Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30 95 1203. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation




List of changing documents

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.24.1998 N 61, of 06.06.2001 N 659, of 09.10.2001 N 1114, of 05.29.2002 N 518,

dated 03.03.2005 N 243, dated 11.02.2006 N 90, dated 24.12.2007 N 1745, dated 08.04.2008 N 460, dated 30.04.2008 N 654, dated 28.07.2008 N 1129,

dated 09/06/2008 N 1316, 05/18/2009 N 565, 06/10/2009 N 640, 09/30/2009 N 1088, 12/10/2010 N 1529, 04/08/2011 N 421,

dated 11.06.2011 N 787, dated 21.09.2011 N 1222, dated 19.03.2013 N 214, dated 26.09.2013 N 730, dated 22.05.2014 N 355, dated 27.06.2014 N 478,

dated 09/01/2014 N 595, dated 03/10/2014 N 653, dated 05/28/2015 N 273, dated 02/28/2016 N 90, dated 10/10/2016 N 536, dated 11/22/2016 N 614,

dated 30.11.2016 N 635, dated 17.04.2017 N 169, dated 05.07.2017 N 308, dated 05.10.2017 N 466, dated 22.12.2017 N 621, dated 01.01.2018 N 5,

dated 02.03.2018 N 98, dated 03.09.2018 N 506, dated 14.01.2019 N 6)

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secrets" I decide:

1. Approve the attached List of information classified as state secrets.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation to organize work to bring the current regulations in line with the List of information classified as state secrets.

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

The president

Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin


Decree of the President

Russian Federation


List of changing documents

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 of February 11, 2006, No. 1745 of December 24, 2007, No. 460 of April 8, 2008, No. 654 of April 30, 2008,

No. 1129 of 28.07.2008, No. 1316 of 06.09.2008, No. 565 of 18.05.2009, No. 640 of 10.06.2009, No. 1088 of 30.09.2009, No. 1529 of 10.12.2010,

dated 04/08/2011 N 421, dated 06/11/2011 N 787, dated 09/21/2011 N 1222, dated 03/19/2013 N 214, dated 09/26/2013 N 730, dated 05/22/2014 N 355,

dated 06/27/2014 N 478, dated 09/01/2014 N 595, dated 03/10/2014 N 653, dated 05/28/2015 N 273, dated 02/28/2016 N 90, dated 10/10/2016 N 536,

dated 11/22/2016 N 614, dated 11/30/2016 N 635, dated 04/17/2017 N 169, dated 07/05/2017 N 308, dated 10/05/2017 N 466, dated 12/22/2017 N 621,

dated 01.01.2018 N 5, dated 02.03.2018 N 98, dated 03.09.2018 N 506, dated 14.01.2019 N 6)

Information classified as a state secret

State bodies and organizations empowered to dispose of information classified as state secrets

I. Information in the military field

1. Information disclosing the plan for the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, operational plans for the use (plans for combat use) of troops, the content of measures related to military operations and their support, combat command or transfer from peacetime to wartime, as well as combat missions for nuclear weapons carriers

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

2. Information disclosing plans for the use of troops in peacetime in special (counter-terrorism) operations or measures to ensure the protection of the state, society and the individual from unconstitutional actions and illegal armed violence

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

3. Information specified in paragraph 2 of this list, in relation to the territories of other states

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

4. Information on the content of documents on bringing troops to various degrees of combat readiness, on the composition or state of command and control systems

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

5. Information revealing the plans, direction or content of measures for operational, combat or mobilization training of troops

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

6. Information on the content of mobilization plans (mobilization plans), documents on managing the mobilization deployment of troops, on the mobilization readiness of troops, on the possibilities of their recruitment, provision with weapons, military equipment, other material, financial means or military transportation

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(As amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2013 N 730, of April 17, 2017 N 169)

7. Information on the state system for preventing the unauthorized use of nuclear weapons, weapons of increased potential danger, on technical systems, means and (or) methods for protecting nuclear weapons, weapons of increased potential danger from unauthorized use

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(clause 7 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

8. Information disclosing the procedure for authorizing the use of nuclear weapons, including the organization of combat control of troops and the content of combat control documents

Ministry of Defense of Russia

9. Information on construction (improvement) plans, development, strength, combat composition, combat capabilities or number of troops, the state of combat readiness of troops, the state of combat support, the composition of duty forces (equipment) and the state of their readiness, as well as information containing an analysis of the military - political or operational environment

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

10. Information revealing the loss of personnel in wartime, in peacetime during special operations

Ministry of Defense of Russia

(Clause 10 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273)

11. Information on the content or results of the implementation of targeted programs, research, development work on the creation or modernization of weapons, military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

12. Information specified in paragraph 11 of this list, in relation to nuclear weapons, nuclear charges and their components

Ministry of Defense of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

13. Information disclosing the content of previously carried out work in the field of weapons of mass destruction, the results achieved in this case, the composition of the sample, the recipe, the production technology or equipment of products

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

FSB of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

14. Information on the development, technology, production, production volumes, storage, disposal of nuclear weapons, their components, fissile materials used in nuclear weapons

Ministry of Defense of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

15. Information on operational and technical requirements for systems and means of command and control of strategic nuclear forces

Ministry of Defense of Russia

16. Information on nuclear power or special physical installations of defense significance

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460, of 10.06.2009 N 640)

17. Information on tactical and technical requirements, performance characteristics, possibilities for the combat use of weapons, military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated February 28, 2016, No. 169 dated April 17, 2017)

18. Information that reveals the directions of development, the content of the development of weapons, military equipment Information that reveals the design, manufacturing technology of weapons, military equipment , chemical or nuclear properties of weapons, military equipment Information disclosing the procedure for the use or operation of weapons, military equipment

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 460 dated April 8, 2008, No. 640 dated June 10, 2009, No. 730 dated September 26, 2013, No. 90 dated February 28, 2016)

19. Information specified in paragraph 18 of this list, in relation to nuclear weapons, nuclear charges and their components

Ministry of Defense of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

20. Information that reveals the state of metrological support of weapons, military equipment, technical or metrological characteristics of military standards, means of metrological support, defining a qualitatively new level of weapons, military equipment Information that reveals the main directions, programs for the development of standardization or the content of standards in the field of weapons, military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460, 06/10/2009 N 640, 02/28/2016 N 90, 04/17/2017 N 169)

21. Information disclosing the properties, formulation or production technology of rocket fuels, as well as ballistic powders, explosives or explosives for military purposes, as well as new alloys, special fluids, new fuels for weapons and military equipment

