Pansy seedlings care. How to plant pansies with seeds

The cultivation of flowers with such a poetic name is widespread in our gardens, both in flower beds and in flower pots and containers.

Pansies (another name - viola) in ancient times were attributed magical property- to bewitch love. It was believed that one has only to splash the juice of this plant on the eyelids of a sleeping person, then wait for his awakening and the one whom he sees first and becomes the object of his adoration.

The French and Poles usually present these flowers to their loved ones during the upcoming long separation.

They are perennials and are often grown as biennials or annuals.

Together with other annuals, such as or nasturtium, they perfectly decorate any garden, terrace, balcony.

Perennials or annuals?

Pansies can be grown as annuals and perennials. It all depends on the climatic conditions in which the plants are grown and the labor that you are willing to put in.
These flowers are hardy enough, but even in middle lane Russia is not always able to survive the cold winter. Particularly vulnerable are plants that were planted late, did not grow a lot and left weakened before winter.

Viola does not tolerate wintering well in winters with little snow; spring thaws with subsequent night frosts are especially dangerous for flowers.

In order for the viola not to freeze, it is necessary to avoid low damp places for planting, cover the flowers with a covering material for the winter, and in winter carry out snow retention in a flower bed with pansies.

In order for the viola to bloom earlier, in early spring it is better to close the flower bed with foil.
Growing annual viola more predictable process.

Viola varieties

Numerous varieties of these flowers are hybrids of several types of violets. All varieties are widely used in floriculture to create borders, flowering carpets, flower beds, flower beds, as well as to decorate windows and balconies.

Viola can be compact or spreading bushes.
Viols spread all over the globe... The most common groups among our florists are as follows:

  • Erfurt early,
  • himalis winter,
  • swiss large-flowered (Roggli),
  • trimardo blooming profusely.

Pansies have an incredible variety of colors and colors, the most popular is the tricolor viola - top of the petals - purple, the middle petals are yellow and the lower petals are light yellow or white.

Landing conditions

Pansies are thermophilic plants. They should be grown in sunny or slightly shaded areas. In partial shade, their flowers become small, the plant itself grows for a long time.

But in a sunny place, the plants have large, bright flowers... Plants do not tolerate lowlands and damp places, spring stagnation of water rather poorly. Loamy, fertile, moist, neutral soils are suitable for pansies.

Growing methods

You can grow these flowers from seeds by planting immediately in open ground or grow seedlings from seeds.

In addition, it is possible to self-sow pansies in spring in the place where they were planted last year.

At the same time, the flowers are pollinated, their species differences are lost, the color and size of the flower change.

These flowers are cross-pollinated plants, when planting you need different varieties plant at a distance from each other to maintain the purity of the variety.

To collect seeds from your flowers at the dacha, you need to select strong specimens, wait for the seed pods to turn yellow and collect the seeds before the pods crack and the seeds spill out onto the ground.

At the same time, it is possible to prepare seeds of exactly those varieties of flowers and colors that you like. The seeds are very small - there are almost a thousand seeds in one gram.

Growing from seeds in the open field

Seeds are planted in open ground in June - July, and bloom this year pansies will not. The flowers will bloom profusely next year in early spring.

The seeds are sown in rows in a nursery - a special bed with well-prepared soil. After the emergence of shoots, they dive, that is, they are transplanted with pinching of the central root by one third for better root formation.

It is done in the presence of two true leaves and transplanted onto permanent place within 25 by 25 centimeters. The plant should develop well over the summer, but not bloom.

Growing seedlings

Sowing of seeds is carried out in early March in small containers with drain hole... The soil for seedlings is shed with potassium permanganate per day. The seeds are laid out, moistened with a sprayer, covered with glass, or the boxes with seedlings are placed in a plastic bag and placed in a warm, dark place.

When the sprouts appear, we transfer them to the windowsill, make sure not to steam under the film or glass. Next, we act in the same way as with sprouts in the open field - we dive and then transplant them into separate cups.

At the end of April, you need to harden - take the seedlings out into the street or balcony. In open ground, seedlings are planted depending on the weather in April - early May, and in a month the viola will delight you with abundant flowering.

