Why it is difficult for us to communicate: barriers to interaction. Barriers in communication and their overcoming, aesthetic barrier Barrier of character

Communication has long been an integral part of our lives. At work, while studying, in transport, at home, on the Internet - but you never know where else! It occupies the lion's share of our time. And everything would be fine if it were not for communication barriers. It is they, these annoying hindrances, that prevent us from enjoying and benefiting from it. These barriers arise in a variety of situations and in almost every person. Therefore, in order to achieve success in life, you need to have a good understanding of what communication barriers are and how to overcome them.

What are the difficulties in communication?

Probably, each of you had the feeling that the interlocutor seemed to be defending himself, erecting an invisible wall between you. This wall is that notorious barrier. Where do they come from? Communication barriers appear in our lives for various reasons - as a rule, this is a close interweaving of the characteristics of our characters and situations. And already, it happens, you can’t figure out who or what is to blame.

As mentioned above, almost every person faced problems in various communication situations, regardless of their gender, age, social status, values ​​and attitudes. This can only mean one thing - the reasons for which there are barriers to communication are different, and they are present in the life of every person.

These reasons may or may not be recognized by communicating people. It largely depends on how quickly these people notice that they have problems, understand what kind they are, and finally be able to solve them. By the way, communication barriers can even be invented by one or more interlocutors - and even this is enough for failures in interaction with each other.

It must be said that some barriers may be more common than others in certain people and in certain situations. They can be characteristic of a certain gender, age, profession, nationality, culture, situation. Each of these patterns deserves separate consideration, but we will not do this in the framework of our article.

So, what are the main types of communication barriers?

Communication barriers. These are communication barriers associated with the exchange of information between interlocutors in the course of communication. What are they?

  • semantic barrier. He gets in your way when you and your interlocutor mean completely different things by the same concepts. Such a barrier occurs almost always and everywhere, because. We have a very different understanding of many things. For example, for one girl, a good husband is one who loves her, takes care of her, earns enough money, wants a child, likes to spend time with her; and for the other, the one who rarely drinks and rarely beats her. Therefore, speaking on the same topic - “what kind of men are all the same!” - they will actually talk about different things and may encounter misunderstandings with each other. In order to destroy this barrier, it is necessary to understand the partner and his picture of the world well - the meanings that he puts into various concepts. In case of possible inaccuracies, always explain in detail what you mean, and try to use words and phrases that are understandable to the interlocutor.
  • logical barrier. In fact, this is the inability to express one's thoughts. In the speech of such a person, causal relationships are confused, there is a substitution of concepts. Or it can be difficult for him to find words for those complex thoughts that run through his head. If you encounter such an interlocutor, then be patient: listen to him very carefully and ask questions - this will help you get the information you need. If you yourself sin with such a feature, then it is better to try to get rid of it. Listen to how good speakers or writers express their thoughts, read a textbook on logic, take a public speaking class, or simply ask friends for feedback with recommendations - any of these options will help you become a more attractive conversationalist.
  • phonetic barrier. This is a bad speech technique - when it is not clear what the interlocutor is saying, and this makes it difficult to perceive information. If you are interested in communicating with this person, then there are several options. In formal or business communication, you will have to adapt to his manner of speaking, occasionally asking again in incomprehensible moments. In informal or friendly communication, you can gently convey to the interlocutor that it is difficult for you to understand him because of some features of his speech. Ask him, if possible, to adapt to you and correct them.
  • modality barrier. We all receive information from the world through five senses, but one of them is a priority. This is your modality. For example, people with a visual modality are best at assimilating the information they see, but the information they hear is much worse. Knowing this, try to immediately determine the modality of your interlocutor and use it: show graphs and diagrams to the visual, play with your voice with the auditory, and touch the kinesthetic more often and show everything “on your fingers”. Use appropriate verbs in your speech, such as “see,” “hear,” or “feel.”
  • Personal barrier. Each of us has a character, and some of its features may not suit someone. But for someone, these features are so pointed that his character can be a barrier in communication. This may be due to ignorance of their features or a lack of self-control. For example, excessive slowness or, conversely, fussiness can annoy communication partners. In case you yourself have encountered such a person, try to communicate your discomfort and ask him to be slower or faster. Well, try to adequately perceive your own shortcomings, because. for some, they can also become a barrier.

Interaction barriers. These are barriers associated with interaction with a person during communication and arising from dissatisfaction with the behavior of a communication partner. As a rule, there are significant differences in the positions of the interlocutors.

  • Motivational barrier. It occurs when communication partners have different motives for making contact. For example, you want support from a friend, but she wants you to discuss her new dress. In this case, you may encounter misunderstanding and even quarrel. To prevent this from happening, it will be useful to indicate your own motives in time: “You know, now I really need you to support me, and then we will discuss the dress.”
  • barrier of incompetence. Often found in collaboration. You may be angry at your partner's incompetence when he starts talking nonsense that is obvious to you. This causes feelings of anger, frustration and wasted time. You have two options - either gradually push him to a deeper understanding of the issue (for example, gently explaining something), or curtail communication. The choice is yours, and it depends on your goals.
  • ethical barrier. It arises in a situation of incompatibility of the moral positions of communication partners. The main thing is not to try to re-educate or ridicule your interlocutor. It is much more correct to curtail communication or try to find some kind of compromise, especially if you have some important common goal.
  • communication style barrier. Each of us has our own unique style. It depends on temperament, character, upbringing, profession and other factors. As a rule, it takes a long time to form, and then it becomes difficult to change it. Communication style includes the main motive (why do you communicate - self-affirmation, support, etc. ...), attitude towards others (kindness, tolerance, cruelty ...), attitude towards yourself and the nature of the impact on people (pressure, manipulation, persuasion and etc...). Most often, we have to simply accept the communication style of another person, since it is difficult to change it, and communication is often necessary.

