Write a message to the outside world about China. Full description of China

Materials: letters of neutral color (not blue, not red, not green) -33 pcs.
It was a snowy frosty winter.
In one city there was a girl named Lida. She was 6 years old. She had just learned to read syllables and her grandmother gave her a large plastic bag with plastic letters. All letters were the same size and color: white, shiny. Lida folded them into syllables and simple words, and in the evening she put away the letters in a white bag given by her grandmother. She gave all her toys to her brother Lena, who was 4 years old, and she herself played only with letters. Lida already really wanted to go to school and study as soon as possible.
Once she played with letters so much that she fell asleep with a white package, given by her grandmother, in her hands. Mom tried to take the package from Lida, but the girl held it tightly in her hands. When Lida tried to roll over on her other side in her sleep, her hand unclenched and white shiny letters spilled out of the package on the floor. In her sleep, Lida opened her eyes and saw a pile of letters near the bed. She closed her eyes again and fell fast asleep.

She had an unusual dream; the letters stirred, trying to free themselves from the other letters lying on them.
-What is it? What is it? What is it?
-Friends, where is our home?
-We are homeless, nobody needs us, we are lying in a heap, by the bed!
-Let's do something! There are many of us, we will think of something !!!
-Yes, there are 33 of us!
-Let's go look for the city of Bookvin, there is a board for all the letters!
-Come! Come !!!
And they went to the city of Bookvin. They had to walk for a long time in deep snow. Finally, they came. In the city they were not immediately seen, since the letters were all white, like the snow on which they walked. Letters met Znayko and introduced them to the streets of the city.
-First, you will live on Literary Street.
The letters dreamed of getting into their homes as soon as possible and taking a break from the long difficult journey, so they obediently followed Znayka. There were two houses on Literary Street: a smaller one, and a larger blue one.
Znayka and Pochka lined up the letters in a row and began to tell the letters in which house they would live:
-The letters AOEEEEEEUYA (children answer) will live in the red house, because they are vowels. -These letters obediently followed Znayka and Pointe to the red house, so they were tired. The rest of the letters ran to the blue house, they were also tired and wanted to have a rest as soon as possible. But Znayka and Pochka stopped them: -Yes, you go to the blue house, because it’s in the disciples and it was built especially for you.
And you, wait! -Said they b and b signs- You do not agree, you can’t go to the blue house!
-Then we'll go to red.
- No, and you can't go there!
b and b cried: "Well, are we going to live on the street? We will freeze and die!"
- No, look! A separate house has been built for you!
The signs looked in the direction where Pointer was pointing, and barely saw the almost invisible from behind white snow house with two windows.
-Because you are not letters, but very important signs, soft and hard!
B and b were delighted and ran to their charming house.
Morning has come. The rested letters went out into the street, where Pointe and Znayka met them again.
-Oh, b and b slept, let's go call them!
“Don't!” Said Pointer. -Where we go, they do not need, let them stay and sleep properly. And now you are not letters, but sounds!
Znayka and Pochinka led the letters to Zvuchuschaya Street. vowels, and there were consonants behind them. As soon as the vowels stepped onto the Sounding Street, sounds were heard: A_U_E_O_Y_Y. A, O, U, E, I, S, and the vowels letters E, E, Yu, I of steel sounds E, O, U, A.
When the vowel sounds were gone, a loud loud A_O_U was heard from the red house ... and so on. After all, the street was sounding, everything sounded here.
On the other side of the street there was a blue house, the same as on the letter street, only a little strange - 2 doors led into it from different sides.
When the consonants approached this blue house, Znayka and Pochinka began to arrange them in pairs: B was paired with P, V with F, G with K, D with T, F with w, Z with S. 9 sounds were without pairs: L, M, N, R, X, Ts, Ch, Sch, Y.
Znayka and Pochka brought all the sounds to the right porch, and as soon as they stepped onto the first step, it rang out with a light metallic ringing.
- Voiced consonants live here.
B, C, D, E, F, Z ran into the porch, and the steps rang incessantly, as if small metal hammers were rattling. metal door and they entered the house. Everything in this part of the blue house was sounding and ringing: and chair and table, and cots, and dishes, glass and metal.
The rest of the sogas, led by Znayka and Potenka, approached the left porch. The steps on this porch were wooden and only creaked dully under their feet of consonant sounds.
- Deaf consonants live here: P, T, K, S, F, Sh. Which parted from their voiced paired consonants. And also ...
The door to the house on this side was wooden, deaf, without a window. Everything inside was made of soft, non-sounding materials - wood and plastic - and furniture and dishes.
The remaining sounds entered there.
The b and b signs became bored on Literary Street, and Znayka and Pochka took them to the blue house to the deaf and voiced consonants. They stayed first on one and then on the other half of the house. but they remained letters, signs. The instruction consoled them:
- All letters have their own purpose!
Lida turned on the other side and opened her eyes. She tilted her head and saw below a pile of shining, scattered letters.
- I will build for you the city of Bookvin, exactly the same as I saw in my dream! After all, you are my most best friends!!!

