Predicate. Types of predicate

The predicate system in Russian is quite diverse and includes three types: simple verb, compound verb and compound nominal. In this article, we will talk about the compound verb predicate.

Features of the compound verb predicate

From the name it is clear that compound predicate consists of several components. From which ones?

It includes a part that expresses the main meaning of the predicate, and secondly, a part that takes on the expression of grammatical meaning. If in a simple verb predicate both functions were performed by one word, then in a compound one they are divided between two elements.

With the semantic part, everything is clear - this is the infinitive of the verb that names the main action, which is reported in the sentence. In the example "I wanted to talk" this word "Talk", because the speech is about that the speaker seeks to perform exactly this action.

The grammatical part of a compound verb predicate can be expressed in different ways.

Ways of expressing the predicate

There are three options:

  • a verb with a phase meaning;
  • a verb with a modal meaning;
  • a short adjective with a modal meaning (oddly enough).

Let's consider the first. The word "phase" means "stage, stage of some process." Sometimes we say, "What phase is the work on the composition in?" etc. That is, the phase verb names the phase: the beginning (start, become, etc.), the middle (“continue”, etc.) or the end (“finish”, “finish”, etc.)

Modality expresses the speaker's attitude to the subject of speech (I want, for example) or the attitude of the subject of speech to reality (does what they say really happens). Modal verbs: want, be able, desire, try, intend, etc.

Finally, in Russian, several are used in the same meaning. short adjectives: glad, must, obliged, ready, intent, capable. They can also act as a grammatical part, but, of course, not independently: after all, an adjective cannot express a verbal meaning. So in this case the predicate consists not of two, but of three components: the infinitive, the short adjective and the verb "to be" in the desired form(he also takes over all the grammatical work).

In the present tense, the verb "to be" is not used in Russian: I was glad to help him - I am glad to help him (not "I am glad").

A verb expressing grammatical meaning can be in any form of any tense and mood.

I must say that this topic is not easy and requires attention and clear reasoning, therefore, schoolchildren studying Russian in the 8th grade often have difficulties with this material.

Possible mistakes

Errors most often occur when students take two verbs in a sentence (personal form and infinitive) as one compound predicate. For example, in the sentence "I went to buy bread" simple verb predicate "Went", the infinitive acts as a circumstance of the goal (I went why? - buy).

Movement verbs are never a grammatical part of a compound verb predicate.

Here are some examples of a compound verbal predicate.

  • Continue to tell, please.
  • I would like to answer you.
  • I would be happy to do my best.

What have we learned?

A compound verb predicate consists of a semantic part (infinitive) and an auxiliary one that expresses the grammatical meaning. The auxiliary part can be verbs with a phase or modal meaning in any form, except for the infinitive, or short adjectives with a modal meaning (in this case, the linking verb “to be” is also required in the required form).

Currently, such an industry as construction does not stand still, but is constantly developing, introducing new technologies for the extraction and production of building materials, developing interesting methods construction and reconstruction various objects necessary for human life.

Different decoding of PGS

Often, when studying special documentation and when faced with construction, you can find such an abbreviation as ASG. People working in this field immediately understand what is about in question... ASG is understood as, firstly, sand and gravel mixtures, and, secondly, industrial civil construction. Let us dwell on each definition in more detail.

Sand and gravel mixtures

Sand and gravel mixtures are non-metallic building materials, which is characterized by a free-flowing state, containing coarse gravel and sand. ASG has good physicochemical properties and due to its reasonable cost, it is widely used in the construction industry. Depending on the percentage of gravel, there are:

  • OPGS.

In the first version, according to GOST, the content of coarse gravel fractions should not exceed ten percent. The classic mixture is used in road construction. It is necessary for laying the top layer of the canvas, embankment and serves as a kind of drainage during construction. But for leveling the territory, this class of ASG is not suitable, due to the quantitative ratio of the fractions that make up the composition (sand and gravel). For these works, it is better to choose an OPGS.

Natural (classic) gravel mixture contains additional natural materials such as quartz, clay and other impurities. Plus, depending on the mining location, the gravel composition can vary. It can be granite or limestone, which will undoubtedly affect quality characteristics building material.

