The purpose of the security fire alarm. Types of alarms Purpose of control panels

Systems security and fire alarm(FSA) are designed to determine the fact of unauthorized entry into a protected object or the appearance of signs of fire, to issue an alarm and turn on executive devices (light and sound alarms, relays, etc.). OPS systems are very close to each other in terms of the ideology of construction, and at small objects, as a rule, they are combined on the basis of a single control unit - a receiving and control device (PPK) or a control panel (CP). In general, these systems include:

  • detection equipment (detectors);
  • technical means for collecting and processing information (receiving and controlling devices, notification transmission systems, etc.);
  • technical means of notification (sound and light annunciators, modems, etc.).

Detection technology- these are detectors built on various physical principles of action. A detector is a device that generates a certain signal when one or another monitored parameter is changed. environment... According to the field of application, the detectors are divided into security, security and fire and fire. Currently, security and fire detectors are practically not produced and are not used. Security detectors by the type of controlled area are divided into point, linear, surface and volumetric. According to the principle of action - on electrical contact, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, optoelectronic, capacitive, sound, ultrasonic, radio wave, combined, combined, etc.

Fire detectors are divided into manual and automatic detectors. Automatic fire detectors are subdivided into heat detectors that respond to an increase in temperature, smoke detectors that respond to the appearance of smoke, and flame that respond to optical radiation from an open flame.

Security detectors

Electrical contact detectors- the simplest type of security detectors. They are a thin metal conductor (foil, wire), specially fixed on a protected object or structure. Designed to protect building structures(glass, doors, hatches, gates, non-capital partitions, walls, etc.) from unauthorized penetration through them by destruction.

Magnetic contact (contact) detectors designed to block various building structures from opening (doors, windows, hatches, gates, etc.). The magnetic contact detector consists of a sealed magnetically operated contact (reed switch) and a magnet in a plastic or metal non-magnetic housing. The magnet is installed on a movable (opening) part of a building structure (door leaf, window sash, etc.), and a magnetically controlled contact is installed on a stationary one (door frame, window frame, etc.). To block large opening structures (sliding and swing gates) with significant backlash, electrical contact detectors such as travel limit switches are used.

Shock detectors are designed to block various glazed structures (windows, showcases, stained-glass windows, etc.) for breaking, The detectors consist of a signal processing unit (BFB) and from 5 to 15 glass break sensors (DRS). The location of the component parts of the detectors (BFB and DRS) is determined by the number, relative position and area of ​​the blocked glass sheets.

Piezoelectric detectors designed to block building structures (walls, floor, ceiling, etc.) and individual items(safes, metal cabinets, ATMs, etc.) for destruction. When determining the number of detectors of this type and the place of their installation on the protected structure, it is necessary to take into account that it is possible to use them with 100% or 75% coverage of the blocked area. The area of ​​each unprotected area of ​​the blocked surface should not exceed 0.1 m 2.

Optoelectronic detectors are subdivided into active and passive. Active optoelectronic detectors generate an alarm notification when the reflected flow (single-position detectors) changes or the received flow (two-position detectors) stops (changes) of infrared energy caused by the movement of the intruder in the detection zone. The detection zone of such detectors has the form of a "beam barrier" formed by one or more parallel narrowly directed beams located in a vertical plane. The detection zones of different detectors differ, as a rule, in the length and number of beams. Structurally active optoelectronic detectors, as a rule, consist of two separate units - a radiation unit (BI) and a receiver unit (BP), separated by a working distance (range).

Active optoelectronic detectors are used to protect internal and external perimeters, windows, showcases and approaches to individual items (safes, museum exhibits, etc.).

Passive optoelectronic detectors have the most wide use, because, with the help of specially designed optical systems (Fresnel lenses), it is possible to simply and quickly obtain the detection zones of various shapes and sizes and use them to protect premises of any configuration, building structures and individual items.

The principle of operation of the detectors is based on recording the difference between the intensity of infrared radiation emanating from the human body and the background ambient temperature. The sensitive element of the detectors is a pyroelectric converter (pyroreceiver), on which infrared radiation is focused using a mirror or lens optical system (the latter are the most widespread).

The detection zone of the detector is a spatial discrete system consisting of elementary sensitive zones in the form of beams located in one or several tiers or in the form of thin wide plates located in a vertical plane (“curtain” type). Conventionally, the detection zones of detectors can be divided into the following seven types: wide-angle single-tier “fan” type; wide-angle multi-tiered; narrowly directed “curtain” type, narrowly directed “beam barrier” type; panoramic single-storey; panoramic multi-tiered; conical multi-tiered.

Due to the possibility of forming detection zones of various configurations, passive infrared optoelectronic detectors have universal application and can be used to block volumes of premises, places where valuables are concentrated, corridors, internal perimeters, aisles between shelves, window and doorways, floors, ceilings, rooms with small animals, storage rooms, etc.

Capacitive detectors designed to block metal cabinets, safes, individual items, create protective barriers. The principle of operation of the detectors is based on a change in the electrical capacity of the sensitive element (antenna) when a person approaches or touches a protected object. In this case, the protected object must be installed on a floor with a good insulating covering or on an insulating pad.

It is allowed to connect several metal safes or cabinets to one detector in a room. The number of connected items depends on their capacity, design features premises and is specified when configuring the detector.

Sound (acoustic) detectors are designed to block glazed structures (windows, shop windows, stained-glass windows, etc.) for breaking. The principle of operation of these detectors is based on a non-contact method of acoustic control of the destruction of a glass sheet by vibrations arising during its destruction in the sound frequency range and propagating through the air.

When installing the detector, all areas of the protected glazed structure must be within its direct view.

Ultrasonic detectors designed to block volumes closed spaces The principle of operation of the detectors is based on the registration of disturbances in the field of elastic waves of the ultrasonic range, created by special emitters, when moving in the area of ​​human detection. The detection area of ​​the detector has the shape of an ellipsoid of rotation or a teardrop shape.

Due to the low noise immunity, they are currently practically not used.

Radio wave detectors designed to protect enclosed spaces, internal and external perimeters, individual items and building structures, open areas. The principle of operation of radio wave detectors is based on the registration of disturbances of electromagnetic waves of the microwave range, emitted by the transmitter and registered by the receiver of the detector when a person moves in the detection zone. The detection zone of the detector (as in the case of ultrasonic detectors) has the shape of an ellipsoid of rotation or a drop-shaped shape, The detection zones of different detectors differ only in size.

Radio wave detectors are one - and two-position. Single-position detectors are used to protect volumes of closed rooms and open areas. Two-position - for perimeter protection.

