Highly productive egg breed of dominant chickens. What attracts Czech Dominant chickens: description of the productive breed

The breed of dominant chickens was bred by Czech specialists who were engaged in breeding work in the town of Dobrzhenitsa. The breed is new, but has managed to prove itself well in various countries in hot and cold climates. As a result of selection work, several crosses appeared. They vary in color and productivity.

The peculiarity of birds of the dominant breed is that they require less food than individuals of other groups. Chickens are different good health, unpretentiousness to maintenance and feeding. Depending on the progenitors, crosses have egg or egg-meat productivity. Attracts the plumage of birds. Farmers breed them to decorate their plots. What are the varieties of dominant breed individuals? How to raise poultry?

General characteristics of the breed

The dominant breed has many crosses. Each of them has individual characteristics, but all individuals have some General characteristics. All crosses have thick plumage, with dense body down. Due to this, the birds look voluminous. Chickens are short. They have short but muscular limbs. The metatarsus is light yellow. The average weight of a female is 3 kg. The weight of the rooster is 3.5 kg. This indicates good meat productivity. Chicks grow quickly. At 4 months, individuals are taken to slaughter. At this time, you can get a 2 kg carcass from them.

The egg productivity of hens of the Czech dominant breed is unique. A laying hen produces 270 eggs per year. Farmers note one peculiarity in laying hens. Nests are specially equipped for them, but chickens tend to lay eggs in hidden, dark corners.

It is difficult to determine the beginning of laying in females of the dominant breed. If there are no eggs in the nests, then you need to look at all the places in the chicken coop where the individual could lay eggs. Egg weight 63 g. Shell light Brown. Laying hens do not sit in the nest. An incubator is purchased to raise chickens.

Individuals of dominant species are well suited for mass breeding and for small backyards. For personal farming, they purchase various crosses so that they look beautiful in the yard. In summer, birds are kept in spacious enclosures. They don't like close quarters. In winter they are moved to a chicken coop. Which crosses are most preferable for breeding?

D 109 – dominant black

The progenitors were Rhode Island males and Plymouth Rock females. Rhode Island birds have dark brown plumage on their bodies. Roosters have long black braids on their tails. Chickens have a straight, short tail with dark feathers. The productivity of individuals is meat-egg. Bird weight 3.5 kg. Egg production – 170 pcs. in year. Plymouth rocks have striped, black and white plumage. The average weight of individuals is 3 kg. They lay up to 200 eggs per year. Good immunity is noted in Rhode Island and Plymouth Rock birds.

  • Chickens of the Czech breed of dominant black color have absorbed best qualities both breeds. Initial egg production 298 pcs. From the 2nd year, productivity increases to 306 pieces. The average egg weight is 63 g.
  • The weight of the chicken is 2.2 kg, the rooster is 3 kg.
  • Feed consumption 122 g per head.
  • Birds of this group are demanding when it comes to feed. A certain diet is prescribed for them. It necessarily includes, in addition to grain, vegetables, cake, mineral and vitamin supplements.
  • Chickens cannot tolerate cold. Birds are recommended for breeding in the southern regions. They feel normal in both low and high humidity conditions.
  • The bird has gained the greatest popularity in Africa, Latin America, Switzerland, and the Asian part of Russia.

D 102 – dominant brown

To create the cross, the Rhode Island breed, groups of brown and white chickens, were used. The plumage of the birds is rich and brown. The cross is recommended for factory breeding in regions with mild winters. Chickens tolerate heat well. Bird D 109 is distinguished by its greater egg production.

  • In the first year, the hen lays 301 eggs. From the 2nd year, productivity increases to 310 g.
  • The first laying is carried out at 4 months.
  • Egg weight – 64 g. The shell is brown.
  • The weight of the female is 2.7 kg, the rooster is 3 kg.
  • Feed consumption per head 122 g.
  • Chick survival rate is 98%.
  • Newborn chicks are differentiated by gender. The color of the cockerels is light brown. Chickens have a dark stripe on their back. The color of the young is brown.

Characteristics D 107 – dominant blue

To obtain this cross, experts used Andalusian chickens. They are similar in color to the dominant, but their egg production is different. Individuals of the Andalusian breed produce no more than 170 eggs per year.

Individuals of the D 107 cross are distinguished by a calm disposition, but they love space. They do not accept other birds in the aviary unless they have grown up with them. When placing chickens of other breeds, dominants show aggressiveness. They begin to defend the right to their territory. The D 107 breed is optimal for breeding by beginners.

D 159 – dominant red-striped

The ancestors were individuals of the Rhode Island breed. Brown and red-striped birds were used. Cross D 159 surpassed its parents in productivity and endurance.

  • The egg production of laying hens D 159 is unique – 300 pcs. in 78 weeks, 309 eggs in a year. Egg weight can reach 65 g.
  • The weight of the chicken is 2.7 kg, the rooster is 3.2 kg.
  • Birds tolerate low temperatures well. Cross D 159 is recommended for breeding in the northern regions.
  • Individuals do not reduce their productivity at a temperature of 0 C.
  • To breed livestock, eggs are purchased from producers. Survival rate of young animals is 95%.

