Properties and technical characteristics of mineral wool. Thermal insulation mineral wool: features of choice

Among the large number thermal insulation materials, mineral wool occupies a special place. Its popularity is primarily due to its low thermal conductivity, environmental safety, resistance to mold and mildew, etc. About the features of the use of mineral wool, we will consider further.

Mineral wool - constituent substances and production

The material is based on a thin inorganic fiber, commonly called mineral wool. To connect the fibers together, substances in the form of synthetic glue are used. In relation to the main component of mineral wool, it is of three types:

  • synthetic;
  • slag;
  • basalt.

There are certain world standards according to which technological process stone wool production.

Considering the features and characteristics of this material, one should first of all note the low thermal conductivity and resistance to ignition and the spread of fire. Due to the frequent interlacing of the fibers with each other, air pores are formed inside the cotton wool, which provide a low level of thermal conductivity. Due to its low density, there is air inside the cotton wool, which retains heat inside the cotton wool, without supplying it to the outside. A large number of fibers, which are intertwined in a chaotic manner, are the basis for the production of stone wool.

Moreover, these fibers have a hard, natural or inorganic texture. General process stone wool production is based on heating source material up to a certain temperature, and stretching thin threads from it, a certain mechanical device. The binder helps to connect the finest filaments together and gives them a definite shape.

Mineral wool - characteristics and advantages

The fibers of mineral wool can be arranged in a chaotic manner, therefore, its structure is determined by the composition of the feedstock. There are several options for mineral wool:

  • with a horizontal direction of the fibers;
  • with vertical direction of fibers;
  • corrugated type;
  • spatial type.

The choice of one or another version of the insulation depends on the scope and place of its application. Stone wool is resistant to high temperatures. This also explains the high level of its fire safety. This material is not prone to combustion, does not ignite, and transfers heat well.

Mineral wool is resistant to aggressive environments and chemical components of different compositions, this property significantly expands the places of its use. The high popularity of mineral wool is explained by its characteristics such as high thermal insulation and sound insulation performance.

The most popular place of application of mineral wool is the insulation of wall partitions, ceilings and all kinds of structural elements... In addition, with the help of mineral wool, insulation of furnaces, pipelines, surfaces that are exposed to an increased temperature regime is carried out.

Mineral wool insulation has the following advantages:

  • low level of thermal conductivity, which makes it a fairly popular material on the insulation market;
  • mineral wool is referred to as non-combustible materials, and therefore its use reduces the risk of a fire in the house;
  • strength before compression and mechanical stress ensures a long service life of mineral wool and the possibility of its use even for insulating foundations and places that are subjected to constant stress;
  • tensile strength makes mineral wool an indispensable insulation in the process of insulating facade surfaces;
  • a low level of moisture absorption provides the material with a long term of use, since due to the fact that stone wool does not hold and does not absorb moisture, fungus and mold do not develop on its surface;
  • ensuring high-quality sound insulation is achieved due to the fact that the fibers are intertwined with each other in a chaotic manner, mineral wool is also used in the process of sound insulation of recording studios;
  • resistance to high temperatures, under the influence of heat and cold, mineral wool does not deform does not lose its characteristics;
  • biological resistance and good antiseptic properties make mineral wool a rather popular and demanded building material, not only in the insulation industry;
  • environmental safety of the material allows you to use it for the insulation of children's rooms, health resorts and medical institutions;
  • ease of installation is another very significant advantage, mineral wool is produced in different forms, therefore, having chosen the desired one, it can be easily mounted on any surface.

However, one should take into account the fact that the use of poor quality material, may cause harm to human health. According to foreign studies, mineral wool may differ in the presence in its composition harmful substances and binding resins. These substances, released into the environment, negatively affect the human mucous membranes, such as the eyes, skin or respiratory organs.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use mineral wool for insulating living quarters inside rooms. The presence of phenol in its composition adversely affects human health, especially in the absence of a normal air conditioning and ventilation system.

The use of mineral wool as a thermal insulation material

Mineral wool is used to insulate both internal and external sections of the building. The form of its release is different, both rolled and slab. When choosing dimensions for mineral wool, the following characteristics should be taken into account:

  • place of installation of the material;
  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • additional heat losses.

The industry of its use depends on the density of mineral wool. Material with more rigid characteristics is used for external thermal insulation... With its help, it is possible to provide not only insulation, but also protection, of the facade, roof, basement, from external factors... In horizontal areas, it is possible to use a material with a lower density.

There are two types of thermal insulation:

  • industrial;
  • technical.

The first option is used if the temperature of exposure to the material exceeds 900 degrees Celsius.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the field of insulation with mineral wool in more detail:

  • unloaded insulation on any kind of structures and buildings, installed both vertically and horizontally and inclined;
  • insulation by plaster type;
  • thermal insulation for ventilated curtain walls;
  • internal insulation of various kinds of protective structures;
  • in the system of sandwich panel structures, concrete panels, layered laying;
  • thermal insulation of the industrial sector, insulation of water pipes, chimneys, furnace structures, metallurgy and petrochemistry;
  • bottom layer of thermal insulation in flat roof structures;
  • thermal insulation of wall and ceiling ceilings in a bath or sauna.

Mineral wool insulation: varieties and description

As mentioned earlier, there are three types of mineral wool:

  • glass wool;
  • stone insulation;
  • slag insulation.

