Survey of facades of buildings. Evaluation of the technical and performance characteristics of the state of the facade of the regulatory status of the facade of the building

With the technical operation of the facade, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the attachment of architectural-structural parts, which provide static and dynamic resistance to the effects of natural climatic factors.

The base is the most moisteable part of the building due to the effects of atmospheric precipitation, as well as moisture penetrating the Capillars of the foundation material.

This part of the building is constantly subjected to unfavorable mechanical stress, which requires use for fuel and frost-resistant base.

Eaves, the crown of the building, remove raindling and melt water from the wall and perform an architectural and decorative function similar to other architectural and structural elements of the facade of the building. The facades of the building can have intermediate eaves, belts, sandriks that perform functions similar to the functions of the main crown cornice.

From the technical condition of the eaves, pyels, the pilaster and other protruding parts of the facade depends the reliability of the enclosing structures of the building.

Part of the outer wall, continuing above the roof - parapet. The upper plane of the parapet to avoid destruction by atmospheric precipitates is protected by galvanized steel or concrete slabs of factory manufacture.

On the roofs of the building for the safety of repair work, parapet fences are installed in the form of metal gratings and solid brick walls. It is necessary to observe the tightness of the adjoins of roofing coatings to the elements of parapet fences.

The architectural-structural elements of the facade are also balconies, loggias, erkers, which contribute to the improvement of performance and appearance of the building. Depending on the purpose, the balconies have various forms and sizes. With well-performed waterproofing, the balconies protect the walls of the building from moisture. Balconies are located under conditions of constant atmospheric impact, moisturizing, alternate freezing and thawing, so before other parts of the building fail, destroy. The most responsible part of the balconies is the place of plates or beams into the wall of the building, since when operating, the place of the seal is subjected to intense temperature and humidiform. In fig. 3.4 shows the pairing of the balcony plate with an outer wall. In buildings of the 50-60s. XX century Usually, the plaguard for concrete served as crushed stone from a brick combat that did not provide the required density and frost resistance of the balconies. Due to the low corrosion resistance, the structures of balconies with metal beams were unjustified.

Especially susceptible to the destruction of the edge of the balcony plate, which are freezing from three sides experiencing the impact of moisture and corrosion.

Loggia is a playground, surrounded by three sides with walls and fence. In relation to the main volume of the building, the loggia can be made embedded and remote.

The overlap of the loggia should ensure the removal of water from the outer walls of the building. For this, the floors of the loggia must be performed with a bias of 2-3% of the plane of the facade and placing the floor of the adjacent rooms by 50-70 mm. The surface of the overlap of the loggia is covered with waterproofing. The pairing plates of the balcony and loggias with the facade wall protect against the occurrence by establishing on the wall of the edge of the waterproofing carpet with the overlap of its two additional layers of waterproofing of 400 mm wide and closing the apron of galvanized steel.

The fencing of loggias and balconies should be high enough in order to comply with safety requirements (at least 1-1.2 m) and are made predominantly deaf, with railings and flowers.

Erker - Come on the plane of the facade wall of the premises, can serve to accommodate vertical communications - stairs, elevators. Erker increases the area of \u200b\u200bpremises, enriches the interior, provides additional insolation, improves the conditions of illumination. Erker enriches the form of the building and serves as an architectural means of forming the scale of the composition of the facade and its membership.

With the technical operation of the elements of the facade, parts of the walls located near the drainage pipes, trays, receiving funnels are subject to careful inspection. All damaged sections of the wall layer must be repeated and after identifying and eliminating the cause of damage to restore. When weathered, cutting the fillings of vertical and horizontal joints, as well as the destruction of the edges of the panels and blocks, it is necessary to inspect the faulty places, fill the joints and restore the disturbed edges with the corresponding materials, pre-removing the collapsed solution and thoroughly bogged off the joints with a wool harness, lost their rigid cement mortar places for the color of the surfaces of the walls.

Facades of buildings are often lined with ceramic tiles, natural stone materials. With poor-quality fixing cladding with metal brackets and cement mortar, their loss occurs. The causes of penetration penetration are moisture in the seams between the stones and for lining, alternate freezing and thawing.

On the facades lined with ceramic tiles, you should pay attention to the places where there is a belling of the cladding, the outlet of the individual tiles from the wall plane, the formation of cracks, oops in the corners of the tile; At the same time, it is necessary to conceal the surface of the entire facade, remove the weak tiles and perform restoration work.

Facades lined with ceramic products, after cleaning are treated with hydrophobic or other special solutions.

