How to hurt male pride. Male pride: "Simima, you say a shame! How to hurt the pride of men by ignore

Can a man know how to forgive? Psychologists with thick packs of tests respond positively, folk wisdom claims the opposite. But there are also romance, according to which a man full of love is ready to endure any tests offered by the inventive lady of the heart. And how are things really? Is there anything that men do not forgive women ever, or with a certain approach, you can experience the patience of strong gender infinitely?

Why are men harder to forgive

The answer lies in the paradoxical device of male memory. All the misconduct surrounding a man assesses the admissibility on its inner scale and contributes to the imaginary diary, while doing the form that nothing terrible happened. When those surrounding are almost almost confident that he has come or forgive - a place for records suddenly ends and a man puts a point in relationships. At such a moment it may seem that some kind of tribe brought to the rupture like said not to the place of the word or oblique look - but who can know for sure how many records about misconduct has already been done before that?

As a man reacts offended

  1. He forgives The culprit makes certain conclusions and forgets about the offense - provided that it will not be repeated. This is only possible if the peace of calm is sincerely shown and asks for forgiveness.
  2. He does not forgiveBut under pressure the circumstances makes a good mine with a bad game. This option is the hardest: from fear of losing the family, children, work or respecting the surrounding insult until certain time hides deep inside - and the longer negative feelings are suppressed, the more negative energy accumulates.
  3. He will forgive, But the relationship does not intend to continue. Such forgiveness without forgiveness, men are mostly not intended, since it is a pronounced cognitive dissonance: if the guilty is forgiven - why part?
  4. He can't forgive And goes for this reason. This happens when it reaches the very last point, however, the victim will still remember an indispensable insult and not said last word.

Fortunately, for women in relationships there are not so many critical errors leading to immediate rupture. For example, a man in love if he expresses discontent, it is not too offended by:

  • small disadvantages like the absence of culinary talents and passion to order, a kind of taste in clothing or manners of communication;
  • excessive communication of the ladies of the heart with friends, their awareness of some intimate details of living together;
  • passion of a woman to communicate, constant calls on the phone or correspondence;
  • shopping and spontaneous purchases - provided that they do not apply an irreplaceable damage to the family budget.

Test of strength

Everything would be fine if the subconscious desires inherent in the weak floor could constantly check the feelings for strength, look for the boundaries of the permissible and experience the patience of a man. Science considers it a kind of domestic test: the woman is well aware of what the partner's dissatisfaction provokes, but it checks whether the chief of the status of the leader does not lose interest, whether he has lost interest to her, is not it time to look for him a replacement?
The danger lies in the fact that every man has its own, individual. The woman, having mastered a little in relationships with a strong floor, can make mistakes conclusions and suggest that it already knows what men do not forgive with that all partners have an equal strength and are ready to endure about the same psychological pressure. Therefore, at some point, the boundary of the permissible intersects easily and imperceptibly, and the next reaction does not give any pleasure to anyone.

16 major female mistakes

So, men are ready to close their eyes on a lot. However, whether for this forgiveness will follow, or the dust shake off the imaginary diary and will bring another entry into it, thereby bringing the nearest end? Below we list the main women's mistakes and misses, for whom the chances of being unpredictable are very high.

1. Public criticism

The thing is extremely fragile. Public criticism, ridicule or discussion of deficiencies in strangers apply a tangible blow on it, especially if we are talking about masculinity or intellectual abilities. No less painful men react and in the case when in a dispute or conflict with the surrounding woman openly occupies the opposite direction. For a strong sex, located in the eternal confrontation with the outside world, it is akin to betrayal, which men forget, but do not forgive.

2. reproaches and insolvency charges

The daily statement of claims, constant discontent or accusations of incompetence does not have an instant effect, but the foundation of the relationship destroys the fringe. Unfortunately, women are regularly trying to raise it in a partner to change his actions and adjust behavior. In such an atmosphere, representatives of heavy sex lose their confidence, become passive and refused any ambitions. It is logical that the sincerity of a woman's feelings are also subject to doubt, allowing himself such behavior: men run away from such relations at the first opportunity.

Any man in the depths of the soul wants to believe that he is the best sexual partner in the world, and a woman chose him in this reason. However, this belief is even more fragile than male pride - carelessly said word or deliberate criticism of his male strength not only instantly and finally repel a man, but also capable of leading a serious psychological dysfunction. The humiliation of male dignity is what a man will never forgive a woman, because the blow turns out to be so deep and painful that it is even useless to ask for a condescension.