For the production of the first option, substances are used in the form of sand, borax, limestone and soda. All components are placed in a special tank, where they are mixed and melted. At the same time, the heating temperature reaches 1410 degrees. This is followed by the process of passing the obtained glass through the surface of the spinnerets and enters the mechanism of inflating it into the smallest fibrous elements, with the help of which the insulation is formed.

This process is carried out when the fibers are exposed to a special adhesive. In order for a certain bond to form between the fibers, the material is processed at a temperature of about 240 degrees. This is followed by the process of cutting and packing cotton wool, in relation to its size. For mineral wool, the thickness is also determined by the sphere and the place of its use.

Among the advantages of this material, we note:

  • excellent thermal conductivity;
  • good sound insulation;
  • high resistance to chemicals;
  • resistance to combustion and smoldering;
  • no shrinkage;
  • sound absorption;
  • high strength characteristics.

Among the disadvantages of this material, we note the high level of fragility of its fibers, the need to work with the material, exclusively in a mask and special clothing, and a low level of thermal stability.

Mineral basalt wool - also called stone wool. For its manufacture, a stone of rocks is used. This raw material melts at a temperature of about 1500 degrees, turns into fibrous substances and is connected with adhesive components.

Among the advantages of basalt-based mineral wool, we note:

  • excellent thermal conductivity of mineral wool;
  • good level of sound absorption;
  • high level of thermal resistance;
  • duration of operation;
  • resistance to shrinkage;
  • moisture resistance;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • ease of work with the material, compared with glass wool.

However, the composition of this material contains substances harmful to human health, which, when heated to a temperature of about 600 degrees, begin to be released into the environment and adversely affect human health.

For the production of slag wool, waste of metallurgical production is used. This material, perhaps, has only one advantage - low cost. However, the disadvantages of slag are much more. Among them, we note:

  • low temperature mode of using the material, which is more than 250 degrees;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the period of use of the material is no more than fifteen years;
  • high level of moisture absorption;
  • the presence of very fragile and brittle fibers.

If you use slag wool with metal surfaces, then upon contact with water, it begins to oxidize and lead to their corrosion.

Facade insulation technology with mineral wool

Before starting work, you should prepare the facade surface for insulation. For this, all additional and unnecessary elements are removed from it, which will prevent the fixation of mineral wool on its surface. If there are areas on the walls where plaster or paint peels off, then they need additional repair. Next, you should prime the walls.

After that, a guide profile is attached to the walls, with its help it is possible to support the first row of mineral wool, which is laid on the wall surface. Dowels are used to fix the metal profile on the wall. At the same time, without fail, an interval of half a meter is left between the profile and the ground.

In order to securely fix the insulation on the front surface, we recommend using a special glue. Thermal insulation with mineral wool involves the use of dry glue, which is diluted with water before starting work. For proportions and ratio of adhesive and water, see instructions. Make sure that the composition is uniform. The adhesive is applied directly to the mineral wool slabs. Further, they are tightly pressed against the wall.

Advice: Before the glue sets, the plate must take a certain position. After laying the first row, immediately start assembling the second.

Please note that the joints between mineral wool slabs should resemble brickwork. After gluing the material, the process of fixing them with fasteners follows. For these purposes, use special dowels in the shape of a fungus.

After laying and fixing all the plates, they are reinforced with an adhesive and fiberglass mesh. Using a special corner will help to reinforce the corner sections of the slabs. This is followed by the process of plastering the walls.

If, after insulating the facade, it will be trimmed with siding, then before laying the mineral wool, it is installed special film in the form of isospan. It will help to avoid exposure to moisture on the insulation. Only fasteners will be used to fix the boards, not adhesive. This is followed by another layer of isospan, and a gap is left between the siding and the insulation.

Mineral wool belongs to the category of universal insulation. Due to the sheer number of its benefits, it has unlimited uses. There are several varieties of this material. Let's talk about their features and the advantages of mineral wool as a heater further.

Mineral wool: origin and manufacturing features

Mineral wool is a material intended for thermal insulation, which consists of thin, intertwined vitreous fibers. They are made by spraying a certain kind of slag, stones or basalt. The quality and density of mineral wool depends on the length and diameter of the fibers. The mineral wool production process is based primarily on the production of minimal fibers, which are connected with each other using a binder.

In order to better understand the properties of mineral wool, you should carefully study the process of its origin. The production of mineral wool is conventionally divided into the following stages:

1. Determination of the type of raw material and its preparation for melting.

At this stage, the composition of the mineral wool is determined, in which a certain proportionality of the ingredients is observed. It has a name - charge. Most often, this composition contains two, maximum three components. Each of the manufacturers of mineral wool has its own proportions of ingredients in this composition. It is on the proportionality and type of mineral wool ingredients that its further multifunctionality, resistance to moisture, temperature changes and compression depend. In addition, the product must have high thermal insulation properties... The quality of mineral wool is primarily determined by its fiber, its size and chemical constituents. Before mixing the ingredients, they go through a grinding and drying procedure. Already in the dosing chamber, they are selected according to the specified proportions.

2. Procedure for melting components.

After all the ingredients have been thoroughly mixed together, they are melted at a temperature of about one and a half thousand degrees Celsius. This stage is the main part of the mineral wool production process. The consistency of the resulting mixture and the length of the fibers of the finished product depend on the temperature in the oven.