When choosing, installing and operating radio wave detectors, one should remember one of their features. For electromagnetic waves in the microwave range, some Construction Materials and constructions are not an obstacle (screen) and they freely, with some weakening, penetrate through them. Therefore, the detection zone of the radio wave detector can, in some cases, go beyond the protected premises, which can cause false alarms. Such materials and structures include, for example, thin plasterboard partitions, windows, wooden and plastic doors, etc. Therefore, radio wave detectors should not be aimed at window openings, thin walls and partitions, behind which during the security period the movement of large objects and people is possible. It is not recommended to use them on objects near which powerful radio transmitting means are located.

Combined detectors are a combination of two detectors built on different physical principles of detection, structurally and schematically combined in one housing. Moreover, they are schematically combined according to the “and” scheme, that is, only when both detectors are triggered, an alarm is generated. The most widely used combination of passive infrared and radio wave detectors.

Combined security detectors have a very high noise immunity and are used to protect premises of objects with complex interference conditions, where the use of other types of detectors is impossible or ineffective.

Combined detectors are two detectors built on different physical principles of detection, structurally combined in one housing. Each detector works independently of the other and has its own detection zone and its own output for connection to the alarm loop. The most widely used combination of infrared passive and acoustic detectors. There are other combinations as well.

Alarm detectors are intended for manual or automatic submission of an alarm notification to the internal security console of the facility or to the internal affairs bodies in cases of a possible criminal attack on employees, customers or visitors of the facility.

Various buttons and pedals of hand and foot action based on magnetic and electrical contact detectors are used as alarms. As a rule, such detectors are fixed in the pressed state and return to their original position is possible only with a key.

For the same purposes, special mini-alarm systems operating over a radio channel have been developed and are being used. They include a receiver that can be connected to the control panel or control panel, and several wearable transmitters for wireless transmission of alarm messages. Some key fobs include a drop sensor. The range of such systems is from several tens to several hundred meters.

Trap detectors occupy a special place among alarm detectors. They are designed to alert you when you try to steal money or rob a guarded object, regardless of the actions of the personnel. They represent an imitation of a wad of money in a bank package with a volume of 100 bills, into which a magnet is mounted, and a magnetic sensor (reed switch) in a special stand on which the bundle is located.

When the imitation bundle of money is withdrawn (moved) from the stand, the contacts of the magnetic sensor are opened and an alarm is sent to the security console of the facility. There are similar trap detectors, where a special cartridge containing colored (orange) smoke with a volume of 5 m is built in together with a magnet. 2 The smoke composition is sprayed with a time delay (3 minutes) after the magnetic sensor is triggered.

Types of interference and their possible sources

During operation, detectors are exposed to various interfering factors, among which the main ones are: acoustic interference and noises, vibrations of building structures, air movement, electromagnetic interference, changes in temperature and humidity of the environment, technical weakness of the protected object.

The degree of influence of interference depends on their power, as well as on the principle of operation of the detector.

Acoustic interference and noise are created by industrial installations, vehicles, household radio equipment, lightning discharges and other sources. Examples of acoustic interference are given in table 1.

Table 1. Examples of acoustic interference

Sound intensity, dB

Examples of sounds of specified strength

Sensitivity limit of the human ear.
Rustle of leaves. Faint whisper at a distance of 1 m.
Quiet garden.
Quiet room. Average noise level in the auditorium.
Low-volume music. Noise in the living area.
Poor loudspeaker performance. Noise in an office with open windows.
Loud radio receiver. Noise in the store. Average level in colloquial speech at a distance of 1 m.
Truck engine noise. Noise inside the tram.
Noisy street. Typewriting bureau.
Car horn.
Car siren. Jackhammer.
Heavy thunderclaps. Jet engine.
Pain limit. The sound is no longer heard.

This type of interference causes the appearance of inhomogeneities in the air environment, vibrations of not rigidly fixed glazed structures and can cause false alarms of ultrasonic, sound, shock-contact and piezoelectric detectors. In addition, the operation of ultrasonic detectors is influenced by high-frequency components of acoustic noise.

Vibration of building structures caused by trains and subway trains, powerful compressor units, etc. Shock and piezoelectric detectors are especially sensitive to vibration interference, therefore, these detectors are not recommended to be used on objects subject to such interference.

Air movement in the protected area caused mainly by heat flows near heating devices, drafts, fans, etc. The most susceptible to the influence of air flows are ultrasonic and passive optoelectronic detectors. Therefore, these detectors should not be installed in places with noticeable air movement (in window openings, near batteries central heating, near ventilation openings, etc.).

Electromagnetic interference created by lightning discharges, powerful radio transmitting means, high-voltage power lines, power distribution networks, electric transport contact networks, installations for scientific research, technological goals, etc.

Radio wave detectors are most susceptible to electromagnetic interference. Moreover, they are more susceptible to radio interference. The most dangerous electromagnetic interference is power supply interference. They arise when switching powerful loads and can penetrate into the input circuits of the equipment through the power supply inputs, causing its false alarms. A significant decrease in their number gives the use and timely Maintenance sources backup power.

Eliminating the effect of electromagnetic interference from AC networks on the operation of detectors allows compliance with the basic requirement for the installation of low-voltage connecting lines: the laying of the power supply lines of the detector and the alarm loop must be parallel to the power networks at a distance of at least 50 cm between them, and their intersection must be at right angles.

Changes in ambient temperature and humidity at a protected facility can influence the operation of ultrasonic detectors. This is due to the fact that the absorption of ultrasonic vibrations in air is highly dependent on its temperature and humidity. For example, when the ambient temperature rises from +10 to +30 ° C, the absorption coefficient increases by 2.5-3 times, and when the humidity rises from 20-30% to 98% and decreases to 10%, the absorption coefficient changes by 3-4 times.

A decrease in the temperature at the object at night compared to daytime leads to a decrease in the absorption coefficient of ultrasonic vibrations and, as a consequence, to an increase in the detector's sensitivity. Therefore, if the detector was adjusted during the daytime, at night, sources of interference that were outside this zone during the adjustment period can enter the detection zone, which can trigger the detector.

Technical laxity of facilities has a significant effect on the stability of the operation of magnetic detectors used to block elements of building structures (doors, windows, transoms, etc.) for opening. In addition, poor technical strength can cause false alarms of other detectors due to drafts, vibrations of glazed structures, etc.

It should be noted that there are a number of specific factors that cause false alarms for detectors of only a certain category. These include: the movement of small animals and insects, fluorescent lighting, radio transmission of building structure elements, direct sunlight and car headlights on detectors.

