Growing quails as a business at home. Production of cages, feeders and drinkers

Quail rearing as a business
Let's see if it's profitable?

In this article, we will consider raising quails as a business. Breeding these birds usually generates income from the sale of eggs, less often from the sale of meat and chicks. Since quails do not reach large sizes, considerable effort and time will have to be spent on raising birds for meat. It is much easier and more profitable to sell quail eggs, which will be discussed further. Find more profitable ideas in the article:

Quail rearing as a business: preparation

In order to create a business for growing quails with a full cycle of reproduction, you will need to lay some of the eggs for breeding chicks. Therefore, your business equipment should consist of the following three parts:
Incubator for eggs (quails do not incubate them)
Brooder with a heating lamp for chicks
Cages (20 cm high, 180 cm2 for 1 quail)

Cages and brooders must be equipped with a feeding system. One quail needs 34 grams of feed per day. You need to feed young animals and adults with different feeds - for chicks you will need special compound feed, which is better absorbed by the fragile body and stimulates its growth.
Chicks are considered birds under the age of 4 weeks (28 days). Feed the bird at any age you need 3-4 times a day.

Buying young animals and features of the bird

It is better to start breeding with 5-7 dozen quails, no less. For one male, 3-5 females are provided. Moreover, at the very beginning it is better to acquire adults already, so as not to wait for the moment of their maturation. Birds rush already after 40 days of life.
! By the way, the purchase of one individual will cost an average of about 100-150 rubles. That is, 70 birds will need only 10.5 thousand rubles.
With one quail per month, you can get about 30 eggs. Birds live up to 1.5 years on average, but practitioners advise not to keep quails for longer than six months. This is due to the deterioration in the quality of the egg, which loses its beneficial features. From a quail at the age of 6 months, usually, an incubation egg is obtained, after which it is sold for meat.

Making a profit from quail breeding

In a business like raising quails, the bulk of the profit comes from the sale of edible eggs. The cost of a dozen quail eggs varies from 50 to 100 rubles. In a flock of 60 heads, the proportion of females will be about 50 pieces. Getting 30 eggs per month from each, you can earn about 15,000 rubles from the sale of eggs.

It turns out that the cultivation of 120 heads will bring 30 thousand rubles a month, 240 - 60 thousand rubles, 360 - 90 thousand rubles, and so on.


In quail farming, as in any other similar business, it is important to calculate in advance required amount heads to make a profit. True, raising 120 birds or more will be too expensive for apartment breeding. Therefore, in order to receive tangible profits from your business, you will need a territory in a summer cottage or a specially designated place for growing a large number of quails.

Growing a turkey. Profitable business with minimal investment! Growing champignon mushrooms as a business. Profitable, fast-payback investment.

The poultry (meat and eggs) market in Russia has been steadily increasing since the early 2000s. Despite the many producers, including large ones, this sector is open to new entrants, especially if we are not talking about chickens.

The quail market shows a positive development trend. Now, given the clear trend of transition to healthy eating the idea seems to work. This material - detailed description features of the organization of business with the economic calculation of profits and costs.

Features of the Russian quail meat market

The volume of production and consumption of poultry meat and eggs in Russia is growing. In 2017, the provision of poultry meat in the country was already 98.7%, eggs - more than 100%. The volume of the Russian egg market for this period exceeded 160 billion rubles. (more than 400 million eggs).

In 2017, each resident of Russia ate a little less than 300 pieces per year. eggs, this figure is growing at an average of 2% per year. Consumption of quail meat during this period increased by 3.1 kg to 33.5 kg per person.

The market is considered saturated. But we take into account that more than 90% of the products are chicken meat and eggs. The consumption of other products, including quail, is also growing, but the demand for them often remains unsatisfied. The potential is huge: for example, the capacity of the quail egg market in Russia is 20 times lower than in Japan. According to experts, with increased competition, consumers in stores will pay more attention to analogues of chicken meat and eggs.

Competitive advantages of products

Quail eggs and meat are much healthier than chicken - and these advantages should be used when promoting products.

