Anemone terry varieties. Anemone growing from seeds planting and care

The ancient Greeks gave the name to this flower "daughter of the winds": they noticed that even from the weakest breath of the wind the petals tremble. We are talking about an anemone or anemone. It is a herbaceous perennial of the buttercup family. These graceful flowers have earned their popularity due to the variety of bud shapes and flower colors. Gardeners very often grow Anemone to decorate garden plots. In the article, we will consider the step-by-step cultivation of Anemone in the open field from seeds, reproduction and determine where and when to plant a flower.

Among the anemones, there are species that do not need special care and there are whimsical specimens. It depends on the type of root, which are in the form of tubers or rhizomes: the former do not forgive mistakes in care, the latter are tolerant of serious "flaws". Unless they can partially lose their beauty.

There are many varieties of anemones that differ primarily in appearance, both the shape of the flower itself and its color can vary.

Types of anemones and their features

Many varieties of anemone are known. Not all of them are popular. Most often in garden plots you can find:

Anemone species name Peculiarities flowering time Description
crowned Considered the queen anemone. Perennial with a tuberous root up to 5 cm in diameter. Loves warm regions. For wintering needs shelter. Likes sunny places. May-June and September Stem height 40-45 cm. Flowers solitary, bright, beautifully shaped. Up to 8 cm in diameter. There are white, lavender, blue, pink shades.
hybrid. Other names are grape-leaved, Hubei, Japanese. Height up to 1.1-1.2 m. It is characterized by poor frost resistance, so this type of anemone is transplanted in the spring. Young plants need winter shelter. It has many types of varieties, among which some begin to bloom in May, and there are varieties that bloom in autumn. Each of them blooms on average about 35-45 days. Retains its leaf color throughout the season.

The diameter of the flowers is 5-8 cm. Their shade varies from white and pale pink to purple-red.

tender The flowers are miniature, no more than 10-11 cm high. When planted in the spring, the tubers germinate poorly. Likes partial shade and sun. Blooms very early. Flowers are chamomile. They can be blue, white or pinkish.
Lyutichnaya A hardy early spring plant. Grows well in shady places. The height of the bushes is up to 22-25 cm. Beginning of May. The flowers are bright yellow with a diameter of 1.5 to 3.5 cm.
Apennine Compact plant (up to 13-15 cm height). Frost resistance is high. Flowering time April-May. The flowers are solitary pale blue color, located on the upper part of the bushes. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.

Anemones are quite specific decorative flowers in terms of propagation and planting, since, unlike most different flowers, anemones do not always take root.

How can anemones be propagated?

Seed propagation of anemone is a difficult task, therefore it is not particularly popular. To be successful, you need to use only freshly harvested seeds - this is a guarantee that at least a quarter of them will sprout. In addition, not all types of anemone can be propagated by seeds, but only:

  1. Multidissected.
  2. crowned.
  3. Tender.
  4. Dubravnaya.
  5. Lesnaya.
  6. Apennine.
  7. Lutichnaya.

To achieve good germination, you must follow a few important rules. Namely:

  1. Stratify seeds. This means - to create conditions that are as similar as possible to the period of autumn and winter. Thanks to this, the shell of the seeds will become softer, the grains will swell in them, and the process of giving all the necessary substances to the sprouts will begin.
  2. Sow the seeds not very deep. Then the sprouts will have a better chance of appearing on the surface before they begin to decompose in the damp ground.
  3. Prepare a special substrate. Seeds will germinate only in porous, loose and light soil.

Growing Anemone: d wa ways to sow seeds

One way to stratify seed material is to proceed as follows:

  1. Take sand (can be replaced with peat) three times more than anemone seeds.
  2. Mix everything well and sprinkle with water.
  3. Hold it until the seeds swell.
  4. Place the mixture in a container, add a little substrate, mix again and moisten.
  5. Transfer the container to a ventilated room with a constant temperature of about 5 degrees and leave until sprouts appear.
  6. After that, the container is transferred to the street and buried in snow or soil.
  7. From above, make protection from sawdust or straw so that the sprouts do not freeze out.
  8. In the first days of March, the container is returned to heat. Then the sprouts are transplanted into boxes or containers.

Due to the variety of colors of the plant and the shape of the flower stalks, you can create an excellent flower bed with only one plant - anemones, but it will look very bright and not monotonous.

Advice: For beginners, it is best to use the second option as it is easier. In addition, this method provides natural stratification in the open air, therefore it is considered more effective.

Features of vegetative reproduction anemone

The easiest way to propagate anemone is in a vegetative way. Tubers or roots are best separated in the spring, then the procedure will be the least painful for the flower. If there are several buds on the root, it can be divided into elements so that at least one bud remains on each of them. The landing site must be determined in advance: anemones do not tolerate transplanting well - in order for them to grow well, they must be left for a long period in one place.

If the root system is tubers, several nuances should be taken into account when propagating:

  1. The need for advance preparation. Tubers must first be well moistened. It is unacceptable to immerse them in water, in which case they will quickly rot. Therefore, the tubers are placed in a shallow container with warm water, to which Zircon or Epin is added according to the instructions. To make the roots germinate better, you can use any biostimulant. Moisten the fabric with its solution, wrap the tubers with it and leave it for 4-6 hours.
  2. Connect the earth with sand in any container. It should be of such a size that the roots placed in it can be covered with glass. Moisten the mixture, put the tubers taken out of the fabric on it. Cover with foil/glass. Transfer to a cool place and keep there for up to 12-14 days (usually this is how long it takes for roots to appear), constantly moistening the earth-sand mixture.
  3. Next, the germinated tubers are planted in separate containers with sprouts up and make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Planting anemones: choosing a place

Anemones grow best in partial shade on loose, light soil with good drainage. But at the same time, each variety requires its own conditions for comfortable growing. There are several universal recommendations that will help you decide on the choice for flowers of this type of place:

  1. For species that grow in the wild in deciduous forests, you can choose well-shaded places. These are the following varieties of anemone - oak, shady, smooth, buttercup, Amur, flexible and Altai. They will grow well on the north side of the site or in the shade of spreading trees.
  2. Partially shaded areas are suitable for Canadian, forest and fork anemone species. In nature, they grow in clearings and light forests, so they grow well on the eastern side of the site.
  3. For gentle, Caucasian and Apennine anemone species, choose a sunny open place. They can allocate a plot on the south side of the house - this type of flower is drought-resistant, so they tolerate heat well. Water them a little so that water does not stagnate in the soil.

