Security and fire alarm in the apartment: device, circuit, connection independently. Installation of alarm systems in the building Fire protection and fire alarm systems

Before installing a fire alarm, you need to understand the types of such systems and choose exactly the type that suits your specific requirements. You can install the system yourself, but it is better to call a special team. If desired, the owner of the system can register it with the State Fire Inspection.

Types of systems

All types of fire alarm systems can be divided into several types.

  1. Threshold systems with radial stubs.
  2. Threshold systems with a modular structure.
  3. Combined system.

Threshold systems with radial stubs

Threshold systems equipped with radial stubs are popular for one single reason - they are very cheap. Moreover, the installation of such equipment will be quite expensive. Such a system has a lot of disadvantages that are difficult to notice right after installation.

In particular, the control panel can give false signals. The number of such false notifications here is an order of magnitude higher than in any other devices. At least about two detectors should be installed in one room, and this leads to increased costs. Although the equipment is very economical, the installation and the expense of extra detectors will add up to a significant total cost.

With an abundance of sensors, it will be impossible to track them from one computer.

Also, the control panel has a certain threshold at which the signal is generated. The serviceability of the alarm is almost impossible to check; if it breaks down, the sound may not be heard. PEP is highly human factor.

In short, the disadvantages of such a system are much more than advantages. When installing an alarm for serious purposes, it is best to choose something else.

Threshold systems with a modular structure

Such systems are inexpensive, like the previous type of alarms. They have practically the same disadvantages: expensive installation, a certain threshold for signal supply, dependence on the human factor.

However, this type of alarm can be freely controlled from a single console or computer. In addition, two units can be installed at the same time here.

Such a system has a fundamentally different structure than the previous two. It works differently. All sensors in it are combined into a common unit, while they are regularly checked from the control panel. The signals from the sensors can have four responses: "normal", "fire", "malfunction", "absence".

The disadvantage of this type of alarms is that they detect the source of fire too late and report it. Otherwise it is a very good system.

This system has an optimal ratio of price and quality, with the help of the questionnaire panel you can always identify a fault in the sensors in time, as well as get a lot of useful information.

Up to two hundred sensors can be connected to one loop of such an alarm. To appreciate all the advantages of this system, you need to understand how this type of fire alarm works. It assumes the presence of twisted pairs, this is its main advantage and at the same time a disadvantage. When you exit a standing sensor, the system itself remains fully operational.

The sensors do not have any specific alarm threshold. They simply register the atmosphere at their assigned point and send the data to the control panel. This allows you to very quickly identify the source of fire. In addition, such a device of the system allows you to find out about all the faults in the network in time.

The cost of the installation of an analogue address system itself will be inexpensive, but the equipment will cost decently. Probably the only drawback of this signaling is that the protocol requires the mandatory presence of a twisted pair.

Combined systems

Combined fire alarms are the most powerful. They allow the installation of several thousand sensors and devices. They have a very wide range of additional equipment.

Fire alarm systems and devices of this type are controlled from a single control point, which greatly facilitates security monitoring. There are practically no drawbacks to a combined fire alarm, except that it can cost a decent amount.

Installation and dismantling

Alarm installation requires compliance with special rules that are prescribed in the regulatory documentation. It is advisable to install such systems with the help of professionals if the owner of the premises does not have the skills to work with such systems.

Some owners ask the question whether it is possible to create a fire alarm with your own hands, that is, to assemble the device itself at home. Yes, this is quite possible, but within certain limits. You cannot create complex systems on your own. The master can only make the simplest devices, and no one can guarantee that they will function properly.

Sometimes the fire system will fire without any ignition. Frightened owners do not know how to turn off the fire alarm. The sound of this system is very specific and hardly anyone will like it. To restore peace and order, you need to do the following.

  1. First you need to find out the reason why the alarm was triggered. There may have been smoke or a small fire. We must immediately ventilate the room.
  2. If, nevertheless, the system worked for no reason, then you need to decide on its type. The simplest alarm with sensors can be disabled simply. To do this, it is enough just to remove the power supply from the sensors themselves. With a more complex alarm device, you need to go to the control panel. The system often turns off only after the appropriate code has been entered.
  3. A radical way to eliminate noise is to bite the alarm wires. If you need to restore it, you will have to carry out a number of works.