D 959 – dominant speckled

The cross was the result of crossing Rhode Island Brown females and Plymouth Rock males. The individual is distinguished by brown plumage with light spots. The egg production of version D 959 exceeds the productivity of its ancestors. Their immunity is better. Birds can tolerate both heat and cold well.

  • Over the course of a year, individuals of species D 959 lay more than 310 eggs. The egg weight is 63-65 g. They lay their first clutch at 4 months. Productivity depends on high level 4 years. After this period, the livestock is changed.
  • They buy eggs – the birth rate is 99%. Instead of eggs, you can buy young animals - the survival rate is 95%.
  • Chickens die due to infections. It is recommended to keep the animals clean; feeders and drinkers should be washed 30 minutes after feeding.
  • The weight of the chicken is small - 2.5 kg. The weight of the rooster is more than 3 kg.

Description D 104 – dominant Sussex

The basis was taken from the Sussex breed, an early maturing line of birds and a late maturing one. The color of birds D 104 is white and black. The feather that covers the body is snow-white. The plumage on the mane is striped, white and black. In individuals, the collar zone is well defined.

  • The productivity of laying hens is 300 eggs in 78 weeks. Egg weight 62 kg.
  • The weight of the laying hen is 2.6 kg, the weight of the rooster is 3.5 kg.
  • Chickens differ in gender. Hens have richer plumage than cockerels. Subsequently, this trend in color changes. The color of roosters is more expressive.
  • Newborn hens are immediately separated from the cockerels. Females are bred for eggs, and males are fed for meat: their diet is different big amount protein food.
  • Birds can tolerate frost well, but with prolonged walks in the snow, they can get frostbite on their paws.
  • D 104 is recommended for mass and private breeding. The color is decorative, so the birds are most often found on private backyards.

D 853 – dominant red

Breeders improved the Rhode Island breed for egg and meat production. To obtain a cross, a line with red and brown plumage was used. Color D 853 brown. On the mane the shade is more saturated, closer to red.

  • You can get 310 eggs from a laying hen per year. This takes into account the molting period, when productivity decreases by 20%.
  • The first clutch of an individual is made 23 weeks after birth.
  • Meat productivity on average 3 kg. A carcass weighing 2.5 kg is obtained from a cockerel.
  • Cross safely endures harsh winters. It is recommended to maintain the temperature in the chicken coop above zero.
  • If the room is clean, the air is fresh, and the feeding regime is normal, the chickens will not get sick. They have a high resistance to colds.
  • Experts recommend not to refuse routine vaccinations.

D 853 – dominant red

How to care for dominant crosses?

All individuals of the dominant breed do not tolerate overcrowding. They need a spacious room, a large walking area. It is recommended to place no more than 4 heads per 1 m2. There are no perches in the chicken coop. They resort to floor maintenance. If birds are kept in a chicken coop with daytime walking all year round, bedding is provided in the room. In summer it consists of sawdust. In winter, a thick layer of hay or straw is laid on the floor.

The room is made bright with windows and additional lamps. The recommended daylight hours are 16 hours. Otherwise, egg production in laying hens will decrease. In the dark, chickens sleep and their metabolism slows down.

For walking in the summer, areas with good vegetation are equipped. Enclose the area with a low fence, preferably a removable one. When the plant resource is exhausted, the livestock is transferred to another meadow. In winter, birds are walked if the temperature outside is not lower than -15 C. Exercise lasts no more than 2 hours. After the walk, the livestock must be placed in a warm chicken coop. There is no green grass in winter, but chickens are able to shovel snow, if it is shallow, in search of greenery.

The livestock is fed 3 times a day. The food is high-calorie, rich in protein. In the morning they give a mash of grain, vegetables, and herbs. Meat broth is used as liquid. Chalk must be added to the food. If there is no chalk, then eggshells and ground shells can replace it. The following diet is offered for chickens.

Today, breeders, both in private farmsteads and in poultry farms, willingly breed dominant chickens. Chicken breed the dominant has high productive qualities, as well as particularly strong immunity and unpretentiousness to living conditions.

The bird has gained popularity not only in European countries, but also in America. The birds were obtained through the efforts of breeders and combined the most best characteristics, which was the main task of the creators of laying hens of dominants.

A bonus for the breeder to the high productivity of chickens is their attractive appearance.

Origin of the dominant breed

Chickens are a young breed bred in the Czech Republic based on standard village laying hens, which were crossed with representatives of the following breeds:

  • Plymouth Rock;
  • Cornish;
  • Sussex;
  • Cross Rhode Island.

Dominant chickens have an external resemblance to representatives of all these breeds. Depending on the color of the plumage, birds are divided into several varieties.

In Russia, dominant chickens appeared only at the end of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity. In many countries, this particular breed of bird is included in the ecological nutrition program intended for children from an early age.

The Czech dominant is common both in private farmsteads and in poultry farms. High productivity coupled with undemanding conditions of keeping made the breed the best option for breeders.

