expanding. The debate about their harm and health benefits to the body has not yet been resolved.

Soy milk as food

Soy milk is a figurative name given to the drink because of its similarity to the usual milk of animals. It has an unobtrusive aroma and a light sweetish taste, a pleasant creamy texture. Just like ordinary milk, it can turn sour, and kefir, yogurt, tofu, pudding or milkshake are prepared from it. It is often used for the production of broths and pastries.

Making soy milk at home is easy. To do this, it is enough to soak soybeans for 2 hours, then turn them into mashed potatoes, boil the resulting mass, filter and cool. The drink can be supplemented with vanilla, cocoa, berries, carrots, sweetened with honey or sugar.

Video: Galileo program on making soy milk and tofu

The benefits of soy milk

The main quality of soy milk is its ability to saturate the human body with the proteins it needs. Soy protein is practically not inferior to meat protein, it includes 8 essential amino acids that are needed to build enzymes that regulate metabolism, the full functioning of the brain and maintain immunity in working condition.

Soy is also rich in B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, folic acid, macro- and microelements. All of them play an important role in maintaining health, take part in the synthesis of hormones, contribute to the restoration of cells and tissues, and the full functioning of organs. Health, beauty and youth are the results of the beneficial effects of soy milk when consumed regularly.

The benefits of soy milk are undeniable for people suffering from intolerance to animal proteins, dairy products, lactose, patients with galactosemia and diabetes. It helps to lose weight for those who are struggling with obesity, getting rid of excess lipid compounds, improves heart function and vascular condition, helps with hypersecretion and stomach ulcers, chronic cholecystitis.

Soy milk is indicated for use by the elderly, since the lecithin contained in it regulates the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which can cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and narrow the lumen of the bloodstream. It slows down aging, improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

Soy milk helps to ease the course of menopause, can significantly improve a woman's well-being during this difficult period, since it contains isoflavones, estrogen-like substances. The same compounds prevent the development of osteoporosis and the appearance of its symptoms.

Warning: The amount of soy protein in the diet of a healthy person should not exceed 25 g per day.

Dangerous properties of soy milk and contraindications to its use in nutrition

Despite the widespread use of soy products, it is important to remember that they also have some harmful properties that significantly limit their use on the menu. The harm of soy milk is determined, in particular, by the high content of “anti-nutritional” compounds in its composition that can provoke disturbances in the course of the physiological processes of the body:

  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;
  • bonding of red blood cells to each other, deterioration of the ability of blood to carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide;
  • difficulty in the absorption of zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium due to the large amount of phytic acid in the composition of the product;
  • decreased absorption of proteins, difficulty in the work of the pancreas.

Soy milk is contraindicated for children of any age, as it negatively affects the formation of the endocrine system. Soy phytoestrogens slow down the physical and mental development of children, contribute to the early onset of menstruation in girls. They inhibit the growth of nerve cells and the brain, and are also one of the possible causes of the early onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Soy isoflavone slows down the production of thyroid hormones, so soy milk is contraindicated in people with related diseases. The same compound can cause a serious hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, disrupting the special ratio of chemicals in the body that is characteristic of this normal state. The harm of soy milk during breastfeeding can also be significant.

The predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and some other oncological diseases are also a serious contraindication to the use of soy milk in food.

Warning: Frequent inclusion of soy milk in the diet can cause male infertility.

It is important to understand that, despite the peculiarities of the composition, soy milk is not able to completely replace animal products in the human diet. It does not provide the body with the amount of calcium, copper and zinc it needs, it contains iron in a “non-heme” form that is difficult to digest.

Influence of the origin of the product on its properties

The origin of the soybeans used to make milk is critical to classifying it as harmful or beneficial to human health. Almost all soybeans grown on an industrial scale outside of Russia are genetically modified.

Such varieties of legumes are resistant to drought and disease, able to grow and bear fruit in conditions of high doses of fertilizers and herbicides. As a result of the accumulation of foreign chemical compounds in the tissues of the plant and its fruits, it becomes poisonous to humans and can cause the development of a variety of pathologies, including the appearance of malignant tumors.