Barriers to understanding and perception. These are barriers associated with the perception and knowledge of each other, as well as with the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

  • aesthetic barrier. It occurs when we do not like the way the interlocutor looks. There are various reasons for its occurrence, for example, if he is untidy or slovenly dressed, or we are annoyed by something in his appearance. It can be difficult not to think about it, but it is necessary, because this contact can be very important for us.
  • social barrier. The reason for difficulties in communication may be the different social status of partners. However, it is important to remember here that the appearance of such a barrier is primarily associated with attitudes in the minds of the interlocutors. If they attach importance to each other's social position and for them it can be an obstacle, this can complicate communication. But for many situations, status is unimportant - for example, to discuss some of your favorite activities or support each other.
  • Barrier of negative emotions. Agree, it is quite difficult to communicate with an upset or angry person. Many of us tend to take these emotions personally (at least in part). Here it is necessary to remember that often the reason for the bad mood of the interlocutor lies in some other things - the situation in the family, problems at work or a personal crisis. However, if the negative emotions of the interlocutor significantly impede the conversation, it is better to postpone it for another time.
  • installation barrier. Very often, communication is complicated if your partner initially does not have a very good opinion of you. In most cases, it will be best to discuss this issue and honestly ask the interlocutor about it, try to explain to him that he is mistaken. In those situations where this is not possible, just try to take this fact into account and build your communication with your partner carefully enough. When some time passes and he realizes that his installation is not supported by anything, it may disappear by itself.
  • Double barrier. It lies in the fact that we involuntarily think of our interlocutor as ourselves: we attribute our opinions and views to him and expect from him the same actions that we ourselves would have committed. But he is different! It is important not to forget about this and try to perceive and remember everything that distinguishes him from us.
  • Rudeness and ignorance. We all come across people who are simply ill-bred. Sometimes such treatment just needs to be endured, especially in the case when a person does not respond to comments. It is very important to remain polite in such a situation - sometimes this in itself suppresses rudeness. Remember that in dealing with such a person you have some kind of goal, and this is clearly not a desire to put him in his place.
  • Inability to listen. It manifests itself in a lack of interest in what you are saying, a desire to talk about yourself, or constant interruption. If you need a nosebleed in this situation to be listened to, try to speak better. Use various ways to attract attention: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, NLP basics.

Who is he - a person who regularly encounters barriers in communication?

We told you about the main barriers that prevent fruitful communication between people. However, have you noticed that some people constantly have some kind of difficulties associated with communication, while others go like clockwork? Indeed, there are types of character that make it difficult to interact with other people. As a rule, such a person behaves in a similar way in completely different situations. And then he himself complains that no one wants to communicate with him. In this case, the personality of this person acts as a barrier in communication.

What are the main features of such a character? First of all, it is necessary to say about such a feature as global distrust. Such a person does not trust himself, nor people, nor the world in general. He is suspicious and opposed to those around him. As a rule, he achieves his goals at the expense of other people. At the same time, he is often torn apart by internal contradictions, which he is not very aware of. A person who is unsuccessful in communication is characterized by self-centeredness, authoritarianism and a tendency to manipulation.

He loves very much when he is praised, when he gets what he has long wanted. He has possessive traits. If his desires are not satisfied, he gets angry, but at the same time he almost never helps other people in achieving their goals and does not sympathize with them. Such a person is emotionally unstable, and his mood often changes. Those around him describe him as irritable and quick-tempered, but internally cold. He often experiences negative emotions and has a low level of self-control.

This person has a poor understanding of others and their feelings. He is insensitive to what happens to them, is distinguished by low insight and observation. It is not given to him to understand that something else may be important to the interlocutor or that he understands the meaning of this or that phrase in a different way. Often he is not able to predict and assess the future. He is characterized by timidity, isolation, self-doubt, alienation, passivity, lack of initiative. Usually such a person turns out to be intolerant, poorly educated and ignorant. At the same time, he thinks in very rigid categories and frameworks, and the surrounding reality should not go beyond them. He has a lot of stereotypes. He is envious and at the same time conceited. Expects a lot from other people, prone to outbursts of jealousy.

He does not know how to argue his statements, choose an adequate form for them, establish and stop contact with others. Unsuccessful in communication, a person does not know how to give good feedback. He talks a lot and listens little, periodically makes unacceptably long pauses in his speech, likes to interrupt his interlocutors and then “slow down” (this is due to the fact that his vocabulary does not correspond to what he wants to say). For him, social norms often turn out to be incomprehensible - he does not know how to keep his distance, he is prone to blackmail, lies, pressure and aggression. Most often in communication uses the following strategies: protection and avoidance of communication, depreciation of the opinions of others and aggression, control over others or excessive formalism. Such a person can be characterized as immature, infantile, and sometimes immoral.

As a rule, this person is not very satisfied with his life and success. Any failures cause anger and aggression in him, as a result of which he often tries to achieve his goals by some immoral means. He does not value himself or other people. He lacks the ability to truly love and have close relationships, so he usually does not have friends and loved ones.

Indeed, the psychological portrait we have drawn is terrible and resembles the image of some kind of criminal or marginal. But in one way or another, it is. Constant communication difficulties are a symptom that a person has something wrong inside himself. But it is far from necessary that he will have all the features and features listed above. The psychological portrait written above is collective, and it includes a great many different people with a common problem. Therefore, in life you can observe only some individual traits and features.

Difficulties in communication and life situation

However, it all depends not only on the personality and character of the person. There are situations in which almost all of us become uncomfortable. This is reflected in all our behavior, including communication with other people. In this case, the barrier is the situation that caused discomfort, and its features.

Once in such circumstances, all participants in communication feel uncomfortable. Some are more aware of this, and some less so. At the same time, they do not just feel it - by chance or on purpose they prevent each other from satisfying their desires and achieving the goals of communication. As a result of this, everyone is worried, angry, do not understand each other and generally tense up. Most often this happens in situations of restriction, refusal, accusation and insult (which, in general, is not surprising).

On the one hand, collective memory affects. Humanity in general and the inhabitants of Russia in particular have repeatedly experienced suppression, repression, wars, famine. Therefore, insults, accusations, restrictions and refusals are very clearly imprinted in the minds of people, who subsequently use them more and more often to resolve conflicts, overcome obstacles, gain power and even seek happiness. This is becoming a typical way of responding to an entire nation, speaking globally.

On the other hand, having such a negative memory becomes optional when we have such a richly represented culture of aggression. Probably, each of you will agree that a lot of attention is paid to aggression in modern society. All kinds of media are especially guilty of this - television, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, advertising companies. The culture of aggression is also gaining popularity due to some features of our lives: overcrowding of schools, hospitals and prisons, high unemployment, low qualifications of people working with the population, low salaries and lack of career prospects, corruption, poor quality of government work and much more, about which you know firsthand. You all experience this and know that these situations are always fraught with communication barriers.

How to understand that there is a barrier in communication?

Of course, being inside the situation, it is not difficult to do this. In the process of difficult communication, you experience discomfort, distrust of your partner, cannot open up, show emotions, do not know what to say - in general, such communication cannot be called easy. However, if you need to assess the presence of psychological barriers, then knowing how people behave in a situation of difficult communication will be very useful.

