What is the school curriculum harmony. Educational complex "Harmony", educational program for primary classes


to the main educational program

primary general education

order No. 395 dated 06/07/2016

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Lyantorskaya average comprehensive school No. 5 "

Working programm

on the subject "Music"

1-4 grade

Educational complex "Harmony"

primary school teacher

Azanova Gulnara Rafkatovna

The program is based on the basic educational program of primary general education MBOU "Lyantorskaya secondary school No. 5", the author's program in music edited by M. S. Krasilnikova "Music. To the heights of musical art "

    Planned results of mastering a subject

Achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the program by students occurs in the process of active perception and discussion of music, mastering the basics of musical literacy, their own experience of musical creative activity students: choral singing and playing elementary musical instruments, plastic intonation, preparation of musical theatrical performances.

As a result of mastering the program, students will be prepared for self-development, motivation for learning and cognition; understanding of the value of domestic national and cultural traditions, awareness of their ethnic and national identity, respect for the history and spiritual traditions of Russia, the musical culture of its peoples, understanding the role of music in the life of a person and society, spiritual and moral development of a person. In the process of acquiring their own experience of musical and creative activity, students will learn to understand music as an integral and integral part of the world around them, to comprehend and comprehend the phenomena of musical culture, to express their thoughts and feelings caused by the perception of musical works, to use musical images when creating theatrical and musical-plastic compositions , performance of vocal, choral and instrumental works, in improvisation.

Students will learn to think about music, emotionally express their attitude to art; show aesthetic and artistic preferences, interest in the art of music and musical activity; to form positive self-esteem, self-esteem, based on the realized creativity, the development of artistic taste, the implementation of their own musical and performing ideas.

Students will show the ability to take the position of another person, conduct a dialogue, participate in the discussion of phenomena of life and art that are significant for a person, and productively cooperate with peers and adults in the process of musical and creative activity. The implementation of the program ensures the mastery of social competencies, the development of communication skills through musical and play activities, the ability for further self-knowledge and self-development. Students will learn how to organize cultural leisure, independent musical and creative activities, including on the basis of home music making, joint musical activities with friends and parents.

Personal results are reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the subject "Music":

Formation of the foundations of Russian civil identity, a sense of pride in their Motherland, the Russian people and its history, awareness of their ethnic and national identity in the process of mastering the top samples of Russian musical culture, understanding its significance in the world musical process;

The formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations, the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion, history and culture of different peoples on the basis of acquaintance with their musical traditions, revealing in them general patterns historical development, processes of mutual influence, community of moral, value, aesthetic attitudes;

Formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in the process of learning works of different genres, forms and styles, various types of musical images and their interaction;

Mastering the initial skills of adaptation in a dynamically changing and developing world through orientation in the diversity of musical reality and participation in the musical life of a class, school, city, etc .;

The development of motivation for learning activities and the formation of a personal meaning of learning through the disclosure of connections and relationships between music and life, mastering the ways of reflecting life in music and various forms of music impact on a person;

Formation of ideas about moral norms, development of goodwill and emotional responsivenessempathy with other people's feelings based on perceptionworks of world musical classics, their collective discussion and interpretation in various types of musical performance;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings on the basis of the development of musical and aesthetic consciousness, which manifests itself in an emotional and value attitude to art, an understanding of its functions in the life of a person and society;

Development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations when performing project assignments and project work, in the process of individual, group and collective musical activities;

Formation of an attitude towards a safe healthy lifestyle through the development of an idea of ​​harmony in a person of physical and spiritual principles, fostering a careful attitude towards the material and spiritual values ​​of musical culture;

Formation of motivation for musical creativity, dedication and perseverance in achieving the goal in the process of creating a situation of successful musical and creative activity of students.


Students will learn to:

The logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification by genus-specific characteristics, establishing analogies and causal relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts, making assumptions and supporting evidence;

Apply methods of observation, experimentation, modeling, systematization teaching material, identifying the known and the unknown when solving various educational problems;

Discuss problematic issues, reflect in the course of creative cooperation, compare the results of their activities with the results of other students; understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities;

Understand the difference between the reflection of life in scientific and artistic texts; to perceive adequately works of art, to be aware of the polysemy of the content of their images, the existence of various interpretations of one work; perform creative tasks that do not have an unambiguous solution;

To carry out the synthesis of a musical work as a compilation of a whole from parts, to identify the grounds for its integrity;

Use different types models in the study of an artistic phenomenon (graphic, plastic, verbal, sign-symbolic), to model various relationships between objects, to transform models in accordance with the content of the musical material and the set educational goal;

Use various methods of searching (in reference sources and the open educational information space of the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the academic subject.

learn how to realize your own creative ideas, prepare your performance and perform with audio, video and graphic support;

to satisfy the need for cultural and leisure activities, spiritually enriching the personality, in expanding and deepening knowledge about this subject area.

Regulatory universal learning activities

Students will learn to:

Accept and maintain educational goals and objectives, in accordance with them, plan, monitor and evaluate their own educational activities;

Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

To highlight and retain the subject of discussion and the criteria for its assessment, as well as to use these criteria in practice;

Predict the content of a work by its name and genre, anticipate composer's decisions on the creation of musical images, their development and interaction in a musical work;

Mobilization of strength and volitional self-regulation in the course of gaining experience in collective public speaking and in preparation for it.

set educational goals, formulate educational tasks based on the goals, search for the most effective ways to achieve results in the process of participation in individual, group design works;

to act constructively, including in situations of failure, due to the ability to search for the most effective ways to achieve goals, taking into account the existing conditions.

Communicative universal learning activities

Students will learn to:

Understand the similarities and differences between spoken and musical speech;

Listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; participate in a collective discussion, take different points of view on the same problem; express your opinion and argue your point of view;

Understand the compositional features of oral (colloquial, musical) speech and take them into account when building your own statements in different life situations;

Use speech and information and communication technologies to solve communication and cognitive tasks;

Indirectly enter into a dialogue with the author of a work of art by identifying the author's meanings and assessments, predicting the course of events, comparing the result with the original in order to make additions and adjustments to the course of solving the educational and artistic problem;

The experience of communicating with listeners in the context of public presentation of the result of creative musical performance.

Students will have the opportunity to:

improve their communication skills and abilities, relying on knowledge of the compositional functions of musical speech;

create musical works based on poetic texts and publicly perform them solo or with the support of classmates.

Subject results

Students will be formed:

Initial ideas about the role of music in human life, in his spiritual and moral development; about the value of the musical traditions of the people;

Basics of musical culture, artistic taste, interest in the art of music and musical activity;

The idea of ​​the national originality of music in the indissoluble unity of folk and professional musical creativity.

Students will learn to:

Actively, creatively perceive music of various genres, forms, styles;

Hear musical speech as an expression of a person's feelings and thoughts, learn specific traits styles of different composers;

To navigate in different genres of musical and poetic creativity of the peoples of Russia (including native land);

Observe the process of musical development based on the similarities and differences in intonations, themes, images, their changes; understand the cause-and-effect relationships of the development of musical images and their interaction;

Simulate the musical characteristics of the characters, predict the course of events in the "musical history";

Use graphic notation for orientation in a piece of music in various types of musical activity;

Embody the artistic and imaginative content of music, express your attitude towards it in singing, word, movement, playing the simplest musical instruments;

Plan and participate in collective activities to create performances of musical and stage works, interpretations of instrumental works in plastic intonation.

Students will have the opportunity to learn:

navigate the musical notation when playing simple melodies;

creative self-realization in the process of realizing one's own musical and performing ideas in various types of musical activity;

organize cultural leisure, independent musical and creative activities, play music and use ICT in musical creativity;

assist in organizing and holding school cultural events, present to the general public the results of their own musical and creative activities, collect music collections (music library, video library).

    Content of the subject

1 class WORLD OF MUSICAL IMAGES. Images of song, dance, marching music.Music around us. Creativity of the composer-performer-listener. Three foundations of music.

Song, dance, march as three types of connection between music and life. Indirect expression of human feelings and thoughts in music. Different ways of performing and recording music.

March in folk and composer music: figurative and stylistic diversity, features of the musical language and genre attributes, means of expression.

Dance in folk and composer music: figurative and stylistic diversity, features of the musical language and genre attributes, means of expression.Dance music of Beethoven.

A variety of songs in folk and composer music. Features of song melodies. The melody is melodic and recitative.

Music materialP. I. Tchaikovsky."Melody","Children's Album": plays "Polka", "Sweet Dream", "March of Wooden Soldiers","Waltz", "Mazurka", "Kamarinskaya". P. I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz from the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" .pp. S. Prokofiev. Waltz from the opera "War and Peace".

S. S. Prokofiev. "Waltz" from Children's Music ".Learning a song by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Autumn", analysis of the structure of its melody. folk song"There was a birch in the field", the cant "Hail, Rossko land!" Melody for violin and piano, chorus "Already on a bridge, little bridge" from the opera "Eugene Onegin".

"What does the music say?" Musical portrait. Embodiment in intonation of the inner and outer appearance of the musical hero.

Musical material Tchaikovsky. "Mama", "Baba Yaga", "Neapolitan Song", "Red Maidens Came Out". Russian folk song.

The originality of musical and stage genres. Music as the basis for the synthesis of arts in ballet. The creators of the ballet performance. The specificity of images and their interaction in ballet music. Dancing origin in ballet: dance-state and dance-action.Music material

P. I. Tchaikovsky. The Sleeping Beauty ballet

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Introduction, waltz and finale of act 1 from the ballet “Sleeping


"How does the music speak?" Musical and colloquial speech. The similarity and difference between musical and colloquial speech: understanding the types of intonations. Intonation in musical and colloquial speech. Intonation as a carrier of meaning in music. Reintoning is a change in meaning in a musical expression. Intonation in the musical speech of the composer and performer. Patter as a way (manner) of colloquial and musical speech.

