Which sectors of the economy produce these products. Industry - what is it? Concept, classification and types of industries

Science and education are areas of the economy that are responsible for the development, systematization and storage of knowledge about the world and man, the transfer of this knowledge to other generations. Science, expanding the area known to man, helps to solve pressing world problems. How to improve the ecology on the planet? How can the country overcome the economic crisis and develop sustainably? The world's population is growing - how to feed more and more people? Science is looking for answers to these and other world questions and offers strategies for the development of mankind in the future.

Science and education interact with all sectors of the economy: intensive development of the country's economy is possible only if scientific principles and achievements are introduced into production and educational institutions train qualified personnel for industries.

What is included: social and humanitarian, natural, technical sciences and primary, secondary, higher education.
Profession examples: educator, teacher, business coach, methodologist, researchers and scientists: physicist, cyberneticist, chemist, biologist, geneticist, oceanologist, ecologist, meteorologist, sociologist, psychologist, philologist, etc.

The scientific community of Russia has about 800 thousand scientists and researchers, and more than 6 million specialists are involved in the field of education (8% of the country's labor force). The main state bodies in charge of education and science in Russia are the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the Russian Academy of Education (Russian Academy of Education). But science and education have long gone beyond state borders and are an international phenomenon: more than 10 prizes are awarded annually for contributions to world science. And the winners of the awards are scientists and researchers from different countries.

Financing of Russian science in absolute terms has increased by 3.3 times since 2000, although, unfortunately, it has been gradually declining over the past 4 years. Over the past 15 years, modern scientific and educational centers have appeared - Skolkovo (Moscow), Innopolis (Tatarstan), Koltsovo (Novosibirsk). The industry has many problems, the greatness of Soviet science is a thing of the past. It is all the more interesting and important to create a new modern science!

Forecast. How do you see the future of science and education? The availability of education will expand - if desired, it will be possible to enroll in any educational institution in the world and study remotely. Already now in Russia there are not only online courses of English, playing the guitar or beading, but also full-fledged schools of secondary education, where you can study online and get a state-recognized diploma of finishing 11 classes.

New technologies and devices. The school of the future will not have paper textbooks. Instead, schoolchildren will carry with them a universal electronic textbook, that is, a tablet or smartphone, into which all study materials, fiction and films are downloaded to help them learn. And the library will become the same unusual place to visit as the archive with manuscripts.

Future lifestyle a person can be characterized by the proverb "Live for a century - learn a century": due to the increased life expectancy, a person will be able to change the direction of activity more often and retrain, getting new specialties and mastering new professions. In connection with the interest in new objects, more and more sciences will appear at the intersection of traditional specializations - nanoengineering, cosmobiology, etc.

Professions of the future:
    game educator(applies game methods in the educational process)
    Online Education Platform Coordinator(oversees the development of courses for online learning)
    Individual Education Consultant(provide services for planning effective educational programs)
    Nanoengineer(explores the physics of the microworld to create new products and materials)
    bioinformatician(examines the information contained in biological cells)
    Cosmobiologist(explores the behavior of biological systems on other planets and in space)

How to become a scientist
Scientists are curious people. Therefore, in order to become a scientist, one must not lose the curiosity given from birth. What else does a future scientist need?

    Find a subject to study in which you will be interested to dive. Although, most likely, it is he who will choose you, and not you him.
    Doing well in school, at least in those subjects in which you plan to specialize. Studying at school is the path of scientific knowledge. Perhaps school knowledge will be of little use to a future designer, rescuer or actor, but a researcher and teacher need it.
    Engage in education and self-education. The school course, of course, is not enough to immerse yourself in biology, physics or linguistics. Therefore, look for information in different sources: books, online courses, museums, documentaries. It is important to evaluate each source, because you are a future scientist, and scientists are critical of any information and check it.
    Learn several foreign languages. They will be needed for communication in the scientific community: attend conferences, read literature (and this is also communication), listen to online lectures by scientists from all over the world.
    Participate in olympiads, scientific conferences and forums for schoolchildren, research competitions and other events that take place in your region. This is a chance to meet like-minded people, find a mentor and expand your understanding of the world.
    Attend circles at universities and schools for future scientists. Such projects for schoolchildren include the Pushchino Winter School, the Summer Linguistic School, the Summer Ecological School, the International Computer School and profile shifts in our children's camp "Professionals of the Future". A trip to a real science camp inspires self-development and helps in career guidance.

