Colored photos of Trofim Gorsky. Colorful pictures of the Tsarist Russia of Prokodina-Gorsky

The pictures of the early 1900s shows Russian empire On the eve of the First World War and on the threshold of the revolution.

The photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky was one of the leading photographers of the country at the beginning of the twentieth century. Portrait of Tolstoy, shot in 1908, two years before the death of a writer, gained wide popularity. He was reproduced on postcards, in large print publications and in various publications, becoming the most famous work of Prokudin-Gorsky.

The picture in luxurious clothes depicts the last Bukhara Emir - Seid Mohammed Alim Khan. The current Uzbekistan, OK. 1910

The photographer traveled in Russia, removing in color in the early 1900s

Armenian in the national costume poses for Prokudina-Gorsky on the hillside near the city of Artvin (modern Turkey).

To reflect the scene in color, the Prokudin-Gorsky did three frames, and each time I installed a different color filter on the lens. And this meant that sometimes when objects moved, the colors were blurred and distorted as in this photo.

A project for documenting the nation in color images was designed for 10 years. Prokudin-Gorsky planned to collect 10,000 photos.

For the period from 1909 to 1912 and in 1915, the photographer examined 11 regions by traveling in the Railway car provided by the Government, which was equipped with a dark room.

Self portrait of Prokudina Gorsky against the background of the Russian landscape.

Sergey Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky was born in 1863 in an aristocratic family in St. Petersburg, he studied chemistry and art. Access from the king to the areas of Russia, prohibited to visit by ordinary citizens, allowed him to make unique shots, capture people and landscapes from different corners Russian Empire.

The photographer was able to capture the scenes in color through the use of a tricolor technique of shooting, which allowed the audience to give the audience a bright sense of life. He did three frames: one with a red filter, the second - with green, and the third one with blue.

A group of Dagestan women poses for a snapshot. Prokudina-Gorsky was accused of capturing uncovered faces.

Color landscape in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Portrait of a lion of Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

Icendiyar Yurji Bahadur - Khan of the Russian Protectorator Khorezm (part of modern Uzbekistan).

Prokudin-Gorsky has begun to implement his method of tricolor shooting after visited Berlin and got acquainted with the work of the German photochemistry Adolf Mita.

Because of the revolution in 1918, the photographer left the family in his homeland and left for Germany, where he married his laboratory manner. In a new marriage, ELKA daughter was born. Then he moved to Paris and reunited with the first wife, Anna Alexandrovna Laurea and three adult children with which he founded the photo studio. Sergey Mikhailovich continued his photographic work and published in English-speaking photojournal.

The studio, which he founded and bequeathed his three adult children, called Elka in honor of the youngest daughter.

The photographer died in Paris in 1944, a month after the liberation of France from Nazi occupation.

Using its own shooting method, Prokudin-Gorsky has proven itself and was appointed editor-in-chief of the most important Russian photographic magazine - "Family Photographer."

He failed to complete his ten-year project to create 10,000 shots. After the October Revolution, Prokudin-Gorsky left Russia forever.

By the time, according to experts, he created 3,500 negatives, but many of them were confiscated and only 1902 were restored. The entire collection in 1948 bought a library of the US Congress, and in 1980, digitized frames published.

A group of Jewish children in a bright coat with their teacher.

Beautiful and pacifying landscape in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Girl in a bright violet dress.

Handicker Chernigov Water Super

Parents with three daughters are resting in the field on the back of the sunset on time.

Master of artistic forging. This photo shot at the Castle Metallurgical Plant in 1910.

View of Nikolaev Cathedral in Mozhaisk in 1911

The photographer (front right) on Dresin outside Petrozavodsk on the Murmansk railway along the lake.

In this image, it is especially noticeable as it was difficult to capture the photo in color when the subjects could not stop in place. The colors were blurred.

