Which heater is better to hang over the front door. Heat curtain at the entrance door Find the goods

June 30, 2015. Alexei

The appointment of the heat curtain is to prevent the penetration of cold air flows inside the room and keep warm. With the help of the curtain, the possibility of drafts is eliminated, and with open doors.

You should not compare an air curtain with a heat gun, it consists in heating space: the heat curtain on the door does not heat the air. Installation of such protection saves heating costs, preventing heat leakage.

A little about thermal equipment

We disassemble all the pros and cons of thermal equipment:

  • Saving heating costs;
  • Holds coolness in the summer season;
  • Prevents the appearance of drafts;
  • Protects the room from the penetration of dust, insects and dirt.

The disadvantages of the system include a high noise effect when working - from 50 dB. Noise from the device operation can be compared with a washing machine. Moreover, all models have noise effect, regardless of the manufacturer.

Building and principle of work

Air-thermal curtains are arranged on the principle of fans injected into the room, but at a higher speed of rotation. This fan creates a dense air layer in the doorway, which prevents the mixing of air flows of different temperatures.

Types of air curtains

  1. By type of installation;
  2. By type of heat carrier.

By type of installation, models with horizontal and vertical fastening are distinguished as well as hidden. Vertical curtains are installed at the top of the doorway across the width. Horizontal models are mounted with a side of the doors.

Hidden curtains are installed in doorway or on suspended ceilings. For specialized premises, products are manufactured with additional features, such as curtains with protection against water droplets in a car wash.

The coolant of these structures may be electrical heating spirals, lands and hot water from the heating system. Electrical devices are easily mounted and serviced. Instruments connected to water heating can be installed during the construction of the house or during overhaul. The price of water curtains significantly exceeds the electrical analogs, however, quickly pays off during operation.

We watch the video, the principle of operation:

The advantages of spiral heaters include instant warming up, a reduced noise effect and a uniform distribution of warm air through an air layer area. The prices for thermal curtains for doors oscillate within 8,000 rubles.

Disadvantage - burning oxygen indoors. There is no contact with air contact with air, due to the placement of the heating element in the thermal insulation material. The most preferred and economical are the heating elements from ceramics (their price is from 11 100 rubles).

Review models

Ballu BHC-18.500TR

This powerful heat curtain on the entrance doorways is used for installation on terminals, garages, warehouses, depot, etc. System price 31 100 rubles.

Vectra RM-1209G-3D / Y-6

This system is designed to install on the standard size door. Ceramic heaters provide a comfortable microclimate indoors, do not burn oxygen. Vectra is equipped with a two-speed fan that creates a dense air layer.

Sliding blinds create additional comfort, allowing you to direct the air flows in a specific direction. With the help of the infrared remote control, you can easily coordinate the operation of the system.

Tropic K6 (Russia)

These apparatus are used to install in rooms with low patency, tambura. The reliability of the design is provided with a strong steel case and components of European manufacturers.

The metal housing protects the device from overheating over a long period of operation, as well as from different types of mechanical deformations. You can buy a thermal veil in 6,835 rubles.

  • Heating element: TEN;
  • Power: 6 kW;
  • Productivity: 1 200 - 2 100 m3 / hour;
  • Maximum height: 2.5 m;
  • Fastening: horizontal;
  • Control: Remote Remote;
  • Voltage: 220 V.

Swedish company FRICO produces a variety of climatic products of the highest quality. This design is designed to protect standard and small doorways from cold streams, insects, penetration of smells and dust. The device is easily mounted and controlled by a remote control.

We watch the video about FRICO models:

The high-tech steel design is protected from corrosion and mechanical deformation. The option of changes in the direction of air flow, protection against moisture and small particles is provided. A distinctive feature of FRICO devices is low energy consumption. Buying a thermal curtain above the door will cost 35,890 rubles.

How to make a choice

Here are some criteria for choosing thermal equipment:

  1. Length / width of the curtain;
  2. Turbine device;
  3. Management type;
  4. Type of heating element;
  5. Additional options.

Properly selected air curtain length determines the efficiency of the design: it must overlap at least 3/4 of the length of the opening.

When horizontal installation, the width of the door opening should be taken into account: the length of the blowing element must exceed 10 cm width. If the doorway is very large, it is advisable to install several curtains that will ensure a good protective layer. Otherwise, the installation of the system will not bring the result.

The turbine device determines the speed of movement of air flows generated by this unit. For example, for a regular door 1 / 2.5 m, a curtain with a capacity of 900 m3 / hour (5 kW) is required. If the rate of formation of flows is insufficient, the efficiency of the device will significantly decrease: boosters will remain for the penetration of the cold. In this case, the house is installed in the house, which will partially delay cold streams from the street.

We watch video, equipment selection criteria:

The type of heating element must be selected based on the conditions of the protected room. Spiral heaters tend to burn oxygen, so at home they are not desirable. Tenny cost more, but the design provides for the protection of oxygen from burnout. The beans are located inside the tube from the metal, the internal space of which is filled with heat-conducting quartz sand. Heating due to connecting to the heating system saves electricity costs, however, such structures are complex in installation and are installed on industrial facilities.

Does the power of the heating element affect the efficiency of the thermal curtain? No, does not affect. The performance of the device is determined by the speed of the formation of air flows, and not heating the air. If you have a vestibule, you can choose a device without a heating function or with minimal heating: it will save money. Additional options include a remote remote control and timer. This creates additional amenities to use.


When you select the desired device, determine the correspondence of the dimensions of the doorway of the selected model. In case of inconsistencies, give preference to horizontal devices. It is not recommended to save when buying a protective curtain and purchase the cheapest device with air pumping 300 m3 / hour: such devices are designed for windows of stalls.

Questions about how to insulate the iron door in a private house, on the Internet much more than intelligible answers to them. Rather, there are answers and even a lot, but they are mainly that they give rise to even more questions, because most of them do not solve the tasks in the root due to the principal mistakes in the approaches.

Let's try to figure out, as they say "on the fingers", in which the main errors of the insulation of the entrance door in the private house, and what needs to be done to prevent them.

The picture shown in these photos has to see quite often. Rather: almost always, if the steel door, even very good, is installed without the so-called cold tambour and is the only obstacle between the warm room and the cold street.