A bonus is the bird’s very attractive plumage, thanks to which it can become a real decoration of the yard.

Appearance and varieties of hybrids

Chickens of the dominant breed with different plumage have the same physique, by which it is not difficult to identify them.

The bird is strong and stocky. The legs of chickens are short, strong and strong. Head neat small size. The comb is leaf-shaped, quite large, bright scarlet. A rooster's earrings are larger than those of a hen.

A dominant breed of chickens with magnificent plumage of increased density. Thanks to this, the bird feels good even in cold climates. All types of breed have high vitality.

Black (D109)

Dominant black D109 is the most common variety. Birds with such plumage are found in all countries where dominants are bred. The color of the eggshell is brown, quite dark. After hatching, the sex of the chicks can be determined immediately as soon as they dry out. The head of the hens is very dark, and the cockerel has a white spot.

Sussex (D104)

The Czech dominant Sussex D104 is most common in Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic. The main color of the feather is white. The tail is black with a green tint. The feathers on the neck have black tips. The shell color is brown (not dark). Also sometimes the bird is called dominant sussex.

Speckled (D959)

The speckled dominant D959 has a gray-white or golden-brown feather. The appearance of the bird is very attractive, and it is recognized as the most beautiful of the breed.

The color of the eggs is white or light cream. Owners value the breed for its ability to easily adapt to both cold and hot climates. Birds do not lose their high egg production even in very cold winters. The striped color of the dominant hen makes it look like the fairy-tale hen Ryaba, which is why it is especially loved by breeders with small children.

Brown (D102)

Chickens of the dominant breed D102, which have a brown color, are very common in Russia. Their eggs are distinguished by a particularly strong shell with a rich brown color.

The egg production of the species is the highest among all dominants and reaches 330 eggs per year.

Amber or red striped (D159)

The red striped dominant D159 is similar in appearance to the brown bird, but has clearly visible stripes. The egg shell color is brown.

Blue (D107)

Plymouth rock and blue dominant (left)

The blue dominant D107 is very similar in appearance to the rare Andalusian chicken. The main color of the feather is soft smoky with a bluish tint. The neck is mouse-gray. Poultry breeding is practiced both in private farmsteads and in large poultry farms. The dominant blue lays eggs of a soft cream color. This gray hen is valued by many breeders.


Keeping dominants at home is not difficult, since they do not exhibit aggressive behavior. The bird is calm and not fussy, but very noisy. If dominants are present in the yard, their clucking will be heard all the time, and if there are roosters, ringing, especially loud singing will be heard, which lasts up to 1 hour and is repeated several times a day.

The rooster is not aggressive and easily gets along with other males of both its own species and other breeds. In the same time roosters maintain good order in the flock, promptly preventing all clashes between females, and making sure that each of them receives a sufficient amount of food.

The dominant breed is somewhat susceptible to stress.

It experiences a change of owner or place of residence quite calmly. This will not affect the number of eggs, but various viral colds can provoke changes. For this reason, for several days after stressful situation The condition of the bird requires high-quality control.


The description of the dominant chicken breed includes information about their high productivity. Average a chicken produces about 310 eggs per year. The weight of one reaches 70 g, which classifies the egg as a selected egg. The weight of a rooster is about 3.5–4 kg. Maximum chicken weight 3 kg.

The survival rate of young animals is high and is about 97%. This indicator is achieved due to excellent immunity.

The bird reaches sexual maturity quite early. Chickens lay eggs starting at 5–6 months depending on the variety. Some individuals, which will differ in significant weight, begin to lay eggs late (meat type) at 9 months. This is rare. Chickens can grow up to one and a half years.

The productivity of laying hens does not decrease until 3 years of age.

Content Features

The Dominant is an unpretentious breed of chickens that does not require special conditions. Birds can feel good even in extreme conditions, when chickens of other breeds quickly weaken, get sick and die. Thanks to this feature, representatives of the dominant chicken breed are bred even in the northern regions of Russia, where it is extremely difficult for other chickens to survive without a heated house.

Walking for laying hens is necessary, since without regular stay on fresh air their productivity begins to decline.

The presence of pasture in the diet is also beneficial for the health of laying hens. When birds can freely pluck grass and collect insects and worms, their metabolism improves significantly and productive qualities reach their maximum.


Caring for the bird is simple, and keeping it is not difficult. The litter in the chicken coop should be completely changed after winter and a month before the onset of cold weather.

During the spring change, it is necessary to cover the walls and floors of the poultry house with lime. You can also carry out a more complete antiseptic treatment of the barn by using, in the absence of pets, a checker designed for this purpose, which can be bought at a specialized store.


Complements the description of the breed and its unpretentiousness to feed. The breeder decides what feed to give to his laying hens. Chickens are omnivores, and their diet may consist of feed or grain, which are supplemented with plant foods.

In addition, they You can take away table scraps, but only if they are not damaged. It is good to supplement your diet in winter with vitamin premixes.