The second abbreviation means enriched sand and gravel mixture, in which the percentage of the components is equal to 70/30. Thus, 30% is the sand content (that is, the volume of the mixture accounts for ¼ sand and ¾ gravel). This kind building material get industrially adding gravel to the ASG. Therefore, choosing a rich mixture for the production of concrete and concrete structures, you can be sure that the final product will turn out to be dense, frost-resistant.

The mixture is extracted using special equipment from the bottom of rivers, sand pits and beaches. Accordingly, the characteristic properties of the building material depend on the place of extraction. The main and most important indicator of ASG is the bonding ability. Due to this characteristic, this the material is widely used in construction, namely:

  • landscape design of the territory;
  • road construction;
  • concrete production;
  • production of various reinforced concrete structures;
  • alignment of the site;
  • filling holes, pits.

When adding ASG to water or cement, the so-called mortars, which are later used for the manufacture of concrete. But, it is necessary to remember the purpose for which the cement is made and, depending on it, observe certain proportions of ASG and cement mortar.

Thus, with an increase in the amount of liquid, the final product turns out to be less dense, but if the solution that serves as a connecting link is small, then the concrete will be dense and heavy for further work... It is also known to use this building material in the construction of roadways. With the help of the mixture, the territory is leveled out on which construction is underway or repair work has been carried out.

Thus, when choosing sand and gravel mixtures, it is necessary to clearly understand what they are for. If for road construction, then a natural ASG is suitable, if for landscape design or the manufacture of concrete structures, it is better to OPGS.

PGS - industrial civil construction

The second decoding of the abbreviation ASG means industrial civil construction. Builders are one of the demanded professions currently. It is they who equip the environment, making it suitable for human life and erect masterpieces of architecture. Engineers who have received education in the specialty of PGS are engaged in:

  • construction of industrial facilities;
  • project documentation;
  • construction and installation of various objects;
  • designing engineering systems and drainage;
  • survey various structures;
  • geodetic and environmental surveys;
  • management throughout all stages of construction.

Thus, ASG includes all stages of construction, from project documentation before finishing finished building... Engineers are of immense importance in shaping the appearance of a village or city, from the creation of models of a settlement to the construction and restoration of various structures. Project activities implies:

  • engineering surveys;
  • selection, analysis and systematization of the materials received;
  • creating a layout of the finished object.

Management is the organization of the workflow, acceptance important decisions and responsibility for their implementation. Inspection of structures means an inspection of an object, analysis of the data obtained and reconstruction of a finished object.

In conclusion, it is worth repeating that the abbreviation PGS implies two definitions: mixtures of sand and gravel for construction and industrial civil engineering. Mixtures are divided into classic or natural and enriched. The first option is used mainly in road construction, but the second is preferable for landscape design. Industrial and civil construction implies the development, analysis and support at all stages of the construction of an object necessary for human life.


1. Select The right way actions.

The sister will work in another city.

1 way. We find a word that expresses predicativity - it will, the content of the action is not clear to us. We find a word that expresses the content of the action - work, this is a verb in the infinitive. The predicate in this sentence consists of an infinitive and an auxiliary verb, which corresponds to the CGS model. So this is the SGS.

Method 2. We find the word (words) expressing the predicativeness and content of the action, in our sentence these are different words - it will work. In order not to be mistaken in determining the type of predicate, we change the predicativeness: it works, it would work, it would work. Here, both predicativity and the content of the action are expressed in one word - this is ASG, which means it will work - ASG.

2. Indicate phrases that can be a compound nominal predicate in a sentence.

1) I'll come tomorrow;

2) I will be a guest;

3) started thinking;

4) was brooding;

5) we have;

6) it becomes clear;

7) appeared in the morning;

8) was the result.

3. Who and the guys correctly identified the predicate and its type?

4. From these pairs, indicate those that can become a grammatical basis in the sentence.

1) I showed;

2) it seemed to me;

3) help them;

4) came for us;

5) they have arrived;

6) he failed;

7) you feel like it.


one. ! Highlight the grammatical foundations of the sentences.

1) The pond was surrounded by a garden. - The garden was decorated with a pond.

2) The branches of the trees are covered with fluffy frost. - The branches of the trees are covered with fluffy frost.

2.! Highlight grammar basics. What is the difference between the sentences in the right column? Give your examples of similar sentences .

3. Find the third "extra". On what basis did you find an extra word?

1) Lady, checked in luggage.

2) Light, radiates, it.

