How to clean fluff from a pillow. Feather pillow cleaning

At the moment, you can buy pillows with absolutely any filler. But like our mothers, fathers and grandmothers, the choice often falls on feather ones. And in this article we will tell you about all the intricacies of caring for pillows with feather filler. Namely:

  • what methods exist for cleaning these pillows;
  • how to clean feather pillows at home;
  • how to wash them in the washing machine.

Let's get started.

Pillow Cleaning Methods

How to clean a down pillow? Basically, we all love feather pillows because of their long lifespan. But there is one important detail - a feather pillow will serve you as long as possible if you clean it once every six months. You can take your item to the dry cleaners where the professionals will take care of it, and here's how they do it:

  • To begin with, all feathers from the pillow will be removed and processed in an organic solvent that will remove dirt, dust, mites, germs and various odors. This, of course, is very good, but there is also a downside to the coin - this solvent can easily ruin feathers.
  • After the feathers have been processed, they are dried and aired. This, too, may not be very good for feathers, because they can dry out and become smaller, which means that your pillow will lose its former softness and size. And this is definitely a downside.

Important! You will also find a lot of useful information in the article, .

How to wash a pillow, there are other ways:

  • Dry cleaning of down products. This is a simple procedure in which, with the help of a strong stream of air, feathers are cleaned of dust, dirt, debris, while they are still fluffy.
  • Also, with the help of an ultraviolet lamp, feathers are cleaned of dust mites.

Further, the feathers are simply packaged according to new pillowcases, as a result, at the output we get a very soft and pleasant to the touch product. Cool, right? But for this event we will have to give a good amount of money - we won’t say exactly how much, it depends on the place where you do it, it’s different everywhere.

But, if you're on a budget or just don't want to pay to have your pillow cleaned, here's how to clean feather pillows at home.

We clean the pillow at home

Yes, if you still decide to clean the pillow with your own hands, then you have chosen, perhaps, the best way to care for such an important household item. Yes, of course, you will have to work hard enough, but the result is worth it, believe me.

The washing itself is not difficult, the most difficult thing is to dry everything, especially since this must be done as well as possible.

Important! It is worth considering that in the composition of such pillows you can find not only feathers but also bird fluff, therefore, cleaning should take place in several stages, between which we will make time intervals.

What kind of feathers are washable?

Initially, you have to find out what kind of feather your old pillow consists of, which needs to be washed or completely redone. This can be seen on the product label.

Important! You can wash feathers and down only waterfowl! If it consists of chicken feathers, then you can safely dispose of it.

Are we erasing the whole thing or are we extracting the contents?

Many people wonder - is it possible to wash the pillow completely without removing the contents? It is possible, but there is one “but”: during the washing process, it will become so heavy that it cannot be washed by hand, there is simply not enough strength, and it is forbidden to wash it in a typewriter.

No, of course, you can wash it in a typewriter, but in this way you will not achieve the desired effect, but only get rid of dirt and dust. And plus, when washing in a typewriter, all the feathers will stick together, get into lumps, from which it will simply be impossible to get rid of. Because of this, the pillow will simply go to waste. But our task is to clean the product, not get rid of it, right?

As a result, the answer to this question is that it is better to wash them separately. How? Now we will provide you with step-by-step instructions for the restoration of feather pillows with your own hands manually.

Important! Washing the pillow should be carried out in the warm season.

Washing steps:

  1. The first step on the way to a clean pillow is to create a soapy solution. This solution includes:
    • one bar of “Soviet hardening” laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater;
    • one teaspoon of ammonia;
    • water.

Important! The basin for the solution should be sufficiently voluminous.

  1. Next - the most "painful" procedure. We rip apart the napkin. It doesn't matter if your grandmother made it. Just imagine how much dirt is in it.
  2. After we have torn the bedclothes, we take and place the feathers in small portions in the solution we have prepared.

Important! You should not shove everything at once, otherwise your bath will turn into a chicken coop.