If you plan to breed chickens, then 2 weeks before collecting incubation material they should be switched to the most varied diet, which will contain the following components:

  • corn;
  • plant food;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • chopped raw carrots;
  • bran;
  • dairy products;
  • meat waste;
  • fish waste.

Birds should be fed in this way until the collection of material that will be used for breeding is completed.

Fresh and clean water should be available to chickens at all times. Feeding is carried out in the morning and evening, and in severe frost- and during the day.

In cold weather, chickens should eat as much calories as possible so as not to freeze. Also, in the cold season, an increase in the portion is required in order for them to spawn efficiently.


The characteristics of females as brood hens are practically zero, since due to their high productivity their maternal instinct is almost completely absent. The eggs are either placed under a hen of a different breed, or artificially heated in an incubator.

Chickens of the dominant breed hatch together and in most cases without help from the hen or breeder.

Raising chickens

From the second day, the chicks are given greens and cottage cheese, which are mixed with the egg. Young animals need warming for up to 3 weeks.

At the age of 1 month, dominant chickens are transferred to adult food. The growing process is not difficult due to the high vitality of the dominants. In order to learn how to determine the sex of chicks, it is good to watch the video.

Advantages and disadvantages

Guided by the description, as well as having studied the reviews of breeders, you can understand that the strengths of chickens are:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • high productivity;
  • early onset of oviposition;
  • resilience;
  • indiscriminate eating.

The bird has no disadvantages. In rare cases, when there is a lack of vitamins, some individuals can make a living by eating eggs.


You can buy chickens at a price approximately equal to that charged for other egg-laying hybrids.

Photo gallery


Poultry breeding is not difficult, and many chicken breeders, after looking at photos of the dominant breed, give preference to these particular laying hens.

Poultry farming is the most widespread and easy way maintaining natural household. You can breed meat, egg-laying breeds or bird crosses. Dominant chickens are considered one of the most productive crosses - specially bred egg-laying hybrids. Find out what characteristics are used to choose the most productive chickens, how to properly keep birds, and whether you can independently reproduce a productive flock at home.


One of the youngest breeds was bred in the Czech Republic. Several generations of breeders struggled to solve the problem - to grow a healthy, productive, unpretentious hybrid with decorative plumage. The following bird breeds participated in the creation of crosses:

  • Rhode Island crosses;
  • leghorn;
  • Plymouth Rock;
  • Sussex;
  • Cornish

You can notice the similarity of these famous progenitors with Dominant chickens.

The world-famous Czech company Dominant.CZ exports its brainchild to dozens of countries around the world. In some regions, crosses participate in government ecological nutrition programs. In our area, colorful laying hens appeared at the end of the last century.


Birds of various colors have a dense, squat build. Legs are strong and low. Hens and cockerels have a comb on their small heads; they differ in the length of their scarlet “earrings.”

Dominants have luxurious thick plumage of various colors, including the rare blue color. The most common hybrids in Russia:

Productivity characteristics

Czech breeders have achieved outstanding results: they have bred crosses of chickens with high productivity, vitality, strong immunity, and attractive decorative properties. In your personal backyard you can meet beautiful birds from faded brown to deep red plumage, shades of white, blue, black, amber. The variety of colors of laying hens decorates the life of farmers. The joy of caring for poultry comes from the high productivity of laying hens: from 300 to 320 eggs with an average weight of 60 to 70 g each. The indicator corresponds to the second product category of the product.

Not the largest eggs, but they can have two or three yolks. Unfortunately, multiple births are one of the reasons that domestic eggs are not suitable for raising chickens in a private backyard. Hatching eggs and young animals are imported into our country. Those involved in the transportation of Dominant crosses note that chickens can be on the road from a day to three without harm to their health. The main condition is to transport it using specially equipped transport. Due to outstanding genetic qualities, young animals are stress-resistant to environmental changes. There are examples when young chickens were transported in an unequipped van to northern regions countries. The safety of the young animals is 100%, although they were on the road for more than a day at negative temperatures, without food and water.

Dominant chickens begin laying eggs from the age of five months. Laying hens reach their highest productivity by 1.5 years. After this, you can put them under the knife: the meat of hybrids, according to the description, has a delicate consistency. By this age, crosses weigh from 1.5 to 2.6 kg. Cockerels gain weight faster. Even at one day of age, they can be distinguished from laying hens: their plumage is lighter in color than hens. For every ten chickens in a private farmstead they keep one rooster.

Birds are released for meat after being culled based on their appearance: disproportionately developed body (sagging back, sunken chest). Some young laying hens molt several times a year, reducing egg production. It is better to use such hybrids for meat production.

Advantages and disadvantages

Four generations of breeders from the Czech Republic have created universal crosses that tolerate dry and humid, warm and cold climates equally well. Chickens of the Dominant breed are beautiful and have a calm character.

