Do-it-yourself brick tandoor. Do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks is the simplest and most inexpensive photo, diagram

On the land, which to this day is used by many peoples, using it to prepare their national dishes. The simplicity of its construction and functionality is amazing. Therefore, if you want to make a tandoor with your own hands, our master class will help you with this.

Preparation for work, necessary materials and tools

To build a tandoor, you will need the following consumables:

Name of consumables and building materials Quantity Price, u. e.
Sand and gravel 150 kg 10
Cement brand M400 50 kg 6,2
Grid for masonry with a cell of 5 cm (for an area of ​​1 sq. M) 2 pcs. 3
Refractory (chamotte brick) 50 pcs. 30
asbestos fiber 5 kg 6
Water-based, acrylic, fireproof paint 1 l 5
Fireproof masonry mix 20 kg 4
Fiberglass fittings Ø 6 mm 15 m 3
Steel wire Ø 3 mm (the main requirement for it is that it should easily bend when twisting) 15 m 5,8
Total 73

To work, you will need the following tool:

  • container for mixing building mixtures(concrete, mortar, facing mixture);
  • plastering rule;
  • spatula (width 12 cm);
  • paint brush (width 10 cm);
  • grinder with a cutting diamond wheel for ceramics.

Making the foundation for the tandoor

Despite the fact that the tandoor is a light oven structure, it will be installed in the open air, therefore, a solid foundation is needed under it.

First, determine the type of soil, if you have heaving, heavy (clay, loamy or lowland) soils, then they need to cast a reinforced foundation. This problem will be solved columnar foundation. If the soil is light (sandy loam, sand or soddy-podzolic), then you can simply cast a monolithic concrete slab.

The base of a standard tandoor is 100x100 cm, thickness monolithic slab the foundation for such a structure is enough 10 cm. Along its perimeter, we select the soil to a depth of 15 cm, at the corners of the slab we make recesses to a depth of at least 70 cm and a diameter of 12-15 cm.

We reinforce the resulting holes (we recommend fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm, connected by a quadrilateral as a reinforcing rod), and fill it with concrete. Concrete is prepared in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 - one part of gravel (with a fraction diameter of not more than 1 cm) and one part of cement grade not lower than PC 400 are taken for three parts of sand. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream in consistency (porous formations form in more liquid , and a thicker one will not fill all the voids).

We fill the recesses above the level of the bottom of the pit by 5 cm. This can be done using a formwork 5 cm high laid on the bottom. To simplify the formwork, you can use a container tape, folding it into a ring or any similar material.

After that, we pour sand at the bottom of the pit, which will play the role of a damper cushion. The height of the sand layer should not be higher than the recess molds. Then we spill the sand abundantly with water so that there are no cavities in it, and we lay the formwork for a monolithic slab on top.

As a formwork, we use an edged roofing board 15 cm wide (10 cm in the ground and 5 above the ground). On the sand cushion we lay the reinforcing mesh (ideally, if you fix it 5 cm from the level of the sand cushion). Be sure to level everything with a level and then fill it with concrete.

Concrete sets for at least 72 hours, during which time we will prepare a rule and bricks of a certain shape.

Masonry base tandoor

As the main building material for the tandoor we will use refractory (fireclay) bricks. It is dense enough not to adsorb moisture on itself at the moment of temperature difference, and, as a result, practically does not collapse under the influence of seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The base of the tandoor is a circle; in order to form it, we draw a circle along the pattern (diameter 75 cm). Then we lay out the bricks, numbering them in order so as not to get confused, and using a cutting wheel, carefully cut off everything superfluous from each brick.

On the concrete base we lay roofing material for waterproofing from groundwater.

As a connecting solution, we use a refractory furnace mixture for fireclay bricks(sold in any specialized store). The usual clay-sand mixture cannot be used, because it:

  • cracks quickly due to temperature changes;
  • does not form a rigid coupling with fireclay bricks.

The mixture is thoroughly kneaded and then applied with a spatula to the roofing material. On top of the mixture lay out the scraps of bricks, according to their numbering.

Making a "rule" for the tandoor

Now we make a rule for laying walls, as indicated in the photo above. According to tradition, the width of the base of the tandoor should be equal to its height, while the neck should be 1/3 less than the base.

Therefore, we collect the rule of the following sizes:

  • pole height - 1 m;
  • base length 30 cm, second level 25 cm and third level 20 cm;
  • step between guides 25 cm;
  • a piece of plywood was used as a template for a vertical wall (you can use a lamella from the bed on which the mattress is placed).

We raise the walls of the tandoor

All bricks are stacked upright. Therefore, the strength of the installation of the first row is very important for the whole work.

We put the bricks on the base of the tandoor, put the inner edge close, and coat the seam with mortar.

After the first row is laid out, we tighten it steel wire. We twist its ends and hide it in the seam between the bricks (the wire will remain on the tandoor).

Lay out the second row in the same way. However, starting from the second row, the bricks will have to be cut (through one) into a wedge.

At the same time, we also lay the inner end faces as tightly as possible, and thoroughly coat the outer faces with a solution.

After the third row has been brought out, we begin to plaster the tandoor with an oven mixture.

