Patterned windows. Do-it-yourself wooden, carved window platbands - types and methods of manufacturing

Do-it-yourself window trims are a wonderful decoration for the facade of the house (ready-made stencils and templates will be given in the article below). They make the house look like no other, visually change its proportions.

Today, having certain skills, you can independently create elegant platbands for windows in a wooden structure. Moreover, they can be made not only from wood, but also from other materials.


When the owner decides to mount the platbands, he seeks to arrange traditional decor in his possessions.

Platbands have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent decorative function. So the building visually increases.
  2. Complementing the overall style of architectural design.
  3. The space between the window opening and the wall plane is protected from moisture and dust.
  4. Reduced heat loss and noise levels.
  5. The individual features of the house and the style of the chosen era are highlighted.

There are platbands and shortcomings:

  1. Wood needs some processing from high humidity and deformation.
  2. Products need regular care and processing.
  3. They do not harmonize with metal-plastic windows. In this case, the platbands are made in the same color scheme.

Self-creation of templates

Today there are many platbands. Their types are determined by the way they are mounted to the window. There are two types of this criterion:

  1. Telescopic. Their specifics: L-shaped protrusions, coinciding with the grooves of the window frame.
  2. Overhead. Installation takes place on the window frame. Fasteners - construction glue or nails with screws.

For your information: finished samples are created in full size. They are printed according to the required parameters.

An elegant solution is the installation of carved products. Such plans can be realized independently only with special equipment.

Popular materials

  1. The most common material for platbands is wood. Products from it have an elegant and harmonious appearance.
  2. Plastic versions are often used as well. They are characterized by powerful resistance to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Plastic options are sold ready-made.
  3. Another popular material is MDF. It is prepared from wood waste. It is more environmentally friendly than plastic. In addition, products made from it are characterized by a look reminiscent of natural wood.
  4. Polyurethane. Variations from it are highly practical. Facade stucco molding is often made from this material.

The nuances of choosing the right wood

As already noted, wood is the most popular material for platbands. And performance characteristics wooden platbands depends on the type of wood used.

Here, attention is usually paid to such options.

  1. Hard deciduous. These varieties include oak and beech. They are very durable. But it is quite problematic to create patterns on them.
  2. Soft leafy. These are: linden, aspen and alder. They are easier to process. On their surface patterns are created even by hand. And such surfaces are thoroughly processed by special means.
  3. Cherry and apple tree. They are optimal for creating small components that can be attached to the base.
  4. Pine and birch. They are also easy to handle. And they have excellent working qualities.
  5. Various combinations of wood types. Application here of special protective compounds for a powerful impregnation is required.

With the help of wood High Quality it turns out beautiful original design window opening.

The nuances of creating templates with your own efforts

The basis of the work is to create stencils and design.

Self-printing stencils is quite feasible for everyone. It is important to achieve a combination of the selected ornament with the whole style. Mixing geometric and floral patterns is not allowed.

When working on platbands, the following subtleties are taken into account:

  1. There should be harmony in the color palette of the walls and decorative elements.
  2. Be sure to select the correct parameter. The platbands should not be very wide or small.
  3. A high-quality version of the coating is selected. Special paints are used.
  4. A template is needed for the manufacture of external carved components.
  5. The drawing is correctly positioned on the workpiece. Details follow along the wood fibers.

When you can achieve color combination architraves and the plane of the walls, it turns out a holistic and harmonious facade.

Manufacturing stages

Before creation window decor selected from photographs carved architraves. You need to make a template first. It should turn out the same for the design work of all openings.

Typically, the following methods of creating patterns are used:

  1. Applied thread. It has isolated elements of the pattern. They join the same base.

Installation of overhead components should be on the base in compliance with the template pattern.

  1. slotted thread. Here they make a through ornament. It looks like wood lace.

With all methods of work, the presence of stencils is mandatory. This is how they look:

Advice: for simple patterns, it is not necessary to make a large-scale stencil. Enough of the notebook paper.

