Indoor burglar alarm device. Burglar alarm systems

Security systems, video surveillance and alarms are increasingly used in our life. Systems burglar alarm serve to detect the penetration of unauthorized persons into the protected object and create a special alert. The alarm can be notified by sound or light. Sound notifications are generated by various bells, sirens and other devices. Light notifications are given by LED assemblies, signal lamps.

Types of alarm systems

The purpose and type of the security system depends on the type of sensors installed in the security system. Sensors can respond to the following actions:
  • The appearance of water.
  • Temperature change.
  • There is vibration, sound, or smoke.
  • The appearance of a moving object.
  • Opening windows and doors.

All types of sensors have the same task: to send a signal to the control unit about the detection of any changes in the monitored place.

Wired and wireless

In addition to the type of events, security alarm systems differ in the method of signal transmission: wired and wireless. In wired security systems ax, the sensors and the control unit are connected to each other by a cable through which the signal is received. The advantage of such systems is the low cost of equipment. The disadvantage is the time-consuming wiring.

In wireless security systems, the control unit and the sensor are connected to each other by radio signals. Installation of such a system is straightforward, as there is no need for complex wiring. However, the cost of wireless equipment is higher compared to a wired system.

Centralized and autonomous

According to the method of responding to information from sensors, security systems are divided into centralized, which are connected to the central observation point, and autonomous, which are ordinary "chants".

Autonomous security alarm systems when a sensor triggering event occurs, a siren is triggered, which attracts the attention of other people. These systems are very simple and have a low cost, therefore they have found widespread use. But great efficiency autonomous systems do not possess. Experienced burglars can easily turn off these beeps and get the job done quickly. However, in the event of a fire, the effectiveness of autonomous systems can be up to par. The temperature sensor will react to high fever and will connect a loud siren that will attract people's attention to call firefighters.

Centralized security alarm systems are more reliable, as they transmit a signal to the dispatcher, who will quickly send security guards to the place of penetration of unauthorized persons. When installing a video surveillance system at the facility, the owner of the facility or the dispatcher can visually observe what is happening at the facility. Centralized systems have an increased cost, and you will also have to pay a subscription fee.

Burglar alarm systems with auto-dialing

If there is no observation point in the required area, or if the payment for security is expensive, you can install a security system with automatic dialing. Its principle of operation is that an alarm signal is sent to a fixed cell phone number.

You can send a message in the form of SMS, or to a landline phone. The advantage of systems with automatic dialing is the availability of remote control functions as well as audio control.

Automatic security alarm systems

Any security system has several automatic processes. This can be the identification of intrusion attempts, the creation of an alert, etc. But there are systems with fully automatic operation, which are even called an intelligent security system.

There are also functions for automatically checking the health of the security system. The sensors are self-tested and the data is transmitted digitally. Such systems operate at the hardware and software level.

The software component makes it possible to perform the following intellectual functions:
  • The ability to integrate the alarm into other systems.
  • Separation of operator access rights to the system.
  • Automatic control of the system according to a specific algorithm or incident.

Many modern alarm sensors use algorithms in their work that make it possible to analyze a set of factors acting on the detector. This reduces the number of false alarms while increasing efficiency and reliability.

Alarm circuit

Consider typical scheme security alarm. It is the middle between the conceptual and structural diagram. The connection of certain devices and detectors is carried out according to the scheme specified in the technical documentation. But general rules the organization of the schema remains standard. The classic principle of constructing an alarm system for the protection of an apartment, house or summer house is shown below.

The first line of alarm blocks the windows and doors of the backup exits with sensors with different principles works: for opening - magnetic contact, for glass breaking - acoustic. If necessary, vibration sensors can be connected to detect wall breakouts.

The 2nd line of the security system consists of electronic optical devices of the beam, surface and volumetric principle of operation. Together with them, you can install ultrasonic and radio wave sirens.

The entrance door is connected to the security system separately, since the response time is delayed to prevent the alarm from being triggered when the object is opened and closed. If arming or disarming is performed from outside buildings with special keys (7), then front door can be connected to the perimeter scheme of the protected object.

For the protection of a small object, the considered option is quite suitable. But for a detached house with a large number It is better to divide each security loop into several windows and rooms.

