Congratulatory speech at the end of primary school. Congratulations on your graduation from primary school

This is a parting word to graduates primary school graduates smoothly in 4th grade. Sounds after the scene "Change" and parenting.

All together they form an uncomplicated musical and theatrical amateur performance performed by active and caring dads and moms.

Parting words to primary school graduates

from their parents.

* * *

From behind the curtains, with a hat in her hands, a mother, who played "Teacher", enters the stage with the rest of the parents. She is already in her usual form. How to prepare the hat is described below.

Guys, look - they threw a hat on us here!

And what's in there?

Some kind of surprise?

Maybe a trip to the sea?

Look into the hat:

Some notes ...

They take one at a time from the right side, then discreetly fold the bottom of the hat so that the notes left to the children are distributed throughout the hat.

The parent unfolds one and, as it were, reads:

Parting words to graduates of grade 4-D.

The rest of the parents, referring to the children:

Maybe Santa Claus in the winter in a hurry forgot?

Or did your future teachers plant it?

To make it easier for both them and you with each other in the 5th grade.

In any case, it is not without reason that they appeared here in such a magical way!

So let's read.

And let's start with the biggest one!

Each Parent in turn unfolds his note and reads the parting words. The biggest one first. It says (it is not in the general list):

Dear Guys! You are creative, you are athletic, you are academically strong, you are leaders! In short, okay and wow, or whatever you say? Four years ago they didn’t know anything, but today it’s already the 1st school graduation. Just a little bit is left - to withstand a couple more graduations in grades 9 and 11, monitoring, GIA, USE, cabinet system, new subject teachers, school duty ... But these are such trifles, right? It is much more difficult to withstand another hour, because I really want to run away for the holidays as soon as possible! But you really try, endure - you are not some first-graders, but already graduates. This is great! ... Yes, we almost forgot - boys, stop dividing the territory, it has long been divided before you! Better be a team! Only then are you invincible!

Select the text of the rest of the notes from the list, the link is below.

After all the selected parting words have been read, the same voice that announced the beginning says:

Have you watched the co-production "Crazy Movie" Studio "Lyceum No. X" and the production center "Parents-Production Video"! Now you can dance together and all willing graduates can get a personal parting word out of their hat!

The volume of the same Korean song immediately increases, and the parents, after dancing on stage for a couple of seconds, descend into the hall. Preferably, dancing at least with the body and hands.

(If everything happens in the classroom, and not in the hall, the essence does not change - the conditional division into the stage and the audience is still present.)

Offer the children a note in a hat.


With parting words, do this:

  1. Print it out, cut it one at a time and wrap it in notes.
  2. In advance, choose the 5-7 most important ones, which you want to be sure to voice by the speaking parents.
  3. Place them on one side of an inverted hat, the bottom of which is curved so that it divides the hat into 2 parts.
  4. The rest will be pulled by the children, their notes on the other side of the hat. These parting words should be according to the number of children + at least 3 more, so that the child who was the last to pull out of the hat would also have a choice.
  5. If time permits, of course, it would be great if the children would read aloud what they pulled out. If not, they will read it at home (hopefully).

* * *

This was a general parting word to primary school graduates and one of the ways to voice it. In the next publication - individual ones in the form of a list, which children will pull out of their hat piece by piece.

With a wish for the right parting words,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Primary school students are the first to go on summer vacations. But someone just goes on vacation, and someone goes on vacation and high school. And all because they finished 4th grade and we have our first high school graduation. Congratulations on graduation from primary school from the first teacher are beautiful words of parting words. These are words of congratulations that will help all high school students. Look at the congratulations and choose the one that suits you the most.

My dear students!
Today is a wonderful day - your graduation day! Today you are bidding farewell to elementary school. Another stage of your life will pass. You have new classes, new teachers, and new activities ahead of you. But I ask you to look back. Remember how good it was for us in our beloved and cozy class. Remember how we learned letters and numbers, how we learned to write and count. Remember how we spent the holidays and cool watch... Remember - and never forget! After all, this is not just the past, this is your life! Primary school may be the best school for you. After all, difficult classes await you further, and there will be no more time for fun and holidays.
Thank you for your efforts and skills. You have become like family for me during these four years. I am very glad that you are all my students!

Our ship, called Primary School, came ashore. Today you will all leave our ship and transfer to another. But you will never forget these years that we spent together. You will remember both the primer and the numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything that we learned in elementary school, all this will be repeated in high school. I believe that you will be able to study further with excellent grades. I believe that you will overcome all the hardships of high school and graduate with success.
Today we have a 4th grade graduation. But only 7 years will pass and you will have your 11th grade graduation. And then I can proudly look at you and say that I believed in you for a reason!
Good luck and don't forget knowledge!

