How to make a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands. Ideas from plastic bottles for home and garden! DIY chair made from plastic bottles

Many of us are in a hurry to thoroughly clean the house and around it, hastening to get rid of necessary and unnecessary things. Only the most experienced craftsmen when decorating their home, they will not be in a hurry to do this. They know that from all sorts of rubbish you can ultimately create a masterpiece that will add zest to your home and become the envy of others. Craftsmen - “golden hands” - will be able to assemble a functional and very useful thing from trash.

In this article you are invited to find out what uses can be found for empty plastic bottles. There is no need to throw them in the trash. They are a universal, excellent tool for bringing bold ideas to life and making various kinds of them. They are good material to carry out these works. One way is to make a chair out of them. You will learn how to do it by carefully reading this article.

Not everyone decides to put a chair made from plastic bottles in their home. However, as a country option, it is an excellent means of relaxation and interior decoration. It can be installed not only indoors, but also on personal plot, in the garden or garden. And you don’t need to worry about how to transport bulky furniture to country cottage area. A chair made from plastic bottles can be made right on the spot.

Let's start making it: It is clear that, first of all, we will need 250 plastic bottles, they should have a volume of 2 liters.

Initially, we assemble monoblocks from bottles. To collect such monoblocks, you need to cut off the neck of one of the bottles and then insert another into it. These are the preparations of the future country chair very convenient to store. They are more compact than whole plastic bottles.

Having turned all the available bottles into monoblocks, we begin to collect them. For assembly we will need adhesive tape and stretch film. What the shape of the seat from the back will be depends entirely on your imagination: flat or convex - decide for yourself. To enlarge a monoblock of plastic bottles, you only need to cut off the bottom of the top bottle and then insert it into the cavity of the other one. We will now tightly wrap several monoblocks with tape to get the finished the right part armchairs.

Stretch film is used in the manufacture of the chair so that the blocks do not diverge inside assembled structure chairs, and so that the chair can be covered on top. Stretch film with tape must be wrapped as tightly as possible, using force, to impart high strength characteristics to the finished chair. If you make the chair and armrests slightly curved and convex, then this product will be very comfortable to use.

If you want to give the chair an extra cozy and beautiful appearance, then you can cover it with fabric on top. It must be emphasized that chairs made from bottles are durable and strong, as well as very comfortable to use. Having made such a chair for his country house, You are implementing an environmental and creative project. Similar to the method of making chairs from plastic bottles, you can also make other furniture: a sofa, sofa, etc.

Here's some more interesting material.

Furniture made from plastic bottles is increasingly being installed in garden houses and dachas. Many people are happy to place non-standard models in city apartments: in children’s rooms, on loggias and even in living rooms made in the style of extravagant modernism. The demand for such furniture is determined by low cost and ease of manufacture; for example, you can build a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands in one evening. The functionality of the product will not differ from that purchased in the store. And if its appearance seems too unsightly, you can always cover the chair with a beautiful cover or reupholster it.

You should start making furniture from bottles by determining a suitable design. The chair can be built similar to classic model with armrests and backrest, in the form of a rocking chair or choose one for it original form. The first option is the most popular, since such furniture is the easiest to make. Depending on the desired size, you may need from 90 to 250 empty bottles for the job.

At the initial stage it is useful to draw up small project, sketch out a schematic drawing, it should take into account the quantity free space, which can be used for furniture, as well as types of structures that will be convenient to place here.

Enterprising craftsmen have come up with several ways to make chairs from plastic bottles. You can build a product from vertically installed elements- when executed correctly, this model looks quite respectable. You can also combine plastic container with wood or wire, upholstered with foam rubber and covered with fabric. Combined options well suited for interiors decorated in high-tech style. Soft types furniture will appeal to lovers of comfort and coziness.

Materials and tools

Making a regular chair is a long and labor-intensive process, and in addition, it is financially expensive. You need to cut out parts from wood or plywood and assemble them, which requires at least a jigsaw, wood glue, nails, a hammer, self-tapping screws, and screws. To make a simple chair from plastic containers yourself, you will need to stock up on a minimum amount of necessary materials, most of which are literally at hand:

  • directly bottles of the same color, design and size (from 90 to 200 pieces, depending on the desired dimensions of the finished product);
  • strong tape, cling film or stretch film;
  • knife and scissors;
  • fabric for creating covers;
  • foam rubber for softness;
  • sheets of cardboard and wire for the frame (if necessary).