Any soy is distinguished by the ability to absorb chemical compounds harmful to humans from the environment, such as lead or mercury. Therefore, not only transgenic soybeans, but also natural soybeans grown in an ecologically unfavorable area or with the use of a significant amount of fertilizers, are unsafe for food.

Until now, there is also no consensus on the impact on health of the ingestion of certain protein compounds into the human body with food, which are used to insert genes into plant DNA and obtain new unique varieties. There is a high probability that they can negatively affect the immune system and cause an allergic reaction.

Manufacturers are required to label products with the inscription "Contains GMOs" in the case of using raw materials that are the result of genetic engineering. However, practice shows that in most cases this requirement is not met, since when testing a sample in a laboratory, it is not always possible to obtain a reliable result, moreover, such analyzes are very expensive.

Video: About soy milk in Living Healthy

Rules for the selection and storage of soy milk

Soy milk is not a very common food product, so it should be chosen with great care:

  1. In the composition of milk, only soy extract and water should be indicated, it is better that other ingredients are not listed, including sweeteners and flavors.
  2. Preference can be given to a drink enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  3. The presence of the inscription “isolated soya protein” on the packaging indicates the low quality of soy milk, its preparation on the basis of cake.
  4. The packaging of soy milk should be opaque, since most of the useful substances of the liquid are destroyed in the light.

Opened milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

The use of soy milk in cosmetology

In cosmetics, soy milk is widely used as an ingredient in face and hair masks, moisturizing and nourishing body skin creams, and peels. Soy isoflavones are beneficial for normalizing sebum secretion and as antioxidants. They are able to block the action of free radicals, protect cells from the harmful effects of solar radiation and damage, and rejuvenate the skin.

Compositions for the skin near the eyes with soy milk are able to quickly cope with "bags", swelling and dark circles in this area. Soy extract also helps rough and rough skin of the feet and hands, treats mild forms of skin diseases.

At home, to prepare a soy milk mask for face and hair, it is better to use a freshly prepared unstrained drink. It is mixed with any fatty oil used as a base (almond, olive or peach), egg yolk is added and the resulting mass is applied to the face, neck, and rubbed into the scalp.

Video: Revealing the Mysteries of Legumes and their Meanings

Composition of soy milk

Soy milk is a unique product of plant origin because it contains large amounts of protein compounds, including all the essential amino acids. It contains a lot of oil, which includes triglycerides and lipoid substances necessary for the body.

Soybean carbohydrates are represented by fructose, glucose, sucrose, starch, hemicellulose and pectin substances. Their number in the product is relatively small, which makes it dietary. The calorie content of soy milk is only 54 kcal.

In terms of lipid content, soy milk is comparable to semi-fat cow's milk. Their main part is unsaturated fatty acids, necessary for human health. There is very little calcium in the product, however, commercially produced soy milk is artificially enriched with this valuable mineral.

Nutritional value of unfortified soy milk (per 100 g of product)

Powdered soy milk: benefits and harms, composition, how to breed

Food and drink April 29, 2017

In modern stores you can find a large number of different products. One of them is soy milk powder, which is of vegetable origin. It is made from soy beans. China is considered the birthplace of the product, but now it is in demand in all countries of the world. Pleasant taste and light aroma are the distinguishing features that dry soy milk contains. The benefits and harms of it will be presented in the article. It will also be said about the rules for breeding this product.


Soy milk powder does not contain lactose compared to cow's milk, so it can be consumed by anyone who has an intolerance to this substance. The advantage of the product is the presence of isoflavones in the composition. These components are used to prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis. They are indispensable for the fight against menopause in women.

Milk has anticarcinogenic and metabolic effects. The product reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is useful for many to consume soy milk powder. Its benefit lies in the positive effect on the skeletal system of the body. It is necessary in the presence of anemia. Due to regular use, men will be protected from the occurrence of prostate cancer. The product is rich in protein and fiber. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions.