  1. Then two to three hours of rest while the feathers are soaked in water.
  2. After we have gained strength, we take our palms and simply rub the feathers between them, rinse them. A sieve, colander or running water can help in rinsing.
  3. We put the washed feathers in small portions into gauze bags.
  4. Closed tightly, or better - sewn gauze bags are placed in a washing machine and put into spin mode, preferably in a gentle mode. Of course, you can skip all this and just let them dry, but it takes a long time, and you risk that the feathers may just stink.
  5. Final drying should be carried out in a well ventilated area with full sun. In this case, the bags must be shaken regularly and turned over at least three times a day.
  6. Well, the last step is washing the bedclothes. After the feathers have dried and the breastplate itself has dried, we simply place the feathers back and sew the breastplate very tightly.

That's all, congratulations, your pillow is perfectly clean, while not losing its softness and size, and this is very important.

Important! You will also find all only useful information about manufacturing technology, cleaning, storage in our article about .

We wash the pillow in the washing machine

If such a laborious process scared you, or you just don’t have much free time, then you can wash the feathers in a typewriter. But for this you need to take into account a couple of very important factors that will protect the washing machine from failure and the pillow from the appearance of lumps:

  • The first is the presence of a special cover, without which everything will simply tear and clog your typewriter with feathers.
  • The second - gauze bags, in which we will put feathers in small portions, should be made incredibly strong. This can be done by simply folding the gauze into four, or even five, or six layers, and stitching it very firmly.
  • After you have washed the feathers in gauze bags in an automatic machine, you simply lay them out on a flat surface that is ventilated and on which the sun falls. But at the same time, you will have to turn the bags over very often and make sure that there are no lumps in them, smoothing them out.
  • After everything dries, we fill the breastplate and sew it tightly with thick threads.

Important! If you are also thinking about changing your traditional bed linen, learn all about a good alternative -

Dirty pillows pose a threat to human health, so they should be washed or cleaned at least once every three years. At the same time, the pillowcases are also subject to change.

It is better to change down and feather pillows for demodicosis to products on synthetic winterizer, because the tick in the artificial filler does not settle so willingly, and they are easier to wash.

The easiest and most effective way to clean feather, down and sofa cushions in all respects is to do it in dry cleaning or air dry cleaning. There they are treated with steam, so the pillows do not lose their lightness and fluffiness.

It is possible to clean pillows at home, although this is a laborious process. The main problem will be the drying of the filler. Most often in the composition of pillows there is a feather and down of various birds in different proportions.

Important! On the label, you need to see which bird feather was used as a pillow filler. If there is a feather and down of ducks or geese inside, then they clean the pillows in the washing machine or with their hands, if the chicken feather - any washing is contraindicated!

A pillow filled with chicken down or feathers is cleaned only by dry drying using ultraviolet light, not steam.

How to wash feather pillows?

So that the feather in the pillows does not collect a lot of dust and mites are not bred, the products must be cleaned periodically. There are two easy ways to clean a feather pillow at home: hand wash and use a washing machine.

Hand wash feather pillows

Before washing a feather pillow at home with your hands, you need to take:

  • Gauze (5-7 meters);
  • Detergent for woolen fabrics;
  • Warm water in large volume;
  • Linen air conditioner;
  • New breast pads, which are either sewn on their own or bought in a store (factory teak).

Before washing the feather pillow, fold the gauze in several layers and sew 3 bags together. Rasporov napernik, open the pillow and take out a feather from it. Divided into three even parts, we place the pen in gauze bags and sew them up (you can tie them with a thread).

We wash these bags in a large deep basin with warm water, in which a liquid soap was added before, for example, Dreft, Villus or Eared Nanny for woolen and delicate items.

First, it is better to soak the pen and leave it for a while (30 minutes) to remove dust and odors.

Rinse thoroughly after washing. When rinsing in the last portion of water, add a bottle of conditioner. The contents of the gauze bags must be squeezed out well.

In the warm period, it is better to dry the pen on the street or on the balcony, in the cold - at home, near the battery. From time to time, the feather is whipped in bags, turning it in different directions.

After the feathers are dry, the pillow can be changed.

It is better to carry out the procedure for filling a new pillowcase with a feather by spreading a sheet and placing a washed feather on it. When carrying out such actions, you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be a certain loss of feathers.

Also, after the feather pillows are re-sewn, it is necessary to clean using a vacuum cleaner. Having shifted the feathers into a new pillowcase, the latter is sewn up and a clean pillowcase is put on.