Musical material by M.I. Glinka. Introduction from the opera "Ivan Susanin". L. V. Beethoven. The main theme of the first movement of the Fifth Symphony. "Soldiers, brave children." Russian folk song. M.I. Glinka. Introduction, from the opera "Ivan Susanin". Pp. S. Prokofiev. "Chatterbox". Poems by Agnia Barto.

2nd grade

WORLD OF MUSICAL STORIES. Variety of musical stories.

Ballet as a Complete Musical History.

Variety of musical stories. Development in music, transformation, juxtaposition, collision of musical intonations, themes, images. A.P. Borodin. The Sleeping Princess (fairy tale) The development of a musical story in a romance. The basic principles of development in music (repetition and contrast) The unity of the content and construction of the romance. Deployment of musical history in the epic. Musical images of the epic. Variations of the melody in the epic. The nature of the narrator's musical speech and its instrumental accompaniment.

Musical material “And we sowed millet”. Russian folk song

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Final scene from the opera Snow Maiden "(fragment). A story about Volga and Mikula M.I. Glinka. Introduction to the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila ". Fourth Concerto for Piano and Orchestra. The second

S. S. Prokofiev. "Fairy tales of an old grandmother." Pieces for Piano S. Prokofiev. Ballet "Cinderella". Introduction

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. Fourth part. The final. Function of the fourth movement (finale) in a symphony. The specifics of the unfolding of the musical story in the finale. Symphonic development based on repetition and contrast. Genre characteristics of the images of the finale. The relationship between the nature of topics and their development. Timbre variation. Undertone.

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony (IV movement). Genre foundations of the finale images. The relationship between the nature of topics and their development. Timbre variation.

Music materialPeter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. The third movement of the Scherzo. Pizzicato for strings.

M.I. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin". First action. In the village of Domnine. An exposition of images of Russian people: their attitude to the Motherland, to their people, its history. The versatility of the figurative characteristics of the Russian people. Musical language of peasants' choirs, connection with Russian folk song. Choir types (male, female, mixed).

Musical portrait of Antonida. Features of her musical speech.

Chant. Two-part construction: cavatina and rondo. High female soprano voice. Susanin's scene with the peasants and the rowers' chorus Musical-figurative characteristic of Ivan Susanin. Recitative. Folk-genre origins of his musical language. Low male voice bass. The intonational relationship of the musical speech of the heroes, the expressiveness and figurativeness of the music of the choir of vigilantes (rowers). Reflection of stage action in the development of choir music.

Musical material M. I. Glinka. Opera "Ivan Susanin".

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Fourth Symphony. Characteristics of the first movement of the symphony. The main stages in the development of musical action: introduction, exposure, development, reprise, code.The originality of the symphonic plot: the significance of the themes-images and the intensity of their development. Conflict as a driving force for the development of musical history. The unity of the symphonic cycle: the content and structure of the parts, their relationship in the cycle as a reflection of the multifaceted life of a person.

A world of musical stories

M. I. Glinka, P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. S. Prokofiev, L. V. Beethoven, A. P. Borodin, A. K. Lyadov.

Grade 3

How do the contrasting musical themes in the opera "Ivan Susanin" by M. I. Glinka correlate? The essence of the kinship of contrasting themes-images of a major piece of music. Derived contrast. Kinds

transformations of themes: reintonation, variation, reversal.

Correlation of melodic lines of contrasting themes-images, identification of the ways of their development History of the cantata by S. S. Prokofiev

"Alexander Nevskiy".

Characteristics of the figurative structure of each part of the symphonic cycle. The main themes of all parts of L. V. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and P. I. Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony, based on their graphic notes, characters and compositional functions of the main, secondary and final themes, their intonation connections. Characterization of the logic of interaction of the main, connecting, secondary, final topics, their constructive relationship. Development options main theme in developing.

The main stages in the development of the musical history of Symphony No. 40 by W. A. ​​Mozart.

The similarities and differences between paintings in music and fine arts.

Musical portrait of the hero of the work. An idea of ​​the compositional functions of the theme "Walks" in the piano cycle. The musical image of the gnome based on ideas about the features of his movement and speech.

« old lock", Figurative content. The play "Ballet of unhatched chicks", especially the interpretation of the play. Play"Two Jews, rich and poor", features of the musical speech of each hero,dialogue with dialogues in opera and symphonic music. Musical piece “Limoges. Market",

features of its melody, rhythm, dynamics. The nature of the movement in the plays “Limoges. Market "and" Hut on chicken legs. " Musorgsky's play "Heroic Gates" the nature of the music, its genre and intonation features. Musorgsky's music in piano and orchestral

(M. Ravel) sound.

4th grade

THE WORLD OF MUSIC OF MY PEOPLE... Lyric-epic opera by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia"

Features of the musical action of the opera-legend and the musical characteristics of its heroes. The intonation of their musical speech by role.WITHprices of festivities, prayers of Fevronia and Grishka, constructive

kinship of contrasting themes. Leit themes of the opera, variants of their sound in different episodes of the opera.

Emotional and value attitude to the masterpieces of Russian music. Modeling the circles of symphony images from the life of Russian heroes and the plan of the work. The image of the second hero, the transformation of the intonations of the first hero. Changes in the characters of the themes compared to the exposure. Figurative structure of the finale of Borodin's symphony. The main stages of the development of the musical history of the symphony in various types of musical activity. The second symphony and opera "Prince Igor" by AP Borodin. Themes similar in character from the Second Symphony and the romance "The Sleeping Princess"

A.P. Borodin.

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Opera" The Queen of Spades.

"Musical characteristics of the heroes of the opera" The Queen of Spades "

P. I. Tchaikovsky. Opera "The Queen of Spades". Introduction themes, examples of similar themes from the music of P. Tchaikovsky. The content of the opera according to its

name, character, duet of Lisa and Polina, romance of Polina and

song of girls. Musical characteristics of the ball, the mood of the guests, genre characteristics of the polonaise. Melody of Yeletsky's aria, duet of Prilepa and Milovzor. The construction of an opera: its exposition, development,

reprises of the main plot lines of the opera, the difference between conflicts in the operas "The Queen of Spades" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Musical material. Opera by PI Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades". Scene 1. In the summer garden .. Scene 2. In Lisa's room. Scene 3. Ball in the house of a noble nobleman. Scene 4. In the Countess's quarters Scene 5 In the barracks. Herman's room. Scene 6. On the embankment. Scene 7. In a gambling house

Folk music in the works of Russian composers. Images of nature in the works of Russian composers. Images of defenders of the Motherland in the works of Russian composers. State anthem of Russia. Through the pages of works of Russian musical classics. The world of the music of my people.

    Thematic planning

p / p

Section title, topics

Number of hours

1 class


Images of song, dance, march music

9 h

What does the music say?

7 h

Life of musical images in symphony, opera, ballet

9 h

How does the music speak?

8 h



2nd grade


Introduction to the theme of the year

1 h

Diversity of musical stories. Ballet as a Holistic Musical History

9 h

Symphony as a complete musical history

7 h

Opera as a holistic musical history

10 h

Symphony as a complete musical history (continued)

7 h



Grade 3


The relationship of contrasting themes-images in the symphonic suite and cantata

9 h

Contrast and unity of themes-images in the symphony

8 h

Contrast and unity of images in opera

10 h

Contrast and unity of themes-images in the piano cycle and symphonic fantasy

7 h



4th grade


Lyric-epic opera by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia"

9 h

An epic symphony. Symphony No. 2 ("Heroic") by A. Borodin

8 h

Lyric and dramatic opera by P. Tchaikovsky "The Queen of Spades"

10 h

Traditions of the musical culture of my people




(FGOS LEO 2009)

"Harmony" is an educational and methodological kit for a 4-year-old primary school... The kit was created in 2000. (scientific advisor - N.B. Istomina, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor).

Educational complex "Harmony" includes textbooks for the following academic subjects:
- Teaching literacy and reading(2 lines).
ABC. Authors: Betenkova N.M., Goretsky V.G., Fonin D.S.
Primer. Authors: Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S., Betenkova N.M., Kurlygina O.E.
- Russian language. Authors: Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S.
- Literary reading. author O. Kubasova
- Mathematics. author Istomina N.B ..
- The world. Authors: Poglazova O.T., Shilin V.D.
- Technology. author N.M. Konysheva.

All textbooks are included in the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the 2010-2011 academic year. The methodological equipment of the "Harmony" set has been experimentally tested on different scales: at the level of diploma studies, which were supervised by the authors of the subject sets, at the level of candidate and doctoral studies, and at the level of mass testing in the practice of schools.

The educational and methodological kit in mathematics for a four-year elementary school (by NB Istomina) was awarded the 1999 Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

Currently, work is underway to create a teaching guide for English, fine arts and music.
Thus, the "Harmony" set will fully provide the educational process in primary school with teaching aids in all subjects included in the Federal Basic Curriculum. So one of the main tasks the authors of the "Harmony" set was the development of methods for organizing educational activities junior schoolchildren providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities that correspond to the curriculum and the requirements of the initial educational standard.

In the educational and methodological set "Harmony" implemented : ways of organizing educational activities of students associated with the formulation of an educational task, with its solution, self-control and self-esteem; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a prerequisite for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts providing awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.

Methodological interpretation in a set of modern trends in the development of primary education provides: the child's understanding of the issues being studied, the conditions for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student and the children with each other, the creation of a situation of success in cognitive activity for each student.

Considering the educational books included in the kit (textbook, textbook-notebook, notebooks with a printed basis), as a model of the educational process, integrating subject content and types of cognitive activity, the authors of the "Harmony" implemented in the system of educational tasks:
- purposeful formation of methods of mental activity (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization);
- priority independent activity students in the assimilation of the content;
- active inclusion in the cognitive activity of methods of observation, selection, transformation and design;
- maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
- multifaceted consideration of the same object;
- reliance on the child's experience;
- parallel use different models: subject, verbal, graphic, schematic and symbolic - and establishing a correspondence between them;
- the relationship between inductive and deductive reasoning;
- the unity of intellectual and special skills;
- creation of conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of assimilation of the knowledge provided by the program.

