Drawings of metal furniture in the loft style. Loft-style furniture - interior design and examples of using stylish combinations (125 photos)

The loft style has been firmly holding the leading position in popularity over the past five years. After all, the loft successfully combines interior details that at first glance seem incongruous. The result of such a bizarre combination of objects is a space reminiscent of an industrial, but at the same time modern and comfortable.

Loft style: history of occurrence

The urban loft style in the interior arose as a direction that combines the features of the underground and bohemianism. Translated from English, loft means "non-residential premises": from a small attic to an industrial building. The second meaning was assigned to the term in more, which determined the main features of this style in the future.

The loft interior style began to take shape in the middle of the last century in American cities. The historical prerequisite for this was a sharp rise in the price of land within the city. Construction companies began to actively build industrial enterprises in the suburbs. But supply exceeded demand. As a result, many industrial premises, for which there was no worthy buyer, the developers decided to convert them into residential ones. Since housing prices within the metropolis were high, there were many who wanted to live in former industrial premises.

The first dwellings in industrial premises appeared in the 1920s in New York (in Queens and Manhattan). During this period, there was an economic crisis, and many enterprises were ruined, and their buildings were rented out as housing for the poor. But rather quickly, this kind of apartment became popular among people of creative professions: it was possible to live and work there in one room. In the early 60s of the twentieth century, Andy Warhol became one of the fans of loft-style housing.

Initially, the industrial interior in the loft style of the middle of the last century is housing for the poor. There were no partitions between the rooms; instead of a standard ceiling, there were beams and roof slopes. Kitchen and bathroom - this was the end of the minimal improvement of the industrial premises.

The interior of the loft would not have left a mark on the history of architecture and design if its originality had not been noticed by artists and other bohemian public. Industrial premises began to be used as studios: for work, exhibitions, social events. And huge windows, brick walls, metal pipes, floors and ceilings with a rough finish have become unusual decorations for art objects.

Gradually, loft design in the interior began to acquire modern features. Against the background of brick walls, various antique items, extravagant furniture, luxurious velvet and Genuine Leather. But overfilling the former industrial space with everyday objects in a bohemian environment was considered a sign of bad taste. Gradually, the loft ceases to be a “decoration for the poor” and begins to be perceived as an elite trend.

Modern loft in the interior of the apartment: reasons for popularity

Nowadays, an apartment, the interior of which is designed in the aesthetics of a loft, has become familiar to most. In many ways, the loft is popular due to its versatility.

Ordinary large apartment private house is the right space to implement the industrial style of loft interior design in its purest form. If the room is small, then we recommend using only certain features of this style. For example, free planning, brick walls, modern equipment against the background of antique items are also appropriate if the room is modest in size.

Loft interior is open for any experiments. Rough metal furniture or an antique set on carved legs - a loft apartment will accept everything! Therefore, everyone can create an unpredictable design that is within the boundaries of style and at the same time individual. Each interior of a loft-style apartment is unique. Modern eclecticism and minimalism also borrowed many features of the industrial loft style.

In addition to artists, actors and musicians, successful businessmen and representatives of the "golden youth" liked this style. The special aura of spacious, industrial premises attracted people with non-standard thinking. The loft combined the old and the new, perfectly smooth and rough surfaces, completeness and incompleteness, the warmth of wood and the coldness of stone.

Fans of minimalism often choose a loft, but unlike it, a loft strives not for simplicity, but for exquisite conciseness. If there is one single chair or sofa in the center of the room, then they will be really bright and worthy of attention, thanks to their unique design and shapes, like art objects.

For whom is the loft style in the interior of the apartment suitable?

Many people like loft interiors, but they will feel most comfortable in it:

  • representatives of creative professions, for whom an apartment is not only a living space, but also an office, workshop or exhibition hall;
  • tenants with a minimum budget for the arrangement of the premises: brick walls, concrete floors and ceilings are left in their original form, which saves on finishing;
  • fans of the minimalist style: laconic furnishings in the spirit of minimalism are an integral feature of the loft space;
  • hosts large rooms without the provided internal partitions and walls, preferring the apartment to remain spacious and free;
  • lovers of extravagant combinations who believe that the interior must be modern and unusual;
  • single people or married couples without children who do not need a personal isolated space.

