How to install lattice screens on heating batteries. Installing screens to heating radiators How to set the heating radiator screen

Agree, heating radiators, even if they have a modern design, no designer will call a detail working on creating an attractive interior. Moreover, if homeowners are not supporters of innovations and prefer a proven old version - cast iron radiators. Since the optimal place to establish heating devices in the room is a niche under the window, i.e. One of the most noticeable places in the room, the question of how to hide the heating batteries, while ensuring the maximum heat transfer from them, it becomes quite relevant.

Decorative screens for radiators and materials for their manufacture

Decorative screens for radiators carry not only aesthetic load, but also serve as a means of protection against injuries, especially this applies to premises intended for children and sports games. In the conditions of an apartment or at home, they are rather used with a decorative goal, nevertheless can warn the occurrence of a burn in a small child, which is inappropriate to touch them.

In addition, decorative screens work to increase heat transfer of heating devices. Cover from view of bulky batteries, the screens give the room an elegant and completed look.

If we talk about the design, then screens can be:

  • mounted having a box shape and closing the heating device from all sides,
  • flat, overlapping only the front of the battery,
  • without a lid or with a lid.

Screens can be made of:

  • metal or glass,
  • plastic, HDF or MDF,
  • natural wood.

Metal screens

Metal structures began to be used more than a century ago, a metal sheet painted with a powder method is used for their manufacture. The cost of such a product is low and quite justifies it quite a primitive look. More expensive and attractive models of screens are made of stainless steel, to decorate which the intricate perforated pattern is used.

The positive property of metal decorative screens are:

  • high heat transfer,
  • easy care, to clean the surface it will be necessary only to rinse it under the jet of water,
  • reliable radiator protection from dust and pollution,
  • easy installation and dismantling,
  • the ability to maintain color and shape during operation.

The screen for the battery is best of all will look at the interior decorated in the style of Hi Tech or Techno.

Wood models

Wooden latticesfor the decor of heating radiators, it is possible to include a classic option, the wood material is characterized by not very high heat transfer, so wooden grids on heating radiators should be manufactured in accordance with the recommendations of engineers, the material for their manufacture can be used the most diverse. The use of valuable breeds of wood and a variety of modern paintwork materials allows you to turn the lattice to real work of art, worthy of decorating a fairly refined interior.

When ordering the lattice, there is the possibility of choosing a material and a design option suitable for the general style of design of the room.

The most stylish woody material is rattan(Dried and peeled Calamus, characterized by a three-layer structure). In the process of steam processing, the stalks become elastic, which allows them to give them the original form. Next, in the drying process, the material acquires rigidity and very high stability to deforming loads.

One important advantage is its environmental friendliness. In addition, Rattan screens:

  • have a high-nesthetical look,
  • able to decorate the interior, well combined with other objects of the furnishings made of wood,
  • provide relatively good heat transfer,
  • easy are installed.

Common disadvantages of wood screens can be attributed:

  • pretty high cost,
  • a tendency to change the geometric parameters,
  • the need for high-quality care with the use of special funds.

Glass screens

For their manufacture use stained glass glasses 8 mm thick. Glass models are used in the interiors decorated with special sophistication and serve as an exclusive element of the decor, emphasizing the elegance of the design. Glass used in their manufacture - laminated, it is almost impossible to break it. Cleaning the surface of the glass can be made by any detergent.

A more budget option is acrylic glass, it has a large thickness, but its proportion is lower. An attractive point is the ability to select a shade of a fairly wide color range.

Designers are not refused to apply such a variety of modern material as a triplex, which is a multilayer glass connected by a polymer composition.

Since glass is a material suitable for using photo printing, then a wide variety of drawings are often applied to find its surface, suitable for the design of the room.

It is also often used hand-painted stained glass-screens with silicate paints with subsequent firing in the furnace.

In the manufacture of screens for radiators, other, more complex, techniques of stained glass can also be used:

  • fusing,
  • Tiffany
  • mlariable
  • quiet
  • film
  • bulk.

Among the advantages of glass screens should be remembered:

  • high aesthetics
  • safety,
  • preservation of decorative type for a long period of operation,
  • the ability to create to order a unique model is for your interior.


