Business like keeping an ambulance or quail eggs. For own consumption

When you have more than 500 quails in your poultry houses, you start to get some surplus production. It is clear that some of the quail eggs are sold to friends, relatives and neighbors, it is even possible that your customers send their acquaintances to you. But still there are times when stock accumulates. What to do?

We came up with "Quail Party" in Kherson!

Quail Party (Perepel Party)- This is a special format of a party to which everyone is invited. You can spend it both at home and in a nearby cafe. You just need to buy a few different products, for example: vegetables, spices, herbs, and cook them in a certain sequence. If 20-25 people gather at the party, then you can easily sell from 500 quail eggs and up to 10 kg of meat.

Entrance to the quail party is paid, determine the cost of entry yourself, based on the number of invited people and the cost of food.

Make such an event a regular and constant sale of products quail farm you are provided!

So, a photo instruction of a business idea:

First we need a cafe and a chef

Prepare tables and utensils

Sorting pre-prepared products

We connect portable cookers.

Everything is ready, you can start!

The chef is preparing, along the way comments on his actions for cooking

Guests taste dish after dish, ask questions

All this happens in a light and relaxed atmosphere, with pleasant music and without alcohol. Many admit that for the first time in their lives they try quail and egg dishes. Dishes should be 5-7, this is the optimal amount for guests to satisfy their appetite and at the same time try many different culinary masterpieces.

For example:

Hot Thai Shrimp Salad

Quail fries with cheese and herbs

Champignons baked with quail eggs

Quail broth with mushrooms

The duration of the quail party is short, only 1-2 hours, taking into account the preparation of dishes. The chef should have an assistant waiter who divides the dishes into portions and serves the guests in disposable dishes.

After the quail party, guests eagerly buy up quail eggs to repeat the gourmet culinary feast at home. The main thing is to put the products in a conspicuous place so that they can see it from the moment you enter the event.

Such a bird as a quail can be bred in an apartment without any problems. The ideal solution is an insulated balcony. If the area of ​​​​the balcony is about 2.5 square meters, then 500 layers can be placed in it: for 200 heads, only 1 square meter is enough space.

  • The room temperature should be between 19 and 23 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in the cold season, when breeding quails on personal plot need heating. In home apartments, the problem of heat is usually not affected;
  • The average air humidity is 60%. If the air humidity is less, then the bird will begin to drop a feather;
  • Quails need lighting. But it should be dim. For a balcony or other separate room, a 40 W lamp is sufficient. With brighter lighting, the birds begin to peck at each other;
  • There should be no drafts in the room.

Quails must be well fed so that the meat and eggs are of sufficient value and the bird is healthy. Since the quail business is not widespread in Russia, there is no special feed mixture for quails.

But experienced quail breeders noted that the bird prefers food containing:

  • Barley - 1 part;
  • Ground shell - 1 part;
  • Wheat - 6 parts;
  • Corn - 5 parts;
  • Sunflower cake and / or fish meal - 7 parts.

Quails are bred in cages of about 40-50 birds. Beginning entrepreneurs often build cages on their own, but the material - a metal mesh - must be purchased independently. You can also buy ready-made cages.

Ready-made business plan for breeding quails at home

Quails reach maturity at the age of 2 months. Egg-laying birds give 300 eggs per year and 100-120 grams of meat. Meat breeds - 200 eggs per year and 200-250 grams of meat. But in a year, the bird must be slaughtered, since egg production is noticeably reduced.

It turns out that in a year of life the bird will lay 10 months, and this is 160-240 eggs from one quail. This figure reaches about 100,000 units per year.

The most difficult thing in this business is to find places to sell products. If the farm is still small (500 birds), then your relatives and friends should certainly become the first buyers of eggs and meat. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on the usefulness of eggs and meat, their dietary and nutritional qualities. This will not be superfluous, since the high value of these products has been proven by Japanese scientists.

