How to connect copper and aluminum wire correctly - options and fixtures. Connecting aluminum and copper wires to each other Connecting a copper cable to an aluminum

Depending on the type of connection chosen, you will need different materials and tools.

For mechanical connections:

  • pliers;
  • knife or device for removing insulation;
  • PPE caps;
  • self-clamping terminals;
  • sleeves;
  • screw terminals;

Pressing will require presses (hydraulic, mechanical, manual of various types, pressing tongs, etc.).

Welding will require the following:

  • argon-arc welding machine;
  • oscillator;
  • rubber boots;
  • welding mask;
  • burner;

For soldering;

  • a knife or a device for removing insulation;
  • (for small sections of aluminum wires - 60-100W; for sections over 2 mm - 100-200W);
  • solder (solders POS40, POS60 are ideal for home conditions);
  • steel brush;
  • sandpaper;

The choice of fluxes deserves special attention, since the better the flux, the easier it will be to braze aluminum. Today, despite the large selection of fluxes, FIM, F-64, FTBf are the most preferred for soldering aluminum at home.

Connection methods

The need to connect aluminum products with copper, aluminum, or aluminum-copper ones, especially often arises in Soviet-built apartments - this happens due to the failure of individual sections of the aluminum wiring, or in connection with its complete replacement.

Few people know that the joints must be as strong as possible to prevent heating. If the work done is done poorly, the resistance will increase, as a result of which they will heat up, which will result in a short circuit.

There are the following ways:

  1. Soldering.
  2. Welding.
  3. Mechanical connections:
    • twist;
    • use of terminal blocks;
    • use of contact clamps (self-clamping terminals);
    • connection with bolts;
    • crimp method (crimping);
    • spring devices;

Each of these methods has its own characteristics.


Considered the most durable method, especially when connecting with cables made of other metals. However, there are rules for twists, the observance of which will significantly strengthen the quality of work, increase service life and safety.

types of twists

Types of twists:

  1. Bandage twist. Bandage twist is used to connect cables of large diameters. To strengthen the bandage twist, soldering is used - only after tinning the copper wire.
  2. Groove twist. The most durable twist.
  3. Simple twist. Simple twisting is used exclusively in domestic conditions; in this way, conductive cores are most often connected to.

Especially responsibly it is necessary to treat the connection of stranded wires (cables):

  1. Places of twisting be sure to clean.
  2. To strengthen the received contacts PPE caps are recommended.


Welding aluminum wires at home- the process is time-consuming, requiring experience and special knowledge. The main feature is that the seams obtained during welding must form an exclusively integral whole with the original product - only if this condition is met, the current can flow unhindered.

Obtaining a positive result is complicated by the fact that when welding in air, the aluminum surface is covered with a refractory oxide film, so argon-arc welding or fluxes are used.

Welding has a number of specific features:

  1. Additive be sure to apply with short reciprocating movements.
  2. Additive wire together with a special electrode during welding must be at an angle of 90 °.
  3. Must comply one selected arc length (most often - 1.5-2.5 mm.).
  4. Electrode should be at a distance of 1-1.5 mm from the burner tip.
  5. Weld necessary only from right to left.


The safest way is soldering - with certain skills, soldering can be done at home:

  1. Before soldering the ends of the wires must be tinned: the part that will be connected is thickly covered with rosin and lies on the grinding surface (circle or sandpaper).
  2. Next soldering iron the wire is pressed to the surface, constantly adding rosin - until the required wire thickness is obtained.
  3. Then soldering is carried out in the usual way.
  4. The most important thing in the soldering process is to prevent contact of the aluminum surface with oxygen - otherwise, a heat-resistant oxide film will form. To do this, the stripped cable is abundantly lubricated, or filled with flux, in some cases, heated.
  5. In the case of soldering wires with a cross section of up to 4mm.kv., they can be cleaned directly in the solution.
  6. If the cross section of the aluminum wire is 4-10 mm2, it is necessary to remove the insulation, clean it to a shine and twist it.
  7. When to Use Soft Solders, AF-44 flux is optimal.
  8. The resulting connection should be cleaned of the flux residue, wiped with gasoline, covered with moisture-resistant varnish, then with electrical tape, then again with varnish.