Small animals and insects movement can be perceived as the movement of an intruder by detectors, the principle of which is based on the Doppler effect. These include ultrasonic and radio wave detectors. The influence of crawling insects on the detectors can be eliminated by treating their installation sites with special chemicals.

When fluorescent lighting is used at an object guarded by radio wave detectors, the source of interference is a column of ionized gas of the lamp blinking at a frequency of 100 Hz and vibration of the lamp armature at a frequency of 50 Hz.

In addition, fluorescent and neon lamps create continuous fluctuation noise, and mercury and sodium lamps create pulsed noise with a wide frequency spectrum. For example, fluorescent lamps can create significant radio interference in the frequency range of 10-100 MHz or more.

The detection range of such light sources is only 3-5 times less than the detection range of a person, therefore, for the period of protection, they must be turned off, and incandescent lamps should be used as emergency lighting.

Radio transmission of building structure elements it can also cause false triggering of a radio wave detector if the walls are thin or have large-sized thin-walled openings, windows, doors.
The energy emitted by the detector can go outside the premises, while the detector detects people passing outside, as well as passing vehicles. Examples of radio transmission of building structures are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Examples of radio transmission of building structures

Thermal radiation from lighting fixtures can cause false alarms of passive optoelectronic detectors. This radiation in terms of power is comparable to the thermal radiation of a person and can cause the detectors to trigger.

In order to eliminate the effect of these interferences on passive optoelectronic detectors, it is possible to recommend isolating the detection zone from the effects of radiation from lighting devices. Reducing the influence of interfering factors, and, consequently, reducing the number of false alarms of detectors, is mainly achieved by observing the requirements for the placement of detectors and their optimal configuration at the installation site.

V Table 3 the types and sources of interference and the ways of their elimination are given.

Table 3. Sources of interference and how to eliminate them

Types and sources of interference Detectors
shock contact, magnetic contact ultrasonic acoustic radio waves optoelectronic capacitive piezoelectric Combined IR + microwave
passive active
External acoustic interference and noise: vehicles, construction machines and aggregates,
aircraft, loading and unloading operations, etc. close to the object
Do not affect Do not affect Apply when the noise level in the room is up to 60 dB Do not affect
Internal acoustic interference and noise: refrigeration units, fans, telephone and electrical calls, fluorescent tube chokes, hydraulic noise in pipes Do not affect Do not affect Do not affect
Collaboration in the same room of detectors of the same operating principle Do not affect Do not affect Install the detector correctly. Use detectors with different letters Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detectors Do not affect
Vibration of building structures In the presence of constant vibrations of large amplitude, it is impossible to use
Air movement: drafts, heat flows from radiators Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detectors
Moving objects and people behind non-capital walls, wooden doors Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detectors Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detectors
Moving objects in the protected area: swinging curtains, plants, rotating fan blades Do not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Configure the detector correctly Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector
Small animals (mice, rats) Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect Correctly install and configure the detector Do not affect
Water movement in plastic pipes Does not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Configure the detector correctly Shielding pipes Does not affect Do not install near sources of interference. Configure the detector correctly Configure the detector correctly
Changing the free space of the protected area due to the introduction, removal of large-sized objects with an increased ability to absorb or reflect Does not affect Reconfigure the detector Does not affect Reconfigure the detector
AC voltage fluctuations Use a DC backup power supply
Electromagnetic interference: vehicles with electric motors, powerful radio transmitters, electric welding machines, power lines, electrical installations with a capacity of more than 15 kVA Does not affect With a field strength of more than 10 V / m and VHF radiation of more than 40 W at a distance of less than 3 m from the detector, it is impossible to use
Fluorescent lighting Does not affect Turn off lighting during protection period Eliminate the influence of direct illumination. Install the detector correctly Does not affect
Sunlight, vehicle headlights Do not affect Install the detector correctly Do not affect
Changing the background temperature Does not affect The rate of change of the background temperature is not more than 1 ° С / min Does not affect Does not affect

When choosing the types and number of detectors for the protection of a specific facility, one should take into account:
- the required level of security of the facility;
- expenses for the purchase, installation and operation of the detector;
- construction and structural characteristics of the object;
- tactical and technical characteristics of the detector.
The recommended type of detector is determined by the type of structure to be blocked and the method of physical impact on it in accordance with Table 4.

Lockable design

Method of exposure

Detector type

Windows, showcases, glass counters, doors with glass sheets, frames, transoms, vents


Magnetic contact

Glass breaking (breaking and cutting glass)

Electrical contact, shock contact, sound, piezoelectric


Passive optoelectronic, radio wave, combined

Doors, gates, loading and unloading hatches


Magnetic contact, terminal switches, active optical-electronic

Electrocontact (HBM wire), piezoelectric


Passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Window grilles, grill doors, chimney and air duct grilles

Opening Sawing

Magnetic contact (for metal structures) Electrocontact (HBM wire)

Walls, floors, ceilings, ceilings, partitions, communication entry points

Electrocontact (HBM wire), piezoelectric, vibration


Active linear optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Safes, individual items

Destruction (impact, drilling, sawing)

Piezoelectric, Vibrating Capacitive

Touch, approach penetration (approach to protected items)

Active optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Object moving or destruction

Magnetic contact, electrocontact (wire NVM, PEL), piezoelectric



Active optoelectronic, passive optoelectronic, radio wave, ultrasonic, combined

Room volume


Passive optical-electronic, radio-wave ultrasound, combined

Outside perimeter, open areas


Active linear optoelectronic, radio wave

Fire detectors

Fire detectors are the main elements of automatic fire and security fire alarm systems.

According to the method of activation, fire detectors are divided into manual and automatic. Manual detectors lack the function of detecting a fire source; their action is reduced to transmitting an alarm message to the electrical circuit of the alarm loop after a person detects a fire and activating the detector by pressing the corresponding start button.

Automatic fire detectors operate without human intervention. With their help, the detection of ignition is carried out by one or several analyzed signs and the formation of a fire notification when the controlled physical parameter of the set value is reached. Elevated air temperature, release of combustion products, turbulent flows of hot gases, electromagnetic radiation, etc. can be monitored parameters. The use of other signs of fire is also possible. Combined detectors react to two or more parameters that characterize the appearance of a fire source.

Heat detectors can use the method of forming the analyzed signal, which allows them to respond not only to an increase in the absolute value of temperature above the maximum set threshold, but also to an increase in the rate of rise of its limit value. Therefore, in accordance with the nature of the reaction to a change in the controlled attribute, they are divided into maximum, differential and maximum-differential. Smoke fire detectors, according to the principle of operation, are divided into optoelectronic and ionization.