The main competitors of quail eggs and meat are chicken eggs and their meat. Inform customers about the value of quail eggs and meat. Then sooner or later they will make a choice in favor of quail.

Your first customers will definitely tell their friends about buying your products, and those will tell other people. And so your customer base will expand, almost like a nuclear reaction.

For the sale of eggs and meat in stores, it is necessary to collect a certain list of documents confirming that the products meet all standards. Collecting documents is a very troublesome business.

Therefore, you should establish contact with local poultry farms: they do not stand on ceremony with documentation, and they are very willing to buy quail eggs. At the same time, the price of products will be lower, since the farm will need to re-sell it on the market under its own recognizable brand for its own benefit. But this way of selling eggs and meat is very attractive.

Quail carcasses and eggs can be sold in restaurants. But in cooperation with any commercial organization, it is necessary to establish regular deliveries of products, otherwise you risk losing a place to sell the goods.

What is needed for breeding quails

So to start entrepreneurial activity you will need 500 quails, 10 cages and food.

You can create a suitable microclimate at the cost of electrical energy for lighting and space heating. The conditions for keeping the bird are described above.

It remains only to collect the eggs in a timely manner, remove the litter and slaughter the bird.

In a year, 1 bird eats 10 kilograms of feed. 5 tons of feed per year for 500 laying hens will be required.

Since it is unprofitable to grow offspring with the help of quail hens, it is necessary to purchase an incubator. With the help of an incubator, you can reproduce offspring all year round. Then there will be no problems with the shortage of poultry, and you will bypass some crises in business development.

What is how much

  • 500 quails at 100 rubles apiece - 50,000 rubles. This figure is highly arbitrary. On the market you can find a bird for 50-150 rubles, depending on the breed of bird. Therefore, the cost of buying quails can vary from 25,000 to 75,000 rubles;
  • Cages for 40-60 places - 10 pieces for 1000 rubles - 10,000 rubles;
  • Feed at the rate of 150 rubles per year for 1 bird - 75,000 rubles;
  • Electricity costs - 13,000 will be enough;
  • Small-sized incubator - 5,000 rubles.

As a result, 153,000 rubles will be spent in the first year. If you make cages yourself and choose cheaper breeds of poultry, then the costs can be reduced to 130-135 thousand rubles.

All subsequent years you will spend only on feed and providing birds with light and heat - no more than 90,000.

Now let's calculate the income:

  • Since egg production decreases in a year, and the bird is slaughtered, we will consider the number of eggs received in 10 months. On average, this figure reaches 200 eggs. One egg costs 1.5 rubles. In total, from one bird per year - 300 rubles due to eggs. From 500 layers - 150,000 rubles;
  • A kilogram of quail meat costs 300-400 rubles. One carcass - 100 grams. 500 carcasses - 50,000, or 50 kilograms, which is equivalent to 17,500 rubles per year;
  • Litter can also be sold. This is very valuable fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. For 1 bag of litter you can get about 1000 rubles. In a year, you will be able to collect 2-3 bags, which will average 2.5 thousand rubles.

Total income for 1 year: 170,000.

Thus, the business of breeding quails at home pays off in one year with interest, and the subsequent maintenance of birds will generate an income of about 80,000 rubles a year, which is about 7,000 rubles a month.

The income is small. But don't forget that we are talking about a quail farm on your balcony. As your customer base expands, your bird population will increase by 3-4 times, or even more. Income increases accordingly.

Then the net profit will be 21-28 thousand rubles, which is the average salary. And this is when caring for quails is extremely simple - just one or two helpers are enough, who will always be found in the family.

Summing up

Having calculated the expenses and income of the quail breeding business, you can make an unambiguous choice in its favor.

Successful business development requires:

  1. Provide optimal climatic conditions for the bird;
  2. Build cages;
  3. Buy quail;
  4. Provide adequate nutrition to the bird;
  5. Timely remove litter and collect eggs, monitor the egg production of each bird, slaughter it for meat;
  6. Buy an incubator for growing offspring;
  7. Find a place to sell products;
  8. Expand your business as you expand your sales outlets. But for regular delivery to large shopping centers without intermediaries, a population of 5,000 layers and more is needed.