In the role of such an external indicator is our non-verbal. Hostility, craving for power and dominance, insincerity and the desire to stand out are especially clearly manifested in it. As we wrote above, our unlucky subject in communication can experience this whole gamut of feelings and desires. In what specific signs are all its negative features manifested?

  1. The first is eye contact. In the case of communication barriers, it is usually rare, not intense, and sometimes completely absent. Glances at a partner may be present (there are even long ones), but they all occur at the moment of active communication - especially when the interlocutor states something unpleasant, but important. At the same time, if the interlocutor begins to look away, sensing something was wrong, our “subject” will immediately try to pretend to be a darling and look into them - but this look will actually be cold and hard.
  2. Second is the pose. Feeling difficulties in communication, people often take either unnatural, angular and tense postures, or vice versa, inadequately relaxed, sometimes even lax. Very often, the position of the body is closed (crossed arms, legs, the body turns away from the interlocutor) or “elevated” (the desire to sit higher, look down at the interlocutor).
  3. Thirdly, gestures. As a rule, they are sharp and intense, which is also unnatural. The desire to hide the hands (for example, in pockets or behind the back), clench the hands into fists, “grab” or take more space due to posture and gestures is clearly expressed. This may be interspersed with private touching of oneself and the other.
  4. Fourth, facial expressions. The face often expresses tension. Facial expressions are strange - for example, the mouth can smile, but the eyes remain motionless. In general, the face is characterized by expressions that demonstrate distrust and hostility towards the interlocutor, as well as contempt and anger.

Of course, a person experiencing communication difficulties does not always behave in this way. These are only the most typical and striking markers, and from them one can conclude not only that there are barriers in the interaction, but also about the interlocutors themselves - about their attitude towards each other and about their goals and guidelines in communication.


How to overcome communication difficulties?

So, we moved on to the most interesting thing - how to step over psychological barriers. Difficulties in communication are not easy, but they can be overcome. "How?" - you ask. And we will tell you about some ways and techniques to overcome communication barriers.

Watch your appearance. This does not mean that you should always look like a movie star on the red carpet. On the contrary, in many situations it will be pretentious and unnatural. Your appearance should evoke sympathy. This is facilitated by accuracy, neatness and the ability to wear those things that really suit you.

The manner of communication should correspond to the situation and people. Agree, it will be a bad move if at the disco you communicate with everyone with restraint and strictness, and at the negotiations - fun and without distance. Consider the characteristics of the interlocutor: his age, gender, upbringing, character and views. For example, you should not wear a short skirt to a meeting with a Muslim.

Try to put yourself in the place of a communication partner and try to understand his point of view. As you probably already understood, we are all different from each other. The same things have completely different meanings for us, and we understand them just as differently. This is where most of the barriers come from. The best way to solve such problems is to allow the other to be different and different from you, and also to try to understand his position, even if you do not agree with it.

Practice empathy and sensitivity. This, accordingly, is the ability to empathize with other people and feel what is happening to them to the smallest changes in the state. These two traits are the key to success in communication.

Don't expect from your partners what they can't give you. So you only cause resentment in yourself and guilt in the other for not giving you. Try to want real things from partners that match their characteristics, and tell them about your expectations.

Do not try to fully live up to your partner's expectations. Firstly, it is boring, and secondly, it is very difficult, and it is impossible to exist like this for a long time. It is better to be natural to the maximum, but taking into account the interlocutor and social norms.

Watch your words. Your messages should be logically connected, contain information of interest to the interlocutor and rely on something in common - for example, a common understanding of the meaning of words or some kind of minimal shared memory. Your speech should be understandable to the interlocutor both in the literal sense and in the sense of matching his horizons.

Be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and expectations. If you are asked about something, and you are already sure of your refusal, it is better to voice it right away. So neither you nor the interlocutor will lose time and resources.
Reception "view from the side." Sometimes, in order to understand something (for example, to realize what specifically interferes with your communication with your partner), you need to look at the situation from the outside, describe it in abstract words without introducing your emotions and personal characteristics.

Respect your partner. Even if he annoys you incredibly, try to show your imagination and find something that will make you respect him. It can be some little thing, for example, his manner of highlighting individual words with intonation. Or something more serious - for example, a very rude person in communication, who at the same time spends half of his income on charity. In any person, you can find something good and worthy of respect, and if you can’t do this, then you should think - do you really need this communication?

Communication is an interaction for the purpose of exchanging information. But in the process of communication, we do not transmit information, but a message in the form of symbols: words, gestures, intonation. The perception of information depends on how the interlocutor understands these symbols. Ideally, both interlocutors attach the same meaning to words, but this is not always the case.

Motivational barrier arises if partners have different motives for making contact (development of a common cause - immediate profit).

A separate situation is the conclusion of a deal or a business agreement in which each partner pursues his own goals of making contact. So that none of the partners feel “offended” after the conclusion of the contract, a solution must be found that satisfies the interests of both parties. Such a solution is found through negotiations.

Ethical Barrier arises when a moral position that is incompatible with yours interferes with interaction with a partner. To compromise, everyone decides for himself. But trying to re-educate or shame a partner is not recommended.

communication style barrier. As you know, each person has his own style of communication. It depends on the temperament of a person, his character, worldview. Communication style is formed under the influence of education, environment, profession.

Attitude towards other people (softness, benevolence, tolerance or rigidity, rationalism, egocentrism, etc.);

Attitude towards oneself (narcissism, recognition of one's shortcomings, upholding the "honor of the uniform", imposing one's opinion, etc.);

The nature of the impact on people (pressure, coercion, manipulation, cooperation, personal example, non-intervention).

The external manifestation of style is the manner of behavior and features of speech, the intensity and the very nature of human communication.

If a person is focused on business, he tries not to waste time, is collected, organized, appreciates business qualities in people. They talk about this - a business man, he has business style. At the same time, in business communication, partnership and non-partner communication styles can be distinguished.

Affiliate communication style means a high degree of cooperation in developing a common portion on a necessary issue.

At non-partnership style of communication, a person listens inattentively or allows himself not to be listened to, ignores the point of view of the interlocutor or unconditionally accepts it, imposes his own solution to the problem or asks for advice, encourages the partner to take immediate action or thoughtlessly acts himself, in a word, there is no cooperation.