Propagation by cuttings

Pansies, along with seeds, are also propagated by green cuttings.
When the bushes have been growing for more than two years, they can grow strongly, flowering becomes less abundant.

In order to rejuvenate the plant and propagate it, cuttings are used.

From May to July, in several stages, the most beautiful specimens, remove the buds, cut off young end shoots with 2-3 nodes and plant tightly to each other in the shade in moist soil.

Cover with a jar or paper dipped in water. Cuttings grow well when planted under the crown of a tree. In the fall, after the cuttings have grown well, you can transplant them to your permanent place.
Plant care. For the winter, plants are mulched. Standard care: weeding, watering, loosening, top dressing. For long flowering the faded flowers are removed.


Flowering begins in April and continues until the onset of frost.

Because of the love of the sun, pansies on the sunny side are always larger and brighter in color, but they will fade faster.
Pansies, which are grown as biennial plants, are recommended to be cut.

Plants grown from summer crops in the previous year, or grown from cuttings bloom more abundantly and their flower sizes are larger than those of annual flowers.

Watering. Water at the root, abundantly and regularly.
Fertilizers, top dressing... These flowers love fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and trace elements. The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of butanization.
Diseases, pests... The plant is affected by the following diseases and pests: powdery mildew, leaf spot, root nematode, blackleg, aphid.

Growing in areas with a cold climate requires one important procedure - the plants should be dug up for the winter, transferred to a greenhouse. For other regions, it is quite enough to cover the plants well with sawdust, covering material. Pansies can be combined with other biennials and perennials such as mignonette.

Good luck, gardeners to you!

The solution to the problem "Pansies: growing from seeds" should begin with a study of information on this issue. Following the recommendations of experienced florists will help to decorate garden flower bed, vase, path, curb or balcony, get aesthetic pleasure and please with home colorful plants.

The ancestor of "anyutok" in the wild was the tricolor violet - a perennial plant common in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, and North America. In Russia it is known as Ivan da Marya and was used in folk medicine as a remedy for the treatment of furunculosis, diathesis, bronchitis. The first pansies, hybrids from crossing a tricolor violet with a horned one, were obtained in England. Swedish professor of botany Veit Wittrock has devoted many years to the study of this plant and wrote a book about it. In his honor, pansies received a second name - Vittrock's violet.

The plant loved by gardeners is a herbaceous, slightly spreading bush 15-35 cm high. The roots go 15-20 cm deep. Five flower petals are arranged in a fan; have a diameter of 5-6 to 11 cm, different colors and shades. A speck stands out in the center of the flower, this makes the flower look like an eye with a pupil. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds (width - about 1 mm).

Viola and the language of flowers

Flowers were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Mini-bouquets served as an addition to the outfits of high society ladies. A garland of pansies adorned the hairstyle and belt of Anna Karenina's black ball gown. In the language of flowers, this meant the beginning of falling in love and thinking about one person. Flowers similar to butterflies quickly settled on ladies' hats and umbrellas.

Lilac-yellow pansies look at us from napkins, tablecloths and curtains, embroidered in the 50-60s of the last century.

Gardeners appreciated this fragile appearance, but unpretentious plant... Pansies have become popular in the design of city parks and home gardens. Their combination with early bulbous flowers is successful: viola replaces hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering.

Choosing a growing method

Pansies refer to perennial plants, but after the 2nd year, the flowers on the bushes become smaller, the buds are almost not formed. When grown for two years during the 1st year of life, a bush is formed, flowers appear in the next season. This period can be shifted to an earlier date, depending on the methods of growing the plant. The choice of breeding method for viola depends on climatic conditions and the preferred flowering period.

Table. Planting methods for pansies.