In this article, we will talk about how the correct installation and installation of a fire alarm goes. Immediately, we want to note that such an installation requires the presence of certain knowledge!

For convenience, we have divided the article into the following components:

Correct installation of fire alarms

First, you need to develop a project that describes the main nuances during the installation of a fire alarm. First, the place where the control point is located is determined, and then the methods of conducting communications. You also need to familiarize yourself with the presence of fire extinguishing modules, types of sensors and other information. But it must be borne in mind that signal wires should never be near a heat source. Control equipment and sensors should be installed only in those positions where there is less chance of touching them and causing damage.

Then you need to install the equipment, so you need to decide in advance on the complexity of the fire alarm. It depends on the level of risk of fire in the room, which can be completely different. If the room has a small area, then you need to install conventional alarm systems, but if the object has a large area, then you need to install an address system. The fact is that the address system quickly identifies the place where the fire occurred, so it is preferable. You will not have to spend a lot of time looking for the premises in which the fire occurred.

The analogue addressable system is the most popular in recent years. All this is due to the fact that special sensors make it possible to find out the change in temperature and even the level of smoke in the room. In principle, each fire alarm system provides detailed information about the state of the room, because there are many sensors in the room that have a common connection using loops, which makes it possible to connect to a computer and configure. If the sensor finds a signal, then a light or sound alarm is activated. If the fire alarm has special modules that start extinguishing the fire, then the control system will definitely activate it.

Features of installing fire alarm sensors

A smoke detector is a fire alarm detector, it is an extremely simple device. It is small in size and is fixed to the ceiling or wall in the apartment. There are two main types: photovoltaic and ionization. Photovoltaic is triggered when smoke passes between the photo and the LEDs. And the ionization is started due to the ingress of smoke into the current that passes between the wires. It is impossible to say for sure which of the options is preferable, since the ionization one is turned on due to a strong fire, and the photovoltaic one because of the huge amount of smoke. Therefore, our online magazine site believes that the best option would be to use two sensors at once.
It is recommended to install sensors between places where a fire can start without any problems. For example, in the kitchen while cooking. Installation in the living room, bedroom, corridor and other places is also recommended. Keep in mind that extra protection never hurts. However, the installation in the kitchen requires special installation, because the humidity there is steadily increased, so the sensor may be triggered by mistake. Be sure to install the unit as far away as possible from batteries and heaters, fluorescent lights, vents, and so on.

Almost all fire detectors use batteries for continuous operation, so it is advisable to play it safe and check them as often as possible. You can check the sensor itself, it is simple to do it - move the lighted candle directly near the sensor, and the fire will provoke its activation. Remember that dust on the sensor can muffle its action, so wipe it down as often as possible.

Almost always, a fire safety sensor is mounted in the ceiling at a distance of 300 mm from lighting devices and walls. The wall model is installed at a distance of 200 mm from the ceiling so that there are no empty air spaces where smoke stops circulating and the sensor can be activated. If the ceiling has cross beams with a thickness of about 10 centimeters, then the sensor must be fixed to the base, and not between the beams. With a large thickness of the beams, if it exceeds 10 centimeters, contact a specialist.

Absolutely all floors must have sensors. The first is installed above the base of the stairs, the second in the middle of the hallway, the third on the ceiling in the bedroom, and so on. Then additional sensors are installed in the hallway, living room, kitchen and other places where there are electric heating appliances.

What wires to use when installing a fire alarm?

Before choosing cables and wires, you need to study the requirements that apply to them in Russia. During the installation of a fire alarm, it is necessary to lay the loops so as to automatically monitor their condition along the entire length. As a rule, loops have wires with cores made of copper. If during installation you do not think about the fact that you will control fire extinguishing installations automatically or a smoke extraction system with voice notification, then you do not need to allocate an additional communication channel. If such management is planned, then you must lay a communication channel and connecting lines made in the form of telephone cables.