In from the history of these photos. A certain person by name Prokudin-Gorsky came up with such a thing: photographing objects 3 times through 3 filters - red, green and blue. 3 was obtained black and White Photos. The projection of the three plates should have been simultaneous. He used a small folding chamber of type that was developed by Adolf Mit. There were three expositions of the same subject, made at an interval of approximately one second, on the same glass plate with a width of 84-88 mm and a length of 232 mm. The plate changed the position every time, and the image was collected through three different color filters. Removed objects were to be fixed, which was a big limitation.

The projector also has undergone changes. Prokudin-Gorsky improved the model F.E. Willow, created the device according to its own drawings: three diamond prisms were fastened together, creating one combined prism. Thus, it was possible to focus all three colors on the screen.

The only thing he could do with all this at that time is to insert them in 3 different projectors, with red, green, and blue, respectively, and guide projectors on one screen. Received color image.

The photos of Sergey Mikhailovich Prokudine-Gorsky (1863-1944) offer a living portrait of a lost world - the Russian Empire on the eve of the First World War and the impending revolution. This includes images from medieval churches and monasteries of old Russia to railways and factories of the growing industrial power and everyday life and the work of the diverse population of Russia.

Pocudin-Gorsky was born in Vladimir in 1863 and by education was a chemist. All his activities he devoted the development of photography. He studied from famous scientists in St. Petersburg, Berlin and Paris. As a result of its original research, Prokudin-Gorsky received patents for the production of color diapositives and the design of color films. In the early 1900s, Prokudin-Gorsky developed a bold plan to hold a photo review of the Russian Empire, who received the support of Tsar Nicholas II. In 1909, through the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who was the honorary chairman of the St. Petersburg photographic society, he receives an audience at Tsar Nicholas II. The king invites Prokudin-Gorsky to make a show of the range in front of the imperial courtyard in the royal village. When showing Sergey Mikhailovich was to comment on the pictures, and did it just dramatically. By the end of the demonstration in the hall heard admired whisper. At the end, the king shook his hand, the Empress and the royal children congratulated with success.

Control black and white pictures for showing slideshow.

Peasants on the back

On zhnitva.

On zhnitva.

Water pumping pumps

Cordon (Watchinghouse) in the forest

Potato landing monks

Monument to Emperor Alexander II in memory of the ending of the Mariinsky system.

Carved carpet. Coastal fortifications.

Chapel of Peter I near the village of Petrovskoye.

Bened and boards with inscriptions about visits. Chapel in der. Petrovskoe.

Type of old gateway gate. Belozersky canal

Plotina Empress Mary Fedorovna.

Pulling the spokes from the dam (PARER system).

Church in the name of St. Peter and Paul. Belozersk.

Icon in the Church of Ilya Prophet. Bellozersk 1909.

Group of children.

Gorodetsky and Nikitsky grades.

General form Gorivsky Monastery. Dried barge.

City of Cyril from the mountain.

General view of the mountains. Cyrilov from the bell tower of the Kazan Cathedral.

Dam and Gateway Emperor Nicholas II. Maryinsky waterway 1909.

Skit John the Theologian "Cross".

Sena stogs.

Pilters on Sviri.

Crimea. swallow's Nest.>

Petrozavodsk. General view with jerk. Roads (Olonetsk Lip.
Murmanskaya railway.

Peasant woman Mint Len; Perm lips.

Georgian - Tomato Trader.

Polotsk. View from the northeast.

The place of the source of Western Dvina near the der. Karyakino in 3 versts from Oz. Peno Tver Lip. Ostashkovsky county.

The source of the Volga in the village of Volkheerhovye.

Lake Foam at the location of the Volga

The output of the Volga from the Lake Peno at the der. Izidovovo.

Fire Forest Skid Specific Office about months. Bogatyr.

The creativity of the famous Russian photographer, the inventor, the teacher of Sergey Prokudine-Gorsky there are about two thousand glass flowered negatives, imprinted the centuries-old culture of the Russian Empire on the eve of the Grand Shocks.

During the first 15 years of the XX century, a grand project was implemented - the color shooting of the Russian Empire.