Most often, fuel is used to heat such a furnace in the form natural gas, it is with its help that it is possible to achieve such a high temperature.

3. Fabrication of fiber material.

The molten mass having a certain viscosity is found in the area of ​​fiber formation. For these purposes, special devices have been developed in the form of multi-roll centrifuges and fiber distributors. The composition falls on a roller that rotates at a very high speed. As a result, fibers are formed, which are also supplemented with various additives and water-repellent mixtures. Then the fibers end up in their cooling chamber and form a homogeneous web.

On a special kind of machine, the canvas passes special treatment on fiber orientation. Thanks to this, mineral wool is characterized by practically zero shrinkage.

4. Procedure for polymerization.

The canvas ends up in the chamber heat treatment where it solidifies. All binders are endowed with certain physical properties, it is this process that further affects the quality of the finished product.

5. Determination of the form.

Mineral wool is produced both in the form of slabs and in a roll version. At this stage, it is cut and packaged to size.

6. Packaging.

The last, final stage involves packaging finished material and sending it for sale.

Characteristics of mineral wool: advantages and disadvantages of insulation

First, let's take a look at the benefits of mineral wool:

1. Good thermal insulation performance.

Due to the fact that the fibers of the heat-insulating material have a special fineness, it is a versatile and very good heat-insulating material. If we compare the indicators of its thermal conductivity with other alternative heaters, then mineral wool will certainly win.

2. Fire safety.

Mineral wool is used in any areas, the temperature of which does not exceed 1000 degrees. Until this temperature is reached, mineral wool cannot melt. Therefore, it is an excellent option for insulating walls, floors, ceilings and floor slabs... Using mineral wool, to some extent, it is possible to prevent a fire, since it is not capable of spreading fire.

3. Resistance to chemical compounds.

This property also expands the scope of use of mineral wool. Its composition is absolutely resistant to all kinds of chemical influences.

4. Biological stability.

This advantage is primarily due to the fact that mineral wool is not eaten by such rodents as rats or mice, in contrast to foam. This means that throughout the entire period of its operation, it remains unchanged both in form and composition. In addition, due to its good moisture resistance, mineral wool is resistant to mold and mildew, which is especially important for a healthy indoor atmosphere and microclimate.

5. Excellent sound insulator.

The chaotic arrangement of mineral wool fibers allows it to be used not only as insulation, but also for soundproofing rooms. Mineral wool is even used for installation on doors, since it is not able to transmit extraneous sounds into the room.

6. Ability to cope with static loads.

Due to its good density, mineral wool perfectly withstands static loads, therefore it is used for insulating floors, ceilings and other types of critical elements. Even after 40 years of its operation, mineral wool does not shrink. And the duration of its operation depends on the tendency of the insulation to deformation. Since shrinkage leads to the appearance of cold bridges and to an increase in heat losses.

7. Steam transmission characteristics.

Due to the fact that mineral wool allows air to pass through, a healthy atmosphere is maintained in the room and natural air exchange takes place.

8. Environmental safety.

Mineral wool contains binder, on the basis of formaldehyde resins, however, in the process of manufacturing insulation, this resin becomes absolutely harmless, and during further operation, does not emit harmful substances.

9. Long term of use.

The service life of mineral wool is over 45 years. Since this material practically does not lend itself to shrinkage, it tolerates high humidity, sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric phenomena, it is able to maintain its characteristics throughout the entire period of its use.

In addition, mineral wool is an excellent insulating material for facades, as it is highly resistant to tearing. This material is easy to process and install.

Despite this, mineral wool has several disadvantages, among which should be highlighted:

  • mineral wool is able to function normally as a heater, exclusively in combination with additional materials vapor barrier and waterproofing character;
  • in the process of working with mineral wool, protective gloves, a mask and goggles must be used, as there is a risk of tiny fibers getting on the skin and its irritation;
  • it is not recommended to admit constant contact mineral wool with moisture.

Scope of use of mineral wool for insulation

Due to its versatility and a large number of positive characteristics, mineral wool has a wide range of applications, namely:

  • in the process of warming ventilated facades;
  • in the arrangement of three-layer masonry;
  • insulation of walls, ceilings, floors, interfloor ceilings;
  • making roofing pies in the process of arranging a high-quality roof;
  • as a heat-insulating material for the roof;
  • with external wall insulation;
  • in the process of manufacturing reinforced concrete products;
  • for thermal insulation of communication systems: pipelines, gas pipelines, etc .;
  • in most building structures;
  • when insulating balconies and attics, as well as loggias.

Types of mineral wool and their characteristics

In relation to the characteristics of the production of mineral wool, it is of three types:

  • fiberglass based;
  • slag-based;
  • stone mineral wool.

Each of the materials has individual characteristics, in particular the length and arrangement of fibers, different resistance to deformation, moisture, stress, etc.

Mineral wool based on fiberglass or glass wool has fibers that are no more than 14 microns thick and up to five centimeters long. This material is characterized by the highest strength and resilience. Please note that it requires the use of special protective equipment during work, as small glass particles can get on the skin and cause irritation.

Glass wool has a good coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is able to withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees Celsius and 50 degrees Celsius.