  • the need for a more careful attitude during operation and removal of pollution, creating barriers to the movement of thermal air masses,
  • pretty high cost.

Budget option - plastic decorative panel for radiator

Plastic today is the material widespread, the use of it in everyday life determines the cheapness of plastic products. But forget that certain factors can cause toxic substances from this material. In addition, at high temperatures, the plastic surface is inclined to change its geometry. Plastic decorative panels for radiators do not differ in diversity of shades.

Among the advantages of plastic products can be noted:

  • low weight
  • low cost.

By stopping the choice on plastic models, it should be borne in mind that the panel will not last long, during operation you will have to systematically air the room in which they are installed.

Oricity Boxes

Pressed materials that are the XDF and MDF are often used to make boxes, but the insertion of wood or plastic materials should be used as a screen. The solid surface of the organic tractor with small holes is not recommended: it will be a serious obstacle for normal heat exchange.

The devices from the organic are practically not deformed from the effect of temperature, and the inserts screens in them can be changed periodically. Since the design is sufficiently massive, it will be necessary to pay attention to the correctness of its installation - otherwise it can delay heat. Outgoing from the battery. A certain difficulty will cause the process of cleaning the radiator itself from dust.

The design of the screen should be chosen depending on how and where the heating devices are placed:
Installed in the battery niche comfortably hide with flat designs or those that are superimposed on the battery, in this case the recess is closed along with the radiators placed in it.

If the batteries are installed under the windows and overlap with it from above, it will be enough to use lining without a lid, attach them to the windowsill.

Speakers for the surface of the windowsill, the battery will require the use of decorative covers with a lid.
If the heating devices are installed simply near the wall, then the bottom box will hide them.

Successfully selected material hobs the battery and become an attractive element adorning the interior.

How to install decorative screens

Depending on the design of decorative panels, the option of their installation.

Hinged screens have a design that does not require any auxiliary fastening. They are hung on radiators, the curved shape of the upper part prevents their sliding down. This option is especially convenient with small screen dimensions, it will take exactly also easily, as installed.

For the screens having a type of box, the holes will be required to attach them to the wall. The task will be to transfer the attachment points on the wall and strictly horizontal alignment. The easiest way to do this using the level. Next, the openings are drilled in the points and the fasteners are installed, the box will be hung.

If the installation of the box on the floor is assumed, then the legs should be present in its design, the upper part of the box should be equipped with hooks placed on the sides - with their help, the box will be attached to the radiator. This option is particularly popular with consumers due to the simplicity of the installation of the structure.

How to make a screen for heating radiator with your own hands

Although materials from which screens are made quite a lot, really at home work with them is little successful. For example, it should definitely refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a plastic model. High-quality plastic has a relatively high cost, its thermal conductivity is far from ideal, at home is not so easy to give a plastic product quite an attractive appearance, at least it will be more difficult than processing the metal. It is not excluded that from the effects of high temperature plastic will begin to lose the form and covers stains.

The cost of metal is quite accessible, such a material is warm enough. But working with the metal requires certain skills and skills, professional tools will have to use for decorative items.

Wood has an attractive appearance and relatively easily processed, but its thermal conductivity does not allow the screens to be deaf, most often the screens are made in the form of a lattice with large cells.

Made by the rules Wooden screens can be safely called quite effective.

How to make a beautiful lattice of wood can be viewed on the video:

You can also meet recommendations for the manufacture of the gypsummock screen. Although this material, as well as wood has a low thermal conductivity, but calculations and practical studies show that with the correct execution of the screen itself and its installation, it is possible to increase the efficiency of heating radiators.

Preparation of plasterboard will be as follows:

  • leaf processing with a special needle roller for plasterboard,
  • two-time impregnation of both sides of the leaf with a water solution of PVA glue - this will significantly increase the thermal conductivity of the material, in addition, after such an impregnation, the plasterboard will not dispel, it will easily be evenly covered with paint.

Cutting the processed sheets will be very easy, and after processing sandpaper and painting the product will have a completely decent view.

To get sufficient heat exchange, you will need to make some useful elements in the design being created:

  • injector of warm air,
  • aerodynamic visor.

