Sockets Plug double GOST. Conditional designation of sockets and switches in the drawings

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1 area of \u200b\u200buse

The section shall be stated in the new edition:

This standard applies to stationary sockets with blocking switches (hereinafter - sockets with switches), grounding contact and without domestic and similar purpose, intended for attaching electrical receivers with a nominal voltage of SV. 50 to 440 V and nominal currents are not more than 32 A to the electrical network of AC with internal and external installation in buildings.

Sockets with switches corresponding to this standard are manufactured in the form of a combination of a socket (OK) according to GOST R 51322.1 and switch according to GOST R 51324.1 and / or GOST R 51324.2, which are supplied as assembly units.

When using stationary sockets with switches of virus-free contact clips, the rated current is limited to 16 A.

This standard does not apply to the requirements for mounting boxes for the hidden installation.

The standard applies to the requirements for the mounting boxes of the open installation necessary for testing sockets.


1 General requirements for mounting boxes - according to GOST R 50827.

2 This standard does not apply to outlets with lock switches in combination with devices according to GOST R 50345, GOST R 51326.1 and GOST R 51327.1. Standard, if necessary, can be used as a guide for the requirements for testing these additional devices.

This standard does not apply to:

Sockets with industrial switches;

Sockets with switches for safe ultra-low voltage.

Sockets with switches corresponding to this standard are designed to work at ambient temperature up to 25 ° C with a permissible temporary increase of up to 35 ° C.

Standard should be applied together with GOST R 51322.1.

In the text of the standard, test methods are in italics.

Additions that take into account the needs of the country's economy are given in Appendix A.

2 Regulatory references

5 General Test Requirements

7 Classification




Case with the cord,




Other inclusion mechanisms; Depending on the connection method:




Three-pole with neutral included; By blocking type:




Combined from the above; by the presence of a fixing device:

Without fixation

With fixation.

8 Marking

10 Electric Shock Protection

10.102 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as axis or hinge suspension or balancer, not isolated from current-carrying parts, should not perform from the casing.

Check are carried out by external inspection, if necessary, after dismantling the part that leads the switch into action.

Note - If the drive detail of the switch failed, the test is carried out after the test by section 28.

10.103 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as axis or hinge suspension or balancer, should not remain open after setting the switch to the operating position.

They must be isolated from open metal parts, such as a metal frame that holds the base of the switch for the hidden installation, which must be installed in metal boxes, and from screws that are fixing the base of the switch to the support surface.

Additional requirements are not used if the metal parts of the mechanism are separated from the current-carrying parts so much that the distance of the current leakage paths and the air gaps exceed at least twice the values \u200b\u200bindicated in 27.1, or if the sockets with switches are provided with grounding clips, securely connected to the ground.

The check is carried out by visual inspection, and, if necessary, measurements and tests by sections 17 and 20.

11 Grounding

12 Contact clamps

13 Stationary Rosette Design

13.102 The handles of rotary switches must be securely connected to the shaft or another part leading the mechanism in motion.

Check are carried out by the following test.

An axial stretching force of 100 N. is applied to the handle for 1 min. After that, the handles having only the working direction are rotated, if possible, without excess effort 100 times in the opposite direction.

During the test, the handle should not be removed.

13.103 The drive of the switch after the triggering must automatically occupy the position corresponding to the position of moving contacts, with the exception of cord and single-button switches in which the drive must occupy the only position.

13.104 Switches must have a design in which mobile contacts should be only in the "Enable" position. and "Turn off."

An intermediate position for these contacts can only be provided if the drive part also has an intermediate position and there is a reliable insulation between movable and still contacts.

If necessary, insulation between fixed and movable contacts in an intermediate position can be checked for electrical strength by application to the appropriate clamps, without removing the cover or switch lining, for 1 min of the test voltage of the almost sinusoidal form of a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz, 1250 V values \u200b\u200bfor outlets with Rated voltage up to 130V included. or 2000 V - for sockets with nominal voltage of St. 130 V.

Checking the requirements 13.103 and 13.104 are carried out by external inspection, test installation and for switches with an intermediate position - the above electrical test.

13.105 Switches intended only for AC should have a design that would exclude the appearance of sparking at a slow triggering of the switch drive.

The check is carried out by the following test performed after the test by section 21. Using the switch, the electrical circuit is turned off successively 10 times, slowly moving the drive manually with a 2 C interval, and stopping the movable contacts, if possible, in an intermediate position and releasing the drive.

During the test, there should be no longer sparking.

13.106 Socket switches having more than one pole must connect and disconnect all poles at the same time, with the exception of multichannel with a switching neutral wire in which the neutral wire should not be turned on after other contacts or turn off earlier.

Check are carried out by external inspection and test manually.

13.107 The action of the switch mechanism equipped with a lid or overlay that can be removed when the switch is set, should not depend on the presence of a lid or lining.

The check is carried out by a sequential connection of the switch, without a mounted lid or lining, with a lamp and pressing the drive without excessive effort.

During testing, the lamp should not flash.

14 Production of forks and portable sockets

17 Resistance and electrical strength of isolation

Disorders of the hubs, insulating intervals and gaskets to such an extent that the switch is not able to work more or no longer be followed by the requirements of section 10;

Weakening electrical and mechanical connections;

Fragmentation of the compound mass;

Relative displacement of movable switch contacts.

Before testing the electrical strength of isolation under this section, the test in a water frame according to 16.3 is not carried out.

The test section 15 is performed to control the locking mechanism.

Sockets and forks telephone

Technical conditions

GOST 8810-81
(ST SEV 5396 -85)

State Committee of the USSR
On product quality management and standards

State Standard of the SSR Union

Validity from 01/01/82.

Until 01.01.92

This standard applies to telephone sockets and forks intended for connecting devices of subscriber telephone equipment installed in residential, public and industrial premises, to a telephone network lines with a constant or variable frequency of 50 Hz with a voltage of no more than 160 V and current up to 1 A. Modified edition, change No. 1).

one . Types and main sizes

1.1. Outlets and forks should be made of the following types: RT - Sockets Telephone 2 - 6-pin; RTSH - sockets telephone plugs 4 and 6-pin; RTCHK - sockets telephone plugs with condenser 4 and 6-pin; W - forks telephone 4 and 6-pin. 1.2. The geometric shape of sockets (forks), as well as overall and installation dimensions are not regulated. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 1.3. The location of the contact sockets of rosettes and the contacts of the fork must match the traits. one .

RTCHK-6 socket

VT-6 fork

Notes: 1. Marking nests (pins) is located on the inside and shown conditionally. 2. In RTSHK-4 sockets (VT-4 forks), the nests (pins) 3 and 4 are absent. 3. Contacts a and b - line connection locations.

(Modified edition, change No. 1, 2). * Heck. 2, 3 (excluded, change No. 1). 1.4. The design of the RT type outlet should provide for the input of a linear wire with a diameter of no more than 6 mm; Type RTCHK-4 - two linear wires with a diameter of not more than 6 mm each; Type RTCHK-6 - two linear wires with a diameter of no more than 8 mm each. 1.5. The design of the RT type and VT type plugs should ensure the cord fastening with a diameter of no more than 10 mm and eliminate the possibility of its rotation. 1.4, 1.5. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 1.6. The conventional designation of the socket (forks) should consist of the word "socket" ("plug"), type indications, numbers of contacts and the designation of this standard. An example of a conditional design of the socket telephone 2-pin:

Outlet RT-2 GOST 8810-81

The same, for a socket of a telephone plug with a 4-pin capacitor:

RTshk-4 GOST 8810-81 socket

The same, for the fork of telephone 4-pin:

VT-4 plug 8810-81

1.7. Product color can be any. If necessary, the color of the product may be specified when ordering.


2.1. Sockets (forks) should be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for working drawings approved in the prescribed manner. 2.2. Outlets (forks) should provide a wire connection with a diameter of conductive veins from 0.1 to 1.0 mm M3 contact screws. Other designs of linear wires are allowed. The tension of the cord should not be transmitted to the ends of the veins connected to the contacts. 2.3. The contact clips of sockets (forks) must be denoted by Arabic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and the clamps to which the linear wire is supplied, letters a and b. The design of the RTCHK type and VTO type plugs should provide an unambiguous connection of the contacts. The marking of contacts is carried out from the mounting of the wires in accordance with the features. one . 2.4. Cutting parts of sockets (forks) can be made of metals of any brands, subject to the requirements of claim 2.9. The case of sockets (forks) should be made of impact-resistant plastics. 2.2 - 2.4. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 2.5. Metal parts of sockets (forks) must be resistant to corrosion or have protective coatings. 2.6. The roughness parameter of the surfaces of parts from plastics Ra £ 3.2 microns according to GOST 2789-73. Acute edges on the outer surfaces are not allowed. 2.7. Electrical concepts of RTHC and RTCH sockets must match the features. four .

Electrical concept

C - condensa ator with a capacity (10 ± 0.1) MK F (U MIN \u003d 160 V)

Note. When the plug joints with the socket, contacts should be swollen. In the outlets (forks) the presence of jumpers is allowed. 2.8. The force of dismemberment force with a socket must be within 10 - 20 H (1 - 2 kgf). 2.9. The transitional resistance between the contacts of the socket and the fork should be no more than 30 MΩ, and after climatic tests and durability tests - no more than 200 mΩ. 2.10. The electrical insulation resistance between any contacts of the socket or fork should be at least 500 MΩ, and after testing on the water resistance - at least 10 MΩ. 2.9, 2.10. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 2.11. Isolation between contacts, as well as between the contacts and any of the metal parts of the socket and the fork, should withstand no variable voltage voltage without breakdown. 50 Hz frequency for 1 min. 2.12. Outlets (forks) must comply with the requirements of this standard when exposed to a relative humidity of 90% at a temperature of 298 K (25 ° C). 2.13. Outlets (forks) must comply with the requirements of this standard at a temperature of 318 K (45 ° C) and after stay at 328 K (55 ° C). 2 .14. Outlets (forks) must comply with the requirements of this standard at a temperature of 263 K (minus 10 ° C) and after stay at 223 K (minus 50 ° C). 2.15. The sockets (forks) must withstand without mechanical damage the effect of sinusoidal vibration in the frequency range of 10 - 55 Hz. 2.16. Outlets (forks) must withstand without mechanical damage exposure to 3000 beats with peak shock acceleration (98 ± 15) m / s 2 [(10 ± 1.5) g]. 2.17. The plug sockets must withstand 10000 joints - dismemberment with a fork, while the intensity of failures should be no more than 2.0 × 10 -5 with a trust probability of 0.9. 2.18. The service life of telephone sockets (forks) must be at least 20 years.