Loft is diverse in its manifestations. Therefore, if the characteristics listed above do not suit you, do not get upset and forget about the loft style. A professional designer will find original way bring loft features to the design of the room. For example, scandinavian interior with loft style elements - an affordable and aesthetic solution.

A white loft in the interior is an idea that will appeal to those who consider this style too brutal. Pastel shades soften the excessive expressiveness of the situation, and it becomes light and airy.

Loft style: main varieties

Most often, this style is divided into two main varieties:

  • Hard (hard loft): when an interior is created from the space of an existing building.
  • Soft (soft loft): when the atmosphere of the loft is recreated from scratch.

Sometimes there are two more directions of the loft:

  • Commercial, which occupies industrial spaces with high (more than 3 m) ceilings. Such premises are used mainly for offices and businesses.
  • Residential, entirely focused on creating living space.

The modern loft style is presented in three main directions:

  • boho: the interior combines diverse things - from kitsch, bought on the market, to antique, having antique value;
  • glamorous: the furnishings consist of exquisite antiques or fashion items; welcome to use pastel colors contrasting with brick or concrete walls;
  • industrial: the design of the room is “industrial” and rough; the atmosphere is replete with furniture in the style of minimalism, the latest technology and equipment.

Use the loft style that best suits your tastes!

Basic characteristics of the loft style

Interior design in the loft style implies a number of mandatory characteristics:

  • free layout with a minimum number of walls and partitions;
  • careful zoning: to separate functional areas from each other, they use means that do not violate the principle of free planning: the wall and partitions are replaced with screens, tall furniture, and a change in types of finishes;
  • minimalism in the environment: only things that are used daily for work and leisure remain in sight, and household utensils and equipment are made as invisible as possible;
  • contrasting combinations of old and new: for example, dilapidated brick wall decoration is adjacent to a shiny metal pipe, transparent glass surfaces, chrome wall tiles;
  • industrial design: high ceiling, under which communications and pipes pass, brick walls, concrete ceiling, rough wood details;

  • rough floor coverings: reclaimed floorboards or concrete surface, which can be softened with a fluffy rug, fur or clear varnish;
  • modern Appliances : the interior, as a rule, is complemented by the most advanced technology with a stylish, up-to-date design;
  • the concept of space is emphasized with furniture: very spacious armchairs, comfortable chairs, huge sofas are selected;
  • "open access" and mobility: all items in the interior are as functional as possible, and it is convenient to approach them with different sides. Particularly popular are double-sided shelving, massive wall-to-wall shelves and furniture on wheels.

Interior furniture in loft style

Loft style involves the use of furniture not only according to its intended purpose, but also to separate one functional area from another. For example, the reception area is separated from the dining area with a sofa with high back located perpendicular to the wall. Therefore, it is recommended to place furniture not along the walls, but at a certain distance from them.

The design of furniture used within the loft style is not limited by strict requirements. But most often these are vintage or ultra-modern products with laconic forms. A high-tech metal interior element can be located next to an elegant designer item.

The interior of the loft-style room also allows for the presence of plastic furniture. But any furniture that the loft interior style allows should be expressive and eye-catching. A leather sofa is considered a kind of classic furniture in loft aesthetics.

It is not customary to flaunt cabinets and storage systems, but to place a metal rack or floor hanger- permissible. The most popular loft-style furniture materials are aluminum, leather, stainless steel, plastic, copper, and brass. Loft style does not imply the use of furniture sets, especially cabinet furniture. Definitely not suitable and furniture in country or ethnic style - the apartment will look tasteless.

Loft style: finishing options

The decoration characteristic of the loft style is deliberately primitive and rough, looking casual. Walls, ceiling and floor can be aged using special technologies. All surfaces have an expressive rough texture.

If initially the walls, ceiling and floor are smooth, then use decorative plaster"under concrete" or a tile imitating a brick. Another option to achieve a casual look of surfaces is to clean them from layers of finishing materials to concrete or brick.

  • An indispensable element of style - visible metal pipes. The metal surface is not treated with colored paints. An acceptable solution would be only painting “under the metal” in order to enhance the metallic sheen of the pipes. Often to reinforce decorative effect pipes are replaced by more massive ones.
  • Ceiling decorated wooden beams - Another characteristic feature of the loft style. The beams are left in their original form, without painting or varnishing. In the absence of beams, their false counterparts are mounted.