For their manufacture, you will need tin, galvanized iron, as a last resort, you can use cardboard, but it will be necessary to salary with a foil, you can use such that is used to bore products in the oven. Create a visor will be required for cast iron radiators and for modern steel models. The absence of a visor will lead to the formation of an airbag capable of stopping the convection process. The trump cover covered by a foil will overput some of the infrared radiation outward. If we take into account the duration of the heating period, then the compensated savings in a couple of kopecks as a result of the season will be a considerable amount.

Installation of the injector will contribute to the suction of warm air from the front side of the radiator. While the heating devices gear slightly injector practically does not work, but with an increase in their temperature, the thrust will be enhanced.

Another important event that is desirable to perform is to establish a reflective screen beyond the battery, it is desirable that its surface is shiny, i.e. Foil. But only one foil will be little, it is desirable to sew a foil on both sides of the mat, made of a synthetic or other fibrous material. Calculations show that the infrared flow, aimed at the wall weakens about forty times. Naturally, it will contribute to an even greater increase in the temperature of the radiator, therefore, enhancing convection, which will result in an increase in the room temperature.

First of all, you need to carefully measure the size of the radiator, then mapping the obtained data with the size of the screen. Only after make sure that the dimensions are suitable, you can start extinct hints for holes. To accurately do the holes in the wall mounting the screen, you can attach the screen itself to the wall as it would be attached and, be sure to apply the level, make sure it is located exactly horizontally.

After that, it is a drill or pencil to outline the places where the holes for the screws will be then prevented. Before installing the screen for the battery, it is better to check the hints several times. After that hints are made, you can postpone the screen aside, it will no longer need it until the end of the work. Carefully consider the diameter of plastic dowels. To mount battery screens, either dowels with a diameter of 6 mm are usually used or 8mm.

It is not no sense to use a dowel of a larger diameter, as the mass of the screen is not so large and there will be no such a large load on the screws. As a rule, their outer diameter is written on dowels. The drill for drilling the wall must be selected according to this parameter of the dowel. If drilling is produced in a concrete wall, then the dimensions of the drill must coincide with the dimensions of the dowel.

If drilling is produced in a brick or kotelce wall, then it is better to pick up the drill, a little thinner of the dowel diameter, as in the brick, as a rule, the hole is a little wider than the planned size. The screen on the battery will be difficult to install if the dowels will be installed loosely. After doing the holes, it is recommended to remove the remnants of dust from them.

For this purpose is usually used small lubshik. The fact is that dust can perform the function of lubrication, and with a strong impact, the dowel can leave the wall along with the screw. If you remove dust, then the dowel will firmly fit in the hole. In the finished holes, plastic dowels should be inserted and drive them down to the stop.

The dowel should not stand for the edges of the hole, and it would be better if it will be a bit "recessed" inside the hole. Some masters recommend using a little epoxy resin or epoxy glue during the installation of a dowel. The edges of the hole before driving a dowel are fused or glue.

While the glue is raw, it is like a lubricant, helps to drive a dowel. But as soon as he freezes, the dowel is firmly glued to the walls of the hole. Once the holes are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the screen. Singing his loops with holes, you need to make screws in them and fix tightly.

Frequent staining and constant exposure to high temperatures worsen the appearance of heating radiators, in connection with which they need periodic replacement. If, doing repair in the apartment, you do not plan to replace the radiators of heating, the problem of their masking occurs with the help of decorative screens that firmly imposed in the interior of residential premises. Using as final strokes, the screens on the battery, along with the traditional elements of the decor, they play not the last role in creating a single stylistic concept, as they not only focus on advantages or hide flaws, but also expand the functionality of the interior details for the design of which They are used. Despite the wide selection of decorative screens presented in the construction market, experienced masters advise to abandon the purchase of a finished design and make a screen on the heating battery with their own hands, which will save a good amount of money and make it taking into account the size of the decorating heating device and your individual taste preferences. To facilitate this task, in this article we will look at how to make the screen on the battery with your own hands.

Principle of operation of heating radiators

At first glance, it may seem that the radiator covered with a box or decorative grid will be worse to cope with its main functional task, which becomes the most common cause of refusal to reflect unsightly heating devices. Despite this, the experience of using decorative screens indicates that the construction made in accordance with the basic laws of thermal physics, not only does not reduce, but also increases the effectiveness of heating. To make an effectively functioning screen on the battery with your own hands, consider the basic principle of the operation of heating radiators.

