Evaluation systems. The rating system for assessing educational achievements as a means of developing the competence of schoolchildren Various assessment systems

In Soviet times, a five-point system for assessing students' knowledge was developed. Its criteria were clearly stipulated in a special provision, brought to the attention of students, parents and, of course, teachers. And at the present stage of development of the educational system of Russia, the need arose for its modernization. Let's take a closer look at this system.

Features of the modern grading system

The task of the teacher is to develop a desire for self-education in schoolchildren, to create a need for students to acquire knowledge and acquire skills in mental activity. But for the assessment of such student activity, a 5-point system is often not enough. Therefore, the problem of finding new evaluation criteria is currently particularly relevant.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. First of all, a five-point assessment system is not suitable for determining the level of general cultural skills and special knowledge. And without them, full-fledged adaptation of school graduates to the realities of society is impossible.
  2. In addition, there is an active development of information systems, the possibility of individual growth in the development of which is also difficult to assess at 5 points.

Graduate requirements

From the walls of educational institutions should come out real creators, capable of taking responsibility, able to solve practical and theoretical problems of varying degrees of complexity. And the classical five-point system at school has long been outdated, since it does not match the requirements of the new federal standards that were introduced at the primary and secondary levels of schooling.

What determines the effectiveness of training


Let us repeat that the five-point assessment system, the criteria of which were developed in Soviet times, has lost its relevance and is recognized by leading teachers as untenable and unsuitable for the new educational standards. It needs its modernization, the use of new criteria for analyzing the personal growth of schoolchildren and their educational achievements.

Only in the case of bringing the grading scale in line with the basic pedagogical principles can we talk about taking into account the individuality of each child. Among the priorities that should be taken into account in the modernization of the assessment system, we highlight the use of a multi-level grading of marks, due to which the educational achievements of schoolchildren will be assessed adequately.

Many countries have already abandoned the five-point rating system, recognizing this option as untenable for the modern one. At present, the issue of changing it is being resolved in Russia. So, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, in elementary school, traditional points have already been removed so that children can develop, improve themselves without experiencing psychological discomfort.

The first grading system originated in Germany. It consisted of three points, each of which denoted a category. According to these categories, the students were divided into the best, average and worst. Over time, the middle grade, to which the largest number of students belonged, was divided into classes. This is how a five-point scale was formed, which Russia simply borrowed. And with the help of points, they began to try to assess the knowledge of students.

The Russian school has gone through 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-12-point knowledge assessment systems. Not long before the revolution, the rating system in Russia was 6-point (grades from 0 to 5).

In May 1918, by a decree of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR, the point system for assessing knowledge was canceled. The transfer from class to class and the issuance of certificates was carried out according to the feedback of the teachers' council, and all types of examinations were also prohibited.

In place of the traditional control system, self-control was put in place, and they tried to identify the achievements of the school collective, and not the individual student. (The American education system is built on a similar principle today.)

But in 1935, if not the grades themselves, then their verbal descriptions returned to the school, and by 1944 they adopted a five-point system.

Since the 1950s, the five-point grading system has turned into a 3-point system, and for the majority of students who cannot study at "4" and "5", this scale has become a two-point one. Such an assessment system very weakly stimulates educational work, the "step" between "three" and "four" is insurmountable for the majority of students. However, some teachers also use the "minus" and "plus" signs in addition to the 5-point system. In reality, we get three grades of assessment 5: 5 +, 5.5-, three grades 4: 4 +, 4.4-; 3: 3 +, 3.3-; and 2 +, 2-, 2.

Since the introduction of points into school practice, the question arose about their legitimacy, advantages and disadvantages.

The main points of critics of the point system are as follows:

· There is no unit for comparison, a standard by which it would be possible to measure and objectively evaluate the knowledge of students.

· There are no means of their objective measurement (such as scales, thermometer).

Example of instruction for assessment: "An excellent mark deserves a student who has discovered a comprehensive, systematic and deep knowledge of the educational and program material, the ability to freely complete the tasks provided for in the program, who has mastered the basic and is familiar with additional literature." There is not a single quantitative criterion in the given instruction.

One can criticize this definition for a long time (what does it mean "free"? How to measure it? How many hours or months will it take to determine that knowledge is "comprehensive"? Etc.)