99% of the "iron" doors, even with the most careful factory warming, are not devoid of cold bridges, leading to such consequences. It would seem that the door, the incision of which is presented in the photo below, is insulated thoroughly.

But the profiles of stiffness, the ends of the door canvases and box are precisely the bridges of the cold, which, with a small frost, provide you with a large number of condensate, and with a solid freezer, koi in Mothers - Russia sometimes happens, will lead to the formation of a land. Why does this happen?

Causes of iron door freezing in a private house

When does the moisture form begins on the box and door canvase? Then, when their temperature becomes such that the pairs of contacting with them begins to condense in the dew. With stability conditions (cold outside - from the inside heat), the resulting condensate flows down, and in its place a new one is formed. Such a miniber for the production of water is capable of developing up to several buckets per day.

If the temperature of the outside will fall further (or the temperature inside will fall), the condensed moisture will freeze and ice. And if there is a cold bridges, this process cannot be stopped, whatever insulating material you do not pave inside the door. And at the factory laid anything:

I think it should not be too detailed to paint that under certain temperature conditions, the moisture necessarily condenses not on the inner surface of the door, but on the inner surface of the outer sheet of its web. What happens to her? Definitely, it will be bought by a cotton insulation to full saturation, which will lead to:

  • losing the insulation of its heat engineering characteristics;
  • the formation of emptiness due to the sedimentation of a cotton insulation under the increased, due to the mass of water, its own weight;
  • the creation of the corrosion focus is almost always not the best protected internal metal surfaces;
  • the emergence of a favorable environment for the development of mold, fungi and living malicious microorganisms.

On the emerging from many, a completely reasonable question about what the doors are produced, there is one reasonable answer: for installation in apartment buildings, the temperature in the entrances of which (if there is a heating in the house) does not fall below zero, even if radiators are cut. Heat penetrates the staircases not only through such doors, but through thin walls of apartments. After all, their owners buying input metal doors are ten times more than the owners of private houses who want to do the same.

And what to do with these unfortunate owners of private houses wishing to establish a reliable iron door at the entrance to the house and categorically disagreeable to build even the minimum size of a cold vestibule - a heat exchanger in which it will not be presenting such surprises that are described above?

Ways to solve the problem of freezing input iron doors

Just look at the extensive steel door markets that are manufactured precisely for these cases. They are actually not so much. Maybe even more than 1% we own, but not essentially.

In such doors, first of all, they are fighting condensate formation in two ways:

  • eliminating cold bridges;
  • displays a dew point from the room outward.

For this:

Make inserts in the box, ends and ribs of the hardness of the door of solid plastic, interrupting heat transfer for metal;

Displays the design elements of the door, interrupting cold bridges (third photo above);

Install the electrically heated box, and sometimes the door canvase.

Sometimes similar methods manufacturer applies in one door design. The acquisition of just such a door will be the first solution to your problem. True and it would be advised to add something to him.


  1. If on your door outside there is a tree lining (1), put a thin membrane of foamed polyethylene under it, at least such as stacked under the laminate.
  2. Installed under the decorative lining of the door handle and locks (10, 14) dense polyethylene film, which you after their fastening gently cut down the contour, effectively reduces the possibility of moisture condensation from the inside of the fitness.
  3. If any cotton (4) is used in your door as a heater and there is an opportunity to fix it - do it. Replace it on sheet polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam, be sure to glue them to the mounting foam to the outer steel door map. It is better if it is applied without gaps, which will prevent the condensation of moisture between the metal web and insulation. The ideal option is when the dew point will be in the array of this insulation. This is not a wool you - physical water to form inside will not be able.
  4. Install the outer coach (7) on the box (8) with the gasket between them or the same as in the first paragraph, but possibly thicker (8-10 mm) foam polyethylene, or centimeter polystyrene.

Such refinement will definitely improve the heat engineering indicators of your input door.

How to insulate the entrance metal door do it yourself

If your product is much less technologically technological than those described above, you need to know how to insulate the input metal door with your own hands without spending money more money than saved on her acquisition, preferring a cheaper option.

For this:

1) If the doorbell is collapsible - disassemble it if not - carefully cut off the back card, you can use the end, and it is possible on the plane, depending on which the insulation variant you choose.

2) Remove the so-called factory insulation and select the subsequent closing of the door leaf from the inside.

If you choose the option of returning a cut card into place with refining its edges or closing the place of the cut in some corner - do it as shown in the picture above. Please note that the rake screwed up with self-loading to the carrying profile of the door leaf has a smaller width than the inner cavity of the door, and the gap between the outer map and the wooden slak must be filled with the mounting foam. Also, protruding literally on 1 - 1.5 mm above the profile pipe of the bar, breaks the direct contact of the metal with the metal, and therefore the notorious bridge of the cold.

3) Insulation and how to work with it, select as described in the previous section. With the strapping door and accessories, do the most approximately as described in it.

4) If, instead of a metal rear card, you will prefer, for example, laminated Phaneur or you made your door to order without a rear card, and we will offer you the same fane or a material close to it by functionality, then:

  • fill it with the insides familiar way;
  • make in places where the sheet metal is bent, the corners with the desired parameters (in which your plywood will enter) to fasten them with self-draws to the outer profile pipe of the door web;
  • insert the plywood rear door card to the pocket formed using the corner and close it the perimeter with the same corner using the sealant suitable for this purpose.

5) Do not forget about the box. When he insulated, remember that the best is the best of thermal insulators - polyurethane foam. If you can inside the box and the perimeter around it to fill it out - do it.

If you have the opportunity in any way, at least a little to insulate the box outside - be sure to: at least with a lining through the insulation, at least as close as possible to the door canvase with warm slope.

6) In all the versions of the insulation of the entrance doors, it is necessary to remember about the seals of the context. If your do not fully meet the conditions of abnormability - change them and subsequently control their condition regularly.

Heating inlet metal door with electricity

Finally, we want to offer you one simple, but without performing the procedures described above, not quite economically justified way of solving the same problem of insulation of the input metal door - electric.