According to the degree and nature of interference in the activities and behavior of another person, the following styles of communication can be distinguished:

missionary- the partner strives to maintain a distance in communication, observes non-interference in the affairs of the interlocutor's judgment, influences personal examples.

malleable type- is characterized by a high need for another person, in the closest possible psychological distance, the need to be loved, to feel approval, attention.

business type. The business world is dominated

people for whom the interests of the business are above all, and in relation to a communication partner, they proceed from how useful this person can be.

aesthetic barrier- occurs if the partner is untidy, sloppy dressed, the situation in his office, the type of desktop does not encourage conversation.

Social status can interfere with comfortable communication, especially if one of them is used to being in awe of superiors.

Health status a person, physical or spiritual, also affects how he communicates and in people suffering from various neuroses, high blood pressure, gastritis, experiencing personal upheavals or depression, it can serve as an obstacle to productive communication.

psychological protection, built by your partner is one of the serious barriers to communication. Perhaps your indifferent, unfriendly, taciturn colleague or another, prickly as a hedgehog, needs not condemnation, but understanding, inner sympathy?

installation barrier. Your business partner may have a negative attitude toward the firm or organization you represent. Therefore, it is better to go to a business meeting after the recommendation of an authoritative person.

Double barrier lies in the fact that we involuntarily judge each person by ourselves, we expect from a business partner such an act as we would do in his place. And then we are indignant: “I would never do that!”. In fact of the matter. I! But he's different.

Poor speech technique partner, slurred speech, tongue twister, a very quiet or, conversely, a piercing voice can piss anyone off.

inability to listen It manifests itself in the fact that the partner interrupts, starts talking about his own or goes into his own thoughts and does not react at all to your words. You can only compensate for your partner's inability to listen with your art of speaking.

character barrier also makes it difficult to communicate. People with pronounced temperamental features can be uncomfortable interlocutors.

Mobile interlocutor(extrovert - sanguine) thinks quickly, speaks quickly, jumps from one topic to another, because everything seems clear to him. It is difficult to follow the course of his reasoning, but it is impossible to interrupt - he is angry. It is recommended to let such an interlocutor speak to the end and only then clarify something or even return to the beginning of the conversation. Such people should be valued as generators of ideas.

Dominant interlocutor(extrovert - choleric) likes to lead in conversation. He speaks loudly, in a peremptory tone, insists on his opinion. Trying to put such an interlocutor in his place will result in a conflict. It is better, remaining unconvinced, to allow him to express himself as he wants, and then, at the decisive moment, quietly but firmly insist on his own, and if he agrees (perhaps he is right), then with dignity.

Rigid interlocutor(introvert - phlegmatic) - "sedentary" interlocutor. Thinks slowly, discusses the circumstances of the case in detail. Everything has been clear to you for a long time, but you cannot adjust it. These people are valuable as experts or critics of ideas, and you just need to be patient when talking with them.

Passive interlocutor(introvert - melancholic) does not show his reaction, does not speak out. It's hard to keep up a conversation with him. Active listening should be applied: ask questions, paraphrase, etc. and try to find out his opinion. Silence is not always a sign of consent.

"Alien Role"- enter into the position of this person, look at the situation through his eyes. It is worth telling a person: “I understand you,” and it becomes possible to constructively conduct a conversation.

Reception of self-blame works well when a partner screams, because he is wrong. You apologize and, as a rule, the partner calms down in bewilderment. And then he begins to apologize himself!

Tension can be defuse joke. But it only gives the desired effect when you are sure that your partner has a sense of humor.

Removal techniques. unobtrusively examine the screamer, focusing on some little thing in his costume, or looking at his hair. You can think about his marital status, age, favorite pastime ...



Snezhana Ivanova

A psychological barrier is understood as a certain degree of accentuation of a person on his character, obstacles and various obstacles.

A psychological barrier is understood as a certain degree of accentuation of a person on his character, obstacles and various obstacles. Communication in this case becomes something difficult, almost impossible. After all, the more a person fixates on a problem, the more it captures him. Psychological barriers are in relationships between people, in communication. In most cases, they manage to cope on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, you need to understand the situation, decide on the next steps.

Psychological barriers to communication

A psychological barrier is a state of a person in which she cannot act according to her inner convictions. It becomes really difficult to realize yourself in some business, achieve your goal, and just be open in communication with others. The block manifests itself in a certain behavior and way of looking at the surrounding reality.


This is the first thing that catches your eye when such an individual is nearby. Indecision makes it difficult to make important decisions, it really limits the personality in every possible way in communication. This kind of barrier is not at all easy to overcome, especially since feelings are involved here. In dealing with people, such a person cannot prove himself, does not understand how he needs to act, what to direct his attention to. It seems that the efforts made are all in vain. In fact, before taking any action, you need to be aware of where and why you should move. Indecision as a character trait often causes a person to miss good opportunities. Even if there is an understanding that you need to radically change your behavior, there are no forces to change anything. Communication then often deteriorates. When an internal barrier is not overcome, there is always the possibility that the problem will never be solved.

social phobia

It is a rather serious problem that in every possible way prevents a person from living. It can be difficult for others to imagine what he is really experiencing. Communication becomes for such a person akin to a real test. Everyday reality often appears before a person in a frightening and unknown light. The sociophobe does not have the necessary communication skills, he lacks the desire to engage in his own individual development. The psychological barrier as a personal problem can significantly poison life, make existence simply unbearable. The possibility of full communication is completely excluded. The stronger the fear of life, the more difficult it is to build relationships with others.

Psychological barriers in relationships

In relationships between people, psychological barriers are sometimes clearly manifested. They also appear in those who do not have pronounced problems in communication. It just gets really hard sometimes to understand each other. In most cases, each individual is inclined to defend his own interests. That is why so many quarrels and scandals arise in young families, especially with the advent of a baby. How are barriers expressed in relationships between people? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Failure to trust

No close communication can be built if a person cannot be imbued with trust in an opponent. When there is a certain barrier, it can significantly poison life and make existence simply unbearable. It is necessary to work with the problem, because by itself, as you know, nothing is solved. The psychological barrier blocks the best feelings in a person, promotes emotional enslavement, interruption of communication. When consciousness is ruled by suspicion, distrust, isolation, it is simply not possible to build normal communication. And communication itself plays an important role in relationships. Trust is the foundation of any close interaction. When it is lost for some reason, many things lose their meaning.