Machine wash pillows on a feather

Washing feather pillows by hand is difficult and time consuming, so you can use a washing machine.

If you decide to resort to machine washing, bags are also made from gauze into which the pen is placed. After that, the bags are evenly placed in the washing machine and washed in the "delicate wash" mode and the set temperature of 40 degrees.

In the compartment where the powder is usually poured, you need to pour a liquid detergent for washing woolen fabrics (the same Dreft or Villus, as well as all powders specialized for wool).

Before washing the pillow in the washing machine, the spin speed must be set to the minimum, the rinse mode must be double.

Before the second rinse cycle, you need to add conditioner.

Important! Feathers released from gauze bags can easily clog, so this method of washing the feather must be used very carefully.
It is not necessary to wash all the feathers if the pillow is very large. Before washing a feather pillow at home, the feather should be divided into several portions - 2-3 bags. Then the pen will be better cleaned, and the load on the drum will be evenly distributed.

How to clean a down pillow?

Pillows with down fillers are cleaned in three ways:

1. Hand wash

If you need to know how to wash a down pillow, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. In a large container with hot water, in which a soapy solution is diluted, place the fluff for 2-3 hours and let it soak.
  2. Drain the dirty water, wring out the filler and rinse under running water. When washing, it is convenient to use a colander. The drain hole must be closed with a net, otherwise you can clog the sewer.
  3. Dip the fluff into another solution with detergent (you can take all the products for fluff, for example, Heitmann Daunenwäsche special detergent for down products or Unipuh liquid laundry detergent for down products) and wrinkle the almost clean stuffing well in it.
  4. Rinse again and place on a soft cloth to dry in the sun. Distribute the filler evenly. In the course of drying, be sure to turn over and break down lumps. Down dries slowly. The process may take up to 5 days. In the bedclothes, the fluff is laid out evenly.

2. Machine wash

For most down pillows, washing in a machine is contraindicated. Information about this can be placed on the label.

If you nevertheless dared to wash the down pillow, then in this case the pillowcase will definitely have to be changed. You need to wash at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, the mode is manual or for fluff, with a minimum speed during the spin cycle.

A dirty pillow, along with 2-3 plastic balls (they will whip the product) is placed in a laundry bag.

When the cycle is over and the pillow is dry, the pillowcase is steamed out and the dry fluff is transferred to a new one.

3. Steam treatment

If the steaming method is selected, a new bedsheet is not needed. This procedure removes dirt worse than washing, but it is quite capable of refreshing the pillow, removing odors, updating the pillowcase, and destroying up to 90% of bacteria and mites.

To steam the pillow, you need to place it vertically and walk twice over its entire surface.

How to clean a decorative sofa cushion?

Now let's figure out how to clean sofa cushions filled with padding polyester or holofiber.

Wash in ta some products separately filler and decorative pillowcase.

Important! Before cleaning the sofa cushion, it is necessary to check whether it is suitable for further use. To do this, you need to put something heavy on the pillow, and then remove it - the surface should then take its original shape. If a dent is found, such a pillow is no longer suitable, it is better to buy a new one.

Washing sofa cushions

Decided to wash yourself? Then we will figure out how to clean the pillows with our own hands, while maintaining a presentable appearance.

You need to wash sofa cushions in 2 steps:

  • Filler in the washing machine. To do this, the pillow is soaked in warm water with the addition of a gel (for example, SNOW GUARD liquid gel, Persil, Ariel, Formil and others).

It is better to put two pillows in the washer so that they rub against each other, and the load on the drum is even.

Washing is done in the "Synthetics" mode with a temperature of not more than 50 degrees. Pillows are placed in a mesh cover, and a liquid agent is poured into the powder compartment.

Important! If there is heavy pollution, it is better to use a stain remover. Bleach should not be used.

The rinse should be double.

Dry sofa cushions need in the sun or in a room that is ventilated. Before that, the pillow should dry out lying horizontally for 3-4 hours so that the water is glass. Periodically, the product must be turned over and whipped.

If the filler has strayed into lumps, then it is kneaded and distributed over the pillowcase. Didn't work? Then the fabric of the pillowcase is torn along the seam, the synthetic winterizer is pulled or combed out, after which it is returned back and sewn up again.

  • Decorative pillowcase.