  • Brick-lined walls recognizable sign of loft style. But each of the walls can have a special, different finish from the others. So the apartment will be further divided into functional areas. For example, a plastered wall standing nearby the sofa will become a guest area. And in the kitchen area, the wall can be concrete. As for the color range of coloring, the dark wall is a rare occurrence for the loft style. The decoration of the walls is kept in light or silvery tones.
  • Floor as part of the style, the loft is covered with tiles that imitate stone, or wooden flooring with an aged effect.

  • Palette includes predominantly natural shades (gray, brown, silver, metallic, white, black, beige, terracotta, etc.), without overly bright combinations.
  • materials, imitating natural wood, stone, rusty metal, rough concrete, brickwork will fit perfectly into this style.

Loft style lighting

The loft-style interior implies the presence of sufficient natural light. After all, this style cannot be imagined without large windows through which sunlight freely penetrates. Textile curtains are used extremely rarely. If necessary, they are replaced with blinds.

In order for an apartment or room to acquire a truly loft design, we recommend using lamps on busbar systems. Such lighting, resembling small spotlights, create a stream of directional light. As a result, the situation in the living room will approach the atmosphere of the production workshop.

Many designers specializing in loft style advise that there are a lot of lamps, but at the same time, the light should not hurt the eyes and be too bright. Multi-level lamps and even sophisticated antique chandeliers look spectacular. However, in addition to artificial lighting, daylight should pass well into the room, so the size of the windows, if possible, should be increased and thick dark curtains should be abandoned.

Loft style: characteristic decor

When creating a do-it-yourself loft-style interior, limit the use of decor. Small figurines and sentimental trinkets are out of place. A suitable decorative element is a large-sized artistic photo, a large vase, a designer chair. The picture for the interior of the loft is suitable abstract or in the style of pop art.

It is not necessary to post a photo or painting traditional way. It looks interesting to look like a similar decor in large frames, standing on the floor and attached to the wall. Homemade collages from photos and magazine clippings would be appropriate.

The loft style allows the use of all items included in the urban culture as decors. The interior will be decorated with road signs, advertising posters, posters and even graffiti.

Loft-style dining area and kitchen

The kitchen is a secondary room in the loft space, so its design fades into the background. It is customary for the kitchen to be small and located in the depths of the living space. It can be stylized "antique". For example, finding a retro refrigerator is not difficult. Thematic design of the kitchen will be complemented by old photos and wooden furniture.

The interior of the loft-style kitchen can also be designed in the spirit of high-tech. Its characteristics are the latest equipment, an abundance of metal, glass and chrome. built-in Appliances takes up a minimum of space, so a high-tech kitchen will fit perfectly into the loft concept.

Idea for the kitchen - stylize it as an enterprise Catering middle of the last century: for example, a small street cafe. Required subjects furniture for such a kitchen - a bar counter with chairs with a high back. If a bar counter in the kitchen seems unattractive, then try using a small island table instead.

The atmosphere of the kitchen will be complemented by a professional coffee machine, a lot of original utensils. Loft kitchen allows decor in the form of hanging flower pots with flower plants. So the kitchen will become more comfortable. The placement of photos and posters on the "kitchen" theme is welcome.

The loft kitchen can be equipped with a table and chairs made of any material: wood, metal or plastic. Chairs will look interesting in the kitchen different styles- for example, an old model with a leather back and a trendy one made of glass and metal.

One wall can traditionally be supplemented with bare brickwork or concrete, and on the floor it is better to emphasize rough wood flooring. For example, you can choose a laminate that mimics wide, unfinished wood planks. It is perfectly acceptable to leave the ceiling unfinished, even if it is ordinary concrete plates. Against the background of a brick wall, modern plasma, an abstract panel or a graphite board will look contrasting and spectacular.

The palette emphasizes cold shades (white, pale brown, black, gray, terracotta). If you still want to paint one of the walls in a rich color, then it should also be present in several other interior items: for example, a table of the same bright shade can harmonize well with a red wall.

All kinds of chrome-plated fittings (handles, holders, roof rails, hangers) will help to add a characteristic hi-tech shine. Wherein kitchen apron should not be flashy and colorful: it is enough to use a plain stainless steel sheet. Warm and soft accents can be made with a few textiles in light colors.