The transfer of thermal energy from the heating device into the room is carried out in two ways:

  • Convection based on the mixing of warm and cold air flows;
  • Electromagnetic radiation of the infrared spectrum, the power of which increases as the temperature of the radiator increases.

Cast iron radiators of the old sample work precisely on this principle, heating air due to convection processes. As the heating intensity increases, the ratio of radiant and convection energy changes, as a result of which the return of heat begins to be carried out due to infrared radiation.

The work of modern radiators is based on a similar principle, however, they differ in the ability to respond to the conditions of the external environment and, adjusting to them, redistribute energy in order to maximize it. If the maximum heat transfer is hampered by some external conditions, for example, the curtain, imperative air circulation, the heat is redistributed towards the front panels, as a result of which the heat transfer begins to occur due to infrared radiation. Due to this property, the efficiency of the functioning of modern radiators is significantly increased.

Important! In order for the energy transfer by means of convection to the most efficient, the front panel of the screen, usually represented by the grille, should be designed in such a way that an airbag was created between it and the radiator. Otherwise, warm air, having an obstacle in its path, will partially accumulate inside, which will lead to a violation of heat exchange and the transition of heat into the neighboring room. However, for the maximum heat transfer, you need to pay attention to a number of details.

The physical foundations of the operation of heat-reflecting screens

In accordance with one of the basic rules of physics, the black body has the ability to absorb and emit electromagnetic waves. This rule is relevant for efficient screens on the battery, as it should absorb infrared radiation from the radiator and, having a good thermal conductivity, give heat into the room. Thus, from the example submitted, it can be seen that the inner side of the screen needs to be painted in black, while the external can be decorated at its discretion.

Consider the basic rules for the design of the heat transfer screen, taking into account the basic laws of physics.

In order to achieve a maximum thermal effect, the surface behind the battery is covered with a heat transfer screen, which should not be black, and brilliant, due to which infrared radiation from the back surface of the radiator will be reflected from the wall and, passing again through the radiator, to heat up even more. Taking advantage of this technique, you are at times to increase the level of heat transfer and, thus, increase the efficiency of the heating radiator.

Despite this, the metal sheet does not ensure the maximum functioning of the system, since it reduces unnecessary heat transfer only 5-6 times. The most effective solution to this problem will be the installation of a heat insulating mat from a fibrous material, for example, a synthetic winterizer covered with two sides by aluminum. This design reduces the flow of infrared radiation on the wall by more than 40 times. Specialists recommend choosing syntheps, as a layer of material with a thickness of 5 mm, prevents heat and is a good reflector of infrared radiation.

As for other fibrous materials, the manufacture of heat-reflecting mats will require a 3 cm thick material layer, which can create additional difficulties when placing a mat for the radiator.

Advantages of screens for heating radiators

Before proceeding to the manufacture of the screen for the radiator, consider the main advantages of this design.

  • Using screens for heating radiators, the benefits of which will be considered further, you get the ability to effectively disguise the batteries by creating a holistic interior concept and transforming your home;
  • Prevent the contamination of radiators, which will make it easier for their operation and maintenance;
  • Properly constructed radiators will ensure the uniform distribution of air masses throughout the room;
  • Cutting radiators with a decorative screen, you protect the households from burns and bruises with an inaccurate collision with heating devices and, thus, ensure their safety;
  • A variety of materials, textures, shapes and colors allows you to choose a suitable decorative solution that will be the perfect addition to the main interior concept.

Types of screens for radiators: brief description

There are several basic classifications of decorative screens, the first of which implies their separation into several groups in accordance with the design features and includes:

  • Screens in the form of a closed box are used in cases where it is necessary to completely close the radiator;
  • Flat screens are used to mask radiators located in niches;
  • Hinged screens for radiators are a design with a lid and are used to mask outstretch cast iron radiators that strongly protruding from under the windowsill.

There is another acting classification of screens for radiators, which involves the separation of models in accordance with the material used. Taking into account this classification, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Metal;
  • Plastic;
  • Wooden;
  • Screens from MDF lattice;
  • Glass.