4. Failure to intimate proximity

The reasons why women refuse to partners are thousands: the role of education, difference in temperaments, blackmail and even banal household fatigue play here. In addition, a woman sometimes declares the attitude towards proximity to the marital debt, for the execution of which it is absolutely optionally to experience some desire. However, the findings are always made unambiguous: a man is assured that it is not able to deliver a woman a pleasure that he is no longer satisfied with her as a lover. Unfortunately for a relationship, replacement is sometimes very fast.

5. Comparison with other

The disadvantageous comparison with other people is transferred to men is much harder than women, especially if we are talking about former partners. A man subconsciously wants to be for his lady not only the only, but also the smartest, strongest and most successful. Of course, at the same time he understands that it is very far from the ideal, but it prefers not to hear about it, especially from the mouth of the beloved woman. If the intimate side of the relationship is compared - the reaction is enhanced repeatedly, and the consequences become unpredictable.

6. Mercantihood

Despite the universal cult of money and wealth, the strong floor is extremely careful about any manifestations of the material interest of a woman in relationships - these are things for which men cannot close their eyes. If a woman shows that her interest was caused by the applicant's sufficient, the presence of the attributes of a secured person that the priority for it is to obtain a different type of benefit - not only love, but any sympathy from the side of a man will immediately disappear. In addition, a man who served "buying" a woman - and the attitude towards "purchase" will be appropriate.

7. Jealousy and suspicions

Uncontrollable and unreasonable is a good way to create a constant voltage in the family. Men do not like groundless accusations and attempted personal freedom at all. If these are also supported by round-the-clock control, the secret test of the computer, the study of the phone, the contents of pockets and the secondary check of the day chart with control interrogations - the end of such relations is close. Some ladies, playing in scouts, are even engaged in deliberate provocations, create fake accounts in social networks and persuade friends to arrange a man "verification of loyalty".

8. Manipulation and pressure

According to the point of view imposed by modern media resources, in intellectual and spiritual terms, a woman is a more highly developed being than a man. Some ladies perceive it as a guide to action and try to manage a partner with the help of primitive manipulations - they develop the fault complex in it, put in front of a complex choice, forcing in any situation to apologize, feel an infallible source of all troubles and misfortunes. Wanting sole to own a man, a woman can make him give up hobbies, interests, hobbies and even friendship with old comrades.

9. Insulting his relatives

Men love to date themselves to various social groups. Approximately they perceive their relatives - as a single family, identifying themselves as her member. Therefore, any attacks and mockery addressed a man as a man as a personal insult. Of course, relatives are not chosen, and there may sometimes arise quite intense situations between them, about which a man speaks unflattering. However, if he himself, for example, considers himself a permissible criticism with respect to his own parents, never provides a woman of such a right.

10. Careless attitude towards children

It so happened that the upbringing of children in our society is mainly engaged in a woman. However, despite the allegedly indifferent attitude of the fathers to his own descendants, a man invariably realizes himself as the head and defender of the family, trusting a woman the most valuable thing that he has. In any truly dangerous situation, he rushes a child without hesitation - but can a man forgive the woman if she becomes the source of this danger? Often the situation, when the kid suffers from inattention, irresponsibility or unintended mothers - what man can calmly look at it?

11. Stupidity and near

The myth has long been debunking that men prefer stupid women. The average self-confident representative of a strong floor will prefer the life of life of a wise and far-sighted. The stupid and near-minded do not like, although they are not shy by them to use - until the patience is enough to endade inadequate acts of a nearby person. Everything becomes much worse if the man has lost their vigilance turns out to be associated with a similar lady with family, children and mortgage - feeling around the finger, he sometimes begins to revenge, delivering trouble to himself and others.

12. Lack of ability to forgive

A man prefers to believe that the woman is predicted to him completely and is ready to forgive some mistakes or failures. However, as we know, the woman's disadvantages do not forget - therefore, a regular reminder of a man about the minutes of its weakness at each convenient case is used as an argument for discussion. A man disoriented by such behavior, being confident that he was forgiven for a long time, he does not understand what was happening and soon begins to see the woman not a partner, but the opponent.

13. Neglecting and superiority

A normal man will always strive to become a head of the family, regardless of his success in his career and social status. Doubting his authority, neglecting his opinion, a woman makes a man doubt their virtues and abilities. The situation worsens if a woman's attempt to take a primary role is definitively substantiated by its higher salary, successful career growth or physical indicators. The constant reminder of the female superiority is calmly perceived only a few, insecure individuals.

14. Trampia

We should not identify betrayal with treason, although it often accompanies. Accidentally or consciously discussing with outsiders (with the same lover, for example), family secrets, ridicuing dreams, hopes, or hobbies of men in conversations with other people, the woman shows that he does not appreciate her confidence, no relation to her. There is no doubt that men are forgiven the betrayal of women: any of them is instantly removed, closes or simply goes, because without trusting communication and mutual understanding, further coexistence does not make sense.