Facade defects are often associated with the contamination of the atmosphere, which leads to the loss of the initial type, smoking and dulling their surface. Effective cleaning agents are the use of sandblasting machines, cleaning with wet rags, etc.

Special compositions are used to clean the facades decorated with glazed ceramic tiles. The facades of the buildings should be cleaned and rinsed within the time limits established depending on the material, the state of the surfaces of buildings and operating conditions. It is not allowed to clean the architectural details, surface plasters made of soft stone rocks with sandblasting. The facades of wooden unworthy buildings must be periodically painted with vapor-permeable paints or compositions to prevent rotting and according to fire standards. Improvements of the appearance of the building can be achieved by their high-quality plaster and painting. The color of the facades must be made after the end of the repair of walls, parapets, protruding parts and architectural stucco decorations, input devices, sandriks, window sills, etc.

The painting of metal stairs, the elements of fastening of stretch marks of the power grid and the roof fences should be made by oil paints in 5-6 years, depending on the operating conditions.

The drainage devices of the outer walls should have the necessary slopes from the walls to ensure the removal of atmospheric waters. With the slope of the walls have steel fastening details. On details having a slope to the wall, the galvanized steel cuff adjacent to them should be installed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the wall. All steel elements fixed to the wall are regularly stained and protected from corrosion.

It is necessary to systematically check the correctness of the use of balconies, erkers, loggias, not allowing bulky and heavy things on them, littering and pollution.

To prevent the destruction of the edges of the plates of balconies and loggias, as well as the occurrence of cracks between the stove and walls due to atmospheric precipitation, the metal drain is installed in the groove of the box with a width of at least 1.5 stove thickness. Metal drain should be started under the waterproofing layer. The slope of the plates of balconies and loggias - at least 3% of the walls of the building with the organization of water removal with a metal apron or behind the iron slab with a drip, with a removal of it 3-5 cm; In the end, the plum is close in the body of the panel. In the event of an emergency condition of balconies, loggias and erkers, the inputs need to close and carry out restoration work that should be performed on the project.

In case, it is necessary to pay attention to the absence or faulty performing pairs of plots and a waterproofing layer with structures, to weaken fastening and

damage to the fencing of balconies and loggias. Damage must be eliminated. The destruction of cantilever beams and plates, the rocking of the supporting platforms under consoles, detachal and destruction is eliminated during major repairs.

In the promised steel beams, tested concrete strength with metal. The detached concrete is removed and restore the protective layer. The location, forms and fastening of floral boxes must correspond to the architectural solution of the building.

Floral boxes and metal fences are stained with atmospheric colors in accordance with the facade specified in the colleagne passport.

Floral boxes are installed on pallets, with a clearance from a wall of at least 50 mm. Depending on the materials used by the main structures of balconies and loggia, the minimum duration of their efficient operation is 10-40 years.

When operating, there is a need to restore the plaster facades. Defects in the plaster are due to poor quality of the solution, carrying out work at low temperatures, excessive moisture, etc. In case of small repair, the cracking plaster is expanded and covered, with significant cracks, the plaster is removed and plastering again, paying special attention to ensuring the adhesion of the plastering layer with carrier elements.

The main causes of damage to the appearance of buildings are:
- application in the same laying of heterogeneous strength, water absorption, frost resistance and durability of materials (silicate brick, slag blocks, etc.);
- various deformability of carrier longitudinal and self-supporting end walls;
- the use of silicate bricks in rooms with high humidity (baths, saunas, swimming pools, shower, washers, etc.);
- weakening dressings;
- thickening of seams;
- insufficient design of structures;
- freezing of the solution;
- moisturizing of eaves, parapet, architectural details, balconies, loggias, plaster walls;
- Violations of technology at winter masonry, etc.

Expert assessment of the status of facades

In accordance with the provisions of the SP 13-102-2003, the rules of examination of the supporting structures of buildings and structures ", depending on the number of defects and the degree of damage, the technical condition of the building structures is estimated at the following categories (see CH. 3" Terms and Definitions " 13-102-2003).

The technical condition of the bearing walls of a ceramic brick building in areas with the formation of cracks, detachment of the finishing layer and wetting in accordance with the provisions of the joint venture 13-102-2003, is estimated as a limited efficient state.

Facudes survey conclusions

Factors indicating the occurrence of the emergency condition of the enclosing structures of the building, in accordance with the provisions of the SP 13-102-2003, as a result of a visual-instrumental examination, was not recorded.