The total layer of plaster over the tandoor should be at least 10 mm. We form the upper edge in the form of a roller.

After the solution layer dries (at this time the tandoor should be covered with a cellophane film from rain and shaded so that it does not dry out from direct sunlight), we cover it with acrylic refractory paint, although it is customary to whitewash the tandoor in the East.

As the solution dries out completely (not earlier than after 72 hours), the interior of the tandoor is cleaned of sagging, dirt, etc. - this is best done with a hard broom.

Tandoor is ready. You can fry cakes and treat guests.

Building a brick tandoor Lately attracts more and more people. Today we will tell you how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick.

Although at first glance, this simple work but this one is not. If you take the classic version, then it is difficult to make it. But for beginners there is modern methods, you can practice on this.

Device and principle of operation

To decide how to make a brick tandoor, you first need to understand the principle of the system. After all, without knowing this, there is nothing to get to work. Tandoor is a kind of clay vessel designed for cooking various dishes.

  • In the lower part of the vessel there is a blower to provide draft, and in the upper part there is a hole designed for laying fuel and installing cooked dishes.
  • To increase the efficiency of such a stove, a clay vessel is lined with bricks, and a material capable of storing heat for a long time is poured between the brick and the clay base of the stove. It can be sand, salt, clay, etc.
  • The heat released during the combustion of fuel is accumulated, while the walls of the tandoor are heated to a temperature of 250ºС-400ºС, and the temperature conditions in the tandoor are maintained for 3-4 hours.
  • Throughout this period, bread can be baked in the oven, boiled or fried. The design of the furnace allows the accumulated heat to be released not outside, but inside the furnace, due to which such high efficiency is achieved.
  • The heat in the tandoor spreads evenly throughout the entire volume, thanks to which the meat is fried evenly, the pilaf turns out to be unique, and the bread is surprisingly fragrant.

Method for making clay tandoor

Real masters use classical ancient technology, which lies in the fact that the tandoor is molded, not built. Clay of Akhangar origin, which has high thermal insulation characteristics, is taken as the basis.

So that the furnace can resist high temperatures and no cracks appeared on the clay structure, camel or sheep wool. Making a brick tandoor is a modern and more affordable option.

Attention: Making such a stove with your own hands is quite difficult, since the exact composition of the clay solution is not known. Therefore, the composition will important point manufacturing.

Technology can have the following operations:

  1. Clay (kaolin) is mixed with wool (fiber size can be in the range of 10-15 mm). The finished mixture should be viscous and, in consistency, resemble thick sour cream.
  2. After that, the clay mixture, within a week, dries up and reaches its condition. Throughout the entire drying period, the mixture is constantly stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass. If during this period, moisture appears on the surface of the solution, it must be immediately drained. IN ready mix there should be a minimum of moisture, and in consistency, the mixture should resemble a dense homogeneous plasticine, from which various figures can be sculpted.
  3. From such a plastic material, you can begin to sculpt a tandoor. Work begins from below, in a circle with a constant rise upwards. Tandoor has standard sizes: height - 1-1.5 meters, main diameter - 1 m, neck diameter - 0.5-0.6 meters.
  4. At the initial stage of modeling in the lower part of the vessel, a hole is left for the blower. The wall thickness of such a vessel lies within 5 cm.
  5. After the process of forming the tandoor is completed, and it will really resemble an earthen vessel, 1 m in diameter, having a narrowing and a neck, 0.5 m in diameter, the finished structure is left to dry in the shade for 1 month.
  6. After the base of the tandoor dries and there are no cracks on it, it is installed in the right place and covered with mammoth bricks. As the masonry rises to the furnace neck, sand, clay or salt is poured into the space between the masonry and the clay structure and carefully compacted. At the same time, it is necessary to control efforts so as not to disturb the masonry. As a solution, you can use a traditional clay solution, with the addition quartz sand and plasticizer.
  7. Then, the resulting structure is coated with cottonseed oil. Naturally, such an operation is carried out from the inside of the tandoor.
  8. In conclusion, the most important operation is carried out, which can last for 24 hours. During this time, the clay acquires the properties of ceramics, while the firing temperature rises slowly so that the furnace does not crack.

To learn more about this stove, as well as find out what it actually is, you can watch the video in this article.

Simplified design of a tandoor with a barrel at the base

Some craftsmen, having tried to make a tandoor with their own hands, point to the fact that you should have some experience to make it. As a result of such efforts, it is not possible to obtain a perfectly even structure around the entire circumference: there it is oblique, there it is crooked.

As a result of this, a new approach and developed new technology making such a stove. This technology is based on the principle of obtaining a similar design in the process of forming the base of the tandoor, using a wooden barrel.

For this you need:

  • Kaolin (clay).
  • Fireclay sand with a grain size of up to 0.5 mm.
  • Camel or sheep wool.
  • Wooden barrel.
  • Vegetable oil.