According to the method of power supply, fire detectors are divided into:

  • powered by the alarm loop from the control panel or control panel;
  • powered by a separate external power supply;
  • powered by a built-in internal power source (autonomous fire detectors).

The detector's detection zone is the space near the detector, within which it is guaranteed to be triggered when a fire occurs. Most often, this parameter is expressed in units of area (m 2) controlled by the detector with the required reliability. With an increase in the height of the detector installation, the area controlled by one detector decreases. If the installation height is higher than the specified maximum, the effective detection of the fire source by the detector is not guaranteed.

For light detectors, the protected area is determined by the maximum detection range of an open test fire and the viewing angle, which depends on the design of the optical system.

Fire detectors must ensure reliable detection of a fire source in specific protected areas. To do this, when choosing a detector, it is necessary to take into account the probable nature of ignition and the development process over time of the main fire factors: temperature rise, smoke concentration, light radiation at various points in the room. Depending on the type and amount of combustible materials in the event of a fire, there may be a predominance of one or more detectable signs.

Most often, ignition is accompanied by the release of smoke in the initial stage, therefore, in most cases, the use of smoke detectors is most advisable. When choosing a smoke detector, it should be borne in mind that ionization (radioisotope) and optoelectronic smoke detectors have different sensitivity to combustion products, the smoke particles of which have different colors and sizes. Optoelectronic point detectors respond better to light smoke, typical of cellulose-containing materials, as well as smoke consisting of small aerosol particles. Ionization detectors have a relatively higher sensitivity to combustion products emitting black smoke with larger particles (for example, when burning rubber).

Premises, in which the rapid appearance of an open flame is most likely during a fire, should preferably be equipped with light detectors.

It is advisable to install heat detectors, first of all, in those cases when a significant power of the fire center is provided and, therefore, an intense heat release will occur in the event of a fire.

When choosing a detector, it is also necessary to take into account special additional requirements for their design and principle of operation. For example, it is not recommended to install radioisotope detectors in residential premises and childcare facilities. In hazardous areas, detectors with a special design must be installed.

The calculation of the total number of detectors and the determination of their installation locations should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room, as well as the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. The latter includes the relevant documents regulating general issues of design and installation of fire automation installations, systems and complexes of fire and burglar alarms, as well as operational documentation for the corresponding type of detector.

More and more widespread are fire detectors created using the element base of the fourth generation: specialized controllers and microprocessors.

A common feature of such detectors with extended tactical and technical capabilities is the use of only special devices (control panels) that are part of the security and fire alarm system of the corresponding company for joint operation.

The use of computer technology makes it possible to create addressable fire detectors that transmit information about their location to the central processor of the control panel, which ensures an accurate reconstruction of the picture and analysis of the process of the emergence and development of a fire. They carry out automatically or at the request of the center, the performance monitoring and digital transmission of data on the parameters of their functioning. In such detectors, if necessary, it is possible to adjust the sensitivity when the environmental conditions change. Analog detectors can also transmit information about the level of the monitored parameter. The expansion of the range of detectors is carried out through the use of new technologies. For example, modern foreign linear heat detectors (cable type) detect the difference between normal and elevated temperatures, which makes it possible to generate an alarm signal even before the start of a fire (smoke or fire) when the monitored object overheats. The signal is transmitted in analog form from the detector to a special control panel, which allows you to determine the distance to the overheated area. Such detectors can be effectively used to control objects with electrical equipment, rooms with false ceilings, cable routes and channels.

Technical means of collecting and processing information

The technical means for collecting and processing information include receiving and monitoring devices, control panels, signaling and starting devices, notification transmission systems, etc. They are designed for continuous collection of information from technical means of detection (detectors) included in the alarm loops, analysis of an alarm situation at the facility and its display, control of local light and sound annunciators, indicators and other devices (relay, modem, transmitter, etc.). ), as well as the formation and transmission of notifications about the state of the object to the central post or the centralized observation panel. They also provide the handover and disarming of the object (room) according to the adopted tactics, as well as, in some cases, the power supply of the detectors.

Receiving and control devices are classified according to information capacity (the number of controlled alarm loops) into devices of small (up to 5 AL), medium (from 6 to 50 AL) and large (over 50 AL) information capacity. In terms of information content, devices can be small (up to 2 types of notifications), medium (from 3 to 5 types) and large (over 5 types) information content.

Notification transmission systems are classified according to information capacity (the number of protected objects) into systems with constant information capacity and with the possibility of increasing information capacity.

In terms of information content, the systems are subdivided into systems of small (up to 2 types of notifications), medium (from 3 to 5 types) and large (over 5) information content.

According to the type of communication lines (channels) used, the systems are subdivided into systems using telephone network lines (including switchable ones), special communication lines, radio channels, combined communication lines, etc.

According to the number of directions of information transmission, they are subdivided into systems with one- and bi-directional information transmission (with the presence of a reverse channel).

According to the object maintenance algorithm, message transmission systems are subdivided into non-automated systems with manual tactics of arming (disarming) objects under protection (disarming) after telephone conversations with the control panel attendant and automated systems with automatic arming and disarming (without telephone conversations).

According to the method of displaying the information coming to the centralized observation console, the notification transmission systems are subdivided into systems with individual or group display of information in the form of light and sound signals, with information being displayed on the display using devices for processing and storing a database.

In terms of the main tasks being solved, the control panels correspond to domestic control devices. Let us also clarify the concepts of a protection zone (a term used in foreign literature) and an alarm loop used in domestic literature. Let us note right away that these concepts are different.

Alarm loop is an electrical circuit that connects the output circuits of the detectors, which includes auxiliary elements (diodes, resistors, etc.), connecting wires and boxes and is designed to issue notifications about intrusion, attempted intrusion, fire, malfunction, and in some cases and to supply power to the detectors.

Thus, the alarm loop is designed to monitor the status of a certain protected zone.

Zone- this is a part of the protected object controlled by one or more alarm loops. Therefore, the term “zone” used in descriptions of foreign equipment is in this case synonymous with the term “signaling loop”.

Modern multifunctional control points have ample opportunities for organizing security, fire and security and fire alarm systems. Knowledge of these possibilities will make it possible to make the right choice of a checkpoint, the characteristics and parameters of which most fully satisfy the solution of the assigned tasks for the protection of a particular object.

The structure of the alarm system, organized on the basis of the CP, will largely be determined by the method of connecting the alarm loops, which affects the functional characteristics of the organized security system and largely determines the cost of installation work. By the method of connecting the loops, the following types of CP can be distinguished:

  • with trains of radial structure;
  • with a tree structure;
  • addressable.