What is the methodprosMinuses
Plant purchased ready-made seedlings in April - MayWill bloom soon after plantingUnknown variety and species
Sowing seeds in the ground in mid-May - June - July, in August they are transplanted to a permanent placeThe seedlings have time to take root well before the cold weather, bloom early next springOnly one season blooms
Sow seeds in late February-early March in a containerTwo seasons will bloomIf expected Cold winter, you need to cover

The best is to grow plants from seed with sowing at the end of winter in a container. In this case, you can admire the flowers for 2 seasons, even in the middle lane. For regions with cold winters, this method is also suitable, but the viola must be grown as an annual or very securely covered before the onset of cold weather. The most popular varieties of pansies are Dynamite, Freedom, Aurora, Strawberry with cream.

Growing pansies from seeds can be implemented in two ways:

  • sowing in containers - picking - transferring to the site;
  • sowing into soil - replanting to a permanent place.

Note! Seeds give good germination, if stored for no more than 2 years.

How to grow pansies from seeds in a container

To obtain viable seedlings on time, you need:

  • quality seeds;
  • tweezers (manicure);
  • container for sowing seeds;
  • priming;
  • glass or film;
  • lamp for additional illumination - LED lamp or phytolamp;
  • a room where the temperature is not higher than 23 ° C (best of all 18-20 ° C);
  • containers for picking (pots with a diameter of 10 cm or boxes, if there are a lot of seedlings);
  • capacity for settling water;
  • spray;
  • watering can with a capacity of about 1 liter.

Important! Better to use led lamp: in its spectrum there are blue and red colors necessary for plants; they are economical and safe to operate.

Video - Pansies: profuse flowering in the year of planting

Sowing seeds in a container

To implement this stage, you need to do the following:

Important! The solution should not contain undissolved crystals of potassium permanganate.

Sowing seeds is done according to the principle:

  1. seeds are taken by hand or with tweezers and laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance from each other;
  2. count down required amount seeds, poured into a container and distributed in it with tweezers.

Seeds can be:

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

This method is becoming popular, as the process of picking plants is facilitated.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • tablets (for example, BT) are freed from cellophane packaging and tightly packed into a container, warm water is poured onto the bottom in portions;
  • when the tablets swell, collect the remaining moisture with an absorbent cloth or sponge;
  • place 1 seed in the recess in the center of the tablet, if you are not sure of the quality seed then two;
  • sprinkle the seeds with soil a little;
  • cover the container with a lid with cut ventilation holes;
  • put on a window with sufficient lighting.

Important! This method is preferably used by experienced florists. Growing seedlings in pills has many benefits, but requires attention and skill.

Crop care

Crop care includes:

  • short-term ventilation since condensation begins to form on the walls of the container;
  • timely and moderate watering: do not fill or dry out;
  • temperature regime: 18-22 ° С, 25 is allowed;
  • if the window faces the south side, shade the crops;
  • care for flower shoots.

Creation of favorable conditions for sprouts

When sprouts appear, you should:

Seedling picking

It occurs around the beginning of April and includes the following stages:

  • if space permits, containers are prepared according to the number of sprouts, otherwise some of the sprouts can be transplanted into a box;
  • containers are filled with soil. It is desirable that this be the same type of soil in which the viola is to grow in the open air;
  • thoroughly water the soil in new containers and make a depression in it;
  • pour the soil from a watering can into a container with sprouts.
  • for better extraction of sprouts, you can use convenient objects: a spoon handle or a spatula;
  • if the seedlings are grown in peat tablets, the dive stage is not needed - the viola continues to grow until it is planted in open ground.

Note! Slight damage to the roots is not harmful to the plant. This will be a plus: it will launch the root system growth program.

The next month is devoted to such care for the seedlings, in which it will take root faster and continue to grow:

Planting pansies in open ground

In early May, buds appear on the bushes. This is a sign that the viola can be sent to the flower bed. A possible drop in temperature, even slight frosts, will not harm the plants.

Preliminarily follows:

Plant care during the summer

  • periodic watering as needed;
  • obligatory loosening after watering;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with sawdust;
  • control of weeds that weaken the plant;
  • timely removal of wilted flowers will stimulate the formation of new buds;
  • removal of reddened leaves, they will be if frost has occurred;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Note! If the plant is planted in a flower bed, it must be fed 1-2 times per season. When grown in decorative pots- every two weeks.

