DIY cactus - how to make a decorative craft in the form of a cactus (105 photo ideas). Creating a mini-garden of cacti and succulents

You will need

  • - any succulents of small sizes in small pots: cacti, aloe, euphorbia, jade, kalanchoe - 3-5 pieces;
  • - a pot, wide and low (cactus), or a large glass brandy glass, a small aquarium, a large tea cup, etc.;
  • - drainage packaging (expanded clay), can be replaced with small pebbles, pieces of foam;
  • - soil for cacti (sold in the store);
  • - accessories for decorating the composition: shells, sea pebbles, coarse colored sand;
  • - atomizer.


Plants in flower shop choose, taking into account that they blend beautifully together: with different leaf colors, different forms(elongated, round, fluffy).

If the vessel you have chosen is small, three copies are enough, if it is larger, five.

Pour drainage into the bottom of the vessel. Its height should be at least 1/3 of the height of the pot. This is done so that the water does not stagnate at the roots of the plants, but flows down freely through the drainage. Succulents really don't like dampness.

Pour a little over the drainage (1-3 cm of soil) and place the plants taken out of the pots on it. As a rule, a good root ball remains on the roots, try not to destroy it.

Plants are grouped so that they look favorably with each other. In the center or slightly to the side - the highest, next to it - lower, and along the edges - very small.

Fill the gaps between the roots of the flowers with soil, gently press it with your fingers so that the surface of the earth in the vessel becomes even.

Decorate your composition with sand, spectacular stones, shells. Connect your imagination and place here a bright decorative element: a figure of a turtle, a butterfly. Place a homemade, homemade sombrero on top of a cactus, giving the gift a playful national "desert" flavor.

Spray plants, sand and stones with a spray bottle, washing them from dust and dirt.

Important! During the week, you can not water the soil near succulents, otherwise the roots, torn off at, will easily begin to rot, the plants can only be lightly sprayed. After a week, start watering the composition into the ground, but very moderately.


If you are using a glass vessel for planting, then in order to decorate the unsightly dark soil, first pour colored sand next to the glass. Then the composition will look neat and much more impressive!

Useful advice

Do not forget to keep the gift in the light yourself and inform the person to whom you will give the present. After all, these are plants, and you need to handle them accordingly: light (artificial luminescent can be used), heat and rare, but regular watering.


  • Own experience

Do you love indoor plants, but there is no space on horizontal surfaces in the apartment? So, it's time to master the vertical! For example, the refrigerator door can be turned into a real little cactus garden!

You will need

  • - wine corks from natural cork wood
  • - a knife with a narrow blade
  • - small magnets
  • - thermal gun
  • - small sprouts of slow growing plants (cacti, succulents, crassula)


Gather enough wine corks. Remember: only natural corks are suitable, plastic plants will die! Make indentations in the corks with a knife so that you get small flower pots.

Glue magnets to the side of the corks with a heat gun. Make sure that the magnets are attached evenly and are powerful enough: after all, they will have to hold not only the cork, but also the weight of the contents: the earth and the plant planted in it.

Fill pots with nutritious soil. Plant in each small plant. It does not have to be cacti, the main requirement is that the plants grow slowly and be unpretentious.

Compose a composition of the resulting magnets to your liking. By the way, such an original souvenir will serve as a wonderful gift for friends and acquaintances.

Watering such a mini-garden is carried out using a syringe.

Of course, you can create such a mini-garden not only on the door of the refrigerator, but also on any wall, having previously strengthened an iron panel on it. It can be painted, wallpapered or covered with fabric. In a word, show your imagination, and your interior will get one more unusual decoration.

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Succulents are undemanding plants in terms of growing conditions and care. A sufficient amount of moisture accumulates in their tissues, so they tolerate drought well. Usually they have thick fleshy leaves of different shades and a superficial root system.

Succulents will look great on different flower beds. It can be mixed flower beds where they plant different plants, observing the rules for combining shades, or mono-flowers, where only succulents grow. But in any case, it is recommended to use succulents of different types. Most often planted plants such as young or different varieties stonecrops. These plants will decorate not only the flower beds, but also the edges garden paths and curbs. Some gardeners arrange whole pictures of these hardy plants.

To get a beautiful composition, succulents need to be planted in groups that will be repeated on the flower garden. Each group should have at least 3 plants of the same species, but this depends, of course, on the size of the flower bed.

Thanks to the silvery leaves of most succulents, flower beds become especially spectacular. Many other colors are combined with this shade, so choosing the right companions for these plants will not be difficult. You can diversify the flower garden by planting seedlings with different textures and leaf shapes. Such a flower garden will look even more interesting.