The second option is the use of slag. For the manufacture of this insulation, blast-furnace slag is used, the fibers of which do not exceed twelve microns in thickness and not more than one and a half millimeters in length.

The slag is unstable against an acidic environment, so it has limited use on metal surfaces. In addition, this insulation has a high hygroscopic ability, so it cannot be used in the process of insulating facades and other external structures. The cost of slag wool is an order of magnitude lower than, for example, glass wool. Due to its fragility, it is not used for the insulation of pipelines and communication systems.

Slag wool is able to withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius, when exposed to a higher temperature, it loses its thermal insulation properties. In addition, it has a high hygroscopicity, which significantly limits its scope. The biggest advantage of this insulation is its lower cost compared to alternative options.

Stone or basalt mineral wool - differs in the same small fibers as slag wool. However, this material is not prone to irritation or allergy. In addition, it has high thermal insulation performance. The best option for stone wool is a material based on basalt rocks. This material can withstand temperatures up to a thousand degrees of heat and up to two hundred degrees of frost, without changing the thermal insulation characteristics.

Basalt stone wool is sold both in rolls and slabs. It is very easy to use, not prone to deformation, not prone to burning. This version of mineral wool is the most the best choice for its use as insulation.

Thermal insulation mineral wool: features of choice

In order to buy mineral wool, it is enough to contact any hardware store or supermarket. The price for mineral wool is determined primarily by its type, the cheapest slag wool, a little more expensive than glass wool, but the most expensive option is basalt stone wool.

The thickness of mineral wool is different, its choice depends on the type of coating on which the insulation will be installed.

In addition, in relation to the size of the mineral wool, various kinds of slabs and rolls are also distinguished. Each of the manufacturers has its own dimensional grid of finished products.

Stone wool is subdivided into the following subspecies:

  • granular - made by special compressor unit, relevant for places where installation conventional insulation does not seem possible;
  • in the form of slabs coated with bitumen - an excellent option for laying roofing finishing materials;
  • in the form of lamellar plates - it is distinguished by the presence of fibers that are arranged not in a chaotic, but in a perpendicular order, has good elasticity and flexibility, and is suitable for thermal insulation of pipelines.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main manufacturers of mineral wool:

1. Rockwool mineral wool - the material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, excellent air permeability, does not absorb moisture, is non-combustible. In addition, mineral wool from this manufacturer is resistant to mold, insects and rodents, environmentally friendly and has good sound insulation characteristics. Among the huge range of products, it is possible to choose exactly the type of mineral wool that is suitable for individual characteristics a site requiring insulation.

2. Isover mineral wool is produced in the form of slabs, rolls or mats, has two forms: rigid and semi-rigid. The material is used in the process of insulating roofs, interfloor ceilings, floors, facade parts of a building or walls. The material retains air by 99%, therefore, during operation, its quality of thermal conductivity only increases.

3. Ursa mineral wool - this insulation is based on fiberglass or quartz glass. The material is good fire safety, it is practically non-flammable, in addition, the mineral wool of this manufacturer is environmentally friendly to health.

Before buying mineral wool, you should also study the recommendations for its selection, which are presented below:

1. Pay attention to the place and conditions of storage of the material. All products must be stored in the same packaging in which they were packed at the factory.

2. If mineral wool is sold in boxes, then its contact with moisture or with a damp environment should be minimized.

3. Even for little money, you should not buy wet cotton wool, since after drying it loses its properties.

4. Identify several manufacturers for yourself, read reviews about them, and then make a purchasing decision.

5. Pre-calculate the right amount cotton wool, in relation to the area of ​​the insulated area.

Mineral wool video:

The use of mineral wool (or mineral wool, as it is most often called) as an insulating material can solve the problem of noise and thermal insulation in construction and industrial facilities. Substantial benefits this decision are achieved due to excellent technical parameters and a fairly low cost. In the manufacture of mineral wool, molten slag, glass or rocks can be used (we will talk in more detail about the varieties a little later). And thanks to its excellent physical and technical properties, mineral wool is widely used both in conditions of high / low temperatures and in conditions of high humidity. So, as you probably already guessed yourself, the topic of today's article is the technical characteristics of mineral wool

Specifications mineral wool


absorption by

The sizeQty in a package
kg / m3 W / (mK) % mm mm mm PC. m2 m3

Hotrock Light

35 0.038 1.5% 50 1200 600 8 5,76 0,288

Hotrock Block

50 0.034 1.5% 50 1200 600 8 5,76 0,288

Hotrock Facade Light

140 0.038 1.5% 50 1200 600 8 5,76 0,288
Rockwool Light Butts SCANDIC

35 0.036 1.5% 50 800 600 10 6 0.3
Rockwool Facade Butts

130 0.037 1.5% 50 1000 600 4 2.4 0.12
100 2 1.2

Isoroc Isolite

50 0.035 1.5% 50 1000 500 8 4 0.2

About chemical resistance, GOST and fire safety

GOST regulates the composition of the material described in this article, as well as its specific properties. In addition, GOST also standardizes the sizes of mineral wool slabs:

  1. the thickness should be within 4-15 centimeters;
  2. width - either 50, 60, or 100 centimeters;
  3. and finally, the length is 100 or 200 centimeters.