In a control panel with radial loops, each loop is connected directly to the panel itself. Such a structure justifies itself with a small number of loops (usually up to 16) and at facilities that do not require the organization of remote loops. They are usually used for small and medium-sized facilities.

CPs with a tree structure have a special information bus of several wires (usually 4). Expanders are connected to this bus. In turn, radial loops are connected to the expanders. Several basic radial loops can also be connected to the CP itself. The total number of loops is usually in the range of 24-128. Expanders monitor the status of the loops connected to them, encode information about their status and transmit it via the data bus to the control panel, which has an indication of the status of all loops. Such checkpoints are used to build security systems for medium and large facilities.

Addressable control panels using loops with addressable detectors stand somewhat apart from the rest and are usually used to create rather complex integrated security systems for large and critical facilities. Obviously, addressable detectors are more complicated and more expensive than conventional ones, and their use and advantages are fully manifested in complex and large objects.

There are addressable CPs that have different designs of their loops:

  • beam;
  • annular;
  • annular with ray branches.

The ring train has a rather serious advantage. If it is damaged (broken), it retains its operability, since the information exchange line is preserved. When the loop is closed, special devices, loop dividers, disconnect the short-circuited section, and the rest of the loop continues to function.

Receiving and control devices (PPK) and control panels (CP) are the main elements that form an information and analytical system of security, fire or security and fire alarms at the facility. Such systems can be autonomous or centralized. In the first case, the PPK or KP is installed in the security room (point) located at the guarded facility. With centralized security, an object complex of technical means, formed by one or several PPK (CP), forms an object subsystem of the security and fire alarm system, which, using the notification transmission system (SPI), transmits in a given form information about the state of the object to the centralized monitoring station (CMS), located in the center for receiving alarm notices (centralized security point - ARC). The information generated by the PPK or CP during autonomous and centralized protection is transmitted to employees of special security services of the facility, which are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarms received from the facility.

Key terms used in the section:

  1. Detector detection area- part of the protected object space, in which the detector issues an alarm message when the controlled parameter exceeds the threshold value.
  2. Detector sensitivity- the numerical value of the monitored parameter, when exceeded, the detector should be triggered.
  3. Optical density of the medium- the decimal logarithm of the ratio of the radiation flux passing through a non-smoky medium to the radiation flux attenuated by the medium when it is partially or completely smoke-free.
reference Information

Requirements for the placement of fire detectors in accordance with NPB 88-2001 “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Norms and rules of design "

In accordance with NPB 88-2001 “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Norms and rules for design ", the area controlled by one point smoke detector, as well as maximum distance between the detectors and the wall, it is necessary to determine by table 5

Table 5. Requirements for the placement of smoke detectors

When monitoring the protected area with two or more smoke linear detectors (LDPI), the maximum distance between their parallel optical axes, the optical axis and the wall, depending on the installation height of the fire detector units, should be determined by Table 6.

Table 6. Requirements for the placement of smoke line detectors

In rooms with a height of over 12 m and up to 18 m, the detectors should be installed in two tiers, in accordance with Table 7.

Table 7. Requirements for the placement of smoke linear detectors for two-tier placement

The area monitored by one point heat detector, as well as the maximum distance between the detector and the wall, must be determined by table 8, but not exceeding the values ​​specified in technical conditions and passports for detectors.

Table 8 Requirements for the placement of heat detectors

Classes of thermal fire detectors, in accordance with NPB 85-2000 “Heat fire detectors. Fire safety technical requirements. Test methods "

In accordance with NPB 85-200 “Heat fire detectors. Fire safety technical requirements. Test methods ", maximum, maximum differential detectors and detectors with differential characteristics, depending on the temperature and response time, are divided into ten classes: A1, A2, A3, B, C, D, E, F, G, H (see ... Table 9).

Table 9. Classes of maximum differential detectors


Medium temperature, ° С

Response temperature, ° С



minimal maximum

Indicated in the TD for specific types of detectors

This market is expected to grow at double-digit percentages - especially in the area of ​​addressable device and wireless installations.

The security industry's renewable revenue source, essentially its cash cow, is the security control room and the hardware that is supplied to customers to provide security.

“We just fell in love with subscription revenue,” says Wayne Beck, CEO of A-Com Protection Services Inc., based in Columbus, Georgia. with the fact that renewable income can only be counted on with complete control over costs. We had to change the paradigm. If this did not happen, we would not have been able to stay in business. Believe it or not, we are now making money by protecting the residential sector. "

Beck expanded the security system he offered to his customers while raising the price of the basic user kit to $ 400 and reducing the monthly subscription price of monitoring services by $ 10. At the same time, the decrease in the actual price was 2 dollars, and the remaining 8 were freed up due to the abolition of the monthly system maintenance fee. This strategy has contributed to 20% growth in his business.

“We felt that it was necessary to demonstrate to the client: if he buys systems from our competitors, then at lower one-time costs he will pay a higher monthly fee, and we do the opposite; over a long period of time, his total monitoring costs will be significant below - and we made it our marketing philosophy, ”explains Beck.

Ronald Petrarca, Director of Operations, Licensing and Compliance Administrator, Electronix Systems C.S.A. Inc. from Huntington Station, pcs. New York believes the console security industry has "punished" itself with a price crisis. “Competition has had a negative impact on this business, as the rise in the supply of 'lightweight' and free-to-install systems has resulted in a subset of customers becoming more comfortable with low-cost security systems,” he says.

Thomas Patterson is chairman and CEO of the Kimberlite Corporation in Fresno, PA. California reported that its sales are successful. “In the past three years, we have been downright reckless, raising sales by a quarter in a year,” he says. “Today, a certain share of this growth is provided by video surveillance systems, which are currently at the peak of popularity; not bad. "

"If the trend of strengthening the video surveillance sector continues, this could negatively affect our profits, since the competition in this market segment is too fierce - it is difficult to compete with the Internet," he admits.

Patterson is optimistic about the outlook for the fire alarm business. “For companies that have made the effort to assemble a team of professionals, the opportunity to work in the fire alarm industry is enormous,” he argues. some confusion, and this is beneficial to people like us. "

"Over the past few years, we have created a separate division that works in the fire-fighting profile, and brought together fire-fighting professionals, and therefore we are in a very convenient position to do business in this area as well", - emphasizes Patterson.

John Doyle Jr., CEO of Doyle Security Systems Inc. from Rochester, pcs. New York reports 15% growth in alarm system sales over the past year. He talks about clients who travel often and therefore are absent from their place of residence, as well as those who own a second house or apartment, which are sometimes empty.