Anemones can be grown both in the garden and in flower beds, as well as in home gardens, along paths, and so on, as they serve as an excellent decor.

Soil for anemones: what should it be?

All anemone varieties prefer moisture-permeable, porous and light soils. Therefore, before planting flowers of this species. It is necessary to provide for them the correct composition of the soil. To do this, prepare pits for planting plants. Part of it is mixed with pieces of brick, small pebbles, sand and poured back, leaving room for the tuber. Thanks to this, there will be no stagnation of moisture and air will circulate well.

For the Caucasian, crown and Apennine anemones, it is necessary that the soil has an alkaline composition, for other species, slightly acidic and neutral soils are suitable. The most unpretentious forest anemone - sandy poor soils are suitable for it.

Varieties with roots in the form of tubers must be planted on soils where the acidity does not exceed 6-8 units, if this figure is higher, wood ash or lime can be used to reduce acidity. To do this, the soil is mixed with one of the named components and brought into the pit when planting, as well as during loosening during the growth and flowering of anemone

How to care for anemones?

The most important thing for anemones is to maintain optimal soil moisture. If there is a lot of moisture, it will destroy the root system, if it is not enough, the condition of the plants will deteriorate significantly. To avoid excess moisture, you can plant flowers in elevated places, then excess water after watering or rainfall will quickly run off to the lowlands.

Another way out is to equip the drainage. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, you can use mulch. This is the name of any bulk material. For example - sawdust, decorative mixtures, peat, leaves. They will not only protect against evaporation, but also get rid of weeds. But for this it is necessary that the layer of mulch be at least 5 cm thick..

The easiest way to propagate and plant anemones is with seeds, and it is recommended to sow them in a box and bury it in the ground, after which you can transplant. If mulch is not used, the ground around the flowers must often be weeded: weeds are not the best neighbors of these flowers.

For the winter, anemones can be left in the ground, covering it with spruce branches. But before that, it is necessary to increase the thickness of the mulch layer to 10-15 cm. But for the northern regions, this option is unacceptable for very sensitive anemone species - you will have to dig up the roots and store them in the basement until spring.

Fertilizer: features of use and types of drugs

Name Release form Peculiarity purpose
"Master Elit" Concentrated NPK solution Contains amino acids, trace elements, phytohormones, vitamins. All substances are in an easily accessible form. For long active flowering. To increase the size of leaves, flowers, their more intense color. May enhance the protective functions of plants.
"N-P-K" granulated drug. The granules are light pink, with a grayish tint. There are several types of this tool. For root and foliar dressings. Contains three components. Each of them is very important for plants. These are potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. Due to the high concentration of each of them, additional feeding is not necessary. To stimulate growth. Improves the appearance and defenses of plants.
"TM NOVOFERT" Powder in sachets. Phosphorus contains a moderate amount, so that the plants do not stretch. For abundant flowering, ensuring a bright saturated color of flowers, healthy and proportional development of the whole plant, strengthening immunity.
"Polygro wagon" It dissolves well and is easily absorbed by plants. Has a balanced composition. The result is best seen at an early stage of plant development. Improves the quality and intensity of flowering, contributes to a brighter color of flowers.

Anemones, or anemones, are ornamental plants. Over 150 species of this culture grow in nature. Anemones have been valued for centuries for their early flowering, during which they look spectacular. These flowers are white, pink, blue, purple and yellow in shape similar to poppies or daisies. Anemones are flowers of beauty, tenderness and inspiration.

These flowers are native to the Mediterranean. As early as the 16th century, some varieties of anemones were known to gardeners. They are currently distributed in Europe, East Asia, America and Russia. In nature, anemones grow in broad-leaved forests, on slopes, lawns and edges.

Anemone: plant description

These flowers have long won the sympathy of connoisseurs of all that is beautiful. Anemone is admired for its beauty. Its single flowers with a diameter of 3-8 cm with a variety of colors are simple, double and semi-double. The anemone stem is erect, 50-80 cm high, there are few leaves on it. All of them are collected in the form of a rosette at the base of the flower, which looks very impressive.

Photos of which are presented in the article for review, bloom twice: in late April - early May and from August to October. They begin to bloom when there are no leaves on the trees yet. These plants are highly decorative, which allows them to be used in arrays and plantings in groups. Anemones look good in planters, flower pots and vases, complementing the interior of any home.

How to choose a place to land?

The requirements for the growing conditions of these flowers of various species are different. But there are universal conditions that are suitable for all varieties of anemones. which is carried out in fertile, loose, well-drained soil, will feel great. To create an ideal soil structure, you need to add sand to it or make drainage. Bulk materials loosen the ground, provide access to water and air to the roots. Small pebbles or brick fragments can be used as drainage.

Very responsive to the right choice of anemone flower plot. Planting and care are carried out taking into account the composition of the soil. If it is acidic, wood ash should be added or the site, depending on the variety of anemone, should be chosen shaded or well lit by the sun, sheltered from strong winds and drafts.