Therefore, the teacher is not able to correctly and impartially assess the knowledge and work of the student. The setting of points spoils the relationship between teacher and students, creates the basis for constant clashes and mutual mistrust. The student gets used to seeing the teacher not as a source of knowledge, but primarily as a controller, who often makes mistakes and who sometimes can be deceived. The points are harmful to the teacher himself. They distract him from his main responsibilities and turn the lesson into a boring questioning.

Since 1978, it has been proposed to move to a more accurate multi-point scale.

The structure and content of a 10-point scale for assessing the degree of student learning:

"12" - "Discrimination": "1" - very weak, "2" - weak

"3", "4" - "Memorization": "3" - mediocre, "4" - satisfactory

"5", "6" - " Understanding":"5" is not good enough, "6" is good,

"7", "8" - " Elementary skills and abilities ":"7" - very good, "8" - excellent
"9", "10" - "Transfer": "9" - great, "10" - great

The classification of the 10-point system is designed for the development of speech, writing, oral response.

In Russia, a national project "Education" was launched, in the course of which the change in the goals of education (the formation of an initiative, creative personality), the importance of the final result (the competence of the graduate) led to a change, improvement of approaches, methods and techniques of teaching. The change in teaching strategy is accompanied by the improvement of methods for assessing the achievements of schoolchildren. In other words, the task of each teacher is to create favorable conditions for the manifestation and stimulation of the personal potential of all participants in educational interaction.

The rating system for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren can be considered as one of the possible methods that meet the task at hand. Taking into account the need of modern society for "comprehensive education", I believe that the transition to the rating system of assessment in the senior (specialized) school is necessary. The rating makes it possible to get an objective and complete picture of educational results: the development of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, the formation of competencies and even the formation of personal characteristics.

The accumulated experience convinced me that of all the assessment systems: traditional (five-point), test, "portfolio", the rating system allows a more objective assessment of the individual achievements of schoolchildren in educational and extracurricular activities, encourages them to independently search for materials, to start an independent research activities. The rating system of assessment allows, in accordance with individual characteristics, to make the student's choice of possible options and forms of mastering the subject, helps the teacher to expand communication, to better navigate in the interests and needs of students, to know and take into account their individual characteristics.

The main goal of the rating system of assessment is to influence the activity of students in acquiring knowledge, as well as to assess the dynamics of the level of knowledge at each stage of their assimilation. The rating assessment system implements in practice lecture-seminar, modular, problem-based, differentiated teaching, game, design, information and communication technologies at the stage of checking and assessing the student's achievements using an individual numerical indicator - rating. This assessment system allows you to create the most comfortable learning and upbringing environment, to transfer the educational activities of students from a necessity to an internal need.

Rating is a cumulative-type assessment system that reflects the performance of schoolchildren, their creative potential, psychological and pedagogical characteristics. The rating system of knowledge control is based on a complex of motivational incentives, including a timely and systematic assessment of the student's work results in accordance with his real achievements, a system of encouraging successful students.

  • to expand the competence of schoolchildren in the field of studying the discipline;
  • to develop students' independence of thought and the ability to self-education and self-development;
  • create conditions that take into account the individual abilities, capabilities of students, for the successful implementation of common, common learning goals;
  • to increase the responsibility of schoolchildren for the results of their learning.

The rating system for assessing the educational achievements of students is based on taking into account the accumulated points for the current learning outcomes. To ensure continuous monitoring of the educational activities of schoolchildren, I chose a simple rating assessment model. Each type of student activity is assessed by the corresponding points according to the developed rating scale, i.e. along with the usual five-point system, the student's work is also evaluated according to the "rating" system. Rating - the individual coefficient of a high school student is determined based on the results of all types of classes, control options, and is calculated as the total amount of points at the stage of midterm, final control. In this case, the entire profile course of grades 10 and 11 is divided into thematic modules. In each module, a monitoring system is planned, the number of points for the task performed, the maximum and minimum number of points for each type of activity, the number and forms of midterm control are determined. At the very first lesson of the profile course, I acquaint students with the rating system, its conditions, the scale for transferring rating points to the traditional assessment system.

Development of a rating scale for the topic (module), taking into account the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the program material and the textbook.

Familiarization with the grading scale and the sum of the points of students and parents.

