Monster has no carved leaves. Why not keep Monster at home? General information about the indoor plant "Monster"

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

Farming belongs to such types human activity, the successful outcome of which is far from always directly proportional to the applied efforts. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily protrude with our alliance when growing plants, and often even, on the contrary, throws all new tests. Enhanced pest reproduction, abnormal heat, late return freezes, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the Spring presented us with another surprise - flood.

I will allow myself today to confess in love. In love for ... Lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and beautiful coating shrubswhich can be successfully grown in their garden. And if someone thinks that the lavender is a resident of Mediterranean or, at least South, then you are mistaken. Lavender is growing well in more northern regions, even in the suburbs. But to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. About them and will be discussed in this article.

Solding once such an invaluable product, like a pumpkin, it is already difficult to stay from finding all the new recipes for its feeding to the table. Pumpkin in Korean, despite its sharpness and spice, has a fresh and gentle taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and give it to launch at least 15 minutes. I have a nutmeg pumpkin very juicy and sweet, so it is not necessary to mive it. If the pumpkin of another variety, then you can smash it with your hands so that it will slightly let juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been in honor of gardeners gardeners. Spring landings Most dachants usually start with sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. Recently, the desire for healthy nutrition And a large selection of greenery in supermarkets force the gardeners to think, and which of these plants can be grown on their beds? In this article, we will tell about the nine most interesting, in our opinion, the varieties of salad.

Mixtai is best prepared in the form of casserole, separating fillets from the skin and bones. Fish pieces are mixed with a motley vegetable set, poured with cheese sauce, sour cream and eggs. Such a fish casserole has a presentable look, and its taste is a fancy mixture of thin nuances. Vegetables and fillets are impregnated with sour cream, cheese will freeze the ruddy crust, the eggs will connect all the ingredients. Pieces of fish are plenty of Italian herbs, and Mintai acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you truly feel the awakening of nature only with the advent flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring so eloquently as the clearing of blooming primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has retreated, and a new garden season awaits us ahead. But, except for spring primroses, in the garden there is still something to see and admire in April.

Quickly smashed and turning into wild thickets, Borschevik violates the established ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves of Borshevik cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more complicated to fight him than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a tool appeared in a free sale capable of saving your plot from most weeds, including from Borshevik.

Carrots happens different flowers: orange, white, yellow, purple. In orange carrots, beta-carotene and lycopene prevail, yellow color is due to the presence of xanthofilles (lutein); White carrot has a lot of fiber, and purple contains anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose a carrot variety for sowing not in color of fruits, but in terms of their maturation. We will tell about the best early, middle and late grades in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy cake recipe with a delicate chicken and potato filling. An open cake with chicken and potatoes is an excellent diet dish that is suitable for tight snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of pieces of this baking on the road. Pie bakes in the oven one hour at 180 degrees. After that, lay it on a wooden surface, pre-released it from the form. Sufficiently cool the baking and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is a start period of active vegetation, and for most - and the return of their decorativeness. Adopting on young leaves and outlined shoots, it is worth not to forget that spring is also a lot of stress for all indoor plants. Sensitive conditions and universal conditions, all indoor cultures are faced with much more bright lighting, air humidity changes and temperature modes.

Homemade cake on Easter with cottage cheese and candied you are easy to prepare, even without having any pastry experience over your shoulders. Bake the cake can not only in a special form or in a paper mold. For the first culinary experiments (and not only) I advise you to take a small cast iron frying pan. The cake in a frying pan will not be so high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always protects well inside! Curd dough on yeast is obtained by air and fragrant.

He is also interested in the fact that his fruits (Thaivin) are used in food with young, not matured (radiant). So, it is not necessary to wait for the crop ripening, and from the end of the spring until autumn you can have in the menu fresh vegetables. On her beds, it is better to grow grade and hybrids of zucchini, resistant to diseases and to changes in weather conditions. It eliminates unwanted treatments and allows you to get a harvest with any weather. It is about such zashchka varieties and will be discussed in this article.

IN middle lane April is a time when the first bloom of plants in gardens and parks begins. Unchanging solts that have entered into their human rights - bulbous primroses. But among decorative shrubs, you can meet such that will delight with fragrant colors, animating the still inconspicuous garden. The main rue of beautiful decorative decorative shrubs is per month May, most of them, as a rule blooms in mid-May.

Monster flower is a common decorative culture, often grown at home. All the varieties of the Monster are unpretentious and have an attractive blossom, which is why the plant quickly became popular in domestic flower flowers.

Monster Flower: Botanical Description

Monstéra is a major tropical plant that looks like Liana and refers to the family of aroid. IN natural conditions Growing in Brazil and Equatorial belt of America, and loves the conditions of wet tropics. It is mistaken to be a monster - palm tree. In fact, this evergreen liana has large carved leaves up to 40-45 cm long.

