Requirements and marking gost for metal doors. GOST requirements for entrance metal doors Exterior metal doors GOST

GOST 31173-2003

UDC 692.81-034.14(083.74):006.354


OKS 91.060.50

Introduction date - 2004-03-01


The Eurasian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) is a regional association of national standardization bodies of states that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the future, national standardization bodies of other states may join the EASC. Under the EASC, the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) operates, which has been granted the right to adopt interstate standards in the field of construction. The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system Basic provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-96 “System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic Provisions»

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Center for Certification of Window and Door Equipment and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Design and Technology Bureau (FSUE TsPKTB of the Gosstroy of Russia) with the participation of the Academy of Security and Law and Abloy Oyu, the Bjerkboda plant, Finland 2 INTRODUCED by the Gosstroy of Russia 3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (ISTCS) on May 14, 2003 Voted to accept:

4 INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME 5 Entered into force on March 1, 2004 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 20, 2003 No. 76 is published in the indexes of national (state) standards published in these states. Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "Interstate standards", and the text of the changes - in the information indexes "Interstate standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "Interstate Standards".

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to steel door blocks with installed locking devices (hereinafter referred to as door blocks or products) for buildings and structures for various purposes. The standard does not apply to door blocks special purpose in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, explosion and bullet resistance, exposure to aggressive environments, etc., as well as for door blocks of protective cabins in accordance with the current normative documentation. The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building codes and regulations, taking into account the requirements of this standard. The standard can be applied for certification purposes.

References to the following standards are used in this document: GOST 9.032-74 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Groups. Technical requirements and designations GOST 9.301-86 ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements GOST 9.303-84 ESZKS. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements for the selection of GOST 9.401-91 ESZKS. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors GOST 9.402-80 ESZKS. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces before painting GOST 99-96 Rotary cut veneer. Specifications GOST 166-89 Calipers. Specifications GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Grades GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications GOST 538-2001 Lock and hardware items. General specifications GOST 1050-88 Rolled section calibrated, with a special surface finish from quality carbon structural steel. General specifications GOST 2140-81 Visible defects of wood. Classification, terms and definitions, measurement methods GOST 2977-82 Sliced ​​veneer. Specifications GOST 4598-86 Wood fiber boards. Specifications GOST 5089-2003 Locks and latches for doors. Specifications GOST 5264-80 Manual arc welding. Connections are welded. Main types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 5632-72 High-alloy steels and corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant alloys. Grades GOST 7016-82 Wood products and wood materials. Roughness parameters

surfaces GOST 7502-98 Measuring metal tapes. Specifications GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications GOST 8242-88 Profiled parts made of wood and wood materials for construction. Specifications GOST 8713-79 Submerged arc welding. Connections are welded. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Specifications GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications GOST 11533-75 Automatic and semi-automatic submerged arc welding. Connections are welded at acute and obtuse angles. Main types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 11534-75 Manual arc welding. Connections are welded at acute and obtuse angles. Main types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 14771-76 Gas-shielded arc welding. Connections are welded. Main types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 15140-78 Paintwork materials. Methods for determining adhesion GOST 21778-81 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Basic provisions of GOST 21779-82 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances GOST 21780-83 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation GOST 23118-99 Construction steel structures. General specifications GOST 23518-79 Arc welding in shielding gases. Connections are welded at acute and obtuse angles. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions GOST 25347-82 Basic standards of interchangeability. ESDP. Tolerance fields and recommended fits GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining resistance to heat transfer GOST 26602.2-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining air and water permeability GOST 26602.3-99 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation GOST 30778-2001 Gaskets sealing from elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Specifications GOST 30971-2002 Mounting seams for adjoining window blocks to wall openings. General specifications GOST 30972-2002 Glued wooden blanks and parts for window and door blocks. Specifications

3 Terms and definitions

Terms and definitions used in this standard are given in Annex A.

4 Classification and symbol

4.1 Products are classified according to the following criteria: purpose; design options; type of finish; performance indicators; mechanical characteristics; protective properties. 4.1.1 By purpose, door blocks are divided into: external (entrance to buildings, premises, as well as vestibules); internal (entrance to the apartment and others intended for operation inside the building). 4.1.2 According to the design options, door blocks are subdivided: according to the design of the box: with a closed box; with U-shaped box;

with a U-shaped box with an additional threshold; according to the number of canvases (including non-opening ones), the direction and type of opening: single-floor (left and right opening); double-sided (including with canvases of different widths); with non-opening horizontal or vertical inserts; with opening inside the room; with outward opening; according to the number of sealing circuits in the porch: with one circuit; with two or more circuits. 4.1.3 According to the type of finish, door blocks are divided into: painted with paint and varnish and powder materials; lined with leather (artificial or natural) and insulation; pasted over with decorative film materials; lined with wood or wood-based materials (including those with natural or synthetic veneer); finished with glass (mirror) materials; trimmed with decorative metal cladding; combined (including from other materials). Note - By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to use other types of finishes. 4.2 In terms of performance, door blocks are classified according to the reduced resistance to heat transfer, air and water permeability, and sound insulation. 4.2.1 In terms of the reduced heat transfer resistance of the leaf, the door blocks are divided into classes: 1 - with a reduced heat transfer resistance of 1.0 m2 × °C / W or more; 2 - with reduced resistance to heat transfer from 0.70 to 0.99 m2 × °C/W; 3 - with reduced resistance to heat transfer 0.40 - 0.69 m2 × °C / W. Note - Door blocks with a reduced heat transfer resistance of less than 0.40 m2 × ° C / W are not subject to classification according to this indicator.

4.2.2 In terms of air and water permeability, door blocks are divided into classes given in table 1. Table 1

Notes 1 The indicator of the limit of water resistance - for entrance door blocks to buildings and premises from the street. 2 Door blocks with an air permeability of more than 27 m3/(h×m2) are not subject to classification according to this indicator. 4.2.3 In terms of sound insulation Rw, door blocks are divided into classes: 1 - with a reduction in airborne noise of 32 dB or more; 2 - » » » » 26-31 dB; 3 - » » » » 20-25 dB. Note - Door blocks with sound insulation less than 20 dB are not subject to classification according to this indicator.

4.3 Door blocks are classified according to the main mechanical characteristics into the strength classes given in table 2. Table 2

NOTES 1 The class of the door unit is determined by the worst result of all tests. 2 An example of determining the strength class when testing for resistance to a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the web in the free corner zone is given in Appendix D.

4.4 Depending on the presence of security properties, door blocks are divided into: standard door blocks, equipped with class III-IV locks according to GOST 5089, blocking anti-removable devices; reinforced door blocks equipped with class III-IV locks in accordance with GOST 5089, reinforced hinges, locking anti-removable devices, multi-bolt locks with perimeter locking, with strength characteristics not lower than class M2; protective door blocks - door blocks of reinforced design, with strength characteristics not lower than class M1 and meeting the requirements established in Appendix B. 4.5 The structure of the symbol for door blocks:

Examples of symbols: DSV DKN 2100-1270 M3 GOST 31173-2003 - internal steel door block, two-leaf, with a closed frame, with doors opening outward, of normal design, strength class - M3, height 2100 mm, width 1270 mm. DSN PPVn 1-2-2 M2 U 2300-900 GOST 31173-2003 - steel outer door unit, single-floor right-hand version, with a threshold, with opening the leaf inward, class in terms of reduced resistance to heat transfer - 1, class in terms of air and water permeability - 2, class in terms of sound insulation - 2, strength class - M2, reinforced version, height 2300 mm, width 900 mm. When placing an order for manufacturing (delivery) and a passport, it is recommended to indicate: a variant of a constructive solution, including a description of the filling of the door leaf; a drawing indicating the scheme for opening the canvases and the design of the door block; type and brand of door devices and class of locks; type of finish, box width and other requirements as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer. For export-import deliveries, it is allowed to use a different structure of the symbol specified in the agreement (contract).

5 Technical requirements

5.1 General provisions and design requirements 5.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to design and technological documentation approved in in due course. 5.1.2 Cloths of door blocks are a structure welded from steel sheets and rectangular or bent profiles. It is allowed to use the design of "bent box" type canvases, while steel sheets are recommended to be welded together. In the production of welding work, it is recommended to use welding in a shielding gas environment. The places of welding points are set in the working documentation. 5.1.3 Corner joints of profiles are recommended to be connected by means of welded joints. Other types of joints are allowed, corresponding to or exceeding the strength of welded ones. Versions door panels and examples of door block designs are shown in Figures 1-7.

1 - upper locking crossbar; 2 - upper link of the main lock; 3 - web frame (welded steel profiles); 4 - places for attaching the internal "hatch"; 5 - valve; 6 - the place of attachment of the upper link; 7 - crossbar of the deadbolt of the lever lock; 8 - latch; 9 - bolt cylinder lock; 10 - lower link of the main lock; 11 - places for fastening the finish; 12 - internal cavity for filler; 13 - vertical thrust guide; 14 - lower locking crossbar; 15 - mounting "eye"; 16 - threshold; 17 - hole for anti-removable crossbar (pin); 18 - anti-removable passive crossbar (pin); 19 - mounting anchor; 20 - box (frame); 21 - combined lever-cylinder lock; 22 - inner steel sheet; 23 - outer steel sheet; 24 - loop knot;

25 - peephole

Figure 1 - An example of the design of a door block, the leaf of which is welded from two steel sheets and steel profiles, the box (frame) is made of a bent steel profile

Door leaf with two steel sheets, steel box profiles and honeycomb core

Door leaf with an outer steel sheet and an inner sheet of fiberboard, with profiles of complex cross-section and filling with wood or mineral insulation

Door leaf of "bent box" type, with U-shaped steel profiles and foam filling

Door leaf with steel outer sheet and fiberboard inner sheet, steel angle profiles with timber bars and foam core

Figure 2 - Examples of door leaf designs

Figure 3 - An example of the construction of a door block welded from steel sheets and profiles (with filling the middle profile of the frame and leaf with wood and foam material)

Figure 4 - An example of the construction of a door block welded from steel sheets and profiles, with natural wood cladding

Figure 5 - An example of the construction of a two-leaf door block with a lining of wood or wood-based materials (horizontal section)

Figure 6 - Examples of door leaf structures welded from two flat steel sheets and steel profiles (a) and a “bent box” door leaf (b) with vertical reinforcing profiles

Figure 7 - Examples of the design of a door leaf welded from steel profiles, with vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles and installed locks (a) and a door frame (b)

Boxes (frames) are made from a bent profile with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm or from a rectangular profile with a cross section of at least 40x50 mm. Boxes (frames) and door leafs are manufactured according to at least 15th grade of accuracy in accordance with GOST 25347.

5.1.4 It is recommended to use vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles (multipliers) in door leaf structures. It is recommended to use at least two vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles. It is allowed to place reinforcing profiles at an angle between vertical ones (inclined profiles). Horizontal reinforcing profiles are recommended to be placed in the loop zone or in the zone of anti-removable devices. Examples of the location of reinforcing profiles in the door leaf are shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Examples of the location of reinforcing profiles in the door leaf

5.1.5 It is allowed to use butted sheet blanks welded along reinforcing profiles instead of an internal solid steel sheet, while the places of welding points are set in the design documentation. As an inner sheet, it is allowed to use solid fiber boards in accordance with GOST 4598 or other solid sheet materials that provide sufficient strength.

5.1.6 To repair locks and latches at their installation site, it is recommended to provide a “hatch” in the inner sheet, which is attached to mechanical ties. 5.1.7 Locking devices (locks, latches, additional bolts) are recommended to be fixed on screws through special pads and clamping brackets with threaded threads. The fastening of the locking devices must be strong and reliable, excluding their spontaneous displacement during operation. It is not recommended to fix the lock by welding (in case of technological necessity of using welding, the possibility of thermal influence on fusible plastic and other parts of the lock should be taken into account). The lock must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation so that during the operation of the door unit there are no compressive or bending loads on the lock. 5.1.8 It is recommended to install at least two contours of sealing gaskets in the structures of external and entrance door blocks to the apartment (to increase sound insulation and resistance to heat transfer). Sealing gaskets must be installed around the entire perimeter of the porch. Gaps in the joints of the gaskets are not allowed. The fit of the gaskets must be tight. Sealing gaskets for external door units must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and tested for durability in testing centers accredited to carry out such tests. 5.1.9 The requirements of this standard apply to door blocks with an area not exceeding 9 m2, while the height of the opening door leaves is recommended not to exceed 2200 mm, and the width - not more than 1200 mm. It is allowed to use non-opening horizontal and vertical canvas-inserts. The recommended weight of door panels is no more than 250 kg (calculated indicator). The manufacture of door blocks (cloths) with an area, weight and dimensions exceeding the specified values ​​must be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations in accordance with current building codes. Note - The largest dimensions of the leafs of door blocks of specific types, depending on the mass of the door leaf, the section modulus of the profiles of the frame of the door leaf, the rigidity of the section of the middle part of the door leaf (including the outer and inner lining, filling, reinforcing profiles), the location (and types) of hinges and locking devices should be given in the design documentation of the manufacturer. 5.1. 10 The location and dimensions of the holes for installing locks and other locking devices are set in the design documentation, taking into account the requirements of GOST 5089. 5.1.11 It is recommended to protect the places of the holes intended for the bolt entry with special boxes. The boxes are welded into the profile of the box (frame) so that they do not interfere with the normal movement of the deadbolt bolts. It is allowed to make holes for the entry of bolts in the door frame. In this case, the dimensions of the hole should be 2-3 mm larger than the corresponding cross-sectional dimensions of the bolt. In the closed position, the bolt of the lock must enter into door frame to a depth of at least 22 mm. 5.1.12 In the design of products on the hinge side, it is recommended to provide anti-removable passive crossbars (pins). The pins must be firmly installed in the frame of the door leaf or in the frame by welding, pressing or riveting. It is allowed to use other types of fastening of anti-removable pins that do not reduce their strength properties. The size, number and location of the anti-detachable pins are set in the working documentation, while for the greatest protection it is recommended to install the anti-detachable pins in the loop zone. 5.1.13 To carry out the installation of the door block in the wall opening, mounting "lugs" are welded onto the profile of the box (frame). The size, number and location of the mounting "lugs" are set in the working documentation. It is allowed to use other designs of fasteners that provide the necessary rigidity and strength when mounting the door block. 5.1.14 It is recommended to use heat and sound insulating materials as the internal filling of door panels, for example, mineral wool, basalt wool, foam plastic or other materials according to regulatory documentation (ND). Filling is laid tightly, without voids. 5.1.15 Products must be safe to use. Safety conditions for the use of products various designs set in the project documentation (for example, it is recommended to equip door blocks on escape routes with anti-panic devices). Products must be designed for operating loads in accordance with current building codes. When designing and manufacturing products, calculation programs or calculation methods for determining the strength characteristics of products should be used. 5.1.16 Polymeric and synthetic materials used for filling and finishing door panels must have sanitary safety conclusions provided for by applicable law and executed in the prescribed manner

5.2 Dimensions and requirements for limit deviations 5.2.1 Overall dimensions and architectural drawings of door blocks are set in the design and technical documentation (order, supply contract) for the manufacture of products. The nominal dimensions of parts of product assemblies, sections of profiles and gaps, the dimensions of the location of devices, hinges and holes are set in the technical documentation for their manufacture. 5.2.2 Limit deviations of the nominal overall dimensions of products should not exceed ±3.0 mm. 5.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of product elements, gaps under the overlay, dimensions of the arrangement of door devices and hinges should not exceed the values ​​specified in Table 3.

Table 3 In millimeters

Note - The values ​​of the maximum deviations of the dimensions of the gaps under the overlay are given for closed canvases with installed sealing gaskets. The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular canvases with an area of ​​​​1.5 m2 or less should not exceed 2.0 mm, and with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bover 1.5 m2 - 3.0 mm.