The composition of quail eggs is much richer. They contain (compared to chicken):

  • potassium (more than 5 times);
  • iron (4.5 times more);
  • vitamins B1 and B2 (2.5 times more);
  • vitamins A, B 1, B 2, P, K, iron, phosphorus, cobalt;
  • several amino acids.

Quail meat is a delicacy: it is more tender, juicier, more aromatic than chicken. From point of view chemical composition there is also a difference. In him:

  • more proteins, vitamins and minerals;
  • less fat;
  • contains a large number fatty acids(polyunsaturated).

The health benefits of consumption have been known for a long time. Meat has immunomodulatory properties, improves the condition of internal organs and strengthens bones.

And, of course, quail meat is much tastier than chicken and rabbit.

Which is better to produce: meat or eggs?

The quail business is good because the production is practically waste-free: you can sell both meat and eggs. What is better to choose? It is better to choose right away, since there are two subspecies of birds: meat and egg.

  1. Quails of meat breeds with proper care and feeding gain 300-330 gr. (normal slaughter weight) in less than 3 months. Few eggs are laid. However, such birds are more demanding to care for. When growing meat birds, you will have to devote a lot of time to care.
  2. After the first month of life, the quail begins to actively lay eggs; average productivity of 1 laying hen - 23-25 ​​eggs/month. In this mode, they bear fruit for 10-12 months, after which they age.

Business plan: quail breeding - basic expenses

Quails are demanding on the conditions of detention. You need the right temperature, lighting, cleanliness. Therefore, when organizing a business, you should not save.

According to the business plan for breeding quails at home, the following costs are assumed for organizing a farm for 500 heads:

Expenditure item

Cost, rub.

IP registration, obtaining permits

Creation of a farm (40 sq. m.), interior work, poultry house equipment.

Purchase, installation, adjustment of equipment (incubator, brooder, refrigerators)

Buying a bird, 300 pcs.

Purchase of feed (for a month, 450 kg)

Wage, 3 pers.

Additional costs (inventory)

The population will quickly reach the indicated value of 500 heads.

Registration and documents

First, decide in what form to conduct business. It all depends on how the entrepreneur intends to sell products.

If you plan to work with small shops, private sellers, you can organize a business as a private household plot - a personal subsidiary plot. It's easier, cheaper, fewer documents are needed. You need to get certificates, an act of inspection, a certificate from the veterinary service.

If a businessman wants to sell meat / eggs through retail chains, you need to register an IP enterprise. This is more expensive, because you need to go through a lot of checks, get technical specifications, quality certificates. In general, this can cost about 50 thousand rubles.

By the way, an entrepreneur engaged in breeding birds can apply for some help from the state (in obtaining loans or financial grants).

Quail breeding room

It is believed that the quail is not a particularly whimsical bird, but this is only partly true. The premises for the quail breeding business should be selected in accordance with the following requirements:

  • The constant temperature must be maintained at 20°C, it must not exceed 25°C or fall below 18°C. Otherwise, egg production drops noticeably.
  • Constant level of air humidity - 65-70%. Otherwise, the birds will feel uncomfortable.
  • Maintain lighting for 18 hours a day. It is better to use lamps to regulate the time yourself. In this mode, the birds will live and lay eggs longer.
  • Admission fresh air in a room with animals should be at least 1.5 cubic meters in winter and 5 cubic meters in summer. It is important to avoid drafts.
  • 1 cubic meter should be allocated for 50 heads. m of space for better egg production.

Quail breeding business equipment

Birds will live in cages (so-called batteries) that are arranged in several rows. Such batteries can be installed vertically - this will facilitate maintenance. In addition, there will be more space in the room.

Drinking bowls, feeders, containers for litter are installed inside. For eggs, special trays for rolling are equipped to make it easier to collect them (birds rush to the floor of the cages, it must be done at a slope of 12-13 degrees).

Enough light must enter the batteries (rows of cells) - for this, the lamps can be installed at an angle.

Quail Care

Growing quails and caring for them will not take much time. The main thing is to keep clean:

  • wash batteries, remove ingrained dirt;
  • once a month, disinfect feeders and drinkers;
  • daily clean the cage trays from dirt, droppings, egg residues;
  • conduct monthly general sanitary cleaning of the farm and poultry house, disinfect using a quartz lamp.

