Family competitions. Family game night

Family holiday games.

Games for a family holiday are offered, they can be played both with children and with adults.

Game "News".

Each participant is given pre-prepared cards with sets of words (4-5 words). Each participant must come up with an event that happened in the world using these words. For example, these words could be:

North, hippopotamus, hurricane, eskimo, strike;

Moscow, native, chocolate, field, birch.

Africa, minister, penguin, action, elephant.

America, crocodile, exchange, snail, skyscraper.

Kyiv, mountain, bird, barrel, money.

Space, chess, boat, bear, sushi.

Find an item

Distribute small items to all guests who come to you, which they will have to hide in their clothes. During the evening, everyone should look for items from each other.

Hang up a list of all the items and mark the ones you find.

At the end of the evening, the one who found large quantity items, receives a prize.

The game will help you get to know each other better.

Dress up your partner with your eyes closed

Participants are divided into pairs. They are given clothes in a bag.

One of them is blindfolded. The blindfolded participant must take the clothes from the bag and put them on his partner.

The pair that completes the fastest wins.

Wish to the music

Guests stand in a circle and dance to the music, while they pass each other a ball or soft toy. The host suddenly turns off the music.

As soon as the music stops, the one who has the toy in his hands should say a wish to the birthday man, or if it is New Year- New Year's greetings.

Guess the hero of the fairy tale

For this game, you need to prepare the attributes of fairy-tale heroes in advance.

For example, Pinocchio's striped cap, little red riding hood, boots (Puss in Boots), shoe (Cinderella), beard (Santa Claus), etc.

The host takes out the item, and the participants must guess fairy tale hero. The one who guessed correctly says a wish to the birthday man in the voice of a guessed fairy-tale character.

Slow motion

Guests are invited to depict a situation in slow motion. For example:

skydiving, fishing, dressing pants and shirts, pulling turnips, diving into the pool, playing basketball, picking mushrooms.

Guess what's written on the back

A piece of paper with the name of an animal or object is attached to each guest's back.

Questions can only be answered with “Yes” or “No”. Whoever finds out first is the winner.


The music turns on. The guests sit at the table and betray each other a glass. Everyone pours some drink into it. The host turns off the music.

The one who has a glass at this moment should drink the resulting cocktail. If you are playing with children, use only compatible drinks!

Write a fairy tale

The facilitator comes up with the beginning of the tale. For example: "Little green men lived on the same planet ...". The next player comes up with the next sentence, and so on.

The facilitator can help by asking leading questions. It should be an interesting finished story.

Crocodile (guess by gestures)

One of the players makes a phrase to the other.

With the help of gestures and movements, he must portray what he was told.

The rest of the players must guess. The player who portrayed guesses a new phrase to the one who guessed. With the help of fingers, the player shows how many words he has thought of, for example, two fingers - two words. The noun is indicated by a horizontal movement of the hand (one line), the verb - by two, the adjective - by a wavy line, the union - by a circle ...

Draw a fabulous animal

The first player draws the animal's head.

Then he folds the sheet so that only the ends of the drawing are visible or puts dots where you need to continue drawing.

The second player draws the front legs and torso, bending the sheet in the same way.

The last player draws the rest.

Then the sheet unfolds, everyone laughs merrily at the resulting “miracle beast”, which can be named.

To have fun and unforgettable any family holiday, use more fun and interesting games.

Funny competitions for the family will entertain and unite relatives. Competitions between families will add excitement to games and raise team spirit. Competitions with the participation of children will not let the kids get bored. Funny relay races and games will give a special enthusiasm to the family holiday and leave pleasant memories.

    The competition involves 2 or 3 people. Each participant receives ice cream in a waffle cup. The task of the contestants is to eat dessert as quickly as possible. But there is one condition: ice cream must be eaten from the other side, that is, from the bottom of the cup.

    The winner is the participant who eats dessert faster than the rest. Before the start of the competition, it is recommended to give out a lot of napkins, as the ice cream will start to flow at some point.