If there is embroidery, a silk or leather product, it is worth giving it to dry cleaning.

If it is washed at home, then a soft powder (Villus, Formil, Pervol, Galus or any other) diluted in warm water is used.

The pillowcase is soaked for 2-3 hours and washed in an automatic machine on a delicate cycle.

Dry the cover after washing. If there is a label, then follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Steam cleaning sofa cushions

If the sofa cushion is not heavily soiled, steaming can be carried out.

Here are the cleaning steps:

  1. Knocking out dust with an ordinary beater;
  2. Processing over the entire area with a vacuum cleaner;
  3. Use a steam iron to iron the pillow to kill germs, bacteria and mites. By the way, read our article.
  4. Repeat vacuuming.

So that excess moisture does not linger in sofa cushions, they must be dried more often or ventilated in the fresh air in sunny, warm weather.

« How to clean a feather pillow?”- this is the question asked by the housewives who did not have time to abandon such a sleeping item in favor of modern synthetic pillows. The reason for this may be a banal financial impossibility to purchase a new piece of home comfort.

Why is it worth regularly cleaning pillows stuffed with feathers or down? Among the main reasons, we highlight the fact that:

  • dense feathers and fluff eventually clump together under constant mechanical stress, as well as due to incoming moisture;
  • if you do not carry out routine cleaning of down or feather pillows, mites can get into them;
  • feathers and down easily collect dust and dirt, which also requires regular cleaning.

Now that we are convinced of the need for routine cleaning of feather pillows, we can begin to analyze how this can be done at home quickly, simply and effectively.

We clean the feather pillow at home manually

Cleaning a pillow filled with feathers and down at home is best done by hand. There are several reasons for this:

  • so you definitely don’t run the risk of clogging the filters of the washing machine with fine fluff and making the household appliance unusable;
  • cleaning of feathers and down will be more complete and reliable.

Before proceeding directly to washing feather pillows, you need to clarify a few more important points.

Many housewives are interested in how best to clean a feather pillow: whole or removing the contents? In favor of the latter option, at least the fact that washing even a small pillow of feathers as a whole is sometimes beyond the power of even an adult strong man speaks in favor of the last option. This is because wetted feathers increase in weight several times. Therefore, the parts of the pillow will definitely be cleaned separately.

Also, a completely logical question may arise as to which feather pillows can generally be washed and wet cleaned? Everything is simple here: you can only clean those pillows that were made from the feathers of waterfowl. Any other feathers, especially chicken feathers, will become hard under the influence of water, and after drying they will turn into dust. It is recommended to simply throw away the pillow with chicken feathers.

When we have dealt with the basic issues, you can start cleaning the feather pillow at home manually.

Choose a warm season and a sunny windy day for scheduled cleaning and cleaning of pillows and other sleeping items made of feathers and down. If you are interested in exactly where it is better to clean a feather pillow, then the easiest way is to go to the country.

  1. First of all, we need to prepare a soap solution. To do this, rub a bar of odorless laundry soap on a medium or coarse grater, and then mix it with hot water and a teaspoon of ammonia. To speed up the cleaning process, prepare several of these solutions in separate basins.
  2. Now we take the pillow out of the pillowcase, and then we cut the pillowcase with scissors carefully and along the seam, so that later we can restore the item.
  3. Portionally distribute feathers and down from the pillow in prepared basins with soapy water.
  4. For the next two or three hours, the feathers will soak. You can spend this period with benefit by sewing peculiar bags from gauze folded into several layers.
  5. Now you need to rub the feathers together, and it is better not to do this with gloves, no matter how sorry the skin of the hands is. Then the fluff and feathers need to be rinsed under not too strong pressure of running water, for which you can use a sieve or colander. The best way to rinse down is with the shower head.
  6. When you have thoroughly rinsed the pillow filling with water, the feathers should be allowed to dry a little. Then the down and feathers should also be distributed in portions in gauze bags and hung out to dry in the open air. It is most convenient to hang gauze bags not vertically, like ordinary underwear, but horizontally between two cables.
  7. When the feathers become light again, they must be completely dried in a well-ventilated area, or the structure of gauze bags hung vertically should be left as is. In this case, it is necessary to mix feathers and down in gauze at least 4-5 times a day.
  8. The last step is to wash the pillowcase and pillowcase, which should not be difficult. Just wash the items according to the type of fabric.
  9. When both the feathers and the breastplate are dry, fill a clean and fresh fabric with the same clean feathers and sew tightly in the place that you ripped in the second step.