Loft style living room

Complex textures become a real decoration of a loft-style living room: genuine leather and velvet upholstery, a long pile of a fluffy carpet, an exotic skin on the floor. The loft-style living room interior cannot be imagined without home theater or a powerful stereo system.

The loft living room is a space where there is always a large sofa that can accommodate numerous groups of friends. The living room is complemented by a small coffee table. An antique model or a table made of pallets is decided taking into account the style in which the living room is decorated.

Living room - appropriate place to accommodate a real fireplace or its imitation. This interior element will make the brutal loft style home-style warm and cozy. The loft living room is decorated with original candlesticks, photos or posters in large frames, standing on the floor, and designer figurines.

Wall, ceiling and flooring better left in original form. Or apply this approach to one thing - only to the walls or only to the ceiling. The easiest option is to stick photo wallpapers depicting brickwork or concrete on the walls. If there are communication pipes along the ceiling, it is better to leave them in plain sight.

Loft style bedroom design

The bedroom should be separated from the rest of the space, for example, with a high partition or a mobile screen. After all, the loft free layout does not contribute to the privacy necessary for a good rest. Also, the bedroom can be separated by a small chest of drawers.

A bright detail of the bedroom can be high bed with forged legs and back. When choosing bedside tables for the bedroom, try to play on the contrast. For example, if the headboard in the bedroom has a sophisticated design, then you should choose primitive bedside tables. geometric shapes, artificially aged. In the bedroom, a miniature reading nook will be useful, consisting of a miniature table, a trendy rocking chair and a wall lamp.

The loft style allows the bedroom to be decorated according to minimalist trends. Then the bed and bedside tables are chosen laconic, of small height. The loft bedroom looks harmonious with snow-white or light bed linen. Such textiles favorably emphasize the overall brutality of the bedroom space.

It should not be colorful and too defiant. It is better to stick to plain, natural fabrics. To emphasize the spaciousness and air of the loft, it is advisable to choose curtains that are light, light, almost transparent. Instead of classic curtains, Roman blinds or blinds are also suitable.

Act as bedroom decor original lamps standing on bedside tables, a plaid or carpet with a large ornament. Do not forget that a bedroom in any style should maintain an overall atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Therefore, excessive bright accents in the bedroom is best avoided. For example, instead of a flashy abstract painting, choose a discreet black and white photo as your bedroom decor.

It would be nice to organize a niche in the bedroom. This approach is especially appropriate when the house has a second floor, and the niche can be located under the stairs. For the contrast of styles, which is acceptable when decorating a loft, you can simultaneously use different-sized interior items: a grandmother's chest, modern bed, chrome wardrobe and leather furniture. But all of them should be simple concise forms and contain a minimum of details. If you plan to place a mirror, then it is better to take a large mirror canvas in an ordinary wooden frame and put it on the floor or attach it to the wall.

Bath and bathroom in loft style

The loft bath "antique" looks interesting. The extravagant loft style is effectively emphasized by gilded details - furniture legs, taps, communications. Do-it-yourself loft interior allows for independent, slightly careless, coloring of these details. Functional decor baths in loft style will be a mirror in a silver or gold frame.

As an additional finishing material try to use mosaic tiles. Often the bath, even in new buildings, has a partial brickwork. It should be treated with a moisture-proof composition, and the resulting surface will withstand temperature fluctuations in humidity in the bath. Another option to recreate the loft style in the bath is ceramic tile imitating a brick.

If desired, the bath is decorated in high-tech style. Then a jacuzzi, an ultramodern shower with many options, and lamps that change the color of the light flux become mandatory attributes of the interior of such a bath. The gleam of chrome and steel in the bathtub contrasts with the loft's rough textures. The bath is decorated with designer toothbrush holders and original soap dishes.

If the bathroom space allows, then you can occupy it with spectacular furniture that immediately attracts attention. And you don't have to choose modern models: both vintage and antique quirky things will successfully fit into such a room. For example, an ordinary wooden bench from a Russian bath or vintage chest can be a bold statement and a practical piece of furniture.

According to the canons of style, storage systems should be open and accessible. Therefore, instead of closed drawers, it is better to use racks, baskets and shelves. Stylish contrast with raw brick or concrete surfaces will create a modern concise sanitary ware in high-tech style. If the plan is to make a vintage bath the key center, then it is better to choose the most relevant faucet on the market for it.