5.2.4 The difference between the front surfaces (sag) in welded fillet joints shall not exceed 2.0 mm. 5.2.5 The sagging of the canvases in the assembled product for the construction of door blocks with a threshold should not exceed 2.0 mm per 1 m of width. 5.2.6 Deviations from the straightness of the edges of sheets and boxes should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1.0 m of length. Note - The flatness of the door panels is controlled by measuring the straightness of their edges and the size of the gaps under the overlay. 5.2.7 The accuracy of geometrical parameters is calculated in accordance with GOST 21778, GOST 21779, GOST 21780, taking into account the features of specific structures and technological conditions of manufacture and installation. 5.2.8 The dimensions of the welds must correspond to their working sections established in the technical documentation. Deviations of weld dimensions from the specified ones should not exceed the values ​​specified in GOST 5264, GOST 8713, GOST 11533, GOST 11534, GOST 14771, GOST 23518. 5.2.9 Nominal diameters of holes for bolted connections and maximum deviations from them, established depending on the method formation and type of bolted connection are accepted in accordance with GOST 23118.

5.3 Characteristics 5.3.1 Operational parameters of door units are given in Table 4. Table 4

Note - The need to use performance indicators marked with an "*" is established in the design and technical documentation based on the purpose of the door blocks.

5.3.2 It is recommended to establish the performance indicators of door blocks for a specific purpose in the design documentation for construction (reconstruction) and confirm the results of tests at testing centers accredited for their right to conduct them.

5.3.3 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand the action of static loads in accordance with the requirements of table 5. Table 5

5.3.4 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand the action of dynamic loads (impact on an obstacle - opening angle limiter, door slope etc. when opening the web) according to the requirements of table 6. Table 6

5.3.5 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand impact with a soft inelastic body in accordance with the requirements of table 7. Table 7

5.3.6 The force applied to the door leaf when closing until the required compression of the sealing gaskets should not exceed 140 N, while in the closed position the latch and the deadbolt of the lock should work without jamming. The force required to open the door leaf must not exceed 100 N (ergonomic requirements). 5.3.7 In the case of using artificial or natural leather or wood (wood-based materials, including those with natural or synthetic veneer) for cladding door panels, the cladding material must withstand, without destruction, an impact with a metal ball weighing 1 kg from a height of 1 m. 5.3. eight Appearance products: color, permissible surface defects of facing materials and painted elements (risks, scratches, etc.) must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer. Differences in color, gloss and surface defects that are visible to the naked eye from a distance of 0.6 - 0.8 m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed. 5.3.9 Welded joints must be strong and satisfy visually controlled requirements: the weld metal and the boundary zone must not have cracks. Seam craters at the places where welding stops (ends) must be overcooked (welded); seams should have a smooth or evenly scaly surface without sharp transitions to the base metal; welds must be tight along the entire length and not have burns, constrictions, welds, lack of penetration, slag inclusions, etc. 5.3.10 The tensile strength of the welded joint metal must not be lower than the requirements for the base metal. Characteristics of categories and quality level of welded joints - according to GOST 23118.

5.4 Requirements for materials and components (including gaskets) 5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical certificates approved in the prescribed manner. 5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must be resistant to climatic influences. 5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and sheets should not have cracks, mechanical damage, pits, distortions, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, slight local depressions, risks, waviness up to 0.5 mm deep are allowed, which do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products. 5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made of steel grades that ensure the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other joints, depending on the nature and conditions of their work. Steel elements are recommended to be made of steel grade not lower than St3kp2 according to GOST 380, rolled products according to GOST 1050 or high-alloy steel according to GOST 5632. 5.4.5 Sealing gaskets must be made of weather-resistant elastic polymer materials in accordance with GOST 30778. The fit of sealing gaskets must be tight, preventing the penetration of water. Sealing gaskets must be installed continuously around the entire perimeter of the porch. 5.4.6 Glued wooden cladding panels must meet the requirements of GOST 30972, profile molded wooden details- GOST 8242.

5.5 Requirements for hinges, locks and other locking devices 5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking and auxiliary devices and hinges are used, specially designed for use in metal door blocks. Examples of designs of hinges and locks are given in Appendix B. The type, number, location and method of fastening of locking devices and hinges are set in the working documentation based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. Cloths of door blocks weighing more than 200 kg, as well as products used in public buildings (schools, hospitals, etc.), are recommended to be hung on three hinges. The recommended location of the middle hinge is 150-200 mm below the top one. 5.5.2 For hanging canvases on a box (frame), it is recommended to use overhead bearing or other hinges with the ability to adjust in different planes. It is recommended to fasten hinges to canvases and boxes using mechanical ties or by continuous welding. It is allowed to use other types of fastening loops, allowing to provide the necessary strength of the structure. 5.5.3 Locks of at least class III according to GOST 5089 must be installed in door blocks. Locks must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and GOST 5089. It is recommended to simultaneously install locks with lever and cylinder mechanisms, as well as locks with recoding secret mechanisms in the door block. To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-bolt locks with locking along the perimeter of the door block or locks with rods with additional locking in the upper and lower horizontal frame profiles. To avoid clogging of the hole for the lower vertical bolt included in the bottom profile of the box, it is recommended to use deviators. 5.5.4 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it is necessary to provide for the complete set of products with latches, door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc. 5.5.5 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of the opening elements of products. Opening and closing should be easy, smooth, without jamming. 5.5.6 The design of the locking devices and hinges shall ensure tight and uniform crimping of the gaskets along the entire contour of the seal in the porches. 5.5.7 Door appliances and fasteners must meet the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective and decorative (or protective) coating in accordance with GOST 9. 303. 5.5.8 In cases where door blocks are installed in public premises (kindergartens, schools, hospitals), it is recommended to use anti-panic devices, smoke detectors and other devices that allow for quick evacuation. 5.5.9 When accepting work, the keys must be handed over to the customer in a sealed package against his signature on receipt.

5.6 Requirements for product finishing 5.6.1 The quality of the finish, as well as the requirements for the finishing coating (cladding) may be set by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer in the contract (order) for the manufacture (supply) of products. In this case, it is allowed to evaluate the quality of the finish according to standard samples agreed with the customer. 5.6.2 As finishing materials they use artificial and natural leather, decorative films, MDF boards (with natural or synthetic veneer, smooth or milled), wood, mirrors, plastic, fiberboard, paint and varnish and other materials in accordance with the requirements of ND. When choosing facing materials, the operating conditions of the products should be taken into account. Options for finishing door blocks are given in Appendix B. 5.6.3 The metal surfaces of the parts before applying paint and varnish and polymer coatings must comply with GOST 9.402. Requirements for paint coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.401, designation of coatings - in accordance with GOST 9.032, coating class is not lower than IV. 5.6.4 The quality of surfaces with a finished paint and varnish coating must comply with the requirements established in GOST 9.032. In this case, the first layer should be applied with primer paint, and subsequent layers with protective and decorative paints and varnishes. 5.6.5 The front surfaces of the products should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. The requirements for the front surfaces are set in the manufacturer's technical documentation and / or in the supply contracts, taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032. Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products. Hole edges must be free of burrs and burrs. 5.6.6 Color (tone) and degree of gloss (gloss, dullness) of the finishing coating must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer and agreed with the customer. 5.6.7 Paint and varnish coatings must have adhesion strength (adhesion) with the surface being trimmed of at least 2 points according to the method of lattice cuts in accordance with GOST 15140. . 5.6.9 Protective and protective and decorative coatings must be resistant to temperature and humidity operational impacts. 5.6.10 Facing of product sheets is made from MDF boards according to ND or from various types of wood. MDF boards can be finished with sliced ​​veneer according to GOST 2977, peeled veneer according to GOST 99 or synthetic veneer according to ND. It is allowed to use milled or smooth MDF boards. Examples of the architectural design of finishing door panels with MDF boards are given in Appendix B. 5.6.11 The front surfaces of wood parts used for finishing door panels should not have processing defects and wood defects, with the exception of curls, pilosity, eyes, fiber inclination up to 5% according to GOST 2140. The recommended roughness of the front surfaces of wood parts Rm is not more than 60 microns according to GOST 7016, the moisture content of the wood should be in the range from 8 to 12%. 5.6.12 The design of fastening of facing parts made of wood and board materials to steel elements of door blocks should provide the possibility of compensating their temperature and humidity deformations. The shape and dimensions of the sections of the facing profiles adjacent to the steel surfaces of the external products must provide a minimum area of ​​​​contact with these surfaces, as well as the possibility of ventilating the cavity between them, otherwise the contacting surfaces must be protected by paintwork or other protective materials. 5.6.13 Adhesive materials used when lining door panels with artificial or genuine leather, as well as decorative films, must provide sufficient adhesion strength, while non-glued areas, folds, waviness and other appearance defects are not allowed.

5.7 Completeness and marking 5.7.1 The completeness of products when they are delivered to the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the contract (order). Door units should be delivered assembled with locking devices installed. By agreement with the consumer, the set of products may also include closers (closing regulators), opening angle limiters and other door devices. The set of keys must be handed over to the customer in a sealed form against the signature of the customer (buyer). 5.7.2 The scope of delivery should include a quality document (passport) and instructions for the operation of products, including recommendations for installation. 5.7.3 Each product is marked with a waterproof marker or label indicating the name of the manufacturer, the brand of the product, the date of its manufacture and (or) the order number, a sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the product by technical control. 5.7.4 The door devices included in the product must be marked in accordance with the ND for this product.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of acceptance of products by the technical control service of the manufacturer is the execution of documents on the acceptance (quality) of products. Products are accepted in batches or individually. When accepting products at the manufacturing plant, a lot is taken as the number of products manufactured within one shift and issued with one quality document. The number of products of the same design, manufactured according to one order, can be taken as the batch size. 6.2 The requirements for product quality established in this standard are confirmed by: incoming inspection of materials and components; operational production control; acceptance control of finished products; control acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality control service of the manufacturer; periodic and certification tests of products in independent testing centers; qualification tests. 6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming control and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation. If the manufacturer completes the door blocks with accessories own production, then they must be accepted and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products. 6.4 Acceptance control of the quality of finished products is carried out by the method of continuous control. The list of controlled indicators is given in table 8. Finished products that have passed acceptance control are marked. Products that have not passed the acceptance control for at least one indicator are rejected. Table 8

* Test type I - acceptance tests during acceptance control; test type II - acceptance tests conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer; test type III - periodic tests carried out in independent test centers. ** Controlled nominal dimensions for test type II are set in the technological documentation.

6.5 Each batch of products undergoes control acceptance tests conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer. The list of controlled indicators and the frequency of control are given in Table 8. For testing, samples of door blocks are taken from a batch of products by random selection in the amount of 3% of the batch volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than 3 products in a batch, each product is subjected to control. In the event of a negative test result for at least one indicator on at least one sample, a re-check of the quality of products is carried out on a double number of samples for the indicator that had a negative test result. If a discrepancy between the indicator and the established requirements is detected again, at least on one sample, the control and subsequent batches of products are subjected to continuous control (sorting). With a positive result of continuous control, they return to the established procedure for acceptance tests. 6.6 Periodic tests according to the performance indicators specified in 5.3.1 - 5.3.7 are carried out when they are put into production or when changes are made to the design of products or their manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period specified in Table 8, and also when product certification. In justified cases, it is allowed to combine periodic and certification tests. Qualification tests of products are carried out for all indicators when putting products into production. Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right to conduct them. Tests to determine the reduced resistance to heat transfer, air permeability, sound insulation are subjected to structures designed to withstand these loads according to their field of application. 6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a quality control check of products, while observing the sampling procedure and test methods specified in this standard. When products are accepted by the consumer, a batch is considered to be the number of products shipped for a specific order, but not more than 90 pieces, drawn up with one quality document. 6.8 When accepting products by the consumer, it is recommended to use the one-stage quality control plan for products given in Table 9. Table 9

Note - Significant and critical defects include: defects leading to loss of performance, unrecoverable without replacing part of the product (breakage of the steel profile, etc.), exceeding the maximum deviations of dimensions by more than 1.5 times established in the RD, disassembly of products. Minor defects include removable defects: minor surface damage, unadjusted door appliances and hinges, exceeding the limit deviations of dimensions by less than 1.5 times established in the ND. By agreement of the parties, acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out at the manufacturer's warehouse, at the consumer's warehouse or in another place specified in the supply contract. 6.9 Each batch of products must be accompanied by a quality document (passport). An example of filling out the product passport is given in Appendix D. 6.10 Acceptance of products by the consumer does not relieve the manufacturer from liability in case of detection hidden defects that led to a violation of the performance characteristics of products during the warranty period.

7 Control methods

7.1 The methods of incoming and production operational quality control are established in the technological documentation. 7.2 Methods for quality control of products during acceptance control and acceptance tests 7.2.1 The geometric dimensions of products, as well as the straightness of the edges, are determined using the methods established in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1. Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions of product elements, the difference in the lengths of the diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring tape according to GOST 7502, a caliper according to GOST 166, and probes according to ND. The maximum deviations from the straightness of the edges are determined by applying a calibration ruler in accordance with GOST 8026 or a building level with a flatness tolerance of at least the 9th degree of accuracy in accordance with GOST 9416 to the tested part and measuring the largest gap using feelers according to ND. 7.2.2 The maximum deviations from the nominal dimensions of the gaps under the overlay are checked using a set of probes or a ruler in accordance with GOST 427. mating surface to the bottom surface. 7.2.4 Appearance, quality of welds, color and quality of finishing of products are evaluated visually by comparison with standard samples approved in the prescribed manner. Surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed. 7.2.5 Adhesion (strength of adhesion of paint and varnish coatings to the metal surface) is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140. packaging is checked visually. To determine the tightness of sealing gaskets, compare the dimensions of the gaps in the porches and the degree of compression of the gaskets, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of the uncompressed gasket. Measurements are made with a caliper or a ruler in accordance with GOST 427. The tightness of sealing gaskets with closed canvases can be determined by the presence of a continuous trace left by a coloring matter (for example, colored chalk), previously applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after inspection. 7.2.7 The operation of the door hinges is checked by opening and closing the wing elements of the product ten times. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of door devices, they are adjusted and re-checked.

7.3 Methods of control during periodic tests 7.3.1 The reduced resistance to heat transfer is determined according to GOST 26602.1. 7.3.2 Air and water permeability is determined according to GOST 26602.2. 7.3.3 Sound insulation is determined according to GOST 26602.3. 7.3.4 Indicators of reliability, resistance to static, dynamic, impact loads are determined according to RD and methods approved in the prescribed manner. When testing for dynamic load resistance, they simulate the load that occurs when the door leaf is suddenly opened (for example, during a draft), at the moment the door leaf contacts the slope of the doorway. The test for impact resistance with a soft inelastic body is carried out with a three-time impact, for example, with a pear with a lower diameter of (300 ± 5) mm and a mass of (30 ± 0.5) kg, from a fall height according to 5.3.5 to the central zone of the sample. Note - At the end of the test, the door blocks must remain operational, while the bolt of the lock and the latch must freely enter their mating parts. Before and after testing the door units for failure-free operation, it is recommended to check the tightness of the seals in accordance with 7.2.6. When testing door blocks for resistance to a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the leaf in the free corner zone, it is recommended to use the graph of dependence of the deflection of the free corner of the leaf on the applied load given in Appendix D. 7.3.5 Quality control methods for welded joints (5.3. 10) are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation in accordance with GOST 5264.

8 Packaging, transport and storage

8.1 Packaging of products must ensure their safety during storage, handling and transportation. 8.2 Devices or parts of devices not installed on the product must be packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or in another packaging material, ensuring their safety, are firmly bandaged and supplied complete with products. 8.3 Opening webs of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices. 8.4 Products are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. 8.5 During storage and transportation of products, they must be protected from mechanical damage and exposure to precipitation. 8.6 When storing and transporting products, it is recommended to install gaskets made of elastic materials between products. 8.7 Products are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden linings, pallets or in special containers in covered areas. 8.8 Warranty period of storage of products - 1 year from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer complies with the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope established in the regulatory and project documentation. 9.2 In agreement with the consumer (customer), the manufacturer provides service maintenance, which includes emergency opening of doors in case of loss or breakage of keys, consultations on the use and operation of door devices and locking mechanisms, repair of products. 9.3 The warranty period for door blocks is set in the supply contract, but not less than three years from the date of shipment of the products by the manufacturer.