You can increase the humidity in the house with a humidifier. Or just install plates with water - but then you can’t keep track of exceeding the permissible level of this parameter.

Once a week, place bowls with sand and ash in the cages. Birds take a kind of "bath" in them, getting rid of lice in feathers.

The farm should be located away from sources of strong sounds (highways, loud music) so that the birds do not get nervous.

Food and breeding

The better the forage base, the healthier they will be and the more eggs they will bring. You can't skimp on food.

Buy high-quality balanced feed. At the stage of growing up, birds need to be given feed with protein. Adults are fed with food additives - various vegetables, herbs. All this gives vitamins and improves performance. Half of the feed consists of cereals (wheat, barley), the rest is occupied by nutritional supplements.

You need to feed 3 times a day, strictly on time. One bird per day eats 20-30 gr. - it is important to adhere to this value. All food should be finely ground.

Fertilized eggs mature quickly in the incubator. After the chicks need to be raised in a brooder - a heated device that replaces the perch and allows the young to quickly gain strength.


Quail farm for 500 heads as a business does not require many workers:

  1. 1 person is capable of serving and caring for birds. The worker does not require special qualifications. He must eliminate the factors that irritate quails in time, create comfortable conditions and take care of the birds. The employee must monitor the condition and behavior of the birds, monitor changes in their life activity.
  2. Sales Representative. Will establish relations with cake networks, conclude contracts for the supply of products.
  3. Driver with car. His task is to deliver goods to the points of sale on time.

A veterinarian and an accountant can be hired by outsourcing, although the latter is needed only if there is a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur can deal with all reports independently.


Before transporting eggs to retail outlets, they must be packed. To do this, order plastic containers right size. They need to apply their own labels, which should be pre-ordered and printed at the printing house.

The sale of quail eggs and meat is the most complex issue. This product is perishable, the demand for it in Russia is only being formed.

There are several ways to sell farm products:

  • creation of a small company store;
  • sales, including wholesale, to retail chains;
  • sale directly from the farm;
  • delivery of eggs / meat to restaurants, catering establishments.

You can also buy a car, install refrigerators in it, come to sleeping areas and sell goods directly to residents. Or distribute among your friends and acquaintances.

An additional way to make a profit is to sell young animals to other farms.


In the absence of widespread demand, it is important to organize effective advertising your farm. In order to reduce costs, it is recommended to use publicly available means of informing: ads on the Internet, newspapers, in social networks, on Internet forums. BTL methods are also effective:

  • distribution of leaflets at shops;
  • distribution of promotional materials by mailboxes;
  • holding promotional events, promotions directly at retail outlets.

An effective method is "word of mouth" (that is, the dissemination of information by word of mouth through friends / acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances). It is worth participating in agricultural exhibitions - it is possible to find wholesale buyers there.

Focus on the real benefits of quail eggs, on the fact that with their help you can improve your health, recover faster from certain diseases.

Profitability calculation

According to the quail breeding business project, an investment of about 300 thousand rubles is required to open a small quail farm.

  1. 400 birds per month will bring 10,000 quail eggs. 100 heads will be slaughtered.
  2. The cost of 1 egg on the market is an average of 3 rubles. Accordingly, the monthly revenue will be 30 thousand rubles. The price of 1 carcass is 100 rubles, that is, 10 thousand rubles. monthly. Total revenue - 40 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost will be approximately 30% of this amount (most of the costs will go to feed). In monetary terms, this is 12 thousand rubles.
  4. The net profit indicator is 28 thousand rubles. per month.

A small farm will pay for itself in about 11 months, and then it will bring a stable income.

Pros and cons of growing quail as a business

The quail business at home has several advantages:

  • the farm needs a little space;
  • birds grow quickly and begin to lay eggs;
  • quail is easy to keep;
  • quail rarely gets sick;
  • production can be made waste-free, even litter can be sold (as a fertilizer);
  • no need to spend money on a large staff of workers;
  • weak competition in the market with growing demand;
  • products are good for health.