How to get the right fit?

Before you start growing these beautiful plants in your garden, you need to find out what the flower prefers to be held in the shade of tree crowns. These flowers love moderate heat and moist fertile soil. Anemones are perennial plants; in their natural habitat, no one digs them up with the onset of the winter season. Don't do it in the garden either. But it is necessary to cover the anemones for the winter so that they do not die from frost and lack of moisture.

For faster germination, before planting, soak the tubers in warm water and allow them to swell. Next, you need to dig a hole, cover the bottom with a nutrient mixture with the addition of humus and ash. About half a cup. Put the tubers upside down in it and sprinkle with earth so that they do not turn over. Planting depth should not exceed 5-10 cm. Then the flower is well watered. Then the soil is mulched. This will retain moisture and prevent weed growth.

Reproduction methods

Anemones reproduce in different ways. When to plant and in what way, the flowers themselves will "prompt". It depends on their variety. With seed propagation, seeds can be sown immediately after harvest or in winter. At a germination temperature of 15-18 degrees, seedlings will appear in a month or a little later.

Seeds need to be sown not entirely, but at a distance in order to get sparse seedlings immediately. Since it is impossible to transplant and dive seedlings. If absolutely necessary, this can be done only in a shaded room. Of course, it is necessary to thin out the anemones when they decided to plant them with continuous sowing. After 2-3 years, the flowers will bloom.

Reproduction by division of rhizomes is best done in the spring, when the movement of juice is slowed down. They need to be cut so that the renewal buds are on each piece.

When propagating by tubers, an anemone flower requires preparation. Landing and care must be carried out in accordance with the rules for their implementation. Tubers need to be dipped in warm water to swell. Larger in size, they will take root better. It is recommended to plant them at a depth of 3-7 cm. Regular watering is required. It is better to immediately determine the place of permanent growth of the anemone. This is especially important for varieties with a tuberous root system. These flowers do not like to be transplanted.

Anemone: plant care

If a flower grows in your garden and care involves a number of activities. First, it is regular watering. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize every week with a one percent solution of complex fertilizer. The plant needs constant ventilation, but not a draft.

Before the onset of cold weather, greenhouses should be closed with frames and well insulated. Such conditions are best for overwintering anemones, and they bloom early. With the onset of warm days, you need to open the greenhouses and carefully ventilate the plants, feed them and moisten the soil.

Some gardeners keep anemones in boxes, which they expose to greenhouses for wintering. This makes it possible to periodically take them out to the greenhouse, where they spend winter cutting. If anemone tubers are planted in boxes and placed in a greenhouse in August, and placed in a greenhouse in early October, they will bloom by mid-December.

Anemone flowers, the photos of which you see, are moisture-loving. Therefore, they need to be watered not only during flowering, but also at rest. However, grown plants do not need watering. Fertilize anemones during planting and during flowering. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers, humus, ash.

Who damages the anemone and how to deal with it?

Sometimes the leaves of the plant are damaged by slugs and snails. This phenomenon must be combated. Damaged leaves will not add beauty to the anemone. Metaldehyde is used to control pests, it is dissolved in water and sprayed throughout the plant. Snails and slugs are best collected by hand and burned.

Tubers left in storage should be checked periodically. If rotten ones appear, remove them immediately. In general, anemones are not very susceptible to disease and pest damage. Therefore, they do not need special care.

Some garden dwellers have a rather simple flower structure, but this does not make them less attractive to gardeners. Primroses are among the first to please our eyes. They are so different from each other that it is very difficult to choose a particular variety. We recommend that you pay attention to anemone flowers, photo planting and care in the open field, propagation methods and care recommendations, which you will find in the materials of this article.

They captivate with their naivety and abundance of colors of the rims, among which you can find such a rare shade as ultramarine. Some species of these wonderful plants are so different from each other that they require certain growing conditions. The cultivation of each species will be discussed in detail in this article.

Anemone flowers: origin, description, photo

Anemone is a genus of flowering perennials of the buttercup family. It includes more than 170 species of plants with different habit (appearance) and structure of the root system. These species are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere and even the Arctic. Despite the elegant appearance, this fragile creature cannot be called a sissy - the buds appear right from under the remnants of the snow cover.

Greek mythology is full of sad legends, and the legend of the beautiful representatives of the anemone genus has been added to this list. According to legend, the windy young man Adonis was in love with two goddesses - Aphrodite and Persephone. He was punished by Artemis, who stood up for chastity. The young man died and his beloved Artemis came to mourn him. Flowers of the same name grew from the blood of Adonis, and the tears of Artemis turned into anemones. Often this flower is found under the name anemone or daughter of the winds. This is how the botanical name is translated from Greek. And indeed, under the slightest breath of the breeze, large petals flutter like the wings of a moth.

It is interesting! Previously, it was believed that flower buds are able to open and close from the breath of the wind.

Perennials grow in shady places - forests, parks, mountains, tundra, on grassy slopes. Their appearance is multifaceted. The root system is represented by a rhizome. In some species, it is fragile, fleshy, has a cylindrical shape. Other varieties are represented by tuberous rhizomes. If the former multiply and take root quite simply, then in the latter the root system grows slowly and requires special attention from gardeners.

Petiolate leaves are located on erect stems of various heights. They may be separate or palmately dissected. Root outlet is missing. The upper leaves are small, fused into sepals. Flowers can be similar to poppies, buttercups, miniature peonies, daisies, chrysanthemums.

A rich palette of corolla colors is the main advantage of these garden dwellers. The buds are symmetrical, consist of 5-20 petals, in terry specimens they can have much more. The core looks very attractive. It consists of a large number of stamens and a cluster of pubescent pistils. The color of the center varies depending on the variety.