The works are as follows:

  • A barrel is taken and filled with water so that the wood swells, after which the water is drained and the barrel is given some time to dry out a little.
  • During this time, a clay solution is prepared in combination: 1 part of sand, 1 part of clay and 0.5 parts of wool, after which it is left for several days until the desired consistency and uniformity are obtained.
  • Before the formation of the tandoor, the inner surface of the barrel is lubricated sunflower oil and left for 12 hours for impregnation.
  • After that, they begin to apply the clay solution to the inner walls of the wooden barrel. The thickness of the layer can be in the range of 4-5 cm. A small hole for the blower is left in the lower part of the structure. A neck of the required size is formed in the upper part.
  • After completing the sculpting process, finished construction together with the barrel, placed in the shade to dry. This process can take 3 weeks or more.
  • After drying, and together with the clay structure, the wooden one also dries, which at the end of drying will lag behind the clay one, wooden barrel understands. To do this, metal hoops are removed from the barrel.
  • The liberated tandoor is installed on a thick sand cushion, after which they start firing it. To begin with, it is bred in the tandoor small fire and it is maintained for 6 hours, after which the tandoor is covered with a lid and, adding fuel, bring the temperature to the maximum.
  • After that, a slow cooling process is performed, which can last up to 6 hours. We can safely say that the Asian stove is ready if no cracks are found on its surface.

Attention: In order for the tandoor to become a real tandoor, it should be lined with bricks and insulated with clay or sand to increase energy efficiency.

Modern version of the tandoor

Making a classic Asian clay tandoor requires not only skill, but also patience. Get the first time a design that will not fall apart before it is finally installed, going through all technological processes, quite difficult and most likely that it will be like luck. How to make a brick tandoor, now we will consider in detail. Its price will not be high and therefore worth a try.

  • To begin with, we make a brick tandoor project. It can be a brick tandoor horizontal and vertical.

Attention: A horizontal brick tandoor will do a little harder than a vertical one. Here, just fastening the brick will need to be propped up until it dries completely.

In order not to take risks once again, you can make a stove, like a tandoor, but from refractory bricks. Though appearance such a stove will be somewhat different, but it will perform its functions.

To make a brick tandoor, you need to have the following materials:

  • Brick for tandoor will need fireclay
  • You will also need a clay mortar for masonry.
  • Chamotte clay (kaolin).
  • Cement, sand, rebar, gravel.
  • Wooden template.

Attention: The dimensions of the brick tandoor in this option you choose yourself. It all depends on the area and your desire.

The work on the manufacture of the ala-tandoor oven involves the following steps:

Stage number 1. Foundation construction

For starters, you need to find appropriate place, after which, a hole of a suitable diameter is dug.

  • Usually, the diameter of the pit is slightly larger than the diameter of the future stove.
  • Sand for a pillow is poured at the bottom of the pit, 10 cm thick. Reinforcement is laid on top of the pillow and poured with concrete mortar.

Attention: In this case, it is necessary to control that the surface is horizontal. To do this, you can use the building level.

Stage number 2. Laying brick walls of the furnace

In a circle, with a diameter of 1 meter, the walls of the future furnace are laid out.

  • At the same time, the brick is installed on the end, and with the help of a wooden template, a regular circle is formed.
  • Masonry is carried out using a furnace mortar made on the basis of chamotte clay, quartz sand and a plasticizer.
  • In the lower part of the brick structure, an opening for the blower should be left. To do this, you can use a metal blower door.
  • For a furnace with a height of 1-1.2 m, it is enough to lay out four rows of bricks placed vertically on the end.
  • From the last row of bricks, it is necessary to form the neck of the tandoor, for which the bricks are laid at a certain angle.

Attention: You may have to cut them with a grinder, otherwise it will be difficult to form a neck. The slope is made inside the brick structure.

Stage number 3. Clay coating and finishing

FROM inside, the structure is coated with a layer of clay, about 5 cm thick, and from the outside the structure is finished with natural stone.

Stage number 4. kiln firing

The kiln firing technology is the same as for firing classic tandoor. First, the structure should be simply dried with a small fire. And about three times. After that, you can already use the tandoor for its intended purpose and are not afraid of anything.

How to build a brick tandoor you now know. I want to say right away that the construction of clay in manufacturing will be less laborious.

Only here you need to pick correct composition. It is easier to make a brick tandoor, but it will not be quite a classic. So look at the photo and choose your option.

Tandoor is a vertical brazier used in Asian countries. Fragrant cakes, barbecue, real pilaf and much more can be cooked in this wonderful oven in a few hours. How to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick? The portal site will help you figure it out and provide several options for building.

Types of buildings

subject to availability free space and prepared dishes, a tandoor can be built


  • elevated (has the largest dimensions);
  • earthen;
  • on the mobile platform.

Large stationary brick tandoor

The structure is made of fireclay bricks on a concrete base.

To keep warm, foundation slab lay out a solid bottom row of fireclay bricks. The design consists of two jugs different diameter, no bottom. One inside the other. Between them is basalt wool.

Dimensions of a large brick tandoor:

  • height - 1-1.5 m;
  • inner diameter — 1 m;
  • neck diameter - 0.5 - 0.6 m;
  • outer diameter - 1.9 m.