There are not many disadvantages:

  • The bird is sensitive to noise, temperature, humidity and light.
  • The consumer market is not yet developed, demand is unstable. Because of this, problems with the sale of products are possible. This results in longer payback periods.

Quail farm - promising direction. Despite the obvious risks and the “unaccustomed” Russian consumer to quail meat / eggs, an entrepreneur who takes up this business now may be at the heart of the formation of a new market in the Russian Federation, gradually diversify the business and open large-scale production. The step-by-step plan given in this article will help you evaluate the profitability of the business and open a farm, being aware of the possible difficulties.

  • Conditions for keeping quails
        • Similar business ideas:

Is it profitable to grow quails, how to build a profitable quail farm, what conditions are optimal, how much can you earn on quails? You will learn about everything in our article.

Is it really possible to make money on quail

Why are you going to breed quails: for yourself or for the purpose of making money? Why am I asking this question. Almost every farmer can start growing quails, but not everyone can make money on it. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to equip a room for quails, how to create conditions for keeping birds, where to buy cages and young animals, etc. But there is almost no information on how to profitably sell quail products, and this is the most important. Before you set up a house, spend money on cages and food, make sure you can sell whatever you are going to grow. As a consumer, have you ever bought quail meat or eggs? (and not everyone does this). For example, chicken meat is very popular and grown chickens can be sold even to acquaintances. But with quails, I'm afraid this number will not work. Your customers are likely to be restaurants, cafes (and exotics), grocery stores, and specialty markets. But keep in mind that not everywhere you will be expected with open arms. At first, you can’t even dream of retail chains, there are enough players even without you. So, do not be too lazy to first study the sales market, and only then you can proceed to the practical part of creating a farm.

What documents are needed to open a quail farm

Scroll required documents for doing business depends entirely on the format of the activity itself. If you plan to work as a household plot, then when selling products, you can limit yourself to only veterinary certificates. This will be enough to sell quail meat and eggs in small markets, from truck shops or to sell products to resellers. If you are going to do something more solid, for example, enter the regional market or organize sales through retail chains, then the list of documents will be completely different. What is required here first of all:

  • Business registration. You can IP, but LLC is better ( entity). Taxation system - ESHN.
  • A certificate of conformity for products and an individual barcode are issued in Rostest and cost 20,000 rubles. (about).
  • Obtaining technical specifications for products (TU) - these documents are purchased at research institutes. Specifications should be obtained for each type of product (separately for eggs and meat).

Conditions for keeping quails

If do production full cycle, that is, from receiving an egg to growing an adult bird, you will need to build the following departments:

  • Hatchery
  • Workshop for keeping young animals
  • slaughterhouse
  • Egg production shop
  • Utility room

The total area of ​​the premises for the full cycle is at least 50 sq. m. Well, or depending on the scale of production. If you simply engage in the cultivation of quails from young animals purchased on the side, then a room of 20 square meters is enough. m.

The most effective way is to keep quails in cage batteries. With their help, you can save a lot of space and place much more bird per 1 sq. m. Yes, and caring for a bird with this placement is much more convenient.

Cells can be designed independently, or you can buy ready-made ones. A cell battery in 2 tiers for keeping 100 quails will cost 10 - 12 thousand rubles. The cage is 1 meter long, 0.5 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. It turns out that in small room for 20 sq. m., you can place about 15 of these cages and contain up to 1500 birds. Such designs are also equipped with feeders and drinkers.

Quail growing technology

It is not uncommon to see ideas for keeping quails on the balconies of apartments and even in the apartment itself. Of course, you can grow quails in this way, but keep in mind one important point- smell. The “stink” from the cages will be constant, even if the litter is removed on time. Okay, if you love birds so much and are willing to put up with the smell, but don't forget that you also have neighbors.

