Negative ions. Benefit for health

Negative ions... Benefit for health

Negative ions are oxygen atoms that have an extra electron on their outer shell. These atoms arise in nature under the influence of water, air, sunlight and natural radiation from the Earth.

Negatively charged ions are most common in nature and especially around moving water or after a thunderstorm. This air is felt on the beach, near a waterfall or after a sea storm.

It would be nice to find a way to keep ionized air in the bedroom, living room, kitchen or office.

What do negative ions do?

In high enough concentrations, negative ions cleanse the air of mold spores, pollen, pet hair, odors, cigarette smoke, bacteria, viruses, dust and other harmful particles in the air.

They do this by attaching these substances to positively charged particles. Germs, mold, pollen and other allergens become heavy enough to stay in the air. They fall to the floor or attach to an adjacent surface. Thus, harmful elements are removed from the air and problems with breathing and health are eliminated.

Unfortunately, our homes and workplaces tend to be isolated from natural natural conditions... Even with open windows, away from polluted air in a noisy city, the concentration of negative ions in the air is only a tenth of that found in nature, in the environment. And if we add to this those that produce positive ions - air conditioners, electrical equipment, televisions, clothes dryers and even carpet and upholstery, then the shortage becomes quite obvious. needed by the body ionized air.

How do ionizers work?

We already have one generator of negative charges at home and it is in the bathroom - this is a shower. Shower, with a stream hot water and the couple is good manufacturer negative ions. This explains why most people need to shower to wake up refreshed and refreshed in the morning.

At the same time, scientists have come up with another, even more effective, way to generate negatively charged ions to have them in any room and anywhere in the apartment, thus obtaining health benefits.

The modern air ionizer works using a technique called "corona discharge", which is modeled after lightning in nature.

A tiny current of electrons flows down to the tip of the needle. The closer the electrons get to the tip, the closer they are forced to be together.

Since electrons have the same charge, they naturally repel each other when they reach the tip of the needle. They are forced into the nearest air molecule and it becomes a negatively charged ion.

Negative ions are repelled from each other more and more, respectively, they are emitted further and further into the space of the room. The more powerful the ionizer, the more useful ions it can generate and the more area it can fill.

The health benefits of negative ions

So what does ion therapy do for us in terms of health and wellness?

Ionizers in our home

Currently, new innovative ways of generating negatively charged ions are being developed. Ion generator devices are becoming more compact and more powerful.

There are even highly portable versions that look like USB memory sticks. You plug them into your office computer and they counteract the harsh environment of positive ions. Alternatively, there are ionic light bulbs that generate negative ions when they are turned on.

The Allo.Ua website reviews the best ionizers for home, office and even a car. It is worth paying attention to generators that have a high production of negative ions, practically do not require maintenance, are long-term in operation and have positive feedback from the people who purchased them. π

Correct use of drugs as a factor in ensuring their effectiveness

I. M. Pertsev, Doctor of Pharmacy. sciences, prof.,
I. A. Zupanets, Doctor of Medical Sciences sciences, prof.,
T.V. Degtyareva, Cand. farm. Sciences, Assoc.
National Pharmaceutical Academy of Ukraine

Factors affecting the effectiveness of drugs

Dispensing drugs from pharmacies must be accompanied by information from the pharmacist about the conditions of their intake, dosage, diet during treatment and other necessary information regarding the rational intake and storage. The patient receives information about taking medications from the doctor. But, unfortunately, there are cases when the doctor confines himself to brief information, without dwelling on the peculiarities of taking this medication, or the patient, being impressed general information about the disease and its treatment, does not attach due importance to it or forgets about the doctor's advice regarding the medication regimen. Therefore, the pharmacist, releasing the medicine, is obliged to fill this gap. The need to inform the patient about the method of using the drug is due, on the one hand, to the desire to increase the effectiveness of its action, and on the other, to prevent negative reactions during treatment.

An irrational method of drug administration can significantly reduce the pharmacological effect, cause irritation at the site of application, and intensify it side effect and toxic effects. At the same time, taking medications taking into account the influence of numerous factors environment allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy.

Environmental factors mean the complex impact of the external environment (radiation, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, vibration, the composition of air, water and food) and the internal environment - physiological, biochemical and biophysical sex characteristics and the state of the body (body weight, age, gender differences , pregnancy, individual sensitivity to certain drugs, heredity, pathological conditions, etc.). In most cases, a combination of the actions of external and internal factors leads to a change in both the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug, and therefore its effectiveness may decrease or increase. Let's consider the most significant factors that can influence the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Influence of body temperature, environment and radiation energy

The temperature of the body and the environment influences the course of physiological and biochemical processes in the body. With an increase in temperature, absorption and transport of medicinal substances proceeds faster, and with a decrease, they slow down. Therefore, local cooling of body tissues is used when it is necessary to slow down absorption, for example, with local administration of a drug, with a bee or snake bite. The influence of the temperature factor on the pharmacodynamics of drugs must be taken into account in clinical practice, since drugs are often prescribed at different temperature conditions to patients with pronounced thermoregulation. So, in hot weather, the introduction of atropine sulfate can be fatal due to the depressing effect on the perspiration function of the body.

