Real and virtual world. Virtual or real life, which is better

To begin with, it should be understood, why do we generally live, why does a person live? And when we answer this question, then we will return to the fact that life is in virtual world And what is her danger.

What is the sense of life?

In self-realization. And B. spiritual self-realization, primarily. In spiritual growth. This body lives one life, the soul lives forever and grows with every life. A person living in accordance with the laws of the soul and nature is the perfect creation of nature. He is capable of everything. He is able to influence this world, to do it better. Both for yourself and for everyone else.

And first of all, we must find yourself, your way and follow him without fear and with a raised head.

As it comes in the famous song: "So that you are not lost on Earth, try not to lose yourself."

Each of us has their own way and their own goal. If we find this way, we can achieve a lot and make a lot of all good, and maybe even something great who knows.

To do this, we must start these searches, realize our spiritual nature and find harmony and happiness inside yourself. Then there will be an understanding of the way, confidence will come in yourself, then you can discover the present that is capable of everything. Because you will be on your way, which is the best for you in this life. No one better for this mission.

This will help such spiritual practiceslike: yoga, pranayama, prayer, thoughts alone.

To pass your way only a little. Why?

First, because we are lazy. Our soul is hard to fight this body, who wants only to eat and do nothing. But it is necessary to do it, otherwise life will pass in vain.

Secondly, in modern world There is very a large number of distractshinder our development and movement factors. Not only, we are simply hard to cope with themselves, so today it is to do ten times harder than dozens of years ago.

Games. Computer games. Life in the virtual world. The world where nothing needs to be done, and you are already a hero, you whatever you dreamed of becoming. You are there, in virtuality, it has already become. Do not do anything. There is easy.

Market computer games Today is so diverse that it will be able to satisfy any needs. He is always ready to take guard of your laziness. He is her ally and patron.

It is only worth sitting at the computer and turn on the game, it is almost impossible to get up. One tired, turn on the other, third. How much. This is the danger of computer games. On human laziness make billions of dollars. Therefore, do not worry, you always find how to do nothingYes, and pay for it.

Games can play the role just a small rest after a hard week. After all, everyone rests in its own way. But look at your life? You are happy? This is what you dreamed of ten years ago? Have you achieved goals?

If not, do you do it now? You may go to them with all my might, really tired and want to relax a little. Then nothing nibbles from the inside, you know where all your strength is going and apply it.

But if the games occupy all your free time when you find days, weeks and years on them, and you just scored on the embodiment of your dreams. You are in trouble.

Life in the virtual world. What it is?

This is a tool to distract a person from the real world.

One way or another, most likely you are working somewhere in one of the organizations of the country. The state suits everything: there is a person, it works, pays tax, it produces something. Why, so that you think about something else about something, they wanted something, suddenly you think something bad. Came from work, sit at home at the computer and live in the virtual world. Only in the morning do not forget to come to work again, let it with a sad and unhappy person, most importantly, to come.

Virtual world - brain shutdown tool.

Life in the virtual world is a thoughtless life. Thinking man is also extra. Work and do not interfere. And after the operation of the game and the Internet.

This is a tool not only to distract from yourself and its true nature.

From God. The man is a spiritual being, and if he can realize it and engage in its spiritual development, then, never exaggerating that such a person will be able to all. But it needs a lot of time and effort. Running them on virtual games, nothing will remain for you. You deprive yourself of life.

As a result. If virtual games are not your professional activity, exclude them from your life. Then you have a chance to find yourself and self-realize. Otherwise, do not scold fate and do not ask yourself "?"


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it spiritual development, meditation, spiritual practices, articles and reflections on love, good inside us. Vegetarianism, again in unison with the spiritual component. The goal is to make life more conscious and, as a result, happy.

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Life in the virtual world or about dependence on social networks. Internet and social networks firmly entered our lives. Possessing undoubted advantages, such as the ability to receive a large amount of information, find your friends and communicate with people around the world, social networks make in themselves and hidden danger. Having become increasingly popular, they attract a huge number of people every day, many of whom today cannot submit to no day of their lives without viewing the news feed, reading messages, view photos, visits to your account or pages of other users.

Excessive attraction to the time of time on social networks, the attractiveness of communication with virtual friends and the lives of online led to the emergence of a state that modern psychology calls the concept of "dependence on social networks". Is this dependence dangerous, how does it appear and can I handle it? About this will be discussed in this article.

Why are social networks so attractive?

In my opinion, one of the main advantages that is in social networks is some chance, i.e. The possibility of anonymously communicating with people, "crowding" in someone else's life, the opportunity to manifest itself, not at risking - to insult people, "troll" or, for example, confess in love. Social networks are just a find for shy, shy and unsure of themselves who are very difficult to manifest themselves in real life. Hiding behind a beautiful, often someone else's photo, such people surround themselves with numerous "friends", which ignites the virtual communication of the shortage in their lives of communicating real, living.