Inability to express feelings

This is another psychological barrier that prevents you from feeling happy about yourself. Communication in this case will no longer be truly sincere. The inability to express your feelings is a serious flaw that interferes with productive communication. Such a block can be present in a person for a long time and interfere with adequate perception of the surrounding reality. If a person does not know how to express his feelings, then communication will not develop successfully. In most cases, it turns out that the barrier in communication entails other problems of a psychological nature. Sometimes such a person wants to show their best qualities, to be affectionate, but it doesn’t work out for the reason that they don’t have the appropriate skills. Even when there is a natural desire to change, everything can never be done at once.

Fears and doubts

They always pursue the insecure individual. Some phobias are so obsessive that they interfere not only with communication, but also with a full life. In a relationship, it is extremely important to be honest to the end and be able to take responsibility. Otherwise, such communication will not bring joy in any way. The inner barrier definitely needs to pay attention to it. It is necessary to work with fears and doubts, at least try to do it. Otherwise, they will completely subjugate the personality and leave her no choice.

How to overcome the psychological barrier

The inner barrier really prevents full communication and the establishment of a deep understanding between people. It requires a competent approach to the problem, a clear understanding of what is really happening. The psychological barrier, as a rule, greatly limits the possibility of mutual understanding between people. How to overcome the internal block? What steps need to be taken to build meaningful communication with other people? Let's try to figure it out!

Problem solving

It must be timely. Otherwise, the opportunity to establish communication and change the attitude towards oneself is lost. Nothing can be left to chance. It is better to completely concentrate forces in your own hands. Overcoming difficulties, we temper our character, become spiritually stronger and richer.

gradual movement

No need to try to solve all the difficulties at once! It is necessary to gradually move forward, discovering more and more new boundaries of communication. The inner barrier will become smaller over time until it disappears altogether. The problem is that most people just don't have the patience to walk this path from start to finish. They are always in a hurry and want to get rid of the difficulties that arise every now and then. It shouldn't be done that way. There will always be difficulties. You just need to know how to work with them.

Spiritual practices

These include meditation, yoga and a number of other activities that allow a person to restore peace of mind. Thinking about how to get rid of internal barriers, you should be guided by the voice of reason. Spiritual practices really help to strengthen the vitality. A person has self-confidence, a desire to follow his dreams, to build far-reaching plans. In most cases, with the help of such activities, it is possible to form a new attitude to life, to acquire personal responsibility to oneself.

Taking responsibility

Perhaps this is the main step, without which it is impossible to do the rest. It is necessary to accept everything that happens without any accusations and reproaches. Freed from anger and suffering, we become wiser. Only then is it possible to gain control over your life, to become a strong person who knows what he really wants to achieve. Taking responsibility is already half the battle.

Thus, the problem of psychological blocking of feelings, emotions and moods definitely needs attention. The more a person works on himself, the easier it becomes for him to live in everyday reality.

Barriers to interpersonal interaction are those factors that interfere with the normal process of communication and communication between people. What are they? What can they lead to? And how to overcome them?

Barrier of Conflicting Desires

It’s really not worth talking about this and giving examples, since we meet this barrier every day. Let's not waste time and move on to the next barrier.

character barrier

Sow character, reap destiny. Some opposing character traits, such as sociability and isolation, generosity and stinginess, serve as a constant source of discord in relationships. A person should always take into account the psychological characteristics of communication partners. Character is manifested not only in relationships with people, but also in relation to oneself, which is also important in interpersonal communication.

perception barrier

- communication distance

It is determined not only by the degree of psychological closeness of people, but also by their mutual “hygienic perception”. E. Hall, who studied the issue of the distance of interpersonal communication among different peoples, describes such a feature. Residents of the United States talk at a distance of about 2 feet, Hispanics - almost face-to-face. Therefore, during business negotiations between a Latin American and a US resident, the former usually approaches the interlocutor, the latter moves away from him all the time. And if, after the conversation, you ask a resident of the United States what his impression of a Hispanic is, he may answer that he is unnecessarily intrusive and claims to establish close relationships. And the Hispanic will report with bewilderment that his interlocutor is an arrogant and arrogant person. And both, thus, will be mistaken in their opinion, since during the conversation the distance habitual for each of them was involuntarily violated.

Interesting data are provided by V. V. Solozhenkin, who studied the distance of communication in 231 subjects. He suggested that they imagine themselves in the center of a round room and indicate the distance at which a newly entered person should stop so that the subject would not feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

It turned out that acquaintances, relatives, a doctor (especially among rural residents) were allowed closest. The distance depended not only on who entered, but also on the age of the subject (the elderly need more distance), his social status and behavior patterns in his group (compare the distances among students and diplomats), psychological characteristics (anxiety level, etc., on the degree of culture.

An excessively large distance of communication sometimes painfully hurts self-esteem and dignity. You can dryly greet a subordinate who has entered a spacious office with a nod of his head, or, leaving behind a desk, say hello, offer a chair and sit next to him. The right distance will set the tone for the rest of the conversation. It should correspond to the topic and nature of the conversation. Note that when someone is reprimanded, they involuntarily move away. Sincere, intimate revelations correspond and contribute to the "whisper distance".

- speech barrier

Interfering with normal communication

1. congenital speech defects,

2. acquired defects: "stuttering", weedy words, damn, every, uh, two words.

3. unacquired skills of cultural speech: inability to correctly build a sentence and coordinate words in it, use of terms for other purposes, vulgar tone, etc. (for details, see “Speech”)

4. installation. Of the 72 people (pensioners, workers, students, schoolchildren) interviewed by A.A. Bodalev (one of the famous Soviet psychologists), 9 stated that a square chin indicates a strong will, 17 believed that a large forehead is a sign of intelligence, 3 believed that coarse hair speaks of a rebellious character, 14 believed that full people are good-natured, 2 people said that full lips indicate great sexuality, 5 claimed that people of small stature are power-hungry, energetic. The following judgments are also not uncommon: red - cunning; beautiful - cunning or selfish; thin, bloodless lips are characteristic of a hypocrite, a secretive, evil person. Such judgments are the result of psychological illiteracy, which makes it difficult to correctly evaluate the other. Also, a priori, a negative or positive attitude can be formed in a person if someone has previously recommended to him a future interlocutor with negative or exaggeratedly bright colors. This interferes with objective perception, forces one to focus on a given template, squeezing one's own impressions into it.

5. inattention. How often we look but do not see, listen but do not hear. When this happens in relation to us, we are offended, but at the same time we ourselves do not notice such manifestations on our part.

Barrier of negative emotions

- suffering, grief and pain

The causes of such conditions can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • tragic events (loss of a loved one, disappointment, failure in an important matter);
  • dissatisfaction with one's position, strong dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • painful physical sensations.