The action of drugs is influenced by radiation energy (gamma rays of radioactive substances, X-rays, rays of the ultraviolet visible part of the spectrum, infrared radiation). Under the influence of sunlight, the composition of the blood changes, the action of substances affecting mineral metabolism changes. After a course of X-ray therapy, the effect of caffeine is perverted in patients. When exposed to ionizing radiation, genetic, metabolic processes, and the kinetics of medicinal substances change. In this regard, the pharmacotherapy of patients who have undergone radiation therapy should be carried out with great care. When taking chlorpromazine and other phenothiazines, salicylamide (especially by men after 50 years), elenium, diphenhydramine, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, neviramone, it is not recommended to expose the body to intense solar irradiation.

Influence of magnetic field, meteorological factors, hypo- and hyperbaric conditions

The magnetic field has a significant effect on the higher centers of nervous and humoral regulation, the biocurrents of the heart and brain, the permeability of biological membranes. With increasing energy magnetic field and the duration of its effect, the reaction of individual organs to the mediators adrenaline and acetylcholine is enhanced. Men are more sensitive to the activity of the Earth's magnetic field than women. Patients with disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems... On the days of magnetic storms, they have an exacerbation of the disease, crises, heart rhythm disturbances, angina attacks, decreased efficiency, etc. On these days, it is recommended to increase the dose of the drugs used (in agreement with the doctor), use motherwort, valerian, hawthorn preparations; physical activity should be facilitated, avoided stressful situations... Drinking alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited.

Meteorological factors (absolute air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and strength, average daily temperature, etc.) affect the elasticity of blood vessels, viscosity and blood clotting time. Decrease in atmospheric pressure by 10-12 mm Hg. Art. can lead to vascular disorders, rising barometric pressure has a large impact on the joints. Rainy weather causes depression. Thunderstorms and hurricanes are especially harmful to human health. A cubic centimeter of air usually contains 200 to 1000 positive and negative ions. They affect the intensity of the heart, respiration, blood pressure and metabolism. A large concentration of positive ions causes depression, suffocation, dizziness, a decrease in general tone, fatigue and fainting in people.

And the increased concentration of negative ions has a beneficial effect on the body: it helps to improve the mental state and mood. Obviously, this is due to the fact that they interfere with the formation of serotonin (a pain mediator). During a thunderstorm, the amount of negative ions in the atmosphere increases.

The action of drugs changes under hypo- and hyperbaric conditions. In experiments on animals, it was found that with a long stay in a high-mountainous area (3200 m above sea level), the hypotensive effect of papaverine increases, and dibazol is weakened.

Human age, gender and the effect of biorhythms

A person's age also affects the pharmacokinetics of drugs. Young patients are characterized by higher rates of absorption, excretion, a shorter time to reach the maximum concentration of drugs; for the older ones, the higher the half-life of the drugs. The reaction of a child's body differs sharply from the reaction of an adult to an injected drug, the younger the body, the more significant this difference. In old age, drugs can have a perverse pharmacotherapeutic effect.

Since ancient times, gender-related differences in the action of drugs have been noticed. The residence time of the drug in the body of women is much longer than that of men, respectively, and the level of concentration of drugs in the blood of women is higher. It is believed that this is due to the relatively high content of "inert" adipose tissue in women, which plays the role of a depot.

One of the most powerful factors affecting humans and pharmacotherapy is the action of biorhythms. Each cell of our body senses the time - the alternation of day and night. A person is characterized by an increase in daytime hours and a decrease in nighttime physiological functions (heart rate, minute blood volume, blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen consumption, blood sugar, physical and mental performance).

Biological rhythms cover a wide range of periods: secular, annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily. They are all strictly coordinated. The circadian, or circadian, rhythm in humans is manifested primarily in the alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness. There is also a biological rhythm of the body with a much lower frequency than the daily one, which affects the reactivity of the body and affects the action of drugs. This is, for example, hormonal rhythm (female reproductive cycle). The circadian rhythms of the liver enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of many medicinal substances, which in turn are associated with external rhythm regulators, have been established.

The biological rhythm of the body is based on the rhythm of metabolism. In humans, metabolic (mainly catabolic) processes that provide the biochemical basis of activity reach a minimum at night, while bio chemical processes, providing the accumulation of substrate and energy resources, reach a maximum. The main factor determining the biological rhythm is the conditions for the existence of the organism. Seasonal and especially daily rhythms act as if in the role of conductors of all oscillatory processes of the body, and therefore the attention of scientists is most of all focused on the study of these rhythms.

Taking into account physiological rhythms is necessary to substantiate the organization of human production activity in various spheres, to compile a rational regime of work, life and rest as one of the objective indicators of human health in the diagnosis and prevention of diseases, when choosing the time of operations (when operating patients at night, mortality is 3 times higher) , for chronotherapy and setting the optimal time for taking medications.

