The last day of vacation is funny. Cool vacation statuses

Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, the vacation itself will not replace anyway. But on the other hand, they will give a reason to dream and, possibly, plan the upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed on vacation.

Vacation is when every next day you can take a break from the previous one.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife tells where ...

Stop a moment, you're vacationing !!!

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is he who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to have a rest is to run away from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me out of here on vacation.

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Nothing is as tiring as someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss so much now ...

The frantic pace of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it is natural that one wants to take a break from all this. It is for such cases that they came up with a temporary release from work, or, more simply, a vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you cool quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about vacation.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they are sitting at a different computer.

Vacation comes and goes, but you never want to work.

Labor turned a monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a man returns to his original state.

There are two types of vacation: one is your own, and the second is for your boss. Moreover, the second may not be worse than the first.

Your boss will decide what to do at work, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation was, you still understand at the end of the first working day - you didn't have enough rest.

Eternity is the last two hours of work before vacation.

How good it is to do nothing, and then rest!

No one needs a vacation as much as someone who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And if I want - to a psycho and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig ...

Stability is when a person changes his work computer to a home computer while on vacation.

Summer smells like a vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

I was tired, but I became exhausted - this is a vacation spent at the dacha.

The mother-in-law decided that the best vacation was a renovation.

Take time to rest, as work is always there and life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that a vacation was created in order to dream about a vacation.

The sun shines for everyone, and only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable season for recreation. Sun, heat - it's time to rest. True, many of us have short vacations, so we don't want to waste time. And, only having time to slam shut with a satisfied smile behind you office door, most of us immediately pack our bags and rush to the airport, train station, bus station. Everything in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for relaxation. But, of course, it is advisable to think over your entire vacation well and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it does not turn out, as in this quote: as soon as you begin to feel like a free person, as on you - there is still a vacation, but there is no money anymore.

Vacation aphorisms with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun as scheduled.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours.

You have to pay for a vacation, and overpay for a good one.

Some work to rest, others rest to work.

Resting the head is more difficult than resting the body.

Vacation: Two weeks on the beach and fifty on the rocks.

Rest is the right kind of laziness.

The main thing on vacation is to have a rest without rest!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Holidays are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what to see and have time to do. To show off your intellect in such a conversation, these quotes and statuses about vacation are quite useful. After all, rest is meant to take a vacation even from your own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people's witticisms and aphorisms.

It has been noticed that statuses about vacation, to a greater extent, are of interest to those who really want to go on vacation, but are not yet going. And if earlier summer and vacation were almost synonymous words, now the sea, sun and white sand is just a vacation, and summer is Globe can be found at any time of the year.

I have collected statuses about vacations for those who now lack positives - read, recharge and share with friends. If you really want something, then it will definitely happen. And the long-awaited vacation is sure to come.

And then, after the vacation, there will come a time when it will be possible to remember the past with slight sadness and great hope and hope for the future.
And what could be prettier than status- I'm on vacation. Copy your statuses for your social networks and happy holidays to you.

Vacation statuses

Creative work turned the monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a man returns to his original state.

Your boss will decide what to do at work, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

Plunging into work after vacation sounds very optimistic. I suppose that it would be more correct to say "plunge into" or I was dunked into work.

Vacation is when every next day you can take a break from the previous one.

A dolphin stole me and we sailed to the island. In short - I'm on vacation.

How is the sun different from vacation? The sun shines and warms. Vacation does not shine, and therefore does not warm.

Lying on the beach in the Canary Islands you believe the poet - Winter the peasant triumphs. And I, too, triumphant.

If you wake up with the thought that life has improved, it means that the vacation will soon end.

A long-awaited vacation is like a long-awaited sex - you wait for it, you wait, and then bam - what to do next?

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Everything that can be tucked into a suitcase in the hotel is all included in the price of the voucher.

As soon as a lady appears on the beach, about whom one might think that she is of dubious behavior, so immediately all doubters are drawn to her.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed on vacation.

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is he who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

Each subordinate has two vacations: one - his own, and the second - the boss. Moreover, the second may not be worse than the first.

No matter how long the vacation was, you still understand at the end of the first working day - you didn't have enough rest.

According to the study, the most drinking countries are: in winter it is Russia, and in summer it is Egypt, Turkey, Thailand.

What does vacation smell like? Sea, orange gel, icy tequila and longing.