Drew Chernoy, Finance and Business Development Officer at Scarsdale Security Systems Inc. from Scarsdale, pcs. New York, concludes that the need for clients to inquire about the condition of their homes in their absence has helped the growth of his company. But he also recognizes the fact that customers who seek to acquire the cheapest solution possible do not come across in his practice very often.

“If a client wants to install the system for free, he will find those who will be able to do it, - believes Chernoy. - The main pillar of our business is local clients who have been recommended us by the same clients who are satisfied with our work. understand their funds are well worth it and value our personalized service and support. "

The company's efforts to market its services were also aided by its participation in the reality show "To Catch a Thief" on the Discovery Channel. "It looks like this little 'flare' has yielded results," says Chernoy.

Wayne Varzager, President of New York Merchants Protective Co. Inc. from Freeport, pcs. New York reports a 30% increase in sales of fire alarm systems by his company. He explains this by the fact that municipalities have become stricter to control the implementation of norms, which until then remained only spelled out on paper - and therefore a tangible scope of work appeared.

"The systems that are in demand today are somewhat broader in terms of their range of capabilities than in previous years," explains Varzager.

Manufacturers show optimism

Those involved in the sales and distribution of security and fire alarm systems and security monitoring are mostly optimistic in their 2007 forecasts.

"The commercial and residential fire alarm markets are set to grow strongly," said Richard Roberts, senior product manager for the security division of System Sensor in St. Charles, Illinois. security ".

Innovation is also contributing to the growth of his company, which supplies warning devices and peripherals worldwide. “We are constantly bringing new products to market and improving existing models,” says Roberts. “This is a real source of strength for our company.”

Roberts predicts a fairly strong 2007 sales growth rate for the fire alarm products market, close to 10%. “This trend has been observed over the past two to three years,” he says.

Among those who also have an optimistic outlook for the market development in 2007 is Rick Falbo, internal sales manager of Summit System Technologies Inc. from Toronto. "We still feel, based on our internal forecasts, that 2007 will be a good year," Falbo says.

"The main stock of potential in the country is concentrated here," he emphasizes.

Bill Jackson, President, Digital Monitoring Products Inc. (DMP) from Springfield, pc. Montana is reporting double-digit growth, particularly in wireless technology and high-quality networked addressable intruders.

More restrained in his predictions is Jim Paulson, general product manager for the burglar alarm group at GE Security in Bradenton, WA. Florida.

“In general, the market is alive, but there is too much competition in it, - says Paulson. - It takes a lot of effort from each player, because the fight is for the same 'piece of the pie'.

“Manufacturers have yet to come up with expanding products or business offerings that put us on the path to growth,” Paulson says. ways to expand the "pie" for yourself and your customers, and this is not easy. "

Operators of centralized control room stations report a significant increase in the volume of services and expect further growth in 2007.

"We are seeing the best dealers with better business plans and adequate funding grow significantly faster than they have seen in the previous five years," said Russell McDonnell, chairman of Rapid Response in Cyracuse, New. York. - From our point of view, this year is one of the best in these five years. "

Scott Sturges, director of product marketing for intruder alarm systems at ADI, a distributor in Melville, NY. New York is talking about record growth. "In 2006, ADI set a record for the sale of security and fire alarm products," he says. "Our sales numbers have grown very well in the past 24 months."

However, as Sturges warns, the strong start seen in January this year is not necessarily an indicator of future success. “It is difficult to predict what will happen next,” he admits. “The fire alarm market is seasonal. We usually see a strong spike in activity from April to September-October, and therefore we are looking forward to see if it will happen at all. this year. "

He is just as cautious about the outlook for the burglar alarm market, although he is convinced that distribution of fire alarm equipment will be fine, given that commercial construction has retained its position and budgetary costs in this category are still high.

"As for the burglar alarms, here I am somewhat less optimistic, since the market advantages housing construction noticeably weakened, - he warns. "There are a number of signs in this market that could negatively impact the burglar alarm business in the United States."


Beck believes that competition among burglar alarm companies has remained at the same level as in previous years. "We are watching everything large quantity companies wishing to do this business - he says. “I also own a telephone company, and we are kind of an integrator in this area. And if here reseller companies compete with me, then in the field of burglar alarms this is almost not observed. "

Petrarch agrees that there is often competition from companies outside of the security industry. "Alarms have begun to be made not only by manufacturers of network and telephone equipment, but also by manufacturers of audio equipment," he complains. "Oilmen have also been doing this for a number of years."

Doyle is faced with the challenge of finding qualified contractors for his contracts. "In many cases, their shortage increases either the cost or the lead time," he notes.

Beck is also trying to raise the level of customer service. “We strive to provide the customer with the services that he wants, and not those for which we assume that he wants them, - says Beck. - Many people think that they provide a good service, but in fact they have such Problems..."

“I have been in this business for 34 years, and I still sometimes receive calls from clients with complaints,” he admits. “Therefore, I give my contact details in directories. to keep me informed. If you are the first to talk to him about this, you will take responsibility for ensuring that the client is properly taken care of. "

One of Patterson's concerns is the personnel serving his company's headquarters. “Our central security console in Fresno, California, during 2006, helped local police catch 552 burglars red-handed while attempting to rob or damage our clients' secure properties,” he says. “In 2005, 576 people were arrested. after all, we have only 6900 security systems in service. "

"We can't get enough of our central station, seeing in it the main guarantee of our success," proclaims Patterson. to the next level of quality. It's always difficult and we are just happy that our station has a first-class team and excellent management. "

What products are profitable?

Roberts cites as one of the reasons why his company sees certain prospects for its growth, strict legal requirements for the installation of fire alarm systems in residential and industrial facilities, as well as systems for determining the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air.

“We are all seeing this market grow,” he says of carbon monoxide detectors. V last years the legislation is constantly being tightened, obliging to apply them. He also cites addressable and wireless smoke detectors as products that are increasing in sales.

"It is expected that their sales growth rate could approach 20%, while sales of conventional wired smoke detectors will remain at about the same level," he says. "This is primarily due to the fact that addressable and wireless smoke detectors offer a wider range of capabilities than wired detector systems. "

Falbo's company, Summit System Technologies, was formed in January 2006 by the parent company Mircom Technologies Ltd. from Vaughan, Ontario, Canada. This was in response to her reported growth in sales of addressable fire alarm controllers.

“We are observing the following tendency: installers prefer to lay new lines for addressable signaling devices instead of the existing wiring. Legislative requirements are becoming more and more stringent, which in practice gives the green light to the introduction of address systems, as they are more user-friendly, especially in an emergency. "

Paulson is also enthusiastic. “Our fire systems sector is growing at double-digit percentages. This is three times the market as a whole, thanks to our channel partners and our product platforms,” he says. our security systems are approaching the 10% mark. "

“Our fire alarm sales channel was growing a little faster than the security dealer channel, so I would say that the MEP channel has slightly exceeded the 10% growth rate in terms of growth, while the security dealer channel does not reach that threshold. "- continues Paulson.