Materials and calculations


  • diameter of the base according to the outer measurement - 1900 mm;
  • internal diameter of the furnace - 1000 mm;

We will need:

  • sand;

Determine the area of ​​the base:

From here

V sand \u003d S * h \u003d 2.8 * 0.1 (with h pit \u003d 300 mm) \u003d 2.8 * 0.1 \u003d 0.28 m 3

  • reinforcing mesh 5Vr-1;

S \u003d p * R 2 \u003d 3.14 * 0.95 * 0.95 \u003d 2.8 m 2

  • concrete B12.5 - B15;

V concrete \u003d S * h \u003d 2.8 * 0.2 (with h pit \u003d 300 mm) \u003d 0.56 m 3

  • fireclay brick;

a) inner contour

a \u003d p * D \u003d 3.14 * 1.46 m (according to external measurement) \u003d 4.58 m

V1 brick \u003d a * h * b \u003d 4.58 * 1.5 (with wall h \u003d 1500 mm) * 0.23 (masonry thickness) \u003d 1.58 m 3

b) outer contour

a \u003d p * D \u003d 3.14 * 1.89 m (according to external measurement) \u003d 5.94 m

V2 bricks \u003d a * h * b \u003d 5.94 * 1.5 (with wall h \u003d 1500 mm) * 0.115 (masonry thickness) \u003d 1.02 m 3

c) bottom

S \u003d p * R 2 \u003d 3.14 * 0.95 * 0.95 \u003d 2.8 m 2

V3 bricks \u003d a * h * b \u003d 2.8 * 0.075 (brick thickness) \u003d 0.21 m 3

V brick total \u003d V1 + V2 + V3 \u003d 1.58 + 1.02 + 0.21 \u003d 2.8 m 3

Taking into account losses, we accept brick consumption - 400 pcs. per 1 m 3. Hence 400 pcs. * 2.8 m 3 = 1124 bricks.

  • Basalt wool;

S \u003d p * D * h walls \u003d 3.14 * 1.46 m (outside the inner contour) * 1.5 (with wall h \u003d 1500 mm) \u003d 6.9 m 2, rounded up to 7 m 2.


  • various auxiliary material - you need to include cutting wheels for a small "grinder", rags, etc.


  • "Bulgarian";
  • shovel "bayonet";
  • shovel "scoop";
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • wooden mallet;
  • pliers, etc..

Stages of work

  • base;
  • foundation concreting;
  • strength set;
  • contour marking;
  • laying of the internal contour;
  • pug;
  • drying;
  • warming;
  • masonry of the outer contour (circle or square);
  • drying;
  • hatch installation;
  • burning.


General circuit diagram tandoor installation looks like this:

Brick tandoor scheme

There must be insulation between the outer and inner contours. The outer contour may have different shape. In this case, concrete blocks were used as the foundation.

Be sure to arrange a blower. This part facilitates maintenance and increases safety.

Step-by-step instruction

How to build a large brick tandoor? Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We draw the project. We dig a pit with a diameter of 1 m to a depth of 200-300 mm.
  2. We make a sand base for the foundation. Pour sand in a layer of 100 mm and carefully compact.

    We fall asleep with sand

  3. We reinforce the foundation. We use a wire mesh VR-5 with a cell of 150x150 mm. Sold in hardware stores, in rolls of 6 meters.
  4. The mesh must be completely filled with concrete. Minimum Thickness protective layer - 40 mm. To do this, the grid is laid on bricks.
  5. We fill the resulting structure with concrete. For the construction, concrete grade B12.5 is suitable for us. The recipe is beyond the scope of this article. Concrete must be carefully compacted. Horizontal control is carried out using a level.

    Checking the level

  6. To gain strength, we withstand the base for seven days. In summer, be sure to moisten with water.
  7. We insulate the bottom with fireclay bricks.
  8. We mark the inner contour of the future furnace at the bottom. In a clockwise direction, we begin to arrange the bricks along the contour. Lay out in 2 rows of ½ bricks. To make the design look neat, we will make wooden pattern. In the bottom row we leave an opening for the blower.

    We start laying

    We leave a place for a blower and an ash pan

    We put the grate

    Don't forget to check the level.

  9. We are waiting for the structure to dry (the site recommends waiting at least a day).
  10. Outside, we insulate the inner contour in 2 layers. As a heater, basalt wool is suitable.
  11. We mark and lay out the outer contour. The top row is carefully coated with clay. Verticality is controlled using a template. We adjust the brick to the template, cutting off the end with a grinder.

    Laying out the outer contour

    End of work

  12. You can weld a fixture for attaching skewers.

Brick tandoor on a mobile platform

In general, a great choice would be mobile tandoor on the mobile platform.


  • lighter and more compact version;
  • easy to move;
  • does not require a foundation device;
  • does not require large material costs.

Improvised means are used as a mobile platform. The old wheel frame from the trolley is quite suitable.

Materials and calculations

We will need:

  • fireclay brick;

a) inner contour

a \u003d p * D \u003d 3.14 * 0.8 m (according to external measurement) \u003d 2.5 m

V1 brick \u003d a * h * b \u003d 2.5 * 1 m (with wall h \u003d 1000 mm) * 0.115 (masonry thickness) \u003d 0.3 m 3

b) outer contour

a \u003d p * D \u003d 3.14 * 1.23 m (according to external measurement) \u003d 3.9 m

V2 bricks \u003d a * h * b \u003d 3.9 * 1 m (with wall h \u003d 1000 mm) * 0.115 (masonry thickness) \u003d 0.5 m 3

c) bottom

S \u003d a * b \u003d 1.3 * 1.3 * 0.075 \u003d 0.78 m 2

V3 bricks \u003d a * h * b \u003d 1.3 * 1.3 * 0.075 \u003d 0.1 m 3

V brick total \u003d V1 + V2 + V3 \u003d 0.3 + 0.5 + 0.1 \u003d 0.9 m 3

Taking into account losses, we accept brick consumption - 400 pcs. per 1 m 3. Hence 400 pcs. * 0.9 m 3 \u003d 360 bricks.