Let the decor of the bathroom be minimal without cute vases and bottles. Interior items should be as practical as possible. Remove useless accessories. In the design of the loft style, urban things and modern art objects are welcome.

The loft style (translated from English as “attic”) is a consequence of the industrial era, in which many large and spacious rooms appeared. Fast growth land prices in the city center forced the owners industrial enterprises to build plants and factories in the suburbs, and the vacated workshops and their attics were chosen by young and poor creative personalities.

Artists and musicians liked the large, well-lit rooms. It was a convenient and economical solution that allowed us to combine an apartment and an art studio at the same time. In this case, the signs of industrial buildings remained intact, which created an original interior design.

The design basis of this style is free space. There are practically no partitions between zones or rooms (with the exception of a bathroom and technical rooms). The zones are separated by the color and material structure of the walls. The loft-style hall is characterized by exposed brick walls, while in the bedroom they are plastered. In turn, beamed ceilings or a bar can indicate the boundaries of the kitchen. In addition to this zoning method, movable screen walls are also used. Thus, spatial characteristics emphasize the volume of infinite space.

The main features of the formation of space:

  • lack of partition walls;
  • high ceilings;
  • big square;
  • big windows;
  • space free from unnecessary details.

Unlike minimalism, which preaches functionality and simplicity, loft interior design is elegant and even sophisticated. Luxurious and artsy furniture contributes to this. The entire space of the rooms serves as a backdrop for such furniture. For example, a sofa should attract attention with its luxury, brightness or unusual shape.

Textured finishes for interior design - these are ultracombinations of materials. Loft-style walls are characterized by incomplete brickwork, unfinished plaster, etc. brick walls, wooden floors, beamed ceilings and open views with deliberately rough finishes set the right tone for the interior design of a loft-style home. In the end, the idea of ​​combining classic and modern, the maximum sense of space - these are the main features of the interior in the loft style.

Furniture and accessories

The main task of furniture in the interior of the loft style, give rooms a minimalist sophistication. A few pieces of furniture should give the feeling large space and at the same time be the center of attention.

The rest of the furniture should transform and move easily. For example, chairs, armchairs, can be on wheels. Folding sofas are an irreplaceable element of style.

Metal parts fit well into the interior. It can be bronze legs and handles for furniture, cast iron bathtubs, pipes running along the walls. At the same time, furniture in the interior of a loft-style apartment can combine, it would seem, such different materials as polymers and wood, steel and expensive fine fabrics.

Furniture should be shiny, and its shape can be whimsical and original. The main thing is that she draws attention to herself. All this will make the interior unique.

Loft style interior accessories should be those that, as a rule, surround any resident of a large industrial city:

  • billboards;
  • road signs;
  • graffiti on the walls;
  • street signs.

Of course, you can use regular decorations, but they should be as close as possible. to the general urban concept and not violate general style . Unusual trinkets and other accessories that tell about the profession or hobby of the owner of the apartment can emphasize the appropriate environment. In addition, you can hang a loft-style clock on the wall. You can make such watches yourself or buy them online.

Curtains loft should be simple and not interfere with the passage of light. You can, of course, do without curtains, but if someone wants to hang them, he must remember that the curtains should be without decorations such as ribbons, fringes, etc. The material from which the curtains are made should be as transparent as possible. . The pattern on the curtains can only be large and geometric.

Curtains and curtains in the interior of a loft-style apartment can also be used to divide the room into zones.

Loft style renovation

If someone has a house with an attic, then in this case it will not be difficult to make repairs in the attic under the loft style. But the main task when repairing an apartment or house in a loft style is redevelopment. Because main feature lofts are open spaces, this style is very difficult to create in small apartments or rooms in the house where most people live. But there is a way out. All zones, except for the bathroom, can be allocated conditionally. Need to take it everywhere interior doors, again, except for the bathroom, and all loft-style rooms should be combined into one space using the same finishing materials.

With the help of bricks peeking out in the corners, boards and bare plaster, you can create in rooms distinguishing feature loft - seeming negligence, but at the same time emphasizing the sophistication of the interior. It is not necessary to use real bricks or boards, there are many imitations of these materials on the market now.

Loft style ceiling must have a neutral plaster color. It is good that the painting creates a look of negligence.

