Clematis: planting, growing, care. Cultivation, care and reproduction of clematis in the country Where is it better to plant clematis

- the brightest, unforgettable liana on Russian sites. If the summer resident only has to "tame" clematis, planting and caring for them in the open field is the key to success.

If everything is done correctly, plants have been developing and blooming in one place for more than 20 years, annually decorating the house and household plot hundreds of simple and double flowers of different colors and shapes.

Choosing a place and preparing for planting clematis in open ground

Preparation for landing begins with a choice suitable place. light-requiring, but under the direct rays of the sun the liana feels oppressed, the flowers fade and become smaller.

Plants are extremely negative about the wind, proximity ground water. Although plants need a lot of moisture for active growth, its stagnation threatens to rot the roots.

Novice flower growers are mistaken when clematis are planted in the ground near the wall of the house, where the liana regularly falls under the drain or due to lack of access fresh air is attacked by pests and pathogenic fungi.

It is best to find a place at least 70 cm from the wall, and build a solid lattice, arch or trellis for support. Such a distance from the capital structure will simplify the care of clematis after planting in open ground and protect it from rain and melt water flows. Since the vines must grow strongly, without lacking nutrition and moisture, a gap of at least 1–1.5 meters is left between individual bushes.

If multi-row planting is planned, planting trenches are located from north to south. So all plants will be evenly and safely illuminated throughout the day.

For a single bush, it is better to choose a place with good morning lighting.

When is clematis planted in the ground?

Clematis transfer time to open ground depends on the chosen planting material. Seedlings with an open or peat-packed root system cannot wait long. When to plant clematis in open ground in spring?

They are planted in the spring, in April or in the first decade of May, before the shoots begin to grow. Delay or summer planting threatens that clematis will get weakened into the soil, its acclimatization will last longer, and sometimes the plant dies.

An early-bought clematis seedling is often grown at home, so by the usual planting time it already has young shoots. If you take it out into the garden in April, when the main planting of clematis in open ground in the Moscow region, the greenery will suffer from frost. Such plants are planted in the second half of May, by which time all natural threats have passed.

Clematis seedlings with a closed root system tolerate planting without any problems during the entire warm period. Shading on hot days will make acclimatization easier and faster.

In autumn, clematis are planted in open ground from August to October. For the time remaining before the onset of cold weather, the plant takes root and adapts to life in the garden. Specific planting dates depend on the weather and climatic conditions of the region. Being late leads to the freezing of vines that have not had time to settle down. For the winter, soil, and the plants themselves are covered with foliage, spruce branches or dense non-woven material.

Planting clematis in the ground

Right choice places for clematis growing for a long time without a transplant is very important. More importantly competent organization pits for planting clematis in open ground in spring or autumn.

In areas with close groundwater, the danger of flooding, or simply dense heavy soil at the bottom of a trench or pit 60 cm deep, high drainage must be made of expanded clay, crushed red brick, stone chips and sand. Additionally equipped drainage ditches, through which excess water can freely leave the flower garden.

Prepare supports for clematis in advance. Not to disturb root system, arches, lattices, a grid or other types of supports are dug in simultaneously with landing.

A landing pit for a single clematis is made 60 cm deep and wide. Group planting requires the preparation of a single trench at the rate of one running meter on the bush

A drainage cushion is made at the bottom, and the soil selected from the pit is loosened, cleaned of weeds and mixed in equal parts with humus,. It is useful to add fertile garden soil to sandy soil. In clayey, dense soil for clematis, on the contrary, loosening sand is mixed. As a fertilizer, 100 grams of mineral complex top dressing are applied to each bucket of soil, as well as about a liter of purified wood ash. Increased soil acidity is neutralized dolomite flour, slaked lime or other similar means.

The planting hole is half filled in the form of an equilateral mound in the middle with the prepared substrate. At its top, a seedling with pre-straightened rhizomes is placed. The root neck, or tillering place, should be below the expected ground level, and the depth depends on the size and age of the decorative vine.