All the above materials and tools are intended for making a simple chair. Depending on the design of the intended product, various additional elements. For example, to make the body of a rocking chair you will need parts cut from chipboard or fiberboard.

Manufacturing stages

Having decided on the desired type of furniture, you can proceed to its manufacture. It is necessary to calculate the required number of bottles in advance and prepare them. Some fans of recycling things collect basic material gradually. After waiting until a certain amount of empty containers is collected, they combine the bottles into a block. The resulting modules are stored in suitable place- garage, closet, basement. After a sufficient number of plastic bottles have been collected, they proceed to the formation of the furniture itself.

Drawing creation and preparatory work

When preparing a drawing, it is desirable to estimate as accurately as possible the space that the piece of furniture being manufactured will occupy. This way you will be able to correctly determine the height of the chair and its width, the depth of the seat, and the dimensions of the armrests. Then compare the obtained dimensions with the dimensions of the materials available. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness auxiliary elements- tape, film, covers. After creating a frame from plastic, the structure is supplemented with soft foam rubber, the seat is given rigidity through the use of plywood or chipboard, the furniture is decorated with fabric, although this does not significantly affect the occupied space.

To make a chair, you will need to create several sketches that, to scale, depict the desired piece of furniture from different angles. The drawing can be done schematically. Having previously indicated the length, width, height of all elements and plotting these parameters on the drawings, you can calculate how much material will be needed to bring the idea to life. When making a chair, you need to periodically (after creating each individual element) check the drawing.

When preparing for work, all plastic must be washed, cleared of stickers and dried naturally.

Making blocks from bottles

As soon as everything necessary materials assembled for the manufacture of chairs, preparatory work completed, you can proceed to the first stage. To make the blocks from which the frame is then made, you will need several bottles and tape. The whole procedure looks like this step by step:

  1. Two thirds of all plastic bottles should be cut in half. The part with the neck is directed with the lid down and inserted into the other half with the bottom. Then a whole bottle is installed into the resulting structure, onto the top of which the lower part of another cut container must be placed. The neck of the second bottle goes to waste. The result is a rather hard plastic element, reminiscent of a loaf.
  2. Having made a sufficient (according to calculations) number of such blanks, they should be connected into a single module using tape. For better stability, all bottles should be placed with their necks down.
  3. It is necessary to wrap the structure with adhesive film as tightly as possible. This way it will be possible to obtain an element that does not deform during subsequent use.

At the end of the work, you should have several finished blocks: a base, two armrests, a backrest. At this stage, it is necessary to measure all parts of the future chair and check the parameters reflected in the drawing. If some parts turn out to be smaller or larger in size, the block structure is unwound, adjustments are made, and everything is reassembled.

Cut off the neck of the bottle

Connect the whole bottle and the cut part, secure with tape

Connect the prepared elements with tape

For the base you need 4 blocks of 6 elements each


You need to start assembling a chair from bottles by installing blocks in the form of a rectangle or square on the floor. Referring to the diagram, you need to fasten them with wire. This will create the foundation for the future product. The same blocks should be laid on top of it, but they should be placed across. If it is necessary to assemble in several rows, you can stack the elements in a checkerboard pattern. Next, you need to raise the rows to the height at which the seat is supposed to be built.

In order to make the structure stronger, it is recommended to install “risers” one or two bottles high in the corners of the base. They are formed from rounded blocks 10–12 elements thick. To fasten all modules, tape or cling film is used. The same round blocks are used to decorate the armrests. The back is created last - it can be made round or square, as desired.

Glue blocks with two elements to the base

Starting from level 4-5, add only backrest and armrest blocks

Ready product

Upholstery and soft seat

To upholster a chair made from plastic bottles, you will need foam rubber, which, if necessary, can be folded in several layers. You can make an additional cushion on the seat, similar to those chairs that are sold in stores. The same can be done for the back of the product.

The chair is covered with a suitable fabric over the foam pads. If you don’t have time to create a full-fledged cover, you can simply throw a blanket over the product. If possible and desired, furniture can be decorated with flock, nubuck, chintz, artificial leather, jacquard. If the product is intended for a summer house or garage, you should not use expensive materials - the cover can be sewn, for example, from old blankets. But at this stage, every craftsman who assembles a chair from plastic bottles with his own hands is free to let his imagination fly.

