DIY foldable wall ironing board. DIY ironing board: construction technology Ideal DIY ironing board

Ironing is not fun. Of course, today you don't have to pour hot coals into a cast iron iron, but try even the most modern device steam out the creases on the linen skirt! This jewelry operation is best done using a device such as a DIY ironing board.

Everyone knows how much easier any task is a well-organized workplace... But prices for good board for ironing start at one and a half thousand rubles and go to infinity. A convenient thing, no one argues, but it's still a pity for money. Especially when you see that the design is nothing complicated, and it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Preparatory stage

Ironing board requirements

  • A quality product should be lightweight but durable. But if such a result cannot be achieved, it is better to sacrifice lightness than strength. If the board staggers on thin legs, bends and cracks under the weight of the iron, then it's better to continue ironing on the kitchen table.
  • The very plane of the board should be sufficient in area. Otherwise, it will take longer to tuck and pull the laundry than ironing itself.
  • If the board is not upholstered correctly, an additional blanket or thick material has to be laid on it. To avoid unnecessary worries, the plane is covered with a dense fabric with a soft backing.

Tools for the job

  • The jigsaw is electric.
  • Manual milling machine.
  • Drill, pin drill ∅ 25 mm, drill ∅ 8 mm.
  • Drilling stand.
  • Stapler.

The choice of material for work

A stocked master does not run after every plank into construction goods. He will always have remnants of timber and furniture boards near the wall in the garage. And we don't need anything else. We stop our choice on a board 18 mm thick and a planed beam for the legs. Plywood is not good - under the influence of steam and water, this multi-layer slab will very soon bend with a propeller.

Product detail:

  • Ironing board with dimensions 18x1220x300 mm.
  • Bars 35x40x1100 mm - 3 pcs.
  • Bars 35x40x300 mm - 2 pcs.

From the fasteners you will need screws, M10 bolts. To upholster the board, you need to prepare a piece of fabric and a strip of foam rubber. Foam rubber can be replaced with armotex covering geotextile fabric folded in four. It is better to use a special fabric - non-stick, waterproof. But thick cotton is also fine.

Cutting lumber and assembling the ironing board

We transfer the dimensions of the board to a piece of furniture board. We cut out the workpiece using a jigsaw. Solving the problem of how to make an ironing board with your own hands convenient for work, with the same tool we cut out one side of the lid in a semicircle. With a router, we round off the edges of both sides of the workpiece.

The edges of all five bars are rounded off with a fillet cutter with a small diameter. We mark the holes on long bars: we retreat 580 mm from one edge of the 1100-mm workpiece, 520 from the other. Drill ∅ 8 mm sockets at the marked point.

We make selections in two long bars with a cork drill. This will allow the M10 bolt heads to be sunk into the wood. We insert a bolt with a washer into the socket. Turn the middle support bar 180 degrees.

We drill through holes for bolts in small workpieces, stepping back from the edge of the bar 30 mm. From one edge we select the nests for the bolts.

We retreat from the edges by 20 mm, make through holes with a drill ∅ 8 mm. We select the recesses for the bolts in the legs.

Listening to the advice of the masters on how to make an ironing board, we round off the upper ends of the legs with a cutter and twist them with small workpieces using bolts.

We retreat from the straight side of the board 180 mm. To be sure, you can draw a centerline along the board. We put the resulting subassembly along the centerline and screw it to the lid with screws. We screw the supports to the transverse legs, which simultaneously act as stiffeners for the folding structure.

We mark a recess on the board for fixing the middle leg. The height of the product depends on the location of this stop. If this indicator is not so important, we make the angle between the legs 90 degrees. We select the nest with a milling machine.

We cut out a lock on the middle leg for secure attachment to the lid.

We check the horizontal line of the laid out board. If there are any irregularities, adjust the height of the legs. Height finished structure should be 740-780 mm.

Ironing board upholstery

We cut out a strip with dimensions of 400x1500 mm from a dense material. If geotextile is taken for the substrate, we fold it in four and put it on the board. Cover the top with a cloth and iron it (you cannot iron the armotex directly). We turn the board over and shoot the material around the perimeter with a stapler. We cut off the excess.

The ironing board is ready. This simple construction will make the life of the hostess much easier. Say what you like, but you have to iron on the little things almost every day - either trousers, then a shirt, or a handkerchief. Now such operations will take place quickly, cheerfully, without maxims about the club-handedness of today's men. These are the miracles available to the home master!