Only 8 steps separate you from a secure and easy life. If you manage to find your niche in the quail breeding business now, then in the future you will be able to establish yourself with better side, and new competitive entrepreneurs will not be able to squeeze you in the market.

Video on how to build a quail breeding business

In the context of the economic crisis and the high cost of "entry" into existing business niches, one of the promising directions to organize your own business is a quail business. This type of activity has undeniable merits, allowing for several months to achieve a stable profit:

The disadvantages of quail breeding as a business include:

    relative novelty of products for the Russian market;

    the need for regular care and feeding;

    increased labor costs when harvesting meat for relatively larger poultry.

The production of quail eggs in the Russian Federation does not exceed 400,000 pieces per day, while in Japan with a comparable population, the daily sale of quail eggs rarely falls below 7,000,000. For most regions, quail remains an exotic curiosity and preference is given to traditional chicken.

The Russian consumer is just beginning to get used to the presence of quail eggs and meat on store shelves and in the menu of enterprises. Catering. This opens up impressive prospects for quail farming as a business, as neighboring countries show a steady increase in interest from buyers.

Material and production base of poultry breeding

You should not immediately equip a large poultry farm to make sure that the quail business is profitable. It is enough for a beginner poultry breeder to acquire a herd of up to 500 birds. Quails reach egg-laying age very quickly, 5 to 8 weeks from birth. A herd of 500-600 heads is easily serviced by one person with daily employment of no more than 3-4 hours.

Own business - what you need to breed quail

A small area is required to start a quail business, as the birds are as compact as possible. On one meter, when placing cages in several levels, up to 300 heads can be contained. For keeping, it is recommended to use a separate room with an area of ​​​​about 20 m², in which it will be convenient to care for the livestock, store and produce feed mixtures.

The set of initial equipment will consist of cage batteries, containers for storing feed and eggs, equipment for cutting carcasses. A business plan for breeding quails should include an incubator for breeding chicks and a special container for young animals (brooder).

Business plan: what is how much

The cost of individual equipment and breeding birds may vary depending on the specific region and seasonality. The size of the initial investment depends on whether cages and special containers are purchased in ready-made or make your own. An additional expense item may be the registration of a legal entity and the rental of premises in the absence of their own premises.

Based on the size of the herd of 500 heads, corresponding to the business plan for breeding quails at home, the material costs at the initial stage of organizing a quail business will be:

    cell battery - 8-12 thousand rubles. (at the same time, the cost of the material is 2-3 thousand rubles);

    purchase of quail livestock - 20 thousand rubles. (the cost of quails for breeding is 40 rubles per chick);

    food (for the first time) - about 3 thousand rubles;

    small-sized incubator - from 7 to 12 thousand rubles;

    brooder for young animals - from 3,500 rubles.

If you have the necessary skills and free time, cages for adults and a brooder can be made independently, which will significantly reduce the initial costs.

A quail breeding business plan should take into account the cost of lighting and maintaining the right temperature regime depending on the time of year and electricity tariffs. For more efficient plucking of slaughtered birds, it is recommended to purchase a special centrifuge, since manual processing of small carcasses can be extremely inconvenient.

Income and basic expenses in the manufacture of products

One laying hen, starting from 2 months of age, brings 250-300 eggs per year. After reaching the age of 8-12 months, the productivity of quails decreases and it is recommended to start them up for meat. When slaughtered, one quail carcass gives 200-350 g, depending on the breed.

The profitability of a business is determined by the cost of products and the speed of sales. It is realistic to sell quail eggs at a price of 1.5-2 rubles. per piece, meat - 60-90 rubles. for the carcass. The slaughter of birds can be started from 8-10 weeks, when their growth ends. Meat breeds reach optimal eviscerated weight at 6 weeks.