Make a cover and put foam in it

What else can be made from bottles

You can construct a lot of useful and interesting things from plastic containers. They are great not only for making various furniture. New master classes and technologies for creating crafts, interior elements (vases, curtains, stands, boxes) and products for the dacha and country house are constantly appearing: bird feeders, gutters, flower beds, garden figurines, lampshades, watering devices, washbasins.

IN household Plastic bottles are also used to create greenhouses and country greenhouses. Small summer buildings can be built by first collecting the required amount of material. Experienced craftsmen can even make a boat that will be no worse than an inflatable rubber or wooden one.

Furniture made from plastic containers is cheap, convenient and lightweight; it can be moved from one place to another without any problems. She is not afraid of heat, cold, or rain. That is why more and more new product options are appearing: shelves, cabinets, cabinets, poufs, chairs, stools, tables, sofas, beds.

Original stool

You can make a comfortable stool from bottles that will appeal to both adults and children. The creation process is also understandable for novice craftsmen. To work, you need identical 2-liter plastic bottles (5-7 of them will be needed), tape or film, plywood or thick cardboard, and universal glue. If you want to make the stool more stable, you need to first pour water into the containers or pour sand into them. Creation original product produced according to a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. The prepared elements are placed on the floor with their necks up so that the end result is a round block.
  2. The entire bundle is fixed with tape or film.
  3. A round or square seat is cut out of plywood or a piece of thick cardboard according to the width of the resulting stool leg and attached to the bottles using glue.

If the seat turns out to be hard, it can be covered with foam rubber. Finished design decorated with fabric, self-adhesive wallpaper, plain white paper. When using the latter option, it is worth allowing the child to paint the stool with funny faces or some other figures.

Connect plastic bottles with tape

Cut two circles from plywood

Secure to bottles with self-tapping screws

Wrap the structure with padding polyester

Add soft seat filling

Cut out the parts for the case


Fix on a stool

Comfortable chair with backrest

To make a chair out of plastic bottles, you need to proceed in much the same way as when making a chair. From three containers - a whole one and two cut ones - you need to assemble 16 blanks. Then connect them into blocks, first fastening 2 bottles together, then 4. So until all 16 elements form a single module.

Then the back is formed. Make her better thickness in two bottles, length - at the discretion of the master. Each row is held together with tape; the latter can be arranged in one container for beauty. The plastic backrest is attached to the seat.

You shouldn’t skimp on adhesive tape: the more of it, the more reliable the design.

Table made of plastic bottles

If you want to furnish your entire dacha with plastic furniture, next product after the armchair, stool and chair there may be a table. It will require 1.5 liter bottles, identical in shape and color. For the countertop you need to prepare a piece of plywood or use ready-made option, left over from old furniture. You need to assemble a block from prepared plastic elements required thickness, give it the shape of a circle, rectangle or square.

Next, you need to turn the cover over and mark the points where it will be attached to the screws. It is better to arrange them in a circle - the tabletop will be located, as it were, on a plastic palisade. Fasteners should be selected in length so that their sharp ends do not peek out from under the table cover. Or screw them in from the front side, and then cover the caps with putty. work surface paint or decorate with wallpaper.

The bottles are glued together in pairs at the bottoms. The upper part of the pair will be without a lid, the lower one will be closed. Then each of the legs is screwed into a lid fixed to the tabletop. To strengthen the structure, you can tie the necks of the upper and lower elements with wire. The plastic table is ready.

Prepare wooden table top, glue the corks, screw in the bottles


The wonderful property of plastic bottles is that they can be found in many different applications. From them you can make not only all sorts of funny trinkets, but even pieces of furniture. DIY furniture made from plastic bottles will be appropriate on the playground where children play, in the country house, in the garage or barn. You can also take it with you if you are going outdoors - it will not become a heavy burden for you, since it is light and easy to carry. Let's look at several master classes on making such furniture, with which you can create interesting and original objects from plastic containers different forms and sizes.

Outdoor breakfast table

A cute and comfortable table made of plastic material can be built quickly and easily. The only materials you need are a tray and four plastic containers.

Important! If the bottles are long and thin, then the product can be used as a coffee table.