The fruit is a nut. On its surface are seeds equipped with various devices for wind distribution. Seed material has low germination.

Important! Like other representatives of the buttercup family, anemones are poisonous plants. Their juice can cause severe burns and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Anemone species

Over 170 species of anemones grow in the Northern Hemisphere. All of them are divided into two groups - spring and summer (autumn), which differ in the flowering period. In ornamental gardening, you can find the following varieties of anemone:

  • tender (blanda);
  • forest;
  • oak forest;
  • buttercup;
  • Japanese (Hubei);
  • hybrid;
  • crowned.

The spring group unfolds its delicate corollas, painted in pastel colors, as soon as the snow melts. Their age is short and after a short flowering, the bushes prepare for winter, depositing nutrients in the rhizome. This type of garden dweller is called ephemeroid, that is, the owner of a very short growing season. Let us consider in more detail the most prominent representatives of the spring group, which have found application in ornamental gardening.

Anemone blanda (tender, blanda). A low perennial with a height of 10-15 cm. The root system is represented by a tuberous rhizome, which grows very slowly. Prefers to grow in coniferous forests and on rocky paths, loves partial shade. Corollas are chamomile-shaped, painted in delicate shades of white, blue, light purple and pink.

After the buds wither, the leaf cover dies off, the rhizome begins to accumulate a supply of nutrients for a successful wintering. Among the popular hybrids, gardeners fell in love with: "Bridesmaid", "Enchantress", "Pink Star", "Radar", "Purple Star", "White Splendor".

Know! Hybrids grown from harvested seeds rarely retain varietal qualities.

Anemone sylvestris (forest). Prefers to live on calcareous soils of forest edges, meadows, steppes. The perennial has a spindle-shaped rhizome. The erect stems reach a height of 30-35 cm. The bush is dense, the foliage cover, the stems, the perianth are pubescent. The seeds are spread by the wind.

Flowering begins at the end of May and lasts for three weeks. Snow-white buds reach a size of 4-5 cm, the core is yellow with green pistils. After they wither, the leaf cover remains until late autumn. There are large-flowered and terry hybrids. The most popular variety is "Flore Pleno".

Anemone nemorosa (oak forest). Based on the botanical name, this plant prefers to grow in deciduous forests, or rather, in sunny clearings. It is often called the Siberian snowdrop and freckle. This unpretentious perennial has a fragile rhizome that grows rapidly and gives a lot of layering. They root easily and do not require special care.

The corolla consists of six white petals, tinted purple at the bottom. The flowers reach a diameter of 3-4 cm, and the bush is 15-30 cm. The ripened seeds form a new shoot that blooms only after 10 years. In culture, there are terry cultivars with blue, pink or lilac petals.

Anemone ranunculoides (buttercup, buttercup). The closest relative of the oak anemone. They are similar in appearance, rhizome structure and favorite habitats. It differs from its sister in bright yellow buds 2-3 cm in size, an excellent honey plant. All three species described above are listed in the Red Book.

Know! Our ancestors used the poisonous juice of anemone ranunculoides for medicinal purposes. It has a powerful hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

The summer group is represented by large perennials with a powerful root system and bright perianths.

Japanese or Hubei. The birthplace of this tall perennial is actually China. The bush reaches a height of up to one and a half meters, has strong stems that do not need support. Large dark green leaves are collected in basal rosettes, closer to the crown they become smaller and arranged in the next order.

The inflorescences of the botanical species are white, but on its basis a lot of cultivars have been bred that have a terry structure and different colors of the petals. The core is large, yellow. The decorative period begins at the end of August. The hybrids "Pamina", "September Charm", "Bressingham Glow", "Krimhild" are popular.

hybrid. Derived from the Japanese anemone. The average height of the bush is 60-90 cm. It blooms in autumn. The best hybrids are Whirlwind, Queen Charlotte, Profusion, Honorin Yobert.

crowned. This variety of the daughter of the winds has become very widespread in ornamental gardening. The bush reaches a height of 30-45 cm. There is a small edge on erect stems and pinnately dissected foliage. Basal leaves are collected in rosettes, located on long petioles. The plates located on the peduncle are smaller, sessile, entire.

Each peduncle has a single large bud with a diameter of 6-8 cm at the crown. Corollas are painted in bright colors, they are terry. The black terry core, consisting of many stamens, gives a special charm to the flowers. This species has a lot of cultivars, among which gardeners won the greatest love - "De Koyan", "Don Duan", "Lord Jim" and "Mr. Focker".

Know! Crown anemone, with proper care, blooms twice a season - in early summer and autumn.

Anemone breeding methods

The daughter of the winds is a very capricious plant. Its reproduction presents some difficulties for gardeners. Seed propagation is associated with a long and laborious process of preliminary stratification, slow growth of seedlings and their flowering only in 2-3 years of vegetation. At the same time, the germination of seed is only 25%, and this is for freshly harvested seeds! If the material lies down for 1-2 years, then it is unlikely that something will germinate from it.

Vegetative propagation methods, including the separation of daughter tubers and division of the rhizome, can harm the bush, and both the mother liquor and the delenka will die. It is very important to carry out the operation correctly so that the sissy easily takes root after separation. It is necessary to carry out work in early spring, when the awakening from the shackles of winter is just beginning. Remove the rhizome of a bush that is at least 4-5 years old from the ground.

Cut it into several pieces so that each is at least 5 cm long and has a dormant bud. Bury the delenki into the ground to a depth of 5-6 cm. The seedling will become mature only after 3 years. The daughter of the winds can grow in one place without transplanting and dividing up to 12 years.