3) Holds, letter, he.

4. ! Write down the grammatical foundations of sentences, distributing them into three groups: 1) with ASG, 2) with SGS, 3) with SIS.

1) The donkey has a donkey's tail.

2) Out of boredom, the girl began to invent different stories.

3) The ugly duckling became a wonderful swan.

4) The puppy started to run after its own tail merrily.

5) May there always be sunshine!

6) Mom returned from the trip tired.

5. Is the grammatical basis correctly identified and the type of predicate determined? Substantiate your opinion.

What should a student know to avoid such mistakes?

Try to suggest your own way of determining the types of predicate .

6.! Make up your sentences, in which the word "be" will be 1) ASG, 2) a bunch in the ICU.

7. Is it true that in these sentences all predicates are simple verbs? Substantiate your opinion.

1) His eyes shone with a quiet brilliance.

2) These days we will remember someday.

3) Some ancient king fell into a terrible doubt.

8. Do you agree with this statement: predicate = verb? Will this proposal help you in substantiating your opinion?

It was getting harder and harder to walk.

9. Are there any errors in this reasoning? If so, what are they caused by? Suggest your version of reasoning.

It will be cold, will be on duty.

10. Using this "plan" of action, find errors in the selection of the grammatical basis.

11. What is interesting in the sense of expressing the predicate sentence

I stood on the first stump that came across and began to change shoes?

12. Find the third "extra". Substantiate your opinion.

2). He knows how to draw, he was short, let him tell you.

3). It turned out to be a neighbor, seemed to be an island, flew down the tail of the dog.

13. * Make sentences in which these phrases would act as a subject. What danger lies in wait for you in this assignment?

A flock of birds, most of the guys, my sister and I, a cupboard, knowledge and experience.

14. ! Agree on subject and predicate.

1) A lot of young people came ... to the dance evening.

2) A mother with a baby sat down ... by the window.

3) The remaining ten notebooks were ... hidden ... in the closet.

4) About fifteen geologists were ... sent ... to the mountains.

15. Why are the subject and predicate agreed differently in the sentences below?

1) The table and chairs were moved to another room.

2) The bookcase was moved to the window.

16. L Find errors (if any) in the agreement of the subject and predicate. Substantiate your opinion.

1) There are only a few minutes left before the call to the lesson.

2) These two hours passed unnoticed.

3) No one, not even the most capable students, could answer this question.

4) My friend and I decided to check our guess ourselves.

17.! Rearrange the sentence by making the appeal subject and vice versa.

1) Attendants, ventilate the class.

2) The elders will look after the younger ones today.

18. * Using these sentences, make up the tasks: "Check the correctness of the definition of the type of predicate (highlighting the grammatical basis). If you find errors, correct them."

1) Low and narrow room was without windows.

2) In a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.

3) My grandfather and I decided to go fishing.

4) Ivan Petrovich was tall.

5) I didn't learn my lesson and got into a puddle.

6) Fifth graders came to the finish line first.

7) The teacher advised us to use the model.


one. ! Distribute the predictable data into three groups: ASG, SGS, SIS. What can make it difficult to complete this task?

We win, we will study, let's sing, we would have time, beat the thumbs up, lost my head.

2.! Highlight the grammatical base and determine the type of predicate.

1) By evening, the storm began to subside.

2) I advise you to take an umbrella.

3) Wizards can fulfill any wishes.

4) The evening promised to be warm.

5) I invited him to come and dine with me.

3. * Come up with your task with a "trap" to determine the types of predicates.

4. Pupils of the fifth grade suggested this way of drawing up a task with a "trap":

1) Find a group of words (sentences, phrases) that, by their external characteristics, can be attributed to the same model, but they work according to different models.

2) Come up with a task with them to "catch" a comrade in a "trap".

Is it possible using this way, come up with a task with a "trap"? Suggest your way.

5. Prove that the task to determine the type of predicate in the sentence Sister will work in another city is a "trap". * Come up with your own "traps" like this. What other types of ASGs can serve as a "trap"? Why?