Currently, the so-called hand-made is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not just a tribute to fashion (as a type - now it is in trend). This is also a significant savings in the family budget and the opportunity to create an exclusive thing for yourself or your loved ones with your own hands.

To make the ironing board ourselves, we will need the following materials:

  1. Chipboard 18 mm, you can choose the color at your discretion. Size 1250 * 350 mm.
  2. Bars - 35 * 40 mm - 3 pcs. Length - 1100 mm.
  3. Bars - 35 * 40 mm - 2 pcs. Length - 300 mm.

Tip: Do not choose plywood as the material for the ironing board, as ironing involves a temperature drop, and this material can change its shape.

The tools we need:

  1. Electric stapler;
  2. Fraser;
  3. Drills 25 mm and 8 mm for working with wood;
  4. Drill;
  5. Screws;
  6. Bolts + washers;
  7. For covering the top: fabric.

So, let's get to work:

It is necessary to make one edge of the ironing board with a radius cutter.

Drill 8 mm holes for the bars. It is necessary to move about 30 mm from the middle of the bar to the edge. The edges should have intermediate distances of about 570 mm and 515 mm.

Make a countersink of two holes for the bolt heads using a 25 mm drill bit. It is very important to sweep the ironing board. However, only on one side, and the dimensions of the wooden blocks are necessary for a suitable length.

The next step is to drill a through hole for the bolts on several small blocks, about 300 mm long. The bolt hole is no more than 8mm. A prerequisite at this stage is an indent from the edges of the chipboard of about 30 mm before the holes are bleached. In this case, it is imperative to make a sweep under the bolt heads.

We proceed to the next stage of creating an ironing board. It is necessary to indent from the edge of the chipboard - about 20 mm in length. Make a hole through the diameter of 8 mm for the ironing board legs. At the same time, do not forget to make sure to make sweat for bolts and screws. Next, you need to make the edges of the legs (those that are adjacent to the top of the board) more rounded. Then attach them with small blocks using bolts. This stage of creating an ironing board is completed - there are support elements for the board.

We are moving forward to one more stage of creation - and quite important at that. Place the bonded ironing board base in relation to the center line. In doing so, you must remember to indent. When creating a specific ironing board, the indent is no more than 171 mm from the edge of the chipboard. Next, you can fasten the base to the top with screws.

It is necessary to install structures for support to the legs. These supports also act as stiffeners.

In the next step, it is necessary to adjust the height of the future ironing board. You need to set the height so that it is convenient for everyone to iron behind it. The height is adjusted with the support recess. For this, a milling cutter is used.

Then, on the leg located in the middle, you need to install a lock. It is also necessary to adjust so that the board is in a strictly horizontal position, without any inclinations. Height finished board should be within 800 mm.

It is necessary to cover the top of the board with upholstery. The used fabric should have parameters - about 151 * 401 mm with small indents at the edges, as a spare. Place synthetic fabric under the bottom of the fabric. Further, the fabric base is turned over and nailed from below with an electric stapler to the chipboard. The fasteners must be made starting from the side parts. If some edges are superfluous, then they are carefully cut off with scissors.

After all stages of production, the ironing board is ready for use. This gives you a hand-made ironing board. You can always add your own design to the design and the manufacturing technology can be changed for yourself. This option can serve as a basis for you. At the same time, you save on purchases.

V typical apartments extremely few free space, and it is inconvenient to store ironing boards. They either need to be laid out each time, or left in place, thereby giving up a lot of useful space.

However, it is quite easy to avoid this nuisance - use the built-in ironing boards.

The stores offer many different options for such goods, which are able to "fit" into any interior and design.

Ease of use and a minimum of occupied space.

There are four main types of built-in ironing boards:

Each type has its own characteristics, its pros and cons. However, the most popular type is built-in ironing board in the closet ... It is easy to use, looks harmonious in the interior, has many shelves, and is easy to fold.

This type of ironing board is in demand among those who want to save space in the apartment.

Arrangement of an ironing board in the closet

Since the ironing board has to be folded, it looks rather complicated. Typically, a design consists of three parts:

The support is fixed on back wall cabinet. At the same time, they try to do this as firmly and reliably as possible, because the entire load during ironing will fall on it.

The wall of the cabinet should be thick so that the fastener is not accidentally ripped out by the roots.

The mechanisms are very different: from a simple support to the most complex adjustable mechanism. However, despite all the complexity, they must be durable, made of high-quality metal, otherwise the structure will be short-lived.

