How to destroy purslane in the garden. Garden purslane - effective weed control

Garden purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) - annual herbaceous plant relating to weeds. People are thinking about how to bring garden purslane because of its properties to braid and flood vegetable crops, taking a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Purslane is nevertheless edible, has tender, fleshy leaves with sourness and is similar in taste to.

Plant features

A feature of purslane, like many other weeds, is its viability and undemanding to growing conditions. Weed grows on any soil, including sandy and rocky areas.

Wild purslane can be found on all continents. The weed plant is thermophilic and moisture-loving, it is distinguished by creeping reddish shoots, reaching a length of 10-40 cm. It blooms in small yellow flowers from June to September.

After flowering, garden purslane forms a fruit - a multi-seeded box. It cracks and spreads up to 1 million small, brown-black seeds.

Seeds fall off in September-October and are able to stay in the soil for up to 30 years without losing their germination.

Seeds germinate from the surface of the soil, or from a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. Particularly active growth occurs at temperatures above + 25 ° C and up to extremely high, as well as after watering or rain. In one season, garden purslane can reproduce up to 3-4 seed generations. Therefore, it is difficult to get rid of it in one year.

How to remove purslane garden

For weed control, mechanical and chemical methods. The use of drugs is not always appropriate on the site. Chemicals adversely affect the composition of the soil and cultivated plants.

To improve the quality of the soil and to get rid of weeds, observe and sow the area with continuous sowing crops, such as barley, oats or peas.

In places where purslane grows, onions, carrots and parsley are planted. They are able to suppress the germination of weeds after one weeding.

One of the methods on how to bring out garden purslane sprouts and how to deal with them is mulching, weeding and digging.


Areas where weed growth has been observed are covered with a dense layer, 5-10 cm high. Mowed grass, hay or compost can be used as mulch. A layer of mulch is covered with corrugated cardboard or a dark garden film. In the absence of light and due to the compaction of materials, even the hatched seeds will not be able to develop.

Mulching is not only a way to remove garden purslane, but also an additional tool to improve the quality of the soil layer.

Purslane actively grows in well-lit areas, so by shading not only the seeds, but also the places of its growth, you can gradually remove the weed from the garden.


Weeding is carried out manually after loosening and with the obligatory uprooting of the plant. Purslane weed is well removed from the ground, not selected plant remains quickly resume their growth. Portulac dissected into parts takes root by releasing aerial roots. Therefore, uprooted plants are not left in the aisles and on the surface of the soil.

A supply of moisture accumulates in the roots of purslane, which allows it to for a long time stay viable. To prevent re-rooting, all plant residues are burned or carried away outside the site. AT compost pits only dried weeds can be used. Dry, torn from the soil, purslane under the sun, spreading it on a film so that it does not touch the ground.

Purslane is weeded without waiting for its flowering, because freshly ripened seeds are able to immediately begin new growth.

Purslane tends to actively germinate after watering. This ability is used to provoke germination - another method of removing garden purslane from the site. The place where the weed grows is intensively watered a few weeks before planting vegetables or flower crops and then carefully weed out the emerging shoots.


In order to remove the purslane from the garden, the places where it appears are deeply dug up. The seeds of the plant germinate only close to the surface. Therefore, after digging, they will be in the lower soil layer, from where they will not be able to germinate. Deep digging is recommended to be done well in advance of planting vegetables - in autumn or in early spring so that the work of beneficial soil bacteria has time to resume in the soil layers.

Compliance with crop rotation and a combination of methods for getting rid of a weed plant will lead to a decrease, and then the complete disappearance of purslane from the garden.

About the properties of garden purslane - video

Its peculiarity is that it grows well even on the poorest soils, and on nutritious, lovingly prepared for crops, it multiplies many times faster. Therefore, as soon as the first sprout of the fat woman appears, remove it immediately and watch for new sprouts.

It would be useful to look behind the fence: if there is a purslane there, then in this place it must be destroyed. After all, it reproduces both by seeds (thousands of small seeds from one plant), and by processes of roots and stems - it simply crawls from behind the fence into the garden. And it forms such a useless carpet that does not give life to other plants.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) without chemistry

Weeding and once again weeding - here The best way. However, you need to remove the smallest pieces of the plant, because a new weed can grow from them. It is important to monitor new shoots of purslane every 7 days and remove them until the seeds are ripe. It is better to put the plants on a litter in the sun so that they dry completely. If the lashes come into contact with the ground, new shoots will come from them.