  • basalt wool;

S \u003d p * D * h walls \u003d 3.14 * 0.8 m (outside the inner contour) * 1 (with wall h \u003d 1000 mm) \u003d 2.5 m 2, rounded up to 3 m 2.

  • ready-made refractory mixture for masonry;

We accept a consumption of 470 kg per 1 m 3 of masonry, from here


  • decorative stone for outdoor decoration;

S \u003d p * D * h walls \u003d 3.14 * 1.23 m (outside the inner contour) * 1 (with wall h \u003d 1000 mm) \u003d 3.86 m 2, rounded up to 4 m 2.

  • different auxiliary material - we will include here cutting wheels for a small "grinder", grinding wheel for concrete, rags, etc..


The list of tools is standard:

  • "Bulgarian";
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • wooden mallet;
  • pliers, etc.;
  • grinder.

Stages of work

Briefly consider the stages of work:

  • preparation of a mobile platform;
  • contour marking, sleeve installation;
  • laying of the internal contour;
  • pug;
  • drying;
  • warming;
  • masonry of the outer contour;
  • drying;
  • hatch installation;
  • decorative trim;
  • burning.

Step-by-step instruction

The schematic diagram of the device is similar to a large stationary stove.

However, there are the following differences:

  • instead of a foundation - a wheelbase from a cart;
  • thinner walls;
  • the design is smaller and lighter;

How to make a mobile brick tandoor?

The procedure should be like this:

  1. On the mobile platform we fix a square or rectangular asbestos sheet, 10 mm thick. Size 1300x1300 (1400) mm.
  2. We lay out a continuous row of refractory bricks on a sheet. It will serve as the bottom. and prevent heat loss.
  3. We lay out the second row, leaving room for the blower.
  4. As a metal clip, we use a piece of pipe Ø 820 mm. Length - 900 mm.
  5. We mark the order and prepare the first row of bricks. We process them grinding machine to get a circle of the desired diameter.
  6. We are building. First lay the bricks dry. Then put on the solution.
  7. So we lay out 4 rows.
  8. We close the tandoor with special circles for stoves (sold ready-made).
  9. We wrap the tandoor outside with basalt wool in 2 layers, before salt was enough.
  10. We lay out the outer contour of refractory bricks.
  11. During laying, we coat the tandoor with clay inside and out.
  12. Wrapping the structure reinforcing mesh from wire, 2-3 mm thick.
  13. We carry out external facing with a decorative stone.
  14. Dry and burn.
  15. You can start cooking fragrant barbecue or meat.

Mobile brick tandoor

Homemade earthen brick tandoor

The classic earthen tandoor is simply a hole dug in the ground about 35 cm deep and 45 cm in diameter. Later they began to use ready-made forms in the form of eggs, which were buried in the ground. This design provides a high heat capacity.

The advantages of such a furnace are obvious:

  • simplicity and space saving;
  • does not require the construction of an above-ground structure;
  • saving materials;
  • does not require external finishing;
  • the construction is strong enough.


  • need additional holes for air exchange;
  • not suitable for a large campaign;

Materials and calculations

We will need:

  • fireclay brick;

a) inner contour

a \u003d p * D \u003d 3.14 * 0.73 m (according to external measurement) \u003d 2.29 m

V1 brick \u003d a * h * b \u003d 2.29 * 0.375 m (with wall h \u003d 1000 mm) * 0.115 (masonry thickness) \u003d 0.1 m 3

b) bottom

S \u003d p * R 2 \u003d 3.14 * 0.37 * 0.37 \u003d 0.43 m 2

V2 bricks \u003d a * h * b \u003d 0.43 * 0.075 (brick thickness) \u003d 0.03 m 3

V brick total \u003d V1 + V2 \u003d 0.1 + 0.03 \u003d 0.13 m 3

Taking into account losses, we accept brick consumption - 400 pcs. per 1 m 3. Hence 400 pcs. * 0.13 m 3 \u003d 52 bricks.

  • basalt wool;

S \u003d p * D * h walls \u003d 3.14 * 0.73 m (outside the inner contour) * 0.375 (h walls) \u003d 0.9 m 2, rounded up to 1 m 2.

  • ready-made refractory mixture for masonry;

We accept a consumption of 470 kg per 1 m 3 of masonry, from here


  • various auxiliary material - we include here cutting wheels for a small "grinder", a grinding wheel for concrete, rags, etc .;
  • steel pipe.


Standard list:

  • "Bulgarian";
  • shovel "bayonet";
  • shovel "scoop";
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • wooden mallet;
  • pliers, etc.;
  • grinder.