The experience of pharmacotherapy has led to the need to use medicinal substances at a certain time of day, month, season, etc., for example, taking hypnotics or sedatives in the evening or night hours, tonic and aphrodisiac drugs - in the morning or afternoon hours, antiallergic drugs for prevention seasonal (spring or summer) allergic diseases.

The rapid development of medicine and biology in the second half of the XX century made it possible to establish, explain and predict the influence of time factors, or rather, that phase of the body's biorhythm, during which the drug was used, on its effectiveness, the severity of side effects and to identify the mechanism of this influence.

Chronopharmacology studies the effect of medicinal substances on the body, depending on the time of day, seasons of the year, which establishes the principles and rules for the rational use of drugs, and seeks schemes for their use for the treatment of desynchronosis. Chronopharmacology is closely related to chronotherapy and chronobiology. The objectives of chronotherapy in general view can be formulated as the organization of a treatment process based on taking into account the individual biorhythmological status and its correction using all the methods available to modern medicine.

When the body's biorhythms mismatch with the time sensors, desynchronosis develops, which is a sign of physiological discomfort. It always occurs when moving from west to east or from east to west, living with unusual modes of work and rest (shift work), excluding geophysical and social time sensors (polar day and night, space flights, deep-sea diving), exposure to stress factors ( cold, heat, ionizing radiation, biologically active substances, mental and muscle tension, viruses, bacteria, food composition). Therefore, the rhythms of a healthy and a sick person differ significantly.

During the day, there is an unequal sensitivity of the body to optimal and toxic doses of drugs. The experiment established a 10-fold difference in the lethality of rats from Elenium and other drugs of this group at 3 am compared to 8 am. Tranquilizers show maximum toxicity in the active phase of the day, coinciding with high physical activity. Their least toxicity was observed during normal sleep. The acute toxicity of epinephrine hydrochloride, ephedrine hydrochloride, mezaton and other adrenergic agonists increases during the day and decreases significantly at night. And the acute toxicity of atropine sulfate, platifillin hydrotartrate, metacin and other anticholinergics is much higher at night, in the inactive phase of the day. Greater sensitivity to sleeping pills and anesthetic drugs is observed in the evening hours, and to anesthetics in dentistry - at 14-15 hours of the day (at this time it is recommended to remove teeth).

The intensity of absorption, transport and disintegration of various medicinal substances is subject to significant fluctuations during the day. For example, the half-life of prednisolone when administered to patients in the morning is approximately 3 times longer than when administered in the afternoon. Changes in the activity and toxicity of the drug may be associated with the frequency of the liver enzyme systems and renal function.

An essential role in daily changes in pharmacokinetics is played by the intensity of metabolic reactions and complex interactions of the endocrine glands. An important factor is the susceptibility of biosystems to impact. In connection with the frequency of absorption, transformation, excretion of drugs and sensitivity, the issue of synchronization of the time of the greatest activity of the drug and the maximum sensitivity to it is relevant. If these maxima coincide, the effectiveness of the drug will increase significantly.

Since during the period of acrophase (time of maximum function) of daily, seasonal or other rhythms, increased efficiency or activity of systems is established, as well as the greatest sensitivity of cells and tissues to substances, the introduction of drugs before or at the beginning of acrophase makes it possible to achieve a therapeutic effect with lower doses and reduce their negative side effects.

The existing methods of chronotherapy are divided into preventive; imitation; "Imposing" rhythm.

Preventive chronotherapy regimens are based on the idea of ​​maximum efficacy of drugs and a minimum of their negative effect when they coincide with the acrophase of the studied function. Optimization of the time of drug administration is based mainly on the calculation of the time required to create the maximum concentration in the blood at the time of the development of a certain event (for example, the time of maximum division of cancer cells or maximum increase in blood pressure, etc.). So, in the treatment of leukemia, most of the cytostatic is taken at 20 hours (when intensive division of cancer cells is observed), the other part of the dose - in the afternoon, from 14 hours.

In the treatment of hypertension, especially the second stage, when there are changes in the heart and crises, it is important for patients to identify the hours of maximum rise in blood pressure and take medications 1 hour before that. Such a drug regimen gives a good decrease in blood pressure already on the fourth day with 5-10% of side effects. With the usual use of the drug, improvement occurs only on the tenth day and with 60% of side effects.

Timely prescription of antahistamines significantly increases their effectiveness in bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases. However, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the biorhythmological functions of patients, since a significant number of them (up to 50%) showed variability in the duration of circadian rhythms.

The imitation method of chronotherapy is based on the already established patterns of changes in the concentration of substances in the blood and tissues in accordance with the biorhythm characteristic of a healthy person. This method is used in therapy with various hormonal drugs.