3. Rules acceptance

3.1. To check the sockets (forks) for compliance with the requirements of this standard, acceptance and delivery, periodic, typical tests and reliability tests are carried out. 3.1.1. The consumer is given the right to check the sockets (forks) for compliance with the requirements of this standard according to the A4 00 control plan according to GOST 16493-70. 3.2. Acceptance tests 3.2.1. Sockets (forks) are checked in the volume and sequence specified in Table. one . PP. 2.8 - 2.11 Check 5% of the party, but not less than 10 pcs. Check for other items are carried out by 100% of products.

Table 1

Name of the indicator being checked

Points of this standard

technical requirements

monitoring methods

Appearance, compliance with drawings 1.1 - 1.5 ; 2.1 - 2.7
Marking 5.1 ; 5, 3 ; 5.4
Packaging 5.2
Effort of dismemberment 2.8
Transient contact resistance 2.9
Electrical insulation resistance 2.10
Insulation strength 2.11
3.2.2. When obtaining unsatisfactory test results, the test of the socket (forks) is returned to identify the causes of marriage, its elimination and adoption of measures in production. 3.2.3. After removing the defect of the socket (forks), check the secondary. Repeated tests are carried out in full reception testing. The result of repeated tests is issued by the protocol. If there is a non-compliance with the requirements of this standard with repeated tests, they are returned and the tests are terminated. 3.3. Periodic tests 3.3.1. Periodic tests spend once a year. Tests are subjected to at least 10 outlets (forks) that have passed acceptance tests in full. Periodic tests are carried out in the volume and sequence specified in Table. 2.

table 2

3.3.2. If during periodic tests, the discrepancy of sockets (forks) with the requirements of this standard will be detected, the acceptance of the next party and the shipment of previously accepted parties are stopped before receiving satisfactory results of repeated tests of sockets (forks). 3.3.3. Repeated tests are carried out in full periodic tests on a double count of samples. If, when repeated tests, the discrepancy of sockets (forks) with the requirements of this standard will again be detected, they are returned and the tests are terminated. 3.3.4. Periodic test results are issued by the protocol. 3.3.5. Outlets (forks), past periodic tests, do not supply the consumer. 3.4. Typical tests 3.4.1. Typical tests are carried out according to the program compiled by the manufacturer, on the number of outlets (forks) at least 10 pcs. 3.4.2. Typical test results are made up by the protocol. The protocol must contain conclusions and suggestions on the possibility of making changes to the design and technological documentation for sockets (forks). 3.5. Tests for reliability 3.5.1. Reliability tests are carried out once every three years .. 3.5.2. Reliability tests are carried out by 20 - 50 plug sockets complete with forks that have passed acceptance tests, but not subjected to periodic tests. 3.5.3. Sockets and forks that have passed reliability tests, the consumer does not supply.


4.1. Tests whose climatic modes are not specified in this standard are carried out in normal climatic conditions according to GOST 15150-69. 4.2. Compliance with PP requirements (forks). 1.1 - 1.5, 2.1 - 2.7, 5.1 - 5.4 Check by visually with comparison with drawings and dimensions of the size by a measuring instrument that ensures the accuracy required by the drawings with the error corresponding to GOST 8.051-81. 4.3. Effort of dismemberment (p. 2.8) is verified by any method that ensures the effect of force in the dismemberment direction. Measurement error is no more than ± 10%. 4.4. Contact transition resistance (p. 2.9) is checked by direct counting on the instrument or a voltmeter-ammeter method. Measurement error no more than ± 10%. 4.5. The electrical insulation resistance (clause 2.10) is checked by a megommeter, the output constant voltage of which at least 100 V. The countdown of the insulation resistance is produced after 1 min from the test voltage supply. Measurement error no more than ± 10%. 4.6. The electrical strength of isolation (p. 2.11) is checked on the test installation. The installation should provide an alternating voltage of the sinusoidal shape of a frequency of 50 Hz with an effective voltage value (500 ± 25) V. The source of this voltage must provide the power of 250 V × A. In the RTCHK sockets, the contacts 5, 6 should be opened when checking the electrical strength of the insulation The insulation resistance is measured in accordance with clause 2.10. 4.7. Moisture resistance (p. 2.12) is checked, withstanding the sockets (forks) in the humidity chamber at the relative humidity of% and temperature (298 ± 2) to [(25 ± 2) ° C] for 10 days. After the exposure time after extracting sockets (forks) from the camera during no more than 5 minutes, it is checked for PP. 2.8 - 2.11. Then the sockets (forks) are withstanding 2 hours in normal climatic conditions. After exposure, they produce their visual inspection on the absence of disruption of protective coatings. (Modified edition, change No. 1). 4.8. Heat resistance (p. 2.13) is checked, withstanding sockets (forks) in heat chamber 2 h at a temperature (318 ± 2) to [(45 ± 2) ° C]. After the exposure time after extracting sockets (forks) from the camera during no more than 5 minutes, it is checked for PP. 2.8 - 2.11. Then the sockets (forks) are withstanding 8 hours at a temperature of 328 K (55 ° C). After testing the socket (forks), 2 hours are kept in normal climatic conditions, they produce their visual inspection on the lack of damage. 4.9. Cold resistance (p. 2.14) is checked, withstanding the sockets (forks) in the cold chamber 2 h at a temperature (263 ± 2) to [(minus 10 ± 2) ° C]. After the exposure time after extracting sockets (forks) from the camera during no more than 5 minutes, it is checked for PP. 2.8 - 2.11. Then the sockets (forks) are withstanding 4 hours at a temperature (223 ± 2) to [(minus 50 ± 2) ° C]. After testing the socket (forks), it is kept in normal climatic conditions 2 hours and produce a visual inspection on the lack of damage and verification of PP. 2.8 - 2.11. 4.10. Vibration and vibration (p. 2.15) are checked on a vibration stand. Outlets (forks) in the manufacturer's packaging is rigidly attached to the stand table. Tests are carried out in three mutually perpendicular positions with a smooth change in frequency (10 Hz per 1 min) and at a constant amplitude of vibrations (0.35 ± 0.05) mm. Test time in each position 10 min. After the impact of vibration, a visual inspection of sockets (forks) is produced on the absence of mechanical damage, as well as verification for compliance with PP. 2.8 - 2.11. 4.11. Impact resistance (p. 2.16) is checked on a shock stand. Outlets (forks) in the manufacturer's packaging is rigidly attached to the stand table. Tests are carried out in three mutually perpendicular positions with the number of shocks in each 1000. The frequency of impacts should be 20 - 30 per minute. After impacts, there is a visual inspection of sockets (forks) on the absence of mechanical damage, as well as for compliance with PP requirements. 2.8 - 2.11. 4.12. Tests for reliability 4.12.1. Reliability tests (p. 2.17) are carried out for 4 cycles of 250 hours each in the volume and sequence specified in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Composition and sequence of tests (graphic test of tests) in one cycle

Climatic factors and consistency of their impact

Duration of work, h

Increased humidity
Reduced temperature
Increased temperature
Normal climatic conditions
Note. The table adopted the following conditional notation: - the duration of one test cycle, h. - Increased humidity; - normal conditions; - elevated temperature; - reduced temperature. 4.12.2. Before the beginning and at the end of each test in one cycle, checks on PP. 2.8 - 2.11. The discrepancy of at least one of the above parameters with the requirements of this standard is considered to be denied. 4.12.3. The impact of the increased humidity of the socket and the fork in the articulated position is kept in the humidity chamber with the relative humidity of% and the temperature (298 ± 2) to [(25 ± 2) ° C]. Everybody on the clamps A and B sockets supply a constant voltage (60 ± 1) in and withstand 8 hours, and each hour for 3 minutes to clamps A and B plug in the resistor resistance (1.2 ± 0.12) com. 4.12.4. The effect of a reduced temperature of the socket and the fork in the articulated position is kept in the cold chamber 2 h at a temperature of 273 K (0 ° C). Then, a constant voltage (60 ± 1) in and withstand 1 hour (60 ± 1) was supplied to the clamps A and B, and the resistor resistance (1.2 ± 0.12) can be connected to the clips A and B to 3 minutes. Then the temperature in the chamber is raised to normal and withstand 2 hours 4.12.5. The effect of an increased temperature of the socket and the fork in the articulated position is kept in the heat chamber at a temperature of 308 K (35 ° C). Everybody on the clamps A and B sockets supply a constant voltage (60 ± 1) in and withstand 8 hours. At the same time, each hour for 3 minutes to the clips A and B plug in the resistor resistance (1.2 ± 0.12) com. 4.12.6. The operation in normal climatic conditions is produced on a special booth at a special rate at no more than 15 joints - dismemberment per minute. Every 500 joints - dismembrances produce cleaning of contacts with a dry rigid tassel or blowing with air and flushing with alcohol-dusty (if necessary). After 2500 joints - dismembrances for clamps A and B sockets supply a constant voltage (60 ± 1) in and maintained in the articulated position for a period of time that complements the time cycle time of up to 100%, with each hour for 3 minutes to clips a and b connect Resistor resistance (1.2 ± 0.12) com. 4.12.7. Evaluation of test results In the process of testing, plug sockets must withstand at least 10,000 joints - dismemberment with forks. The value of the failure intensity is calculated by the formula

Where k is the number of joints - dismemberment for all time tests; P is the probability of trouble-free operation, determined by table. four.

Table 4.

Product sampling, N

Probability of trouble-free work r

Note. P is the number of failures recorded during tests. 4.13. The service life (p. 2.18) is determined by calculated by the number of joints - the dismemberment obtained from the results of reliability tests by the formula

Where t - service life, years; K - the number of joints - dismemberment during reliability testing; K 1 is the average number of joints - dismemberment per day, adopted for 1; 365 - Calendar duration of the year.

five . Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

5.1. On the outer surface of the sockets (forks) there should be a trademark of the manufacturer. 5.2. Sockets (forks) must be packed in a cardboard box according to GOST 7933 -7 5 or have a different packaging providing persistence during transportation and storage. For transportation, packed in a power outlet (forks) should be laid in boxes from corrugated cardboard according to GOST 9142 - 84 or a container according to GOST 18477-79. The type of packaging is indicated in that on a specific type of socket (plug). The gross mass should not exceed 40 kg. Packed sockets (forks) should be combined into packages according to GOST 24597-81. Methods and packaging means are indicated in the specific type of socket (fork). When delivered outlets (forks) to the areas of the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, the packaging must comply with the requirements of GOST 15846-79. 5.3. Transport marking of cargo with the application of manipulation signs "Caution, fragile! "And" afraid of dampness "- according to GOST 14192-77. 5.4. In a box of corrugated cardboard or a container, a packing list must be attached, comprising: the name or trademark of the manufacturer; Name and type of socket (plug); number of products; packing date; designation of this standard; Signature of the representative of the OTP and the person producing packaging, or the stamps of the packer and the OTB. 5.5. Transportation of sockets (forks) should be carried out in a packaged form by transport of all types in covered vehicles under storage conditions 5 GOST 15150-69 and in accordance with the rules acting on the transport of the relevant species. 5.6. Storage of outlets (forks) in manufacturers and consumers - under the storage conditions L GOST 15150-69. 5.2 - 5.6. (Modified edition, change No. 1).