All kinds are unpretentious enough, but in the home to get large and high decorative plant Used by a stick for a monster, which is stable and reliable support. Foliage peristrayshed and perforated. Flowers are collected in the cob. Flowering lasting, after which the fruit berries forms.

Motherland Monasteries room

How blooms and where Monster grows

In the room culture of Liana blooms annually, after which edibles can be formed, relatively small fruits, which, in taste and aroma, resemble pineapple. Monster flowers are quite beautiful and presented with greenish cobs, bought a dense snow-white bedspread. Inflorescences are most often formed at the base of the plant.

Monster: Growing (Video)

Monster: Types and varieties of plants

Classification is represented by several species and varieties, some of which are suitable for indoor flower growing:

  • monster Kosya or sickle is characterized by very elegant and neat leaves, but there is no bloom in culture;
  • lacquer, or delicate M. Deliciosa is the most common view with large, dreadless leaves of dark green staining. Young instances do not carved leaves. IN room conditions blooms rarely;
  • less large variety "Barciana" It is often referred to as the Borzig flower circle and refers to the most common varieties of liana delicacy. Artificially derived perennial has a slightly smaller leaves in diameter up to 30 cm long;
  • peplarovaya M.Variegata is the most thermal-loving and requiring competent care slowly growing view of foliage decorated with highly elective pattern. white color.

The most exotic look is considered to be a monster punched (M.Pertusa), to care for which you need more carefully. Leaves are more perforated and the most decorative.

Room Flower Monster: Home Care Rules

The name of the species does not play a significant role when performing the main activities for the care of perennial in indoor culture. Overhead part must be cut periodically, And the culture itself needs irrigation, feeding and prevention. The reproduction is carried out by seed material, as well as cuttings and well-developed air chains.

Humidity, lighting and temperature

In the summer, a decorative plant perfectly transfers to increase the temperature regime to the indicators at 29-30 ° C, but in winter it is best to maintain temperature regime at 16-18 ° C. Despite the fact that tropical culture is capable of relatively easy to transfer low level Humidity, this indicator is preferable to keep at high values.

Culture needs sunlight, so the floral pot with a plant is preferably preferably on the Eastern or West window. Perennial tropical origin poorly tolerates straight sun rays, so the above-ground part must be signed on the southern windows.

We select a pot and soil

Under conditions of home flower growing, Monster reaches a height of 200-230 cm, but the intensity of growth processes does not exceed two or three leaves every year, so it is not necessary to acquire a too voluminous pot at once. The flower pot must have drainage holes Required for outflow of excess water size. Proper transplant adult plants are carried out annually, after a winter holiday, about April. After transplantation, the plant necessarily provides a support.

As a landing substrate, you need to use rich nutritional components and well-holding moisture soil. Good characteristics It has the soil nutritious substrate based on one part of the peat, pairs of parts of sheet humus and one piece of pure sand of a large fraction or standard perlite. The land must pass the disinfection cycle. The prerequisite for the correct cultivation is to use sufficient drainage.

Features and trimming times

Top trimming is performed with a pronounced slowdown of culture growth and allows you to efficiently update the plant and stimulate the development of side shoots. It is necessary to make such a procedure with a sharp and clean knife. In room tropical monster, air roots are formed from each sheet. Cut the air roots can not be cut. They should be omitted into the soil or water, which improves the nutrition of the plant.

How to get a bedroom flower

At all stages of growth and development, it is important to correctly feed the perennial. When making fertilizers, it is necessary to comply with the seasonality rule. It follows only to spring and summer periods. In winter, feeding are excluded.

You can use both root and extra-root feeders at least a couple of times a month, applying special fertilizers intended for growing plants related to the aid family. As complex feeding it is recommended to use "Gumisol"or "Epino", and for extra -orn subcortex It is best to use "urea-k6".

Watering flower

For irrigation, it is necessary to use a soft and well-resistant water of room temperature. It is best to apply taula snow, rain or spring water for this purpose. A clear schedule that defines how often you need to water the room monster is missing. Irrigation events are performed after the upper layer of soil in the pot is dry. Watering in the summer, as well as in spring and early autumn, are held quite abundantly. In winter, the nutritious soil substrate should be slightly humid.

What you need to know about the air roots of Monster

In essence, such an organ of the above-ground part, as air roots, except for additional nutrition, provide a peculiar support for a long-term tropical culture. When performing regular sprayings, you must not forget to spray the air roots. In the presence of overwhelmed air and insufficient natural light, it is precisely this above-ground part of the plant. Air roots with increased dryness of air indoors need to be cooled well-moistened moss-sphagnum.

How to smear monster (video)

Problems for growing

As a rule, any problems associated with growing room tropical crops are caused by errors in care and non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Why young leaves monster non-carved and small

The lack of a characteristic appearance of young leaves - the phenomenon is natural and explained botanical features. With age, the shape of the leaves changes and quickly acquires the originality of culture. If the leaves are too small and the growth is suspended, then you should pay attention to the lighting mode.