Studying the material on the topic, entering the results into the student's rating sheet.

Transfer of the sum of points to the assessment and putting it in the journal.

When developing a rating scale, I use the following types of rating:

  • starting rating is the definition of the initial level of knowledge;
  • the current rating includes the assessment of the student's work in the classroom;
  • disciplinary rating includes current, intermediate, final control;
  • creative rating is an independent work of a student after school hours.
Rating type Type of educational activity. Points. Points type.
starting rating 1. Input diagnostics. up to 30 points Mandatory points.
2. Verification work. up to 10 points
current rating 3. Current answers (oral answers in the lesson, individual work). 1-3 points per lesson
4. Solving additional tasks. 1-3 points
5. Practical work. 5 - 10 points
6. Workshop. 5 points
7. Seminar. up to 10 points
8. Homework. 1-3 points
disciplinary rating 9. Thematic section, testing. 5-15 points
10. Test. up to 20 points
11. Credit work. up to 20 points
creative rating 12. Message, abstract. up to 10 points Additional points.
13. Creative work (crosswords, visual aids, layouts, etc.) 5 - 10 points
14. Research

(project, presentation)

30 - 50 points
15. Solving problems of increased complexity. 5-10 points
16. Participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, etc. (from the level). 10-30 points

To determine the rating, mandatory and additional points are introduced. Compulsory points are used to assess the performance of independent, control works, tests, passing tests, solving problems, etc. Additional points are used to reward students when they perform creative tasks (writing essays, completing projects), for participating in olympiads, conferences, competitions, for solving problems of increased complexity. Additional points are also encouraged to actively participate in practical and seminars, work as a consultant, an assistant on tests, conduct classes with a student who missed lessons (5-20 points). If the student was absent from the lesson, then for the missed work gets "0" points. If a student gains an unsatisfactory number of points, he has the right to “pick up” the missing points (close the knowledge gaps). A student can perform such work in a specially allotted time. The total number of points for each module is determined depending on the hours allocated for its study, as well as the importance of this topic in comparison with others.

The rating score for the studied module is translated into an assessment and entered in the journal. Students who score 86-100% of the total score are excellent, 71-85% are good, and 56-70% are satisfactory.

Starting from September 1 until the end of the school year, the points obtained for all types of student's educational activities are summed up. According to the number of points scored, semi-annual and annual marks are given. Pupils who scored 86% - 100% of the total score for the first half of the year are exempted from the credits for the half-year, from the final test for the year.

22 hours are allotted for the study of the topic.

I begin to use the rating assessment of knowledge from the 5th grade, for example, when conducting lessons-competitions, lessons-traveling, game lessons, tests, when carrying out projects. The use of a creative rating from the 5th grade activates the cognitive activity of students, develops their creativity, interest in mathematics. The activity of students in the classroom increases, children cease to be afraid of being questioned, as they understand that the assessment in the subject depends on their abilities, capabilities and hard work.

Math Lesson Outline Using Knowledge Ranking

Lesson objectives:

  • create conditions for the practical application of the studied material, identifying
  • the level of mastering the system of knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity;
  • develop the ability to independently apply knowledge in practice, taking into account the levels of assimilation of the material, develop the ability to analyze, compare; to form skills of creative, cognitive activity, abilities for evaluative activity;
  • to form the skills of self-control, self-esteem, mutual assistance; develop initiative, independence, self-confidence.

Technology: level differentiation using the rating assessment of knowledge.


  • differentiated tasks for each student;
  • ship's diary for each student (rating list).

student (s) grade 5 __________________________________

Regatta stages Points For an oral answer - 1 point,

for writing assignments

from 1 to 5 points.

1. Checking equipment
2. Bay of equations
3. Island of savvy 12-14 points - rating "5".

9-11 points - rating "4".

6-8 points - grade "3".

4. Problem Bay
5. Cape of Success
Final score

Lesson structure.

Organizational stage. What is "regatta". Report the topic, the goals of the regatta, the rules for filling out the ship's diary.

The stage of updating basic knowledge.

Equipment check. Oral work: solving examples, equations.

For a correctly completed task - 1 point.

The stage of applying knowledge, skills in similar and new situations:

Bay of equations. Solving equations of different difficulty levels: from 1 to 3 points.