To prevent further destruction of the walls, it is necessary:

  • to carry out measures to enhance brick masonry in places of formation of cracks in accordance with the technology of concreting (Fig. 2) or injection of brick masonry by polymer-cement formulations or compositions based on liquid glass.
  • maintain constant monitoring of the state of outer walls by installing beacons.
  • in case of detection of the progressive destruction of walls under the influence of the difference in the deformations of the enclosing structures and overlaps, large-scale work should be carried out on the strengthening of the outer walls. Works should be conducted in accordance with the developed project.
  • work should be carried out on the restoration of the plaster and protective layer of the parapet.
  • work should be carried out on the restoration of the plaster layer and the decorative coating of the base.

Technical examination of cracks

The result of technical examination - cracks and destruction of brickwork and plastering layer in the corners of the building at the level of intermediate floors

Examination of buildings survey - to compensate for the difference in vertical deformations of the external and inner layers of outer walls, and horizontal deformation seams should be performed. Their absence or poor performance leads to the destruction of the brick of the facial layer in the level of overlaps, as well as the destruction of the finishing layer of overlaps.

Technical examination Comment - horizontal deformation seams are either no, or made poorly.

Plastering Surveys

The result of a technical examination is the destruction of the plastering layer and waterproofing the walls of the parapet (photo 26-29)

Comment Examination for technical survey - the destruction of the plastering layer and waterproofing occurred as a result of the low quality of the plastering mixture and the work performed.

Technical Expertise Masonry

The result of a technical examination - under the technical inspection, the sections of the soaking of brickwork at the parapet level were revealed

Survey of facades of buildings Comment Examination

The soaking of walls occurs as a result of their blobs. The main cause of the blown is not satisfactory quality of the seams and, as a result, their bad sealing. With moisturizing masonry, its frosty destruction occurs. For a thin facial layer from the hollow brick, this is especially dangerous. In the case of formation of the facial layer of cracks and chipping, atmospheric moisture also penetrates there.

The soaking of enclosing structures is a violation of the requirements of SNiP 31-02-2001 "Houses for residential houses", Chapter 10:

"10.4. Designs and parts must be made of materials with resistance to moisture, low temperatures, aggressive medium, biological and other adverse factors.

In the necessary cases, appropriate measures should be taken from the penetration of rain, melt, groundwater into the thickness of carrier and enclosing house structures, as well as the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensing moisture in outdoor enclosing structures by sufficient sealing of structures or ventilation devices of closed spaces and air suits.

In accordance with the requirements of existing regulatory documents, the necessary protective formulations and coverage should be applied. "

  • Quality of brickwork - sections of soaking brickwork buildings at the level of parapet
  • The quality of plastering works - the destruction of the plastering layer and waterproofing occurred as a result of the low quality of the plastering mixture and the work performed.
  • Building examination of the facade of the building - construction expertise residential apartment building. Construction survey in order to determine the technical condition of the facade of the house
  • Cell-cutting cracks are numerous through cracks and destruction in the corners of the Erkers at the level of the parapet and the technical floor.
  • The construction expertise at home - an expert was made by an external inspection of the object, with selective fixation on the digital chamber, which complies with the requirements of the joint venture 13-10-2003 p. 7.2 The basis of the preliminary examination is the inspection of a building or structure and individual structures using measuring instruments and instruments (binoculars, cameras , roulettes, caliper, probe, etc.).
  • Cracks on the facade of the building - to compensate for the difference in vertical deformations of the outer and inner layers of outer walls, and horizontal deformation seams should be performed. Their absence or poor performance leads to the destruction of the brick of the facial layer in the level of overlaps, as well as the destruction of the finishing layer of overlaps.

\u003e\u003e Chapter VIII. The content of facades of buildings in the city.

Article 33.

1. Tells should contain facades of buildings and structures in a proper condition, timely work on the restoration, repair and painting of the facades and their individual elements (balconies, loggias, drain pipes, newsplas, memorable boards, portals of arched passages, roofing, porch, fences and protective lattices, canopies, visors, windows, entrance doors, gates, exterior stairs, erkers, eaves, joinery, shutter, drainage pipes, lamps, flagpoles, wall-mounted air conditioners and other equipment attached to walls or mounted in them, license plates houses).

2. Inters, shop windows, shops, offices and shopping centers must have a backlight in the evening (dark) time of the day, the backlight must be placed taking into account the lighting adjacent to non-residential premises.

The facades of buildings, structures (including the base unit) should not have local destruction of cladding, plaster, textured and paint layers (painted surfaces must be smooth, without blots, stains and damaged places), cracks, painting the solution from seams of cladding, brick and Small block masonry, the destruction of the sealing sealing of the joints of the polyno-blood buildings, damage or wear of metal coatings on the protruding parts of the walls, the destruction of the drain pipes, wet and rusting spots, drowshes and verbs, and the like.