Connecting lines with telephone or control wires should have an additional loop reserve of about 10%. It is also possible to connect radial loops directly to the fire device, but only if the information capacity does not exceed 20 loops. But if the signaling is of a ring type, then the end and the beginning are connected directly to the terminals, which are located in the receiving and control device. Do not allow corrugation in the box and hose if the wires have extremely high voltage. If the parallel installation has a voltage of about 60 volts, then there should be a distance of about 0.5 m to the lighting and power devices. Do not forget that it is advisable to divide the loops into segments and use junction boxes. Installation is best done in an accessible place at a suitable height, especially for a device installed at the end of the loop, because it allows visual control during operation.

Fire alarm installation rules

Control devices together with control and monitoring devices must be installed in the area where the duty personnel are on duty every day. Of course, sometimes it is quite possible to install on site without personnel, if there are reasons for this. For example, if there are no employees who are on duty every day for 24 hours, but there is another point that receives information about what is happening at your facility. That is why in the room where you install the sensors, you need to make sure that the fire and burglar alarms work correctly, and unauthorized access is prohibited.

The amount of capacity in the receiving and control devices and the number of loops that are needed to work with fire notifications should be about 10 pieces and 10 percent. Control and monitoring devices must be mounted on walls, structures and partitions that do not contain combustible materials. The installation of such equipment is quite realistic on structures that are made of combustible materials, but only if they are covered with a steel sheet with a thickness of about 1 millimeter or other non-combustible sheet material with a thickness of about 10 millimeters. It is very important that the material protrudes about 10 centimeters beyond the contour of the equipment being mounted.

Do not forget that the distance from the upper edge of the control panel used to the ceiling of the room, which is made of non-combustible materials, should be about 1 meter. With the adjacent position of the control and monitoring devices in the amount of several pieces, as well as control devices, it is necessary that there is a distance of about 50 millimeters between them. You also need to take care of a sufficient height, since the control and monitoring devices are installed in such a way that the distance to the operational controls is about one meter.

A room with a staff or a fire station should be located on the basement or ground floor of the building. You can arrange a room above the first floor, but on condition that the exit will be in the corridor or lobby. Also, the exit must adjoin the staircase so that there is a quick exit to the outside of the building. The distance from the premises of the fire post to the room with personnel who work daily for 24 hours must be at least 25 meters. It is very important that the premises meet the necessary characteristics:

  1. The minimum area is 15 square meters, preferably more.

  2. The air humidity is 80%, and the temperature is about 18-25 degrees Celsius.

  3. Artificial and natural lighting should be comfortable. Be sure to get emergency lighting.

  4. Illumination should be as follows: natural - 100 lux, artificial (fluorescent lamps) - 150 lux.

How can you get a fire alarm license?

To obtain a license for the maintenance, installation and repair of automatic fire alarm devices, as well as automatic fire extinguishing systems, you need to fill out the necessary documents and spend a lot of time. For example, if you register your company or want to run a staff in an office where there is an increased risk of fire, then you need to first decide on the system itself. Perhaps a certain automatic fire extinguishing system will suit you better than another. Next, fill out a certificate in which you indicate the material and technical base and write down all the mechanisms and machines with the nomenclature and full volume that will be needed to carry out the work. A very important nuance is that you need to assess and check the material and technical base during the preparation of the act, which demonstrates the assessment of compliance with the conditions, requirements and the license as a whole.

Next, think over a system of leading control of work and determining its quality. Here you will need to provide a copy of the manual for the use of devices, a certificate from production, where the control forms will be demonstrated, and so on. Control forms can be output, input and operational. After that, you need to write an application and submit to the authority that issues the license. When filling out an application, it is very important to take into account the legislation of Russia in relation to the activities of your organization.

An important role is played by the working personnel and their qualifications, so you must provide data on the qualifications of all employees who will provide services on this equipment. To check the qualifications of your personnel who will be servicing and install new equipment that guarantees safety from a fire in the room - check their education, for example, check their skills on tests or just look at the very existence of secondary, higher or special education. Experience and work experience is also very important, since, according to the law, only people who have worked in the EMERCOM of Russia for at least five years can deal with the maintenance of such equipment. Obtaining a license depends on how conscientiously the employees got a job, and if the experience and education are forged, new personnel will have to be recruited.