Self-test by sample.

The island of savvy. Oral work: tasks for ingenuity (1 point for the correct answer).

Problem Bay. Solving problems of different difficulty levels: from 2 to 4 points.

Work in pairs. Self-test, self-test.

Physical education.

Semaphore message (decipher the word).

The stage of control and self-control.

Cape of Success. Independent differentiated work:

Level I: equation - 1 point, task - 2 points;

Level II: equation - 2 points, task - 2 points;

Level III: equation - 2 points, task - 3 points.

Answer check, self-control.

Homework information (differentiated homework).

Creative task: draw up a condition and solve a problem on the theme of the regatta similar to the problems that were solved in the classroom.

Lesson summary. Students calculate points in the ship's diary, translate into an assessment.

The winners of the regatta (students with high rating points) are determined.

Reflection (for example, with the help of "the sun and the cloud").

In grades 7-9, I use the rating system for assessing knowledge not only in individual lessons, but also in the study of some topics. For example, grade 7: "Polynomials"; Grade 8: "Functions", "Quadratic Equations"; Grade 9: "Inequalities and Systems of Inequalities", "Systems of Equations", "Numerical Functions". The rating system for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren is effectively used in the course of studying additional courses. For example, I use creative rating when studying the optional course "Additional questions of the 8th grade algebra course", the elective course "Elements of financial mathematics" (within the framework of pre-profile training in the 9th grade). The rating always shows a given student's position against the background of the entire class, and it is easy to determine how "close" or "far" at a given time is before the grade in the quarter or year that the student is counting on.

Profile 10-11 grades are taught according to the credit system using the rating technology for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren. In the classroom, tasks of the basic and advanced level are mainly given, and in the optional course, tasks of a higher level are considered. After passing the topic, a thematic test is held, in which differentiated tasks are used. At the end of the half-year, final tests are held. Students who have passed the current tests well have a high rating and are exempted from the final tests. Students are aware of this, thus, the motivation of students to assimilate knowledge increases, the quality of knowledge increases. Such a training system is a good preparation for studying in higher educational institutions.

The rating system of assessment largely meets the conditions for the formation of the success of students in specialized classes. Thanks to the rating, the contradiction between the volume of the invested labor and the results, the assessment of this labor is erased. The more efforts expended, the more guaranteed a high result, the higher the level of satisfaction from the successful completion of the educational task assigned to the student. The level of self-esteem of the student changes, there is a desire to achieve new victories. And this is a great incentive for active, conscious, creative work.

  • determine the level of preparation of each student at each stage of the educational process;
  • to get the objective dynamics of the assimilation of knowledge during the academic year;
  • to differentiate the significance of the marks received by students for performing various types of work (independent work, current, final control, homework, creative work, etc.);
  • reflect the current and final assessment of the amount of labor invested by the student;
  • to increase the objectivity of the assessment of knowledge.

The advantages associated with the use of a rating system for assessing educational achievements as a means of successfully developing the competence of schoolchildren are obvious, since they can significantly increase the effectiveness of students' educational activities due to a number of factors.

First, it stimulates the maximum possible interest of students in a given situation in a specific topic, and, consequently, in the subject as a whole.

Secondly, the process of learning and control covers all students, while their learning is supervised by the teacher and classmates.

Thirdly, the spirit of competition and rivalry, originally inherent in human nature, finds the optimal way out in a voluntary play form that does not cause a stressful situation.

Fourthly, elements of creativity, skills of introspection are developed, additional reserves of personality are included, due to increased motivation of students.

Fifth, there is a turn in the thinking and behavior of schoolchildren in the direction of more productive and active cognitive activity.

The rating system helps high school students in building an individual educational trajectory, in planning and achieving learning outcomes in accordance with their abilities, inclinations and interests. The rating system for assessing knowledge forces the student to study the subject systematically, to be attentive in the lesson, to study independently, to use additional literature, which contributes to the activation of students' thinking activity, increasing educational motivation, and developing interest in the subject under study. This system develops analytical and critical thinking, communication skills, allows students to psychologically transfer from the role of passive "spectators" to the role of active participants in the pedagogical process. Rating assessment contributes to the control of an integral system of universal knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the formation of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, i.e. key competencies. My students are happy to carry out various creative works in mathematics: information, research projects, essays, reports, compose fairy tales, make up crosswords, rebuses, charades. Lyceum students take an active part in intellectual competitions, Olympiads. They are aimed at creativity, self-realization, success.