For seedlings 2–3 years old, it is 6–12 cm, that is, not only the base of the plant, but also the first pair of leaves or buds will have to be deepened. 3-4 year old clematis deepen another 5-10 cm more. Such a measure will help the plant survive the winter frosts and summer heat, and also stimulates the formation of several strong shoots.

After planting, the soil near the clematis is watered, compacted and mulched, and protection from the sun and wind is built over the young plant.

Outdoor clematis care

The first year after planting is a time of acclimatization and active growth. Therefore, the soil under clematis is loosened and weeded as necessary. Watering should be regular, but not excessive. Strong seedlings form buds in the first summer, but experienced growers it is advised to cut off future flowers, which run the risk of seriously weakening another small plant. If minerals with organic matter were introduced into the planting pit, the first top dressing is carried out only a year later, in the spring.

The growing shoots are carefully attached to the installed support and monitor the state of the greenery. At the beginning of summer, there is a high risk of damage to young shoots by sucking insects. Closer to autumn, with an increase in humidity and a difference in day and night temperatures, the risk of fungal diseases increases. Therefore, in the care of clematis in the open field, preventive and urgent treatments with plant protection products must be included.

If the seedling has given only one strong shoot, it can be pushed to tillering by pinching the tender top. Subsequently, deep watering and top dressing can be used to activate growth. You can bring them in;

  • as a solution on wet soil;
  • in dry form with obligatory loosening and watering;
  • as foliar feeding, spraying.

In acidic soil, the root system of clematis develops extremely slowly. Spring watering with lime milk at the rate of 200 grams of lime per bucket of water will help to deoxidize the soil under plantings.

3-4 years after planting clematis in open ground, the summer resident may encounter unforeseen difficulties in caring for him. Subject to agricultural technology, the flowers become smaller, and the vine grows much more slowly than before. The most common problem is lack of moisture. Compacted soil does not allow water to reach the roots, and loosening at such a depth is impossible. In this case, the subsoil irrigation system will help, which allows you to saturate the deep layers of the soil, and then does not allow them to dry out. At a distance of 30–40 cm from clematis, a few drops are instilled with an open neck down. plastic bottles. During watering, they are filled with water, gradually flowing to the very roots of the flowering vine.

Perennial clematis also need regular pruning, which helps plants get rid of damaged, old, dried shoots. A summer resident who has mastered the features of a haircut different types clematis, will receive the most magnificent and early flowering their subordinates.

Video about planting clematis

Clematis planting and caring for it in the open field is not particularly difficult, but it responds to the gardener's attention with luxury flowering bushes during the summer until the first days of September. Unpretentious, unusual decorative plant, easy to plant and grow on your site. The cascade of flowers of this plant will decorate the gazebo, fence, garden terrace.

Choosing a landing method

For breeding clematis on the site use purchased planting material or grow seedlings yourself. Choice , how to plant clematis is up to the owner of the garden. The seed breeding method takes a certain amount of time, but is not particularly difficult.

To grow seedlings, clematis seeds can be planted in open ground in the first half of April. Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than a centimeter, the soil is slightly compacted. The emergence of seedlings occurs within a month.

Planting seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse is practiced. Landing is carried out a month earlier in boxes with prepared soil.

Should know. seeds different varieties clematis vary in size. Germination large seeds takes longer periods. They require stratification treatment or soaking in a growth stimulator solution. Small seeds germinate much faster in warm, moist substrate.

The emerging seedlings are thinned out as they grow, then they dive to a distance of about 15 cm. Grown up and strengthened seedlings can be planted on permanent place from May to early August.

In addition to growing your own seedlings, planting material is purchased in specialized stores. Detailed instructions how to plant clematis can serve as a guarantee of eliminating errors in the planting process.