Crimping (crimping method using sleeves)

For cases when it is necessary to connect a multi-core cable, or more than 2 single-core wires into one connector, it is best to use crimp (crimp) sleeves:

  1. In such a sleeve start the stripped ends of the wires.
  2. Then the sleeve is crimped using a press or special tongs, reliable, one-piece contact.

This method is most widely used when connecting powerful consumers.

Instead of sleeves, NCI tips are widely used, at one end of which there is a small crimp sleeve - cable cores are inserted into it. At the other end is a contact ring, thanks to which you can get a high-quality connection with screw terminals.

Use of terminals

The easiest way to combine aluminum cables into a single current-carrying core is the use of contact clamps.

Their types:

  • polyethylene clamps;
  • self-clamping terminals (terminals);
  • screw;
  • spring (PPE caps);

Advantages of terminal clamps:

  1. No need for additional insulation, to connect aluminum cables, it is enough to strip them, assemble them into a bundle, and then screw the clamp onto the bundle until it stops (insert it into the terminal, or clamp it with a screw, etc.);
  2. Received contacts have much greater mechanical strength than when twisting;
  3. Received contacts do not heat up, which minimizes the possibility of short circuits and fires.

screw connection

Screw (bolted) connection- the most common contact connection of aluminum wires and cables to electrical appliances, instruments, machines. However, the properties of this metal to spread under excessive pressure, along with the difference in coefficients. thermal expansion of aluminum and the metal of the screw (bolt) can lead to mixing of the screw contact of the wire.

As a result, the ring gradually creeps out from under the flat washers, most often used for screw (bolt) contacts.

To prevent the described violation (which can lead to short circuits), cable clamps must have the following devices:

  1. limiting unwinding the cable ring (limiting star washers).
  2. Not allowing weakening of the contact pressure followed by yielding (standard spring washers).

Spring connection (PPE caps)

These are caps made of non-flammable plastic, metal springs are located inside. After winding the PPE onto the wires (twisting), the springs move apart, compressing the cable cores and providing tight and reliable contact, and also removes the oxide layer from the wires.

At the same time, plastic serves for the entire connection as electrical insulating, fire and mechanical protection. For high-quality contact, the size of the PPE caps must be selected correctly - they must be screwed onto the cables with force.


  1. Connecting wires, you must be careful and strictly follow the operating instructions, which prohibit simple twisting (twisting a spiral) of aluminum wire and any other metal (copper, aluminum copper, aluminum). The reason is that, when oxidized, aluminum releases galvanic vapor, which sooner or later breaks the contact, and sparks that occur when high power currents pass through such contacts often cause a fire.
  2. The most traumatic is aluminum welding– to avoid trouble, be sure to use rubber boots and a welding mask.
  3. In room where welding is carried out, there should be no wooden objects - in order to prevent fire.
  4. Even wooden floors it is recommended to cover with iron sheets.

  1. When using a bolted connection, it is necessary to remember the fluidity of aluminum - the clamping bolt must be periodically tightened so that the aluminum does not leak out over time. At the same time, the mechanical pressure on the cable without tension should not exceed 150 kg/cm2. When the tip is copper-clad, the pressure should not exceed 100kg/cm2. When heating wires under voltage, the maximum pressure is not more than 200kg/cm2. If these values ​​are exceeded, the live aluminum cable will “leak”.
  2. If you have no other choice, in addition to using a simple twist, you must remember that the contact will be more reliable when using certified PPE caps. Remember that any cable pins covered only with insulating tape are not recommended.
  3. For fast and quality soldering aluminum cables, it is necessary to replace the rosin with high-quality mineral oil (for sewing machines), or gun oil.