The loss of confidence entails lies and lies, and regardless of its scale: a man naturally suggests that he is regularly deceiving him in trifles, a woman is capable of a large lies associated with infidelity or betrayal. Also, the representative of the strong gender and to the dual behavior: to find that the lady tells him one thing, and behind his back is completely different, the man will not even try to establish close relationships, since they suggest confidential exchange of thoughts, dreams and experiences.

16. Treason

It is difficult to find a more controversial and destructive error for relationships. On the one hand, the research of British scientists have shown that grades are ready to forgive 92% of respondents, and on the other - we are talking about European men, with depressed self-identification and artificially reduced level of masculinity. Domestic representatives of strong sex react to treason much stronger.

It should be noted that the concept of treason for everyone individually. For some, enough and others are willing to forgive the "random" physical treason, but do not accept the treason of spiritual. In any case, the desire of a man to be the best and only in the eyes of His companion suddenly faces awareness that the woman found someone better. Understanding that the existing relationships do not have exactly no meaning for her, a vulnerable representative of a strong sex if he can accept under pressure from circumstances with this fact, it will never return to previous openness and confidence.

Love is forgiven

The stereotype of infinite generosity and the patience of a lovely man is quite dangerous, since a woman convinced of his truth may think that everything is allowed in relation to her. Undoubtedly, at the initial stages, a man is ready to endure any tests, but who may argue that in a few years in a similar situation he will not get his diary and will not re-read the records for a long time?
On the other hand, the situation is not at all so fatal: Normal men are typical of the ability to forgive in response to a sincere and conscious request, and the list of really mortal sins is not so great. It is enough to avoid what men do not forgive women ever - and with the rest of two lovers will always be able to cope.

Reading time: 2 min

A pride is an overestimated assessment of his forces, while simultaneously combined with a zealous attitude to his own personality and expressing severe sensitivity to the opinion of itself. Validity is noted in each individual, but it is expressed in varying degrees. Necessary, proud personality overly painfully perceive criticism in their address and are incredibly worried when they refuse them or. Improved pride is able to grow into quite aware or not aware of revenge.

Both pride

Each individuals is a personality, it represents something, has unique features of character and worldview. This is an absolute and indisputable fact. Nevertheless, human psychology includes some moments uniting all people. Such peculiarities include pride, which is one of the characteristics of a human character.

Self-love is good or bad? Psychologists give such a value of pride: protection by an individual of its social value, as well as relevance. In other words, pride defines such a trait of character, thanks to which the individual becomes smarter, more attractive, grows over himself, maintains value in society.

Is a pride of a good stimulus to improve your life? Every question everyone will answer himself. Some inclined to the opinion that pride is good, the other, that is the illusion of its own superiority leading to hyperbolization of its own "I". One thing is clear that for each individual there is its own personal motivation and without respect, as well as love for itself is impossible intellectual, spiritual and physical growth. And negative statements, judgments, instructions for disadvantages negatively affect the identity, assisted pride.

Each individual reacts to criticism in different ways: someone has a sense of guilt, someone becomes aggressive, someone has a self-esteem, someone is very annoyed, but in any case, the criticism does not pass by the ears and strikes a strike by pride .

Not everyone can adequately take criticism due to its individual characteristics and character traits, but it is important to be able to correctly perceive the design comments. If this happened that a person was inflicted unreasonable insult, then psychologists advise to accept it as a faithful fact, draw conclusions and go through life further.

A person is very susceptible to social approval. When he is praised, he grows in his own eyes when they criticize, on the contrary. Proud, builds a certain scale of values \u200b\u200bin his head and tries to achieve it with all their might. It is good when a person is committed to useful for himself and society goals and is a destructive behavior when an individual intentionally becomes the path of degradation. It must be remembered that in itself a pride acts as a catalyst of actions and desires, but not the main reason.

It is sometimes very simple to offend a proud person. For this, just one word is enough. In this case, there is an exacerbated pride, when the personality solely concentrates attention to the satisfaction of its needs and desires, by and large, it is indifferent to others. Such excessive self-conception leads to egocentrism.

The desire to be the first to relate to normal, healthy pride. Physically, a mentally healthy person is always endowed with this quality. In this case, this is a motivation to professional and personal success.

Charming pride is celebrated in women, so you should not intentionally offend them, because you can lose a good relationship with them forever. Women acutely react to comments on the appearance, the image of thoughts, behavior. In adulthood, it is essentially reacting to the words of flattery and compliments, so it is better to scour it, rather than express a lie. For representatives of the fine sex, it is important to feel calm and comfortable, so it is better to refrain from the rectilinear statement of flaws. If such a need exists, then it is better to express it alone. At the same time, the proven pride will not suffer much, and you will save normal relations.