In the EMC "Harmony", each subject line was initially developed by the authors with a special emphasis on the formation of universal educational actions in students (which in the author's concepts and programs were originally designated as general educational skills; in accordance with the terminology adopted at the stage of their creation, this concept should be considered as identical UUD), which create the possibility of independent successful assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn. In this case, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions, i.e. they are formed, applied and maintained in close connection with the active actions of the students themselves.

Feature set "Harmony" is to ensure the relationship between the training of a teacher at the university and his professional practice. The authors of the "Harmony" set (NB Istomina, MS Soloveichik, NS Kuzmenko, OV Kubasova, NM Konysheva) are also the authors of textbooks and teaching aids, according to which training is conducted at the faculties of training primary school teachers in universities and pedagogical colleges in Russia.

Harmony program reviews:

Educational complex "Harmony" is very widespread in schools. Many parents are happy with the results. In their opinion, the program develops thinking, logic, literacy.
True, mathematics is considered rather weak. Problem solving begins only in grade 2. When solving problems, the construction of circuits is constantly required, a lot logical tasks... The concept of the perimeter of a rectangle is introduced at the end of the 2nd quarter in grade 3 after the concept of the area of ​​a rectangle. In this case, the area of ​​the figure is studied at the beginning of the 1st quarter. And the final test papers focused on the "School of Russia" program.
The greatest dissatisfaction of parents is caused by the textbooks of the Russian language M.S. Soloveichik, especially for the 1st grade. The absence of clear rules raises criticism (the child must logically approach them himself). Much attention is paid to phonetics in the 1st grade. Transcriptions confuse children and affect literacy. Another feature is the search for "dangerous places when writing", which are highlighted in a variety of ways (dashes, dots), typing words with a "window" instead of "dangerous places" and then filling in this "window". The authors of the textbook suggest that children, when dictating, first write the sentence schematically (in dashes) with the highlighting of "dangerous places", then write words over the dashes with syllable arcs, and only then write the sentence in words. (An example of a dictation is given in the "Lesson planning" section). The program has no continuation in secondary school, so children need time to "switch" to the traditional approach to learning Russian.
Some parents note that when replacing a Russian language textbook with another, the program becomes very good.

Anna Khrustaleva, 20.09.08 11:27

Continuing the theme about Uzorova-Nefedova, since there the conversation turned to phonetics, etc. then I propose to continue in more detail in this topic.
The middle daughter has the Gramonius program (by the way, they don't touch Uzorova and Nefedova).
So, the parents in our class have a lot of questions. Mathematics - a little computation, a lot of logic. To me personally, this seems normal and correct. It's okay, they will automate the account later. BUT! In the first grade, they trained the score within 9 with the help of cards. A piece of paper is taken, an example for addition is written on one side, and the result is on the back. And they train - in class and at home, themselves and in pairs. Convenient and easy way, not as boring as posts. But why until 9 ??? As a result, in the second grade, my daughter has problems with the transition through the ten. 8 + 4 = 11 Same with subtraction.
They also add-subtract two digits, but with the same problems. And the other day there was an exercise that horrified me
"Guess on what principle the expressions are composed, and calculate:
Mom is burning out, why take away the unit first ??? But then, to go through the ten, and then operate with the usual nine. It turns out not a decimal, but some kind of nine system

Everything is just as tricky with the Russian.
In the first grade, they persistently taught that it is not necessary to write Y in such words as "Yolka, Yulia" (Elka, Yulia), etc. Is that how some of the Russian-speaking children write? I have not met. Obviously a contrived problem.
Are passing now combinations chk-chn-schn etc. All this is given through phonetics: it is necessary to check the softness / hardness of paired consonants. But the worst thing is that they ask to emphasize dangerous places in different ways: with a line, a dot, and a line with a dot - "double dangers". What kind of "double dangers" these were, neither I nor my daughter understood until I found out from other parents that they, it turns out, had been canceled.

Milasha, 20.09.08 17:51

Fathers light And teachers tell me this is the most best program.
It's good that I live here. I was finally convinced that there is no better "School of Russia". And I'm still thinking about my daughter, which program to give. All doubts have disappeared.
Peterson, we will work out at home (with their surrounding world, etc.). Here the son is studying and so far there are no problems in the program. There are rules, there are solution algorithms. Simple enough, like we were taught. Fools have not grown

vinsor, 20.09.08 22:33

Milasha, 20.09.08 22:48

QUOTE (vinsor @ 20 Sep 2008, 23:33)

And we have a Russian school. However, mathematics was forcibly replaced with Heidman, transcription was added to Russian, and all this was supplemented by Uzorova / Nefedova. So AU, School of Russia, where are you? And it seems that they went to her

Not with us Moro, Zelenina and everything is according to the program. Uzorova, Nefedova, it’s already at home on my mother’s initiative, we are learning to concentrate.

Anna Khrustaleva, 21.09.08 17:09

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that, in general, the program is structured logically and interestingly. In general, its main advantage is that children are not imposed rules, but they build tasks in such a way that they themselves come to the conclusions that are the rules of competent writing. Children are taught to observe, compare and reflect. And I really like that.
At the same time, the teacher's explanation plays a very important role: at home, using the textbook, the parent will not be able to explain it that way, there is not much in the textbook. Probably, some additional "teacher's book" parallel to the textbook can help here.
By the way, I turned out to be wrong about the 9th count. Today I asked my daughter for different examples on addition-subtraction, and I realized that she was overwhelmed by the figure eight, and she normally perceives 7 + 3, 6 + 4. I counted 21-3, 27-9 without problems.

Milasha, 21.09.08 21:53

Dreams Dreams. There would be someone smart, kind and in power and would make a super program for children without any troubles. Although in fairness it should be noted that you cannot please everyone.
This is what program don't take EVERYWHERE there are pluses and minuses. Sadly somehow.

mom 123, 22.09.08 08:04

I think that a lot depends on the teacher. After all, "Harmony" is not an experimental or developmental program (like Elkonin-Davydov or Zankov). Harmony, as well as school 2100 and the school of Russia are also different programs of the traditional education system.
We are studying this program for the second year. We have such bells and whistles - there was no addition to 9! On the contrary, it was precisely the counting within ten that was automated. What surprised me in mathematics at first was the almost complete absence of problems in the first grade. And we didn't solve the equations. But they counted a lot, all sorts of examples, and with "windows" - this is practically the same equation, and with tables.
This is: "Guess the principle of the expressions, and calculate:
we also did, but my child guessed that 1 + 6 is 7, that is, in both cases we subtract 7, and 1 + 8 = 9, that is, both times subtract 9. So we do not have a ninefold system. A hundred passed in the second half of the first grade, now they were passing decimetres-centimeters, transferred from one to another. Examples of this type: 24dm and 20dm 14cm - you need to compare. My daughter does her homework herself, I only watch in the evening. She had written 240cm and 214cm on top with a pencil, although they didn’t seem to have learned more than a hundred, but it was explained correctly - they put an A.
In general, I do not go into my homework until the child asks me to explain something. I usually check in the evening. If I find some obvious "blunder", then we fix it. I rarely even look into the textbook.
Russian language! And dashes and dots! At our meeting, many parents spoke out - they got confused at these points! The teacher told the parents not to bother - this is how children mark dangerous places. For our teacher, the main thing is that the child sees a dangerous place, and she does not find fault with two dots or dashes. Personally, I didn’t get into these dots, although my children explained to me when to put what. I listened, of course, and praised her, but ask me now - I won't tell you where the points are, I don’t need it.
And phonetics - we had this from the first grade, from the very first days: deaf-voiced, soft-hard, a lot of attention to this, everything by heart - both paired, and only soft and all sorts. My child, in the first grade, struck down once with SOUNDS ... I didn’t even know a word like that.
Reading. They read a lot, do not emphasize the speed of reading. The main thing is to read expressively, clearly, not to swallow or rearrange letters and syllables.
From the second grade, they began to give grades, in 2 weeks the children had already written 2 CDs in mathematics, dictation and control cheating in Russian, and in the first grade they wrote all sorts of verification and test papers almost weekly.
In general, although we wanted to study according to the traditional system, we still went to the teacher, and I am satisfied with our teacher. My daughter studies with pleasure, at 4 and 5 - but she generally loves to study with us. In principle, we are not experiencing any difficulties with this program so far.

Anna Khrustaleva, 22.09.08 08:42

QUOTE (Milasha)

This is what program don't take EVERYWHERE there are pluses and minuses. Sadly somehow

Yes, probably not without it. And you certainly can't please everyone. Exit - home schooling according to the program drawn up by the parent

QUOTE (mother 123)

Examples of this type: 24dm and 20dm 14cm - you need to compare. My daughter does her homework herself, I only watch in the evening

Mine also copes with it without any problems.
I don’t remember about sonorants; it seems that our people didn’t use this word. In any case, I have not heard from my daughter about it.

QUOTE (mother 123)

They read a lot, do not emphasize the speed of reading. The main thing is to read expressively, clearly, not to swallow or rearrange letters and syllables

The same.

QUOTE (mother 123)

still went to the teacher, and I am happy with our teacher

We also went to the teacher And we had a teacher - just gold !!! It was only during the summer holidays that her new headmistress survived from school.
The one that came instead of her is also good, but, but ...

Povariha, 22.09.08 10:02

QUOTE (mother 123)

What surprised me in mathematics at first was the almost complete absence of problems in the first grade.

There are no tasks, because the child is not yet so good at reading in order to highlight the main thing in the task, and remove the "water".

deva ~ n, 30.09.08 08:02

Hello everyone. My daughter has been studying this program for 4 years now. "The teachers say that this is the best program," but who for the children and their parents. With mathematics, ns is doing well, BUT THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH RUSSIAN DIRECTLY. With their lack of rules, it's horror. I even called the teacher the first time to know how to do the exercises.
Patience everyone!