Stages of work

  • excavation;
  • lay out the bottom of the tandoor;
  • exhaust pipe installation, organization of air supply;
  • masonry walls of the tandoor made of bricks;
  • dome manufacturing;
  • installation of the dome and hatch;
  • insulation of the structure with expanded clay.


The photo shows a schematic diagram of an earthen tandoor device:

Brick earthen tandoor device

The furnace in the ground can be located vertically or horizontally. A ready-made clay mold is used, which is lined with fireclay bricks on the outside. A do-it-yourself brick tandoor will easily find its place in the country.

This drawing shows a diagram of the organization of air inflow and removal of combustion products:

Before the first use, it is necessary to carry out the firing procedure for at least 30 minutes.

This photo shows a ready-made earthen tandoor:

Earthen brick tandoor

Step-by-step instruction

The construction of an earthen tandoor is in many ways similar to the ground one. How to build an earthen brick tandoor with your own hands? Your actions should be like this:

In the ground, it is no more difficult to build a brick tandoor with your own hands than its ground-based counterparts.

Advantages and disadvantages

In total there are more than 30 types of this device for cooking. The content is different, but the principle of operation is the same for all. Food is cooked not from fire, but from the heat that the walls have accumulated.

A brick oriental miracle oven has its pros and cons.

  • does not require the use of expensive materials;
  • a properly folded stove will last for many years;
  • food processing at high temperature;
  • high heat transfer;
  • keeps the juiciness and useful qualities products;
  • due to the high efficiency, fuel is saved significantly;
  • low requirements for fuel quality;
  • easy maintenance;
  • can be made by hand.
  • the vertical arrangement of the barbecue is not familiar to a Russian person;
  • soot constantly forms on the walls during melting;
  • there is a risk of burns when removing cooked food;
  • the food is cooked in the same cauldron where the firewood burns.

We built a brick tandoor with our own hands according to drawings, photos and step by step instructions above. Here are some tips for use:

  1. Prepare the tandoor properly before use. Remove old coals and soot.
  2. Do not fill the entire available volume with firewood. The maximum load is 2/3.
  3. Lubricate the inside of the tandoor with sunflower oil.
  4. When the firewood burns out, evenly distribute the coals over the entire surface of the bottom.
  5. After cooking, the tandoor should cool down on its own, in natural conditions.


You can build a brick tandoor for cakes or barbecue with your own hands, following the step-by-step instructions above. First, decide what dishes you are going to cook and for how many people.

Advantage self-manufacturing tandoor are as follows:

  • you can use improvised materials
  • your friends will admire the dishes with which you can surprise them for a long time
  • loved ones will appreciate your efforts
  • it's just interesting to try your hand and make a brick tandoor with your own hands.

The disadvantages can only be attributed to the fact that tandoor romance has not really taken root in our country. Today it is rather exotic. Horizontal brazier and barbecue are more in demand. But, with an increase in the flow of emigrants from Central Asia, making a brick tandoor oven in the country with your own hands is gaining more and more popularity.

If you have a large family or a private business, your choice is great. stationary tandoor.

Mobile tandoor - useful for a small family, in the country. If there is not enough free space on the site, use a do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks in the ground.

In any case, your family and friends will be delighted with fragrant cakes and juicy shish kebab. You will be captured by the process of cooking vegetables. Asian miracle stove will become indispensable assistant. For original recipes for creating culinary masterpieces at home, see the video on the Internet.

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Tandoor oven - multifunction device. And most importantly, not only specialists can build it. Self-construction of the furnace is also possible.

What is a tandoor

  • The tandoor is a large clay cauldron, turned upside down, in the bottom of which there is a small hole.
  • Clay oven part outside lined with brick, and the space between the brick and the edge of the vessel is filled with clay, sand or salt. They help keep the heat in.
  • The design of this is such that in its lower part there should be a hole for blowing.

How it works

For such a stove, a small amount of fuel is enough - firewood or branches. In Asia, saxaul is most often used for kindling. It is placed on the bottom, set on fire and allowed to burn to coals. After the firewood has burned out, you can start baking bread or cooking.

During kindling, all the heat is absorbed by the walls - and the clay boiler, and a kind of layer, and brick wall. When heated, the oven begins to give off heat. This ensures a long-lasting, even temperature that contributes to excellent cooking, both roasting and simmering.

What is needed for the construction

In order to make such an oven, you will need:

  • bricks - refractory and facing;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • grate.

A real tandoor is made from slightly different materials, however, in modern conditions, the listed components are best suited for this.

Assembly technology

Initially, the type of tandoor is selected - ordinary (ground) or earthen, horizontal or vertical. The most common ovens are vertical.

Ground or earth type different.

The ground structure is built as follows:

Construction of a vertical tandoor photo:


Another option for building a tandoor is presented in the video:

The earthen tandoor is assembled as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a pit for the furnace, based on the fact that the height will be 1.2 m plus the foundation. The bottom, or foundation, is laid out of brick in one layer. An asbestos-cement pipe is brought to the prepared foundation, which is a kind of blowing. The edge of the pipe should be located among the bricks of the first row.
  2. From above, the masonry must be covered with clay. The tandoor is assembled in a similar way, except outer cladding brick. The soil will act as a lining here.