Vulnerable pride

In a vulnerable pride, it is bad that the individual's critical comments in their address perceives painfully, and to people begins to relate to suspicion. A proud individual is very difficult to learn how to own yourself and competently perceive criticism. In whatever soft form, criticism was not presented, it is always difficult to perceive by people, and often individuals take it over close to heart, especially if the criticizing is inexperienced or criticism of non-constructive. Not many people own the art of constructive criticism, so it is doubly very hard and painfully perceive it.

How to react to criticism correctly, if it happened that the individual became its object? If a person has been criticized, then, first of all, he should convince himself that he really has something to criticize him, and otherwise he will lead himself aggressively. At the same time, if a person recognizes the right for other individuals to criticize him, he can also count on recognizing him of some rights. For example, the right to be considered to be considered, did not humiliate his merits, did not spread the criticism of the person. The individual also has the right to demand that criticism sound only in private conversation and not in the presence of unfamiliar people and colleagues.

We offer some tips, as a person behave in a similar situation:

If the essence of criticism is incomprehensible, then you need to ask a person who criticizes to clarify that it specifically meant;

It is important for a person to learn how to separate the content of criticism from the form, if a person does not suit the form, then you can answer like this: "Criticism is valid - I admit it, but I wanted it to go to the person";

If a person does not agree with criticism, he should say about it, mentioning, with the expressions that emphasize that this point of view is it. For example, "I personally think otherwise" or "everything was wrong";

Always keep visual contact and speaking not falling, voted, without increasing tones.

What does pride mean? A vulnerable patient of pride is not just awareness of personal negative moments of its nature, this is also a protective reaction of the ego on internal problems, as well as feedback to the world around. As a result, with a vulnerable pride, there is a resentment on those people who applied it. Offended pride is not a feature, but acts as already mentioned, a protective reaction of a person who was offended. Often, such an individual turns into unresponsible to criticism, becomes inadequate and not capable of self-analysis. This is because the ego of the individual builds a strong shell around his painful nucleus, which is felt like a good stupid pain. In this case, the lack of love, dissatisfaction with life, dissatisfaction with the reaction of those surrounding and himself are subject to provoking factors. The constant does not allow a person to fully live. Indications for the lack or statement of criticism to a person with exacerbate pride provokes only, and the consequence of such painful pride is inadequate behavior.

Male pride

The blow to pride offends any person, but in comparison with the female pride of men, it is more acute, as a result of which they become unpredictable, unmanaged and inadequate. In order not to hurt a male pride in family life, a woman needs to learn how to smooth sharp corners, be able to give up, do not touch pain. It also does not hurt to find out what is often the most annoying men, as well as what female actions they cannot forgive them at all.

By many women, the feeling of some impunity is perceived, as the right to speak and do everything that they do, as well as any ways to achieve their goals. A loving man can forgive a woman a lot if it does not pass a certain framework. When one day, it is often a good and mild man, ceases to be manageable, he is very much surprised his beloved half. Therefore, a woman is very important in a relationship to maintain a certain face, which is impossible for any circumstances. So will you never forgive a man? Male pride will be very worn by the female treason, which a man will be very difficult to forgive. Own treason with female treason is not comparable. They do not attach importance to their treason, because they refer it to a simple need for intima. After a betrayal, they continue to consider their own female native. But with female treason, everything is different. Often, women's treason is not accidental and in most cases there is a sympathy, hobby, search, as well as the need for affection and tenderness. By changing, a woman makes it clear to her man that nothing means to do nothing with him. In case of treason, men's pride suffers very much and, if even a man forgives, then the fact of treason is unlikely to ever be able to forget the relationship with such as before - no longer be.

Men can not forgive women if they dismiss in relation to their relationship, and also put themselves above them. Whatever a man, he wishes himself to feel the main thing and be a defender, as well as support. A man wants to feel more confident, stronger, even if the woman earns more and knows how to make decisions, as well as implement them. A woman should shoot men's pride and not take over the role of the owner of the situation. Sooner or later, a man will not stand the moral burden, will oppose it and goes to the one with whom it will be confident and strong.

A woman to preserve relationships with a man can never be compared with others. He wishes to be the best and only one for a woman, so the comparison with others does it humiliates, generates complexes and irritation, which can break out from under control.

A woman is not standing in the house to emphasize their role of mistress and loud to express the shortcomings of her husband, as well as the advantages of other men. In order not to hurt the pride of men, you need your mind and knowledge do not demonstrate to the detriment of the image of your beloved man.

Also do not like men attempts to manipulate intimate relationships. Refusal of proximity under the contiguous pretext of headache and fatigue is one way to push the man to treason. And to demand for sex the execution of whims, gifts and thus manipulates dishonestly.