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of sockets (forks) with the requirements of this Standard subject to the rules for transportation, storage and operation. Warranty service life of sockets (forks) - 2 years from the date of commissioning. Warranty shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Information details

one . Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards from 09.02.81 No. 558. 2. The standard fully corresponds to ST SEV 5396 -85 3. Instead of GOST 8810 -68 4. References Regulatory Technical Documents

Point number

GOST 8.051-81

GOST 2789-73

GOST 7933 -75

GOST 9142 -84.

GOST 14192-77

GOST 15150-69

GOST 15846-79

GOST 16493-70.

GOST 18477-79

GOST 24597-81

five . Reprint (March 1990) with amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1986, March 1989 (IUS 1-87, 6-89) 6. The validity period is extended to 0 1.01.92 (Resolution of the USSR State Standard of 16.10.86 No. 3108)

Planning the placement of electrical wiring in the room is a serious task, on the accuracy and correctness of which the quality of subsequent installation and the level of safety of people in this area depend on it. In order for the wiring to be placed efficiently and competently, it is required to pre-make a detailed plan.

It is a drawing performed in compliance with the selected scale, in accordance with the layout of housing, reflecting the location of all electrical wiring sites and its main elements, such as distribution groups and a unicinerary schematic diagram. Only after the drawing is drawn up, you can talk about connecting the electrician.

However, it is important not only to have such a drawing at the disposal, we must also be able to read it. Each person who is dealing with the works involving the need for electrical installation should be guided in the conventional images in the diagram denoting various elements of electrical equipment. They have the form of certain characters and contains almost every electrical circuit.

But today it will be not talking about how to draw the plan scheme, but about what is displayed on it. I will say immediately complex elements, such as resistors, machine guns, switches, switches, relays, engines, etc. We will not consider it, and consider only those elements that meet any person every day i. Designation of sockets and switches in the drawings. I think it will be interesting to everyone.

According to what documents the designation is regulated

Designed in Soviet times, the GUTO clearly define compliance with the circuit and in the design documentation of the electrical chain elements with defined set graphic symbols. This is necessary to maintain generally accepted records containing information about the design of the electrical system.

The role of graphic designations is performed by elementary geometric shapes: squares, circles, rectangles, points and lines. In a variety of standard combinations, these elements reflect all components of the electrical appliances, machines and mechanisms used in modern electrical engineering, as well as the principles of management of them.

Often there is a natural question about the regulatory document governing all the above principles. Methods for constructing conditional graphics images of electrical wiring and equipment on the respective schemes determines GOST 21.614-88 "Images Conditional graphics electrical equipment and places on the plans". From it you can find out as designated sockets and switches on electrical circuits.

Designation of sockets in the scheme

Regulatory technical documentation gives a specific outlet designation on electrical circuits. Its common schematic species is a semicircle, from the convex part of which the draw is the draw, its appearance and determines the type of socket. One trait is a two-pole socket, two - dual biplar, three, having a view of a fuel, is a three-pole socket.

Such sockets are characterized by the degree of protection in the IP20 - IP23 range. The presence of grounding is indicated in the schemes of a flat feature parallel to the center of half of the circle, which distinguishes the designation of all open settings.

In the event that the installation is hidden, schematic images of sockets are changed by adding another feature in the central part of the semicircle. It has directions from the center to the drawing, indicating the number of poles of the outlet.

The sockets themselves are inserted into the wall, the level of their protection against moisture and dust is in the range above (IP20 - IP23). The wall does not become dangerous from it, since all parts conducting the current are reliably hidden in it.

Some patterns of the designation of sockets have a kind of black semicircle. This is moisture-proof outlets, the degree of protection of the shell of which IP 44 - IP55. Their external installation is allowed on the surfaces of buildings overlooking the street. In residential premises such sockets are installed in wet and rawrooms, such as bathrooms and showers.

Designation of switches on electrical circuits

All types of switches have a schematic image in the form of a circle with a feature at the top. Circle with a dishes containing a hook on the end, indicates a classroom open installation lighting switch (Degree of protection IP20 - IP23). Two hooks at the end of the dummy means a two-block switch, three - three-key.

If the perpendicular line is put on the schematic designation of the switch above the screenshot switch hidden installation (Degree of protection IP20 - IP23). The line is one - a single-pole switch, two - two-pole, three - three-pole.

The black-in-color circle is indicated by a moisture-proof opening switch (IP44 - IP55 protection degree).

The circle intersected by the shells line at the ends is used for the image on the electrical circuits of the passing switches (switches) with two positions (IP20 - IP23). The image of a single-pole switch resembles a mirror image of two ordinary. Moisture-resistant switches (IP44 - IP55) are designated in diagrams in the form of a painted circle.

As designated block switches with a power outlet

To save space and for the purpose of layout in the total block, install a socket with a switch or several sockets and a switch. Probably, many such blocks met. This placement of switching devices is very convenient, since it is in one place, moreover, when installing wiring can be saved on the strokes (wires on the switch and sockets are packed in one stroke).

In general, the layout of blocks can be anyone and everything as they say depends on your imagination. You can set the switches block with a socket, multiple switches or multiple sockets. In this article, do not consider in such blocks I just have no right.

So, the first of them block socket switch. Designation for hidden installation.

The second is more complicated, the block consists of a single-wave switch, a two-block switch and a grounding socket.

The last designation of sockets and switches in electrical circuits is displayed as a block of two switches and a socket.

For clarity, only one small example is presented, you can collect (draw) any combination. Once again, it all depends on your imagination).

GOST 30988.2.6-2012 (IEC 60884-2-6: 1997) Electric plug connectors and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional requirements for outlets with lock switches for stationary installations and test methods. GOST OTELLES electric

GOST R 51322.2.6-99 (IEC 60884-2-6-97) connectors electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional requirements for outlets with lock switches for stationary installations and test methods, GOST R dated December 29, 1999 No. 51322.2.6-99

GOST R 51322.2.6-99 (IEC 60884-2-6-97)

Group E71

OX 29.120.60OKP 34 6400

Date of introduction 2001-01-01

1 Developed and submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization of TC 330 "Wiring Products"

2 approved and commissioned by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 29, 1999 N 880-st

3 This standard contains the full authentic text of the International Standard IEC 60884-2-6-97 (first edition) "Connectors of electric plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional Requirements for Sockets with Locked Switches for Stationary Settings" with additional requirements taking into account the needs of the country's economy

4 Introduced by the present standard set out the technical requirements, rules and test methods that complement, change and exclude the relevant sections and / or Paragraphs GOST R 51322.1.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

The section shall be set forth in the new edition: This standard applies to stationary sockets with lock switches (hereinafter - sockets with switches), grounding contact and without domestic and similar purpose, intended for attaching electrical receivers with the nominal voltage of SV. 50 to 440 V and rated currents are not more than 32 A to the electrical AC power network at an internal and external installation in buildings. Takenks with switches corresponding to this standard are manufactured in the form of a combination of a socket (OK) according to GOST R 51322.1 and switch according to GOST R 51324.1 and / or GOST R 51324.2, which are supplied as assembly units.

1 General requirements for mounting boxes - according to GOST R 50827.

2 This standard does not apply to outlets with lock switches in combination with devices according to GOST R 50345, GOST R 51326.1 and GOST R 51327.1. Standard, if necessary, can be used as a guide for testing requirements of these additional devices. The current standard does not apply to: - sockets with industrial switching switches; - sockets with switches for safe ultra-low voltage. Taken patterns with switches corresponding to this standard are intended for Works at ambient temperature up to 25 ° C with a valid temporary increase of up to 35 ° C. Standard should be used in conjunction with GOST R 51322.1. In the text of the standard, the test methods are highlighted in italics. Operations that take into account the needs of the country's economy are given in Appendix A. Punkts, additional To GOST R 51324.1, begin with numbers 101.

2 Regulatory references

According to GOST R 51322.1, with the addition of the following standards: GOST R 50345-99 (IEC 60898-95) circuit breakers for protection against ultra-leather and similar appointments PO 50827-95 (IEC 670-89) Cases for devices installed in stationary electrical units and similar purpose. General requirements and methods of testing unit R 51322.1-99 (IEC 60884-1-94) Connectors of electric plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 1. General requirements and methods TestsGost R 51324.1-99 (IEC 60669-1-98) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 1. General requirements and methods TestsGost R 51324.2-99 (IEC 60669-2-1-96) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 2. Additional requirements for semiconductor switches and test methods P 51327.1-99 (IEC 61009.1-99) Automatic switches controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose with built-in protection from superhowers. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

3 Definitions

4 General requirements

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1, with the following addition. Punk 5.4 supplement the paragraph (after the fourth paragraph): for testing under section 15 it is necessary to use three additional samples.

6 Nominal values

According to GOST R 51322.1.

7 Classification

According to GOST R 51322.1 with the following additions:

8 Marking

According to GOST R 51322.1, with the following additions. Punk 8.1 add paragraphs (before notch): - a symbol for a design with a minimum gap, if fits; - a symbol for a microsser design, if fits; - symbol for the semiconductor switch, if used. Punk 8.2. paragraphs (before notes):

Semiconductor switching device (developed)

Extra points:

8.101 Contact clips of sockets with switches designed to connect phase wires should have a distinctive marking, except when the connection method does not matter is obvious or indicated on the electrical circuit. This marking can be made in the form of a letter or, in the case of more than one clamp, using letters and numbers:, etc., next to which may (may) be indicated (us) arrow in the direction of the relevant ) Clamping (s). The surface of these clamps should be brass or copper, and other clamps can be covered with a layer of metal of another color. The substantiation of contact clips should not be on the screws or other light-seated items.

9 Check size

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1 with the following additions:

10.101 Handles, control levers, buttons, balancers and similar parts should be made of insulating material, except when their open metal parts are separated from metal parts of the mechanism by double or enhanced insulation or when they are securely connected to the ground. The test is carried out by visual inspection and Tests in sections 17 and 21. Use - Definition of the concept of "double insulation" and "reinforced isolation" are given in GOST R IEC 536.

11 Grounding

According to GOST R 51322.1.

12 Contact clamps

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1 with the following additions:

This section GOST R 51322.1 does not apply.