Anna Khrustaleva, 30.09.08 20:06

Why are there no rules? The same rules. They just don't try to memorize them, but try to understand them.

Olga S, 02.10.08 08:07

So after all, Mrs. Soloveichik herself studied according to the usual program, and children are powdered with their brains ...

Milasha, 02.10.08 11:04

The topic is close to me. We are working on the program for the 2nd year. The child has no problems, but when I do homework with him, my hair stands on end. Topics unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants at the end of a word - this is generally incomprehensible to the mind ...

And in more detail about unstressed vowels ?. What exactly is difficult. That is HOW the material is presented or that in general the TOPIC is difficult. It's just that my son studies at the "School of Russia", and in all other programs they teach the same thing, but in different ways. We somehow did not have any problems with this particular topic.

Olga S, 03.10.08 07:51

Endless transcriptions. I don't understand why this is needed. There is a rule - use it. Why reinvent the wheel. The child will see enough of these transcriptions and the wrong spelling will be deposited in his head, because the visual memory is not going anywhere [ah gurets], [tul "pan].

Tolyashka, 03.10.08 08:28

My child will never go to this program for anything. This is my deep IMHO, supported by the opinion of my mother - the director of the lyceum. In addition, watching my niece study on this program is 4 years old, and she is doing well according to grades. Or an excellent student or one 4-ka I do not know how the secondary school program will be developed and changed by the time we move there, but in this moment there is no continuation in secondary school, everyone learns according to the same program. Well, what is it all for, why such complications. While in secondary school, children who studied under this program are distinguished only by incredible fatigue from the educational process. The teachers themselves will never tell you this, because not in their best interest. Just yesterday my husband helped his niece to solve the problem. .. The conclusion that he made is the absolute non-perception of such a concept as a task, there is no binding of the task to the world in which he lives. The most interesting thing is that my husband, at one time won Olympiads, entered institutes easily, that is, his opinion is worth something. You can write a lot about all these shortcomings of the training program. But the most depressing thing is the whole class in which the child learns lessons and day and night. They do not walk, everything is given to lessons. I believe that it is necessary to allow the child to approach the solution of problems logically, and not to impose. While I only see that even in the simplest problem the girl is looking for some kind of catch, the solution does not come automatically, automatically, she needs to grind it out. And this is a child who studied in a developing kindergarten and passing all the tests received only praise.

Milasha, 03.10.08 09:08

It's just that we were taught this way: if you hear an unstressed vowel, choose a word so that it is stressed, an unpronounceable consonant is verified by the trace. way (iron - irons) (ie using test words), for example, the word "riddle". The child is asked to doubt the sounds: [s (a / o) g a (d / t) to a].

Hmmm, we just miss a letter in our words. Like .. a tank, and the task is to insert the missing letters. And if you need to choose a test word.
My friends, who are the teachers of the beginnings of their children, teach the "School of Russia". Just don’t think that I’m advertising it. Mine went to her because I knew for sure that something more complicated he simply would not pull. And "Harmony" was advertised to me as something really super-duper. It was just that she was not in the school where her son went to first grade. Now I think it's lucky

Talikoshka, 03.10.08 09:21

QUOTE (Olga S)

unpronounceable consonant was verified trace. way (iron - irons)

Is that what the teacher calls it - an unpronounceable consonant? Actually, an unpronounceable consonant (sound - masculine) is something else. For example, the sun - we pronounce [sonce], late - we pronounce [cognition], etc.

Milasha, 03.10.08 09:25

Just yesterday my husband helped his niece to solve the problem. .. The conclusion that he made is the absolute non-perception of such a concept as a task, there is no binding of the task to the world in which he lives. The most interesting thing is that my husband, at one time won Olympiads, entered institutes easily, that is, his opinion is worth something. You can write a lot about all these shortcomings of the training program. But the most depressing thing is the whole class in which the child learns lessons and day and night. They do not walk, everything is given to lessons. I believe that it is necessary to allow the child to approach the solution of problems logically, and not to impose. While I only see that even in the simplest problem the girl is looking for some kind of catch, the solution does not come automatically, automatically, she needs to grind it out. And this is a child who studied in a developing kindergarten and passing all the tests received only praise.

OFF You know, I recently read a book by AK Zvonkin "Kids and Mathematics". The author, a professional mathematician, talks about her experience of doing mathematics with preschoolers. So there he wrote a little about the school (though we are talking about the 80s), that they basically teach not HOW TO SOLVE problems, but how to correctly formulate them. Before school, the child very simply understood fractions, number systems, multiplication and division, area, etc. And at school there are solid twos in mathematics. The task to which they cannot make a short note enters into a stupor. Addition 6 + 4 means 6 + 2 + 2. If you answered that you add 6 + 4, you will get a two. Why? It turns out that there must be stepwise addition. The truth is, at least beat me, I can’t remember that we were taught that way. But also the 80s. Maybe the teacher's personal troubles.
Once again I am convinced that the best is the enemy of the good.

Tolyashka, 03.10.08 09:43

I’m a preschooler’s mother, so I’m wondering how and what do they tell you at school, before entering the first grade about educational programs? In particular, what have you been told about "Harmony" and why did you choose it?

vinsor, 03.10.08 09:51

It's just that we were taught this way: if you hear an unstressed vowel, choose a word so that it is stressed, an unpronounceable consonant is verified by the trace. way (iron - irons) (ie using test words), for example, the word "riddle". The child is asked to doubt the sounds: [s (a / o) g a (d / t) to a].

Although we do not have harmony, but the most common program. But the teacher loves these idiotic transcriptions.

Milasha, 04.10.08 23:46

I read about the programs and came across such that the program can be the same, but the textbook can be replaced. For example, in "Harmony" you can study the Russian language according to the textbook by Ramzaeva (maybe I confuse it a little with the name), which is recognized as the best.
Now, damn it, added another headache and ask about textbooks
So can anyone share what textbooks?
Off. If you collect all the best textbooks, what will the program be called?

Anna Khrustaleva, 04.10.08 23:50

But this is for the average Harmony in all subjects, and for the older one - only Literary reading from this program, and Russian, mathematics and the world around them are different. This is at the discretion of the teacher.
Milasha, I would not bother with the program, but I was looking for a good teacher.

Milasha, 05.10.08 00:16

It's strange somehow ... we have a note on all textbooks in the corner that they refer to the Harmony program.

So that's it, people sometimes are unhappy with the program (while others are happy). And the problem can be in the textbooks.
And many go to teachers, but children do not pull the program.
(I’m already looking for myself, preparations will begin soon, let's see who and how it will be)
There is a friend from the teacher who is delighted, but the program (2100) is mocked. They do not drop out only because of the teacher.
Well, then I'm a person like that, everything is interesting to me

Olga S, 06.10.08 08:27

So we "went to the teacher." Although, to her credit, she always explains to her parents if something is not clear.

Anna Khrustaleva, 06.10.08 08:57

In fact, for all basic programs, the child masters the same amount of knowledge, the same rules. They are simply served differently. Therefore, it seems to me that it is not entirely correct to say that the child does not pull the program. Now, if they were cases and conjugations in the first class - then yes, you can not pull.

Milasha, 06.10.08 12:40

Milasha, in the textbook Soloveichik for the first grade there is a memo for parents. So, it says that the program may seem difficult for parents because they themselves studied differently, and if they delve into the child's studies, then they have to relearn. And the child is studying for the first time, so he is easier to perceive the material (unless, of course, the teacher gives it sensibly - approx. A.Kh.)

Probably the volume of home assignments depends on the teacher. And if there are too many of them, then it is bad. Well, the presentation of the material in the textbook is sometimes not very good. Although you're right, maybe that's what we think
Here for me personally troubles. My son is from my studies. Therefore, I have to delve into everything. I hope the daughter will figure it out herself.

TORI I, 14.10.08 22:21

We also learn from "Harmony". Like many here went to the teacher.
I don’t really like the program, especially mathematics, my daughter is in 4th grade, and I haven’t really learned to solve their problems, everything is in order with the score. dark forest, but my daughter figured it out on her own, although at the very beginning, in connection with the study of sounds and the construction of transcriptions of words, she wrote everything from the sounds. There was a joke with us, she persistently wrote the word tree - "yolka", hedgehog - "jozhik", etc., and it was impossible to convince her, because god is written through "yo"
But then everything fell into place, I don't know why, maybe because she reads a lot, but she writes quite competently.
The only place where transcription helped us was in learning English.
And she entered the English language school without any problems, although there was a great competition there.

bloomyykk, 14.10.08 22:28

Aunt-teacher worked on Harmony, praised reading and Russian very much (I myself typed out a thematic plan for a year for reading for her - I was impressed by the sensible selection, and indeed the textbook in general), but mathematics is rather weak.

Anna Khrustaleva, 14.10.08 22:33


I am still confused by the fact that we are not given enough verses by heart, do your children have the same?

Little is how much? They ask us from time to time, once every 2-3 weeks, I guess.

But the worst thing is that they ask to emphasize dangerous places in different ways: with a line, a dot, and a line with a dot - "double dangers". What kind of "double dangers" these were, neither I nor my daughter understood until I found out from other parents that they, it turns out, had been canceled.

So I thought about this technique. Or maybe this is not bad, to know the really dangerous ones, i.e. questionable places. And then my son does not even think about how to write what, although he seems to know the rules. The most interesting thing is that sometimes he writes not even as he hears, but as it is impossible to pronounce. True, we have a pronounced attention deficit, but underlining, on the contrary, would draw attention to the correct writing.