What breeds are best for breeding

The choice of breed for breeding entirely depends on the direction of your farm. What is the priority for you to get eggs or meat? Or maybe both? The quails of the Japanese breed are considered the best in terms of egg production. These birds fly all year round, bringing 300 eggs in 365 days. But the yield of meat from them is completely ridiculous. Another thing is the quail of the Pharaoh breed. They are twice as large as the Japanese breed, but rush at times worse. Pharaohs are bred exclusively for meat purposes. The Estonian breed is, in a sense, the "golden mean" of the two breeds listed above. “Estonians” are rushing well and it’s not a shame to sell such a bird for meat. Remember also that it is better to buy a young bird at the age of 1-1.5 months for breeding. The fact is that "youth" tolerates moving better and quickly gets used to a new place and new conditions of detention.

How much can you earn on quail breeding

Let's start with meat. Frozen quail meat costs from 350 rubles / kg. An adult weighs 95 grams. The bird reaches such a mass after 40-50 days of life. We translate into money and get 34 rubles from one quail for 1.5 months of cultivation. We sell 1000 quails, we get 34,000 rubles. Naturally, you also need to subtract the costs, but they will vary greatly, depending on the conditions of detention, type of feed, etc. Now about the income from the egg. If create optimal conditions according to the content of the bird, you can get up to 22 eggs from one head. The price of one egg is 4 rubles. A quail egg costs the same as a chicken egg with much less weight. Accordingly, from 1000 heads you can get up to 22,000 eggs per month, which in money equals 88,000 rubles. Not a bad result if you know to whom and how to sell so many eggs. It turns out that keeping quails for an egg is much more profitable than keeping the same bird for meat. Moreover, obtaining a quail egg is much easier than obtaining chicken egg(at the same retail price). If there were no problems with sales, then every second farmer would probably be engaged in quails ...

Video - how to breed quail

A step-by-step plan for opening a quail farm, where to start a business

Quail breeding is currently sufficient profitable business, since there are not so many large farms for breeding this bird. The advantage of such an activity is that 2 people are quite capable of handling 300-500 birds. There are 2 business models - buying laying hens and males, or breeding poultry from buying hatching eggs. Consider the option of acquiring chicks.

  1. Finding suitable premises.
  2. Acquisition of poultry stock.
  3. Buying cages for keeping.
  4. Purchase of forage base.
  5. Procurement of equipment for lighting and space heating.
  6. Search for distribution channels for products.

The second method is more economical and practically does not differ from the first method. The difference is that the first step is to purchase an incubator and hatching eggs to hatch the first livestock, as well as a quail brooder. After the first offspring, you should immediately form a breeding stock - there are 3-4 laying hens per cockerel. After 2.5 months, you will have your first hatching eggs of your own, and there will be no need to buy such eggs. Then the cycle repeats.

How much money is needed for a quail farm

The financial costs of opening a quail farm based on the purchase of 500 birds are:

  1. Purchase of quail livestock - 3000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of feed - 5000 rubles.
  3. Equipment (cell batteries, incubator, feather remover) - 80,000 rubles.
  4. Heating, lighting of the room - 3000 rubles.

In total, we get the amount of 91,000 rubles. Payback will be approximately 6 months. The calculation was made without taking into account the cost of processing documents and certificates - 67,000 rubles.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a quail farm

Code for rearing quails according to OKVED 01.49.9

What taxation system to choose for registering a quail farming business

In this case, the simplified tax system is suitable, with the payment of tax in the amount of 6% of profits or 15% of net income.

Do I need permits to open a quail farm

The most important permits in this business is the Veterinary License. To enter large distribution channels, such as retail chains, the following list of documents and permits is required.

Recently, such a branch of agriculture as quail breeding has been very popular. It is generally accepted that such a business is based solely on the sale of eggs, however, this is not entirely true.

Quails are also valued for healthy dietary meat, fluff and other qualities. Poultry farmers use quail breeding as a business. Whether or not such an investment is profitable, we will consider in the article.

When starting your own business, first you need to decide what you need market. One of the most extensive industries can be called the food industry. The market is full of various food products, therefore, to start a business, you need to find a niche, the demand for whose products is large, however, there are few such goods offered.

Such a niche can be confidently called quail business. The demand for products in this area is huge today, but the buyer sees a limited amount of goods on the shelves. So is it profitable to breed quails?