You also need to have the following tools:

  1. Jigsaw.
  2. Hacksaw (oriented for wood).
  3. Knives and chisels.
  4. Drill.
  5. Milling technology

Platbands must be created from prepared materials. The working stages are:

  1. Rigorous measurements are taken.
  2. The selected tree must be dry. If it is wet or damp, it must be brought to dry conditions. The width of the boards is determined by the parameters of the window opening. The thickness of the material reaches a minimum of 3 cm if a slotted thread is made, and at least 1 cm when an overhead thread is made.

All blanks are pre-treated with a protective compound.
Their cutting is done using templates. And the cutting of ornaments takes place using a jigsaw. This tool is best used different types files.

For work electric jigsaw requires certain skills and special care. The created holes must be overwritten. An excellent tool for this is sandpaper. After powerful grinding, the part is treated with a special impregnation.

Next comes the installation of all prepared parts to the base. Here you need to use glue or special nails. In such work, it is better to refuse the use of self-tapping screws. They will cause cracking of products.

Installation specifics

The created platband can be attached to the desired position using the following methods:

  1. On a dull thorn. The installation of such parts is inside. Especially for them, holes should be made in the frame. Glue is applied to the spike and distributed evenly. The spike is inserted into the groove. This fastening protects the platbands from dust and moisture.
  2. With the use of a through spike. The butt section here is thoroughly treated with varnish.

These techniques are justified when working with a wooden window. To attach to the metal-plastic, a special powerful liquid glue is used.

Care Required

Installed platbands need constant attention and care. For processing, special preparations are used - powerful impregnations. They create high-quality protection against:

  • tree pests;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • sudden fire.

Carved options are necessarily covered with a primer, then varnish or paint. The intensity of such treatments is 1 time in 3-5 years. So the operational life of the products will be seriously developed, and at the same time their attractive appearance will be preserved.

When installing plastic or metal products no extensive maintenance is required. For products, it is necessary to arrange high-quality protection against corrosion. Periodic updating of the paint is also required.

Thus, it is very possible to make platbands of extraordinary beauty with elegant patterns on your own. Certain carpentry, carpentry and tool skills are required. So you decorate window openings in a very original way and bring an elegant zest to the chosen architectural style.

How carved platbands are made by technology slotted thread see the following video:

The first architraves appeared in the times wooden houses. Despite the simplicity of the design, in order to build such a house, you need to have experience and knowledge in the field of architecture. The platband is a painted fresco, which is placed near the window frame. The platband will not only become an original decoration, but will also perform a number of additional functions.

Due to the tight fit to window frame, platbands block access to drafts in window cracks, protect against dust and moisture ingress into gaps, and also have heat-insulating properties. After all, foam is used to install platbands, which is already an excellent heat-insulating material.

Heat from the house will not go out through the window openings in the frame, which means that the cold will not enter the house. Also, the platband protects plastic windows from damage under the influence of moisture and temperatures. The only drawback is that the architraves eventually become unusable and will need to be restored. But after all, it is much more economical than doing the restoration of windows.

The next important factor is design. Architraves are cut-in figures made of wood or plastic, which are selected individually for the image of your house, so that the harmony and aesthetics of both window frames and the house as a whole are observed.

Types of platbands

The designs of the platbands are similar to each other, so it is difficult to characterize them in any way. Therefore, the types of platbands are divided by the material from which they are made:

  • Plastic
  • Wood

Now, in order about each type, its pros and cons.

Plastic architraves

Plastic platbands are more resistant to moisture on the surface, do not deteriorate under the influence of temperatures and are the longest in terms of service life. Modern technologies allow to make plastic architraves under the design of the tree.

Naturally, there will be noticeable differences in the contrast between natural wood and artificial, but do not forget about the rest positive characteristics plastic.

MDF architraves

MDF is a dense slab of sawdust and glue. To increase their service life, such plates are varnished, which significantly increases the time of operation and use of MDF.

Platbands made of wood

The most common are wooden platbands. Therefore, the types of wooden platbands are divided into the following types:

  • Made from natural wood
  • Environmentally friendly

Natural platbands are made from 100% wood. To extend the service life, such platbands are exposed to the processing of special materials that protect the surface from environmental influences.