By 1906, Prokudin-Gorsky published several articles on the principles of color photography. By that time he improved so much new methodwhich guaranteed the same flower sensitivity of the entire spectrum that could create colored frames suitable for the projection.

It was Prokudin-Gorsky, at the same time, developed a new method of transmitting color image: he shot objects three times - through 3 filters - red, green and blue. As a result, 3 black and white positive plates were obtained.

To reproduce the obtained images, it used a three-section diaraporder with blue, red and green light. All 3 pictures simultaneously projected on the screen, and eventually it was possible to see a full-color photo.

In 1909, Prokudin-Gorsky was already a well-known master and editor of the magazine "Photographer-amateur". At this time, he will finally be realized to realize his dream to create a photo of the entire Russian Empire.

After listening to the Council of the Grand Duke Mikhail, Prokudin-Gorsky tells Nicholas II about his plans and, of course, hears the words of support. For several years, the government allocated to photographic documentation of the Empire's life of the Empire has highlighted the pro-Gorsky railway carriage, equipped with everything necessary.

During the work on its grandiose project, the Prokodin-Gorsky filmed several thousand plates. During this period, the output technology of color image on the screen has already been worked out almost perfectly. Thus, a unique gallery of wonderful photos was created.

After the death of Nicholas II Prokudin-Gorsky, together with his collection, glass plates in 20 boxes - managed to leave first in Scandinavia, then Paris. In the 1920s, he lived in Nice. Sergey Mikhailovich was very pleased that his works helped the young Russian generation, which is abroad, to understand how their homeland looks like.

The collection of photoplastin of Prokudin-Gorsky had to endure the repeated moving of the Prokudin-Gorsky family and the German occupation of Paris.

In the late 40s, the question was raised about the publication of the first "history of Russian art" under the general version of Igor Grabar, and supplying it with color illustrations.

In 1948, the representative of the Rockefeller Foundation Marshall acquired about 1600 photoflaxes in the amount of $ 5,000 from the proud-rig. Thus, the plates fell into the library of the US Congress.

Already in our time there was a thought about scanning and combining the 3-plate photographs of Prokudin - Gorsky on the computer. So we all managed to return the unique archive to life.

There are things in which it is difficult to believe, but they really were. We in pursuit of our future do not always look back. Our ancestors worked unprecedented wonders that not everyone knows about.

1910. On the hillside near Arvina (the territory of modern Turkey), the pro-Gorsky is posing a woman in the National Armenian costume.

I propose to fill a huge space and turn to the days of the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the photographer Sergey Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky with the support of Emperor Nicholas II made a photo review of the Russian Empire. What!

Prokudin-Gorsky photographed terrain, people, country architecture using a special camera for photos of its own design.

This miracle camera knew how to make three photographs in blue, green and red canals of three black and white photographs. After that, the photoflax was combined and a color image was obtained. To do this, it was necessary to insert photoflaxes into three different projectors and direct them on the screen.

Prokudin-Gorsky at the beginning of the 20th century did color photos, and with high quality Images.

I am sure that you are now looking at these photos and think that all this is not true, and that in fact it is Photoshop or, at worst, modern fake under the old days. It is difficult to believe that the photos are made before the First World War. But it is so.

When writing this post, I used the materials of the Congress library. More information about the works of Prokudin-Gorsky can be found at

1910. Castle, art casting. From the album "Views Ural Mountains, Overview of industrial areas, Russian Empire. "

1910. Woman on the SIM River

1909 year. Chapel on the spot where the city of Belozersk was founded

1910. Georgia, View of Tiflis (Tbilisi)

1910. Khorezm. Khan Russian Protectorate Isfandiyar II Gurdji Bahadur

Increased photo of Isfandira. Here he is 39 years old. Ruled Khorezm until his death in 1918

1910. Shore of the River Sim, the shepherd boy

1910. Hydroelectric power station in Jolotan Turkmenistan. On the photo generators alternating current Production of Hungary, installed inside the power unit of the power plant

1910. Dagestan women

1909 year. In the photo Pinhus Karlinsky, 84 years old from the family, the head of the Chernihiv gateway on 66 years

1910. ARTVIN (Turkey now)

This list of the most famous pictures S. M. Prokudina-Gorsky was compiled by me almost 4 years ago, but since then the number of blog readers has increased by about 10 times, so it makes sense to repeat the post. However, a little updated the material (eight pictures were originally considered).