After getting married, many women relax and try to look good only before going out of the house. Over time, the husband thinks about why the wife no longer wants to like him? Even if he does not show the look, you need to not forget about it.

How to hurt male pride? Male pride can be strongly lean when a man is exposed in a funny light and for him it means non-recognition of its consistency. Women should be careful with ridicule in the male address. This is especially true of intimate opportunities, members of his family, appearance, the ability to make money.

Men do not want to "dance under the female dull", do not tolerate stamps and monotony in behavior, do not tolerate command tone from the woman. These listed moments may forever repel the hunt for male to communicate with women. Male nature will not tolerate the imposing stereotype of behavior, and will not try to fulfill all the assigned expectations.

In order not to hurt a male pride of a woman, it is necessary to change the stereotypes of behavior, to say less "so it should be", "do it all", and try to be unpredictable. Men do not tolerate the clarification of relationships, they prefer the words actions and rely on the impulse, instinct, and long conversations cause irritation and are able to lead to a discontinate. Therefore, women should not pull the man into clarifying relationships.

A man will never tolerate the flirt of his chosen with another man. Such behavior of a woman will annoy the man, and pride will be very worn.

How else to hurt male pride? There are still some women habits who are very annoying men. These include endless telephone conversations, endless serials, thirst to suck, aimless shopping hiking, as well as the habit of buying everything in a row. Many things are closed with eyes and try not to focus on, and not to notice, but it is not necessary to abuse it. It is necessary to stop in time, and also think - whether the husband is worth acting on the nerves, bring to irritation, indignation and displeasure. To preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and so that the man will respect and loved the woman, it is necessary to respect and spare his pride.

Women's pride

The pride of women so often happens unreasonably overestimated that it may be offended by anything and a representative of the beautiful sex immediately turns into a disgusting being. A woman with a proud pride begins to ulce, let dust in the eyes, offend the words of the interlocutor. Often, the behavior of a woman is not controlled and it does not give up a report, in what does. From this state it is very difficult to get rid of. A woman is haunted by the desire of revenge and burglarism in the eyes. Minor resentment and non-infractions provoke an increase in tension relations and worsen interpersonal relationships. Therefore, to preserve trust, sincere, happy relationship, a woman needs to overcome, no matter how difficult it was, the progress of pride.

Psychologists note that the blow to pride is easily applied by male treason. Not all women can watch through the fingers on numerous men's treason. And as if experts did not try to explain the causes of men's treason, show moving motifs so that women are not so emotionally and painfully reacted to it, nothing happens.

Psychologists note that treason arises due to the weakening of emotional connections between spouses, and it makes a hidden conflict with a clear. According to statistics, it is a woman for today in many cases performs the initiator of the divorce. Women's pride pushes on such a decisive step. Before divorce, a woman decides that it is more important for her: personal pride or excerpt, love, patience to a person who has recently been close and relatives. Often, women are indignant: why psychologists after the treason of her husband urge them to endure?! It turns out that the wife should, meeting her husband from work, to be charming, feed sophisticated dinners, ensure leisure and still engage in children.

And if the spouse suddenly finds out about treason, she needs to calm down, tune in to a neutral wave, attend the hairdresser, to hum. Fashioned songs, follow the wardrobe, in order to remind of their attractiveness. In such a situation, not every woman wants and will be able to behave. Therefore, most women choose a divorce. At the same time, many women outrave the fact that psychologists do not call for a husband who learned about the treason of his wife, to take home care, try to return their appeal, make gifts to his wife and capture her mood. It seems to be purposefully, consider wives, emphasizes the difference between male and female psychology.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take into account the male psychology in family life, since representatives of the strong gender nature endowed emotional stability, will, and all methods from women on re-education are often faced with resistance. Many wives would not hurt to take advantage of the ability to adapt, patience and caress, and not go across. Many husbands do not stand pressure in this situation, and the betrayal is often an infantile attempt to self-affirmation in the eyes of another woman. And if the wrong spouse start to reproach in immorality, egoism, then it is possible to push it finally. Of course, and with a stranger, and with their pride need to be considered and not allowed to learn him to aggravated limits. Therefore, it may be, nature and endowed women with artistry, spiritual subtlety, deep heartiness, the ability to see the soul, to understand, sorry and empathize.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "Plyomed"

Self-love is a feeling of self-esteem associated with excessive attention to his person.

A proud man is the one who is "sure" in itself and demands a demonstration of this confidence from others.

The paradox is that the prolifenet manifests itself in every way self-confidence, but, requiring confirmation from the people around the people, demonstrates an understated self-esteem. This is what proud men are often "pourable."

So, a wise woman will always see a weak place of a man and, if necessary, can play with it.