Despite the fact that this method seems long and laborious, it is the most effective and correct. A feather pillow cleaned in this way at home will not lose volume, it will remain as soft and pleasant to the touch. It is recommended to carry out scheduled cleaning of the sleeping object at least once a year.

Machine wash

The machine wash of the feather pillow is also possible and, in fact, it is practically no different from the previous method. Of course, this method will require less time and effort, but is fraught with other problems.

In order to properly and quickly clean the feather pillow in the washing machine at home, it is also necessary to separate the sleeping item into feathers and a pillowcase. In addition to the fact that we need gauze bags for feathers and fluff, we also need to protect the washing machine filter from getting small parts of feathers into it. To do this, you need to purchase a special cover for the drum. The washing process is as follows:

  • put gauze bags with a small amount of feathers in the washing machine;
  • instead of soap solution and powder, we will use washing liquid;
  • set the minimum speed and the lightest spin so as not to damage the feathers and down;
  • we also install a re-rinse and be sure to add air conditioning;
  • dry gauze bags with feathers in a well-ventilated area, but it is advisable not to allow direct sunlight on feathers and fluff;
  • we erase the bedclothes, and then we fill it with cleaned and dried feathers.

After such a wash, be sure to make sure that there are no feathers and fluff left in the machine, if possible, disassemble the filter. Such cleaning, although it will require less effort from you, can lead to damage to a household item.

An alternative to home cleaning feather pillows is dry cleaning. There, the feathers will be cleaned and dried correctly and efficiently. Most often, dry cleaners use not wet, but dry cleaning of feather pillows. Also, cleaning involves the complete replacement of the pillowcase, after which you become the owner of an almost new and completely clean feather pillow.

Despite all the love for feather pillows, many doctors recommend abandoning such a sleeping item and using only synthetic sleeping items in everyday life. This is because, according to statistics, people who use feather-filled pillows sleep much worse than those who sleep on pillows made from other materials.

In any case, both feather and synthetic pillows should be kept clean and tidy!

Everyone knows how sweet a dream is on a soft, fluffy and fresh pillow. Thanks to the latest technological developments, we are offered several types of fillers. Everyone has their own requirements for a pillow for sleeping, but feather filler has remained the most relevant for centuries. Consider whether it is possible to wash a feather pillow, how to do it right?

Bird feather is a traditional pillow filler.

Pillows with natural filling have an important feature - durability, hygroscopy, breathability, thermoregulation. To maintain all of these characteristics, you need proper care. Natural filler is able to absorb dust and sweat.

Usually feathers are combined with down to increase softness and reduce the weight of the product.

There is a high risk that ticks can start, which cause a number of pathologies, cause health problems:

  • asthma;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bronchitis;
  • migraine, etc.

The question of how to wash a feather pillow at home remains the most relevant. It is necessary to regularly follow all the rules of hygiene, drying and washing.

For bedding, the feather of waterfowl is used - ducks, geese, eiders, swans.

Important! The frequency of general cleaning of products made of natural fluff is 1-2 times a year. Frequent cleaning of feathers leads to their destruction and a decrease in service life.

The advantages of such pillows are affordable price, hygroscopicity and breathability.

How to properly prepare a feather pillow for cleaning

Taking on the procedure for cleaning the filler, you need to know that wet cleaning is carried out in two ways:

  • in the washing machine;
  • handwash.

They need to be cleaned once a year.

For the procedure in the washing machine, purchase covers made of thick cotton fabric in advance. You can make them yourself at home.

In any case, it is impossible to process the entire product as a whole.

Decide on the size of the bags:

  1. Let's measure the pillow in length.
  2. The length of the cover should be increased by 2 times, and the width remains the same.
  3. You will need 2-3 covers per pillow.

In preparation for machine washing, you need to sew a few covers of chintz or other thin cotton fabric without holes.