The manager should know that white (unburned) employees are those who dream of a vacation, and tanned employees are those who yearn for it.

Stability is when, during vacation, a person changes his work computer to a home computer.

... and every kept woman is waiting for the time when it will be possible to go on vacation without a landlord.

Vacation status is a swan song about the long-awaited seashore.

All good things come to an end - all the fatal weight of this saying is especially acutely understood on the last day of vacation.

The best way to relax is to get away from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

My husband took me on vacation to Mongolia. Tell me how to get divorced after a vacation in Mongolia?

Summer smells like a vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

Eternity is the last two working hours before vacation.

17 moments of summer is a summer vacation.

I approached the great! Pushkin had a Boldin autumn, and I turned my vacation into an Obolden autumn. And I also want.

People came from birds, not from monkeys. How else to explain the fact that with the onset of autumn, brains fly to warm countries and return only with the onset of summer heat to figure out how to go on vacation.

Vacation is not just 28 calendar days. This is the fifth time of the year.

A strange pattern - the most delicious food, the warmest sea, the most pretty girls- all this appears on the last day of vacation.

I did not go on vacation, but in the summer. Accordingly, I will return ...

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

Both tanned and blue are all lucky ones who have already rested.

If it were not for the statuses about vacation, then you would not know how many unworthy people are on social networks.

Girls go to the sea for their husbands, and for husbands vacation is the time to search for girls.

A vacation novel differs from a love novel in that there will be no sequel in 28 volumes.

A money job is the gateway to a good vacation.

Going with my wife on vacation is a decision to move the fighting to another territory.

On vacation, the brain rests, the body rests, and only the liver works.

I saw a great flood: it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. This is not a nightmare - it was such a vacation.

I was tired, but I became exhausted - this vacation was a success.

If you do not take your soul mate on vacation, then the vacation will be twice as large.

Someone is resting on vacation, resting, and someone watching how others are resting.

The mother-in-law decided that the best vacation was a renovation.

Force of habit: and on vacation I thought, "I'd rather have lunch."

There is one wise book, looking into which you will find out where you will rest. The book is called “check”.

Take me out of here on vacation.

One two Three! Well, it started ... Vacation.

Vacation is when you open the refrigerator in the morning, see a cold beer and think: "Oooootpusk".

A person leaving on vacation can be seen by the way he walks: he walks sideways - his disgusting smile does not fit into any door.

Add your favorite vacation statuses to the comments.

Chef !!! I need to go on vacation! - From what? - Excuse me, dick or numbers?

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss now ...

Most of all, you hate your job a few days before your vacation.

From the statement: "How is everything for me ..." Crossed out. "As I am of all of you ..." Crossed out. "Yes, you all would go to ..." Crossed out. "Please give me another vacation."

Did you take warm clothes? - yes, seven bottles.

Subordinates have two vacations, the first - their own, the second - the boss's vacation!

I went to Turkey. All inclusive. Indeed everything! The computer is good, the Internet is fast, ICQ, skype, toys. I had a great rest, I advise everyone.

The Germans get up at 5 in the morning to put their towels on the still free sun loungers, then they quietly go to sleep, the Russians get up at 3 in the afternoon, go to the sun loungers and think: "What a great service in Turkey - sun loungers with German towels!"

Only a Russian person, after a sick leave, can go to work tanned and with a hangover !!!))))

The husband leaves for the resort alone, without his wife. A week later he sends her an SMS: "I love only you anyway!" Wife: "Yes, and you are the best so far."

Family vacation. Dad wants to go to the Alps and mom wants to go to the sea. Dad began to look for a compromise, but Mom had already found a compromise - the whole family goes to the sea, but Dad is allowed to take skis with him.

The strength of a tan is determined by the whiteness of the ass in relation to other parts of the body.

Two meet after vacation: - Well, how is it on the Red Sea? - Shut up! Diving, yachting, dancing, shopping! And you?! - And we have - punching, draking, vomiting, fuck ***!

One guy asks a friend how to teach a girl to swim. - Well, this is a whole science: you hug your waist with one hand, put the other under your chest. - Fool, I'm talking about my sister! - So I would say right away - give her a kick from the bridge.

Soul on the sea. Ass on a chair.

There was no money, I went on vacation to Turkey, Switzerland, the money appeared, I went to rest in the Crimea.

It is difficult to stop in time when you are selflessly and recklessly lying on the couch ...

The sea ... I can still hear your gentle whisper! I'll be back ... I promise!