There are succulents with creeping shoots. They are best planted along the edge of the flower bed. Quite often, succulents are placed in rocky gardens, on the Alpine rollercoaster or along the border of a dry stream, as these plants go well with different types stones. In addition, succulents can be planted in containers and placed near the entrance to the house or on the terrace.

Succulents are now gaining more and more popularity and are used to decorate apartments and rooms. It is not at all difficult to plant a composition of them on your own.

Compositions of succulents can be planted in clay and pots, concrete and wooden planters, round glass vases, even mugs and cups. One of fashion trends- geometric shapes and glass, florariums.

Succulents generally have similar care conditions, so they feel great in the neighborhood of each other. But still, some of them (aloe, crassula) need to be watered a little more than others (echeveria, sedum, all types of cacti). But this problem is easy to solve if you water each plant under the root individually.

The general requirements for the maintenance of this group of plants are sufficient lighting and rare watering.

Succulents should not be planted with deciduous plants, as they have completely different requirements for watering. This will either lead to excessive moisture in the succulents (as a result, rotting of the roots), or to overdrying of deciduous plants.

To compose the composition you will need: expanded clay, special soil, decorative elements(sand, colored stones, stabilized colored moss). At the bottom of the container, it is imperative to pour a layer of expanded clay, it performs the function of drainage. The gaps between the granules can be covered with small pebbles. Plants are planted in the ground, in the case of glass vase or florarium, from the sides you can mask it with sand or colored pebbles.

Plants must be transplanted very carefully so as not to damage the roots. You can plant close enough to each other, succulents are not afraid of crowding. The top of the composition can be decorated with pebbles, cones, bark, figurines. Water lightly after 3-4 days, then water as usual.

Compositions of plants look very stylish, they will decorate and refresh any interior.

Gone are the days when phytodesigners acted on the principle of "each plant has its own pot." Now the design of indoor plants is approached more creatively and closer to nature - they create compositions that imitate a piece of nature. After all, in fact, you are unlikely to meet a single plant in the wild. They always grow in groups. So why not do it in your home too. For large halls and offices from large plants, compositions are created in large flower beds, and for apartments and small spaces they make miniature compositions in bowls that can be used to decorate a coffee table, a mantelpiece, or even put on a desktop.

It is not difficult to make such a composition. Just need to follow a few simple rules and then your work will delight you for a long time.

  1. The composition in the bowl is not durable. No matter how you cut the plants growing in them, sooner or later, they become too large and they will have to be transplanted into another container, and another plant should be planted in their place;
  2. Usually, a bowl is used to compose the composition - a low, flat container with a drainage hole. Use of container without drainage hole is only permissible if the composition is made up of cacti or other succulent plants that require a minimum of watering. If there is no hole, excess water from irrigation will accumulate at the bottom of the container and sooner or later lead to root rot. Therefore, no matter how beautiful the container is, if there is no hole in it and it is impossible to make it, it is better to look for something else for the composition;
  3. In order for the composition to retain an attractive appearance for a long time and the plants that make it feel normal, it is necessary to select plants with the same or similar requirements for it. For example, if you plant a cactus in one container, then your cactus will either rot from excessive watering, or the fern will disappear from excessive dryness of the soil. But if you make a composition from cacti alone (and they are very diverse in shape) or from cacti and succulents (, haworthia, etc.) that require the same care, plants can exist together for a long time. It is also worth considering the soil requirements of plants. Can not be combined in one pot , jasmine sambuc, preferring acidic soils with living on alkaline soils. For the composition, it is necessary to select plants growing on similar soils;
  4. If, nevertheless, there is a need to combine plants with different care requirements in one container, they should not be planted together, but should be added dropwise directly in the pot so that excess moisture cannot get to their roots. In the example of a palm tree, a fern and a cactus, it is the cactus that should be buried in the ground along with the pot;
  5. For the composition, only beautiful, healthy plants. The simplest and most easily accessible material for them is the so-called mixes - Dutch sets of medium-sized plants of 15 pieces per box, which are often sold in flower shops. In our country, these plants from such sets are often sold inexpensively at retail. Among them, you can easily choose those that are suitable for your composition.

How to select and arrange plants

When compiling a composition, it is necessary to choose a plant - a soloist. The largest and most interesting plant in terms of texture, which is planted in the center or most often slightly shifts from the center to the edge of the container. Smaller plants should be planted around it and ground cover or ampelous plants closer to the edge, which will cover free soil and additionally decorate the composition, hanging from the edge of the bowl.