It's no secret to anyone that copper and aluminum wires are not recommended to be connected. But many, even knowing this, still neglect it, hoping for the Russian "maybe it will pass."

As a result, such a pair of copper-aluminum will live for a very short time. And if the connection is located on the street or in a room with high humidity, then the life of such a pair is several times shorter.

But quite often there are situations when we need to connect copper and aluminum wiring. Often this situation occurs when repairing electrical wiring in houses where aluminum wiring is laid.

Special terminal blocks and bolted connections will help us get out of this situation, through which we will connect copper and aluminum wires. Using terminal and bolted connections, we we do not allow direct contact of the copper-aluminum pair.

Without really going into the design features of the terminal clamps, we will consider the most used of them.

One of the old and proven ways to connect wires are nut type terminal connections. They got their name because of their resemblance to nuts.

Connections of this type consist of three plates, between which, in fact, the wires are clamped. One of the advantages of this type of connection is that there is no need to break the line to connect the outgoing wire. It is enough just to unscrew 2 bolts, insert a wire between the two plates, and tighten the bolts into place. The outgoing wire is inserted between the middle and remaining plate. Everything, the connection is ready.

The next most popular can be called. These connection terminals can be made from aluminum and copper. It is enough just to strip the wires by 10-15 mm, insert them into the terminal block hole, and that's it, the next connection is ready to go.

The inside of the terminal block is filled with a special lubricant that does not allow the wires to oxidize. We recommend using this type of connection in lighting circuits. The use of these connections in power circuits is not recommended, since a large load can lead to heating of the springy contacts, and as a result, to poor contact.

Another popular connection is. Outwardly, they are a bar with terminal strips. It is enough to strip the end of the wire, insert it into one hole and clamp it with a screw. The stripped end of the second wire is inserted into the other hole. These terminal blocks also allow you to connect wires from different metals.

Bolted wire connections. This type of connection can also be used if you need to connect copper and aluminum wires. When installing the connection, it is necessary to install an anodized metal washer between the copper and aluminum wires.

All installation work must be carried out by a specialist. All screw and bolt connections must be checked: for aluminum wires - once every half a year, for copper - once every two years is enough.

Sergey Seromashenko

There are still quite a few apartments in which the electrical wiring is made with aluminum wires. And since manufacturers of lighting fixtures and electrical equipment have switched to copper power cables, the question of how to connect copper and aluminum wire is still relevant today. Due to the fact that copper and aluminum have different electrical potentials, a voltage will necessarily form between them. If this bond of two metals were located in a vacuum, then the connection would last forever. What can not be said about the air atmosphere, where there is moisture. It is a catalyst for chemical processes inside the contact of copper and aluminum.

Experts have long come to the conclusion that a potential difference of more than 0.6 mV is already dangerous for wire connections. Such a contact cannot be called long-term. As for copper and aluminum, the electric potential between them is 0.65 mV, which is above the norm. It turns out a galvanic pair, like in a battery. Therefore, it is not allowed to connect them in electrical wiring. But what about those who have an aluminum wiring diagram in their apartment or house? There are several exits.

Twisting two wires

The oldest version of connecting electrical wires is twisting. He is also the simplest. We return to the electric potentials of metals. For aluminum with lead-tin solder, the potential difference is 0.4 mV, for copper with solder it is only 0.25 mV. It turns out that if one of the connected wires is treated with this solder, then they can be safely connected. Usually solder is applied to the copper wire.

You can tin both single-core wire and multi-core. In the second case, the cores must be twisted, while taking into account their number. For large cross-section cables, three cores can be tinned, for small cross-sections (no more than 1 mm²) five cores.

But even this connection option does not give a 100% guarantee that the contact will work for a long time. There is such a thing as the linear expansion of metals, that is, under the influence of temperatures, they expand. When twisting, it is not always possible to achieve a tight clamping of the wires to each other. When expanding, gaps are formed between them, which reduce the junction density. And this leads to a decrease in the conductive value. That is why twisting is rarely used today.