Soy milk powder contains valuable protein, which contains important acids. The product is rich in amino acids. Micronutrients include magnesium, potassium and calcium. There are also vitamins - D, A, E, B. 100 g of milk contains:

  • Proteins - 4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
  • Fats - 1.6 g.

And 56 kcal is the calorie content that soy milk powder has. The composition allows the use of the product in the diet of many people. It is only necessary to breed it correctly. There are also recipes for self-preparation of this product.

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Powdered soy milk is used to prepare various dishes. From it it turns out:

  • Kefir.
  • Tofu cheese.
  • Milk soups.
  • Yoghurts.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Bakery products.

The product is used for making puddings, cooking jelly, porridge, casseroles. It is used both at home and at work.

Combination with other products

Milk can be combined with sweet fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts. It is also consumed with cereals and boiled potatoes. No need to combine the drink with fresh vegetables, plums, sausage, smoked fish, pastries.

weight loss

The product is considered high-calorie, so many do not include it in their diet. Yet soy milk is designed for harmony. It has a lot of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. With a deficiency of this component, there will be an intensive production of the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the processing and elimination of fats. Due to its presence in increased volumes, accumulated fat deposits will not be destroyed.

Calcium is considered an indispensable component for those who want to lose weight. It perfectly breaks down fats, and also helps to build muscle mass. Therefore, such a product must be in the diet of overweight people. And it should not be a dry soy milk replacer, but a natural one.

How to breed?

Powdered soy milk is sold in stores. How to breed it? To do this, the product itself (1.5 tablespoons) must be mixed with sugar (1 tsp), gradually adding water (1 cup). The mass must be stirred so that it becomes homogeneous. Then the remaining water is poured in, and everything is brought to a boil. The product is served hot or chilled.


There are many recipes for the preparation of the product in question. Of these, there is one of the simplest. Soak clean soybeans in cold water for 12-24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the beans should be crushed by passing them through a meat grinder with a fine grate. This processing must be done several times.

When mixing, add water to make it easier to grind. Water should be taken in a ratio of 7:1 to get milk with 3% fat. If there is less water, then more fatty milk will be obtained, which will resemble cream. Ground and mixed with water, soy porridge is aged for about 4 hours, after which salt is added (on the tip of a knife).

Then the resulting mass should be boiled for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and squeeze. This completes the preparation of soy milk. The remains in the bag after expressing milk are called okara - soy pulp, which is high in fiber and protein. It can be used as an enriched food supplement.

Selection and storage

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the composition, which is marked on the package. In its natural form, milk contains water and soy. If the composition contains chemical additives, such a product will not be useful.

Closed packaging is stored in a cool place. This period may not exceed one year. An open product should be consumed up to 7 days, and all this time it is stored in the refrigerator.

Product for children

For feeding babies, mixtures are often used that contain soy protein. The following factors are considered the basis for the use of such products:

  • Cow milk intolerance.
  • Celiac disease is due to a violation of the villous layer of the intestine by exposure to gluten.
  • Galactosemia is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Lack of lactose, a protein that breaks down the enzymes in cow's milk.

In order for a child to be fed with soy mixtures, you first need to consult a pediatrician. In stores, you can find such products for children over 2 years old. It can be in the diet, but we should not forget about cow's milk. Complete replacement is possible only if the animal product is intolerant.


Doctors have not identified the harm that soy milk can cause. Some experts believe that this is a useful product, while others advise using it only in a minimal amount. Such milk also has opponents who believe that it can cause:

  • The appearance of pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Decreased sperm concentration.
  • Depression of the endocrine system.

Milk should not be consumed if there is a predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and other oncological ailments. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. It should not be given to children under 1 year of age without consulting a doctor, as well as to women who may have breast cancer.

With excessive consumption of animal protein, the acidity of the blood increases. The body needs to neutralize it. Calcium is taken from the bones. Soy milk contains phytic acid, which, when digested, binds iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, which is why these components are poorly absorbed. Although milk has its drawbacks, it is still considered very useful. Just use it in moderation.