Conditions for planting clematis

About unpretentiousness amazing plant every grower knows. But the responsiveness of any plant to care and attention is also known. How to plant clematis so that they respond lush bloom throughout the season? To do this, you need to know what this variety loves, for example, and what can depress it.

When planting this culture, you need to consider what is harmful to it:

  • Strong winds and drafts;
  • proximity to groundwater;
  • Lowlands where water accumulates and stagnates;
  • Water flowing from canopies and roofs;
  • Heavy and acidic soils;
  • Poor access to moisture, drought;
  • Penumbra and shade.

Based on these requirements, conditions are formed on how to properly plant clematis:

  • Choose a landing site.

It must be with sufficient solar lighting for at least 6-7 hours a day. Favorable for clematis is a place with low-growing perennials and ground cover plants. Such plants, shading the root system, will contribute to its healthy development and growth, curly stems and flowers - abundant lighting;

  • The soil in the place of permanent growth should be well-drained. To understand how to plant clematis correctly, it is necessary to determine the composition of the soil. To do this, you can dig a hole and fill it with water. The rapid runoff of water corresponds to soil with a predominance of sand. If water passes very slowly through a layer of soil, it contains a lot of clay. Slow but steady seepage of water corresponds to soil favorable for the growth of clematis;
  • For clematis, soil with neutral or alkaline reaction. Limestone or wood ash should be added to soil with an acidic pH;
  • Dig a hole in the place allotted for planting culomas. The depth of the pit should be greater than the pot in which the seedling is grown. The soil should be fertilized with compost, add some granules organic fertilizer, this will provide the seedling nutrients for good rooting.

Important. If heavy clay prevails at the clematis planting site, the planting pit should be deeper than the clod of earth in which clematis grew by about 5 cm. There should be a shallower pit on sandy soil, which will allow the root system to receive a large amount of water.

Proper planting of clematis

On sale, seedlings can be with an open or closed root system. Plants purchased with an open root system are used for spring planting from April to May. The buds of the plant begin to awaken and grow actively almost immediately, with the onset of the season. Therefore, planting should be hurried so that the plants do not yet grow.

Close-rooted seedlings and potted plants are used for autumn plantings, but with the condition that the plants can take root well, which will allow them to overwinter well. Autumn plantings start from the beginning of August until last days September. Young plantings should be insulated with covering materials before the onset of cold weather. Plants are older, winter well without shelter.

It should be remembered that clematis (clematis) is a perennial, in one place it can grow for more than 20 years.

Basic landing rules:

  • For planting, a landing pit is formed, the dimensions of which are 60x60x60 cm;
  • The pit is filled with a special fertile soil providing good growth seedling. To the upper removed layer of soil, add about two buckets of humus, a bucket of sand, 200 g of a complex of mineral fertilizers. If necessary, if the soil is acidic, lime and peat are added;
  • When planting a group of plants, one planting hole is formed. The bottom of the trench is covered with a layer of drainage material. For drainage use broken brick, expanded clay, crushed stone. Plants are planted at intervals of about 1 meter;

Clematis seedlings are always planted with some depth, which will ensure the development of a powerful bush. Planting depth varies depending on the age of the seedling. Saplings of 1-2 years of age are deepened by at least 12 cm with soil cover of the first pair lower leaves. Older plants, when planted, are buried by 15-20 cm. This will protect the plant from freezing in winter and overheating in summer. In this case, additional shoots are formed.

The prepared substrate is poured into the trench about half;

  • A hole is formed in which the seedling is placed, spreading the root evenly throughout the hole;
  • Carefully sprinkle the root with prepared soil, slightly compacting its top layer;
  • The root neck of the seedling is sprinkled with sand, protecting it from decay;
  • Ready planting is watered abundantly. After complete absorption of moisture into the soil. The soil is slightly loosened;
  • The soil around the planted clematis should be moderately moist, which will allow its roots to retain the ability to grow and develop the plant. Therefore, the soil around the seedlings is covered with a thick layer of grass, straw or peat. In the process of rooting plants, the mulch is replenished with new portions.