The manufacturing process is quite simple:

  1. Glue the bottles to the surface of the tray with their bottoms. These will be the legs of your table, and the tray itself will become the tabletop.
  2. To make the product look more attractive, the bottles can be wrapped with strong and thin twine, jute twine or coated with acrylic paints.
  3. The tabletop can also be decorated. To do this, you can decorate it using the decoupage technique or, for example, lay small flat pebbles on the surface.

Big table

The principle of making a larger table is approximately the same as in the previous method. Only for the surface of this piece of furniture made from plastic bottles, you should choose a stronger material with your own hands. For these purposes, a piece of plywood or, which is much better, a used tabletop from an old table is suitable.

Important! To make the table durable, you should prepare a large number of plastic containers.

You should proceed something like this:

  • First, give the tabletop the required shape - the table can be either square or rectangular, or round.
  • Make the necessary markings on the back of the tabletop. In these places it is necessary to connect the bottles with caps with self-tapping screws. back side surfaces.
  • To make the legs stronger and longer, you can attach another row of bottles to the first row so that the bottoms of the first row join the bottoms of the second.

Important! It is advisable to use a special universal glue for plastic as glue.

  • If you want to hide plastic containers, you can somehow beautifully paint or paint them acrylic paint.


You can also make a small chair from plastic bottles with your own hands, for which you need to collect 7-10 identical two-liter plastic containers. Further:

  • Place the bottles together and wrap them tightly with tape.
  • Depending on the number and shape of the containers, you can first prepare sections of 3-4 bottles and then link them into one design.

Important! Do not skimp on the tape, otherwise the chair will fall apart under the weight of a person.

  • To make the chair stable, you can fill the bottles with water or pour sand - a third of the volume of the container.
  • Cut a seat out of plywood (you can use several layers of thick cardboard) and then screw or nail it to the bottle caps.
  • Cover the entire structure with strips of newspaper, and then paint the finished stool with acrylic paint of the desired color.


An armchair is a rather practical piece of furniture made from plastic bottles with your own hands, which is convenient to use in the garden, since such a product is not afraid of either the sun or the rain.

Important! By covering this design with a beautiful cover sewn by yourself, you will get a stylish and interesting modern chair.

As a rule, at least 250 plastic bottles are required to make such a piece of furniture. It is very important to understand how the bottles should be fastened, and this, in turn, will be useful for creating other things. Source material Modules made from four plastic containers will serve.

Stages of work:

  1. After cutting the bottle in half, turn the top over and insert it into the bottom.
  2. Next, you need to insert a whole bottle into this design, and after dividing another container in half, put the bottom one on top.
  3. In order to secure the module, you should wrap it with transparent tape.
  4. Also use tape to connect the large module.
  5. By expanding the module in this way, you need to make the parts of the chair - the seat and back.
  6. Then, placing soft synthetic padding or foam rubber on the seat, put a cover on the chair.

Video material

An ordinary plastic container is the most common thing. But it is impossible to count all the cases when it can be useful on the farm. From it you can make both small but very useful things, for example, pots for seedlings, and you can build global structures, for example, an armchair, table or bed. DIY furniture made from plastic bottles is easy, convenient and practical. Use your imagination and you will get very interesting and practical things for your household.

In modern times, many handicrafts have appeared who try to make furniture and interior items from old and unnecessary things. The scope for imagination in this area is enormous, so no one tries to limit themselves. Many people wonder how to make a sofa from bottles, because there is a great abundance of this raw material, and it is not very profitable to simply dispose of it.

And in fact, sofas made from bottles are very popular. They can fit very harmoniously into any country house or summer house. But people’s imagination is very developed and now some are already installing plastic sofas in their apartments. This is because it is very easy to make, you just need to be patient and big amount bottles of different denominations, but the same shape.

There are special instructions on how to make a sofa from plastic bottles with your own hands, step by step. For this you will, of course, need a large number of bottles. It all depends on what shape you choose for your furniture. If you are making a sofa for the first time, then you should not aim at huge models; a small two-seater option is enough. If you do simple furniture and you are not going to cover it and soften it with foam rubber, then you can cope with this task in just a few hours. To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • sharp and large scissors;
  • regular and double-sided tape;
  • about five hundred bottles with a denomination of two liters and four hundred with a denomination of one liter;
  • sharp knife.

It is worth noting that the sofas made are very durable. If they are designed for two people, then they will withstand without problems, even if the person sitting has a lot of weight. The sofa parts themselves are very durable and can ultimately last much longer than standard view furniture.