Advice! Wear rubber gloves, otherwise the caustic juice will get on the skin and cause burns.

Preparing to plant an anemone

Planting a sissy from the buttercup family requires special preparation, which will be discussed in this section of the article.

When to plant anemones

The best time for planting is the spring period. Seed propagation is possible both by winter sowing and spring-summer. Tubers and delenki are planted in early spring. The division of the spring group can be carried out in the middle of summer, when the plant falls into a dormant period.

Site selection, soil for anemones

For a new garden dweller, you will have to find a suitable place. She does not like drafts and midday heat. The daughter of the winds will need a spacious plot, because her curtain will grow well. At the same time, fragile roots cannot stand when they are disturbed. Therefore, select a site away from large perennials and fruit trees.

The substrate will need loose, fertile with a good drainage system and the absence of groundwater near the surface. Fertilized loam is just perfect for growing. An acidic environment is not suitable for the proper growth of a sissy, she needs a slightly alkaline or neutral soil. It is quite simple to achieve such indicators - add sand, leafy soil and a little peat to the site. You should be especially careful with the last component, because it strongly acidifies the soil.

On a note! Dolomite flour or wood ash will help reduce acidity.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Having chosen the seed method of cultivation for growing a fragile representative of the flora, a lot of effort should be devoted to it. It is recommended to collect seed material from the most luxurious buds, because the color of the corolla will be much paler in the offspring.
Long-term stratification will help increase germination rates. Freshly harvested seeds are planted in boxes with a nutrient substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. You need to close them to a shallow depth.

Dig in the box and cover it for the winter with a layer of leafy mulch. During the winter, the seed will undergo a natural stratification and, with the onset of spring, will start to grow. Seedling care is to maintain moderate humidity. This cultivation method is not in demand among gardeners for the reasons described above.

Preparing tubers for planting

To plant the daughter of the winds with nodules, they should be carefully prepared. The material purchased or collected from the site is subjected to pre-soaking in warm water. Before that, it is carefully inspected for damage and culled.

Remember! Pre-treatment of planting material in a disinfectant solution will not interfere. It is recommended to use a strong solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide diluted according to the scheme.

In the process of soaking, the tuber should swell, after which it is wrapped in a cloth moistened with Epin's solution. The bundle is placed for 6 hours in a plastic bag. After the procedure, you can land directly on the flower bed. There is also a pre-germination method. The prepared tuber is planted in a mixture of peat and coarse sand to a depth of 5-6 cm. Care consists in moderate watering and maintaining the temperature background in the range of 10-12⁰C.

Planting anemones

Having completed the preparatory stage, you can begin to land on a permanent place. It will not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener.

Planting anemone tubers

The most important point in planting a tuber is determining the growth point. Plant the prepared material with the flat side up. When in doubt, land on an incline, but make sure that the nodule does not collapse. Things are much easier with already grown specimens. Use the following algorithm of actions:

  • dig a planting hole measuring 30 by 30 cm and a depth of 15 cm;
  • lay drainage from crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom;
  • place a handful of ash and the same amount of humus on top;
  • add some substrate, mix. Plant the tuber to a depth of 5-7 cm;
  • add soil, compact, water abundantly.

Important! If tubers are planted in the fall, pre-soaking can be harmful. The absorbed liquid will contribute to freezing.

How to plant anemones from seeds

Seeds that have undergone winter stratification are left in a box until sprouts appear. If you used purchased material, then it does not need long preparation. They are sown in a mixture of sand and peat, moistened and covered with glass. After swelling and the appearance of sprouts, a small layer of substrate is poured, watered. Seedlings appear within a month. Their care consists in maintaining moderate moisture, good lighting and a temperature of 22-25⁰C.

When the seedlings unfold the second pair of leaves, they dive into separate pots and grow in a greenhouse for one year. Planting is carried out in the second year of the growing season.

Know! Pre-soaking the seed in the Epin solution will help improve germination rates.

anemone care

Caring for a sissy is much easier than growing it. It is recommended to mulch the area with peat or leaf litter. This measure will protect the root system from overheating and save moisture, protect against weeds. By the way, they will have to be weeded out exclusively by hand, because the mechanical effect will have a detrimental effect on the roots of the anemone. We will consider the process of watering and fertilizing in more detail.

feeding anemones

If you just planted the daughter of the winds on your site, while flavoring the landing hole with humus, she will not need additional feeding. Older specimens are fertilized twice a season. During the budding period, they are fed with liquid organic fertilizers, an ash solution is ideal for these purposes. The exception is the infusion of mullein, from which the bush will simply “burn out”. The second portion is brought in at the beginning of autumn and it consists of a complete mineral complex.

watering anemones

Anemone does not tolerate stagnant moisture, but its lack can destroy the sissy. During the budding period, watering is carried out once a week. In summer with moderate rainfall, only Japanese anemone needs additional watering, it is watered daily in small portions in the morning or after sunset.

anemone after flowering

In regions with warm winters, anemone is able to overwinter directly in the soil. To do this, the tops are removed and the bush is covered with a layer of fallen leaves or peat 15 cm high. It is recommended to lay spruce branches on top of the mulch, which will protect against mice attacks.

In the Middle lane, you will have to dig up tubers of hybrid varieties, since their frost resistance is low. Before the onset of frost, they are stored in boxes with wet sand at room temperature, in November the material is placed in a ventilated basement with a temperature of 2-5⁰C.

Know! After a transplant, the flower will recover for a long time, so experienced gardeners try to organize a reliable shelter rather than dig up a sissy for the winter.

Features of growing anemones

The points on planting and care listed above apply to all types of anemone, but individual varieties have some nuances in growing. Let's consider them in more detail.