  1. Breeders are interested in the productivity of Dominant chickens (from 300 to 320 medium-sized eggs per year).
  2. The first oviposition was recorded in young animals at 4-5 months. Farmers note that at this time they reach a 50 percent productivity threshold.
  3. Hybrids do not reduce egg production during short daylight hours if the house is well lit. Artificial lighting is required from mid-autumn to mid-spring. During the period of seasonal molting (one to two months in autumn), productivity decreases.
  4. The unpretentious breed can be kept in cages and poultry houses with walking.
  5. High survival rate of offspring - from 94 to 99%.
  6. They do not require high-quality special feed. Crushed grain (wheat, barley, corn), sunflower, boiled vegetables, bone meal, vitamin supplements have a good effect on productivity. One chicken needs about 45 kg of feed per year. The daily norm is within 150 g. This indicator makes keeping laying hens profitable even for a small personal farm.

The Czech population has almost no disadvantages. Poultry workers note that during the cold season, chickens peck at eggs and can attack their relatives. Nutrition adjustments (vitamins, chalk, sand) eliminate this population deficiency.

Chickens love the sun green grass, clean water, tasty food. They can be kept in cages, aviaries, poultry houses. It is advisable that the birds have a walk with grass in the sun. When exposed to warm rays, chickens produce vitamin D, which makes them stronger and more productive. When free-ranging, laying hens receive additional microelements and minerals to their daily diet. In pens and poultry houses there should always be free access to clean water. Chickens tolerate cold better than heat, so arrange the run and chicken coop in a shady place - on the eastern or northern side of the site.

When keeping birds in cages, make sure that their bedding is dry and there are no drafts in the room. Create a good microclimate for laying hens. Special attention pay attention to the diet of hybrids kept in captivity. Give food rich in protein and calcium, vitamin supplements. It is recommended to add greens to the mash: juicy clover, nettles, legumes.

Chickens of the Dominant breed are almost not susceptible to viral diseases. If you purchase young stock from reliable suppliers, know that on the first day of life they receive vaccinations against the most common chicken diseases.

Farmers note that the productivity of laying hens decreases by 10-15% by the third year of life. From this period you can begin to cull them. But it is difficult to replenish the population at home: the Dominant population is not ready to hatch eggs for three weeks. Such abilities are demonstrated only by black hens. In addition, eggs from domestic laying hens can split crosses into initial breeds. As a result, egg production will decrease. Each owner decides for himself: to buy Dominant chickens or breed them himself. You can purchase hatching eggs that guarantee the “purity” of the crosses.

Experts advise new poultry farmers to purchase a population of Czech crosses. They are so unpretentious and calm that they do not cause much difficulty in keeping them. All year round there will be plenty on your table natural products. The surplus will bring profit to the farmstead.

For the first time, dominant chickens were bred in the Czech company of the same name. But today this breed is bred in almost all countries of the world. The breeders had a single goal - to obtain poultry with high productivity, as well as resistance to various diseases and rapid adaptation to any climatic conditions. Several purebred chickens were used in the creation, including Rhode Island, Sussex, Plymoork, Leghorn, and Cornish crosses. Comparing dominant chickens with photos of the listed birds, you can notice certain similarities.

Main Characteristics

Although chickens of the dominant breed have many subspecies, all individuals share common characteristics:

  • big body;
  • small head;
  • red mask and comb;
  • round scarlet earrings;
  • well-fitting wings of standard sizes;
  • yellow paws;
  • lush plumage on the legs.

One of the few breeds that are leaders in egg production and meatiness

In addition, the description of dominants includes the following characteristics:

  • productivity - 295-310 eggs per year;
  • weight of a chicken at the age of 4.5 months - 2.5 kg;
  • survival rate - 95-99%;
  • consumption of feed mixtures per day - 115-125 g;
  • weight of one egg - 70 g;
  • consumption of feed mixtures per head - up to 50 kg.

Based on these characteristics, it is possible to determine whether dominant chickens fit individual selection criteria or not.


A thoughtful combination of genes is primarily responsible for the health of the bird and its resistance to diseases, but at the same time it was possible to obtain excellent egg production. The average during the year is 300-310 eggs, and during molting, egg laying decreases slightly. The eggs are large, weighing about 70 g, often with two yolks, which means they are unsuitable for incubator cultivation. Sometimes large samples are found - 115-118 g, which is a significant excess of the norm for eggs.

The Czech breed has early egg laying - already at 4 months the first “harvest” can be collected.

The bird itself is large in size - an adult rooster reaches 3 kg, a hen - 2.3-2.5 kg. But they are not raised for meat either on private farms or in poultry farms.

Depending on the parental line, the appearance can be very diverse - from a uniform black or red color to motley, striped and amber. The legs are uncharacteristically long, which is why farmers often call them ostriches.

Cross breeds are characterized by autosexing, which means it is possible to determine the sex of two-day-old chicks. The cockerels are lighter and have a light spot on the head, the hens are correspondingly darker and without a spot.

In other varieties (D-104, D-304, D-300), sex is distinguished by plumage - in females, plumage appears for 5-7 days, in males much later, which is why their wings look shorter compared to others.

Varieties of chickens of the Dominant breed

There are many varieties of dominant chickens. They all have almost identical characteristics, but they differ in color. Let's consider each type separately.