Annex A


Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms apply with their respective definitions. door: An element of a wall structure intended for entry (exit) into the internal premises of buildings (structures) or for passage from one room to another and consisting of a doorway, a door block, a sealing system for mounting joints and fasteners and cladding. doorway: An opening in the wall for the installation of a door unit and installation of a mounting seal. door unit: A structure generally consisting of a box (frame) rigidly fixed in the doorway, with a leaf hung on hinges with locking devices, which, when the leaf is closed, protects the premises from climatic, noise (and other) influences, as well as unauthorized passage. The door unit may include a number of additional elements: a closer, an opening angle limiter, a peephole, etc. box: An assembly unit of the door unit designed for hanging the door leaf (s), fixedly fixed to the slopes of the doorway. leaf: The assembly unit of a door block connected to the frame by means of movable links (usually hinges). inner sheet: A sheet of fabric located on the side of the guarded or protected premises or object. profile: The profile detail of the box or strapping (frame) of the canvas. porch: The junction (connection node) of the web to the frame profiles. surfacing: A protrusion of the profile of the web (box), covering the gap in the porch and intended, as a rule, to press the gaskets. right (left) opening door block: A door block with hinges located on the right (left) side when viewed from the leaf opening side. Note - In a double-leaf door unit, the right or left opening determined by the location of the canvas, which opens first (Figure A.1).

a - right opening door block; b - left opening door block; c - right opening door block with horizontal and vertical leaf inserts

Figure A.1 - Definition of products in the direction of opening of the canvases

horizontal (vertical) leaf-insert: A non-opening leaf installed above or next to the opening leaf (Figure A.1, c). locking devices: Devices designed to fix door leaves in the closed position (locks, latches, etc.). reinforcing profile: A profile installed inside the door leaf to provide the necessary rigidity and structural strength. hatch: Metal sheet mounted on mechanical links with inside canvas in the place where the lock is attached, providing access to the lock if it is necessary to repair it. anti-removable passive crossbars (pins): Reinforcing crossbars connecting the closed leaf with the frame, installed on the vertical profile of the leaf from the hinge side (or on the vertical profile of the frame from the hinge side) and providing additional resistance to breaking the door block. mounting "lugs": Metal mounting plates, usually welded to the profiles of the box (frame), providing the possibility of fastening the door unit in the wall opening.

The characteristics of the door blocks given in Table B.1 are set in the working design documentation and (or) the technical documentation of the manufacturer. Test methods - according to the methods approved in the prescribed manner. Tests are carried out in testing laboratories accredited for the right to conduct such tests.

General requirements for the installation of products

E.1 Requirements for the installation of products are established in the design documentation for construction projects, taking into account the design options adopted in the project for the junction of products to walls, designed for given climatic and other loads. E.2 Installation of products must be carried out by specialized construction companies or specially trained teams of the manufacturer. The ending installation work must be confirmed by an acceptance certificate, which includes the warranty obligations of the manufacturer of the work. E.3 At the request of the consumer (customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of products must provide him with a standard instruction for the installation of door blocks, approved by the head of the manufacturer and containing: drawings (diagrams) of typical mounting junctions; list of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature conditions applications); the sequence of technological operations for the installation of door blocks. E.4 When designing and executing junction nodes, the following conditions must be met: sealing of mounting gaps between products and slopes of openings of wall structures must be tight, tight around the entire perimeter of the door block, designed to withstand climatic loads outside and operating conditions inside the premises; the design of the junctions of external products (including the location of the door block along the depth of the opening) should prevent the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges) leading to the formation of condensate on internal surfaces as much as possible doorways; the operational characteristics of the structures of the junction points must meet the requirements established in the building codes. Version assembly unit the internal door unit is shown in Figure E.1.

1 - box (frame) of the door block; 2 - polyurethane foam; 3 - outer seal; 4 - leaf of the door block; 5- inner seal; 6 - decorative frame portal;

7 - casing; 8 - mounting anchor; 9 - mounting ear; 10 - wall

Figure E.1 - Version of the mounting assembly of the internal door unit

E.5 The number and location of the mounting ears, the type, diameter and length of the fasteners are set in the working design documentation, taking into account the material of the walls and the design of the doorway. It is recommended to use building anchors with a diameter of at least 10 mm as fasteners for mounting products. The distance between fasteners is at least 700 mm. It is not allowed to use sealants, adhesives, foam insulation, as well as building nails for fastening products. E.6 Door blocks should be installed according to the level and plumb. The deviation from the vertical and horizontal profiles of boxes of mounted products should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, but not more than 3 mm for the height of the product. At the same time, if the opposite profiles are deflected in different directions (“twisting” of the box), their total deviation from the normal should not exceed 3 mm. The door block is installed in the prepared doorway symmetrically with respect to the central vertical of the opening. The deviation from symmetry should not exceed 3 mm in the direction of the slope of the opening, intended for fastening the profile of the box with hinges. Deviation from symmetry to the other side of the opening is not recommended. E.7 To fill mounting gaps (seams) of external products, mounting foam, silicone sealants, pre-compressed PSUL sealing tapes (compression tapes), insulating polyurethane foam cords, foam heaters, mineral wool and other materials that have a hygienic conclusion and provide the required performance of the seams are used . Painting seams is not recommended. E.8 When arranging assembly joints and installing external door blocks, it is recommended to take into account the requirements of GOST 30971.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2016 N 1739-st

Interstate standard GOST 31173-2016


steel doors. Specifications

Instead of GOST 31173-2003


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, updates and cancellations

About the standard

1 Developed by a private institution "Certification Center for Window and Door Equipment", Limited Liability Company "DorKhan 21st Century", "CISA" (Italy)

2 Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes of October 25, 2016 N 92-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 22, 2016 N 1739-st, the interstate standard GOST 31173-2016 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2017.

5 This standard complies with the technical requirements and test methods of the following European standards:

EN 14351-1:2006 + A1:2010 "Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external ground door openings without fire resistance and / or smoke transmission characteristics" ("Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics - Part 1: Windows and external pedestrian doorsets without resistance to fire and/or smoke leakage characteristics", NEQ);

EN 1191:2012 "Windows and doors - Resistance to repeated opening and closing - Test method", NEQ);

EN 1192:1999 "Doors - Classification according to the requirements for mechanical strength" ("Doors - Classification of strength requirements", NEQ)

6 Instead of GOST 31173-2003

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to door steel blocks with installed locking devices (hereinafter referred to as door blocks) intended for installation in the external and internal walls of buildings and structures for various purposes. The requirements of this standard can be applied to the entrance door blocks of buildings and apartments equipped with burglar alarm.

The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the building codes and regulations in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

This standard does not apply to door blocks for special purposes in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, explosion and bullet resistance, exposure to aggressive environments, etc., as well as to door blocks of protective cabins in accordance with current regulatory documents.

This International Standard may be applied for certification purposes.

2 Normative references

This standard provides normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.001-2013 Unified system for design documentation. General provisions

GOST 3.1001-2011 Unified system of technological documentation. General provisions

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.301-86 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General requirements

GOST 9.303-84 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. General selection requirements

GOST 9.308-85 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Accelerated Corrosion Test Methods

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. General requirements and accelerated test methods for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.402-2004 Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting

GOST 99-96 Rotary cut veneer. Specifications

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 380-2005 Carbon steel of ordinary quality. Stamps

GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Specifications

GOST 538-2014 Lock and hardware products. General specifications

GOST 1050-88 Rolled bars, calibrated, with special surface finish from quality carbon structural steel. General specifications

GOST 2140-81 Visible defects of wood. Classification, terms and definitions. Measurement methods

GOST 2977-82 Sliced ​​veneer. Specifications

GOST 4598-86 Wood fiber boards. Specifications

GOST 5088-2005 Hinges for window and door units. Specifications

GOST 5089-2011 Locks, latches, cylinder mechanisms. Specifications

GOST 5264-80 Manual arc welding. Connections are welded. Main types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 5632-2014 Alloyed stainless steels and alloys corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. Stamps

GOST 7016-2013 Products made of wood and wood materials. Surface Roughness Options

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 8026-92 Calibration rulers. Specifications

GOST 8242-88 Profile parts made of wood and wood materials for construction. Specifications

GOST 9416-83 Building levels. Specifications

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Specifications

GOST 15150-69 Machinery, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors

GOST 19091-2012 Locks, latches, cylinder mechanisms. Test Methods

GOST 23118-2012 Steel building structures. General specifications

GOST 23166-99 Window blocks. General specifications

GOST 24866-2014 Glued double-glazed windows. Specifications

GOST 26433.0-85 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. General provisions

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements

GOST 26602.1-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to heat transfer

GOST 26602.2-99 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining air and water permeability

GOST 26602.3-2016 Window and door blocks. Method for determining sound insulation

GOST 26602.5-2001 Window and door blocks. Methods for determining the resistance to wind load

GOST 30698-2014 Tempered glass. Specifications

GOST 30777-2012 Turning, tilting, tilt-and-turn, sliding devices for window and door balcony blocks. Specifications

GOST 30778-2001 Gaskets sealing from elastomeric materials for window and door blocks. Specifications

GOST 30826-2014 Laminated glass. Specifications

GOST 30970-2014 Door blocks made of PVC profiles. General specifications

GOST 30971-2012 Mounting seams of junctions to wall openings. General specifications

GOST 30972-2002 Glued wooden blanks and parts for window and door blocks. Specifications

GOST 31149-2014 (ISO 2409:2013) Paint and varnish materials. Determination of adhesion by the lattice notch method

GOST 31471-2011 Emergency door opening devices for evacuation and emergency exits. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 door breaking: Actions aimed at breaking the integrity of the door or its structural elements in order to gain partial or full access to the room protected by the door.

3.2 burglary-resistant door: A door that is in a closed (locked) state and is an obstacle to unauthorized entry into the building (room) using physical force or using a certain tool.

3.3 inner sheet: Door leaf sheet located on the inside of the door block, on the side of the guarded or protected premises or object.

3.4 internal door block (including the entrance from the staircase): Door block designed to separate interior spaces buildings and passage from one room to another.

3.5 door frame (frame): Assembly unit of the door block, designed for hanging the leaf (cloths), rigidly fixed to the slopes of the doorway.

3.6 door leaf: Assembly unit of the door unit connected to the frame by means of movable links (hinges).

3.7 door block: A structure that includes a box (frame), a door leaf with locking devices.

Note - The door block may include a number of additional elements [door closing device (closer), opening angle limiter, peephole, etc.].

3.8 right (left) opening door block: A door block with hinges located on the right (left) side when viewed from the opening side of the door leaf (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Definition of the door block in the direction of opening the canvases

3.9 doorway: An opening in the wall intended for mounting a door unit.

3.10 door: An element of a wall structure designed to fill doorways and consisting of a door block, fixing the door block to the opening, assembly seams, a sealing system and cladding, and providing, when the door leaf is closed, protection from climatic, noise and other influences, as well as from unauthorized passage.

3.11 double leaf door unit: A door unit consisting of two or more leaves installed in one door frame.

Note - In a double-leaf door block, the right or left opening is determined by the location of the door leaf, which opens first (Figure 1).

The main leaf of a double-leaf door leaf is used constantly, the second - if necessary.

3.12 locking devices: Devices designed to fix and lock door panels in the closed position (locks, latches, etc.).

3.13 hatch: A hole closed by a lid mounted on mechanical links on the inside of the door leaf at the place where the lock is attached, providing access to the lock if it needs to be repaired.

3.14 mounting elements: Metal mounting plates, usually welded to the profiles of the box (frame), which secure the door block in the wall opening.

3.15 surfacing: A protrusion of the profile of the door leaf (frame), covering the gap in the porch and designed to press the gaskets.

3.16 external door unit (including vestibule): A door unit separating the internal climate of the premises from the external one and serving mainly for entry (exit).

3.17 outer leaf outer side door block (from the side of the alleged attack).

3.18 leaf insert: A non-opening door leaf installed above or next to the opening leaf [see figure 1c)].

3.19 porch: The junction (connection node) of the door leaf to the frame profiles.

3.20 anti-removable passive crossbars (pins): Reinforcing crossbars connecting the closed door leaf with the frame, installed on the vertical profile of the leaf from the hinge side (or on the vertical profile of the frame from the hinge side) and providing additional resistance to breaking of the door block.

3.21 strength of the door block: The ability of the structure to perceive the impact of external forces without destruction.

3.22 profile: profile detail of the box or trim (frame) of the door leaf.

3.23 reinforcing profile: A profile installed inside the door leaf to provide the necessary rigidity and strength of the door unit.

4 Classification and conventions

4.1 Door blocks are classified according to the following criteria:

Purpose (at the place of installation);

Structural execution;

operational characteristics;

Mechanical strength;

Protective functions.

4.1.1 By purpose, door blocks are divided into groups:

A - external entrances to buildings and structures;

B - entrance to apartments from staircases;

B - internal, separating heated rooms inside buildings, including public and industrial buildings (offices, offices, hotel rooms), as well as on evacuation routes;

B1 - internal door blocks of auxiliary premises (attics, basements, technical floors, vestibules);

G - external entrances to buildings and entrances to apartments with reinforced protective functions.


1 Classification by purpose allows the consumer to select a door unit within a group depending on the expected operating conditions, specific design requirements and consumer properties. For example, entrance door blocks to buildings can be used as entrances to an apartment.

2 Door units with enhanced security functions can be used as entrances to an apartment or auxiliary premises.

3 It is not allowed to use door blocks of strength class M1 and below as entrances to buildings and apartments.

4.1.2 By design, door blocks are classified:

Box design:

With closed box

With U-shaped box,

With a U-shaped box with an additional threshold;

According to the design of the door leaf:

Consisting of at least two sheets of steel (outer and inner) joined by welding,

Combined, consisting of one outer steel sheet and an inner one made of other materials (chipboard, plywood, polymer boards, etc.),

"Sandwich" type, consisting of double-rolled sheets of rolled steel and a layer of insulation between them;

By the number of canvases (including non-opening ones), direction and type of opening:

Single floor (left and right opening),

Double-field (including with canvases of different widths);

By the method of opening the canvas:

With non-opening canvases (inserts),

With opening inside the room,

Outward opening;

According to the number of sealing circuits in the porch:

With one circuit

With two or more circuits.

4.1.3 According to performance characteristics (reduced resistance to heat transfer, air and water permeability, sound insulation), door blocks of groups A, B, D are divided into classes 1, 2, 3.

The values ​​of operational characteristics of door blocks of the specified classes are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Classes of door blocks according to performance

Name of indicator

Value for class

Reduced resistance to heat transfer, m 2 ° C / W, not less than

Air permeability (volume) at ΔР = 100 Pa, m 3 / (h m 2)

St. 17 to 27

Water tightness limit*, Pa, not less than

Sound insulation (air noise reduction), dB

* For door blocks of groups A and G (entrance door blocks to buildings from the street), it is allowed to determine the water permeability in accordance with GOST 26602.2.


1 Door blocks with a reduced heat transfer resistance of less than 0.4 m 2 ·°С / W, a volumetric air permeability of more than 27 m 3 / (h m 2), sound insulation of less than 20 dB are not subject to classification according to the indicated indicators.

2 The given resistance to heat transfer for doors of groups A and B is for reference. Where necessary this indicator confirmed by calculations or laboratory tests.

3 For door units of groups A and D, resistance to wind loads is determined according to the regulatory document * (1) in force in the territory of the state party to the agreement that has adopted this standard.

4 Door blocks of group B, if used as entrances to apartments, should be classified according to performance in accordance with 4.1.3.

4.1.4 Resistance to heat transfer, air permeability and sound insulation for doors of groups A and D, installed in the outer walls of heated buildings, must comply with the requirements of the regulatory document * (2) in force in the territory of the state party to the agreement that has adopted this standard.

4.1.5 According to mechanical strength, door blocks are divided into the following classes: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5.

The mechanical strength classes of door blocks are characterized by the values ​​of the applied static loads given in table 2.

Table 2 - Classes of door blocks for mechanical strength

Load value for a door unit of strength class

1 Static load applied in the plane of the door leaf, N, not less than

2 Static load applied in the area of ​​the free corner of the door leaf perpendicular to its plane, N, not less than

3 Static load applied in the area of ​​the hinges perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf, N, not less than

4 Static load applied in the area of ​​the lock and additional locking devices perpendicular to the plane of the door

linen, N, not less than


1 The strength class of the door block is set according to the worst result of all types of tests (class M5 is the highest).

