How to dress stylishly for school when only uniforms are allowed. What to wear to school? How teenage boys dress for school

Today, most children's educational institutions have approved a school uniform that must be worn throughout the year. Very often, this is not liked by teenagers who are meticulous about their appearance and seek to impress others by any means. In this article, we will tell you how to dress fashionably for school without violating modern style canons.

How fashionable and stylish to dress a girl for school?

Of course, going to an educational institution, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and recommendations. In an official institution, too high heels, catchy makeup and other “flashy” elements of the image are not allowed, and students must take this into account. To be fashionable at school for a girl will help such tips as:

  1. Skirts are suitable for any representative of the fair sex, however, it is very important to choose the right style. For school, models with a length just below the knee are best suited, slightly flared or narrowed to the bottom, depending on the features of the figure.
  2. One of the elements of the school image of a high school student is. Contrary to popular belief, she does not have to be white at all - pastel shades also look great. You can also not choose a too strict model; blouses decorated with original buttons, zippers, rivets, frills, and so on are allowed in schools.
  3. Pants or any length can be combined with a vest made in the same color scheme. In addition, such a set can be supplemented with a small fashionable tie, bow tie or brooch - it looks unusually stylish, original and attractive.

How can teenage guys dress fashionably for school?

Boys who have reached adolescence also pay great attention to their appearance. It is fashionable to dress a guy for school with recommendations such as:

  1. If, according to the charter of the school, boys must wear exclusively strict business suits, they can be diluted with shirts of various colors and styles.
  2. If the school charter allows some liberties in clothing, a teenager can wear jeans or trousers in black, dark blue, gray or brown, a plain shirt and a stylish sleeveless jacket.
  3. A boy can stand out from the crowd with the help of original shoes and accessories. In particular, these things can emphasize their belonging to a particular subculture.

Parents believe that choosing a wardrobe for a boy is easier than dressing a daughter. This is a common misconception, as growing young men follow fashion and beauty no less than modern girls. They also want to look stylish and bright. Usuallyclothes for teenagers boysselected based on several factors. A significant role is played by the level of activity of the child - because the boys get dirty and wear out much faster.

When organizing a teenage boy's wardrobe, parents often tend to get lost. Boys want to stand out from their peers, express their individuality, emphasize taste, point of view. If everything is more or less clear to the mother with the girl, then difficulties may arise with the selection of clothes for a representative of the opposite sex.

For school

school todayclothes for boysshould be not only practical, but also fashionable. The administrations of educational institutions are becoming more democratic in terms of school uniforms, the obligatory condition fades into the background: “black bottom, white top”. At the same time, the current school "look" is still distinguished by businesslike modesty. It is necessary to have a strict jacket in a modern design. This season, red and green tartans are in trend. From them is created stylish men's shirt, vests, jackets that look perfect in combination with trousers. Velor inserts at the elbows will add zest to the image. Checkered shorts paired with elongated jackets are an everyday attribute - they have replaced old-fashioned trousers. To emphasize the look, cute moccasins in gray, brown and blue shades, made of natural suede, nubuck or leather, can be emphasized.

For the street

Teenagers spend most of their time with their peers, with friends and in large companies. You don't often find boys at home. They spend time outside, in active games - that is why special requirements are placed on street clothes. In addition, a young organism quickly grows out of any thing, it will be impractical to acquire extra wardrobe items. You need to buy models based on the fact that it will change for washing every 1-3 days - therefore, there should be at least 3-4 T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweaters, while jeans, shorts and sweatpants change less often - 1-2 times in Week.

As a rule, boys are against dullness and monotony. They want to stand out from others. Styles their clothes depend on which subculture the circle of friends belongs to. Guys prefer to wear what they like in their company, which suits her interests. The main requirements in terms of practicality are that the clothes are comfortable, not too tight and made of high quality hygroscopic materials. Also, clothing should be appropriate for the weather, temperature and time of year.Winter clothes for a teenager boyshould be warm, cozy and moisture resistant.

For Sport

Features of the choice of sportswear for the growing child are several requirements:

  • naturalness and environmental safety of the material. Good hypoallergenic fabrics are hygienic. They do not wrinkle, do not deform when washed, do not shed, do not fade. Even difficult dirt can be easily washed off clothes;
  • sports paraphernalia should be comfortable, not constrain or constrain movements. Baggy and tight clothes are not the best option for active activities. It is better to purchase clothes in size so that they do not look like a set "from someone else's shoulder";
  • relevance - fashion trends of teenagers should be taken into account - they do not want to lag behind their peers, they want to differ in style and style of clothing.