Why the plant is crying

Foliage "crying" with too high soil moisture indices inside flower pot. In this case, the earthen comes need to be dried, after which it will be necessary to increase the intervals between irrigation events and reduce the volume of water used for irrigation.

Causes of bad height

The reasons for too slow growth and the development of perennial can be somewhat, but the basic is the lack of light, too low air temperature, lack of moisture or limited incorrect meals, as well as very strong soil depletion in the flower pot.

Other difficulties in growing

In the process of growing Monster Flowers may also face the following, less common issues:

  • defeat with stem rot in the winter during an excess of moisture and low temperature mode;
  • mass yellowing of foliage when the soil substrate and insufficient plant nutrition;
  • mass feeding of foliage, which becomes dry or covered with brown spots, is observed with too high temperature mode and the location of the flower pot next to heating devices;
  • lowering the bottom stem and grinding or leaf pale becomes the result insufficient lighting;
  • the top of the leaves becomes brown or paper with too dry air indoors or too close flower pot.

How to confess the Monster (video)

From pests the greatest danger to the room tropical monster represents the shields and spider ties. We systematically examine the above-ground part for the lesion by pathogenic microorganisms or pests. When a symptoms of the disease are found, it is necessary to isolate and must be treated with solutions based on special chemical preparations.

When growing a monster and performing measures to care for it, it must be remembered that this tropical plant refers to the category of poisonous. Culture juice contains substances that cause strong skin irritation and inflammatory processes on mucous membranes, so you need to be taken care and apply personal protective equipment.

For more than 150 years, Monster remains a rather popular indoor plant. This exotic is successfully used to decorate the most different rooms. The monster flower is uncomplicated in the leaving plant. Even a novice flower flower will cope with its cultivation.

Where the monster grows and how blooms: homeland and botanical description of the plant

Monster is a typical representative of the aid family. The genus Monster includes about 50 species of various plants. All of them are most widely obtained in the central and southern parts of America. The plant received its name due to its hugely predatory form.

All monsters tropical evergreen plants in the form of Lian. The size of their leaves is about 45 cm. When growing at home, Monster will need to install a stick for a support. If the roots of this plant for some reason lose contact with the soil, then the plant does not die, but continues to fully live as an epiphip.

Monster flowers are cobs with white "sail." In natural conditions, this culture blooms often, but to achieve its flowering in indoor conditions is practically impossible. The fruits of the Monster of some species are edible.

Monster: Room Plants

The following types of Monster are most common in room culture:

The second name of this species is unequal. He is a satisfied miniature form of this Liana. It is characterized by the leaves of the oblong form with pointed ends. The length of the sheet plates is about 20 cm. The surface of the sheet in contrast to other species is not disseminated, but perforated. Holes have an oblong shape, they are not symmetrically located.

Another flower name is punched or dended. Depending on the variety can be both greens and with striped leaves. Monster Digitable - a large plant with egg-shaped strongly dissected leaves.

Artificially derived species that does not occur in natural conditions. Characterized by relatively compact sizes, the length of its sheet plates usually does not exceed 30 cm.

One of the most common types in bedroom flowering. Also known as the Montster of Adorable. Its main difference consists in a very long stem. Also for this species are characterized by very large leaves of oval shape. Along their edges are deep slits that reach almost the central vein.

Room flower with monster carved leaves: home care

All types of Monster are satisfied with unpretentious, growing them in roommates quite easily. The only thing to take into account is only what all monsters are quite large plants. Therefore, they are best grown in sufficiently spacious premises.

Pot and soil for Monster

For growing plants, nutritious and moisture-intensive soil are suitable. For example, you can make the following substrate: 1 part of peat and sand and 2 pieces of humus or leaf land. If there is no possibility for independent compilation of the soil mixture, it is possible to use a universal substrate for growing indoor plants.

Also during the cultivation of this culture, it is necessary to equip the drainage layer from the ceramisit. When choosing a pot for Monster, preference should be given to high and sufficiently bulky tanks.

Monster: Home Care (Video)

Undercaming and watering

During the period of intensive growth in the spring and summer, the monster is poured abundantly. For these purposes, it is best to use soft and dilated water. In this case, the upper layer of the substrate between irrigation should slightly die. With the onset of autumn, watering is significantly reduced. In the winter period, the indoor flower watered very rarely, but the complete drying of the earth coma can not be allowed.

How to update Monster: Pruning features

In order to update the Monster, it is required to cut it periodically. It is also connected with the fact that it creates very quickly and without appropriate care very quickly turns into an unclear and informal bush. Also should know that the removal of old leaves or trimming of the macushkin in the flower stimulates the appearance of new side shoots. All work on trimming is best planned on spring period. At this time, the plant has a very strong growth potential and quickly increases new shoots and leaves.