We've been together for four years. Every day we discovered something new for ourselves. Every day we learned new topics and got to know the world.
Today you are adults. Today you are already a primary school graduate. You have high school, new subjects and new teachers ahead of you. You have new challenges ahead and many, many new and interesting things.
I am glad for you, glad that you have grown up and are rapidly and confidently moving towards your adult life.
I wish you not to deviate from the intended path and reach the end, so that our four years of study are not in vain!

Behind you is an elementary school
Great first teacher!
There are still years of study ahead,
A lot of knowledge and a lot of discoveries!
May success delight you more often
And there will be more pleasant minutes!
Friendship gives support and happiness
The childhood holiday will last longer!

Primary school graduate,
All congratulations for you!
This day and this holiday -
Your finest hour, no doubt!
Let learning be beneficial
And there are hobbies!
Let the holidays bring
Rest, joy, entertainment!

Primary school graduate!
I became more confident, bolder,
More serious and smarter
With each new day more mature!
Congratulations, this is a holiday
We exclaim in chorus: "Bravo!"
Let the holidays give
Meetings, joys, fun!

Primary school graduate!
It is joyful, honorable!
It's okay, life is beautiful
And you can do anything!
Let the urge to learn
Will be stronger every day!
We wish you to be friends
And look ahead bolder!

Primary school graduate!
There is something to be proud of today!
What to congratulate at school, at home
And pleasantly surprised!
May useful knowledge in the country
It will be very interesting
Fun, fun
Bright, fun, wonderful!

We are glad to congratulate you today,
You have become one step higher!
With you we went all the way to the end,
The farewell bell has already been heard!
Not one yet ahead of you
A step to the top of knowledge.
You are in a hurry to find out in this world,
Knowledge helps us to live!

Today is a holiday in my soul
Let's remember vivid verbs:
Must know, be able and remember
Primary school graduate!
Let the desire to learn
Getting smarter doesn't work!
Let everything turn out fine
And life is excellent!

Elementary school flew by
A string of sunny days
Are you on the high seas tonight
Letting go of our children.
Together with you they began
Think, read and write for yourself,
You often replaced us with them,
After school you played with them
And we went for a walk.
And today we are a little sad:
The parting has come ...
The big road is waiting for the kids
And it won't be easy for us without you,
Because in these three years
We all became a family
And now in your school worries
There will be someone else ...
We are very grateful to you for everything
And, saying goodbye, we want to wish
Be loved by teachers
And remember us more often!

Today we summarize the results of the training
Let's put aside fatigue, all fears, doubts.
The heroes of today's meeting are ready
We will speak passionate speeches for them.
Come on, friends, stand in a row,
Leave jokes, conversations,
We will celebrate now
Primary school graduates

Today is our day:
Both sad and cheerful.
After all, you say goodbye to your dear
By my elementary school.
From year to year, from class to class
Time leads us inaudibly
And hour after hour, day after day
So imperceptibly you grow.

Graduated from primary school:
Congratulations from us!
May new knowledge await you
Success, happy days!
Interesting discoveries for you
Win in everything and always!
Into the world bright, big and wonderful
You have fun, walk boldly!

Congratulations on the last call:

Primary school graduates,
We congratulate from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you guys
Success is only on the way.

In studies, let everything succeed
You are never sad.
After all, guys are waiting for you ahead,
Such glorious years.

Graduation 4th grade
I want to congratulate
We are primary school
Overpowered with you.

5th grade is waiting ahead
New items,
New teachers
They will meet you in the fall.

I wish that at school
You best class become
And to the first teacher
We ran to visit.

Dear children, you have passed the initial stage school life and successfully overcame the first obstacles, made the first discoveries, achieved the first victories. Today is your little prom. You have finished fourth grade, now a more adult life begins and you have more serious goals. Let your further path be cheerful and brave, prosperous and uncomplicated. I wish you faithful knowledge, strong friendship, versatile interests and excellent study.

4 years at school were not in vain.
On graduation day, I wish you from the bottom of my heart -
And then you learn and try,
And henceforth, so as never to be upset.

Love school, all are good friends,
Be sure to hurry up to help.
Good luck and easy road henceforth,
So as not to be sad and not at all sick.

You have passed the first stage of knowledge,
Today is the first high school graduation
The grades in the report card are a reward for efforts,
So let your success in life be great!