Before laying the pillow in the drum, carry out a few simple steps:

  1. Knock out the pillow with a cracker, ridding it of dust.
  2. Carefully rip open one end of the filler cover.
  3. Transfer the contents to the prepared bags, each of which is filled halfway.
  4. Sew up the free edges of the covers.
  5. Place in the washing machine and turn on the delicate mode or the hand wash mode.

It is better not to use a standard powder, since its particles are difficult to rinse out and may remain in the pillow filler.

Useful advice! The pillowcase should be well beaten out and washed separately. The ideal option is to replace the bedclothes with a new one.

You can sew a new cover of thick fabric.

Pillow washing machine

For washing, use only gel-like detergents intended for delicate fabrics. Powdered laundry detergent is not recommended.

Suitable preparations for washing down filler are gel-like products for delicate fabrics or special substances for natural fibers.

Place tennis balls or special soft balls with spikes in the drum. In the process of washing the feather filler, they will be able to prevent lumps from falling.

During its operation, the balls “pound” the product, removing all impurities. When cleaning the feather filler, they prevent it from falling into one lump.

Important! Do not wash feathers in hot water. The maximum temperature is +30 degrees. Spin speed - minimum or generally rejected.

Ideally, if the machine is equipped with the "Duvet" mode.

Hand wash pillow

The procedure for washing a feather pillow with your hands is considered more time-consuming.

The manual method is more time consuming than processing in a washing machine.

Action steps:

  • pour water heated to 30 * C into the bathroom or a large basin;
  • add a gel-like detergent and stir with your hand;
  • open the bedclothes on one side and transfer the contents to a container of water;
  • soak and leave for 4 hours;
  • collect part of the filler with a large colander, gently rinse under a tap with running water and transfer to a dry container. Proceed in this way with all the filler.
  • change the water in the basin or bath, add detergent again;
  • transfer the feathers to the prepared container and rub them with your hands;
  • repeat the procedure with a colander, thoroughly washing the feathers under running water.
  • squeeze out the moisture with your hands.

This method allows you to control each stage and avoid damage to the filler.

Helpful information! Pillows filled with swan down are recommended to be washed by hand if the washing machine does not have the “wash swan down” function.

If it is not possible to select the minimum spin, it is better to turn it off.

Steam cleaning

One of the cleaning methods is steam. To do this, you need a steam cleaner or a regular iron with a steam function.

A little-known method for caring for feather pillows.

  • Fix the pillow in a vertical position.
  • Treat the surface of the product with steam on both sides.
  • Repeat the procedure 3 more times with an interval of 10-15 minutes.
  • Hang to dry in the sun.
  • After drying, straighten the filler with your hands.

Steam cleaning, although not like washing, will still protect and refresh your bedding.

Steam cleaning is not a complete wash. It will only secure and update products. Under the influence of steam, dust mites, microorganisms and bacteria die. The pillow becomes clean and acquires freshness and pleasant aroma.

The hot air of the steam generator has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, bacteria, dust mites.

Proper drying of pillows after washing is an important step in the hygiene procedure.

We have already studied the features of washing down and feathers. An equally important step in the hygiene procedure is the proper drying of the filler. Do not leave the feathers wet - the filler sticks together, becomes moldy and acquires an unpleasant odor. How to do it right?

It is important to completely rid the feathers of moisture. Otherwise, fungi and pathogens will begin to multiply in them.

  • Drying in fresh air. This procedure can only be carried out on warm summer days. Knead the lumps with your hands and place them in cloth bags. Hang in the shade so that the wind blows from all sides. Drying feathers in the sun can cause the feathers to lose their firmness and structure. Periodically shake and knead the feathers in the bags - improves ventilation.
  • Drying on the heating battery. The pillow in the cold acquires the smell of freshness. But frost can only kill germs, not dry down. Therefore, in winter, it is better to dry pillows on batteries.
  • Drying indoors. The most correct method if you have a free room. Before drying, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the room. Lay out a moisture-absorbing fabric folded in several layers on a vertical surface. Spread the feathers in a thin layer and stir them occasionally with your hands.
  • Fill the filler with dried feathers and sew up the edge.

The best time of the year to wash feather pillows is summer. Due to the high temperature, moisture will evaporate quickly, and the product will dry in 1-2 days.

Helpful information! Along with dried feathers, a little hops can be added to the filler. Its smell has a calming effect on the nervous system, promotes healthy sleep.