    The game "Full Serious"

    All family members play. First, the players must come up with keyword(e.g. "tomato"). After that, they begin to ask each participant in turn any questions. The task of the players is to answer the question posed with full seriousness on their faces using the keyword. The one who laughed leaves the game. The most serious player wins.

    Sample Questions

    • How is your mother's name?
    • Who are you friends with?
    • What is your favorite movie?
    • What subject do you like the most in school?
    • What is your favorite book?
    • What's 2 2?
    • What is your strongest character trait?
  • Game "There"

    All family members play. A certain set of items is laid out on the table (the more the better): a comb, scissors, a fork, a book, pins, etc.

    One of the players gets the role of leader. He becomes near objects. The rest of the participants must memorize what is on the table within 10 seconds. Then they close their eyes and the facilitator removes one of the objects. After that, the players open their eyes. Their task is to name the item that is missing. The person who guesses first changes places with the leader. The game continues until the interest is gone.

    Woof game

    2 family members play (or 2 teams of 2 people). You will need a large deck of cards to play. They must be mixed well and distributed to each participant (group) in the same amount.

    Players (teams) begin to simultaneously remove cards from their deck and put them face up. If the same cards fall out (for example, two jacks or two eights), the participants must quickly shout the word “Woof”. Who managed to do this before, takes this deck for himself. The participant (team) who has the whole deck of cards in his hands wins.

    Game "Parts of the body"

    Game-entertainment. All family members play. You need to prepare cards in advance, on each of which you should write a certain part of the body: ear, heel, finger of the left hand, knee, etc. Before the start of the game, all pieces of paper are folded into a hat and mixed.

    Then each participant in turn takes out a card and says aloud what is written on it. All players must touch this part of the body first with the left, then right hand. This must be done very quickly.

    The game helps to cheer up the participants and cheer everyone up.

  • Game "Family Menagerie"

    All family members play. Each participant writes the name of any animal on a paper sticker and sticks it on the neighbor's forehead so that he does not see the inscription. The task of the players is to guess their animal. To do this, participants take turns asking leading questions that can be answered clearly and specifically with “Yes” or “No”.

    Sample Questions

    • Does this animal live in the forest?
    • Does it eat honey and berries?
    • This is a bear?
    • The game ends when everyone guesses their animal.

Hello dear readers. Here comes the long-awaited spring. The sun is getting warmer and warmer, and it beckons you to go outside from the stuffy office space. Where is it before work! In addition, soon we are waiting for a three-day weekend on the occasion of the most tender and most spring holiday - International women's day. Probably many will gather for festive table to congratulate their mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Even the most dear people who have something to talk about sometimes get bored at home gatherings. This is where the time comes for interesting and fun contests that should cheer everyone up and make your celebration unusual. In this article, I want to offer you my contests, which are suitable for people of all ages. And you can also pick up gifts for your loved ones, using the tips from my new article.

For seed, I am preparing some interesting gift, which I wrap in several layers of newsprint (the more, the better) and tie it with a ribbon. I say that a package has arrived, but, unfortunately, it was not said for whom it was, and I suggest that all guests take turns removing the packaging layer by layer. The one who takes last layer from the parcel and it turns out to be a happy addressee))).

And now the contests:

Contest 1. Roll up the present.

Two participants come out and stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The touching hands are tied to them, and with their free hands (one with the left and the other with the right hand), the participants must put the gift in the container, close it, wrap it neatly with newspaper, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow.

2 or 3 couples are called and whoever ties faster and more accurately wins. Required: 3 containers, a gift is taken from the table. 3 ribbons and 3 double sheets of newspaper.

Contest 2. Don't clap on Wednesday.

Any number of participants. Everyone is sitting at the table. The facilitator begins listing the days of the week out of order and clapping his hands for each name. The participants in the game repeat the clapping after him. Clap every day of the week except Wednesday. Who slammed the word "Wednesday" is out of the game.

Competition 3. Plasticine nose.