Probably, you should not explain why, heated the entrance door from the inside, we will get rid of condensate and ice on it. Naturally, moving the dew point from the back of the door to the street, he will tear it inside. And if the materials proposed by us are installed correctly, then everything will be fine, and if not, the consequences of this are listed in the same article, but above (condensate, wetting insulation, mold).

How and what to warm up:

By installing a thermal veil or some directional action heater;

Paving the infrared electrical film for warm plinths from the inside;

By placing the self-regulating thermocabel for the water supply around it in the box or by paving around it.

The main nuances of the heating device of the input metal door with cable warm floor are indicated in the video material below.

Some advise to use a 12-voltage its version, but it is hardly appropriate, given that such a cable is paved inside the plumbing pipe, and the installation of a power reduced transformer is clearly not the best option.

The effect in all cases will be the same. Also, all of the above can be installed through the thermostat, which will allow, once exhibiting the desired temperature at which there will be no condensation formation, forget about this problem forever. In any case, while there is electricity in the house.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, ask them using the form below. We will be happy to communicate with you;)

To create a favorable microclimate in the room, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature and not to allow walking drafts. This is especially true for crowded places where the doors are very often opened. Save the inner heat, get rid of drafts and eliminate the likelihood of cold polluted air inwards, the heat curtain on the entrance door will help.

In the winter period of the year, dense cold air, which is hardened by the floor, is rapidly sent to the room through and squeezes warm light air. If you add a wind component to such a conventional air exchange, then strong drafts will be enveloped. In this case, when the door often opens or constantly keeps open, no heating device can cope with the heating of the room. Here it is necessary to create a powerful stream of warm dense air, the pressure of which would be hampered by a pressure of cold air masses, which comes from the street.

With the task, the heat curtain is perfectly coped. It is a kind of cold air cutter at the entrance doors. The principle of its operation is similar to the operation of the heat fan. It is able to reliably protect the room from penetration of drafts and cold from the street, and its inhabitants are from diseases.

In the case of the correct calculation of all parameters of the heat flux, it will not only prevent the penetration of cold masses and will not allow to break out the outward heated, but also helps the heating system, due to the fact that most of it is returned to the room.

The air curtain can be used not only in the winter year. Her work is also justified in the summer season. The directional air mass prevents the cool inner air to go out into the street, and the preheated summer heat is outdoor - to penetrate the room.

Regardless of the season, the curtain performs another important function. It protects the inner microclimate of the room from penetration along with the street air of various suspenders of the suspension. The veil is capable of holding the rain, snow, dust and the horde of small insects.

Helpful advice! The air curtain allows you to zonite the premises, creating a different microclimate.

Correctly selected equipment can save about 30% of electricity, which is spent on heating and air conditioning. In addition, the device itself does not take a lot of useful space and does not clutch the interior of the room.

Heat curtain at the entrance door: design and principle of operation

In appearance, the heat curtain resembles an internal air conditioner unit with a pronounced elongated body. Fence air from the room is carried out through the grille located in its top. The bottom of the case is nozzle, through which the air flow comes under pressure. The control buttons can be located on the body itself or be mounted in a remote block, which should be located near the device. Some models of the curtain have an infrared remote control.

Inside the case there is a heat exchanger, due to which the air is heated, and the turbine injection fan that exercises under pressure outside. As a heat exchanger, a TEN, a spiral or a water heating circuit, which is characteristic of stationary models can be.

Many thermal curtains have a built-in filter designed to clean the air mass from pollution. Almost all models independently of the manufacturer have built-in overheating protection, breakdowns on the body and short circuit. Also can also be equipped with thermostatic control of the fan rotation speed and heat exchanger heating level.

Varieties of air-thermal curtains

There are many varieties of thermal curtains, which can be found on specialized sites. All of them differ in the installation method and the principle of operation.

Depending on the installation option, the veil can be:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • universal.

The horizontal device is installed directly above the doorway, window or gate, and is attached using brackets or threaded rods. The vertical heat curtain is mounted from one or both sides of the door. The height of the device should occupy three quarters of the height of the doorway. Horizontal models are more cumbersome and are not suitable for small rooms. Universal curtains can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. It is such a mobile design that is the most sought-after, since it is a full-fledged additional element of heating. It is often used for office space and apartments.

Important! Horizontal devices are not designed to install vertically.

By type of installation there are suspended and embeddable models. The first option is attached directly to the wall. The second is embedded in the wall or ceiling at the height of the opening. Such models consist of a module and a decorative lattice.

Helpful advice! Very aesthetic will look like a heat curtain, built into the suspended ceiling.

Airplane heat exchanger options

Depending on the availability and type of heat exchanger, the veins are distinguished:

  • water;
  • electrical;
  • without heat exchanger.

The most popular and in demand are air electric thermal curtains that work from a network of 220 V. These devices have high performance and easy to install. Many models are equipped with the ability to smoothly adjust the heating temperature of the air flow. The main disadvantage of electric curtains is a significant consumption of energy resources associated with ensuring the operation of the fan and heat exchanger heating. In addition, the devices have some inertia at startup, i.e. To exit versions on the operating mode, a certain time is required.

For water thermal curtains at the entrance door having a serial designation RW, hot water appears as a coolant. Devices are connected to a heating system or centralized hot water supply through nozzles that are located in the curtain housing. The main advantage of this type of devices is the minimum operating costs. Here electricity is spent only on the operation of the fan and the control system. However, the device is characterized by a mass of difficulties in the installation process. Here you should additionally mount pipes with shut-off reinforcement and adjusting valves.

When installing a water thermal curtain, it is necessary to provide a branch from the total circuit in advance, which is not always possible with the already mounted heating system. Also, for a tube heat exchanger, you must install the filtering device to eliminate its upstream. When choosing a curtain, it is necessary to take into account the installation power, which must comply with the capabilities of the heating system so that the operation of the device does not affect the level of heating the radiators.

Air curtains without heat exchanger RV series are not used to heat the air. They are used to protect the room from the ingress of street dust, insects and various contaminants. They also warn leakage outside air conditioned air. They are often used to zoning the room in production workshops, to exclude in the storage or freezing chambers of warm air.