When someone feels bad, he is least of all predisposed to communicate on abstract topics, which creates a serious barrier to communication.

- anger

Anger, born in response to an insult or insult, forced to commit an unacceptable act, literally doubles physical and mental energy, gives unusual courage. And the stronger it is, the greater the need to pour it out with words or aggressive actions. Therefore, if you meet with an angry person, do not “add fuel to the fire”, do not test his endurance reserves.

- disgust and disgust

How often someone, carried away by a conversation, unconsciously gesticulates violently, threatening to hurt another, scratches the back of his head, rubs his forehead, tugs at his ear, his mustache, blows his nose, coughs, presses a pimple on his chin ...

“There are so many wet, dirty, cold, sluggish, as if steamed or dry and harshly hot, clearly hostile, undoubtedly criminal and simply disgusting hands in the world. And you should shake each of them at a casual acquaintance, despite the fact that your hand - this most delicate apparatus of sensitivity - shudders and protests with all its nerves ... ”(A. Kuprin“ The Wheel of Time ”)

Repulsive mannerisms in conversation are not simply and not always the result of bad manners. In many ways, they are due to a lack of self-control.

Approximately 30-50% of people have an unpleasant odor coming from their mouth, from which the interlocutor may experience unpleasant emotions and even nausea. One medical professor half-jokingly advised students, "Get rid of bad breath, and girls will stop avoiding you." About 80% of people exude an intense sweat odor. The vast majority of people do not even suspect that they have such a strong repulsive factor. The fact is that a person's sense of smell relatively quickly gets used to unpleasant odors, especially their own.

- barrier of contempt

This barrier, like the barrier of disgust, helps to limit contact with the person who caused negative emotions. This is his positive role. However, sometimes it is the result of prejudice, for example, racial or national. If a person is reproached for something that does not depend on him, he usually pays in the same coin - contempt. Feeling contempt for someone, they try to avoid communication with him. It is difficult to overcome this barrier, and sometimes even impossible. At least this requires not only effective "compensating actions", but also a long time, dulling the "waste" of any emotions.

- barrier of fear

The barrier of fear is perhaps one of the most difficult to overcome in interpersonal communication. And this is easy to understand, because it encourages you to minimize contact with the one who is its source.

Fear is by no means useless for a person - it helps him avoid premature death, injury, and mental suffering. However, when it is pronounced, it can lead to illness and even death. Indeed, fear is the most dangerous emotion for health (see page “Stress”). As a rule, in the first moment, fear is accompanied by a stupor (stupor), which fetters muscles, paralyzes thinking, will. Later, on the contrary, motor activity is sharply activated (“only the heels sparkle”), the brain begins to feverishly analyze possible options for resolving a dangerous situation.

Modern man is most often afraid not of death, not of physical injury, but of material and moral damage. Fear of not coping with the assigned task, not fulfilling the production plan or failing the exam, fear for the health and well-being of a loved one, fear of loneliness, punishment darken life and, alas, sometimes push to unscrupulousness, flattering, lies.

- barrier of shame and guilt

Who does not know the barrier of shame and guilt, when the face is filled with color, the voice becomes uncertain and it is difficult to raise your head and look into the eyes of the interlocutor? Shame arises as a feeling of inappropriateness of what is happening, embarrassment for oneself or another, as something closely related to guilt. Shame most often seizes a person with criticism, but sometimes with immoderate praise. Therefore, do not be surprised when the interlocutor, instead of blurring in a joyful smile in response to praises, hides his eyes, blushes, seeks to say goodbye as soon as possible. Often, shame and guilt in front of a person lead to the termination of relations with him. In general, self-accusations contribute to "closing in oneself" and compliance in interpersonal clashes. Shame protects against immoral acts, makes you listen to criticism in relation to yourself and others. To avoid this feeling, a person is forced to mentally “lose”, think over the situation, evaluate the possibility of a negative attitude towards himself from others.

- mood barrier

Most often, a bad mood creates an obstacle in communication, negative emotions caused by bad weather, the unfriendly look of a loved one, a pimple on the tip of the nose, a button torn off in transport, etc. etc. The main source of bad mood is interpersonal clashes. A good mood can serve as an obstacle to communication, unless it is inappropriate (for example, at a memorial service). In other cases, a good mood is contagious (as well as a bad one, by the way) and can spread at a considerable speed, creating a pleasant background for communication.

If you depict mood swings in the form of a graph, then for each person you will get your own unique curve with peaks and recessions. For some, they are rare and insignificant, for others they are frequent and sharp, directed towards negative emotions or, conversely, positive ones. The first option is evidence of mental health, well-being, the second is extreme versions of the norm or neurosis.

  • attention span
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The only way to set people up for vigorous activity is to communicate with them.

Lee Iacocca

They condemn what they don't understand.


A typical mistake in evaluating the communication process is formulated as follows: "I said what I wanted to say, he understood what I said." This is an illusion. In fact, the partner understands everything, firstly, in a different way, and secondly, in his own way.

In business communication between partners, very specific barriers can arise. The reasons for their appearance are different. In order to avoid stress, you need to learn how to prevent the emergence of barriers in communication, and if they have already arisen, successfully overcome them.

Consider the main barriers that arise on the way to fruitful communication.

Interaction barriers.Motivational barrier arises if the partners have different motives for making contact, for example: one is interested in the development of a common business, while the other is only interested in immediate profit. In this case, it is better to clarify the intentions of each other from the very beginning, to agree on the motives for cooperation. If this fails, the collaboration is doomed to failure.

barrier of incompetence. The incompetence of a partner causes a feeling of annoyance, a feeling of wasted time. If the partner does not understand the problem at all, it is better to politely “turn off” the conversation; if he partially owns the issue, and there is no one else to turn to, you need to bring him up to date, without emphasizing his great awareness.

Ethical Barrier arises when interaction with a partner is hindered by his moral position, which is incompatible with yours. Whether to compromise, everyone decides for himself, but trying to re-educate or shame a partner is not recommended.

Each person has their own communication style. It depends on temperament, character, worldview and is formed under the influence of upbringing, environment, profession. Therefore, in business communication, it can often occur style barrier. The content of the communication style is

· the predominant motive of communication (interaction, self-affirmation, emotional support of the interlocutor, etc.);

· attitude towards other people (gentleness, benevolence, tolerance, cruelty, rationalism, self-centeredness, prejudice, etc.);

attitude towards oneself (narcissism, recognition of one's shortcomings, upholding the "honor of uniform", imposing one's opinion, etc.);

· the nature of the impact on people (pressure, coercion, manipulation, cooperation, personal example, non-intervention, etc.).