In terms of fire safety, mineral wool can be of two classes:

These classes determine the possibility of using the material on objects that pose a hazard from the point of view of ignition. Due to its properties, it prevents degradation load-bearing structures, as well as the object as a whole. For many decades, deformations do not in any way affect the shape of the insulation. Minvata absorbs the vibrations generated by the walls, providing a quiet and cozy home.

Note! The durability of mineral wool is achieved due to its resistance to chemicals. Influence chemically active substances and solvents does not affect the integrity of the structure in any way. For this reason, mineral wool is actively used in construction and industry - it is used to isolate engineering Communication, tanks, various equipment.

When insulating residential buildings with the help of mineral wool, new technologies for creating objects are created frame type... This insulation can significantly reduce construction costs, while heating costs will not increase. Minvata can insulate floors on logs, ceilings, verandas, walls, the only condition is that after installation, the material must be ventilated.

Video - Wall insulation with mineral wool

Material specifications

Due to the properties of the raw material, the mineral wool does not burn even in direct contact with fire. Most of the fibers in it are silicates, therefore, technical specifications the material is quite high due to just the production technology. Below are the most significant properties that must be taken into account when thermal insulation of facades and production of sandwich panels:

  1. vapor permeability ranges from 0.5-0.53 mchPa;
  2. thermal conductivity is 40-53 watts per meter per K .;
  3. the moisture absorption rate for the entire volume of the material is 1.5 percent;
  4. limiting density - 200 kilograms per cubic meter;
  5. compressive strength - about 0.6 megapascals;
  6. and finally, the moisture-to-weight ratio is about 3-5 percent.

Note! There are also special plates of this material used exclusively for roof insulation - it comes about hydrophobized heat insulator plates.

In addition, there is a rolled mineral wool, and also in the form of mats. The specific parameters depend on the silicate components (if up to 99 percent) and the organic binder:

  • magnesium, calcium oxide - from 20 to 35 percent;
  • silica - from 35 to 45 percent;
  • potassium, sodium oxide - from 1 to 8 percent;
  • alumina - from 14 to 25 percent.

Note! The indicators presented above are determined in relation to the weight of the mineral wool.

To reduce the level of moisture, a special water-repellent impregnation is used. Thanks to it, such technical characteristics of mineral wool as moisture resistance and a high vapor permeability rate (due to the latter material can "breathe"). And moisture, overcoming all layers of insulation, simply does not linger in it. Thanks to all this, the thermal insulation properties of mineral wool are increased, but in order for them to be preserved, it is necessary to provide for their ventilation when insulating the facades.

Material marks and marking

As noted above, mineral wool is produced in rolls, plates and mats. It is ideal for insulating roofs, attics, ceilings and walls of buildings. Usually there are no difficulties during installation / operation. Typically, stone wool can have different densities, on the basis of which several grades of material are distinguished. Let's get acquainted with each of them.


As the name suggests, the density in this case is 75 kg / m3. The material is perfect for insulating horizontal surfaces that are not subject to significant loads - attic, some types of roof. Also, gas and heat pipelines... If the material has a lower density, then it can be used only where there are no loads in principle.


Insulation with a density of 125 kg / m3, which has good sound insulation properties. Excellent for insulation of ceilings, floors and interior walls; can also be used for internal thermal insulation brick houses, as well as buildings made of aerated concrete or foam blocks. In a word, the mineral wool of this brand is capable not only of insulating, but also of soundproofing a room, and of a very high quality.

ППЖ-200 and ПЖ-150

The density of these materials is traditionally clear already from their name. The technical characteristics of the mineral wool of this sample are as follows: density, as well as increased rigidity (hence this abbreviation). They are used for insulating metal or reinforced concrete walls, floors and so on. By the way, the "two-hundredth" PPZh can also be used to protect a building from the spread of fires.

Mineral wool classification

The term "mineral wool" includes the following materials:

  • glass wool (as the name suggests, it is made of glass);
  • slag (it is made from metallurgical waste - slag);
  • stone wool (it is also called basalt; it is a heater made from rocks).

In order not to get confused in this classification, we will consider the features of each type, its strengths and weaknesses.

# 1. Glass wool

Mineral insulation with a fibrous structure. For its manufacture, the same raw materials are used as in the production of ordinary glass (as an option, glass production waste can be used). Due to its special composition, the material is resistant to chemical attack. Its density is often in the order of 130 kilograms per cubic meter.


Glass wool differs in its properties from other types of material. The thickness of the fiber in it can reach 15 microns, while the length is about five times that of the stone one (we will get acquainted with it a little later). That is why glass wool is so resilient and durable. Tellingly, there are practically no non-fibrous inclusions in it.

Main varieties

Insulation is produced in the form of soft, as well as semi-rigid and rigid (synthetics acts as a binding element) plates. The latter are able to withstand rather heavy loads. So, hard mats covered with fiberglass can be used for wind protection, with proper installation there are no gaps between them. Soft fiberglass is pressed into rolls, which, as already noted, are distinguished by their elasticity.

There is also a kind of material covered with an additional layer - lamination. Both fiberglass and foil act as such a layer.


The main disadvantage of the material is the fragility of the fibers. Pieces of these fibers are able to penetrate clothes, other objects, and it is almost impossible to get them out of there. When in contact with the skin, fibers can cause irritation, and when they get into the lungs, they provoke a fairly strong reaction, because they leave there in small "portions".