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 28.02.2016 N 90)

22. Information about the objects of engineering infrastructure, about the location, purpose, degree of readiness, security, security or operation of sensitive objects that are not subject to the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties, about the selection, provision of land plots, subsoil, water areas or airspace for construction or operation of sensitive facilities, on planned or ongoing survey, design, construction and installation and other works to create sensitive facilities

(clause 22 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2018 N 5)

23. Information specified in paragraph 22 of this list, in relation to special facilities, emergency control points of federal executive bodies

24. Information specified in paragraph 22 of this list, in relation to nuclear weapons facilities

Ministry of Defense of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460, of 02/28/2016 N 90)

25. Information on the design, construction, operation, safety of nuclear complex facilities, on the physical protection of nuclear materials, products based on them, nuclear installations, storage facilities for nuclear materials, on the protection of nuclear or radiation hazardous facilities

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

National Guard

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(Clause 25 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

26. Information disclosing the deployment, purpose, degree of readiness, actual names, organizational structure, armament, number of troops that are not subject to public declaration in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

27. Information disclosing the organization or functioning of all types of communications, radar, radio engineering support for troops

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 05.28.2015 N 273, of 04.17.2017 N 169)

28. Information disclosing the distribution, use of radio frequency bands by radio electronic means for military or special purposes

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 17.04.2017 N 169)

II. Information in the field of economics, science and technology

29. Information on the use of the infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring the defense capability and security of the state

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(Clause 29 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

30. Information on the content of plans for the preparation of the Russian Federation or its individual regions for possible military operations

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard


31. Information on the indicators that determine the preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation for sustainable functioning in wartime

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia


State Corporation "Rosatom"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460, 06/10/2009 N 640, 12/22/2017 N 621)

32. Information disclosing the structural organization or indicators of the mobilization plan for the economy of the Russian Federation

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

33. Information about the mobilization training and mobilization of public authorities, local governments or organizations, as well as disclosing the plans, content or results of research, development work in the field of mobilization training and mobilization of public authorities, local governments or organizations

state bodies and organizations with mobilization tasks

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

34. Information disclosing the plans, content or results of research work in the field of mobilization preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation

state bodies and organizations with mobilization tasks

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

35. Information on mobilization capacities for the manufacture or repair of weapons, military equipment, on the creation, development or maintenance of these capacities

state bodies and organizations with mobilization tasks

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

36. Information about the nomenclature, accumulation rates, supply, laying, actual reserves (sizes), placement, deployment, refreshment, release or use of material assets of the state material reserve

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia


State Corporation "Rosatom"

Government Office

Russian Federation

(Clause 36 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2017 N 621)

37. Information on mobilization capacities for the production of general-purpose products included in mobilization tasks, strategic types of raw materials or materials, on the creation, development or preservation of these capacities

state bodies and organizations with mobilization tasks

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

38. Information on the volume of production, supply of strategic types of raw materials, materials

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia


(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 28.05.2015 N 273, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

39. Information disclosing the volumes of production or supply of strategic types of agricultural raw materials

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


40. Information disclosing the volume of supplies or stocks of strategic fuels

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia


(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 26.09.2013 N 730, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

41. Information on the prospects for the development or use of the space infrastructure of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the defense capability and security of the state

Ministry of Defense of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2013 N 730, of February 28, 2016 N 90)

42. Information about mine workings, natural cavities, subways or other structures that can be used in the interests of the country's defense

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Construction of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia


(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273, of December 22, 2017 N 621)

42.1. Information disclosing water supply schemes for cities with a population of more than 200 thousand people or railway junctions, the location of the main water supply facilities or water mains that feed them

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Construction of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

(clause 42.1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/28/2015 N 273)

43. Information characterizing the state of the insurance fund of documentation for weapons, military equipment, for the main types of general-purpose products included in mobilization tasks, for high-risk facilities or life support systems for the population, for objects that are national treasures

Information on the location of objects (bases) of storage of the insurance fund of documentation

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(clause 43 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

44. Information about the forces or means of civil defense

state bodies and organizations that have civil defense forces

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

45. Information about the location, purpose, degree of security of objects of administrative management

state bodies and organizations whose heads are empowered to classify information as state secrets

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

46. ​​Information about the degree of security of the population

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Construction of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard



(As amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273, of October 10, 2016 N 536, of April 17, 2017 N 169, of December 22, 2017 N 621)

47. Information disclosing measures for the use of transport infrastructure facilities and (or) vehicles in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the security of the state, special measures to ensure the safety of transportation or the safety of goods, the volume of military transportation or routes for the transportation of weapons, military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 30.04.2008 N 654, of 17.04.2017 N 169)

48. Information revealing the mobilization capabilities of roads, railways, inland waterways, sea and air transport of the Russian Federation to ensure the transportation of goods, equipment or preparation for military purposes of the transport network, means of transport, organization, volumes of special transportation, military transportation, transportation weapons, military equipment, other products used for defense needs, strategic fuels, raw materials or materials, routes for their transportation in wartime

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

National Guard

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

49. Information disclosing the deployment, specialization, capacity, throughput of points for loading or unloading troops, data on their food, medical and sanitary services

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

50. Information disclosing the mobilization need for vehicles, including for certain modes of transport, or the mobilization provision with them

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia


Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 19.03.2013 N 214, of 26.09.2013 N 730, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

51. Information on the preparation and use of the resources of the unified communication network of the Russian Federation or departmental communication networks in the interests of ensuring defense, state security

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

State Fiscal Service of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia


(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 17.04.2017 N 169, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

52. Information disclosing production capacities, planned or actual data on the release, supply (in kind) of biological, medical or veterinary protection

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 19.03.2013 N 214, of 26.09.2013 N 730, of 10.10.2016 N 536)

53. Information disclosing the indicators of the state defense order in terms of weapons, military, special equipment, defense products, as well as production capacities for their production

Information about the cooperation ties of enterprises, about the developers or manufacturers of weapons, military equipment, other products used for defense needs, if this information discloses data on production capacities for their production and (or) the main tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia


State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 28.02.2016 N 90, of 17.04.2017 N 169, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

54. Information about the achievements of science and technology, about technologies that can be used in the creation of fundamentally new products, technological processes in various sectors of the economy

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia


State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 of February 28, 2016, No. 536 of October 10, 2016, No. 169 of April 17, 2017, No. 308 of July 5, 2017, and No. 6 of January 14, 2019)