Many modern brands offer sets of tracksuits.from quality materials,stylish design solutions. Particular attention is paid to the cut, which fits the anatomy of a growing young man.

For celebrations

Celebrations are different - a special holiday, the wedding of relatives, friends and acquaintances. One of the brightest events in the life of a teenager is the last school bell, graduation, 16th birthday. Each of these holidays should be marked by something special, an indescribable atmosphere of solemnity, light nostalgic notes. You can’t do this day without a suitable outfit. As options, this could be:

  • a full-fledged suit - the color can be varied: gray tones, strict black, blue, maroon shades. Some parents prefer to purchase several suits for their child - light and dark;
  • tuxedo - an elegant outfit will transform a young man at any holiday;
  • the shirt-pants-tie combination is a great and economical alternative to suits. Youth shirts, fashionable trousers, ties will also be appropriate at the celebration.

Modern guys find an alternative to jackets - these are knitted jackets, vests. On summer days, you can completely do without these attributes.


You should make sure that the guy has a wide range of things for everyday wear. Experienced parents pay special attention to the selection of the following wardrobe items:

  • jeans - there should be several of them. You need to make sure that the cut is comfortable and practical. One pair may be disco style while the other is more classic;
  • a sufficient number of t-shirts, T-shirts for the summer. Their colors should be different, they can have interesting prints, drawings - such products will attract attention, allow you to stand out;
  • light summer shorts and sweatpants - better when there are several for a shift change;
  • Sweaters and sweatshirts - Coarse knit sweaters are now popular. Sweatshirts are timeless and fashionable - they are always in demand;
  • windbreakers, vests, jackets with hoods. Clothing with hoods will appeal especially to those teenagers who cannot stand hats;
  • n Don't forget about things like underwear and socks. Close attention should be paid to the quality of materials.

Popular styles

Teenage boys always adhere to a certain style in their clothes. They follow their chosen social role, usually preferring to look more solid than their young years. To date, teenage styles are presented in the following versions:

  • romantic - includes accessories such as hats, modern caps, soft fabrics, pleasant calm shades, tight shoes;
  • business style - can not do without strict straight styles of clothing, appropriate shades, shirts in combination with ties and bow ties;
  • ethnos - youth teenage style of clothing, loose-fitting, made of natural materials and with various decorated inserts. Consonant with the hippie style;
  • casual - casual style of clothing, which is preferred by most young peopleteen boys. This is considered the best compromise style for children and their parents;
  • sports - also very much loved by many boys, especially if they are seriously interested in sports, the obligatory elements are sports jackets, sweatshirts, sneakers.

Depending on age

The age of a young man is one of the most important criteria for designing a wardrobe.Clothes for teenage boysmust also be selected in accordance with this parameter. Adolescence is considered to be between the ages of 11 and 17. The spread in things is diverse, based on taste preferences and the culture to which the child belongs. 11-12 year old boys love prints with their favorite characters. Most often, idols are popular superheroes, characters from games, comics, books, fantasy. 13-year-olds are already more of a fan of real-life stars - singers, bands, dancers, comedians, actors, athletes. Clothing with images of your favorite bands, their logos will also come in handy. Boys of 14-16 years old are already striving not only for recognition in their circle, but also actively want to please girls. At this time, they are already looking at how adults dress, especially the main characters of popular youth films.



It is very important to instill a taste and a sense of beauty from childhood - everyone knows this. However, not everyone knows and understands that it all starts with the wardrobe. Today Daria Sudyeva will tell you how to instill a taste in children and where to start.

Down with the old, the way to everything clean and new!

When a little lady starts to wear her older brother's plaid shirts, when a little boy goes out to play in the yard in whatever, justifying that he will get dirty anyway. That's when and women get stuck in jeans for decades and men's cut shirts, and men who absolutely do not care dried soup on their sleeve And if the pants are the right size. And the worst thing is that this is where their problems begin in their personal lives., and in a career. Meet, whatever one may say, by clothes.

So today I would like to say... no, to shout, how important is what we dress our children in. Psychologists say that the environment shapes a person. But just wardrobe takes in this environment far from last.

From September to May, that is, most of the year, every morning the child gets dressed for school. Let's think about it, because the school is that formal, serious environment. This is some long-term rehearsal before adulthood and the ability to dress appropriately for the occasion.