Social networks also provide great opportunities for self-realization - you can be anything, create yourself any image, even the floor to change if I really want. Through social networks can only be shown positive traits, embellish your life beyond recognition: upload photos missed through filters, make a different interesting posts about yourself. And immediately your ribbon becomes bright, attractive for other people, you create many reasons for envy. Your photos are evaluated, your posts are discussing, you get a lot of attention and illusion of seen by others, because social networks are built with a support for your imagination game!

Estimated Portrait of a Man Living Virtual Life

Very often, dependence on social networks acquire people suffering from loneliness in real life. They have few friends, they have difficulty with establishing contacts and establishing communication. Such people can have an understated self-esteem, the lack of faith in themselves and their attractiveness for others. A very large number of these are teenagers who happens very difficult to find mutual language with peers. Also depending on social networks, young mothers sitting on the Internet all their free time are exposed. It is almost impossible to notice the face that shares the passion for social networks. You understand that they are dependent when you can no longer do without checking messages or scroll through the news feed.

Typology of people dependent on social networks

Reflecting on people living virtual life, I want to stay on three types:

- Passive type: You constantly watch the life of other people, see their news and photos: perhaps, nothing interesting happens in your life, for you she is boring and unattractive, you are not very satisfied with it. Or, on the contrary, you want to abstract from real life, it is unbearable for you, there is a lot of discomfort: uninteresting work, family difficulties, problems with parents, spouse or children.

- Active type: You yourself are putting your life at the bottom, it is hourly sending our photos to social networks and making different posts: perhaps you lack approval from loved ones, their support and praise into something. And then you strive to fill this lack of virtual life. Perhaps you carefully hide your loneliness, anxiety, your own discomfort from real life, so much inserting into creating an image on the Internet.

- Mixed Type: You spend a lot of time on the pages of other users, while also many invest in your own account: You may have a narcissistic person who distinguishes pronounced competition. It is important for you to be in sight, to be noticed, while you do not suffer the defeat, the feeling is intolerable for you when you are inferior to something else. The constant process of comparing itself with others is not amenable to conscious control, it occurs at an unconscious level.

What does dependence on social networks lead to?

A person spent on social networks a large amount of time, often does not think about possible consequences His "Hobbies". I will describe only some of them, which for me as for a psychologist is especially significant with whom I had to face, working with people dependent on social networks:

People replace the real life on screen. Virtual communication delays a person so much that he sacrifices his work, family relationships or friends, emotionally removes them, wanting to stay as long as possible in the fictional virtual world.

View other people's accounts, photos, a constant comparison of yourself with other people, often not in their favor, causes a lot of tension, envy and depression.

A person does not notice his life, does not give her values \u200b\u200band importance, fond of bright colors, which for him is filled with the lives of other people. Against this background, its own life seems to him gray and inexpressive. The mood is spoiled from contemplating someone else's happiness and awareness of his boring, unhappy life.

The illusion of the fullness of life allows a person to not notice the feelings of loneliness, replacing the reality of his life in the fictional world.

The time spent on social networks is often felt as asthudible. Other people have something constantly happening, they walk, go shopping, in a cafe or cinema. And you sit at home and your life is empty. You can not even find the strength in yourself to make any scheduled business or spend time with benefit. Such arguments instill in a person even more confidence in their own worthlessness and weakness.

How to return to real life?

So is it possible to get rid of this dependence? I think yes, it is definitely possible. And the most important thing here, in my opinion, is to be able to pay attention to your real life, do not be afraid to meet face to face with possible difficulties. And also want to fill your life with real sensations and feelings. Here are some more simple recommendationsthat will die for everyone:

* Disconnect the alerts on the phone. Permanent sound messages pull you out of life, distracting from events taking place in it. I know in my own that it is not possible to finish some matter without checking what the message came to the phone or tablet.

* More often "Forget" phone home, for example, going for a walk with family or friends. For 1-2 hours, nothing supernatural will happen, but you will not distract anything from the world around you.

* Gradually limit the time spent in social networks. Do not do it sharply, cut the time for 15-20 minutes per day. Ideally, it is better to allocate a special time visiting social networks. For example, only the morning and evening hours, for 10-15 minutes to answer messages, view a news feed or read an interesting article.

* Hobbies - Find yourself a passion in real world: Drawing, reading, sport. All that is fascinated and brings a lot of pleasure and positive emotions!

* If you do not manage to cope with the dependence on social networks, contact your psychologist for help and support. Together, you will definitely be able to find a way to return to real life!