Knowing how to properly clean and dry the feather pillow filler, you can extend the period of its use.

In order for the feather filler of your favorite pillow to please with its aroma for a long time and give a good and healthy sleep, you need to follow simple recommendations:

Once a day, the product should be whipped. It is better to do this in the morning so that the filler restores its shape during the day.

  1. Every morning after sleep, fluff the pillow with your hands - it contributes to the saturation of oxygen and the elasticity of the feathers.
  2. Ventilate products in dry weather at least 2 times a month. Do not place in direct sunlight! In the winter season, ventilate for several hours in the open air.
  3. Periodically remove dust from the pillow by fluffing it with a flat plastic clapperboard on both sides.
  4. Do not store the product in plastic bags. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a cover made of natural fabric.
  5. In order to prevent soiling of the pillowcase, it is recommended to use an additional cotton pillowcase.
  6. Do not lie down on a pillow with wet hair - moisture quickly destroys the structure of the fluff.
  7. Dirty feathers contain harmful bacteria. If the pillow has been stored in the attic or pantry for a long time, do not rush to use it. It is recommended to open the bedding and make sure that the fungus does not hit the filler and the bedding.
  8. The result of improper care of the feather filler is the accumulation of microscopic mites that are dangerous to health.

Thorough cleaning of the feather at least once a year is a mandatory item in the care of pillows.

Important! Pathogens are found in the saliva and sweat of a sick person. They are easily absorbed into the hygroscopic fluff, causing a recurrence of the disease. Therefore, the pillow of a sick person should be steamed.


Compliance with simple recommendations and rules for the care of feather filler allows you to maintain health, well-being and healthy sleep for all family members. If it is not possible to wash feathers at home, then it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.

If it is not possible to wash at home, it is advisable to take the pillow to the dry cleaner.

The filler is placed in a special machine, the down and feathers are effectively cleaned in a washing disinfectant solution and treated with hot steam. As a result of this procedure, all dust mites die. To destroy bacteria and pathogenic microbes, a procedure of quartzization and intensive air cleaning follows.

Professionals will clean and disinfect the fluff, after which they will fill it with a new pillowcase.

VIDEO: How to wash down pillows in a typewriter.

VIDEO: Washing feather pillows at home.

A pillow is one of the most common things in the household, life without which for most people is not possible. Many choose products with natural fillers and, as a rule, these are feather pillows. However, they need proper care, which will save them for many years and save the family budget.

Can feather pillows be washed?

Yes, they can be washed both by hand and with a washing machine at home or in specialized salons.

How to wash a feather pillow at home

Before you start washing, you need to consider which feathers are used as filler. If these are chicken feathers, then it is better not to wash them at home, but to take them to a specialized salon or dry cleaning, focusing on dry cleaning without the use of steam. If the pillows are filled with goose or duck feathers, you can wash them yourself.


For this procedure, any complex liquid detergent or washing gel from the store is suitable (for example: Ariel, Laska, Persil, Losk, BiMax and others). It will not be superfluous to add a stain remover and / or conditioner (Vernel, Vanish, etc.). And you can wash it the old fashioned way - with a solution of laundry soap and ammonia in a ratio of two teaspoons to about 100 g of grated bar of soap.

Wash the pillow in the following order:

  • open the pillow, put the feathers in pieces into bags in the prepared solution, after tying them tightly;
  • after immersing the entire filler in the liquid, stir it and leave it to soak for four to six hours;
  • when time has passed, remove the filler from the solution and rinse with cold clean water;
  • to dry the feathers, you need to lay them out on a flat surface in a ventilated room, covering with gauze, and then wait a few days (mixing occasionally) until it dries;
  • sew the dry filler into a new pillowcase.

Is it possible to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine

Pillows with feather filler can be safely washed in a washing machine, the main thing is that the feathers are inside the pillowcase, or packaged in special cases so that the filler does not spread throughout the washing machine and spoil it, clogging everything that is possible.

How to wash feather pillows in the washing machine

If the feather pillow fits into the drum as a whole, then it can be washed without removing the filler. It is optimal to wash two at once, but at the same time, at least 1/3 of the empty space should remain in the drum. Otherwise, you will have to open the product, remove the filler and place it in separate fabric bags. Before washing, it is recommended to knock out the pillow.