In order to injure the plants less, it is better, without pulling them out of the pots, to carefully place them in a bowl, picking up best option landing. And only when you decide on where which plant should be, you can proceed to the planting itself.


Put a layer on the bottom of the bowl. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, the expanded clay layer should be larger. We pour a small layer of sand on expanded clay and only then a layer of soil. Lightly tamp. After that, we take the plants out of the pots and carefully place them in their places. We carefully look at our composition. After you have made sure that all the plants are placed correctly, the gaps between them are covered with earth. The earth is lightly compacted and spilled with water. After that, the soil surface can be decorated - sprinkled with decorative sand, stone chips, covered with a layer of dry or live moss.

Can be used as a decorative element natural stones or colored glass flower pebbles, pieces of dry wood, bark, twigs or miniature figurines.

But you still shouldn’t get carried away with decor, because plants placed in a bowl by a group imitate the natural environment. A large amount of decor is usually allowed when creating short-lived compositions, for example, from flowering bulbs.

Compositions of cacti and succulents

Very beautiful compositions can be made from cacti and succulents. They grow slowly, so the composition can stand without changes much longer than those made up of ordinary plants. Moreover, it does not require frequent watering. But these plants also have their own characteristics - they need brighter lighting, because if it is not enough, the plants grow quickly, losing their beautiful shape.

Compositions from cacti

Compositions from cacti alone are even more durable. They can even be planted in transparent containers, falling asleep in layers with decorative sand so as to create the effect of layered soil. Only in this case, the cactus needs to save the clod of earth in which it is planted, and fall asleep decorative soil only the gaps between the cacti and the walls of the bowl.

Such compositions should be watered very carefully, since excessive watering can ruin the beautiful layers of colored sand.

The surface of the composition is usually sprinkled with decorative sand, stone chips. Shells and small pebbles imitating a desert landscape can serve as a good decoration.

Compositions from plants in a decorative hydrogel

Hydrogel is sold in almost any flower shop. It can be dyed almost any color. And thanks to their special properties, can replace soil for plants for some time. The gel is translucent, through which the roots of plants are visible, which gives the composition a special charm. But the roots must be completely washed from the ground.

Most often, compositions are made in gel from bulbous plants, whose life time is only 2-3 weeks - exactly as long as flowering lasts.

Compositions imitating the landscape

Now it is very fashionable to make compositions that imitate some kind of landscape in general or a specific area in particular - for example, a small courtyard of your country house or your favorite corner of your garden. Plants are selected, decorative elements are made - benches, tables, pergolas, fences - miniature copies of what is in your favorite corner. The planting technology is the same as in all cases - a layer of expanded clay is poured, a layer of soil is poured on it, then plants are planted.

Such imitation compositions are most often created in wider bowls of succulent plants. On cool winter evenings, they will remind you of the summer spent in your country house.

Home plants and flowers are often used as interior elements in apartments and houses. Indoor plants will perform not only a decorative function, but also create a favorable microclimate in the room.

Headaches, fatigue and lack of concentration are the result of a bad indoor climate. Dragon tree, green lily and rubber tree - best plants that purify indoor air and improve our well-being. But most often, indoor plants are still used as decoration, and succulents stand out in a separate group.

Florarium with succulents

If you want to diversify your apartment or house with something unusual, succulents will become ideal solution. They will perfectly complement any interior and practically do not require watering. In their leaves, they accumulate enough moisture in the form of juice, so they are very, very unpretentious.

You can create your own composition of succulents by placing them in any container - from a wide bowl to an aquarium. For example, glass pots for succulents will perfectly protect plants from dust.

Succulents in glass - decorating ideas using plants

Glass containers are best for succulents

Handmade succulent arrangements can be a great decoration for your home or a cute gift. They are great for freshening up the environment. You can also build your own container for room composition. Don't forget about the obligatory drainage layer.

A practical idea for decorating an apartment with the addition of pebbles

This option is also possible - hang the compositions around your apartment and surprise guests

Creative design that you can make yourself

Beautiful composition of succulents

Add some small detail to your composition, and it will sparkle with new colors.

Succulents are great as table decorations.

That's why succulents are a great houseplant option. They can be arranged in a variety of containers and are the perfect decoration for any room. You will not have any restrictions! You can create compositions from anything.