Important: do not use a chopper, flat cutter, secateurs and other similar devices to weed weeds. They divide the purslane into parts, from which new weeds will grow, and there will be even more of them. Only careful selection of pieces and roots will give the desired effect.

You can also apply mulching straw, sawdust, etc. Mulch is laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm, no less. If the fat woman has grown a lot, cover it with boards, cardboard or a piece of roofing material so that it does not receive light and moisture.

Will also help digging with a pitchfork : in this case, you can select the stems and roots, and the seeds will fall into the depth and will not be able to germinate, because they sprout at a depth of no more than 2 cm.

There is a way like emergency watering . The bed is dug up, watered a lot every day, and the seedlings of purslane are monitored. In about a week, pink sprouts will appear - this is purslane. They are removed, and the weed will not appear here again.

How to get rid of purslane (fatty) with the help of chemistry

If the clogging of the site with purslane has reached catastrophic proportions, herbicides of continuous action will help. They are used in the fall, when the crop is already harvested. Experienced fighters with purslane advise a double dose: the combination of Roundup with Lapis Lazuli, Pyramin or Octigen. Make the solution strictly according to the instructions.

Spraying is best done in clear weather. If there was no rain for 10 hours, one treatment is enough. If it was, spraying will have to be repeated.

After two weeks, the entire purslane will dry. This method of destroying a fat woman can be used if it grows along a fence or on paths.

The main thing when using herbicides is to cover cultivated plants so that they do not suffer.

Purslane is a herbaceous plant, a weed, from which it is very problematic to get rid of. And for the eradication to be successful, you should know about effective ways fight him.

What harm does purslane cause

This weed spreads along the ground, has fleshy leaves and fatty stems penetrating the ground. Its height does not exceed 200 mm, its main forces are spent on creating a strong root system.

Despite the attractive flowering (from June to mid-September) with yellow flowers, you should get rid of the weed faster, because it interferes with the full development cultivated plants. In 1 gram there are more than 3 thousand seeds of the plant, they, scattered around, are able to sprout for 10 years.

Get rid of purslane before it starts flowering.

How to get rid of weeds in your yard

The main thing in the fight against purslane is to notice it in time in your area. It is necessary to prevent the rapid growth of the weed in the garden, to prevent its flowering. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of it. This plant can germinate up to 4 times per season.

It is impossible to allow violent reproduction of purslane

This is especially evident at temperatures exceeding 25 0 C; after rains or irrigation of planted crops. Therefore, you should regularly inspect your site. When small thick weed sprouts are found, you need to start fighting it.

Weeding beds

One of the mechanical and time-consuming methods of getting rid of purslane in the garden is regular weeding of the site, which is done only by hand. Weed sprouts are good to pull out of moist soil. You can't wait for them to get stronger. Purslane must be uprooted and stored in a separate dry place so that it cannot again give roots and multiply. It is better to burn it when it dries.

Use for weeding work a cultivator, hoe, other gardening Tools it is not recommended, since tearing or cutting the weed can contribute to its reproduction on the site. Even a small part of a damaged stem left in the ground can quickly take root.

Weeding should start from mid-April.

Deep digging of the soil

This method is effective in clearing the garden of such a weed and prevents the strong growth of purslane. Digging is done in early spring or late autumn. Weed seeds germinate while in the ground at a depth of 1.5–2 cm. When, when digging, the seeds are below this level, they will not be able to germinate.

To get rid of purslane, the soil is dug up in spring or autumn.

Irrigation application

Plot owners use another method to control this weed. In the spring before the start landing work the land where purslane used to grow is dug up, then watered at least once a day. After 3-7 days, the first shoots of the weed may appear. They should be removed completely within 2 weeks before planting. During this time, all hidden purslane seeds will already appear, and they can be destroyed.


You can permanently get rid of purslane by mulching the soil. Mulch is straw, sawdust, hay, gravel, black film. The last variant of the fight against purslane is especially effective, since mulching also contributes to the development of cultural plantings, saves temperature regime soil, protects the earth from overheating, drying out. The height of the mulch layer should be at least 5 cm.