Now, of course, I want to talk about women in tight, low-cut leopard print dresses that they wear early in the morning to the office, or about programmers who consider it quite normal to come to work in rubber pantolets and shorts ... but I won’t.

I'd rather talk about clothes for school so that neither about your daughter nor about your son will they ever say after 20 years "ah, that vulgarly dressed aunt from the third floor" or "ah, so this is our sloppy employee, he has funny shorts, sure!".

11 School Wardrobe Rules

So I'll start:

Rule 1 Whether your school has a strict dress code or simply requires neatness, it is important that the child was dressed well and stylishly. After all, then the attitude towards him will be appropriate, and he will make the right impression. Especially this relevant for first graders, those who move from elementary school to high school and, of course, for high school students.

Rule 2Children's clothing (school uniform)should be comfortable and fit. Do not argue with this! The child should feel comfortable in it. There should be no embarrassment or shame about your suit or dress.

I understand that there are different situations in life, and different financial situation - but still, if possible,you should not buy jackets, jackets, suits for growth for your child.

In Soviet times, everyone was bought for this very outgrowth. And what have we got now? Men, with rare exceptions, fundamentally misunderstand their size and buy trousers and jackets that they just hang out, "hang". And women who look in the mirror all the time, doubt whether they have a new blouse. And about the feeling of inconvenience and awkwardness that a teenager experiences when the clothes do not fit him, and he doesn’t want to write ...

Rule 3 Clothing should be predominantly from natural materials. As for blouses and shirts, the best entirely in cotton or viscose. The fabric for children's costumes and school uniforms should contain natural materials at least 55%. It is better if it is of high quality fine wool.

Rule 4buy clothes,taking into account the opinion of the child. Respect his preferences, because a small person already gravitates towards some style. Explain from childhood why in this or that case you advise wearing different clothes.

Rule 5Clothes, hairstyle and accessoriesmust be age appropriate. Themed holidays can be a rare exception. However, there can be no exceptions for going to school.

Rule 6 Best choice for school wear muted dark colors. I would recommend do not use black. Especially for young gentlemen.

It will be too solemn (especially in combination with a white shirt), elegant. And school everyday life is a daily working option. Better to prefer various shades of gray or blue. If you want to add "zest" pay attention on a business cage or non-contrasting strip.

These patterns on the fabric are appropriate and look interesting. Leave bright juicy colors for an out-of-school and festive wardrobe.

And another little color detail: barbie pink or piggy pink for school should already have bothered your young charmer. And if not - try offering her ash pink. For shirts, in addition to classic white, you can use others bleached muted shades: creamy, ice blue, mint, etc.

Rule 7 Pants for boys, skirts and dresses for girls! I would recommend that. Down with jeans- these are clothes rather for recreation, walks, but not for study. Does your school know about this? What difference does it make what others do? let your son and daughter look right.

Pick up stylish trendy trousers, a shirt and a cardigan for your son, and for your daughter a perfectly fitting dress or skirt in combination with a youth-cut jacket. This will be the golden mean if it is not customary in your school to look appropriate. Maybe, this will serve as an example to others and everything will fall into place.

Rule 8Shouldn't be worn to schooloverly short skirts(even for very young students) and even more so to complement them with fishnet tights. Can be pickedmatching tights for a skirt or dress.

Since childhood a lady should be distinguished by vulgarity and elegance, know the difference between business and holiday environments. Indeed, for the anniversary of their beloved grandfather and for the math test, they wear completely different skirts, and even more so different tights.

Be Carefulto the choice of the first tieand bow ties for the boys, because this tie, and how mom and dad helped pick it up, will be remembered for a long time.

Rule 9 Give preference smooth leather shoes and boots, patent black shoes look out of place even on an eight-year-old girl.

Rule 10Don't let me wearsneakers to school. Do not justify yourself by the fact that physical education is scheduled today. From childhood, a boy (and even more so a girl!) Must understand thatplace for sneakers only in the gym. These shoes are for sports use only.

Don't let wearing inappropriate shoes with dress pants, do not think that now they are small, they do not understand, but we will buy the "right" shoes for the prom. Alreadynow the taste is forming, already now they absorb and understand everything.

Rule 11 Do not use for hair hairpins studded with rhinestones and overly shiny. And, of course, this kind of decor is even more should not be on clothing. Save these accessories for the holidays, or at least don't wear them to school. Girls grow up - but hairpins with rhinestones, unfortunately, remain ... A good option can be hairpins to match the hair, ribbons and bows, colors that echo the clothes.