Consider in more detail the characteristics of each of them.

  • Metal screens Externally, most often, constitute a box, for the manufacture of which a thin sheet of metal was used. Despite the rather concise and several primitive appearance, they fully cope with their functional task. The modern market offers more expensive screens made of stainless steel, which can be diversified by perforation. To mount metal screens, you do not need to have specialized skills, as they are simply placed on the radiator;
  • Plastic screens, in view of the variety of model range and democratic pricing policy, are the most accessible options for all segments of the population. However, experts do not recommend them to use in residential premises, since when heating plastic, harmful substances can be released;

  • Models from wood Most often made to order from valuable wood, taking into account the pre-composed sketch. In view of its aesthetics and noble appearance, wooden screens will become the perfect addition to a variety of interior concepts, including classic, rustic and modern eco-styles. The main disadvantage of wooden screens is a tendency to dry and deformation caused by temperature and humidity drops. To protect and extend the operation of wooden screens, only high-quality wood is used, which causes the high cost of products. Radiators complemented by wicker decorative lattices acquire aesthetic appearance;

  • Screens from MDF gratings Externally practically do not differ from wooden models, but it is much cheaper. Thanks to the use of modern technologies in the process, the MDF screens are practical and, at the same time, an affordable solution for many. MDF - material, in quality almost no different from wood, which can be used to produce screens of various shapes, colors and stylistic design;
  • Glass screens Reference to exclusive models, for the production of which is used tempered (stained-glass) glass. Often such models become an unusual decoration of exquisite interiors. Glass screens are decorated with drawings that you can choose at your discretion, and need careful use and constant care.

What to pay attention to when choosing a decorative screen design?

Earlier, we have already noted that the installation of any type of screen contributes to a decrease in heat transfer, which at best will be 5%. In this regard, remember that effective decorative screens for radiators should be characterized by the presence of the maximum number of holes, which will contribute to the unimpeded movement of warm air.

To increase the heat transfer from the radiator, the battery needs to install a screen made from a foil material. Due to this, the heat will be reflected from it and enter the sheard room.

Important! Experts recommend paying attention to another reception cutting heat loss. It assumes staining the inner panel of the screen in black, so that the screen will absorb the maximum amount of heat from the radiator and give it to the room.

Due to the fact that radiators need to rinse, and at the end of the heating season, drain the water, the screen design should be easily disassembled and removed. This condition must be clearly observed, since frequent disassembly of decorative elements creates additional difficulties. In addition, the design should be such that free access to battery valves has been saved. If you purchase a finished design, pay attention to the screen for the Lerua Merlin radiator, the model of which corresponds to all the above requirements.

Ideas of making screens for radiators do it yourself

Screen for the radiator with your own hands: Step by step instructions

First of all, decide on the type of desired design. If the decorated battery is located in a niche, a flat screen is suitable for design. In such cases, a decorative grid is selected, taking into account the size of the niche and simply install in it.

Most often, the batteries are suspended on the wall area under the window, and therefore, it is recommended to give preference to mounted screens for radiators.

Materials and Tools for Mounting

Among all the options for making the screen for the radiator, the most common screen is installed from MDF or DSP. For its manufacture, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • Chipboard sheets, whose color gamma is harmonized with the interior of the room;
  • The grid supplied in the form of sheets, which will be used for mounting the front panel and lateral parts;
  • Metal sheet for making a reflective element;
  • Nails and carbon black;
  • Fasteners represented by construction brackets and screws.

Screen mounting circuit for radiator

The simplest screen design for the radiator is a box in the form of a trilateral box, which is characterized by the presence of a lid on top and legs below. To assemble the screen, you need to mark the design, cut parts according to the resulting scheme, connect them and secure.

Scheme of markings and trimming parts

  • First stage - measurement of the width and height of the radiator. It is necessary to add 10 cm to the resulting width, while to height - only 5 cm. Taking into account these sizes, the front panel of the screen is made. For installation, it is possible to use a steel grid that subsequently complement the profile from MDF;
  • Next measure the radiator depth and 2.5 cm are added to the resulting value. The resulting digit is the width of the side panels of the screen, the height of which corresponds to the height of the front panel;
  • Similarly, the size of the screen cover is measured, however, its dimensions must be 1-2 cm more than the size of the side panels.
  • After performing all the necessary measurements, it is necessary to start trimming parts. For the manufacture of the facial profile, the sheets of chipboard or MDF are used, of which rectangular parts are cut 11 cm wide and, using the knife, in the places of contact of the parts form an angle of 45 degrees.