15 Slapted sockets

15.1.1 Sockets with switches are connected according to Figure 101.

Figure 101 - Electric chain for tests for 15.1

The test is carried out as follows. Attempts to close the switch, without inserting the plug into the outlet. When this switch contacts should not be closed, and the A1 lamps should be burned. This test is determined by the lack of closure of the switch contacts, and the A1 lamps should be burned. This test Check the presence of an electrical circuit between the contacts of the electrical network and the sockets of the socket. The list is connected to the lamps A2 according to Figure 101 and insert into the socket. The plug is displayed from the socket in the most unfavorable direction. After that, the lamps should burn. Test is carried out three times on each of three samples. Made

2 If you doubt the results of the test by defining the moment of lighting the lamps, the test is repeated using an oscilloscope.

15.2.1 Outlets with a locking device with a locking device that locks the plug in the outlet is subjected to the following test. The axial tension is applied to the fork inserted into the socket with a mechanical locking device, locking the plug in the outlet. Take the mounted on the mounting plate of the installation according to Figure 13 so, In order for the axis of the nesting contacts vertically, and the inlet fork pins were directed down. The test plug that satisfies the requirements of the corresponding standard sheets of GOST 7396.1 should have rounded pins of hardened steel. The surface roughness should not be more than 0.8 microns on the working length located on the nominal inter-axis distance with the limit deviation of ± 0.05 mm. Diameters of the plugs or the distance between the contact surfaces of the pins of other types must satisfy the requirements of the corresponding standard sheets of GOST 7396.1, with the limit Deviation +0.01 mm. The test of the pins are purified from lubrication. The expectancy fork is administered to the rosette for ten times and removed from it. The test plug is again introduced into the socket and hanging on it by clamping. The total mass of the fork, clamping and cargo should create a breakthrough force equal to 120 N.V. The testing process should not exit the outlet, and the mechanical locking device must remain in the closed position. Before testing the socket must comply with the requirements of this standard. When testing the chain contacts Groundings are considered one pole.

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1 with the following additions. Punk 17.1 add paragraph: For subparagraphs G) and h), the insulation resistance must be at least 2 MΩ. The last paragraph is set out in a new edition: in sockets with switches, insulation resistance is measured sequentially:

h) between contact clamps that are electrically connected to the switch when the switch is turned on. Turn off the switch. Under the term "case" means metal parts available for touching metal parts of the attachment assembly, on which the base of the switches is fixed for the hidden installation, metallic foil, Contacting with the outer surface of the available outer parts, handles from insulating material, cord mounting points, chains, or rod switches driven using these parts, base screws, covers or linings, fastening screws of external parts, grounding clamps and any metal part of the mechanism which, due to necessity, should be isolated from current-carrying parts (see 10.102).

According to GOST R 51322.1.

19 Exceeding temperature

According to GOST R 51322.1.

20 Inductive load

20.101 Switches included in the rosettes with switches must satisfy the requirements of GOST R 51324.1 and GOST R 51324.2.1.

21 Normal work

a) the switch must meet the relevant sections GOST R 51324.1 and GOST R 51324.2.1;

b) Samples are checked when carrying out a total nominal number of cycles - 5000 load cycles at rated voltage and rated current with a power factor of 0.8 ± 0.05, with a working locking device. In the process of testing samples are not lubricated, and they must function correctly. After Test samples must withstand the test for the electrical strength of insulation in accordance with section 17, testing for the temperature exceeding in accordance with section 19. At the same time, in the latter case, the test current should be equal to the nominal value. After testing, the samples should not have: - Wear Tests preventing their further operation; - the discrepancy between the position of the drive and movable contacts, if the drive position is specifically indicated; - disorders of the housings, insulating intervals and gaskets to such an extent that the switch is not able to work more or no longer comply with the requirements of section 10; - weakening electrical and mechanical with Connections; - fragmentation of the compound mass; - relative displacement of mobile contacts of the switch. The test for the electrical strength of isolation to the present section of the water-frame test according to 16.3 do not conduct. Test in section 15 is performed to control the blocking mechanism.

According to GOST R 51322.1, with the following addition. The session is supplemented with a note (after the third paragraph): Note - sockets with a switch that have a fixing device are tested with a disabled device.

According to GOST R 51322.1.

24 Mechanical strength

According to GOST R 51322.1.

25 heating resistance

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1.

According to GOST R 51322.1, with the following addition:

27.101 For switches with rosettes of leakage paths, air gaps and distances through the casting mass must meet the requirements of GOST R 51324.1 and GOST R 51324.2.1. Performance is carried out with measurement.

According to GOST R 51322.1.

29 corrosion resistance

According to GOST R 51322.1.

This section according to GOST R 51322.1 does not apply.

Appendix A (mandatory). Additional requirements installed in standards and technical conditions on sockets with switches with blocking specific types

Appendix A (mandatory)

According to GOST R 51322.1. The text of the document is drilled by: official publication.: IPK Publishing standards, 2000

GOST 30988.2.2-2012 (IEC 60884-2-2: 1989) Electrical plug connectors for household and similar purpose. Part 2-2. Additional requirements for outlets for devices and test methods, GOST on November 15, 2012 No. 30988.2.2-2012

GOST 30988.2.2-2012 (IEC 60884-2-2: 1989)

Group E71

ISS 29.120.30

Date of introduction 2014-01-01


(Amendment. IUS N 2-2016).

4 by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 15, 2012 N 850-ST Interstate Standard GOST 30988.2.2-2012 (IEC 6084-2-2-2: 1989) was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2014 Announted Standard is a modified international standard IEC 60884-2-2: 1989 * Plugs and Socket-Outlets for Household and Similar Purposes for Socket-Outlets for Appliances - General Requirements and Methods of Tests ( Connectors Electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 2-2. Additional requirements for outlets for devices and test methods) with additions .________________ * Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and then on the text, you can get by clicking on the HTTP website : // - Note database manufacturer. The standard is prepared based on the use of GOST R 51322.2.2-99 (IEC 60884-2-2-89)

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following additions. To add a paragraph (after the first paragraph): This standard applies to the sockets intended to be embedded in the instrument applied on the instruments or being a non-removable part of the domestic and similar appointments (hereinafter - the outlets for instruments). Additional paragraph (after the fourth paragraph): the rosettes for appliances are supplied with means for fastening in the corresponding mounting boxes, if they are used in stationary electrical installations. Primes

1 outlets are used in stationary equipment and devices, such as desktop machines, computers, audiovisual and video appliances, electric kitchen stoves with air cleaners, etc.

2 The need to use outlets for devices indicate the standards for the appropriate equipment or instrument. Standard does not apply to dashing sockets according to GOST 30851.1 (called "combined outlets"), for which the requirements of GOST 30851.2.2 are also used. The requirements of the standard are mandatory. Test methods are in italics *, notes - petitis ** ._________________ * In the paper original designation and number of standards and regulatory documents in the appendix and in Table DB.1, dB applications are in italic, the rest in the document text are given by regular font;

** In the electronic version of the explanation of the Petitite not highlighted. - Note database manufacturer. Points, optional to GOST 30988.1, begin with numbers 101.

2 Regulatory references

This standard uses links to the following standards: GOST 30988.1-2002 (IEC 60884-1-94) connectors electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 1. General requirements and methods TestsGost 30851.1-2002 (IEC 60320-1-94) Connectors Electric household and similar purpose. General requirements and methods TestsGost 30851.2.2-2002 (IEC 60320-2-2-98) Connectors Electric household and similar purpose. Part 2-2. Additional requirements for outlets for mutual connection in devices and test methods

3 Definitions

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following change and additions. Punk 3.6 shall be stated in the new edition:

3.6 Detack for instruments: a socket designed to embed into the device used on the instrument or is a non-removable part of it. Forces to add items:

3.101 Flat Fast Fastened Contact Clamp (PBKS): Electrical connection consisting of plug with pin flat contacts and sockets for devices with jacks for connecting with a fork that can be easily inserted and removed without the use of the tool.

3.102 Outlet jacks: Parts (PBKS) Sockets that cover plug pins intended for permanent connection of electrical wires.

4 General requirements

According to GOST 30988.1.

5 General Test Requirements

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following addition. The selection to supplement item:

5.101 If the outlets for devices are tested together with forks, then for each test section 19-21 requires new samples of plots and sockets of sockets. Gendle must be made of noncatent copper alloy.

6 Nominal values

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following supplement. Table 1 complement the connector type: Table 1

7 Classification

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following change. Punk, add paragraph: protection against electric shock of unprotected sockets for devices should be provided by the instrument in which the outlets are installed.

8 Marking

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following addition. Punk 8.1, supplement paragraph: Sockets for devices with flat-fastened, screw or inside-free contact clamps should be additionally supplied with instructions informing the consumer that flat rapidly-coined clamps should not be used in fixed devices.

9 Check size

According to GOST 30988.1.

10 Electric Shock Protection

According to GOST 30988.1.

11 Grounding

According to GOST 30988.1.

12 Contact clamps

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following changes. Punk 12.1.1 add paragraph (after the first paragraph): the outlets for instruments must have screw or eventless contact clamps and / or input parts of the PBKS. Punk 12.2.1. To complement the note to Table 3: Note - PBKS for Rosettes may not provide a loop connection. Independent Points:

12.101 PBKZ dirt plots and dashboard jacks used for tests must comply with the requirements of IEC 760 * .________________ * Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and then on the text, you can get by clicking on the http: //shop.cntd website .ru. - Note database manufacturer.

12.101.1 The use of structural design of the PBKS depends on the nominal width of the plug pins and the corresponding damp sockets. The nominal sizes of the plots are subdivided, guided by the requirements of IEC 760 in the following series: 2.80.8 mm; 4.80.8 mm; 6.30.8 mm. Support requirements for plugs - according to IEC 760. Check Measuring the sizes of three samples, which must comply with the requirements of this standard. Summary of spherical and rectangular recess in the fixing device and the size of the opening of the fixing device must comply with the requirements of IEC 760. The plugs should be made of copper or copper alloys without coating or plating. Other materials and coatings are allowed if their electrical and mechanical characteristics do not deteriorate, especially in terms of corrosion resistance, mechanical strength and stability of contact resistance. Pins for forks and dirt sockets must have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand loads arising from their operation. At the same time, damage is not allowed that violate the requirements of this standard. The test is carried out by an axial force application given in Table 101.Table 101

Efforts in Newton

Damage to the plots and jacks of instrument sockets that prevent them from further use are not allowed. The plug pins must have such a design to ensure that there is enough space to attach electrical wires. The test is carried out inserting the outlet to the appropriate plug. Do not damage the pins of the plugs and sockets of sockets (pumping, stretching, weakening, etc.). Lookers and air gaps should be no lower than the values \u200b\u200bspecified in section 26.

12.101.2 Electrical Requirements The nominal pins of the plug must match the rated current for the corresponding socket, as indicated in Table 102.Table 102

13 Stationary Rosette Design

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following change. Punk 13.21 shall be stated in the new edition:

13.21 Instrument sockets must have such a design so that the installation of the socket does not affect its attachment to the device. The method of fastening that does not allow turning and offset of the socket relative to the device without the use of the tool.

