Raspberry early sweet variety description. Late ripening varieties of remontant raspberries

This variety is recommended to be planted in such soil and climatic zones as woodland and forest-steppe. The shoots of this raspberry variety are moderately prickly, and the young shoots have an anthocyanin color. The thorns have a color ranging from green to brownish green. Fully developed shoots are slightly waxy. The leaves are green with a moderate relief. The lower pair of leaflets has short petioles. Pedicels have no anthocyanin coloration. Fruit-bearing shoots are rather long. The fruit of this raspberry variety is moderately red, large, hard and moderately glossy. The main harvest is provided by new shoots, which appear quite early. The variety has a long productive season.

The variety of this raspberry has a medium-sized and compact bush, which reaches a height of 1.6 m. Fruiting in this variety is abundant, the fruits are large. The weight of each fruit reaches 6 grams. The berries themselves have a graceful elongated - conical shape. The color is classic crimson. The berries have a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. They separate well from the stalk. Of one node, two are often formed fruit branches... From a bush, you can collect up to 5 kg. raspberries. The berries begin to ripen in mid-August. Before the first frost, up to 70 percent of the entire crop has time to ripen.
The first harvest can be taken on July 12-15, and the second from August 12, until the first frost.

This variety of raspberries is recommended to be planted in the central or central black earth regions. The bush is fairly medium-grown and slightly spreading. The ability to form shoots is weak. The shoots themselves are strong, erect. During the planting of this variety, you can do without trellises. The fruiting zone takes up half the length of the shoots. Annual shoots are of medium thickness. In spring they are green, and by autumn they acquire a purple hue with a waxy coating. Normally spiny.
The autumn harvest in the middle lane reaches one and a half kilograms per bush. The variety is resistant to raspberry mites and rarely suffers from fungal infections.
The first fruits appear on the bushes in early August. Fruiting lasts until the first frost. The yield is realized by seventy percent.
The fruits of this variety are very large, the average weight of one berry is 5 grams, the maximum reaches 10 grams. The berries are truncated - conical in shape. The color of the berry is ruby.

This raspberry variety is distinguished by its large and attractive berries. Weight reaches 12 grams, individual berries can reach 18 grams. The berries have a conical and blunt-conical shape with a velvety surface. Drupes are small and tightly adhered to each other. The berries are easily removed from the stalk, and when fully ripe, they do not crumble. The taste is sweet, light and pleasant aroma. The berries are juicy and have small seeds. This variety of raspberries is very suitable for fresh food and for all types of homemade preparations. Up to 5 kg of fruits are harvested from each bush. With good care and timely feeding, you can achieve high yields. Bears fruit every year.
The variety ripens on July 8-10, therefore it is considered medium early. The bush of this variety is medium-sized and compact. The variety is not remontant. It develops well and forms up to 12 replacement shoots and up to 7 root suckers, which spread over the site. The shoots are annual, and have a rosette of leaves at the top, are rather pubescent and have practically no wax bloom. The thorns are completely absent.

It has a tall and spreading bush. No garter required. Virtually no shoots. The shoots have a medium waxy bloom and medium-sized thorns, which are located in the lower part of the shoots.
The fruits are large - up to 4 grams, the shape is blunt-conical, the color is rich ruby. The pulp is of medium density. The pulp is aromatic, has a sweet and sour pleasant taste. The variety is intended both for eating and for homemade preparations. The variety is considered to be medium early and high yielding. Up to 3 kg are collected from the bush. Drought tolerant.

Gives high yields when proper care... The sweet fruits of this variety reach the size of a walnut. The bushes grow crowded, reaching a height of two and a half meters. In autumn, the upper part of each shoot is cut off at a height of two meters. With this technique, you can achieve the formation of larger stalks with larger fruits. The variety tolerates frost well and does not need to be bent down for the winter. Shoots are strengthened on a trellis.

Raspberry "Giant" is considered one of the best to grow in summer cottages. This is a new raspberry variety that has a distinctive feature. It has no thorns. The weight of the largest fruits can be 25 grams. The yield of one bush reaches 12 kg.
For the successful growth of raspberries, you need to follow simple rules: cut off unnecessary offspring, re-prune in June, cut side shoots in July. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the harvest.
There is another good trick. Around the raspberry bushes, you can pour a layer of peat and humus. This will ensure that sufficient moisture is retained and the replenishment of the bushes will be guaranteed.

Raspberry has a low bush in the form of a small tree, which forms several slightly drooping, highly branched shoots. Tough but sparse bushes grow on the shoots, which are concentrated in the lower part of the stem. The variety is distinguished by large fruits (6.9 gr.). The berries have an elongated blunt-conical shape and are ruby-colored. The berries come off well from the stalk. The berries ripen in mid-August and bear fruit for a long time. The yield is quite high. You can collect 5.5 kg of berries from a bush. However, before the first frost begins, only 2.5 kg from one bush has time to ripen. The variety Monomakh's cap is remontant. The first harvest is harvested by July 20, the second - from mid-August until the first frost.

This remontant variety has large berries (10-12g). The berries are golden yellow in color. The shape of the berries is elongated-conical. The berries are firm and well transported. Drupes are not large. The berries have a dessert flavor. The bush of this variety reaches a height of up to 1.6 meters. The thorns are soft and short. The bush does not need support. This variety has received recognition for its high yield, which is usually not characteristic of yellow-fruited varieties, as well as for its large fruit size, unusual color and dessert taste.

Raspberries bear fruit with a very tasty berry and have an early ripening period. The berry can weigh 12 grams. This raspberry variety has a smooth trunk and bears fruit well in any sunny area. With good care, high yields can be achieved. These berries can not only be eaten from the bush, you can simply admire them. "Beauty of Russia" does not like thickening.

Do you want to plant raspberries in the country? This is a very correct decision, because it is not only tasty, but also a very healthy berry. The only thing you need to choose the right variety for your region and growing conditions that you can provide.

Today we will consider some, at first glance, the most interesting varieties of large-fruited, juicy and sweet raspberries, which are suitable for growing in various regions. So, we are studying the varieties for the Middle Strip, for the Moscow region and the Urals, Siberia, as well as for Ukraine, because in this warm country a delicious berry grows just fine.


The Yellow Giant (it is also called that way) is the best choice for the Northwest. Yes, let's just say so, because from these regions we received the most flattering reviews in the direction of the berry.

Giant is a dessert raspberry with an average ripening period. The plant is a really powerful and strong bush that develops quickly. Thanks to this, after a few years at the dacha, the Yellow Giant can show frankly serious landings with good harvest and a large berry.

The fruits are very fragrant and sweet, have a light fluff, but are noticeably distinguished by a bright yellow color.

The plant perfectly resists pests and diseases, but, unfortunately, cannot fight severe frosts, and therefore will require serious care from you and correct winter preparation.


A large-fruited variety that shows really decent berries, weighing up to 10 g each. The shape of the berry is conical, the color is red, the taste is sweet and sour, which is liked by many.

The Hercules bush is very strong, multiplies quickly and easily, perfectly resists pests and all kinds of diseases, and is not picky about the conditions of detention. It is precisely on the latter fact that one can say for sure that Hercules is the most suitable option for the Moscow region and even Ukraine, where the climate can change quite dramatically.


Variety remontant raspberry for the Moscow region and other regions.

Polka is distinguished by a rather large berry, weighing up to 8-10 g, bright red or red-burgundy color, rich taste and a very pleasant, specific aroma.

A plant with a strong erect bush that can withstand the stress of the crop and does not lie on the ground, but sweet berries there is a lot on each bush, especially if we consider that the fruiting period of Polka is from July to November.

After examining large species, we decided to devote a little time to others who are also worthy of being at your dacha.

Early raspberry varieties

If you have a desire to get a bountiful harvest of healthy berries early, then you should choose the following varieties: Bryansk Divo, Vega, Beglyanka, Izobilnaya, Giant Rubinovy, Cascade, Lazorevskaya, Cumberland, Litach, Lashka, Novokitaevskaya, Michurinskaya dessert, Meteor, Flame, Patricia, Sunny, Early Dawn. In addition, these are not only early, but also red raspberry varieties that most people like.

Medium ripening varieties

Quite often, these are not only stable plants, but also fruitful: Arbat, Aboriginal, Glen Prosen, Volnitsa, Visluha, Balsam, raspberry varieties Pride of Russia, Gusar, Gloria, Kaliningrad, Iskra, Golden Giant (yellow variety), Latham, Cleopatra, Kirzhach, Kokinskaya, Maroseyka, Malakhovka, Tenderness, Reward, Molling Promis, Sibiryanochka, Orbit, Newburg, Sokolenok, Modest, Youth.

Late ripening varieties

This list includes new varieties, as well as well-known ones. So, we remember the following names: Mirage, Brigantine, Biryusinka, Dense, Peresvet, Stolichnaya, Sputnitsa, Samara dense, Terenty, Taganka.

Remaining raspberry varieties

Do the most right experienced summer residents that are planted on the territory suburban area some types of remontant raspberries: Bryanskoe Divo, Diamond, Babe Leto, Atlant, Apricot, Hercules, Eurasia, Yellow Giant, Crane, Mulatka (black raspberry variety), Golden Autumn, Penguin and Ruby necklace.

By choosing different varieties, you can provide yourself with a high-quality harvest for the entire season.

Choosing the best raspberry variety (video)

It is simply impossible to say unequivocally which variety of raspberries (Tarusa, Krasa Rossii, Hercules and others) to choose, because each of us has a number of requirements that we impose on plants. But do not forget that plant varieties will also have their own requirements, and if you want to grow a really decent crop, then you will need to try hard.

Reviews and comments

(7 estimates, average: 4,00 out of 5)

Igor 28.10.2014

Black raspberries are very good, they are easy to collect and do not need to be processed with chemistry - the worms are somehow not "in love" with them. :) But the yellow one, on the contrary, is very fond of. And the rest - we have a large varietal of various red and crimson shades.

Anastasia 04/10/2015

But I have a dacha in the lowlands, it is always colder there, and the windy side, little can withstand the cold and wind. Plus, the soil is stony, poor — we apply fertilizers, and besides currants, nothing is growing yet. Give advice, which variety is better to choose so that it will surely take root?

