How to deal with dust in the house. How to get rid of dust in your home? How to deal with dust on black furniture

To get rid of dust in the apartment, you can use numerous folk ways. Simple and budget resources help to completely destroy it on various open surfaces, inside upholstered furniture, in secluded and hard-to-reach places or in the air. Some of them are also able to prevent its rapid appearance in residential areas after cleaning due to their antistatic properties.

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1 Cleaning upholstered furniture from dust

Upholstered furniture is an ideal dust collector. Housewives have long used a technique that helps to clean it. A damp, well-wrung out strip of fabric is spread on a sofa, bed or chair (you can use an old sheet) and furniture is knocked out with a clapperboard through it. The dust that is under the upholstery rises up and lingers on the damp sheet.

Additionally, after knocking out the furniture, you can steam it with an iron to destroy harmful microorganisms, such as dust mites. It is recommended to do this monthly or once a season.

Those who prefer to use a vacuum cleaner for dusting are advised to wrap the nozzle with gauze. But first, you need to hold it for ten minutes in a saline solution (one tablespoon of salt per liter of water). Then it is thoroughly squeezed and wound on the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner. This helps to get rid of mites, and at the same time refresh the upholstery.

It is advisable to remove woolen coverings on furniture, replace feather pillows and duvets with synthetic winterizers. Down absorbs dust, and the synthetic winterizer repels.

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2 Removing dust from books

A lot of dust accumulates on the bookshelves, but even with a vacuum cleaner it is impossible to completely clean the books. Be sure to then properly wipe their surfaces and shelves with a damp cloth. It is desirable to do this with a special mixture that repels dust. Its recipe is simple: glycerin is mixed with water in proportions of 1:10.

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3 Dust control on ceiling and floor

You can remove dust from the ceiling with a long-handled mop, the nozzle of which is made of a fabric with a pile that collects dust. You can also use a cleaning brush. For stretch ceilings soap solution is required. With a soft nozzle dipped in soapy water, gently wipe the surface of the stretch fabric.

Waterproof floor coverings(linoleum, laminate, parquet) wipe with a damp cloth.

Carpets can be sprinkled with baking soda and then vacuumed. There is another folk remedy for the full cleaning of carpets. The recipe is simple: pour two glasses of water with a liter baking soda, add four bay leaves, a tablespoon of cinnamon or cloves. Mix everything thoroughly. Store in a tightly closed jar. Before vacuuming, you need to sprinkle the carpet with the mixture, leave for two hours. Baking soda helps to remove dust and dirt, and Bay leaf and cloves, due to their antibacterial properties, destroy germs.

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4 Recipes for Homemade Antistatic Dust Removers

For furniture and hard-to-reach corners, where dust especially likes to collect, housewives have come up with products that not only clean surfaces, but also create an antistatic effect. It is convenient to remove accumulations from difficult places with a brush with natural bristles or a special cleaning brush, then treat them with such a special tool. This will not get rid of dust forever, but its rapid re-accumulation is prevented.

5 Sprays

Homemade sprays with an antistatic effect are very convenient for these purposes. They will allow you to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time.

Since many essential oils are natural antistatic agents and have a bactericidal effect, dust control spray recipes have been developed on their basis.

One of the most popular is prepared from a quarter cup of vinegar, two tablespoons of olive oil, 15 drops essential oil diluted with one glass of water. All this is mixed in a spray gun, with which hard surfaces are processed. After spraying this mixture, then you just need to wipe everything with a dry cloth.

Each ingredient in this composition performs its role:

  • vinegar removes all impurities;
  • olive oil repels dust from the treated surface;
  • essential oils are bactericidal substances, many of which also repel insects.

Another spray is made with vinegar and other ingredients. glass jar a quarter of the total volume is filled with vinegar, then the vessel is topped up to the top with any vegetable oil. Half a lemon or a tablespoon is added to this mixture. lemon juice. Close tightly. The composition is stored in the refrigerator. Shake before use.

6 Salt solution

To save furniture from dust for a longer period, experienced housewives use a very simple method. A teaspoon of salt is diluted in a glass of water, stirred until it is completely dissolved, then the surfaces are wiped with this.

7 Liquid-soaked wipes

Napkins soaked in lemon solution work effectively. They remove dust without leaving streaks on furniture. You can prepare such napkins for the future. To do this, pour a lemon cut into slices with 7 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Insist a week. Then dilute the solution with a glass of boiling water and strain. Immerse a napkin there, wring out and dry. She is ready to clean the furniture.

Cleansing wipes can be prepared in another way. Pour a quarter of the vinegar into a glass dish, add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to this composition. Put rags in it and close tightly. It is convenient to clean household appliances and kitchen surfaces with such rags. For such anti-dust wipes, cotton fabrics should be used. For these purposes, you can take old, no longer needed things.

8 Construction dust control

Dust has to be dealt with during repair work, and upon their completion. After repair, the hassle will be much less if you protect glass, furniture, doors with a special film as much as possible.

If the dust hangs and does not settle, water, to which citric acid or vinegar is added, should be sprinkled on both the air and the floor surface. Slightly moistened construction dust in this case will be easier to collect, and it will be possible to clean the floor and air much faster from it.

It is easiest to clean it with a mop with a sponge, often changing the water. After that, repeatedly clean the surfaces at a height and the floor with a damp cloth and sponges. You can finally eliminate dust marks on the floor only with clean rags soaked in water with vinegar.

9 Preventive measures

To prevent dust from accumulating in the air, special measures must be taken.

This requires ventilation. In warm weather, air the room for at least 20 minutes. In winter, a few minutes is enough. While airing is going on, it is advisable to do wet cleaning.