Experienced businessmen assure: quail breeding is also profitable because almost everything is used. Nowhere are the paws and beaks of birds used. Raising quail as a business has many benefits. Quail breeding involves the sale of eggs and other products:

  1. Quail meat. The product is highly valued for its nutritional properties. Quail meat is considered dietary due to its low fat content and high level useful substances.
  2. Eggs. It is considered that quail eggs much healthier than chicken. Regular use has a positive effect on the state of the body: rejuvenates the skin, strengthens the immune system. In addition to the vitamins found in eggs, this product is also hypoallergenic.
  3. Feather. The sale of quail down also gives a considerable profit. Feather is natural material for stuffing pillows.
  4. Litter. Counts the most valuable fertilizer for the soil and is highly valued in agriculture or home plantings.
  5. Bones. The ground quail bones are used as a calcium supplement for livestock. You can also feed the quails themselves with this product as a healthy complementary food.

Action plan

In order for the business to bear fruit and not become a waste of time, before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan. There is no clear scheme for compiling such a guide. The plan should contain the main points and reflect the sequence of steps.

To begin with, it is necessary to decide what direction will be production. Quail breeding is often found as a business for the production of meat, but also for the sale of eggs. To determine which industry will be more profitable, it is advised to combine both types at the initial stage of building a business.

In order for a business to generate income, products must be sold. Today, the products do not enjoy a huge demand, so you need to look for regular customers. In addition to agreements with supermarket chains, it is necessary to artificially “ignite” consumer interest. For these purposes, both advertising and various exhibitions and sales of products are suitable.

Another promising industry is the service sector. Cafes, restaurants or sanatoriums serve as an excellent market for quail products.

Poultry farmers call breeding the most profitable sales channel young animals and selling it to already existing quail farms. The demand for chicks does not fade depending on the season, so the profit from such sales can be called constant.

The choice of breed for breeding

So, the outline of the business plan is ready, the purpose of breeding is also known. Now you need to decide on quail breed. Each species has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully consider which bird is suitable for the future economy.

There are two directions of quail breeds: broiler and egg-bearing. A business plan for a quail farm can combine breeding of both.


The Texas quail was bred as meat breeds. Therefore, the maintenance of such a bird primarily involves the fattening of the "livestock".

Outwardly, Texas quails are characteristically “fleshy”: a well-defined chest, a rounded physique. Limbs, neck and tail are short. Birds belong to large species. The breed is also called the white giant.

The average individual brings about 250 grams of meat. At correct fattening from a bird, you can achieve a weight of half a kilogram. Mostly males go for fattening. Overweight females cannot lay eggs. Egg production in the Texas breed is small. However, even a beef breed can produce 280 eggs per year.

When fattening poultry, it is necessary to follow the rules and choose the right diet, since the purpose of rearing is to get meat, not fat.


Manchu birds have a golden hue of the feather. They belong to the universal meat-egg species. They have a small egg production, however, the egg is much larger than that of representatives of other breeds. One female brings about 180 eggs per year.

The average carcass weight is 300-350 grams. Total weight depends from the conditions of detention and diet of quail.

- meat-type quail. They have an appearance similar to their wild relatives. Females are much larger than males, and weigh about 300 grams. The advantage of the breed is that by the age of two months the bird is gaining sufficient weight for slaughter.

Female starts laying eggs at the age of 45 days. The first of the eggs are unsuitable for incubation. Good feeding contributes to the production of 200 eggs in one year.

California breed

california the bird is a rather difficult breed in terms of breeding, so these quails have not received distribution. Breeding the breed makes sense only from a decorative point of view, and does not bring profit as such.


Japanese breed quail includes both meat and egg species, as well as universal individuals. An adult weighs 150 grams, which is an average. The egg production of females is quite high. One quail produces more than 300 eggs throughout the year.


Large sized bird characteristic white sternum plumage and brown body. The females of the breed weigh 180 grams, and the males reach 150.

Breeding this breed is more decorative character. However, females have good productivity: 280 eggs per year.


Bird breeding can be done even in a small area. Suitable for this spruce country cottage area medium sizes.

unpretentious regarding the conditions of detention, and also do not incur large costs. It is also worth noting that bird eggs are not susceptible to infection. salmonellosis therefore suitable for consumption even raw.