Nina 11/01/2015

For three years in my dacha, varieties of Orange Miracle, Ruby Necklace and Firebird have been growing. I will say that in terms of taste, I like Orange Miracle most of all. This variety has very sweet and juicy berries. The Firebird, even in bad weather, when it rains during the ripening season, still remains sweet and bears fruit well.

Tat `yana Aleksandrovna 13.06.2017

It's good that you are our amateur gardeners! thanks for useful information.

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Raspberry is one of the most valuable berry crops. Its fruits have unique nutritional and medicinal properties. Modern medicine considers raspberries to be an elixir of health and creative longevity.

Raspberries are traditional, large-fruited, remontant. Each species has enough varieties. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages.

TRADITIONAL raspberry varieties are reliable. They perfectly adapt to a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions, giving many root suckers every year. The only thing is not a high yield.

LARGE raspberry varieties. They have many advantages: berries weighing 4-12 grams, fruit twigs are capable of branching and large-fruited raspberries are superior in taste and aroma to many long-known and widespread varieties.

REPAIR raspberry varieties. In them, fruiting is interrupted only by severe frosts. They are capable of producing a crop twice a season, and the berries of a late harvest may well turn out to be larger than the first ones.

All three species have early and late varieties, sweet and sour-sweet, with red, black or yellow berries. In addition, there are varieties that are resistant to all major raspberry diseases (didimelle, anthracnose, botrytis, leptosphenia, powdery mildew and others).



The bush is powerful, shoots are slightly spiny in the lower part, erect, with drooping tops, prone to branching, high (up to 2.2 m), bright red in autumn, good shoot formation (9 - 11 pieces per bush). Productivity up to 1.7 kg of berries from a raspberry bush. Berry weighing 2.5 - 2.7 g, rounded-conical, ruby ​​color, universal use. Winter-hardy, in severe winters, when the main bud freezes, it forms a crop due to axillary kidney... Enduring to the main fungal diseases... Damaged by raspberry and spider mites, sensitive to mycoplasma overgrowth.


It was withdrawn at the Kokinsky support point of VSTISP. It is very popular with amateur gardeners. The bush is medium-sized (1.7-2 m), slightly spreading, the shoots are upright, almost thornless, light brown by autumn, the shoot productivity is good (7-9 pieces per bush). The yield is good - up to 2 kg of berries per bush. Berries are medium-sized (2.5-3 g), golden-apricot color, excellent taste with a delicate aroma, not transportable. It stands out for its high winter hardiness. Tolerant in relation to the main fungal diseases. Sensitive to spider mites and mycoplasma overgrowth.


The bush is tall, powerful, slightly spreading, with an average shoot-forming ability. Shoots with drooping tops and few thorns. The yield is above average (50-80 kg / ha). The berries are large (3.0 g), blunt-conical or rounded-conical, ruby. The pulp is fragrant, sweet, tender. Dessert appointment. Highly winter-resistant, relatively resistant to didimella, anthracnose, damaged by spider mites.


Received by GD Aleksandrova at the Leningrad Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Station. The bush is high (up to 2.5 m), semi-spreading, with a large shoot-forming ability. Annual shoots are erect, purple in color by autumn, without pubescence, with a slight waxy bloom, spineless. Productivity 70 - 90 kg per one hundred square meters. Berries are large (3 - 4 g), blunt-conical, raspberry color, excellent sweet and sour taste, with aroma, medium transportability. Winter hardy. Medium resistant to fungal diseases. Selected in the group of promising varieties for the North-West region of Russia.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries of early ripening. The bush is medium-sized, slightly spreading. High-yielding (4-9 kg per bush). The berries are very large (7-11 g) and outwardly attractive, truncated-conical, rich ruby, dense. The taste is sweet and sour, with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma, refreshing. Dessert appointment. Transportability is good. Medium-hardy.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries. Bush up to 2 m high, semi-spreading, very compressed, powerful, thornless. High-yielding (4-4.5 kg per bush). The berries are large and very large (4–10 g), conical, beautiful "chiseled" shape, bright red color, shiny, dense, easily removable from the fruit. Dessert appointment. Transportability is good. Winter hardy. Resistant to all major diseases and pests.


The bush is medium-sized (1.7 - 2 m), compressed, slightly spiny. The yield is good (3 - 3.5 kg per bush). The berries are large (3 - 3.5 g), blunt-conical, red. The pulp has a good sweet and sour taste, aromatic. Not drought-resistant enough. Winter hardy. Resistant to fungal diseases. It is affected by mosaic leaf spot.


The only zoned black raspberry variety in Russia. A bush of medium height (1.5 - 2 m), with arcuate curved shoots, covered with numerous sharp thorns and a thick waxy bloom. Does not form root offspring. Raspberries are propagated by rooting the tops of the shoots. The yield can reach 1.7 - 2 kg of berries per bush. The berries are small - up to 2 g, round, black-purple, shiny, with a whitish bloom between the drupes, sweet, with a blackberry flavor. Average winter hardiness, it is advisable to cover the shoots with snow. Transportability is good. Tolerant to major diseases and pests of raspberries.


The raspberry bush is low (1.5 - 1.8 m), upright, slightly spreading. Shoots are thin, erect, prone to branching, slightly thorny, light brown, shoots are very high (up to 15 - 20 pieces per bush). The yield is high - up to 2.2 kg of berries per bush. Raspberries are medium-sized (2.6 - 3.5 g), elongated-conical, dull red, good taste, with a weak aroma. Poor transportability. Medium-hardy. Not resistant to powdery mildew, purple spot, overgrowth, raspberry mite, raspberry beetle.


Very early variety. The bush is tall, erect, slightly spiny. High-yielding. The berries are large and very large (4–10 g), conical, bright red, shiny, dense. Dessert destination. Transportability is good.


A variety of raspberries bred in Poland. Designed for industrial processing.


It was withdrawn at the Kokinsky support point of VSTISP. Raspberry bush is powerful, of medium height (1.8 - 2 m), erect, slightly spreading, with good shoot-forming ability, poorly repaired. High-yielding - up to 2 kg per bush. The variety is distinguished by its very early (late June) and relatively amicable ripening of the crop. It opens the season for the consumption of raspberries. Raspberry berries are medium-sized (2.7 - 3 g), ruby ​​color, round-conical, good taste, aromatic. Winter hardy. Resistant to major fungal diseases. Not resistant to spider mites, shoot gall midge, purple spot.

"Michurinsky Dessert"

The bush is medium-sized, medium-spine. The yield is good. Berries are non-uniform, medium-sized (2.5 g), broadly blunt-conical, dark red, with dense pubescence, juicy. The taste is sweet and sour, with aroma. Weakly affected by powdery mildew and stem gall midge.


The bush is of medium height (1.5-2 m), slightly spreading, medium spine, gives an average number of offspring. Annual shoots are curved, arched, with a weak waxy bloom and long internodes. The yield is high. The berries are medium-sized (2.5-3 g), round-conical, dark red, beautiful, dense. The pulp is fragrant, good sweet and sour taste. Poor transportability. Winter hardy. Relatively resistant to powdery mildew and pests; not resistant to viral diseases, purple spot, anthracnose.


The bush is high (2 - 2.5 m), spreading, medium-spine. Shoots are geniculate, strongly drooping, medium-spine, shoot-forming ability is average (15-20 shoots per meter); decreases with age. Average yield (up to 1.5 kg per bush). Berries are medium (2-2.5 g), oblong or blunt-conical; shapes, dark red, beautiful. The pulp is very tasty, aromatic, with a typical raspberry aroma. Poor transportability. Highly winter-resistant. Hardy. Susceptible to all fungal and viral diseases, it is damaged by raspberry gnats and spider mites. The bush requires a garter.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries, obtained in Moscow at the Institute of Horticulture (VSTISP) prof. V.V. Kichina. Most popular among large-fruited varieties with attractive, beautiful berries. Plants are medium-sized (up to 1.8 m), semi-spreading, annually form 6-10 replacement shoots and 5-7 root suckers. Annual shoots are of medium thickness, internodes are of medium length, shoots are straight, pubescent, thornless, waxy coating from low to medium. The yield is high and very high - about 250 kg per one hundred square meters or 4-5 kg ​​per bush, and with good care and manure application in many areas, the yield is almost twice as high. One of the most productive varieties. Berries are large and very large -4-12g, individual up to 14g, truncated-conical in shape, with a beautiful velvety surface. Medium density berry. It is removed from the fruit plant without breaking apart; when fully ripe, it does not crumble for a long time. The taste of berries is sweet with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma. Winter hardiness is moderate; in areas with more severe frosts, bending of shoots under the snow is required. Resistance to major diseases (didimella, anthracnose, botritsu) at the level of the best standard varieties and in the presence of these diseases does not reduce high yields. Susceptible to late blight.


Variety "Flame" bred by Koltsova E. V. Bushes are tall, slightly spreading, with slightly spiny shoots. Annual shoots are green, brownish by autumn with a strong waxy bloom at the base. The spines are short, dark purple with a light white base. Biennial shoots are brown, geniculate. The berries are large (3.0 g), blunt-conical or rounded-conical, ruby. The pulp is fragrant, sweet, tender. Relatively hardy. In the field, no viral diseases were detected. Purple spot is moderately affected.


The bush is medium-sized (1.8 - 2 m), semi-spreading, erect shoots, strongly thorny, with a weak waxy bloom, medium shoot formation. The average yield is up to 1.5 kg of berries per bush. The berries are medium-sized (2.6-3 to 3.4 g), elongated-conical, dark crimson. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. Quite winter hardy. Relatively drought tolerant. Resistant to viral diseases. Insufficiently resistant to fungal diseases.

"EARLY Dawn"

Variety "Early Dawn" bred by Koltsova EV. The bushes are tall, slightly spreading. In severe winters, they freeze slightly. Annual shoots are thick, green, the upper part is light crimson. The thorns are pale purple with a green base. Thorniness is weak. Biennial shoots are brown, geniculate. The leaves are dark green, corrugated. The berries are large, elongated-conical, red with a pink tint. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. Relatively hardy. Transportability is good. It is affected by viral diseases and purple spot.


The bush is high (2 - 2.5 m), semi-spreading. Shoots are erect at the base, curved in the upper part, prickly, with a waxy bloom, in autumn with a reddish tan, medium shoot formation. Medium-yielding (1.2 - 1.5 kg per bush). Small raspberries - up to 2 g, rounded-conical, red, excellent taste, with a strong aroma better forms forest raspberry. Not transportable. Winter hardiness is high. Resistant to major fungal diseases.