Powerful resistance to dust - humidified air in the living room. There are special devices that maintain the required level of humidity in the apartments. But in their absence, improvised means can be used. So, a piece of cloth is attached to the fan, which is sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle. While working, the fan humidifies the air.

You can keep wide-mouth containers filled with water near radiators. Or put fabrics on the batteries, which at one end descend into a vessel with water. With its constant evaporation, the air will be humid.

10 Helpers in the fight against flying dust

Indoor plants placed throughout the apartment will provide full-fledged constant air humidification. Cyperus evaporates up to 3 liters of moisture per day. Yes, and regular watering and spraying plants will also significantly help with air humidification.

Chlorophytum proved to be a successful fighter against flying dust. This is the name of a flower that absorbs toxins that enter the apartment, kills harmful bacteria. A few chlorophytums in the house will replace expensive air purifiers: they absorb almost all harmful bacteria in the room per day.

Using these simple and affordable folk remedies for the destruction of dust, you can easily and costly maintain cleanliness in the apartment.

Any housewife knows several methods on how to deal with dust in an apartment. However, no matter how you destroy the plaque on furniture, household appliances, paintings, it still reappears. Where do these annoying dust particles come from?

Origin of dust

Scientists have calculated that forty-three million tons of dust settles on the territory of America per year. More than seventy percent is dust of natural origin. The remaining thirty percent falls on the one that appears as a result of human activity. Its main producers are:

  • the soil;
  • oceans - small drops of water rising into the air, upon evaporation, saturate the atmosphere with salt crystals;
  • volcanoes, forest fires - constant fires and eruptions on different continents of the planet emit more than fourteen million tons of dust and ash into the air;
  • the Sahara desert - air currents raise and carry over the world more than one hundred and ninety million tons of sand dust;
  • space - the remains of comets or meteorites that have flown or burned in the atmosphere are deposited on the planet;
  • pollen.

Even in an apartment with tightly closed windows and without tenants, more than ten thousand dust particles accumulate on one square centimeter of floor and furniture surfaces in half a month.

We fight dust with the help of devices

Consultants working in household appliances stores will advise on how to deal with dust in the apartment. Devices that greatly facilitate this process are represented by several types:

  • vacuum cleaner - must have the function of wet air filtration so that dust does not rise after cleaning;
  • air humidifiers - such devices, having built-in programs, will instantly saturate the dry air of the apartment with moisture, and will not allow dust particles to fly;
  • hygrometer - this device will show the level of humidity in the apartment.

Plants for dust control

A large number of plants do an excellent job of cleaning the air in the apartment, collecting dust and other particles that harm residents. How to deal with dust in the apartment? Tips will help identify plants that help with this:

  1. Chlorophytum. Absorbs substances toxic to humans in the air, including: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.
  2. Ficus benjamina, aloe. Copes with toxic compounds that emit plastic products and furniture.
  3. Spathiphyllum. Not replaceable in the fight against mold, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene elements.
  4. Geranium, citrus, noble laurel. Destroy pathogenic microbes, viruses, substances, bacteria.
  5. Mother-in-law's language. Fights nitrogen oxides.
  6. Gerbera, dracaena. Absorbs benzene, trichlorethylene and carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen.
  7. Cypress. attracts negative ions, which saturate the air with electrical appliances, and produces positive ions.
  8. Begonia. Humidifies the air, kills fungi and germs, reduces harmful effect electrical appliances.
  9. Dieffenbachia. It can deal with staphylococci, as well as toxic compounds (toluene and xylene) that release varnished surfaces.
  10. Scheffler. Absorbs smoking tar and nicotine, purifying the air for residents.

Dust collectors in an apartment setting

Being in your own home, you involuntarily notice that there is a lot of dust in the apartment. How to deal with it if the devices are not very helpful? First of all, it is necessary to review the things that are placed in cabinets, bedside tables and, if possible, get rid of or replace them, namely:

  • throw away or reduce the number of carpets - you can leave them for beauty and comfort, if you can only vacuum them often;
  • an incredibly large number of figurines, decorative crafts, pictures and napkins - must be folded in one place (wardrobe or box);
  • items that are not used - remove or discard;
  • thick curtains, heavy curtains - must be replaced with wooden or plastic blinds;
  • woolen interior elements - if possible, remove, and replace the fluff or feather that are in the pillows or seats with synthetic filler.

We remove dust in hard-to-reach places

When taking up cleaning, it must be borne in mind that in any room there are many hard-to-reach places that accumulate a large amount of dust particles.

One of these is the soft surface of furniture. To get rid of dust, soft part lay down a wet sheet. Picking up a carpet beater, walk through all covered places. Dust that is inside a chair or sofa will be absorbed by a damp sheet. After removing it, it is advisable to vacuum the soft parts of the furniture sets again.

The following dust collectors include bookshelves. To remove dust deposits from books, you must first go through the vacuum cleaner. To do this, use a brush with long bristles. Then be sure to clean the entire surface of the collected literature and bookshelves damp cloth.

A large amount of dust also collects on the ceilings in the apartment. Dust deposits can be removed from stretch ceilings using a soapy solution, a stepladder and a brush. Ceiling surfaces painted with paint or lime are cleaned with a conventional mop with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner, which has a long-bristled brush in its assortment.

Household chemicals - cleaning assistant

On the shelves of stores you can find a lot of special household chemicals. The most popular tools solve the problem of how to deal with dust in an apartment efficiently and quickly.

Furniture polish, in most cases, has an antistatic effect. Using this product in cleaning rooms, the amount of dust particles settles much less. This effect is caused by a smooth surface. After use, the furniture shines, and there are no stains on it.