The third direction of chronotherapy is an attempt to use medicinal and other substances to "impose" on the patient's body certain rhythms that approach the normal rhythms of healthy people. This method is also a method for optimizing drug administration. For example, it is considered successful to take high doses of prednisolone and other similar drugs every other day for chronic autoimmune diseases, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis.

Currently, for some groups or individual drugs, it is established optimal time their introduction throughout the day. For example, glucocorticoid drugs (prednisolone, polcortolone, etc.) should be prescribed once a day and only in the morning (8-11 hours), since during these hours a dose of 10 mg, which was used instead of 30 mg, had a good therapeutic effect. Sulfonamides are better absorbed in the morning. The use of stimulants of the central nervous system (caffeine, corazole, cordiamine, etc.) is most effective during the active part of the day, i.e., their action is synchronized with the normal physiological rhythms of the body. Indomethacin should be used at 8 a.m. in a single dose of 100 mg, since administration at the same dose at 7 p.m. showed its minimal amount in the blood and was rapidly excreted from the body. And if there is a need to prescribe it in the evening, then you need to give 2 doses. It is rational to take acetylsalicylic acid according to the following scheme: 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. It is better to take nitro preparations (sustak, nitrong, etc.) during the day, as their intake at night causes sharper hemodynamic changes. It is better to administer heparin to patients with myocardial infarction 2 times a day at 11 and 16 hours of the day. In the treatment of depression with lithium preparations (micalit), the following regimen is recommended: at 12 o'clock - 1/3 of the daily dose, at 20 o'clock - 2/3 of the dose, and in the morning they should not be taken at all.

Since acute left ventricular failure develops in patients at night, the intravenous administration of cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmic drugs should be shifted to the evening, in the morning they can be omitted. When treating myocardial ischemia, medications should be taken 1–2 hours before the deterioration of the heart, which is usually observed at 2 am, therefore, obzidan, anaprilin is more rational to take at 24–1 am.

In order to prevent cardiac arrhythmias, potassium preparations (potassium chloride, panangin, potassium orotate, etc.) are preferable to enter in the evening and before midnight.

So knowledge general principles the rhythm of the physiological processes of the body will help determine optimal schemes and the time of application of medicinal substances, to increase the effectiveness, to reduce the dosage, and, consequently, the toxicity and side effects. For example, the use of furosemide in patients with chronic circulatory failure at 6-7 am on an empty stomach at a dose of 20 mg gives a greater saluretic and diuretic effect than use in the afternoon or evening at a dose of 40 mg.

Body weight, pathological processes and individual sensitivity of the body

Besides external factors, the initial state of the organism is essential in the reaction of the organism to the drug. First of all, body weight should be taken into account. Obviously, taking the same dose of the drug by patients weighing 50 and 80 kg provides respectively different concentrations of it in the blood and the effectiveness of the action. When determining the dose of tryptisol (amitriptyline) for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children, it is necessary, in addition to age, to take into account weight. Dosing of drugs should be carried out taking into account body weight, especially when treating obese patients, since some drugs, such as sedatives, are actively absorbed by the cells of obese people.

The state of the organism is of essential importance. During pregnancy, many drugs give perverse reactions, for example, expectorants cause vomiting. During menstruation, women become more sensitive to capillary-active substances (compounds of mercury, arsenic).

The presence of pathological processes also determines the altered reactivity of cells and tissues in relation to drugs (often in combination with the effect on pharmacokinetics). For example, stress can increase arousal and decrease inhibition in the cerebral cortex. With kidney disease, excretion is slowed down, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, the processes of absorption and distribution of drugs are disrupted.

Individual sensitivity to drugs can vary widely. For example, to butadiene by 6–7 times, to antipyrine by 3–5 times, to dicoumarin by 10–13 times. Differences in drug susceptibility are associated with unequal metabolic rates due to genetic factors.

Thus, when prescribing and using drugs, it is necessary to take into account the action of factors of the external and internal environment.

Based on the book "Pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of drugs" IM Pertsev, IA Zupanets, LD Shevchenko and others. Reprinted with abbreviation.

Japanese oncologists are putting forward a new theory of cancer control. It is based on the effect of negative ions on the body, which stimulate the production of antioxidants that eliminate carcinogenic substances.

This theory was developed based on research carried out by a group of scientists led by Kenji Tazawa, professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacology in Toyama, and Professor Noboru Horiuchi, director of the Sakaide Cancer Clinic, Kagawa Prefecture.

A detailed report on the results of the study was made at a conference of the Japan Cancer Association, which today began its work in Nagoya.

Negative ion therapy is widely used in medicine for the rehabilitation of the body after suffering a serious illness. The ability of negative ions to "refresh" the body has been known for a long time.

As Professor Horiuchi explains, if a person is in a room saturated with negative ions, their body releases an antioxidant called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol destroys highly reactive oxygen molecules and ions. Scientists call these compounds "active oxygen".

“Active oxygen damages cellular proteins and thus stimulates the process that leads to the formation of cancerous tumors,” says Horiuchi.