Stylish decoration for your living room

Combine different containers and create a unique composition

Add a couple of small toys to your florarium, your child will be delighted

The idea for creating compositions from succulents in jars for bulk products

Succulents will look great on your balcony

Option with a decorative vase

Combine multiple compositions in one room

Ideas for creating your own succulent arrangement

Great combination - gravel and succulents

Give freedom to your imagination!

White decorative stones will perfectly accentuate your succulents.

Refresh your apartment with small flower balls

Combine succulents of different colors in one composition

Creative approach in creating a colored florarium

Succulents as indoor solutions are the ideal option that does not require constant care

Stylish decor for your home outside

Photo of compositions from succulents

Old dishes are also great for compositions.

Practical ideas for decorating succulents

At first glance, the creation of a florarium may seem very complicated. But it's not!

If you are new to this business, start with large flowers. Try grouping them together in a ceramic pot. Don't forget to dilute them with succulents of other colors. Place a few small pots on your table - it already looks great! Plants will definitely add a green note that is sometimes lacking!

Add more color to your composition

Remember that succulents feel great in absolutely any container. Feel free to pick up small vases, glass pots or even porcelain.

An excellent option for placing succulents in a stone container

Clay pots are another popular way to house succulents.

A real masterpiece created in glassware

You probably know that the pumpkin is a symbol of autumn and Halloween. And what about the combination of pumpkin and succulents in the decoration of the room? You will get an amazing result that will not leave anyone indifferent. Remove the middle from the pumpkin and place the succulents there, after placing them in small plastic containers. Seeing this combination, your friends will definitely envy you and want this for their home.

We want to give you some more advice. We will talk about artificial wreaths that will decorate your front door. Succulents with thick leaves are not afraid of cold and wind and will delight you. Connect your imagination and create something unique!

A wreath of succulents with your own hands is a real work of art

Something to enjoy every day

The composition of succulents will make the dining table elegant and stylish.

How do you like this unusual option - placing indoor succulents in an old snag?

Old stumps and snags are an excellent frame for succulent compositions

Miniature succulent gardens are a very common option.

You can also grow succulents in wooden boxes or concrete containers

Advice: if you plan to place your composition in a wooden container, soak it in soapy water to get rid of any insects in the wood

An example of succulent compositions in small wooden boxes

Friends, in this article we will talk about a garden in a pot. Sometimes it happens that a person would be happy to have indoor flowers, but by the nature of his activity he often leaves and is afraid that without him they will dry out. Often there are very busy people who, when asked why they will not grow indoor flowers, answer - and who will take care of them?

As if specially for these people there is a kind indoor plants, which are not very demanding for care, transplanting or watering - these are cacti and succulents. It is about such a mini garden in a pot that I want to talk about, and it doesn’t matter that it looks small enough - you can talk about it for a long time.

Garden in a pot - composition with cacti

Beautiful compositions of cacti and succulents can form the basis of your mini garden in a pot, they will not dry out during your long absence and will please you when you return alive and healthy.

Garden in a pot that does not require watering

The word "succulent" means - "juice" in Latin. They are called so because in their leaves and stems they accumulate moisture in the form of juice, and it is this property that allows them to survive in dry desert conditions.

DIY potted garden from cacti

Some people think that growing cacti and succulents is boring, there is even an opinion that they are "ugly plants". I would like to dispel this opinion by imagining how you can decorate your interior with them.

The sight of a lone cactus in a nondescript pot can really make anyone feel sad. But what if you try to create a composition from them?

The composition of these plants in a wide bowl or any other container, including an aquarium, can become what is called the "highlight" of the interior.

The use of decorative pebbles, powder, colored sand, glass decoration for an aquarium - all this will decorate your composition of living plants and fill it with color and attractiveness.

Mini garden in a pot - which plants to choose

Mini garden in a bowl will greatly decorate your home flower ensemble. The composition in a bowl has its own canons. So that all plants are harmoniously combined, let's look at the main points.

Potted Garden - Foreground

And to begin with, let's choose tall plant that sets the tone for the entire composition. It's the easiest to choose. You can use palm trees, ficuses, cordilins, philodendrons and monstera.

Medium plan

Now let's choose a medium ground plant. Bright, colorful plants are suitable here. They are also called ornamental. These are yellow scindapsus, and variegated ivy, variegated codiaum, begonia, coleus.

For miniature garden need quite a bit of space! But it will fit both an impromptu pond and a mini-landscape with elves.

And now let's pay a little attention to succulents.

miniature succulent gardens- the most common. This is understandable. After all, they require much less care compared to leafy mini gardens in bowls. Succulents in relation to watering are generally not extremely demanding, they are recommended to be watered no more than twice a month.