The effectiveness of using the rating system for assessing educational achievements is confirmed by an increase in the "quality of knowledge" of students (over the past three years - an increase of 15%). There is a consistently positive trend in the level of mathematical competence of graduates based on the results of an independent assessment of their educational achievements (the quality of knowledge of graduates has increased by 20%).

In domestic pedagogy, this method is gaining more and more popularity and is used not only in universities, but also in many schools.

Modern approaches to education require a refusal not from monitoring and assessing knowledge and skills, but from traditional forms of motivation to learn with the help of assessments. The search for new ways to stimulate the educational work of students, the principle of personal interest, which is gaining strength in teaching and upbringing, determine new approaches. Supplemented by the principle of voluntariness in the choice of the level of education (and hence control), the assessment can turn into a way of rational determination of personal rating - an indicator of the significance (weight) of a person in a civilized society.

Annex 1 . Individual student rating sheet.

Appendix 3. A lesson on algebra and the beginnings of analysis using a rating system for assessing knowledge in grade 11.


  1. UMK A. G. Mordkovich, P. V. Semenov "Algebra and the beginning of analysis". Grade 10, Grade 11. Profile level. 2007 year
  2. Programs. Algebra and beginning of mathematical analysis. 10-11 grades / author-comp. I. I. Zubareva, A. G. Mordkovich. M. 2009
  3. MV Kaluzhskaya "The introduction of ratings in high school". M. "Directory of the deputy head of the school". 2008 r.
  4. Internet resources:
  5. http://pedsovet.org/component/option,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id "A rating system for assessing student knowledge in the modern educational space."
  6. http://festival.1september.ru/ - Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" 2008-2009 academic year.

The ways and quality of education have changed over the years. Teachers try to keep up with the times and give only fair marks. Different countries have traditionally developed their own knowledge assessment systems. For example, American excellent students don't get A's at all.

Differences between the American system and the Russian

In Russia, schoolchildren, opening notebooks with verified essays or tests, look anxiously at the red numbers. In the United States, children rejoice or grieve over the letters written by the teacher's hand.

Another difference between US schools and Russian schools is that the word "classmates" there has a slightly different meaning. In American schools there is no general timetable, each student has a different class schedule. In one lesson a teenager can study with some guys, in another the team is already new. This is why the phrase “I went to English with you” is often used in Hollywood films. While in our country they simply say: "You and I studied in the same class."

Letter grading system

Lecturers at Harvard University were the first to evaluate knowledge with the help of letters. In 1883 one of the students was given "B" for "good". Then a similar system of assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren and students spread to all educational institutions in America.

USARussian equivalentScoreMeaningPercentage of work completed
A5 4 Fine90-99%
B4 3 Ok, above average80-90%
C3 2 Satisfactorily70-80%
D2 1 Badly60-70%
F1 0 Unsatisfactory0-59%

All letter grades, except F, can be with plus or minus. A + is placed if the task is 100% complete. Instead of F, the letter E is also used, because it follows the D. F is an abbreviation for fail ("failure"). According to statistics, most schoolchildren study in B and C. Those who receive D and below would be called Losers.

Some colleges also use other letters of the Latin alphabet as grades:

  • P - test;
  • S is the average;
  • N - not accepted;
  • U - unsatisfactory.

Teachers give final marks based on the results of oral and written testing. More precisely, teachers conduct tests, and computer programs handle the processing of the results. The student's participation in the social life of the class and school is also taken into account. The letters are converted to points to determine the GPA. If the points are not enough, the student will have additional classes during the summer holidays. The alternative is to take the course again next year.

The Importance of Grades in American Schools

If a child wants to study with purposeful, smart guys, then he needs to try. The class, not least of all, is formed according to such parameters as academic performance, behavior. Teachers impose strict requirements not so much on grades (if you want a second year - your constitutional right), as on truancy. No more than 5 lessons are allowed to be skipped without a valid reason. For unfulfilled homework, students receive an automatic F.