It is advisable to evaluate the profitability from the 5th month from the date of purchase of the first livestock. By this time, laying hens reach stable productivity, and extra males can be sold for meat. When using an incubator, the poultry population can be increased several times, therefore, for the convenience of calculations, a business plan is used for quail with a herd of 1000 laying hens and 200-250 males.

A thousand quails lay about 300,000 eggs a year. In addition, you can additionally get at least 4,000 meat carcasses for meat with full reproduction of the productive population. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the approximate revenue from the industrial breeding of quails with the timely sale of poultry farm products:

    egg - 450-600 thousand rubles;

    meat - 240-360 thousand rubles;

    total: 690-960 thousand rubles a year.

Separate income items can be:

    sale of breeding birds over 1 month old;

    sale of bird droppings as a highly effective nitrogen-containing fertilizer;

    independent production cages, drinkers and feeders with their subsequent sale.

From the amount of revenue, it is required to deduct various payments as taxes and fees, subject to the registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur(if we regard quail breeding as a business focused on the wholesale sale of products).

The main obligatory expenses that affect the profitability of the quail business will be to pay for:

    poultry feed - 144 thousand rubles;

    heating and light - about 25 thousand rubles.

Care for a herd of layers of 1000 heads can be carried out by 2 people with part-time employment. With such a volume of production, it is advisable to use the family business model, when profit and salary, in fact, represent the same thing. The involvement of third-party labor is included in the quail breeding business plan when it becomes justified: with an increase in livestock to 5,000 layers or more, there are reliable distribution channels for products.

Quail breeding - livestock reproduction technology

Quails are unpretentious, capable of the most compact content. It may seem that poultry breeding on an industrial scale is possible even on the balcony of an apartment using boxes, cardboard boxes. This approach is justified only when growing quail as home business mostly for personal use. Too small a mini-farm area will be physically inconvenient to care for several hundred heads, and excludes the possibility of expanding the quail business at home.

Growing and feeding

Stable productivity of quail livestock requires certain conditions of detention and regular monitoring of the state of the bird. Any farm requires constant human control without days off and holidays. The quail poultry farm as a business requires care, which consists of the following:

    maintaining the optimal level of lighting, humidity and air temperature;

    creation of conditions for maintenance and reproduction;

    provision of adequate nutrition and availability clean water;

    inspection of livestock, culling of birds with suspected disease or aggressive behavior;

    timely cleaning of cells;

    collection of eggs and slaughter of birds.

With a herd size of 500-600 individuals, the quail business requires 2-4 hours a day to care for, which one person can do very well. For a herd of 1-2 thousand birds, the efforts of two people will be required, for 5 thousand - three or more.


A suitable room is where to start a quail business. Quails are kept under moderate illumination of 20-30 lux, which is fully provided by incandescent lamps with a power of 40 watts. With more intense lighting, the birds behave aggressively, and begin to peck at each other. Light day should last 16-18 hours. Humidity in the room should be at least 65%; in dry air, quails begin to peck out their feathers.

The temperature regime is maintained in the range from 18 to 24 ° C, Special attention should be given to the exclusion of drafts. More resistant to diseases than other poultry, quails are extremely sensitive to air currents with high temperature differences.

cages for keeping

On one square meter 50-100 individuals can be placed in the cage space; multi-tiered batteries are usually used. The number of floors depends on the ease of care. As a material for the cage, a profile, galvanized mesh and metal sheets are used. Wood materials are inconvenient to clean and they quickly become unusable, contributing to the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

The height of the cages should not exceed 30 cm so that the bird does not jump, injuring its neck and head. The floor of the cage is made with a slope so that the laid eggs roll into a special chute. Devices for food and water are placed outside.


Finding ready-made feed intended only for quails is quite difficult. Usually the feed manufacturer specifies this species birds in the implementation of universal mixtures. To create the optimal ratio nutrients and useful trace elements, you can make food for quail. The business plan will only benefit from this.