Chickens D-102

The body of the animal is covered with lush plumage, the color of which can combine several colors at once, resulting in a brown tone. But males differ from females in their bright white hue. The productivity of dominant hens is 315 eggs per year. The tone of the product shell is white with a distant beige shade, weight - 63 g. An adult at one and a half years old weighs 1.5 kg.

The Czech breed of dominant chickens is distinguished by its rich red plumage color and good egg production - 306 eggs per year at the age of 1.5 years. The weight of a rooster is 1.8 kg, that of a female is 1.5 kg.

Subspecies D-107

Dominant chickens D-107 have an exotic plumage color. The head, neck and back of the cockerels have a pockmarked color with a combination of blue and black tints, the rest of the body is different gray tone. The upper part of the female is dark gray, the rest is ashen. The red comb does not bend to the side, both in the male and in the hen, only in the first case its size is slightly larger. At 18 weeks, the breed’s weight reaches 1.5 kg, while feed consumption for this period is approximately 7 kg.

Chickens Dominant D-192

One of the most popular birds of this breed, since chickens are adapted to being kept in cage conditions. They are capable of producing 310-315 eggs per year, brownish in color and weighing 63 grams. Chickens vary in color, cockerels are light in color, close to white, females are bright brown.

The growing period is 125 days. At this age, animals reach a weight of 1.8 kg with a feed consumption per individual of 6 kg. The bird begins to lay eggs at four months. The intensity of productivity remains at the same level for up to a year and a half, after which the feathered animal is sent for slaughter.

D-853, 159, 459

Three varieties have a red striped color. With the arrival of the 18th week of life, the animal reaches a weight of 1.5 kg, while absorbing 6.7 kg of feed. From this moment the bird begins to lay eggs, egg production continues until 80 weeks. There are 305 brown eggs per year laid by dominant hens D-159, 853, 459. The sex of the animal differs in the length of the plumage located on the wings.

Black Dominant D-149, 109

Black D 109

Reviews from poultry farmers confirm the high productivity of eggs of this breed, the number of which often reaches 300 eggs per year. Hens are brown in color, roosters are pockmarked, with an admixture of white. The weight of one egg is 60 grams. In other characteristics, the birds are completely identical to the previous varieties.

Amber view D-843

The colors of hens and roosters are similar to decorative varieties thanks to brightness and contrast. The plumage contains white, beige and brown colors. The comb and earrings along with the mask have a rich red tint. Laying hens produce up to 310 brown eggs with strong shells per year.

Variety D-229

Pure white birds from Leghorn progenitors. The subspecies appeared on the territory of Russia quite recently, but has already managed to win the attention of many farmers thanks to its decorative color. Besides everything distinctive feature is a soft red comb, tilted to one side. D-229 is considered the record holder for egg productivity - up to 320 eggs/year. At the same time, only 43 kg of feed is required to maintain one individual for a year and a half.

These are not all varieties of the dominant chicken breed. The most popular ones were given as an example.

It is noteworthy that the main purpose of such a large breed is egg-laying. Despite their rather impressive weight, dominants are almost never raised for meat. Yes, they are eaten, but only when the bird has become less egg-laying. This usually occurs after 2 years of age.

VIDEO: Features of breeding and maintenance

Features of poultry keeping

To increase the level of egg production, the animal needs to increase the light regime from 9 hours to 16. This schedule must be approached gradually, otherwise the hens may become severely stressed and stop laying eggs altogether. It is allowed to keep birds in a cage, aviary or in a fenced area.

In order for chickens to lay large eggs with strong shells, they must receive all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements they need.

It is very important to feed the bird correctly. If it is impossible to use commercial feed, you should use:

  • grain mash;
  • ground grass;
  • boiled potatoes and vegetables.

Barley and corn must be present in the diet. To make the eggshells stronger, bone meal or ground chalk is added to the feed mixture. But for improved food absorption, a container with coarse sand or gravel should always be present in the chicken coop.

In the winter season, nettle is added to food; it helps improve egg production. Horse manure, which similarly increases the productivity of poultry, will not be amiss.

There must be a minimum level of humidity in the enclosure, otherwise the chickens may get sick. The chicken coop is equipped with feeders, drinkers, nests with hay and containers with sand. There should only be one rooster in a group. This should be taken into account, otherwise several males may attack the female at the same time, causing her harm or even trampling her.

It is not advisable to allow the chicken to start clucking. But if this has already happened, then she should be placed in another group. There she will experience stress with persecution, after which the instinct to hatch eggs will fade away.

How to care for chickens

Experienced poultry farmers recommend feeding chickens with chloramphenicol in the proportions of 1 tablet per 1 liter of liquid for the first three days after purchase, and also adding the drug ASD 1:3. In this way, you can strengthen the immune system of the chicks, thereby increasing the survival rate. At the end of the course, ascorbic acid and vitamin D are mixed into the water.

Before purchasing chickens, you need to prepare an aviary for their maintenance. It is treated with disinfectants, after which the floor is covered with sawdust and peat, and feeders with a drinking bowl are placed above the wall.