Threaded contact

It is believed that copper-aluminum threaded connections are the most reliable contacts that will last the entire life of the wires themselves without problems. The ease of connection and the ability to join several cables in one node make this type in demand today. True, it is usually used for joining wires of large cross section. The number of connected electrical lines will be limited only by the length of the bolt (screw).

We return to the electric potential of metals and determine that between aluminum and steel (all elements of the bolted connection are made of it) the potential difference is 0.2 mV, between copper and steel - 0.45 mV, which again is less than the standard. That is, oxidation does not threaten all metals present in the bond. The strength of the connection of aluminum wires with copper in this case is ensured by a well-conducted clamping of the nut. Steel washers are installed between the two cores, as a limiter or contact breaker.

Attention! During the operation of the threaded connection, care must be taken that, under the influence of vibrations of the building, spontaneous unscrewing of the nut does not occur. This will weaken the contact. Therefore, a Grover washer must be placed under a flat washer.

How to properly make contact with a threaded connection

To properly connect aluminum and copper wires to each other, you must:

  • Remove the insulating layer to a length equal to four bolt diameters. If an M6 bolt is used, then the length of the open section must be 24 mm.
  • If the cores already have oxidation on the surface, then they need to be cleaned.
  • The ends are folded into rings with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt.
  • Now they are put on the bolt in sequence: a simple flat washer, any one wire, a flat washer, a second wire, another flat washer, Grover's washer and a nut that is tightened to the stop.

Please note that for clamping wires with a cross section of not more than 2 mm² in this way, you can use an M4 bolt. If the copper wire is treated with solder, then it is not necessary to lay a washer between the two cores. The end of the stranded copper cable must be treated with solder.

Permanent connection

This type of contact is similar to the previous one, only it is one-piece. And if it becomes necessary to add another wire to it, then you will have to break the connection and make it in a new way. Essentially, this contact is based on a riveting clamp. The process itself is carried out using a special tool called a riveter.

  • The ends are cleared of insulation, as in the previous version.
  • Rings are made slightly larger than the diameter of the rivet (its maximum value is 4 mm).
  • The aluminum end is put on first.
  • Then a flat washer.
  • Copper end.
  • Another puck.
  • Insert the end of the rivet into the riveter and squeeze the handles of the tool until it clicks, which indicates that the cutting of the steel rod has occurred.

Contact in terminal block

This type of connection of copper and aluminum wire is most often used in lighting fixtures. The pads come complete with lamps. In terms of connection reliability, they are inferior to threaded contacts, but this is one of the simplest options. There is no need to twist the rings, or tin the ends, conduct insulation. It is necessary to strip the wires to a length of 5-10 mm and insert them into the terminal grooves of the device. The clamp is made with a screw. Effort will have to be applied, especially for aluminum wire.

If copper is connected to aluminum using a terminal block, then it is impossible to lay the device under plaster. It can only be used in closed boxes: in a junction box or in a luminaire dome.

Terminal block


It is impossible to bypass the Wago adapter. This is a German-made device with which you can connect aluminum and copper to each other effortlessly and without tools. The only thing to do is to clean the ends of the conductors.

The Wago terminal block is a spring-loaded device into which the cable cores are inserted, and it automatically clamps them. Today the manufacturer offers two versions of pads: disposable (series 773) and reusable (series 222). In the first case, the wires are inserted into the terminal block and they can only be pulled out by breaking the device. The second option is a device that includes levers. Raising or lowering them, you can pinch the end of the core or release it. Each plug socket has its own lever.

In a disposable terminal block, you can install wires with a cross section of no more than 2.5 mm² (it can withstand current up to 10 A), in a reusable terminal block no more than 4 mm² (current up to 34 A).