A person interested in a healthy diet sooner or later comes to the idea of ​​partially replacing animal food with vegetable food. Why is soy milk attractive, what are its benefits and harms? This is a top product for healthy lifestyle adherents, athletes, vegetarians, and just people who care about their well-being.

What are the benefits of soy milk

Soy milk is so named because of its resemblance to animal milk. It is white in color, liquid consistency, pleasant to the taste and has a subtle sweetish aroma. Is it so useful, and is it possible to replace an animal product with vegetable milk? Definitely yes, if only because of the lack of lactose. For people with intolerance to this component, but who love dairy products, soy drink will successfully replace it.

The second plus is the content of vegetable fiber. This substance acts like a brush, sweeping all harmful accumulations out of the body. For those who want to improve digestion, soy milk will help with this. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines.

The third point: there are a lot of micro and macro elements in soy milk. The fact is that vegetable calcium is absorbed faster than the animal. Also, milk is indispensable for those who are on a diet: the product is low in calories. Soy protein is easily digestible.

And there's also an ethical side to the issue: people who are committed to protecting the environment, who don't want to support an industry that abuses animals, can confidently switch to a diet that favors soy milk. In addition, it is no secret that the milk that we are offered in supermarkets often contains chemicals. And the hormones with which unscrupulous producers pump cows for their growth remain in milk and adversely affect health.


Now more about what plant nectar contains. Milk is rich in protein, 100 g contains from 0.8 to 3.8 g of protein. Fats - from 0.3 to 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 7-8 g. Calorie content is low: in a glass of milk there are about 100 calories, to be more precise, 54 kcal per 100 grams.

Soy milk contains essential amino acids. This is important for vegetarians who need to replenish the substances necessary for the body. Milk also contains unsaturated fatty acids. This is its advantage over cow's milk. It is safe for people suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamins and minerals in soy milk:

  1. B vitamins (B1, B5, B6, B9 and B12), E, ​​K, D.
  2. Retinol, .
  3. Phytoestrogens.
  4. Trace elements: zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium (in small amounts).

A glass of soy milk covers 30% of the daily norm of riboflavin for a healthy adult, up to 25% of the norm of calcium, up to 50% of vitamin D. It is not surprising that milk has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates the nervous system and brain, and helps liver cells recover.

Advice! Soy milk can be used for cosmetic purposes. It produces nourishing masks and creams for the face, neck, hands.


An unequivocal answer about the dangers of soy milk has not yet been found. Nutritionists tend to believe that excessive consumption of soy can depress the endocrine system and cause thyroid disease. Also, the product can be harmful due to the content of phytoestrogens (analogues of female sex hormones). Excessive concentration of the substance negatively affects the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors that affect the female (and sometimes male) genital organs.

The phytic acid contained in the product binds minerals and prevents their absorption - especially calcium. Therefore, in production, soy milk is additionally enriched with calcium. However, this does not mean that all calcium is well absorbed in the body. And yet, it is better to give preference to vegetable milk, as there is an opinion among nutritionists that animal-based dairy products do not nourish the body with calcium, but only wash it out of the bones.

Allergic reactions are possible to soy. Polzateevo magazine recommends refusing products that bear the inscription "GMO". In the fields where genetically modified soybeans are grown, the buzzing of insects is not heard, even the birds do not live there. This suggests that GMOs are unnatural and can cause irreparable harm.

Soy milk and disease

The soy diet has been successfully used in the treatment of diabetes in the early stages. Thanks to fiber and vegetable glue, a gel forms in the intestines, which slows down the flow of sugar into the blood, insulin has time to be produced, and the patient begins to recover. A protein diet helps restore pancreatic function, so a soy drink can be consumed with pancreatitis.

Soy milk can both benefit and harm. Consult with nutritionists and attending physicians, listen to your body. Good health!

Soy milk is a food product of plant origin, known to mankind since ancient times. The drink is extremely popular among vegetarians, as it is used as a replacement for regular milk, which resembles in color, texture and taste. Every year, soybean plantations are growing, as it serves as an inexpensive source of protein, and the range of products based on it is expanding. The debate about their harm and health benefits to the body has not yet been resolved.