Any organization needs a fire alarm and additional equipment that can fix the location of a fire. You shouldn't skimp on equipment and maintenance, because if the circumstances are unfortunate, you can lose absolutely everything.

Installation of fire alarms is a mandatory stage in the preparation of the facility before commissioning.

To protect premises from various emergencies, increased requirements are imposed, therefore, technical means of ensuring fire safety cannot be dispensed with.

How to deliver?

Currently, the service - installation of a fire alarm - is offered by many companies both in Moscow and in other cities. Offers vary in price, timing, types of equipment used. In addition, on the OPS market, you can find technical means that do not require special knowledge, which the owners of the facility can install on their own. But before making a choice in favor of a particular company, as well as self-installation, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances:

  • Installation of fire protection systems is a licensed type of activity - the installation organization must have an appropriate permit, and independent installation is possible only at private facilities;
  • The presence of strict regulatory regulation - each category of premises, buildings, structures has its own requirements for the level of technical support for fire protection;
  • The specifics of the facility, both constructive and operational, affect the choice of equipment and the order of its placement.

Calculator for calculating the cost of installation by area

Name Quantity price, rub. Cost, rub.
Number of detectors from 4000
from 6000
Light and sound annunciator 1 from 200200
Cable from 170
Expendable materials from 600
Control and receiving device 1 0
Battery 7 Ah 1 from 5600
Installation work
Name price, rub. Cost, rub.
Installing detectors 600 0
Equipment for external outputs 700 0
Installation of sirens 500 0
Cabling 30 0
0 0
Installing Batteries 1000 0
Name Quantity price, rub. Cost, rub.
Total area of ​​protected premises
Number of protected premises
Number of detectors from 15000
The number of "external" exits from the protected premises from 32000
Light and sound annunciator 1 from 25002500
Expendable materials from 100
Control and receiving device with GSM channel 1 0
Battery 7 Ah 1 from 5600
Installation work
Name price, rub. Cost, rub.
Installing detectors 600 0
Equipment for external outputs 700 0
Installation of sirens 500 0
Installation of control and reception devices 350 0
Installing Batteries 1000 0

Installing a fire alarm system is a task for specialists who will calculate all the risks and carry out work in strict accordance with regulatory requirements. It should be remembered here that the designers and installers of the fire alarm system are responsible for the quality of the work performed. And this is a very weighty argument to entrust the installation of security and fire alarms to trained people. At the same time, you should not abandon the installation only for the reason that it is necessary to involve specialists in the work. For small objects, for example, an apartment, a garage box, installation can be done on your own using ready-made sets of equipment. But even in this case, it is worth inviting a specialist who will select the equipment suitable for this particular room. And only on the basis of his recommendations, it makes sense to acquire technical means and carry out their installation.

What objects to put on?

Each owner of premises for any purpose is responsible for ensuring fire safety requirements in it. The scope of the requirements depends on the type of object, the order of its use, location and a number of other factors. For a significant number of premises, primarily for public use, the mandatory installation of fire warning equipment is provided. It can be both local in nature to inform about a fire, and be included in the complex for transmitting an alarm signal to the fire brigade.

With regard to objects that are not included in the list, where the installation of a security and fire alarm is mandatory, the decision on the appropriate technical equipment is made by the owner independently. They often do not consider it necessary to install even the simplest stand-alone detectors. But judicial practice in cases of fires is not in favor of such owners, since They have a duty to ensure fire safety, the courts come to the conclusion that the absence of an OPS is a fact of insufficient fulfillment of this duty, therefore, the fault of the owner of the premises in non-compliance with fire safety requirements is obvious. Such circumstances make the installation of security and fire alarms an obligatory procedure, which is really capable of protecting against many negative consequences.

Work order

The installation of a fire alarm system involves several stages:

  • Site survey;
  • Development of a project with the definition of a list of equipment;
  • Preparation of the object for installation;
  • Installation work;
  • Commissioning works.