TORI I, 15.10.08 23:19

We study in trimesters, on average we get 1 poem per month. We have no rules, there is nothing to learn by heart except the multiplication table. There is practically no memory training.
We felt it very strongly when we went to English. Now we are studying the language for the second year, they are asked to learn a lot, but the memory is also trained. My daughter teaches school poetry very quickly now.
When we entered English, my daughter wrote a dictation in Russian, made only one mistake, wrote "plank fence", checked the word dictation.
The dictation was very difficult, I then showed it to our classroom, but she did not dare to let the children write it in the class. I was surprised that my daughter coped with it so well. So we are satisfied with the Russian language in this program.

Olga S, 16.10.08 07:33

Milasha, what does it mean "canceled" the double dangers? We have not canceled them, we celebrate them that way.

vinsor, 16.10.08 07:40

There was a joke with us, she persistently wrote the word tree - "yolka", hedgehog - "jozhik", etc., and it was impossible to convince her, because god is written through "yo"

Do you think this is influenced by the textbook? For some reason, a lot of attention is paid to this.

Educational-methodical set "Harmony"

The educational-methodological set "Harmony" implements: methods of organizing educational activities of students, associated with the formulation of an educational problem, with its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a prerequisite for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.
The course is based on the methodological concept of purposeful and systematic work on the formation of methods of mental activity in junior schoolchildren: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy and generalization in the process of mastering the mathematical content provided by the program.
The primer "My first textbook", intended for the course "Teaching to read and write", provides not only the mastering of elementary reading and writing by first graders, but also the development of their thinking, cognitive interests, a sense of language, the formation of phonetic hearing, spelling vigilance, speech and reading skills, an introduction into the world of children's books, as well as the accumulation of experience with an educational book.
The primer assumes the active promotion of both children who are just beginning to learn to read and those who are already at different stages of mastering the reading technique.
In general, this primer creates the conditions for the successful continuation of teaching reading and the Russian language within the framework of individual academic subjects.
The course of the Russian language, presented in the textbooks "To the secrets of our language", ensures the formation of language and speech skills in younger schoolchildren, their functional literacy, simultaneously with the formation of their entire complex of universal educational actions.
This is facilitated by the implementation of an activity-based approach to the organization of training, in which the development of linguistic and speech concepts, rules, work on skills goes from motivation and the formulation of an educational task to its solution and through comprehension. necessary way actions - to the use of acquired knowledge, to the ability to control the execution of an action and its result.
Language learning is of a communicative orientation, as it is subordinated to the development of students' speech, the improvement of all forms of their speech activity.
The formation of schoolchildren's literacy is carried out on the basis of the purposeful development of their spelling vigilance and morphographic self-control.
The course "Literary reading" involves the formation of the reading competence of a younger student, which is determined by the mastery of reading technique and methods of mastering a literary work, the ability to navigate in books and the acquisition of experience of independent reading activity.
Literary reading training is also aimed at:
enrichment of the spiritual and moral sphere of junior schoolchildren, the formation of ideas about good and evil, justice and honesty, respect for the culture of the peoples of multinational Russia;
mastering universal learning activities
improvement of all types of speech activity, the ability to build a monologue statement and conduct a dialogue;
development creativity;
fostering an aesthetic attitude to the art of words, interest in reading and books, the need for communication with the world of fiction;
broadening the reader's horizons.
The mathematics course presented in the textbook is in the process of assimilation program material purposefully forms all types of universal learning actions (ULE) in students. This is facilitated by: the logic of constructing the content of the course, a variety of methodological methods for organizing the educational activities of younger schoolchildren, a system of educational tasks aimed at students different types action.
In the process of studying the course, children acquire: mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the course program, and learn to use them to describe the surrounding objects, processes, phenomena, assess quantitative and spatial relationships; master the skills: to build reasoning; argue and correct statements; distinguish between justified and unfounded judgments; identify patterns; establish causal relationships; analyze various mathematical objects, highlighting their essential and non-essential features, which will ensure their successful continuation of mathematical education in basic school.
The features of the content of the course "The World Around" are: the integrative nature of the presentation of natural science, social science and historical knowledge; purposeful formation of UUD in the development of subject knowledge and skills.
The study of the surrounding world is aimed at:
the formation of younger schoolchildren of a holistic picture of the world of the natural and socio-cultural world, environmental and cultural literacy, moral, ethical and safe norms of interaction with nature and people;
mastering a complex of subject knowledge, skills and universal educational actions for the successful continuation of education in basic school;
development of skills to observe, analyze, generalize, characterize objects of the surrounding world, reason, solve creative problems;
upbringing of a citizen who loves his Fatherland, who realizes his belonging to it, who respects the lifestyle, customs and traditions of the inhabiting peoples, striving to participate in environmental and creative activities.
The main course presented in the textbooks "Technology" is subject transformative activity, which allows you to integrate conceptual (speculative), visual-figurative, visual-effective components of cognitive activity.
The main features of the course "Fine Arts":
acquaintance of schoolchildren with the figurative language of the visual arts as the basis for the emotional and ethical development of the surrounding world;
communicative orientation of training, ensuring the education of the basic visual culture of the individual and the primary development of visual means of visual communication;
an activity-based approach to the study and further practical development of graphic, design and decorative-artistic activities;
problem-based learning, when the teacher, without prompting the final answer, asks questions that help students come to the right solution themselves;
the formation of methods of cognitive activity and the development of interest in the field of artistic development of the world, the enrichment of the child's sensual and practical creative experience.
The course of music presented in the textbooks "To the heights of musical art" has the following features:
development of the musical thinking of schoolchildren through the development of various genres of music;
selection of musical material with a focus on the masterpieces of the world musical art, which helps the child to form a holistic idea of ​​musical culture according to its reference samples;
formation along with the song type of musical thinking at the symphonic level;
the methodological principle of “recreation” of the masterpieces of the world musical art, which consists in the fact that the integral perception of the work is preceded by the stage of its “creation” by the child through the passage of the main stages of the composer's path;
the creation by schoolchildren of the independence of music as an art form capable of conveying the feelings and thoughts of people by their own means as a result of acquaintance with musical images of various genres of music and disclosure of the multifaceted connections between music and life.
The aim of the textbooks " Physical education"Is the formation of the foundations of students healthy way life, the ability to communicate and interact with peers, plan their own activities, distribute the load and rest in the process of its implementation, analyze and objectively evaluate the results of their own work, evaluate the beauty of the physique and posture, and perform motor actions technically correctly.
The publishing house "Association of the XXI century" publishes textbooks and teaching aids of the educational complex "Harmony".

The UMC includes:
1. Primer - author M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko, N.M. Betenkova, O.E. Kurlygina.
2. Russian language - by M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko.
3. Literary reading - by O.V. Kubasov.
4. Mathematics - by N. B. Istomina.
5. The world around us - by O.V. Poglazova, N.I. Vorozheikin, V.D. Shilin.
6. Technology - by N.M. Konysheva.
7. Fine arts - (publishing house "Yakhont"), author: T.A. Koptseva, V.P. Koptsev, E.V. Koptsev.
8. Music - (publishing house "Yakhont"), authors: M.S. Krasilnikova, O. N. Yashmolkina, O. I. Nekhaeva.
9. Physical culture - (publishing house "Yakhont"), authors: RITarnopolskaya, BI Mishina.




2nd grade

Educational complex "Harmony"

Explanatory note

BASIS: the program "Technology" for grades 1-4 of elementary school "Artistic design activity" (fundamentals of design education).

Publishing house "Association XXI century" Smolensk 2004.

As a specific content and methodological base of the course, this program proposes the formation of the foundations of design education in younger schoolchildren, but this does not mean a new type of specialization or vocational guidance for students. As you know, design is a kind human activity aimed at creating a convenient and beautiful subject environment. Each person, regardless of lifestyle and profession, is a "user" of this environment, since he spends most of his life in it. In the process of using, the impact on the environment is also carried out, and it can be more or less adequate. Consequently, modern schoolchildren need to get education in this part.

Since in manual labor lessons, students usually create things for practical use, it is most expedient to use these lessons as an educational platform for understanding the world of things, or the subject environment. At the same time, this does not in any way mean equipping schoolchildren with specific design knowledge, and even more so, memorizing special terminology and mastering the corresponding highly specialized types of activity. The program provides only for the formation of correct ideas about the meaning and beauty of things and about the most general rules and requirements that we place on them and which should be taken into account in their production and use.

By joining the development of comfortable and beautiful things, schoolchildren learn to think about the connection between a person and the cultural environment he creates with a single and harmonious nature, that the world of things is inextricably linked with a person, and therefore things carry information about him (social, psychological, historical ); that a person does not exist for things, but things for a person, etc. In this way. This training course objectively has an unconditionalideological, spiritual and moral orientation.

In addition, the course offered is comprehensive and integrative in the deepest sense; it includes both rational-logical and emotional-artistic components of education: after all, every thing is thought out from the point of view of the rationality of the structure and from the point of view of external expressiveness.

A more intensive developmental impact of the course "Artistic and design activities" is also ensured by the fact that it is developed taking into account modern scientific data on the rolesubject transformative activityin personality development.

The course is structured in such a way that the practical activities of the students are not isolated from the mental ones. It is practical activity that makes it possible to "translate" complex abstract actions from the internal (invisible) plane to the external (visible) one, making them more understandable.

Methodological frameworkthe organization of children's activities in the classroom is a creative design method, since it combines both the engineering and design (i.e., predominantly rational, rational and logical) aspect, and the artistic and aesthetic (largely emotional, intuitive) aspect. In accordance with this, the program focuses onsystematic design and development activitiesstudents; the main emphasis is shifting from the manufacture of handicrafts and the mechanical mastery of working techniques towards the design of things based on the conscious and creative use of techniques and technologies.

The reproductive activity of students in the classroom will undoubtedly occupy a significant place, but only to the extent and until it provides a reliable mastery of the techniques of practical activity.

Concerning project activities, then with a design approach, it is the essence of educational work and is inseparable from the studied content.

Thus, taking into account the main concept, they look in a new way andmain objectives of the course.