This is due to a simple search for damage and convenient localization of the penetration site.

Alarm equipment
  • Detectors.
  • Reception and control devices.
  • Power supplies.
  • Annunciators.
  • Notification transmission system.

Detectors alarms are used to detect intrusion into the object of protection. This equipment has differences in the principle of operation, the ability to solve issues of control of the interior of the premises, purpose, etc.

Important constituent element equipment are control devices processing data from detectors. They control other signaling devices.

Power supplies serve two main purposes:
  1. In the absence of voltage, they are a spare power source.
  2. Power is supplied to the system equipment from a 220 V network.

Sirens provide information about the performance of detectors and devices. They are light, acoustic and combined. Light blocks can display the status of many loops at once, sound blocks transmit complex voice messages, they are more suitable for fire systems.

Notification transmission systems are used for security guards with a control panel. For autonomous systems, such SPIs are not required. The type of equipment is determined by the security company. Notifications are sent wirelessly or wired. GSM communication systems and radio channels are used more and more often.

Equipment installation

The main regulatory document that determines the procedure for the installation and installation of security alarm equipment is normative act RD 78.145 - 93 for private security. If the alarm is not armed on the remote control, then this act may not be used. But this document defines the completeness and reliability of protection of vulnerabilities, it will always be useful.

The technical passport of the security equipment must always have general recommendations for installation and assembly. As an auxiliary source of information, documents for a device or detector can be very useful. The wiring diagram must not be allowed to deviate from the wiring option required by the manufacturer.

Alarm system requirements
Reliability is a key requirement. It is achieved by a set of technical measures:
  • Highest system resiliency.
  • Correct selection of technical means.
  • Complete identification of penetration vulnerabilities.

The fault tolerance of the security alarm system determines the increased requirements for the MTBF of the system elements. Important role plays the quality of the installation. Contact connections are weak points in circuits, they gradually degrade the quality of contact. Therefore, quality maintenance is imperative. correct work security systems.

The correct choice of equipment determines the choice of the most suitable devices, corresponding in parameters to the tasks that are solved by the security system. Most often, reliability is increased by the simultaneous use of detectors with different operating principles, as well as combined sensors.

The definition of penetration points should be decided at the design stage of the security system. The experience of the designers and knowledge of the regulations play an important role in this. Each individual object of protection has its own characteristics.

The burglar alarm is designed to detect intrusion or its attempts to the facility equipped with it and generate appropriate alerts.

Alerts are understood as:

  • formation of a sound and (or) light signal;
  • transmission of an alarm message to a remote monitor.

In the first case, security sirens are used. different principle action, purpose and design. The second option provides for the transfer of information to the centralized security console (ARC) or mobile phone the owner of the object.

The centralized burglar alarm includes equipment that is designed to solve several problems.

1. The control panel of the notification transmission system (SPI) must ensure the identification of the protected premises and monitoring the status of the installed alarm.

2. The object block SPI is designed to interface the security system and ARC equipment. It transfers information on:

  • telephone lines;
  • dedicated radio channel;
  • GSM communication channels.

In the absence of centralized protection, messages about the state of the system are received by its owner. In this case, there is only one option - using the GSM signaling module. Such equipment works with any cell phone, since the exchange of information is carried out by sending and receiving SMS messages.

Everything modern appliances notification transmission systems have the ability to work in two directions (for receiving and transmitting information). This allows you to implement additional options, the main of which is the automated arming of an object.

In the case of centralized signaling, the most popular way is to control equipment using Proximity cards or Touch memory keys. In this case, the user is only required to attach the identifier to the reader and wait for confirmation from the ARC. As a rule, a light indication indicates a successful connection of the security alarm to the control panel.

For private GSM systems, the function of sending an SMS message with service information to a telephone number has been implemented. In addition, it is possible to send an inquiry and receive information on the ONLINE signaling status at any time. The response speed in this case depends on how quickly the mobile operator delivers SMS.

The purpose of an autonomous security system is solely to control sound and light annunciators.


Let's take a look at how a burglar alarm works. The principle of its operation consists in converting the detected impact into an electrical signal by detectors, transmitting it to a control panel, which is designed to control warning devices and transmit information.