2 Tests in terms of indicators 2, 3, 4 are carried out on door blocks that open inward, in terms of indicator 1 - in both directions.

3 An example of determining the strength class for a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf in the free corner zone is given in Appendix A.

4.1.6 Depending on the presence of protective functions, door blocks are divided into:

On standard door blocks;

Door blocks with reinforced protective functions.

For door units with enhanced security features, additional requirements for burglary resistance may be imposed.

Note - The symbol for door blocks with enhanced protective functions is supplemented with the index "UZ".

Door blocks of groups A, B, C may include separate options for the protective functions of doors of group D.

4.2 For door blocks, the following designations are accepted:

By appointment:

DSN - outer steel door block (group A),

DSVh - steel door block entrance from the staircase (group B),

DSV - internal steel door block (group B),

DSVv - internal steel door block for auxiliary premises (group B1),

DSUZ - a steel door block with enhanced protective functions (G group);

By design:

Dp - two-field,

Op - single-field,

Prg - with a threshold,

Brg - no threshold,

L - left opening,

Pr - right opening,

Vn - opening inside the room,

H - opening outward,

P2ls - with a canvas of two steel sheets,

Pcomb - combined,

RSP - with a "sandwich" door leaf,

Oh - normal execution,

UZ - with enhanced protective functions (burglary resistant).

4.3 The structure of the symbol for door blocks is given in 4.4. In the symbol of the door block, in addition to those specified in 4.2, it is allowed to include dimensions and additional information about the classes according to performance characteristics and mechanical strength (see tables 1 and 2).

Note - The dimensions of the door block are the external dimensions along the perimeter of the box (frame) without taking into account the trim and additional elements.

4.4 The structure of the symbol of the door block:

An example of a symbol for an outdoor steel door block, group A, single-leaf, right-hand opening, with a threshold, outward opening, with a door leaf made of two steel sheets, strength class M3, standard version:

DSN, A, Op, Pr, Prg, N, P2ls, M3, O - GOST 31173-2016

Note - For export-import deliveries, as well as in accordance with the order, it is allowed to use a different structure of the symbol. The given structure of the symbol is adopted in accordance with GOST 23166, GOST 24866, GOST 30970, etc.

4.5 When placing an order for manufacturing (delivery) and a passport, it is recommended to indicate: design option, including a description of the filling of the door leaf; the scheme of opening the canvas and the design of the door block; type and brand of door devices and class of locks; type of finish, box width and other requirements as agreed between the manufacturer and the customer.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Design requirements

5.1.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard, standard sample and be manufactured according to the design and technological documentation of the manufacturer.

Design documentation must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.001, technological documentation - with the requirements of GOST 3.1001.

5.1.2 The design of door panels is taken according to 4.1.2.

Note - Door leafs of the "sandwich" type are recommended for use in door blocks without presenting requirements for burglary resistance.

Examples of door block designs and options for filling door panels are given in Appendix B.

The thickness of the outer sheet of the door leaf is set depending on the functional purpose of the door block, the strength class according to table 2 and is confirmed by the test results. The recommended sheet thickness for door blocks of groups A, B - not less than 1.5 mm, group C - not less than 0.5 mm, for group G - not less than 1.8 mm. The thickness of the sandwich door leaf must be at least 0.45 mm.

5.1.4 It is recommended to use at least two vertical and horizontal reinforcing profiles (multipliers) in door leaf structures. Reinforcing profiles are allowed to be placed at an angle between the vertical ones (inclined profiles). Horizontal reinforcing profiles are recommended to be placed in the loop zone or in the zone of anti-removable devices. It is recommended to use L-shaped amplifiers in the loop and lock zones in the designs of "sandwich" type sheets.

5.1.5 In the construction of door panels, it is allowed to use joined sheet blanks welded along reinforcing profiles instead of an internal solid steel sheet. The places of welding points are set in the design documentation.

As an inner sheet, it is allowed to use solid fiber boards in accordance with GOST 4598 or other solid sheet materials that provide sufficient strength.

5.1.6 For the repair of locks and latches at the place of their installation, it is recommended to provide a hatch in the inner sheet, which is fixed on mechanical links.

5.1.7 Locking devices (locks, latches, additional bolts) are recommended to be fixed on screws through special pads and clamping brackets with threaded threads. The fastening of the locking devices must be strong, reliable, excluding their spontaneous displacement during operation and ensuring the requirements for maintainability.

5.1.8 In the structures of external entrances to buildings and internal entrances to the apartment door blocks, in order to increase sound insulation and resistance to heat transfer, it is recommended to install at least two contours of sealing gaskets that provide gaps between the door frame and the leaf.

Sealing gaskets must comply with GOST 30778 and be installed around the entire perimeter of the porch. Sealing gaskets for external door units must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences and tested for durability in testing centers accredited to carry out such tests.

5.1.9 The total area of ​​the door block should not exceed 9 m 2, while the height of the opening door panels is recommended not more than 2200 mm, the width - not more than 1200 mm for a single-leaf door and not more than 1800 mm for a double-leaf door.

It is allowed to use non-opening horizontal and vertical canvas-inserts.

In the manufacture of door blocks with canvases with an area, weight and dimensions exceeding the specified values, their quality must be confirmed by the results of laboratory tests or additional strength calculations in accordance with the building codes and rules in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard.

Note - The largest dimensions of the leafs of door blocks of specific types, depending on the mass of the door leaf, the section modulus of the profiles of the frame of the door leaf, the rigidity of the section of the middle part of the leaf (including the outer and inner lining, filling, reinforcing profiles), the location and types of hinges and locking devices should be given in the design documentation of the manufacturer.

In the construction of door frames, it is allowed to use increased in width uprights(sidewalls) and upper jumpers (transoms). Sidewalls and transoms can be made both integral with the door frame, and in the form of separate assembly units connected to the door frame during the installation of the door block in the wall opening.

5.1.10 The location and dimensions of the holes for installing locks and other locking devices are set in the design documentation, taking into account the requirements of GOST 5089.

5.1.11 It is recommended to protect the places of holes intended for the bolt entry with special metal or other equal-strength boxes. The boxes are connected to the profile of the box (frame) so that they do not interfere with the normal movement of the deadbolt bolts. It is allowed to make holes for the bolt entry in the door frame, while the dimensions of the hole should be 2 - 3 mm larger than the corresponding dimensions of the bolt section.

Note - Instead of separate holes for the entry of the deadbolt, it is allowed to use a single crossbar groove, while the design of the groove should not reduce the strength of the hinge post of the door frame. In the groove there may be devices that provide the ability to adjust the location of the door leaf relative to the door frame.

5.1.12 In the design of door blocks on the hinge side, it is recommended to provide anti-removable passive crossbars (pins). The pins must be firmly installed in the frame of the door leaf or in the frame by welding, pressing or riveting. It is allowed to use other types of fastening of anti-removable pins that do not reduce their strength properties. The size, number and location of the anti-detachable pins are set in the working documentation, while for the greatest protection it is recommended to install the anti-detachable pins in the loop zone. Instead of pins, it is allowed to use a single anti-burglary labyrinth, in which the protrusion of the end of the door leaf enters the groove of the hinge post of the door frame along the entire vertical of the door block.

5.1.13 Installation of a door unit in a wall opening is recommended to be carried out using special fastening elements (for example, mounting "lugs"), their number and location are indicated in the design documentation. The fastening elements used must provide the necessary fastening strength and safety during door operation.

5.1.14 It is recommended to use environmentally friendly heat and sound insulating materials as internal filling of door panels: mineral wool (including basalt) slabs or other materials according to regulatory documents for their manufacture. Filling should fit tightly, without voids, while maintaining density during the life of the door block.

Note - The density of mineral wool and basalt slabs must be at least 110 kg / m 2.

5.1.15 Polymeric and synthetic materials used for filling and finishing door panels must have conclusions on sanitary and fire safety provided for by applicable law and executed in the prescribed manner. Paints used for finishing should not contain lead.

5.1.16 Door blocks must be safe in operation. The safety conditions for the use of door blocks of various designs are established in the design documentation.

Products must be designed for operational loads in accordance with the building codes and regulations in force in the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard. When designing and manufacturing products, calculation programs or calculation methods for determining the strength characteristics of products should be used.

5.1.17 To ensure the normal functioning of the external entrance door blocks of groups A and D to exclude the effects of temperature fluctuations, it is recommended to provide a vestibule in front of the external entrance door.

5.1.18 To ensure barrier-free passage for people with disabilities, group A door units should be equipped with special door closing devices (closers) with a delayed closing system or automatic action with a manual control panel that meet the requirements of regulatory documents * (3) in force on the territory of the state - party to an agreement that has adopted this standard.

5.1.19 If there is a threshold in the design of the door block, its recommended height should be no more than 20 mm.

5.1.20 Door blocks installed on escape routes can be single- and double-leaf, hinged with mandatory opening in the course of evacuation.

For unhindered exit of buildings and premises, door blocks must be equipped with emergency door opening devices "Anti-panic" in accordance with GOST 31471. It is not recommended to complete door blocks for escape routes with thresholds.

5.2 Dimensions and tolerances

5.2.1 The nominal overall dimensions of the door blocks are set in the design and technical documentation (order, supply contract) for the manufacture of products. The nominal dimensions of the details of product assemblies, sections of profiles and gaps, the dimensions of the location of locking devices, hinges and holes are set in the design documentation for their manufacture.

5.2.2 Limit deviations of the nominal overall dimensions of the door blocks should not exceed ±3.0 mm.

5.2.3 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of door blocks, sections of profiles and gaps, dimensions of the location of locking devices, hinges and holes should not exceed the values ​​given in Table 3.

The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular door panels with an area of ​​​​1.5 m 2 or less should not exceed 2.0 mm, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bover 1.5 m 2 - 3.0 mm.

Table 3 - Limit deviations of nominal dimensions

In millimeters

Canvas dimensions

Limit deviations of the dimensions specified in the manufacturer's drawings

Inner box size

Outer size paintings

Overlap gap size

Dimensions of the location of door devices, hinges and other dimensions

Up to 1000 incl.

St. 1000 to 2000 incl.

Note - The values ​​of the maximum deviations of the dimensions of the gaps under the overlay are given for closed canvases with installed sealing gaskets.

5.2.4 Difference of front surfaces (sag) in welded fillet joints shall not exceed 2.0 mm.

5.2.5 The sagging of the door panels in the assembled door block with a threshold should not exceed 2.0 mm per 1 m of width.

5.2.6 Deviation from straightness of the edges of door panels and frames should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1.0 m of length.

NOTE The flatness of the door panels is controlled by measuring the distance from points on the surface of the panels to an adjacent horizontal surface.

5.2.7 The nominal diameters of holes for bolted connections and the maximum deviations from them, established depending on the method of formation and type of bolted connection, are taken in accordance with GOST 23118.

5.3 Performance characteristics

5.3.1 Operational characteristics of door units are given in Table 4.

Table 4 - Operational characteristics of door blocks

Characteristic name


Door block group

Reduced resistance to heat transfer of door leafs, m 2 ° С / W, not less than *

Sound insulation, dB, not less*

Air permeability at ΔP 0 = 100 Pa, m 3 / (h m 2), no more *

Reliability, opening and closing cycles, not less than:

For internal door blocks of auxiliary premises, evacuation emergency exits;

For internal door blocks, including offices, cabinets, hotel rooms, etc.;

For door blocks of entrances to apartments from stairwells;

For external entrance door blocks and reinforced entrances to buildings


1 The need to use performance characteristics marked with an "*" is established in the design and technical documentation, based on the purpose of the door unit.

2 Reliability is set taking into account the intensity of passage during operation:

Doors of groups A and D - high level of passage intensity;

Doors of group B (entrance to apartments) - average level of passage intensity;

Doors of group B (doors of the internal premises of public and industrial buildings) - the average level of intensity;

Group B1 doors ( internal doors auxiliary premises, evacuation and emergency exits) - low level of passage intensity.

5.3.2 It is recommended to establish the operational characteristics of door blocks for a specific purpose in the design documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of the building and confirm the results of tests at test centers accredited for their right to conduct them.

5.3.3 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand the action of static loads in accordance with the requirements of Table 2, which characterize the deforming ability of the door block, including extrusion resistance, as well as the strength of the door leaf to the frame.

5.3.4 Door units must withstand the action of operational dynamic loads during opening and closing (imitation of a hit on a slope, hitting an obstacle, hitting a foreign object in the porch). Schemes for applying dynamic loads are shown in Figures B.1 - B.3 of Appendix B.

Dynamic loads created when testing the door with a freely falling load (solid body) are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 - Dynamic loads created by a freely falling load (solid body)

5.3.5 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand the impact of a soft inelastic body in accordance with the requirements of Table 6 when determining the strength (reliability) of fastening the door leaf to the frame. Door leaves are tested on both sides.

Table 6 - Impact (dynamic) loads created by the load (soft inelastic body)

Door block group

Strength class

Impact energy, J, no more

Mass of cargo m, kg

The layout of the impact points on a single-leaf door unit during the impact resistance test with a soft inelastic body (load) in the direction of opening the door leaf is shown in Figure B.4 of Appendix B.

5.3.6 When determining the strength of the structure, the material of the leaf and the quality of the finish, door blocks must withstand shock (pendulum) loads created by the load (solid body). The values ​​of shock (pendulum) loads are given in Table 7.

Table 7 - Impact (pendulum) loads created by a load (solid body)

Door block group

Mass of cargo m, kg

Impact energy, J

Note - The impact energy is calculated by the formula

W = mqh(1-cosα),

where m is the weight of the cargo;

q - free fall acceleration;

h - the height of the fall of the load;

α- angle of deflection of the load.

5.3.7 Door blocks of group G of ordinary and reinforced categories (entrances to buildings, entrances to apartments), made in a burglar-resistant design, must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents * (4) in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard.

5.3.8 Burglary resistance classes of group D door blocks and burglary resistance time are given in Table 8.

Table 8 - Classes of resistance to burglary of door blocks of group G

Burglary resistance class

Burglary resistance time, min, not less than


1 The set of tools used in the test is accepted in accordance with the regulatory documents * (5) in force in the territory of the state party to the agreement that has adopted this standard.

2 Burglary resistance time includes time intervals of at least 5 s for each tool change.

5.3.9 The force applied to the door leaf when closing until the required compression of the sealing gaskets, depending on the weight of the door leaf, should not exceed 120 N, while in the closed position the latch and the deadbolt of the lock should work without jamming. The force required to open the door leaf should not exceed 75 N (ergonomic requirements), for group B door blocks - 50 N.

Note - When evaluating the forces applied to the door leaf, it should be borne in mind that when testing group A door blocks, the pressure difference between rooms, rooms and the street or sudden wind load, as well as the presence of built-in protective devices and door closing devices, were not taken into account. It should also be borne in mind that for door blocks intended for the passage of people with disabilities, the opening force should not be more than 5 N.

5.3.10 If artificial or natural leather, wood, wood-based materials, including those with natural or synthetic veneer, are used for cladding door panels, the cladding material must withstand without destruction an impact by a metal ball weighing 1 kg from a fall height of 1 m.

5.3.11 Appearance of products: color, permissible surface defects of facing materials and painted elements (risks, scratches, etc.) must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer.

Differences in color, gloss and surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 0.6 - 0.8 m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

5.3.12 Welded joints must be strong and meet the following requirements:

The metal of the welded joint and the boundary zone must not have cracks. Seam craters at the places where welding stops (ends) must be overcooked (welded);

Welded joints should have a smooth or evenly scaly surface without sharp transitions to the base metal;

Welded joints must be tight along the entire length and not have burns, constrictions, welds, lack of penetration, slag inclusions, etc.

5.3.13 The tensile strength of the metal of the welded joint shall not be lower than the requirements for the base metal.

5.4 Requirements for materials, accessories and gaskets

5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical certificates approved in the prescribed manner.

5.4.2 Materials and components must be resistant to climatic influences and have corrosion resistance in accordance with the regulations for these materials and components.

For door blocks used as entrances to the building and in contact with the external environment, it is recommended to use galvanized steel or steel with another type of protection that provides corrosion resistance of at least 240 hours of salt spray testing.

The type (type of protection) must be indicated in the passport for the products.

Requirements for corrosion resistance of locks and hardware - in accordance with GOST 538.