Where to go to become a scientist
If you are thinking about a career as a scientist, then you need to enter a prestigious university that teaches strong theoretical disciplines. In Russia, the best scientific universities are considered to be Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MSTU im. H.E. Bauman, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", TSU (Tomsk University), NSU (Novosibirsk State University).

Being a scientist or a teacher (or perhaps both) is hard work. But the joy of discovery, the benefits of your work, the freedom to choose a topic for research and the possibility of career growth cover all the disadvantages of these professions.
We wish you success in your scientific career!

If you want to know what areas you can excel in as a scientist, take our two free quizzes:
✎ Abilities and profession: technical potential
✎ Abilities and profession: humanitarian potential

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The economy of any country is a single complex of interrelated industries. Each state, depending on its national and historical traditions, geographical and geopolitical conditions and labor skills of the population, creates its own unique complex of sectors of the national economy, the formation of which is increasingly influenced by international cooperation with other countries.

When analyzing the national economy, such concepts as spheres, industries, complexes, sectors of the economy are singled out.

According to participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large areas: material production and the non-material sphere.

Material production includes industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, public catering, information and computing services, and other activities in the sphere of material production.

The non-productive sphere includes housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sphere and the population), health care, physical culture and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, and the activities of the administrative apparatus. .

In turn, each of the sectors of the economy is divided into industries.

An industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a commonality of products, production technology, fixed assets, professional training of workers and satisfaction of needs.

Industry according to Russian statistics is divided into heavy, light and food industries. Heavy industry includes: electric power industry, fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical and petrochemical, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, as well as building materials industry. Light industry includes textile, clothing, leather, footwear, and fur industries. To the food - food, meat, dairy, fish industries.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of development of the social division of labor. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of the specialization of production lead to the formation of new industries. Simultaneously with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation, integration of production, leading to the development of stable production relations between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.

An intersectoral complex is an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, different stages of production and product distribution. In the composition of industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes. The agro-industrial and construction complexes that unite different sectors of the national economy are distinguished by a more complex structure.

On the basis of the division of labor, one can single out intersectoral and single-industry, territorial-production, intersectoral scientific and technical complexes.

The constituent elements of the economic complex can be grouped into sectors of the economy. A sector is understood as a set of institutional units that have similar economic goals, functions and behavior. Thus, the sector of non-financial enterprises unites enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit, and non-profit organizations that do not pursue the goal of making a profit.

The financial enterprise sector covers institutional units engaged in financial intermediation.

The government sector is a collection of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and non-profit organizations controlled by them.

The household sector mainly includes consuming units.

The external sector is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e., located outside the country) with economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, and international organizations located on the territory of a given country.

There is also a distinction between the public sector as a set of enterprises, organizations, institutions owned by the state and managed by state bodies or persons appointed by them, and the private sector as part of the economy not under state control.

According to international statistics, the economy is usually divided into industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. Industries producing goods include industry, agriculture, construction and other branches of material production (publishing, recycling of secondary raw materials, collecting wild mushrooms and berries, etc.). Service-providing industries include education, transport, trade, healthcare, general government, defense, etc.

B. Gribov, V. Gryzinov

SECTORS OF THE ECONOMY, a set of enterprises, institutions, organizations that produce homogeneous products or services and satisfy the homogeneous needs of people. The grouping of production units by industry is a classification of types of economic activity that reflects the technical and economic aspects of reproduction.

The formation of modern industries is the result of a long historical process. From fishing, hunting, and other activities associated with the development of natural resources at the beginning of the historical path of mankind, to modern agriculture and diversified industry, from the initial stages of the exchange of labor products to developed forms of trade, etc. In the conditions of technological progress, everything appears. new areas of activity, which in the future can take shape in special industries (for example, computer science, biotechnology, etc.).

The classification of economic sectors used in the Russian Federation basically corresponds to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) prepared by the UN. It was developed taking into account the current conditions of the country's transition to market relations and the need to achieve comparability of indicators in the context of the development of integration processes with the international community.