How to make sure that the partner’s communication style does not become an obstacle in communicating with him? It is necessary to realize that the style of a person's behavior is a manifestation of his deepest essential characteristics, and. if it does not interfere with the matter, it should be accepted, whatever our attitude.

Barriers of perception and understanding.aesthetic barrier arises when the partner is untidy, sloppy dressed or the situation in his office, the view of the desktop is not conducive to conversation. It is difficult to overcome an internal obstacle to carrying on a conversation, and yet, if this contact is very necessary, we must not show that something is jarring on us.

Comfortable communication can be hindered and different social status of partners, especially if one of them is used to being in awe of his superiors. The following setting before the conversation helps to get rid of such an attitude: “The boss is the same person as me. He has all the human weaknesses. I have no reason to be excited. I will speak calmly and simply, hoping for understanding. I respect myself and my work, and he will feel it.”

Barrier of negative emotions arises in communication with an upset person. If a partner who is usually polite to you meets you unkindly, talks without looking up, etc., do not rush to take it personally: maybe he is not able to cope with a bad mood due to the course of his own affairs, family troubles etc. It is necessary, having come to the meeting in advance, to try to find out what the situation is at the company, in what mood the business partner is. Sometimes it is better to reschedule the conversation for another time. If this is not possible, then it is necessary at the beginning of the conversation to help the partner improve his emotional state.

A person's state of health, physical or spiritual also affects how a person communicates. It is not difficult for observant people to guess by external signs what is happening with a person, to choose the appropriate tone, words, or to reduce the time of communication so as not to tire the interlocutor who is unwell.

psychological protection, built by a business partner is a serious communication barrier. Realizing that the barrier in communicating with an uncomfortable employee or partner is caused by his desire to protect himself, try to change your attitude towards him, and the difficulties in communicating with such a person will gradually disappear.

installation barrier. Your business partner may have a negative attitude towards you or the firm you represent. If you are faced with an installation barrier, it is better not to try to convince your partner. Calmly treat hostility as a manifestation of ignorance, weakness, lack of culture, simple ignorance. Then the unfair attitude will not hurt you, and soon it will disappear altogether, as your deeds and actions will force your partner to change his mind.

Double barrier lies in the fact that we involuntarily judge each person by ourselves, we expect from a business partner such an act as we would do in his place. But he's different. His position in this situation is determined by his moral standards and attitudes. In order for the barrier of the double not to arise, it is necessary to develop the ability to decenter.

communication barriers.semantic barrier arises when business partners use the same signs (including words) to mean completely different things. The reasons for this barrier are varied. To overcome the semantic barrier, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the partner, use the vocabulary that is understandable to him; words that have different meanings, it is necessary to explain in what sense you used this or that word.

Inability to express one's thoughts (logical barrier) makes it very difficult to communicate. Helvetius said: “It takes much more intelligence to convey your ideas than to have them ... This is proved by the fact that there are many people who are considered smart, but write very bad compositions.” You need to be patient and use all your ability to listen, ask questions in order to get the necessary information from the partner.

Poor speech technique (phonetic barrier) hinders effective communication. But if you are interested in contact with this particular partner, you will have to adapt to his manner of speaking and not show that you are unhappy with something.

inability to listen manifests itself in the fact that the partner interrupts, starts talking about his own thoughts or goes into his own thoughts and does not react at all to your words (for more details, see Listening in business communication). You can only compensate for your partner's inability to listen with your art of speaking.

Barrier of modalities occurs when a person does not think about the priority channel for perceiving information (for more details, see Verbal means of communication). Knowing that each person has a certain priority channel of perception makes us more tolerant, and the ability to determine it allows us to find an adequate language of communication with a particular interlocutor, to make contact with him not only conflict-free, but also effective. In order to avoid the barrier of modalities in communication, it is necessary to transmit information in the modality in which it is easiest for the partner to perceive it, in the form in which it is clear to him.

character barrier also makes it difficult to communicate. Each person has his own character, but educated people know how to behave in such a way that their character is not a source of conflict. Not everyone, however, wants and knows how to understand themselves and control themselves. People with pronounced temperamental characteristics can be uncomfortable interlocutors. .

impoliteness - this is the barrier that prevents you from perceiving your partner correctly, understanding what he is saying, and interacting with him. Unfortunately, manifestations of bad manners are not uncommon even in business communication. Impolite treatment can be stopped by calm, without irritation, one's own politeness. There are situations when you are forced to listen to fair or unfair outrage. Remember that your goal is cooperation, not conflict. When a person is rude, there is a desire to immediately sharply put him in his place. But this can lead to confusion. It is better to answer in a cold and calm tone. For many, this is debilitating. There are other ways to calm an indignant interlocutor:

· reception "someone else's role": if the interlocutor is indignant or shouting, try to enter into his position, look at the situation through his eyes; it is worth telling a person “I understand you” - and it becomes possible to constructively conduct a conversation;

· empathy for partner: remember that recognition of the correctness of the interlocutor and sympathy for him usually extinguish the fire of indignation;

A tense situation can be defuse and joke, but it will give the desired effect only when you are sure that your partner has a sense of humor;

· withdrawal acceptance: you can unobtrusively examine the screamer, focusing on some little thing in his costume or hairstyle; you can think about his age, marital status, favorite pastime; it is also useful to analyze speech: features of pronunciation of words, richness of vocabulary, intonation, successful turns of speech, errors in pronunciation of words and construction of phrases.

These techniques allow you to endure adverse effects without stress. Having discharged and not turning you on, the partner usually feels awkward, and even feels guilty. In this state, he is ready to continue contact. And now it all depends on your desire to communicate with this person.

In order not to create a barrier of impoliteness in communicating with you, be attentive to your partner from the very first minute of the conversation.

How to overcome communication barriers? First of all, to develop self-esteem, self-confidence. It also helps to be able to see behind every inadequate act of a person a manifestation of his psychological characteristics, and perhaps problems.