1. Spiritual and emotional enrichment of the personality:

a) the formation of an idea of ​​the harmonious unity of the world and the place in it of a person with his artificially created objective environment;

b) fostering a respectful attitude towards the person-creator;

c) the formation of aesthetic perception and assessment of things and phenomena.

2. Development of the creative potential of the individual, creativity, intuition.

3. Development of mental cognitive processes and methods of cognitive activity.

4. Expansion of horizons.

5. Development of hands, eyes, etc. through the formation of practical skills.

The entire course of study is a single system of interrelated topics that gradually become more complex from class to class, and at the same time, the diverse connections of the subject practical activity of a person with his history and culture, as well as with the natural world, are revealed. Each year of study is a step in the knowledge of these connections.

Graphically, the structure of the program can be reflected as follows:



subject-practical content of the course

Socio-historical and moral-aesthetic content of the course

1 class

2nd grade

Grade 3

4th grade

SKILLED HANDS: the idea of ​​beauty in everyday phenomena of nature and life; variety of shapes and colors in the surrounding reality; the joy of knowledge and creation (I learn to look and see, I teach my hands to be obedient and smart).

IN NATURE, IN LIFE AND IN THE WORKSHOP: basic ideas of the relationship between Man, Thing and Nature and the ways of their cognition; the basics of decorative and artistic reflection of the world (I learn to observe, reflect and act).

OUR MANUAL WORLD (FROM THE WORLD OF NATURE TO THE WORLD OF THINGS): nature as a source of engineering and artistic ideas; basic principles and rules of design (I master the basic rules of creating a beautiful thing and the world of things).

SECRETS OF MASTERS: the world of things as a source of historical and cultural information; traditions and their role in life and art; traditional crafts and methods of work as an opportunity to familiarize themselves with human culture (I comprehend mastery as a way of expressing spiritual culture).

The second grade program sets the task of starting the formation in schoolchildrensystematic foundational knowledge and understanding from the field of design, as well as their wider involvement in creative design and engineering activities.

The main task of the teacher is not to control how well the students have memorized special terms and formulations (they do not need to be given at all), but to gradually form in students a conscious attitude towards things and the everyday environment in general.

In the second grade, one of the most important lines that runs through the entire course also originates: students receiveidea of ​​traditions in the world of things and get to know the basics of folk aesthetics.

Also, students get an idea of ​​some of the most strikingconstructive and artistic ideas of natureand that man, in the consciousness of his objective world, borrows these ideas from nature.

Requirements for the level of education (grade 2)


What is a sweep of a volumetric product (hereinafter it is meant that a student can reveal the meaning of a concept in his own words; memorization of definitions is not required);

Symbols used in technical drawings, drawings and sketches of flat patterns;

How to make a fold on thick paper or cardboard;

What is composition;

What is symmetry (asymmetry) and rhythm in the form and construction of objects, what is their constructive and aesthetic meaning;

What does the plain weave of threads look like in fabric;

That the marking of rectangular parts on a fabric with a plain weave of threads is most conveniently done by pulling the thread;

Seams "forward to the needle" and "over the edge".

Have an idea

That things should be suitable for the environment, for the character and appearance of their owner;

That in different conditions using the same thing will have a different device and a different appearance;

About the fact that in folk life things had not only a practical meaning, but also a magical meaning, and therefore were made strictly according to the rules;

On the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

That nature is the source for the creation of images and structures by man;

Technological and decorative-artistic differences between applique and mosaic.

Be able to

Build a rectangle on a rectangular sheet (or from two right angles) using a ruler; draw simple sweeps;

Perform simple calculations of the dimensions of product parts;

Build a square on a rectangular sheet of paper using the folding method;

Sculpt a round sculpture from a whole piece, use a special stick and stack;

Perform the image using the bas-relief technique;

Paint a plasticine product with paints (gouache);

Make simple shapes out of paper using the origami technique;

To carry out the marking and fringe on the fabric by pulling the threads;

Marking on fabric using a template; cut out parts from fabric;

Perform seams "needle forward" and "over the edge";

Create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

Analyze the design of the product and perform work according to the sample;

Make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the stated conditions;

To come up with and implement a simple design of the product in accordance with its purpose.

Educational and methodological support:

Konysheva N.M. Wonderful Workshop: Textbook for Grade 2;

Konysheva N.M. Wonderful Workshop: Methodological Recommendations for a Technology Textbook. Grade 2.

Abbreviations used in the table

HC - artistic culture

SEC - social and legal culture

KZ - culture of health

EC - ecological culture

IR - information culture

Lesson type:

ONZ - a lesson in mastering new knowledge

FSUN - a lesson in the formation and improvement of skills

NEO - a lesson in generalization and systematization of knowledge

ПЗЗ - a lesson in repetition, consolidation of knowledge

KP - control and verification lessons

K - combined lesson

Individual work with students

1. Implementation of collective works from individual ones.

2. Additional tasks for the development of fine motor skills (Bedrin Ilya, Smirnov Nikita, Medvedev Sasha, Vasiliev Oleg, Rybakov Vova, Rudakova Katya).

N / a


Educational-thematic planning

Federal standard requirements

Minimum educational content


Pedagogical conditions


Assessment control parameters

Components of education

P - I

D - K


(3 hours)

General educational knowledge, skills and methods of activity

Labor activity in human life. Man-made world as a result of human activity. Influence of human technological activity on environment and health (general idea).

The content of the labor of people in the immediate environment (profession).Manual, mechanized and automated labor.Labor process: planning, organization of the workplace,distribution of working time,execution of the sequence of operations, monitoring the progress and results of activities. Implementation of cooperation in teamwork. Compliance with safe working practices when working with various tools, materials, household appliances. Creation of models of simple objects (initial design skills).

Manufacturing technology from various materials (practical experience)

Variety of materials and their area of ​​application. Natural and artificial materials (naming, comparison of properties, use). The choice of materials by their properties. Preparation of materials for work. Careful use andeconomical spendingmaterials. Search, transformation, storage and application of information for solving technical and technological problems. Determination of the shape, size, sequence of manufacturing products according to a drawing, diagrams, sketches, drawings. Part marking using templates and using marking tools. Using measurements to solve practical problems. Manufacturing of flat and volumetric products,decorative compositionsfrom various materials according to samples, drawings, sketches, drawings. Mastering the basic techniques of processing paper, cardboard, natural, plastic, textile materials, foil, wire. Mastering the basic methods of connecting product parts. Sequence and brief description of operations. Decoration and finishing of the product. Creation of products anddecorative compositionsaccording to their own design. Assembly of models and layouts of simple objects from parts of the designer according to a sample, drawing, scheme;creating models of your own design. Checking the model in action.Dismantling of products.

Domestic work

Minor repairs

clothes. Decoration

household items and dwellings. Uncomplicated book repair. Acquaintance with views household appliances... Compliance with safe working practices when using household appliances. Economical consumption of electricity.

The transfer of character and the expression of mood in things and subject environment. The unity of the functional and aesthetic aspects of things. The constitution of a thing, its connection with its purpose. Modeling a cup for a fairytale hero. House of the fairytale hero.




Form an idea that things should be suitable for the environment, for the character and appearance of their owner;

Show by examples that in different conditions of use the same thing will have a different device and a different appearance;

Inform about the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

Learn to create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

To form the ability to make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the conditions set;

FSUN Formation of skills in hollow sculpting by extrusion.

1. Preparatory work with students: reading fairy tales (or excerpts from them) or watching cartoons for the characters of which cups will be created.

2. Conversation about the information content and style of things (using the example of a cup).

3. Mental design of the cup.

4. Discussion of methods of practical work.

5. Practical work.

6. Summing up the results of the lesson, discussion of works.

FSUN Formation of techniques for painting forms.

1. Discussion of the meaning and purpose of the painting. Heuristic conversation.

2. Instructions on painting technology.

3. Practical work, painting the cup with paints.

4. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of works. "Protection of projects".

5. Solution of design and creative tasks.

FSUN formation of the ability to design a volumetric product.

1. Analysis of samples.

2. Finding out different ways of working.

3. Selecting a product and drawing up a work plan.

4. Independent work for making a house.

5. Exhibition of works. Analysis.


(7 o'clock)

Samples and designs of nature and human products; rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry in nature and artistic composition. Symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and compositions.






Clarify knowledge of composition;

Report what symmetry (asymmetry) and rhythm are in the form and construction of objects, what is their constructive and aesthetic meaning;

Show by examples that nature is the source for the creation of images and structures by man;

Report the most famous subjects and characters (heroes) of the Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

To acquaint with the methods of organizing a comfortable relationship with a teacher, parents and friends;

To form an idea of ​​nature as an interconnected, ordered and sensitive system to human intervention;

Learn to analyze the design of the product and perform work according to the model;

To teach to convey the works of the Ural folklore in their own artistic and creative activities;

Teach you to express your emotional experiences with artistic means;

Learn to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene; safety measures;

To teach to follow the ecological rules of behavior in the natural environment;

FSUN Formation of the ability to transmit rhythm and movement.

1. Analysis of samples.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Discussion of ways to cut leaves.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition and analysis of works.

FSUN Formation of techniques for creating a frontal composition.

1. Working with the textbook. Analysis of analog samples.

2. Exercise. Associative thinking training.

3. Practical work of students. Selection of leaves (image creation) and gluing.

4. Exhibition and evaluation of works.

ONZ Acquaintance with asymmetry, with the constructive and artistic meaning of symmetry and asymmetry.

1. Analysis of the constructive and artistic meaning of symmetrical and asymmetrical forms.

2. Exercises in cutting shapes that reflect different "character"

3. Practical work. Postcard design.

4. Exhibition and evaluation of works.

Symmetry and asymmetry in the composition. Use of color.


ПЗЗ Consolidation of symmetrical form marking techniques.

1. Design of work; mental creation of the image of the picture.

2. Selection and preparation of materials; base markup - the shape of the picture.

3. Layout and preparation of leaves - elements of the composition

4. Creation of a composition in a prepared format.

5. Exhibition; discussion of works.

FSUN Formation of the ability to work with volumetric natural materials; teaching the simplest methods of connection (on plasticine).