Electric thermal curtains over the door

As a heat exchanger, a TEN, a spiral or ceramic heat exchanger can be used here. Devices with a spiral are the cheapest and at the same time low-power. You can buy a thermal veil over the door in 4000 rubles. Due to the fact that an open-type heat exchanger, it very quickly heats the air flow by leaving the operating mode. However, such a heating element burns oxygen. The curtains with the spiral are characterized by the minimum service life.

Helpful advice! Devices with a helix are advisable to use for rooms with a high air exchange rate.

More effective are curtains with ten. It is a metal tube, in the middle of which is located heating element, wire or graphite, and sand. These devices do not burn oxygen indoors, work for a long and smooth. Allocated to the available cost. The average cost of the thermal curtain is 20 thousand rubles.

The most modern are thermal curtains with a ceramic heat exchanger, which quickly warms the air to the set temperature and switches to the economical mode of energy consumption. This device not only performs the task that cuts off the outer cold air, it allows you to significantly save the energy resource. The disadvantage is considered the high cost of the heat curtain in comparison with the analogues.

Classification Curtain for purpose

Electric thermal curtains have serial designations RM, RT and RS, which indicate the purpose of the device. The low-power mini-curtains of the RS series are used for small openings of 1500x80 cm. Their capacity is not more than 500 m³ / hour. The curtains are usually installed in transport boxes, street kiosks or over customer service windows.

The most popular are the curtains of the RM series, which are used for standard openings with a height of 2.5-3 m. They are capable of pumping up to 2000 m³ of air per hour. Models usually have convenient remote blocks and remote control panels. Such medium-class devices are often used for the inlet door or to move from a cool hallway to the residential premises.

Article on the topic:

The use of IR heaters for different premises. Instrument heating area. Heaters Almaty.

High performance devices More than 2500 m³ / hour of the RT series are designed for openings with a height of 3.5-7 m. Install such heat curtains per gate in the workshop, auto repair, warehouse or production room, at the entrance to the supermarket or entertainment center.

Helpful advice! For a wide doorway, several thermal cables can be installed, which are located in a row.

How to choose a thermal veil

For the right choice of thermal curtain, it is not enough to determine the place of its installation and the principle of the heat exchanger. You should pay close attention to the characteristics of the device:

  • sizes of curtains;
  • the performance of the device, which indicates the amount of air pumped air per unit of time;
  • air flow speed;
  • type of heat exchanger;
  • power of the heat exchanger block;
  • device protection level;
  • management type;
  • availability of additional options;
  • appearance of the device.

Linear device parameters

The main parameter of the device is its length, which must completely overlap the doorway to create the necessary air duct along its entire width. There should be no clearance that contribute to the free penetration of cold and dusty air masses. The length of the devices is in the range of 600-2000 mm. For the doorway, the standard size is purchased with a veil of 800 mm.

Helpful advice! For a better effect, you should purchase a veil, which creates a airflow, wide, slightly exceeding the lumen of the doors.

If the width of the opening exceeds the length of the selected curtain model, it is better to install two units close to each other. Choosing a long model, an important nuance should be taken into account. The curtain turbine length usually does not exceed 800 mm, which is associated with increasing vibration phenomena when it is increased, and to minimize them, additional costs are needed, which will increase product costs.

In this regard, manufacturers go to some trick. The center of the device has an electric drive, on the right and left of which the turbines of the required length are installed. However, there is a significant drawback in such a design. In the central part of the device, an area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure is created through which the cold air can be freely penetrated.

Another important parameter is the length of the jet of the air flow, which should reach the floor at the rated power of the curtain. Here it is not about the height of the doorway, but on the distance of the flooring to the floor. If the air flow does not touch the floor, the lumen will arise, which will allow the free movement of drafts.

Productivity and thermal power curtains

Effective device operation depends on the density of the air flow. The internal pressure in it should exceed the external at any point of the opening. The flow rate of the flow should also be optimal and not creating discomfort for people. The minimum value for efficient operation of the device must be at least 2.5 m / s. It depends on the diameter of the fan and the speed of its rotation.

The technical passport of each device shows its performance. A properly chosen model should ensure air supply, which only on the 1/3 part is scattered down by the book, and its remaining volume returns to the room. If the device is selected with excessive performance, then a significant part of the air will be carried out from the room outward, which indicates the inappropriate use of the curtain and unjustified expenditures of electricity spent. If the curtain provides an insufficient air flow, the cold air masses will calmly penetrate the inside of the room, making the installation of the installation inefficient.

For the door opening of the standard size of 800x2000 mm, you must choose a veil, a capacity of 700-900 m³ / hour. However, manufacturers produce models with more modest parameters. Choosing a veil, the location of the entrance, temperature differences, direction and wind speed should be taken into account. All these characteristics are taken into account when calculating the thermal curtain. Therefore, for each specific model, manufacturers indicate all the necessary parameters and recommendations to install the device in the passport.

The thermal power of the curtain is not a decisive indicator when choosing a curtain. After all, the main purpose of the installation is not heating the room and maintain the optimal temperature in it. The veil should only compensate for a part of heat losses through the door. The device only helps the heating system better function, but it should not be replaced. However, in practice, the installation of a 2 kW warm curtain is justified as an additional heating. Most models provide a temperature increase of up to 20 ° C. In some cases, this value reaches 30 ° C.

Defense protection and device management system

For each model, the thermal curtain provides two levels of control. Using the first, the specified device performance is created and supported. The second is responsible for the operation of the heat exchanger unit. A specially developed protection system eliminates the inclusion of the heater during a non-working turbine, which will protect the device from overheating.

In the most budget models, the level of heating of the TEN is already installed and the performance of the device that cannot be changed is set. However, to independently regulate the microclimate indoors, it is better to choose veins with the possibility of manual control of the device. There are also complex options where the stepped adjustment of the curtain, which provides several levels of the power of the turbine and gradation of the heat exchanger heating.

Most popular today are electronically controlled models that allow smooth and accurate adjustment of the device. Usually the control unit is located on the device housing. You can also buy a heat curtain with a control panel or a remote block, which is located on the wall. A number of buttons are located on the panel, with which the effective work is configured: Turning on / off, performance, heating mode, temperature, etc.

Each modern model is equipped with an increased degree of protection against overheating, voltage drops, short circuit, phase breakdown on the housing and other protection options. There are also models that are equipped with a thermostat and timer. In newer versions, the air supply angle is regulated, which increases the efficiency of the curtain.