Important! Cutting the front profile, note that it is necessary to form multidirectional angles. Using this scheme, it is necessary to cut all four parts from which the inner grille of the decorative element is manufactured. For their fixation, carbon black is used and additionally fastened with carnations.

How to build a screen?

After you have completed all previous steps and cut out the required number of parts, it is necessary to build a decorative screen.

  • To make the facade panel, use a grid from which you can easily cut the part of the desired sizes using the knife. To decorate the faces, use a DSP profile, which must be placed around the perimeter from the inner side of the front corners. Similarly, the side details are assembled.

Important! If you plan to use the end of the box as a shelf, choose a solid board for its manufacture, otherwise, prefer variants with holes intended for the output of warm air.

  • Make the framework of the future screen, using the drawings widely represented on the pages of construction sites. It must be safely copped, and in the lateral edges, cut holes for pipes, the center of the radius of which should be at a distance of 7.5 cm from the height and width of the side plank;
  • Before embarking on the screen, the rear wall need to install a metal-screen reflector, the dimensions of which should correspond to the dimensions of the decorative screen. Thanks to this, you will prevent heat losses and redirect the flow of infrared radiation from the radiator inside the room.
  • There are several options for fastening the decorative radiator to the wall. This can be done by installing a stable frame, as described in our case, you can also fix the screen on anchor collet. The second way, in view of the need to buy expensive parts, is quite expensive.
  • The lattice installation can be made on legs that are attached to the bottom of the product with the help of construction corners. This option has some advantages, as using adjustable legs, you can adjust the height of the structure.

We looked at a fairly common method of manufacturing the screen for the radiator with your own hands, for which only infirm materials are needed. If you are not sure that the screen you make to cope with your functional purpose, you can purchase ready-made models, for example, the screens for Lerua Merlin radiator, made at the highest level and widely represented in construction and furniture hypermarkets.

How to make a radiator video screen

To date, few people can surprise by designer solutions for the design of heating radiators. Much less often meet ordinary, uncooked and not decorated radiators. The main techniques for decorative design are creative staining or screen - aesthetic coating that does not prevent the movement of warm air. And if you learned about the radiators and choosing paint in our previous article in our previous article, here we will talk about how to make a screen for the heating battery with your own hands, with detailed photos and video instructions. How? Read on.

In addition to the fact that the screen performs a decorative function, it is impossible not to mention the rich functionality. On the one hand, it prevents the accumulation of dust in the radiator sections, where it is very difficult to get it. On the other hand, protects children from injuries and burns. Some wizards manage to turn ordinary screens in the transformer tables that are folded when necessary. Often, small hooks are installed on such screens, which allows you to dry clothes in winter.

Important! Properly made screen does not prevent the movement of warm air from the radiator.

Varieties of battery screens

By the installation method, only 3 types are allocated:

  • flat screen;
  • hinged cover;
  • box

Flat screens are installed in cases where the radiator is located in a niche or under the windowsill, which connects it with the overall concept of the interior, but maintains heat in the room.

The hinged cover is mounted on the protruding radiators. It is this option that in some cases increase and the miniature table is obtained, suitable for a morning or evening coffee break.

The box completely closes the radiator, so it is very important that the ventilation holes are in the desired quantity and are made in certain places.

As for the material of the manufacture, it is suitable for the screens absolutely everything is from tempered refractory glass to wood, including chipboard, MDF, plastic, and even metal.

Advantages and disadvantages of individual options

Because it is about the independent manufacture of the screen, it is worth the material with which it is easy to work.

Unconditional leader is a tree. Natural structure, beauty, aroma and aesthetics make this material eternal. After the screen is made, be sure to cover it with special compositions. If this is not done, even the tree of industrial drying from a long-term contact with a hot battery will begin to deform and lose its original shape.