Soy milk as food

Soy milk is a figurative name given to the drink because of its similarity to the usual milk of animals. It has an unobtrusive aroma and a light sweetish taste, a pleasant creamy texture. Just like regular milk, it can turn sour, and kefir, yogurt, tofu, pudding or milkshake are prepared from it. It is often used for the production of broths and pastries.

Making soy milk at home is easy. To do this, it is enough to soak soybeans for 2 hours, then turn them into mashed potatoes, boil the resulting mass, filter and cool. The drink can be supplemented with vanilla, cocoa, berries, carrots, sweetened with honey or sugar.

Video: Galileo program on making soy milk and tofu

The benefits of soy milk

The main quality of soy milk is its ability to saturate the human body with the proteins it needs. Soy protein is practically not inferior to meat protein, it includes 8 essential amino acids that are needed to build enzymes that regulate metabolism, the full functioning of the brain and maintain immunity in working condition.

Soy is also rich in B vitamins, vitamins E and PP, folic acid, macro- and microelements. All of them play an important role in maintaining health, take part in the synthesis of hormones, contribute to the restoration of cells and tissues, and the full functioning of organs. Health, beauty and youth are the results of the beneficial effects of soy milk when consumed regularly.

The benefits of soy milk are undeniable for people suffering from intolerance to animal proteins, dairy products, lactose, patients with galactosemia and diabetes. It helps to lose weight for those who are struggling with obesity, getting rid of excess lipid compounds, improves heart function and vascular condition, helps with hypersecretion and stomach ulcers, chronic cholecystitis.

Soy milk is indicated for use by the elderly, since the lecithin contained in it regulates the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which can cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and narrow the lumen of the bloodstream. It slows down aging, improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

Soy milk helps relieve menopause, can significantly improve a woman's well-being during this difficult period, because it contains isoflavones, estrogen-like substances. The same compounds prevent the development of osteoporosis and the appearance of its symptoms.

A warning: The amount of soy protein in the diet of a healthy person should not exceed 25 g per day.

Dangerous properties of soy milk and contraindications to its use in nutrition

Despite the widespread use of soy products, it is important to remember that they also have some harmful properties that significantly limit their use on the menu. The harm of soy milk is determined, in particular, by the high content of “anti-nutritional” compounds in its composition that can provoke disturbances in the course of the physiological processes of the body:

  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;
  • bonding of red blood cells to each other, deterioration of the ability of blood to carry oxygen and remove carbon dioxide;
  • difficulty in the absorption of zinc, iron, magnesium and calcium due to the large amount of phytic acid in the product;
  • decreased absorption of proteins, difficulty in the work of the pancreas.

Soy milk is contraindicated for children of any age, as it negatively affects the formation of the endocrine system. Soy phytoestrogens slow down the physical and mental development of children, contribute to the early onset of menstruation in girls. They inhibit the growth of nerve cells and the brain, and are also one of the possible causes of the early onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Soy isoflavone slows down the production of thyroid hormones, so soy milk is contraindicated in people with related diseases. The same compound can cause a serious hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, disrupting the special ratio of chemicals in the body that is characteristic of this normal state. The harm of soy milk during breastfeeding can also be significant.

The predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and some other oncological diseases are also a serious contraindication to the use of soy milk in food.

A warning: Frequent inclusion of soy milk in the diet can cause male infertility.

It is important to understand that, despite the peculiarities of the composition, soy milk is not able to completely replace animal products in the human diet. It does not provide the body with the amount of calcium, copper and zinc it needs, it contains iron in a “non-heme” form that is difficult to digest.

Influence of the origin of the product on its properties

The origin of the soybeans used to make milk is critical to classifying it as harmful or beneficial to human health. Almost all soybeans grown on an industrial scale outside of Russia are genetically modified.

Such varieties of legumes are resistant to drought and disease, able to grow and bear fruit in conditions of high doses of fertilizers and herbicides. As a result of the accumulation of foreign chemical compounds in the tissues of the plant and its fruits, it becomes poisonous to humans and can cause the development of a variety of pathologies, including the appearance of malignant tumors.