What and when to do with air roots Monster

And as they grow, they are simply sent to the surface of the soil and slightly sprinkled with soil. If they will not damage the plant, it will simply lose additional support and nutrition.

Candidage roots cannot firmly strengthen the plant in the soil, so to support the Montster Install a special stick wrapped with coconut fiber. Also, a good version will be a hollow metal tube with a mesh surface stuffed with moss. It will not only effectively support the plant, but will provide an opportunity to assimilate an additional moisture from MCA with air roots.

Monster breeding

Modify the monster can be vegetative. To do this, the macushkin or side escape with a point of growth is cut off. After that, the cuts of the cuttings are necessarily poured with a powder of charcoal and dried slightly. Thereafter planting material Located in a loose and nutritious substrate. Capacity with planted cuttings must be covered with a piece of film or a cellophane package to create a greenhouse effect. Optimal temperature For rooting ranges from 22 to 25 ° C.

Old raising plants can be coincided with another way. To do this, several closely located air roots from the top of the plant are tightly wrapped with wet moss and is screwed to the trunk using twine. Soon they are formed quite a large number of small roots. After the top with the roots, it is cut and planted in a loose substrate. The remaining part of the plant from sleeping kidney will soon begin developing young shoots.

Monster: Air root (video)

Problems when growing a plant

Why Monster Crist

With a high level of air humidity and abundant irrigation on the plant, it is possible to observe the so-called "tear". This is especially noticeable in cloudy weather when a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure occurs.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that roots absorb a lot of moisture, and because of high humidity The air evaporates it fully can not. So it turns out that Monster seems to be crying. There is nothing terrible in this kind. And to reduce it, you just need to cut watering plants.

Montster is not carved leaves

When growing, the montster of flower products are very often faced with such a problem as the absence of slots on the leaves. You can explain it with youthful plants. In such culture carved leaves begin to appear only as they grow. Also, the absence of slots can be explained by the lack of lighting.

Why is a room flower small leaves

Another major problems arising in the cultivation process are too small leafy plates. Most often the main reason for this lies in a disadvantage of nutrition, during the period of intensive growth, the plant must be picked up by the recommended fertilizers. The level of illumination can also have an impact on the size of the leaves. Most likely, the plant simply lacks sunlight and simply need to be rearranged in a lighter place.

Monster is growing bad

In the process of growing, flower products are often faced with poor and too slow growth of the plant. There are several main reasons for this:

  • Lack of nutrition;
  • Low air humidity level;
  • Low light level.

In order for the plant to resume its growth, he needs to simply create favorable conditions for development and make appropriate feeding.

Pest and fight against them

No room plant is insured against the attacks of malicious insects, subject to this unpleasant phenomenon and monster. Most often, it can be found in the following pests:

  1. - Very malicious sausage pest. It is hard to fight him in the running cases. A sign of its appearance serves sticky web-shaped raid on the surface of the leaves. Appearance custom tick Most often provokes dry air in combination with high temperature. For the destruction of this pest, special insecticide preparations are used. For example, you can use "phytodeterm" or "accomplish". 10 days after the first application, re-processing of the plant is recommended.
  2. Shield - Successive pest of most indoor crops. It is difficult to notice her at the initial stages of distribution. In their way appearance It resembles small shield seals on the surface of the leaves and stems. Destroy the shield is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that this pest is not only on the plant, but also in the soil. For effective destruction Shields are recommended to use a whole range of measures. It should be started from the soil strait with a solution of insecticide. Then manually collect insects visible on the plant. And last turn proceed to the direct processing of the entire Monster. To do this, it is best to use insecticides system action. They have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant, and for a long time to maintain their protective effect. For example, you can use the "Aktar" or "Commander".
  3. Tripses - widespread sucking pests of indoor and street cultures. Piercing the surface of the sheet plates, feed on the juice of the plant. As a result of their activities on the leaves, small areas of dead tissues appear, which are then merged into a single spot and eventually lead to the death of the entire sheet. Special insecticidal preparations are used to combat them. For example, you can use the "Aktar", "Commander" or "Confamid".

How to transplant Monster (video)

It's easy to grow a monster in my house. The main thing to create it favorable conditions for development and carry out appropriate care.

This plant has large leaves of beautiful green, reaching 50 centimeters in length, decorated with unusual holes and slots, have a very decorative look. An unusual liatonoid trunk, the presence of air roots cause a desire for fans and collectors of indoor plants to breed such a special flower with as an unusual name.

Monster at home Care for the monster is simple, boils down to watering, feeding, creating certain temperature modes. But growing so exotic flower It gives true pleasure, rewarding the flower for its works by his lush foliage.

Flower Monster Photo

Belongs to amazing plant Tropical Lian is very common in the tropical areas of America, most of Brazil and Mexico, the genus of the aid family. In Europe, the spread of the Monster began from the end of the VIII century, the plant was brought to Asia in the nineteenth century.