We wish you a good rest in the summer,
To step back to knowledge again,
Let a lucky star guide you
And you always remember the first teacher!

The fourth class is behind,
Vacations are ahead.
Congratulations on your graduation!
So that problems do not arise,

We wish you rest
It is imperative to gain strength.
To enter more successfully
This is not the first school year.

To have fun learning
And they behaved decently.
So that you dream and happen -
Everything will turn out great!

Four years passed, flew by,
You crossed this line with honor.
You have grown, strengthened, bolder,
And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,
And a strong tooth to gnaw the granite of science.
Let the houses surround you with love
And in class, you boldly stretch your hand.

Happy graduation, our guys!
Summer is ahead of you.
You eat more porridge,
So that later, in the school year,

Having gained strength, do not be lazy,
Go to the fifth grade,
It's great to learn
Only to please all of us!

You are already quite big
Behind the fourth grade.
You are so beautiful
Graduation is not yours!

You will gain strength over the summer,
Grow up even more
Have fun and laugh
In September - come again!

Primary school is over now
You are all adults, very smart children!
I wish you all success ahead,
Let the ray of luck shine brightly for you!

I want you to study only for "five",
We were always happy and healthy!
I wish you to achieve all goals,
Get ready for bright discoveries!

You have already completed the fourth grade,
With what I want to congratulate everyone now!
They taught you a lot,
How many important things your class knows!

May academic success await you,
The fifth grade will give a lot of knowledge!
There will be a sea of ​​joyful minutes
And sadness and sadness will leave everyone!

Here are the first school years behind ... It seemed only recently, with briefcases, primers and copybooks, the guys timidly walked into the 1st grade. Remember the first September 1st? Excitements, white bows, bouquets of flowers, meeting the first teacher, what touching moments! And now 4 years of study have passed unnoticed. The first letters in the script, the multiplication table ... - and now the graduation party. Goodbye elementary school! Prom in elementary school it is a holiday for pupils, the first teacher, and, of course, parents.
Ahead new life, one might say quite adult, new stage discoveries, achievements!
Who said school means lessons? School is the joy of communication, bruises, smiles, tears, resentments, and pranks. This is a planet with such an interesting part of its life as change.
A slight sadness from parting with the first teacher in front of the students and parents, the teacher's excitement - her children are now entering adulthood, each child is painfully familiar and dear - how will his fate be?
Graduation evening in elementary school is the end of a whole life stage, not easy and at the same time interesting!
For graduation children

Nobody calls you kids -
You got a little older, you learned a lot,
Academic year successfully completed -
He was last in your elementary school!
Let your knowledge help you in everything!
And they will truly become your wealth!
The school greeted you with cordial warmth,
You have become a part of the school fraternity! ©

For graduation children

You went through four classes
You studied and tried
Was not lost in the school mass -
Even in class he stood out!
Congratulations, my dear!
This is a holiday for all of us.
You have become older, there is more knowledge,
Going to the fifth grade! ©

To graduation teacher

We finished elementary school.
And we are sad to say goodbye to you!
Our first teacher, we are straightforward
We want to confess your love here!
Thank you for your selfless work!
For giving us knowledge!
Let no years take you!
We wish you to be happy! ©

Graduation from primary school

Four years have flown by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates are now you, graduates
Steps of the first school path!
You still have to go through a lot
And make a mistake, maybe more than once!
But we wish that study would become
The most important task for you! ©

Congratulations to children

So you fluttered from elementary school -
It will be so in any days and times;
You just have to get used to your new role
Adult five-graders - mid-level!
You scooped up happiness in elementary school:
Learned many things you need ...
It's a pity to part! But it's time to say goodbye ...
I wish you happiness, guys, and success to you! ©

Graduation greetings from elementary school

Three September is behind you
Primary school, learning the basics,
And, having matured (the years flew by in an instant),
You are still ready for new knowledge.
And saying goodbye to elementary school,
Hurry to high school now.
Happy holiday with this event
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! ©

Dear schoolchildren!
Lovely kids!
You came to first grade
Quite kids.
Small, timid,
You entered the class timidly,
Learned numbers, letters
And what a change!
The years have flown by
In study and aspiration!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean
That the letters turn
Into dictations, statements,
And the words add up
Easy to Poems!
Today you say goodbye
With the teacher first
And you enter into another
The stage of study is bold!
You have to learn
Long years
But what came first
With you - forever!
You have a lot
Just find out, get through.
Good luck with your studies!
Have a good trip! ©