Video - Pansies: care and reproduction

Growing pansies with seeds in the open field

Growing seedlings can be organized by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The crucial moment is to determine the sowing time. If sown too early, the violet will bloom without getting enough root mass. By winter, the plant will weaken and may not tolerate frost. With a late planting, the viola will not be able to root well enough and get stronger for wintering after a dive. Optimal term depends on the region - in Leningrad region this is the second half of July, in the middle lane - the second half - the end of May.

To do this, perform the following work:

  • choose a well-drained place, in the lowland the violet will freeze out;
  • the best option is loamy or sandy loam soil with an acidity not higher than 8pH;
  • carefully prepare a place for future crops - dig up the beds, outline the rows;
  • sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • lightly sprinkle with earth on top and mulch;
  • to form each variety in a separate row.

Seedlings will appear on the 10-14th day.

Crop care:

After 2 weeks, the plants are planted in a permanent place, the distance between shoots and rows is 20 cm.In order for the viola to get stronger and take root well by winter, you should ensure:

  • thorough weeding and loosening;
  • plant dressing in the open field - ammonium nitrate and superphosphate or Kemir's preparation;
  • if the soil is poor, top dressing with humus and compost, otherwise the plant will turn into small flowers or stop pleasing with flowers.

The plants will start growing early next spring and bloom in April.

Pansies - beautifully blooming, cultivated plants... In another way, they are called tricolor violets or viols. These beautiful plants have been known to everyone since childhood. They occupy one of the main places in the world of floriculture lovers.

They have a variety of varieties (up to 400) and color shades. Bloom profusely from spring to frost. Many gardeners make sure to set aside an area in the garden for these beautiful flowers.

Why was Pansies called that?

The true origin of the flower's name is not known. There are only legends and myths. One of these legends tells that once upon a time there lived a girl named Anyuta. One day she met young man and loved him very much. After some time, the young man decided to leave, but he made an oath that he would return to his chosen one.

Anyuta many times went out on the road along which her beloved left. She peered into the distance, hoping to see him. She waited a long time, but the young man never returned. Gradually fading away from loneliness and melancholy, Anyuta died.

After the burial, flowers grew on her grave, resembling eyes that tirelessly looked somewhere into the distance. This is how the popular name for pansies appeared.

Pansies varieties photos and names

- the variety has pure white flowers with wavy edges. The size of the opened bud varies from six to eight centimeters. The total height of the shrub reaches thirty-five centimeters.

- This variety has white flowers with yellow blotches. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters. The length of the pedicel varies from eight to twelve centimeters.

- The flowers of this variety are colored blue and purple. The petals have straight edges and a smooth surface. The size of the flowers varies from six to seven centimeters in diameter. Shoot length is about eleven centimeters.

- flowers of this variety have a cherry and red tint with brown splashes. The petals are smooth with ribbed edges. The size of the flowers is eight centimeters in diameter.

- from the name of the variety it is clear that the flowers have a golden hue. The size of the opened buds reaches seven centimeters in diameter. The shoot length does not exceed ten centimeters.

Varieties with large flowers

- flowers of this variety are brown and red. The lower petals have brown spots. The size of the flowers varies from five to six centimeters.

- flowers have a bluish tint. The size of the opened buds is no more than five centimeters in diameter. The total height of the shrub reaches thirty centimeters.

- flowers of this variety at the base have a purple and violet tint, and closer to the edges acquire white tone... The lower petals are completely white. The size of the opened buds reaches five centimeters. Shoot length is small, about seven centimeters.

- flowers are bright yellowish with purple blotches. All petals have ribbed edges. The length of the stems reaches nine centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

- This variety has flowers that appear with a dark purple color, but after two days they acquire a black tone. The petals have a velvety surface and smooth edges. The flowers grow up to five centimeters in diameter. The length of the shoots is ten centimeters.

- the flowers of this variety appear with a blue color, but after two days the petals begin to brighten, acquiring a light bluish tint. The size of the flowers reaches five centimeters in diameter. Shoots are about nine centimeters long.