14 Construction of forks and stationary sockets

According to GOST 30988.1.

15 Slapted sockets

According to GOST 30988.1.

16 Resistance to aging, protection against water penetration and moisture resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

17 Resistance and electrical strength of isolation

According to GOST 30988.1.

18 Work grounding contact

According to GOST 30988.1.

19 Exceeding temperature

According to GOST 30988.1.

21 Normal work

According to GOST 30988.1.

22 Effort with plug plug connector with sockets sockets

According to GOST 30988.1.

23 Flexible cables, cords and accession

According to GOST 30988.1.

24 Mechanical strength

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions. Session to supplement paragraph: - for instrument sockets: Section Complete item:

24.101 Instrument sockets are tested by sample blows using a spring shock test device shown in Figure 101 and described below.

1 - trigger cone; 2 - Spring cone; 3 - Rod of descent; 4 - Spring of the trigger; 5 - clamp; 6 - hammer head; 7 - Spring hammer; 8 - stem hammer; 9 - Voice Handle

Figure 101 - Spring Test Impact

All the outlet surfaces available for touch when the socket is installed, as under normal use, test the above device. Takenks, which are a non-removable part or intended to be embedded in the device are tested in a position, as in normal use. Takenks intended for fastening on the device, Mounted on a vertically located sheet of plywood with a thickness of 8 mm and sizes of 175175 mm without any metal gasket from the back of the sheet. Fan is fixed on a rigid frame, which is installed directly on the hard base, for example, from brick, reinforced concrete, and the like. Yudara are applied by All surfaces available for touch. The testing device is calibrated on the impact energy of the pendulum depicted in Figures 17-20 GOST 30988.1. According to each test plane, it is applied three strikes into each of the three weakest points (no more than nine blows). Staten element must have the energy specified in Table 103 Tablik 103.

It is necessary to ensure that the results of one series of three strikes do not affect the results of the following series of shocks. If there is a doubt that the reason for the socket is the previous series of shots, then this defect is neglecting a series of three blows that caused defects, apply along the same place on A new sample, which should withstand this test. Before the tests should not be damaged samples that violate the requirements of this standard. There should not be open to the current parts. The device consists of three main parts: the hull, shock element and a trigger cone with a spring. Curpose consists of a casing of the guide of the shock element, a trigger and other parts that are rigidly attached to it. The mass of the housing should be (1250 ± 10). Prospect - do not take into account: - damaged edges, small potholes that do not reduce the leakage paths or air gaps below the values \u200b\u200bspecified in 26.1; - small chips that do not affect defeat protection electric shock, or water ingress; - cracks that are not visible to the naked eye, and surface cracks of fibrous castings and similar parts; - cracks or holes on the outer surface of any part of the socket, if the socket meets the requirements of this standard, even without this part. The element consists of a hammer head, a rod and a platoon buttons. The weight of the impactor should be (250 ± 1). The hammer head has a semicircular form with a radius of 10 mm and is made of a polyamide with a hardness of 100 HRC; It must be attached to the hammer rod so that the distance between its vertex and the plane passing through the cone ends immediately before the shock element is equal to 20 mm. The cone is equal to 60 g, the cone spring itself immediately before the shock element should create an effort 20 n Flag of the shock element is adjusted so that the product of compression magnitudes in millimeters for power in Newtona equals 1000, and its length in compression was about 25 mm. With such an adjustment, the impact energy must be equal to (0.5 ± 0.05) J. Springs of the trigger must be adjusted so that the pressure generated by them was enough to hold the clips of the trigger mechanism in the selection state. It should not exceed 10 N. Configuration of the rod, the hammer heads and the device adjustment devices of the hammer should be such that the hammer spring is released all the stored energy for 1 mm before applying the peak of the hammer head of the impact. In the last millimeter of movement before the blow, the shock element should, besides friction, to be a freely moving mass, having only kinetic energy. Device is administered by pulling out the removal handle until the trigger clamps are engaged in engaging with the gods of the hammer rod. By pressing the trigger cone to the sample in the direction perpendicular to the surface at a point being subjected to the test. The pressure is gradually increased so that the cone moves back until it contested the rods of the trigger, which when moving back, drive the trigger and will allow the hammer Apply a blow. The form in the assembled form is rigidly attached to a flat surface and apply three blows into each point of the housing, which seems weak in mechanical strength.

25 heating resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

26 Screws, Cutting Parts and Connections

According to GOST 30988.1.

27 Ways of current leakage, air gaps and distances through the casting mass

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following addition. Punk 27.1 add paragraph: the outlets for devices are tested with a movable metal frame, having them on the frame in the most unfavorable position that is used as a support.

28 Heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to surface discharge currents

According to GOST 30988.1.

29 corrosion resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

30 Additional Tests of Partially Pressed Pins Fork

According to GOST 30988.1.

Appendix yes (mandatory). Additional requirements for outlets for devices installed in standards and technical conditions on sockets for specific types of devices

Appendix yes (mandatory)

_______________ * The name of the application Yes in the paper original is italic. - Note database manufacturer. According to GOST 30988.1.

DB application (mandatory). Information on the compliance of interstate standards with reference international standards

DB application (mandatory)

_______________ * The name of the DB application in the paper original is italic. - Note database manufacturer.

Table dB.1.


IEC 60320-1: 1994 Connectors of electrical appliances of household and similar general purpose. Part 1. Common Requirements

GOST 30851.1-2002 (IEC 60320-1-94) electrical connectors and similar purpose. General requirements and test methods

IEC 60320-2-2: 1998 Connectors for electrical appliances of household and similar general purpose. Part 2-2. Connectors for interconnects of household and similar equipment

GOST 30851.2.2-2002 (IEC 60320-2-2-98) electrical connectors and similar purpose. Part 2-2. Additional requirements for outlets for mutual connection in devices and test methods

GOST 30988.1-2002 (IEC 60884-1-94) connectors electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods


IEC 760-89 flat rapid clips

GOST 30988.2.6-2012 (IEC 60884-2-6: 1997) Electric plug connectors and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional requirements for outlets with lock switches for stationary installations and test methods, GOST on November 15, 2012 No. 30988.2.6-2012

Group E71

ISS 29.120.30

Date of introduction 2014-01-01

Objectives, basic principles and procedure for conducting work on interstate standardization Installed GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Standards interstate, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Development, adoption rules , updates and cancellation "standard information

1 prepared by the Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Low Voltage Equipment (LLC" VNIIELEKTROADAPArat ")

2 introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of May 24, 2012 N 41) for adoption voted:

(Amendment. IUS N 2-2016).

The amendment is made by the database manufacturer

Information on the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments are in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. The appropriate information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet of the Internet, the present standard describes the technical requirements, rules and methods of tests that complement, change and exclude the relevant sections and / or items. GOST 30988.1 * .________________ * GOST R 51322.1-2011 is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

When using stationary sockets with switches of virus-free contact clamps, the rated current is limited to 16 A. Announced standard does not apply to the installation boxes for the hidden installation. Standard applies to the requirements for mounting boxes of the open installation required for testing outlets. Primigations

2 Regulatory references

3 Definitions

3.101 Blocking: Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Device Either a combination of a current leakage through a plug pins until the plug is fully inserted into the socket, the locking plug inserted into the outlet, from an unintentional outlet from the socket while the rated current proceeds, or removing the voltage With socket contacts socket before starting the plug.

3.102 Socket with lock switch: factory assembly unit containing a socket with a non-removable switch with a lock controlling a socket.

3.103 The fixing device: a mechanical device that holds the plug in the position when it is securely inserted into the outlet, and prevents it from unintentional output.

4 General requirements

According to GOST 30988.1.

5 General Test Requirements

6 Nominal values

According to GOST 30988.1.

7 Classification

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

7.2.101 Rosettes with a lock with a lock class: Depending on the inclusion mechanism: - rotary, - flip-flop, - keyboards, - push-button, - cordable with cord, - microfores, - optical, - acoustic, - other inclusion mechanisms; Depending on the method of compound: - single-pole, - two-pole, - three-pole, - three-pole with neutral included; By blocking type: - Mechanical, electrical, - electronic, - combined from the above; by the presence of a fixing device: - without fixation, - with fixation.

8 Marking

Extra points:

8.102 Sockets with switches should have a clear designation of the direction of movement of the drive mechanism into various or valid position of the switch. These designations should be clearly visible on the front side of the sockets with switches assembly with a lid or overlay when the lid or pad is installed as for normal operation. If these designations are applied to the cover or overlay, you cannot install a cover or a lining into such a position in which these notation will specify the wrong position of the switch. For the designation of the direction of movement of the drive mechanism, the "Turn off" characters can be used. () and "Enable" () (See 8.2). The mimon denoting the position "Enable" must be radial for rotary switches perpendicular to the axis of rotation for cake and keyboards and vertical for push-button switches when vertical installation.

9 Check size

According to GOST 30988.1.

10 Electric Shock Protection

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

10.102 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as the axis or the hinge of the suspension or balancer, not isolated from the current-carrying parts, should not perform from the casing. The test is carried out by an external inspection, if necessary, after dismantling the part leading the switch into action. Use - if the drive detail The switch was out of order, the check is carried out after the test by section 28.

10.103 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as axis or suspension hinge or balancer, should not remain open after installing the switch to the operating position. They should be isolated from open metal parts, such as a metal frame that holds the base of the switch for the hidden installation to be installed in Metal boxes, and from screws that are fastening the base of the switch to the supporting surface. Additional requirements are not used if the metal parts of the mechanism are separated from the current-carrying parts so that the distance of the current leakage paths and air gaps exceed at least twice the values \u200b\u200bspecified in 27.1, Or if the sockets with switches are provided with grounding clamps, securely connected to the ground. The test is carried out by visual inspection, and, if necessary, measurements and tests by sections 17 and 20.

11 Grounding

According to GOST 30988.1.

12 Contact clamps

According to GOST 30988.1.

13 Stationary Rosette Design

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

13.101 Switches should be calculated by the number of poles corresponding to the outlet, except for the neutral pole, not torn in sockets with an inconsistent neutral. The grounding contact is not considered as a pole, and the grounding circuit should not break up. The location of the working elements of the switch should be so as not to allow the incorrect insert The corresponding fork or outlet. Use - this can be verified according to the relevant standards for connectors. The test is carried out by external inspection and trial installation.

13.102 The handles of rotary switches must be securely connected to the shaft or another part leading the mechanism in motion. The test is carried out by the following test. The axial stretching force of 100 N. is applied with a handle for 1 min. After that, the handles that have only the working direction are rotated if it is Perhaps without too much effort 100 times in the opposite direction. The time of testing the handle should not be removed.