The production of feed requires crushed grain of wheat, barley and corn, so it is advisable to purchase a special crusher. It is better to buy grain in advance at farmers' markets at the time of harvest.

In addition to grain, feed mixtures should contain a source of calcium: bone or fish meal, crushed shells, shells. Fine gravel and sand are thrown into the feeders, which are necessary for the digestion of the bird. The taste of products and the profitability of breeding quail laying hens for eggs as a business depend on the feed. The composition of the feed can be changed depending on the age category.

For birds 1 to 4 weeks old (as a percentage of the total weight of the mixture):

  • wheat - 9.6;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40;
  • bone meal - 3;
  • fishmeal - 5;
  • soybean meal - 30;
  • dry reverse - 3;
  • salt - 0.4;
  • herbal flour - 1.

For 5-6 weeks of age:

  • wheat - 25;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40.5;
  • bone meal - 3;
  • fishmeal - 5;
  • sunflower meal - 9;
  • dry reverse - 3;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • salt - 0.5;
  • herbal flour - 1
  • wheat bran - 5.

For birds from 7 weeks old, including carriers:

  • wheat - 15;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40;
  • sunflower meal - 10;
  • soybean meal - 10;
  • wheat bran – 5;
  • fishmeal - 5;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • bone meal - 4;
  • herbal flour - 2.4;
  • salt - 0.6.

In order to enrich the feed with biologically active substances, special premixes (P1-1, P5-1, P6-1) can be added at a ratio of 1:100.

Rearing of young animals

With a compact content in females, the instinct to incubate eggs atrophies, therefore, an incubator must be used to hatch new chicks. For fertilization, males are planted in the cages at the rate of 2-5 pieces per 10 females. The age of the birds most suitable for breeding is 2-7 months.

Before being placed in the incubator, eggs with visible damage, non-standard shapes, sizes and colors are rejected. It is recommended to check the contents of the eggs with an ovoscope in order to select specimens with a double yolk, cloudy contents and other defects.

The incubator must maintain a certain temperature and humidity level:

    12 days - 37.7 ° C and 55-60%;

    from 12 to 15 days inclusive - 37.2 ° C and 55%;

    from the 16th day - 37°С and 70%.

On the first day, the brood should be carefully protected from drafts. The temperature in a special container (cage-brooder) should be maintained within 35-37°C during the first week. Then the temperature gradually decreases to 30-32°C during the second week and to 24-26°C during the third. After the young can be planted in cages with adults.

Breeding quails for meat or eggs which business to choose?

There are breeds specifically designed for both breeding for meat and for increased egg production. Paradoxically, it is not always advisable to breed only meat breeds.

This applies to the sale of carcasses to catering establishments. A standard portion with poultry meat rarely exceeds 200 g, while the weight of a quail meat carcass is 300 g. It is unprofitable for a restaurant or cafe to butcher a carcass, so they are more willing to buy meat from smaller egg-bearing breeds.

Breeding meat breeds is economically profitable with established sales to retail chains or poultry farms that want to expand the range of products without changing production technology. In these cases, the profit from the sale of quail meat will be much lower, because the buyer has to take into account his profit margins from subsequent resale.

The most rational is the breeding of not very small egg-bearing breeds and making efforts to sell both eggs and quail meat. The business, in any case, is that laying hens give eggs, and the bird has to be slaughtered at the age of up to 1 year, and the resulting eggs and meat need to be put somewhere.

Sales of finished products

Any production is constantly faced with the problem of selling products. There is no doubt about the ability of quails to consistently produce eggs and meat, but it may take quite a long time to find a market in modern Russian realities.

Farm managers who have already achieved significant results in quail breeding are advised to start with word of mouth.

At the initial stages of implementing a business plan, you should try to offer quail eggs and meat to your friends and relatives. From them, information can go further, subject to the appointment of a favorable price for buyers. This distribution channel can not be considered truly reliable, but will help to make a profit while working with other potential buyers, such as wholesale and retail chains and restaurants.