Any soy is distinguished by the ability to absorb chemical compounds harmful to humans from the environment, such as lead or mercury. Therefore, not only transgenic soybeans, but also natural soybeans grown in an ecologically unfavorable area or with the use of a significant amount of fertilizers, are unsafe for food.

Until now, there is also no consensus on the impact on health of the ingestion of certain protein compounds into the human body with food, which are used to insert genes into plant DNA and obtain new unique varieties. There is a high probability that they can negatively affect the immune system and cause an allergic reaction.

Manufacturers are required to label products with the inscription "Contains GMOs" in the case of using raw materials that are the result of genetic engineering. However, practice shows that in most cases this requirement is not met, since when testing a sample in a laboratory, it is not always possible to obtain a reliable result, moreover, such analyzes are very expensive.

Video: About soy milk in Living Healthy

Rules for the selection and storage of soy milk

Soy milk is not a very common food product, so it should be chosen with great care:

  1. In the composition of milk, only soy extract and water should be indicated, it is better that other ingredients are not listed, including sweeteners and flavors.
  2. Preference can be given to a drink enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  3. The presence of the inscription “isolated soya protein” on the packaging indicates the low quality of soy milk, its preparation on the basis of cake.
  4. The packaging of soy milk should be opaque, since most of the useful substances of the liquid are destroyed in the light.

Opened milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

The use of soy milk in cosmetology

In cosmetics, soy milk is widely used as an ingredient in face and hair masks, moisturizing and nourishing body skin creams, and peels. Soy isoflavones are beneficial for normalizing sebum secretion and as antioxidants. They are able to block the action of free radicals, protect cells from the harmful effects of solar radiation and damage, and rejuvenate the skin.

Compositions for the skin near the eyes with soy milk are able to quickly cope with "bags", swelling and dark circles in this area. Soy extract also helps rough and rough skin of the feet and hands, treats mild forms of skin diseases.

At home, to prepare a soy milk mask for face and hair, it is better to use a freshly prepared unstrained drink. It is mixed with any fatty oil used as a base (almond, olive or peach), egg yolk is added and the resulting mass is applied to the face, neck, and rubbed into the scalp.

Video: Revealing the Mysteries of Legumes and their Meanings

Composition of soy milk

Soy milk is a unique product of plant origin because it contains large amounts of protein compounds, including all the essential amino acids. It contains a lot of oil, which includes triglycerides and lipoid substances necessary for the body.

Soybean carbohydrates are represented by fructose, glucose, sucrose, starch, hemicellulose and pectin substances. Their number in the product is relatively small, which makes it dietary. The calorie content of soy milk is only 54 kcal.

In terms of lipid content, soy milk is comparable to full-fat cow's milk. Their main part is unsaturated fatty acids, necessary for human health. There is very little calcium in the product, however, commercially produced soy milk is artificially enriched with this valuable mineral.

Nutritional value of unfortified soy milk (per 100 g of product)

One of the rules of thumb for healthy eating sounds very simple: "Don't eat foods that are promoted as healthy." Or dietary, balanced and so on. This is a variation of the "eat real food" rule ().

Sometimes these products look like real and unfinished products, but a detailed analysis of them debunks such myths. Moreover, these products can literally kill you. Recently I was asked to give an example. Okay.

Let's take a look at the "NATURAL soy drink for diet and diabetic nutrition" with you. Sounds good already, right? Soy is useful, because they write. Manufacturer from EU, Czech Republic. True, a Belarusian company with the name "healthy product" packs, this is alarming.

Going to the packer's website, we read:

"Soy drink has excellent dietary properties. It is recommended to include it in the diet when gastritis and ulcers stomach, acute and chronic infectious diseases, diabetes etc.

Soy drink is rich in complete protein, very well absorbed by the body. Its acid clot in the stomach is more delicate and softer than cow's milk clot, causing less secretion of gastric juice. It is used instead of milk powder for the preparation of drinks, cereals, soups, sweet pastes, mayonnaises, sauces, in confectionery, etc. Stored in a cool dry place.