13.103 The drive of the switch after the triggering must automatically occupy the position corresponding to the position of moving contacts, with the exception of cord and single-button switches in which the drive must occupy the only position.

13.104 Switches must have a design in which movable contacts must be only in the "Enable" position and "Turn off." An intermediate position for these contacts can only be provided if the drive part also has an intermediate position and there is a reliable insulation between mobile and fixed contacts. The need isolation between fixed and movable contacts in an intermediate position can be checked for electrical Strength by app to the appropriate clamps, without removing the cover or switch of the switch, for 1 min of the test voltage of the almost sinusoidal form of a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz, the value of 1250 V for outlets with a rated voltage to 130 V on. or 2000 V - for sockets with nominal voltage of St. 130 V.Pvertecakes 13.103 and 13.104 are carried out by external inspection, test installation and for switches with an intermediate position - the above electrical test.

13.105 Switches intended for AC should have a design that would exclude the appearance of sparking at a slow trigger of the switch drive. The check is carried out by the following test performed after the test by section 21. Using the switch, the electrical circuit is turned off sequentially 10 times, slowly moving the circuit This drive is manually with an interval of 2 C, and moving contacts stopping, if possible, in an intermediate position and releasing the drive. The test time should not be a long intention.

13.106 Switches of sockets having more than one pole must be connected and disconnect all poles at the same time, with the exception of multi-channel with a switching neutral wire in which the neutral wire should not be turned on after other contacts or turn off earlier. The test is carried out by external inspection and test manually.

13.107 The effect of a switch equipped with a lid or a lining that can be removed when the switch is set, should not depend on the presence of a cover or lining. The test is carried out by a sequential connection of the switch, without a fixed lid or lining, with a lamp and pressing the drive without excessive effort. Test lamp should not flash.

14 Production of forks and portable sockets

15 Slapted sockets

The partition is set forth in the new edition: the design of the socket with the switch should be reduced to the voltage on the contact jacks when the plug is removed from the outlet and connecting the voltage to the contact jacks only after the full joint with the plug sockets is made. The test is carried out by tests of 15.1 and 15.2 after the test by section 21 .

15.1 Sockets with switches without a locking device must be: - mounted so that the movable switching of the switch mechanically connected to the socket so that during the output of the fork, they swallowed before or almost simultaneously with the disconnection of the plug pins from the contact sockets; - are designed so that After the adhesion with the corresponding forks, the blocking functioned correctly; - designed so that the functioning of the lock does not deteriorate with normal wear of the fork. The test is carried out with a test of 15.1 and partition 12.

1 When sunbathing, the A1 lamps may decrease the brightness of A2 lamps.

3 Test samples can be specially prepared by the manufacturer.

15.2 Construction of sockets with a switch with a retaining device should provide: - a mechanical connection of locking with the functioning of the switching device and the impossibility of outputting the fork from the outlet, which is voltage, and the impossibility of entering the plug into the socket, if the switch is in the "Enable" position; - correct Functioning of blocking and any additional device. The test is carried out by external inspection, test installation and test of 15.2.1.

16 Resistance to aging, protection against water penetration and moisture resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

17 Resistance and electrical strength of isolation

f) between all poles connected together and the housing when the switch is "switched on";

g) between each pole alternately and all the others connected to the housing, when the switch is "switched on";

18 Work grounding contact

According to GOST 30988.1.

19 Exceeding temperature

According to GOST 30988.1.

20 Inductive load

21 Normal work

The section shall be set forth in the new edition: Sockets with switches must withstand loads that may occur during normal operation, regardless of wear or other harmful factors. The test is carried out by the following test.

22 Effort with plug plug connector with sockets sockets

23 Flexible cables, cords and accession

According to GOST 30988.1.

24 Mechanical strength

According to GOST 30988.1.

25 heating resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

26 Screws, Cutting Parts and Connections

According to GOST 30988.1.

27 Ways of current leakage, air gaps and distances through the casting mass

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following addition:

28 Heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to surface discharge currents

According to GOST 30988.1.

29 corrosion resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

30 Additional Tests of Partially Pressed Pins Fork

Figure 101 - Electric chain for tests for 15.1

Figure 101 - Electric chain for tests for 15.1

Appendix yes (mandatory)

Designation and name of the International Standard (International Document)

The degree of compliance

Designation of reference interstate standard

IEC 60884-1: 1994 forks and sockets of everyday and similar purpose. Part 1. Common Requirements

GOST R IEC 536-94 Classification of electrical and electronic equipment according to the method of protection against electric shock

GOST R 51326.1-99 (IEC 61008-1-96) circuit breakers, controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose without built-in overall protection. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

Note - This table uses the following symbols of the degree of compliance of standards:

IDT- identical standards;

Mod - Modified Standards.

Electronic text document prepared by JSC "Codex" and drilled by: official publication.: Standinform, 2013

GOST 30988.2.6-2012 (IEC 60884-2-6: 1997) Electric plug connectors and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional Requirements for Outlets with Locked Switches for Stationary Installations and Test Methods

GOST 30988.2.6-2012 (IEC 60884-2-6: 1997)

Group E71

ISS 29.120.30

Date of introduction 2014-01-01

Objectives, basic principles and procedure for conducting work on interstate standardization Installed GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Standards interstate, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Development, adoption rules , updates and cancellation "standard information

1 prepared by the Limited Liability Company "All-Russian Research and Design and Technological Institute of Low Voltage Equipment (LLC" VNIIELEKTROADAPArat ")

2 introduced by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of May 24, 2012 N 41) for adoption voted:

Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the National Standardization Authority




Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Moldova Standard




(Amendment. IUS N 2-2016).

4 by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of November 15, 2012 N 848-ST Interstate Standard GOST 30988.2.6-2012 (IEC 60884-2-6: 1997) was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2014 The rental standard is modified with respect to the international standard IEC 60884-2-6: 1997 * Plugs and Socket-Outlets for Household and Similar Purposes. Part 2-6. Particular Requirements for Switched Socket-Outlets with Interlock For Fixed Electrical Installations and Methods of Tests (Connectors of electric plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 2-6. Additional Requirements for Outlets with Lock Switches for Stationary Installations and Test Methods) with an add-on .________________ * Access to international and foreign documents mentioned here and then in the text, you can get by clicking on the link to the site - Note database manufacturer. Standard prepared on the basis of the use of GOST R 51322.2.6-99 (IEC 60884-2-6-97)

The amendment is made by the database manufacturer

Information on the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments are in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. The appropriate information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet of the Internet, the present standard describes the technical requirements, rules and methods of tests that complement, change and exclude the relevant sections and / or items. GOST 30988.1 * .________________ * GOST R 51322.1-2011 is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

The section shall be set forth in the new edition: This standard applies to stationary sockets with lock switches (hereinafter - sockets with switches), grounding contact and without domestic and similar purpose, intended for attaching electrical receivers with the nominal voltage of SV. 50 to 440 V and rated currents are not more than 32 A to the electrical AC power network with an internal and external installation in buildings. Takenks with switches corresponding to this standard are manufactured in the form of a combination of a socket (OK) according to GOST 30988.1 and a switch according to GOST 30850.1 * and / or GOST 30850.2.1 **, which are supplied as assembly units .________________ * GOST R 51324.1-2012 is operating in the Russian Federation, hereinafter, in the text; ** GOST 30850.2.1-2002 operates in the territory of the Russian Federation, here and Next by text. - Note database manufacturer.

When using stationary sockets with switches of virus-free contact clamps, the rated current is limited to 16 A. Announced standard does not apply to the installation boxes for the hidden installation. Standard applies to the requirements for mounting boxes of the open installation required for testing outlets. Primigations

1 General requirements for assembly boxes - according to GOST 32126.1-2013.

2 This standard does not apply to sockets with lock switches in combination with devices according to GOST 30325-2012 *, GOST R 51326.1 and GOST R 51327.1 **. Standard, if necessary, can be used as a guide for testing requirements of these additional devices .________________ * In the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 50345-2010 is valid, here and then in the text; ** Document does not work on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 51327.1-2010 is valid, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

This standard does not apply to: - sockets with industrial switching switches; - sockets with switches for safe ultra-low voltage. Taken patterns with switches corresponding to this standard are designed to work at ambient temperature up to 25 ° C with a valid temporary increase of up to 35 ° C. The standard should be used in conjunction with GOST 30988.1. In the text of the standard, the test methods are selected in italics * ._________________ * In the paper original designation and number of standards and regulatory documents in Table Da, applications da are in italics, the rest in the document text are given by regular font. - Note database manufacturer. Additions that take into account the needs of the country's economy are given in Appendix A. Punktes, additional to GOST 30850.1, begin with numbers 101.

2 Regulatory references

According to GOST 30988.1, with the addition of the following standards: GOST 32126.1-2013 (IEC 60670-2002) boxes and enclosures for electrical apparatus, installed in stationary electrical installations of domestic and similar purpose. Part 1. General requirements 30988.1-99 (IEC 60884-1-94) Connectors Electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 1. General requirements and test methods 30325-2012 (IEC 60898: 1995) Small-sized electric equipment. Automatic switches to protect against consumer and similar appointments to magost 30850.1-2002 (IEC 60669-1-98) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 1. General requirements and methods TestsGost 30850.2.1-99 (IEC 60669-2-1-96) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 2. Additional requirements for semiconductor switches and test methods P 51326.1-99 (IEC 61008-1-96) Switches are automatic, controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose without built-in overall protection. Part 1. General requirements and methods TestsGost R 51327.1-99 (IEC 61009-1-99) Automatic switches controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose with built-in protection from superhowers. Part 1. General requirements and methods of testing. Use - When using this standard, it is advisable to verify the action of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or by the annual information indicator "National Standards", which Published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information indicator "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this link.

3 Definitions

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

3.101 Blocking: Electrical, Electronic or Mechanical Device Either a combination of a current leakage through a plug pins until the plug is fully inserted into the socket, the locking plug inserted into the outlet, from an unintentional outlet from the socket while the rated current proceeds, or removing the voltage With socket contacts socket before starting the plug.

3.102 Socket with lock switch: factory assembly unit containing a socket with a non-removable switch with a lock controlling a socket.

3.103 The fixing device: a mechanical device that holds the plug in the position when it is securely inserted into the outlet, and prevents it from unintentional output.

4 General requirements

According to GOST 30988.1.

5 General Test Requirements

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following addition. Punk 5.4 supplement the paragraph (after a quarter-bacage *): _______________ * The text of the document corresponds to the original. - Note of the database manufacturer. For tests in section 15, it is necessary to use three additional samples.

6 Nominal values

According to GOST 30988.1.