1. Consideration of prepared natural materials.

2. Discussion of the upcoming practical work (connection techniques).

3. Practical work.

4. Demonstration and evaluation of works.

NEO generalization of knowledge about symmetry and asymmetry, methods of making symmetrical patterns.

1. Conversation about symmetry around us.

2. Symmetrical cutting according to the pattern.

3. Drawing up a pattern from parts of a square.

4. Puzzle - warm-up.

5. Puzzle - competition.

6. Practical work of the student's choice.

7. Analysis of students' work.

FSUN Formation of the ability to perform symmetrical cutting.

1. Analysis of the sample.

2. Selection of materials for work.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Practical work of students.

5. Collecting garlands (in pairs, side by side, class)

6. Using the product to decorate the cabinet.



Ancient customs and rituals, the place of things in these rituals. The connection between man and nature through things. Making spring ceremonial cookies. Modeling and painting of toys based on the products of folk craftsmen. Dolls made of fibrous materials.






Inform that things should be suitable for the environment, for the character and appearance of their owner;

Inform that in different conditions of use the same thing will have a different device and a different appearance;

To tell that in folk life things had not only a practical meaning, but also a magical meaning, and therefore were made strictly according to the rules;

Talk about the symbolic meaning of images and patterns in some works of folk art;

Report the most famous subjects and characters (heroes) of the Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

To acquaint with the peculiarities of everyday life and family life, characteristic of the peoples inhabiting the modern Sverdlovsk region;

Inform about the most famous figures of the Urals;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

To acquaint with the methods of organizing a comfortable relationship with a teacher, parents and friends;

To form an idea of ​​nature as an interconnected, orderly and sensitive system to human intervention (collection of natural materials);

To teach how to create frontal and volumetric compositions in accordance with the artistic design task; select materials and methods of their processing;

Learn to analyze the design of the product and perform work according to the model;

Develop the ability to make changes and additions to the design in accordance with the stated conditions;

To develop the ability to invent and carry out a simple design of a product in accordance with its purpose.

To teach to convey the works of the Ural folklore in their own artistic and creative activities;

Instill a desire to master the simplest types of folk crafts, traditional for their area;

Teach you to express your emotional experiences with artistic means;

Instill a desire to reproduce the current customs and traditions of your people;

Learn to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene; safety measures;

To teach to follow the ecological rules of behavior in the natural environment (during the collection of natural materials);

FSUN Formation of sculpting techniques from a whole piece of plasticine.

1. Preparation of plasticine forms, exercises for associative-figurative thinking.

2. Refinement of the form, modeling of animals.

3. Preliminary analysis of the work.

4. Final finishing products.

5. Concluding discussion of sculptural images and means of expression.

Learning from folk artists.

A doll made of fibrous materials.

ONZ Acquaintance with the traditional craft - making dolls from straw.

1. Conversation about the meaning of the product, its purpose in folk culture, the continuity of cultures.

2. Analysis of the sample; discussion of manufacturing techniques.

3. Harvesting bundles of threads for the first doll.

4. Making a doll together with a teacher.

5. Preliminary analysis of works.

FSUN Teaching the methods of making dolls from fibrous materials in accordance with folk traditions.

1. Repetition of manufacturing techniques.

2. Independent work on making dolls.

3. Individual creative revision.

4. Exhibition of works. Analysis about assessment.

FSUN Formation of knowledge about folk clay toys.

1. Consideration of the works of folk artists.

2. Analysis of toys.

3. Drawing up a work plan.

4. Practical work (modeling toys from plasticine).

5. Interim analysis of works.

6. Painting toys.

7. Exhibition and analysis of works.

FSUN Formation of ideas about folk crafts.

1. Examining the illustration.

2. Selection of materials for work.

3. making the torso (origami).

4. Making tail and wings (bending "accordion").

5. Assembling the bird.

6. Exhibition of works and analysis.


(17 hours)

Marking a rectangle using a ruler on a rectangular sheet. Bending markings. Acquaintance with the sweep and drawing of the sweep; legend (contour or cut line; fold line; extension and dimension lines; place of glue application). Symbols in origami diagrams. Plain weave of threads in fabric. Seams "forward to the needle" and "over the edge". Fabric marking by pattern and thread pulling method. Bas-relief; technology for making a bas-relief. Sculpting a figure from a whole piece. Elementary foundations of composition: proportionality, symmetry and asymmetry, rhythm, transmission of movement (frontal, volumetric and deep-spatial compositions, applique, "forest sculpture"). Origami.




To acquaint with the development of a volumetric product;

with the symbols used in the drawings of the flat patterns;

To acquaint with the concept - composition;

Show what a plain weave of threads looks like in a fabric;

Inform that the marking of rectangular parts on fabric with plain weave of threads is most conveniently done by pulling the thread;

Introduce the needle forward and over the edge seams.

Report on the technological and decorative-artistic differences between applique and mosaic.

Report the most famous subjects and characters (heroes) of the Ural folklore;

Give basic ideas about the way of life, culture and life of the peoples inhabiting the Sverdlovsk region;

Repeat basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

To acquaint with the methods of organizing a comfortable relationship with a teacher, parents and friends;

To teach how to build a rectangle using a ruler and bending method;

To teach how to perform an image using the technique of a bas-relief;

To teach to paint a plasticine product with paints (gouache);

To teach how to make simple shapes out of paper using the origami technique;

To teach how to carry out marking and fringe on the fabric by pulling the threads;

To teach how to mark the fabric according to the template; cut out parts from fabric;

To teach to perform seams "forward needle" and "over the edge";

To teach to convey the works of the Ural folklore in their own artistic and creative activities;

Instill a desire to master the simplest types of folk crafts, traditional for their area;

Teach you to express your emotional experiences with artistic means;

Learn to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene; safety measures;


ONZ Introduction to the art of origami and simple folds.

1. Making a square.

2. Making a tulip.

3. Panel decoration

4. Discussion of work, summing up.


ONZ Familiarization of students with the bas-relief and its decorative and artistic features.

1. Analysis of the artistic and plastic features of the bas-relief.

2. Discussion of the technique of execution and possible subjects of the bas-relief.

3. Making a plate - the basis for a bas-relief.

4. Layout of the composition using a stack.

5. Modeling of the bas-relief.

6. Painting of the bas-relief.

7. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of works.


ONZ Formation of new methods of paper plastic.

1. Analysis of the design of the flashlight.

2. Marking the details of the flashlight.

3. Cutting out rectangles, processing the external part. Experiments and exercises.

4. Assembling the flashlight.

5. Preliminary assessment of the product. Individual creative revision of the flashlight.

6. Exhibition, discussion and evaluation of products.


FSUN Formation of new methods of plastic transformation of the sheet.

1. Analysis of the design of the sample.

2. Analysis of the way of marking triangles. The exercise.

3. Marking and cutting out the details of the herringbone.

4. Assembling the product. Drawing up a general composition.

5. Summing up the lesson. Analysis and evaluation of works.


ONZ Acquaintance with a new method of marking out paper parts ("by subject").

1. Analysis of packaging design and decoration.

2. Marking and cutting the paper strip.

3. Pasting the box with paper.

4. Discussion of options and methods for making decor on the surface of the package.

5. Exhibition. Discussion and evaluation of products.


ONZ Learning the reception of hanging and securing threads on the warp.

1. Demonstration and analysis of samples.

2. Demonstration of techniques for hanging threads.

3. Execution of work by students.

4. Preliminary analysis and evaluation of works.

5. Completion of the product design.

6. Exhibition, discussion of works.


FSUN Improvement of drawing and graphic skills.

1. Review and analysis of the displayed postcards.

2. Selection of materials for the application.

3. Marking and preparation of details for the applique.

4. Assembling the product.

5. Solving problems.

6. Summing up the lesson. Review and evaluation of works.


ПЗЗ Repetition and consolidation of the technique of constructing a rectangle using a ruler.

1. Analysis of the design of the needle bed. Performs a sketch of a cover flat pattern.

2. Marking and cutting out the cover.

3. Assembling the needle bar; decoration on the cover.

4. Design and implementation of constructive additions to the product.

5. Exhibition and discussion of works.


ONZ Learning how to mark the fabric by pulling the thread.

1. Familiarization with the safety rules when working with a needle.

2. Marking a rectangle made of fabric by pulling the thread; clarification of the shape of the napkin.

3. Execution of fringes.

4. Summing up the lesson.


FSUN Formation of the ability to perform a needle-forward seam.

1. Discussion of the embroidery composition.

2. Pulling on the embroidery threads.

3. Measuring the thread, pulling it into the needle.

4. Demonstration of the needle-forward stitch technique.

5. Practical work.

6. Exhibition and discussion of works.


ONZ Acquaintance with the technique of making mosaic images.

1. Preparation of materials for work.

2. Preparation of the outline drawing on cardboard.

3. Analysis of samples.

4. Practical work on laying out the mosaic.

5. Exhibition. Discussion of works.


Designing a toy based on a ball module. Caterpillar.

ONZ Teaching the techniques of joining balls with the help of sewing threads.

1. Analysis of samples; a short discussion of the design features of balls of toys.

2. Preparation of materials.

3. Sewing the balls together.

4. Decoration of the toy.

5. Exhibition. Analysis of works.


PZZ Securing the reception of paper marking "on the subject" and pasting the subject.

1. The attitude of the students to create a fantastic image.

2. General analysis products.

3. Creation of a mental image of an incredible toy.

4. Marking a strip of colored paper and pasting the box.

5. Assembly and design.

6. Exhibition. Analysis.


PZZ To consolidate the ability to build a rectangle using a ruler, read the drawing and technical drawing.

1. Analysis of the product design; performing calculations.

2. Making a rectangular blank for the cover.

3. Making patterns, marking and cutting a curly cover.


The simplest binding. Notebook.