Tree-like succulents such as pachyphytum and fat woman , are placed either in the background or in the center of the future composition

In the succulent mini garden, you can also plant rosette, bushy or ampelous plants with different colors and shapes. Suitable for this haworthia, echeveria, stonecrop, faucaria . You can also include cacti in the composition. For lovers of these prickly creatures, you can generally create mini cactus gardens in a bowl.

How to transplant a cactus or succulent?

It is necessary to observe cleanliness during transplantation - wash the pots, drainage and pebbles should also be washed and scalded with boiling water. Sand is desirable to ignite.

It's very important to know- when transplanting, you should not accidentally cover the root neck of a succulent or cactus with soil, this can slow down its development.

The cactus must be removed from the pot before planting., clean from damaged roots and dry its root system for 3-4 days. Carefully inspect the root system for pests - in case of any suspicion, the roots should be treated with an insecticidal agent.

Substrate preparation for cacti

The composition is: sheet humus is required (about half of the total volume), the same amount of sand and a little bit of expanded clay and charcoal (about 10%). If you decide to buy a substrate in the store, then it is still worth improving it by adding some coarse sand and charcoal.

What pots are suitable for cacti

The most important rule is what size of roots, such a pot is needed. This rule applies to both the diameter of the pot and its depth.

The best material is, of course, clay. It partially absorbs moisture and then releases it gradually, just what you need for unpretentious succulents.

For young cacti, plastic pots can also be used, but they are still not recommended for a long time.

The shape of the cactus pot is desirable spherical, but classic bucket-type pots are quite acceptable. Be sure to have a hole in the bottom of the pot for drainage. Water should not stagnate at the bottom. The earth must be poured already on a layer of expanded clay in order to guarantee the separation of water from the roots. Cacti are better off underdrinking than overdrinking.

Landing sequence

We put drainage at the bottom of the pot- expanded clay, coarse sand, no more than 25% of the volume of the bowl.

When planting in an aquarium or a transparent container, you can make a decorative layer of small pebbles, colored sand, etc. next.

After that, pour the dry substrate and plant plants in it (without watering), carefully distributing the root system and not filling the root neck with soil (this is important!).

At the end, you can pour decorative powder and decorate the garden with large stones, shells, miniature figures.

The first 3-4 days such a garden should not be watered., after this time it is possible to irrigate from the pallet.

Garden in a pot of cacti and succulents

Potted garden - Laws of style

When creating a composition of cacti, you need to follow the laws of harmony, it is better to combine plants of different sizes and textures in one bowl. When adding pebbles, sand, shells to the composition, one must not forget that living plants should become the center of the composition. And the rest should serve as a background for them.

You can add some cute detail to the composition- a ceramic figurine or netsuke made of wood - it depends only on your individuality and imagination.

A beautiful idea for decorating a room with live plants is to plant a composition of succulents in a small vase. They are unpretentious, undemanding to watering, but they love direct sunlight.

Ideas for garden compositions in a pot with your own hands

To get inspired - here is a selection of photos of small compositions and entire "gardens" of cacti.

A somewhat ambiguous composition, the cactus grower turned out to be a joker!

A real work of art - a garden in a ceramic pot.

By the way, you can put bowls in a pot rack and thus decorate the room with succulents.

Seeing a flowering cactus is a rarity. But we have succeeded!

Very nice, in my opinion, composition - a garden in a bowl!

Video master class - do-it-yourself garden in a pot

I hope you have enough material and you will be happy to take up the design of your own cactus garden!

Options for decorating the interior - a lot. One of the rather unusual and gaining popularity is the composition of several plants. Cacti and other succulents remain a favorite in this kind of “creativity”, thanks to some of their qualities.

  • First, easy care. They don't require permanent transplant, watering and attention, therefore, having created an interesting composition, all that remains for the author to do is to enjoy the beauty and receive rave reviews.
  • Second, slow growth which allows you to save the result of laborious work for a long time.

Succulents are a vast collection of plants that includes different kinds and families. All of them have one thing in common - to accumulate moisture in their leaves or trunks in the form of juice. For compositions most often used:

  • cacti, which have many subspecies, but not all of them are suitable for creating a mini-garden;
  • scarlet;
  • lithops- most often they combine several types of these flowers in one pot, avoiding the use of other cacti and succulents, since their care is somewhat different.

If we talk about the most popular in this type of gardening more specifically, we can distinguish:

  • Echeveria;
  • stonecrop;
  • aeoniums;
  • young.