In the world of high technology breakthrough, the Internet has become publicly available. The world information network is almost in every home, small organizations and large companies Also dressed up Internet web. And I will not be surprised if, after 5-10 years, no elementary knowledge of the PC, a person will not be able to find a job even by the usual handyman. It turns out to fill its questionnaire and pass an interview with the employer, you will have to go through an easy procedure. To come to the recruitment center, equipped with the latest peer of technology and sit in front of the monitor. Then choose the desired entry section, enter your data, respond to the proposed questions of an inanimate psychologist and immediately get the result - accepted or not. Many will say: "What's the difficult here? You can teach similar manipulations and a monkey! And so much more convenient - the presence is minimized personnel staff, time saving, high accuracy According to the selection of workers with the necessary qualities. So there is nothing global. On the contrary, it is very convenient. " I fully agree that so much easier and easier. And perhaps I will show you a Hangehog, but I don't leave the thought: "But what about contact? Personal contact with man? After all, we are not soulless cars? "

The human body is designed so that for the relationship and the establishment of contact is not enough just to know its possible abilities. In communication should play main role Feeling authorities: touch, smell, vision, rumor. Note, people in real life began to communicate less, more on social networks behind computers. In the virtual world there are acquaintances, lovely conversations for the glow monitors, even meetings and dates are committed, without leaving home. And no matter how paradoxically sounded it, but people, never seeing each other outside the Internet world, fall in love and after long-term dates in Skype, take a mutual decision on the creation of a family cell of society. Special changes in their lives will not happen: some of them will transport their computer to the second half or together will move to a removable apartment, taking a miracle machinery with him. Everything else, no change: games, movies, internet communication. All life online or offline.

So what happens to us? Why is it closer to the soulless car, stuffed with fees, which can quickly solve problems showing beautiful pictures and preventing you need, information? Why are bogged down in the virtual world? What about? We are children of nature, the universe has created us for direct and close contact. So why do you agree so easily and selflessly agree on artificial insulation? Here, for example, remember when you last went barefoot on the grass or inhaled on the full chest of the air of the spring forest and did you get real pleasure and pleasure? Or, in the end, when just admired sunset or stars in the night sky? I assume that many will not be able to give a specific and convincing answer to this question. And only for the simple reason that they do not remember this, forgot, because everything was so long ago. Agree, sad fact?

I do not urge you to give up the charms that gives us the Internet. After all, it is invented, like a car, microwave, washer Machine for our comfort and convenience, to save time and resources. This is an integral part of our civilized life, which should not fill out all our temporary space. Each sensible person should understand it. And if you wish, just find a couple of hours for yourself to merge with nature and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world. Stroll around the park, go to the river, in the forest. This not a difficult and pleasant walk will fill you with a peacefulness, improve the mood and thus will save you from negative, which in turn will raise performance.

Remember, life is short enough to stay in front of its monitors. And compared with eternity, then we are not at all so much time to kill him. And as it was said in the famous work of L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland" - "Time does not like himself when he is killed."

Enjoy real life, it is beautiful, unique, given to us once and, unfortunately, for a very short time. Do not miss bright moments, because they are already never returned. Be happy!

Today, the Internet is written and says a lot. "For" and "Against" World Wide Weighs fly from all sides. Opponents and supporters prove the rightness in all sorts of talk shows and on the pages of paper publications.

Meanwhile, the Internet lives its own separate life. The huge world created by the hands of a man loves, hates, fights, laughs, creates families and destroys relationships, brings together people and removes each other.

This world has no boundaries, it is beautiful on the one hand, but also has a reverse, negative side. The Internet is a reflection of ourselves; evil generated by man; A miracle created by man. As in the mirror, it reflects our life, our fears and complexes, desires and dreams.

Now modern man Cannot submit your life without a network. Work stops if it suddenly disappears. Everything is nervous, urgent cases are postponed, documents have to be sent by fax, and questions related to working moments have to be solved by phone.

The Internet has become an integral part of not only work, but also our personal life. Ten years ago, most of the population did not imagine a lot of people, which means the strange word "Internet". When I had no computer yet, and my cousin was, and he even came into the network sometimes, I tried to figure out what it was and what could be done with him. After the answer: "On the Internet you can do everything" it was not cleared up, and my reflections about the Internet went into a dead end. Until that moment, until I sat at the computer and did not open the browser.

After some time, I also had a computer at home, and I could walk through the network as much as I needed. And already on the question of mom: "Well, what is the Internet, can I explain to me? What could you do so much time? "I answered:" Everything! ". Time passed, Mom gradually mastered the computer and, until I was at home, the browser opens, reads news, looking for some kind of materials.

Yes, who would have thought that once in a distant mother's childhood, they watched the TV through a magnifying glass, which was on TV, which, by the way, was not yet in every family, there were only two channels. And those lucky people who had a TV, warm summer evenings put it on the window window to the street, gathered neighbors, who hadn't had it yet, and everyone watched some movie.