If you have a desire to play with male pride, to hurt him a little or maximum, the following tips will certainly help.

Decide with motivation

Naturally, the woman will not touch the male ego without having a reason. So the man saved somewhere, did not please something. I did not please what I want to punish. But!

Before a crime to immediate revenge, it is worth thinking about your motivation and the consequences that, I assure. Such an analysis should be built on your attitude to the personality of a man and the desire to build relationships with him.

If a man is dear to you, you love it and want to be together, then the options to hurt His pride will be different, rather than in the case when a man is not particularly interesting and she does not plan to continue with him.

If a man loves, then never use his pain points as revenge. In the case of underestimated male self-esteem, it can lead to a rupture of relationships instantly.

The task of a woman is to help a man to cultivate confidence in themselves, and not to press it because of their resentment. Resentment will pass, and the men's complex will remain. Your man "Thank you" will not say for this, and from the side of the woman it is unworthy.

If a woman in a man is not interested and is ready to part with him, then the pressure on the sore place is that the doctor prescribed!

Ignore it

At all times, ignore is considered the most effective way to hurt male pride.

If you wish to gently convey to your beloved man: "You should not do that with me, as you did, dear," then turn on the ignore of his basic needs. Not pain points, but other significant needs. Oh, you gave me in the morning, then I will not prepare food and wash the lingerie. Or talk to you 3 days.

If you want to hurt not close and not your beloved man, then you can ignore as much as possible. Do not respond to phone calls and messages. Do not react to requests and words at all.

The lack of feedback from the side of the woman will attend anyone even the most impenetrable man.

But the maximum ignore is fraught with mainly parting. If you do not want to delay the man in your life - dare! Men ignore do not forget.

Compare with other men

I do not like anyone to compare with others, especially men. Especially if you compare your favorite women with other men, hinting at the frank loss in favor of others.

Comparisons with former or just other men are another of the effective ways to hurt male pride.

Here is your friend Nikita cool haircut, and you have something on my head, sorry forgive?!

Joke above it in bed

No man will miss the ear of the jokes about his sexuality and the ability to satisfy a woman. If you want to hurt his pride - you can ride his male strength, the size of the member, technical skills.

In 99.9% of cases of such jokes, it will be your last sex with him, but the task to hurt you.

Negregate his concern

A man who is interested in a woman will take care of her. Both verbal and material. He will be in every way to try to help her solve some problem, cope with important affairs, etc.

Men do it instinctively, striving to show the woman their attitude and favor to her.

If you become neglecting it, make fun of any attempts to solve something or humiliate his ability to provide you - a man will take it.

Vulnerable point number 1. They are afraid to be funny

A man is a vulnerable creature to a much greater degree than a woman. Almost every man is in charge of a boy, a sort of Peter Pan, who is not averse to playing and life, and women. Peter Peng claimed that he was a very important person, although he adored to mumble and substitute all. But when "played" with him, and he could not control the situation, Peter came into rage. So any man is most afraid to seem funny - because this means non-recognition of its consistency.

Council to women: Be careful with ridicule in the male address. In no case should they concern his appearance, intimate opportunities, members of his family, his ability to make money ... You can continue the list.

Vulnerable point number 2. They do not want to "dance under his drawing"

If a favorite woman is trying as a "commander", it is perceived as violence against the hidden essence of a man (commanders he is already enough) and it can trigger the hunt to communicate with such a woman further.

That is why, by the way, many men do not like to give flowers to whom they have already strengthened relationships. It seems to them that thus they impose a certain stereotype of behavior, they will "lead them on a leash," they force all the expectations assigned to them. This changeable and freedom-loving men's nature does not tolerate.

Council to women: Change the stereotypes of behavior, say smaller "so everything is done", "so it should be", try to be unpredictable.

Vulnerable point number 3. They hate talk about their health

Men rarely go to doctors, if possible, avoid treatment, "pull until the latter." The reason is simple - they are afraid of pain. In life, they do not have to endure as many women. Some give birth to what! Therefore, a man is less ready for physical suffering and is simply lost in front of them.

And even more so the man will not discuss his problems with a woman who he likes! Pity, sympathy and other similar feelings that are sometimes synonymous with love, male nature is not inherent.

Council to women: You can discuss male health problems only with your husband, and even then only offer positive outlets from the situation. If a man just cares for you, it's better not to talk about his health.

Vulnerable point number 4. They will not tolerate relationships

Here the biggest watershed between the female and male nature runs - a wonderful sex for life loves! Men prefer the words actions. They are not too capable of analyzing their feelings at all. They rely on instinct, impetus. Therefore, long conversations about whether you actually treat me, "can cause irritation and even the gap.

Council to women: Move the bones to men with girlfriends. And your man in finding out relationships do not pull out.