A loft-style bathroom can be decorated with old newspaper wallpaper or painted in black and white with metallic tiles. If this gamma seems too gloomy, then in this case, wood-like materials should be used.

Do-it-yourself loft-style furniture

The main idea of ​​the loft is to minimize the amount of furniture, but at the same time it should attract attention. Some of the furniture can be made with your own hands - these are stools, shelves and racks. For this purpose, natural wood with an initial degree of processing is used. That is, the boards should be without bark, smooth and dried.

But besides this, the room must contain pieces of furniture made to order or unusual shape. Such furniture gives a feeling of luxury and sophistication.

It is better to hide cabinets in walls, niches. Can make special drawers for household items. The absence of closets will give more space to the room.

In the kitchen and in the bathroom, metal details of decor should attract attention: faucets, handles, etc.

Fashionable loft-style decor elements will help you complete the overall interior design of your house or apartment. These should be decorative plates, vases, photo frames, expensive curly clocks on the shelf or loft-style clocks on the wall. In loft decor, bold and unusual ideas should be preferred.

Loft-style furniture will complement any modern interior. This direction originated in New York in industrial areas in difficult times. Due to the ruin of industrial enterprises, buildings were rented out or sold for next to nothing to ordinary people.

Therefore, this style is characterized by simplicity, strict straight lines and natural materials. If you want to add some zest to the interior of your home, install it in a loft style. It will fit into any modern styles, and will differ in functionality, practicality and original appearance. Such furniture does not have to be purchased in a store, it is quite easy and simple to make with your own hands.

The features of loft-style furniture include the fact that it combines the incompatible. That is, furniture items can have a rather interesting and original appearance.

It can be assembled from different parts. For example, you can assemble a loft-style table from different products: take from one table, attach to it from another, and install boxes from the third.

There are several areas of loft style:

  • industrial- is the most popular. It contains rough and untreated surfaces, metal parts. The table in this direction should be functional and simple. Its color scheme can be: white, gray, black or brown;
  • Bohemian. Here the industrial atmosphere is preserved and the mixing of styles is allowed. An excellent choice for such an interior would be a table with carved metal legs. It will be perfectly complemented by modern chairs;
  • glamorous. Diversity is allowed here. colors. You can make the product blue or lilac. The tabletop can be not only wooden in this direction, but also glass.

Attention: a loft-style table should be large and strict lines. There should not be anything superfluous, the main purpose of this direction is functionality, practicality and ease of use. The loft style is characterized by rough and brutal textures.

As for the variety of models, the loft-style table can be used in rooms of different purposes:


The table in this direction can be made from the following materials:

  • (for countertop). Here you can use both, and, and other lumber;
  • metal (used to build a frame or legs).

If you resort to original ideas, then the designers offer tables with wooden tops mounted on glass bottles. But most often, furniture makers offer solid wood tables combined with metal supports.

You can make such furniture from old building materials, which are available in the garages of almost all people. So it will be even more exclusive and designer.

This furniture must have an aged look. If you use new materials, they must be artificially aged.

Attention: particular importance in the manufacture of loft-style furniture is given to its color scheme. It should match the overall style of the room.


Before we start manufacturing a piece of furniture, it is necessary to consider its design and dimensions, purpose, materials of manufacture, color scheme. For the manufacture of parts and assembly of the table, you will need to make a drawing. On it, with an accuracy of a millimeter, we indicate all the data. Further, you will often have to use the drawing during the manufacturing process. individual elements and when assembling the product.

If you are not familiar with diagramming, you can use certain computer programs. They will accurately calculate all the dimensions of the product and help you in drawing up a competent drawing.

Making tools

Since the design of the loft-style table is simple, it will take quite a bit of free time to make it. Most the main thing in manufacturing is to assemble the frame of the product. It can be of any shape, size and color solution. The countertop for such a piece of furniture can be bought ready-made and painted by yourself.

As materials We have selected the following manufactures:

From tools we will need:

  • grinder;
  • vise;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • Ruler and pencil.

How to do it yourself?

So, the drawing of the product is ready, the materials and tools are assembled, now you can start the manufacturing process:


Finishing includes grinding surfaces, painting them with stain and varnishing. This will not only give the product an aged look, but also enhance it. performance characteristics and resistance to negative factors.

Also, the craftsmen give the product a finished look. with clear hard wax oil. This material is applied to wooden elements brush or roller.