Each participant is called in turn, his eyes are blindfolded, and a plasticine ball is given into his hands. The one who more accurately sticks a plasticine nose with his eyes closed on a photo of a birthday boy or such a kitten (see the picture below), he is the winner.

Competition 4. Words from matches.

For the competition, you need: at least two participants; the same number depending on the participants matchboxes with matches; host of the competition.

The host thinks of a letter, and the participants of the competition must come up with and put a word out of matches on this letter, the one who completes the task faster wins, if it happens that several participants do it at the same time and the number of letters in the words matches, then the winner determines the number of matches used to construct a word.

Competition 5. "Tailor"

For the competition, it is necessary: ​​two presenters; four participants; 30 clothespins.

First, four participants are chosen, of which we form two pairs. One participant from a pair is blindfolded, and on the second, the host pins 15 clothespins on clothes in different places. The task of the one who is blindfolded is to find all 15 clothespins in 3 minutes and remove them. The team that completes this task faster will be the winners.

Contest 6. “Where is the present?”

To run a competition, you must:

  • prepare small notes on paper;
  • several participants (the more, the better);
  • balloons for each participant;
  • gift.

To begin with, it is necessary to write something funny on small pieces of paper, for example, “Look further” or “Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne”, and write “Gift” on one. Next, carefully put a piece of paper in each balloon and inflate them. Then we hang them on a string. Participants must guess which ball is the prize. Participants choose the balls in turn, and burst them together. Then they unfold a piece of paper, if a gift is written there, it means that the winner is given a gift.

Competition 7. "Colors".

The players become in a circle. The host commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!". Players, as quickly as possible, try to grab the thing (object, part of the body) of the chosen color on the other participants in the circle. Those who do not have time are out of the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one left in this competition wins.

Competition 8. Associations.

Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. One of the guests calls a word from the female dictionary and the male one. Then everyone writes associations from the first word to the second. Whoever comes up with the shortest and most logical association wins.

Competition 9. Question - answer. I prepare cards with questions and answers in advance. The questions are tricky and interesting. I suggest to each guest to choose arbitrarily (without looking) a question and an answer, sometimes it turns out well, just hilarious combinations. For your convenience, I have grouped the questions and answers into a text file. You can download it


And of course, one of the most important things is that the presenter has a good and cheerful mood. Then he will be able to infect everyone present with his optimism.

The blog also has a selection very for a fun pastime! Tested on myself! Very funny contests, especially when a fairy tale is played out in roles. You will find all this in the article.

These funny Games- for the whole family. They will become a lifesaver when friends with children come to you. Games will entertain children, and adults will help to remember childhood!

Well, let's have fun

funny game

On the drawing paper we draw a donkey or any other animal without a tail. We attach the picture to the wall.

We attach double-sided tape to the tail-lace. We give the player a tail in his hands, blindfold him, turn once around his axis and send him to the picture.

The player's task is to stick the tail in the right place. Few people succeed. And the tail on the forehead or on the back of the donkey causes a storm of laughter and emotions.

Music game

The participants of the game become a semicircle opposite the leader, who makes movements to the music. Before starting, it is necessary to discuss the conditions: for example, if the leader raises his hands up, then everyone puts them on the waist, if he bends at the elbows, they spread him apart, if he pulls him back, they cross him in front of him, and if he stretches them forward, they do the same.

Whoever mixes up the movements is out of the game. The one who has never made a mistake wins.

Creative play

At the beginning of the game, you need to collect forfeits from all participants - any item by which you can unmistakably determine its owner. There are two hosts: one takes out a phantom, shows it to everyone except the second host, and asks him: “What should I do for this phantom?” The second, not seeing the object, gives the owner of the fanta the task to sing a song, show the dance of the “yum-yum” tribe or portray a fairy-tale hero. It all depends on the leader's imagination.

Intellectual game

The host throws the ball to any participant in the game and names one of the elements: earth, water, air or fire. If it was said "land", the participant must return the ball, naming any animal that lives on land, if "water" - a fish, if "air" - a bird. And if the host said “fire”, the ball must be beaten off. Whoever made a mistake in the answer or caught the ball, instead of hitting it, raises his hand up and holds it until the leader throws the ball to him again. After the second miss, the player is out of the game.