55. Information about the achievements of science and technology, defining a qualitatively new level of capabilities of weapons, military equipment, increasing their combat effectiveness

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated February 28, 2016, No. 169 dated April 17, 2017, No. 308 dated July 5, 2017, No. 6 dated January 14, 2019)

56. Information that reveals the achievements of nuclear science and technology that are of great defense or economic importance, defining a qualitatively new level of the possibility of creating weapons, military equipment or fundamentally new products, technologies

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460, 06/10/2009 N 640, 02/28/2016 N 90)

57. Information revealing the state or directions of development of hydronautics in the interests of defense, state security

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

(as amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 19.03.2013 N 214)

58. Information disclosing the content or focus of targeted programs, research, development, design work carried out in the interests of defense, state security

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Construction of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia



State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

59. Information disclosing the results of work in the field of hydrometeorology, heliogeophysics or special geological and geophysical studies carried out in the interests of ensuring the defense capability, security of the state

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

60. Geospatial information on the territory of the Russian Federation and other regions of the Earth, disclosing the results of topographic, geodetic, cartographic activities of great defense or economic importance

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640)

61. Geospatial information on the territory of the Russian Federation and other regions of the Earth, disclosing the results of Earth remote sensing activities (except for Earth remote sensing data from space obtained from foreign spacecraft or Russian civil spacecraft), which are of great defense or economic importance

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(clause 61 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2018 N 5)

62. Information disclosing the work carried out in order to create means of indication, degassing, chemical or biological protection against weapons of mass destruction, new sorption or other materials for them

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460, 06/10/2009 N 640, 03/19/2013 N 214)

63. Information that reveals the directions of development of dual-use funds, technologies, content, results of the implementation of targeted programs, research, development work to create or upgrade these funds, technologies

Information on the use of dual-use means and technologies for military purposes

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 of February 28, 2016, No. 308 of July 5, 2017, and No. 6 of January 14, 2019)

64. Information that discloses forecast estimates of scientific and technological progress in the Russian Federation and its socio-economic consequences in areas that determine the defense capability and security of the state

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640)

65. Information about the physical and chemical phenomena (fields) associated with the creation, production, operation, transportation, storage, sale or disposal of weapons, military equipment, the creation of promising technologies, sensitive facilities, revealing their protected parameters

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated February 28, 2016, No. 169 dated April 17, 2017)

66. Information about the reserves of platinum, platinum group metals, natural diamonds stored in the Gokhran of Russia, the Bank of Russia, silver - in the Gokhran of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Bank of Russia

(Clause 66 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 565)

67. Information on the volume of balance reserves in the bowels of the country, extraction (production), transfer or consumption of strategic types of minerals (according to the list determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) - in general for the Russian Federation, for a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a federal executive body or a large deposit in the amount determined by state bodies empowered to dispose of information classified as state secrets (except for information obtained in the course of joint work performed with the participation of legal entities and individuals of foreign states at specific mineral deposits or their sites)

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 28.05.2015 N 273)

III. Information in the field of foreign policy and economics

68. Information on issues of foreign policy, foreign trade, scientific and technical relations, revealing the strategy, tactics of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, the premature dissemination of which may harm the security of the state

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

(Clause 68 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

69. Information about the source of information on political, military, scientific, technical or economic issues in relation to one or a number of foreign states, received in confidence

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

FSTEC of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460, of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 30.09.2009 N 1088)

70. Information about negotiations between representatives of the Russian Federation and representatives of other states on the development of a common position of principle in international relations, if, in the opinion of the participants in the negotiations, the disclosure of this information may harm the security of the Russian Federation and other states

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia

(Clause 70 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

71. Information about the preparation, conclusion, ratification, preparation of denunciation, content or implementation of treaties, conventions, agreements with foreign states, the premature dissemination of which may harm the security of the state

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(Clause 71 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

72. Information on the Russian export or import of weapons, military equipment, their repair or operation, on the provision of technical assistance to foreign states in the creation of weapons, military equipment, military installations or defense industry facilities, on the provision by the Russian Federation of military-technical assistance to foreign states, if disclosure of this information may harm the security of the state

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(clause 72 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

72.1. Information about Russian exports or imports of dual-use products subject to export control, the premature dissemination of which may harm the security of the state

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(clause 72.1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

72.2. Information on individual measures to implement the main directions of state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states, the premature dissemination of which may harm the security of the state

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

(clause 72.2 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2016 N 614)

73. Information disclosing plans, tasks of the state defense order in terms of export-import deliveries in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(p. 73 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

74. Information on military-technical cooperation with foreign states on the issues of remote sensing of the Earth, revealing the volume, content or prospects of this cooperation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSMTC of Russia

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(clause 74 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2016 N 90)

75. Information disclosing the essence or scope of economic cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states in wartime, the interaction of military mobilization bodies of foreign economic organizations of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on these issues

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSTEC of Russia


(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2017 N 621)

76. Information disclosing the content of measures to ensure mutual supplies of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment, medicines between the Russian Federation and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in wartime, to provide the latter with technical assistance in the construction of enterprises or facilities in wartime, - in in general for the Russian Federation

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia



(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2009 N 640, of 19.03.2013 N 214, of 10.10.2016 N 536, of 22.12.2017 N 621)

77. Information disclosing the volume of transportation of export-import cargoes between the Russian Federation and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in wartime, in general in the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

FCS of Russia


(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of December 22, 2017 N 621)

79. Information disclosing the balance of payments of the Russian Federation with foreign countries as a whole for the war period

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Bank of Russia

80. Information about financial or monetary activities, the premature dissemination of which may harm the security of the state

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Bank of Russia

81. Information about projects being developed for coins (except for jubilee and commemorative ones) and banknotes of the Bank of Russia of a new sample, except for cases when the modernization of existing banknotes, including with a change in appearance, is carried out as part of the planned improvement of their security complex (before official publication )

Bank of Russia

82. Information on the production of banknotes of the Bank of Russia (in physical or monetary terms), on methods for protecting these banknotes (or other products of the Goznak joint-stock company manufactured by order of the Bank of Russia) from counterfeiting, methods for verifying their authenticity, intended only for representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Ministry of Finance of Russia, Bank of Russia

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Bank of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2016 N 635)

82.1. Information about the methods and means of protecting passports, other products or printed products manufactured by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from fakes, methods for verifying their authenticity, intended only for representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Security Service of Russia