- the flowers of this plant have White color with long, purple blotches. There are varieties with petals that have white, yellow, purple and green hues. The height of the bush reaches twenty centimeters, and the diameter of the flowers is five centimeters.

Varieties with small flowers

- flowers with a dark red shade with a black base. The lower petals are yellow. The flowers are four centimeters in diameter. The total height of the shrub is twenty centimeters.

- the variety was named after a girl from folk tale, which had a red cap. Likewise, the flowers of the plant at the edges have a light or dark shade red, and in the center of the petals is black. The size of the flowers is small, only three centimeters.

- flowers with velvet petals in a pure white tone. The size of the flowers can be up to four centimeters in diameter.

- this variety has delicate petals with a blue and light blue tint. The flowers grow up to four centimeters in diameter.

Pansies growing from seeds

To please yourself with flowers in the first year, you need to know how to plant this plant correctly. It all starts with sowing seeds at the end of February. To do this, use any plastic boxes filled with slightly acidic soil.

Seeds should be placed 5 mm deep. Then place the drawers in a dark and warm place. The seedlings will sprout in five days. Having noticed the first shoots, transfer the seedlings to a bright place where the temperature does not exceed + 17 ° C. Watch for moderate soil moisture, feed the seedlings with a soluble fertilizer containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

When the seedlings germinate well and two leaves appear on each stem, proceed with planting in cassettes. After completing the transfer, place the boxes in cool place, where no more than + 13 ° C. During this period, continue to monitor soil moisture and fertilize.

Violet very beautiful flower, which can also be grown when nursing at home, the main thing is to follow the rules of care and you will not have any problems with it. All the necessary recommendations can be found in this article.

Viola primer

For tricolor violets, you must choose a nutritious soil. In poor soils, such as sandy or clayey, flowers do not grow well, becoming inconspicuous dwarfs.

To improve bad soil, you need to mix it with fertilizer. For one square meter apply 5 kg of plant compost or last year's manure.

Pansy landing

Violet tricolor is not whimsical when grown outdoors. The only thing she needs is a spacious place and warmth. Choose an open, sunny area for planting. When you start planting seedlings, observe the distance between the seedlings (15-20 cm). Plants will take root in 3-4 days.

Important! Plant seedlings in open land two months after the dive. The number of leaves of a seedling must be at least 4 pieces.

Watering the viola

You need to water the flowers three times a week, and if the weather is hot, then every day. Try not to overfill the seedlings, but keep the soil moisture at a moderate level. Pour water at the very root.

Important! Do not allow stagnation of water in the ground, this can cause rotting flowers. Loosen the soil after watering.

Fertilizer for tricolor violets

The first feeding of flowers should be done two weeks after transplanting into open ground. Any complexes of minerals (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium) are suitable as fertilizers. The next feeding should be done during bud emergence and before flowering.

Important! You cannot fertilize this plant with fresh manure.

Pansy trimming

Violets multiply rapidly by throwing seeds into the soil. If you do not want the flowers to grow strongly in one place, then you need to remove the seed pods on time. You need to cut flowers at a distance of five centimeters from the ground.

After three weeks, you will have new inflorescences. The same pruning is done if the bushes begin to turn yellow and dry, and the flowers fade and shrink. After two weeks, the shrub will give new shoots.

Important! Leave two leaves on each stem with a cut field.

Pansy flowering period

Violets give profuse flowering from May to frost, that is, 4-5 months a year. This long flowering is due to the constant change of flowers, which happens imperceptibly.

Old flowers fall off after 3-4 days, and new ones appear in their places. If you want flowers to begin to appear in early spring, then sow seeds outdoors in the second half of summer.

Tricolor violet in winter

Violets tricolor easily survive the cold season. But they need help to prepare for wintering.

After the onset of stable frost, prune the bushes. Then cover the plants with dry leaves. Remove the leaves in early spring to keep the flowers from getting stuck.

Pansies growing from seeds when to plant

This is the main breeding method for violets. Seeds can be purchased at flower shop or pick it yourself from bushes that have faded. They are planted in seedling boxes or directly into open ground.