Evergreen Liana rated indoor flowers for unusual, exotic beauty, ease of care, the ability of the plant in a short time to achieve huge sizes. Using support, Liana can be grown in the form of a tree, so it takes less space by the room, and it looks even more interesting. The inflorescence of the Monster is similar to the Corn Copper wrapped with a white bedspread.

monster fruit

Monster at home care

The cultivation of the Monster at home cannot be called too complicated and time consuming, the care for it is a little different from the care of ordinary home colors.

Flower location in the apartment

Monster grows to large sizes, it takes space for growth more than some other indoor plants, it will not fit on the windowsill. Need a special stand or small tableplaced near the window with the eastern or Western light hit. Moving around the apartment flower is not welcome, it is better to immediately determine for him permanent placefinding.

Choosing a place, it should be noted that this tropical liana does not like premises with a draft. It does not tolerate when her leaves are constantly referred, responds to it painfully, may even die.

Before the window, placing the flower is not worth: quickly raging, it will soon block access to the window. Most optimal option - Light angle. On the one hand, the plant will be covered with the window, on the other you can organize a beautiful luminescent backlight.

Soil for planting and transplantation

The main thing for fans of houseplants - to provide your friends comfortable conditions For growth and development. Properly cooked soil for the Monster - one of these conditions. The soil should be loose, to absorb water well and pass the air. Such a structure is obtained by mixing:

  • sand - one piece;
  • line lands - one part;
  • peat - one part;
  • pouring - one part;
  • dernea lands - three parts.

Such a composition of the soil is considered ideal. The components are well mixed, the resulting substrate is poured into the vase over the drain layer of the clay or shallow pebbles. If it is impossible to cook the land yourself use the purchased universal soil for indoor plants.

How the transplant is carried out

Vase for a young monster make it necessary to choose heavy and steady to provide a flower safety. It is necessary to transplant young plants every year, they grow rather quickly, the flower is needed to observe the size of the root system and properly select the amount of the vase.

Know! During the ravenness of the Earth, the root system should not look out, the roots must be filled with fertile soil for several centimeters.

For three - four-year plants it is better to purchase a bulk wooden tub. Monster of this age does not need to be often transplanted, just once every two to three years. When the flower achieves large sizes, the transplantation becomes impossible, the experienced flower flows annually remove 5 centimeters of the upper layer of the earth, falling asleep with a new soil.

Some indoor specimens can achieve a very large size, their root system begins to root in a circle, the risk arises that the plant will strangle itself. So that the flower is not injured, you will need to try to transplant it, unraveling the roots and cutting their extra part. Harm this procedure will not bring, on the contrary, it is possible to save the flower. After the end of the work on the transplant is required abundant watering.

Watering and feeding

Monster loves to water, but without frills. During summer heat Water flower can be actively accurate, necessarily with warm water, it will grow more intense. It is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pallet, due to which the process of rotting the roots, causing the fading of the leaves.

Know! Excessive watering leads to the fact that the leaves are covered with dark stains, their posting begins.

After the heat falls, watering the flower is moderately, once every three to four days, with the arrival of winter watering become even less often, their necessity is determined by the state of the soil. When the top layer, it needs its moisturizing (perhaps once a week).

Since March, inclusive by August Liane requires feeding, since due to the intensive growth and the presence of large leaves there is a large removal of nutrient elements from the soil.

You can fertilize with complex drugs for room colors so that the plant can provide a set of necessary trace elements. With the onset of autumn, the feeders stop or reduced to minimal concentrations. In winter, fertilize the monster is not needed. Watering with feeders with the arrival of spring are renewed.

What a temperature is necessary

The flower easily transfers the temperature differences, which some way makes care of it. Nevertheless, a sharp decline or increase degrees is better to avoid. If possible, create a constant warm temperature in the room throughout the year, the most comfortable conditions are provided for the flower.

If it is impossible to provide a constant temperature with the onset of cold weather, the room temperature should reach from 15 to 18 degrees. Lower degrees are not the most the best way Faced on the state of the plant.

If the flower plans do not include a strong and rapid growth, the plant is ensured by the plant with a temperature of 10-14 degrees of heat. Spring months and with the arrival of the summer of Monster will feel great at 20 - 26 degrees.

Required air humidity

Any plant of tropical origin loves heat and high humidity air. The level of humidity for the flower is maintained at 70% and higher. Perform such requirements is possible regular spraying of leaves in the morning and in the evening, be sure to warm water. Another option - rubbing the leaves with a damp cloth: they will moisturize the foliage and help clean it from dust.

But on excessive moisture, the flower reacts in a kind of way: through the foliage of the monster, it is getting rid of its excessive droplets of water rolling down. This ability Some use as an original barometer and when leaving the house take a umbrella with them.


In natural conditions, the monster grows the abundance of scattered light. Growing it at home, you will have to provide a bright scattered light, avoiding the direct sun on the plant.

When shading, the growth is possible, but not such an active, the dissection of the sheet is much weaker, the appearance of holes on it, thanks to which the plant has fallen in love with flowers.