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

FSB of Russia

(clause 82.1 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/17/2017 N 169)

IV. Information in the field of intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activities, in the field of countering terrorism and ensuring the security of persons in respect of whom a decision has been made to apply state protection measures

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2014 N 595)

83. Information disclosing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans, results of intelligence activities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

84. Information disclosing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans, results of counterintelligence activities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

85. Information disclosing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans, results of operational-search activities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia

86. Information about persons being studied for the purpose of engaging them in cooperation on a confidential basis, collaborating or collaborating on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out intelligence activities

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

87. Information about persons being investigated for the purpose of engaging them in assistance on a confidential basis, providing or having provided assistance on a confidential basis to the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

(Clause 87 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273)

88. Information about persons studied for the purpose of engaging them in cooperation on a confidential basis, collaborating or collaborating on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out counterintelligence activities

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273)

89. Information about persons being investigated for the purpose of engaging them in cooperation on a confidential basis, collaborating or collaborating on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out operational-search activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of May 28, 2015 N 273, of April 17, 2017 N 169)

90. Information disclosing the affiliation of specific individuals to the personnel of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

(clause 90 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03.09.2018 N 506)

90.1. Information about employees of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation involved in the performance of intelligence missions who are not included in the personnel of these bodies

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

(Clause 90.1 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2018 N 506)

91. Information disclosing the affiliation of specific individuals to the personnel of counterintelligence agencies

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

92. Information disclosing the affiliation of specific individuals to the personnel of units directly engaged in the fight against terrorism, organized crime and corruption, special operational units

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia

(p. 92 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/17/2017 N 169)

93. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans, status or results of conducting counter-terrorism special operations, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2017 N 169)

94. Information about employees of the FSB of Russia performing or performing special tasks in special services (organizations) of foreign states or in criminal groups

FSB of Russia

95. Information about employees performing or performing special tasks in criminal groups

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

FCS of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of April 17, 2017 N 169)

96. Information disclosing the status, activities or results of operational mobilization work

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of April 17, 2017 N 169)

97. Information disclosing operational-search or operational-technical measures carried out by units directly engaged in the fight against organized crime and corruption, special operational units

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of September 6, 2008 N 1316, of April 17, 2017 N 169)

98. Information revealing the forces, means or methods of conducting an investigation in criminal cases on crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order, the security of the state, peace or security of mankind, in criminal cases in the course of the preliminary investigation of which circumstances containing information classified as state secrets are investigated

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

FSB of Russia

99. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans, status or results of the activities of the electronic intelligence agencies of communications, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

100. Information disclosing the organization, forces, means or methods of ensuring the security of objects of state protection, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

FSO of Russia

101. Information about the system of presidential, governmental, encrypted, encrypted or classified communications, about ciphers, their development, production or provision with them, about methods or means of analyzing encryption tools, special protection tools, about information and analytical systems for special purposes

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

102. Information disclosing the methods, methods or means of protecting information containing information constituting a state secret, planned and (or) ongoing measures to protect information from unauthorized access, foreign technical intelligence and leakage through technical channels, as well as data on the financing of this activity , if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia

103. Information about the organization or the actual state of protection of state secrets

state bodies and organizations whose heads are empowered to classify information as state secrets

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

104. Information disclosing methods, means, organizational, technical or other measures aimed at ensuring the secrecy regime, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Defense of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745)

104.1. Information disclosing the organization, forces, means or methods of ensuring the security of special facilities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

(Clause 104.1 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2015 N 273)

105. Information disclosing the organization of the protection of the state border, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, the content, organization or results of the main activities of the units of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia

FSB of Russia

106. Information on federal budget expenditures related to ensuring defense, state security or law enforcement activities in the Russian Federation (except for generalized indicators)

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia


Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2013 N 730, of December 22, 2017 N 621)

107. Information disclosing planned or actual costs associated with anti-terrorist activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia


(As amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 N 1745, of April 17, 2017 N 169, of December 22, 2017 N 621)

108. Information disclosing the cost of funds for the maintenance of troops under certain articles of estimates of federal executive bodies

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

(Clause 108 as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 169 dated April 17, 2017)

109. Information disclosing the cost of funds for research, development work on the creation of weapons, military equipment

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated February 28, 2016, No. 169 dated April 17, 2017)

110. Information specified in paragraph 109 of this list, in relation to work carried out in the interests of special facilities and emergency control points of federal executive bodies

111. Information disclosing the cost of funds for orders, development, production or repair of weapons, military equipment, sensitive facilities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Russian Ministry of Health

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Ministry of Transport of Russia

Ministry of Finance of Russia

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

Ministry of Energy of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

FCS of Russia



State Corporation "Rosatom"

State Corporation "Roscosmos"

Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 90 dated February 28, 2016, No. 536 dated October 10, 2016, No. 169 dated April 17, 2017, and No. 621 dated December 22, 2017)

112. Information specified in paragraph 111 of this list, in relation to special facilities and emergency control points of federal executive bodies

113. Information on the training or distribution of personnel, disclosing measures taken to ensure the security of the state

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

(as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2013 N 730)

114. Information disclosing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans, results of activities to counter terrorism, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Russian Foreign Ministry

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia


(Clause 114 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.06.2011 N 787; as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 17.04.2017 N 169)

115. Information about persons collaborating or collaborating on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out activities to counter terrorism

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

FSO of Russia

(clause 115 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/11/2011 N 787)

116. Information disclosing measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of critical facilities or potentially dangerous infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation, the results of their vulnerability assessment

state bodies and organizations whose heads are empowered to classify information as state secrets

(Clause 116 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.06.2011 N 787, as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28.05.2015 N 273)

117. Information disclosing the results of financial monitoring in relation to organizations and individuals obtained in connection with the verification of their possible involvement in terrorist activities

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Russian Foreign Ministry

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia


(Clause 117 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11.06.2011 N 787; as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 17.04.2017 N 169)

118. Information disclosing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans or results of activities to ensure the security of persons in respect of whom a decision has been made to apply state protection measures, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information

Information disclosing the security measures applied to these persons in the form of relocation to another place of residence, replacement of documents, changes in appearance, changes in the place of work (service) or study, temporary placement in a safe place

Information disclosing additional security measures applied to a protected person who is in custody or in a place of serving a sentence

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ministry of Defense of Russia

Ministry of Justice of Russia

SVR of Russia

FSB of Russia

National Guard

FSO of Russia

FCS of Russia

(as amended by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of 17.04.2017 N 169, of 05.10.2017 N 466)

119. Information disclosing measures to ensure the security of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation

Information revealing the state of protection of the critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation from computer attacks

FSB of Russia

FSTEC of Russia

(Clause 119 was introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2018 N 98)


1. The list of information classified as a state secret contains information in the military field, in the field of economics, science and technology, in the field of foreign policy and economics, in the field of intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-search activities, in the field of countering terrorism and ensuring the security of persons in respect of which a decision was made to apply measures of state protection, and the names of state bodies and organizations empowered to dispose of this information.