It was withdrawn at the Kokinsky support point of VSTISP. The bush is medium-sized, the shoots are high or of medium height (1.8-2 m), sparsely prickly, powerful, with a sloping upper part, the shoots are medium. Productivity up to 1.5 kg of berries per bush. The berries are large (3.5-4 g), rounded-conical, raspberry, with delicate aromatic pulp, sweet and sour, of excellent taste. Moderate winter hardiness. Medium resistant to major fungal diseases. Sufficiently resistant to anthracosis, winter desiccation, raspberry mite.


Glen Ample

The variety was obtained in England by crossing the varieties Glen Prosen and Meeker. Plants are vigorous, erect, shoots can reach a height of 3.5 meters, thornless. On each shoot, 20-30 lateral branches are formed, on each of which, under favorable conditions, 18-20 berries are formed.

The variety is very productive: about 15 tons of berries per hectare, sometimes more. Bears fruit on last year's shoots.

Berries are round-conical, bright red, dense, tasty, transportable; average berry weight 4 g. Ripening period - average.

Glen Ample is a winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety with increased resistance to major diseases and pests.

Glen Prosen

Variety of English selection. Shoots are tall, erect, powerful. There are no thorns on both annual and two-year-old shoots. The plants are very productive: on each good shoot, up to one kilogram of berries can be formed per season.

The yield is high - about 15 tons per hectare.

Glen Prosen bears fruit on last year's shoots.

The berries are bright red, round or round-conical, dense, with a pleasant taste. High transportability.

A variety of medium ripening.

Winter hardiness and resistance to major diseases are high. Drought-resistant variety. He is one of the parents of the most widespread variety of the traditional type of fruiting in Europe - Glen Ampla.


A medium-sized bush, 1.5-2 m high, powerful, upright, slightly spreading, thornless. High-yielding (4-7 kg per bush). The berries are large (4-8 gr.), Conical, bright red, with a delicate, aromatic pulp of a sour taste, do not crumble. Average winter hardiness.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries, obtained in Moscow at the Institute of Horticulture (VSTISP) prof. V.V. Kichina. Among the new large-fruited Moscow varieties, it stands out for a noticeable number of very large berries weighing 15-18 g and more. The bush is tall, powerful, erect, and thornless. Productivity is high and very high - about 5-6 kg per bush, and with good care and manure application, the yield doubles. Berries are large and very large (4-12g), elongated and conical, beautiful shape, dark red color, shiny, removable from the fruit plant without breaking, the berries are dense and withstand transportation well. The taste of berries is sweet with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma and few seeds. Medium-hardy. Resistance to all major diseases and pests at the level of the best standard varieties and in the presence of diseases on the shoots, the variety does not reduce its high yields.


The bush is medium-sized (the height of the shoots is 1.7 - 1.8 m), upright, spreading, medium-spine, the productivity of the shoot is average. It stands out for its high winter hardiness and productivity (up to 2.2 kg of berries per bush). Berries are medium-sized (2.5 - 3 g), ruby ​​color, truncated-conical, good sweet and sour taste. The berries are well separated from the fruit, ripen together. The raspberry variety is resistant to the main fungal diseases, is slightly damaged by spider mites, is resistant to bark damping and winter drying of the stems.


German raspberry variety. Bred in 1922. The bush is high (up to 2.5 m), semi-spreading, gives few replacement shoots and root suckers. Annual shoots are thick, with long internodes, hairless, with a waxy bloom, turn brown by autumn. Productivity up to 50 centners per hectare. Berries of medium size (1.5-2 g), round or blunt-conical, light red, pleasant taste. The berries are not transportable. The variety is winter-hardy. Not resistant to viral diseases, didimella, anthracnose and raspberry mite.


The bush is medium-sized (from 1.5m to 2m), spreading, with a moderate shoot-forming ability, prickly. Thorny bush, requires a garter. Yielding (up to 4 kg per bush). The berries are large (3.5-4 g), conical, one-dimensional, bright red, with slight pubescence. The pulp is tender, sweet and sour, without aroma. Winter hardy. Sufficiently resistant to fungal diseases, but susceptible to raspberry mites.


Raspberry variety, bred by O. A. Medvedeva at the Leningrad Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Station. The bush is high (2 - 2.5 m), powerful, medium spreading, gives many offspring. Annual shoots are greenish-reddish, by the end of the growing season reddish-purple, thorny, with a slight waxy coating. Productivity 60 - 90 kg per one hundred square meters. The berries are large (3 - 4.5 g), light raspberry, elongated-blunt-conical, freshly sweet, with a weak aroma. Transportability is average. Average winter hardiness. Resistance to fungal diseases is average. Recommended for growing in the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries. The bush is medium-sized (1.5-1.8 m in height), compressed type, thornless. High-yielding (up to 4-5 kg ​​per bush). The berries are large and very large (4–12 g), conical and blunt-conical in shape, with a beautiful velvety surface. The pulp is juicy. Berries of sweet dessert taste, with a light pleasant aroma, juicy, with medium-sized seeds. The taste is sweet, dessert. The berries do not crumble. Medium-hardy. Resistance to all major fungal diseases (didimella, botrytis, anthracnose) is quite high. In the presence of diseases on the shoots, the variety does not reduce its high yields.


The bush is high (from 1.5m to 2m), powerful, spreading, slightly thorny. Forms little overgrowth. The yield is high (2.5-3 kg per bush). The berries are large, 3.2 g, maximum 4 g, blunt-conical, intense ruby ​​color. The pulp is of medium density, aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour, good. Winter hardy. Drought tolerant. It is slightly damaged by diseases and pests.


The bush is medium-sized, medium-spreading, medium-spine. Medium-yielding (0.7 - 1.5 kg per bush). The berries are medium-sized and large (2.7-4.2 g), broadly conical, carmine-colored, very dense, fragrant. Dessert taste. Ripening of berries is stretched. Demanding on moisture. Winter hardy. Resistant to gray mold and spider mites.


A new variety of yellow large-fruited raspberries. The bush is tall, powerful, erect. High-yielding (4-8 kg per bush). The berries are very large (8-14 g), juicy, elongated-conical, unusual dark golden color, dessert type and taste of forest raspberries. Winter hardy. Transportability is good.


The bush is tall, powerful, medium spreading, medium spine. Forms many shoots. High-yielding. Berries of medium size (2.1-4.1 g), one-dimensional, round, red, shiny. Medium density pulp. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. Transportability is good. Winter hardy. Drought tolerant. Resistant to raspberry mite, weakly affected by purple spot and spider mite.


German raspberry variety. Bred in 1922. The bush is high (up to 2.5 m), semi-spreading, gives few replacement shoots and root suckers. Annual shoots are thick, with long internodes, hairless, with a waxy bloom, turn brown by autumn. The berries are large (2.2 - 3.2 g), red, dull, round. The pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, with a pleasant taste. Drupes are of medium size, firmly attached to each other and to the fruit. The berries are not transportable. Suitable for fresh consumption and processing. The variety is fruitful, moderately hardy, unstable to viral diseases.


The bush is powerful, high (more than 2.5 m), erect, slightly spiny. The yield is high. Berries are medium-sized (2.2-3 g), blunt-conical, crimson, with slight pubescence. The pulp of a good dessert taste. Undemanding to soil fertility. Medium-hardy. Relatively resistant to spider and raspberry mites and anthracnose; damaged by a raspberry beetle, unresistant to root cancer and overgrowth. Forms a lot of growth.


Developer: State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after V.I. I.V. Michurin. The bush is powerful, medium-sized, medium-spreading. Harvest per bush - 3.3-4.0 kg. Shoot productivity is average. Numerous thorns are scattered throughout the shoot. Berries are medium and large (4.0-5.2 g), semi-globular, dark red, with slight pubescence, dense, universal, weighing 4 - 5.2 g. Sweet and sour pulp with a weak aroma. The raspberry plant variety Cleopatra is disease resistant.


Raspberry variety of domestic selection. The bush is of medium height (1.5 - 2 m), semi-spreading, gives few root suckers. Annual shoots are straight, of medium thickness, without pubescence and waxy bloom. The thorns are brown, short, thin, with a thickened green base. Productivity 60 - 80 kg per one hundred square meters. The berries are large (2.5 - 3.5 g), red, dull, long. The pulp is tasty, aromatic. The fruits are not transportable. The variety is winter-hardy, promising for middle lane fruit growing. There is endurance to various diseases.


American raspberry variety. The bush is high (2.5 m and more), compressed type, gives an average number of offspring. Annual shoots are thick and medium, straight, internodes are long, with a waxy coating. Thorns only at the base of the shoot, dark purple, short, thin. The berries are large (2.5 - 3.5 g), dark red, shiny, conical, good taste, with an average aroma. The berries are not transportable. The variety is winter-hardy. Not resistant to viral diseases.


American raspberry variety. Raspberry bush is medium-sized (1.6 - 1.8 m), compact, shoots are high. Raspberry shoots are medium thin, straight, prickly, with a thick waxy bloom, bright red in autumn. Productivity 1.7 - 2 kg of berries per bush. Berries weighing up to 2.5 - 2.8 g, round, red, mediocre taste with a weak aroma. Drupes are not firmly fastened, easily removed from the fetus. Winter hardy. Resistant to mycoplasma growth and winter desiccation. Medium tolerant to fungal and viral diseases.


Raspberry variety, bred by V.V. Kichina in NIHISNP. A medium-sized bush (1.5 - 2 m), erect, with hanging tips of the shoots, with an average shoot-forming ability. Annual shoots of medium thickness, light brown, not pubescent, with a waxy coating, medium spinous. Medium-yielding (1.7 kg per bush). Berries (3 - 4 g), red, elongated-conical shape, tasty, tender. Drupes are small, easily separated from the fruit. The taste is excellent, typically raspberry. Transportability is good. Average winter hardiness; in severe winters, plants should be bent down and covered with snow. Resistant to spider mites. Not resistant to gray mold.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries, bred in Moscow at the Institute of Horticulture (VSTISP) prof. V.V. Kichina. The plant is medium-sized, about 1.5 m tall, sprawling, powerfully developed, forms 8-10 replacement shoots and 4-5 root suckers, does not spread over the site. Annual shoots are thick, strong and resilient, covered with tomentose (pubescent) and a slight waxy coating. The yield is high at 4-5 kg ​​per bush, and with good care and manure application, the yield in many cases doubled. The berries are large and very large (4 - 12g), some of the berries are double, conical, beautifully shaped, light red in color, with a slight bloom, drupes of medium size, homogeneous, well removed from the fruit, the berries are dense and withstand transportation well. The taste of berries is sweet with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma and few seeds. Moderate winter hardiness. Resistance to all major diseases and pests at the level of the best standard varieties and in the presence of diseases on the shoots, the variety does not reduce its high yields.