It is extremely dangerous if fiberglass gets in your eyes. Therefore, you should work with the material in special goggles, heavy gloves, respirators, as well as in clothing that does not leave unprotected areas of the body.

Glass wool is also characterized by excellent vibration resistance. Its thermal conductivity can reach 0.52 watts per meter per K., it is also able to withstand temperatures up to 450 degrees.


In the production of glass wool, sand, borax, limestone, dolomite and soda are used. We also note that today mainly cullet is used, and not whole glass, or, more simply, ordinary waste. All components are fed into the hopper, after which they begin to melt. With the help of dispensers, all the components are sent to the melting furnaces, while the temperature should be about 1,400 degrees, otherwise the required technical characteristics of the mineral wool will not be achieved. From the formed mass, thin threads are made by blowing glass fed from a centrifuge.

In parallel with all this, the material is covered with a polymer aerosol. The binding element in this case is a solution of an improved urea polymer. After being sprayed with an aerosol, the yarns are fed onto rollers and straightened on a conveyor. The result is a homogeneous material that looks like a carpet. Then it is polymerized at a temperature of 250 degrees (this is very important!), Which is a catalyst for this kind of compounds. In this case, the remaining moisture evaporates, and the material, which has passed the polymerization, becomes hard and durable, acquires a characteristic yellow color.

The volume of the finished heat insulator is quite large, because there is a lot of air in it. Therefore, for transportation and storage, the material is pressed, reducing the volume by about 6 times. And due to the fact that glass wool also has elasticity, after unpacking it quickly takes on its original shape.

Video - Glass wool production

Stone wool

The technical characteristics of this type of mineral wool are practically the same as for slag wool. But the advantage of the material is that it does not prick. It is safe and convenient to work with it, which cannot be said, for example, about glass wool. Perhaps the most popular mineral wool option today.

The thermal conductivity of this material can reach 0.12 watts per meter per K., the indicator of hygroscopicity is average, the limiting working temperature- about 600 degrees.

Video - Basalt wool

No. 3. Slag

This heat insulator is made from blast furnace slag - in principle, metallurgical waste. Slagovata was patented back in the fifties of the last century in the Soviet Union; it began to be widely produced at metallurgical enterprises. This production required insignificant investments, and the waste is recycled. At the same time, both enterprises and the construction industry were provided with very high-quality thermal insulation materials.

Characteristically, slag wool differs not only in low cost, but also in a low thermal conductivity, which is why it is the best option for insulation. But it is worth noting that the entire effectiveness of this material can almost completely disappear due to the increased hygroscopicity.

Another disadvantage of the material is poor vibration resistance, as well as an increased indicator of residual acidity. Upon contact with atmospheric precipitation, acids appear in the fibers of the material, leading to rusting metal surfaces... Actually, this is the main reason that slag wool was ousted from the market of heaters by more modern heat insulators.

Features of the choice of material

Among the numerous producers of mineral wool, the following brands are the most popular: Technonikol, Ursa, Rockwool, Knauf and Izover. The cost of the material depends directly on its density, because the higher this parameter, the more raw materials are required for production. Although the average cost ranges from 100-180 rubles per square meter.

Before buying, you must carefully examine the packaging in order to find out whether the requirements of GOST were taken into account in the manufacture. Also check the specifications, ask the seller to open one package.

Find out where the fibers are directed in the material. If those are vertical, then the mineral wool will hold perfectly thermal energy, if in a chaotic manner, then the insulation is very durable and, accordingly, capable of withstanding heavy loads. Glass wool and slag wool are cheaper, but you should think twice before purchasing them. Despite the fact that the thermal insulation of these materials is increased, quite difficulties arise during their installation. So, glass wool, if it gets on the skin or eyes, can lead to serious irritation.

According to GOST 52953-2008, the concept mineral wool(or mineral wool) the following types of cotton wool are included:

1. Glass wool (or glass wool) - mineral wool made from molten glass.

2. Stone wool (or basalt wool) - mineral wool, which is produced from molten rocks, mainly of volcanic origin.

3. Slag wool - mineral wool, which is obtained from the melt of blast-furnace slag.

Depending on the feedstock and processing technology, mineral wool fibers are given different lengths, thicknesses and spatial orientation. This allows you to change the parameters of the material, such as heat resistance, resistance to dynamic loads, thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity. All this allows you to expand the range of applications of mineral wool.

Minvata is one of the most common thermal insulation materials used in construction. Due to its heat and sound insulation properties, its non-flammability and vapor permeability, as well as ease of installation and durability, the mineral wool takes a leading position among heaters.

It should be noted that quite often, when they talk about mineral wool, they mean stone wool.

Glass wool.

For the production of glass wool, sand, limestone, borax (etibor) and soda are used - common components for the production of glass. All this is poured into a special hopper, where it melts at a temperature of about 1400 ° C, and then the resulting glass is passed through spinnerets and enters special centrifuges, where it is blown up with steam to obtain thin glass filaments.

The fiber formation process is accompanied by treatment with polymer binders. Then the resulting mass is molded and blown at a temperature of 250 ° C for drying and the formation of polymer bonds. After polymerization, the wool fibers become hard and acquire an amber-yellow color. Then the cotton wool is cooled, cut and packaged.