Installation of thermal curtain

Despite the fact that the degree of complexity of the installation of the device is much easier than for a household air conditioner, the manufacturers insist entry the installation of the veil to a professional. However, you can perform work independently.

Before you begin installing a heat curtain, you should provide a power line of the required power, the point of connection of the device, protective and safety elements (Uzo and automatic). Next, you should perform accurate marking, after which the mounting parts are fixed on the wall plane for further hanging the thermal curtain over the door. The device kit usually includes a mounting panel or brackets and fasteners.

If the selected curtain model has adjustable, they must be tilted from the vertical at an angle of 30 degrees. in the side of the entrance. The design of the air nozzle of many models already has such a bias of the air flow. You may also need to install a signal cable and fixing the remote control panel on the wall. All these steps are described in detail in the installation instructions for the installation of the device with which you should read before installing the curtain.

The installation of a horizontal or vertical water heat curtain is a more complex event that requires certain thermal calculations and installation of additional pumping or collector equipment. To carry out installation, you should attract specialists in this issue.

Repair of thermal curtains

To estimate the scale of the breakdown of the veil and the possibility of its repair can only be a qualified specialist. It will easily change to a new detail, and follows the subsequent configuration of the device.

The most common cause of the vehicle breakdown is the overheating of the device, which occurs due to non-compliance with the recommendation of the instruction. The curtain turns on complete power, as a result, the fan, the heating element, the relay occurs, fails and the electrical contacts suffer. Most often fail the curtains with a length of the device more than 80 cm, which are equipped with a very difficult package.

The service center specialist can eliminate a small malfunction in place. However, if more complex repairs are required, the equipment is dismantled for a while. You can also try to eliminate the fault yourself, having examined in detail before this instruction.

All work must be carried out in compliance with safety. If the device does not turn on, first should be ensured in the presence of electricity. Then check the contacts and fuses. Faulty elements can be changed independently by following instructions.

Important! All work with the device is performed when it is completely disconnected from the network.

If the device switch is in the "heating" position, but the function is not performed, the switch may be out of order, or in the electrical circuit bad contact. In the first case, the element changes to a new one. In the second embodiment, check the correctness of the connection, and restore contact.

If the heat curtain is periodically turned on and off, it is necessary to check the correctness of its installation and clean the inner part of it from the accumulated dust.

Important! The device will work properly when all recommendations on its installation, maintenance and periodic cleansing are performed.

Planned maintenance of thermal curtains

To ensure efficient and long-term operation of the heat curtain, it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations specified in the instruction manual of the device, which needs timely professional maintenance.

Every month it is necessary to perform an external inspection of the device, check the attachments, fencing and block design. For each phase, the current and voltage check is performed. The heat curtain in all its modes and control panel should be tested. Cleaning the case, front panel of the control unit, input blinds and air filters.

Once a quarter, a qualified specialist pulls the threaded connections of wires on terminal boxes, performs stripping contacts, checks the operation of fuses and tips. In case of detection of faulty parts changes them to new ones. Also performs the diagnosis of the veil to identify and eliminate foreign noise. A survey of fan blades is carried out.

Each half of the year should be performed by the seasonal debugging of the operation modes of the device, which lies in the coloring or conservation of the thermal curtain. At this time, pneumatic cleaning of the heat exchanger and the rest of the nodes is also performed.

It is possible to purify the heat exchanger annually using a special chemical composition. It also establishes the degree of wear of the bearing of the fan electric motors.

Famous manufacturers of electric thermal curtains above the door. Device price

Today, the most popular manufacturers of thermal curtains are the following companies:

  • Friko;
  • Pyrox;
  • Olefini;
  • Termoscreens;
  • Ballu;
  • Heat paste;
  • Tropic.

More than 70% of the entire range of goods belongs to the Swedish company FRIKO and the Norwegian company Pyrox. Products of these brands is a benchmark for other manufacturers. Companies produce a wide range of high-quality products, which begins with compact models for window openings and ends with large industrial thermal veins. The reliability of devices is ensured by the use of high-quality TANs, developed by special technology as a heat exchanger, which extends the service life of the entire installation.

In industrial electric heat curtains, more than 1500 mm long, a single large-diameter turbine is installed, which guarantees a uniform and intense flow of air. Both companies produce devices with distinctive energy-saving characteristics and silent performance. However, products of European brands is very expensive. You can buy a heat curtain of 3 kW of small dimensions on average 50 thousand rubles. Products for standard dimensions of standard size begins from 100 thousand rubles. The price of the overall heat curtain FRIKO reaches 800 thousand rubles.

Less expensive products offers English TERMOSCREENS brand. Despite the fact that products are characterized by less power from 1.5 kW, thermal curtains are not inferior to the reliability of Scandinavian manufacturers. The role of the heat exchanger in thermal curtains performs electrospiral. Air flow is created by turbines of small diameter. The average price of air-thermal curtains of small size is 7-10 thousand rubles. Products for wide openings will cost an average of 25-45 thousand rubles. The price of embedded type models reaches 100 thousand rubles.

The vertical electric heat curtains of the semi-industrial type offers the Olefini Greek brand. Products are characterized by high performance, but they work quite noisy. Therefore, they are often installed in industrial workshops. Curtains have a low cost, which averages 50-75 thousand rubles.

Heat curtains Ballu

The Chinese manufacturer Ballu has several factories in Russia. This allows the company to produce budget products oriented to the requests of the Russian consumer. The company is constantly engaged in improving products, an expansion of an assortment series and a decrease in the cost of products. The heat curtains of the score are distinguished by high energy saving indicators, which saves a resource without reducing the efficient operation of the device.

The manufacturer releases several series of devices. The S1 series includes a budget electric heat curtain Ballu BHC CE 3. The performance of the device is 300 m³ / hour. It is installed on the entrance to the shopping center, a cafe or an office to a height of no more than 2.5 m. The heating element can operate with complete or half-power and without heating during the summer year. The cost of the device is 4,300 rubles.

Another new generation budget model is a thermal Ballu BHC CE 3T. Compared to the previous product, this device has a thermostat, and its performance reaches 400 m³ / hour. The price of the curtain is 6,000 rubles.