You should not seriously rely on small stores that do not have a developed network. Low purchasing power and insufficient traffic of buyers will not allow reaching any significant volumes. In this case, you will need to spend your own funds on shipping and packaging products.

When promoting products to retail chains and catering enterprises, obvious advantages should be brought to the potential buyer. 100 g of quail eggs, with comparable amounts of useful trace elements, proteins and fats, contains half as many carbohydrates and several times less cholesterol. This makes quail breeding products more useful and suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, the valuable properties of quail eggs allow you to remove radionuclides from the human body.

Sale of quail meat and eggs to poultry farms

Establishing links with major suppliers of farm products in the region can be considered reliable enough. In this case, you will have to give up part of the profit, but the farm will be relieved of the need to obtain most of the permits. In addition, wholesalers free you from having to worry about distribution channels.

Large poultry producers, as a rule, are interested in expanding their own range for their counterparties, but often do not have the opportunity to create an additional production chain. When working with wholesalers who take on work with the end consumer, it is necessary to constantly maintain stable supplies in the required volumes.

Quail breeding business- a great opportunity to start your own business without having big investments. You can open such an enterprise right on your suburban area and, if successful, expand.

The demand among Russians for quail is increasing every year. This is largely due to their taste, the usefulness of eggs and poultry meat. The easiest way to work in this business will be entrepreneurs who have previously dealt with breeding pets. But it is equally important to properly establish distribution channels, and if there is no demand, meat and eggs will simply deteriorate and become unsuitable for sale. With all these nuances, we will understand in the article.

Quail breeding as a business is becoming more and more popular due to the presence of a large number of advantages of such an entrepreneurship. These include:

  • small amount of initial capital;
  • quick payback (due to the fact that quails grow quickly, multiply, are distinguished by high egg production);
  • ease of care for individuals;
  • resistance of quails to diseases (quails survive perfectly even during bird flu epidemics);
  • there is sufficient demand for the product;
  • no need to acquire large lands (even a small room can accommodate several hundred quails, since crowding is not an obstacle to their growth, living and reproduction).

But, like any other business, the entrepreneur has to face risks. In the case of growing quails, they are associated with the following features:

  • temperature fluctuations adversely affect the condition of individuals;
  • there are difficulties with establishing sales channels (especially for start-up entrepreneurs).

But evaluating this form of business, the question is whether or not it is profitable to breed quails, it can be answered unequivocally that with a responsible approach to work, an entrepreneur will be able to quickly recoup their investments and start making good profits.

Arrangement of a mini-farm

Newly minted entrepreneurs may wonder where to start a quail breeding business? Any work begins with a study of the specifics. When breeding birds, it is important to understand how to properly maintain them, how to feed them. It is necessary to build a place for their maintenance. This is especially important in the case of quail breeding, as these individuals are very susceptible to changing weather conditions.

When equipping a room for birds of this breed, be sure to remember a few important points:

  1. Themselves quail small size, which allows you to start breeding them in a small space. For example, about 100 quails can be placed per 1 m 2 of cage. And if you make several tiers, then 400-500 birds can be placed on the same area.
  2. The poultry house should be located in a quiet area, since any noise is a big stress for quails, which can adversely affect their condition and egg production.
  3. It is important to observe the temperature regime (18-22 0 C) and the humidity level in the region of 65%. To control these indicators, it is worth acquiring special measuring instruments. The temperature level can be raised or lowered using the air conditioner.
  4. For good health, individuals constantly need fresh air, so you will have to establish a ventilation system. One quail needs 0.2 - 0.5 m 3 fresh air daily depending on the time of year (in summer the demand increases).
  5. You will need a gasoline or diesel generator, which in the event of an emergency will not allow the birds to die in their cages.
  6. Birds need light for normal growth. It must be turned on for at least 17 hours daily. It is important not to overdo it with brightness - 35 lux will be enough. If you exceed this rate, then individuals may become more aggressive.