English variety. A bush of medium height (2.2 - 2.5 m), compressed type, gives many offspring. Annual shoots are medium and thin, with short internodes, not pubescent, without wax coating. The thorns are reddish-purple, short, thin. The berries are large, red, conical, with a mediocre taste and low aroma. Drupes are large, loosely linked. Transportability is good. In the middle lane, when sheltering shoots, it can give up to 120 kg from one hundred square meters. The cultivar is not resistant to fungal diseases such as anthracnose and can be damaged by the raspberry beetle.


Domestic variety of raspberries. The bush is of medium height (1.5 - 2 m), semi-spreading, gives an average number of offspring. Annual shoots are thin and medium with long internodes, hairless, with a waxy bloom, turn reddish by autumn. Thorns mainly in the lower part, dark purple, long, thick. Productivity is high 80 - 100 kg per one hundred square meters. Berries are medium-sized (2.6-3 g), one-dimensional, elongated or oval-conical, dark red, slightly pubescent. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet and sour, quite aromatic, excellent taste. Poor transportability. Average winter hardiness. Drought tolerant. Resistant to anthracnose, purple spot. It is affected by viral diseases, raspberry mite and shoot gall midge.


The bush is medium-sized, erect, slightly spiny. Average yield. The berries are large (3.3 g), blunt-conical, red, with slight pubescence. The pulp is of medium density, sweet, aromatic, juicy. Transportability is good. Medium drought resistant. Winter hardy. Resistant to purple spotting, slightly affected by anthracnose.


American raspberry variety, bred in 1922. Medium-sized bush (1.5 - 2 m), compressed, with erect shoots. The average number of offshoots and shoots of replacement gives. Annual shoots are green, without wax coating, with few long and thin purple thorns. The bush requires a garter. Average yield (0.6 - 1.5 kg per bush). Berries are medium in size (2.2 - 3.4 g), red, shiny, round. Drupes are well linked. The berries are transportable, the taste is good, with a weak aroma. Winter hardy. Unstable to shoot gall midge. Highly resistant to mycoplasma overgrowth and viral diseases of the mosaic type, resistant to anthracnose.


Bred by GD Aleksandrova at the Leningrad Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Station. A medium-sized bush (1.5 - 2 m), compact, with erect stems, convenient for mechanized cultivation and harvesting. Annual shoots are straight, purple in color, with a waxy coating, without pubescence, thorns all over the shoot. Productivity is high 70 -90 kg per one hundred square meters. The berries are large (3 - 4 g), broadly conical in shape, red in color, good taste, transportable. Good winter hardiness. The main fungal diseases are weakly affected. Recommended for Northwest regions.


The bush is powerful, medium-sized (1.6-1.8 m), slightly spreading, slightly spiny. The bush requires anchoring on a trellis. Harvestable. The berries are quite large (3.4 g), red, and have a good taste. The pulp is firm. Winter hardy. Relatively resistant to raspberry beetle and purple spot.


A variety of large-fruited raspberries bred by Professor V.V. Kichina. Variety Lilac fog was obtained in Moscow at the Institute of Horticulture and Nursery in 1999. The bush is medium-sized 1.5 m, thornless, slightly spreading, with well-developed strong shoots. 8-10 replacement shoots and 4-5 root suckers are formed. Annual shoots are medium and thick, strong and resilient; internodes of medium length (4-5 cm) are slightly knotty shoots, covered with tomentose (pubescent), thornless with a waxy bloom, light brown in winter. The yield is high, 4-5 kg ​​per bush. The berries are large (4-10 g), conical, bright red, shiny, drupes are small, homogeneous, tightly interconnected. The taste is sweet with a light raspberry aroma, juicy melting pulp and a few small seeds. Transportability is good. Moderate winter hardiness. Resistant to all major diseases and pests. The variety stands out for its unpretentiousness, vitality, high resistance to unfavorable environmental factors. Recommended for growing in all areas of Russian horticulture.


The bush is medium-sized, compressed type, with moderate shoot-forming ability. Shoots are almost thornless, high (1.8 - 2.2 m), erect, prone to branching. The yield is stable and high - up to 2.2 kg of berries per bush. The berries are small (2.5 - 2.9 g), round-conical, very dense. The taste is satisfactory, no aroma. Winter hardy. Resistant to major fungal diseases and raspberry mites. Sensitive to spider mites.


The bush is powerful, medium-sized (1.6 - 1.8 m), slightly spreading, slightly spiny. Harvestable. The berries are large (3-5.2 g), broadly conical in shape, raspberry, with slight pubescence, pleasant taste. Highly winter-resistant. Resistant to spider mites, raspberry gnats, weakly affected by anthracnose and purple spot.


Developer: State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after V.I. I.V. Michurin. The bush is powerful, tall, medium spreading. The shoot production is average. Weakly spiked. Harvest per bush 3.3-4.0 kg. Berries are medium and large (3.8-6.1 g.), Universal. Blunt-conical, crimson, with slight pubescence. The pulp is sweet and sour with a weak aroma. Disease resistant.


A variety of garden raspberries, bred by O. A. Medvedeva at the Leningrad fruit and vegetable experimental station. The bush is high (2 - 2.5 m), vigorous, erect, with slightly curved tops; the number of offspring is average. Annual shoots are thick, straight, purple in color, slightly thorny. The yield is high (70 - 100 kg per one hundred square meters). The berries are large (3.5 - 4.5 g), raspberry-colored, hemispherical, freshish-sweet taste. Drupes are large, linked. Transportability and winter hardiness are average. Resistance to fungal diseases is average. Recommended for the North-West region of Russia.



The newest super-large-fruited raspberry variety. The bush is vigorous, thornless. High-yielding 6-10 kg per bush. The berries are very large (8-15 g) and outwardly attractive, conical, purple-red, with slight pubescence. The pulp is juicy. The taste of berries is sweet with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma, juicy pulp and few small seeds. The variety was recognized for its very large, beautiful berries, abundant fruiting on powerfully developed laterals and for the good market qualities of the berries. Transportability is good. Resistant to major fungal diseases and pests.


It was withdrawn at the Kokinsky support point of VSTISP. The bush is compact, of average height (1.8-2 m) with a moderate number of powerful upright, weakly spiny shoots, medium shoot-forming ability. Yielding (2.2 kg per bush). The berries are large (3-3.2 g), round-conical, dark crimson, with weak pubescence. Average taste, no aroma. Medium-hardy. Relatively resistant to anthracnose and spider mites; not resistant to purple spotting and mycoplasma overgrowth.


The variety was bred at the All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology of Horticulture and Nursery. The bush is medium-sized, medium spreading, with an average shoot-forming ability (9-11 shoots per bush). Biennial stems are gray, slightly geniculate, strongly thorny throughout the shoot. The thorns are short, soft, straight, small. Annual shoots are dirty brown in color, with a weak waxy bloom, without pubescence. The thorns are dark purple, soft. Differs in strong branching of fruit branches. The yield is good. The berries are large (4-6g), elongated, red, without pubescence. The pulp is sweet and sour, with aroma. Do not crumble when ripe. Low resistance. Resistant to diseases and pests.


The bush is medium-sized, compact, upright. The thorns are medium and hard. Productivity is high up to 3.5 kg per bush. The berries are large (3.0-4.2 g), blunt-conical, slightly elongated, dark crimson, dense, easily removable from the fruit, good taste, without aroma. Transportability is good. Winter hardy. Resistant to fungal diseases, to raspberry and spider mites.


The variety was bred by E. V. Koltsova. Bushes are medium-sized and medium-spreading, relatively winter-hardy. In severe winters, they freeze slightly. Annual shoots are brown with a waxy bloom. The spine is average. The thorns are dark purple, the base is purple. Biennial shoots are brown, geniculate. The berries are large, conical, crimson, slightly pubescent. Drupes are heterogeneous, firmly attached to each other. High transportability. The taste is pleasant, sweet and sour. It is affected by overgrowth and purple spotting to an average extent.


Bred in Bulgaria in 1957. The bush is high (1.8 m), powerful, compressed, with an average number of offspring and replacement shoots. Annual shoots are green, by the end of the season in illuminated places they are dull purple, thick, straight, without a waxy coating. Thorns are numerous, dark purple, short, thick, with a thickened base of the same color. The bush requires a garter. The variety is prone to remontability. The yield is high. The berries are large (3.5-3.6 g), blunt-conical, one-dimensional, bright red. The pulp has an excellent taste with a delicate aroma. Transportability is good. Average winter hardiness. Drought tolerant. The variety is not resistant to viral diseases, didimella and anthracnose, but bears fruit well even in the presence of these diseases.


The bush is tall, slightly spreading, slightly spiny. The yield is good. The berries are medium-sized (2.6-3.3 g), conical, crimson, slightly pubescent, with small, heterogeneous drupes, which are firmly attached to each other. The pulp is sweet and sour, aromatic, with a pleasant taste. The pulp is dense, aromatic, pleasant sweet and sour taste. Winter hardy. Transportability is good. Growth damage is noted.


Created at the Kokinsky support point of VSTISP. The bush is medium-sized, with a moderate shoot-forming ability, shoots 1.8-2 m high, vigorous, upright, medium-spine. The yield is good (up to 2 kg per bush). Berries are medium-sized (2.7-3.5 g), dense, hemispherical, dark raspberry, satisfactory taste, universal use. Medium-hardy. Resistant to fungal diseases, relatively resistant to spider mites, sensitive to shoot gall midges and raspberry mites.


Promoted to VSTISP. The bush is medium-sized (1.5-2 m), powerful, erect, compact, thornless. Forms an insufficient amount replacement shoots, almost no shoots at all. Productivity 4 kg per bush. The berries are large (4-8 g), long, red, well removed from the fruit. The pulp is fragrant with a dessert taste. The fruits do not crumble. Winter hardy. Disease resistant.