Chipboard, fiberboard and plastic - find for beginner masters. This material is easily cut and processed. Cut parts can be both "on the eye" and the stencil. Such screens although short-lived, but are able to significantly decorate the interior as a whole and radiators in particular.

The glass screen makes it very difficult, so they are purchased ready or placing them. This is a real array of interior, which can be framed even in the form of a picture.

The metal screen is most often made either in the form of decorative lace, or in the form of a damper. This is also a specific material that can manufacture only the corresponding specialist.

Since the Fiberboard (chipboard or plastic) is the most simple materials, we will tell you how to make a screen for radiators with your own hands.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's start with the preparation of tools and materials.

So you will need:

  • fIP sheet suitable color gamut

The chipboard is easily painted and due to the structure perfectly "holds" paint. You can either paint all the sheet in advance, or put the paint on the ready-made product.

  • sheet grid that will be installed on the front and side panels;
  • reflecting sheet - metallic or foil sheets are most often used;
  • connecting elements - brackets, screws and nails.
  • carpentry glue.

Screen mounting scheme

In general, the grille for the radiator is a tripartite box with an upper lid and attachments at the bottom. For cutting and assembling all parts, the scheme is used, at the very end the legs are attached and the screen is mounted on the radiator.

Video 1 Guide and secrets of plasterboard mounting


For the manufacture of the front of the screen, both sides of the radiator are measured, after which it adds 50 mm to height, to width, respectively, 100. First, the front panel cut out from the metal sheet, which is already decorating the MDF.

The screen lid corresponds to the depth of the radiator plus 35 mm.

Trimming details

After all measurements are applied on the diagram, starting cutting every detail. The front and side panels cut out of the chipboard. In order to cut the front profile, use the MDF sheet from which rectangles with a width of 110 mm should be cut. Draw angle 450 in the place where the elements will be connected.

On one rectangle, cut the angles of different directions. So you can connect all parts by means of carnations and / or joinery glue.

Mesh Use for the facade window. Due to the soft structure of the material, it is easy to cut with ordinary hacksaw. The dimensions of the grid must match the size of the front panel of the screen.

Self assembly screen

Make the screens frame from the wooden bar to its size. Such a frame will allow to securely secure all the details and will not allow the "Swim" screen from side to side. In the frame itself, they drink a hole for the pipe (nozzle), the center of which should be 75 mm from the side planks.

Initially, on the back of the wall, install a metal sheet in the size of the screen on the radiator. Thus, you will reduce the heat loss and send the movement of warm air into the room.

After the screen is assembled and planted on the frame, decorate the face of MDF profile. By the same principle, all other parts of the screen are collected.

If you choose on a wooden frame from a bar, an additional mounting to the wall will not need. If the frame will not, use the anchor collet for fastening the box.

The simplest option will put the screen on the legs. It cannot be said that the decor will be monolithic, because in general the design is quite fragile, but this will reduce costs and time for its manufacture.

Optimal to the strength will be a wooden frame. Due to the fact that it does not affect the movement and circulation of air, we recommend this option for installation.

Video 2 Screen assembly for radiator from the finished set


No one cancels the accessibility factor of decorative elements on sale. Today you can choose screens for every taste and wallet. But still there are masters who love and know how to create real works of art with their own hands. You can start with small - and make such a simple, but very beautiful screen yourself. A small preparation and 3-4 hours of your time will make it possible to create a unique and exclusive element of the interior without special costs.

Video 3 make a decorative screen with your own hands

Photo of ready-made screens in the interior

The interior of heating radiators is no less significant than the interior of the wardrobe coupe in the hallway. The decorative screen in his own design design is not only a successful disguise, but also an additional heated surface. If you correctly fix the decorative screen and put it in a niche, then you can put the living space. And if you install a stylish screen from opaque glass, you can imagine how the boring heating device changes.

How to ennoble an ancient battery

Making a person's own repair in an apartment or a private house always wants to be warm and beautiful. But the old-fashioned and clumsy cast-iron heating radiators, to put it mildly, do not always fit into the updated interesting interior.

What can be taken to improve the appearance of the heating device? It can be decorative screens that serve as an element of decoration and skip the heat flow from the radiator.