The thickness of the glass wool fibers is from 5 to 15 microns, and the length is from 15 to 50 mm. These fiber sizes give the glass wool mechanical strength, elasticity and low. A layer of cotton wool 5 cm in size thermal resistance corresponds to brickwork 1 meter thick.

The temperature range at which glass wool retains its properties is from -60 to +450 ° C. The density does not exceed 130 kg / m3.


  • Has good thermal conductivity: 0.038 - 0.046 W / m · K;
  • Good sound absorption;
  • Glass wool has a very high chemical resistance;
  • Does not burn or smolder;
  • It does not shrink during long-term operation, and its fibers do not collapse even with prolonged vibration.
  • It absorbs sound well, is low-hygroscopic, frost-resistant.
  • The strength of glass wool fibers is higher than that of basalt wool.


  • The main disadvantage of glass wool is its high fiber fragility. These thin and sharp fragments of fibers easily penetrate the fabric of clothing and cause severe itching of the skin. It is highly undesirable to breathe air containing glass fiber particles. It is necessary to work with this material in overalls made of dense fabric, gloves, a respirator and goggles.
  • Low heat resistance of glass wool. At temperatures above 450 ° C, it begins to break down and lose its properties.

Basically, glass wool is used for thermal insulation of structures with a surface temperature of -60 ° C to 450 ° C.

Stone wool.

Raw material for production stone wool are rocks mainly of volcanic origin. These rocks are melted in a special melting furnace at a temperature of 1400 - 1500 ° C. The melt then enters centrifuges, where rotating wolves break the molten mass into thin fibers. Here, the resulting fibers are processed with binding components, then a powerful air flow throws the resulting fibers into a special chamber, where the fibers are deposited, forming a kind of carpet of the required size.

The thickness of the stone wool fibers is from 3 to 5 microns, the length is up to 16 mm. Density from 30 to 220 kg / m3.


  • Has good thermal conductivity: 0.035-0.045 W / m;
  • Good sound absorption;
  • Does not burn and has high temperature resistance. Operating temperature range from -180 ° С to 700 ° С.
  • Durable and resistant to deformation, does not shrink during the entire service life;
  • It is not hygroscopic and repels moisture well;
  • Chemically neutral and environmentally friendly;
  • Fibers of stone wool are not splitting, which makes it easier to work with, compared to glass wool or slag wool. Installation of mineral wool does not require special skills.


  • The disadvantages of stone wool include the presence in the composition of binders based on phenol-formaldehyde resins, which can lead to the release of phenol. But phenol begins to be released only when the mineral wool is heated to the maximum permissible temperatures(above 700 ° C), in normal conditions binding components are neutral.

Mineral wool heaters are used for thermal insulation of roofs and internal walls, ceilings and partitions, floors of buildings and panel structures.

The raw material for the production of slag wool is slag waste from blast furnace metallurgy. The manufacturing technology is very similar to the stone wool production method.

The thickness of the fibers is slagged from 4 to 12 microns, the length is up to 16 mm. Density from 75 to 400 kg / m3.


  • Sufficiently low maximum operating temperature up to 300 ° C. As the temperature rises, the fibers are sintered and lose their properties. By itself, the slag wool does not burn, but in the event of a fire it will melt first.
  • Not very good indicators of thermal conductivity 0.46 - 0.48 W / m · K;
  • Not durable, service life 10 - 15 years, after which it collapses and loses its properties;
  • Absorbs moisture well;
  • It contains components with residual acidity, therefore, when moisture enters, the process of acid formation and the emergence of an aggressive environment for metals can begin. Therefore, it is not used where moisture may be present.
  • The fibers are brittle and prickly, like steal fibers.


  • The only advantage of this material is its low price... It was the most common insulation material in the Soviet past.

Currently, taking into account its shortcomings and the emergence of alternatives, it is rapidly losing its already insignificant position in the market of mineral insulation.

The table shows the comparative characteristics

different types of mineral wool.

Basalt heaters.

For manufacturing, our company uses basalt heaters- mineral wool based on basalt raw materials, produced by Termolife.

Basalt heaters of the Termolife company have good performance heat and sound insulation properties, high physical and mechanical properties and resistance to chemical attack. Due to the use of specially developed binders, basalt insulation is distinguished by high environmental safety.

All products of the company have quality certificates. The company has a specially equipped laboratory, where the quality of products is constantly checked.

In the line of basalt heaters of the Termolife company, there are special heaters for the manufacture of sandwich panels. The characteristics of these materials are shown in the table:

Characteristic TL Sandwich S TL Sandwich K
Density, kg / m3 105 ± 10% 140 ± 10%
Length, mm 1500.1200 (± 5) 1500.1200 (± 5)
Width, mm 627, 1000 (± 3) 627, 1000 (± 3)
Thickness, mm 102.105.122 (± 2) 102.105.122 (± 2)
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m2 * K) 0,037 0,037
Shear strength, MPa, not less 0,050 0,075
Compressive strength at 10% deformation, MPa, not less 0,039 0,039
Peel strength of layers, MPa, not less 0,040 0,040
Content organic matter,% by weight, no more 4,5 4,5
Water absorption at full immersion,% by volume, no more 1,5 1,5
Humidity,% by mass, no more 1,0 1,0
Fire resistance NG NG

Mineral wool (stone, basalt) consists of randomly oriented fibers, which are made from the melt of rocks erupted by a volcano. Also, according to GOST 31913-2011, this term should include glass wool (from molten glass) and slag wool (from blast furnace slag). The technical characteristics of mineral wool distinguish it favorably from most heaters. According to the criteria of thermal conductivity, sound insulation, vapor permeability and flammability, it surpasses them. Checking all the listed characteristics in the manufacture of stone wool is carried out in accordance with GOST 4640-93.