All sectors of the economy are combined into two large groups: industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. Industries that produce goods (material goods) include industry, agriculture, forestry, construction and other activities in the sphere of material production. Moreover, each of the listed industries has several more stages of division.

Industry is the most important branch of the economy. It is a type of economic activity aimed at the extraction and processing of natural resources, processing of agricultural and forestry products.

The industry includes more than 15 consolidated branches, including: electric power industry; fuel industry; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy; chemical and petrochemical industry; mechanical engineering and metalworking; timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries; building materials industry; glass and porcelain-faience industry; light industry; textile industry, etc.

Each of these industries is divided into smaller sub-sectors. The main classification feature is the homogeneity of the products produced, in some cases the homogeneity of the processed raw materials (for example, oil refineries belong to the oil refining industry) and the homogeneity of the technological process (for example, chemical industry enterprises).

The branches of industry do not include subdivisions that are part of industrial enterprises and perform non-industrial functions (first-aid posts, organizations of cultural and community services, etc.), as well as government bodies (ministries, their central offices, etc.).

Agriculture is an industry whose main function is the reproduction of plant products, the breeding and rearing of livestock, poultry, fish, bees, and the production of raw livestock products. The same industry includes hunting and fish farming. Agricultural services (organizations providing services for land improvement, zootechnical and veterinary services, etc.) have been singled out as an independent branch in the service sector.

Forestry - an industry that includes forestry, the collection of wild and non-timber forest products, forestry services (logging organizations belong to industry).

Construction includes organizations and enterprises that carry out construction and installation work by contract and economic methods, major repairs of buildings and structures, drilling and design and survey work, as well as economic management of construction.

The sectors providing services include the branches of public administration and servicing the public and personal needs of the population (housing and communal services, banking and pensions, scientific activities, public education, medical care, art, etc.). The service sector also includes transport, communications, logistics, procurement of agricultural products and a number of other industries.

Earlier, in statistical practice in the USSR, freight transport, communications serving production, as well as trade, material and technical supply and procurement belonged to the sphere of material production on the grounds that, although new material goods are not created in these sectors, the production of already developed ones is being completed. material goods through their storage, transportation, packaging, etc., and thereby increases the value of products produced in industry and agriculture. It was believed that in other sectors of the service sector, only the redistribution and final use of national income take place.

Now, in line with international practice, a broader definition of "economic production" (i.e., areas where GDP production and national income generation take place) is applied, which covers the production of almost all goods and services, with the exception of household cooking services. , keeping the home clean, etc. (due to the difficulties of accounting for them). Therefore, transport and other sectors noted above are fully related to the service sector. in. M. Bredova.

Even before I went to school, I had a vague idea of ​​what economics is all about. But what is the material economy is an interesting question.

material housekeeper

In order to clearly understand what economics is in general, and material economics in particular, it is necessary to slightly delve into the terminology.

The concept of "economy" is inherently complex. It can be interpreted in different ways. But the basis is necessarily some kind of activity of a person or society, aimed at obtaining benefits of a certain type.

Depending on what benefits we want to receive, the economy is divided into parts - sectors. Economists distinguish three main sectors of the economy - real (aka material), financial and non-productive.

The non-productive economy is necessary to create a base of services (benefits) that make life easier for us: household services for the population, housing and communal services, conducting and maintaining various communications, and so on.

The financial economy is an intermediary created to move resources in the form of securities or monetary obligations between other sectors. There is no clear distinction in its activities.

The material economy is the main, basic sector of the economy that is engaged in the production, distribution or sale of consumer products.

The structure of the material economy

As you might guess, the structure of the material economy is the sphere of the national economy. Here are the main branches of the national economy, which are considered to be part of the material economy:

  • industry (production);
  • agro-industrial complex;
  • trade.

Not a single modern material economy can do without an industrial complex. The industrial complex includes "light" and "heavy" enterprises for the extraction, processing of raw materials and the production of final commercial products.

The agro-industrial complex is not only the cultivation of food or livestock, but also their processing.

Well, where without trade? Trade is a mechanism for the sale of both production and agriculture.

When analyzing the national economy in economic research, such concepts as sphere, industry, sector of the economy are usually used.

Spheres of the economy

From the point of view of participation in the creation of the total social product and national income, social production is divided into two large areas: material production and the non-productive sphere.