The didactic material uses separate tasks from the books:

  1. G.G. Granik, L.A. Kontsevaya, S.M. Bondarenko, G.N. Vladimirskaya "Speech, language and secrets of punctuation"
  2. T.Yu. Ugrovatova "Tips for every day"
  3. "On the shores of Linguinia" ed. L. D. Chesnokova
  4. A.T. Arsirius "Entertaining materials on the Russian language"
  5. Russian language textbook. Grade 5. Ed. M.V. Panova


Predicate- this is main member a sentence that usually agrees with the subject (in number, in person or in gender) and has a meaning expressed in questions: what does the item do? what's going on with him? what is he like? what is he? who is he?

The predicate expresses the grammatical meaning of one of the moods (indicative mood - present, past, future tense; conditional mood, imperative mood).

Types of predicates:

Simple verb predicate. Compound verb predicate - SGS Composite nominal predicate - SIS

Simple verb predicate (ASG)

Ways of expressing a simple verbal predicate

1. A verb in the form of any mood

A gloomy morning comes.
A gloomy morning came.
Sergei will enter the drama school.
He would gladly go to the country.
Write down your homework.

2. Independent infinitive

To live is to serve the motherland.

3. Interjection verb forms (truncated forms of the verb type bam, grab, jump)

Each friend here is quietly confusing a friend.

4. Phraseological turnover with the main word - a verb in the conjugated form

The team won the championship.
He's driving the bum again.

5. Conjugated verb + modal particle ( yes, let it, let it go, come on, come on, it was as if, as if, as if, as if, exactly, hardly, almost, just and etc.)

Let me go with you.
Let him go with his father.
May you have sweet dreams.
He started to walk to the door, but suddenly stopped.
The room smelled like smoke.
He seemed to be dumbfounded with fright.
He nearly died of grief.
He just wasn't tumbling, trying to make the audience laugh.
He almost went crazy with joy.

Compound predicates.

Compound verb predicate

Compound predicates are predicates in which the lexical meaning and grammatical meaning (tense and mood) are expressed in different words... The lexical meaning is expressed in the main part, and the grammatical meaning (tense and mood) - in the auxiliary part.

Wed: He sang(ASG). - He started to sing(SGS); He was ill for two months(ASG). - He was ill for two months(SIS).

A compound verbal predicate (GHS) consists of two parts:

a) the auxiliary part (the verb in the conjugated form) expresses the grammatical meaning (tense and mood);
b) the main part ( indefinite form verb - infinitive) expresses the lexical meaning.

SGS = auxiliary verb + infinitive. For instance: I started to sing; I want to sing; I'm afraid to sing.

However, not every combination of a conjugated verb with an infinitive is a compound verb predicate! In order for such a combination to be a compound verb predicate, two conditions must be met:

An auxiliary verb must be lexically incomplete, that is, it alone (without the infinitive) is not enough to understand what the sentence is about.

Wed: I amstarted- what to do?; I amwant- what to do?.

If in the combination "verb + infinitive" the verb is significant, then it alone is a simple verbal predicate, and the infinitive is a minor member of the sentence.

Wed: Shesat down(for what purpose?) relax.

The action of the infinitive must refer to the subject (this is the subjective infinitive). If the action of the infinitive refers to another member of the sentence (object infinitive), then the infinitive is not part of the predicate, but is a minor member.

1. I want to sing. I want to sing- compound verb predicate ( I want, sing I willI am).
2. I asked her to sing. Requested- simple verb predicate, sing- addition ( asked - I, sing will - she).

Auxiliary verb meanings


Typical verbs and phraseological units

1. Phase (beginning, continuation, end of action)

Start, become, start, continue, end, stay, stop, quit, stop and etc.

He began to prepare for his departure.
He continued to prepare for his departure.
He gave up smoking.
He again began to talk about the hardships of rural life.

2. Modal meaning(necessity, desirability, ability, predisposition, emotional assessment of the action, etc.)

To be able, to be able, to desire, to want, to dream, to intend, to refuse, to try, to try, to count, to be able, to contrive, to try, to assume, to get used to, to hurry, to be shy, to endure, to love, to hate, to be afraid, to be afraid, to coward, to be ashamed, to set a goal , burn with desire, have honor, have intention, make a promise, have a habit and etc.

I can sing.
I want to sing.
I'm afraid to sing.
I like singing.
I'm ashamed to sing.
I look forward to singing this aria.

Compound nominal predicate

Compound nominal predicate (SIS)consists of two parts:

a) the auxiliary part - a bunch (a verb in a conjugated form) expresses the grammatical meaning (tense and mood);
b) the main part - the nominal part (name, adverb) expresses the lexical meaning.

