Leadership styles and management effectiveness. The choice of leadership style in the organization The problem of the effectiveness of management style

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3. Formation of individual style



Organizations that achieve success differ from those opposed to them in that they have more dynamic and effective leadership. The ability to lead is an innate property of a person, which can only be developed during life, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills for this and rethinking personal experience. Successful leadership requires taking into account the constantly changing conditions of life and activity of people, the degree of awareness of themselves as individuals, the level of their education. Leadership style is formed under the influence of traditions within the organization, the requirements from top management and under the influence of the personal qualities of the leader.

In order to properly manage people in the organization, the leader needs to choose a certain type of behavior in relations with subordinates in the process of achieving the goal, in other words, he needs to choose the style of leadership of the organization.

Each leader in the process of managerial activity performs his duties in his own style. The style of leadership is expressed in the methods by which the leader encourages the team to take an initiative and creative approach to the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, how he controls the results of the activities of his subordinates. The adopted leadership style can serve as a characteristic of the quality of the leader's activities, his ability to ensure effective management activities, as well as create a special atmosphere in the team that contributes to the development of favorable relationships and behavior. The extent to which a manager delegates authority, the types of authority he uses, and his concern primarily for human relations or task performance all reflect that leader's leadership style.

1. Classification of leadership styles

To get a general idea of ​​the style of leadership, let's consider two fundamentally different styles: one is conditionally called traditional, "conservative", and the other style - "modern".

There are times when, for some people and in some situations, the "traditional" style of leadership is more effective than the modern one.

If a subordinate does nothing worthy of praise, then he will not improve until he is clearly pointed out to his mistakes and ways to eliminate them. But, of course, at the first sign of improvement, he should be praised.

Even the most progressive leader is obliged, along with the latest methods of influencing subordinates, to master traditional ones in order to be able to maneuver flexibly depending on the nature of the subordinate and the current situation.

In the theory and practice of managerial activity, there are several approaches to the classification of the two leadership styles.

Based on the nature of the purpose of leadership, there are business and bureaucratic leadership styles.

The business style of leadership is manifested when the interests of the business, the ultimate goals of the team, are the most important for the leader.

The formation of the business style of leadership is based on the maximum use of the business qualities of the leader. The main qualities for developing a business style are the following qualities:

Ability to focus on the main goal of the team;

The ability to choose the shortest path to achieve the goal;

Independence of thinking, proactive and innovative approach to business;

Criticism of practical thinking;

Efficiency of decisions and actions;

Ability to flexible managerial activities;

Anticipation of new problems, the ability to deal with them before their resolution requires more effort;

Orientation to the competence of subordinates;

The ability to evaluate the results of activities at any stage from the standpoint of the interests of the case;

Personal organization and focus.

The bureaucratic management system is characterized by the dominance of the form (that is, the bureaucratic structure itself) over the content (tasks of production management). The bureaucratic style of leadership lies in the fact that the efforts of the leader are spent on secondary matters, although outwardly everything looks within the framework of formally correct actions. As a result, the essence of the case is sacrificed to the form.

The bureaucratic leadership style manifests itself when:

Blind faith in the rationality of once established organizational structures and order;

Installing a "weather vane", that is, the idea that the absolute criterion of importance is the opinion of higher authorities;

The remoteness of the internal patterns and goals of the bureaucratic hierarchy from the real demands of life;

Isolation from the masses. The bureaucrat stands above the masses and therefore occupies a privileged position;

Lack of control from below, lack of accountability of the staff of the apparatus to labor collectives;

. "infallibility" of executives. The decisions of the bureaucrat, in his opinion, are unique and indisputable;

The desire to shift responsibility to superiors. The result of this is irresponsibility, which is directly related to the tendency to redistribute responsibility, with the desire of the lower ones to shift it onto the shoulders of the higher ones (at the same time, the higher ones also seek to relieve themselves of responsibility by creating a system of visas and an approval procedure);

Red tape, replies;

Paper style of work - "paper fetishism";

Voluntarism, subjective, unreasonable management;

In real leadership practice, there are several basic leadership styles.

Management style is a way, a system of methods for influencing a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors in the effective operation of the organization, the full realization of the potential of people and the team. Most researchers distinguish the following leadership styles:

* Democratic style (collegiate);

* Liberal style (permissive or anarchist).

In life, it is difficult to meet representatives of these styles in their "pure form". Human nature is too complex to fit a certain standard.

1. The directive management style is characterized by high centralization of leadership, dominance of one-man management. The head demands that all cases be reported to him, single-handedly makes decisions or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team, he decides everything for the team himself. The prevailing methods of management are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the cause are placed much higher than the interests of people; harshness and rudeness prevail in communication.

Dictatorial style (the manager decides everything himself, employees perform under the threat of sanctions); - autocratic (the leader has at his disposal an extensive apparatus of power); - bureaucratic (the authority of the leader rests on the formal hierarchical provisions of the system); - patriarchal (the head has the authority of the "head of the family", employees trust him unlimitedly); - supportive (the leader uses his unique personal qualities and enjoys high authority, employees therefore follow his decisions).

Due to constant monitoring, this management style provides quite acceptable results of work (according to non-psychological criteria: profit, productivity, product quality can be good), but there are more disadvantages than advantages:

1) high probability of erroneous decisions;

2) suppression of initiative, creativity of subordinates, slowing down innovations, stagnation, passivity of employees;

3) people's dissatisfaction with their work, their position in the team;

4) an unfavorable psychological climate causes an increased psychological stress load, is harmful to mental and physical health.

But the autocrat also has attractive features. People of this type often have a lightning-fast reaction, are energetic and intelligent, and decisively overcome difficulties.

This management style is expedient and justified only in critical situations (accidents, military operations, etc.).

2. The democratic style of management is characterized by the distribution of authority, initiative and responsibility between the head and deputies, the head and subordinates. The head of the democratic style always finds out the opinion of the team on important production issues, makes collective decisions. Regularly and in a timely manner informing the members of the team on issues important to them. Communication with subordinates takes place in the form of requests, wishes, recommendations, advice, rewards for high-quality and efficient work, kindly and politely; orders are applied as necessary. The leader stimulates a favorable psychological climate in the team, defends the interests of subordinates.

Democratic (participatory) style also has options:

Communication style (the leader finds it difficult to make a decision and informs employees, the latter ask questions, express their opinion, however, in the end they must follow the instructions of the leader); - consultative management style (the same, but decisions are made jointly deliberatively); - joint decision (the head puts forward the problem, indicates the restrictions, the employees themselves make the decision, the head retains the right of veto).

The democratic style is the most effective, because it provides a high probability of correct balanced decisions, high production results of labor, initiative, employee activity, people's satisfaction with their work, team membership, a favorable psychological climate and team cohesion.

A democrat does not avoid responsibility for his own decisions or the mistakes of his subordinates, he praises or scolds according to his merits, he formulates his instructions clearly and convincingly. 3. The liberal management style is characterized, on the one hand, by the fact that everyone can express their positions, but they do not seek to achieve real accounting, harmonization of positions, and on the other hand, even the decisions made are not implemented, there is no control over their implementation, everything is put on “spontaneity”, as a result of which the results of work are usually low, people are not satisfied with their work, the leader, the psychological climate in the team is unfavorable, there is no cooperation, there is no incentive to work conscientiously, sections of work consist of individual interests of subgroup managers, hidden and obvious conflicts are possible, there is stratification into conflicting subgroups. As a result, such a leader “goes with the flow”, waits or requires instructions from above, or falls under the influence of the team. He prefers not to take risks, “keep his head down”, shirks the resolution of urgent conflicts, seeks to reduce his personal responsibility. This style of leadership is preferable in creative teams, where employees are distinguished by independence and creative individuality. There are no "bad" or "good" management styles. The specific situation, type of activity, personal characteristics of subordinates, and other factors determine the optimal ratio of each style and the prevailing leadership style. A study of the practice of managing organizations shows that each of the three leadership styles is present to one degree or another in the work of an effective leader.

Contrary to common stereotypes, the prevailing leadership style is practically independent of gender. (There is a misconception that female leaders are more gentle and focused primarily on maintaining good relationships with business partners, while male leaders are more aggressive and result-oriented.) The reasons for the separation of leadership styles may be more likely to be personality traits and temperament, rather than gender characteristics.

Successful leaders - both men and women - are not adherents of only one style. As a rule, they intuitively or quite consciously combine various leadership strategies.

Classification of management styles according to the primary criterion of management functions:

1 - Management through innovation (development of innovation - as a guiding task).

2 -- Control by target setting. (At each hierarchical level, goals are set, there is freedom in the method of achieving them, limited by estimates and control).

Advantages: freedom of realization, implementation of personal goals, responsibility for the result.

Disadvantages: rigid planning system, intensive control, lack of employee involvement, control costs.

3 -- Governance through goal alignment. (This is a mixed form of management through setting a goal and through the ownership of employees. Employees take part in setting goals).

Advantages: coordination of goals is the best condition for achieving them, freedom in implementation, focus on the goal, not the method, the implementation of personal goals in work, general control, responsibility, ownership.

Disadvantages: rigid planning system, time spent on approvals, contradictions with the hierarchical system, intensification of control.

4 -- Management through decision rules. 5 -- Management through motivation. 6 -- Management through coordination. 7 - Management only in exceptional cases (the manager leaves decisions related to the implementation of tasks to the employees).

Intervention occurs in exceptional cases (especially critical situations, ignoring the possibility of a solution, deviations from the set goals).

2. The effectiveness of management style

The success of a management style can be judged by its impact on profits and costs. The assessment should also use criteria related to the tasks:

Product development; - organizations; - personnel management (duration of absence, job satisfaction, willingness to change jobs, self-esteem, creativity, initiative, readiness to study).

Finally, the application of management styles has certain limitations (legal, ethical, entrepreneurial values).

The effectiveness of management styles cannot be assessed outside of specific situations. This should take into account:

Personal qualities (perceptions of values, self-knowledge, main position, attitude to risk, the role of personal motives, authority, production and creative potential, level of education); - dependence on upcoming tasks (whether they contain creative or innovative elements, degree of formulation, experience in solving them, whether they are solved according to plan or as sudden ones, whether they should be performed individually or in a group, deadline pressure); - organizational conditions (the degree of rigidity of the organizational structure, centralized and decentralized problem solving, the number of decision-making instances, the clarity of information and communication paths, the degree of control); - environmental conditions (degree of stability, conditions of material support, social security, dominant social values ​​and structures).

The preference of the management style depending on the extreme (idealized) situations is shown in Table.

Characteristics of situations

Management styles


Personal qualities

Pessimistic outlook, great steepness, striving for reliability, little own initiative. Fulfillment of duty

Optimistic worldview, low steepness, willingness to take risks, high own initiative. Creativity/Innovation

Conditions for setting tasks

Clearly defined, extensive experience, planned tasks, individualized tasks, deadline pressure

Loosely defined, little experience, impromptu assignments, no deadline pressure

Organizational conditions

Strict organization, formal structures, centralized distribution, single authority, vertical information

Loose organization, informal structures, decentralized distribution, multiple instances, free information

Environmental conditions

Prosperity. Liberated Values

If such idealized situations are present, then there is an impact on management efficiency in accordance with Table.