Our typical mistakes:

· wrong expectations for a partner(wrong expectations arise as a result of the following mistake: if we do not know a person enough, only some of his positive or negative traits, then we often complete his image as positive or negative, and then we associate our expectations with our own created image) ;

· it seems to us that the partner should guess how we feel(it is better to immediately clearly articulate your expectations, explain the reasons, etc.) ;

· we do not catch the subtext of the conversation(often we do not assume that the partner may also not directly express his desires and true mood) ;

· if a person’s behavior is unpleasant for us, it seems to us that he treats us badly or even does it to spite us(the reason may be completely different; people are usually upset and annoyed by unfair accusations of a bad attitude, it turns out that we ourselves provoke the conflict) ;

· we try to meet the expectations of the interlocutor(in dealing with a good person, this leads to an unnatural relationship, which is often revealed at the most inopportune moment; if we follow the manipulator’s lead, the consequences are even worse.) .

Life brings us together with different people. And very rarely gives those in communication with which barriers do not arise. Therefore, one should be condescending to manifestations of non-communicative skills and be able to make communication conflict-free. To overcome barriers in communication, you need to "diagnose" yourself or your partner and build your behavior in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the barrier.

Questions for self-control

1. What are communication barriers?

2. Name the main characteristics of the logical barrier and ways to overcome them.

3. Name the main characteristics of the barrier of perception and understanding and ways to overcome it.

4. Name the main characteristics of the semantic barrier and ways to overcome it.

5. Name the main characteristics of the phonetic barrier and ways to overcome it.

6. Name the main characteristics of the interaction barrier and ways to overcome it.

Exercise 1

Determine if you have the skills of a person who is pleasant to communicate with:

Do you know how to say hello so that you smile back?

Are you able to interrupt a protracted conversation in such a way that the interlocutor does not take offense at you?

· Do you know how to defuse the situation with a joke, cool the boiled passions?

· Do you know how to refuse a person who turned to you with a tactless or untimely request so as not to break off relations with him?

· If someone is rude to you, can you not respond with rudeness? Are you able to calmly answer a rude person or in some other way besiege him?

Do you know how to say goodbye in such a way that you want to see you again?

Task 2

Tell us about your experience of overcoming communication barriers. Discuss problem situations.

Task 3

Euphemisms are soft equivalents of rather harsh words or expressions that are preferable to be veiled, for example, instead of "he died" - "he passed away", "poor" - "needy", "old man" - "advanced man", etc. P. Think of at least 10 words that are unpleasant for your partner, and choose euphemisms for them.

Task 4

Name polite forms of request ( please be so kind etc.), then polite refusal forms ( unfortunately I can't help you; it's not in my power etc.)

Recall the preference in certain situations for requests in the subjunctive mood ( I would like to), the answer according to the formula yes, but....

Find formulas of request and refusal that are appropriate in communication with a colleague, with a superior person, with a client of the company.

Task 5

Break into pairs. One partner must come up with a tactless request, the other must refuse this request, but in such a way as not to be considered a bore and not to break off relations with a person.

Task 6

Work on the correctness of speech.

1. Comment on errors in expressions: criminal offense, vacancies, price list, memento, future prospects, bold risk, first premiere, my autobiography, first baptism of fire, timing of time.

2. Eliminate verbosity in expressions: every minute of time, step back, in the month of December, for the first time to meet, bequeath to the inheritance, in the summer time, an erroneous delusion.

3. Explain the meanings of paronyms and come up with phrases with words: compare and compare; put on and dress; effective and efficient; economical and economical; ignorant and ignorant; bath and bathroom; single and ordinary; test and test; present and provide; joint-stock and joint-stock; planning and planning; subscriber and subscription; manage and manage; addressee and addressee; parliamentarian and parliamentarian.

4. Explain the meaning of the words: import, priority, harmonize, confidentially, prolongation, legitimacy, adequate, consensus, mentality, reputation, dividend, plebiscite.

Task 7

Work out possible spelling errors in words:

1) directory, quarter, prettier, aristocracy;

2) comradely responsibility, for a long time, partner;

3) inquire, expert, phenomenon, convening a session;

4) strengthening, provision, hosts, Ukrainian;

5) wholesale prices, gross income, perspective;

6) unrestrained, start, rattle, gas pipeline, oil pipeline;

7) hosts, briefly, litigation, closely;

8) calls, bent, intention, intercessor;

9) solicit, inquire, pantry;

10) language sausage, language error, thieves, in the back, you are right;

11) simultaneous, deepen, trivialize, normalize;

12) scissors, read, light, some;

13) intend, accept, in the head;

14) to form, chaos, arrived, long-standing;

15) expired, existence, debate, fairway;

16) test, pace, dispensary, demagogy;

17) trend, claim, challenger, neckline;

18) competent (or [pent]), state (or [stunt]), escort (or escort), legal adviser (or legal adviser), unprecedented (or [cend]).

Task 8

1. Conjugate verbs understand, begin, accept in the past tense, and the verb to want- in present time.

2. How to: so much or so many glasses to put on or dress up, make fun of or make fun of?

3. Correct the expressions: talk about life, walk the roads, Tolya and I.

4. Decline nouns: elections, means.

6. Fix expressions: more beautiful, lighter, better, cheaper.

Task 9

Edit the phrases, explain the error in the construction of the sentence.

1. The meeting was held with great interest.

2. I noticed a characteristic error.

3. I would like you to pay attention to our organization as soon as possible.

4. He tried to warn the director's wrong move.

5. A representative from the plant was also present at the meeting.

6. Having processed these data, a complete picture of the state of affairs emerged.

7. My opinion of him as a person is not bad.

9. Resources were on the agenda.

10. Climbing the stairs, a strange announcement caught my eye.

11. I'm tired of wasting my nerves on this question.

12. I understood what hint I was given.

13. We have the cheapest cost of goods.

14. I don't want to escalate the situation.

15. Nikolai was waiting for me in the corridor.

16. I have repeatedly noted that it is necessary to follow the instructions.

17. All this affects the work.

18. Allow me to raise this toast to our successes.

Task 10

Explain the meaning of winged expressions and phraseological units: apple of discord, Sisyphean labor, Gordian knot, Augean stables, play first violin, stew in one's own juice, remove shavings, through a stump-deck, speak teeth, lead by the nose, put on a card.

Task 11. "Marriage announcements"

Each participant receives a card with the name of some object that has characteristic properties: for the completeness of existence, he needs another object that complements him. Each participant in the game pronounces the text of the "marriage announcement" on behalf of his subject. In the first part of the ad, you need to present your subject: describe its appearance, most characteristic features, interests and hobbies; the second part of the announcement is an “order” for a future life partner: his appearance, character traits, interests.

The announcement is made correctly if it was possible to find those main features of the subject and its "halves", the combination of which forms a strong union, will fill the "life" of both with meaning. You need to listen carefully so as not to miss your pair.