The walls of the furnace itself must be laid out of refractory bricks, with the bricks shifted inward to form an upper cone-shaped dome. Outside, the masonry should be coated with clay, and after it dries, the space between the soil and the walls should be carefully covered with clay and sand. The furnace must also be tempered with fire.

Construction of an earthen tandoor photo:

Tandoor - an oriental stove in the shape of a jug, which can successfully replace both the barbecue and the open-air oven. In the tandoor, you can cook a lot of oriental dishes: barbecue, pilaf, flat cakes and samsa, baked meat and fish.

Traditional tandoor originally from Central Asia, it was sculpted from refractory clay dried in the sun and annealed on saxaul wood. It is practically impossible to reproduce this technology in mid-latitude conditions: clay drying requires special conditions with low humidity and a certain light spectrum.

In a desert climate, such a regime is created without much difficulty on the street: the hot sun evaporates moisture, heats the clay up to 70 degrees, and the dust constantly contained in the air acts as a kind of filter for UV rays. As a result, the tandoor dries without the formation of internal stresses, and during annealing it remains intact even with a large wall thickness.

Clay that is dried normal conditions, quickly covered with a crust, remaining moist inside. As a result. when trying to burn. its internal moisture comes out sharply, forming cracks. That's why it is impossible to make a ceramic tandoor with your own hands in our latitudes, even in the presence of good fireclay clay.

That's why craftsmen , having decided to build a tandoor on the site with his own hands, pay attention to its closest relative - the Armenian tonir. He made of fireclay bricks and has thicker walls, which allows you to keep the heat longer. Of course, the tonir takes longer to warm up, but, unlike Central Asia, there is no shortage of firewood in the middle latitudes.

Folding a brick tandoor with your own hands is quite simple - the masonry technology is simple, and the materials necessary for it are available and sold in hardware stores. detailed instructions and photos are below.

You will learn what types of wood-burning stoves are and how to put them together with your own hands.
What are the benefits brick oven with a water circuit, as well as what design features it has, you can find out.
we tell you how to quickly make a smokehouse for cold smoking at home and camping.

Materials required for masonry

Unlike the usual brazier, the tandoor is a universal design, so you will need different materials to make it yourself.

  • Refractory fireclay bricks are required for the walls of the structure, its quantity depends on the size and thickness of the wall and ranges from 300 to 1200 pieces.
  • Masonry mortar can be prepared with your own hands based on clay and sifted sand, or you can buy a ready-made heat-resistant compound based on fireclay in a building supply store.
  • The finished oven is coated on the outside clay mortar, you can trim it natural stone or mosaic. If flat cakes or samsa are baked in the oven, coating with heat-resistant clay is also needed from the inside.
  • The foundation for the furnace is made of concrete reinforced with a bar.
  • One more necessary element- a blower, it can also be folded out of brick or made from cutting a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more.
  • You will also need wooden block and boards for making a template according to which masonry will be performed. Without a template, it is difficult to make an even circle and an upper vault.

How to fold: technology

The construction of a brick tandoor oven takes several weeks. Since the stove, like the barbecue, is placed outside, it is better to choose warm summer months for work, since work with masonry mortar is possible only at positive temperatures.


An important stage in the construction of a tandoor oven is the construction solid foundation. The foundation is necessary so that during seasonal soil movements there is no destruction of the masonry. It can be made from concrete slab, but more often the foundation is poured into the ground according to the size of the future furnace.

  1. First of all, markings are made on the selected site: they indicate the contours of the tandoor and, if desired, the platform for approaching it.
  2. Remove the sod from the designated area. If the soil is sandy, then it is enough to level it. In clay and loam, another 10-15 cm of soil is removed and the resulting trench is covered with sand. Spilled with water and rammed.
  3. In dry areas, you can make the foundation flush with the ground. If water stagnation is possible, it is better to raise it above the ground by 10-15 cm, for which a formwork is made of boards along the contour of the base.
  4. Reinforcement is laid from a bar with a diameter of 10-12 mm in the form of a lattice at a distance of 15-20 cm. The bar is knitted together with annealed wire.
  5. Fill the formwork with concrete, level the surface with a board and a level, and sprinkle the top with a thin layer of clean cement - this will make it more water resistant.
  6. Exactly in the center of the base, a recess is made under the tandoor - a template will be installed in it when laying.
  7. Leave to dry under the film, moisturizing in hot weather as the top layer dries. The curing time is at least two weeks, after which the construction of the tandoor can begin.

Template preparation

While the foundation of the furnace dries and gains strength, you can start preparing a template for laying. Since the brick is laid out in a circle, it will be difficult to maintain the same radius everywhere without a template.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to make calculations and drawings, since from correct execution the template will depend on the convenience of masonry. The main condition is that the distance between the levels of the template must correspond to the height of the brick row.

The tandoor is made of brick placed on a short edge. In this case, the height of the row will be 26 cm, taking into account the masonry seam. Thus, it is advisable to make the height of the straight part of the tandoor 2 rows or 52 cm, after which the narrowing of its arch begins, equal in height to two more rows. You can make a template from a bar and boards or from plywood.

It is necessary to maintain a right angle in its lower part so that the furnace walls turn out to be even along the entire circumference!