Depending on the type of detected impact, detectors are:

If, for some reason, these sensors did not work, then infrared detectors will insure them. Depending on the principle of operation, these devices are intended for:

  • detecting movement within a certain volume;
  • blocking of extended linear zones (corridors, sections of the territory perimeter);
  • protection different surfaces"on the passage" (door and window openings, sections of non-capital and temporary structures, walls, ceilings).

Since one of the purposes of the security alarm system devices is the transmission of information, it should be noted that there are two main ways of organizing data exchange: wired and wireless. Each of them can be used both for the object part of the equipment and for the SPI and has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The main requirement for any security equipment is to ensure reliable operation in various modes. It is important how exactly the location of the violation will be detected. For this purpose, the division of the protected area into the smallest possible zones is applied, each of which is controlled separately.

It is ideal to monitor the status of each sensor. This is possible when using the address principle of building the system.

The next requirement for the security alarm is to remain operational when the mains power supply is disconnected. The way of implementation is the installation of an UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY UNIT with the following characteristics:

  • the rated operating current must not be less than the total current consumption of all equipment;
  • the capacity of the storage battery (accumulator battery) must ensure the uninterrupted operation of the equipment for a certain time.

If you follow the requirements normative documents, then this time is 24 hours in armed mode and 3 hours in alarm mode. V technical characteristics the consumed currents for each of these two modes are indicated on the security alarm devices. Summing them up, we get the value that needs to be multiplied in turn by the required time (24 and 3 hours).

The largest value will give us a characteristic that determines the required battery capacity.

For systems installed at large facilities, the power consumption of all equipment may turn out to be such that it will be difficult to select the required characteristics of the power supply unit. In this case, you need to divide the electrical consuming devices into groups, connecting each to a separate voltage source.

Another important requirement is to exclude the possibility of unauthorized influence on the system in order to deteriorate its characteristics or completely disable it. Possible actions of a criminal in this direction:

  • disconnection of a part or a whole alarm loop (s);
  • mechanical impact on the detectors (devices), leading to their limitation or complete loss of functionality.

The first can become possible as a result of the installation of jumpers, various shunting elements, etc. By the way, when using radio channel systems, this nuisance is excluded. In the second case, the most common practice is the installation of masks (painting the lenses) of optical electronic detectors, blocking the magnetic contact sensors by installing an additional powerful magnet.

It should be noted that all these actions can be carried out in an unguarded time, that is, when the access of unauthorized persons to the object is open. This can be prevented by hidden laying of electrical circuits, by installing detectors in hard-to-reach places, the use of devices with anti-tamper zones on around the clock.

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At all times there have been scammers and villains who have tried different ways take possession of material values, money and wealth of other people.

To protect themselves from this kind of intruders, everyone tried to come up with some methods or mechanisms to exclude a robbery.

Today effective remedy burglar alarms are used to combat burglars. It can be installed on different objects, be it an apartment, a summer residence, an office or a warehouse.

A wide abundance of various modifications will allow you to choose the most the best option security system for a specific object so that the level of its security is as high as possible.

Why do you need a burglar alarm?

Many consumers, who, fortunately, did not encounter burglars and the problems that arise after a home robbery, ask questions: What is a burglar alarm, what is it for, why install it and how will it help?

A modern burglar alarm is a kind of electronic assistant that allows you to prevent a robbery and prevents theft from being committed. If a security system is installed at the facility, then when a thief tries to get into the facility, the security perimeter will be violated.

As a result, depending on the type of alarm, the following actions will be performed:

  1. an alarm signal was sent to the central control panel of the security company;
  2. a warning was sent to the owner of the facility about an attempt to enter;
  3. a sound siren and other sound and visual means of attracting attention will turn on;
  4. various blocking systems are activated to prevent unauthorized entry into the facility.

The presence of a burglar alarm at the facility will allow solving the following tasks:

  • promptly call the guards;
  • warn the owner of the danger;
  • draw people's attention to the object;
  • to influence the robber on a psychological level, causing him to panic and fear;
  • include auxiliary systems to prevent entry into the facility.

Thus, security devices are an important aspect of the security system of any facility.

Their presence will allow you to save both material values ​​and guarantee the protection of people from uninvited guests.

Burglar alarm device

Modern security alarms are modular multifunctional systems that include various devices.