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings may be different. To get early flowering specimens, you can sow in January and February. But for this you will have to provide the seedlings with additional lighting. The first flower buds will appear in late spring and early summer.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in early summer and autumn. In the first case, the plants will show abundant flowering in August and September. And in the second case, sowing will ensure flowering in early spring next year.

Pansies propagation by cuttings

For example, large-flowered varieties degenerate over time and begin to produce small flowers. The cuttings method can save and reproduce such a rare specimen.

To do this, cut off a small shoot with two leaves from the plant and plant it in a glass with soil. Such a stalk will sprout roots by itself without additional stimulants.

Important! Use soil from the area where you plan to plant flowers. This will help the plant adapt immediately to the characteristics of your soil.

Reproduction of a tricolor violet by dividing a bush

This method is used to propagate perennial varieties. Violets should not grow in one place for more than four years. They degenerate and disappear.

To prevent this, a large shrub is divided into small parts. You need to divide the plant in early spring before flowering.

Diseases and pests

Powdery mildew - it fungal disease which appears on leaves and stems as white bloom... If the plant has small spots, you need to treat the surface of the leaves with fungicides, such as "Pure" or "Topaz". With a stronger spread of the fungus, the plant must be pulled out of the garden so as not to infect the rest of the flowers.

Gray rot Is a fungal disease. It manifests itself as a grayish mold that covers the affected areas of leaves and stems. To stop the spread of the infection, you need to remove the leaves. Sprinkle the remaining affected areas wood ash or chalk. If the fungus has spread strongly over the flower, you need to spray it with a fungicidal preparation (fundozol, pure flowers, rak, fast).

Bacterial spot - the cause of this disease is phytopathogenic bacteria. It manifests itself as brown or black spots that affect the leaves. To stop the spread of the disease, you need to pull out the affected plant, and spray the adjacent shrubs with a fungicide of moderate toxicity, for example, copper oxychloride.

Pansies medicinal properties

Violet tricolor - unique treatment plant which contains the set nutrients: vitamin "C", carotenoids, rutin, salicylic acid, trace elements, etc. Due to its chemicals the plant helps to cope with coughs, bronchitis, stomach and intestinal diseases, bladder infections, neuroses and insomnia.

There are contraindications in the use of viola. Do not use the plant for liver inflammation (hepatitis) and kidney disease (glomerulonephritis). Frequent use of tricolor violet decoction can irritate the stomach.

Influenza decoction : pour one glass into the container hot water... Add one tablespoon of dried, ground herb. Put the container on fire and boil for 15 minutes. Wait for the broth to cool and strain. Take one teaspoonful three times daily after meals.

Cough syrup : Add five tablespoons of dried, chopped herbs to a container. Pour in five cups of boiling water. Let the solution sit for twelve hours and then strain. Add five tablespoons of sugar and heat. Boil the composition until the syrup is thick. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice... Drink hot tea syrup - one tablespoon of syrup per glass of tea.

No one will be left indifferent by pansies, growing from seeds, when to plant - this information will come in handy for gardeners who like this delicate flower... The plant is herbaceous, attracts with a variety of colors. The most famous is the tricolor viola, the top of its petals is purple, the middle is amber, the bottom is white or yellowish.

Pansies - growing from seed

It is easy to grow pansies, they are not capricious. The flower is bred with seeds, it is recommended to plant them in an open area or for seedlings. To collect seeds, you need to pick up a powerful specimen and wait for the boxes with the seeds to turn yellow. It is important to stock up on seeds before they spill onto the soil when the pods are plowed. At the same time, there is a chance to prepare seed from crops of the color and variety you like. Pansies grow normally in the shade and sun. Viola is best planted where bright light only illuminates part of the day.

How to grow pansies from seeds in an open area:

  1. When embedded in the ground, grooves are made 0.5 cm wide with a distance between rows of 2 cm, they are shed with water.
  2. The seeds should be planted every 2 cm (this is best done with a small sheet of paper), covered with a moistened substrate and the soil is lightly crushed.
  3. Sowing is protected with a film, periodically ventilated.
  4. When shoots appear and the first pair of true leaves hatch, the seedlings dive, shortening the main root by a third, and plant them according to the 25x25 cm scheme.
  5. Subsequent care consists in loosening the soil and watering.
  6. Before budding, it is better to fertilize the flower - pour it with dissolved nitrophos - on a bucket of 1 tbsp. spoon of the composition.
  7. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with spruce branches.