5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and sheets should not have cracks, mechanical damage, pits, distortions, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, slight local depressions, risks, waviness up to 0.5 mm deep are allowed, which do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made of steel grades that ensure the strength and performance characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other connections, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.

5.4.5 Sealing gaskets should be made of weather- and frost-resistant elastomer materials in accordance with GOST 30778.

5.4.6 Glued wooden cladding panels must comply with the requirements of GOST 30972, profile molded wooden parts - GOST 8242.

5.5 Requirements for locking devices and hinges

5.5.1 In the manufacture of door blocks, locking devices, hinges and auxiliary parts intended for use in steel door blocks are used. Examples of designs of locks and hinges are shown in Figures B.5 - B.7 of Appendix B.

The type, number, location and method of fastening of locking devices and hinges are set in the working documentation, based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product and the operating conditions of the door blocks. It is recommended to hang door panels on two hinges. Cloths of door blocks weighing more than 200 kg, as well as those used in public buildings with high traffic, can be hung on three hinges, if recommended by the hinge manufacturer. At the same time, the recommended location of the middle hinge is 150 - 200 mm lower than the top one.

5.5.2 For hanging door panels on a frame (frame), it is recommended to use overhead bearing or other hinges with the ability to adjust in different planes in accordance with GOST 5088.

5.5.3 Locks in accordance with GOST 5089 of at least class III must be installed in door blocks of groups A and B, locks of at least class II in door blocks of groups C, B1, locks of at least class IV in group G door blocks.

To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-bolt locks with locking along the perimeter of the door block or locks with rods with additional locking in the upper and lower horizontal frame profiles.

For door blocks of groups A, B, D, installed in rooms equipped with a burglar alarm, it is recommended to install locks of classes III - IV according to GOST 5089 with an early response security system.

Note - When choosing locking devices (locks with various types of security mechanisms, multi-bolt locking system, etc.), it must be borne in mind that the first attempts to open door structure begin with an attempt to open the lock(s) by destructive and/or non-destructive methods of opening. Therefore, the choice of a lock (locks) should be carried out on the basis of its (their) compliance with GOST 5089 with the assignment of a class according to the following parameters: mechanical strength, resistance to opening (breaking).

5.5.4 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of the opening elements of door blocks. Opening and closing should be easy, smooth, without jamming.

5.5.5 The design of the locking devices and hinges shall ensure tight and uniform crimping of the sealing gaskets along the entire contour of the seal in the porches.

5.5.6 Door appliances and fasteners must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective and decorative (or protective) coating in accordance with GOST 9.303.

5.5.7 If door blocks are installed on evacuation routes in public buildings, including kindergartens, schools, hospitals, emergency door opening devices "Antipanic" should be used to ensure quick evacuation. Requirements for anti-panic devices - according to GOST 31471.

5.6 Finishing requirements

5.6.1 In the manufacture of door blocks, various types of finishes are used:


Facing with various materials;

Pasting with decorative (film) materials;

With the use of glass and double-glazed windows. The type of finish is specified in the order.

5.6.2 As finishing materials, artificial and natural leather, decorative films, MDF boards (with natural or synthetic veneer, smooth or milled), wood, mirrors, plastic, fiberboard, paint and varnish and other materials are used in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for these materials. When choosing finishing materials, the operating conditions of the products should be taken into account.

5.6.3 Requirements for the finishing coating (lining) may be set by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer in the contract (order) for the manufacture (supply) of products. In this case, it is allowed to assess the quality of the finish using reference samples agreed with the customer.

5.6.4 Metal surfaces of component parts before applying paint or polymer coating must comply with the requirements of GOST 9.402. Requirements for paint coatings - according to GOST 9.401, coating class not lower than IV, coating designation - according to GOST 9.032.

5.6.5 The quality of surfaces with finished paintwork must comply with the requirements of GOST 9.032. In this case, it is recommended to apply the first layer with a primer paint, subsequent layers with protective and decorative paints and varnishes.

5.6.6 The front surfaces of the door blocks should not have cracks, burrs, mechanical damage. Surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

The requirements for the front surfaces are set in the manufacturer's technical documentation and / or in the supply contracts, taking into account GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.032.

Non-facial surfaces of products may have recesses, risks, waviness and other defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

Hole edges must be free of burrs and burrs.

5.6.7 Color (tone) and degree of gloss (gloss, dullness) of the finishing coating must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer and agreed with the customer.

5.6.8 Paint and varnish coatings must have an adhesive strength (adhesion) with the surface to be trimmed of at least 2 points, determined by the lattice notch method in accordance with GOST 31149.

5.6.9 It is recommended to set the thickness of paint and varnish coatings, as well as the procedure for monitoring this indicator, in the technological documentation for the manufacture of products.

5.6.10 Protective and protective and decorative coatings must be resistant to temperature and humidity operational impacts.

5.6.11 Facing of door panels is made from MDF boards according to regulatory documents or from various types of wood. MDF boards can be finished with sliced ​​veneer according to GOST 2977, peeled veneer according to GOST 99 or synthetic veneer according to regulatory documents. It is allowed to use milled or smooth MDF boards.

5.6.12 The front surfaces of wood parts used for finishing door panels should not have processing defects and defects in wood, with the exception of curls, sag, eyes, fiber inclination up to 5% according to GOST 2140.

The roughness of the front surfaces of wood parts R m should not be more than 60 microns according to GOST 7016, the moisture content of the wood should be in the range from 8 to 12%.

5.6.13 The design of the fastening of facing parts made of wood and board materials to the steel elements of the door blocks should provide the ability to compensate for their temperature and humidity deformations.

The shape and dimensions of the sections of the facing profiles adjacent to the steel surfaces of the external products must provide a minimum area of ​​​​contact with these surfaces, as well as the possibility of ventilating the cavity between them, otherwise the contacting surfaces must be protected by paintwork or other protective materials.

5.6.14 Double-glazed windows used in the construction of door blocks must comply with GOST 24866. It is recommended to use double-glazed windows with reinforced types of glass: tempered glass - according to GOST 30698, laminated glass - according to GOST 30826.

For glazing door blocks of group G, it is recommended to use as external glass: laminated glass - according to GOST 30826, tempered glass - according to GOST 30698.

5.6.15 The design solutions for the attachment points of double-glazed windows (glasses), as well as panels for filling the opaque part of the door unit, should prevent the possibility of their dismantling from the outside. The fastening of the layouts should not cause pinching and point stresses in the glass.

5.6.16 Double-glazed windows (glasses) are mounted using sealing gaskets made of elastomeric materials in accordance with GOST 30778.

5.7 Completeness and marking

5.7.1 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it is necessary to provide for the complete set of products with valves, door closing devices (door closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc.

5.7.2 The complete set of door blocks when they are delivered to the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the contract (order).

Products should be delivered assembled with locking devices installed.

The set of keys must be handed over to the customer in a sealed form against the signature of the customer (buyer).

5.7.3 The delivery set should include a quality document (passport) and an operating manual for door blocks, including recommendations for installation.

5.7.4 Each door block is marked with a label indicating the name of the manufacturer, type, symbol of the product indicating the strength class, date of manufacture and / or order number, sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the product by the technical control service. Product marking must reflect the actual requirements for the type of doors specified in the order, as well as the possibility of identification in order to establish the authenticity of the manufacturer, specified by the manufacturer.

5.7.5 The door devices included in the product must be marked in accordance with the regulatory documents for these devices.

5.8 Rules for installation (assembly) of locks

5.8.1 Before installing the lock on the door, it is necessary to check its functioning - closing and opening from both sides of the lock, the operation of the latch from the handles, the key, the presence and operation of transcoding devices.

5.8.2 Installation of locks when assembling a door block in a door production environment The design of the door block shall provide for a special niche(s) for installing a specific lock(s). The lock niches must be free from voids, foreign objects (fillers, insulation, chips, etc.), which can disrupt normal work castle. All necessary holes (fixing holes, technological holes, places of completion for installing the lock) are made according to the markings made according to the template included in the lock kit. The use of the lock as a conductor for marking when inserting the lock is not allowed in order to prevent clogging of the lock mechanism with chips. When installing a lock with vertical rods, it is necessary to ensure their free movement, excluding contacts with internal parts of the door structure. It is allowed to use intermediate guides to ensure the longitudinal rigidity of the rods. When installing a lock with a front plate, an easily detachable connection of the lock rods with external vertical rods should be used, which is carried out when the lock is inserted into the lock niche from the end of the door, or a hatch should be provided on the inside of the door leaf. Availability of a hatch when mounting a lock without a front plate (on bollards) from the inside for maintenance of the lock, vertical rods at the points of connection with the rods of the lock or its replacement is mandatory. Access to the lock can also be provided by the presence of a removable decorative cladding panel that covers the entire interior of the door leaf.

Note - When installing the lock according to, it should be borne in mind that the first stroke of the bolt will be a passage through the wall of the door leaf frame. In this case, locks with bolts protruding from the body should be ordered. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the bolt, passing through the frame, does not touch it and exits freely. Before inserting the lock into the niche for final installation, the niche should be cleared of foreign objects and debris. When assembling the lock, significant forces and impacts on the cylinder mechanism should be avoided. Fastening of locks should be carried out with screws; fastening of locks by welding is not recommended. For security purposes, at least two locks or one lock with two secret mechanisms are installed on the door blocks of groups A, B, D, one of which must be with a latch, the other must fix the door leaf in the closed position, after which the locks are locked . The locks must be adjusted so that the bolts come out freely, without touching the walls of the door frame inlet (for clearance recommendations, see paragraph 6.1.8 of GOST 5089). The inlet in the door frame for the entry of the bolt shall be cleaned in accordance with

Note - For group A door blocks installed in public buildings, it is recommended to use electromechanical (electronic) locking devices. When mounting the cylinder lock and installing the cylinder mechanism, the length of the cylinder mechanism and the asymmetry with respect to the middle of the leash shall be chosen so that the cylinder mechanism protrudes from the outside of the armor plate by no more than 3–5 mm. When installing the armor plate, the length of the cylinder mechanism is chosen taking it into account. After assembling the door block, make sure that the locks are functioning normally. Finished door blocks should be transported with the locks "open" to prevent possible deformation of the crossbars during transportation. Installation of a door block in an opening should be carried out by manufacturers of door blocks or an organization installing door blocks in accordance with GOST 30971 or regulatory documents that establish requirements for the installation of door blocks in openings. General requirements for the installation of door blocks are given in Appendix D.

Note - When forming the design of the junction mounting units, it is necessary to take into account the scope of the door blocks, the features of the thermal expansion of door frames and door panels, and the requirements for burglary resistance. Before installation, the door unit should be freed from packaging, check that possible packaging residues (especially polyethylene) are not pulled into the gaps between the deadbolt and the lock body. After installing the door unit in the opening, before final sealing, check the operability of the door leaf and locks.

Note - When using mounting foam for sealing, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of its getting into the door frame, into the movement zone of the deadbolt to prevent disruption of the normal functioning of the lock.

5.8.3 Installing a lock in a functioning front door If it is necessary to improve the security properties of a functioning door, an additional lock is installed in a new place on the door leaf. Additional and already installed locks must be different systems secret. If there is a lock with a latch on the door leaf, then the additional lock intended for installation must be without a latch. Before installing an additional lock, inspect the interior of the door leaf (removable panel on the inside, a hatch under the upholstery or a removable wall, etc.) so that when cutting through the door frame, do not get into the reinforcement or partition. Marking for insertion of an additional lock must be carried out according to the scheme included in the delivery set, or according to the dimensions of the lock. The cavity of the niche must be freed from foreign objects and debris so that the lock enters it freely. In order for the new niche not to be isolated from the rest of the cavity of the door leaf, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of foreign objects getting into the lock mechanism during operation of the door, which may affect its normal operation. When mounting the lock, forces and impacts on the cylinder mechanism are not allowed. It is not allowed to drill the walls of the door block to correct the location of the key channel or the cylinder mechanism with a lock inserted into the niche. The hole for the passage of the bolt of the lock into the door frame must ensure the free passage of the bolt while holding the leaf with the latch. When choosing a cylinder mechanism, its reliability class should be taken into account depending on the area of ​​application in accordance with Table 1 of GOST 5089. It is recommended to purchase the cylinder mechanism after installing the lock, considering that the lock may not be installed in the middle part of the door thickness. In this case, the cylinder mechanism must be asymmetrical with respect to the middle of the driver.

Note - The length and symmetry of the cylinder mechanism can be calculated by focusing on the end of the door leaf and the middle of the bolt of the lock, taking into account the end plates. The cylinder mechanism should not protrude from the lining (at least from the outside) by more than 3 - 5 mm. If it is planned to install an armor plate, then the dimensions of the cylinder mechanism are adjusted to take it into account. The installation of an armor plate is desirable, as it increases the resistance of the cylinder mechanism assembly to breaking.

5.9 Malfunction and warranty service of the lock

Violation of the normal operation of the lock, caused by its improper operation, as well as the appearance of any changes in the lock that are not provided for by the design, remove the obligations of the manufacturer (dealer) for warranty service.


1 Locks are not lubricated during operation (except for what was lubricated at the enterprise). It is allowed to carry out preventive cleaning of the cylinder mechanism once a year with WD-40 or silicone-based aerosols.

2 In case of specific changes in the operation of the lock, please contact the service department.

3 Cylinder keys high class Packed in black plastic bags. It is not allowed to open packages with keys without making sure that the cylinder mechanism is suitable, otherwise its exchange may be refused.

4 Key copy cards are included in the high-end cylinder mechanism kit. Without presenting a copy card, orders for the production of duplicate keys are not accepted.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Door blocks must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of acceptance of products by the technical quality control service is the execution of a document (passport) on the acceptance of products.

6.2 The quality of door units established by this standard is confirmed by:

Incoming control of materials and components;

Operational production control;

Every shift acceptance control of finished products;

Control acceptance tests of each batch of products, carried out by the technical control service of the manufacturer;

Periodic and certification testing of products in independent testing centers;

Qualification tests.

6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation.

If the manufacturer completes the door blocks with parts of its own manufacture, they must be tested and accepted in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for these parts.

6.4 The list of indicators controlled during the shifts of acceptance control of finished products, acceptance tests of each batch of products and during periodic tests is given in Table 9.

Table 9

Name of indicator

Claim number

Test method

Type of control*

Periodicity (at least)

Appearance (including color)

Seal tightness

For control type I - once per shift, for type II - each batch

Operation of hinges and locking devices

For control type I - once per shift, for type II - each batch



For control type I - once per shift, for type II - each batch

Deviation of controlled nominal dimensions** and edge straightness

According to 7.2.1, 7.2.2

For control type I - once per shift, for type II - each batch

Quality of welded joints

For control type I - once per shift, for type II - each batch

For control type II - once per shift

Once every three years

Once every three years

Impact resistance of a soft inelastic body

Once every three years

Solid body impact resistance

Once every three years


5.3.1, table 4

Once every three years

Ergonomic Compliance

Once every three years

Reduced resistance to heat transfer

5.3.1, table 4


5.3.1, table 4

When put into production

Hack resistance


5.3.1, table 4

When putting into production, changing the design, replacing the material

Correct installation of the lock

Once per shift

* Type of control:

I - daily acceptance control;

II - control of each batch (acceptance tests), carried out by the technical quality control service of the manufacturer;

III - control during periodic tests carried out in independent test centers.

** Controlled nominal dimensions for test type II are set in the technological documentation.

6.5 Appearance, tightness of sealing gaskets, operation of hinges and locking devices, marking and quality of welded joints are checked by the method of continuous control.

6.6 Finished door blocks that have passed control are marked. Products that do not pass the control of at least one indicator are rejected.

6.7 To conduct acceptance tests for each batch of door blocks conducted by the technical quality control service of the manufacturer, samples of door blocks are taken from a batch of products by random selection in the amount of 3% of the batch volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than three products in a batch, each product is subjected to control.

In the event of a negative test result for at least one indicator of at least one sample, a re-check of the quality of products is carried out on a double number of samples for the indicator that had a negative test result.

If a discrepancy between the indicator and the established requirements is detected again on at least one sample, the controlled and subsequent batches of products are subjected to continuous control (sorting). With a positive result of continuous control, they return to the established procedure for acceptance tests.