But ubiquinol affects active oxygen before it begins to affect proteins, that is, makes it safe.

Scientists conducted their experiment in two rooms. One had a negative ion generator, while the other had no such generator. The generator produced 27 thousand ions per cubic centimeter in a range of 3 meters. Thanks to the generator, the volume of ion saturation in the room has increased 27 times.

11 people with an athletic physique were invited to participate in the experiment, since it is the athletes who have an increased content of active oxygen in the body. For six nights, five people slept in an ionized room and six people in a regular room. On the last day, blood and urine tests were taken from each participant in the experiment.

The experiment showed that in all those who were in the ionized room, the content of ubiquinol in the body was five times higher than in the control group.

"This once again confirms that negative ions interact with active oxygen and do not allow it to have a negative effect on the body," the scientists said.

Negative ions - vitamins of the air (part 2). The positive effect is not always good

A person, like any living organism, has its own "shell" of electric charges of the corresponding surface density. An excess of positively charged ions around a person leads to "discharge" of the body and the destruction of its electrical equilibrium. Air ions enter the body through the skin and respiratory tract. Inhalation of positive ions for 20 minutes causes cough, headache and runny nose. Positive ions can cause malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, cause depression, insomnia, and tachycardia. Why is this happening?

It is noticed that in people in an atmosphere of positive ions, the production of serotonin begins - a hormone that is responsible for the function nervous system... An oversaturation of serotonin (also called "stress hormones") leads to nervous exhaustion - a typical disease of the 21st century. According to Japanese researchers, positive ions are the cause of many cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Ionic indoor climate
The conditions created by man for his living, work and rest are far from a healthy ionic climate. People become victims of "poisoning" by positive ions: residents of large cities do not think about their future illnesses. The situation worsens even more in rooms with central heating, accumulation of electrical appliances and household appliances that destroy ionic equilibrium. Air (especially in cars), changing and electrizing, loses almost all negative ions and gains an excess of positive ones. Carbon monoxide also reduces the amount of air ions. The normalization of the ionic microclimate in a car is greatly facilitated by ventilation, and, unfortunately, not all drivers like to open their windows while driving. In such cases the best way out- purchase and installation of a negative ion generator in the car interior, or, more simply, an ionizer.

Negative ions in a concentration close to natural do not affect those functions that are carried out normally and do not have a negative effect on a healthy body.

● Increased immunity

● Strengthening the immune system

● Decreased susceptibility to disease

● Improving microcirculation

● Normalization of blood pressure

● Prevention of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke

● Normalization of metabolism

● Increase concentration and attention

● Prevention of psychological illnesses, dementia, Alzheimer's disease

● Prevention of rheumatism, gout, diabetes

● Treatment of various diseases of the lungs and bronchi (eg. Bronchial asthma)

● Mitigating the effects of traditional cancer treatments (radiation, chemotherapy)

● Reducing the risk of operations, accelerating the healing process after illness

● Normalization of heart rate

● Decreased tinnitus

● Prevention and treatment of retinopathy

● Treatment of migraine, headache

● Stimulation of physical and mental performance

● Treatment of chronic fatigue

● In cosmetology

● Anti-aging

And what we breathe at home, at work, transport -
in a word, where we spend most of our time?
Dust, microorganisms, influenza viruses, bacteria…. It is clear even to a child that an open window does not solve the problem of air purity ...

And a person - alas, looks like a car, each exhalation is an exhaust of positively charged oxygen molecules. Up to 500 thousand in one cubic centimeter of exhaled air). This especially happens during sleep, so you should not drink the water that remained on the bedside table in the bedroom until the morning.

The composition of the air is highly dependent on ecological situation in a specific area. Near the sea, in mountainous areas in a pine forest, it is fresher, since it contains from 1000 negatively charged oxygen ions (anions) per cubic centimeter of air.

At the same time, in cities, especially in megalopolises, in office apartments without an air ionizer, their content tends to zero, and even if they are, then these are not the light ions that help the body, but the heavy ones that clog the organs.

An ion is a negatively or positively charged molecule that is obtained in the process of ionization, that is, charging a molecule - this is how light ions (anions) are obtained, but if a charged molecule is attached to dust or water, then it will be heavy and will be harmful. In rooms where people are, the amount of heavy ions increases, and light ions (anions) disappear, since a person himself produces a huge amount of heavy ions.

It should be noted that only an air ionizer can correct this situation, only an ionizer is able to saturate the air with a large number of air ions (light - negatively charged particles) as in the best mountain and sea resorts.

If there is no air ionizer, and there are many people in the room, then human health may be undermined, since he will not receive the required amount of anions, and the organs will switch to an economical mode, which, of course, will not the best way will affect well-being and health. That is why city dwellers need to use ionizers at home.

The ionizers use an electro-effluvial effect. The high-voltage rectifier gives a negative charge to the oxygen molecules in the air of the apartment.