The main ones include:

  1. security sensors;
  2. receiving and control module;
  3. executive devices.

Security sensors or detectors are special devices that are used to control certain parameters. For example, it can be sensors that control movement on an object, opening windows or doors, breaking glass, the appearance of vibrations, etc.

The burglar alarm device provides for the use of passive and active sensors.

The first of them are constantly in standby mode until their monitored parameter goes beyond the set limit limit.

Active devices continuously monitor the object using ultrasound, infrared or radio waves.

If one of the events occurs at the facility, to which the sensor can react, then it will be triggered, as a result of which a signal will be sent to the central alarm panel.

The receiving and control module is an electronic unit that continuously monitors all security sensors and processes the signals that are sent from them. Upon receipt of a signal from the sensor, it is processed in accordance with the programmed algorithm written in non-volatile memory device.

If the signal parameters correspond to a certain level of danger, then the receiving and control unit will generate a signal that will be transmitted to the executive systems and mechanisms. Communication between the sensors and the central unit can be carried out either via a conventional wired line or via a radio channel.

The executive devices are activated through the control panel. Sound sirens, light emitters, blocking mechanisms, etc. are used as such devices.

In addition to the listed local executive devices, the alarm signal can be transmitted to mobile device the owner or to the control panel of the security service. For this, a GSM connection, the Internet or a regular telephone line can be used.

How the alarm works

The principle of operation of the alarm is that it fixes one of the events on the object (movement, opening of a window / door, glass breaking) and warns about it different ways while simultaneously attracting a large number of people to the object.

The sensors described above will help to detect violation of the security perimeter. When they are triggered, the corresponding signal is sent via a loop or radio channel to the central unit, which controls all control and signaling devices.

After that, the alarm goes into the active phase, which provides for the activation of the executive systems connected to the central unit.

She will remain in this state until she is disarmed. This can be done from the central control panel of the security service, from the receiving and control unit or using special key fobs included in the alarm set.

The signaling principle and connection diagrams make it easy to expand its basic capabilities.

For this purpose, special output expanders are used, thanks to which additional devices and systems can be connected to the signaling, as well as various electronic mechanisms can be activated.

The alarm device provides for the presence of the following elements in this kind of security systems:

  • magnetic contact opening sensors;
  • volumetric motion sensors;
  • glass break sensors;
  • receiving and control electronic unit;
  • executive devices in the form of sirens and light-emitting devices;
  • uninterrupted power supply unit;
  • backup battery;
  • remote control or keyboard for control and settings;
  • keyrings remote control alarm.

The basic set of burglar alarms can be expanded by adding additional quantity sensors.

These can be both ordinary security sensors and functional sensors that monitor temperature, water, gas leakage, lack of electricity, etc.

Various auxiliary executive systems can also be connected, which will increase the level of security at the facility.

Another option for expanding the basic capabilities of the alarm system is the installation of fire detectors in the security system.

In this case, the alarm will monitor both the perimeter and the appearance of a fire. The presence of smoke, temperature and open fire sensors will allow detecting a possible fire at an early stage.


The above are the functions and capabilities of the security alarm system, from which it can be concluded that a modern security system is an effective tool for maintaining a high level of security at the facility.

Naturally, everyone has the right to independently decide whether an alarm is needed in his apartment, house or office. But it is important to remember that its cost is incomparably small compared to the fact that it allows you to save much more expensive valuables and tangible assets, and in some cases even human life.

Video: Security alarm in the apartment

The purpose of the security alarm system is to detect unauthorized intrusion into the protected object and generate a corresponding notification. Notifications about activation of the security alarm system are:

  • sound;
  • light.

The first ones are formed by various sirens, bells, etc., which have the general name of sound annunciators. The second, respectively, are called light annunciators. In this capacity, signal lamps, individual LEDs and LED assemblies can be used.

It should be noted that currently bells and lamps are practically not used. They were replaced by piezoelectric emitters and semiconductor light signaling devices. In addition, the system includes:

  • sensors (detectors) of various operating principles;
  • alarm control panels (PKP) and panels;
  • Power supplies;
  • equipment for transmitting information to the security console (PCO) or the telephone of the owner of the facility.