Wipes with antibacterial impregnation perfectly clean and disinfect any items in the apartment. Using them, rub the furniture, giving shine. They are ideal for glass and plastic products, mirror surfaces, computer and digital technology.

A special spray that removes dust from household appliances. Such a tool removes dust deposits from TVs, desktop computers, keyboards, scanners, printers, cameras. Despite the inclusion in the network, such a spray can be used on working equipment.

Do-it-yourself dust control products

Many do not trust ready-made cleaning products. How to deal with dust in the apartment? Home cooking tips will definitely help:

  1. Carpet cleaner. Pour 1 liter of water with two cups of baking soda, four bay leaves, a pinch of cinnamon or cloves. Treat the carpet with mortar. Vacuum after a few hours. Soda will remove dust and dirt accumulated in the carpet, and spices leave a slight aroma and disinfect.
  2. Bathroom cleaner. Add half a glass of soda to a glass of vinegar. After mixing these ingredients, apply on the surface. Wash off after fifteen minutes, after rubbing the treated areas.
  3. Cleansing wipes. We cut old things into neat rags. Pour one fourth of the vinegar into a glass container, then add water. Add a few drops of any essential oil to the aroma solution and lower the napkins. Close tightly with a lid. Such rags should be used to wipe household appliances, kitchen items.
  4. Furniture tool. In a glass container under the lid, add one fourth of the vinegar, then fill to the top with any vegetable oil. Add the juice of half a lemon or one tablespoon of prepared lemon juice. Store liquid in the refrigerator. Shake well before use.

How to deal with dust? The list of effective ways starts with mandatory ventilation premises. Favorite apartment - closed space. There is always less dust on the street, because the volume of dispersion is incomparable with the area of ​​​​the apartment. It is necessary to start cleaning with wide open windows in which there are Mosquito nets, protecting from the ingress of dust from the street.

Next, we determine the amount of work that needs to be done. Scattered clothes are sent to the washing basket; we put the scattered toys neatly in the children's room; We return things that are not in their place.

We vacuum all soft parts of cabinet furniture. We use a damp rag to knock out the dust from it. We clean carpets with special cleaning products.

If possible, wash windows and wash hanging curtains, curtains, tulle. Before hanging clean products, it is advisable to treat them with hot steam or iron them. This process allows you to get rid of dust particles and disinfect window curtains.

We arrange wet cleaning for plants that care about the microclimate in the apartment. We wipe their leaves with a wet cloth, spray and water.

We wipe all items located in the dwelling with a damp cloth, wash the floor clean.

When asked how to deal with dust in the apartment, the famous actress replied that dust does not bother anyone if you do not touch it. There is no universal remedy. It must be remembered that cleaning is much easier and takes less time if you maintain order in the apartment every day.

Dust causes a lot of trouble, especially when it comes to allergy sufferers. It settles on upholstered furniture and shelves. A person regularly inhales the dust that remains in the cavity of the respiratory tract. All this has a negative impact on health. Even with regular cleaning, small particles appear again after an hour and a half. What to do in such situations? This issue needs to be resolved once and for all! Let's figure out together how to do it right.

Where dust accumulates

  1. Dust preferentially settles on products and interior items made of textiles. It's all about the ability of the material to electrify and attract small particles. Therefore, the main place for dust accumulation is soft toys, drape elements, blankets, pillows, blankets, joints of upholstered furniture, curtains and tulle.
  2. A positive feature of the “dust collector” in the form of textile materials is that the particles immediately stick and do not float in the air. It is much easier to eliminate them with primitive wet cleaning, washing or knocking out on the street.
  3. A negative characteristic is the inability to carry out wet cleaning complex elements interior. In this case, you can not do without regular, almost every 2 days, washing or the use of an expensive washing vacuum cleaner.
  4. To get rid of dust on upholstered furniture, you need to arm yourself with a huge gauze cloth and moisten it with water. After push-ups, the fabric is applied to a sofa or chair and knocked out with a special device. Dust is instantly absorbed into the material, it is enough to rinse it and, if necessary, repeat the steps again.
  5. Dust locations include the area under the ceiling, which is extremely difficult to reach. Particles usually settle on high wall cabinets, shelves and other hard furniture. Not every housewife has the desire to climb up and clean every week. In this case, it is better to cover the surface closed from the eyes with newspapers or landscape sheets.
  6. Another place is considered to be cornices, the sides of paintings located high, various hanging figurines, clocks and others. small parts, chandeliers and lamps. Needless to say, how difficult it is to clear all these elements one by one. All parts that do not want to be wiped must be treated with an Anti-Dust spray.

how to get rid of house dust

How to start dust control

  1. First of all, cleaning the apartment must begin with the complete elimination of all existing dust collectors. Everyone, or almost everyone if possible. This must be done, because dust is harmful to health, allergies may soon develop. Not everyone knows that most of the dust is concentrated 1.5 m from the floor. Therefore, children and undersized people have the hardest time.
  2. It has already been mentioned above that the favorite place for dust accumulation is on the surface of small elements. These include soft toys, figurines, watches, decorative napkins, etc. These items accumulate harmful particles more than others, so they should be disposed of. If you do not want to throw things away, put them in a box or under glass in a chest of drawers.
  3. According to the above scheme, it is necessary to do with books. They attract dust quickly, so keep prints under a glass panel or in a closed cabinet. Well if you highlight separate place for them.
  4. Dust is concentrated in carpets placed on the floor or walls. They need to be vacuumed at least twice a week, preferably more often. If you do not want to do this, remove the carpets.
  5. Things, shoes, accessories that no one uses hang on a hanger for years and collect dust. If you no longer need them, share with your friends or give to those in need.
  6. Do not litter the apartment with various decorations, which can only be called dust collectors. Give preference to a minimalist style environment, and cleaning will be faster, and save your health.
  7. Curtains made of dense and heavy materials quickly attract dust due to the effect of electrification. The longer they hang, the more harmful the air in the room. Choose curtains to which nothing sticks, or light tulle. As for the cornices, give up the hinged ones, get those that are attached to the ceiling.
  8. If you make your bed with a blanket natural materials Prefer synthetic ones. Wool quickly attracts microparticles, because it is also quickly electrified. Synthetics have these properties, but to a lesser extent.