Assembly technology

You can even assemble a complete model alone. First, you should prepare the bottles, wash them, remove excess labels, stickers and other interfering elements. Then, you need to assemble one strong block from three bottles and secure it with tape.

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle.
  2. We insert it into the lower part, with the plug facing down.
  3. Insert another, whole bottle into the resulting vase.
  4. We cover its neck with the cut off bottom from the third bottle.

Overall, you get a fairly strong block, which in addition needs to be secured with tape. To make it more convenient to fold the selected model, you need to fasten four bars together. This must be done carefully, so that the bottles do not move, or rather do not move at all, in the assembled pack.

Then you can use your imagination. All the instructions offered on the Internet are different, so you can come up with your own version of a comfortable and homemade sofa. The main thing is to pay attention to proper gluing, so that after some time the parts do not begin to move apart, ruining the appearance of the furniture.

When purchasing juices or water in plastic bottles, craftsmen and craftsmen recommend not throwing them away. Plastic material Perfectly used in crafts and designs that can be used to diversify children's dollhouses and decorate local areas, as well as to create useful and functional pieces of furniture.

From large quantity Using containers, you can make practical products, for example, you can make an armchair, table, stool and other pieces of furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands. If you are interested in the question of how to make a comfortable, stylish chair from plastic bottles, we suggest you read the step-by-step instructions for one of the product options.

To create a comfortable seat, chair or stool, you first need to collect plastic containers in the right quantity and store in a secluded place. To make a comfortable chair you will need:

  • collect 200-250 plastic two-liter containers of one shape;
  • tape (wide);
  • stationery knife or scissors.

According to the scheme shown in the figure, whole bottles and cut parts are used, which are necessary to strengthen the building blocks. All details are shared symbols, where A is the whole bottle, B is the lower cut part, C is the upper part, D is the second lower part. We assemble the chair step by step:

  1. Cut the bottle in half and place C in bowl B.
  2. The whole bottle A is inserted with the bottom side into parts B, C.
  3. The lower part D is put on the structure in the upper part where the lid is.
  4. As a result of the work done, a block was created from which the seat will be made. 16 elements are made in the same way.
  5. The 2 parts are connected with tape. Assemble small and large blocks on a hard, flat surface with tight fastening to create a stable, strong structure.
  6. In the future, you need to connect 2 by 2 parts with tape, then 4 by 4.
  7. The chair seat made from plastic bottles, made by hand, represents a block of 16 bottles.
  8. The back is made from leftover plastic. To do this, three parts C+B are installed on the block (inside each other) similar to the parts for the seat. You will need two, which form a high tube-shaped part as the outermost element of the backrest.
  9. A reliable back will be obtained if the block is fastened at 3 levels with tape.
  10. Connect the seat and back with three strips of tape, after which the product is ready.

With the right step by step execution you can get a reliable chair, which is often covered with plywood and a fabric cover, foam rubber in the seat and back. With the help of chairs you make yourself, you can complement the territory of your dacha or country house.

And here step-by-step instruction making a stool:

Algorithm for working with plastic 1. Cut plastic bottles 2. Place the cut part on the whole bottle
3. Secure with tape 4. We collect 12 pieces 5. Take wooden box
6. Insert tightly into the wooden box 7. All bottles are in place 8. Fasten with tape
9 Cutting up the unnecessary sweater 10. Putting it on old sweater 11. Cut a rectangle from a piece of foam rubber
12. Cut out a flap of fur 13. Sew a flap of fur 14. Place the cover on the foam rubber
15. Sew it together 16. This is what we got: Finished stool

Master craftsmen have many interesting solutions on creating a chair, table, sofa and other furniture elements from plastic bottles. When planning to make a chair, table, or ottoman yourself, first, for example, leave the bottles overnight in the cold cold period year in open form, then in the morning close them and put them in a warm place. The thermal hardening procedure gives the material strength, and the products will be reliable and denser.

To give high strength plastic products, it is recommended to use solid blocks, as in the described instructions. This gives the product, in addition to strength, high shock-absorbing properties. Lightweight plastic, ideal for creating furniture frames, allows you to make products of any shape and size with your own hands. Structures made from plastic can be used in the yard, on the playground, in the country house and loggia. Durable material decomposes over several hundred years, which will provide products with a long service life.