Table 2. Evaluations of the effectiveness of various management styles

Performance criteria

Management styles


Goal Achievement Efficiency

Ensuring survival in the event of a crisis Reducing costs in the face of time pressure. High costs for a qualified manager. Employees are not interested in saving money. Frequent absence of a manager

Exploiting market opportunities through interested employees. Reducing losses in the absence of a manager. High coordination costs

Job Efficiency

Quick Decisions. Solutions close to optimal. Using the creative potential of the manager only. Clear distribution of roles. Manager dependency. Satisfaction of authoritatively distributed employees

Slow decision. Decision with understanding of the case Use of the creative potential of the manager and employees. Unclear distribution of roles. Independence from the manager. Satisfaction of freely distributed employees

Humanistic Factors

Organizational requirements for the reserve. Dissatisfaction of emancipated employees. Spontaneity, loss of employee initiative

Higher requirements for reserve managers. Confusion, discontent among those who believe in authority. Interest, commitment, initiative of employees.

As a result, we can conclude that the manager's behavior should be appropriate to the situation, the flexibility of style is an important sign of the manager's quality.

It is necessary not only to change the style of management, but also to create appropriate situational conditions (to shape the situation through the selection of personnel, change organizational structures and work organization).

3. Formation of individual style

None of the main or even intermediate leadership styles can be optimal in itself. Only a dynamic style can be optimal, changing in accordance with changing situations and objects of leadership. In particular, the idea "... the ability to lead is the ability to change the style of leadership" is correct. Indeed, none of the leadership styles should be firmly "glued" to the leader. Style must be dynamic.

In a calm, business environment, highly qualified, thinking, proactive subordinates will perceive the autocratic boss as a person of low culture, rude and not smart enough. In a calm atmosphere among intelligent subordinates, an authoritarian boss cannot achieve success.

A leader who uses an exclusively democratic leadership style achieves the highest results in a calm environment and with initiative, thinking, highly qualified subordinates who are interested in the common cause.

In a tense, acute situation, such a leader will be considered a person indecisive, timid, unassembled, unable to lead, lost.

A leader who strictly adheres to an exclusively liberal style will be highly appreciated only by pronounced creative personalities: inventors, researchers, writers, designers, architects; the leader in such a case should interfere as little as possible in the creative process. But at an industrial enterprise or in a construction organization, a typical liberal leader will be perceived as a weak-willed person, completely unsuitable to be a leader.

Given that the circumstances in which the leader is located and the people who are subordinate to him are dynamic and changeable, a good leader of the production team must own various styles of leadership and know under what circumstances and in relation to which particular subordinates this or that style is most appropriate.

The basis of an optimal leadership style should be a democratic style.

This style is characterized by an organic unity of management theory and practice, close ties with the masses, a developed sense of responsibility to society, the ability to make contacts with different people, a respectful attitude towards subordinates, and constant concern for them.

An individual leadership style based on a democratic style, which is dynamic, turns into an authoritarian one in acute situations, and acts as a liberal one in relation to creative individuals of high qualification, can be considered the optimal leadership style.

When evaluating the individual leadership style, special importance is attached to the ability of the leader to find a common language, to achieve mutual understanding with the elderly and young people, with men and women, with workers of different professions, with people of different education, marital status, temperament, qualifications; the ability of a leader to convince people, to inspire them to carry out even unpleasant assignments, to carry them along with them, to help them replace their usual mode of action with a new, more rational, more efficient one, to help them make contact is also valued.

The importance of forming an effective individual leadership style is explained by the fact that such a style is able to actively contribute to the rallying of the managed team, turning it into a single whole. It is often assumed that the main task of the manager is, first of all, the implementation of the production plan. Meanwhile, even the best leader will not be able to fulfill such a plan without a workable, cohesive team. It is more correct to consider that the main task of the leader is not only the implementation of the plan, but also the creation of a team capable of performing high tasks.

Forming his individual leadership style, a leader of any rank has no right to lose sight of the fact that his behavior - whether he likes it or not - will be imitated by his subordinates, that his leadership style and the characteristics of his behavior as a leader will spread in the team like circular waves. stone thrown into the water.

The individual leadership style adopted by the boss has a strong influence on the group value system adopted in the team, on those unwritten norms and rules of conduct that are accepted by the majority of members of this team and which then have a significant impact on their joint work activities. In relation to such a general collective system of values, the individual style of the leader acts as a kind of tuning fork, he sets, to a certain extent, the tone, determines the nature of the rules of conduct for the entire production team.

Personal characteristics of the leader to a significant extent affect the style of his leadership. This applies, first of all, to his interests, inclinations, beliefs, ideals, to his worldview. Also important is the nature of the leader's moral self-assessment of his actions, usually called conscience. Such personality traits as sociability, criticality, frankness, responsiveness, contact, purposefulness, accuracy, initiative, curiosity, also have an important influence on the formation of the individual style of a particular leader. Finally, the temperament of a person, his character traits, his abilities and habits are also reflected in the individual style of any leader.

style guide management individual


Any leader is, first of all, a manager or simply an authorized person, a manager, a boss, an organizer who ensures the performance of work at the expense of other people. Any leader needs to organize the work of employees. That is why the work of a leader can be judged not so much by what he himself does, but by how he encourages other employees to work.

A good leader is a person who constantly learns new things, is ready to listen to the advice of both employees of his organization and others.

In the style of leadership, on the one hand, its general objective basis is singled out, and on the other hand, the methods and techniques inherent in this leader for the implementation of managerial functions. The objective component of style is determined by the totality of social and economic requirements for managerial activity. Subjective components are characterized by personality traits of the manager. But if the style cannot clearly distinguish its objective basis, then no, even the most excellent, qualities of a leader are able to ensure the success of the organization.

Each manager is a unique person with a number of abilities. Each leader is the creator of the style of management that he applies in practice. But at the same time, he takes into account many objective and subjective conditions and circumstances, depending on which style receives its specific content. Style is a social phenomenon, as it reflects the worldview and beliefs of the leader, and it also largely determines the results of the entire system.

List of used literature

1. Vesnin V.R. Management for everyone. - M.: Prestige, 2005

2. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. - M.: MSU, 2006

3. Zhuravlev A.A. Style in modern management psychology M .: Publishing house "Economics", 2004

4. Reznik S.D. Personnel Management. - M.: Infra-M, 2005

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» Efficiency of management style

Effectiveness of management style

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The most effective management style is considered to be one in which the manager is focused on high performance, combined with trust and respect for people. This ensures both high morale and high efficiency. organization is perceived as the success of the whole team and each employee individually. However, studies have not revealed a clear relationship between management styles and.

The success of a management style can be judged by its impact on profits and costs. The assessment should also use criteria related to the tasks:

For product development,
- organizations,
- (duration of absence, job satisfaction, willingness to change jobs, self-esteem, creativity, initiative, readiness to study).

Finally, the application of management styles has certain limitations (legal, ethical, entrepreneurial values).

The effectiveness of management styles cannot be assessed outside of specific situations. This should take into account:

Personal qualities (ideas about values, self-awareness, main position, attitude to risk, the role of personal motives, authority, production and creative potential, level of education);
- dependence on upcoming tasks (whether they contain creative or innovative elements, degree of formulation, experience in solving them, whether they are solved according to plan or as sudden ones, whether they should be performed individually or in a group, deadline pressure);
- organizational conditions (the degree of rigidity of the organizational structure, centralized and decentralized problem solving, the number of decision-making instances, the clarity of information and communication paths, the degree of control);

Environmental conditions (degree of stability, conditions of material support, social security, dominant social values ​​and structures).

Probabilistic model of managerial efficiency

This concept comes from the following very important premises:

The style of management is always correlated with the effectiveness of the functioning of the team headed by the leader;
The relationship between the style (type) of management and efficiency is due to a number of parameters (features of the team and its members, the specifics of the tasks being solved, etc.), giving it a probabilistic character.

The essence of the probabilistic model of managerial effectiveness, developed by the famous American specialist in the field of social and managerial psychology F. Fiedler, is as follows:

The effectiveness of management (regardless of style or type) is mediated by the degree of control the leader has over the situation in which he acts.

Any situation can be represented as a combination of three main parameters:

The degree of favorable relations between the leader and subordinates;
- the amount of power (influence) of the leader in the group (his ability to control the actions of subordinates and use various types of incentives);
- the structure of the group task (which includes the clarity of the goal, ways and means of solving it, etc.)

The cumulative quantitative assessment of all these parameters makes it possible to judge the magnitude of the degree of situational control of the leader over the situation. How do management styles and the "probabilistic model" relate to each other?

A number of experimental studies have shown that an authoritarian leader is most effective in situations with high and low situational control, while a democratic leader is most effective in situations with medium situational control. So by itself situational control, even if it is very high, cannot be an indicator of effectiveness. Management can be effective both with high and low situational control. On the other hand, even with high situational control, management can be ineffective. And this means that the effectiveness of management is not determined by situational control. The degree of situational control cannot act as a criterion for effective management. This led the researchers to the conclusion that the criteria for management effectiveness lie in the field of psychology and can be expressed in the formula: effective management = effective leader.

So, what style should a leader choose? It seems that for this he first of all should evaluate the subordinate. If this is a beginner who, moreover, does not have high qualifications, then in this case an authoritarian style will be preferable, manifested in clearly defined tasks with an indication of the sources of the necessary resources. To manage an experienced worker who is a professional in his field, it is undoubtedly better to choose a democratic or delegating style.

If it is necessary to solve complex problems and there is time to develop an optimal solution, and the subordinates are not beginners, it is better to turn to the democratic style. In an extreme, emergency or urgent situation, even for an established team, the authoritarian style will again be the best.

1.3 Effectiveness of management style

Early attempts to explain the phenomenon of leadership effectiveness focused on one dimension of leader behavior—task orientation. More recent work, such as the managerial grid, already operated with two criteria, but even using two criteria, they focused primarily on the behavior of the leader, without taking into account other variables.

Currently, the leadership style that is most appropriate for the situation and preferred by subordinates is considered effective. The success of a management style can also be judged by its impact on profits and costs. The assessment should also use criteria related to the tasks:

For product development,


Personnel management (duration of absence, job satisfaction, willingness to change jobs, self-esteem, creativity, initiative, readiness to study).

The use of management styles has certain limitations (legal, ethical, entrepreneurial values).