Only such an integrated approach to installation will make it possible to form an effective fire alarm system. It should be noted that at present such systems are of a complex nature and are designed to notify not only people in the building about a fire, but also emergency services.

Do not forget that the structure of the OPS also includes technical means of ensuring evacuation. Previously, they were only special signs of escape routes. At the present stage of development of technical means of security and safety, fire safety components are integrated with other complexes, for example, access control and management, thereby forming a single emergency protection system. Such a system provides for constant technical control over the state of all objects, timely transmission of a signal about an emergency situation, remote dispatching of various engineering communications. According to experts, a standard fire alarm on analog equipment can reduce the time of fire detection by three times, and in combination with automatic fire extinguishing equipment, it can provide fire localization before the arrival of the first fire brigades.

Practice shows that the correct installation of security and fire alarms by a specialized organization ensures long-term trouble-free operation of the equipment. And the installation of all devices does not end with the installation of all the devices. any equipment needs periodic maintenance. The complexity and scale of its implementation depend on the technologies used, as well as the characteristics of the facility. By the way, even the most primitive equipment installed on its own needs regular maintenance. It is desirable that such work be carried out by specialists who will not only ensure the operability of the technical means of protection, but in the process of servicing will eliminate the disadvantages of self-installation.

Equipping buildings with a fire alarm system is an urgent need on which the life and health of many people depends, which is much more expensive than any cost of installation work.

At the moment, security and fire alarms have become quite common, which increase the level of protection of all kinds of objects. Thanks to its "multifaceted" functionality and component composition, not only a fire is detected in a timely manner, but also a thorough control over the protected area is carried out. Such a device is quite complicated and expensive to install and service, but you will not find an electronic device that is so reliable.

What is the principle of the fire alarm system

A fire-fighting system is a whole "set" of different technical devices that ensure fire safety of various types of buildings, equipment, people, and also material values. It includes two systems: warning people in the building and fire alarm.

OPS device diagram

Due to the fact that a software and hardware dispatcher was installed, you will always see the source of fire on the plan of the facility. If a semi-automatic mode was set on the alarm, then after an alarm signal is received from it, the security service must turn on the personnel warning system about the fire and at the same time activate visual, voice, and also voice messages.

When the fire alarm in the building is confirmed, the main signal will be transmitted to the ACS - the "message" system and thereby will bring all the alarm elements into the mode of urgent evacuation of personnel. Also, the signal will go to the control system of various engineering networks of the building, after which they will go into the fire hazard mode.

A fire device operating in automatic mode performs the following functions:

  • Identification of a fire zone;
  • Detection of a focus after 2-time confirmation from the moment of registration;
  • Monitoring network faults for short circuit, as well as open circuit with reference to the building plan;
  • Detection of the focus at the initial stage;
  • Control of different units with the output of the results obtained to the dispatcher's workstation;
  • Viewing the fire condition of the building areas on a detailed and general plan, which are displayed on the dispatcher's console in text and graphic formats.

Features of design and calculation

The design of the FSA is the main stage on which the effective operation of the entire system depends. Such work should be done by professionals, since this is a complex scheme with a number of calculations, a significant number of devices and their location. However, since they are all connected by a loop, it is therefore necessary to design a path for further laying. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possible nuances that are being developed in the project to eliminate emerging threats.

OPS project for a high-rise building

However, the development of an OPS project is a subjective process, since each object must be carefully studied, taking into account the specifics of use, as well as plans. Moreover, it is necessary to assess:

  • Complexity of the design;
  • The size of the rooms;
  • The specifics of the layout.

Attention should also be paid to the places with the most probable occurrence of the outbreak. The design of the fire alarm system is carried out taking into account the PUE, as well as the DSTU. The project includes a huge number of different works:

  • Terms of reference, which takes into account all the wishes of the client;
  • Study of the premises;
  • Creation of a standard project with all estimated estimates for the work performed;
  • After agreeing on all the nuances with the client, all documents and estimates are signed;
  • Installation and performance check of the fire alarm system.