Game for young artists

Have the children draw a fantasy animal. Let each of them in turn draw some part of his body. Whoever comes up with the best wins original name this unseen animal.

The best way for families to come together and improve parent-child relationships is to start a tradition of parent-child family play nights. Put this day (once a month or once a week) in your diary and make it a must. Naturally, your activities will change as the children grow up, but the essence of family nights will remain the same - fun, games and time spent together.

Photo © Old Fashioned Families

How to organize family games?

A few tips on how to organize and successfully host an evening of family games. To get started, have something like a homemade picnic with food or sandwiches on a blanket on the floor, or eat breakfast instead of dinner. Take a couple of hours for all activities (pre-prepare a variety of games). You can play two quick outdoor games, solve a couple of puzzles, and only after that sit for twenty minutes at an interesting board game. Plan your evening around your family's lifestyle, interests, age, and everyone. Children who are just starting to walk also love to participate in family games. Toddlers will also enjoy listening and watching what is happening.

Home outdoor games

Outdoor games will help to raise the morale of those present. Have a few age-appropriate games and then move on to board games.

Games at the kitchen table

Put the plates aside - it's time to play! Choose your favorite word or riddle game, creative activity or classic board game. But almost any child will get bored with playing the same board game for an hour and a half. That's why board games must be alternated with active fun.

street games

When it's warm outside, take your kids outside. Evening on fresh air brighten up any game ( Kite, bubble, volleyball with a fly swatter, a festival of colors, etc.).

The best games for a family evening

Tradition is believed to be the glue that holds a family together. Respectively, gaming traditions, of which family games are one, can rally you through all the stages of your child's growing up. You can include in your evening program one of your favorite games - the one that both parents and children will play with pleasure under any conditions.

family trivia

Ask questions about people and events in your family. Suitable for children 3-10 years old.

Ask about small details related to the past or present of your family members, home, pets, etc. Questions are asked to each player. At three year old you can ask: “What did grandfather drink one last summer when he said. that you have never tasted anything more terrible in your life?” ( tomato juice). Believe me, you will learn more details than you might expect. Older children who are familiar with the history of the family can be asked questions like, “What was the name of our neighbor who lived in the pink house?” Children should also ask questions to mom and dad.

Animal charades

This variant of the classic game is perfect for kids of all ages from 3 years old. Animal parodies are always fun. For the game you will need: paper, markers, scissors, a bowl.
Recall with the children 20 names of animals. These can be animals that live in a zoo or on a farm, pets and others. Write the names of these animals on small pieces of paper and fold them in four. Put the papers in a bowl and stir.

A participant is selected who must pull out a piece of paper from a bowl, read the name of the animal and silently depict it. The rest of the players guess the word. the smallest actors, if necessary, can voice the animal to help guessers. All children depict animals in turn. Play just for fun, or score a point for the first player to say the correct word.

Traditional charades

If you are playing with older children (age 7+), select traditional version charade with different categories. Instead of animal names, write on pieces of paper the names of books or movies, the names famous people, lines from songs or quotes. Show which category the word belongs to: open a book (book), shoot a movie with an old-fashioned camera (movie), put your hands at your sides (human), write some words in the air (quote), etc. As a hint, you can show on your fingers the number of words in the name, what word you are going to show, how many syllables or letters it contains. You can come up with your own rules, this should be discussed before the start of the game. For older children and adults, the display time should be 3 minutes.

twenty questions

You have to guess the word with 20 questions. For children from 3 years old.
Choose one player to be the first to guess a person, place, or object. The rest of the participants take turns asking clarifying questions. Let's say the word "sandwich" is guessed. If small children are participating in the game, you can name the category: "I thought of something from food." The player on the right then asks a yes or no question: "Is this eaten with a spoon?" Having received an answer to his question, the participant has the right to name his guess.