3. Decals are required: clean and rinse the facades (at least once a year) or as needed; clean the inner and exterior surfaces of windows, doors of balconies and loggias, entrance doors in the entrances (at least two times a year, in spring and autumn) or as needed; Regularly carry out the current and overhaul of facades.

4. The work on the current and overhaul, finishing and painting, reconstruction and restoration of facades of buildings and structures is allowed to be carried out in the presence of a passport of the color decision of the facade issued in the manner prescribed by the decision of the city administration.

5. The works in paragraph 4.4 are carried out on the basis of the following documents:

a) the passport of the color solution of the facade;

b) the scheme of road traffic organization and a document confirming the right to use the land plot for the organization of the construction site (if necessary, the installation of fences on the road or paving part).

6. By changing facades of capital construction and structures related to the established procedures to the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture), allowed if there is a special project agreed with the relevant body of the protection of cultural heritage sites.

7. Print reconstruction, repair of facades of buildings (structures) It is necessary to ensure the safety of the points of the city geodesic network laid in the walls, the foundations of buildings, structures and mortgages of the contact network of passenger transport. Transferring geodesic items to another place must be consistent in the prescribed manner.

8. In the detection of the emergency condition of balconies, erkers, loggias, visors, other structural elements of facades of buildings and structures. Use of the specified elements is prohibited. To eliminate the threat of possible collapse of the protruding structures of the facades, the preservation of the consistency of the facades should be immediately implemented (installation of fences, grids, dismantling of the destructive part of the element, etc.).

Repair with emergency condition of the facade of the building (facilities) must be immediately implemented to identify this state. Preserving structural elements of facades of buildings and structures. Changing the species, forms, materials is possible only if the inability to save is possible.

The issuance of the conclusion of the emergency condition of the facade of the building (structures) and the production of repair work is carried out by specialized organizations.

9. Fans provide installation of pointers (shuffles) with the name of the street and the rooms of the house, and on the corner houses - nazing the intersecting streets that should be covered with the onset of darkness.

10. The unauthorized change in the facades of buildings and their structural elements is prohibited, which violates the external architectural appearance of a building as an element of urban development; Installation on the main facades of buildings, which are objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture), air conditioners, a device of communication cables, power channels, hinged equipment without coordination with the appropriate body of protection of cultural heritage objects.

Research Group "Security and Reliability"

Construction Examination, Building Survey, Energy Audit, Land Management, Design

Survey of facades of buildings is carried out in order to identify the state of the facades. Also, the examination of the facades of buildings is carried out at the emergency condition of the building. The methodology for examination of facades of buildings is reflected in Guest. Various methods are used to examine facades of buildings.

Construction expertise is a study of certain objects in order to establish their technical condition, identifying and mapping in conclusion of the presence of defects and various kinds of damage.

During such studies, the facades of buildings can be examined. It involves the study of the external walls of the building. At the same time, the examination of the facades is carried out by applying a number of special techniques.

The facade survey has its result of obtaining specific and clear conclusions about whether the facade of the building in repair needs and, if so, how large-scale such repairs should be.

What is necessary for the facades of buildings

As a rule, the examination of walls of buildings and structures is associated with the presence of any controversial issues, the permission of which is impossible without an expert opinion. Often, such disputes are in the judicial stage, and from the findings of the expert depends on how the decision on the claim will receive a court.

Such a procedure as a survey of the facade part of the building may be required in the following cases:

  • Recognition of the house of an emergency is impossible without holding a construction examination within which the facade is examined. It turns out its condition, the ability to withstand loads and resist external influences;
  • Upon receipt by the house of damage as a result of household fires or mechanical exposure. In this case, the facade survey is necessary to find out how serious the damage gained and what work will be required to eliminate them. This procedure provides for evaluating the degree of damage and the necessary costs;
  • With structural changes in the structure. The drawdown of the foundation of the building, the impact on it of groundwater or the breakthrough of communications, the detection of its inclination and other similar circumstances require the determination of the degree of criticality of changes. To do this, you need to examine the facade and carry out all the necessary measurements.

In any case, these activities serve as one goal - establishing and fixing changes in the facade. It may have a general deformation, as well as damage.

Such damage can be expressed in the form of cracks, chips, lack of certain fragments and so on.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in resolving disputes associated with the reimbursement of causing harm, confirmation of such harms and its scale is always required. Answer these questions and determine the specific conclusions of the urban authority or court, only the facade survey can only. The resulting conclusions will be set forth in the relevant expert conclusion.