You can get rid of purslane completely with the help of purchased herbicides. In this case, Roundup is effective in combination with Lazurite or Octigen. First, in accordance with the instructions, Roundup is diluted in water and the second selected drug is added to it. This solution is carefully sprayed with weed ridges. It is best to apply herbicides in the fall after harvest.

With the use of herbicides, purslane will disappear in 1-2 weeks. If live shoots of the weed remain, the treatment is repeated.

The ridges where the weed was located can be treated with Hurricane to prevent the germination of seeds that can hatch after watering or rain. The dosage of the applied herbicide is carried out in accordance with the attached instructions.

The same herbicides are used to treat the plucked and heaped weed.

Another way to get rid of purslane

You can get rid of purslane without eradicating it, but using it beneficial features for your needs. There are many on the Internet folk recipes containing purslane. Thanks to its aroma, salads and soups become tastier.

Purslane can be used to make soups and salads

Purslane is used as a remedy to improve the functioning of the heart, dilate blood vessels, and heal wounds.

If purslane appears on the site, you can get rid of it using any of the above methods.

I also offer recipes: Pick a purslane and wash it well. Now we put on the bottom of cleanly washed and scalded jars - fresh dill (tied in knots!) Or umbrellas, 1-2 leaves of parsley per jar, a few peas of pepper.
Then we begin to lay purslane mixed with garlic (cut into 2-3 slices):
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We fill it up to the very top, quite tightly, from time to time we even tamp it well, press it with our hand, because after pouring the marinade it “sits down” quite strongly!
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Marinade prepared to your liking! Say, for 1 liter of water - 2 tsp. salt, 1-2 tsp. sugar, 4-6 tbsp. l. vinegar ... But, I repeat, it's better to your taste! Someone loves sweet marinades, someone is saltier, someone is sourer ... You can not put sugar at all. And vinegar in general can be very different ... Embarassed
So try the marinade to taste! If everything is in place - salinity, sweetness and acidity, PLEASANT FOR YOU, then it's great!
(By the way, vinegar is added to the marinade at the very end and the fire is turned off. You can’t boil the marinade with vinegar!)

Fill the purslane with hot marinade and close with plastic lids.
(The color of the marinade is pink because I took my own vinegar, homemade - WINE! ... Wink)
Let it cool down and then put it in the fridge!
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And two more recipes:
Stewed purslane salad
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Like any green, purslane greatly decreases in volume when stewed, keep this in mind.
Purslane is well washed in several waters.
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To cut it, especially to tear off the leaves - you don’t need Wink (pure monkey work!), It’s already nice to eat it. No need to dry either! On the contrary, we put it out of the water (just so wet) into the pan.
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It is also not necessary to add water, the one that is is enough. You can, of course, boil in water, but then this water - with a mass USEFUL SUBSTANCES- will have to drain! Do we need it?! wacko1 Humidity of greenery is enough for stewing. Just keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t stick, salt and mix a couple of times from the bottom up, as the lower layers scald faster. It doesn't take long to cook! And then it will break! As soon as the whole purslane changes color, it is ready!
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We spread the purslane in a bowl, let it cool.
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Add salt, crushed garlic and vinegar to taste (optional - and grow oil).
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We mix. Ready!
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Let cool for a bit and serve well chilled!
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raw purslane salad
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And this option - I did it for the first time (I saw the recipe here: Thanks to David for new idea!!! I really liked it raw too! I made it as per the recipe - with mint..
Amazing FRESH taste!!! Purslane itself is slightly sour and plus a tart taste and aroma of mint ... Charm!

We cut the raw purslane - all together, with leaves and stems, there is no need to cut off the leaves (as in David's recipe)! wink
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Add salt, crushed garlic, kefir (I have matsun) and mint to taste!!! The recipe also adds grows. oil, but I did not add it! And so good!
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Stir and be sure to let it brew for a couple of hours!
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I took it from the Internet, so the photo does not appear here.
Living in Belgorod, I bred it by buying seeds, because it did not grow in weeds with us and made salads and canned it. It doesn't grow here either, I haven't seen it here anyway.