When to sow pansies for seedlings?

Sowing pansies when growing from seeds, when to plant - the solution to these issues is due to when you want to see the first flowers. Experts recommend cultivating the violet as an annual or biennial - this way it has the most attractive appearance and lush bloom... Sowing pansies for seedlings - how to calculate the timing:

  1. I would like to bloom in the same year in June-July - it is recommended to plant seeds in January-February for seedlings.
  2. Pansies - Growing from seed, when to plant for early spring bloom in the second year: Planting should be done outdoors in June. They will overwinter and will start flowering in early spring in April.
  3. If planted earlier, in May, the buds will bloom in the fall.

Germinating pansy seeds

To enhance the energy of germination, the seeds of pansy flowers are soaked in a solution of the growth biostimulator "" for a day before the planting. The agent gives the sprouts energy and at the same time performs disinfecting functions. Additional resistance to ailments will help to give 20 minutes of placing the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate in a burgundy tone. It is not superfluous to soak them in a solution of wood ash: 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of the product in a liter of water and leave the grains in the composition for 2 hours. There is no need to germinate the seeds before sowing - they are very small and take root well in the soil.

Seedlings of pansies at home

When cultivating pansies, growing seedlings from seeds will accelerate the start of budding. For sowing, shallow boxes are selected and purchased soil for violets is purchased. You can independently prepare a substrate from 1 share of garden soil, 1 share of sand and 0.5 share of humus or peat. Before planting, the soil is steamed in a water bath and spilled with a fungicide to destroy pathogens and weeds. In the form of a disinfectant, a dark solution of magrantzovka is suitable.

How to plant pansies for seedlings?

Planting pansies for seedlings:

  1. The easiest way to touch it is to put the seeds on top of the soil in containers and put them in a dark place at a temperature of + 20-22 ° С.
  2. The seedlings are covered with foil and aired for 10 minutes every day. Water the crops with a fine spray.

How many days do pansy seeds germinate?

When asked how many pansy seeds sprout experienced florists answer - if sowing is done quality material, then after 1-2 weeks seedlings will sprout... Sometimes (depending on the variety and quality of the seeds), germination can take 3-4 weeks. Before that, it is better to cover them with a dark dense garbage bag - the seeds love to sprout in the dark.

Pansy picking

Boxes with green shoots are placed on a lighted window. When growing, the seedlings are taught to air for the initial 7 days. To do this, every day, the cycle of its open location is increased from 10 minutes to 5-6 hours, then it can be removed from the seedlings by covering it. Watering is done when the top layer dries. When to dive pansies after germination:

  1. When 2-3 true leaves appear, seedlings are placed in separate containers or a common box according to the 5x5 cm scheme.
  2. When diving, young plants are buried to the cotyledons.
  3. When growing viola, when young shoots have 6 leaves each, pinch the top of the central stem so that the violets form a lush bush.
  4. The viola is fed once every 2 weeks with fertilizer for seedlings, the moisture of the substrate in the pots is monitored.

With quality care, in a month (by the end of May) the viola blooms and is ready for planting in the garden. Before transplanting sprouts to open area they are hardened. To do this, the seedlings are placed in the sun, start from an hour a day and increase the time by an hour every day. The scheme of planting pansies in a flower garden - 20x20 cm.Care for pansies:

  1. For a generous flowering, a plant needs frequent watering especially in the heat. After moistening, the bush is better.
  2. Feeding with mineral supplements such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of viola. It is advisable to start fertilizing flowers 2 weeks after planting with a solution of ammonium nitrate or superphosphate at the rate of 20-40 g per 1 m 2.
  3. The dried flowers and leaves of the viola must be removed. If these simple requirements are implemented, then a bright carpet will delight the eye until frost.