The effectiveness of management styles cannot be assessed outside of specific situations. This should take into account:

Personal qualities (perceptions of values, self-awareness, main position, attitude to risk, the role of personal motives, authority, production and creative potential, level of education),

Dependence on upcoming tasks (whether they contain creative or innovative elements, degree of formulation, experience in solving them, whether they are solved according to plan or as sudden ones, whether they must be performed individually or in a group, deadline pressure),

Organizational conditions (the degree of rigidity of the organizational structure, centralized and decentralized problem solving, the number of decision-making instances, the clarity of information and communication paths, the degree of control),

Environmental conditions (degree of stability, conditions of material support, social security, dominant social values ​​and structures).

In conclusion, it should be noted that taking into account various situations when choosing an effective management style helps to realize the need for a flexible approach to leadership. A manager who has chosen a certain style of management and adheres to it strictly, because this style has worked well in the past, may not be able to exercise effective leadership in another situation.

Thus, it can be summed up that a leader who wants to work as efficiently as possible, to get everything he can from his subordinates, cannot afford to apply any one style of management throughout his career. Rather, he must learn to use all the styles, methods and types of influence that are most appropriate for a particular situation.

2. Improvement of the enterprise management system

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

JSC "Vladivostok-Champagne" (VSH) was registered in the city of Vladivostok on 06/30/91, in accordance with the decree of the Head of the Administration of the city of Vladivostok, with registration number 798.

The type of ownership is mixed Russian without the participation of foreign capital. 51% of the shares are owned by the state, 49% are owned by the collective.

The enterprise is included in the state register of the Russian Federation of enterprises - monopolists. VSh is considered a strategic enterprise and is one of the nine strategic enterprises of the city, that is, if necessary, the plant can operate in military mode, mobilizing all its production and human resources.

At the moment, the total number of employees is 331 people, including: JSC Board - 8 people; heads of workshops and foremen - 12 people; economic and accounting service - 12 people; technological service - 5 people; employees of company stores and wholesale depots - 59 people; supply and sales service - 7 people; production and industrial personnel - 215 people; others - 20 people.

Enterprise goal:

1) Profit maximization while minimizing costs.

2) Increase in production volumes.

3) Satisfying the diversified needs of customers.

Enterprise tasks:

1) Reducing the cost of production.

2) Increasing production volumes.

3) Improving product quality.

The main activity of VSH is the production of vodkas, alcoholic beverages, fruit and berry wines, champagne and the production of juices from fruit and berry raw materials.

Currently, the average number of employees of the JSC is 720 people.

The population dynamics is as follows. (see table 2.1)

Table 2.1

1999 2000 2001
505 680 720
Table 2.2 Dynamics of the number of personnel by category
Personnel category 1999 2000 2001
Pers. % Pers. % Pers. %
workers 80 16 140 21 140 19
Specialists 350 70 420 61 450 63
Leaders 70 14 120 18 130 18
Total: 500 100 680 100 720 100

The increase in the number of personnel occurs in all categories. From 1999 to 2001, the number of employees increased by 30%. The percentage of the number of specialists decreased from 70% in the total share in 1999 to 61% in 2000. The fact that the share of the number of specialists increased to 63% in 2001 is comforting.

The number of managers increased from 1999 to 2001 by 40 people. In percentage terms, the share of managers was: 14% - in 1999, 180% - in 2000, and remained unchanged in 2001. It should be noted that in the process of analysis, managers of the lower, middle and upper levels were taken as managers. So, the general director and his deputies can be attributed to the category of senior management, to the middle management - heads of departments, heads of divisions, to the management of the lower level - foremen, senior technologists, and so on.

The overall growth in the number of personnel is due to the need for HS in personnel, in connection with the expansion of the scope of activities and an increase in production volume.

Table 2.3

Personnel movement dynamics for 1999-2001

Let's analyze the movement of personnel by determining the following coefficients.

Kp \u003d Chp / Chs, where

Кп – reception intensity factor;

Nn - the number of accepted;

Hs - the average number.

Kv \u003d Chv / Chs, where

Кв – retirement intensity factor;

Chv - the number of dropouts.

Kt \u003d FW / Hs, where

Kt - staff turnover rate;

Thu. - the number of those who left for reasons attributable to staff turnover.

Kp (1999) = 120 / 500 = 0.24.

Kp (2000) = 190 / 680 = 0.28.

Kp (2001) = 60 / 720 = 0.08.

Kv (1999) = 20 / 500 = 0.04.

Kv (2000) = 10 / 680 = 0.01.

Kv (2001) = 30 / 720 = 0.04.

Taking into account the fact that the employees were dismissed under Art. 31 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (own desire), due to attributable to staff turnover, the turnover rate will be equal to

Kt (1999) = 20 / 500 = 0.04.

Kt (2000) = 10 / 680 = 0.01.

Kt (2001) = 30 / 720 = 0.04.

On the basis of the analysis carried out, the following conclusions can be drawn: the number of new employees is much higher than those laid off, which confirms the fact that production volumes are expanding.

In 2000, judging by the coefficients, things at the enterprise were much better Kp (2000) = 0.28. This coefficient increased by 0.04 relative to 1999. Kv (2000) = 0.01 decreased relative to 1999 by 0.03.

In 2001, 130 people were hired less than in 2000, and 20 more people were fired. This is confirmed by the growth of Kv (2001) relative to 2000 by 0.03 and the decrease of Kp (2001) by 0.2 by 2000. This fact indicates that the simple volume of production in 2001 was less intensive than in 2000.

It is positive that Kt = Kv, which means that all laid-off workers left for objective reasons.

Table 2.4

Social structure of personnel

Indicator 1999 2000 2001
Pers. % Pers. % Pers. %
Men 390 78 460 67 470 65
Women 110 22 220 32 250 35
Total: 500 100 680 100 720 100

Rice. 2.2 The share of men and women in the total share of employees by years.

According to the above data, the proportion of women in the total share of workers has been growing since 1999, it increased by 13% by 2001. The proportion of men decreased from 1999 to 2001 by 13%. Consequently, the management of the OJSC decided to use skilled female labor.

Rice. 2.3 Distribution of personnel by age (by years), in percent.

The share of employees up to 29 years old and 30-45 years old is increasing at the enterprise. This suggests that the administration equally hires qualified specialists with work experience and workers who have just graduated from universities.

The total share of workers over the age of 55 is due to the retirement of 10 people and an increase in the share of other workers.

As a result, there is a trend of rejuvenation of the staff of JSC.

Rice. 2.4 Distribution of personnel by level of education by years, in percent

An analysis of the distribution of personnel by level of education allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The share of workers with secondary specialized education is equal to the share of workers in the total share of personnel in 1999 to 2001;

The increase in the share of workers with a higher level of education is increasing - since 1999, the share has increased from 63 to 69%;

The decrease in the share of workers with incomplete higher education occurred due to their graduation from universities and due to the fact that workers who already had higher education were hired.

Rice. 2.5 Distribution of personnel by the number of years of service (by years), in percent

Basically, all employees have more than 5 years of experience. A downward trend in the number of employees with work experience of more than 20 years has been noted. This confirms the fact of rejuvenation of the personnel of the enterprise.

The main technical and economic indicators of the company

Table 2.6

Indicator 1999 2000 2001

Return on assets, R A

3,2 6,4 5,7

Return on equity, R SK

13,1 37,2 X

Profitability of the main activity, Р G

29,4 20,2 X
Product profitability 17,2 18,4 X

Return on sales, R P

7,4 12,5 8,0

Profitability of sales volume, R V P

25,7 17,2 12,8
Production of alcoholic products, total 358,3 416,7 421,8

Rice. 2.6 Dynamics of TE indicators.

The annual production growth rate is calculated using the geometric mean:

Or 121.1%.

T pr \u003d T p -100% \u003d 121.1% -100% \u003d 21.1%

Thus, the analyzed enterprise has a positive growth rate for alcoholic products of 21.1%.

The increase in production volumes is partly due to an increase in the range of products manufactured by the plant.

So, the return on equity has increased, since there is an increase in net profit without a change in the growth of equity capital, the profitability of products has fallen, which is explained by the fact that the costs of production and sales of products increased by 68.8% or 1.7 times, and production volumes only 1.2 times. As for the profitability of sold products, in 1999 the ruble of sold products accounted for 7 kopecks, in 2000 the indicator increased and amounted to 12.5 kopecks, and in 2001 it fell again, amounting to 8 kopecks.

The table shows that all indicators of profitability in 2001 decreased by about 1.5 times, that is, the economic efficiency of the enterprise decreased by 1.5 times. In 2000, the profitability of assets, equity capital, and sold products increased by about 2 times compared to 1999. And the profitability of core activities, manufactured products, and sales decreased by 1.54 times, that is, we can conclude that that the balance sheet of an enterprise is not the ability to turn its assets into money.

The enterprise is profitable, since the results from the sale of products cover production costs and form a profit, although they reduce small profits and insufficient for the normal functioning of the VSH.

It should be noted that in 1999 the cost of production amounted to 45.7 thousand rubles per 1 thousand decalitres, and in 2000 it was already 66.4 thousand rubles, that is, the costs increased by 1.5 times.

External environment of the organization

The external environment of the organization is the factors directly and indirectly affecting the organization from the outside. (see fig. 2.7)

Rice. 2.7 External environment of the organization


Direct impact environment

Environment of indirect influence


The factors of the external environment (macroenvironment) have a significant impact on the enterprise, under the influence of which the efficiency of the enterprise's functioning and the stability of its financial and economic activities may undergo changes. In order to prevent any negative consequences for a particular enterprise, it is necessary to identify and determine external factors that have their own classification.

Table 2.7.

Macro-environmental factors: Economic



Possible enterprise solutions

A sharp drop in the living standards of the population Decreased purchasing power for manufactured products Reducing the lower price limit set by the state
Problem of non-payments Large receivables The exit of the enterprise from the created situation by the application of legal sanctions (claim acts) and the method of offsets.
High tax requirements. An increase in the selling price of an enterprise => a decrease in effective demand Complete removal or maximum reduction of the excise rate on such basic raw materials as alcohol.
Application of general standards to the revaluation of fixed assets without taking into account their actual depreciation The washing out of the company's own working capital and the rise in the cost of products due to unreasonable depreciation. The need to find a certain compromise with the expert evaluation commission.
Unacceptability of the mechanism for calculating and paying excise duty Lack of financial opportunities to pay excise duty on time => fines, increased penalties and total debt to the budget and creditors. Get the government to revise the terms of excise payment and introduce a more flexible mechanism that takes into account various options for paying for shipped products and paying excise on finished products.
Restriction of advertising activity Inability to advertise on radio and television. Bet on other channels that affect the promotion of goods on the market.
The lack of a single economic space on the territory of the R.F. Contradiction of normative acts concerning the import and sale of alcoholic products in the regions of the Russian Federation. Conclusion of agreements at the levels of heads of administrations and governments. Cancellation of artificial barriers introduced by most regions for the import and sale of alcoholic products on their territory
Copyright infringement Illegal use by some wholesale buyers of the brand name and image of the company's products when selling counterfeit products. Development of a mechanism for the enterprise to reach the end consumer through the expansion of the network of retail branded trade.
A significant role of the state in the economic., activities of the enterprise. Minimum rights in the field of decision-making related to production, pricing and sales. Direction of the Government of the Republic of Adygea on an effective way of development of the industry. Allowing manufacturers to regulate their own prices for their products
The presence of the plant in the register of monopoly enterprises A large role of the enterprise in the formation of the regional budget => significant deductions. The need to make full use of all the advantages of this position, up to the monopolization of trade.
The inefficiency of the monopoly policy on the part of the state. Significant presence of counterfeit products in the markets. To achieve from the Government more effective control over illegal producers and their maximum displacement from the markets. Get the government to ban the issuance of production licenses
The transition of the state to a market form of economic management. Loss of the planned mechanism for the distribution of products => decline in sales => decline in production. Creation of an effective and independent marketing service at the enterprise in order to study the conjuncture of the markets.
The trend of increasing importance of the technological potential of enterprises. The need to seek funding in order to develop new types of products. Production of the most profitable products that are in high demand in the markets.