SIS = bunch + nominal part

For instance: Hewas a doctor; Hebecame a doctor; Hewas ill; Hewas sick; Hewas injured; Hecame first.

Types of linking verbs

Link type by value

Typical verbs

Examples of

1 . Grammatical link - expresses only grammatical meaning (tense, mood), has no lexical meaning.

Verbs be, be... In the present tense, the ligament to be usually stands in zero form ("zero ligament"): the absence of a ligament indicates the present indicative mood.

Hewas a doctor.
Hewill be a doctor.
Hewas sick.
Hewill be sick.
Heis sick.
Lyricsthere isthe highestmanifestationart.

2 . Semi-cognitive ligament - not only expresses the grammatical meaning, but also introduces additional shades into the lexical meaning of the predicate, but cannot be an independent predicate (in that sense).

a) the emergence or development of a sign: become, become, become, become;
b) preservation of the feature: to stay;
c) manifestation, detection of a sign: to be, to be;
d) assessment of the feature from the point of view of reality: seem, seem, introduce, reckon, be famous;
e) the name of the feature: be called, be called, honored.

Hebecame sick.
Hestayed sick.
Heused to be sickevery fall.
Heturned out to be sick.
Heconsidered sick.
Heseemed sick.
Heis sick.
Hehad a reputation for sick.
Theircalled sick.

3. Significant bundle - a verb with a complete lexical meaning(one can act as a predicate).

a) Verbs of position in space: sit, lie, stand;
b) verbs of movement: go, come, come back, wander;
c) state verbs: live, work, be born, die.

Shesat tired.
Hegone angry.
Hereturned upset.
Helived as a hermit.
Heborn happy.
Hedied a hero.

Verb be can act as an independent simple verb predicate in sentences with the meaning of being or possession:

HimIt wasthree sons; HimIt wasmuch money.

Verbs become, becomes, become etc. can also be independent simple verb predicates, but in a different meaning:

Heended updowntown; Hebecamenear the wall.

The most difficult to analyze are compound nominal predicates with a significant linkage, because usually such verbs are independent predicates (cf. Hesatnear the window). If the verb becomes a bundle, then its meaning turns out to be less important than the meaning of the name associated with the verb ( Hesat tired; more important is that he was tired, not what he sat and not stood or lay).

For the combination "significant verb + name" to be a compound nominal predicate, the following conditions must be met:

a significant verb can be replaced by a grammatical link to be:

He sat tired- He was tired; He was born happy- He was happy; He came the first- He was the first;

the bundle can be made zero:

He sat tired - He tired ; He born happy - He happy ; He came first - He first .

If the verb has with it dependent forms full adjective, participle, ordinal (answers the question which?), then it is always a compound nominal predicate ( sat tired, left upset, came first). The parts of such a compound nominal predicate are not separated by commas!

Methods of expressing the nominal part

The form

Examples of

1. Noun

1.1. Noun in the nominative or instrumental case

He's minebrother.

1.2. Indirect noun with or without a preposition

Navigatorwas in oblivion.
I AMpenniless.
This house -Meshkova.

1.3. A whole phrase with the main word - a noun in the genitive case (with the meaning of a qualitative assessment)

Son-in-lawwas a silent breed.
This girltall.

2. Adjective name

2.1. Short adjective

Hebecame cheerful.

2.2. Complete adjective in the nominative or instrumental case

Hebecame cheerful.

2.3. Comparative or superlative adjective

Here is the sound of musicwere louder.
Youthe best.

3. Communion

3.1. Short participle

Glasswere broken.

3.2. Full participles in the nominative or instrumental

Glasswere broken.
Glasswere broken.

4. Pronoun or whole phrase with the main word pronoun

All fish -yours.
Thissomething new.

5. Numeral in the nominative or instrumental case

Their hut -thirdon the edge.
Their hutwas thirdon the edge.

6. Adverb

I AMwas on my guard.
His daughtermarriedfor my brother.


1) Even if a predicate consists of one word - a name or an adverb (with a zero link), it is always a compound nominal predicate;

2) short adjectives and participles are always part of a compound nominal predicate;

3) nominative and instrumental cases - the main case forms of the predicate nominal part;

4) the nominal part of the predicate can be expressed by an integral phrase in the same cases as the subject.