6.8 Periodic tests to determine the performance indicators specified in 5.3.1, 5.3.3 - 5.3.8 are carried out when putting into production, when making changes to the design of the door block or the technology for their manufacture, but at least once during the period specified in table 9, as well as when certifying products. In justified cases, it is allowed to combine periodic and certification tests (certification tests are carried out in the scope of periodic tests).

Qualification tests are carried out for all indicators when putting products into production.

Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right to conduct them.

Tests to determine the reduced resistance to heat transfer, air permeability, sound insulation are subjected to structures designed to absorb these loads in accordance with their area of ​​application.

6.9 The consumer has the right to conduct a quality control check of door blocks, observing the sampling procedure and test methods specified in this standard.

When accepting products by the consumer, a batch is considered to be the number of products shipped for a specific order, but not more than 90 pieces, drawn up with one quality document.

Table 10 - Single step quality control plan

Lot volume, pcs.

Sample size, pcs

acceptance number

minor defects

Critical and Major Defects

All products

Note - Significant and critical defects include: defects leading to loss of performance, unrecoverable without replacing part of the product (breakage of a steel profile, etc.), exceeding the maximum deviations of dimensions established in regulatory documents by more than 1.5 times, understaffing products.

Minor defects include removable defects: minor surface damage, unadjusted door appliances and hinges, exceeding the maximum deviations of dimensions established in regulatory documents by less than 1.5 times.

By agreement of the parties, acceptance of products by the consumer is allowed to be carried out at the manufacturer's warehouse, at the consumer's warehouse or in another place specified in the supply contract.

6.11 Each batch of door blocks must be accompanied by a quality document (passport). An example of filling out a product passport is given in Appendix D.

6.12 Acceptance of door blocks by the consumer does not release the manufacturer from liability in case of detection of hidden defects that led to a violation of the performance characteristics of the products during the warranty period.

6.13 General requirements for input control when supplying door blocks to construction sites or private consumers

6.13.1 Upon delivery of door blocks to the facility, the manufacturer is obliged to confirm their compliance with the current regulatory documents, as well as the requirements of the project (if any). The specified requirement is documented in the form of a package of accompanying documentation. The supporting documentation package should include:

Product passport according to Appendix D;

Test reports in accordance with sections 7.2 and 7.3;

Technical, engineering calculations (if any) confirming performance in accordance with 5.3.1;

Regulatory document for the installation of products subject to the conclusion of a single contract for the manufacture and installation of products.

6.13.2 During the input control of door blocks delivered to the facility or transferred to specialized dealer centers, the following is checked:

The number of products installed in the order;

Product type;

Availability of marking (in accordance with 5.7);

Overall dimensions (optional);

Appearance (presence of defects);

Completeness (in accordance with the order);

The presence of a package of accompanying documentation.

6.13.3 According to the results of the input control at the facility, an act of acceptance and delivery of door blocks is drawn up.

Note - If, as a result of storage or after installation of the products, defects are found that are not determined upon acceptance of the products, the manufacturer is not responsible for this.

7 Methods of control and testing

7.1 Methods of control and testing during incoming and production operational control are established in the technological documentation.

7.2 Methods for determining the indicators controlled during the daily acceptance control and control acceptance tests are given in 7.2.1 - 7.2.7.

7.2.1 The geometric dimensions of the door blocks and the straightness of the edges are determined using the methods established in GOST 26433.0 and GOST 26433.1.

Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of product elements, the difference in the lengths of the diagonals and other dimensions are determined using a metal measuring tape according to GOST 7502, a caliper according to GOST 166, probes according to regulatory documents.

Limit deviations from the straightness of the edges are determined by applying a calibration ruler in accordance with GOST 8026 or a building level with a flatness tolerance of at least the 9th degree of accuracy in accordance with GOST 9416 to the part under test and measuring the largest gap using probes according to regulatory documents.

7.2.2 Limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of the gaps under the overlay are checked using a set of probes or a ruler in accordance with GOST 427.

7.2.3 The sag in the mating of adjacent parts lying in the same plane is determined with a feeler gauge as the distance from the edge of the ruler according to GOST 427, applied to the upper mating surface, to the lower surface.

7.2.4 Appearance, quality of welded joints, color and quality of finishing of door blocks are evaluated visually by comparison with standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer, from a distance of 1.5 m in natural light of at least 300 lux.

7.2.5 Adhesion (strength of adhesion of paint and varnish coatings to the metal surface) is determined by the lattice notch method according to GOST 31149.

7.2.6 The tightness and correct installation of sealing gaskets, door fittings, fasteners and other parts, color and absence of cracks in welded joints, marking and packaging are checked visually.

To determine the tightness of sealing gaskets, compare the dimensions of the gaps in the porches and the degree of compression of the gaskets, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of the uncompressed gasket. Measurements are carried out with a caliper according to GOST 166 or a ruler according to GOST 427.

The tightness of sealing gaskets with closed canvases can be determined by the presence of a continuous trace left by a coloring matter (for example, colored chalk), previously applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after inspection.

7.2.7 The operation of the door hinges is checked by opening and closing the leaf elements of the product ten times. In case of detection of deviations in the operation of the door hinges, they are adjusted and re-checked.

7.3 Methods for determining the indicators controlled during periodic tests are given in 7.3.1 - 7.3.10.

7.3.1 The reduced resistance to heat transfer is determined in accordance with GOST 26602.1.

7.3.2 Air and water permeability is determined according to GOST 26602.2.

7.3.3 Sound insulation is determined according to GOST 26602.3.

7.3.4 Wind load resistance is determined according to GOST 26602.5.

7.3.5 Indicators of reliability, resistance to static, dynamic, shock loads and ergonomic indicators of door blocks are determined according to the methods of testing laboratories, Appendix B of this standard and GOST 30777.

Tests of locking devices for non-failure operation, load resistance and compliance with ergonomic requirements are carried out on special equipment (stands) according to regulatory documents, programs and methods of testing laboratories.

After testing, the product must remain operational.

When testing to determine the resistance to dynamic loads, the load that occurs when the door leaf is suddenly opened (for example, during a draft) at the moment of contact of the door leaf with the slope of the doorway is simulated.

The test to determine the impact resistance of a soft inelastic body is carried out with a three-time impact, for example, with a pear with a diameter of the lower part (300 ± 5) mm and a mass of (30 ± 0.5) kg, from a height of fall according to 5.3.4 into the central zone of the sample. After testing, the residual deformation shall not exceed 2 mm.

At the end of the tests, the door blocks must remain operational, while the deadbolt of the lock and the latch must freely enter their mating parts.

Before and after testing the door units for failure-free operation, it is recommended to check the tightness of the seals in accordance with 7.2.6.

When testing door blocks to determine the resistance to a static load (see Appendix B) acting perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf in the free corner zone, it is recommended to use the graph of free corner deflection versus the applied load given in Appendix A.

When applying a load in the plane of the door leaf, the leaf must be open at 90° with respect to the frame. The load is applied in the area of ​​the free corner, kept for at least 5 minutes. Deformation is analyzed, including tearing of a loop from a web or box.

7.3.6 When testing door blocks to determine the resistance to impact load created by a solid body, a three-time blow is carried out in the center of the door leaf and, if necessary, in the corner zones with a solid body weighing 2 kg. The average value of the impact damage diameter should not exceed 2.0 mm, the depth - 1.5 mm. After testing, the door blocks must remain operational.

7.3.7 Corrosion resistance of metal of door blocks and locking devices is determined in accordance with GOST 9.308, GOST 538 and regulatory documents for specific products.

7.3.8 Lock products must be tested with the subsequent assignment of a class of resistance to opening and breaking in accordance with GOST 5089, GOST 19091, as well as with regulatory documents * (6) in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard.

7.3.9 Wind loads on door units of group A are measured according to the normative documents for test methods, taking into account the fact that the entrance doors to the buildings are located on the first floors of the buildings. After testing, the deflection value shall not exceed 6 mm. Structural elements must withstand wind loads without damage, the door leaf must be closed (all locking devices must be engaged).

Note - Destruction and replacement of glass or double-glazed windows is allowed.

7.3.10 Quality control methods for welded joints are established in the manufacturer's technical documentation in accordance with GOST 5264.

7.3.11 Burglary test Burglar resistance tests are carried out on door blocks with enhanced protective functions in accordance with the regulatory documents for test methods, including in accordance with the regulatory documents * (4) in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard. Tests are carried out on door blocks in the direction of opening the door leaf until the sample breaks, i.e. until the door is opened or to a state in which, due to deformation, the web is jammed and further continuation of the test does not make sense. Burglary resistance is determined by the time spent on breaking, and depending on the type of tool used. Requirements for a tool for manual hacking - in accordance with the regulatory documents * (5) in force in the territory of the state party to the agreement that has adopted this standard. The protection class of laminated glass is determined according to GOST 30826.

Note - If there are documents confirming the glass protection class, it is allowed during the testing process not to apply static and dynamic loads to the glass unit.

8 Packaging, transport and storage

8.1 Packaging of door blocks should ensure their safety during storage, handling and transportation.

8.2 Devices or parts of devices not installed on door blocks must be packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or in other packaging material that ensures their safety, firmly tied up and delivered complete with products.

8.3 Before transporting the door blocks, it is recommended to fix or secure the door leafs in any way that ensures their safety during transportation.

8.4 Door blocks are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

8.5 During storage and transportation of door blocks, they must be protected from mechanical damage and the effects of precipitation.

8.6 During storage and transportation, it is recommended to install gaskets made of elastic materials between the products.

8.7 Door blocks are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden linings, pallets or in special containers in covered areas in accordance with GOST 15150 (UHL, HL versions).

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the door blocks with the requirements of this standard, subject to the rules of transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope established in the regulatory documents and project documentation.

9.2 Upon agreement with the consumer (customer), the manufacturer provides service, including emergency opening of doors in case of loss or breakage of keys, advice on the use and operation of door devices and locking devices, and repair of products.

9.3 The warranty period for the operation of door blocks is established in the supply contract, taking into account the operating conditions:

At least one year from the date of shipment for door external entrances to buildings of blocks of groups A and D with a high intensity of passage with the risk of negligence;

At least three years from the date of shipment for door blocks of groups B and C with an average intensity of passage and with a limited risk of negligence;

At least two years from the date of shipment for group B1 door blocks with low level the intensity of the passage and the risk of negligence.

9.4 Warranty period of storage of door blocks is one year from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer, provided that they are stored in accordance with Section 8.


*(1) In the Russian Federation, pressure changes from 400 to 1800 Pa are accepted according to SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85 Loads and Impacts".

*(2) In the Russian Federation, the requirements of SP 50.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings" and SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection" are followed.

*(3) In the Russian Federation - according to GOST R 56177-2014 "Door closing devices (door closers). Specifications".

*(4) In the Russian Federation, burglar-resistant door blocks must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51242-98 "Protective mechanical and electromechanical structures for door and window openings. Technical requirements and test methods for resistance to destructive influences."

*(5) In the Russian Federation, a set of tools used in testing to determine the burglary resistance class of group G door blocks must comply with the requirements of Table 1 of GOST R 51242-98 "Protective mechanical and electromechanical structures for door and window openings. Technical requirements and methods tests for resistance to destructive influences", Appendix B of GOST R 50862-2011 "Safes, safe rooms and vaults of valuables. Requirements and test methods for resistance to burglary" and Appendix C of GOST R 52582-2006 "Locks for protective structures. Technical requirements and test methods for resistance to criminal unlocking and breaking".

*(6) GOST R 52582-2006 "Locks for protective structures. Technical requirements and test methods for resistance to criminal unlocking and burglary" is in force in the Russian Federation.

Annex A

An example of determining the strength class of door blocks

This appendix provides an example of determining the strength class of a door block by the value of a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf in the area of ​​the free corner.

Figure A.1 - Graph of the dependence of the deflection Δf of the free corner of the leaf on the applied load P when testing door blocks to determine the resistance to a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the leaf in the area of ​​the free corner

Annex B

Examples of designs of door blocks and options for filling door panels

Figure B.1 - An example of the design of a door block, the leaf of which is welded from two steel sheets or with an outer steel sheet and an inner sheet of fiberboard and steel profiles, a frame (frame) is made of a bent steel profile

Figure B.2 - Options for filling the door leaf

Figure B.3 - An example of the design of a door unit with a "sandwich" leaf with two profiled and rolled steel sheets, with L-shaped steel reinforcing profiles and a filling of high density mineral wool, a box (frame) - from a steel all-metal profile complex shape manufactured by cold rolled galvanized steel

Figure B.4, sheet 1 - Options for filling the door leaf of the "sandwich" type

Figure B.4, sheet 2

Figure B.5 - Examples of door hinges on a support rod

Figure B.6 - An example of a mortise combination lock with two secret mechanisms and vertical rods

Figure B.7 - Example of a lock with a hook bolt

Figure B.8 - An example of an elastic seal special form with groove foot

Annex B

Methods for determining the resistance to static loads and schemes for applying dynamic loads

B.1 Resistance to static load applied in the plane of the door leaf

B.1.1 When determining the resistance to a static load applied in the plane of the door leaf, the load (sequentially from the smallest to the largest) is applied to the open leaf by 90 ° in the direction from top to bottom in the zone of the free corner (the application point is set) for 5 min.

B.1.2 After removal of the load, the presence (or absence) of permanent deformation is revealed. If the residual deformation fits into half of the gap between the leaf and the frame (in the lower and vertical parts of the door in the area of ​​the free corner) or is completely absent, the door passed the test.

B.2 Resistance to static load applied in the area of ​​the free corner of the door leaf perpendicular to its plane

B.2.1 When determining the resistance to a static load applied in the plane of the door leaf, the load (successively from smallest to largest) is applied in the direction of opening of the door leaf (with the door closed on all locks) in the area of ​​the free corner (the application point is given) in within 5 min.

B.2.2 After the load is removed, the presence (or absence) of permanent deformation is determined. If the permanent deformation (in the area of ​​the free corner) does not exceed 1/5 of the thickness of the seal (see 7.2.6), the door passed the test. Otherwise, a gap will open for the passage of air and the sound insulation and burglary resistance will decrease.

B.3 Resistance to static load applied in the hinge area perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf

B.3.1 When determining the resistance to a static load applied in the area of ​​the hinges perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf, the load (successively from smaller to larger) is applied in the direction of opening of the leaf (while the door must be closed on all locks) in the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach hinge (application points are given ) within 5 min.

B.3.2 After the load is removed, the presence (or absence) of permanent deformation is determined. If the permanent deformation in the area of ​​each hinge does not exceed 1/5 of the thickness of the seal (see 7.2.6), the door passed the test. Otherwise, a gap will open for the passage of air and the sound insulation and burglary resistance will decrease. Schemes for applying dynamic loads are shown in Figures B.1 - B.3.

Figure B.1 - Scheme of application of dynamic load when hitting the opening angle limiter

Figure B.2 - Diagram of the application of dynamic load upon impact with a foreign object in the porch when closing the web

Figure B.3 - Scheme of application of dynamic load when testing for impact resistance with a soft inelastic body (load) in the direction of opening the door leaf

Figure B.4 - Diagram of the location of impact points on a single-leaf door unit when testing for resistance to impact with a soft inelastic body (load) in the direction of opening the door leaf

General requirements for the installation of door blocks

D.1 Requirements for the installation of door blocks are established in the design documentation for construction sites, taking into account the design options adopted in the project for the junction of products to walls, designed for specified climatic and other loads.

D.2 Installation of door blocks should be carried out by specialized construction companies or specially trained teams of the manufacturer. Completion of installation work must be confirmed by an acceptance certificate, which includes the manufacturer's warranty obligations.

D.3 At the request of the consumer (customer), the manufacturer (supplier) of door blocks must provide him with a standard installation instruction approved by the head of the manufacturer and containing:

Drawings (diagrams) of typical mounting junctions;

List of materials used (taking into account their compatibility and temperature conditions of application);

The sequence of technological operations for the installation of door blocks.

D.4 When designing and executing junction nodes, the following conditions must be met:

The sealing of mounting gaps between the products and the slopes of the openings of wall structures must be tight, tight around the entire perimeter of the door block, designed to withstand climatic loads from the outside and operating conditions inside the premises;

The design of the junction points of external products (including the location of the door block along the depth of the opening) should prevent the formation of cold bridges (thermal bridges) that lead to the formation of condensate on the internal surfaces of doorways;

The operational characteristics of the structures of the junction points must meet the requirements established in the building codes and regulations in force on the territory of the state party to the agreement that adopted this standard.