The totality of external factors that have developed at the present time have a significant impact on the possible directions for the development of the enterprise in the current conditions. The most important factors can be considered such as a sharp drop in the living standards of the population, the timing and mechanism of excise duty from the enterprise, high barriers to entry into regional markets, the non-payment crisis, the significant role of the state in pricing policy and the lack of effective control over illegal producers.

Based on the study of the macro environment, it is possible to form a SWOT matrix that reflects the positive and negative aspects:

SWOT matrix

Table 2.8.



1. Changing the attitude of the state towards this industry through maximum control over illegal producers;

2. Strong government support;

3. Release of the most profitable products;

4. Using all the advantages of a monopoly position.

1. Availability of the possibility of increasing production to the maximum use of capacity;

2. High level of product quality;

3. Highly qualified personnel;

4. The level of technology that ensures cost minimization.


1. The threat of bankruptcy of the enterprise due to large accounts payable;

2. Falling living standards of the population;

3. Increased criminalization of society;

4. High tax requirements.

1. The actual absence of own working capital

2. Little use of the market approach to problems related to production, marketing and promotion;

3. Significant dependence on the state.

Using the summary matrix, it is possible to identify those goals that the enterprise needs to immediately achieve, taking into account its advantages and disadvantages, in order to increase sales volumes: use its advantages based on the position of a monopolist in the city of Khabarovsk to the fullest extent both in production and in trade; increase in production and sales volumes, using the high competitiveness of products in the field of price and quality indicators (the price is 7-7% lower than the single all-Russian price for similar products); expansion of a retail branded trading network as a strategic channel for the sale of products in order to obtain increased profits as a result of a retail trade margin; use of free capacities to expand the range of production of the most profitable and in demand products in order to obtain free working capital.

During the analysis of the external environment, factors negatively affecting the development of the company were noted. However, the recruitment agency continues to be "afloat" and is even trying to expand the scope of its activities.

Business environment uncertainty matrix

Consideration of the business environment matrix allows us to state that the environment is moderately stable. The main threat comes from the economic macro-component - the fall in the effective demand of the population.

2.3Mission and goals of the enterprise

Company mission:

Promoting the economic development of society by selling quality alcoholic beverages to citizens and enterprises in a manner and in such a volume that meets their needs, as well as providing a corresponding profit to the shareholders of the plant.

Firm goals:

1.Increase in net profit by 20%. by 2003.

2..Reducing the time spent on the production process by 5%.

3.Increase in production volume by 15% by 2004.

4.Study and implementation of the computer program "Galaxy". 2002-2004

5. Increasing the market share by 15% by opening company stores in various microdistricts of the city.

2.4 Control methods

Table 2.8

Management methods

Organizational and administrative Economic Socio-psychological
Formation of the structure of governing bodies Planning Psychological impact on workers
Approval of norms and standards Financial incentive moral stimulation
Selection and placement of personnel Pricing Development of initiative and responsibility among employees
Development of job descriptions, standards Tax system
Issuance of orders

An analysis of the management methods used, suggests that they contribute to the motivation of staff to work effectively.

Motivation is the motivation of a person to action.

Management methods also allow the team to realize the need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, stimulate morally and financially.

However, it should be noted that the recruitment agency does not use enough socio-psychological management methods aimed at stabilizing relations among team members, meeting social needs, etc. Lack of attention to these factors can lead to destabilization of relations among team members, to conflicts, etc. This, in turn, can adversely affect the performance of the entire organization.

2.5.Organizational structure of the organization's management

Fig 2.8. Organizational structure of JSC management

The organizational structure of the company's management corresponds to its specifics, goals and objectives that it solves.

The line and function levels look like this. (see tab. 2.9)

Among the disadvantages are:

The management of the accounting department and the legal department is carried out directly by the general director. It is necessary that the management of this site is carried out by the deputy. Gene. Director for Financial and Economic Affairs

The structure does not have a separate planning department, which makes it difficult to work in the direction of production planning.

Table 2.9

Management levels

In order to eliminate these shortcomings, you should:

Create a planning department and transfer it, together with the accounting department and the legal department, to the subordination of the deputy general director for financial and economic issues.

Characteristics of the structural unit

The personnel service of the Higher School was chosen as an object for analysis.

The main goal of the activity: ensuring the quality work of the organization for the recruitment, dismissal and placement of personnel.

The Human Resources Department reports directly to the Deputy Gene. Director of General Affairs

Fig. 2.9 Organizational structure of the personnel service of the enterprise


The personnel department employs 2 women aged 25 to 28 and 1 man aged 30.

The head of the department is a man, and 2 leading female specialists are subordinate to him.

The area of ​​activity of each employee is determined by job descriptions and regulations on the personnel department.

All employees of the department have higher education and work experience in this field - 5-10 years.

Analysis of the management functions of the structural unit

Table 2.10

No. p / p Control functions Task content
1. Determining the need for personnel

Planning for the need for personnel;

The choice of methods for calculating the need for personnel.

2. Staffing

Receipt and analysis of marketing information;

Personnel selection and evaluation.

3. Staff development

Organization and conduct of training;

Implementation and planning of service movements.

4. Motivation and behavior of personnel

Conflict Management;

Management of the motivation process.

5. Personnel use


Definition of results of work.

6. Legal and information support of the management process

Personnel accounting and statistics;

Legal regulation of labor relations.

Among these functions, there are none that would be inappropriate for the personnel department to perform. It is impractical to perform only two tasks: - receiving and analyzing marketing information; -determination of the results of labor.

Distribution of functions within the department:

Head of department: -Provision with personnel; -use of personnel.

Leading specialist: - Determining the need for personnel; - legal and information support of the management process.

Leading specialist: -development of personnel; - Motivation of work and behavior of personnel.

The functions performed are distributed without taking into account the status of the head of the department and should look like this.

Head of department: -determining the need for personnel;

Legal and information support of the management process.

Leading specialist - staffing; -use of personnel.

Leading specialist - personnel development;

Motivation of work and behavior of personnel.

Initial data:

Tf (total actual time of use of technical controls per year, hour) = 645 hours.

Tr (total estimated time of using technical means per year, hour) = 1936 hours.

Ktp (number of jobs that meet the requirements) = 3.

Ko (total number of jobs) = 3.

Kp (number of functions provided with documentation) = 6

Ko (total number of features) = 6.

Kd (number of functions duplicated by departments of the apparatus) = 1.

We find the quality factor for the performance of managerial functions:

Kkfu \u003d (K 1 + K 2 + K 3 + K 4) / 4

K 1 \u003d Tf / Tr (coefficient of use of technical means).

K 2 \u003d Ktp / Ko (coefficient of organization of jobs).

K 3 \u003d Kp / Ko (coefficient of regulation of functions).

K 4 \u003d Kd / Ko (coefficient of duplication of functions).

K 1 \u003d 645 / 1936 \u003d 0.3; K 2 = 3/3 = 1; K 3 = 6/6 = 1; K 4 = 1/6 = 0.2

Kkfu \u003d (0.3 + 1 + 1 + 0.2) / 4 \u003d 0.6

Initial data:

coefficient Qph Oz
Meaning 2 4 18 21 96 104 61 74

Coefficient of rhythm of the control apparatus:

Kru \u003d 1 - P 1 / P 2, where

P 1 - the number of recorded delays in management functions;

P 2 - the number of timely performed functions.

Kru = 1 - 2 / 4 = 0.5

Feature Coverage Ratio:

Kfa \u003d N 3A / N A, where

N 3A - the number of tasks solved in an automated way;

N A is the number of tasks that can be automated.

Kfa \u003d 18 / 21 \u003d 0.85

Coefficient of completeness of implementation, decisions made:

Ksr \u003d K 1 / K 2, where

K 1 - the number of decisions implemented in a timely manner for the year;

K 2 - the number of decisions planned for implementation per year.

Kav = 96 / 104 = 0.9

As a result, certain indicators of the performance of managerial functions are quite high. That is, the functions are performed almost without delay, in full and need a little adjustment regarding their distribution. The work is practically automated. Solutions are implemented by 90%, rhythm of work is 50%, automation is 85%, technical means are used by 30%. Duplication of functions occurs by 20%.

Analysis of the performance of official duties is carried out according to the following formulas.

Kvdo - the coefficient of performance of official duties.

Kvdo \u003d Qf / Qz, where

Qf - the volume of actually completed tasks; Qz - the volume of scheduled tasks.

Kvdo \u003d 61 / 74 \u003d 0.82

Cor - coefficient of efficiency of work:

Kor \u003d Qs / Qf, where

Qc - the number of works completed on time; Qf - the number of works actually performed.

Cor \u003d 59 / 61 \u003d 0.97

Кк - coefficient of quality of performed official duties:

Kk \u003d 1 - P / Qf, where

P - the number of complaints, incorrect works, etc.

Kk \u003d 1 - 2 / 61 \u003d 1 - 0.03 \u003d 0.97

Ktd - coefficient of general labor discipline:

Ktd \u003d Ö Kvdo + Kor + Kk,

Ktd \u003d Ö 0.82 + 0.97 + 0.97 \u003d 1.66

Analyzing the above coefficients, it can be argued that the head of the personnel department successfully copes with his activities, works quickly and efficiently.

2.8. Scheme of functional relationships of the unit

Table 2.11

Scheme of functional relationships of the unit

Unit Functions Positions held
Deputy Dir. For general questions Chief Engineer Beginning legal department
1. Determining the need for staff - P R O P With
2. Staffing R P With O P -
3. Personnel development R - With O P With
4. Motivation and staff behavior - - R O With With
5. Use of personnel - * R O With With
6. Legal and information support of the management process - - R O With With

This diagram reflects the horizontal interconnections of the functional divisions of the management apparatus.

О - responsible for this function, prepares and draws up the final document

P - represents the initial data, information necessary to perform this function

Y - participates in the performance of this function

C - coordinates the prepared document or individual issues in the process of performing functions

R - makes a decision, approves, signs the document.