But what is interesting: at present, scientists have managed to create a tissue that, under certain conditions, generates negative ions. It turned out that by applying this technology in feminine sanitary napkins, scientists have achieved the same health effect as from using the ionizer at home.

Miracles - you say?

How is normal tissue capable of generating negatively charged oxygen ions? How and why did this become possible? The fact is that this is a common and at the same time unusual fabric. Tourmaline thread is woven into this fabric.

This thread, being in a humid, warm environment, gives up its electron to the atomic oxygen molecule, which is released from moisture on the moisture-retaining gel of the pad.

And an even faster effect of restoring health is obtained, because in the humid environment of our mucous membrane, the speed of movement of anions is several times higher (approximately 12-15 meters per second).

This means that negative ions quickly deal with free radicals that have accumulated in our body from stress, cell phones and computers. Anions manage to reach all the cells in the human body at such a speed. The electrostatic charge of cells is restored. And this is youth and longevity.

This is a difficult time - more than half of women who visit a gynecologist suffer from inflammatory diseases. Their main cause is infections that occur in different ways. Including due to the use of non-sterile pads and tampons, as well as due to complications after the flu, tonsillitis. An important role is played by a decrease in immunity, stress and hormonal disorders.

Ovarian diseases, cystosis, polycystic disease, polyps, cystitis, pyelonephritis, infertility have become almost the norm.

But this should not be allowed to remain the norm !!!

Why would you suffer from all this?

How to avoid the consequences of all of the above?
Where and how to get affordable effective treatment?


Negatively charged oxygen ions
or "air vitamins"
Anions are the main reason for the longevity of people living in the mountains. Productive longevity: health and youth are exactly what every woman wants.


Ionizers are not the only ones that produce anions at home.

As it turned out, scientists have now managed to create a special tissue that, under certain conditions, generates anions. It was this fabric that was used in women's medical pads.

This local impact has proven to be so effective
that gynecologists are sometimes shocked by the results

Miracles - you say? How is normal tissue capable of producing negatively charged oxygen ions?

The fact is that this is a common and at the same time unusual fabric. A tourmaline thread is woven into it.

Tourmaline is a precious Brazilian mineral.

This thread, being in a humid, warm environment, gives its electron to an oxygen molecule released from the moisture-retaining gel of the pad.

Through the humid environment of our mucous membrane, anions with a tremendous speed with the blood flow have time to reach every cell in your body. They quickly deal with free radicals accumulated primarily from stress, infections, computers, cell phones, and televisions.

The anion chip in the pad can produce up to 6,000 anions per 1 cc, an amount that can bind all free radicals in the body and stop more inflammatory processes but also aging processes.

Vitamins A, C and E can be used as antioxidants, but "air vitamins" are much more effective.

Anions is a breakthrough in the science of longevity !!!

Air is the pasture of life and a complex system of chemical and physical factors.
Air is a mixture of gases that forms a protective shell around the earth called the atmosphere. Air is essential for life on Earth - for breathing and nourishing plants. Air also protects the Earth's surface from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Air is composed of nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, and other gases 1%.
The oxygen atom has 6 electrons in the outer shell. In order to become stable, it needs to fill its shell with two more electrons, so the oxygen molecule in the air easily attaches 1 or 2 free elements to itself, ionizes and turns into an aeron (anion) of oxygen of negative polarity.
Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or added an electron, which is why they received a positive or negative charge.
As a result of the loss or addition of one or more electrons, an atom becomes an ion. All ions are electrically charged particles. The charge in an ion arises due to the fact that the number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons becomes different.
An atom that has lost an electron becomes a positively charged ion - a cation. An atom that has acquired an electron becomes a negatively charged ion - an anion. The anion has more electrons than protons.
Negative oxygen ions, drifting and diffusing in all directions, enter the respiratory tract and further into the human body, where they start a chain of biochemical reactions, which leads to a positive therapeutic effect.
Atmospheric air always contains both negative and positive particles.

The main sources of this natural ionization are those present in the air:
1. Gaseous products decay of radium and thorium in the air. Their emanation, which in turn continuously disintegrates, causing the dissociation of air molecules, giving rise to negatively charged oxygen molecules called light air ions.
2. Gamma radiation of radium salts in the surface layer of the earth's crust in an insignificant amount. It has been established that almost all rocks radioactive. Natural waters also contain salts of radioactive substances.
3. Solar radiation.
4. Ultraviolet light from the Sun.
5. Photoelectric effect of Stoletov-Galvans.
6. Cosmic rays.
7. Electric discharges in the atmosphere (lightning, discharges on mountain tops).
8. Crushing and spraying of water over waterfalls, the sea surface during surf and high tide, sea storm, during rain - this is a balloelectric effect.
9. Triboelectric effect - mutual friction of grains of sand, dust particles, snow, hail.
10. Decay of organic matter, various chemical reactions taking place on the soil surface, evaporation of water.