Soy drinks that appear on our Belarusian shelves are mandatory tested in the laboratories of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus for the determination of genetic modifications. Therefore, their natural purity is guaranteed."

Well, what can I say? Truly a panacea! Eat with chronic diseases. "Recommended..." It is not clear who recommends, probably the sellers themselves.

The manufacturer recommends soy milk powder for use in case of allergies - a hint of a medical effect. Yes, GMO, lactose and cholesterol free. With lactose and cholesterol, everything is obvious - they are not in plant products by definition. The inscription GMO already shows the target audience of the product)), but this is a mistake. 95% of all soy in the world is genetically modified. You can be sure that it is here too. Well, it's not bad and it's not good. As you know, I don't see anything wrong with GMO foods.

We move on. On the front side, the inscription "Healthy food", "MILK" - although this is a hoax, the product is an imitation with the name "soy milk powder". The drawing of a sports figure continues to assure us of the superpowers of the product and hints at weight loss: the inscription on the package is "health and figure".

And now let's move on to the opening. We read the composition.

1. First on the list is "dry corn syrup", which in translation into human language means simple sugars. Such a syrup is very cheap and is obtained by chemical processing of cornstarch. Corn syrup is high in glucose. Fructose corn syrup is also produced, in which 45% to 90% of the sugars are fructose. This syrup is sweeter and dissolves more easily. Fast carbohydrates make up the majority of this product. In 100 g - 63 g of carbohydrates, the vast majority of which are simple.

3. Soy ingredient, most of which is represented by "partially hydrogenated fats", in translation, this means - trans fats. The unsaturated fats in regular soybeans are made into trans fats to increase the shelf life of this substance, which is 18 months. The content of trans fats is high: 27%. That's enough.

3. Actually soy proteins make up only 3.4% - this is within the margin of error. This is actually all the soy in this food substance. And the packer writes that the product is "rich in soy protein." Even ordinary soy contains up to 40% protein, ten times more. See how the real product is replaced by this "food substance".

4. Stabilizer dipotassium phosphate. It is used as a stabilizer and buffer for dry instant products with milk protein.

5. Are you surprised by "milk protein"? The next component is sodium caseinate. Yes, that's cow's milk casein. Therefore, if a person is allergic to milk, then this product can aggravate it and cause a serious attack. Allergic angioedema can be a cause of death, although it is a rare complication. The label says that this product is recommended for milk allergies!! An obvious lie of the manufacturer, which can cost a person's life.

6. Fatty acid emulsifiers. E-471 in the role of an emulsifier allows mixing immiscible substances, due to which it is used in the manufacture of dairy and fatty products. Often contains trans fatty acids.

7. Silicon dioxide. Anyone who remembers chemistry knows that it is sand. Food silicon dioxide due to its properties is widely used as an emulsifier and a substance that prevents caking and clumping. Nothing harmful, nothing useful either.

8. Salt. Salt, as you remember, is added everywhere in technical products. Eat more, it will taste better.

Thus, it is not soy milk powder, but a food substance.

In modern stores you can find a large number of different products. One of them is soy milk powder, which is of vegetable origin. It is made from soy beans. China is considered the birthplace of the product, but now it is in demand in all countries of the world. Pleasant taste and light aroma are the distinguishing features that dry soy milk contains. The benefits and harms of it will be presented in the article. It will also be said about the rules for breeding this product.


Soy milk powder does not contain lactose compared to cow's milk, so it can be consumed by anyone who has an intolerance to this substance. The advantage of the product is the presence of isoflavones in the composition. These components are used to prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis. They are indispensable for the fight against menopause in women.

Milk has anticarcinogenic and metabolic effects. The product reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is useful for many to consume soy milk powder. Its benefit lies in the positive effect on the skeletal system of the body. It is necessary in the presence of anemia. Due to regular use, men will be protected from the occurrence of prostate cancer. The product is rich in protein and fiber. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions.