Elena Sharipova
A tale of sounds and letters (for children and parents)

The tale of sounds and letters.

(for children and parents)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there was a city Zvukograd... In this city lived 33 magical letters... Each the letters had their own name to which she responded - sound, and only two there were no letters - no sounds... But this city could not exist without them. it letters b and b signs... They were very important to Zvukograda... Without solid and soft sign many words would have a very different meaning. Or were not clear to us. Bb sign separates the sounds, prevents them from merging.

There were two kingdoms in this city. In the same kingdom lived letters, which were pronounced easily fluently, their names can be easily sung and they lived in the red kingdom, which was called "Vowels"... Vowel queen letters and sounds She was very fond of red, and therefore in this kingdom, the clothes of all the inhabitants were red. This kingdom was not big. Only 10 inhabitants lived in it - A –Ya, U – Yu, O – E, Y – I, E – E. In the second kingdom lived letters, which cannot be sung, rather noises are pronounced when they are pronounced. Unlike vowels, they have to wade through obstacles to the lips, teeth, and sometimes the nose. "Consonants" they were named because they are always pronounced next to vowels.

One day the sounds they all met in the clearing. They played merrily, and in the evening when they were called home, the voices began to merge. and many the sounds heard themselves paired with another sound... So they appeared in Soundgrade syllables and then the words began to appear. In this kingdom, the king had two daughters, Rose and Riza. Rosa always wore blue outfits, and Riza wore green ones. The king loved his daughters very much and divided his kingdom into two parts. He gave one part of the kingdom to Rose, and the second part to Rize. Daughters Rose and Riza very often quarreled due to the fact that letters many of the names were similar. The king thought for a long time how to reconcile the sisters, to make the sisters stop quarreling. The news of the quarrel between the two sisters spread throughout the kingdom. The magic Fairy also heard about it. She invited Rize to name her letters just as softly, as her name sounds and designate your letters to your loved ones green... And to call Rose as firmly as the first sounds sound name Rose and designate your letters in blue... Since then, the sisters never quarrel again and built for their letters new two-storey house, in which Rosina and Rizin lived together letters.

So a new city appeared, in which 33 live letters... One day the Fairy decided to visit this city. She looked to the sounds of the first floor... They loved to wear hats and did not hear her knock on them. The fairy took offense at them and called them deaf. Since then, the deaf have appeared sounds P F K T W S... The cheerful people lived on the second floor letters they heard the Fairy come to them, played with her. The Fairies really liked them and she gave them each a bell and called them ringing. Since then, they are called voiced B C D E F H, They are pronounced sonorous.

Letters Ж, Sh, Ts hid from the Fairies on a cloud. The fairy called them for a long time. Since then, they have been pronounced firmly, and are denoted in blue. Letters H, U, Y walked on green grass and the Fairy called them softly and suggested marking them in green. And also their letters made friends with the vowels. Vowels A, U, Y, O, E made friends with the Rosins sounds... And the vowels I, Yu, I, Yo, E with Rizin sounds. Letters who managed to check in in two-storey house, called paired. The voiced ones live on the second floor, and the deaf the sounds live on the ground floor. Sounds of th, L, M, N, R for which there was not enough space in the new house were settled in magic cubes. Letters Щ, H, Ts, X made friends with forest snakes since then they always hiss and they were called hissing sounds... In our Zvukograd there are special vowels letter E, Yo, Yu, I which can mean two sound if they appear at the beginning of a word, after a vowel, or after a b or b sign.