In the process of preparing for the installation of an alarm, it is necessary to carry out many calculations, thanks to which you can choose the most ideal type of device and at the same time avoid additional costs, for example, with the maintenance of the detectors or the installation of the system itself.

Typical project of security and fire alarm

The most important step in the calculation is to determine the ideal capacity for the energy source itself. In other words, you need to decide which type of power supply is most suitable for connecting the detectors. Not only accumulators, but also ordinary batteries can act as a source.

Security and fire alarm devices

The required capacity of the source is usually indicated in the fire alarm operating instructions itself. Therefore, it is necessary to check the value on the battery case with the available information in the instructions. If the power capacity is not enough, then buy a more powerful device. If you are connecting several batteries, then you need to make sure they are of the same voltage.

Also check the required wire cross-section for the alarm and pay attention to the characteristics of the battery capacity for different modes of operation (alarm, standby). Next, you need to summarize these values, after which you will receive the total battery capacity indicators of your particular OPS.

Types of systems

Today there are a huge number of different fire alarms of all possible levels of complexity. However, they all perform one function - they control the protected object using detectors. Most modern fire systems can remotely transmit a signal to the main security console and even perform many other service functions. But their main task is the timely detection of fire on the territory of the facility or illegal entry. Depending on the method of determining the fire threat, systems can be divided into the following types:

  • Unaddressed. Conventional sensors (manual, thermal, as well as smoke) are connected to the control devices, which display only the number of their loop. At the same time, they do not transmit the address of the room, as well as the number, to the main panel.

    Non-addressable FSA system

  • The addressable system works according to the following principle - the control panel receives data from the detectors, due to which the exact site of the fire is determined.

    Addressable security and fire alarm system

  • The analogue addressable signaling is a very effective and reliable device, since the received information goes to the main panel, and then it is analyzed by the main processor. It is up to the software package to give an alarm or not, and not a specific detector.

    Analogue addressable security and fire alarm

  • The threshold system with radial stubs is the most budgetary, however, its installation will be expensive. At the same time, this type of alarm can often give false alarms, so it will be necessary to duplicate detectors, which will lead to an increase in costs.

    Threshold alarm system with radial stubs

  • The modular threshold system is more advanced, since you can track any malfunction on the PC, which means that you can immediately take the necessary measures and troubleshoot. The disadvantage is the high price.

    Threshold modular devices of the fire alarm system

The main types of sensors

Fire detectors or sensors are special devices that allow you to record certain properties of a fire ignition with its initial detection and further prevention. Also, sensors are the main element of the entire alarm system, providing fire safety. The reliability of the detector determines, in general, the effective operation of the system, and they are divided into such types as:

Heat detectors

They react to changes in air temperature and can be divided into:

Use a heat sensor only if heat is a major symptom of a fire.

Smoke detectors

They help to detect the presence of smoke in the air, and they work on the principle of scattering infrared radiation on smoke particles. The disadvantage of smoke detectors is that they are capable of being triggered even with a significant amount of dust and steam in the room. But meanwhile they are very popular, although smoke detectors are not used in smoking rooms or very dusty rooms.

Smoke detector OPS

Flame detectors

They fire only from an open flame or a smoldering hearth. They are installed mainly in rooms where ignition is possible without the initial release of smoke. They are also able to detect a fire in the initial stages, that is, in the absence of most factors, such as temperature drops and smoke. Flame detectors are used in industrial premises characterized by significant heat exchange and dustiness.

Flame detector OPS

These sensors are suitable for a variety of applications as they react to smoke, heat and even gas in the air. They act on the principle of identifying a number of chemical reactions. These detectors contain particles of carbon monoxide, and the automatic settings can determine the ideal temperature of the oxide, which changes when it changes.

Fire alarm system gas leak detector

Combined sensors

They are able to detect signs of fire in several ways at once. Basically, these are devices that have the functions of not only a smoke, but also a heat sensor, thanks to which it is possible to specifically identify signs of fire, and then notify people.

Combined fire alarm system detector

Installation and connection of security and fire alarm systems

  1. You must define the required number of detectors. And for this you need to know the height of the ceiling of the room, as well as its area. According to the documentation, with a ceiling height of more than 3.5 meters and 80 square meters. area, you will need one detector, however, safety rules state that even in a small room, at least 2 sensors must be installed. Therefore, it is best to be guided by these rules.