The bush is medium-sized, medium-spreading, thornless. High-yielding (4-5 kg ​​per bush). The berries are large (5.7-10 g), conical, red, slightly pubescent, dense.

The pulp is tender, with aroma. Winter hardy. Transportability is good. Resistant to most diseases.


Developer: State Scientific Institution All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology of Horticulture and Nursery of the Russian Agricultural Academy. The newest super-large-fruited variety of raspberries, thornless. The bushes are medium-sized, compact, powerfully developed. High-yielding (6-10 kg per bush). The berries are very large (8-15 g) and outwardly attractive, conical, purple-red, slightly pubescent, drupes are small, homogeneous, juicy, transportable berries.

The taste of berries is sweet with a pleasant "raspberry" aroma, juicy pulp and few small seeds. Winter hardy. Resistant to major pests and diseases.



Highly productive, large-fruited remontant raspberry variety. The bush is medium-sized (1.4 - 1.6 m), slightly spreading. Shoot-forming ability is good (5-8 shoots of replacement). Shoots are erect, the fruiting zone is more than half of their length. Annual shoots are thick and medium, green, with an anthocyanin tint and a waxy coating, prickly. Spines are sparse, short, concentrated in the lower part of the stem. The leaves are large, wrinkled, dark green. Resistant to major diseases and pests.

The yield is high - up to 15 t / ha and more (2.0 - 2.5 kg per bush). The beginning of ripening of berries - in the second decade of August, before frost, 75-90% of the crop ripens. The berries are large, weighing 5.0 - 5.5 g (maximum - 9 g), dense, transportable, well separated from the fruit-bearing, attractive elongated-conical shape, with uniform drupes, can hang on the bush for a long time without decay. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is tender, juicy, the berries are suitable for fresh consumption, processing and deep freezing.

Advantages: the variety is upright, productive, large-fruited, with high quality indicators of berries, promising for mechanized harvesting.


A repairing yellow-fruited variety with berries of high taste. The bush is medium-sized (1.3 - 1.6 m), slightly spreading. Shoot-forming ability is average (5-6 replacement shoots). Shoots are erect, strongly branching, the zone of autumn fruiting exceeds half of their length. Annual shoots of medium thickness, green, with a waxy coating, slightly thorny. Thorns are thin, curved downward, with a base, green, concentrated in the lower and middle parts of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, slightly wrinkled, green.

High productivity - up to 1.5 - 2 kg per bush, or 9-11 t / ha. The berries begin to ripen in the first decade of August, fruiting continues until frost, the potential yield is realized by 65 - 75%. Fruits weighing 3.0 - 3.5 g, blunt-conical, golden-apricot color, well separated from the fruit, with small, firmly linked drupes. Dessert berries with a delicate "raspberry" aroma, tender juicy pulp. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing.

This variety has become widespread for the original, attractive color of berries and their high taste. Recommended for growing in all raspberry growing areas.


Repaired domestic raspberry variety with predominant fruiting on annual shoots. The bush is medium-sized, slightly spreading, the shoot-forming ability is average, the shoots are upright, strongly branching, the fruiting zone is more than half of their length. Annual shoots of medium thickness, gray-brown, with a waxy coating, prickly. Thorns are hard, thin, straight, light purple, located along the entire length of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, almost flat, green.

Productivity is 1 - 1.5 kg per bush, or - 4-5 t / ha, berries begin to ripen in the second half of August, fruiting continues until frost, potential yield is realized by 40 - 60%. Berries of medium size (weight 2 - 3 g and up to 4 g), rounded-conical, bright red, transportable, well separated from the fruit plant, with heterogeneous, but firmly linked drupes. Berries are sweet and sour with a delicate "raspberry" aroma, suitable for fresh consumption and processing.

The variety is popular for its abundant autumn fruiting and good fruit quality. Recommended for cultivation in the Central, Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions of Russia.

"Babe SUMMER 2"

Repaired high-yielding raspberry variety. The bush is medium-sized (1.2 - 1.6 m), slightly spreading. Shoot-forming ability is moderate (4-5 replacement shoots). Shoots are erect, strongly branching, not lodging under the weight of the crop, the fruiting zone is 2/3 of their length. Annual shoots are thick and medium, at first green, by autumn they are bright purple, with a wax coating, prickly. Thorns of medium hardness, prickly, thin, straight, with a base, purple, located along the entire length of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, slightly wrinkled, slightly curled, green, by autumn they acquire an anthocyanin hue.

Productivity - up to 2.0 - 2.5 kg per bush, or 12 t / ha, the beginning of berry ripening - in the first decade of August, long-term fruiting, potential yield in the center of the European part of Russia is realized by 80 - 90%. Berries are sweet and sour, dessert, with tender, juicy pulp, suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing. Differs in high tolerance to major fungal diseases and raspberry mite resistance. Berries of medium size (weight 3 - 3.5 g), broadly blunt-conical, well separated from the fruit-bearing, with uniform, firmly linked small drupes.

The variety Indian Summer 2 is popular for its abundant autumn fruiting, early ripening of the crop and good fruit quality. Recommended for regions of Russia suitable for the cultivation of raspberries.


Repaired raspberry variety for low-cost and environmentally friendly cultivation technology with annual removal of the aerial part after fruiting. The bush is medium-sized - up to 1.5 m tall, spreading, forms 5 - 6 replacement shoots and 1 - 3 root suckers. Annual shoots of medium thickness, purple, with a strong waxy coating, slightly spiny. The thorns are soft, located at the base of the stem. Leaves are medium-sized, green, with an anthocyanin tint. Shoots are of medium drooping; the fruiting zone takes up more than half of their length.

Productivity is high - up to 2.5 - 3.0 kg of berries per bush, or up to 16 t / ha. The berries begin to ripen in the first decade of August, the fruiting is extended. Before the onset of autumn frosts, 80 - 90% of the potential harvest ripens. The berries are large (average weight 4.0 - 4.5 g, maximum weight - 7.2 g), conical shape, ruby ​​color with a bright "brilliant" shine, well separated from the fruit-bearing, transportable, after ripening they can take a long time (5-7 days) stay on the bush without decay and a decrease in quality indicators. The taste of berries is sweet and sour, dessert, juicy pulp, berries are suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing.

This variety was recognized for its abundant fruiting, attractive color and high quality indicators of berries, decorative appearance of the bush. Recommended for growing in the Central, Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions of Russia.


An outstanding large-fruited remontant raspberry variety, with predominant fruiting on annual shoots in late summer - early autumn. Forms an elegant bush of 4 - 6 highly branching shoots 1.6 - 1.75 m high, the autumn fruiting zone takes up to 2/3 of their length. Shoots are erect, thick and medium, prickly, at the beginning of the season with a slight anthocyanin tint, and in the fall - intensely anthocyanin. The leaves are large, wrinkled, dark green.

The yield is high - 12 - 17 t / ha (2.5 - 3.0 kg per bush). The beginning of ripening of berries is in the second decade of August, fruiting is long. Potential yield is realized by 70 - 90% before autumn frosts. The berries are very large (average weight 5 - 6 g, maximum - 11 g), attractive elongated-conical shape ("chiseled"), with uniform drupes, red, dense. The berries taste sweet and sour, they are suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing.

This variety received recognition for its very large beautiful berries and consistently high yields.


A repairing variety with early fruiting. The bush is medium-sized (120 - 140 cm), compact. Shoot-forming ability is average (4-6 pcs.). Shoots are erect, geniculate, branch well, the fruiting zone takes up more than half of their length. Annual shoots are thin and medium, prickly, thorns are concentrated in the lower part of the stem. Leaves are medium, green, wrinkled.

Productivity 10-15 t / ha. Begins to bear fruit in the 3rd decade of July on deep laterals, and then fruiting gradually passes to annual shoots. Autumn harvest in conditions of central Russia is 1.5 - 2.0 kg per bush. Berries are medium-sized, weighing 3.0 - 4.0 g (maximum - 6.2 g), beautiful elongated shape, bright red, sweet and sour taste. The harvest is fully ripe by mid-September.

Advantages: fruitful, early ripening variety.


Large-fruited remontant raspberry variety with upright shoots that do not require support. Suitable for low-cost and environmentally friendly cultivation technology with annual removal of the aboveground part after fruiting. The bush is medium-sized, slightly spreading, the shoot-forming ability is low (3-4 replacement shoots). The shoots are strong, erect, the fruiting zone is half their length. Annual shoots of medium thickness, turn purple by autumn, with a wax coating, prickly. Thorns are hard, prickly, thin, straight with a downward slope, light brown along the entire length of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, wrinkled, twisted, dark green.

Productivity 2.0 - 2.5 kg per bush, or 10-12 t / ha. The berries begin to ripen in the first half of August, fruiting continues until frost, the potential yield is realized by 60 - 80%. The berries are very large (average weight 5 - 6 g, maximum - 10 g), truncated-conical shape, rich ruby ​​color, dense, transportable, with homogeneous, firmly linked drupes. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour, refreshing, suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing. Differs in resistance to fungal diseases and to raspberry mites.

This variety was recognized for its very large beautiful berries, stable yields, upright habitus of the bush, resistance to major diseases and pests. Recommended for industrial cultivation in the regions of Russia.


One of the outstanding remontant varieties, distinguished by its large size, yield and unique early maturity. The bush is upright, 1.3 - 1.6 m high, forms 5 - 6 shoots of replacement, moderate overgrowth, stem type shoots, the zone of autumn fruiting occupies more than half of their length. Annual shoots are thick, purple by the end of the growing season, with a strong wax coating, prickly. Spines are concentrated at the base of the shoot, in the middle and upper parts, rare, short, with a base. The leaves are large, green, wrinkled. Due to its peculiar, slightly pointed, delicately arranged leaves, the standard type of bush and abundant fruiting, the variety is an original decoration of the garden and can be widely used for decorative purposes.

Productivity 2.2 - 2.6 kg per bush, or 15 t / ha. Ripening of berries begins in early August. The variety is distinguished by an early and tight fruiting period. Potential productivity is fully realized by mid-September. The berries are large (weighing 3.7 - 4.5 g and up to 6.3 g), conical, dark crimson, dense, transportable, well separated from the fruit. Ripe berries can hang on the bush for 5-7 days without losing quality indicators. The berries taste sweet and sour; they are suitable for fresh and processed consumption, as well as for deep freezing.