The Magic Fairy liked the new city, because playing with sounds, these are the cities she had various words, sentences and whole stories... The fairy named this city "Alphabet"... Since then, the Alphabet has existed, in which 33 live letters... 10 vowels sounds, 21 consonants sounds and two letters not having sounds.

Grammar tales of sounds and letters

In the land of sounds

Sounds lived in one magic land. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants in it. Nobody saw them, since they were invisible.

But you could hear them. Six sounds were singers: A, U, Y, I, E, O. For melodiousness and vociferousness they called them vowels. I [y'a], Yo [y'o], YU [y'u], E [y'e] sang along with them.

The other 21 were also kind, good sounds, but they did not know how to sing. Listen here: B C D E F G H I J K L M N P R S T V W X Y Z

They were very friendly, in everything they agreed with the vowels, they loved to stand side by side with them. And they were called consonants.

Sounds and now live together, singing magic songs. You can also sing with them, but for this you need to be able to recognize all the sounds and pronounce them correctly.

Try it!

How sounds learned to turn into letters

Much time has passed since the sounds settled in one magical land. They were invisible, but they loved to sing.

Once a wizard from another kingdom appeared in that country. He liked it there so much that he wanted to get to know its inhabitants better. And when he learned that all the inhabitants were invisible, he was very upset. But he was still a wizard, and very kind. And he decided to give each inhabitant a magic dress. Each sound received a dress that was not like the others. As soon as it was put on, the sound immediately became visible and turned into a letter. The letter could be seen, depicted, drawn, written. The wizard was very pleased. After all, now, after reading or singing it, or whispering, he called the sound by name. So they met.

Who is more important?

Once they argued among themselves vowels and consonants: which of them is more important.

Of course, we are more important! the vowels shouted. - Without us, no one will open his mouth!

Well, we'll see that, ”the consonants objected unanimously. - Try to pronounce us, so as not to open your mouth a little. It won't work!

And here it will turn out! For example, M.

Is it just one M, nothing else!

And yet we are more important! Not a single word, not a single syllable can do without us.

What's true is true. But without us, the consonants, not a single word will be understood. Come on, say something without our help! At least the name of the science that studies you and me!

Oh ... E ... And ... A, - the vowels sang and fell silent in embarrassment.

You see! And if we say FNTK, then everyone will guess that this is FONETIKA.

Let us suppose. Although we decided it was FANTIC. But according to

try to say the following words without us: WINDOW, FIR-tree, IF.

The consonants mumbled something unintelligible in response and also fell silent.

What do you guys think? Which of them is more important and necessary?

Always together

Once vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants got lost in a bunch, they wanted to talk - and in no way ...

Have coughed:

Kx! Sneezed:

Pchh! They chuckled:

For some reason they called the cat:

Puss, puss, puss! And they got bored ... Suddenly:

It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere ... They listened.

A-ah-ah! NS! the vowels shouted. They cried like little children:

Whoa! Whoa! Auqali:

And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly:


And they heard joyful, but also indistinct:


They made peace, stood by their side again, distinctly said:


And since then they have never parted again. They can't live without each other. Who, then, will form the words? It happens, however, that they quarrel a little, but then they all reconcile anyway.

(according to A. Shibaev)

Dispute letters

Recently the letters argued again. It all started because of I.

I am the most important, - said the letter I. - Because I am me.

And you're not the main thing, - the letter A cried out. - You stand

We are not letters, we are the sounds of speech,

They say and hear us.

Breathing freely in every vowel

The consonants are interrupted for a moment.

And only he achieved harmony

To whom is their alternation subject to.

Air flows freely through the mouth,

The sound turns out to be a vowel.

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,

They can cry and scream

They can fight a child in a crib,

But they don't want to whistle and grumble.

And consonants ... consonants

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Sss ... - a snake whistle is heard.

Shshh ... - the fallen leaf rustles

Zhzhzh ... - bumblebees in the garden are buzzing.

Rrr ... - the motors are rattling.

(V. Berestov)

1. Find an obsolete word in the text.

2. Identify it lexical meaning... If the determination of the value is not difficult, see point 4; if it did, see point 3.

3. Consult the dictionary obsolete words or to the explanatory dictionary:

4. Determine how the entries are arranged in the dictionary;

5. find the required dictionary entry;

6.Pay attention to correct pronunciation the words;

7. read its interpretation;

8. look at examples of use;

9. if the word is ambiguous, choose the meaning that suits the context;

11. Think if the object (phenomenon) designated by this word is in modern reality. If so, see point 5, if not, see point 6.