Soy milk powder contains valuable protein, which contains important acids. The product is rich in amino acids. Micronutrients include magnesium, potassium and calcium. There are also vitamins - D, A, E, B. 100 g of milk contains:

  • Proteins - 4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
  • Fats - 1.6 g.

And 56 kcal is the calorie content that soy milk powder has. The composition allows the use of the product in the diet of many people. It is only necessary to breed it correctly. There are also recipes for self-preparation of this product.


Powdered soy milk is used to prepare various dishes. From it it turns out:

  • Kefir.
  • Tofu cheese.
  • Milk soups.
  • Yoghurts.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Bakery products.

The product is used for making puddings, cooking jelly, porridge, casseroles. It is used both at home and at work.

Combination with other products

Milk can be combined with sweet fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts. It is also consumed with cereals and boiled potatoes. No need to combine the drink with fresh vegetables, plums, sausage, smoked fish, pastries.

weight loss

The product is considered high-calorie, so many do not include it in their diet. Yet soy milk is designed for harmony. It has a lot of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. With a deficiency of this component, there will be an intensive production of the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the processing and elimination of fats. Due to its presence in increased volumes, accumulated fat deposits will not be destroyed.

Calcium is considered an indispensable component for those who want to lose weight. It perfectly breaks down fats, and also helps to build muscle mass. Therefore, such a product must be in the diet of overweight people. And it should not be a dry soy milk replacer, but a natural one.

How to breed?

Powdered soy milk is sold in stores. How to breed it? To do this, the product itself (1.5 tablespoons) must be mixed with sugar (1 tsp), gradually adding water (1 cup). The mass must be stirred so that it becomes homogeneous. Then the remaining water is poured in, and everything is brought to a boil. The product is served hot or chilled.


There are many recipes for the preparation of the product in question. Of these, there is one of the simplest. Soak clean soybeans in cold water for 12-24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the beans should be crushed by passing them through a meat grinder with a fine grate. This processing must be done several times.

When mixing, add water to make it easier to grind. Water should be taken in a ratio of 7:1 to get milk with 3% fat. If there is less water, then more fatty milk will be obtained, which will resemble cream. Ground and mixed with water, soy porridge is aged for about 4 hours, after which salt is added (on the tip of a knife).

Then the resulting mass should be boiled for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and squeeze. This completes the preparation of soy milk. The remains in the bag after expressing milk are called okara - soy pulp, which is rich in fiber and protein. It can be used as an enriched food supplement.

Selection and storage

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the composition, which is marked on the package. In its natural form, milk contains water and soy. If the composition contains chemical additives, such a product will not be useful.

Closed packaging is stored in a cool place. This period may not exceed one year. An open product should be consumed up to 7 days, and all this time it is stored in the refrigerator.

Product for children

For the nutrition of infants, mixtures are often used in which there are The following factors are considered the basis for the use of such products:

  • Cow milk intolerance.
  • Celiac disease is due to a violation of the villous layer of the intestine by exposure to gluten.
  • Galactosemia is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Lack of lactose - a protein that breaks down the enzymes in cow's milk.

In order for a child to be fed with soy mixtures, you first need to consult a pediatrician. In stores, you can find such products for children over 2 years old. It can be in the diet, but we should not forget about cow's milk. Complete replacement is possible only if the animal product is intolerant.


Doctors have not identified the harm that soy milk can cause. Some experts believe that this is a useful product, while others advise using it only in a minimal amount. Such milk also has opponents who believe that it can cause:

  • The appearance of pathologies of the thyroid gland.
  • Decreased sperm concentration.
  • Depression of the endocrine system.

Milk should not be consumed if there is a predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and other oncological ailments. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. It should not be given to children under 1 year of age without consulting a doctor, as well as to women who may have breast cancer.

With excessive consumption of animal protein, the acidity of the blood increases. The body needs to neutralize it. Calcium is taken from the bones. Soy milk contains iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium during digestion, which makes these components poorly absorbed. Although milk has its drawbacks, it is still considered very useful. Just use it in moderation.