2.9. Information system of the structural unit

Table 2.12

Manager's functions Gets documentation Documentation under development Submits documentation
- Provision of personnel

Application for admission;

resignation letter;

Leave application.

Vacation schedule;

job descriptions;

certification schedule;

Staffing needs.

Orders for dismissal, admission, vacation;

Information about staff turnover;

Recruitment plan;

Staff schedule.

- Staff use

Law on observance of labor safety;

Requirements for the results of work.

Regulation on labor safety;

Labor safety instructions.

organizational acts on labor safety;

Injury report.

Rice. 2.10 Scheme of document flow and information flows

As a result, according to the analysis carried out, there are no repeating and duplicating documents in the unit.

An analysis of the workflow scheme allows us to conclude that the information flow between OK and departments is redundant. Since all information passes through the deputy. Gene. Director of General Affairs and enters the departments.

Let's determine the level of office work in OK according to the formula.

Code - (K 1 + K 2 + K 3) / 3

Initial data:

Meaning 112 -119 59 67 71 74

K 1 \u003d D 1 / D 2 - the level of efficiency of working with documents and other sources of information, where

D 1 - the number of incoming documents and other sources of information, timely and correctly submitted for execution;

D 2 - the total number of incoming documents and other sources of information.

K 2 \u003d D 3 / D 4 - the level of efficiency of reproduction of documents, where

D 3 - the number of documents and other sources of information reproduced in a timely manner;

D 4 - the total number of documents and other sources of information submitted for reproduction.

K 3 \u003d D 5 / D 6 - the level of efficiency of working with letters, where

D 5 - the number of letters that reached the addressee in a timely manner;

D 6 - the total number of sent letters.

K 1 \u003d 112 / 119 \u003d 0.94

K 2 \u003d 59 / 67 \u003d 0.88

K 3 \u003d 71 / 74 \u003d 0.96

So, the level of office work in the personnel department is quite high, work with documents proceeds quickly, letters reach the addressees in a timely manner, etc.

In support of the above conclusion, we find:

Code = (0.94 + 0.88 + 0.96) = 0.92

Note that Code = 1 is ideal.

results. This creates a basis for learning from experience in the interests of further improvement. In accordance with the model, I compiled a dynamic sequence for the development of strategic management at UralInvestTrade LLC: analysis of the current situation of UralInvesttrade in the context of their product, markets, characteristic competitive advantages, personal goals of the owner-manager ...

Industries (hotels, transport enterprises, trade), on the scope of the tourism region, - tourism organizations and their structure, types of tourism organizations and tourism enterprises. When studying topic number 4: "Excursion management". Students should pay special attention to the role and features of management in the field of excursion activities - the activities of the manager and his tasks ...

The ability to lead people, inspire and motivate for the benefit of common goals - these are the qualities that are inherent in a true leader. Most people often confuse the concepts of manager and leader. Obviously, not every manager is an authoritative person who is able to competently delegate authority to his subordinates. Let's take it in order.

Leadership style in the organization and its types

The leader is the ideological engine of any process, while his authority is rarely directly related to the power received along with the title of the position. Rather, it is a consequence of the internal qualities of such a leader, who has charisma, the power of persuasion and suggestion. Subordinates carry out assigned tasks with enthusiasm, bringing creative and innovative ideas to the process.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of management style in the formation of a cohesive and effective team.

Types of management styles in companies

There are three main types of management style:

  1. authoritarian,
  2. democratic,
  3. liberal.

Attention! Each of the types has both advantages and disadvantages, and you should carefully consider the issue of choosing a style and assessing its appropriateness.

The table below provides a comparative analysis of the 3 styles.

Management style Authoritarian Democratic Liberal
Principles All power is concentrated in the hands of the manager.
Goals and ways to achieve them are always formed by the leader.
Communication is based on descending directives from top to bottom.
Powers are delegated, but the main power is retained by the leader.
Decisions are made as a result of collective discussion.
Communication is the norm of the workflow, the leader listens carefully to his subordinates.
The manager completely shifts his responsibility to subordinates.
The group makes its own decisions.
The communication process is built horizontally.
pros The company strictly adheres to the deadlines, algorithms and rules for the implementation of the process. The result is predictable. Strengthening staff motivation and personal participation of employees in making strategic decisions. Ability to implement creative ideas.
Minuses Suppression of individual initiative, creativity of employees. Increased time to make important decisions, as each of them is discussed at many levels. Without the introduction of moderate control on the part of the manager, a complete loss of linking the actions of employees to the main, common goal of the company is possible.

As can be seen from the table, any style can serve the good or the detriment of the organization. It is necessary to select a leadership style competently, thoughtfully and in accordance with the concept and type of activity of the company. For example, Liberal is ideal for advertising or entertainment creative firms that want to maximize the generation of unique and fresh ideas. For organizations associated with the production of high-precision products, a combination of authoritarian and democratic styles should be preferred. The first one will allow maintaining compliance with regulations, technical parameters and stable quality of products. The second will help to innovate and successfully organize the promotion process.

Fact! It is quite possible to use combinations of styles in a control. The degree of prevalence of one or another type of leadership should be established after a complete analysis of the company's strategy, identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the leadership (use, for example, SWOT analysis).

Relationship between organizational culture and leadership style

In a broad sense, the culture of an organization is understood as the formed systems of behavior, interaction and influence of process participants on each other.

Coming to the company, any employee correlates with it as with an integral organism, introducing into the overall process the cultural characteristics of the society in which he was formed as a person, and also acquires additional opportunities and characteristics from the culture of the company as a whole.

The formation of the right culture of relations in the organization helps to preserve and consolidate in the minds of each member of the team the right attitude towards the mission of the company, motivational policy, quality of work, productivity, planning, etc.

There is an undeniable connection between company culture and leadership style. The authority and charisma of the leader will help set the right direction for the formation of culture and adjust the behavior of each employee. After all, individuals can act as opposition and bring disharmony. Dismissal is not always the best managerial decision, as an employee "oppositionist" can be a very valuable element of the organizational structure system.

Important! Organizational culture forms a conditional coordinate system that allows you to understand at what point of functional progress the company is. It helps to combine individual goals with a common collective one, forming a single cultural space.

A leader can use the company's culture to attract certain types of team members and to encourage preferred team behavior.

The success of the company's goals depends to the maximum extent on the culture and management style.

The content of the culture of the organization and its role in adjusting the leadership style

Let's consider 10 informative characteristics of culture identified by F. Harris and R. Moran.

  1. Acceptance of yourself and your role in the company. In some companies, they are attentive to the problems of personnel, emotional assistance and external manifestations of the experiences of each, in others they value restraint and concealment of internal problems by the employee. Attention to the problems of everyone is a sign of a liberal style. It is important not to cross the line between help and "connivance", as unscrupulous employees can use such "kindness" with or without it.
  2. Communication system and language of communication. The communication styles, jargon, abbreviations, and sign language formed in the company are unique for companies belonging to different territories, industries and having different functions. The company's management must understand these features and build interaction taking them into account.
  3. The appearance of the employee. Even if the company has not adopted a strict dress code, it is worth remembering that the appearance of an employee transmits information to the world about the level of the company, its values ​​and degree of responsibility.
  4. Food habits and traditions. Catering (canteens, buffets, payment for lunches, division of tables according to job function, etc.) is a special point in the formation of relations with the head.
  5. Time. The perception of time as a valuable resource should be introduced into the consciousness of each member of the team.
  6. collective relationships. The manager should select subordinates in one unit, taking into account gender, age and other types of characteristics, since the number of conflicts that he will have to resolve depends on this.
  7. Norms and values. Norms and rules of conduct should be prescribed for all team members, without exception.
  8. Unleashing the potential of an employee. The quality of the work will depend on this item, how consciously it is performed and all the main qualitative characteristics of the labor process.
  9. Ethics of work. A set of measures of material and non-material motivation, attitude to work not as a duty, but as a value, satisfaction with the final results of labor.
  10. Influence of worldview. Experienced executives and HR managers will not disregard this complex and controversial point of the company's culture, which includes the presence or absence of faith in justice, leader's authority and fair remuneration.

Fact. Without taking into account the 10 main aspects of corporate culture, it is impossible to choose an effective management style.

Managers at any level must build their work on respect for the individual, fairness and unconditional leadership. Whatever leadership style is adopted, it is unacceptable to forget about honesty and dignity.

How to improve your management style

Attention! It is worth fixing the results on paper and periodically revise your feelings and the degree of stability of your position.

Council number 2. Eliminate your weak points. Subordinates feel the internal doubts and insecurities of the leader and may begin to "hack".

Council number 3. Continuously improve professional skills and level of special knowledge. The power of the intellect is the most authoritative and reliable.

Council number 4. Get ready to work in a team with your subordinates. It is necessary to evaluate the team as a single organism, each person in which performs a unique function.

Council number 5. Show respect and empathy for the problems of the team to a degree sufficient for the employee to understand his value in the company.

Council number 6. Analyze what limitations may prevent you from successfully coping with the management function and gradually eliminate them.

Council number 7. Improve communication with your subordinates. Without communication, effective leadership is impossible.

Remember! You should not go to the level of "friendship", it is enough to achieve team partnership and mutual respect.

Tip #8. Be attentive to any criticism from subordinates. Do not ignore dissatisfaction. This can lead to a weakening of your authority or to the omission of significant mistakes.

Tip #9. Accumulate group experience. Make it clear to colleagues that their joint potential is much wider than they imagine and should be used for personal and corporate success.

The leadership style in a real company should not be strictly divided into formal types, styles should be combined, innovations and personal experience should be brought into them. If a leader can maintain a balance between authoritarian power and an extreme degree of liberalism, brings personal charisma to the process and follows at least some of the above tips, then it will become much more pleasant to work at an enterprise in any industry, go towards a common goal and tirelessly work on yourself and your tasks.

Video about an alternative classification of management styles and their interaction with 4 types of employees

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Chapter 1. Leadership: Concept and Styles

1.1. The concept of leadership…………………………………………………….5

1.2. Leadership styles……………………………………………………..9

2.1 Managers-leaders…………………………………………..……….16


List of used literature…………………………..……….36


In the second half of the last century, after the victory of the industrial revolution in the West, market relations dominated all spheres of society. Large firms grew, requiring a large number of top and middle managers, capable of making competent rational decisions, able to work with large masses of people who would be free in their actions. Therefore, high professionalism, competence, and the ability to measure their activities with existing laws were required from managers. As a result, a group of people specially engaged in managerial activities appears. The main task is the painstaking organization and daily management of production in order to ensure the greatest profit for the owners of the company. These people became known as managers.

Currently, there is a certain minimum of different characteristics for a modern manager. One of the characteristics is the management style.

The relevance of this issue in modern conditions is obvious. The style of management of the leader by his subordinates largely determines the success of the organization, the dynamics of the development of the company. The motivation of employees, their attitude to work, relationships and much more depend on the leadership style. Thus, this area of ​​management is of great importance in management.