Previously, we wrote letters on paper, a checkered leaves from the middle of the notebook. In childhood, the girls have definitely smelled by mother's spirits and on them were conquered at the end of the letter "Kisses" - the prints of lipstick, and on the reverse side of the envelope were necessarily removed by the "Write!" Felt-tipaster Or "Fly with greetings, come back with the answer!" And painted hearts. With trepidation received a long-awaited envelope from friends and relatives. And they always worried that the letter deployed in mailbox, I have reached the addressee.

And sometimes for the futility of days we forgot to answer letters. If answered, then a little. "Everything is fine, no changes." And often lost from sight of those who were once close.

Now letters are sent and obtained in seconds, and there is no need to send telegrams. It is enough to install one of the messengers, and the person who is at the other end of the world becomes near. Headphones, microphone, webcam - and thousands of kilometers do not count. Only the monitor shares you. Well, or a bad connection!

Through many sites we find our classmates, childhood friends, with whom they once lost the connection. We find new friends, like-minded people and even their love. We teach languages, end the courses and receive certificates. We make purchases without leaving the house, we sell, earn money, watch movies, listen to music, learn to cook and take pictures. Some "advanced" even register a virtual marriage!

But is everything so harmless in this space "on the side"?

Of course, everything or almost everything depends on ourselves. After all, sometimes this virtual life sucks in his network of person imperceptibly. Of course, everything has causes. In some kind of "Virtual" - this is a flight from reality. When a person considers the World Wide Web not just as a means of communication, communication, receiving news or any useful information. That's where the danger is waiting. Who did not capture virtual life? Someone, "Overgoles" with hyperprivority to the Internet, "shelters" to him and uses it as a source of information and communication. And someone begins to use the network itself.

The person is more and more immersed in a virtual, forgetting about his problems, because there is another world. In it, you can be who you want and as far as your fantasy. Your life passes only by the laws that you create yourself. In that world, you have everything that is not in this, real. There are friends who understand you, there is love. Any enemy can you win, anyone can say everything that would never have decided to say in real life. You can be brave, you can be brazen and relaxed. You can be a photo model or poet. You are waiting for the support and approval of those invisible interlocutors. This is especially important if the most support is missing in real life. You build yourself there, you collect in parts such as I would like to see yourself in reality. You acquire authority.

You have your own world, and while you have not yet realized the harm of his artificiality. Gifts there are not real, and the flowers do not smell, although they look almost like alive. You hang out the best, skillfully edited photo, and wait for high marks from those who have friends there. Looking under the morning to sleep, you once again remember that I did not call my friend. But you have not seen each month, and maybe more. But I need to meet, but there is no time ...

You have the Internet at work, at home and in mobile phone. You come to visit and first look with your eyes your computer or download from a mobile one of the messengers. The edge of the ear listening to the conversations of friends, the nefples answer the questions and somehow support the conversation. You are in another world. But not in order to keep in touch. Not! For constant feeding of own self-prize. For your own confidence. Therefore, you think with horror that someday the door to that world can be closed. Life is more interesting and brighter. And you can no longer without it.

The worst thing is that a person ceases to notice its own problems in real life. Instead of solving them, it is often easier to immerse yourself in another world and feel artificial happiness. Receive estimates from virtual friends much more pleasant than sitting with a friend in the kitchen for a cup of tea. And in love there you are not at all like in real life.

How many mistakes we do, afraid to live! How much pain deliver their close indifference caused by some unreasonable fear! But you just have to try to be free. Once, one day. Collective will and become decisive here in reality. Find out the difficult situation in life outside the network is much more pleasant, tangible than there. To say "love" to a person, looking into the eyes, hoping his shyness. Hold a bouquet of roses in your hands, inhale their fragrance. To see the face of a loved one, his smile, hearing a voice, feel the breath and warmth of the palms. Inhale frosty winter air. Go at night with friends to play snowballs or sculpt a snowman. After all, this is life! Here it is real!

And finally, to understand: I do not care how many "friends" in my "My World", on "Odnoklassniki", "in contact" and "Facebook". It is important that after a difficult working day, I can come home to my friend to watch a good movie on a DVD, or collect my friends and go for a walk, in a movie, ride a carousel, anywhere! I do not care how many virtual gifts were presented to me. It is important that after work, going to the store, I will see any little thing on the shop window, there may be a minor bauble, and I want to buy it and give to my close person.

It is important for me that I always have time to meet with friends. There are strength to solve problems. There is this life, this world. And still there is an Internet - an invisible thread, connecting me with my close in other cities and countries.

After all, it is wonderful that I have it all!