Tandoor masonry

You can lay out the tandoor with your own hands over the weekend, if you prepare everything in advance necessary materials and tool. Part of the brick to create the vault will need to be cut, so you need a grinder with a circle around the stone. Also for laying you need a trowel, a hammer with a rubber head and a level. You will need two containers: for kneading the clay mortar and for the water into which the bricks are dipped.

  • Knead a solution of clay, sand and water with the addition of salt - a tablespoon per bucket. The ratio of clay to sand depends on its fat content. Ready solution should roll into a ball and, when falling onto a hard surface from a height of 30-40 cm, flatten with the formation of small cracks, but not crumble. If there is too much clay in the mortar, the masonry joints will begin to crack when fired. You can also use a ready-made dry heat-resistant mixture for laying furnaces.
  • Expose the bricks of the first row according to the pattern to dry. They are placed on a narrow edge with the end to the center, so that the wall turns out to be half a brick. To create roundings, the inner radius must have a minimum clearance, the outer radius should be wider.

  • After the bricks are exposed and aligned, they are taken out one by one from the row, briefly dipped in cold water. clean water- the active release of bubbles should stop. After that, a mortar is applied to the brick from three sides - the bottom and side, and put it back in a row. This is done consistently with all the bricks in a row, checking them against the pattern.
  • The finished row is checked again and, if necessary, leveled. Clay mortar dries for a long time, so you can take your time and set the bricks with high quality. The seams from the outside are filled with mortar and embroidered - subsequently, when finishing, the mortar will hold better.

  • The second row repeats the first, and it is laid in the same way, but to increase its strength, it is made with dressing, shifting the brick by half. In the second row, a blower is made from a piece of pipe. To do this, two bricks in a row are cut in half, leaving a window under the pipe. Install a pipe - blower. Fix it with a solution.
  • In the third row, the formation of the tandoor arch begins. In order to give it a slope, lower part all bricks are slightly filed at an angle with a grinder. If you calculate the angle well, you won’t have to cut the next row.

  • The number of bricks in the third and fourth row is reduced due to the reduction in diameter. Therefore, the dressing in them will turn out to be incomplete, and the shift relative to the previous row is done by 1/3 of the brick.
  • After the masonry is completed, the oven is dried until the masonry mortar is completely dry. In hot weather, for uniform drying, you need to moisten the masonry or cover it with a film.

Finishing and kiln firing

The tandoor, made by hand from one row of fireclay bricks, although it has good heat capacity, is additionally coated with clay mortar from the outside to improve this characteristic, and if it is planned to bake pita bread or cakes on its walls, then from the inside.

For decoration use the usual masonry mortar , but kneaded to a thick state, resembling plasticine in consistency. For plasticity, table salt is added to it.

Before coating brickwork moisturize spraying from a spray bottle. The solution is applied with a layer not exceeding 1 cm, a thicker layer may crack when firing the stove. The neck is also coated with rounding. To give the stove a decorative effect, you can lay it out on the outside with mosaics or natural stone, as in the photo.

Drying the finished tandoor is done in the same way as after laying, for at least two weeks. After the initial drying, the finished stove is heated, first with paper, dry wood shavings or wood chips, adding fuel in small portions until the walls are moderately heated. After each furnace, it is cooled, and the next day it is heated again. So the oven is dried for two weeks.

Roasting is carried out after the initial heating. Hardwood firewood is prepared for firing, which burns out with the formation of a large amount of coal. It is advisable to use apple, cherry or other fruit trees- they smolder longer than they burn, without scattering into ashes.

The first batch of firewood is laid - a quarter of the height of the furnace, set on fire and waiting for the formation of coals, after which the next is added - this is how the tandoor is filled with coals by about 2/3. After the disappearance of the flames and the formation of a large mass of smoldering coals, cover the tandoor with a lid and leave to cool completely.

The resulting ash is taken out of it, the inner walls are swept with a soft brush - and the tandoor is ready for use as a barbecue or.

When firing a tandoor, you need to be careful and take fire precautions, as the temperature in the furnace can be very high!


The dishes prepared in the tandoor have a juicy and rich taste. Moreover, you can cook several dishes at once in it. To facilitate their placement in the tandoor, it can be equipped with various devices.

Unlike the brazier, in the tandoor, shish kebab and kebab are fried not horizontally, but vertically. At the same time, the juice does not flow onto the coals, but onto the lower pieces, soaking the meat and making it tender and juicy. To conveniently and securely fix the skewers, you can put a rod on the neck, on which the skewer is put on by the rings. But it is more convenient to make a special lid with slots and a hole for the cauldron. It is made of sheet iron according to the size of the neck, as shown in the photo.

To cook pilaf, stew, fish or vegetables in a cauldron, and at the same time remove smoke from the oven, holes can be provided in the lid.

Tandoor can be used not only as a barbecue, but also as an oven for languishing dishes. It makes excellent daily cabbage soup, vegetable stew, stew. In order to place a pot or cast iron inside the tandoor, and then it is easy to get it out, you can make a grate on the brackets, as in the photo.

Tandoor made of bricks suburban area will replace, and an oven for pita bread. Do-it-yourself installation will not take much time and will allow you to enjoy amazing and fragrant oriental dishes with family and friends.