Another design with which you can dock aluminum with copper. The device consists of a metal plate-type connecting element and a plastic case, somewhat similar to a walnut. Hence the name.

The principle of fastening, as in the threaded version. Only by design, these are two plates that are pressed against each other with four screws. In one of the plates, a thread is cut in the holes, onto which the screws are screwed, compressing the plates together. Connect aluminum with copper with a nut like this:

  • Protect the ends of conductors.
  • One is inserted on one side into a specially formed groove between the plates.
  • On the other hand, the second is inserted. It is important here that the two wires (aluminum and copper) do not touch inside the connector. Therefore, the nut includes an additional steel plate, which is located between the clamping elements. So one wire must be placed on top of this plate, the second under it. This will ensure that there is no contact between the copper and aluminum wires.
  • The screws are clamped to the stop, which ensures reliable contact.
  • The design is closed by a spring-loaded case.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide variety of nuts, both in strength and size. There are options in which the case itself does not open, and all the filling is hidden in it and inaccessible. The connection is made by inserting the end of the wire into the socket, where it is clamped with a screw. There are nuts with a serrated connection, you just need to insert the conductor into the groove, where it will be compressed with the teeth, which will ensure a reliable contact.

Returning to the questions of whether it is possible to connect, and how to properly connect copper and aluminum wires, we need to generalize that there are a lot of options. Each has its pros and cons, but for the necessary requirements, you can choose the right one, which will create conditions for the long-term operation of the electrical wiring circuit.

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We have long and universally switched to copper wires in home electrical wiring. But the likelihood of docking with aluminum conductors from the past is still high. This usually occurs when replacing or repairing existing electrical wiring that was previously installed. However, aluminum is also contained in the new SIP wire (self-supporting insulated wire), which is now customary to make connections from the pole to the house. Everything would be fine, but aluminum and copper are not “friends” at the molecular level, and we have to solve this problem on our own. Let's see which method suits you best.

Twisting is not the best method

In the old days, ordinary twisting was used when connecting home wiring wires. This was a familiar procedure, and no additional devices were required at all. Quite often, this method is used now, because it is difficult to refuse simple and quick solutions. If you still have to twist, then try to minimize the risks: the wires must be tightly wrapped around each other. A method is completely unacceptable when one core is straight, and the second wraps around it - such a connection will be initially defective.

In the connection, the number of turns is selected in accordance with the diameters of the cores. If the diameter is less than 1 mm, we make 5-6 turns. When twisting wires of larger diameter, three turns are sufficient. After tight twisting, it is necessary to seal the connection with a protective varnish with waterproof properties.

The easy way with screws

Wires of different materials can be successfully connected using screws and nuts. It is convenient that such a connection, if necessary, is quickly disassembled and redone again. With proper execution, the threaded connection will be quite high quality and durable. The attractiveness of this option is the ability to simultaneously connect several wires, the number of which can only be limited by the length of the screw itself.

The screw method is well suited for connecting wires with different numbers of strands and different diameters. The main thing is that there is no conflict approach between wires from different materials. Washers are used for separation. The procedure is simple: we remove the sheath from the cable to the required length, and then we make wire rings according to the diameter of the screw. We sequentially put a spring washer, a ring of wire, a washer, a ring of the next conductor, etc. on the screw rod. At the end of the assembly, tighten the nut until the spring washers are completely straightened.

When there is a rivet on hand

This method of docking resembles a bolted one, but instead of a nut and a bolt, a blind rivet is used, which forms a permanent connection. But after fixing, it will no longer be possible to fix the connection without “surgical” removal of the assembly. From the stripped ends of the wires we make rings with the same diameter as the rivet. In connection we use galvanized washers. Having strung the assembly, we pull out the rivet and we get a very high-quality connection. But it can only be used inside the mounting box.