The Eurasia variety is appreciated for its upright habitus of the bush, high yield, large, dense berries of good taste, early and harmonious ripening of the crop, promising for machine harvesting. Differs in resistance to diseases and pests, is able to grow and give high yields in various soil and climatic conditions.


Repaired high-yielding raspberry variety. The bush is 1.6 - 1.9 m high, slightly spreading, the fruiting zone occupies more than half the length of the shoot. Shoot-forming ability is good (5-7 replacement shoots). Annual shoots are thick, green, prickly. Thorns are thin, soft, concentrated in the lower and middle parts of the shoot. Leaves are medium in size, green, slightly wrinkled.

Productivity is 14-15 t / ha and more (2.2 - 2.5 kg per bush). The berries begin to ripen in the second half of August, the potential yield is realized by 70 - 90%. The berries are large (4.2 - 4.6 g, maximum - 6.0 g), one-dimensional, conical, attractive in color, with uniform, firmly adhered drupes. Fruits are sweet and sour, dessert, with tender, juicy pulp, suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing.

This variety received recognition for its high productivity, attractive color and dessert taste of berries. Recommended for cultivation in the Central, Central Black Earth regions of Russia.


The largest yellow raspberry variety. The bush is powerful, up to 2.5 m high. The shoots must be fixed on a trellis. Forms a lot of growth.

High productivity - 5-12 kg per bush. The berries are very large (5-10 gr.), yellow color, blunt-conical, juicy and very sweet. Dessert taste. Transportability is low. Winter hardy. Disease resistant. Semi-renovated.


A repaired fruitful variety for the southern regions of Russia. The bush is of medium thickness, compact, medium-tall shoots, 1.7 - 2.0 m high, thick, straight. Shoot-forming ability is average (6-7 shoots per bush). Annual shoots are purple, with a weak waxy coating, prickly along the entire length of the shoot.

Productivity - up to 1.5 - 2.0 kg per bush, or 8-9 t / ha. Berries of medium size (weight 2.7 - 3.5 g), blunt-conical, ruby, dense, homogeneous drupes, medium-linked with the fruit. Berries are sweet and sour, with aroma, juicy pulp and small seeds, suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of processing. Winter hardiness is above average, resistance to major fungal diseases at the level of the best standard varieties, resistant to raspberry mites.

The variety was recognized for its high productivity, good quality of berries and remontability of fruiting. Recommended for growing in the North Caucasian and Middle Volga regions of Russia.


Large-fruited remontant variety with bright golden yellow fruits. Suitable for low-cost and environmentally friendly cultivation technology with annual removal of the aboveground part after fruiting. The bush is medium-sized (1.5 - 1.6 m), the shoot-forming ability is good (5-7 replacement shoots). The shoots are medium-wilted, the fruiting zone takes up more than half of their length. Annual shoots are medium and thin, green, by the end of the growing season they are light brown in the lower part, and light green, slightly thorny in the upper part. The thorns are soft, short, concentrated at the base and sparse throughout the shoot. The lower fruit branches are long - up to 60 cm, have several orders of branching. Leaves are medium, light green, slightly wrinkled.

The yield is high - up to 15 t / ha and more. The beginning of ripening of berries - in the second half of August, long-term fruiting. Potential yield is realized by 90 - 100% before autumn frosts. The berries are large (weighing 4.5 - 5.0 g, maximum -7.0 g), beautiful elongated-conical "chiseled" shape, dense, transportable, drupes are small, homogeneous, tightly adhered to each other. Dessert berries with a delicate "raspberry" aroma. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing.

This variety received recognition for its high productivity, large-fruited, unusual for yellow-fruited varieties, attractive color and dessert taste of berries. Recommended for cultivation in the Central, Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions of Russia.


Repaired raspberry variety with abundant fruiting on annual shoots. The bush is powerful, spreading, high (1.8 - 2.0 m), the zone of autumn fruiting is 0.9 - 1.1 m.Shoots are distinguished by a high saturation of long (up to 60 cm), highly branched (3-5 orders of branching) fruit twigs, their total length is more than 4.5 m. Annual shoots of medium thickness, at first light green, by autumn acquire an anthocyanin hue, with a waxy bloom, prickly. Leaves are medium-sized, green with a glossy sheen, with a slight relief.

Productivity 12 - 14 t / ha (1.5 - 2.0 kg per bush). The beginning of ripening is mid-August, long-term fruiting. Potential yield is realized by 60 - 80% before autumn frosts. Berries are medium-sized (3.0 - 3.7 g), rounded, dark cherry color with a bright shine, well separated from fruit, sweet-sour taste. Differs in high resistance to fungal diseases and pests.


Large-fruited remontant yellow-fruited variety with unique bright orange berries of high taste. The bush is medium-sized (1.5 - 1.7 m), the shoot-forming ability is moderate (5-7 replacement shoots), the growth of shoots is good. The shoots are medium-wilted, the fruiting zone takes up half of their length. Annual shoots are medium and thick, green, by the end of the growing season light brown in the lower part, and light green, thorny in the upper part.

Productivity 10-13 t / ha (2.0-2.5 kg per bush). The beginning of berry ripening is mid-August, long-term fruiting. Potential yield is realized by 70 - 85% before autumn frosts. The berries are large, weighing 6.0 - 7.0 g (maximum -9.0 g), very attractive, elongated-blunt-conical "chiseled" shape, rich orange with shine, dessert sweet-sour taste with a delicate "raspberry" aroma. Resistant to major fungal diseases and pests.


Early ripening remontant variety with standard type of bush. Forms a low (1.1 - 1.3 m), compact bush of 5 - 8 shoots, the zone of autumn fruiting is 50 - 65 cm. Shoots are upright, strong, standard type, prickly. Thorns are dark, medium, concentrated in the lower part of the shoot.

Productivity - 10 - 11 t / ha (1.5 - 2.0 kg per bush). Differs in an early and compressed period of fruiting, the crop fully ripens in the first half of September. The berries are large (4.0 - 5.0 g), dense, easily separated from the fruit, round-conical, dark crimson, drupes are small, even. After ripening, the fruits can hang on the bush for up to 5 days without losing quality. Resistant to major diseases and pests.

Advantages: upright bush habit, one of the earliest selections, promising for mechanized harvesting.


Highly productive remontant raspberry variety with predominant fruiting on annual shoots. The bush is medium-sized (1.2 - 1.5 m), forms 6 - 7 replacement shoots. The shoots are medium-wilted, arched, the fruiting zone takes up more than half of their length. Annual shoots are medium and thin, reddish-purple, prickly. Thorns in the lower part of the shoot are thin and long, reddish; in the middle and upper parts, they are sparse, soft, purple. Leaves are medium in size, green, slightly wrinkled.

Productivity is high - up to 2.3 - 2.8 kg of berries per bush, or 15-17 t / ha, the beginning of ripening is mid-August, fruiting is long, potential yield is realized by 80 - 90% before autumn frosts. The berries are large (average weight 4.5 - 5.5 g, maximum - 8.4 g), beautiful elongated-cylindrical shape, bright ruby ​​color, dense, firmly adhered to the fruit. Berries have a sweet and sour, refreshing taste, suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing, including deep freezing.

Advantages: high yield, large berries, attractive appearance, transportable.

Updated: 08.08.2018 11:31:33

Expert: Evgeny Golubev - senior specialist of the agricultural holding

Raspberries are not only delicious, but also useful berry, which pleases summer residents and gardeners in the summer. There are many varieties of this dwarf shrub, which differ not only in taste, color and size of fruits, but also in other important qualities.

Varieties of raspberry varieties

Usually the shrub bears fruit the next year after planting the seedling. There is a remontant raspberry on which berries grow in the first year of life. Its fruiting ends with the onset of autumn frosts. There are other types of raspberries:

  1. Large-fruited I am. Berries weigh up to 20 g. This species is distinguished by high yield and excellent taste.
  2. Stamper... It has strong shoots and resembles a small tree.
  3. Classic... A reliable variety that takes root well.

All these types of raspberries can be both early and late ripening. Do right choice the ranking of the best varieties will help, which is compiled on the basis of a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of varieties.

Rating of the best varieties of raspberries

Nomination place Name of product rating
The best remontant varieties of raspberries 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.8
5 4.7
6 4.6
7 4.5
The best classic raspberries 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.6
5 4.5
6 4.5
The best standard raspberry varieties 1 4.9
2 4.8

The best remontant varieties of raspberries

It is a particularly popular plant with large fruits - up to ten grams by weight. Hercules berries have a ruby ​​color and are resistant to weevils. They calmly endure transportation. The fruit tastes slightly sour. This raspberry is eaten in any form. It is used to make compotes, jams and preserves. Fresh, not everyone likes it because of its sourness. However, in this case, much depends on climatic conditions and soil composition. The best region for Hercules is the middle zone of the Russian Federation. The variety also grows well in the south.


    good transport tolerance over long distances;

    large fruits of marketable appearance;

    resistance to pest infestation.


    difficulty in harvesting due to the large number of thorns;

    not suitable for the northern regions of the country;

    acid in taste.

This raspberry variety is a highly growing shrub that is rarely affected by disease. Its berries are quite large and have a dark red hue. Raspberries bear fruit from the middle of the third summer month. Competent feeding will allow you to harvest twice a season. The variety is perfect for compotes and jam. Even after freezing, the berries look great. It is important to prune the branches of the shrub after harvest, otherwise the fruits will be smaller next year. Despite the need for proper care, Polka deserves to be in the ranking of the best on a par with other varieties.


    perfect appearance of berries;

    good productivity;

    high rate of resistance to diseases and pests;

    lack of large thorns;

    good transportability.


    does not tolerate frost and temperature rises (above 35);

    development of root diseases is possible.

This is an early maturing crop that many gardeners prefer to grow. It is distinguished by its exquisite taste and wonderful aroma of berries. Fruiting until October. Raspberry has a rich ruby ​​hue. The taste of the fruit may vary depending on weather conditions. This plant needs constant feeding. It takes root best on loamy soils that have neutral acidity.


    early ripeness of fruits;

    compact shrubs;

    pleasant taste.


    drying out of berries due to the heat and with poor-quality care;

    low transportability;

    the risk of chlorosis.