If the tactics of the security alarm system does not provide for the remote transmission of a notification (to a remote control or a mobile phone), then such a system is called autonomous. By the way, this version has the lowest efficiency. Various methods are used to transmit alarms to the ARC.

Wired data transmission is carried out over busy or leased telephone lines. Modern systems the overwhelming majority of the transmissions of notifications are digital, so their information content is very high level... In addition, feedback of the security console with the equipment installed at the facility is possible.

Wireless notification transmission systems can use a dedicated radio channel or channels of cellular operators (GSM signaling of various designs). In this case, the main thing is to ensure control of the communication channel. Obviously, if it is violated (disappears), the generated burglar alarm will simply not be sent to the control point.

The solution to this problem is achieved in two main ways:

  • transmission of a test signal from the object;
  • request for alarm status by the security panel and receipt of the corresponding receipt.

The second option requires a bidirectional channel, so the object part of the notification transmission system must contain both a transmitter and a receiver. Naturally, such equipment is more expensive. In addition, the control of any wireless channel is discrete, that is, the request is carried out at regular intervals. The smaller they are, the more reliable the system is.


For the end user, the most interesting is that part of the alarm that is installed directly at the facility (store, house, office, apartment, etc.). Therefore, let's consider the principle of operation of just such equipment. Its composition is given at the beginning of the article, and here I will tell you how these components of security systems work.

Alarm sensors (detectors).

They are designed to detect intrusion or attempts to enter the protected area. Since there are several ways to get inside the building (through a broken window, an open door, a broken wall), the principle of operation of the detectors is also different. According to the detection method, sensors can be subdivided into detecting devices:

  • breaking;
  • opening;
  • break;
  • traffic.

In each of the above cases, the sensors convert the corresponding impact into an electrical signal. For example, break detectors can detect the sound of broken glass, respectively, they will be called acoustic or sound. Since the break is accompanied by shock effects on the structure to be protected, vibration detectors are used in this case.

As you can see, the variety of transformation principles is quite large here. Security sensor outputs can also have Various types, ranging from "dry" relay contacts to digital signal generators.

It is quite natural that the information generated by the detector should be received and processed. For this purpose they serve receiving devices and control panels... They are a kind of "mediator" between the sensor and the warning and signaling devices. By the way, a number of devices can have built-in radio channel and GSM transmitters and receivers.

The method of transmitting the notification from the security sensor to the device is also of great importance. There are two options:

  • wired - through specially laid communication lines;
  • wireless - by radio.

By the way, when they talk about wireless signaling, they mean, first of all, the radio channel connection between the detectors and the control panel.

These are the main points regarding the principles of operation and the device of the alarm system. There are of course various nuances, but they need to be considered in separate feature articles.


Some types of security systems have already been mentioned in this article, for example, autonomous and signaling with output to the ARC. True, the differences between the two are organizational rather than technical. The only fundamental difference in the composition of the equipment is the presence or absence of an object device for transmitting notifications.

But such types of systems as:

  • wired;
  • wireless;
  • address,

have tangible differences in the principle of construction, composition and operation of the equipment. Each of them has its own range of advantages, disadvantages and application features, which we will briefly consider.

Wired alarm- an old-timer in a security systems company. At one time there were no alternatives to her. In some cases, even today it is out of competition due to its reliability (of course, subject to high-quality installation) and the relatively low cost of equipment.

For small objects, where it is possible to painlessly lay connecting wires and cables, this type of signaling may be the most suitable system.

Addressable burglar alarm system can transmit information about the status of sensors both by wire and by radio. In the first case, the connection of all detectors can be performed using a single communication line, since each detector has its own unique number and can be uniquely identified by the control panel.

Thus, we have a stable connection of all system components at relatively low installation costs. The equipment, however, will cost a little more than the traditional conventional design. In general, a system of this type is extremely suitable for medium and large objects of various configurations.

Wireless burglar alarm in essence, it is an address system that uses a radio channel for data transmission. The only advantage is the absence of all types of work related to the laying of wires. Cons of such a system:

  • high cost of equipment;
  • short range (distance from the security sensor to the device);
  • possible instability in operation with a high level of electromagnetic interference.

In general, the choice of the type of system is an individual process that requires taking into account many factors, as well as the main listed advantages and disadvantages of each type of equipment.