A long lack of bright scattered light will affect the plant that the sheet will lose its saturated color, will become pale and small, decorative will be lost.

Do you need a monster pruning?

To form a beautiful bush, it is not necessary to allow Lian to grow only upwards. The adult bush is cut off the top, thereby stimulates the growth of side shoots, the flower becomes magnificent and more beautiful.

Plant support

An unusual monster is still in the sense that she needs one more help from its owner - to buy in the store or make a support for the trunk itself, which would help the plant to maintain a vertical position. If you enable the Monster to develop in the horizontal plane, it will take too much space.
Very easy to make a flower support with your own hands:

  1. Plastic pipe with a diameter of 8 to 10 centimeters, approximately 1 meter long.
  2. Cut the pipe with a thick layer of wet sphagnum. As the sphagnum is wounds to fasten.
  3. Part of the tube included in the ground, leave open.
  4. From above sphagnum wrap the pipe with a green plastic mesh with cell sizes of 10x10 millimeters, again secure the fishing line.
  5. Stick with a support in Vazan, attach to her stems.

Types and varieties

Monster attractive (delicate) is the most common variety for room cultivation. Liazing liana, has large leaves, with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters, with deep dissection, young leaves of the heart-shaped form without dissection. Copper grows up to 25 centimeters, white bedspreads, at home adult plant Flowers annually.

Monster oblique - Lyan Liana with elliptical leaves, length from 18 to 20 centimeters, the leaves are reinforced with elegant oval holes.

Monster Peppercut - slowly growing and is the most sootheful of domestic varieties, at the same time it is the most elegant thanks to intricate white divorce.

Monster leaking (punched) - the leaves are oblong, extended to the bottom, unevenly holes, the most perisites. White bedspread, up to 20 centimeters long, pillage - up to 10 centimeters.

Landing and care

A stalk or chain, well-developed their roots, need landing in the ground. So that the roots of the sprouts had the opportunity to develop further, providing it with power, we need light soil with neutral acidity. It is best for young plants to acquire a special peat ground with the addition of microferters. Nothing will not catch the root and the plant will quickly touch growth.

You can not put young plants on the windows on the south side, the straight sunshine will be shipped. Requires moderate watering and fertilizer to young plant It did not feel starvation, then it will be fully developed.

The next year, the grown flower must be transplanted. The soil can be prepared independently, for the rapid root system and for the plant as a whole, minor omissions will no longer have tangible consequences.

Reproduction of the plant

It is quite possible, in a short time, the flower engine will want to propagate the plant, or familiar will ask the seedlings. So, it is quite reasonable to find out how best to use for the planting material.


The easiest way to get young seedlings of evergreen plants - air chains. A sufficiently desired stalk wrapped with a wet sphagnum, to bite the top with polyethylene, edges fasten with clothespins or tie fine soft wire. After the formation of the roots, the stem is cut off from the parent plant and landed into the vase with the prepared soil.


This method is the most common. It is necessary to take part of the cutting of a minimum with two kidneys and put on the moistened soil. The prepared excavation mixture should be very easy to make the roots make it easier to break through and cling to it. Well suited wet sand.

It is enough so that the stalks of one kidney suggests soil, it is good to moisten, cover with a film or a can and put it in a warm place. Best time Year for the shilling - the beginning and middle of spring, when the plant begins an active growth.

So that the cuttings are rooted, it must be constantly sprayed, soil to water, the upper shelter periodically removes for air.

After time, the roots will appear, later - young leaflets in the shape of a heart. To speed up the appearance of shoots with leaves, cuttings are better to water not just water, but from time to time with the addition of growth stimulants.

It is not necessary with the advent of the first roots in a hurry to plant seedlings into the ground, it is better to give her time to acquire a more developed root system, then when replanting with a permanent place, the sprout is quickly involved, actively will begin to develop further.


Thus, to breed Monster longer. Only in two years later the plant is obtained with four adult leaves and four - five young leaves. Seeds are sown in a bin with wet sand directly to the surface, moisturized, covered, the box is placed in a warm and bright place. It is necessary to ensure that the sand surface is always wet.

Around a month, sprouts will begin to appear. With their appearance, the film must be removed. The grown seedlings are piquied, then annually, up to four years old, transplanted a little larger in the pots than previous ones.

Why monster leaves are not cut

The main beauty of the Monster is its unusual carved leaves. Gardeners do not wait to see them on their plant. But it turns out that young, only grown and discontinted leaflets without cuts and holes. The long-awaited openings appear in older leaves: first slots, and further cuts are formed.

Know! Openwork holes and slots are individual for each individual plants, so that flows can be proud to declare that their monster is the only and unique, no identical.

The leaves of such a picturesque plant can grow solid for the reason that it contains in the shade. It is worth changing the location of the flower, and through the time the leaves will begin to form cuts.