This raspberry variety is characterized by early fruiting. Berries are visible at the end of July, the whole harvest ripens before cold snaps. Up to two kilograms are harvested from one bush, in rare cases up to five. More than half of the height of the shoots bear fruit. Shrubs branch well and grow straight. Bryansk jubilee berries are red, weighing up to 6 grams. They have a beautiful elongated shape and sweet and sour taste. Raspberries of this variety are used to prepare compotes, jams, and pies.


    high productivity;

    early maturation;

    original appearance;

    good taste.


  • medium-sized berries.

The Kalashnik raspberry variety is considered a raspberry by both amateurs and professionals. It deserves to be ranked among the best species already because it has been grown for several decades and is considered proven. It is appreciated for its dessert taste, juiciness, decent productivity and large fruits. The berries are well separated from the fruit. They are quite transportable, provided there is sufficient feeding. The plant has excellent resistance to gray mold, otherwise it is at the level of standard species. Kalashnik is recommended for growing in regions with mild, long autumn. Begins to bear fruit in early August.


    high productivity;


    immunity to gray mold;

    pleasant taste and good quality;

    good survival rate of seedlings;

    resistance to dry weather.



    autumn harvest ripens late.

Bryansk breeders have developed the Orange Miracle raspberry variety, which justifies its name by its appearance. The velvety berries of the shrub are rather large (up to 8 grams). They bark orange, turn pinkish under the sun, and turn yellow during rain. The fruits are firmly held on their stalks and rarely fall to the ground, even if they are overripe. Their taste depends on the climate of the region. The more sun the crop receives, the sweeter the raspberries will be. Fruit ripening begins at the end of July and lasts until the first frosty days. Up to three kilograms of good berries are obtained from one bush. They do not lose their taste for up to 14 days if stored in the refrigerator. They are canned, frozen and dried.


    high yield rates;

    good keeping quality and transportability;

    frost resistance (up to minus 25 degrees);

    long lasting life cycle;

    hypoallergenic variety;

    high culinary properties.


    very sharp thorns;

    lack of immunity to gray rot;

    poor drought tolerance.

The popular raspberry variety called the Firebird has not been bypassed by the rating of the best. The shrub takes up little space due to its compactness. He feels great in the middle lane, which is why gardeners of Central Russia love him so much. The branches have soft and thin thorns. The berries have a glossy surface, bright scarlet color and juicy pulp. They are eaten both fresh and after defrosting and processing. They ripen at the end of the summer season.


    disease resistance;

    bears fruit 2 times a season;

    good transportability.


    late ripening;

    does not tolerate drought very well.

The best classic raspberries

Raspberries are attractive with their ideal taste, excellent winter hardiness and a stable annual yield. Its fruits ripen one of the first among others. The berries are beautiful in outward appearance and color. They cannot be confused with other varieties. 2-3 kilograms of fruit are obtained from one bush. They are slightly oblong and crimson. They are loved for their juiciness, aroma and tenderness. The shrub successfully adapts to different climates. It is advised to pick the berries carefully and not to overripe if they are to be transported. For the same reason, it is not recommended to pour the collected fruits from one cup to another.


    small thorns on the shoots;

    the ability to adapt to weather conditions;

    reference taste of berries;

    fruits are easily separated;

    minimal care for the raspberry tree.


    not too high transportability of berries;

    instability to pests and diseases.

This mid-early raspberry variety was obtained by crossing two others - Novost Kuzmina and Kitaevskaya. If you take proper care of Novokitaevskaya raspberries, you can get up to four kilograms of harvest from one shrub. Despite their low weight, raspberries have acceptable consumer qualities. They are dark red in color, juicy flesh and sweet taste with a raspberry aroma. The pest resistance of the variety is average.


    stable high yield;

    winter hardiness;

    pleasant taste and aroma.


    susceptibility to viral diseases;

    berries are not transportable;

    a large number of thorns.

Raspberries of the Meteor variety definitely deserve to be in the rating of the best due to their high consumer qualities. It was obtained by crossing Novost Kuzmina and Bulgarian Ruby varieties. The fruit of the Meteor is medium in size, their weight is no more than three grams. Ruby fruits look very appetizing and have a slight waxy coating. Their density allows you to safely freeze and transport the product. This type of raspberry ripens at the end of the first month of summer and is highly resistant to fungi.


    good transportation;

    excellent taste;

    unpretentious care;

    a small number of thorns;

    strong winter hardiness.


    medium-sized berries;

    low yield compared to other modern species.

For several decades, the raspberry variety Balsam has been successfully cultivated in Russia. It is suitable for growing in almost all parts of the country. The size of the berries is medium, the weight is about three grams. They ripen from late June to early July. On the surface, there is a slight bloom and slight pubescence.


    berries are suitable for transportation;

    winter hardiness;

  • the possibility of growing throughout the territory of the Russian Federation (except for Siberia and the Urals);
  • good drought tolerance;

    disease resistance;

    early ripening.


    primitive fruit taste;

    not too high yield without proper feeding and thinning.

The breeders who bred this raspberry variety were awarded medals for their work. Therefore, the next grade of the rating was deservedly called the Reward. It is recommended for cultivation in many cities of Russia, except for the Far East and some regions of Siberia. This raspberry variety can withstand severe winters and unexpected thaws. Amicable fruiting allows you to harvest the entire crop in 3-4 weeks. Round berries have a bright raspberry color, intense aroma and sweet-sour taste. Raspberries are eaten both fresh and dried.


    few thorns;

    excellent quality berries;

    unpretentious cultivation;

    damping-off resistance;

    good winter hardiness.


    high risk of damage by pests and infections.

Mirage belongs to mid-late varieties of raspberries and occupies one of the leading places in terms of yield. Up to six kilograms of fruit are harvested from one bush. With proper use of agricultural technology, the weight of berries can reach twelve grams. Their shape is conical, and their color is matte bright red. They have an excellent taste and a slight touch of sourness, which is harmoniously combined with sweetness. In the middle lane, the fruits ripen from mid-July. The bushes are not afraid of winter and spring thaws, they tolerate heat well.


    excellent taste;

    super high productivity;

    good transportability.


    thin shoots that bend when the harvest is plentiful;

    not high frost resistance.

The best standard raspberry varieties

The Tarusa raspberry variety is the very first standard crop variety bred in the Russian Federation. The stems of the shrub are strong and erect. This variety can withstand frosts down to minus 30 degrees and belongs to the mid-late species. The berries ripen at the end of the second summer month. They have a deep red hue and often undergo external deformations - they are bent, squeezed. Therefore, their shape cannot be called ideal. The weight of one fruit can be up to 10 grams. Raspberry flavor is not very expressive, but pleasant. Many people like it due to its juiciness. The shrub is grown in the temperate and southern latitudes of the country.


    withstands frost;


    high yield rates;

    resistance to pests;

    berries retain their appearance during transportation;

    good immunity to diseases.


    low taste;

    crop instability.

The rating of the best raspberry varieties would not be complete without the Monomakh Cap. This is a remontant species that allows you to get two harvests per season. Huge fruits appear on the tree-like shrub, which reach 30 grams. They are colored red and do not immediately separate from the cutting. Outwardly, raspberries resemble strawberries, only slightly elongated. On average, one bush gives up to five kilograms of berries per season. Under favorable conditions, the amount of the crop reaches eight kilograms. Weak side the cultivar is disease-resistant.


    high taste;

    large fruits;

    large amount of harvest.


    susceptibility to fungal and viral diseases;

    vulnerability during early thaws.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Varietal types of raspberries

Raspberries can be divided into 4 groups (types):

Plain garden raspberry- these are traditional varieties of the last century, with a berry size of up to 4 g. Previously, there were no raspberries with large berries. Harvest from a bush no more than 2 kg. The best varieties regular raspberries

Large-fruited raspberry- the weight of the berries of these varieties of raspberries is up to 12 g (for forest raspberries, the berries are 0.3-0.5 g). The bush is relatively low and thick. True, due to drought, large-fruited varieties may be left without a crop. The best varieties of large-fruited raspberries.

Stock raspberry- The best varieties of standard raspberries.

Annual (remontant) raspberry- yields a harvest in the first year, that is, one summer passes from germination to harvest (that is why it is called one-year), the term for the consumption of raspberries is right up to October 10-20. In terms of yield, taste, size of berries, it surpasses ordinary raspberries. Tapestries are not required for her. The best varieties of annual remontant raspberries.

The best varieties of traditional summer fruiting

Everyone loves to feast on raspberries in early summer. Here you can not do without modern summer varieties that bear fruit on the shoots of last year.

‘News Kuzmin’, ‘Early Sweet’, ‘Sweet,’, ‘Malakhovka’, ‘Shosha’, ‘Caprice of the Gods’, ‘Sorceress’, ‘Balm’.

Lyashka, Lashka (Laszka)

Lyashka - variety early maturing with a long fruiting period. Polish industrial variety, medium-sized or vigorous up to 2.5 m.

Stems are rigid, curved in the upper part, with small, almost not prickly spines. Fruit twigs are formed on two-year-old shoots and in large numbers.

Differs in high productivity, about 17-20 t / ha. Dense berries with good transportability.

Drought-resistant and winter-hardy. Protection against fungal diseases is required. It is appreciated for its large berries with a dessert flavor and for an extended period of fruiting. Very suitable for home and commercial gardening.

Glen Fine

New mid-early Scottish variety. Most fruitful summer variety of raspberries. In industrial plantings, it gives up to 30-35 t / ha. Bushes are medium-sized - 1.5-2 m. Shoots are smooth. Forms fruit clusters of 20-25 berries each. Very long fruiting period - one and a half months bears fruit. Berries are red-raspberry, medium-sized, excellent sweet taste, well tolerated during transportation. Resistant to disease.

Glen Fine - very suitable for home cultivation... Recognized as England's Best Summer Variety 2009.

Delight Cascade

New American variety, medium in terms of ripening. Begins fruiting 7-10 days later than the Glen Fine variety. Bushes are powerful, low. Shoots are upright, almost smooth. The berries are large, sweet, aromatic, with a caramel aftertaste.

The variety forms a powerful root system, resistant to root rot. It adapts to different growing conditions, tolerates heat and rainy weather.

The yield is high - 4-5 kg ​​per bush. Fruiting 3-3.5 weeks.

The Delight Cascade is suitable for hobby and industrial horticulture.