how to clean your apartment

Ways to eliminate dust

Humidifiers, ionizers and vacuum cleaners

  1. To cope with the appearance of dust, it is recommended to use vacuum cleaners with a water filter. Remember, dust is generated in large quantities when ordinary cloth bags are used in household appliances. The bottom line is that after using such vacuum cleaners, half of the dust returns to the room.
  2. Vacuum cleaners with water filtration cope with the task. The only disadvantage of the devices is that they can significantly increase the humidity of the air. This phenomenon will provoke the formation of mold. Therefore, these vacuum cleaners are best used for cleaning smooth floors made of linoleum or tiles.
  3. To prevent dust from accumulating in large quantities, it is recommended to get a robotic vacuum cleaner. Keep in mind that the device can quickly fail if shaggy animals live in the house. In other cases, the attribute will greatly save the situation. It is enough to turn on the vacuum cleaner, it will independently collect all the dust from the floor in the apartment.
  4. An equally effective solution can be used to solve the problem - an air cleaner. The device copes with dust, the only drawback is a small radius of action (about 1 meter). The air cleaner removes flying dust particles. Keep in mind, the device is not cheap, but it does the job perfectly.
  5. V modern houses often you can find a humidifier. The essence of the device is based on cold steam. We can say that the attribute "washes" the air in the room. The device has a short range. Therefore, you will have to constantly rearrange it or acquire additional units. The undoubted advantage of the device is the complete purification of the air.
  6. In addition to all of the above devices, you can resort to using an ionizer. It reduces the amount of dust in the air. The ionizer weighs down the particles that are deposited on the floor. In this case, cleaning is much easier.

Household chemicals

  1. When cleaning the apartment, the use of household chemicals is inevitable. Such substances remove static electricity from household appliances on which dust sticks. If you systematically treat things with antistatic, particles will practically not settle on surfaces.
  2. Alcohol-free glass cleaners are considered no less effective in solving the problem. Such compositions easily clean almost any product from various materials.
  3. Not a bad result was also shown by disposable napkins. They can be universal or directional for all surfaces. Among the effective napkins are car wipes. They do an excellent job with dirt and dust.

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Dust Prevention

  1. Before embarking on an endless war with dust, you can try to eliminate the sources of its appearance. If possible, ventilate the room every 2-3 hours.
  2. The apartment must have good ventilation. This is especially true for the bathroom and kitchen. In such rooms, you need to put a hood.
  3. The temperature in the room should be at an average level, from 19 to 23 degrees. Installing an air humidifier will not be superfluous. Do not save on this, health is more important.
  4. In humidifiers, you can add special products that fight dust mites. Keep in mind that this composition can harm the health of animals.
  5. If you have an impressive collection of books, they should be stored in a separate bookcase. Almost everyone knows that waste paper is the main dust collector.

To combat dust, remove the dust boxes. Use a special spray with the Anti-Dust effect, buy an air humidifier, and clean with a washing vacuum cleaner. Spray the room with water and lemon juice.

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You cannot remove large sources of dust from your life, such as clothes, furniture, carpets and, in fact, human skin. However, you can use quality house cleaning methods. Then the amount of dust will be significantly reduced.

Always wipe dust from top to bottom– otherwise, dirt from the surfaces that are higher than the rest will settle on the already cleaned furniture.

Carpets should be vacuumed and shaken out every week. Carpets – world-class dust collectors, and when you step on them, they "throw" the dust back into the air.

It is worth taking care of the furniture. For example, sofa cushions, like carpeting, create, collect and spew dust into the air when you sit on them. Sofas, beds, chairs can be vacuumed or knocked out with a dense, damp cloth. Also note the curtains.: They need to be washed and steamed regularly.

Dust mites live in almost every home because they like warm, humid environments. They breed in bedding and other areas where there may be many epidermal particles, and contribute their waste products to the general level of dust. In most cases, this is not a problem: just wash your bedding regularly and take care of your upholstered furniture.

Take inventory of your apartment. Perhaps something should be thrown out altogether, and something just replaced. Instead of feather pillows take synthetic winterizers, get rid of unnecessary decorative items and unnecessary clothes, old upholstered furniture. Do not forget about soft toys: they are great house for dust mites. It is absolutely not necessary to throw them in the trash, it is enough to wash them at a high temperature or put them in the freezer for several hours.

Why is there a lot of dust in the apartment? The answer is simple: dust loves clutter. Clutter demoralizes even the most desperate housewives, forcing them to spend a lot of time and effort cleaning. Store various knick-knacks and things that you rarely use in a cabinet behind glass or in a drawer. Spend 5 minutes a day to put everything in its place - there will simply be no place for dust to come from.

Our wardrobe also affects the total amount of dust. Just imagine how much dust we bring from the street along with our clothes! Pay close attention to laundry and wardrobe space organization. Seasonal items are best packed in vacuum bags.

The most terrible accumulation of dust is located where it is quite difficult to clean., - under the bed, sofa, behind the refrigerator or closet, in the corners of the pantry, etc. When wet cleaning, it is recommended to pay the most attention to these places. Fortunately, mops and vacuum cleaners are now being produced with a wide variety of nozzles that can penetrate hard-to-reach places.