2. Each state body and each organization specified in this list is empowered to dispose of information of industry (departmental) affiliation within their competence, as well as information of other owners of information of the relevant thematic focus upon their submission.

3. This list uses the following terms:

military equipment - technical means intended for combat, technical and logistic support of the activities of troops, as well as equipment and apparatus for monitoring and testing these means, components of these means and components;

military facilities - combat positions of troops, military units, stationary control posts, military research organizations, training grounds, communication centers, bases, warehouses, complexes or individual buildings and other military structures;

troops - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations created for wartime, provided for by the Federal Law of May 31, 1996 N 61-FZ "On Defense", as well as special-purpose communications units;

weapons - means designed to destroy manpower, equipment, structures and other objects of the enemy, the components of these means and components;

dislocation of an object - a set of information about the location on the earth's surface or in its bowels of an object, including geographical, geocentric or rectangular coordinates, linear and angular values, binding to landmarks on the ground;

infrastructure of the economy of the Russian Federation - sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, functioning in the interests of ensuring the defense capability and security of the state;

objects of administrative management - objects of mobilization purpose, created in advance by decision of the heads of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations, intended to accommodate and ensure the activities of the relevant governing body during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

engineering infrastructure facilities - elements of water, heat, energy, gas supply, sewerage, telephone, communication or other systems that ensure the operation of sensitive facilities;

objects of the nuclear complex - structures with nuclear reactors, including nuclear power plants, ships and other watercraft, space and aircraft, other transport and transportable means or structures with industrial, experimental and research nuclear reactors, critical and subcritical nuclear test benches; structures, ranges, installations and devices with nuclear charges; other facilities containing nuclear materials, installations for the production, use, processing, transportation of nuclear fuel and nuclear materials;

regime objects - objects on which work is carried out using information constituting a state secret, and for the functioning of which special security measures have been established.

4. Paragraphs 32-35, 37 and 44 of this list indicate state bodies and organizations whose heads are empowered to classify information as a state secret.

5. Paragraphs 38 - 40 of this list indicate strategic types of raw materials, materials and fuels, lists (lists) of which are formed within their competence and by mutual agreement by state bodies and organizations empowered to dispose of information classified as state secrets.

6. In this list:

when listing information through the union "and" or through a comma with the union "and" before the last category of information, all information in the aggregate shall be classified as a state secret;

when listing information separated by a comma or the union "or", each piece of information separately is classified as a state secret;

the information listed after the union "as well" is new, different from the previous information, which separately refers to state secrets.

counterintelligence and operational-search activities of the state, the dissemination of which may harm the security of the Russian Federation, as well as the names of federal executive bodies and other organizations (hereinafter referred to as state bodies) empowered to dispose of this information.

Each of the state bodies specified in the List is empowered to dispose of information of industry (departmental) affiliation within its competence, determined by the regulation on a particular state body, as well as information from other owners of information of a relevant thematic focus upon their submission.

The list is revised as necessary.

2. The following concepts are used in the List:

"special facilities" - control points of the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other facilities that ensure the functioning of federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in wartime;

"military facilities" - combat positions of troops, command posts, training grounds, communication centers, bases, warehouses and other military installations;

"regime facilities" - military and special facilities, military units, enterprises, organizations, institutions, to ensure the functioning of which additional security measures have been established;

"enterprises and organizations" - legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as their branches and representative offices;

"troops" - associations, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

"weapons" - means designed to destroy manpower, equipment, structures and other objects of the enemy, the components of these means and components;

"military equipment" - technical means intended for combat, technical and logistic support of the activities of the troops, as well as equipment and apparatus for monitoring and testing these means, components of these means and components.

3. The following abbreviations are used in the List:

SBP - Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation;

GUSP - Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation.

4. Paragraphs 59, 60, 68 and 69 of this List indicate the federal executive authorities, the heads of which are empowered to classify information as a state secret.