A medium late ripening variety (from mid-July), bred in Canada. Vigorous bush, spiny shoots. Great taste of large aromatic berries- the ideal raspberry flavor in Europe. The berries are large, 5-7 g, elongated, red-raspberry, shiny, beautiful and very tasty.

Tulamin is resistant to disease. It tolerates frost well. Berries tolerate transportation.


New variety of English selection of raspberries. Long fruiting period. Shoots are medium-sized, not prickly. Ripens two weeks after the Glen Ample variety. High-yielding, up to 25 t / ha. The berries are large (average weight 6-8 g), bright red, dense, round-conical, withstand transportation, with excellent taste and aroma. They last longer than the Glen Ample variety.

Octavia - winter hardy variety, tolerates frosts down to -30 °. Resistant to diseases of vegetative organs.


Medium-late variety, obtained at the Polish Institute of Horticulture. Fruiting on two-year-old shoots. Vigorous shoots, tough, curved at the top, thornless. The berries are large and very large, conical, dark red with a slight bloom, with dense pulp. Winter hardy, quite resistant to fungal diseases. The berries tolerate storage and transportation.

Glen Ample

A mid-late raspberry variety with an extended fruiting period, bred in Scotland, one of the most common in Europe. The main crop is harvested in the summer on biennial shoots, bears fruit from the end of June (for the middle lane).

Vigorous shrub up to 2-3.5 m. Stiff shoots without thorns. On each shoot, 20-30 fruit branches are formed, on which up to 20 berries are formed.

Berries weighing 5-6 g, up to 10 g, round-conical, dense, transportable, dull red, juicy, aromatic, sweet and sour with a tasting score of 9 points.

The yield of one shoot is 1.2-1.6 kg. With industrial cultivation and planting with an interval of 0.5 m between plants and 3 m between rows, the yield is about 22 t / ha.

Winter hardiness and drought resistance received an assessment of 9 points, resistance to diseases - 8 points, to pests - 7-8 points. Susceptible to viruses. It is not damaged by aphids.

Glen Prosen

Variety of medium ripening, English selection. Shoots are tall, erect, powerful, without thorns. Fruiting on two-year-old shoots. Berries are bright red, round or round-conical, dense, pleasant taste, transportable. The yield on each shoot is up to 1 kg per season, about 15 tons / ha. Winter hardy, resistant to major diseases. Drought tolerant.


New medium early, unrepairable, high yielding grade.

The bush is upright, powerful up to 3 m high, does not require support, sprawling shoots, almost thornless, little overgrowth.

Berries are dark raspberry, truncated-conical, large (3.5-5 g), transportable, juicy with a sweet and sour dessert taste, aromatic, rich in vitamin C and sugars.

Withstands prolonged summer drought and winters with little snow with frosts up to 25-30 ° C. It is resistant to fungal diseases and pests.

It gives an average yield and varietal qualities under unfavorable growing conditions. Under the most favorable conditions, the yield will triple, and the average berry size is up to 10 g. In this case, the shoots will sag under the weight of the harvest and you cannot do without a trellis.


New medium early, large-fruited, high-yielding, non-repairing winter-hardy variety, bred at the Kokinsky base. From one bush, the yield is up to 4 kg, the total productivity is 113 c / ha.

The berries are cone-shaped, slightly pubescent, bright red, large (3.5-4 g), sweet and sour, but practically without a characteristic raspberry aroma. Tasting score 4 points.

The bush is sprawling, medium-sized, requiring a garter, prone to overgrowth, the amount of growth is moderate. Shoots are erect, light brown, covered with thorns. The leaves are large, wrinkled, dark green, devoid of pubescence.

Quite resistant to fungal diseases.


super early, semi-renovated grade. The crop is harvested in the first half of June. In favorable weather, it forms autumn harvest on the tops of annual shoots.

The bushes are erect, up to 2 m high, slightly spreading. The ability to shoot is average. Slightly spiny shoots.

Berries are transportable, medium-large (up to 3-3.5 g), hemispherical, ruby ​​color, dessert taste with aroma, attractive. Ascorbic acid in pulp is up to 24 mg%, vitamin P - 60 mg%, anthocyanins - 162 mg%, dry matter - 10.4%, sugars - 8.2%, acids - 1.1%. Productivity from 1 bush is about 2.0 kg, or up to 110 kg / ha. Differs in a friendly return of the harvest.

Resistant to fungal diseases, raspberry mite, purple spot tolerant, winter-hardy.

Materials used: hozvo.ru/news/garden/Letnyayamalina/

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Raspberry menu

The best varieties of large-fruited raspberries

‘Red Guard’, ‘White Guard’, ‘Chief Marshal’, ‘Favorite’, ‘Patricia’, ‘Pride of Russia’, ‘Beauty of Russia’, ‘Generalissimus’, ‘Taganka’.


The variety is large-fruited, medium-late summer ripening, non-renovated (traditional), standard.

Bushes up to 1.8 m high, semi-spreading, annually form 6-10 replacement shoots and 5-7 root suckers. Annual shoots of medium thickness, straight, pubescent, low to medium waxy coating, without thorns.

Yielding(250 kg per hundred square meters or 4-7 kg per bush). Differs in amicable ripening of berries. Poor transportability. Dessert appointment. Large berries 4-12 g, truncated-conical, with a velvety surface, medium density, well removed from the fruit, with few small seeds. When fully ripe, they do not crumble for a long time. The taste is sweet with a raspberry aroma. Tasting score 4.0 points.

Leaves are large and medium, flat, slightly wrinkled, crenate margins, light green, mostly five-leafed. When blooming, reddish brown.

Patricia is resistant to major diseases. Moderate winter hardiness, bending is required for the winter shoots.


Brand new remontant, differs high yield(at least 5 kg per bush). The bush is medium-sized (up to 2 m), there are a lot of shoots: overgrown - 4-5 stems, replacement shoots at least 8-12. One of the best


varieties of large-fruited type. On annual shoots, thorns are short and small, black-purple, plastic (not piercing). Ripening dates - early and mid-early. The berries are large (from 4 to 10 g), red, slightly pubescent, blunt-conical, easily removed from the fruit, but do not crumble for a long time. The variety is resistant to pests and fungal diseases.

The best varieties of standard raspberries

‘Patricia’ is ideal for the grower; ‘Divine’, ‘Lovely’, ‘Time to the North’ - it is grown even north of the Arctic Circle.


Variety medium-late, large-fruited non-repairable standard, with strongly thickened shoots, firm and tough.

The bushes do not require supports, with a height of about 1.5 m.

The berries are large (4-12 g), blunt-conical, bright red, shiny, easily removed from the fruit-bearing, dense and withstand transportation, sweet with a "raspberry" aroma.

The yield is high - about 200 kg per one hundred square meters or 3-4 kg per bush, and when manure is applied, the yield is twice as large.

Bushes with a height of about 1.5 m, form 8-10 shoots of replacement and 4-5 root suckers, not spreading over the site. Annual shoots are erect, thick, firm, internodes are shortened. Non-runaway shoots with a rosette of leaves at the top, covered with pubescent, with a wax coating, without thorns,

The branches have up to 2-3 orders of branching, thickened, strong, of medium length, with 15-20 or more berries on them. The leaves are large, dark green, have a corrugated surface, their edges are bearded.

Does not freeze at temperatures down to –30 ° С; in more severe frosts, bending under the snow is required. It is better to bend the shoots in advance, when they are not yet brittle and bend well (at the end of September).

It is resistant to diseases and pests; in the presence of diseases, the yield does not decrease.


Variety medium-early, large-fruited, non-repairable.

Bushes 1.5-2.0 m high, spreading, form 8-12 replacement shoots and 5-8 root suckers, almost not spreading over the site. Annual shoots are thick, strong, thin at the top, non-sticking, without pubescence, with a waxy coating, without thorns. Internodes 3-5 cm. Fruit branches are thickened, have 2-4 orders of branching, form 15-20 berries and more. The leaves are large, dark green, with a corrugated surface, bearded edges.

Berries weighing 4-12 g, elongated (up to 4 cm), conical, dark red, shiny, dense, transportable, sweet with a "raspberry" aroma.

The yield is about 20 t / ha, or 4-5 kg ​​per bush, with the introduction of manure, the yield is twice as large. Bears fruit annually. It works better than other large-fruited varieties in dry years.

It does not freeze during frosts down to –30 ° C; in more severe frosts, bending under the snow is required.


Variety medium-early, large-fruited, non-repairable, high-yielding.

Bushes up to 2 meters high, compressed, semi-spreading. Shoots are resilient and strong, without thorns. Replacement shoots 8-10, root suckers 4-5; not prone to overgrowth, but need removing unnecessary shoots... It is better to leave no more than 10 fruiting shoots on the bush. The leaves are large with a sparse arrangement. Fruit branches are not brittle, prone to strong branching. Berries strongly bend the stems, therefore garters required.

Ripening berries amicable, begins in the first ten days of July, ends by the end of the month. Removing berries requires 4-5 harvests, the most significant are the second and third. High yielding(4-5 kg ​​and even more than 7 kg per bush). The berries are large (4–10 g), conical, bright red, shiny, dense, easily removed from the fruit. The taste is not inferior to forest raspberries. Dessert appointment. Transportability is good.

Does not freeze with frosts down to –30 ° С, with more severe frosts, bending under the snow is required.

Is different heat resistance, giving high yields in prolonged heat, when more than 30 ° C in the shade.

Resistance to diseases and pests is good; in the presence of diseases, the yield does not decrease.

The best varieties of annual remontant raspberries

Varieties of the XXI century

Raspberry varieties included in the State Register of the Russian Federation

The State Register includes about 90 varieties of raspberries.

Indian summer
Gift of Siberia
Amurchanka's daughter
Daughter of Vistula
For health
Zorenka Altai
Kaliningrad (Prussian)
Bryansk cascade (cascade)
Red rain
Amateur Sverdlovsk
Michurinskaya dessert
Molling Promise
Novosibirsk large
Kuzmin's news
Siberian fire
Omsk steppe
The charm
Early sweet
Early surprise
Bulgarian Ruby
Samara dense
Seedling Ruby
Sibiryanochka (Rhythm)
Tenkovskaya early
Chelyabinsk large-fruited
Youth of Agaves

Materials used: strawberryfarm.info/raspberry-sort-4.html