The most inaccessible places are at the top of the cabinets - to wipe them from dust, you always need to stand on a chair and stool. How to remove dust in this case? If you are not very concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the room, you can put old newspapers or large format paper on the “roof” of the cabinet - when dust settles on it, it can be rolled up and thrown away. There is no need to deal with a thick layer of dust on the surface of the cabinet itself.

Another tip: if you need to remove dust from embossed surfaces, such as a picture frame, lampshade, etc. decorative elements, use an ordinary brush.

house dust- the enemy of most modern housewives. It seems that she just finished cleaning, and then, lo and behold, this hated dust is right there again. Is this picture familiar to you? Do you know that the main source of dust is ourselves, our hair, keratinized skin particles, as well as animal hair, indoor plant pollen, the materials from which furniture, walls and much more are made.

Today you will learn how to quickly and effectively fight dust how to minimize it. After all, dust not only looks unattractive, but also harms our health, it is one of the strongest allergens and the cause of respiratory problems. You will learn some tips and rules on how to deal with house dust. And if you follow these rules regularly, if you turn them into your habit, then it will take much less time than a regular dust fight. And as a result, you will have a clean and, most importantly, hypoallergenic apartment.

So. List of rules for dealing with house dust:

1 . Use your vacuum cleaner correctly. Do not save on bags, change them regularly in the vacuum cleaner. And it is best to purchase a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. (How to choose a vacuum cleaner)

2 . Don't forget about wet cleaning. Clean floors as often as possible, paying attention to areas under the sofa, bed, cabinets and other furniture. Use a damp or dry cloth to wipe the surface of shelves, chests of drawers, nightstands, household and digital appliances, especially screens and monitors.

3 . Comb your hair only in the bathroom. After all, scattered hair throughout the apartment is an excellent dust collector. And if you sweep them off the floor in the bathroom in time, then you will eliminate the extra dust collector.

4 . Special attention devote to the fight against dust in the kitchen. Here it accumulates in huge quantities. Store crumbly foods in tightly sealed containers. Change the exhaust filter regularly. Try to take out the garbage every day, even if there is not much accumulated.

5 . Give preference to leather furniture, of course, at a cost it is expensive, but it can not only decorate your interior, but also attract less dust and, moreover, it is much easier to clean.

6 . Don't forget to change your bedding often as well. And remember that colored laundry gets dirty just like whites.

7 . At least once a month, shake out the blankets and air out the pillows in the sun.

8 . As far as possible, get rid of carpets, as they are the biggest dust collectors in the house. And if you can’t imagine your home without carpets, replace them with small rugs that can be easily washed in water.

9. Get rid of all unnecessary things in the house. Surely, you have things that are just in case, waiting in the wings. Most of the time it never comes. But you should be able to regularly wipe the dust off them. And with so many unnecessary things, it will become simply impossible.

10 . Several times a year, use the services of companies that clean carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture with their equipment.

11 . Plant live plants, they will keep the air clean in the house. Give them a useful shower. You should not decorate a house or apartment with artificial flowers, they are also excellent dust collectors.

12 . Keep an eye on your pets, wash the dirt from their paws at the entrance in time, brush them and comb them out.

13 . We all know that rooms need to be ventilated, but few people know that together with the air through open windows we let dust into the house. But don't worry, there is a way out - ventilate only when it's not outside strong wind or, even better, right after the rain.

14 . Don't smoke in your home, and don't let anyone else do it, as tobacco smoke particles create toxic dust. By the way, such miracle devices as air purifiers and humidifiers will effectively help fight dust in your home.

15 . If you have a fireplace in your house or apartment, if you love candles and incense, then remember that this contributes to the formation of soot.

16 . Instead of blinds, use better curtains. They are always easier to wash than to rub off every plank on the blinds.

17 . Choose furniture so that it is at least 30 cm below the ceiling. This will make it much easier for you to dust the top of cabinets and shelves.

18. And finally. Try to make dust fighting a regular activity. Spend five minutes every morning dusting and dedicate at least once a month to general cleaning.

As you understand, you can learn how to deal with dust, but completely get rid of it is simply unrealistic. However, if you constantly maintain order in a house or apartment, it will really become much smaller.

And how do you, our readers, get rid of dust and keep your house clean?

Many housewives are faced with such a problem as the accumulation of dust in the apartment. Small particles fall on clothes, furniture, household appliances. It seems like only yesterday I wiped the dust, but it appeared again.

Where does the dust in the apartment come from, and is it possible to get rid of it?

Fighting methods

It is very difficult to fight the formation of dust microparticles. This process takes a lot of time, although everyone understands that it will not work to completely get rid of it.

If the hostess loves cleanliness, then she will have to completely abandon dust collectors - dust loves to accumulate on the soft surfaces of toys, sofas, mattresses, carpets and curtains.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time? In order to free up at least half of their time and prolong the cleanliness of the room, experts suggest installing built-in furniture, laying lint-free flooring, replacing curtains with blinds.

Dust is not absorbed into hard coatings, while it is easily removed with a rag.

If the house has dust collectors, then you need to learn how to clean in stages:

  1. The fight against dust begins with the opening of all windows. People believe that even more dirt is blown in from the street with the wind. But this opinion is wrong. On the contrary, during ventilation, the air is renewed. If the space is closed, then even more microparticles settle.
  2. How to reduce the amount of dust in the apartment? Free up space. Arrange all things, toys and shoes on the shelves.
  3. Remove all carpets from the house. Hang them on a rope and beat them off. If it's cold outside, vacuum them thoroughly.
  4. How to deal with dust in the house? Treat houseplants often with water. If the house has trees with large leaves, then wipe them using a damp cotton pad or cloth.
  5. Vacuum upholstered furniture, and then wipe all surfaces with a clean, damp cloth.
  6. How to deal with house dust? Get a mop. Hard-to-reach places form the dirt most of all. So clean them regularly. Usually, all the dust rises from the floors up and settles again on household items.
  7. Wipe down all other surfaces with a damp cloth.
  8. Finally, wash the floor with water containing detergent.