In the mountain air near waterfalls, turbulent rivers, on the seashore, during an intense surf, the number of light negatively charged anions increases sharply. It is enough to stay in negatively ionized air for a few minutes, as electrical potential of all cells of the body begins to grow and then stays at the achieved level for a long time. This means that the electrostatic "baggage" of the body can be controlled.
Under the influence of oxygen of negative polarity, the quality of the functions of the organ and the general neuropsychic state of the organism change.

Staying in an anionic atmosphere:
1. improves blood composition;
2. normalizes breathing;
3. increases metabolism;
4. stimulates growth;
5. activates the hormonal system.
Aeroionization has versatility.

Numerous electrometric observations have shown that in 1 cm3 of air:
- forests and meadows contain from 700 to 1500 anions per 1 cm3
- suburban air contains up to 1000 anions per 1 cm3
- air of large cities 150-200 anions per 1 cm3
- in living quarters, their number drops to 25 anions per 1 cm3, this amount is barely enough to support the life process.

The average life span of anions is 46-60 seconds. In clean air - 100 seconds or more.
Anions are fast moving. average speed their movement is equal to 1-2 cm / sec. The mobility of a negatively charged ion exceeds the mobility of a positively charged ion by a factor of hundreds.
Numerous observations show that ionization of negative polarity sharply improves the physiological state of experimental animals, while the predominance of positive charges with a deficit of negative ones turns out to be harmful for them.
The recognition of air ionization as an indicator of its biological usefulness is an important achievement of science. The presence of electric charges in the air is one of the necessary conditions for the normal development of highly organized life.

Physiological bases of anion action

A living organism is a receiver of anions, which have a physiological effect on it.
It is possible to outline two main pathways by which the action of anions on the body is carried out.
The first way is the return by the anions of their charges to the surface of the body.
The second way is their entry into the lung tissue during respiration, and then into the bloodstream - adsorption and diffusion of anions.
The mucous membrane has better conductivity than the epidermis due to its moisture content.
The flow of anions, bombarding the skin surface, excites on it electric currents, which through the pores penetrate into the underlying layers of the skin and affect physiological functions. The body carries out its electrical connection with the outside world both through the lung tissue and through the skin. The flow of anions on the surface of the skin is quite a strong irritant. It stimulates the growth of plumage, hair and coat. Numerous cases of treatment of certain skin diseases under the influence of anions have been described.
Anions increase the intensity of redox processes in the intestinal tissues. Catalase plays a crucial role in the chemistry of the cell. By studying the change in the amount of catalase, one can judge the intensity of oxidative processes in the body. Anions of negative polarity noticeably increase the catalase index in the direction of its increase.
Anions affect the acid-base balance:
Positive ones increase the acidity of the blood, and negative ones increase its alkalinity.
The human body needs a constant supply of molecular oxygen as well as electrically active oxygen.
Anions play a huge role in the respiratory function, redox processes and the phenomena of general metabolism.

Mechanism of action of anions

Normally, there is an electrostatic equilibrium of blood colloids!
It is disturbed under the influence of even weak doses of anions, resulting in a physiological effect that is quantitatively incomparable with the absorbed electrical energy.
The electrostatic equilibrium between blood and tissues under the influence of negative ionization goes to highest level and entails certain physiological changes. These phenomena are favorable for the body, they are necessary for him to maintain basic functions at a normal height. It is precisely on the one that the body constantly loses in the process of life, or even more so in pathological conditions.
The human body possesses receptors of the greatest sensitivity, perceiving a power equal to 1010 - 10 12 erg / sec., That is, microdoses have a biocatalytic effect! This is the situation when chemical processes give way to physical or ionic processes.
With extreme dilutions, the molecule leaves the bonds in which it is in the colloidal system, that is, it goes into a special active state. At extreme dilutions, the molecule becomes "decompressed" and passes into a stage of high biological activity.
Ionized oxygen molecules are nothing more than biocatalysts that can act on surrounding molecules, lifting them energy levels.
The function of catalysts is that their presence determines a certain special state of the reactants, which facilitates the course of the reaction.
Catalytic phenomena can be found in almost any chemical reaction... It is known that almost every process taking place in a living organism is closely related to catalytic phenomena.

Positive and negative ions: how they affect health, their sources, what should be the correct balance of ions.

Our viability directly depends on the composition of the atmosphere. Inhaled air prolongs our life or significantly shortens our life.

Why do mountain dwellers live longer, but fewer megacities? Why do we feel better at the waterfall or in the forest? We understand the article.

What is an ion?

The air is filled with tiny atoms in constant motion and having an electric charge (electrons). Colliding with each other, atoms exchange their charges. This phenomenon is well known to us as static electricity, we meet with it, combing, putting on or taking off synthetic clothes.

Having lost or received an electron, a neutral atom turns into an ion, a particle with an unequal number of protons and electrons.

If there are more electrons ion has a negative charge and is called negative ion, anion or air ion.

If there are fewer electrons ion has a positive charge and is called positive ion or cation.

Our environment and our body include both types of ions. On which one our life potential depends more.