Material production includes industry, agriculture and forestry, freight transport, communications (serving material production), construction, trade, public catering, information and computing services, and other activities in the sphere of material production. The non-productive sphere includes housing and communal services, passenger transport, communications (serving organizations of the non-productive sphere and the population), health care, physical culture and social security, public education, culture and art, science and scientific services, lending and insurance, and the activities of the administrative apparatus. .

Branches of the economy

Spheres of economy are subdivided into specialized branches. Industry - a group of qualitatively homogeneous economic units (enterprises, organizations, institutions) characterized by special conditions of production in the system of social division of labor, homogeneous products and performing a common (specific) function in the national economy.

For example, the sphere of material production includes branches in which the means of production and consumer goods necessary for the life and development of society are created.

The sectoral division of the economy is the result of a historical process, the development of the social division of labor.

Each of the specialized industries, in turn, is subdivided into complex industries and types of industries. In the industry, for example, there are more than 15 such large industries as electric power, fuel industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, pulp and paper industry, building materials industry, light and food industries and others. industries.

Specialized industries are characterized by varying degrees of differentiation of production. The development of society and the economy, the further deepening of the specialization of production leads to the formation of new industries and types of production. Simultaneously with specialization and differentiation, there are processes of cooperation, integration of production, leading to the development of stable production relations between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.

Intersectoral e complexes

Intersectoral complex- an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, different stages of production and distribution of the product.

Intersectoral complexes arise and develop both within a separate sector of the economy and between different sectors. In the composition of industry, for example, there are fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building and other complexes. The agro-industrial and construction complexes, which unite different branches of the national economy, are distinguished by a more complex structure.

Intersectoral national economic complexes can be conditionally divided into target and functional ones. The selection of target complexes is based on the reproductive principle and the criterion of participation in the creation of the final product. For example, one can single out the machine-building complex, the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complex, the forestry and mineral resource complex, the transport complex, etc.

The allocation of functional complexes is based on the principle and criterion of specialization of the complex for a certain function. Here we can single out investment and infrastructure complexes, scientific and technical complex, and to a certain extent, the ecological complex.

On the basis of the division of labor, one can distinguish diversified and single-industry complexes, territorial production complexes, intersectoral scientific and technical complexes.

Sectors of the economy

The constituent elements of the national economic complex can be grouped according to various economic characteristics. In foreign studies, on the basis of the system of national accounts, large sectors of the economy are singled out to summarize the characteristics of economic processes.

Under sector refers to a set of institutional units that have similar economic goals, functions and behavior. These typically include: the enterprise sector, the household sector, the government sector and the external sector. The enterprise sector is usually subdivided into the financial enterprise sector and the non-financial enterprise sector.

Sector of non-financial enterprises unites enterprises engaged in the production of goods and services for the purpose of making a profit, and non-profit organizations that do not pursue the goal of making a profit. Depending on who controls their activities, they, in turn, are divided into state, national, private and foreign non-financial enterprises.

Financial Enterprise Sector covers institutional units engaged in financial intermediation.

The government sector is a collection of legislative, judicial and executive authorities, social security funds and non-profit organizations controlled by them.

The household sector includes mainly consuming units, i.e. households and the enterprises formed by them.

The external sector, or the "rest of the world" sector, is a set of institutional units - non-residents of a given country (i.e. located outside the country) with economic ties, as well as embassies, consulates, military bases, international organizations located in the territory of this countries.

According to the degree of connection with the market in the national economy, the market and non-market sectors are often distinguished.

The market sector covers the production of goods and services intended to be sold on the market at prices that have a significant impact on the demand for these goods or services, as well as the exchange of goods and services by barter, wages in kind and stocks of finished goods.

Non-market sector - the production of products and services intended for use directly by producers or owners of the enterprise, as well as provided to other consumers free of charge or at prices that do not affect demand.

Sometimes mixed industries are additionally identified that provide market and non-market services.

According to international statistics, the economy is usually divided into industries that produce goods and industries that provide services. The first group includes industry, agriculture, construction and other branches of material production (publishing, recycling of secondary raw materials, collecting wild mushrooms and berries, etc.). Service-providing industries include education, transport, trade, healthcare, general government, defense, and others.


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