The S2 series differs from S1 in that the devices are equipped with a needle heating "sty-element", a thermostat and noise reduction system. The series begins a small-sized thermal curtain BHC 3.000 SB with a capacity of 300 m³ / hour. It can work at full power in 3 kW and in economy mode with a power of 1.5 kW. The price of the device is 4 000 rubles.

A more advanced small-sized heat curtain of Ballu BHC L06 S03 with a capacity of 350 m³ / hour is equipped with an electronic wired BRC-E remote control with a wide functional. The price of the product is 4,500 thousand rubles.

The thermal curtain of Ballu BHC L08 S05 with a capacity of 450 m³ / hour is installed on the standard doorway. It works with a total power of 5 kW, and in economy mode in 2.5 kW. The cost of the device is 6,400 rubles. Another thermal curtain of BHC 5.000 SB with a capacity of 400 m³ / hour is also designed for the door width of 800 mm. Its value is 5 990 rubles.

The price of a large thermal curtain Ballu BHC L10 S06 with a capacity of 1050 m³ / hour and a capacity of 6 kW is 10 000 rubles.

The series t includes upgraded devices with Tan as a heater. The curtains are equipped with a thermostat, have a low noise and vibration. The length of the air flow jet reaches 3 m. One of the most popular models of this series is the heat curtain of Ballu BHC L08 T 03 with a capacity of 600 m³ / hour and with a capacity of 3 kW. The price of the device is 5,700 rubles.

Tropic thermal curtains

One of the most popular domestic producers of thermal curtains is a tropic company. It produces a wide range of semi-industrial, household devices, a curtain for doorways and a gate of different dimensions, which differ in size, performance, type of coolant, type of heating element and installation location. The company's products are characterized by high reliability and low cost of products.

All thermal curtains of this brand are combined in the series. Thermal curtains of the "K" series are considered the most small and cheap, which are used for doorways with a height of up to 2 m. Their performance is within 150-350 m³ / hour due to its mini-dimensions, the device can be used not only as a heat curtain, but also As a fan heater or heater with a "warm floor" function. You can buy an electric thermal veil in 3200 rubles.

The series "A" includes light, compact, low noise and inexpensive devices, which are located horizontally over the doorway high up to 2.2 m. The curtains are equipped with a "sty-element", ultraless impeller from aluminum alloy, which shortens the device output time to operating mode By reducing vibration and noise. The most popular and budget model from this series is a thermal curtain of tropic a 3 with a capacity of 270 m³ / hour. The installation price is only 3,700 rubles.

The Series "M" collected curtains of a small size, which have aesthetic appearance and advanced technical characteristics. They can be installed for door openings up to 2.3 m vertically and horizontally. The role of the heat exchanger here performs the "Stitch-element", due to which the reliable, silent and efficient operation of the device is ensured. The curtains have high performance, convenient adjustment and increased functionality. The kit includes a remote panel with a built-in thermostat.

The smallest model of this series is the thermal curtain of the tropic M 3 with a capacity of 450 m³ / hour. The price of the device is 5 900 rubles. For the door openings of the standard size, the heat curtain of the tropic M 6 with a capacity of 900 m³ / hour is suitable.

The series "T" includes curtains of the average size of 3-12 kW. Installed above the entrance doors of shops, warehouses, cafes, a tambour to a height of no more than 2.5 m. The heat exchanger is the stranded Ten. Control over the operation of the device performs a built-in thermostat. The price of the heat curtain with the minimum for this series of capacity of 1100 m³ / h is 10,600 rubles. The maximum performance of the device of the "T" series is 4200 m³ / hour. Buy a silent thermal veil over the door can be 30,000 rubles.

Air thermal curtains Teplomas

An equally popular manufacturer of thermal curtains is the Russian company "Teplomas". It produces a wide range of high-quality equipment with an electric or water source of heat, which is clearly represented in the catalog. The price of thermal curtains heat mask depends on the size, performance, installation of the device and heat source. All models are combined into a series with a numeric designation. The higher this number, the more powerful product. Recommendations for installing and operating the device are described in detail in the instructions. The "heat curtain of Teplomas" is individually for each model.

The low-power and thermal curtains of the average power CEV are assembled in the 100, 200 and 300 series. The performance of the devices is in the range of 300-2800 m3 / hour. They are installed in commercial premises and office tamburas. The price of a small-sized 2 kW thermal curtain with a capacity of 300 m³ / h is 2 500 rubles. The maximum performance device will cost 35,000 rubles. For comparison, the price of water heat curtain Teplomash with a capacity of 2800 m³ / h will be at least 41,000 rubles.

Industrial devices are more powerful and have high performance. These include models from the series from 400 to 1000. They are installed in the workshops and warehouses. The price of thermal curtain at the entrance door up to 4.5 m high will be on average 30 thousand rubles. The cost of a powerful model with maximum productivity will be at least 110 thousand rubles.

For premises with elevated design requirements, the heat curtains from the 600 series should be selected. The devices are installed in office, administrative premises, in cafes, restaurants, hotels with an adept interior design. To buy a thermal curtain, heat paste from this series can be on average for 55,000 rubles.

Only the correctly chosen and established for all rules the heat curtain will be able to work effectively and fulfill its purpose. And scheduled maintenance will help extend the life of the device.

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


So that cold air does not penetrate the street in the apartment, you can find a special device. This is a heater over the entrance door, which has electronic control, remote control and several modes of operation. The aggregate itself is silent and compact, his presence in the house sometimes is simply indispensable for all households.

Thermal curtain - what it is

In fact, it is a cold air cutter on the entrance doors that works on the principle of a heat fan. He protects the room from drafts, and its inhabitants - from cold and disease. Installation can be vertical and horizontal, but identical functions - to ensure the flow of heat, eliminate the penetration of cold air from the street. The heat curtain works from the network, the working is considered to be voltage 220 volts. If there is definitely not to hang such an aggregate at the entrance door to such an innovation.