Naturally, the necessary conditions for choosing a material for a radiator grid or screen should be its decent heat-conducting properties and an attractive view.

Otherwise, why then at all arrange this masquerade. Recall that materials providing better thermal conductivity from heating radiators are: metal, wood, plastic and glass.

What are the screens for heating radiators

Today, such varieties of screens can be selected for the decorative design of heating radiators:

Protective screen box

Flat panel with niche

Hinged screen.


Simple and optimal solutions for shelting heating radiators is a protective screen box. The protective box is used if necessary, close direct access to the heating device. The screen for the radiators of this type can be compared with a beautifully decorated locker installed along the wall.

Making such a device is easy. The protective screen-box may have a stationary design, tightly fixed on the wall, or a moved option. A prerequisite for mounting a box screen is the ability to directly access cutting radiators.

For the boxes of boxes, preference is better to give the joinery manufactory that can mostly hide heating radiators.

It is desirable that the facade side of the heating device has a solid surface. Lattices made of wooden planks or rathanes, providing access and convection of the flow of heated air, are the most acceptable solution.

In addition, the originality of the design allows you to use such boxes in the form of an additional shelves or countertops.


The box fastening is made in the traditional way: initially collect the box, and then it is installed on the place and attach it to the wall with the help of corners and screws.

However, the screens processes from the panels "under the tree" with openwork lattices are no longer fashionable. However, inexpensive metal mesh screens are also not an original option. As a result, a deaf rectangular metallic dust accumulation box will be obtained, which will rattle from an inadvertent impact of any subject. Outdated and faded way to enjoy the battery safely replace panels and mounted screens.

screen panel in niche

The decorative screens for radiators of the heating of a flat shape exaggerated are a frame with filled internal space. The lattice for the screen is made of various materials: metal and plastic. Flat panels on the battery I install for heating devices located in niches. The most correct solution will be the fulfillment of a combination of a false wall and an open niche.

This type of screen can lead to inevitable heat loss, but if the room has an area of \u200b\u200bless than 20 sq.m., then install a false wall with a radiator is permissible. Naturally, the outer part of the screen should have the maximum amount of perforations for air passage.

The optimal solution for the panel screen is a niche in the width of the window. The screen in this case should reach almost to the level of the windowsill.

Thus, the general vertical solution and layout will be created. It should be remembered that the gaps for the passage of warm air it is necessary to have a windowsill and gender.

There are several types of fastening screens for radiators: fastening with self-drawing to the guides, collecting the design with the stops and the top panel. In this case, the top panel makes a special landing recess, with which the screen is placed when installing on the radiator.

fastening a flat screen

Screen mount must be coordinated with the general construction of the niche and the false walls. This method is time consuming and requires an accurate calculation. In this case, it is necessary to remember that heating radiators should not be beyond the boundaries and the limits of the created niche from drywall.

Help to build a niche of drywall to mask the battery will tell the video.

mounted screens

Mobile and simple variant of the battery decoration are mounted screens. Mounted screens can be performed with a lid or without a lid. Hinged screens with a lid are preferable to use for radiators protruding from under the windowsill or wall plane.

Screens without lid are designed for devices located under the windowsill in a shallow niche.

An excellent material for decorating the heating radiator can be confidently called an opaque tempered glass.

Installation of decorative glass screens

For screens, it is preferable to use hardened glasses with a thickness of up to 8 mm, with dimensions of 2300x1000 mm. The attachment of the screens to the wall is carried out on point remote removal holders.

The length of remote holders (from 20 to 30 cm) allows you to install the screen for cast iron and aluminum heating radiators.

If necessary, the separation from the wall is adjusted using special hinged remote holders. On the front part of the holder you wear a cap located on the same plane with a glass or a little protruding.

Remote holders can be used for concrete surface, natural stone and full brick.

The type of fastening of the screens from glass can be open and closed, withstanding the maximum load of up to 20 kg.

In this case, the placement of the attachment can be positioned relative to the elements of the existing interior. In addition, a decorative glass screen is an excellent appearance, the advantages of which remains only to dream.

The heat of heated air is carried out from all sides with a natural way, bypassing any obstacles.

So maybe it makes sense to realize a dream in reality?