If you decide to make a retractable ironing board yourself, then you need to take into account that its resistance to loads is directly proportional to the quality of the guides.

The ironing surface itself is no different from that on a regular ironing board. It can be made of wood or metal. Choose what you like best.

Retractable and folding boards are chosen by people who think rationally and do not want to litter their living space with unnecessary elements of everyday life.

Types of built-in ironing boards

On the furniture market there are different variants goods, the main ones:

Folding are the usual fixtures built into the cabinet. They have a fairly simple mechanism, they are convenient to use. We can say a classic version.

The small ironing board cabinet on the wall can also be functional and used to store essential supplies.

The pull-out board is hidden in the drawer of the cabinet. Occupies less space than folding. However, its mechanism is complex and not so strong, and therefore breaks down more often than other models.

You can't just see such a device, so the board does not spoil the design at all.

Hidden pull-out boards are usually covered with a mirror. It moves to the side, and a conventional folding board is located in the niche. In place of the mirror, other objects can also stand, for example, paintings or just a wall.

A mirror is the most common option.

Features of folding ironing boards in closet

The advantages for which buyers appreciate this product:

  • Convenient space saving;
  • Fast putting into working condition;
  • Ease of use;
  • Fitting into the design.

All residents of the house can freely move around the apartment, without fear of accidentally hitting a board, iron or linen.

Disadvantages of built-in ironing boards:

  • The complexity of the design, which leads to breakdowns;
  • Low-quality material from cheap models;
  • High price.

The high cost is fully justified by the ease of use.

How to choose the right built-in ironing board

  1. Reliability folding mechanism... The first thing to pay attention to. If it seems flimsy, of poor quality, made of light, fragile metal - refuse to buy. A built-in board like this won't last long.

    At the first great effort, the mechanism may break, and the product will become unusable.

  2. Support quality. If the support does not have reliable fastenings to the wall or to the drawer, the device may fall out of the cabinet.

    Therefore, take the choice of support very seriously.

  3. Construction weight. If the structure is heavy, the wall of the cabinet will not support the load. The wall must be of sufficient thickness so that the fasteners can safely hold in it.

    It can be either thick plywood or sturdy board.

  4. Availability of additional functions. Many manufacturers offer mirror-covered built-in boards, sockets, position adjustment. All this affects the price of the final product.

    Make sure you need these add-ons before purchasing.

  5. Stability of the structure. If the board built into the closet moves, wobbles, or stands unreliably, then there is a high probability of getting burned when ironing.

    If possible, lay out the board in the store and check its stability.

Some popular models

  • Iron Slim transformer board

It is an ironing board built into the wardrobe, covered with a mirror. It is designed in gray metallic colors. The design has a built-in socket.

The frame is made of durable steel, which resists the stress of ironing well.

  • Shelf On Iron Box Eco

Cabinet with built-in ironing board. Has two shelves in which you can put things. The door can either slide to the side or simply open. The support is made of steel, the structure is reliable and stable.

Has a built-in socket.

  • ASKO HI115T

Installed in a cabinet drawer. Saves usable space... The structure is made of alloy steel. Particularly noteworthy is the mechanism along which the load is evenly distributed.

The mechanism is resistant to the effects of ironing.

An ironing board built into the closet saves valuable space in the apartment. The most popular types are folding and sliding boards.

When buying, pay attention to the quality of the product so that the structure can withstand the load of ironing.

VIDEO: Built-in ironing board.

Built-in ironing board in the interior. 50 photo ideas:

A detailed guide on how to make an ironing board with your own hands will help you find an approach to your spouse so that you always have ironed things.

What should be the ironing board

  1. Lightweight and durable. If lightness doesn't provide strength, sacrifice it for safety. It is better to pump up the muscles by folding and unfolding the board than a burn or injury from the fact that the board fell apart from the pressure of the iron.
  2. The length of the plane on which things are ironed should be such that large size clothes fit on it. Otherwise, you will no longer get tired of the process, but from the constant twisting and turning of the linen.
  3. The board must be properly fitted. Otherwise, ironing will be inconvenient and you will have to underlay something. Therefore, cover the surface with a dense material, under which you need to lay a soft backing.

What tools and materials will be needed to make an ironing board with your own hands

  • Jigsaw
  • Milling machine
  • Drill and drills (cork with a diameter of 2.5 cm and for wood with a diameter of 8 mm)
  • Stapler
  • Furniture board 18 mm thick
  • Planed timber (you will make legs from it)

Do not make your ironing board out of plywood because it deforms when exposed to temperature extremes.