Environmentally friendly platbands are made from safe materials which, in the event of a fire, will not emit harmful combustion products into the atmosphere.

Wood itself is a soft and plastic material, so you can make a platband of any shape and any size, which is a huge plus and significantly distinguishes wood against the background of platbands and other materials.

Installation of platbands

Beautiful wooden platbands are installed in three ways:

  • Overhead
  • Telescopic
  • Finnish

Installation of overhead trim is done on the outside of the house and the window frame. Telescopic installation has a curved shape of the letter "L" and is inserted into the grooves of the window.

The Finnish installation of platbands can be immediately noticed by the presence of a visor above the window and the simplicity of the form. The choice of platbands depends on your taste preferences.

Material for the manufacture of wooden platbands

Many architraves are made from natural wood to look like an old 18th century design, but here's what kind of wood is best to use, read below. The ideal option is to use the type of wood from which the house is made so as not to disturb the structure and design of the house.

In other cases, it is best to make platbands from oak or beech. Due to the density of the material, it will be expensive to make it yourself design model or simply thread without special material.

If you are going to start making wooden platbands on your own, then it is best to use cherries or cherries. These varieties are more susceptible to carving and are more often than others used to create platbands on their own.

Despite the type of wood, you need to remember the main rule - any wood must be varnished to protect the wood from environmental influences.

To emphasize the uniqueness and good taste of the owner of the house, wooden architraves on the door will be a great addition to window frames. Thus, we can conclude that the use of platbands gives solidity to the house, and due to the universal component - wood, the platband can be made to order, taking into account your preferences.

Photo of wooden architraves

The decorative framing of windows and roof ends has always been considered the element of decoration that gives the entire structure individuality and recognition. But due to the fact that the complexity and cost of such a decoration is simply enormous, many owners prefer to install trim on windows in wooden house with your own hands.

When planning to save on this operation, it is necessary to soberly assess your capabilities, since the method of manufacturing and installing platbands has big amount technological nuances, ignoring which can nullify all the costs of money and time.

This review discusses several ways to manufacture and install decorative trim and focuses on non-standard technical issues.

Depending on the design of the cashier, for its independent production, you may need different types equipment. In some cases, a standard set of “home carpenter” is sufficient, but if woodcarving is present in the decor elements, you will have to purchase special tools and fixtures.

Consider the relationship between the cashing design and the complexity of the technical equipment used in its manufacture.

From industrial blanks

If window trims are supposed to be made from purchased blanks with an already formed pattern or profile, then the need to purchase additional equipment most likely will not occur.

When writing a review, we proceed from the fact that the workshop of the owner, who decided to equip wooden house, already contains the following minimum of tools:

  • universal screwdrivers;
  • pliers and pincers;
  • rasps and files;
  • hand saw;
  • plane;
  • hammer;
  • clamp;
  • axe;
  • measuring devices (tape measure, square, building level).

It will not be a mistake to assume that an electric drill and an electromechanical jigsaw are also included in the mandatory tool kit of any self-respecting home craftsman.

The only thing worth buying before self assembly platbands from industrial blanks - this is a device for cutting boards at a given angle ("miter box") and an end mill for punching blind holes for dowels.

We emphasize that the tools listed in this subsection are a basic set, supplemented by more specialized models as the design of the casing becomes more complicated.

With elements of wood carving

In the same cases when it is planned to make platbands with elements of wood carving with their own hands, the stage pre-training workshop will be more difficult.

Note that it is not at all necessary to buy all the tools listed in this review, since in this area construction works there is a narrow specialization.

So, to create slotted decorations, it is enough to supplement the basic equipment with the following tools:

The use of a machine for cutting patterns is not necessary, but highly desirable in cases where the patterns are large in area and contain small elements.

Another situation where a stationary jigsaw is indispensable is the manufacture of plywood trim, since it is extremely difficult to accurately follow the lines of the template with a manual model of such a saw.

Please note that when creating slotted patterns, it is highly recommended to use not a flat, but a round version of jigsaws. This will avoid random deviations from the lines of the pattern, the appearance of which is especially unpleasant in the last stages of processing the product.