How does a heat curtain work

For climate control in the premises of any metratema, a progressive device of the thermal curtain is specially intended. Its installation is relevant for the entrance door, while the spectrum of action is limited. To understand how this unit functions, it is required to carefully read it with its structural elements. This is a metal case, a fan, an air heater, nozzle for the outlet of the jet. Additionally, the sensor and other devices can be mounted for rapid air heating, air temperature control in the doorway.


There are several types of curtains that differ on the principle of action and the installation method. In the first case, an electric thermal curtain is particularly relevant, which runs from a 220 V network for such character models not only vertical / horizontal installation, they can be installed on the side of the door openings. The main heating element is an electric spiral, and warm air applies to the classical fan. For home use, this is a great option, as the heat curtain has a discreet design, compact dimensions.


Compared to the previous proposal, this is a budget option that has several advantages in the process. Among such overall dimensions, low noise in the process of operation, overheating protection system, cost-effective electricity consumption, affordable price. The scheme of operation of air-thermal curtains of water is based on heating the main element to which the calorifer is. It is characterized by increased resistance in relation to the sharp difference in ambient temperature, has a long service life, high technical specifications.


The second classification of thermal curtains at the front door is carried out by the method of installing the design in the doorway. For residential premises, this is very important not to spoil the interior and do not litter space with superfluous objects. Studying existing types of thermal curtains, it is possible to determine which option is optimal in a particular case.


Such models are considered running, since unnoticeable recorded above the door or window opening across the entire width. Vertical thermal curtains provide a stable barrier, and in the room for a long time there is a sufficient level of heat. Wall-mounted installation requires certain skills, therefore, especially convenient and simple is not horizontal, and the floor installation. Mobile designs every year are greater popularity.

Electric horizontal

Knowing how the aggregate is arranged, it is important to correctly install it in its apartment, use for its intended purpose. The horizontal heat curtain is fastened on the input opening on the sides, it is used in the presence of suspended ceilings or the absence of free space above the door. Such models are characterized by special bulky, are not suitable for apartments with small corridors. In this case, the heat curtain at the entrance door will only interfere, constantly fall on the eyes.


When buying a heat curtain at the entrance door is appreciated by the suspended ceiling or installation in the doorway, windows. Modern models are equipped with additional features to eliminate condensate. Universal thermal curtains are considered a full element of heating, suitable for home use and installation in office space. You can choose the appropriate design on the Internet or seek the consultant to a specialized store. Thermal curtains over the door are inexpensive, order and buy cheaper in the online store.

Productivity thermal curtain

Taking into account the density of the air flow and the element of the residential premises, you can correctly pick up a thermal veil on the front door. The power of the design (in kW) determines. How much air is capable of pumping the unit per unit of time. You should not save on this indicator, otherwise the heat curtain will create insufficient heat, and the draft will still penetrate into the room. From such a technical indicator, as power, the cost of the heat transmission and the receipt by the buyer of the desired effect.

How to choose a thermal veil


Choosing suitable ceiling curtains, it is advisable to pay special attention to the manufacturer and its reputation on the market. It depends on how much the heat will last whether it will perform its initial functions, and with what power consumption. Below are two models that potential buyers identify how the rating. It:

  • model name - Ballu BHC-6.000 SR;
  • price - 6,300 rubles;
  • product characteristics - power - 6 kW, remote control, electronic control, overheating protection;
  • pros - a compact thermal curtain of the horizontal installation, unnoticed complements the interior design;
  • cons - acts on the principle of the fan.

The second, no less popular thermal curtain model at the entrance door is presented below:

  • name - DanTex RZ-0306DMN;
  • price - from 5 500 rubles;
  • product specifications - Power - 3 kW, overheating protection, mechanical control, vertical installation;
  • pros - an inexpensive model with high technical characteristics;
  • cons - missing.

Maximum heating capacity

This is another important technical indicator, which is taken into account if it is in advance to determine the size of the room and the degree of it is heated. The choice of ceiling design depends on the element and air heating rate. Below are powerful models that comply with the compromise solution of the parameters "price - quality". This is the products of the following manufacturers.

  • model name - Falco AD105;
  • the price is 15,000 rubles;
  • product specifications - Power - 4.5 kW, overheating protection, vertical or ceiling installation;
  • pros - heats large areas, available cost;
  • cons - missing.

Here is the second competitive heat curtain for large areas at the entrance door:

  • model name - FRICO AD210E06;
  • price - 63,000 rubles;
  • product Features - Power Adjustment, Working from 380/400 V network, Wall-mounted, ceiling, Overhead ceiling Installation options;
  • pluses - ventilation without heating, low noise, availability of fan;
  • cons - Maximum installation height - 2.5 m, high cost.

Sizes of the curtain

It is advisable to install a compact model to the entrance door that will not spoil the interior of the room. It is important to choose the high technical characteristics of the design, which are eliminated from drafts, support the sufficient indicator of heat in the rooms at a low noise level. Below are thermal curtains of the ceiling and outdoor type, which are especially in demand in the masses:

  • model name - Neoclima NQH-1.2i;
  • price - 2 000 rubles;
  • product Features - Infrared Quartz Heater, Mechanical Control, Overheating Protection, Power - 1.2 kW, Outdoor Installation Option;
  • pros - shutdown when overheating, dimensions - 57x16x13.5 cm, low price;
  • cons - inherent.

Below is another heat curtain at the entrance door of the domestic manufacturer:

  • the name of the model is the classic KS-1003;
  • price - 17 000 rubles;
  • product characteristics - vertical installation, disconnection from overheating, no thermostat;
  • pros - dimensions - 985x260x220, heating large areas;
  • cons - high price.

Type of heating element

Models are with an electric heat exchanger and without it. In the first case, we are talking about TEN, spirals, ceramic heaters. In addition, the presence of a micatermic heater is not excluded, which allows to control power consumption modes. Such a parameter is declared in specifications, determines the functionality and speed of the unit of this or that unit. It:

  • model name - mini - mini-0;
  • price - 4 000 rubles;
  • product Features - Dimensions - 800x175x125, Heating Element - TEN, Installation to Level Over 2 meters;
  • pros - minimal electricity consumption, heat savings even with open doors;
  • cons - missing.