Means for cleaning the apartment

What is the best way to remove dust from furniture and other surfaces? Each type of product has its own household chemicals.

To clean the dust in the apartment you will need:

  • chemistry for glass cleaning;
  • cleaning agent for bathroom and toilet;
  • means for cleaning dust from floors;
  • powders and gels for processing carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • air freshener;
  • dishwashing gel.

On store shelves you can see a large selection various means. They are sold in the form of powders, gels, solutions, creams.

They also differ in price range. There are expensive ones and cheap ones. But remember, quality does not always depend on price. There are inexpensive products that do an excellent job with various pollution.

How to choose the right anti-dust agent? When choosing household chemicals, pay attention to the composition, there are components that, if released into the air, can harm a person.

The composition should not include:

  • chlorine, phosphate and ammonium. These are toxic substances. With their frequent use, they can cause cancer;
  • triclosan and tricloban. These components lower immunity;
  • flavors. They are considered strong allergens.

Regardless of what is included in the composition, any household chemicals lead to irritation of the skin and respiratory tract. Therefore, do not forget to wear gloves and a face mask before processing the room.

Folk remedies

A few decades ago there was no such abundance chemical substances. Therefore, the housewives used improvised means to fight for cleanliness in housing.

How to quickly deal with dust in an apartment at home if there is nothing at hand:

  • the dishes were washed with mustard powder;
  • glass surfaces were treated with a solution of vinegar;
  • stains from furniture were removed with baking soda;
  • the toilet and bathroom were cleaned with vinegar;
  • the tiles in the bathroom were washed with raw potatoes;
  • dusting and mopping was done with vinegar and water.

Folk cleaning products allow not only, but also to defeat even the most persistent unpleasant odors.

Where does dust come from? Most of all, it accumulates in the house where there are many things.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment forever? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely cope with it.

You can reduce the amount of dust, for this, follow the tips:

  1. To reduce the appearance of dirt, remove excess clothing. Look, maybe there are things that it's time to throw out. If it is a pity to get rid of them, then give them to people in need.
  2. Put a few indoor plants in the room, they help in purifying the air.
  3. If you have pets in the house, brush them regularly.
  4. Optimize your apartment. Get rid of old upholstered furniture. Install built-in wardrobes if possible. Replace with hard coated products. An excellent option would be leather or its substitutes.
  5. Feather pillows are a source of dust mites. Therefore, change them better for a synthetic winterizer.
  6. Buy mattresses from modern filler.
  7. The reason for the large accumulation of dust particles are. Cleaning them is very difficult and time consuming. So roll up and put them away. If you are afraid of cold floors, then soft coatings are sold in stores that are easy to process. It is enough to wipe them with a brush with the addition of soda.
  8. To get rid of a large amount of dirt, lay a rubber mat in the hallway. It is easy to wash. It is enough to rinse with water and put back in place.
  9. To get rid of dust for a long time, collect all soft toys in a bag and put in the freezer for several hours. This method will remove all dust mites and give them freshness.
  10. Dirt begins to form when the room is poorly ventilated. Therefore, open the window regularly.

Use a special antistatic for furniture. It can be purchased at the store or made at home using folk methods.

Antistatic agents for dust include acetic solution and citric acid. Make them easy. A spoonful of vinegar or lemon powder is taken and mixed with water. Then ready solution wipe clean surfaces. This good way remove stains and deal with dirt accumulation.

Health risks of dust

At first glance, dust seems harmless, but experts identify several factors why it is important to deal with dust in a room:

  1. Dust particles cause allergies in newborns and young children, the elderly.
  2. The composition of the particles includes organic and inorganic components, including dust mites, which cause the development of many diseases.
  3. With a large accumulation of dirt, damage gradually occurs food products, because of this, diseases of the digestive organs, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting occur.

If there are asthmatics in the house, then it is necessary to clean much more often.

There are many effective methods cleaning to get rid of dust from wallpaper and other surfaces, after which the cleaned apartment will shine with cleanliness. But the result will be short-lived. Dust microparticles will appear in the house, because they are in the air.

Have you ever seen scary pictures of what dust looks like under a microscope?

House dust contains particles of dead skin, hair, pollen, pet hair, if the latter live in the house.

The inhabitants of the lower floors in the dust may even have particles of rubber car tires. Well, the most unpleasant thing is saprophyte mites. By the way, this is almost forty percent dust.

It would be desirable, of course, to get rid of dust once and for all, but this, unfortunately, is fantastic. To reduce the layers of dust, you need to wage a regular, preferably daily war with an invisible enemy.

Wet and dry cleaning - the easiest and most effective remedy. Unfortunately, the miracle of cleaning products has not yet been invented, so you need to take a rag in your hands every day and destroy the dust.

Dust quickly settles on objects after cleaning, so use the “top-down” principle, i.e. start cleaning from the ceiling to the floor. First, the corners in the room so that cobwebs do not form, then go to the cabinets, then the tables and chairs, and at the end the floor.

A lot of dust settles on the curtains, so they need to be washed often. Put books in a bookcase or put them on closed shelves. Do not place soft toys, pillows, napkins, etc. in open places.

Check the window seals, they may be letting dirt in from outside. Lots of dust in carpets. Either clean them constantly or put them away.

Your Jewelry blackened from silver? Learn at home.