A version of the mounting assembly of the internal door unit is shown in Figure D.1.

Figure D.1 - Version of the mounting assembly of the internal door block

D.5 The number and location of the mounting "lugs", the type, diameter and length of the fasteners are set in the design documentation, taking into account the material of the walls and the design of the doorway. It is recommended to use building anchors with a diameter of at least 10 mm as fasteners for mounting products. The distance between fasteners is at least 700 mm.

It is not allowed to use sealants, adhesives, foam insulation, as well as building nails for fastening products.

D.6 Door blocks should be installed according to the level and plumb. The deviation from the vertical and horizontal profiles of boxes of mounted products should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m of length, but not more than 3 mm for the height of the product. If the opposite profiles are deviated in different directions ("twisting" of the box), their total deviation from the normal should not exceed 3 mm.

The door block is installed in the prepared doorway symmetrically with respect to the central vertical of the opening. The deviation from symmetry should not exceed 3 mm in the direction of the slope of the opening, intended for fastening the profile of the box with hinges. Deviation from symmetry to the other side of the opening is not recommended.

D.7 To fill mounting gaps (seams) of external products, mounting foam, silicone sealants, pre-compressed sealing tapes (PSUL) (compression tapes), insulating polyurethane foam cords, foam heaters, mineral wool and other materials that have a hygienic conclusion and provide the required operational seam scores.

D.8 When arranging assembly joints and installing external door blocks, it is recommended to take into account the requirements of GOST 30971.

An example of filling out a door block passport

Passport (document of quality)

steel door block, outdoor, reinforced

according to GOST 31173-2016


(name of manufacturer)


(address, phone, fax of the manufacturer)


a) design - single-floor, right-hand execution, with a threshold, opening inwards;

b) overall dimensions - height 2300 mm, width 970 mm.

Symbol DSN, A, Op, Prg, Vn, P2ls, M3, UZ GOST 31173-2016

Certificate of conformity

(in the presence of) _____________________________

(N certificate)


a) type of finishing of the canvas - combined (milled MDF board; vinyl artificial leather);

b) type (type) of protection against corrosion of the material of the door block - galvanization;

c) door hinges - two overhead bearing hinges;

d) locking devices - a lever lock of the class ... and a lock with a cylinder mechanism of the class ...;

e) the number of contours of sealing gaskets - 2 circuits;

e) additional information. The scope of delivery of the product includes: closer (regulator

closing), door stop (opening limiter), operating instructions.

Tested performance

The reduced resistance to heat transfer is 0.65 m 2 ° C / W.

Air permeability at ΔP 0 100 Pa - 15 m 3 / (h m 2).

Sound insulation 22 dB.

Reliability, opening and closing cycles 500,000.

Mechanical strength class M2.

The warranty period is at least one year.

Batch number

Order number/item in the order

QCD Receiver Date "___" _______ 20 ___




In the process of choosing a metal front door in the product description, you can find widespread references to the fact that the products are of high quality. Only a knowledgeable and experienced specialist can conduct a detailed analysis of the doors. What about ordinary customers, for whom all front doors for the most part look the same? We recommend paying close attention to the standardization of manufactured products. In the Russian Federation, state standards (GOST) have been developed and approved, indicating technical and other requirements that manufactured products must comply with. To confirm compliance, certificates of conformity of the approved sample are issued. It is believed that buyers who purchase metal entrance doors are fully protected in terms of purchasing and using the highest quality products. Let's take a closer look at the approved standard.

What standard applies to fire doors?

When choosing a high-quality metal fire door, you should adhere to the GOST 31173-2003 standard. It touches steel door blocks with locks general view. It assumes standard fire doors that can be used in residential and industrial premises. At the same time, it is worth knowing that doors of increased security and operational characteristics (explosion resistance, armour, bullet resistance, resistance to numerous aggressive environmental influences, and so on) do not belong to the above standard.

GOST 31173-2003 describes the features of marking, classification of door blocks. At the same time, recommendations are made regarding the use of a certain type of steel. The features of the box, doors, installation of locks and heat-insulating materials are also described. In addition, recommendations are given regarding the finishing of the sash (outer and inner side).

A characteristic feature of the described standard is the fact that the so-called "fire doors" do not directly apply to it. Moreover, there is simply no separate state standard for doors of this type. Therefore, GOST 31173-2003 applies to them by analogy. Mainly, as mentioned above, it describes the design of metal doors. In fact, the situation is as follows. Manufacturer in the manufacture of fireproof metal entrance doors develops its own installations, which are most often referred to as "technical conditions". They provide for performance requirements relating to fire resistance. Such technical conditions (TU) are as close as possible to GOST 31173-2003. In order for manufactured doors to be considered fire resistant, the manufacturer must obtain a special so-called fire certificate. It is valid for three years. After the expiration date, the certificate must be obtained again. The main condition for obtaining such a certificate is testing with a sample of the door produced. Tests are carried out in accordance with the recommendations and rules that are enshrined in the State Standard "Test methods for fire resistance of doors and gates" (number 53307-2009). During the combustibility test in a special oven, one side of the web is heated to the limit values. Upon successful completion of the product test, a certain fire resistance class is assigned, which is recorded in the issued certificate. The higher the class, the more expensive the metal door. Of course, a higher quality and fire-resistant door can be used not only in residential, but also in industrial premises with elevated temperatures.

What determines the fire resistance of a metal door?

There is a fairly widespread opinion, according to which it is considered: the thicker the sheet of a metal door leaf, the more resistant it is to elevated temperatures. This is not true. In fact, the following features are of decisive importance:

  1. Heat insulator (heater). GOST 31173-2003 as a heater provides for the possibility of using foam, mineral wool, wood and particle fillers. For obvious reasons, such a heat insulator is not suitable for fireproof metal entrance doors. On sale there are heaters, characterized by high fire resistance. How to insulate the canvas with such material on your own or with the help of a master, read the material dedicated to this.
  2. The distance (size) of the gap between the box and the door leaf. Ideally, this parameter should not exceed a value of 3 mm. The greater the deviation from this indicator, the lower the fire resistance of the door block.
  3. Self-foaming sealant. An extremely useful material that foams up in the event of a fire. The foam fills the space between the sash and the frame. This allows to some extent to prevent the spread of fire and heating of the door frame and leaf. And also to prevent the ingress of combustion products into the room.
  4. Sealing gaskets. Those of them that comply with GOST 31173-2003 should be used. They should tightly cover the entire perimeter of the sash.

How to choose a quality fire door?

The main purpose of a fire door is to protect against the spread of fire for some time before the arrival of rescuers. The main provisions relating to fire safety (including those for doors of this type) are contained in the technical regulation approved by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008.

When choosing a fireproof metal entrance door, one should pay attention not only to the marking of product compliance with GOST 31173-2003, but also to the presence of an approved fire certificate. As mentioned above, it fixes the fire resistance class.

What is a fire rating? What are they?

Fire resistance class - an indicator that is assigned to a particular product, depending on the indicators obtained during the test of the combustibility of a metal front door. The main parameter is the period of time during which the door "resisted" the ever-increasing temperature and exposure to an open flame. The following main classes of fire resistance are distinguished:

- Ei 30. The number in the name reflects the number of minutes during which the metal front door will be resistant to fire. This is a standard class, which is sufficient for use in residential and industrial premises, as well as public places.

- Ei 60. An increased fire resistance parameter for an hour indicates a sufficient margin of time during which you can not only wait for rescuers, but also evacuate people from a burning building.

— Ei 90. Metal doors of this class are recommended for use in places of increased fire hazard. This may be the production of the appropriate type, gas stations, workshops, kitchens, fuel and lubricants warehouses and other facilities. An hour and a half is enough for the rescuers to localize and extinguish the fire.

    Annex A (mandatory). Terms and definitions Appendix B (informative). Examples of designs of product units and options for drawings of door panels Appendix B (mandatory). Requirements for protective door blocks Appendix D (reference). An example of determining the strength class of a door unit Appendix E (recommended). An example of filling out a door block passport Appendix E (recommended). General requirements for the installation of products Appendix G (informative). Information about the developers of the standard

Interstate standard GOST 31173-2003
"Steel door blocks. Specifications"
(put into effect by the resolution of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of June 20, 2003 N 76)

steel doors. Specifications

Introduced for the first time

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to steel door blocks with installed locking devices (hereinafter referred to as door blocks or products) for buildings and structures for various purposes.

The standard does not apply to door blocks for special purposes in terms of additional requirements for fire safety, explosion and bullet resistance, exposure to aggressive environments, etc., as well as to door blocks of protective cabins according to current regulatory documentation.

The scope of specific types of products is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building codes and regulations, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

The standard can be applied for certification purposes.

4 Classification and symbol

4.1 Products are classified according to the following criteria:


design options;

type of finish;

performance indicators;

mechanical characteristics;

protective properties.

with a closed box;

with U-shaped box;

with a U-shaped box with an additional threshold;

with opening inside the room;

with outward opening;

according to the number of sealing circuits in the porch:

with one circuit;

with two or more circuits.

5.1.5 It is allowed to use butted sheet blanks welded along reinforcing profiles instead of an internal solid steel sheet, while the places of welding points are set in the design documentation.

5.2.9 The nominal diameters of holes for bolted connections and the maximum deviations from them, established depending on the method of formation and type of bolted connection, are taken in accordance with GOST 23118.

5.3 Characteristics

5.3.1 Performance indicators of door units are given in Table 4.

Table 4

Name of indicator Meaning
Reduced heat transfer resistance of door panels
blocks, m2 x °C/W, not less than
Sound insulation, dB, not less 20
Air permeability at Delta Р_0 = 100 Pa, m3/
(h x m2), no more
Reliability, opening-closing cycles, not less than:
for interior doors
for external door blocks

Note - The need to apply performance indicators,
marked with "*", set in the design and technical
documentation based on the purpose of the door blocks.

5.3.2 It is recommended to establish the performance indicators of door blocks for a specific purpose in the design documentation for construction (reconstruction) and confirm the results of tests at testing centers accredited for their right to conduct them.

5.3.3 Door blocks, depending on the strength class, must withstand the action of static loads in accordance with the requirements of table 5.

Table 5

Values ​​of static loads, not less than, N
plane of the canvas
free zone
In the plane of the canvas Perpendicular
plane of the canvas
loop zone
M1 4500 7000 4000
M2 3000 5000 3000
M3 2000 3000 2000

5.4 Requirements for materials and components (including gaskets)

5.4.1 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, specifications, technical certificates approved in the prescribed manner.

5.4.2 Materials and components used for the manufacture of door blocks must be resistant to climatic influences.

5.4.3 The surfaces of steel elements of boxes and sheets should not have cracks, mechanical damage, pits, distortions, rust. On the front surfaces of steel elements, slight local depressions, risks, waviness up to 0.5 mm deep are allowed, which do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

5.4.4 Steel parts of structures should be made of steel grades that ensure the strength characteristics of structural elements, welded, bolted and other joints, depending on the nature and conditions of their work.

Steel elements are recommended to be made from steel grade not lower than St3kp2 according to GOST 380, rolled section according to GOST 1050 or high-alloy steel according to GOST 5632.

5.4.5 Sealing gaskets must be made of weather- and frost-resistant elastic polymer materials in accordance with GOST 30778.

The fit of the sealing gaskets must be tight, preventing the penetration of water. Sealing gaskets must be installed continuously around the entire perimeter of the porch.

5.5 Requirements for hinges, locks and other locking devices

5.5.1 In the manufacture of products, locking and auxiliary devices and hinges are used, specially designed for use in metal door blocks. Examples of designs of hinges and locks are given in Appendix B.

The type, number, location and method of fastening locking devices and hinges are set in the working documentation based on the size and weight of the opening elements of the product, as well as the operating conditions of the door blocks. Cloths of door blocks weighing more than 200 kg, as well as products used in public buildings (schools, hospitals, etc.), are recommended to be hung on three hinges. The recommended location of the middle hinge is 150-200 mm below the top one.

To improve the protective properties of door blocks, it is recommended to use multi-bolt locks with locking along the perimeter of the door block or locks with rods with additional locking in the upper and lower horizontal profiles of the frame.

To avoid clogging of the hole for the lower vertical bolt included in the bottom profile of the box, it is recommended to use deviators.

5.5.4 Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it is necessary to provide for the complete set of products with latches, door closers (closers), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, chains, etc.

5.5.5 Locking devices must ensure reliable locking of the opening elements of products. Opening and closing should be easy, smooth, without jamming.

5.5.6 The design of the locking devices and hinges must ensure a tight and uniform crimping of the gaskets along the entire contour of the seal in the porches.

Non-facial surfaces of products may have depressions, risks, waviness and other surface defects that do not reduce the functional properties and quality of products.

Hole edges must be free of burrs and burrs.

5.6.6 Color (tone) and degree of gloss (gloss, dullness) of the finishing coating must correspond to standard samples approved by the head of the manufacturer and agreed with the customer.

5.6.7 Paint and varnish coatings must have adhesion strength (adhesion) with the surface being trimmed not lower than 2 points according to the method of lattice cuts in accordance with GOST 15140.

5.6.8 It is recommended to set the thickness of paint and varnish coatings, as well as the procedure for monitoring this indicator, in the technical documentation for the manufacture of products.

5.6.9 Protective and protective and decorative coatings must be resistant to temperature and humidity operational impacts.

5.6.11 The front surfaces of wood parts used for finishing door panels should not have processing defects and defects in wood, with the exception of curls, tortuosity, eyes, fiber inclination up to 5% according to GOST 2140.

5.6.12 The design of fastening of facing parts made of wood and board materials to steel elements of door blocks should provide the possibility of compensating their temperature and humidity deformations.

The shape and dimensions of the sections of the facing profiles adjacent to the steel surfaces of the external products must provide a minimum area of ​​​​contact with these surfaces, as well as the possibility of ventilating the cavity between them, otherwise the contacting surfaces must be protected by paintwork or other protective materials.

5.6.13 Adhesive materials used when lining door panels with artificial or natural leather, as well as decorative films, must provide sufficient adhesion strength, while non-glued areas, folds, waviness and other appearance defects are not allowed.

5.7 Completeness and marking

5.7.1 The complete set of products upon their delivery to the consumer must comply with the requirements established in the contract (order).

Door units should be delivered assembled with locking devices installed. By agreement with the consumer, the set of products may also include closers (closing regulators), opening angle limiters and other door devices.

The set of keys must be handed over to the customer in a sealed form against the signature of the customer (buyer).

5.7.2 The scope of delivery should include a quality document (passport) and instructions for the operation of products, including recommendations for installation.

5.7.3 Each product is marked with a waterproof marker or label indicating the name of the manufacturer, the brand of the product, the date of its manufacture and (or) the order number, a sign (stamp) confirming the acceptance of the product by technical control.

5.7.4 The door devices included in the product must be marked in accordance with the ND for this product.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Products must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service for compliance with the requirements of this standard, as well as the conditions specified in the contract for the manufacture and supply of products. Confirmation of acceptance of products by the technical control service of the manufacturer is the execution of documents on the acceptance (quality) of products.

Products are accepted in batches or individually. When accepting products at the manufacturing plant, a lot is taken as the number of products manufactured within one shift and issued with one quality document. The number of products of the same design, manufactured according to one order, can be taken as the batch size.

6.2 The requirements for product quality established in this standard confirm:

input control of materials and components;

operational production control;

acceptance control of finished products;

control acceptance tests of a batch of products conducted by the quality control service of the manufacturer;

periodic and certification tests of products in independent testing centers;

qualification tests.

6.3 The procedure for conducting incoming control and operational production control at workplaces is established in the technological documentation.

If the manufacturer completes the door blocks with components of its own manufacture, then they must be accepted and tested in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these products.

6.4 Acceptance control of the quality of finished products is carried out by the method of continuous control. The list of controlled indicators is given in Table 8.

Finished products that have passed acceptance control are marked. Products that have not passed the acceptance control for at least one indicator are rejected.