To make voluminous carved jewelry yourself, you will need to purchase a set of special chisels.

To cash in the patterned decor of the whole house, it is necessary to perform very large volume work, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility fast sharpening chisel. For these purposes, you can purchase an inexpensive sharpening machine, which, moreover, is useful for straightening drills, knives, planer blades and some types of milling cutters.

Using machine profiling

A review of the tool base used in the course of exterior finishing of wooden houses will be incomplete if we do not mention manual and stationary milling cutters.

A relatively inexpensive manual model of such a device will solve the following tasks:

  • creation from ordinary edged boards profiled frames for external and internal architraves;
  • quickly cut grooves for tongue-and-groove joints or chamfer when assembling frames "with overlay";
  • to make patterned figures on blanks, both in the slotted technique and in the form of volumetric carving (moreover, to do this as soon as possible).
  • inlay wooden panels in the original technique of internal carving.

Note that when buying a milling cutter, you need to decide in advance what types of them will be needed in the future, and add the appropriate items to the purchase estimate. The figure below shows the most commonly used designs of edge and internal milling cutters.

We select the material

We talked in detail about what platbands are made of in our article.

Here we recall that in the manufacture of cashing it is necessary to be able to find a balance between the technological qualities of wood and its climatic resistance.

In general, the following rules should be followed:

  • for volumetric carving, take soft woods (linden, cherry, alder);
  • for the manufacture of frames, use durable and stable types of wood (larch, oak, ash, pine).

If the decoration is carried out according to the slotted technology, then all the elements of the casing can be made from hard rocks, since manual sawing of patterns is practically not used today.

Separately, we emphasize another advantage of slotted technology - you can use ordinary plywood to make such a decor. Surprisingly, this material, after impregnation with water-polymer compounds, becomes strong as oak, while remaining the most convenient for cutting patterns.

Moreover, volumetric compositions can be made from plywood by gluing several layers into one patch block.

The only disadvantage of such glued compositions is that in order to cut large patterns, a stationary machine is required that allows the installation of a round-shaped jigsaw. It is almost impossible to go through all the bends of the pattern without errors and serifs, using only classic flat files, on such a thin material.

When making platbands with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that any decoration, although it is original element decoration, but at the same time remains part of the design of the window opening.

  1. First of all, cashing should not interfere with the opening of windows and the closing of shutters. This requirement, simple at first glance, is not so easy to implement in practice, and it is precisely when determining the dimensions of the frame that errors are most often made.

The internal dimensions of the frame must be such that the trim completely covers the end of the pigtail, but at the same time does not interfere with the full opening of the windows. That is, when drawing up a drawing, you must first determine working area windows in open position and only then develop wiring diagram clypeus.

In cases where the casing is joined to external slopes (and this often happens when installing PVC double glazing into the casing from the embedded beam), its inner contour must correspond to the outer perimeter of the slopes.

  1. Following general requirement to the design of the platband - the upper block (bar) should be thicker than the lower one. This is necessary to reduce the amount of water entering the lower part cashing out.

In the classical designs of architraves for wooden and timber houses, this requirement was implemented in the form of a massive cornice, which creates a kind of cover for the entire lower part of the window.

More stringent options for exterior window trim do not imply a difference in the thickness of the planks, but the installation of ebbs, both under the window and above the frame.

  1. Separately, we emphasize that the casing for a long time is exposed to direct impact solar ultraviolet, as well as strong changes in temperature and moisture. No matter how high-quality the wood processing is, it will in any case change its original dimensions and begin to let moisture through to the fasteners.

In view of this, the classical method of its assembly does not involve the use of metal nails and screws (they rust and fall out). The best option manufacturing a wide frame and shields for platbands - the use of glued compositions from boards and wooden dowels.

Below is an example of the manufacture of a prefabricated shield for a decorative cornice without the use of metal parts.

The illustration shows that the shield is assembled from boards glued end-to-end. Laying of boards is carried out with the coordination of the internal pattern of wood. Adhesive composition- PVA or waterproof wood glue (holding time - 2-3 glue polymerization periods).