  • Screws - the more the better
  • M10 bolts - the number of the same recommendations as for screws
  • Foam rubber or geotextile - underlay for upholstery
  • Upholstery fabric - must be non-stick and waterproof.

If you don't find one, cotton will do.

How to make a DIY ironing board

  1. Determine the dimensions first. For our example, we chose the following:
  • ironing surface - 122x30 cm
  • 3 bars measuring 3.5x4x110 cm
  • 2 bars measuring 3.5x4x30 cm

You will choose your size based on the height and storage location of the ironing board.

If you made a mistake with the size, then cut off the excess.

And this is what should be the result.

The history of the ironing board is only slightly more than a century and a half. Various options versions of this accessory have one common drawback - they require space for their storage. We bring to your attention a description of the technology for making an ironing board with your own hands, which will not occupy a corner in your utility room and periodically fall from there while searching for other items. It is about the version of this product built into the wall space.

Niche making

We begin the independent production of the board by preparing a niche in the wall for storing it. V frame house for these purposes, it is enough just to remove inner lining walls and limit the space of the future cavity with suitable materials.

It should be sized so that the ironing board can be freely positioned. The lower limiter for the space of the niche should be located at a distance of about 80 cm from the floor, which will allow the board to be installed at a convenient working height.

Performing similar work in houses with brick, block or wooden walls requires much more effort.

Making an ironing board

We start making the board itself with a choice suitable material for its foundation. To do this, you can use moisture-resistant or construction plywood with a thickness of at least 12-14 mm, chipboard or furniture board from any wood. The size of the workpiece should allow making a board about 40 cm wide and 120-130 cm long.

Having picked up suitable option, proceeding to the marking of the product. For these purposes, you can use a metal ruler with a length of at least a meter, as well as a flat, planed rail of the same length. If desired, you can pre-make a template from thick packaging cardboard, or carry out all the marking of the base of the board directly on the material.

To give the ironing board a neater appearance, the leading edge is made with a radial curvature of a small radius. To mark it, you can use a traditional drawing compass, or take suitable cylindrical objects - a roll of adhesive tape, a jar, a saucer, etc.

Having finished with the markup, we proceed to cutting the workpiece. It is convenient to make curved cuts with a jigsaw, straight cuts - circular saw with a disc equipped with small teeth.

The resulting edge and both planes of the workpiece must be carefully sanded. You can, of course, perform this operation manually by attaching a piece of skin with small nails to a wooden block, but it is better to use an electric grinder - disk, belt or vibration.

Due to the significant dust formation, these works are best done outdoors or in a small workshop equipped with an extractor hood.

Fastening the board in working position

Fixation of the built-in board in the working position can be carried out in several ways. The first, the simplest, is to equip a flat table with an additional folding support, which is not difficult to make of 10 mm thick plywood.

Attach it to the base of the board using a piano hinge or other hinge. In this case, the support will easily recline when installing the device and just as easily hide in a niche in a folded (non-working) position.

We offer a simpler, but no less reliable option. To support the board in the place of its attachment to the niche, fix two bars at least 40 mm thick and 70 mm wide. The edges of the bars must be sawn off perpendicularly.

For ease of fastening, pre-drill two in the supports through holes, the diameter of which will allow the self-tapping screws used for the connection to freely pass through them. If you can't find the screws optimal length equal to the sum of the thickness of the material of the board and the bars, use longer fasteners. Cut off the excess protruding on the working side with a grinder and carefully grind the cut site. Temporarily connect the ironing board and the support bar with the hinges before marking the bar attachment points. This will allow you not to be mistaken with the location of the supports. (see fig.)

In the future, to ensure maximum strength fasteners, the inner part of the bars before installation, grease with wood glue.

Ironing board cover

The next step is finishing the ironing board. To optimize the ironing process, we recommend upholstery work surface dense natural fabric... You can use a bath towel or woolen blanket to do this. Fastening the underlay must be done after installing the hinge hinges used to secure the board to the base.

The optimal tool for this operation is furniture stapler... It easily drives steel staples into almost any wood material.

After attaching the backing, carefully cut off any excess material with scissors. Try to leave an allowance of at least 5 mm. If the stapler does not finish off the staples slightly, you can additionally finish them off with a hammer.

Having secured the substrate, go to final finishing boards with a cloth. Select a material for these purposes based on natural materials resistant to high temperatures.