Classic boots have many advantages: comfortable to wear, warmth, low price... But they get dirty quite easily in wet weather. Read how to clean light boots from different types of pollution.

Means for cleaning the apartment

Rags can be bought at the store, or you can use old unnecessary clothes or sheets. Well, if the rag is cotton. Cotton absorbs water well and does not leave scratches on surfaces.

For embossed surfaces, prepare a brush. There is nothing better for the floor than a mop. Fortunately, now you can buy from various materials, independently twisting and with a movable head to clean in hard-to-reach places.

You can buy wipes to remove dust. They are good because they are impregnated with a special agent that not only removes dust, but also disinfects.

Use sticky roller brushes to remove dirt and dust from textiles. An electric broom will use static electricity to remove dust from electrical appliances, such as TVs and computers.

Effective means:

  • Anti-dust polish acts as an antistatic agent. It will not get rid of dust for a long time, but it will slightly prolong the cleanliness in the house.
  • Airing. It should be done daily, at least twice. Wet cleaning is carried out just at the time when the windows are open. V warm time year, the minimum ventilation time is twenty minutes. In cold weather - two minutes, but it is better to arrange a draft in these minutes.
  • A vacuum cleaner.It doesn't matter - washing or not - the main thing is to vacuum the apartment every two days. Some models of washing vacuum cleaners have an "air purification" function. If a large amount of dust has already accumulated in the house, a universal vacuum cleaner will help and.

These devices purify the air, also kill bacteria, sometimes ionize the air and aromatize it. It all depends on the model you choose.

The principle of operation of the cleaner: dust and dirt settles on the filters. Well, if the purifier model provides for a HEPA filter - a dust filter.

These filters were originally developed for use in medical institutions, so the HEPA filter is capable of retaining even very fine dust.


A comfortable level of air humidity for a person is forty percent, but this mark is unlikely to rise above twenty percent in our apartments.

If earlier it was only possible to hang wet rags on batteries, now everything is much simpler: you can buy a humidifier.

In dry air, dust settles very slowly on the surface. You clean up, and in fifteen minutes a new portion of dust will settle out of the air. At humid air the dust gets wet and settles quickly so that it can be easily removed from the floor.

Folk methods for cleaning an apartment

Get a plant called chlorophytum - a fairly common and unpretentious care. Spray it daily with water. There will be much less dust. Other plants also help to cope with dust, but especially chlorophytum.

Moisten a cloth to dust aqueous solution to which add some detergent. Do not overdo it with the product, otherwise stains will remain on the furniture.

Do not abuse brooms. After all, a broom only sweeps the dust, and does not remove it.

Wear sheepskin coats in winter genuine leather? When contaminated, these products are quite difficult to clean. Learn how to properly and at home.

Modern thermal underwear is made from special synthetic fabrics. In, you can learn how to properly wash thermal underwear.

And if on any clothes appeared greasy spot, first it is desirable to sprinkle with salt. Read how to remove an old greasy stain from different types of fabrics.

Get rid of dust mites by washing clothes at high temperatures, if the material of the product allows it.

Dust cannot be completely defeated, but its amount can be reduced. You have to constantly fight with her. It is not easy, but modern technologies make the work of housewives much easier.

Annoying dust, on closer inspection, is an amazing creation of nature. Microscopic particles have been traveling the earth for centuries, bringing the smallest fibers into the house, including those from paradise lands, taking dust from your bookshelf on a long journey. And the question of how to deal with the hated dirt on polished furniture is almost rhetorical, because over the years the method has remained practically unchanged.

What is dust and where does it come from

Dust is solid particles, the smallest of which (up to 10 micromicrons in size) are constantly in the air, and those that are larger (from 10 to 50 micromicrons) settle on surfaces and serve as a headache for all housewives in the world.

The origin of dust can be both the most prosaic (particles of the epithelium of households, animal hair, or microscopic remains of a recent repair), or almost fantastic and unbelievable for an average apartment in the Russian outback (ash from volcanoes, evaporation of ocean salt, or a particle of Everest). The fact is that dust moves freely in space, regardless of tight closed windows and doors, as well as distances and continents.

These small particles could still remain the subject of surprise and delight, if dust mites did not occupy a huge proportion among them. They live in our homes as full owners, feeling great in mattresses and pillows, sofas and other secluded corners, from where it is almost impossible for them to survive. The danger is not the ticks themselves, but the waste products of their vital activity, which are produced by them daily and in large quantities and can cause severe allergies in people.

In addition, in the dust, in addition to microscopic debris Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek statues, absolutely any substances can be contained, including chemical compounds hazardous to human health.

Interesting facts about dust and its origin (video)

Why is dust control important?

Dust, which can be almost anything, each of us inhales daily and in large quantities, and, of course, this does not go unnoticed. Growth in last years experts associate various respiratory diseases and allergies with the insecurity of the home modern man and, first of all, with an abundance of the notorious dust in it.

  • As a result of regular inhalation of dust and its settling in the lungs, chronic diseases develop, such as pulmonary ephysema, bronchitis, etc.
  • Dust from modern unnatural finishing materials may be dangerous due to harmful chemical compounds, which with air are directly in the lungs.
  • Pollen, particles of wool or animal epithelium, dust mites, etc. serve as causative agents of allergies in people predisposed to it.
  • Along with dust, viruses and bacteria spread, provoking all sorts of diseases, including tuberculosis and smallpox.

Most often, house dust contains more than one type of bacteria and pathogens, and the worse the room is ventilated, the more dangerous dust it contains.

Thus, to isolate yourself from the problem by tightly closing windows and doors will not work. It is important to approach its solution comprehensively and conscientiously.