The purpose of this work is to study the essence of leadership and its main styles.

In my work, I will try to answer the following questions:

1. What is the essence of leadership?

2. What are the main management models?

3. Who can be called a manager-leader?

Chapter 1. Leadership: concept and basic models

1.1 The concept of leadership

First of all, management should be considered as a process, which, in turn, can be divided into separate actions and steps of the leader aimed at achieving intermediate, operational goals. Another element of leadership is direct influence on subordinates, students, friends, etc. The presence of such on the part of one person makes it possible to single out a leader who is able to subjugate others with their voluntary consent. This willingness to be led can be both conscious and subconscious. Usually a person is ready to follow someone, to obey only if he sees this or that benefit for himself in this. It can be a reward, encouragement, personal gain, etc.

The level of subordination depends on motivation, personal relationships, organizational talents of the leader, and the quality of leadership.

The third element of leadership is the obligatory presence of followers and a common goal, towards the achievement of which joint efforts will be directed. The personal goals of individual individuals make the manager either fulfill them in the name of solving a common problem, or subordinate them to the achievement of a common goal, that is, the goals of an individual in a group must either be subordinate to the goals of the whole group, or not interfere with their achievement. For the situation to develop in this way, and nothing else, the leader must apply all his energy and power.

As can be seen from the above definition, the ultimate goal of the leader is to achieve the goals of the organization, which he naturally does not without the help of his subordinates. And the habitual manner of behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates, in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization - this is the style of leadership.

Each leader in the process of managerial activity performs his duties in his own style. The style of leadership is expressed in the methods by which the leader encourages the team to take an initiative and creative approach to the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, how he controls the results of the activities of his subordinates. The adopted leadership style can serve as a characteristic of the quality of the leader's activities, his ability to ensure effective management activities, as well as create a special atmosphere in the team that contributes to the development of favorable relationships and behavior. The degree to which the manager delegates his authority, the types of authority he uses, and his concern, first of all with human relations or, first of all, with the performance of the task, all reflect the leadership style of this leader.

The style is stable, which is manifested in the frequent use of different management techniques. But this stability is relative, since style is usually characterized by dynamism. A properly developed leadership style appropriate to the current situation is able to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And he will lead the system to unexpectedly high end results. Leadership style is largely determined by the individual qualities of the leader. But for all their importance, personality traits do not exclude other components that form the management style. These components constitute the subjective element of style, but style always has a common objective basis.

Objectively, no matter what style a leader chooses, his choice is determined by a conscious goal that characterizes the way and method of his actions. In addition, there are other objective components of style. These include: regularity of management; the specifics of the scope of a particular activity; uniform requirements for managers; socio-psychological traits of performers (age, gender, qualifications, profession, interests and needs, etc.); the level of the management hierarchy; management methods and techniques used by higher managers. These objective components of style show the combination in the activities of the manager, the production function and the function of regulating relationships in the team, the nature of the traditions and methods of communication that have developed in it, and thus the style of work.

Any management activity has a subjective basis. The head, before making any decision, first mentally thinks through all possible ways of influencing subordinates and chooses, depending on the situation, the most expedient in his opinion. And, despite the fact that the duties of the manager are prescribed by the job description, the style of work has an imprint of the unique personality of the leader. It is in the style of the leader that his personal qualities are manifested, which vary somewhat depending on the characteristics and needs of the team. A strong influence on the style is exerted by the intellect and culture of the leader, the level of professional and political training, character traits and temperament, the moral values ​​of the leader, the ability to be attentive to subordinates, the ability to lead the team, create an atmosphere of enthusiasm for work, intolerance for shortcomings and indifference.

Consequently, in the style of leadership, on the one hand, its general objective basis is singled out, and on the other hand, the methods and techniques inherent in this manager for the implementation of managerial functions. The objective component of style is determined by the totality of social and economic requirements for managerial activity. Subjective components are characterized by personality traits of the manager. But if the style cannot clearly distinguish its objective basis, then no, even the most excellent, qualities of a leader are able to ensure the success of the organization.

The main factors that characterize the style of leadership can be identified:

Requirements for managers in relation to their competence, efficiency, responsibility, personal qualities, morality, character, temperament, etc.;

The specifics of the system are its goals and objectives, management structures and management technology, managerial functions;

Environment production environment - the technological level of production, the form of labor organization, the availability of material resources, etc.;

The features of a led team are its structure and level of preparedness, the nature of the relationships that have developed in it, its traditions and values.

The style of work determines not only the activities of the leader, it directly affects all aspects of the system's activities and directly on subordinates.

Thus, each organization is a unique combination of individuals, goals and objectives. Each manager is a unique person with a number of abilities. Each leader is the creator of the style of management that he applies in practice. But at the same time, he takes into account many objective and subjective conditions and circumstances, depending on which style receives its specific content. Style is a social phenomenon, as it reflects the worldview and beliefs of the leader, and it also largely determines the results of the entire system.

1.2. Leadership styles

The behavioral approach has created the basis for classifying leadership styles or behavioral styles. It has been a major contribution and a useful tool in understanding the complexities of leadership. This approach to the study of leadership focused on the behavior of the leader. According to the behavioral approach, effectiveness is determined not by the personal qualities of the leader, but rather by his manner of behavior in relation to subordinates.

An important contribution of the behavioral approach to leadership theory is that it helped to analyze and classify leadership styles. Leadership style in the context of management, as already noted, is the habitual manner of behavior of a leader in relation to subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization. The degree to which a manager delegates, the types of authority he uses, and his concern for human relations first or for task completion all reflect the leadership style that characterizes that leader.

Styles can be classified according to different criteria:

A. Criteria for the participation of performers in management.

Three styles are most clearly distinguished here:

Autonomous (manager plays a deterrent role - employees decide for themselves, usually by majority):

Dictatorial style (the manager decides everything himself, employees perform under the threat of sanctions),

Autocratic (the manager has a vast apparatus of power at his disposal),

Supportive (the manager uses his unique personal qualities and enjoys high authority, employees therefore follow his decisions).

The participle style also has options:

Communication style (the manager finds it difficult to make a decision and informs employees, the latter ask questions, express their opinion, however, in the end, they must follow the instructions of the manager),

Consultative management style (the same, but decisions are made jointly deliberatively),

Joint decision (the manager puts forward the problem, indicates the restrictions, the employees themselves make the decision, the manager retains the right of veto).

B. Classification of management styles according to the primary criterion of management functions:

Management through innovation (development of innovation as a guiding task).

Management by setting goals (At each hierarchical level, goals are set, there is freedom in the method of achieving it, limited by estimates and control).

Advantages: freedom of realization, implementation of personal goals, responsibility for the result.

Disadvantages: rigid planning system, intensive control, lack of employee involvement, control costs.

Goal management (This is a mixed form of goal setting management and employee ownership. Employees take part in goal setting).

Advantages: coordination of goals is the best condition for achieving them, freedom in implementation, focus on the goal, not the method, the implementation of personal goals in work, general control, responsibility, ownership.

Disadvantages: rigid planning system, time spent on approvals, contradictions with the hierarchical system, intensification of control.

Management through decision rules.

Management through motivation.

Management through coordination.

Management only in exceptional cases (the manager leaves decisions related to the performance of tasks to the employees. Intervention occurs in exceptional cases - especially critical situations, ignoring the possibility of a solution, deviations from the set goals).

B. The criterion of orientation to employees or to the performance of tasks.

Five typical leadership styles:

Style 1.1 (weak management) - there is no pressure on employees, there is no concern for them, and there is also little concern for solving management problems. The useful return is small.

Style 9.1 (management by task) - employees are treated like executive mechanisms, high efficiency can be achieved, but human relations suffer.

Style 1.9 (club management) - a friendly atmosphere prevails, but problem solving is neglected.

Style 5.5 (management along the middle path) - a compromise is achieved between the requirements for work and the interests of employees, the average labor productivity.

Style 9.9 (strong management) is the ideal style.

The success of a management style can be judged by its impact on profits and costs. The assessment should also use criteria related to the tasks:

For product development,


Personnel management (duration of absence, job satisfaction, willingness to change jobs, self-esteem, creativity, initiative, readiness to study).

Finally, the application of management styles has certain limitations (legal, ethical, entrepreneurial values). The effectiveness of management styles cannot be assessed outside of specific situations. This should take into account:

Personal qualities (perceptions of values, self-awareness, main position, attitude to risk, the role of personal motives, authority, production and creative potential, level of education),

Dependence on upcoming tasks (whether they contain creative or innovative elements, degree of formulation, experience in solving them, whether they are solved according to plan or as sudden ones, whether they must be performed individually or in a group, deadline pressure),

Organizational conditions (the degree of rigidity of the organizational structure, centralized and decentralized problem solving, the number of decision-making instances, the clarity of information and communication paths, the degree of control),

Environmental conditions (degree of stability, conditions of material support, social security, dominant social values ​​and structures).

The preference of the management style depending on the extreme (idealized) situations is shown in Table. one.

Characteristics of situations

Management styles


Personal qualities

Pessimistic outlook, great steepness, striving for reliability, little own initiative.

Fulfillment of debt.

Optimistic worldview, low steepness, willingness to take risks, high own initiative.


Conditions for setting tasks

Clearly defined, extensive experience, planned tasks, individualized tasks, deadline pressure.

Loosely defined, little experience, impromptu assignments, no deadline pressure.

Organizational conditions

Strict organization, formal structures, centralized distribution, single authority, vertical information.

Loose organization, informal structures, decentralized distribution, multiple instances, free information.

Environmental conditions


Liberated Values

If such idealized situations are present, then there is an impact on management efficiency in accordance with Table. 2.

Table 2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of various management styles

Performance criteria

Management styles


Goal Achievement Efficiency

Ensuring survival in the event of a crisis.

Reducing costs in the face of time pressure.

High costs for a qualified manager.

Employees are not interested in saving money.

Frequent absence of a manager.

Exploiting market opportunities through interested employees.

Reducing losses in the absence of a manager.

High cost of coordination.

Job Efficiency

Quick Decisions.

Solutions close to optimal.

Using the creative potential of the manager only.

Slow decision.

Decision with understanding.

Using the creative potential of the manager and employees.

Clear distribution of roles.

Manager dependency. Satisfaction of authoritatively distributed employees.

Unclear distribution of roles.

Independence from the manager.

Satisfaction of freely distributed employees.

Humanistic Factors

Organizational requirements for the reserve.

Dissatisfaction of emancipated employees.

Spontaneity, loss of initiative of employees.

Higher requirements for reserve managers.

Interest, commitment, initiative of employees.

As a result, we can conclude that the manager's behavior should be appropriate to the situation, the flexibility of style is an important sign of the manager's quality. It is necessary not only to change the style of management, but also to create appropriate situational conditions (to shape the situation through the selection of personnel, change organizational structures and work organization).