Once a week, teachers conduct quizzes in their subjects. Students also take an IQ (Intelligence Assessment) test, a Henmon-Nelson test for intelligence, and other compulsory tests every year. The results are taken into account when calculating the average score for the year. The final grade is also influenced by the student's discipline and how he coped with homework throughout the educational process. With the same grades for the final test, the truant's annual score will be lower than that of his exemplary classmate.

Parents can find out about the success of their child directly from him or on the school website, in their personal electronic account. Schools maintain the privacy of their students' information, including their grades. Test results are most important before entering a university. To continue training, grades from B and higher are required: B +, A, A-, A +.

10 percent of the best graduates are awarded a High Honors diploma. It greatly simplifies admission to the chosen institution. Those who did not study well enough are content with the usual secondary education certificate. Information about the progress of schoolchildren is transmitted to all higher educational institutions, from where invitations are sent to the best ones to continue their studies.

There is a minimum credit for admission to a specific school or college. "Personal credit" is required even for attending preparatory courses. The amount of the scholarship depends on this loan. Sometimes it is so big that it is enough to get two higher educations. At the same time, applicants with a much lower loan without material support from their parents do not have a higher education at all.

On a note! The tests and curricula are the same for all states. When a child moves to another region, he or she can freely engage in the learning process. Although teachers are not limited in the choice of methods and aids.

Choice of items

Unlike Russia, American educational institutions do not have a single curriculum for all students. There are several compulsory subjects in high school:

  • natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics - a year is spent on each subject);
  • literature;
  • mathematics (this also includes algebra and geometry);
  • social sciences (history, geography, sociology, foundations of democracy);
  • physical Culture.

Spanish is usually taught as a foreign language. As for the rest of the disciplines, everyone is free to choose them according to their taste. Moreover, you can study both the basics and deeper material. Optional classes include additional classes in basic subjects or courses related to creativity (theater group, art photography, choreography, etc.). Subject volume is tracked in credit hours (or points), just like in college.

Example recruiting one student of an American high school: in the 9th grade, he studied American literature, physics, introduction to chemistry, algebra, geography, Spanish. As a physical education, I went to the swimming section. In the 10th grade, only literature remained. The rest of the subjects were replaced by history, geometry, biology, Spanish, computer science, and a discipline called Human Health.

American Parents' Reaction to Poor Grades in Children

Our parents often scold children for poor grades. In the United States, the curriculum is structured so that parents are assigned the role of motivating the child to learn better. A father or mother can only be called to school if the child has committed a serious offense. If the worried mother herself demands a meeting with the teacher, he will advise giving the child more freedom or allowing him to choose the subject in which he understands better.

At the end of the conversation, the parent will most likely be sent to the school psychologist's office. They will explain that excessive demands are a source of stress. Fear of disappointing parents does not improve children's academic performance - on the contrary, it worsens. It is not control that is important, but the right motivation. Pressure and degradation of mental faculties are strongly discouraged.

Knowledge testing in primary school

Every morning in elementary school, children practice reading, writing, communicating in their native language. After 2 lessons, they move on to the study of mathematical wisdom. In addition, kids master literature, fine arts, music, geography, hygiene, labor, physical education, natural science. Not all of the above is necessary, but physical education is a compulsory subject.

It is interesting! Lessons are held without textbooks. Parents learn about their child's school days through short messages from teachers. It tells about the topics covered, provides examples of tasks and recommendations for consolidating knowledge at home.

Distribution by class comes after testing, aimed at identifying not so much the level of preschool training, but the natural potential of the child and the level of IQ. As with us, the most talented students study in the "A" class, the averagely gifted in the "B" class, and the children with abilities below the average in the "C" class. Teachers deal with gifted students more diligently, encourage them to get a good education and further study at the university.

Grades - and not in letters, but in numbers - are given to kids exceptionally good, determining the degree of assimilation of basic knowledge:

  • 1 - in the process of mastering;
  • 2 - mastered;
  • 3 - perfectly mastered and understood;
  • 4 - mastered and is able to convey in his own words.

Few can boast of a "four". This mark is given for "super achievements". Sometimes teachers write “great” or “great job” next to the grade — usually around a “two”. This shows the child that he is making progress over earlier results.