  • use detergents for washing delicate fabrics without conditioner and rinse aid;
  • the water temperature during washing and rinsing should not exceed 40 degrees;
  • the number of rinses should not exceed three, and the number of drum revolutions - 500;
  • after rinsing, leave what was washed in the washing machine for 30 - 40 minutes so that the glass has excess moisture;
  • if you put 2-3 tennis balls (or rubber of a similar size) in the drum, they will break up the collected feathers during washing and release stuck dirt and dust clods.

How to wash a feather pillow

Wash the feather pillow in the "Delicate wash" mode so that it does not deteriorate, or use the "Duvet" mode if it is available in the washing machine.

How to dry a feather pillow after washing

After excess moisture is removed from the glass cushion, you need to get it out and place it on a flat surface, periodically turning it over to the other side for even drying. Or pick it up on a clothesline with clothespins and wait a day until it dries, periodically turning it over and fluffing it so that the feathers are fluffy. Washing in a washing machine on automatic mode is better because after it the feathers dry faster than with a manual method.

How to dry pillow feathers

If the feathers were washed separately in fabric bags, then the procedure is similar to that applied to drying the pillow, but it will take much less time: 12-14 hours, after which the dry filler can be sewn into a new pillowcase.

Can feather pillows be taken out in the cold?

But drying a wet product in the cold is not recommended. It is better to schedule your laundry for the warm season and dry the pillow under the sun.

Feather pillow cleaning, restoration

In addition, to wash the pillow, you can clean and update it, which will save time on drying the wet filling. Cleaning is recommended every six months.

Where can you clean feather pillows?

You can clean it at home, or you can take it to specialized salons or dry cleaners, where they can be treated with special means and poured.

How to clean feather pillows in specialized salons

Specialized salons or dry cleaners may use the following cleaning methods:

  1. Chemical. During dry cleaning, the filler is removed from the pillow and processed in a solvent that removes dust mites, dirt, dust and odors. After that, the feathers are dried and ventilated from the solution, which can damage the feathers in some cases.
  2. Dry cleaning. With this method, the filler is cleaned using a strong air stream.
  3. Using ultraviolet. When using UV, all living organisms, as well as products of vital activity, are guaranteed to be destroyed.

After cleaning, the filler is sewn into new pillowcases and the output is a clean and soft pillow.

How much does it cost to clean a feather pillow

The cost of cleaning feather pillows in specialized salons, on average in Russia, costs from 250 to 400 rubles per unit. The price may vary depending on the type of cleaning, the region of residence and the company itself that performs this procedure.

How to clean feather pillows at home

To clean your feather pillow at home, you can vacuum them. This will help remove dust mites from the surface and a little from the filler, but inside everything will remain practically unchanged. It is advisable to knock out the pillow beforehand, which will help to clean it of dust from the inside, but this will not completely remove it. At home, this can only be done by washing in a washing machine or by hand, or professional cleaning in the cabin.

In order for a feather pillow to serve its life well, it is necessary to properly care for it. It is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • beat every morning so that it is soft and airy;
  • ventilate regularly;
  • wash two to three times a year, as feathers absorb sweat and other secretions well, which is why it starts to smell bad;
  • life span - five to six years, after which you need to buy a new one or take it for restoration.

How to remove odor from a feather pillow

To remove the smell, try airing (roasting) it in the sun, washing it, or dry cleaning it.

Since feathers are a natural filler, it absorbs organic secretions well, for people with excessive sweating it is better to buy products with synthetic or bamboo fillers.

The smell from the new feather pillow

If the bad smell comes from new feather pillows, then there are several options to correct the situation:

  1. If the receipts are safe, return them to the store.
  2. You can try to ventilate the product.
  3. Wash.

Feathers are coming out of the pillow, what to do

When the pillowcase becomes thin, feathers begin to climb out of the pillow. In this case, you need to replace the breastplate, or put a new one on top of the old one.

To care for a feather pillow, contact specialized salons, or do it yourself. Washing, cleaning, restoration - all this will help to extend its life and avoid unpleasant odors or the development of an allergy to dust mites, dust or feathers themselves, which is important. Proper care is the key to life for any thing.