Chapter 2. Managers of a new type

2.1. Leadership Managers

Just good managers, unfortunately, are not able to stand at the head of fundamental changes. This requires leaders of a new type, with a fundamentally different way of thinking and specific abilities. It is necessary that they be able to establish backbone connections, influence others, invent new methods of management, change their leadership style in accordance with the circumstances. Only such leadership managers will be able to reach the hearts of their employees and breathe into them the energy necessary to carry out reforms. If top management manages to create a "critical mass" of such activists in the ranks of middle managers, the company will have a much better chance of success. No matter how talented top managers are, they still need "field commanders" to promote their ideas to the lowest levels of the organization they lead.

Owners of luxurious executive offices rarely become a real driving force in the process of change. The active participation of senior management in the implementation of reforms is essential, but as a rule, these processes are led by middle and lower-level managers. They have a decisive influence on the efficiency of the work of all personnel.

The ever-increasingly complex processes of transformation cover more and more companies, and this requires the influx of more and more bright personalities. Since leaders are always in short supply by the grace of God, it is not surprising that many projects are not completed. Even well-thought-out programs developed by progressive top managers can simply drown in a stream of problems.

The biggest challenge of fundamental transformation is not building the right vision, not reorganizing core business processes, or even how deep the top executives of the company have grasped the art of management. The key challenge is to change the skills and behavior of hundreds of rank-and-file employees, and its solution depends mainly on the abilities of middle and lower managers and on their attitude towards the ongoing reforms.

Features of the thinking of leaders

Unfortunately, just good managers, as a rule, cannot become true leaders capable of reforming the activities of corporations. The reason for this state of affairs is the peculiarities of their thinking. Ordinary managers strive to maintain order and control, to ensure that tasks are completed within the allocated budgets and available resources. Their main motivation is a personal career, and they often delegate the tasks they receive to subordinates. Managers-leaders, on the contrary, are aimed at shaking everything and everything and try to involve as many employees as possible in solving the most important problems. They consider the growth of the company as a whole to be the main measure of their success, and they like to get into everything themselves.

Ordinary managers could learn to act according to new principles by changing their thinking, but few are capable of this. Change leaders are distinguished by a number of features, the main of which are the following:

the ability to establish system-forming links between the three factors that determine the success of transformations, - market realities, the aspirations of top management and the capabilities of the company's personnel;

ability to influence higher and lower employees , as well as colleagues of equal rank, awakening in them the strongest incentives to participate in reforms;

talent for inventing new tools that ensure the practical implementation of the planned changes based on constantly reviewed approaches;

ability to change leadership style (similar to the ability of baseball players to hit from different ends of the court).

Establishment of backbone links

Managers-leaders coordinate the strategic ideas and plans of top managers with developments in the market and with the reaction of ordinary employees of the company. They demand more and more data about the most diverse aspects of the market situation, not recognizing refusals in response to their requests. At the same time, they do not take anyone's word for it and they themselves regularly talk with customers, and also seek to find out first-hand what the intentions of competitors are. Let's give some examples.

Like other major oil corporations, Mobil has gone through a period of rapid downsizing in US oil fields. After three mass layoffs of employees, there is practically no effective way to keep them motivated. And then a small group of managers developed a wonderful call: "Become someone everyone looks up to!".

Its impact has been truly irresistible: operational efficiency has skyrocketed. In less than three years, Mobil has risen in its category of companies from last place to first. A similar method was used by the oil corporation Texaco. Line workers were given the opportunity to voice their opinion on how to revive production at depleted US fields, and the results were immediate: in three years, daily productivity increased from 150 to 250 barrels per worker.

General Electric Corporation was able to reorganize the electric motor business in Fort Wayne, Indiana, so that return on investment (ROI) rose from zero to just under 25%, all thanks to the practice of almost daily informing workers about the situation in the industry market. This approach, aimed at stimulating innovation and increasing labor productivity, used a variety of methods - visits by corporate customers to the factory, analysis of products manufactured by competitors, as well as "quick market intelligence" (first resorted to by retailer Wal-Mart) . Rapid reconnaissance means holding weekly meetings where production leaders share with each other the information accumulated during the week about events in various market sectors. This allows them not only to keep abreast of events, but also to immediately take the necessary measures when they receive information about the weaknesses of competitors.

According to the "warlords" who lead the transformation process, there is no better source of motivation than the market.

Influence on others

Reform agendas are often presented as waves of diverse initiatives, driven by the winds of change and sweeping through the organization in all directions, both vertically (top down and bottom up) and horizontally. However, from the point of view of activists from the ranks of middle managers, in this case, the analogy with the waves from a stone thrown into a pond, the energy of which spreads to all levels of the company and to all its employees, is more accurate. Managers-leaders, able to influence the actions of others, are the very stone. Their influence is concentrated primarily on subordinates, but this is not enough for successful reforms - they must influence senior management and colleagues in other departments.

When large bank TCB (Texas Commerce Bank) embarked on a comprehensive reorganization of business processes, top managers intended to use the call for cost reduction by $ 50 million as the main idea. However, the staff judged it as completely inspiring. During the course of the project, a small group of middle managers suggested to the directors that they change the “quantitative” task to a simple slogan: “We will remove what annoys customers and employees!”. It quickly won the minds of thousands of bankers, and soon the original cost-cutting goal was achieved.

They have learned to overcome the limitations of rigid vertical hierarchies, work in informal online communities and form teams and groups that energize everyone, which is so necessary to improve the efficiency of the bank. They have the courage and conviction to express their opinions to the director about certain realities of the bank's life, which are thoroughly known to them from their daily work.

The ability to spread one's influence on everyone around means something more than a peculiarity of thinking of the leaders of transformational processes. Such a trait implies, first of all, that they have enough courage to change themselves, acquire new knowledge, skills and risk their careers. And of course, they need to be proficient in a variety of tools of influence and a wide range of approaches to solving problems.

Constant invention of new methods

New types of managers rarely use tried and tested standard approaches - they seek to find methods that are most effective in a particular situation. Starting with the methods that have worked well in the past (for example, a specific problem-solving procedure or a special working group structure), they never stop there and necessarily add elements of other models. As the transformation process unfolds, more and more changes and additions are made to the approaches used.

For two years, Mary Livingston led a team of 30 executives at AT&T to transform the skills and behaviors of its 10,000 employees to improve sales performance. During this time, she has used dozens of mobilizing and guiding approaches—from structured performance improvement techniques to targeted skill development programs to complete workflow reengineering—many of which didn’t work the first time. However, Mary and her group did not give up on them, but tried to modify them and tried again and again. The result - millions of dollars received as a result of increased sales and reduced costs.

Fred Smagorinsky, CEO of Sealed Air (a manufacturer of plastic packaging materials), has also mastered many methods for introducing change into manufacturing processes. He first created a basic five-step process for helping plant managers eliminate bottlenecks, then expanded it with a series of approaches to solving interplant problems, and then added a number of improvements to reflect customer needs. In addition, Fred introduced the practice of collegial work with customers (including joint meetings and the development of events for the restructuring of business processes), and also formed special teams of employees who are able to independently set and solve certain problems. He believes that the difference between a conventional reorganization and a comprehensive qualitative transformation lies mainly in the scope of the changes carried out. In both cases, the same principle should be used: in order to increase the efficiency of ordinary performers, it is necessary to adapt the basic approach to their specific needs.

Ability to change leadership style

Managers at the head of a corporate change process never commit themselves to one single way of leadership, because they are well aware that their preferred style may not always be the best. If they fail to modify it, they find among those around them who are able to take a different approach and take over the leadership of a certain stage of the program; the main thing is to achieve the desired results.

Leader Qualities

So who are the leaders? They are all different, but they have something in common - a determination to achieve high results through the mobilization of human resources, which is reinforced by a number of distinctive features.

The pursuit of excellence . Corporate change leaders are confident that the future of their company depends on the successful implementation of the transformation program. They see the challenges ahead of them as exciting, rewarding, and absolutely necessary for their own self-realization and for the prosperity of the corporation as a whole.

Ability to withstand failure . This quality develops in the face of conflict, failure, uncertainty and risk. Of course, leaders would prefer to do without failure, but they are not afraid of them. Demonstrating the ability to be reborn from the ashes, they infect everyone around them with their courage.

Willingness to challenge established rules . These bright personalities willingly take on the solution of an unexpected problem and are not afraid to cut the tangled knot, question the unshakable value of the status quo, look at what is happening from an unusual angle, etc. The emergence of the most difficult obstacles does not discourage them from trying to overcome them again and again. They are sensitive enough to the aspirations of top managers and at the same time do not need to be pushed to take action.

High level of motivation and ability to infect others with it . A new type of manager gives the rest of the employees energy, enthusiasm and impetus to move, they show the way, which makes it possible to follow their example and take responsibility for the changes that are taking place. To strengthen their subordinates' will to win in the arena of market competition, they often operate on concrete facts that characterize the preferences of the company's customers or the actions of its competitors.

Caring for people . Leaders have a sense of fairness and a desire for everyone to succeed. They never manipulate people or exploit anyone - on the contrary, they are determined to help each employee achieve the best possible results.

Sense of humor . This quality often allows managers-leaders to pass through such trials, from which others would have given up long ago, and help those around them overcome confusion, disappointments and inevitable failures. A kind of "critical mass" of activists who possess these qualities is vital for any organization undertaking deep reforms.

How to develop leadership talents

Reforms need initiative, energy, impulse and leaders. If top managers manage to create a “critical mass” of leaders in the ranks of middle managers who can lead change, then the corporation will have a much better chance of success. Of course, in some cases, changes are introduced from above and the energy of the CEO is enough to implement them, but there are few such precedents and, as a rule, the role of the director in them is greatly overestimated. It is not enough to create a team of top management of the company. No matter how talented these leaders are, they still need “field commanders” in the form of middle managers to help promote their ideas and efforts to the lowest levels of the organization. And if such personnel are not available to top managers, the reforms they implement will not have a long-term impact on the performance of all personnel.

Leaders deficit

The demand for such individuals is much higher than the supply; in addition, the situation is aggravated due to the constant destruction of the middle layer of managers in the corporate hierarchy. The reasons for the deficit are obvious and boil down to the following. Today, the vast majority of organizations periodically face the fact that cardinal changes are necessary to improve the efficiency of their functioning. This means that employees working at all levels must acquire new knowledge and skills. However, the time frames for reforms are constantly narrowing, and the intervals between the stages of reforms are shrinking. Ordinary managers have little experience in a constantly changing environment, and their inherent qualities make it difficult to adapt to new conditions. Top managers, on the other hand, are not able to perform the tasks facing them without the help of middle managers: they understand that they will not be able to interact with ordinary employees (i.e., with the lower level) directly.

It is clear that the problem can be solved by assembling a sufficient number of managerial leaders, but this is easier said than done. First of all, top-level leaders must answer the following key questions.