And my vacation has begun! : - People, lend the liver for three weeks .. I'll return it in double size ..

"Good morning! "- This is when the clock is 13:00, summer is on the calendar, and outside the window is the Mediterranean Sea ...

Vacation is a short period of time given by the employer to remind you that you can do just fine without you.

Take care of your homeland - have a rest abroad.

I went to work after vacation, I feel like children in a kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

For our tourists in a hotel that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir ...

Well, how did you spend your vacation? - Just like at work. You sit, do nothing and wait for lunch.

Meet the palest girl on the beach, she's just got it!

I want to go where there is no Internet ... worries about the SEA ... lights up SUMMER ... !!!

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is such that the khan has come to leave.

The main thing in extreme rest is to notice in time when the extreme ends and p **** c begins.

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. And I want a psycho and go to the country! I will water, weed, dig.

Only the fridge magnet helped me remember where I spent my vacation.

Paradise is a place where there are no alarms, Mondays and bosses ...

After the vacation, you need to rest for a week.

ANYWHERE is the most popular holiday destination ...

I want summer. It is stupid to hang out on the street, trying to find a shade, so that the breeze blows, not to think and not even know the day of the week!

Planning a vacation is very easy: your boss tells you when, your wife tells you where.

I left where I was sent, I behave as I was called. Very like!

The worse the person returning from vacation looks, the better he rested.

As long as there are legs - the road does not end, while there is a priest - something happens to her.

For the whole vacation I received only 1 text message from home: "Where is your corkscrew?"

The last day before going to work, we had to walk sideways at the door - a happy face didn’t get through!

For some, vacation is just a substitution of an office romance for a resort romance ...

Vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one.

If a Russian person has decided not to do anything, he cannot be stopped.

Ahah ... my mother and I wrote a list of things to buy with you on vacation ... so my mother burned it ... ”Daughter buy condoms? Or let them buy it themselves? "... 0_o ... I'm shocked ...

All day, I dream of you, and this is not a deception ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my beloved sofa!

The first vacation is like the first sex ... You look forward to it, but you don't know what to do!

For those who are going on vacation, we have created a page on which we have collected the most cool and new status about vacation.

In order to copy a status, you must select the status and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C), and then paste it (Ctrl + V)
You can use vacation statuses anywhere: on the website, in the signature, in social network.
Below you will find statuses about vacations, about the sea, about vacations abroad, about summer vacations, etc.

Below are the vacation statuses:

Everyone wants to light up photos from the sea in swimsuits, but not everyone should do it.

Those who are accustomed to work do not really need rest, but how nice it is to open a laptop on the beach!

The main thing in extreme rest is to notice in time when the extreme ends and the pi..ts begins.

After the vacation, you need to rest for a week.

The most beautiful girls appear on the beach on the last day of their vacation.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss tells when, the wife tells where.

Vacation is like a binge, it’s easier to get in than to get out.

Vacation not washed out is equivalent to absenteeism!

Vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one.

Dear alarm clock! Do not call me more! It's all over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation ...

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron ... But I want to, freak out and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig ...

The sea, girls and the beach are my best landscape!

All day, I dream of you, and this is not a deception ... Hurry to you, hurry to you ... my beloved sofa!

I want to go to the sea this summer ... I have a tradition to want to go to the sea every summer.

I need a 6 month vacation, twice a year.

And what's the point of going on vacation with a ton of homework?

How sad it is, it is painful to wait for a vacation for a whole year, and then "bang" and live it in a second.

My vacation = more sleep, more food, more internet ...

The most the main problem after vacation - fall asleep not in the morning, in the evening

Left on a trip to ______, write

My vacation has begun. If someone needs me sober, write to me in 2 weeks.

The only thing worth sacrificing for is vacation.

☼ I'm vacation! ☼

Summer is the time of year when parents realize how much underpaid teachers really are.

Hmm, today is the second day of the vacation, and it starts with Pinot Calada.

Do you know what could be better than margarita? Only Cancun.

A week is a unit of time that seems much shorter on vacation than on a diet.

Everyone needs a good dose of Vitamin More.

I need a vacation. And by the word "Vacation" I mean that I need to go somewhere else and find new job... On the beach. With rum.

It was a cool week, but I did it. What about you?

I will do absolutely nothing today. And that might be the only thought there could be.

Time to rest a little, or a lot.

We travel not to run away from life, but so that life does not run away from us