Information classified as a state secretState bodies empowered to dispose of information classified as state secrets
II. Information in the military field
1. Information disclosing plans for the use of troops, operational plans, documents of combat control, documents on bringing troops to various degrees of combat readinessMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia EMERCOM of Russia, FAPSI, FPS of Russia
2. Information on the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian FederationMinistry of Defense of Russia
3. Information on the development, strength, combat composition or number of troops, their combat readiness, as well as on the military-political and (or) operational situation
4. Information disclosing the state of operational (combat) training of troops, the security of their activities, the composition and (or) state of troop command and control systemsMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, FAPSI FPS of Russia
5. Information about the mobilization deployment of troops, the mobilization of human and transport resources, the control system for mobilization deployment and (or) the possibilities of recruiting troops, providing weapons, military equipment and other material, financial means, as well as military transportationMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, FAPSI FPS of Russia
6. Information that reveals directions, long-term forecasts or plans for the development of weapons and military equipment, the content or results of the implementation of targeted programs, research, development work to create or modernize weapons and military equipment, their tactical and technical characteristicsMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Educational Institutions of Russia Goskomoronprom of Russia Roskommash, Roshydromet FAPSI, FPS of Russia FSB of Russia, RKA, GDO of Russia, SBP, Ministry of Railways of Russia
7. Information disclosing the areas of development, design, manufacturing technology, isotopic composition, combat, physical, chemical or nuclear properties, the procedure for the use or operation of weapons and military equipmentMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Emergencies Ministry of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Educational Institutions of Russia Goskomoronprom of Russia Roskommash, Roshydromet FPS of Russia, FSB of Russia, RKA
8. Information disclosing production capacities, planned or actual data on the production and (or) supply (in kind) of bacterial or medical protectionMinistry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Education of Russia Roskomkhimnefteprom
9. Information on the development, technology, production, production volumes, storage or disposal of nuclear munitions or their components, nuclear power plants, fissile nuclear materials, special physical defense installations, technical means or methods for protecting nuclear munitions from unauthorized useMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia SBP
10. Information on the design, construction, operation or safety of nuclear complex facilitiesMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia SBP
11. Information that reveals the achievements of nuclear science and technology that are of great defense and economic importance or determine a qualitatively new level of opportunities for creating weapons and military equipment and (or) fundamentally new products and technologiesMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
12. Information disclosing the properties, formulation or production technology of rocket fuels, as well as ballistic powders, explosives or explosives for military purposes, as well as new alloys, special fluids, new fuels for weapons and military equipmentMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia Goskomvuz of Russia Roskomkhimnefteprom
13. Information disclosing the deployment, actual names, organizational structure, armament, number of troops not subject to public declaration in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian FederationMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia EMERCOM of Russia FAPSI, Federal Border Guard Service of Russia Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia
14. Information on the use of the infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring its defense capability and securityMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Emergencies Ministry of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
15. Information on the location, purpose, degree of readiness or protection of regime facilities that are not subject to the obligations of the Russian Federation under international treaties, on the selection, allocation of land plots, subsoil or water areas for the construction of these facilities, as well as on planned or ongoing survey, design and other works on the creation of these objectsMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia SBP
The same information in relation to special objects of public authoritiesGUSP
16. Information on the use or prospects for the development of an interconnected communication network of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring the defense capability and security of the state
17. Information disclosing the distribution or use of radio frequency bands by radio electronic means for military or special purposesMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Communications of Russia FAPSI GDO of Russia
18. Information disclosing the organization or functioning of all types of communications, radar, radio engineering support for troopsMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia FAPSI FPS of Russia
19. Information disclosing the content, organization or results of the main activities of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation, building the protection of the state border of the Russian Federation, the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation or external states - members of the CISFPS of Russia
20. Information revealing the directions of development of dual-use facilities, technologies, content, results of the implementation of targeted programs, research and (or) development work to create or modernize these facilities, technologies.Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Healthcare of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Communications of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Education of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry
Information on the use of dual-use means and technologies for military purposesRoskommash Roskommetallurgy Roskomkhimnefteprom FAPSI RKA GUO of Russia SBP
21. Information on the prospects for the development and (or) use of the space infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the interests of ensuring its defense capability and securityMinistry of Defense of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia RCA
22. Information revealing the state and (or) directions of development of hydronautics in the interests of the defense and security of the stateMinistry of Defense of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia
III. Information about foreign policy and foreign economic activity
23. Information on issues of foreign policy, foreign trade, scientific and technical relations, revealing the strategy and tactics of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, the premature dissemination of which may harm the interests of the stateMINFER of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Science of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia SBP
24. Information on political, military, scientific, technical or economic issues in relation to one or a number of foreign states, received in confidence, if their disclosure may lead to the identification of the source of this informationMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Science of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia FPS of Russia SBP
25. Information about negotiations between representatives of the Russian Federation and representatives of other states on the development of a common principled position in international relations, if, in the opinion of the participants in the negotiations, the disclosure of this information may entail diplomatic complications for one of the partiesMINFER of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia SVR of Russia SBP
26. Information about the preparation, conclusion, ratification, preparation of denunciation, content or implementation of treaties, conventions or agreements with foreign states, the premature dissemination of which may damage the defense capability, security, political or economic interests of the Russian FederationMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia MVES of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia Federal Border Guard Service of Russia GDO of Russia
27. Information about the Russian export and import of weapons, military equipment or equipment, as well as information about the provision of technical assistance to foreign states in the creation of weapons, military equipment and military facilities, including free of charge, indicating the recipient countries, if disclosure of this information may cause diplomatic complications for one of the partiesMVES of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia FAPSI SBP
28. Information revealing the essence or scope of economic cooperation with foreign states in a special period, as well as the interaction of military mobilization bodies of foreign economic organizations of the CIS member states on these issuesMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia SBP
29. Information disclosing the content of measures to ensure mutual supplies of raw materials, materials, fuel, equipment, medicines between the Russian Federation and the CIS member states for the accounting year or measures to provide the latter with technical assistance in the construction of enterprises and facilities for the accounting year as a whole in the Russian FederationsMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia SBP
30. Information disclosing the volumes of transportation of export-import cargoes between the Russian Federation and the CIS member states for the accounting year as a whole for the Russian FederationMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia SBP
IV. Information in the field of economics, science and technology
31. Information on the indicators that determine the preparation of the economy of the Russian Federation for sustainable functioning in wartimeMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Goskomvuz of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia Roskomdragmet Roskommash Roskomkhimnefteprom FSB of Russia SBP
32. Information that reveals the essence of the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, which can be used in the creation of fundamentally new products, technological processes in various sectors of the economy, as well as defining a qualitatively new level of capabilities of weapons and military equipment, increasing their combat effectiveness, the disclosure of which can harm the interests of the stateMinistry of Science of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia Roskomkhimnefteprom Roskommash Roskominform Roshydromet SVR of Russia FAPSI FPS of Russia FSB of Russia RKA GUO of Russia SBP
33. Information disclosing the content and (or) direction of research, development or design work carried out in the interests of the defense and security of the stateMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Science of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee of Higher Educational Institutions of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia Roskominform Roskommash Roskomnedra Roskomkhimnefteprom SVR of Russia FAPSI FPS of Russia FSB of Russia SBP RKA GUSP
34. Information on the training or distribution of personnel, revealing measures taken in the interests of state securityMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Education of Russia SVR of Russia FPS of Russia FSB of Russia
35. Information disclosing the results of work in the field of hydrometeorology or heliogeophysics, as well as the results of special geological and geophysical studies carried out in the interests of ensuring the security of the stateMinistry of Defense of Russia Roskomnedra Rosgidromet
36. Information disclosing the plans (tasks) of the state defense order, the volume of deliveries of weapons and military equipment, production capacities for their production. Information about the relations of enterprises for cooperation, about the developers or manufacturers of weapons and military equipment, if this information discloses data on production capacities for their production and (or) the main tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and military equipmentMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia EMERCOM of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Goskomoboronprom of Russia Roskommetallurgy Roskomkhimnefteprom FAPSI FSB of Russia RKA SBP
37. Information that reveals the state of metrological support of weapons and military equipment, technical or metrological characteristics of military standards or means of metrological support, which determine a qualitatively new level of weapons and military equipment.Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Gosstandart of Russia FAPSI SBP
Information that reveals the main directions or programs for the development of standardization, as well as the content of standards in the field of weapons and military equipment
38. Information that discloses forecast estimates of scientific and technological progress in the Russian Federation and its socio-economic consequences in areas that determine the state's defense capabilityMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
39. Information on the production of non-ferrous, rare metals or other materials of strategic importance by the metallurgical industryMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskommetallurgy
40. Summary information on state stocks of precious metals (except gold), natural diamonds in physical or monetary terms in general for the Russian Federation, republics, federal executive bodies
41. Information disclosing forecast data on gold production, extraction of natural diamonds, as well as reporting data on the extraction of natural diamonds for a period of one year or more in physical terms for the whole Russian Federation, republics, federal executive bodiesMinistry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet Bank of Russia SBP