By by and large some of the processes of any security alarm system are automated. This concerns the issues of detection of attempts to enter, signal processing and the formation of an alarm notification. However, there are systems with such a degree of automation that they can be called intelligent.

Self-testing of sensors and transmission of information about their state (operability) is implemented in digital (address) versions of the equipment. I must say that such systems operate at the hardware and software level. The presence of the software component allows you to implement such intelligent functions as:

  • automatic control of equipment according to a specified schedule or event;
  • differentiation of user access rights to work with the system;
  • the ability to integrate the alarm with other security systems.

An example is the Orion integrated security system produced by the Bolid NVP. The ability to create various configurations of equipment, flexibility of settings, a fairly clear and friendly interface appeal to many installers, including me.

It should be noted. that most modern security alarm sensors in their work use algorithms that allow you to analyze a set of factors affecting the detector. This can significantly reduce the number of false alarms of the system, thereby increasing its reliability and efficiency.

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Site materials are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines and normative documents.

We can completely solve the issue of protecting the home during the absence of the owners by installing a burglar alarm. Before proceeding with the installation this device you should understand the varieties and diversity of the modern security alarm market. We will find out how to choose and install a burglar alarm in an apartment later.

The device and design of the security alarm

The security alarm system is a combination of three components, which are expressed:

  • reception and control equipment;
  • locking sensors;
  • devices of the executing type.

Locking sensors play the role of a catching device and react to changes in the state of the apartment.

In accordance with the principle of operation, the sensors are divided into devices:

  • infrared type,
  • radio wave type,
  • vibration type,
  • capacitive type,
  • magnetic type,
  • beam type,
  • acoustic type.

Depending on the functional purpose select sensors:

  • changes in temperature, humidity,
  • opening, closing the door,
  • window sensors,
  • motion sensors,
  • water flooding sensors, etc.

The main function of the sensors is to control specific parameter and transmitting the signal to the receiving equipment.

The receiving and control type device monitors and controls all sensors, and then transmits the signal to the executing devices.

Actuators notify the owner of the apartment or the security service about an offense or a change in a certain parameter of the sensor.

How the burglar alarm works

The apartment burglar alarm scheme is based on the operation of the sensors:

  • magnetic contact type, which are installed on windows or doors and signal the owner about opening;
  • volumetric sensors - are responsible for changing the movement;
  • window glass break sensors.

The principle of operation of the burglar alarm is to record changes in the parameters of the sensors. For example, if the sensor detects extraneous movement in the apartment, the state of the loop changes and the signal is transmitted to the control and receiving device. Depending on the program, the KPU turns on a siren or notifies the owner of a violation using SMS or auto-dialing.

To disable the system, you need to enter a special password. Use is possible additional functions, such as automatic switching on light in the apartment, locking the door, turning off certain devices.

Benefits of installing a burglar alarm

1. Installing a burglar alarm in the apartment will allow you not to worry about the safety of material values ​​during the absence of the owners.

2. A large number of security alarm systems allows you to select devices in accordance with individual preferences and characteristics of the apartment.

3. An autonomous security alarm system does not require additional investments to pay a monthly fee to security institutions.

Varieties of alarm systems for apartments

In relation to the installation method, security alarms are distinguished:

  • wired type,
  • wireless type.

The wired security alarm system consists of several sensors that are connected around the entire perimeter of the apartment using a cable. This system has a number of disadvantages:

  • damage to one area leads to a malfunction of the entire system,
  • the installation of such an alarm requires repairs to install the cable.

The wireless system is more popular and consists of sensors that operate on batteries. The batteries have a lifespan of 9 to 12 months. No additional repairs or special knowledge is required to fix the sensor. It is enough to follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

In relation to the type of notification, there are:

  • signaling in the form of a sound siren,
  • GSM alarm system.

An alarm in the form of an audible siren can only scare off burglars and attract the attention of neighbors. The cost of such a security system is much lower than that of GSM.

A wireless or GSM alarm is a collection of sensors that transmit an alarm signal to a monitoring and receiving device. This device sends a signal about a malfunction of the sensor to the owner of the apartment.