The profitability figures for Paulson's company are also good, but he himself continues to consider this a problem area. “We must continue to invest in new product development and seek opportunities to formulate unique service offerings that are unprecedented in today's market — and we are already working on some of that,” he says.

He is also concerned about the problems facing some of the dealers and integrators. “Some people can't grow because they don’t find enough installers,” Paulson shares his thoughts. to actively implement wireless systems. "

New products from the Napco Security group of companies from Amityville, pcs. New York City are designed to simplify installation procedures. "Sales of legacy wired systems appear to be slowly declining, being replaced by newer, easier-to-install hybrid systems that require less skilled labor to install," said Judy Jones, group vice president of marketing. The demands of our dealers to limit labor costs have led us to such changes, and we have responded to this by adjusting to the changes in their labor structure. "

Industry problems

Jackson associates growth opportunities with multiple vertical markets. “Our product continues to appeal to financial institutions because it enables them to operate in their familiar networked environment,” he notes. retail also remains very promising, with our sales figures growing year by year. The federal government provides many options, and we have remotes specifically designed to meet government requirements. "

Trends highlighted by Rod Garner, president of Mountain Alarm in Ogden, WA. Utah, includes the development of wireless technologies.

"The success of the summer marketing programs has changed the way investment capital views the industry," he said. old school, I believe that and new model will be heavily bitten by wear and tear, but smart money will find quality operators on its own to strike a good balance between growth performance and things like asset wear. "

Sales of new equipment by Electronix Systems continue, Petrarca says, to compete with obsolete but floating systems. He sees a problem in the fact that Internet telephony continues to evolve.

"Fewer and fewer customers are installing wireline telephone lines," he points out, adding that as monitoring services using analog cellular channels leave the market, "radio and Internet systems are selling well."

Varzager is already preparing to deal with the problems caused by the decommissioning of analog cellular networks in the AMPS format, as well as the spread of Internet telephony.

“It, in general, interferes with the transmission of signals,” says Varzager about Internet telephony. “No matter what we do to inform users, things do not always go as we plan. They are starting to use Internet channels. -telephony without informing us about it. The fact is that it takes a little longer to reconfigure the system taking into account the use of VoIP services than for a regular call to the support service - and therefore it affects our company in a certain way. "

Melissa Brankman is director of customer service for Custom Alarm in Rochester, PA. Minnesota has seen a significant increase in the number of homeowners moving from traditional land lines to using the Internet or cable connections, but sees a downside as well.

“There is a strong push for complete home automation and all-in-one solutions — especially in new builds,” she notes. “But this is not always the best option for a security system. services in the same hands, forgets about the adage that does not recommend "putting all your eggs in one basket."


New products create new markets for Doyle. “Customers are also interested in our ability to keep their homes safe with water leakage sensors, air carbon monoxide monitors and temperature sensors,” he says.

Beck is optimistic about the outlook for the industry. “I think we’re all right with the future,” he says. “We just have to make sure that our professionalism is preserved and even increased and that we keep the interests of the client in view. about our own considerations about what exactly we should sell, not noticing that customers may want to buy something completely different. "

Demand for emergency calls is expected to grow

Potential growth in demand for monitoring services, optimistically noted by Scott Sturges, director of marketing for fire alarm products at ADI in Melville, NY. New York, is to develop personal emergency response systems (PERS).

“I think one of the few advanced technologies we're trying to market today is Personal Emergency Call Systems (PERS),” Sturges admits. “We see significant potential for business growth in them. for the next few years. "

“Many of our dealers sell PERS systems, because the installation itself is fast, the communication in these systems is wireless, and the subscription fee for them is higher than for standard security and anti-burglar systems,” he says. they have a customer base, they can actually distribute PERS products to be used in the care of the elderly. Given the aging population of America, our dealers have a good opportunity to enter the PERS sector. "

Wayne Varzager, President of New York Merchants Protective Co. Inc. from Freeport, pcs. New York agrees that PERS systems are important. “Lonely old people and social workers will want to be able to stay in their homes, and monitoring PERS systems will become a very significant business,” he says.

Sturges also notes "tremendous growth" in the use of digital cellular GSM radio systems as backups, with analog systems due to be phased out in February 2008.


In this paper, we will consider the characteristics of technical means of security and security and fire alarms, permitted for use, and technical means of fire alarms, recommended for use at the present time by the State Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as technical means of protection that were most widely used earlier.

And also we will consider the organization of the protection of the owners' facilities with the help of burglar alarms in open areas, buildings, premises and individual items. Let us describe the organization of the transmission of information about the alarm triggering. We list the types of control devices and conditions of use.

Technical means of security and fire alarm systems, their classification and purpose

Basic terms and definitions

Security and fire alarm (FSA)- this is the receipt, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers of information about penetration into protected objects and fire on them using technical means. The consumer of information is the personnel, who are entrusted with the functions of responding to alarms and service notices coming from guarded objects.

Notice in the FSA technique, a message is called that carries information about controlled changes in the state of a protected object or technical means of an FSA and is transmitted using electromagnetic, electrical, light and (or) sound signals. Notifications are divided into alarming and service notifications. An alarm message contains information about intrusion or fire, a service one - about "arming", "disarming", equipment malfunction, etc.

Protected object (GS) is called a separate room containing material or other valuables, equipped with technical means of the fire alarm, or a complex of premises dispersed within one or more buildings, united by a common territory and protected by security units. Places of possible penetration into the RO or separate protected areas are equipped with various detectors, which are included in the alarm loop.

Protected area- this is a part of the protected object controlled by one FSA loop or their combination.

Security and fire alarm complex Is a set of jointly operating technical means of security, fire and (or) security and fire alarms installed at a protected facility and united by a system of engineering networks and communications.

Security detector (fire)- OPS technical means for detecting intrusion (fire), attempted intrusion or physical impact exceeding the standardized level, and generating a notice of intrusion (fire). The security and fire detector combines security and fire functions.

Reception and control device (PPK) Is a technical means of a security and fire alarm system for receiving notifications from detectors (alarm loops) or other control panels, converting signals, issuing notifications for direct human perception, further transmission of notifications and issuing commands to turn on sirens. Depending on the security system, which includes the FSA complex, another control panel (in the case of autonomous security in the presence of an autonomous security point) or an object terminal device (in the case of centralized security) can be connected to the output of the control panel.