Main dust collectors in the apartment

The degree of saturation of the dwelling with dust and its regular “production” by things depends on how many potentially dangerous places in this sense are in the house. In other words, the fewer dust collectors in the house, the less likely it is to develop allergic reactions and chronic diseases respiratory organs in you and your children.

So, the main suppliers and collectors of dust in the apartment are:

  • TV, computer and other equipment that is made of refractory plastic and heats up during operation.
  • Sleeping place.

The mattress, sofa, pillows and bed linen are the home of the dust mite, which in turn loves to feast on particles of the human epithelium. It is impossible to get rid of inconspicuous cohabitants, but it is vital to observe the elementary rules of hygiene, namely regular shifts (at least once a week) and washing bed linen at high temperatures.

  • Upholstered furniture in general.

Strictly speaking, if you are a potential allergic person, then it is better to get rid of chairs with pillows, and even more so sofas, and replace them with wooden counterparts.

    Ventilation, which is sometimes impossible to reach, is the dirtiest place in the apartment, through which air constantly circulates. That is why it is necessary to make it a rule to carry out wet cleaning of this hard-to-reach place.

    • Books.

    Multi-volume editions of the classics not only collect dust, but also successfully produce it in incredible quantities, which is why the home library should, firstly, be carefully stored behind glass, and secondly, in a room that does not double as a bedroom for anyone from household members. Shelving with books in the living room or study, as well as shelves with books, say, in the pantry or spacious hallway - the best way for your health and safety.

    • Street dust.

    If the windows of the room do not overlook a quiet green square, then your apartment is also prone to dust accumulation. Therefore, if there is construction, bare land or a freeway outside the window, cleaning the apartment should be given more attention and time than we would like.

    • Cleaning and washing powders.

    Giving a short-lived effect of alpine freshness, the powder hovers in the air for a long time, settling not only on the floor, but also in the lungs. That is why it is more rational to abandon such household chemicals, replacing them with more natural ones.

    • Old wallpaper.

    Dozens of layers of wallpaper in the grandmother's apartment not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also frankly harmful to health. That is why, for safety reasons, all layers of past repairs should be removed from the walls and a single layer of high-quality dense wallpaper should be glued.

    For absolute security own apartment ideally, of course, it would be to get rid of books and equipment, bed linen and upholstered furniture and sleep among the bare walls on a mat, daily wiping the floor with a damp cloth without powder. But, of course, this is impossible, and, in general, it’s useless, because there are proven ways to deal with dust, both folk and modern - whoever prefers what.

    How to deal with dust

    Even if you have time to wipe all the surfaces in the house every day to get rid of dust, this is unlikely to solve the problem, rather, on the contrary, it will add headaches and increase paranoia. Consider several tools, the combined and regular use of which will help protect your home from harmful particles and preserve your health and the health of loved ones.

    Folk remedies

    The most important folk remedy is wet cleaning. Adjusted for modernity: it is worth wiping surfaces with a dampened microfiber cloth, the villi of which serve as a kind of hooks that catch dust.

    The second remedy, which is mainly used in the family of allergy sufferers, is getting rid of unnecessary things or replacing them with safe analogues.

    So, if possible, you should throw out:

    • Carpets, whether natural or synthetic, or at least not worth having this luxury item hanging on the wall.
    • Soft toys that are stored in the nursery, and then settled throughout the apartment.
    • Any rubbish stored on the mezzanine or in the pantry.

    In general, it should be taken as a rule: if a thing is not used within a year, then it must be disposed of (donated, sold or thrown away).

    It is also important to replace:

    • Upholstered furniture for possible analogues made of wood.
    • Down pillows and soft mattresses are similar to those made from modern materials, in which dust accumulates less.

    In addition, to combat dust, you can and should do the following:

    • Wash bed linen regularly at high temperatures home textiles from curtains to bedspreads.
    • Fully ventilate the room, remembering that in closed space dust is generated much faster.
    • In the absence of allergies, you should get indoor plants, which, as you know, help purify the air.
    • It is worth collecting all the howling into a fist and quite regularly (at least once every 3 years) to spend in the apartment redecorating. Checking ventilation, sealing cracks and leaks, replacing wallpaper and baseboards and the like is a real way to deal with possible dust concentrations in your home.

    Modern technology

    At the mention of the fight against dust, the association with the advertised washing vacuum cleaners, which cost fabulous money, immediately works.

    Of course, it’s not worth giving the last for such equipment, as well as generally overpaying several times for a regular vacuum cleaner with an additional function, but a washing vacuum cleaner really contributes effective fight with house dust. Moreover, an ordinary vacuum cleaner, in fact, serves as a double-edged sword: it collects dust, and then spreads it itself through the open hole of the dust bag. A washing vacuum cleaner carries out wet cleaning, depriving small particles of volatility, which neutralizes, among other things, harmful compounds that can damage health.

    Unfortunately, no modern antistatic agents or special brushes for cleaning dust help for a long time or do not help at all, and on the contrary, they themselves become a source of dust and volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

    How to get rid of dust permanently

    To get rid of dust for more than 2 days, only general cleaning will help, followed by the use of an air humidifier and air conditioning to ventilate the room.

    But even in this case, dust will be present in the apartment, although not so visually noticeable. True, no later than a week later, you will need to change bed linen again and carry out wet cleaning, because getting rid of dust will not work forever.

    If you think about it, dust is a real symbol of movement, because its “production” does not stop for a second, it is everywhere and always and is able to travel great distances, taking particles from your computer keyboard far beyond the ocean. Unfortunately, only a slightly detached philosophical view will help to take the problem more calmly and live with it, regularly using recommendations for cleaning the house.

    What is dangerous dust and how to deal with it (video)