7 Classification

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

7.2.101 Rosettes with a lock with a lock class: Depending on the inclusion mechanism: - rotary, - flip-flop, - keyboards, - push-button, - cordable with cord, - microfores, - optical, - acoustic, - other inclusion mechanisms; Depending on the method of compound: - single-pole, - two-pole, - three-pole, - three-pole with neutral included; By blocking type: - Mechanical, electrical, - electronic, - combined from the above; by the presence of a fixing device: - without fixation, - with fixation.

8 Marking

According to GOST 30988.1, with the following additions. Punk 8.1 add paragraphs (before notching): - a symbol for a design with a minimum gap, if fits; - a symbol for a microsser design, if suitable; - symbol for a semiconductor switch, if used. Punk 8.2 add paragraphs (Before notes):

Extra points:

8.101 Contact clips of sockets with switches designed to connect phase wires should have a distinctive marking, except when the connection method does not matter is obvious or indicated on the electrical circuit. This marking can be made in the form of the letter L or, in the case of more than one clamp, with the help of letters and numbers: Li, L2, L3, etc., next to which may (may) be specified (us) arrow (CI) In the direction of the corresponding clamping (s). The surface of these clamps should be brass or copper, and the other clamps can be coated with a layer of metal of another color. The substantiation of contact clips should not be on the screws or other light-seated parts.

8.102 Sockets with switches should have a clear designation of the direction of movement of the drive mechanism into various or valid position of the switch. These designations should be clearly visible on the front side of the sockets with switches assembly with a lid or overlay when the lid or pad is installed as for normal operation. If these designations are applied to the cover or overlay, you cannot install a cover or a lining into such a position in which these notation will specify the wrong position of the switch. For the designation of the direction of movement of the drive mechanism, the "Turn off" characters can be used. () and "Enable" () (See 8.2). The mimon denoting the position "Enable" must be radial for rotary switches perpendicular to the axis of rotation for cake and keyboards and vertical for push-button switches when vertical installation.

9 Check size

According to GOST 30988.1.

10 Electric Shock Protection

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

10.101 Handles, control levers, buttons, balancers and similar parts should be made of insulating material, except when their open metal parts are separated from metal parts of the mechanism by double or enhanced insulation or when they are securely connected to the ground. The test is carried out by visual inspection and Tests on sections 17 and 21. Use - definition of the concept "Double isolation and" reinforced isolation "are given in GOST R IEC 536.

10.102 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as the axis or the hinge of the suspension or balancer, not isolated from the current-carrying parts, should not perform from the casing. The test is carried out by an external inspection, if necessary, after dismantling the part leading the switch into action. Use - if the drive detail The switch was out of order, the check is carried out after the test by section 28.

10.103 Metal parts of the switch mechanism, such as axis or suspension hinge or balancer, should not remain open after installing the switch to the operating position. They should be isolated from open metal parts, such as a metal frame that holds the base of the switch for the hidden installation to be installed in Metal boxes, and from screws that are fastening the base of the switch to the supporting surface. Additional requirements are not used if the metal parts of the mechanism are separated from the current-carrying parts so that the distance of the current leakage paths and air gaps exceed at least twice the values \u200b\u200bspecified in 27.1, Or if the sockets with switches are provided with grounding clamps, securely connected to the ground. The test is carried out by visual inspection, and, if necessary, measurements and tests by sections 17 and 20.

11 Grounding

According to GOST 30988.1.

12 Contact clamps

According to GOST 30988.1.

13 Stationary Rosette Design

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions:

13.101 Switches should be calculated by the number of poles corresponding to the outlet, except for the neutral pole, not torn in sockets with an inconsistent neutral. The grounding contact is not considered as a pole, and the grounding circuit should not break up. The location of the working elements of the switch should be so as not to allow the incorrect insert The corresponding fork or outlet. Use - this can be verified according to the relevant standards for connectors. The test is carried out by external inspection and trial installation.

13.102 The handles of rotary switches must be securely connected to the shaft or another part leading the mechanism in motion. The test is carried out by the following test. The axial stretching force of 100 N. is applied with a handle for 1 min. After that, the handles that have only the working direction are rotated if it is Perhaps without too much effort 100 times in the opposite direction. The time of testing the handle should not be removed.

13.103 The drive of the switch after the triggering must automatically occupy the position corresponding to the position of moving contacts, with the exception of cord and single-button switches in which the drive must occupy the only position.

13.104 Switches must have a design in which movable contacts must be only in the "Enable" position and "Turn off." An intermediate position for these contacts can only be provided if the drive part also has an intermediate position and there is a reliable insulation between mobile and fixed contacts. The need isolation between fixed and movable contacts in an intermediate position can be checked for electrical Strength by app to the appropriate clamps, without removing the cover or switch of the switch, for 1 min of the test voltage of the almost sinusoidal form of a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz, the value of 1250 V for outlets with a rated voltage to 130 V on. or 2000 V - for sockets with nominal voltage of St. 130 V.Pvertecakes 13.103 and 13.104 are carried out by external inspection, test installation and for switches with an intermediate position - the above electrical test.

13.105 Switches intended for AC should have a design that would exclude the appearance of sparking at a slow trigger of the switch drive. The check is carried out by the following test performed after the test by section 21. Using the switch, the electrical circuit is turned off sequentially 10 times, slowly moving the circuit This drive is manually with an interval of 2 C, and moving contacts stopping, if possible, in an intermediate position and releasing the drive. The test time should not be a long intention.

13.106 Switches of sockets having more than one pole must be connected and disconnect all poles at the same time, with the exception of multi-channel with a switching neutral wire in which the neutral wire should not be turned on after other contacts or turn off earlier. The test is carried out by external inspection and test manually.

13.107 The effect of a switch equipped with a lid or a lining that can be removed when the switch is set, should not depend on the presence of a cover or lining. The test is carried out by a sequential connection of the switch, without a fixed lid or lining, with a lamp and pressing the drive without excessive effort. Test lamp should not flash.

14 Production of forks and portable sockets

This section of GOST 30988.1 does not apply.

15 Slapted sockets

The partition is set forth in the new edition: the design of the socket with the switch should be reduced to the voltage on the contact jacks when the plug is removed from the outlet and connecting the voltage to the contact jacks only after the full joint with the plug sockets is made. The test is carried out by tests of 15.1 and 15.2 after the test by section 21 .

15.1 Sockets with switches without a locking device must be: - mounted so that the movable switching of the switch mechanically connected to the socket so that during the output of the fork, they swallowed before or almost simultaneously with the disconnection of the plug pins from the contact sockets; - are designed so that After the adhesion with the corresponding forks, the blocking functioned correctly; - designed so that the functioning of the lock does not deteriorate with normal wear of the fork. The test is carried out with a test of 15.1 and partition 12.

15.1.1 Sockets with switches are connected according to Figure 101. Test is carried out as follows. Attempts to close the switch, without inserting the plug into the outlet. When this switch contacts should not be closed, and the A1 lamps must be burned. This test is determined by the lack of closure of the switch contacts, And the A1 lamps should burn. In this test, this test check the presence of an electrical circuit between the contacts of the electrical network and the sockets of the outlet. The list is connected to the lamps A2 according to Figure 101 and insert into the outlet. The plug is displayed from the socket in the most unfavorable direction. After that, the lamps should burn. Test is carried out three times on each of three samples. Made

1 When sunbathing, the A1 lamps may decrease the brightness of A2 lamps.

2 If you doubt the results of the test by definition of the moment of lighting the lamps, the test is repeated using an oscilloscope.

3 Test samples can be specially prepared by the manufacturer.

15.2 Construction of sockets with a switch with a retaining device should provide: - a mechanical connection of locking with the functioning of the switching device and the impossibility of outputting the fork from the outlet, which is voltage, and the impossibility of entering the plug into the socket, if the switch is in the "Enable" position; - correct Functioning of blocking and any additional device. The test is carried out by external inspection, test installation and test of 15.2.1.

15.2.1 Sockets with a switch with a locking device, locking the plug in the outlet, are subjected to the following test. The axial tension is applied to the fork inserted into the rosette with a mechanical locking device, locking the plug in the outlet. Take construction on the mounting plate and the setting according to Figure 13 so So that the axis of the nesting contacts is vertically, and the inlet for the plug pins were directed down. The test plug that meets the requirements of the corresponding standard sheets of GOST 7396.1 must have rounded tempered steel pins. The surface roughness should not be more than 0.8 microns on the working length located on the nominal inter-axis distance with the limit deviation of ± 0.05 mm. Diameters of the plugs or the distance between the contact surfaces of the pins of other types must satisfy the requirements of the corresponding standard sheets of GOST 7396.1, with the limit Deviation +0.01 mm. The test of the pins are purified from lubrication. The expectancy fork is administered to the rosette for ten times and removed from it. The test plug is again introduced into the socket and hanging on it by clamping. The total mass of the fork, clamping and cargo should create a breakthrough force equal to 120 N.V. The testing process should not exit the outlet, and the mechanical locking device must remain in the closed position. Before testing the socket must comply with the requirements of this standard. When testing the chain contacts Groundings are considered one pole.

16 Resistance to aging, protection against water penetration and moisture resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

17 Resistance and electrical strength of isolation

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following additions. Punk 17.1 add paragraph: For subparagraphs G) and H), the insulation resistance must be at least 2 MΩ. The last paragraph before notes to state in the new edition: in sockets with switches, the insulation resistance is measured in succession:

f) between all poles connected together and the housing when the switch is "switched on";

g) between each pole alternately and all the others connected to the housing, when the switch is "switched on";

h) between contact clips that are electrically connected to the switch when the switch is turned on. Turn off the switch. Under the term "body" means metal parts available for touch, metal parts of the attachment node, on which the base of the switches for the hidden installation, metallic foil coming with the outer surface of the available outer parts, handles from insulating material, cord fastening points, chains or rod switches, driven using these parts, base screws, covers or linings, fastening screws of outer parts, grounding clips and any metal part The mechanism that, due to necessity, should be isolated from current-carrying parts (see 10.102).

18 Work grounding contact

According to GOST 30988.1.

19 Exceeding temperature

According to GOST 30988.1.

20 Inductive load

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following addition:

20.101 Switches included in the rosettes with switches must satisfy the requirements of GOST 30850.1 and GOST 30850.2.1.

21 Normal work

The section shall be set forth in the new edition: Sockets with switches must withstand loads that may occur during normal operation, regardless of wear or other harmful factors. The test is carried out by the following test.

a) the switch must satisfy the relevant sections of GOST 30850.1 and GOST 30850.2.1;

b) Samples are checked when carrying out a total nominal number of cycles - 5000 load cycles at rated voltage and rated current with a power factor of 0.8 ± 0.05, with a working locking device. In the process of testing samples are not lubricated, and they must function correctly. After Test samples must withstand the test for the electrical strength of insulation in accordance with section 17, testing for the temperature exceeding in accordance with section 19. At the same time, in the latter case, the test current should be equal to the nominal value. After testing, the samples should not have: - Wear Tests that prevent their further operation; - inconsistencies between the position of the drive and movable contacts, if the drive position is specifically indicated; - disorders of the housings, insulating gaps and gaskets to such an extent that the switch is not able to work more or no longer be followed by section 10; - weakening electrical and mechanical with Connections; - fragmentation of the compound mass; - relative displacement of mobile contacts of the switch. The test for the electrical strength of isolation to the present section of the water-frame test according to 16.3 do not conduct. Test in section 15 is performed to control the blocking mechanism.