Connect with terminal block

A fairly popular method of connecting conductors with special terminal blocks, of course, loses to screw in reliability, but it makes it possible to connect wires as quickly and simply as possible. To do this, it is enough to remove the insulation from the connected ends of the wires by about 5 mm, insert them into the terminal block and tighten with a screw. Tighten the aluminum soft wire with little effort.

Terminal blocks are convenient to use when connecting a chandelier to aluminum wires. Periodic twists often lead to a break in such wires, which is why almost nothing remains of their original length over time. In such cases, the block helps out, since only the short end of the wire is enough to connect with it. Terminal splicing is well suited for broken wires laid in the wall, when laying new wiring is difficult, and the remaining length of the wires is clearly not enough for connections in other ways. But such pads can only be plastered when they are installed in a junction box.

Using spring clips

Relatively recently, modified terminals with spring clips have appeared. There are disposable express terminals in which the wires are fixed without the possibility of their further removal, and reusable - with a lever that allows you to get and insert the wires repeatedly. The most popular are the so-called terminal blocks of the German company Wago with paste, specially designed for connecting copper to aluminum. Disposable ones allow you to connect single-core wires with a cross section of 1.5 to 2.5 mm 2, and manufacturers allow their load up to 24 A. But professional electricians still do not recommend supplying current above 10 A to such terminals. Strictly speaking, Wago terminal blocks are best used only in lighting fixtures. With increased load, the contact spring overheats, and the contacts between the conductors are critically violated.

Reusable express terminals are equipped with a pressure lever (usually orange) and can connect wires with any number of cores and a cross section up to 4 mm 2. The maximum current for them is allowed up to 34 A. If the terminals without levers simply snap into place, then for reusable ones you need to lift the lever up to the stop, insert the wire and slowly lower the lever. As a result, the cores will be securely fixed. The cost of such a connection will be much more than the dubious twist, but the work is done quickly and without the use of any additional tools.

Pay attention to the "nuts"

This practical type of connecting (branching) clamps is successfully used on the facades of private houses, when it is necessary to switch from aluminum overhead wiring to noble copper inside the house, since aluminum is prohibited from entering the house by the rules. This is where simple and reliable clamps come in handy in a rounded black polycarbonate case, popularly called nuts for their resemblance.

Inside the case there are two steel dies and an intermediate plate, which we compress with screws after installing the wires. Dissimilar wires here do not conflict on an electrochemical occasion - they are located on different "floors" of the clamp, without touching at all and honestly performing their current-carrying function. To get to the internal parts of the compression, it is necessary to disassemble its body by removing the two retaining rings on the sides. In the dies we will see prudently stamped grooves for conductors of a certain section. It remains only to choose the right size depending on the cross-section of the cores, so that the connection is strong and reliable.

You can also use branch clamps in cases where you do not want to violate the integrity of the cable. After all, it is known that the more connected breaks in the power circuit, the lower its reliability. And if it is a grounding cable, then it cannot be categorically broken at all. Here reliable "nuts" will come to your aid. But in connecting copper and aluminum wires, special care must be taken so that our stay in the house is safe and comfortable.

I know the topic each other is as old as the world, but I want to touch on this topic and consider ways to connect wires from different materials.

When repairs begin in the apartment, the question arises of repairing or replacing (full or partial) electrical wiring. Someone wants to move sockets or switches, or add new ones. In this case, you can not do without connecting the wires. This is where the fun begins.

As you know, in old houses built in the Soviet Union, all electrical wiring was done with aluminum wire. Why? Aluminum is a cheap material, has good conductivity, is chemically resistant, and lightweight, so there were no difficulties with installation. True, the load in the apartments was small. With the development of technology, various powerful devices appeared, and the use of aluminum wires became unreasonable. Therefore, copper wires began to be used in apartments.

When repairing or replacing electrical wiring, copper wire must be used. Well, if there is a complete replacement of wires. But what if we only partially change the wires? After all, then we need to connect the aluminum wire with the copper wire to each other.