The most profitable quails as a business are those related to meat and eggs, so beginner poultry farmers are advised to take a closer look at such breeds.

Quail egg incubation

When breeding quails, the business plan should take into account important nuance: during the formation of breeds, females spent the ability to incubate eggs.

Therefore, for breeding young animals, you will need incubator– special equipment for a quail farm. Such a device can be either made with your own hands or purchased in a store. A medium-sized incubator holds about 400 eggs. Subject to the rules of incubation, the number of young animals will be high. The duration of the procedure is 17 days. On day 1, incubation ends.

Rules for growing young animals at home:

  • The temperature in the incubator should be between 38-38.5 degrees and be stable. Temperature fluctuations are excluded.
  • Air humidity must be maintained within 50%.
  • Special equipment is used to measure temperature and humidity.
  • After all the chicks have hatched, it is necessary to select the temperature empirically by observing their behavior. If the babies in the brooder lie in a pile, then it is necessary to increase the temperature. At comfortable conditions in the brooder, the chicks sleep on barrels with outstretched paws.
  • After two weeks, the temperature should be lowered to 25 degrees. When the babies reach the age of one month, the temperature can be reduced to normal - 20-23 degrees.
  • For the first two weeks, the chicks need light, so the light regime is maintained around the clock. After 15 days, the chicks are transferred to normal mode.
  • Quail breeding requires moderate lighting. It is noticed that when the light is too bright, the birds begin to peck at each other. To prevent fights, it is recommended to use dimmed red lamps in the equipment.

Quail feeding

Mini farm for quails provides maintenance of both adults and young. Chicks need to be fed quality food. You can use compound feed or boiled eggs. Also, from the very first days, young animals must be provided with vitamins and minerals.

It is important to ensure that the food is always fresh. Food leftovers should not be left in the brooder as the hot environment encourages microbial growth. Pecking at spoiled food, chicks can get poisoned.

Complete nutrition for chicks can enter from the fourth day. Also during this period, you can give the kids chopped corn porridge.

During the second and third weeks, it is better to feed the chicks only with compound feed. As a complementary food is allowed:

  • a small amount of carrots
  • greenery,
  • meat products.

All pieces of food necessary grind. The chicks should be fed from vacuum drinkers of a suitable size.

Water is only used boiled. Young animals often drown in drinking bowls, so small pebbles must be placed on their bottom.

On day 20, you can transfer the chicks to adult food.

To reduce the cost of compound feed, quail mini farms take out feeders outside of the cell. The bird feeds by sticking its head through the bars of the cage. The method is especially relevant for females, because when they become obese, they stop laying eggs.

Females are best fed with specialized laying hen food. You also need to add mineral supplements to their diet: chalk, sand or shells and a vegetable component: greens, fruits, carrots.

The feeding scheme for adult quails provides for three meals a day with the calculation of 30 grams of food per quail. Overfeeding egg-bearing females is not only not necessary, but also categorically undesirable.

Fattening meat species

Quail farm as a business will bring considerable income if fattening poultry for the purpose of selling meat.

When the chicks reach age puberty, they are separated. Males and rejected females are sent for "meat" fattening. For fattening for meat, special conditions are required: the temperature is considered optimal at about 22 degrees, and the light is dimmed.

meat breeds fed four times a day. A little more food is required. In the morning feeding, greens and herbal ingredients are added to the feed. Grain feed should be added to the evening diet.

Fattening lasts about two months. Slaughter becomes possible when poultry reaches the required weight. Before slaughter, quails are kept on a hunger strike for six hours. Only drinking from drinkers is allowed.

V winter period it is necessary to keep quails in special cells. This must be taken into account when building a quail farm with your own hands. For convenient cleaning they are equipped with a mesh floor. The temperature on the quail farm should be around 16 degrees. Temperature fluctuations adversely affect egg production.

For fattening poultry, the best temperature is considered to be 22 degrees Celsius.

Under the wrong conditions, birds are susceptible to a number of diseases, and acts of cannibalism may also occur. A poor-quality diet can provoke problems such as oviduct prolapse, feather loss, apathy, loss of appetite and lethargy in birds.

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