Pulling is done with the help of ropes and pegs that increase compression.

Production of slotted platbands

As a detailed answer to the question of how to make platbands for a window opening in a wooden house yourself, we will consider the technology for manufacturing and assembling a slotted platband.

Despite the fact that there are more complex options for framing frames (for example, with three-dimensional wood carvings), given description adequately conveys all the subtleties of this stage of facade decoration.

First, we give a complete list of operations that must be performed to make a platband:

  1. Drawing up a technical sketch and calculation of the main dimensions.
  2. The choice of the artistic scheme of the product (drawing patterns, preparing templates).
  3. Preparation (or purchase) of the necessary lumber and fasteners.
  4. Marking parts and connections.
  5. Cutting blanks and adjusting dimensions.
  6. Production of the supporting frame of the platband (for those cases when the slotted pattern is invoiced).
  7. Transferring pattern patterns to blanks.
  8. Development of a scheme of cuts and determination of points for drilling initial and closing holes.
  9. Cutting out a drawing.
  10. Chamfering and grinding.
  11. Antiseptic treatment and priming of all parts.
  12. Painting each part individually (especially if multiple color schemes are used).
  13. Installation of overhead parts on the frame.
  14. Installation of supporting rails on the wall of the house (if the house is made of timber or frame, this operation is not needed).
  15. Installation of the frame on the window opening.

Now consider the most difficult stages in more detail.

Pattern selection

We note right away that, without having practical experience in wood carving, the pattern for the casing should be chosen as simple as possible, without small details.

The easiest way is to take a ready-made template and print it in full size. It is best to do this on a large plotter, but you can use the partial printing feature found in many graphic editors.

Frame manufacturing

There are two different approaches to making a frame for a platband:

  1. Cutting a solid frame from a glued shield.
  2. Assembly from boards of each element of the base (frame, shield for decorative cornice).

The first option was discussed above, but for its application it is desirable to have the appropriate experience and skills.

The second scheme is classic and consists in assembling a square frame of four planks.

Corner joints are performed in two ways:

  • by the "thorn-groove" method;
  • overlap.

A tongue-and-groove connection is considered more reliable, but special equipment (milling cutter) is required for its manufacture. The overlap joint is made using a simple hacksaw and a drill.

Please note that the base of the platband may include not only a frame, but also a triangular shield for placing decorative elements of the cornice. When assembling it, there is a problem of connecting several boards into a single whole. If end gluing is excluded, this problem can be solved with the help of anodized brackets and self-tapping screws.

Making carved elements

The slotted platband can be both overhead and solid. In the first case, the frame and patterns are made as individual elements designs. In the second, each framing plank simultaneously performs a functional and decorative role.

The most popular is the first option (consignment note), due to its manufacturability and versatility.

Pattern cutting is performed after the pattern is transferred from the template to the workpiece. Through holes are drilled at the start points of the cut and in the area of ​​bends.

The working tool in this case is a manual or stationary jigsaw.

If, nevertheless, a manual saw model is used, then in order to avoid distortions, the workpiece must be fixed with a clamp on a horizontal plane.

In most cases, the cutting plane is strictly perpendicular to the outer surface of the board, but to give a three-dimensional effect with outside pattern can be chamfered.

After the drawing is completed, the workpiece is cleaned of large burrs and chips (inside and out), after which grinding is performed. Cleaning the surfaces inside the decor is performed using a drill and a schreiber. It is most convenient to finish the outer planes with a grinder.

Protective treatment and painting

All efforts to make a wooden casing will be in vain if measures are not taken to protect it from decay and moisture deformation. This is especially true for carved elements, as they are made from unstable wood species, as well as internal trim installed in baths and saunas.

In order to properly process the carved and power elements of the frame, we recommend that you follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Painting.
  2. Protective lacquer.

The antiseptic composition can be used the same that is used to stabilize logs during the construction of log cabins.

Painting should be started only after the antiseptic has completely dried. Please note that most modern protective compounds have priming properties, so a separate primer coating can be omitted.

Narrow brushes are used to cover the inner surfaces of the pattern, wide brushes are used for the outer ones.