42. Information disclosing the forecast or actual volumes of production of platinum, platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium), silver in kind in the whole of the Russian Federation, republics, federal executive bodiesMinistry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet Bank of Russia SBP
43. Summary information on receipts of precious metals and precious stones to the State Fund of Russia, on their release to consumers of the Russian Federation for a period of one year or more in kind or in monetary terms in the Russian Federation as a whole, RoskomdragmetMinistry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet Bank of Russia SBP
44. Summary information on the volumes of consumption or supply of precious metals and natural diamonds in comparison with the volumes of their production in physical or monetary terms for a period of one year or more in the whole of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities
45. Information on the volumes of consumption of platinum and platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium) separately, silver in physical terms in comparison with the volumes of production of these metals for a period of one year or more in general in the Russian Federation, RoskomdragmetMinistry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet SBP
46. ​​Information on the balance reserves in the bowels of the country of natural diamonds from 25 million carats and more, gold from 100 tons and more, platinum, platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium) from 50 tons and more, silver from 10 thousand tons and more, on the increase in the explored reserves of these minerals in general for the Russian Federation, the republics, individual large deposits, if the size of the reserves corresponds to the sizes indicated aboveMinistry of Natural Resources of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet Roskomnedra SBP
47. Information on the cost of silver, platinum, platinum group metals (palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium), natural diamonds in general for the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, as well as information used to calculate the conditions required when calculating explored gold reserves in its deposits or deposits of complex ores in the amounts specified in paragraph 46 of this ListMinistry of Economy of Russia Roskomdragmet Bank of Russia
48. Information revealing the resource potential, balance reserves in the subsoil or data on the extraction of strategic types of minerals in the whole of the Russian Federation, its constituent entitiesMinistry of Natural Resources of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskomnedra
49. Information on federal budget expenditures related to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation (except for generalized indicators)MINFER of Russia Ministry of Finance of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia SBP
50. Information disclosing the costs of research, development and design work on the creation of weapons and military equipmentMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia FAPSI, FPS of Russia FSB of Russia, RKA, SBP
The same information in relation to work carried out in the interests of special objectsGUSP
51. Information disclosing appropriations or actual costs for orders, development, production or repair of weapons and military equipment, sensitive facilitiesMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia SVR of Russia, FAPSI FPS of Russia, RCA, SBP
The same information applies to special objectsGUSP
52. Information on unsettled settlements of the Russian Federation with foreign states, except for generalized indicators on external debtMINFER of Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Finance of Russia Bank of Russia
53. Information disclosing projects for issuing zero-coupon short-term obligations before official publicationMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Ministry of Finance of Russia Bank of Russia
54. Information disclosing the cost of funds for the maintenance of troops under certain items of estimates of federal executive bodiesMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia FPS of Russia, FAPSI
55. Information about banknotes of a new sample or projects of coins (except for commemorative and commemorative ones) before official publicationBank of Russia
56. Information about the production of banknotes of the Bank of Russia in physical or monetary terms, methods that ensure the protection of these banknotes and other products of Goznak from counterfeiting, as well as methods for determining their authenticityMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Finance of Russia
57. Information disclosing the volumes of production or supply of strategic types of agricultural raw materialsMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
58. Information disclosing the volumes of deliveries and stocks of strategic fuelsMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskomkhimnefteprom
59. Information on mobilization capacities for the manufacture (repair) of weapons and military equipment, the creation and (or) development (preservation) of these capacities
60. Information about the mobilization capacities for the production of general-purpose products, strategic types of raw materials, materials, the creation and (or) development (preservation) of these capacitiesfederal executive bodies with mobilization tasks
61. Information disclosing the work carried out in order to create means of indication, degassing, chemical protection of the population from weapons of mass destruction or new sorption and other materials for themMinistry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Higher Education of Russia Roskomkhimnefteprom
62. Information disclosing the results of topographic, geodetic or cartographic activities of major defense or economic importanceMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskartografiya
63. Summary data on Russian exports and imports of non-monetary gold, precious metals and stones or products made from themMINFER of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia SBP
64. Information disclosing the state, equipment, preparation for military purposes of the transport network, means of transport, volumes of military transportation and routes for transporting weapons and military equipmentMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
65. Information disclosing the possibilities and (or) mobilization reserves of the railways and the Ministry of Railways of Russia to ensure the carriage of goods by rail, the organization and volume of military transportation, the volume of transportation and routes for the transportation of strategic types of energy, mineral, agricultural raw materials, fuel, materials, certain types of weapons or military equipment, organization and (or) operation of a communication or control system, as well as special measures to ensure the safety of railway traffic or the safety of goodsMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
66. Information disclosing the deployment, specialization, capacity and (or) throughput of points for loading or unloading troops, data on their food, medical and sanitary servicesMinistry of Defense of Russia MPS of Russia
67. Information disclosing the mobilization need for vehicles, including for certain modes of transport, and (or) mobilization provision with themMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
68. Information disclosing the state of forces or means of civil defense in the whole of the Russian Federationfederal executive authorities that have civil defense forces
69. Information disclosing the structural organization or indicators of the mobilization plan for the economy of the Russian Federation, as well as the state of mobilization preparation of federal executive bodies or individual organizationsfederal executive bodies with mobilization tasks
70. Information disclosing the location, physical stocks of state and (or) mobilization reserves, their useMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Roskomrezerv
71. Information characterizing the state of the insurance fund of documentation for weapons and military equipment, the main types of civilian products included in mobilization plans, for high-risk facilities and (or) life support systems for the population, for facilities that are national treasures, as well as information about the location of facilities (bases) of storage of the insurance fund of documentation in general for the Russian FederationMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Railways of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia
72. Information disclosing the plans, content or results of research work in the field of mobilization preparation of the industry of the Russian FederationMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia
73. Information disclosing the balance of payments of the Russian Federation with foreign countries as a whole for the war periodMINFER of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Economy of Russia Bank of Russia SBP
74. Information about mine workings, natural cavities, subways or other structures that can be used in the interests of the country's defense, as well as information that discloses water supply schemes for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people, railway junctions and (or) the location of the main water supply facilities and the conduit that feeds themMinistry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Roskomnedra
75. Information on physical and chemical phenomena (fields) associated with the creation, production and (or) operation of weapons, military equipment, revealing their protected parametersMinistry of Atomic Energy of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia Ministry of Transport of Russia Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia State Committee for Higher Education of Russia State Committee for Defense Industry of Russia Roskommash Roshydromet FAPSI, FPS of Russia FSB of Russia, RKA State Technical Commission of Russia
V. Information in the field of intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-search activities
76. Information disclosing the organization or the actual state of protection of state secretsState Technical Commission of Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Ministry of Defense of Russia EMERCOM of Russia SVR of Russia, FAPSI FPS of Russia, FSB of Russia SBP, GDO of Russia GUSP
77. Information disclosing planned and (or) ongoing measures to protect information from unauthorized access, foreign technical intelligence and leakage through technical channelsState Technical Commission of Russia FAPSI of the Ministry of Defense of Russia
78. Information about systems of presidential, governmental or other types of special communications and information, about state ciphers, codes, methods or means of their analysis, means of coding, classificationMinistry of Defense of Russia FAPSI GDO of Russia
79. Information disclosing the organization, forces, means or methods of ensuring the security of objects of state protection, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if they disclose the listed informationState Department of Russia SBP
80. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans, status or results of intelligence, counterintelligence or operational-search activities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information.Ministry of Defense of Russia FSB of Russia GUO of Russia SBP
Information about persons cooperating or collaborating on a confidential basis with bodies carrying out counterintelligence or operational-search activities.
Information revealing the affiliation of specific individuals to the personnel of the counterintelligence agencies of the Russian Federation.
Information disclosing the status, results, and activities of operational mobilization work
81. Information revealing the forces, means, sources, methods, plans, state, organization, results of intelligence or operational-search activities.Ministry of Defense of Russia SVR of Russia
Information revealing the affiliation of specific individuals to the personnel of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation.
Information about persons providing (provided) confidential assistance to the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation.
Information disclosing the status and results of operational mobilization work carried out in the field of foreign intelligence
82. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans and results of operational-search activities, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information.Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia DNP Russia State Customs Committee of Russia
Information about persons cooperating or collaborating on a confidential basis with the bodies carrying out operational-search activities
83. Information disclosing the affiliation of specific persons to units for combating organized crime, as well as their operational-search and operational-technical measuresMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia
84. Information disclosing the affiliation of specific persons to the personnel of the operational units of the customs authoritiesState Customs Committee of Russia
85. Information revealing the forces, means and methods of conducting an investigation in criminal cases on state crimesMinistry of Internal Affairs of Russia FSB of Russia
86. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans, status and results of the activities of the electronic intelligence agencies of communications, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed informationMinistry of Defense of Russia FAPSI
87. Information disclosing the forces, means, methods, plans or results of intelligence, counterintelligence, operational-search activities of the border service of the Russian Federation, as well as data on the financing of this activity, if these data disclose the listed information.FPS of Russia
Information about persons cooperating or collaborating on a confidential basis with the bodies of the border service of the Russian Federation, carrying out intelligence, counterintelligence or operational-search activities