All in our hands. Every day of life is unique and inimitable, let's be proud of our children, their appearance and success!

When I was in school, it was customary to wear a uniform. I still remember those terrible brown dresses and terrible black aprons, as well as unthinkable collars and armlets. Only when I moved to the 7th grade, this terrible duty was removed from us. And the era of anarchy has come - rubber jeans, bright leggings and long Chinese T-shirts. Needless to say, both were extreme.

Today the site Stylish Trick will tell you about how to dress stylishly for school without crossing the line of reason.

Modern canons of school style

Why has the idea of ​​returning to school uniforms been repeatedly raised by our politicians? Not only because they absolutely have nothing else to do. The absence of strict rules and canons led to the fact that complete confusion and vacillation began on the issue of school style.

In addition, issues of social inequality suddenly sharply escalated. If earlier everyone dressed the same way (equally bad), then with the abolition of the school uniform, the simplest instrument of competition appeared - with the help of clothes.

No, of course, we do not believe that all children must be dressed according to the principle “white top - black bottom”. School is not Sberbank after all. However, the school is an official institution, whatever one may say. So adhere to certain clothing standards, going into it, is worth it.

- Classics are always relevant. And for students too. Jackets, trousers and skirts were, are and will be the most suitable clothes for official events (which can be conditionally ranked as lessons). And many students in business attire are attracted to the fact that it allows you to look a little more mature.

Of course, strict gray, brown and black suits look a little boring, and youth does not tolerate this. Then bright accessories will come to the rescue.

- The key to the diversity of images is the presence of a large number of turtlenecks, T-shirts, blouses and shirts. They can be combined with a variety of things and look fresh and new every day.

- A great alternative to a business jacket is a vest. In it, the child will be comfortable, easy, not hot and not cold. At the same time, he looks quite strict, but not too official.

- A sundress is a practical solution for every day, thanks to which you can create a lot of wonderful sets. It can be worn as an independent product, combined with jackets, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks. Sundresses always look very stylish, relevant and feminine.

- For the cool season, you should get cardigans and jumpers.

- A schoolgirl's wardrobe should definitely be enriched with several practical models of dresses - sweater dresses, a simple checkered preppy sundress, a sheath dress, a dressing gown or a line.

Jeans are the traditional clothes for schoolchildren, and there is no getting away from them. Yes, and no need. You just need to choose a jeans model so that the school class does not look like a docker team. Jeans should be of a classic color and silhouette, without the abuse of rhinestones, appliqués, and even more so with holes - these models should be left for a disco or a party.

Don't underestimate the importance of tank tops in your school wardrobe. Knitted sleeveless jackets are a "unisex" thing that helps to form cozy and comfortable looks.

- If your child is a stable fan of sports style, then you can build it on the basis of jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, turtlenecks and comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, moccasins). Just do not abuse purely sports paraphernalia. Keep tracksuits and sneakers for physical education lessons. Alternatively, perhaps your child will be fascinated by the military style.

In general, American students and schoolchildren prefer standard sports uniforms - jeans, sneakers, T-shirts. In it, they go not only to school, but also on dates, parties, walks. However, Americans can hardly be called trendsetters, so this is hardly the case when they should be imitated.

School accessories

This is worth mentioning separately - after all, it is in this field that schoolchildren have where to roam.

By far the most typical school accessory is the bag or briefcase. The difficulty is that the student, as a rule, does not have too many of them, but they should fit everything. Therefore, it is advisable to choose combinatorial universal model. At the same time, one should not forget about posture. Backpacks provide an even distribution of the load on the shoulders, therefore they are considered the most suitable bag for schoolchildren. In any case, make sure that the weight of the bag itself is minimal.

Original belts, cute hairpins, hoops, headbands - all this allows you to make the image more vivid and individualized.

Do not forget about practical accessories - hats, scarves.

As you can see, the school canons of fashion today are quite democratic and allow any child to dress with taste, stylishly, and not lose their individuality.

The school uniform is gradually fading into the background and in many educational institutions is no longer a mandatory element. Despite this, the school remains a public institution, which operates the traditional canons of a strict dress code. The Pedagogical Council introduces restrictions to equalize social strata. But the opinion of schoolchildren who follow fashion trends is contrary to equality.

If children of primary school age rely on their parents in matters of style, then the normal desire of adolescents is the need to express their own individuality.

Restraint and classic style does not mean at all that you have to wear boring gray clothes. There are many ways to stand out from the crowd. In addition, today's fashionable styles turn even the traditional white top into a unique look. It is quite possible to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully, without violating the current regulations of the educational institution.