Vulnerable point number 5. They come into rage because of their "predinamili"

A man in love seeks primarily to the result. For him, the best proof of the senses of women is intimate relationship. And so he perceives any flirting as an invitation to action.

If it turns out that it was just a game or a joke - do not wait for mercy. Having received a refusal, he will try to "hang" on you all "dogs", blame in all possible shortcomings to convince yourself that the loss was small. True, the enthusiasm with which he is engaged in it will testify just about the opposite. You can still replay everything, but the second of your "Dynamo" he will no longer forgive.

Council to women: Try to play it, because it's worth it for you! He wants you justifying, proved their uniqueness and irresistibility.

... whenever you are ready to pronounce the phrase addicts the phrase "you are not wrong", "And the neighbor's car is better," the nail it was necessary to score higher, "get ready that the answer can be a depressed silence, the image of an offended virtue and Other Demarche ...

And all because with one tiny replica you risen to strike on male pride. It would seem that avoiding unwanted moments is easier than simple - not to speak and not do anything that might hurt the gentle men's soul. But it turns out that this soul is truly limitless, wherever it is necessary to come to her saints. Psychologists only according to nodes - they say, yes, there is such a topic: the boys are born by triumphas and Caesarians, and any doubt in their consistency is interpreted as a pre-clergy. Little Nuance: Acts and Words of the Gloor Floor Charter Increases similar actions from men. Because when the colleague Voldemar says: "Sergo, your car is time to pass into the pit", then he is just envious, the boyfriend or a sense of humor is cored. But God's god to the girl to quote the same thing: it means that she does not like-do not respect, met the other and looking for a reason for a quarrel. As you can see, give clear instructions like "do not mention Alexander Macedonian and Andrei Arshavin and do not wear", "it is impossible, because the subject can be bled because of the innocent:" Oh, and where did you get these funny sandals? My grandfather loved in such a dacha to suggest. " Therefore, only let's call the most dangerous for male pride of the moments and offer "anti-Soviet" - anti-tips that will easily make sure that "Wow, and the method works!"


It is ignored, it is inattention. He displays a man from himself only if he has trump interest in the lady and climbs out, trying to draw attention to himself. Sometimes the method can be used by the young lady deliberately, even if there are mutual sympathy - "And so that a lot of yourself did not think." It was on the indifferent look of the charming, many Supermen-Celibriti bought: when the crowd of fans and admirers were roaring around, one calmly asked "And you, sorry, who?". On her and mocked, as they say. In short, the pride of the cavalier is always suffering when the situation "he is to her by Ok, she is sidewood."

Anti-Soviet: Realizing that the cavalier favors you, as I took the manner to invite in and watch an immodest look, we let the coldness on myself, make a skeptical mine. It is not rebiring at each opportunity to specify: "Sorry, I forgot again, what is your name." We try not to leave the image of the Snow Queen, when one day he extends past the other.

Criticism of indirect

It is generally elementary: to respond unfriendly about any of his interest, doubt the loyalty of His beliefs (the latter is not categorically recommended if there is a copy of Che Guevara or Vladimir Zhirinovsky - shoot or will turn off). The logic of the simple: If you said that this film is ten times in a row, only infantile idiots can watch, and the chosen one was sitting on the ninth time, be sure - it will be suspected and worried. Well, offensive, how without it. Indirectly you can criticize anything, even socks. For example: "We have a teacher of mathematics in our school, only in Rhombik. Well, Ivan Semented boots ... Single Spoken Intelligent. "

Anti-Soviet: Uzver, that the man hung over the computer again and is trying to pass the ninth level, gluits the model of the aircraft or draws tanks, approach closer and we are interested in it and we are interested in: "How can you do this nonsense? It is defective. " We are leaving, watch the reaction.

Criticism straight

The right word, even explain stupid. Men can say anything as you like that they have nothing against constructive criticism, but even the most apparent impartiality ("CSO, as you have expanded!") In the lips, the ladies become a terrible, blatant tactlessness. Naturally, deliberate.

Anti-Soviet: We end up with the test conversation in the souls, we call the loser, remember that everything he makes a crappy and "his ears is cold." We admire the effect generated and get used to the response demonstrative silence for three days.

Comparison is not in his favor

Compare men, of course, you can. But preferably with the same Macedonian and Arshavin, Apollo, Bruce Willis, etc. And only in one context: Your Visavi has the same strategic talent, a male charisma and a wonderful Tulovo, from the back and in the dark can be easily confused. And completely unacceptable comparison is: "Yes, where to you before Bruce Willis! From you Arshavin, as from Soso Pavliashvili - Hockey player! Put the ball and go the fields of geranka! "

Anti-Soviet: Male pride hurts offended, if you arrive at the same time: "And our neighbor has a better car than yours." It is strictly forbidden to say the same thing about the neighboring wife.