Anemone crown planting and care, photo

This luxurious representative of the Anemone genus is very whimsical. It will require you to have a moderately lit area with a light, fertile substrate. It is important that good drainage is organized in the flower bed.

Care for the crown anemone does not differ from that described above - the same requirements for watering and fertilizing. For the winter period, the tubers of this culture are dug up, sorted and dried. Store the material in a ventilated dry and cool place. It remains viable for three years; tubers can be used for re-planting many times. If you leave them in the ground, then the timing of flowering will shift significantly. In this case, the organization of shelter is obligatory. Propagated by seeds and root suckers.

This hybrid is suitable for early forcing. The nodules prepared in the manner described above are planted in small pots with a high drainage layer. As a substrate, a mixture of peat, sand and leafy earth in equal parts is used. Until the New Year, they are kept at a temperature not higher than 5⁰C. Gradually, the temperature background is increased to 12-15⁰C, watering is slightly increased and additional illumination is organized. Organic top dressing is applied during the formation of buds. After they wither, the material is removed from the pot, dried and prepared for the next season.

Advice! For distillation, use small pots, in a larger capacity it is more difficult to monitor the moisture content of the substrate.

How to plant and care for a blanda anemone

The gentle forest dweller prefers cultivation conditions that are close to their natural habitat. She will need an area with diffused lighting and a thick layer of fallen leaves as mulch. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a hybrid near fruit bushes.

The separation of children is carried out in the middle of summer. For the winter, it is recommended to cover with fallen leaves. The key point in cultivation is the organization of moderate watering. In the spring, it is important to avoid flooding the curtain, and in the summer, watering is reduced to a minimum. Suitable for early forcing.

Anemone forest in the open field planting and care

The plant from the Red Book is very unpretentious on the site. In one place, it can live for more than 10 years. Prefers fertile soils with an abundance of sand. The illumination of the forest beauty requires moderate, because she is used to growing under the canopy of trees.

Good drainage and watering regimen, which excludes moisture stagnation, is very important. Winters under a blanket of peat or foliage, propagated by root offspring.

Remember! For normal growth and development, this anemone will require calcareous soil with a pronounced alkaline reaction. After watering, it must be loosened to avoid the formation of a dense crust.

Anemone Japanese care and landing, photo

The Asian guest prefers sunny areas with slight shading during the daytime; she will not bloom in a shady area. Since the shrub has a large growth and a powerful root system, it will need a large area to grow.

Prefers light, fertilized soil with a small proportion of sand. Organization of drainage and mulching are mandatory measures.
The culture is very hygrophilous. Water it often, up to 3-4 times a week. Propagated by divisions and seeds. For the winter, all shoots are removed and mulching is carried out with a high layer of peat. Dig up the rhizome should not be, because the shrub will take a long time to move away from the transplant.

Anemone gentle planting and care in the ground

This name hides the bland anemone described above, which will not be difficult to grow. It's just that some sources indicate its Latin name, and some botanical.

Anemone hybrid planting and care in the open field, photo

Hybrid anemones are a long-term selection of English flower growers. Thanks to the botanist Robert Fortune, at the end of the 19th century, living specimens of the Japanese variety came to Europe, which, unlike seeds, became high-quality material for hybridization. By crossing an Asian resident with a grape-leaved anemone, a number of cultivars with an interesting habitus were bred. They have preserved the unique foliage of the wild-growing species and the bright color of the Asian buds.

Cultivation of anemone hybrida is similar to cultivation of Japanese beauty. It has a large curtain prone to growth, so it will require quite a lot of space in the flower bed, and the hybrid will not tolerate neighbors. It will require semi-shady areas with well-drained light and humus-rich soil.

Important! Do not forget about a high layer of mulch, which is suitable not only for plant components, but also for decorative pebbles. With a solo landing, this option will be an excellent frame for a powerful perennial.

If you want a perennial to delight you with its large corollas every year, take care of a multi-layer winter shelter - a layer of peat, spunbond or lutrasil and spruce branches. It reacts sharply when its delicate root system is disturbed, so you should not take out the tubers for the winter. If a transplant is required, then the best time is early spring, because the plant may not have time to fully take root in a new place during the autumn transplant. Without dividing the bush, it will completely cost 10-12 years.

Anemone pests and diseases

Due to the natural defense mechanism - poisonous juice, pests do not often attack the anemone. The most dangerous of them are:

  1. Nematodes. Microscopic worms gnaw through the leaves, which causes the appearance of streaked yellow spots that turn brown and lead to the death of the leaf. Infected specimens will lie down for destruction, since the pest lives inside the leaf plate. As a preventive measure, it is recommended not to spray the foliage and plant protector plants nearby - marigolds, marigolds.
  2. Aphid. Colonies of tiny insects feed on plant juices. They secrete a sweetish liquid that promotes the reproduction of soot fungus. A shower from a solution of laundry soap, tincture of garlic or medicinal dandelion will help to destroy the pest. If the colony is found rather late, the preparations "Aktellik", "Karbofos" are used.
  3. Mining fly. The most dangerous pest, which is a small flying insect. The fly lays eggs, from which the larvae hatch. They gnaw through passages, and later pupate. If the presence of this insect is detected, remove the infected bushes and till the soil with Fufanon.
  4. Slugs. Gluttonous molluscs can cause significant damage to bushes. They are harvested by hand and treated with metaldehyde. You can scare off the pest with a prickly mulch, small containers of bleach, or sprinkling pepper on the ground.
  5. Whitefly. Small butterfly larvae cause desiccated spots resulting in yellowing and leaf drop. They will be destroyed by Aktellik or Zubr.

Know! sticky traps are an equally effective way to deal with whiteflies.