You can plant annuals near the bushes, which will protect the root from overheating in the summer.

A support should be installed next to the plant so that the clematis can curl during the first year of growth.

Among the variety of clematis species there are not only creepers, but also shrubs and shrubs (). Most species are leaf-climbing lianas that climb up a support, wrapping their leaf petioles around it. The choice is yours!

For a permanent place in open ground closed root clematis can be planted both in spring and autumn, and even throughout the summer.

Moreover, if you purchased clematis long before planting in the ground, they can still grow in your greenhouse or on the windowsill, waiting for warmer weather.

If you have open root clematis, then the best time plantings in April - early May, while the buds have not yet begun to grow or have just begun to swell. At spring planting it is very important not to be late with the deadlines, since clematis is a plant with an early start of vegetation. At late boarding the life rhythm of clematis may be disturbed, and the seedlings in the first year will take root worse, will not gain strength for wintering.

If your clematis are in the room before planting, then you will have to plant them in open ground a little later, when the threat of spring frosts has passed.

Planting clematis in autumn has its own small features. In order for this plant to take root well, it is advisable to plant it from late August to early October. It was during this period that optimal temperature air and soil, clematis manages to take root in a new place before the onset of frost. The clematis planting site must be insulated for the winter with a layer of dry fallen leaves, and covered with lutrasil or other covering material on top of them.

First of all, you need to think where to plant clematis.

Clematis are very fond of sunny places., therefore, it is better not to plant them in the shade, otherwise you will not wait for flowering. But you should not allow the clematis root system to overheat!

The second enemy of clematis is the wind. On the open areas, where the wind blows constantly, is also not suitable for clematis. Strong wind very often breaks shoots of vines, especially young ones, and plucks flowers.

Places where water flows from the roof are also not suitable for clematis. If you still want to plant clematis under the roof slope, step back from the wall at least half a meter. This must be done so that the clematis roots are not constantly in the water, otherwise they may rot.

For the same reason low-lying places are not suitable. When choosing a low-lying area, you will have to work hard to organize a good outflow of water from the bush.

And you will also have to break through grooves with a slope to drain water.

Places where the level groundwater high, high drainage required, and also have to break through grooves with a slope to drain water. It can be a metal pole, a pipe, a chain-link mesh, rolled up, or, conversely, unfolded in the form of an arch. Beautifully look with clematis wooden pergola lattices, as well as durable nylon nets with a large cell. The support must be placed in advance so as not to subsequently damage the delicate roots of clematis.

After you have decided on the landing site for clematis and installed the support, you need prepare a landing hole.

They can grow in the same place for a very long time - up to 25 years, so the landing pit must be thoroughly prepared. Under one plant, you need a seat of at least 60x60x60 cm, if you are planning a group planting of clematis, then it is better to dig a continuous trench 60 cm deep and wide. expanded clay.

Clematis prefer to grow in highly nutritious, structured, breathable, alkaline soil with low level groundwater.
If your garden soil does not meet this standard, then you need to do it yourself.

Remove three-quarters of the earth dug out of the pit, and the remaining quarter of the excavated earth must be cleared of weeds, mixed with humus or rotted manure, sand, peat (1:1:1:1). Depending on what kind of soil you have, you simply add the missing components: if it is loam, add sand, peat, humus; if sandy soil - add black soil, peat, humus; etc.

To the finished earth mixture you need to add liter jar ash and 100 g of complex mineral fertilizer. Clematis doesn't like acidic soils, therefore, if your soil is acidic in your area, be sure to add 50-100 g of slaked lime to the earthen mixture.