4. Making a rectangular strip - blanks for pages.

5. Assembly and design of the product.

6. Review and discussion of works.




1. Possession of the basic techniques of processing materials, competent use of tools and devices for simple craft work.

2. Drawing and graphic literacy (ability to read a diagram, technical drawing, drawing; possession of various marking techniques).

3. Culture and organization of work; economical use materials and working time.


Results of the year. Exhibition.


From best works completed during the year, the final exhibition is drawn up. It is desirable that both the students themselves and their parents take part in its design. Some second graders may be tour guides on it; they are specially trained to talk about their achievements during the academic year.



(2 hours)

Making devices for convenient work.



- to acquaint with the development of a volumetric product (hereinafter it is meant that the student can reveal the meaning of the concept in his own words; memorization of definitions is not required); with the symbols used in technical drawings, drawings and sketches of flat patterns;

- to acquaint with the rule - how to make a fold correctly on thick paper or cardboard;

- to repeat the basic sanitary and hygienic norms and rules;

- to acquaint with the methods of organizing comfortable relationships with a teacher, parents and friends;

- teach to follow instructions when solving educational problems;

- to teach to carry out the organization and planning of your own labor activity, control over its progress and results;

- to teach to receive the necessary information about the object of activity, using pictures, drawings;

- to learn how to make products from available materials according to a sample, a drawing; choose materials taking into account properties based on external features;

- to teach to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene; safety measures;


FSUN Creates a rectangle using a ruler on a rectangular sheet.

1. Communication of the topic, formulation of educational tasks.

2. Acquaintance with the method of constructing a rectangle.

3. Practical work.

4. Summing up. Analysis of the work performed by children.


ONZ Formation of the concept of the development of a volumetric structure.

1. Familiarization with the scan; solving problems.

2. Marking the sweep.

3. Solving tasks for the mental transformation of supports into reamers

4. Cutting out a reamer, making a stand

5. Exercises to consolidate the topic

6. Summing up the lesson.

Italicized material in the text indicates material that is subject to study, but is not included in the Requirements for the level of preparation for graduating from primary school.


Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts: Book. For kindergarten teachers and parents. - M .: Education, 1992.

A.S. Khvorostov Decorative and applied arts at school: A guide for teachers, - M .: Prosveshenie, 1981.

Konysheva N.M. Problems of the modern lesson of practical work. Zh "N. sh. "No. 4 2001 p. 82


Organization of work by a quarter. Work culture. Draws a rectangle using a ruler.


Designing devices for comfortable work. Scan. Brush holder


Origami. Making a square without the help of drawing tools. Simple folds.


Forms and colors of autumn. Transferring the rhythm of movement in the composition. Application "Leaf fall".


Forms and colors of autumn. Composition of dried leaves and flowers. Composition on a plane (bouquet).


Symmetrical cut with one and two axes of symmetry. Leaves, flowers. Postcard.


Symmetry and asymmetry in the composition. Use of color. Painting.


Forest sculpture. Creation of an image from natural materials. Work methods.


Paper and scissors make you think. Symmetrical and asymmetrical paper cuts. Quiz lesson.


Modeling animals by observation, presentation and association. Sculpture of an animal.


Bas-relief. Modeling technique, stylization, composition.


Design based on symmetrical paper cutting. Garland without glue.


Paper and plastic, design according to the sample. Flashlight.


New techniques of paper plastic. Herringbone made of triangles.


Stylish unity of packaging and gift. Design based on the finished form. Box based packaging.


Combined work. Reception of hanging threads on the warp. Pendant for gift wrapping.


The image and design of the postcard. New Year card.


Designing things with a strong character. A tea cup of a fairytale hero (modeling).


Designing things with a strong character. A tea cup of a fairytale hero (decoration).


Designing things with a strong character. Home for a fairytale hero.


Working with fabric; tools and fixtures. Travel bed.


Working with fabric. Plain weave; marking by pulling the thread. Fringed napkin.


Working with fabric. Fringed napkin. Forward seam.


Learning from folk artists. A doll made of fibrous materials.


Learning from folk artists. A doll made of fibrous materials.


Learning from folk artists. Plasticine toy based on folk images.


Learning from folk artists. Working with paper. Bird-Sun.


Mosaic: technology, compositional features. Paper mosaic.


Designing a toy based on a ball module.


Constructing a fantastic image based on a box module.


The simplest binding. Notebook.


The simplest binding. Notebook.




Results of the year. Exhibition.

The educational system "Harmony" is an educational and methodological kit (TMC) for grades 1-4 educational institutions ensuring the implementation of the basic educational program for primary school.

In didactics, the theory of upbringing, in the psychology of learning and development, as well as in the special areas of knowledge that underlie the educational disciplines, a significant number of valuable ideas have been accumulated regarding the development of the child's personality, the optimization and intensification of the educational process, and the use of innovative technologies. However, the implementation of these ideas in school practice will remain a problem until they receive a scientifically based interpretation in the form methodological systems, taking into account the specifics of the content and the peculiarities of the process of its assimilation by schoolchildren in the framework of specific academic subjects.
Therefore, one of the main tasks of the authors of the "Harmony" kit was to develop ways of organizing the educational activities of primary schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, abilities and skills that correspond to the curriculum and the requirements of the primary educational standard.
In the educational and methodological set "Harmony" there are implemented: methods of organizing educational activities of students, associated with the formulation of an educational task, with its solution, self-control and self-assessment; ways of organizing productive communication, which is a prerequisite for the formation of educational activities; ways of forming concepts that provide awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies at a level accessible to primary school age.
Methodological interpretation in a set of modern trends in the development of primary education provides: the child's understanding of the issues being studied, the conditions for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student and the children with each other, the creation of a situation of success in cognitive activity for each student.
Considering the educational books included in the teaching materials (textbook, textbook-notebook, notebooks with a printed basis), as a model of the educational process, integrating the subject content and types of cognitive activity, the authors of the set "Harmony" implemented in the system of educational tasks:
- purposeful formation of methods of mental activity (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization);
- the priority of students' independent activity in the assimilation of the content;
- active inclusion in the cognitive activity of methods of observation, selection, transformation and design;
- maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
- multifaceted consideration of the same object;
- reliance on the child's experience;
- parallel use of various models: subject, verbal, graphic, schematic and symbolic - and establishing a correspondence between them;
- the relationship between inductive and deductive reasoning;
- the unity of intellectual and special skills;
- creation of conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of assimilation of the knowledge provided by the program.
The specificity of the content of all academic subjects is reflected in their methodological concepts and methods of their implementation.
The OS Harmony website contains the "Main educational program of a general education institution operating according to the" Harmony "educational system", methodological assistance and electronic support for lessons.

Based on materials from sites: www.umk-garmoniya.ru

School of Russia program

"School of Russia" is an educational and methodological kit for grades 1-4 of educational institutions. The scientific supervisor of the set is Andrey Anatolyevich Pleshakov, candidate of pedagogical sciences. As a whole, this kit has been in operation since 2001. This is one of the most famous and demanded educational and methodological kits for teaching in primary grades. The UMC is constantly updated and is a reliable tool for the implementation of the second generation standard.
The teaching and learning method was created on the basis of the achievements of pedagogical science and practice, based on new theoretical concepts; provides general methodological approaches to teaching all subjects at the primary level; work on these textbooks will allow the child to adapt in the school team, to accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills for further successful learning; taken into account in full individual characteristics children.
The main idea of ​​the program: "School of Russia" is being created in Russia and for Russia. Program The School of Russia should become a school of spiritual and moral development. It is such a school that will be worthy of Russia.
Learning objectives:
1) creating conditions for the development of the personality of a younger student, the realization of his abilities, support for individuality;
2) mastering the knowledge system, general educational and subject skills and abilities by the younger schoolchild;
3) the formation of the child's interest in learning and the ability to learn;
4) the formation of health-preserving skills, training in the basics of safe life.
- the priority of upbringing in the educational process;
- personality-oriented and activity-oriented nature of training;
- a combination of innovative approaches with the traditions of national education.
The main feature of the methods and forms is that preference is given to the problem-search and creative activities of younger students. This approach provides for the creation of problem situations, making assumptions, searching for evidence, formulating conclusions, comparing the results with the standard. With this approach, a natural motivation for learning arises, the child's ability to understand the meaning of the task at hand, to plan educational work, and to monitor and evaluate its result is successfully developed. The problem-search approach allows you to build a flexible teaching methodology, well adapted to the specifics of the educational content and a specific pedagogical situation, to take into account the individual characteristics of children, their interests and inclinations. It makes it possible to apply an extensive arsenal of methods and techniques of a heuristic nature, purposefully developing the cognitive activity and independence of students. At the same time, the possibility of the existence of different points of view on the same issue is demonstrated, tolerance and respect for the opinion of another, a culture of dialogue is fostered, which is in good agreement with the task of forming tolerance.
The set includes new generation textbooks and teaching aids that meet the requirements of a modern educational book. At the same time, it carefully preserved the best traditions of the Russian school, taking into account the well-known principles of didactics, in particular, taking into account the age characteristics of children, a gradual increase in difficulty in presenting educational material, etc. practice of domestic education, has proven its accessibility for students of primary school age, guarantees the achievement of positive results in learning and real opportunities for the personal development of the child.
The set of textbooks "School of Russia" is an integral model built on a single conceptual basis and has a complete software and methodological support. At the same time, the educational and methodological package has been given such qualities as fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to new things, which should be integral characteristics of an elementary school so that it can successfully fulfill its high mission.
The general characteristics of the contents of the kit are as follows:
- Personal developmental nature of education with the priority of the spiritual and moral development of the child.
- The civic-oriented nature of education, which provides for the upbringing of a child as a citizen of his country, develops a sense of citizenship and patriotism.
- The globally oriented nature of education, which meets the new tasks of education in the era of globalization.
- Eco-adequate nature of education with priority attention to the problems of environmental ethics, fostering love and respect for nature.