Monster roots air care for them

Tropical Lianam have air roots - naturally, Monster has kept this feature and at room cultivation. Pretty roots grow opposite each sheet.

It is impossible to delete them, as they serve as an additional power supplier for Lian: reaching the soil and rooting, the processes form urine root system, providing putyatnic plant Extreme food.

When the apparent roots reach the soil in the vase, they need to help root. You can still collect a bundle and put in a separate pot with a nutritional substrate.

Monster how to care for a flower on the street

Some flower flowers may be interested in the question: is it possible to endure the flower on the street or balcony for the summer? If the takeaway is short-lived and the flower water is sure that it can at any time to put a rone with a plant into the house, staying in the fresh air will not hurt. At the same time, it is necessary to closely monitor the state of the soil to ensure timely watering and carefully examine the flower so that it does not be a victim of triples, cute ticks, other pests.

And yet Monster refers to those room plants that even in the summer is better to be indoors so that they do not destroy the sudden cooling, unexpected torrential rain, possibly with a hail.

Diseases and pests

At high temperature and low humidity on the flower attack small (up to 1 millimeter) insects - trips. The females are set aside under the skin in the leaf tissue up to 100 eggs, of which larvae appear, sucking juice from the leaves, as a result of which the sheet surface becomes grayish - brown with silver glitter.

Help to get rid of the trips will help the treatment of the plant with a highly efficient drug "Actress" or "Inta-Vir". In order to prevent the plant, a regular inspection of the plant is recommended to identify the initial appearance of pests, maintaining high humidity in the room.

With low humidity, it is possible to attack the flower of the cage tick, to identify the appearance of the web in the interstice, small light points on the surface of the sheet helps. The tick itself is very difficult to notice, it is a tiny insect of 0.3 - 0.4 millimeter.

It is easier to fight tick, while he is small, because the female tick is very prolific, can give several generations of offspring, then it will be harder to fight insect. It is necessary to periodically view the flower, fight the tick of the tick when it first identifies the preparations of "Vestimes" or "Phythoderm". Repeat processing.

Dangerous for the Montster is the muffins of Cherver, sucking juices from the root cervix plant, highlighting the poisoning substance and leaving the sweet sticky dew on which a sage mushroom develops.

Care in the event of the appearance of Cherwell: wiping with soap solution, kneading under the warm shower, permanent spraying, the use of "Actress". Fighting with a sage mushroom is quite difficult, you need to try to prevent its appearance.

Of the disease, the initial stem from the disease occurs due to the overaffect of moisture. When the enhanced appearance of water droplets on the edges of the leaves are observed, it is necessary to stop watering, give the soil time to dry well. With especially heavy casesWhen the time is missed, a plant transplantation will be required with the replacement of the soil to the new one.

Direct sun hitting burns on the leaves. First, the sheet turns yellow, then dry brown spots appear. Urgently need to rearrange the flower so that it receives is not direct, but scattered light or in a light half.

Why monster yellow leaves

If a large number of leaves are yellowed in winter, watering plants should be stopped. If possible, transfer to another vase with a new soil. The leaves are turned yellow first, then yellowing goes into dry brown spots - the reason for this is the lack of watering.

The yellowing foliage maybe because the soil for the flower is not suitable, heavy. A lightweight, moisture permeable substrate is required.

For what reason the monster leaves dry

Yellowing and drying bald leaves indicates that the plant lacks food due to scant feeding or little size A vase in which it grows. Correct the situation will help the transplantation in the capacity of larger or reinforced fertilizers at the next two - three watering.

Dry spots on the leaves can appear if the plant got sunburn. For the literate content of the Monster, it is necessary to achieve scattered light.

Problems of growing

In detailed flower growing with difficulties, you can face with the cultivation of any flower, problems and unexpected difficulties also occur when caring for the monster.

The appearance at the edges of the leaves of dry brown spots suggests that soil moisturizing is insufficient if the stains continue to increase, it may be a sign that in the room there is dry air, it should be moistened.

Passing the leaves and the appearance of cracks on them speak about the content of a flower in a cold and raw room.

Pale - the green color of the leaves with further yellowing is likely to indicate the development of chlorosis. The sheet feeding is required by one of the drugs containing iron (iron chelate) as ambulance, root subordinate Iron sulfate. This state may be in excess of bright solar lighting.

The leaves are not only yellow, but also tremble - the content of the flower at high temperature and low humidity. It is necessary to remove the monster from the heating devices, reduce the temperature, more often to make a spraying of foliage.

The trunk at the bottom of the plant remains the same thickness as it was a cutlets taken for breeding. If the lower barrel turned out to be very thin compared to its upper part, you can try to deepen it, sprinkling the layer of the Earth, thus protect against overhell.

Is it possible to keep a monster at home

Believe myths, living in the twenty-first century, at least, frivolously. Now every incomprehensible phenomenon can easily find a scientific explanation. No need to attach energy vampirism or enhanced oxygen absorption.