Among the fungal diseases of the daughter of the winds, powdery mildew, sclerotinia, and anthracnose are found. They are characterized by the appearance of spots with the mycelium of a pathogenic fungus. Fungicides are used for control, and moderate watering is used as a preventive measure.

If uncharacteristic spots in the form of a mosaic are found, growth retardation or developmental anomalies, we can talk about a viral attack. Affected individuals are immediately removed from the garden and burned.

Anemone in landscape design, combination with other plants

A decorative flowering perennial that landscape designers really liked. It is universal and suitable both for a mixborder or rabatka, and for landing in a rockery, on an alpine hill. Japanese anemone will be a great frame for an artificial pond.

Tall hybrids are suitable for lawn solo or as a backdrop for a mixborder. Low-growing cultivars live well next to fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. They pair well with hostas, bulbous perennials, hydrangeas, roses, and members of the Compositae family.

On a note! Beautiful and bright buds are cut for a long time, so florists often use them in bouquet compositions.

Although planting and caring for some species of anemone is quite difficult, these luxurious flowers will brighten up any outdoor garden. It takes a little effort and perennials will give you lush blooms throughout the season.

If you want to create a smooth swaying of colors on the site from the slightest gust of wind, plant Anemone, a perennial herbaceous plant with charming cups of flowers. In the wild, it can be found in open areas of a temperate climate.

Gardeners fell in love with the flower for unusual flowers and ease of movement when the wind blows. The people called her anemone. The brightness of colors, demanding care of plants allow you to revive the garden and give it dynamics.

How to plant an anemone for seedlings: soil and material preparation

Anemone crown planting for seedlings at home

Site analysis should identify a suitable location for the plant. It should be spacious, slightly shaded or shady, without drafts. Despite the fact that this is an "anemone", she does not like constant blowing.

The soil is loose, loamy with a neutral alkaline balance

  • To do this, add sand, wood ash, mulch from dry leaves and humus to the soil.
  • The root system does not tolerate dense compositions. Therefore, during the summer, you need to loosen the ground several times and add mulching sawdust, pebbles, sand. Branched roots require a large supply of oxygen.
  • Sometimes weeding is enough to provide fresh air to the roots. Use the loosening tool with care so as not to damage the fragile roots.

The anemone propagates with the help of tubers, rhizomes and seeds.. The most common method is tuberous in spring and rhizomes in summer. Seed is rarely used, as it requires special care, and seed germination is about 25%. Despite the difficulties of seed growing, gardeners sometimes use it to produce healthy, strong bushes.

Anemone flowers planting and care at home

seed way.

  • To increase the germination of seeds, a stratification method is used, in other words, they are left in the cold.
  • In conditions of snowy winters, this can be done naturally. From autumn, leave the seeds in boxes, covering them with dry foliage and snow, and let the seeds germinate in spring. Will boost industrial growth activator for versatile use. Soak according to the instructions, leave for a day before autumn planting.

Plant grown and strengthened sprouts in a permanent place, providing favorable conditions: warmth, dim light, a sufficient amount of moisture. "Adult" flower stalks become the third season, so you need to be patient. A riot of colors and awe of the petals are worth it.

Tuberous varieties need to be “awakened” from hibernation by taking them out of their winter storage

  • To accelerate growth and get lush flowering, you need to germinate the tubers.
  • To do this, you can put it in water for several days.
  • When sprouts appear, plant in pots with nutrient soil. So germinate until the retreat of the snow cover.
  • Then planted in flower beds.
  • In a month there will be a luxurious bouquet of delicate spring flowers.

Informative video how to germinate anemone tubers:

Advice. To speed up germination, you can wrap the tubers with a damp soft cloth moistened with an epin solution, place in a plastic bag for 6 hours. The airless warm space quickly brings them out of hibernation, they can be immediately planted in a flower bed.

How to plant anemone flowers

Difficulty can cause tubers, especially if there was no previous experience with tuberous plants. After swelling, the tubers will have tubercles-buds, it is they who must sprout from the ground. If in doubt, you can navigate by the shape of the tuber: the top is flat, the bottom is sharp. You need to land with the tip down, and the flat part up. If sprouts appear (white, green or reddish dots, loops or threads), then the process is simplified. They need to be placed up (these are not roots).

The hole for the tuber is about 30-40 cm and 15 cm deep

A large hole is needed so that the root system is comfortable, oxygen from the air can freely flow to the roots. So the flowers will be larger, and the foliage is brighter, more abundant and richer. Spill each well with warm water, sprinkle with humus, mulch, if required, ash. This will prepare the nutrient medium.

The readiness of seedlings for planting is determined by the number of true leaves.. There should be at least 4 of them. The stem is about 15 cm high, possibly less. It is better for sprouts to choose a shady, calm place. Still weakened needs constant monitoring and care. They will give their first flowers only after 3 years.

Advice. If you are going to plant seedlings in autumn, then planting should be covered from frost with coniferous spruce branches or dry foliage.

Agrotechnics anemones Caring for plants in the open field

The process of growing anemones is standard and familiar to any flower garden lover. Do not leave seedlings without water, provide constantly moistened soil, especially during the formation of buds. Well-mulched soil does not allow water to stagnate, which is good for the root system. There is no rot, dangerous pests - slugs, moisture-loving weeds do not grow.

In spring, the soil is sufficiently moistened naturally.

  • therefore, watering once a week is enough for active growth and flowering.
  • In summer, water only in dry weather.
  • For the middle band, it is enough to water in the morning or in the evening before the period of strong sun activity.
  • The water can be cold, but warm is better so as not to damage the roots. Rain water is perfect.