    Installing an OPS detector

  2. Where the sensors will be installed, it is necessary to designate the place. The distance from the detector to the wall should be about 450 cm, while the gap between the sensors should be about 900 cm. This rule applies to single-level ceilings with a maximum height of 350 cm. Wall-mounted detectors are installed 200 mm from the ceiling.

    OPS wall detector

  3. The detectors must be fixed at the originally marked places, after which they are connected to the power source with 2-core wires. Devices must be connected in series with each other. The resistor is installed in the block of the most recent sensor.

    Connecting the detectors to the power supply

  4. After you connect the last detector, they need to be checked for functionality. To do this, near the detector, it is necessary to conduct a flame from a lighted match or candle.

    Checking the performance of the heat detector of the fire alarm system

Where and how to install fire detectors

The standards for installing OPS detectors are quite liberal: between the sensors it is 9 meters, from the wall - 4.5 meters. However, this arrangement is made solely for the sake of comfortable configuration of a particular fire system. In this regard, it can be concluded that the installation and location of detectors is more complicated.

Fire and security alarm installation diagram

When installing sensors on walls, the distance should be at least 200 cm, otherwise they will give a false alarm, as they will end up in a "smoke pocket".

The sensitivity of the detector depends directly on the remoteness of the source of danger and it does not survey the entire hemisphere. In an empty room, the area controlled by the sensor depends only on the ceiling height.

By the flame:

  • Up to 15 sq. - from 6 to 9 meters;
  • Up to 20 sq. M. - from 3.5 to 6 meters;
  • Up to 25 sq. M. - 3.5 meters;
  • More than 9 meters - it will be impossible to control, since the ignition will become a fire, and the sensor itself will not work.
  • Up to 85 sq. M. - this is up to 3.5 meters;
  • Up to 70 sq. M. - this is from 3.5 to 6 meters;
  • Up to 65 sq. M. - this is from 6 to 10 meters;
  • Up to 55 sq. M. - from 10 meters.

However, the exact calculation of the location of the detectors needs to be simulated on a PC or by a professional.

How the alert system works

When the detectors detect a fire, the fire warning system is automatically activated. By their principle of operation, as well as their composition, warning systems are divided into:

The notification function is realized thanks to the output as well as the input interfaces. To display information, alphanumeric and light indicators, as well as audible alarms, are used.

Possible faults after installation

Inadequate prevention is the main cause of fire alarm problems. In other words, it is necessary to constantly carry out all preventive work. Smoke detectors very often fail, as various particles and other debris get into their chamber. However, there is a break in the loop or system errors, which also cause malfunctions.

Considering the fire alarm system, the main problems are highlighted:

Dirty and highly dusty workspaces, high humidity or high temperatures often cause significant damage to fire alarms. Also, banal reasons, for example, cable breakage, become the reason for the failure of the fire alarm system, because of which the alarm can even beep, blink, and so on without a fire. But the most serious cause of malfunctions is still the intervention of unqualified specialists, amateur performances or the term of operation approaching completion.

How to remove a fire alarm yourself

If the alarm went off for no reason, then it can be completely turned off. The most elementary option is to get the power supply (battery) from the sensor or disconnect the receiving and control device from the network.

Attention! In this case, the fire alarm will become useless and will not be able to warn you about a real fire.

In addition, many fire alarms are equipped with additional power supplies and a button located on the front of the detector, which will also need to be disabled. When you press the button, the device goes into alarm mode, and the sound signal is automatically reset.

Also, the fire alarm is turned off using the centralized control panel, but for this you need to know the password. If you cannot find out the reason for the breakdown of the device, then decide the issue radically - bite off the wires that go to the sensor, but in this case the device will stop working altogether and will simply resemble a decorative element.

Video: how to connect an OPS with your own hands

Human safety is a top priority, and it does not matter whether he is in the workplace or at home. This can be achieved by installing the OPS in combination with other devices. But in order for the alarm to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for design, installation and its operation.