Security and fire alarm Is a technical means of an OPS designed to warn people about penetration, attempted penetration and (or) fire.

Autonomous security system consists of OPS complexes with access to sirens and (or) another control panel installed at the autonomous security point.

Autonomous security point (PAO)- this is a point located on a guarded object or in the immediate vicinity of it, serviced by the security service of the object and equipped with technical means of displaying information about penetration and (or) fire in each of the controlled rooms (zones) of the object for direct human perception.

Notification transmission system (SPI)- this is a set of jointly operating technical means for transmitting through communication channels and receiving at a centralized security point of notifications about intrusion into guarded objects and (or) fire on them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, as well as for transmission and reception of telecontrol commands (if available return channel).

The SPI provides for the installation of terminal devices (EO) at facilities, repeaters (R) on cross-automatic telephone exchanges, in residential buildings and other intermediate points and centralized monitoring consoles (CMS) at centralized security points.

UO, R, CMS are constituent parts SPI. UO is installed at the protected facility to receive notifications from the control panel.

Centralized security point (ARC)- this is control room centralized protection of a number of dispersed objects from penetration and fire using SPI.

Depending on the characteristics of the OO (length, number of rooms, number of storeys, etc.) and the value of material assets located at the facility, its protection can be implemented through one or more alarm loops. In the event that the security structure of the facility includes several loops, placed in such a way that when an intruder enters the OO and moves to material values, he needs to overcome several protected zones controlled by different loops with exits to individual numbers of the monitoring station, the security should be considered as multi-line ... Thus, a loop or a set of loops that control protected zones on the path of the intruder to the material assets of the OO and have access to a separate monitoring station number is called an alarm border, and the set of protected zones controlled by the alarm border is a guard border.

Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security and fire detectors

Technical means of security and security and fire alarms, designed to obtain information about the state of monitored parameters at a guarded facility, receive, convert, transmit, store, display this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with OST 25 829–78 are classified into two features: field of application and functional purpose. According to the field of application, vehicles are divided into security, fire and security and fire; by functional purpose - to technical means of detection (detectors), designed to obtain information about the state of monitored parameters and vehicle alerts, intended for receiving, converting, transmitting, storing, processing and displaying information (SPI, PPK and sirens).

In accordance with GOST 26342–84, security and fire detectors are classified according to the following parameters.

By appointment: for enclosed spaces, for open areas and perimeters of objects.

By the type of zone controlled by the detector: point, linear, surface, volumetric.

According to the principle of operation, security detectors are divided into: ohmic, magnetic contact, shock contact, piezoelectric, capacitive, ultrasonic, optoelectronic, radio wave, combined.

Burglar fire alarm (FSA) is a technical complex for detecting an alarm event and generating appropriate notifications. The algorithm of the OPS operation contains several stages:

  • detection of a factor accompanying unauthorized entry into an object (security component of the system - OS) or fire - fire - SS;
  • transmission of information to the control device;
  • turning on light-sound annunciators, transmitting information to the control panel.

Detectors are responsible for detection. The principle of their work is to transform the impact on their sensors. The nature of the impact can be different: physical (impact, breakage), acoustic, temperature, etc. Depending on this, the types of OPS detectors are distinguished.

As an example, consider the operation of a maximum thermal fire detector (IP). Its two spring-loaded contacts are connected with fusible solder. When heated to working temperature the solder melts, the contacts diverge, the electrical circuit is opened.

It should be noted that the output of the security fire detector is always electrical. In the simplest case, this is a threshold signal (if there is a contact, there is no contact), more complex FSA systems use the transmission of information in digital form. Wires (cables) or a radio channel - wireless signaling can be used as a communication line.

The block diagram of the OPS is shown in Fig. 1.

  • I - detector (sensor);
  • LAN - communication line (wired or radio channel);
  • PKP - control panel;
  • О - annunciator;
  • BP - power supply unit;
  • M - additional modules.

All this is included in the mandatory composition of the system equipment.


We have already said what detectors are, sometimes they are called sensors. The principle of operation of these means is determined by the purpose (type) of the sensor or the method of detection.

The main types of burglar alarm sensors:

  • magnetic contact;
  • acoustic (sound);
  • movement;
  • vibrating.

Fire detectors are:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • flame.

As already mentioned, regardless of what the sensors react to, at the output they form an electrical signal that characterizes their state. This is analyzed by the control device. The control panels are classified according to many parameters, including:

Information capacity - the number of loops (for addressable systems - detectors) that can be connected to the control panel.

Informativeness - the number and types of generated alerts. There are at least two of them: "norm" ("security") and "alarm". Modern equipment is more informative, capable of detecting the malfunction of sensors, their addresses (localization of the response zone), etc.

Sounders include devices that generate sound and light signals depending on the state of the system. As a rule, this is necessary to control the OPS with outside object.

The power supply of the security fire alarm system must be uninterrupted and ensure the operation of the fire alarm system when the network is disconnected in standby mode for at least 24 hours. For this purpose, the power supplies are equipped with accumulators (accumulators), have the option of automatic transition to "reserve". In addition, it is useful to monitor the state of the battery, its protection against deep discharge, as well as protection against short circuits, overloads.

It should be noted that PSUs are not always an obligatory part of the system. There are control panels with built-in secondary voltage sources and batteries. The wireless sensors are powered by individual batteries. Thus, with a certain configuration of the security fire alarm, a separate power supply unit is not required.


I must say that the above possibilities of the OPS are not limited. This is especially true for fire alarm systems. When a fire is detected, ventilation should be turned off, elevators should be turned on "to lower", a warning system should be started, etc. These engineering systems are controlled by special modules, relays.

Remote signal transmission, for example, to the security console can be carried out:

  • by cable lines;
  • dedicated radio frequency channel;
  • networks of cellular operators.

For each case, the appropriate interface and transmission modules are used.

A modern burglar and fire alarm system can function as a network system. Accordingly, interface converters, modules (boards) for coordination with a PC are required.


It is not entirely correct to consider the OPS as a unified system. From a hardware point of view at the detector level, the differences are dramatic. Security guards cannot be used to detect fire, and firefighters cannot be used to guard.

Requirements for design and installation, licensing are different, regulatory documentation is also specific for each type of alarm. The perception of the fire alarm system as a universal system is due to the approach of many years ago, when even security and fire sensors were included in one loop.

Modern control devices (panels) have settings that allow them to be used both for "secret police" and "fire", but it will not work at the same time to apply them to one loop. It is possible for different partitions, therefore the control panel can act as a common device. The same applies to light and sound sirens, power supplies.

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