Table 8

Periodicity (at least)
Appearance (including
5.3.8 + + - For test type
I - continuous control,
for type II - 1 time per
Dimensional deviation
gaps under the surfacing
5.2.3 + + - Same
Fit density
5.1.8 + + - "
The work of loops and
locking devices
5.5.5, 5.5.6 + + - "
Marking 5.7.3 + + - "
sizes and
5.2.2-5.2.8 - + - "
Weld quality
5.3.9 - + - "
5.3.10 + + For test type
II - 1 time per shift,
III - 1 time in two years
Resistance 5.3.3 - - + Once every two years
Resistance 5.3.4 - - + Same
impact resistance
soft inelastic
5.3.5 - - + "
impact resistance
metal ball
5.3.7 - - + Once every two years
Reliability 5.3.1 - - + Same
5.3.6 - - + "
heat transfer
5.3.1 - - + Once every five years
Breathability 5.3.1 - - + Same
Soundproofing 5.3.1 - - + "
* Test type I - acceptance tests during acceptance control;
test type II - acceptance tests carried out by the service
the quality of the manufacturer; test type III - periodic
tests carried out in independent testing centers.
** Controlled nominal dimensions for test type II
set in the technological documentation.

6.5 Each batch of products undergoes control acceptance tests conducted by the quality service of the manufacturer. The list of controlled indicators and the frequency of control are given in table 8.

To conduct tests, samples of door blocks are taken from a batch of products by random selection in the amount of 3% of the batch volume, but not less than 3 pcs. If there are less than 3 products in a batch, each product is subjected to control.

In the event of a negative test result for at least one indicator on at least one sample, a re-check of the quality of products is carried out on a double number of samples for the indicator that had a negative test result.

If a discrepancy between the indicator and the established requirements is detected again, at least on one sample, the control and subsequent batches of products are subjected to continuous control (sorting). With a positive result of continuous control, they return to the established procedure for acceptance tests.

6.6 Periodic tests according to the performance indicators specified in 5.3.1-5.3.7 are carried out when they are put into production or when changes are made to the design of products or their manufacturing technology, but at least once in the period specified in Table 8, and also when product certification. In justified cases, it is allowed to combine periodic and certification tests.

Qualification tests of products are carried out for all indicators when putting products into production.

Tests are carried out in test centers accredited for the right to conduct them.

Tests to determine the reduced resistance to heat transfer, air permeability, sound insulation are subjected to structures designed to withstand these loads according to their field of application.

6.7 The consumer has the right to conduct a quality control check of products, while observing the sampling procedure and test methods specified in this standard.

When products are accepted by the consumer, a batch is considered to be the number of products shipped for a specific order, but not more than 90 pieces, drawn up with one quality document.

Table 9

Sample size, pcs. acceptance number
Critical and
1 to 12 Solid control 3 0
13 - 25 4 3 0
26 - 50 8 4 0
St. 50 12 5 0
Note - Significant and critical defects include: defects,
leading to loss of operational characteristics, unrecoverable without
replacement of a part of the product (breakage of a steel profile, etc.), excess
limit deviations of dimensions by more than 1.5 times established in the ND,
disassembly of products.
Minor defects include removable defects: minor
surface damage, unadjusted door fittings and hinges,
exceeding the limit deviations of dimensions by less than 1.5 times
established in the ND.

By agreement of the parties, acceptance of products by the consumer can be carried out at the manufacturer's warehouse, at the consumer's warehouse or in another place specified in the supply contract.

GOST 26433.0 7.2.4 Appearance, quality of welds, color and quality of finishing of products are evaluated visually by comparison with standard samples approved in the prescribed manner. Surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 1.5 m in natural light of at least 300 lux are not allowed.

7.2.5 Adhesion (strength of adhesion of paint and varnish coatings to the metal surface) is determined by the method of lattice cuts according to GOST 15140.

7.2.6 The tightness and correct installation of sealing gaskets, door fittings, fasteners and other parts, color and absence of cracks in welded joints, marking and packaging are checked visually.

To determine the tightness of sealing gaskets, compare the dimensions of the gaps in the porches and the degree of compression of the gaskets, which should be at least 1/5 of the height of the uncompressed gasket. Measurements are made with a caliper or a ruler according to GOST 427.

The tightness of sealing gaskets with closed canvases can be determined by the presence of a continuous trace left by a coloring matter (for example, colored chalk), previously applied to the surface of the gaskets and easily removed after inspection.

mm and mass kg, from a height of fall according to 5.3.5 into the central zone of the sample.

Note - At the end of the test, the door blocks must remain operational, while the bolt of the lock and the latch must freely enter their mating parts.

Before and after testing the door units for failure-free operation, it is recommended to check the tightness of the seals in accordance with 7.2.6.

When testing door blocks for resistance to a static load acting perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf in the free corner zone, it is recommended to use the graph of the dependence of the free corner deflection on the applied load, given in Appendix D, to determine the strength class.

8 Packaging, transport and storage

8.1 Packaging of products must ensure their safety during storage, handling and transportation.

8.2 Devices or parts of devices that are not installed on the products must be packed in polyethylene film in accordance with GOST 10354 or in other packaging material that ensures their safety, tightly tied and delivered complete with products.

8.3 Opening webs of products before packaging and transportation must be closed on all locking devices.

8.4 Products are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

8.5 During storage and transportation of products, they must be protected from mechanical damage and exposure to precipitation.

8.6 When storing and transporting products, it is recommended to install gaskets made of elastic materials between products.

8.7 Products are stored in a vertical or horizontal position on wooden linings, pallets or in special containers in covered areas.

8.8 Warranty period of storage of products - 1 year from the date of shipment of products by the manufacturer.

9 Manufacturer's warranties

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of products with the requirements of this standard, provided that the consumer complies with the rules for transportation, storage, installation, operation, as well as the scope established in the regulatory and project documentation.

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Doors made of metal are installed both in residential and industrial, public buildings. They are durable and reliable, and this is achieved through compliance with the requirements of GOST, which relate to the manufacture and installation of doors. It is this standard that ensures the durability and safety of metal sheets for various purposes.

Standards for the production and installation of metal doors

The manufacture of doors from metal, as well as from other materials, is regulated by established and current standards, namely GOST. This set includes the basic production rules, requirements for parameters and materials, as well as the technology for mounting metal doors. Thanks to this, the structures are reliable, have a long service life and ensure human safety.

Any metal doors must comply with the requirements of GOST

The main document regulating the production of metal doors of various types is GOST 31173–2003. Additionally take into account sanitary norms and rules (SNiP), which are a set of requirements for quality and safety of products. These documents regulate the manufacture of metal doors, and the installation of structures is carried out taking into account additional documentation, namely the technological map developed and submitted by the manufacturer.

Video: design features of metal doors

General provisions of GOST for metal doors

GOST 31173–2003 is used for metal door blocks equipped with locking devices and used in buildings and structures of various types. However, the document does not apply to special-purpose products, for example, bulletproof or fire-resistant options, as well as explosion-proof models.

Doors that comply with GOST are reliable protection premises

The standard assumes the classification of metal sheets according to the following criteria:

  • purpose, namely external or internal systems;
  • the design can have a U-shaped box or with closed loop, as well as with a threshold;
  • the system can be from one sash, two identical or different canvases, with opening to the outside or inside the room;
  • the number of circuits providing sealing - one or two;
  • the finishing of the canvas can be in the form of a painted surface, lining with leather and insulation, lining with glass, wood or wood-tile structures;
  • sound insulation level - 1st class (up to 32 dB), 2nd class (26–31 dB) and 3rd class (20–25 dB);
  • degree of protection: ordinary, reinforced and protective doors. In each case, there are locks of the appropriate level of strength.

The regulatory document takes into account all the features of metal door systems. For example, seams and joints of metal parts must be carried out by welding. The box can be made of a curved profile, but the thickness of this element must be from 1.5 mm. And also for the door frame, a rectangular profile box is appropriate, and its minimum section is 40x50 mm.

The box is an integral part of the door system

GOST includes not only mandatory requirements to the manufacture of metal doors, but also recommendations that allow you to create reliable products. For example, the standard recommends the use of horizontal and metal reinforcement profiles in the door structure. They are called mullions and make the canvas durable, resistant to mechanical stress.

Can be used inside the sash whole leaf made of steel, which is an additional reinforcement of the door. An acceptable option is also a plate consisting of elements welded together. In this case, the welding seam passes along the reinforcement profiles, which ensures the strength of the final product. The inner additional sheet may be in the form of fibreboard or other solid sheet-type materials. These components of the door are used in the manufacture of paintings different kind, for example, input or insulated.

Insulated doors according to GOST

The design of insulated doors implies maximum protection of the room from heat loss through the door leaf and prevention of cold penetration through cracks. Such doors have in their structure a heat-insulating material, which is located between the outer and inner skin.

Insulated doors are often external

The standard assumes the following features for the manufacture and installation of insulated doors:

  • thermal insulation is provided by at least two sealing circuits located along the perimeter of the entire porch;
  • all materials used for the manufacture of the canvas and the box must have a sanitary certificate on the safety of the structure;
  • paintwork compositions must have high adhesion to the surface of the metal door, and the finish should not peel off, creating gaps and contributing to heat loss;
  • if the finish is made of wood or chipboard, then such surfaces should not have cracks that could cause the canvas to blow;
  • insulated door models, like any others, are mounted only in a prepared opening with smooth edges;
  • during installation, all the gaps between the box and the wall are treated with mounting foam and other structures that eliminate gaps;
  • materials used to create a mounting seam must be durable, safe, durable, not subject to decay.

Requirements for the production and installation of insulated systems require the creation of sealed seams and joints. This eliminates the possibility of heat loss from the room.

Steel fire doors

The production of steel fire doors is regulated by GOST R 57327–2016, which includes the basic requirements for this type of structure. This document applies to single- or double-leaf metal doors with glass up to 25% or without it, which are fixed as fire barriers and have appropriate protective properties.

Fire-fighting fabrics are characterized by resistance to fire and tightness

The fire resistance of systems is characterized by such indicators as E - loss of integrity of the web when exposed to heat, I - loss of heat-insulating qualities, S - loss of smoke and gas impermeability resulting from the action of fire. The flame resistance limit can be from 15 to 60 minutes.

The main GOST requirements for these structures, their production and installation are expressed as follows:

  • fire-fighting finished products withstand the number of openings / closings of at least 200,000;
  • fire doors are always equipped with door closers. For double-leaf structures, devices are also needed to control the sequential closing of the canvases;
  • a door with a closer, opened at 90°, must close tightly in less than 5 s. The opening of the web can be carried out with a force of not more than 100 N;
  • smoke and gas tight systems always have a closed type box and a threshold. If the canvas is located in the path of movement of people with disabilities, then the threshold should not be present;
  • polymer gaskets are used for sealing, between which a gap is not allowed. Thermally expandable gasket options prevent the spread of smoke and carbon dioxide;
  • installation involves the use of non-flammable sealants. Latches, locks and other structural elements are always made from fire-resistant structures, which is also relevant for filling canvases. If there is glass, then it is necessarily fire-resistant;
  • the service life of the finished structure is at least 10 years. At the same time, the product should not sag, which is achieved by proper installation and careful preparation opening.

Fire doors can have either one or two wings.

Fire-fighting canvases can be supplemented with attachments, for example, video cameras, negotiation elements. In this case, tests to determine their level of resistance to fire are not required. It is worth considering that there can be no sharp, strongly protruding parts in the fittings.

External doors made of steel according to GOST

Metal sheets are a popular option as entry doors. Such products are durable, resistant to climatic influences and other external factors. Their manufacture is carried out in accordance with GOST 31173-2003, which includes the basic requirements for quality, production and installation.

External doors should be as strong and durable as possible.

According to the standard, the system can have fixed inserts of horizontal or vertical type. The maximum weight of moving canvases should not exceed 200 kg.

Entrance systems are resistant to temperature extremes and other climatic influences

Outdoor structures of a burglary or conventional type are often equipped with reinforced elements that prevent illegal opening of the door. The requirements for such details, the manufacture of canvases and their installation are expressed as follows:

  • anti-removable crossbars are recommended to be mounted on the side of the leaf where the hinges are located. The pins are fixed by welding or pressing, and their number is determined working documentation, door type;
  • the box is equipped with "ears" on both sides. These parts serve to securely fasten the canvas in the opening. "Ears" are fixed to the box by welding;
  • the inner filling of the canvas is a sound and thermal insulation materials, which are placed tightly in the frame, excluding the formation of voids;
  • the minimum level of sound insulation is 20 dB. This is ensured by the use of modern, high-quality and high-tech materials;
  • welds must be made smooth, without cracks and surface scaly. Uneven seams, the presence of welding or burns are not allowed;
  • during installation, the quality of work is checked by a construction hydraulic level.

External doors protect the premises from cold, noise, and unauthorized access. Therefore, they must be of high quality, and security must be ensured by the presence of anti-burglary devices, for example, vertical crossbars.

Metal doors with glass

Entrance, vestibule or other steel doors can be equipped with glass. According to the requirements of GOST, such an insert should not occupy more than 25% of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sash. This is due to safety requirements and allows you to provide comfortable conditions in the room.

Glass is often complemented with forged metal gratings.

The basic requirements of the standards suggest that the insert must be made of tempered glass or triplex material that does not form fragments when damaged. This makes the doors safe from fire, shock or other factors.

The standards that ensure the quality of glazed products include the following design features:

  • the connection of glass and door leaf is a sealed area that ensures secure fixation of the insert;
  • when installing the canvas and frame, the presence of cracks and gaps is not allowed, since condensation may form on the glass;
  • installation is carried out using wedges made of plastic or wood, and vertical deviations should not be more than 2 mm.

Doors with glass are often complemented by a metal grill or forged insert. Thanks to this, the product acquires aesthetic appearance and resist burglary.

Parameters of metal doors according to GOST

The current standard implies certain requirements for the dimensions of metal door systems. This is due to the fact that the products must have an optimal ratio of size and weight, necessary for comfortable operation and durability of the door.

Doors are diverse not only externally, but also in size.

In the manufacture, the following GOST standards regarding product parameters are taken into account:

  • sash diagonals with an area of ​​​​1 m 2 should have lengths with a difference of no more than 2 mm. If the web area is larger, then the length difference cannot be more than 3 mm;
  • the edges of the canvas and frame are straight, and the deviation from this cannot be more than 1 mm per 1 m of length;
  • the box is fastened with anchor bolts, the cross section of which is at least 10 mm;
  • the area of ​​external or other metal doors does not exceed 9 m 2 . In this case, the recommended leaf height is 2200 mm, and the width is up to 1200 mm.

hardware requirements

In the manufacture of metal doors are equipped with locking devices that meet the requirements of standards 5089 and 538. All hinges, locks, crossbars and other parts are made of durable and refractory metal.

During production and installation, the following features are taken into account:

  • models weighing more than 200 kg or doors intended for hospitals and other public buildings are fixed on three overhead bearing loops or parts that allow you to adjust the canvas;
  • locks and other latches necessarily provide a tight porch, careful pressing against the box and seals;
  • doors of public premises are equipped with anti-panic devices, door closers, smoke detectors and other devices that ensure the quick opening of the system;
  • burglary-resistant or reinforced webs are equipped with multi-bar locking devices that have additional locking in horizontal frame profiles.

The protective properties of a metal door depend on the quality of the lock, handle, hinges, armored overlays for the lock. The type and parameters of these parts are provided before fabrication.

GOST: marking and completeness of metal doors

Ready-made door systems are necessarily delivered assembled, and the locking mechanisms are already installed on the canvas. This facilitates installation even with a non-professional approach, for example, if the buyer decides to install the structure himself.

Metal doors are installed using the parts from the kit

Mandatory labeling involves the designation of each product with a label or inscription with a waterproof marker. The content includes the name of the manufacturer, as well as the brand of the door and the date of its production. An order number and a stamp confirming the acceptance of the product by the quality control system must be present.

The finished kit includes an instruction manual for a metal door and a quality certificate. In these documents, the consumer can find recommendations for installing the element. The kit assumes the presence of a lock, handle, hinges and other parts specified by the manufacturer in the description of the door model or ordered by the buyer additionally.

The requirements of the current standards apply to metal doors various types. The application of these standards in practice makes it possible to obtain quality products and ensure correct installation.