Previously, aluminum wires were connected using conventional twisting. Then copper wires were also connected. But you cannot connect copper and aluminum wire with a twist,

Although many electricians did this before (and still do). Moreover, at present, twisting is generally prohibited by the rules (PUE). Someone will say that in this paragraph of the rules there is no direct ban on twisting, but twisting is not indicated. as one of the ways to connect wires, therefore it is considered that twisting is PROHIBITED !!!

Why can't wires be twisted together?

Each material has such a property as linear expansion - a change in linear dimensions with a change in temperature. Copper and aluminum have different coefficients of linear expansion, therefore, when current flows through the twist, the contact between the wires weakens over time, the gap between the wires increases, the resistance at the contact grows, the contact is heated, which in the future can lead to destruction of the contact, burning of the insulation wires. The photo on the left shows how the electrical tape on the aluminum-copper twist was burned. And on the right, the same twist after removing the burnt electrical tape.

And here it is already close to disaster - a fire. Therefore, if an electrician offers you connect aluminum and copper wires with the help of twisting and wrapping with electrical tape, then drive him in the neck from your apartment.

How to properly connect aluminum and copper wire to each other?

There are several ways to connect wires from different materials:

Each of these methods has pros and cons. Let's consider each of them separately.

Bolted connection

For such a connection, you will need a bolt with a nut, several steel washers that will need to be laid between the wires, and electrical tape to insulate the connection. To make a bolted connection, you need to make rings at the ends of the wires of such a size that they include a bolt with which the connection will be made. Then we assemble our structure, laying washers between the wires, and with the help of wrenches we tighten the nut and we get an excellent connection, moreover, very reliable. One drawback: the connection is bulky and very difficult to shove into the junction box.

screw connection

This type of connection is made using screw terminals (terminal blocks),

which are isolated from each other. A screw connection of wires is usually found in lamps and chandeliers. Screw terminals are brass tubes with a plastic housing. The tubes have two screws for attaching the wire. In this way, it is possible to connect wires not only from different materials, but also homogeneous ones.

The disadvantages of such a connection:

- the plastic case of the terminal block may burst, and the insulation will be broken accordingly;

- the brass tube itself may burst. This is happening. When you tighten screws too hard;

- with a screw, you can transfer the wire when tightening, subsequently it will break off. And this applies not only to aluminum, but also to copper wires;

- you can break the screw when tightening. Then there is no need to talk about good contact;

- if you apply insufficient force, you can not hold out the screw, and get a bad contact.

Screw terminals are convenient to use as a temporary connection, or for connecting fixtures. They also help out if it is necessary to build up a broken wire, the tip of which sticks out of the wall.

Connection using WAGO terminal blocks

In Russia, WAGO terminal blocks appeared not so long ago, although the first screwless terminal blocks were developed in Germany in 1951. There are many self-locking WAGO terminal blocks, but we are only interested in those that are suitable for connections of aluminum and copper wires.

These are special terminals of gray or black color, inside of which there is a conductive paste. This paste prevents oxidation of aluminum wires. These terminal blocks are disposable, although they can be reused if desired. True, the quality of the connection deteriorates.

WAGO self-clamping terminal blocks have many advantages:

  • fast and accurate installation;
  • the connection does not need to be isolated;
  • it is possible to connect wires from different materials and different sections;
  • the connection can be easily redone if required;
  • connection with WAGO terminal blocks is less than twisting.Therefore, it is easier to fit in the junction box (see photo);

  • can be used to connect multiple wires (2 to 8)

The only drawback of these terminals is their cost. Therefore, many electricians use screw terminals and even make twists. But I believe that this disadvantage is compensated by pluses, and there are much more of them.

My colleagues and I, who carry out electrical work in Syzran, use exactly WAGO terminal blocks for connecting aluminum and copper wires.

If you need someone who will do everything correctly and accurately, then you can contact me using the information on. You can also ask questions in the comments to this article. I will answer them with pleasure.