At the end of the semester and academic year, final grades are given - including for behavior. Gifted children are sent by teachers, with the consent of their parents, to take the test, after the successful completion of which the children are trained under the "Gift and talented" program.

On a note! The tests reflect student achievement and the work done by teachers and the school. Knowledge of the art of communication (something like the ability to build a dialogue in English in our schools) and mathematics are tested. The results affect the funding and ranking of the institution. The improvement or, in case of low results, the deterioration of the education received in the given school depends on this.

Modern experts increasingly criticize the literal knowledge assessment system. It is considered to be outdated. In addition, different teachers evaluate the actual value of the letters differently. One teacher's A equals another's B plus. There is no uniformity in this matter. Letter estimates lack precision.

And yet, for most American teachers, the letter system seems to be quite convenient. They do not want to move to a descriptive system, where they need to leave detailed reports instead of grades. All the same, parents and students have neither the time nor the desire to read them.

Video - Assessing Knowledge in the USA

Disputes over the return to the five-point system of assessing knowledge in our country do not subside. Someone says that five points is enough to assess the level of knowledge of schoolchildren, while someone wants to have a choice and instead of 4+ or 5, put 8 or 9 points, respectively. But if you look at the world with wide-open eyes, we will understand that the choice of a rating scale is a global issue ...

Five-point system

  • 1 - excellent;
  • 2 - very good;
  • 3 - good;
  • 4 - satisfactory;
  • 5 - unsatisfactory, bad.

The five-point system is used, for example, in Germany. But not in a completely familiar form for us. Here five points is the equivalent of our unit: In this form, the five-point system is also used in the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia.

But in our usual version, where five is the highest score, the system is used in Estonia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Paraguay. As the minimum pass in these countries, it is enough to score 2 points.

Ten-point system

It is the closest and most understandable for us. I don't think it's worth explaining that 10 is cool and 1 is not just bad, but very, very bad. The same grading system in Latvia, but here they can give 0 points with absolutely zero knowledge. And in this Latvia is supported by Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Albania, the Netherlands, Italy, Iceland, Greece (in higher educational institutions and primary schools), Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador.

But in Nigeria, they use an inverse ten-point scale. Here, the highest score is 1, and 9 and 10 are unsatisfactory marks.

Twelve-point system

Not just anywhere, but in Ukraine, a student can consider himself an excellent student, in whose diary points 10, 11 and 12 prevail.

Twenty-point system

At the secondary level of education in Greece (in lyceums and gymnasiums), a 20-point scale for assessing knowledge is used, in which the use of fractional numbers is permissible:

  • 18.5-20.0 - excellent;
  • 15.5-18.4 - very good;
  • 12.5-15.4 - good;
  • 10.0-12.4 - satisfactory;
  • 0.0-9.9 - unsatisfactory.

France also believes that 20 points is a range sufficient to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren. However, it is not possible to get the highest score in this country. According to the French, only a teacher can know a subject for 19 points, and God alone for 20 points. And in order to be confident good, it is enough to get 10-14 points.

Also, a twenty-point rating system is typical for Morocco, Iran, Lebanon, Tunisia, Mali, Peru, the Republic of Congo, Chad.

So not everywhere 10 points is an assessment of success.

100-point system

The maximum 100 points (or% in the case of a rating system) can be obtained, for example, by schoolchildren in Turkey. Although behind the scenes there is a five-point one.

  • Excellent score - 85-100 - 5 points;
  • Good - 70-84 - 4 points;
  • Acceptable - 55-69 - 3 points;
  • Satisfactory - 45-54 - 2 points;
  • Mediocre - less than 44 - 1 point.

The same system is typical for Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, India, Cuba, Egypt. But in these countries, the minimum passing scores differ dramatically. If for Turkey and Jordan, for example, this is 50%, then for India - 35%, and Cuba - 70%. In Syria, for all subjects except the mother tongue, this score is 40% (for Arabic - 50%).

Letter system

This form of expression of knowledge assessment was chosen in the United States. "Grades" here range from A to F:

  • A - excellent;
  • B - good;
  • C, D - satisfactory;
  • F - unsatisfactory.

In addition, "+" or "-" signs can be added to letters. A similar system is also typical for Norway, Sweden, Thailand, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brazil, Kenya.

Mixed grading system

Some countries have decided not to limit themselves and use both letters and numbers.

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