Know! Monster in translation from Latin means "monster", but this is just an ancient legend, in fact, Monster is a harmless, beautiful, even a useful plant.

Plant is indeed unusual, having many features, for example, respiratory system. During the afternster, carbon dioxide is absorbed, oxygen is distinguished.

At night, on the contrary, the oxygen flower is absorbed, highlighting carbon dioxide. If the flower is in a small bedroom, a feeling of breakdown, fatigue in the morning due to lack of oxygen is possible. It is enough to bring the vase with a lyana from the bedroom, and the problem will be solved.

Another myth pursuing Monster is that she is poisonous. Indeed, her leaves contain tiny needle education, which are visible only under the microscope. They are the burning and irritation of the mucous membranes, falling on them. And if there is small childBefore you start such a plant in the house, it is worth it to weigh it well.

In fact, the benefit from the plant is much larger than imaginary harm:

  • liana holds dust particles on its leaves;
  • distinguished biological substances that contribute to the destruction of harmful bacteria, viruses, mold;
  • only it has a property to absorb formaldehyde, stand out from some finishing materials;
  • monster oxygen highlights more than carbon dioxide, thereby cleaning the air of the surrounding space.

With good, the proper care of the mister quickly and actively develops and extremely rarely sick. This wonderful plant deserves to ensure proper care, and to thank it will be able to be their healthy, luxurious views.

R.S. I have my own small cottageWhere the sake of pleasure grow vegetables and flowers! But, darkens my hobby the fact that water for watering has to be worn from the well buckets! Output one - purchase water pump for summer cottages and garden!

Young monster leaves are solid heart-shaped, and in an adult plant - deeply dissected. The appearance of an adult monster leaves with a whole plate says that the plant is lack of light or nutrients (or both). Although Monster is considered a shadowless plant, but on the light (without direct sunlight), it grows better. Rearrange the Monster closer to the window.

If necessary, in the spring, carefully transform the monster into a suitable fresh ground.

In March, it is possible to start regularly to feed it up until the end of August, making 2 times a month fertilizer of weak concentration.

Monster care is to create a plant that are close to its natural living conditions. Temperature should be higher than +16 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is below, the monster ceases to grow. In winter, it is advisable to prevent a decrease in temperature below +12 degrees.

At the same time, the balance of moisture is necessary - the temperature. In winter, if the temperature is lowered, watering should be reduced, but not allow the soil to dry out, it must be wet. When the temperature is raised when the monster grows, watering should be abundant, but the soil between watering should be filled. For a plant monster, the care includes also spraying and kneading leaves warm water. So that the leaves are better glistened, a little milk is added to the water for kneading.

Monster does not endure direct sunlight, but this does not mean that it can be placed in a dark angle. With a lack of illumination, the plant ceases to grow, the leaves are minced, lose color, they do not form correct symmetric slits. For normal growth and development of Monster, you need a bright scattered light or half. We must not forget about the air roots that do not need to be removed.

In order for the plant to receive more nutrients and moisture, the air roots are trying to send to the ground, and in addition, it is used and an additional support in the form of a tube fresh from a plastic mesh with moss or peat, which is maintained in a wet state all the time. Such an artificial wet trunk does not allow air roots and creates the desired humidity for the entire plant. Indoors C. central heating And very dry air should be sprayed.

Monster - Flower is large. He needs a fairly large pot (with a diameter of 30cm). At the bottom of the pot necessarily need drainage. The soil consists of equal parts of the compost land, sand and peat. Monster transplant every two years.

As it grows, you need an increasing pot.

Monster. Plant care.

And how many leaves do your monster? The cuts appear on the fifth, sixth sheets and further on all subsequent.

Probably because she is still young. Young monster leaves without cuts.

Monsters are unpretentious, grow them quite easily. It needs to be protected from direct sunlight, loves high air humidity, it is advisable to spray the leaves. We read about leaving more.

perhaps she is just a young else, they have about 5 new sheets grow without cuts.

It's easy to care, watering regular. We advise air roots to omit in jars with water, trap the growth as on yeast) and multiply by simple stalling on the 1st sheet with a piece of stem. It's easy to put into the water and plant how the roots appear. We have these monsters like Weeds have already done ..)

she probably still young will appear on a 5-7 sheet, or she lacks light

maybe you need to cut ..?

With a lack of lighting, too low air temperature, disadvantage of moisture or nutrition, the monster leaves grow solid, without slots. On the north side, in the depths of weakly excluded rooms it is impossible to achieve large-scale leaf monstrasse. In such plants, the sheet plate can always be solid. Although, it is necessary to remember that there are types of a monster, who have a whole leaves almost always, a monster pointed (Monstera Acuminata, Dr. Nazv. Monster Karvinsky), for example Rare holes at her leaves appear when the stem becomes longer than 3 m long, on the vertical support

Monster is different renovation. Mimster