The first place, of course, behind the portrait of Leo Tolstoy, who in 1908 went to large circulations in the form of cards, journal discours and wall posters:

A B. soviet time This portrait was published even greater charsions (publishing in books and magazines). In 1978, he appeared on the cover of the main weekly of the USSR magazine "Okonok" by circulation of more than 2 million copies! Probably, this record will never break.

Second place will give the so-called "self-portrait", which decorates the article on the Prokodin-Gorsky in Wikipedia.

The snapshot is inserted into the album with the signature "on the Karolitshali River."
In fact, there are two mistakes. First, the technology of tricolor shooting did not allow any "self-portrait" then, which means that someone from the assistants (perhaps one of the sons).
Secondly, the extensive name of the picture, as recently it became known, erroneous, simply by someone from the helpers Sergey Mikhailovich was confused by the signature when inserted into the control album. In fact, is it possible to sit "on the river"? But the case, of course, is not in this, but in the fact that the Prokodin-Gorsky is sitting on the shore of the other river - Skuritzhali (the influx of Karolitshali). To understand this, it took several weeks research workin which they participated, independently of each other, two locals, Batuman. The genuine copyright name is in the album - "on the Skuritzhali River. Etude." Some "left" shot with a waterfall was glued to it.

Third place - the famous portrait of Emir Bukhara, 1911:

The portrait is completely unheard of color, no exhibition does not do without it.
Even avatars based on:

Fourth place - a snapshot "Peasant girls." [d. Toporn], which is different, like the previous, dusty brightness of paints.
This photo was loved by two directors at once: Leonid Parfinov, who dedicated him separate plot In the film "Color of the Nation" and Hollad named Ben Van Lychaut, who made the original poster for the film "Motherland" film:

In original:

Fifth place - a snapshot with the proud-rig in Dresin in Petrozavodsk, 1916:

There were craftsmen who animated this image! Dresin smoothly runs along the rails and if you still apply a suitable sound row, then you get a great clip :-)
By the way, a couple of such animations entered the last documentary about Prokodin-Gorsky - "Russia in color" (director: Vladimir Meltellin, 2010).

Sixth place - "View of the monastery from Svetlitsy." [Monastery Pre. Nile Colinensky, Lake Seliger]. 1910:

This picture was the emblem of the American exhibition "Empire, which Russia" 2001, with which the awakening of mass interest in the heritage of the pioneer of color photography began.
The view is really fascinating with your wellness.

Seventh place - a picture of the family of Russian immigrants in the village of Grief Mugan steppe:

The picture is widely known for the reason that it decorates the cover of the first album of the pictures of Prokudin-Gorsky ed. Robert Ollshaus, published in the United States in 1980 (Allshouse, Robert H. (ed.). Photographs for the tsar: The Pioneering Color Photography of Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii Commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II. - DoubleDay, 1980).

Eighth place - photo with participants in the construction of Murmansk. D. on the pier in Kem-Port. She became widely known thanks to the premises of her for the first (and until the only one) album of the Vainikov "Russian Empire in Color":

The ninth place is another photoportine of Prokudina-Gorsky, this time, on the famous Kielloan waterfall Kivach, with another Gavrila Derzhavin:

The snapshot was put on the cover of the album ed. S. Garanina, published in 2006

To play with 10 seats is quite difficult, because There are many worthy applicants.
Maybe a masterpiece "dinner on the back"?

According to some information, the reproduction of this particular shot hung in the Purpose-Horses room to his death.

It is interesting to know the readers' opinion, what pictures of Prokudin-Gorsky are they considered famous?