The next step is directly planting clematis. The prepared pit with drainage should be filled with about half the finished soil mixture. Do not rush to straighten the earthen mixture in the hole, let it remain a mound. Place clematis on the top of this mound, spread all its roots down along the sides of the mound. Then, holding the clematis with one hand, pour the remaining earth mixture to the roots with the other. It is better to sprinkle the root neck with sand. This can protect the clematis from rotting, as the sand does not retain water.

Clematis should be planted deep so that later a powerful bush develops from it. It must be borne in mind: the larger the clematis seedling, the deeper the planting should be. Young one- or two-year-old seedlings are buried by about 6-12 cm along with the lower pair of leaves, older clematis bushes - by 12-20 cm. This will help protect them from freezing in winter time, from overheating in the summer heat, will contribute to the formation of new powerful shoots. The distance between clematis in a group planting should be about 1-1.5 m.

Immediately after planting, clematis should be watered abundantly, shaded from the bright sun, and the surface of the earth around the planted plant should be mulched with peat.

Clematis care after planting is as follows:

- Water, but do not fill the clematis;
- Loosen and weed the soil around it;
- In the first year after planting, clematis does not need to be fed.

At the foot of the clematis, be sure to plant some flowers, such as marigolds or any other, to shade the soil around the clematis and prevent the root system from overheating. By doing this, you will render an invaluable service to clematis, and the landing site will immediately turn into a mini-flower garden.

In the first year of planting, all the resulting buds on clematis must be cut off. to allow the root system to develop. In wet and cold weather, septoria can appear on clematis leaves. In this case, it is necessary to immediately carry out the treatment with fungicides so as not to weaken the plant.

If only one shoot grows in the first year of planting clematis, then it pinch the top to cause side branches to grow on the vine. After some time, pinching can be repeated again not only on the central, but also on the side shoots. As the clematis grows, you need to tie it up.

Image copyright Eric Hunt., annkelliott, tonrulkens, George Dixon

Clematis belongs to the vine family. Very popular and grown all over Europe. There are a huge number of species that differ in shape, color and growth. Their beauty won the hearts of many gardeners. Flowers decorate many cities, creating beautiful colored arches, densely dotted with flowers, and also dazzle in private homes. Frost-resistant. Blooms from late May to November.

How to choose a place to land?

In order for crops to take root and grow well, when choosing a place to plant, the following requirements must be considered:

  1. Lighting. The plant loves sunlight, so the planting site should be well lit throughout the daylight hours.
  2. The wind should not interfere with growth. It can break the stems and flowers of a fairly fragile plant. Therefore, the place must be protected from the wind.
  3. Soil for planting biological composition slightly alkaline, well fertilized and loose.
  4. Landing near bodies of water is prohibited, the accumulation of moisture will harm, and the roots immediately begin to rot, and the flower will die.
  5. A flower bed should have supports, on which the vines will begin to curl with the growth of flowers.
  6. Do not plant close to walls or fences plant, the minimum distance should be 30 cm. This is due to the fact that the soil near the foundation is not very favorable for the growth of flowers. waste water from the roof during rains should not wash the plant. In this case, the plant will not give a beautiful weaving, but on the contrary, it will grow poorly. The southern wall will be the most successful.
  7. Plant doesn't like drafts.

With a well-chosen place and proper care, clematis grow up to 20 years in one place.

When and how to plant?

The most favorable time for planting and planting is autumn and spring. Flowers planted in autumn take root very well. A plant grown in a pot can be planted in June.

Clematis flower

Flowering begins upon reaching the age of two, so it is two-year-olds that must be purchased in order to bloom in the year of planting, but they are more expensive and in great demand compared to annual flowers.

Seedlings are sold as small plants or a bunch of roots with sprouts. You can also purchase seeds, but then wait a long time for the flower to grow and reach the growing season.

If it was not possible to plant clematis before the onset of cold weather, then they will overwinter well and in cool place, for this they need to be well covered with soil and covered with grass or leaves.

You need to plant a flower when the buds have not yet begun to swell. In the spring, if the roots are very dry, then the plant must be lowered into the water before planting for 3 hours.