What can't you wear to school?

At the age of 12-13, adolescents begin active maturation, in connection with which there is a desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex. For girls, this moment is especially pronounced, and they resort to various tricks, trying to look attractive. Often such attempts are fruitless, and the final image is vulgar. The same question applies to the representatives of the senior classes.

Too short skirts, dresses and shorts make the teaching staff, at the very least, reprimand about the appearance. In the worst case, other students will form an incorrect opinion about a vulgarly dressed student.

  • outfits include the following:
  • transparent blouses and shirts;
  • themed T-shirts with applications and photos of actors and pop artists;
  • short skirts and dresses;
  • leggings, shorts;
  • ripped jeans.

These elements of clothing will harmoniously fit into the everyday look, they are best left for walking with friends or theme parties. Any school assumes a business style, which is an indispensable attribute of a successful educational process.

How to dress girls?

With the transition to high school, young ladies want to stand out from the general background of classmates and other students. If a school uniform is not provided for in an institution, choosing a casual outfit is a whole tragedy. In this case, there is a basic wardrobe with which extraordinary images are created. Standard school sets are sometimes useful: they set the direction and unique style.

Unsurpassed classic - white top and black bottom. Outfits in such a style for modern girls seem monotonous and boring. But for successful image formation, they are easy to dilute with interesting shades. Blue, gray, beige - colors that will always be in trend, they should not be neglected.

The dress is an indispensable element of the wardrobe. For school days, it is better to purchase a classic knee-length case. Such models emphasize all the advantages of the figure, hide the flaws and look feminine. A saturated blue or black dress is considered a win-win option, but pastel colors remain in fashion.

It all depends on taste and individual preferences. The severity of the silhouette will be diluted with original collars and sleeve trim. There are other models that harmoniously fit into the walls of an educational institution: a straight cut, a trapezoid or a flared skirt option. To create unique bows every day, it is enough to have several different styles of blouses in your wardrobe.

Turtlenecks, shirts or T-shirts are considered an alternative. Turtlenecks with long sleeves are the best option for winter school days. In the warm season of the school year, blouses look good, they can also be used to create a festive school look. An interesting design, an unusual cut and details will help to revive the bow: lace cuffs, collars, complex sleeves, discreet decor with beads.

Skirts are versatile items that create amazing images of any orientation. Depending on the type of figure, you can choose a model to form a stylish ensemble. Models suitable for everyone - flared skirts with a high waist. In combination with a short jacket and tight dark tights, you get a spectacular school look.

Pants are suitable for girls who do not accept skirts and dresses. Despite the fact that this is a more free look, there are also rules here: a classic style. A low waist or trouser-legs narrowed to the bottom look out of place in the school walls. It is better to give preference to elegant dark-colored models.

How to dress for guys?

The suit or its individual elements are the things that will allow the guy to always stay on the fashion wave. If the classic "troika" seems too heavy, you can limit yourself to trousers, a jacket and a neutral shirt. The last element does not have to be white, there are many colors on the textile market today. Shirts with a discreet ornament are also suitable.

For lovers of a more free form, denim trousers are provided: the richness of colors allows you to choose the best option for the school. Jeans look great with modern-style knitted jackets.

In the warm season, you can limit yourself to light trousers, a short-sleeved shirt in a cage or a classic cardigan and a T-shirt. It is somewhat easier for boys to decide on a casual outfit, so it all depends on taste preferences. The only condition is restraint.

School image details

Even not the most successful combination of wardrobe items can be corrected with the help of additional elements: shoes and accessories. Tastefully selected shoes, bag and accessories will always save the day. They will help get rid of excessive severity, show individuality and rebellious teenage character. Accessories can be made in the same style as the outfit, or vice versa, add color accents, contrasting with the clothes.

Hair ornaments, laconic earrings and bracelets will help girls to add zest to a discreet school ensemble, but do not forget about a sense of proportion. Additional accessories should harmoniously complement the bow, and not drown it out completely.

Guys are encouraged to use men's "chips" - original cufflinks, belts, bright ties of different styles, and even colored laces in sneakers. A stylish hairstyle is also a mandatory component of a fashionable image.

With the help of elementary basic wardrobe details, beautiful images are easily created, but naturalness and a smile are the best decorations for any student. It is worth remembering this, trying to always be yourself. No outfit will decorate better than a positive mood and self-confidence.