Today, most companies selling the material offer several forms of release, but the properties of stone wool are slightly different:

  • Mats (rolls). Intended for roofing cake, walls, interfloor ceilings and other unloaded structures, since they have low density characteristics.
  • Plates. Basalt-based mineral wool of this type is produced with a maximum density of 220 kg / m3. cube, which significantly expands the above list of applications. Such material is laid under concrete screed, on the roofs, which are supposed to be used for parking cars, organizing walking areas and in other places where the insulation must withstand a significant weight.
  • Cylinders. One of the few options that can be used to insulate pipelines is mineral wool - rock wool in the form of an elongated cylinder with a hole inside it does the job perfectly.


The technical characteristics of mineral wool determine its popularity and wide range of applications. Let's consider the main properties:

1. Thermal conductivity.

It is a quantity that shows how much heat energy is transferred through a material of unit density at a unit temperature difference. Measured in W / (m * K) or W / (m * C). Technical description mineral wool indicating the characteristics of thermal conductivity is always painted on the package. In GOST 1995-01-01 it is indicated that, depending on the thickness of the mineral wool fibers, this indicator can range from 0.041 to 0.045. Due to technological tricks, some manufacturers manage to achieve a coefficient of 0.032 W / (m * C), which raises certain doubts.

2. Density.

The amount of mineral wool contained in 1 cubic meter finished product... The density of mineral wool is measured in kg / m 3. On average, it is produced with parameters from 20 to 220 kg / m 3.

Size 3.

Depending on the area of ​​destination, it may fluctuate. For instance:

  • The slabs are characterized by dimensions from 5 to 20 cm in thickness and 60 x 100 in the plane. These indicators make them easy to use, moreover, 60 cm is the most common value for the pitch of the rafter system.
  • The properties of mineral wool in rolls do not allow it to be used as widely as slabs, therefore it has dimensions that allow it to be covered with insulation large areas: from 50 to 150 in thickness, 60-120 cm in width and up to 9 m in length.
  • Insulation in cylinders is produced with a diameter of 2 to 27 cm and a length of 1 m. The thickness of the mineral wool is 2-10 cm.

4. Flammability.

This indicator is a matter of special pride for the manufacturer. Minvata belongs to non-combustible types, so it can be insulated with surfaces with temperatures up to 600-650 degrees. Materials with a foil layer have a flammability class G1 (slightly flammable) due to the fact that they reflect an impressive part of the thermal energy back into the room.

5. Noise isolation.

Due to the chaotic structure of the fibers, sound insulation with mineral wool is also performed very often. And large companies like Rockwool have launched a separate line of products designed specifically for soundproofing and damping various vibrations.


A review of mineral wool insulation will be incomplete without mentioning its price. Let's conduct a short overview of popular manufacturers on the market. Since it is more convenient to calculate the cost in rubles per 1 m3, we will adhere to this:

  • Ursa - rolls and plates. The former cost 1,000, the latter from 1,200 rubles.
  • Knauf. Comparatively expensive, but the price is still lower than Rockwool. You can buy Knauf mineral wool in rolls from 1,300, in slabs - from 1,400 rubles / m3.
  • Rockwool. One of the most serious brands of basalt wool. The price starts at 1,600, mats cost 2,800, and cylinders start at 380 rubles per m3.
  • TechnoNIKOL. The cost of Technonikol mineral wool is at an average level. Plates cost 1,400, rolls from 1,000, the price of cylinders starts from 50 rubles / m3.
  • Isover - inexpensive mineral wool, costs 1,200, in rolls - from 1,000 rubles.

Minvata of various brands by appearance practically no different. Natural questions arise: "why pay more?" and "what's the difference?" It consists primarily in the prescription of their foundation, which affects the production experience, fame, reliability of the published characteristics. All this leads to a change in the cost of the product. For example, Rockwool and Technonikol produce cylinders, which indicates the functionality of their products, but Ursa and Isover are 20-30% cheaper with practically the same characteristics.

  • First of all, be guided by the scope of application indicated by the manufacturer, and if it is written that this is Rockwool Facade Butts, then you should not use it on the floor or roof (it will lead to premature loss of characteristics).
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the probable loads carried by the insulated surface. To avoid sealing the insulator, and, accordingly, reducing its thermal conductivity coefficient, purchase plates of increased density.
  • For insulation of the roof on the inner layer, foil insulation is used to reduce the loss of "radiation" heat. For these purposes, as well as thermal insulation chimneys you can choose materials, one side of which is covered with foil.
  • Pay attention to thermal conductivity, as some companies are tricky when they try to indicate underestimated values ​​without specifying the temperature at which they are correct. At different marks of the thermometer, the value of the coefficient will differ in any insulation.
  • Manufacturers indicate different term services of materials produced by them. For metal or slate, this is not critical, but for more durable types of roofing, an extra 10 years is a lot.