Weeding provides an influx of oxygen to the roots, nutrients remain. It is better to fight weeds in damp, cool weather, when the soil easily gives up the roots of the weed. So the flower will not be harmed. If the flower bed was attacked by weeds with long roots, then you should dig up the entire area by transplanting the anemone flowers to a new temporary place.


Do not use chemical weed control agents. The root system is branched, small, fragile and weak, a chemical burn can result.

Anemone feeding is needed throughout the entire growing season: during planting, growth and flowering, for winter "hibernation". Particularly demanding on the nutrient medium during flowering. Liquid fertilizers are great. You can choose universal products from the assortment of the garden industry or cook it yourself.

Flowers do not withstand the action of fresh manure, so the use of unrotted organic matter should be avoided.

Pest control consists in spraying with special solutions and destruction. A solution of metaldehyde helps against slugs and snails, and a soapy solution will help against aphids. If a nematode is seen in the soil, then it will not work to get rid of it without consequences. Affected plants are destroyed, and the soil must be replaced.

It can be carried out not only by tubers and seeds, but also by dividing the rhizome. To do this, the bush must be divided so that there is at least one 5-7 cm bud. The shoots with the rhizome are planted in a new place, following the same procedures as when planting tubers.

Anemone care after flowering

Anemones photos of flowers

In a harsh cold winter, tubers can freeze, so it is advised to dig them out for storage in a cool basement or vegetable pit. Before digging, all the tops are cut off, the tubers are left to dry for a day in a ventilated room, for example, a veranda or attic. So that the tubers do not dry out and lose their shape, they are placed in a box with peat, sawdust or sand.

Summer species with rhizomes are not dug up, but covered with spruce branches or covering material. After falling asleep with snow. Tall bushes are cut to the ground to avoid freezing.

Decorate the garden, take care of it, and it will thank you with bright colors.

Features of anemone care

The varietal variety includes about 160 items, and all have their own growing characteristics. Some love warmth, bloom only in summer, others need nutritious top dressing for abundant flowering. And some are unpretentious to the soil and can please the eye without any care.

There are 2 types of anemones.

with tubers and rhizomes. Depending on what type of plant, a set of care measures is used. Before choosing a type, you need to familiarize yourself with the preferences of each type. So the flower will bring the expected splendor of flowering.

For anemone bushes with rhizomes, the growing conditions can be any. They are unpretentious in care, do not require frequent watering, but in a drought, nutrient moisture is necessary for everyone. They endure winter frosts in the ground, if well covered with dry foliage and snow.

For tuberous anemone varieties, their own growing characteristics are required, the failure to comply with which can be detrimental to the plant. It will not bloom and may freeze. They do not tolerate winter cold, the tubers are stored in a cool, dry place, such as a basement or a vegetable pit.

Anemone requires:

  • obligatory top dressing for lush peduncles: mineral fertilizers in autumn, organic fertilizers during planting and flowering;
  • watering in dry weather, otherwise the buds will not be able to form, the leaves will begin to fall off;
  • it is better to propagate in the middle of spring, when the sprouts begin to appear and reach 5-7 cm.

Don't forget pest control. If there are a lot of fruit bushes on the site, then ants and aphids may appear. They are detrimental to flowers, as they take away the nutrient medium, interfere with normal growth.

Species diversity of anemone flowers

There are so many wild and domesticated anemones that gardeners have lost count. Some have chosen certain varieties for themselves, others are not taken. After all, a different variety and type requires its own care, which is not always convenient.
According to the flowering time, they distinguish:

  • spring with a short life cycle (bloom in May, and go into hibernation in June until the next flowering);
  • summer (also called autumn) blooms begin at the end of summer and until the first autumn frosts, when the temperature drops below -1-5 ° C

Spring types of anemone

Anemone tender. Only 5-10 cm high, a herbaceous plant with a tuberous, slowly growing rhizome. In its varietal arsenal there are delicate pastel colors and terry. In the spring flowerbed you can often find blue, beige, snow-white, cream, lilac, pink tender anemones.

oak anemone. It reaches a height of 20-30 cm. It goes well with other plants, forming a duet with annuals in one flower bed. The rhizome is fragile, jointed, grows well. Therefore, it is better to protect the growth zone with solid plates. Flowers are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. Despite their unprepossessing appearance, they bring a lot of joy to the spring garden.

Lute anemone. Small in height - 20-25 cm with small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. In the wild, more often white. Roots branched, with numerous processes. In cultivated varieties, you can find lilac, blue and pink specimens. The main feature is that it can grow in any soil anywhere. For this fell in love with landscape designers.

Summer, autumn types of anemone

Japanese anemone. Graceful bush with several. Not more than half a meter high, if the necessary proportions of feeding and watering are observed. Otherwise, the anemone will not reach its varietal height. Popular among gardeners varieties: "Prince Heinrich" bright pink, burgundy "Pamina".

Anemone hybrid. A tall plant with a strong root system. It tolerates frosty winters well, if it is good to cover the roots and cut off the green part. Popular varieties: Honorene Jobert with simple white or pinkish flowers, Profusion (Profusion) with a bright, rich maroon color, Queen Charlotte (Queen Charlotte) with matchless bright pink semi-double flowers.

Crown anemone. It surprises with its ability to bloom twice during the warm period: at the beginning and end of summer until mid-autumn. Its stem is strong, it is resistant to strong gusts of wind. The height of the crown anemone variety reaches one and a half meters in favorable conditions. The flowers have a juicy color: red "Don Juan", blue "Lord Jim", "Mr. Fokin". Up to several dozen flowers with different shades are collected on a bush. It all depends on the location: on the north side, the colors are richer and brighter, and where the bright sun is, lighter shades.
To create a harmoniously flowering flower bed, it is better to use several varieties and types of anemones. Then you can create a composition that will bloom from until late autumn.