How to plant flowers seeds. Color varieties without seedlings

Have you already finished the country season, "Mastering" the house for the winter and saying goodbye to their plants before spring? There is a reason once again to visit the country, because you did not sow flowers under the winter! Salmon will bring this process a little, and in the spring you will thank yourself for the foresight. After all, the annual and perennial flowers sown under the winter are almost free seedlings of flowers, which also will bloom before two weeks. What flowers can be sowed under the winter, tell me in this publication.

Semids that can be sowed under the winter

1. Sea and Lobulia Sea and Lobulia Alissa

Promination of these very similar (and externally, and care), but still different colors make it possible to obtain a strong hardened seedlings adapted to the conditions of the open soil.

The garden is selected with loose soil, with acidity close to neutral. Alissum seeds ( Alyssum Maritimum) and lobularia ( Lobularia Maritima.) Very small, so you can soak them in a mixture with river sand. Seeds are sown in the frozen land, crops are preferably clicked.

2. Astra annual, or Callistefus Chinese

When Sommy Astra (Callistephus Chinensis) decreases the risk of fungal diseases that cause serious damage to these colors. And the plants themselves bloom much earlier than when sowing in the spring.

For the Promotional Sowing Astra, it is very important to correctly choose a place. Plants for growth and flowering need a solar section with loose soil and neutral acidity. It is desirable to choose velvets or calendula as precursors. It is impossible to plant Astra after the Astra, Tulips themselves, gladiolus.

It is desirable to prepare the garden, 15-20 cm high, water will not be formed on it, and in the spring it quickly warms up.

In any case, it is impossible to introduce fresh manure to the garden. After the preparation of grooves under the sowing, they need to shed the drugs "Maxim", "Phitosporin" to prevent the propagation of fungal diseases.

The ASTR seeds retain the germination of no more than three years, and the closer the end of the shelf life of seeds, the worse they spare, so under the winter seeds of Astr need to heal quite often, at the rate that they will not succeed. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, covered with a cooked dry soil from above. You can additionally clue the bed with sawdust or peat.

3. Barghattsy

At the expense of the possibility of sowing velvetsev (tagetes) under the winter there are contradictory opinions. The thing is that for germination, the seeds of the velvetsev need heat. And with a lack of heat and excess moisture, the seeds may simply be contrary. Therefore, sow under the winter the thermal-loving velvets is better in the regions with a very cold winter and early spring.

In the cold climate, such sowing is quite risky. Experienced gardeners advise to try sowing velvets under the winter not in open soil, but in a greenhouse. Mandatory such crops for the winter need to close the peat layer.

4. Year

Elegant flower for flower, borders. Year (godetia) is also very good in vases and containers. Planting seeds of God's seed for winter allows you to achieve earlier and abundant flowering. Similarly, sowing velvets seeds of year is recommended to sung in the regions with a fairly warm winter. But many flowerflowers from the colder regions are successfully growing year and sowing under the winter.

Seying seeds preferably immediately at a permanent place. The plant prefers a solar location and fertile soil. Sowing need to be mulched to protect against frost and excessive moisture.

5. Calendula, or notes

Even inexperienced flowerflower sowing and growing calendula (Calendula) does not cause any difficulties. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Calendula is a cold-resistant culture, without any problems, spring after sowing under the winter.

Seen calendula seeds can be almost any soil. Sowing can be made to a random bed or immediately at a permanent place - the plant easily tolerates transplant. If you plan to grow calendula in containers, you can sow directly in them seeds, be sure to make drainage there.

6. Cosmeya, or space

Cosmei (Cosmos) are very beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flowers, for which they are loved by many dackets. Sowing cosmey seeds for the winter will not give any problems. She herself often breeds self-sowing. In this case, the spring unnecessary shoots can be deleted.

For sowing cosmey, sunny sections with a well-drained loose soil are perfect. If the soil is too nutritious, the plant will begin to increase the green mass to the damage to flowering, so it is not worth abuse of fertilizer. As a rule, the cososey is sown immediately to a permanent place.

7. Lavatera

Lavatera (Lavatera), the people are also called wild rose - another unpretentious beautiful flower. This is the perfect flower garden plant with low care, it is suitable for growing in containers, flower beds and borders.

The plant is very unpretentious, but still it is better to develop on well-lit areas with light loose soil. To mineral nutrition, the plant is absolutely undemandingly, the application of fertilizers is necessary only on very poor and exhausted soil.

Seeds Lavaters under the winter, as a rule, are sown immediately to a permanent place. Sevings are preferably mulching for the winter.

8. Flox Drummonda

The seeds of annual phlox (phlox drummondii) are distinguished by frost resistance, so the plant can be successfully sowned under the winter. However, it should be borne in mind that with prolonged thaws, seeds can germinate ahead of time, and shoots to die from return freezes. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a shelter for crops with flocks.