Production of cages, feeders and drinkers

On mini-farms, quails are kept in cages placed in a poultry house. You can make your own cages. Their height should not be more than 30 centimeters. When opening a quail breeding business from scratch, you can not even buy special materials, but use what is in your summer cottage - plywood, gratings. It's important to make it right lower part cells - it should be sloped so that hatched eggs roll into a special chute.

You need to fix the feeders not inside the cage, but outside. It is important that food, waste products do not get into the drinkers. For quail ideal solution of this issue will become nipple drinkers.

Good incubators are required for growing young animals. In this case, it is better to purchase them, and not to make them yourself, in order to increase the survival rate of young individuals.

Features of breeding and rearing chicks

It is best to plant males to females in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4. It is better to use for breeding young birds under the age of 8 months. In order for the offspring to turn out to be good, a careful selection of eggs should be made. It needs to be carried out in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection. Non-standard shape, size, color or presence of cracks - eggs with these characteristics are immediately eliminated.
  2. Use of an ovoscope. This device will allow you to weed out eggs with two yolks, a cloudy yolk or any other defects.

After the chicks are born, the temperature in the room should gradually decrease. And already 3 weeks after birth, they are placed in ordinary cages with the rest of the birds.

Maintenance and feeding of adults

It is important to always have sufficient food supplies. For each adult quail, there are about 30 grams of feed per day, that is, almost 1 kilogram per month. This value must be multiplied by the number of individuals.

You should choose food with a balanced composition. They must contain vitamins and trace elements necessary to increase egg production. It is important to ensure that you have the following supplements in your daily diet:

It is important to ensure that quails eat at the same time. Untimely feeding can stress the birds, resulting in slower growth and reduced fertility.

Sales channels

Any business involves the need to find distribution channels. For small households, this issue is very serious. A quail farm involves the need to sell eggs and meat. Some entrepreneurs are additionally engaged in the sale of young animals or grown-up individuals. But in this case, other novice breeders become buyers.

Since a small businessman does not have much money for advertising, it is better to establish distribution channels on your own. You can start by selling meat and eggs to friends, local residents of the village or village. If such sales volumes are not enough, then it is necessary to look for alternative options.

Eggs are actively purchased by supermarkets and highly specialized stores. But for such trade, it will be necessary not only to officially register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also to have permission to grow quails. Stores will not buy goods without confirmation of high quality and safety. You can't do without trips to the supervisory authorities.

When selling meat, you also need to take into account several nuances, on which the amount of income will directly depend. The owner of a quail farm should be aware that individuals between the ages of 2 and 8 months are ideal for carrying eggs. If the quail is already more than 1 year old, then the number of hatched eggs begins to fall sharply. It is these individuals that need to be sold for meat.

It is better to prepare the carcasses yourself - to clean them of feathers. And for this, you should purchase a specialized machine so as not to work manually. The feather centrifuge processes 10 or more carcasses in just a couple of minutes.

Selling meat to stores will be difficult. Few outlets agree to its implementation. Therefore, it is better to focus on the following distribution channels:

  • restaurants;
  • cafe;
  • barbecue;
  • eateries.

If an entrepreneur plans to sell birds for meat, then it is best to grow Japanese quail, as they enjoy most in demand at food outlets.

Financial indicators

Large investments in the quail breeding business are not required. Starting capital in the amount of several hundred thousand will be more than enough (you can get by with 50,000 rubles). If you correctly approach the opening of your business, then the payback can be equal to 2-3 months. For farms with animals, this is a very short time, which makes quail breeding an even more attractive business format.

The profitability of such a business is very high. Even if we take into account only eggs, then in a year you can make a profit of 350,000 rubles if you have a livestock of 400 individuals. After the first year, only funds for buying food and maintaining the temperature and humidity conditions will be among the costs. The more processes a businessman can automate, the easier it will be for him to work on his farm. In the case of quail breeding, there will also be an effect of the scale of production. Therefore, even a novice businessman should think about increasing the number of individuals to increase income and profitability.