The second thermal curtain at the entrance door is presented below, delivery in Moscow and the region does not cause difficulties:

  • name - ARTOS barrier 1500;
  • price - 30 000 rubles;
  • product characteristics - dimensions - 1610x535x450, voltage - 220 V;
  • pros - covers large spaces, installed at an altitude of 6 m, minimal heat loss;
  • cons - high cost.


According to this criterion, the model selection is electronic and mechanical, with a remote remote control and without it. When choosing, it is important to take this criterion to ensure the most comfortable conditions for regular use of thermal curtain. For the entrance door, the presence of a remote control is only welcomed, and the design is better to choose electronic. Here are good options for home use:

  • model name - Tropic K6 (Russia);
  • price - 3 000 rubles;
  • product characteristics - power - 6 kW, remote control, maximum installation height - 2 m, performance - 300 m3 / hour;
  • pros - a compact and powerful unit at an affordable price;
  • cons - missing.

The second thermal curtain, quickly installed on the front door, is presented below:

  • model name - FRICO AD-215A;
  • the price is 55,000 rubles;
  • product characteristics - horizontal mount, the presence of a remote control, heating element - TEN, power - 6 kW;
  • pros - a powerful model for large areas;
  • cons - high price.


Such progressive models are installed horizontally or vertically depending on the constructive performance of the heat curtain and the size of the room itself. In this issue, it is advisable to use the help of a specialist, while not to understand that such services are also provided on a fee basis, which heatabases can be installed in their own housing:

  • name - Ballu BHC-18.500TR;
  • price - 24,000 rubles;
  • product Features - Vertical / Horizontal Fastening, Device Power - 9 - 18 kW, Maximum Height - Up to 5 m, Presence of Du;
  • pros - powerful design;
  • cons - high cost.

The second option to choose from buyers for the entrance door:

  • model name - Vectra RM-1209G-3D / Y-6;
  • price - 5,300 rubles;
  • product Features - Vertical / Horizontal Fastening, Power - 6 kW, Maximum height - 2.5 m, presence of Du;
  • pros - Available for home use Price, high quality, warranty;
  • cons - missing.

Noise level

It is necessary to choose silent models to avoid discomfort in their own home. This indicator is reflected in the technical documentation. Here are the right heat for home:

  • name - Neoclima TZT-508;
  • price - 8 200 rubles;
  • product specifications - Power - 4.5 kW, mechanical control, horizontal installation;
  • pros - low noise level - 46 dB, affordable price;
  • cons - missing.

Here is the second heat curtain, which is ideal for the entrance door of different dimensions:

  • model name - mini-mini-3;
  • price - 4 500 rubles;
  • product characteristics - power - 3 kW, horizontal installation, overheating protection, lack of heat supply adjustment;
  • pros - Low noise level - 54 dB, compact dimensions, available cost;
  • cons - missing.

Types of mountage

Thermal curtains can be installed on the wall or on the ceiling. This moment is reflected in the technical documentation. The second installation option is irrelevant in the presence of suspended ceilings and plasterboard structures. Place of installation and the choice of fasteners will tell the knowledgeable master. Here are good options for home:

  • name - Neoclima TZT-308;
  • price - 4 500 rubles;
  • product characteristics - power - 3 kW, mechanical control, wall mounting, horizontal installation;
  • pros - a cheap model with high technical characteristics;
  • cons - missing.

This is an important function that prolongs the service life of the heat design for the entrance door, removes the breakdown. The cost of the veil with such a parameter will be an order of magnitude more expensive, but you can not worry about the climate control in the residential room. Pay attention to such aggregates:

  • model name - Neoclima TZS-610;
  • the price is 6,000 rubles;
  • product characteristics - power - 6 kW, wall mounting, horizontal installation, disconnection from overheating;
  • pros - the cost of the thermal construction;
  • cons - dubious customer reviews.

The second option for the entrance door:

  • name - Ballu BHC-L06-S03;
  • price - 3,700 steering wheel;
  • product Characteristics - Power - up to 3 kW, fan, wall mounting, disconnection from overload;
  • pros - a budget option for the house;
  • cons - a limited number of functions.

Rating of thermal curtains

Many buyers are interested in what the best thermal curtain on the door, what is its cost. You can define a favorite for the entrance door on network reviews on thematic sites. It will not be superfluous to the individual consultation of a specialist in installing thermal structures at the entrance door. Below is the top three sales leaders in the ratio of value and quality parameters:

  1. NEOCLIMA TZS-610.
  2. Timberk THC WS8 3M.
  3. Ballu BHC-L08-T03.

The electric heat curtain serves as a peculiar protective barrier between the outer air and the microclimate of the room. Buy equipment of this type on favorable terms you can in the company's first passage. We guarantee the high quality of the products presented and offer an individual approach to each client.

Principle of operation

In the design of the device, the presence of a fan is provided, due to which the direction of the air flow is set toward the doorway. Due to the kinetic energy, an irresistible barrier is formed that prevents the penetration of air from the street or premises with another microclimate and pressure.

At the same time, the flow of air masses should be exhibited so that the order of 30% went out. Such "emission" will not allow to admit cold drafts on the floor surface.

To select a suitable technique, you should be guided by certain criteria.

Power. In addition to protecting the room from the cold, the heat curtain is able to ensure air heating. But if the installation of this equipment is planned on the territory of a well-heard object, then this function is not mandatory. In this case, you can stop your choice on a more modest model with a small power.

Length. The curtains whose length is in the greatest popularity is within 700-1000 mm. They are suitable for mounting above doors with standard openings. The optimal is considered the length corresponding to the width of the opening or slightly exceeding it. Thus, the installation will be able to effectively cope with the main tasks, protecting the room from the passage of cold air. If the opening is too wide, you will need to place several thermal curtains.

Performance. This parameter determines the flow rate of air masses.

Method of control. All electrical heat curtains whose prices depend on the technical characteristics, have two switches: the first is responsible for turning on the fan, and the second activates the heating elements. Sometimes there are models equipped with two-speed fans. It should also be noted that such installations are equipped with two- and three-step regulators that allow you to vary the heating power. The mechanism is controlled by means of a built-in or wired console.

If you have difficulties in the process of choosing the optimal option, you can always count on the competent assistance of our consultants. They orient you at prices for thermal electric curtains above the door and will answer all the questions. Call and we will do our best so that your purchase is as successful as possible.