Advantages of installing a GSM alarm system in an apartment:

  • notification via SMS or auto-dialing will allow you to quickly respond to the signal;
  • a wide variety of sensors will allow you to choose devices that will suit the individual needs of any consumer;
  • no need to carry out repairs indoors;
  • a high level of protection against burglary guarantees the safety and security of tangible property;
  • the ability to transmit a signal not only to one subscriber, but also to several, including to a city number;
  • some models are capable of transmitting a signal not only to the owner, but also to fire and security services.

In relation to the addressee, security systems are distinguished:

  • autonomous,
  • service.

In the first case, the signal about the violation is transmitted directly to the owner of the apartment. During use autonomous system burglar alarm signal transmission is carried out to special security services, with which the customer preliminarily concludes an agreement. In this case, you need to pay for monthly security services.

1. Before buying a security alarm for an apartment, you should decide on the type of security system.

2. Best option security alarm - GSM system.

3. Select several sensors that respond not only to one parameter, but to different changes in the environment.

4. To ensure the independence of the systems from electricity, it is better to use battery-powered sensors.

5. When protecting large material values, it is recommended to install a video and audio surveillance system.

6. If the apartment is located far from the network tower or there are communication problems for GSM systems, you need to purchase additional amplifiers.

7. Some systems are able to instantly photograph the fact of the offense and send the photo to the owner of the apartment in the form of MMS.

8. To ensure reliable protection from burglary, it is recommended to contact special security organizations that are responsible for the safety of the property.

9. If you want to install the alarm yourself, choose systems with detailed instructions on installation.

10. It is better to buy a burglar alarm for an apartment from the manufacturer, thus ensuring the reliability and guarantee of long-term operation of the equipment.

11. Requirements for a high-quality security alarm system:

  • availability of a certificate of compliance with all norms and acts of legislation,
  • manufacturer's warranty,
  • long service life,
  • high quality materials from which the system is made,
  • external shutdown of the alarm is impossible.

12. Security alarm systems for apartments, the price depends on the following factors:

  • number of sensors,
  • control panel parameters,
  • type of alarm,
  • installation method,
  • company manufacturer,
  • apartment area,
  • individual preferences,
  • number of additional functions.

Overview of manufacturers of burglar alarms

1. Security alarm Inflow into the apartment - features:

  • use in the highest government institutions;
  • implementation of work via telephone communication lines;
  • use of physical transmission lines;
  • the presence of a 128-bit code;
  • the ability to select the sensitivity of devices;
  • installation and removal of protection is carried out using an automated system.

The principle of operation of the Inflow system is based on the implementation of continuous monitoring of equipment and processing of status data different types alarms: security, fire and alarming.

Features of the security alarm system Inflow - A:

  • the device board is equipped with a telephone filter;
  • the electronic identifier appears in the form of a special code or Touch Memory key;
  • to connect external and internal devices expansion bus is used;
  • an internal program is used for testing and tuning;
  • the device memory allows storing access identification codes.

2. Security alarm in the MGTS apartment - features:

  • control, detection of intrusion, burglary or intrusion into the facility;
  • The Moscow city telephone network provides not only the installation of equipment, but also maintenance, and the availability of a special backup channel that provides GSM communication;
  • all objects of this system are protected by the Moscow police;
  • high level of security and reliability of services;
  • high speed of signal transmission;
  • the ability to install additional security functions.

MGTS uses equipment:

  • Inflow,
  • Jupiter,
  • Aster.

Sensors of magnetic contact, wire and push-button type.

Installation of burglar alarms in the apartment

Depending on the method of installing the security alarm system, further actions are:

  • with a quick sound siren,
  • with the transmission of a signal to the security service, upon conclusion of a contract,
  • transmission of an alarm signal to the owner of the apartment using the GMS,
  • inclusion of special protective devices: gas aerosols, switches, automatic door locking, smoke generators,
  • signal transmission alongside public service: police or fire brigade.

Required components reliable system security security apartments are available:

  • magnetic contact sensor door opening;
  • motion or glass break detectors;
  • receiving and control central device.

An additional element is the use of the panic safety button.

Self-installation of an alarm system in an apartment is a rather complicated process that requires preliminary study. legislative framework, on the location of the sensors and the installation of devices, therefore it is recommended to entrust this matter to professionals.