Landing step by step instructions:

How to care for clematis?

Caring for clematis is quite simple. It cannot be said that the plant is very whimsical, with the right place and favorable soil, caring for the plant consists in observing the following requirements:

  1. Watering. He likes water very much, but in moderation. Watering should be carried out twice a week, and in extreme heat, it can be increased up to three times a week.
  2. Periodically loosen soil for oxygen access to the roots.
  3. Necessarily remove weeds, since they will interfere with normal growth, but planting, on the contrary, will protect the roots from overheating and cold.
  4. feed plant with organic supplements twice a month, especially during the growing season.
  5. water in the spring flowers lime mortar.

Subject to these simple requirements, the plant will take root perfectly, and will bloom beautifully and grow well.

Trimming flowers

Clematis must be pruned in order for them to bloom longer and better. Pruning also promotes biological renewal.

Clematis are divided into 3 pruning groups:

How to propagate?

Clematis can be propagated in several ways, in summer or autumn, it is not difficult, and even the most inexperienced gardener can do it:

Diseases and pests

Like all flowers, clematis are prone to disease and pest attack. Diseases can be fungal and viral. At the first sign of disease, the plant should be treated immediately. For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to follow all the rules in growing a flower:

If you follow the rules in care, you can achieve beautifully flowering crops that will not only please the eye, but also serve as a beautiful decoration.

Where to plant clematis? The question is not idle - it is ornamental plant very demanding on the conditions of cultivation, so you need to choose the right landing site and carefully prepare it, because the vine will grow here for more than 20 years.

Clematis will feel good next to reliable support from the south, east or west side of buildings, but there are varieties that can be used in partial shade and even in a shady garden.

The place for growing clematis should be sunny, because for the most part they are heat-loving and light-loving vines. Each plant should receive enough light, so for group plantings between bushes, it is better to leave a distance of 1-1.5 meters.

Clematis must be well lit for at least 6-7 hours a day, otherwise its flowering will be scarce, if not even expected in vain. This rule does not apply to those varieties that are specifically designed for partial shade (Hope, Nelly Moser, Dawn, etc.). In partial shade, clematis are also planted in the southern regions, where they often suffer from overheating of the soil. .

Rule for clematis: " Head in the sun, roots in the shade».
Despite the love of almost all varieties of clematis to the sun, the root neck, the lower part of the stem and the roots of clematis should be well shaded. This is easy to achieve if you plant perennials or annual flowers of medium height (for example, marigolds, calendula, nasturtium) “at the feet” of this vine, as well as by mulching the soil in the root distribution zone. For mulch, of course, you need to take the most decorative natural material: chopped bark, small chips, needles, shavings or sawdust will look much more aesthetically pleasing than an untidy mountain of straw or hay in an ornamental garden. Let me remind you that the mulch should not touch the stems and shoots.

Both in summer and in winter, clematis must be reliably protected from their main enemy - from the wind: he breaks and confuses shoots, plucks and damages flowers, blows snow in winter, revealing roots, so planting clematis in a draft - doom them to a quick death. These plants also feel uncomfortable in the lowlands, where cold air accumulates.

Despite. that clematis are very demanding on moisture, damp swampy areas with a high standing of groundwater (less than 1.2 m) are unacceptable for them: even a short stagnant water in the root distribution zone can destroy the root system of seedlings. Waterlogging of the soil is especially dangerous in early spring during the period of melting and after the melting of snow in combination with cold air. Therefore, you first need to ensure a natural outflow of water from the bush: add earth, plant bushes on ridges, make grooves with a slope or create a good drainage system.
I must say that they will not like the flow of water from the roof “on their heads” just like the puddle “under their feet”.

Clematis prefer loose, fertile, breathable, well-structured sandy or loamy soils rich in humus. Soil acidity should be slightly alkaline to slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5).