This choice is justified by their unusual beauty and ease of care.

How to compose a composition with your own hands?

Choosing the right pot

When choosing dishes to create such an interior decoration, you should adhere to some features. The requirement for a pot, as a place for growing these flowers, is the obligatory presence of holes at its bottom. This will drain excess moisture after watering. All other selection options depend on the grower's imagination. The material for the pallet can be anything - plastic, stone and others. When choosing its color, preference is given to neutral and natural shades, so as not to distract attention from the composition itself.

The peculiarity of succulents is that they root system- small size. This allows you to use low pots and pallets for planting, which look very organic in decor. The height of the pallet should be approximately 1/3 of the height of the entire garden composition.

Preparing the substrate for the cactus

In their natural environment, succulents grow on sand, sometimes with an admixture of rubble, and even in rock crevices.

Therefore, the main requirement for the soil at home is loose, well-permeable to air and water, the presence of a drainage layer at the bottom is mandatory.

The main components are leafy, soddy or greenhouse soils, to which sand, crushed stone and charcoal are necessarily added. It should be borne in mind that representatives of different families may require any additional supplements.

Preparing the foreground of the composition

The foreground should not block the background, so undersized cacti and succulents are located here. At the border of the pot, you can plant species that will effectively hang over its edge.

Background preparation

Most often, a technique is used that helps to create a sense of perspective in a small limited space. To do this, objects that are larger than the rest or grow faster are placed in the background. To do this, you can use a tree crassula or slipway. Also, some decorative elements are often placed there, for example, a figured snag or branch, turrets or figurines are placed, an artificial hill or a mini-rock is created.


Planting succulents with your own hands is not difficult. Drainage is poured into the selected pot at the bottom, which is covered with a small amount of charcoal. Then the prepared soil is covered.

The top layer is sprayed with water. A plant is planted in the chosen place, after dividing its roots. Do the same with all other elements of the composition. The surface is leveled and sprinkled with pebbles, powder or shells.

Basic principles of composition creation

In order for the composition to form a complete picture, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Decorative powder

The powder will help not only to complement the decorative "landscape" with original details, but also performs a very practical function.

Due to the fact that most often trays and pots for them are used in small sizes and placed in sunlight, the roots can overheat. An additional coating in this case will protect the plants from stretching and pallor.

Compatible cacti and succulents

First of all, we are talking about representatives who are very similar in terms of caring for them. This will greatly facilitate the task of preserving the created mini-garden. The most hardy are echinopsis, mammillaria. They can coexist with almost all species and survive many cataclysms.

The right pot

For a mini-garden with succulents, you can use your wild imagination to the fullest. Indeed, sometimes unimaginable objects are used as a pallet. Small plants look great in the most bizarre aquariums, in very small bowls and plates, and even in shells.

On the this moment these plants are adopted by gardeners and landscape designers for vertical gardening.


In order for the composition not to look overloaded, the emphasis is placed on only one object or the whole view. All the rest should not be too conspicuous, but only complement and shade.

Composition composed mainly of Echemeria Succulents in a hanging pot Use of cacti together with money tree Composition composed mainly of cacti Mostly green succulents in a beautiful pot Lithops in a pot Cactus composition with stones Various succulents in a pot Unusual composition of various succulents

How to care for plants?

Since these flowers naturally grow in a dry and hot climate on stony and poor soils, they need optimal care that resembles natural conditions. One of their main needs is plenty of sunlight. But depending on the family, plants have a different attitude to direct sunlight. Some of them, such as cactus or agave, prefer to be in the scorching sun. For others, direct rays can cause burns.

caring for them in winter summer period is significantly different.

AT winter period they hibernate a little and do not require frequent watering. They need sunlight, and since in our country it is much less in winter, you need to leave the pot to the window itself. It is better to maintain the temperature within 10-16 degrees and water no more than 1 time in 10 days, or even less.

In the spring, watering is more frequent, the flowers feel better on fresh air Or at least on the balcony. If the composition is created and looks perfect on coffee table, then you can leave it there for a period of no more than a month. Then you should return the plants to the windowsill under bright sunlight.

To feed succulents, fertilizers are used that contain phosphorus, potassium or complexes: superphosphates, ammophos, etc.


If you want to create an unusual and beautiful element of decor with the help of living plants, you should first of all pay attention to plants related to succulents and cacti. Due to the variety of options for their use in horizontal and vertical gardening they will help create an unforgettable "live" corner.