At the time of reaching two weeks of age, the light regime is reduced to 8 hours. But at this moment, calcium and all vitamins should always be present in the chicks’ food. Poultry farmers add fish oil, resin and feather ash to the feeders; these components are enough to enrich the body.

If a weak or emaciated chicken is detected, it must be placed in a separate cage. Perhaps the bird is sick, but this method will eliminate the possibility of infection of the entire herd.

VIDEO: Czech dominant chickens - how to care for them

2360 03/12/2019 10 min.

Poultry farming is the most famous and widespread type Agriculture . Chickens are relatively undemanding to living conditions and warm times years, they can even find their own food. These birds can be seen not only in poultry farms and rural personal plots, nowadays quite often chickens are bred in city backyards. Birds produce high-quality homemade food products, such as meat, eggs, and they are also attractive in appearance. On this moment There are many different breeds that differ from each other in their characteristics. One of best representatives This type of bird is dominant. This breed, its advantages and disadvantages, content, will be discussed in this article.


Poultry farmers, residents of rural areas have long known the breed of dominant chickens. This type of poultry is notable for the fact that it is completely undemanding to living conditions, has a calm disposition, and is also immune to many diseases.

The dominant was bred by Czech breeders in the small village of Dobrzhenice. But today the bird is bred in more than thirty countries around the world, appreciating the merits of this breed. The dominant is popular not only in Europe and the countries of the post-Soviet space, it is grown in the USA, countries South America, Asia.

Breeding various chicken hybrids, breeders want to achieve eggs that will have high egg production, unpretentiousness to living conditions, and immunity to various diseases. After all, if chickens die en masse, then farms are deprived of meat and eggs for a long time. And when a breed of chicken is unpretentious to food and living conditions, it can be raised even by those who cannot provide the bird with special feed and create certain conditions for it. The dominant is one of these unpretentious breeds. Characteristics of the bird:

  • The hen lays up to 300 eggs per year;
  • Average egg weight is 70 grams;
  • Survival rate of young animals is 95–97%;
  • The weight of a chicken is up to two and a half kilograms, a rooster is up to three;
  • The average feed consumption per individual is 140-150 grams;
  • Good disease tolerance, high immunity.

Chickens of the Dominant breed have practically no disadvantages, and in many respects they have a great advantage over other egg-laying breeds of chickens.


The dominant is a hybrid. There is more than one type of dominant, and their appearance may differ. This is especially true for feather coloring. But there are signs that unite them:

  • Small head, dense body of relatively large size with well-developed muscle mass;
  • Wings, both in chickens and roosters, they fit tightly to the body. The plumage is thick and dense. Due to this, the birds appear even larger;
  • Scarlet comb, bright red earrings;
  • Paws are colored in shades of yellow. The thighs are fleshy and have clear outlines;
  • The eyes are orange.

One of the most interesting and promising new products is dominant breed chickens, which are considered today the best laying hens for keeping eggs and, moreover, have very tasty, tender dietary meat.

After the chicks are born, you can immediately tell which is the hen and which is the cockerel. Those with a darker color are hens, those with a lighter color are usually cockerels.


Calm temperament of dominant breed chickens is undoubtedly a big advantage. They are not aggressive and this is extremely beneficial for poultry farmers. Such calm behavior of the bird plays a big role in their breeding. They feel good being outside, in open space. And in a room where there is sometimes a lot of crowding, they behave calmly and get along well with each other. Of course, keeping birds constantly in cramped poultry houses is not the best option. It is ideal to raise chickens when they have the opportunity to roam. If there is not enough space for an area that can be fenced off, it is recommended to keep birds in low enclosures. The bird must receive sunlight. It helps synthesize. Dominant chickens do not conflict with other birds, do not try to take away food, but calmly wait for their turn. The black species of this breed adapts better than all others to new conditions. Dominant hens are always calm and non-irritable, but roosters sometimes exhibit aggressive behavior.

But what a rooster is needed in a chicken coop will help you find out.

Crosses for private household plots

New subspecies were developed based on dominant chickens, which differ in external characteristics, productivity, and feather color. The general advantages of crosses are:

  • High egg production;
  • Adaptation to different conditions content;
  • Good tolerance to low temperatures;
  • Resistance to various kinds of diseases.

Farmers who started breeding dominants will never change them to any other breed and always speak positively about them

Dominant grey-speckled-959

The dominant grey-speckled species is recommended to be bred on small private farmlands. The color of this type of chicken is cuckoo. The plumage is black and white. The bird is able to adapt quite quickly to cold climate conditions and is not susceptible to many. A laying hen can lay about 300 eggs during the year. Each weighs up to 65 grams. The egg-laying period lasts on average up to 78 weeks, during which the chicken gains about 2.15 kg of live weight. The bird has a calm disposition and easily gets along with other birds.