12. This is archaism.

13. This is historicism.

Scheme 1.Language model

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What happens the same?

What is he doing?

What (who) does the same?

What does it look like?

What is the difference?

Scheme 2. Family tree Russian language

Favzana Ayupova

A child learns difficult concepts and knowledge easily and well if they are presented in a language that is understandable to him.

Such a language for a child is a fairy tale. The concepts of "sound" and "letter" are abstract, children often confuse these concepts. In order for children to understand and distinguish these concepts, in order to learn how to differentiate the concepts of "sound" and "letter", I made

manual "Live sounds and letters".

Purpose of the manual

1.to acquaint children with vowel sounds,

2. to form the concept of "vowel sound",

3.develop auditory attention,

4. develop phonemic hearing.

5. to acquaint children with vowel letters (to consolidate the visual images of vowels);

6. to teach children to distinguish and differentiate the concepts of "sound" and "letter".

Introducing children to vowel letters, I tell the children such a fairy tale. (The idea was borrowed from the magazine "Hoop")

The tale of sounds and letters.

What countries do not exist in the world! Land of Smiles and Riddles, Sunny Bunnies and Happy Boys! And in our country, at the foot of the Gramota peaks, restless inhabitants live Vowel sounds. They are all different, each sound has its own character: A - joyful and cheerful, U - angry, O - loves to be surprised at everything, And - smiling and kind, E - loves to reason and is slow, y - the most stubborn. (Having pronounced these sounds, she fixed the children's attention to the position of the lips. Together with the children, they decided to designate these "magic" sounds with the following icons: the sound "A" (wide open mouth) - a square, the sound "O" - a circle, the sound "U" - small circle - tube, sound "E" - oval, sound "y" - rectangle, sound "I" - half of an oval.

And - And - And, O - S, A - E - U!

But one day the sounds began to think.

We all have houses, but we do not, we have nowhere to live - said the vowel sounds.

Squirrels live in a hollow, - said the sound "A".

The bear has a den, - says the sound "I"

People live in apartments and houses. We are alone without permanent place residence, - picked up the sounds of "E" and "s".

Thought, thought, and decided to build housing for ourselves. The sounds "A" and "I" found three sticks each.

"A" built himself a hut with a crossbar. "And" to two posts the crossbar obliquely fitted and was satisfied.

The "U" sound made itself a house that looked like a tree with a knot. The sound "O" found the old wheel and stayed to live in it. The "E" sound found a cracked wheel rim, attached a wand inside. The house also appeared at him.

Satisfied sounds rejoiced for a long time that they also had houses and began to call their houses with letters. People look at these houses and know that the sound "A" lives in the letter - the house "A", the inhabitant lives in the letter "U" - the sound "U", etc.

Such a fairy tale and a visual image of sounds and letters help children to distinguish between the concepts "sound" and "letter", which are not easy for preschoolers.

Once upon a time there were letters. Many fairy tales begin with the words "lived-were", here is our fairy tale too. What is it about? It's about the friendship of letters.

Tale "Consonants and Vowels"

Once upon a time there were letters. Some of them were called consonants, such as, for example, L, K, N. And some vowels - A, O, U. When the letters went to the first grade, it happened that some consonants and vowels became friends and some are not. There was no friendship between the letters Ж, Ш and the letter Y.

- Do not be offended, Y, - the letter Z said. The letter P in the word "lynx" and the letter M in the word "mouse" are in love with you.

“Okay,” said the letter Y. - I will not be offended. Moreover, we are together in the word "SKI". Indeed, this word contains both Y and Zh.

And the letters Ч, Щ in any way did not agree to be friends with the letters I, Yu.

At first, these letters were upset, but the teacher said that there was no reason for upset, because it is normal when someone's friendship is thrown off, and someone is looking for another pair. The letters were delighted, and began to select for themselves such a friend who suits them. There are no more reasons for quarrels!

Questions and tasks for a fairy tale about consonants and vowels

How many consonant letters are in the Russian alphabet?

Give an example of consonants and vowels.

Why do you think not all letters are friends with each other?

What letters did not develop friendship between?

What vowels is the letter H not friendly with?

How did the teacher reconcile the letters?

What consonants and vowels are in your name?