Valuable instructions

We accept as Axioma: a man from the moment of birth knows that "Bodra - you need to say cheerful, merry - more fun," that nails are clogged, and screws screw. And God you get rid of climb under hand with tips: "Keep the hammer at an angle of 120 degrees!" Because any CEU is regarded equally: "What do you keep me for a fool?! Did I really live to 30 (40.50, 100) years and I do not know how to make a snowbabo to sculpt?! "

Anti-Soviet: We are waiting for the nearest joint trip to the car, comfortably arrange in the passenger seat, from the depths of which you do not forget to shove out: "Vitalik, movement smasher, you will tear off the steering wheel now! Do not drive, where are you driven, in the cemetery are in a hurry? " We are not surprised if he says that next time you will go only in the trunk, connected with a missed mouth.


The one who will show us a man ready to admit that he does not have a sense of humor, guaranteed an incentive prize. Literally everyone assures that they are Zhvanetsky, Zadornov, Ilephs and Petrov in terms of ironic replicas. However, if the joke is addressed to the laughing room, rest confident - offended. Because "I'm not a little boy, so that you need to teach me and laugh!"

Anti-Soviet: We find a photo, where the cavalier, then a student of the eighth grade of high school, decided to let go, therefore captured with a hairstyle "Kare to the ears." Walkling, shouting: "You look like a Mirey Mathieu in childhood!" We rush to calm down a sharply popular citizen and assure that they did not hold anything wrong with thoughts.

Speed-ladling nicknames

This is a paradox, the author is crushed, but forced to state the fact. We, women, adore appeals like "Sunshine, bunny, kitten, fish." And in the same degree, the men hate them. If your bead does not express anything out loud against the "bead", it's still - in secret groves his teeth, so he is a goat.

Anti-Soviet: We caulate the five-year nephew, we are in the arms, sentencing: "Oh, you, my sweet, oh you, my little!" We are convinced of the above when the male breaks out of captivity with a scream: "I'm not small, I'm big!" See, we warned - the goats have this "trouble" since childhood.

Sex wovents

Pa-Bam! We got almost to the top of the charts. Because a man, although it will pierce, but eats ridicule, will play with a rivat, but swallows criticism. But everything related to the proximity for him is Terra Sancta, and to hooligan on this sacred land is more expensive. List all aspects of sexual relationships, where male pride is able to incur any impustible losses, it is impossible. Because completely contradictions and inviolable taboos. Judge for yourself: the refusal of the proximity to a man insults, he can justify him only if the partner has a pass-through wound in the head. Since it is guided by the rule: "I don't want sex with me \u003d does not like \u003d she has another." At the same time, try to say to the Uhager: "There is only horizontal relationship between us, in principle, it is enough to restrict ourselves to the communication" close the curtains "and" Thank you, everything was fine. " God, his indignation will be comparable to the power of the Eyafyatlayokudvl volcano. Because it turns out that you see only an object of sex, you don't care about his feelings, and in general, it is insulting. Those who agree on without commitment and seem to be without feelings, in the depths of the soul are confident: "I still love me. Just hides. "

In addition to the fact that men undesirable to refuse, but it is impossible to all be reduced only to sex, there is an inexhaustible list of prohibitions. We will get the most famous: it is impossible to mock his dignity (known how), it is impossible to remember its ex-lovers and carry out a comparative analysis aloud, it is impossible to command at the time of truth and give instructions. Yes, and criticize what happened in bed, they say, it happened and better - this is generally impossible. If you plan to return to this else. Because men differ from such resumes with complexes and prefer to bypass the Ocolish road, not moderately frank Madame.

Anti-Soviet: Soviets will not be. Because there is a bed etiquette, because men are alive and vulnerable. And if purely from the experiment "cast a bullet" about its sex capabilities, it means to sow in a person complexes and uncertainty. Be sure the sequence for this thanks for this will not say. In short, at least from female solidarity, we will leave the male pride in peace.


"... no shorter word," Gregory Leps sang. The word is short, and the consequences are a car and a small trolley. According to our variation, the preference of another man is an absolute leader. From the consequences: minimum - knocking out of the soil from under the feet for a while, the maximum is distant fate. After all, when you do not need your beloved person myself, everything else loses the meaning, male pride is not just visible, it is sprayed at the atoms. Antiketov do not wait.

So, made sure that the male pride extends much wider than "Kalinigrad to Vladivostok"? And what to do with his owner, put Sirtaki in the center and dance around him? Preferably. And another man needs support, faith in his strength, approval and praise. Well, and at the same time love and loyalty - without it in any way.