The Zakonbase website presents the DECREE of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1995 N 1203 "ON APPROVAL OF THE LIST OF INFORMATION RELATED TO STATE SECRET" in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use convenient navigation or advanced search.

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Notes: 1. The list of information classified as a state secret contains information in the military field, in the field of economics, science and technology, foreign policy and economics, intelligence, counterintelligence and operational-investigative activities, the dissemination of which may harm the security of the Russian Federation, and also the names of state bodies and organizations empowered to dispose of this information.

2. Each state body and each organization specified in this list is empowered to dispose of information of industry (departmental) affiliation within their competence, as well as information of other owners of information of the relevant thematic focus upon their submission.

(note 2 as amended by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/08/2008 N 460)

3. This list uses the following terms:

"military equipment" - technical means intended for combat, technical and logistic support of the activities of the troops, as well as equipment and apparatus for monitoring and testing these means, components of these means and components;

"military facilities" - combat positions of troops, military units, stationary control posts, military research organizations, training grounds, communication centers, bases, warehouses, complexes or individual buildings and other military structures;

"troops" - the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations created for wartime, provided for by the Federal Law of May 31, 1996 N 61-FZ "On Defense", as well as special-purpose communications units;

"weapons" - means designed to destroy manpower, equipment, structures and other objects of the enemy, the components of these means and components;

"dislocation of an object" - a set of information about the location on the earth's surface or in its bowels of an object, including geographical, geocentric or rectangular coordinates, linear and angular values, binding to landmarks on the ground;

"infrastructure of the economy of the Russian Federation" - sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation, functioning in the interests of ensuring the defense capability and security of the state;

"objects of administrative management" - objects of mobilization purpose, created in advance by decision of the heads of federal state authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations, intended to accommodate and ensure the activities of the relevant governing body during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

"Nuclear complex facilities" - structures with nuclear reactors, including nuclear power plants, ships and other watercraft, space and aircraft, other transport and transportable means or structures with industrial, experimental and research nuclear reactors, critical and subcritical nuclear test benches; structures, ranges, installations and devices with nuclear charges; other facilities containing nuclear materials, installations for the production, use, processing, transportation of nuclear fuel and nuclear materials;

"secure facilities" - facilities where work is carried out using information constituting a state secret, and for the operation of which special security measures have been established.

4. Paragraphs 32-35, 37 and 44 of this list indicate state bodies and organizations whose heads are empowered to classify information as a state secret.

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

5. Paragraphs 38 - 40 of this list indicate strategic types of raw materials, materials and fuels, lists (lists) of which are formed within their competence and by mutual agreement by state bodies and organizations empowered to dispose of information classified as state secrets.

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2008 N 460)

6. In this list:

when listing information through the union "and" or through a comma with the union "and" before the last category of information, all information in the aggregate shall be classified as a state secret;

when listing information separated by a comma or the union "or", each piece of information separately is classified as a state secret;

the information listed after the union "as well" is new, different from the previous information, which separately refers to state secrets.