Lacquering is carried out before the assembly of the product: when the painting of all products is completed and after the paint has completely dried.

To protect the platbands on wooden windows suitable acrylic varnish for wood.

In cases where plastic decorative overlays, all operations listed in this subsection apply only to frame elements.

Casing assembly

After all the necessary components are made and painted, they must be assembled into a single structure.

This is best done on a flat surface, prior to installation on a window opening.

The fastening of decorative elements to the supporting frame can be done in the following ways:

  • self-tapping screws;
  • finishing nails;
  • deaf wooden dowels with landing on glue.

In those cases when it is necessary to sheathe the upper edges of the casing with carved patterns, decorative element and the frame is joined perpendicularly. Reliable fixation in this type of joints is provided by mounting corners.

Separately, we note that the most durable platband will be obtained when the decor is planted on wooden dowels. At the same time, not only the contact zone, but also the entire inner surface of the carved element is covered with glue (to prevent moisture from leaking).

If, nevertheless, metal fasteners are used, then it is necessary to select the most protected samples of screws and nails.

Tip: a good "camouflage" for the heads of the screws is obtained from a mixture of fine sawdust and waterproof wood glue.

window installation

In order to correctly install the assembled casing, it is highly desirable that this operation carried out by at least two workers. This is necessary in order to accurately align its position before final fixation.

Despite the fact that the installation of the assembled frame is carried out at pre-marked points on the casing, a visual correction of its position will still be required.

It should also be borne in mind that when assembled, the entire structure can be very heavy, and if you follow all the points of the safety rules, then the installation of such products should only be carried out from scaffolding.


At the end of the review, let's dwell on one more feature of the platbands: non-standard docking with the wall of the house.

Since it is impossible to make fixed connections between the elements of the framing frame and the wall of the house, the problem arises of closing the gap between the inner surface of the casing and the uneven contour of the logs. From a technological point of view, its presence is insignificant, but from an aesthetic point of view it is very noticeable.

Therefore, in those cases when the platband too clearly emphasizes the uneven contour of the wall, they install between the wall and the platband wooden slats, providing sliding contact and giving everything window block more finished look.

The company "Master Srubov" accepts orders for the entire range of work performed during the transformation of a log or timber frame into well-appointed house, including the manufacture and installation of platbands. You can clarify the terms of cooperation and calculate the cost of the work by going to the page and contacting us by any of the methods of communication published there.

Installing the outer frame window openings usually practiced in wooden houses, where you need to cover the gap between the frame and the wall with something. The issue can be resolved in different ways: nail planed boards around the perimeter or first cut out trim on the windows, and only then attach them to the walls with your own hands. There is a third option - to put finished products bought in the store. Our task is to explain how to make such a cladding yourself.

Types of decorative flashings

For exterior window framing and entrance doors platbands made from the following materials are used:

  • wood, thick plywood;
  • metal;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane.

Wooden cladding, which has been decorating log houses for centuries, remains popular to this day. It is performed in two styles - Russian, where beautiful carvings with rich ornaments prevail, and Finnish - more concise. The latter is distinguished by the direct forms of the elements and a small hinged visor, which is shown in the photo:

Framing in Finnish (left) and Russian style (right)

Reference. The scope of wood flashings is not limited chopped houses. Now they can be found on country cottages built of timber and bricks, including plastic windows. As the photo shows, the openwork pattern looks great even on a stone wall.

The main advantage of wood is by no means ease of processing, although it also matters. Another thing is important here: carved architraves, made according to an individual sketch, will give the facade an exclusive appearance that you will not see anywhere else. This good reason take on independent production, because ordering such products from the master will cost a lot. This equally applies to metal flashings - you can also cut them yourself if you wish.

Styrofoam and plastic window cladding – more modern way resolving the issue. And although polymer elements for windows do not differ in exorbitant prices and are easy to install, they are completely devoid of individuality. The reason is clear - many enterprises have mastered the production of polyurethane decor.

Facade decor made of polyurethane

Cut out a wooden platband without a stencil

The the way is fine those who want to decorate door and window openings, but have no experience in wood carving. First you need to choose the material - boards 2-4 cm thick, whose width is determined by the selected pattern, and the length - by the size of the window.