Positive ions

Impact on health

An excess of cations in the air causes poisoning of the body and manifests itself:

Increased production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter hormone, an active participant in the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain.

Overproduction of the hormone of happiness is dangerous and disrupts normal work the whole body: central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, thermoregulation, biorhythms, circulatory and cardiac systems, etc. The person experiences mood swings, anxiety, fear, insomnia, etc.

Fatigue, tension, anxiety, nervousness, unexplained insecurity, depression;

Frequent colds

Pressure, respiration, metabolism, hormone balance, blood composition return to normal.

Decreases anxiety, stress, depression. Negative ion therapy is more effective than antidepressants.

Insomnia, head pains, lack of appetite disappear.

The blood flow is normalized, which serves as the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, protection from heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis.

By increasing the negative charge of blood cells, anions prevent them from sticking together, forming blood clots and cholesterol plaques. This improves the fluidity of the blood, and the walls of the vessels retain their elasticity and permeability.

The incidence of colds and flu is reduced.

The aging of the body slows down.

With age, an electrical discharge of our body inevitably occurs: with a decrease in the proportion of water in it (by almost a third by the elderly period), the electric charge in the cells decreases, and the electrical exchange in the tissues decreases. Anions help maintain electrical processes, thereby prolonging our life.

It's time to remember the centenarians living in mountainous regions, where the concentration of happy ions is the highest.

Air ions start the regenerative processes in our body, strengthening the immune system.

Improves mental performance due to better oxygen supply to the brain.

Anions perfectly and permanently clean the air space:

From bacteria, viruses, mold spores, dust, pollen and other allergens;
from cigarette smoke and other volatile poisons.

Air ions are attracted to harmful positive-ionic particles and change their charge to negative. As a result, pollutants become heavier and deposit on floors and other surfaces, leaving the air and losing the chance to enter our respiratory tract.


nature is the most reliable supplier air ions. They are created by cosmic radiation, radioactivity of the earth's crust, and natural phenomena.

Most of the air ions are formed in the mountains, near a waterfall, a stormy river, sea surf, in a forest, after a thunderstorm, storm, downpour and snowfall.

It is the high content of anions that explains the therapeutic effect of staying in mountain and sea resorts, where we are literally "treated with air".

Unfortunately, the urban environment almost completely deprives us of air vitamins. Hazardous industrial emissions, traffic jams, electromagnetic radiation, ubiquitous Wi-Fi, total chemistry, dust - all these are killers of negative electrons.

By comparison, the air outside cities contains about 6 thousand dust particles in 1 ml. The air of an industrial city in 1 ml contains millions of them.

How to get negative ions at home:

Showers are a good source of negative ions. That is why after the morning water procedure we feel more invigorated.

We ventilate the house, there are more air ions outside the window than in the apartment.

If possible, we purchase an ion generator. An overview of these will follow in future publications.

Greening living space. Houseplants improve the microclimate by producing oxygen, air ions and phytoncides.

We walk barefoot, we ground ourselves.

Reducing the factors that neutralize negative ions:

We try to surround ourselves natural materials(furniture, curtains, carpets, bedspreads, towels, etc.).

Turn off electrical devices from the web when we are not using them.

We do wet cleaning more often, removing dust.

Ion balance is the key to health

Air ions are necessary for us for normal life. Meanwhile, the statistics are disappointing.

Near mountain rivers and waterfalls - more than 50 thousand,

In forests and meadows - it reaches 1.5 thousand,

V open field- about 1 thousand,

In the atmosphere of megalopolises - barely reaches 200 pieces,

In housing and offices - on the strength of 25-50 anions, which is negligible for health.

Periodic measurements of the concentration of anions in the air of the main streets of large cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Munich, Sydney, Dublin, Paris, Zurich, showed a deplorable result: at noon - from 50 to 200 per 1 cubic centimeter, which is two less than the norm. - four times.

The normal ratio of negative to positive ions should be 1.5 (60% anions account for 40% cations).

However, the ionic balance in cities does not meet this requirement. Positive ions predominate, affecting our well-being and vitality.

By the way, the balance of ions was disrupted in the XX century due to the processes of industrialization and urbanization.

Why is ionic imbalance dangerous?

With an excess of cations, health deteriorates, we can experience insomnia, nausea, migraine, irritation, stress, depression, frustration

functions of the thyroid gland and other problems described above.

Ionic sensitivity is individual... The most sensitive to ionic imbalance are women, children, people with poor health and those under stress, and the elderly.


In light of the above, we supplement famous phrase: "Man is what he eats and what he breathes." Our general health, body resistance and life expectancy depend on the quality of the atmosphere.

Positive and negative ions are markers of the air we breathe and how we feel. If you have insomnia, fatigue, nervousness and live in a city, pay attention to what you breathe.

Clean air rich in anions!


  • The healing effect of negative ions
  • Overview of ionizing generators
  • Why go barefoot
  • Why ozone is dangerous

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project