What is "critical mass" for this particular situation? How many managers of a new type are needed - 200 or 20?

In what departments can you get by with ordinary managers, and in which specific personnel are absolutely necessary? Do they need to be put in the leading positions in all areas or is it enough to involve only the most important projects in the implementation?

Leader Behavior

Managers-leaders understand how difficult it is for the leaders of the company, and try to help them. They recognize that the directors' role in the reorganization process is as important as their own. “Field commanders” strive to form a pragmatic partnership with top management and, knowing firsthand about the complexity of implementing fundamental changes, do not expect a positive effect from all initiatives of top managers without exception (nor do they consider the latter to be guilty of any failure).

On the other hand, they are disgusted by refusals, excuses, arrogant instructions and gentleness towards lazy people. They take responsibility not only for individual but also for collective work, and therefore are ardent supporters of results-based management and declare that they are not so much interested in promotion as in real transformation. These activists consider their work worthwhile if they manage to exceed the planned indicators and help other employees achieve more than they expected from themselves. Recognition from management for them means that next time there will be an opportunity to prove themselves even better.

Most ordinary middle managers are aware of their weaknesses and sincerely strive to cultivate the qualities necessary for leaders. But there are also some kind of impostors. Some believe that they can cope with new tasks by the old tried and tested method - by entrusting the work to subordinates. Others pick up the terminology quickly but miss the point. They refer to any group as a team, view empowerment as a mere inclusion in the workflow, and measure progress toward a goal in terms of actions taken rather than results. Such fake leaders can cause significant trouble for the company, so top managers should "sort things out with them" as soon as they appear.

What do leaders expect from leadership?

"Field commanders" set high standards not only for themselves, but also for their leaders. At the same time, they recognize that serious problems take time to solve and that it is better to be satisfied with a tit in the hand than a pie in the sky. Their needs and expectations come down to three points - discipline, support and perseverance on the way to the intended goal.

Setting for the result

For leaders, results are everything. In their opinion, top managers are obliged to adhere to a certain ethics of activity, which means equal attention to all indicators of the company's functioning. In other words, we should not give preference to indicators that measure the value created for shareholders (for example, profits), forgetting about those that reflect the benefits of customers and corporate employees. These are the requirements for top management set by the leaders themselves.

Set goals that are clear to both employees and clients . The best way to work will be if top managers can clearly define the main goals of the efforts being made. We, for our part, will be happy to formulate our own targets, but the more precisely they are aligned with the overall strategy, the more serious will be the motivation of the performers and the concentration of their efforts on the most important points. We need to develop metrics that are in line with management's aspirations and provide an adequate reflection of what's going on in the market.

Be demanding . We do not look for easy ways and do not want to be limited to modest achievements. The meaning of our efforts is to distinguish ourselves, not only in comparison with competitors, but also in absolute terms. We need tasks, the solution of which, at first glance, is beyond our capabilities. We are aware of the limitations of our thinking and understand that leaders have a fundamentally different view of prospects and problems, so their conviction in the coming grand success is often much stronger than ours. Guidance will be most effective if we see that top managers work as hard as we do and do not demand more from us than from themselves.

Reward the good workers and deal with the bad ones . Too often, the corporate system protects employees who are not supporters of the transformation being undertaken. This is unfair and has a chilling effect on the company's staff. We know who is really obsessed with work, and if the preference is given to completely different, the question arises - how serious are the leaders' intentions regarding transformation? If we work better, then it is we who should be recognized. Let everyone be judged on merit.

Raise performance requirements for those who lag behind . Any large company with a complex structure has certain types of activities or areas, the effectiveness of which leaves much to be desired. If this situation persists for a long time, then employees of units achieving high performance begin to experience frustration and even hostility. In the race called "reform" no one should have a head start. This does not mean that we expect similar results from all or equally rapid shifts. It's just that we have a very negative attitude towards this state of affairs, in which underestimated requirements are systematically presented to any subdivisions.

Encourage employees to succeed in exactly what you aspire to . When organizing teams, one should find a way to encourage not only individual, but also team results. Having set the goal of achieving excellent customer service, you can not limit yourself to the reward for the achieved volume of services. Money should go where it is most needed, then incentives will be created to use the approaches you are implementing.

Ongoing support

The most difficult problem for managers-leaders is the instability of support from the top management: it is much more difficult to cope with such a situation than with failures. The help of top managers is required both in favorable and difficult periods. When a necessary but risky step is taken that ultimately fails, leadership support is needed even more than when it is successful. Leaders expect the next from them.

Encourage our desire to present the state of affairs as it is, and listen to our arguments. We need to defend the opinion we have expressed and to strengthen our self-confidence in case of its unpopularity. Managers have a duty to support us when confronted publicly with those who oppose change or try to steer it in a different direction (usually we are disliked by those employees who are comfortable with the status quo).

Take risks like us . Top managers must delve into difficult questions. We understand that they have to entrust the implementation of many important projects to someone, but if they are always above the fray, our task will become much more complicated. If employees see one director take personal risks in helping push reform in one direction or another, they will be strongly motivated to follow suit. And there is no more pathetic sight than a top manager trying not to take risks and at the same time demanding the exact opposite from his subordinates.

Do not protect us from mistakes and failures . No two transformation programs are the same, and what once worked might not work the next time. Finding the right approach is often akin to playing by unknown rules. Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we fail. But failures are needed, and not only to find a specific correct solution. Thanks to them, we get the opportunity to gain experience that will be useful to overcome new problems.

Be consistent in your words and actions . Top managers are required to explain any action they take that is in any way contrary to their original guidelines. Many employees of the company are just waiting for a signal indicating that the announced reorganization is just another whim of the management. The subtlest hint is enough for them to establish themselves in their opinion: nothing needs to be changed, and those who put themselves at risk by starting the transformation are simply wrong. These people need very little for such conclusions, so try not to provoke situations that may be regarded by them as such an occasion.

Stay on course

Change takes time, hard work and perseverance. Middle managers, leading the rank and file, must be sure that the leaders of the company will not think of deviating from the chosen path, even if it is very difficult. It is also impossible to announce victory too early, counting on the increased activity of your assistants - the effect may turn out to be just the opposite. It is imperative for leaders to ensure that leaders re-focus the attention of corporate personnel on the main areas of change, thus convincing employees of their long-term commitment to the proclaimed course. In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on top managers.

Create opportunities for leadership development . In order to accumulate new knowledge and skills necessary for reform, it is necessary to constantly solve a variety of practical problems directly in the workplace. Books and seminars cannot replace such experience. Purposeful steps should be taken to create a learning environment that will provide a pool of leadership leaders.

Work with direct performers . Managers should learn about what is happening at the lower levels themselves, and not through intermediaries. You don't have to dive too deeply into the relevant processes, but you can, for example, spend a few days with a team solving an important problem or launching a critical pilot project. Such participation is not just a symbol of paternal care; it is the best way to understand how the intoxicating spirit of change is perceived by individuals.

Help develop a set of methods that drive change . Perhaps the variety of tools and approaches used is the most valuable resource for supporting the internal dynamics of the transformation process. Reforms may well slow down, and then employees will happily return to their usual way. The broader the range of means used, the faster it is possible to cope with the weakening of the energy of change. Managers-leaders, of course, develop such methods themselves, but they will be very grateful to the leaders for any help.

Build and diversify the experience of reforms, which are the bearers of a new type of manager . To increase the "critical mass" of leaders, periodic infusions of fresh blood are needed. Sometimes reforms can only be accelerated by bringing in experienced activists from outside. Leaders who bear the brunt of the reorganization do not like it when top management forgets about the existing staff when choosing a candidate for a particular responsible position. However, they always welcome the strengthening of their ranks at the expense of newcomers who have the necessary qualities to implement changes that the old-timers of the company cannot boast of.

According to middle managers who lead corporate transformation, the company's top management has no right to leave to chance the development of any of the aspects of this process (views and beliefs, experience, tools and approaches), because all of them are the key to the success of reforms. Any organization embarking on a path of transformation must follow a hard line of building a “critical mass” of leaders (identifying and evaluating such talent, facilitating their development, trusting them in key positions and increasing their number). The emerging managers of a new type represent the best source of future managerial power and talent.


In conclusion, in response to the questions posed, we can say the following:

1. Leadership is a kind of process that can consist of 3 elements:

  • Separate actions and steps aimed at achieving intermediate, operational goals.
  • Direct influence on subordinates.
  • the obligatory presence of followers and a common goal, towards the achievement of which joint efforts will be directed.

Leadership style is the habitual behavior of a leader towards subordinates in order to influence them and encourage them to achieve the goals of the organization.

The style of leadership is expressed in the methods by which the leader encourages the team to take an initiative and creative approach to the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, how he controls the results of the activities of his subordinates.

In the style of leadership, on the one hand, its general objective basis is singled out, and on the other hand, the methods and techniques inherent in this leader for the implementation of managerial functions. The objective component of style is determined by the totality of social and economic requirements for managerial activity. Subjective components are characterized by personality traits of the manager. But if the style cannot clearly distinguish its objective basis, then no, even the most excellent, qualities of a leader are able to ensure the success of the organization.

Each manager is a unique person with a number of abilities. Each leader is the creator of the style of management that he applies in practice. But at the same time, he takes into account many objective and subjective conditions and circumstances, depending on which style receives its specific content. Style is a social phenomenon, as it reflects the worldview and beliefs of the leader, and it also largely determines the results of the entire system.

2. Styles can be classified according to different criteria:

1) The criterion for the participation of performers in management;

2) According to the priority criterion of management functions;

3) The criterion of orientation to employees or to the performance of tasks.

In case 1, three styles are most clearly distinguished here:

Participatory (employees participate in one way or another in decision-making),

Autonomous (manager plays a deterrent role - employees decide for themselves, usually by majority).

In case 2, allocate:

Management through innovation;

Goal management;

Governance through goal alignment;

Management through decision rules;

Management through motivation;

Management through coordination;

Management only in exceptional cases;

In case 3, you can observe such styles as:

1.weak management

2.task management

3.club management

4.Middle way control

5.strong management

The success of the applied management style can be measured by the impact on profits and costs.

3. Managers - leaders can be called those managers who have a fundamentally different way of thinking and specific abilities. Those who can establish backbone connections, influence others, invent new methods of management, change their leadership style in accordance with the circumstances. Only such leadership managers will be able to reach the hearts of their employees and breathe into them the energy necessary to carry out reforms. If top management manages to create a "critical mass" of such activists in the ranks of middle managers, the company will have a much better chance of success. No matter how talented top managers are, they still need "field commanders" to promote their ideas to the lowest levels of the organization they lead.

Not only the authority of the leader and the effectiveness of his work depend on the choice of leadership style, but also the atmosphere in the team and the relationship between subordinates and the leader. When the whole organization works efficiently and smoothly enough, the leader discovers that in addition to the goals set, many other things have been achieved, including simple human happiness, mutual understanding and job satisfaction.

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