Advice. Choose lumber from softwoods - linden, alder or aspen. Sawing a pattern in solid beech or oak is not an easy task. Spruce is too knotty, and pine cracks easily along the fibers, so it is undesirable for a beginner to use it.

The window trim consists of 4 main parts shown in the drawing: two sidewalls, a frieze and a window sill. The design can be supplemented with a decorative top (in other words, a kokoshnik). The elements are joined together at an angle of 45 or 90 ° - at your discretion.

To make flashings with a simple pattern of flowers, proceed in this order:

  1. Draw a line down the center of the board. Focusing on it, draw circles along the entire length with a pencil (you can outline a round object of a suitable diameter). Using a square, draw lines through the centers of all circles at an angle of 90 and 45 °.
  2. Take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the circle and two more on each line. Draw the petals of future flowers around them.
  3. Using a jigsaw, cut out each petal and circle the outer contour of the product with a pencil, as shown in the photo. Cut off the excess part and carefully clean the resulting ornament. In the same way, make all 4 parts.

Advice. If you are not very good at drawing, use a regular pattern to draw curved lines.

After cutting, home-made platbands must be carefully processed outside and inside with a rasp, and then with a large sandpaper. The last stage is antiseptic coating and staining (or applying yacht waterproof varnish). To better understand the process, watch a video where a little boy does all the work:

An important point. Nothing bad will happen if the board cracks into 2 parts during work. They can be fastened together with steel plates screwed with reverse side.

Manufacturing according to a template

This technology involves the application of a complex pattern on wooden surface with the help of a stencil, according to which the platbands are cut out with their own hands. Some sample templates available for sale are shown in the picture:

Note. You can make an individual stencil yourself by drawing an ornament on a sheet of cardboard, thin plywood or plastic, and then cutting it out with a jigsaw or scissors.

Drilling a workpiece for a jigsaw

There are 2 ways to make wooden window flashings:

  1. Take the boards and make a slotted pattern, as described in the previous section.
  2. cut out complex elements separately, and then fasten them to the boards with glue, self-tapping screws or spikes. This is how patterns with protruding details are made.

Regardless of which method you choose, the cutting process looks the same. An ornament is applied to the surface with a pencil through a stencil, after which the outer contour of the product is formed with an electric jigsaw. Where you need to cut out the inner drawing, holes are first drilled for the entry of the jigsaw blade. For confident work with thin curved cuts, it is better to take a file with a small width.

Finished element, which is then attached to the frieze or side frame board

Note. The same technology is used for the manufacture of platbands from sheet metal or corrugated board. Just need to pick up a different cutting tool.

We bring to your attention another video that tells how to make a template window cladding without the use of a jigsaw, coping only with a drill with a crown drill:

Installation instructions

There is no particular wisdom in installing platbands with a slotted pattern. The design can be assembled on the table, and then put on the window as a whole or mounted in parts. In a chopped wooden house, for the installation of cladding, it is necessary to prepare sites around the perimeter of the opening by cutting the logs to the width of the board.

Element-by-element assembly on self-tapping screws is carried out in the following order:

  1. Treat all carved details with varnish and lay them in place on the prepared board to form a pattern.
  2. If you need to make a large pommel, then use several boards interconnected by corners as a base.
  3. Screw each element to the base by screwing the screws on the back of the board.
  4. Install the finished platband flush with window frame to cover the gap and secure with long screws. For doors that open outward, leave a gap of 1-2 cm so that they swing open 90 °.

Advice. To prevent the elements of the ornament from moving during fastening, gently pull them to the base with clamps.

How to properly install carved flashings is shown in the video:


Cute architraves with a beautiful ornament look great on any windows, both wooden and plastic. This is not to say that they are difficult to manufacture, but you will have to work. Success largely depends on the quality of the wood and your qualifications. In order to avoid mistakes, beginners are advised to select a simpler drawing and “fill their hand” on the facades facing the backyard. Then you will decorate the front side of the house flawlessly.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.