22 Effort with plug plug connector with sockets sockets

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following addition. Section Complete Notes (After the Third Paragraph): Note - Outlets with a switch that have a fixing device are tested with a disabled device.

23 Flexible cables, cords and accession

According to GOST 30988.1.

24 Mechanical strength

According to GOST 30988.1.

25 heating resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

26 Screws, Cutting Parts and Connections

According to GOST 30988.1.

27 Ways of current leakage, air gaps and distances through the casting mass

According to GOST 30988.1 with the following addition:

27.101 For switches with rosettes of leakage paths, air gaps and distances through the casting mass must meet the requirements of GOST 30850.1 and GOST 30850.2.1. Checks the measurement.

28 Heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to surface discharge currents

According to GOST 30988.1.

29 corrosion resistance

According to GOST 30988.1.

30 Additional Tests of Partially Pressed Pins Fork

This section according to GOST 30988.1 does not apply.

Figure 101 - Electric chain for tests for 15.1

Figure 101 - Electric chain for tests for 15.1

Appendix yes (mandatory)

Appendix yes (mandatory). Information on the compliance of interstate standards with reference international standards (international documents)

_______________ * In the paper original, the name of the application is allocated in italics. - Note database manufacturer. Table Yes.1

Designation and name of the International Standard (International Document)

The degree of compliance

Designation of reference interstate standard

IEC 60884-1: 1994 forks and sockets of everyday and similar purpose. Part 1. Common Requirements

GOST 30988.1-99 (IEC 60884-1-94) connectors electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

IEC 60669-1: 1998 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

GOST 30850.1-2002 (IEC 60669-1-98) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

IEC 60669-2-1: 1996 Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 2. Additional requirements for semiconductor switches and test methods

GOST 30850.2.1-99 (IEC 60669-2-1-96) Switches for household and similar stationary electrical installations. Part 2. Additional requirements for semiconductor switches and test methods

IEC 60536: 1994 Classification of electrical and electronic equipment according to the method of protection against electric shock

GOST R IEC 536-94 Classification of electrical and electronic equipment according to the method of protection against electric shock

IEC 60898: 1995 Circuit breakers to protect against consumer and similar purpose

GOST 30325-2012 (IEC 60898: 1995) Small-sized electric equipment. Automatic switches to protect against superhowers of household and similar purpose

IEC 60670: 1989 Cases for devices installed in stationary electrical installations of residential and similar purpose. General requirements and test methods

GOST R 50827-95 * (IEC 670-89) Cases for devices installed in stationary electrical installations of domestic and similar purpose. General requirements and test methods

________________ * On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. GOST 32126.1-2013 is valid. - Note database manufacturer.

IEC 61008-1: 1996 Automatic switches controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose without built-in overall protection. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

GOST R 51326.1-99 (IEC 61008-1-96) circuit breakers, controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose without built-in overall protection. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

IEC 61009-1: 1999 Automatic switches, driven by differential current, domestic and similar purpose with built-in protection from superflines. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

GOST R 51327.1-99 (IEC 61009-1-99) automatic switches, controlled by differential current, domestic and similar purpose with built-in protection against superhowers. Part 1. Common Requirements and Test Methods

Note - This table uses the following symbols of the degree of compliance of standards:

IDT- identical standards;

Mod - Modified Standards.

Electronic text of the document prepared and co-defocial edition.: Starotinform, 2013

05/29/2017, 163 views.

GOST 7396.2-91 (IEC 884-2-1-87) connectors electrical plugs of household and similar purpose. Private requirements for forks with fuses. General specifications, GOST dated March 21, 1991 No. 7396.2-91

GOST 7396.2-91 (IEC 884-2-1-87)

Group E71

Date of introduction 1992-01-01

1. Designed and submitted by the Ministry of Electrical Industry and Instrument Engineering of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED RESOLUTION OF THE STATE COMMITTEE OF THE USSR FROM QUALITY OF PRODUCTION AND STANDARDS OF 21.03.91 N 305 Recent standard developed by the method of direct application of international standard IEC 884-2-1-87 "Connectors of household and similar purpose. Part 2. Private requirements To forks with fuses "with additional requirements reflecting the needs of the national economy.

3. Entered for the first time

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

1. Official solutions of IEC on technical issues prepared by the technical committees in which all interested national committees are presented, expressed with possible accuracy of the international consistent point of view on the issues under consideration.

3. In order to facilitate international unification, IEC expresses the wish that all national committees adopt a real IEC standard as national standards as far as the conditions of each country allow. Any discrepancy with IEC standards should be clearly indicated in the relevant national standards.


This standard was prepared by the Subcommittee of 23V "Connectors of Plugs and Switches" of the Technical Committee No. 23 IEC "Wiring Devices". Standard is based on the following documents

Full information can be obtained from the voting report. Actually part 2 is used in conjunction with the Publication of IEC 884-1 (first edition, 1987), part 1. General requirements. The current standard complements or changes the relevant sections of the Publication of IEC 884-1 in order to transform Its in the Publication of IEC "Private requirements for forks with fuses" (first edition). The following Publications of IEC are used in this standard:

269 \u200b\u200b"Low Voltage Guards"

417 "Graphic symbols applied to equipment. Indices, designations and their decoding on individual sheets". In this standard, the technical requirements, rules and methods of testing, which complement, change or exclude the relevant sections and (or) Positions GOST 7396.0 (IEC 884 -one).

1. Distribution area

Distribution area - according to GOST 7396.0 with the following additions. The current standard applies to forks with fuses intended for the protection of flexible cables or cords (for example, in a closed chain). Constructors are not intended to protect devices or parts from electrical overloads. Equiphered requirements are scored light font, test methods - italics. Commandments that take into account the national features of the USSR for the basic text of the standard are allocated by bold fonts. Points that complement GOST 7396.0 are numbered, starting from 101. Requirements of this standard are mandatory.

2. Definitions

Definitions - according to GOST 7396.0 with the following additions:

2.101. A plug with a fuse is a plug with a replaceable fuse in one or several phases for which the current passes.

2.102. A polarized fork with a fuse - a fuse plug (without changing polarity when inserted into the socket), the design of which when it is introduced into the appropriate socket ensures the contacting of the phase, as well as the pins of the ground circuit with the corresponding sockets.

3. General requirements

General requirements - according to GOST 7396.0.

4. General test requirements

General requirements for testing - according to GOST 7396.0.

5. Nominal values

Nominal values \u200b\u200b- according to GOST 7396.0 with the following addition:

5.101. Fuse plugs must have a minimum set current corresponding to the value indicated in the fuse marking.

6. Classification

Classification - according to GOST 7396.0.

7. Marking

Marking - according to GOST 7396.0, except PP.7.1 and 7.2.

7.1. According to GOST 7396.0 with the following addition. The fuse must have an indication of the preservoir inside the preservation plug, which is indicated by the symbol. In the marking of the fork with replaceable fuses, the set of the fuse current is built into the plug, which is indicated on the fork or on The label attached to it. The fuse plugs should have a permanent marking of the values \u200b\u200bof the installed fuse current, which extends to the cord connected to the fork and is designed for manufacturers of devices using this plug with a cord. Checks the external inspection.

7.2. According to GOST 7396.0 with an additional symbol: fuse

8. Verification of sizes

Check size - according to GOST 7396.0.

9. Protection against electric shock

Protection against electric shock - according to GOST 7396.0 with the following complement.

9.101. In a fork with a fuse, the possibility of extracting or replacing the fuse must be excluded until the plug is completely removed from the outlet. Checks the external inspection

10. Grounding

Grounding - according to GOST 7396.0.

11. Contact clamps

Contact clamps - according to GOST 7396.0.

12. Stationary outlet design

Stationary outlet design - according to GOST 7396.0.

13. Production of forks and portable sockets

The design of forks and portable sockets - according to GOST 7396.0 with the following additions.

13.101. The design of the fuse housing should ensure the installation of the fuse in it. The fuse must be installed between the contacts located on the contact clamps, or at the end of the flexible wire or the corresponding pin pin. Installation of the fuse in the ground circuit is invalid. The plug construct must ensure reliable contacting the fuse in The assembled fork. The test is carried out by external inspection.

13.102. The design of the fork should exclude the installation in it in it, the voltage of which is higher than the voltage installed for the fork. The test is carried out by an external inspection.

14. Slap sockets

Slap sockets - according to GOST 7396.0.

15. Resistance to aging, protection against water penetration and moisture resistance

Resistance to aging, protection against water penetration and moisture-proof - according to GOST 7396.0.

16. Insulation resistance and electrical strength of isolation

Insulation resistance and electrical strength of isolation - according to GOST 7396.0.

17. Work grounding contact

Work of grounding contact - according to GOST 7396.0.

18. Treatment of temperature

Excess temperature - according to GOST 7396.0.

19. Inductive load

20. Normal work

Normal work - according to GOST 7396.0.

21. Effort with plug plug connector with sockets sockets

Effort with plug plug connector with socket sockets - according to GOST 7396.0.

22. Flexible cables and cords and accession

Flexible cables and cords and accession them - according to GOST 7396.0.

23. Mechanical strength

Mechanical strength - according to GOST 7396.0.

24. Heating resistance

Heating resistance - according to GOST 7396.0.

25. Screws, current parts and connections

Screws, current parts and connections - according to GOST 7396.0.

26. Ways of current leakage, air gaps and distances through the casting mass

Ways of current leakage, air gaps and distances through the casting mass - according to GOST 7396.0.

27. Heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to surface discharge currents

Heat resistance, fire resistance and resistance to surface discharge currents - according to GOST 7396.0.

28. Corrosiveness

Corrosability - according to GOST 7396.0.

29. Additional tests of partially pressed pins fork

Additional tests of partially pressed plug pins - according to GOST 7396.0.

30. Additional requirements for the needs of the national economy

Additional requirements for the needs of the national economy - according to GOST 7396.0.

31. Packaging, transportation and storage

Packaging, transportation and storage - according to GOST 7396.0.

32. System of symbols

System of symbols - according to GOST 7396.0.

33. Rules of acceptance

Acceptance rules - according to GOST 7396.0.

34. Manufacturer's guarantees

Manufacturer's guarantees - according to GOST 7396.0.

The text of the document is drilled by: official publication.: Publishing House Standards, 1991