How is such a survey

In expert practice, there are two ways to survey facades:

1. Through its visual inspection. In this case, the use of funds of photos and video phixations is obligatory. This will save the image of the building damage and will be useful in preparing the conclusion. In addition, these materials in all cases are involved in imprisonment and serve as confirmation of objectivity and validity of expert conclusions.

Despite the seeming primitiveness, the visual examination is important, since it is precisely the results that the facade of the facade is drawn to those or other problem areas;

2. Using special equipment and tools. Thus, measurements are measured, the widths and depths of mechanical damage - cracks, chips or sweepers. With the help of devices, an assessment of the structural state of the walls is estimated, their suitability for further operation.

For example, through the sclerometer, the condition and strength qualities of concrete, brickwork are measured. The study is carried out using pulses that are emitted by this equipment.

In general, the facades examination in relation to the construction examination is necessary to resolve issues on the suitability of residential buildings to resolve people, about the need for their demolition or repair, about the degree of wiseness of buildings, on the level of damage caused. The data obtained during such a survey serve as a basis for further calculations and determine the conclusions of the expert.

The survey of facades of buildings is carried out before the reconstruction or overhaul of the enclosing structures. Facade surveys are necessary to assess the technical condition of all elements and determine the strength characteristics of the materials of the walls of the facade, identifying and fixing defects, the determination of the geometric indicators of the walls and elements of the facade.

When installing ventilated facades, it is recommended to conduct test calculations of the building designs. The need for calculations is caused by the fact that the total weight of such a facade can give unacceptable loads on the elements and design of the building, and ultimately be in a situation where the insulation and the improvement of the type of the facade of the building will cause its destruction and will require considerable costs of recovery and reconstruction. .

What is analyzed in the process of facades

  • Archival and design and technical documentation are being studied.
  • It is measured by the facade of the building.
  • The structural scheme of the building is determined.
  • Possible deformations and precipitation are detected.
  • Possible places for opening and taking samples are installed.
  • A detailed and careful instrumental study of structures, connections is carried out.
  • The strength characteristics of the materials and the supporting structure of the building are revealed, as well as possible defects.
  • If necessary, the foundation and base is examined.
  • Currency calculations of the bearing elements of the building structures are carried out.
  • Holding geodesic works.
  • The reliability of the supporting structures can be assessed.
  • Graphic design of the facade of the facade of the building
  • Development of generalized recommendations to eliminate detected defects.

The result of the work carried out is to draw up a technical conclusion about the status of the facade of the building and the possibility of its reconstruction.

In which cases are required to examine the facade of the building?

  1. Examination of facades or expert assessment of work performed is carried out on the fact of work performed to confirm the quality of work and the compliance of project documentation. According to the results of the examination of the newly mounted facade, the "Technical Conclusion" is produced.
  2. The monitoring of facades and roofs is carried out in the case when there is clear defects in the building, such as traces of leaks and soaking out the outer walls, cracks, loss of individual elements, also monitoring the condition of structures is carried out during the start of the new construction near the existing building.
  3. Survey of the facade for the possibility of installing / fastening additional equipment, or replacing the finishing layers.
  4. The examination of the facades of brick buildings is carried out, as a rule, in order to determine the integrity of the brickwork, to determine the presence of defects and deformations, which may affect the supporting ability of the building as a whole.
  5. The thermal imaging examination of facades of buildings is carried out in order to determine the heat loss. Based on such a survey, the cause and place of destruction affecting the heat loss of the entire building.

What do you get at the end of the facade examination

  • Description of an existing state.
  • Heat engineering.
  • Thermal report.
  • Calculation of fastening nodes of power elements.
  • Construction of construction materials tests.
  • Defective statement (in case of detection of defects).
  • Photos and description.
  • Conclusions and recommendations for eliminating violations

The result is to draw up the technical conclusion about the state of the facade of the building and the possibility of its further operation.

As a rule, on the basis of the data that was obtained as a result of a technical survey of the facade of the building, the designer engineers make a decision, which is made in the form of a draft change in the type of facade of a house or building. A set of documents, technical conclusion and the project must pass relevant coordination in the interested services of the city or district and expertise to obtain permission and conditions of construction. Thus, the technical conclusion is the original technical document at the moment of time, to start the implementation of actions to change the facade of the building.

Cost of the facade of the building

The cost of the construction of the facade of the building depends on a number of parameters. The main parameter is the purpose of the survey - this may be the current state, the occurrence of defects and finding out the causes of their occurrence or the need for reconstruction and overhaul. Also, the price depends on the dimensions of the building and the technical task, indicating the types of tests and research.

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