Black D-109

Black dominant D-109 very rarely gets sick, are endowed with high immunity, so the survival rate of chickens is very high and further viability rates can reach up to 99%. The plumage of both females and males is black, the earrings and combs are bright and scarlet. The dominant black cross D-109 chickens have a very well developed maternal instinct. This subspecies of laying hens is sensitive to the incubation of young offspring, unlike some other breeds, the breeding of which without an incubator is almost impossible. A chicken can lay 300-315 eggs in a year. Chickens of this subspecies are absolutely not shy, have a calm character, quickly get used to people and make contact.

Each weighs about 70 grams. The weight of the female reaches two kilograms, the rooster up to three.

Blue D-107

The dominant blue hybrid D-107 has not only high egg production, but also a very effective plumage color. Chickens of this subspecies are raised in ecological farms and private plots for egg production. Poultry farmers have long loved this type of chicken for its high egg production rates. On average, a laying hen lays 300 brown eggs. This subspecies adapts well to low or high temperatures, as well as to various conditions of poultry farms and garden plots. These birds are also bred on an industrial scale in African countries. In hot climates, the dominant blue chicken feels great, unlike some other breeds of chickens. Immediately after birth, the sex of the chicks can be distinguished. The cockerels are striped with a white spot on the head, the hens are dark without a spot.

Blue D-107 is similar to the long-known Andalusian breed.


The plumage of dominant partridges resembles the plumage of wild birds. This subspecies of chickens became popular thanks to beautiful color feathers Shimmering with gold and brown colors, it looks like the plumage of the Italian golden breed. A laying hen can lay 250–270 eggs in a year, and this is a relatively not very high figure. Partridge chickens are often bred for aesthetic pleasure, like ornamental birds.


Chickens of the Sussex subspecies are white with a dark tail and head color.
. The survival rate of young individuals up to 18 weeks is quite high and amounts to 95–98%. Birds grow quickly and gain muscle mass. A six-month-old chicken weighs 1.5–1.7 kg. If Sussexes are provided with adequate nutrition, a laying hen can produce 300–310 eggs per year with brown shells. Peak bird productivity is reached at 18 months of life. Sussex chickens are often bred in cold climates due to the fact that chickens of this subspecies are resistant to low temperatures.

Also read about the Welsumer chicken breed.


Dominants– egg-laying chickens. The weight of a female can be 1.8–2.4 kg, a male up to 3 kilograms. Laying hens begin to lay eggs quite early, from 4-5 months of age. Average egg production is 310–315 eggs in 365 days. Each weight is 60-70 grams. There are often exceptions - eggs weighing up to 118 grams. They are not suitable for incubation as they have two yolks.

Birds differ from some other breeds in their rather large size.

The appearance of Czech beauties is quite varied and depends on the parental lines.

Chicks can also be used to distinguish hens from cockerels. As a rule, females are dark and males are light. If the color of the chicks is the same, then the cockerels have a light spot on their head.

The sex of some chicken crosses can also be distinguished by the feathering of their wings. Hens fledge earlier than cockerels, so the latter's wings look as if they are slightly cut off.

Brown shell color

Egg shells may be brown or white. There is an opinion among consumers that darker ones are always homemade, and white ones are “incubator”. This is wrong. There is a definite connection between the color of the plumage and the color of the shell. Therefore, the shell color of this breed of chicken will be different. So the crosses D 104, D 107, D 300 have an outer hard egg shell of cream shades, while all the others have a brown one. Except Leghorn cross.

This matches the color of their plumage, but contradicts the common belief among bird breeders that the conditions in which laying hens are kept and fed will affect the color of the eggs. But at the same time, the pigmentation of their outer hard shell can change for some time:

  • Stressful situation, which occurs several hours before laying;
  • Use of certain medications.

The dominant has different subspecies, whose plumage is different.

White shell color

The productivity of a particular breed of laying hens does not depend on the color of the shell. White plumage means the color of the outer hard shell of the product will be white and vice versa. More often than others, the white variety of the dominant breed is found on homestead farms. The hens have good early maturity and begin early laying at 5 months, continuing to lay eggs continuously for about a year. The average annual egg production is about 300 eggs. Their weight ranges from 62 to 70 grams. But what some poultry farmers don’t like is that individuals of this cross usually make bad brood hens.

Read why chickens peck eggs.

The egg shell color of this subspecies is white.

Although chickens of this breed are distinguished by a calm character, it is still necessary to monitor them and immediately identify pathologies such as cannibalism in order to protect the livestock from infectious diseases.


This video shows how to breed and care for the dominant breed.


The dominant breed of chickens combines several crosses that differ in plumage color. But they all have a number of advantages:

  1. Unpretentious to living conditions. The black subspecies optimally adapts to any changes.
  2. Calmly tolerates high summer and low winter temperatures.
  3. Not shy, have a calm disposition.
  4. They have good resistance against diseases typical for chickens.
  5. Good productivity. In a year, one hen can produce up to 300 eggs weighing about 70 grams.
  6. Large weight for egg-bearing breeds. Roosters weigh about 3 kg.
  7. The most popular crosses: blue, white, black, partridge, Sussex.

Also read what breed of chickens to choose for eggs, in.