The ideal option is small arcs or an inverted drawer from under vegetables with a stretched underfloor material.

9. Eshcholce California

Sowing Eshcholzia (Eschscholzia Californica) under the winter is one of the simple methods of its cultivation. With this sowing seeds undergo natural stratification, and seedlings blooms much earlier compared to the spring. Eshcholce is poorly tolerates transplant, so it is immediately sown to a permanent place.

Plot under the sowing is selected solar with loose, breathable soil. Sowing preferably to climb.

In addition to the annual colors described above, it is possible to sow: Vasilek field, a dolphinium annual, Iberis, a koche, a lion zev antirrinum, magician annual, Mattioh.

Two-year and perennial flowers that can be sowed under winter


AQUILEGIA (Aquilegia) is a charming plant with openwork foliage. It is widely used to decorate flower beds, boards of slataks, mixtures. Very popular because of its unpretentiousness.

Seeds of Aquillegia must necessarily stratification in cold conditions, so autumn sowing is preferable. Akvilia does not like a transplantation, it is better to suck it right away at a permanent place. The plant prefers halftime and loose, rich in humus soil. When sowing seeds, it is not necessary to plunge hard in the ground, it is enough to sprinkle a little. Circling with crops you need to hide mulch.

11. Astra Alpine

The cultivation of Astra Alpine (Aster Alpinus) from the seed of difficulties does not represent. It can be sowned under winter or spring in May. Autumn seeding is preferable, after stratification in natural conditions, the seeds will take much better. Seeds in Astra are fairly small, it is better to sow them into drawers or containers, and then picked into the ground. But you can immediately at a permanent place.

For the cultivation of astra, you need to choose solar places or sixteen. The bed must be necessarily a bit of an elevated place. The plant grows poorly in raw or wet places. Sevings are sprinkled with a thin layer of humus. For the winter it is better to climb.

12. Badan

The process of growing Badan (Bergenia) from seeds is quite difficult. Seeds for germination need Cold stratification, and in the spring - finding at a certain temperature. Seeds and shoots are very small, besides, seedlings develop quite slowly. For this reason, when sowing Badan seeds, it is important to adhere to a specific technology:

  • seeds before sowing need to be treated with a fungicide for the prevention of diseases, for example, "phytoosporin";
  • seed seeds need to be in boxes with loose ground to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm;
  • The bin with crops will need to keep on the street, under the snow. Thus, seed stratification will be held.

In the spring, in early March, the boxes should be taken to the room, where, at a temperature of 18-19 ° C, seeds will germinate for about a month. Sowing need to contain in bright place, but not under the right sunlight.

As shoots appear, you need to follow the humidity of the soil. The soil should not be dry and unnecessary wet. Shoots are developing very slowly, they can be signed in the pot when the height is 10-12 cm. Plants will bloom for 3-4 years.

13. Gypsophila

Gypsophila (Gypsophila) very badly tolerates a transplant, it needs to be sown immediately to a permanent place. In one place, the gypsophila can grow very long, so it is important to immediately choose it for them. Plants over the years are greatly growing, therefore the gypsophile has enough freely - 2-3 plants on one M.KV.

For sowing it is necessary to choose an open solar place preferably with loose spay soil. If the ground is dense, you must add small pebbles and sand to it. The site should be sufficiently dry, without stagnation of water - gypsophila may die with strong moisture.

14. Geichera

Geichera (Heuchera) is well multiplied by seeds, but it must be borne in mind that the seeds retain the germination not so long. Seeds and geihan shoots are very small, so sowing and care for seeders can be quite troublesome. It is more convenient to sow geyhera in boxes with loose, well-drained soil. Soil should not be acidic. Seeds do not need to plunge, sufficiently press them.


An interesting plant for stony slides, Alpinarians. Gentiana (Gentiana) is still not very often found at the flower beds, perhaps due to the fact that they are not easy to grow from seeds. To get germs need to know that it is required to be needed long-term stratification in cold conditions. In the conditions of the effects of temperature differences, soil moisture in the seeds occur processes that contribute to their germination.

Seying the advocate is better in the boxes or pots with loose soil. Seeds sprinkle a layer of soil and shook the containers into the ground in a shady spot. In the spring you need to ensure that the soil does not drive in them.

Attached in the autumn Prix, as a rule, board in May - June. It also happens that the seeds that did not rise in the spring will shoot the next year. Therefore, do not hurry to throw away the land from the boxes. Boxes need to be kept in a half and maintain soil wet. And in the winter they again leave on the street.

16. Dolphinium

Rail Delphinium (Delphinium) from seeds is quite difficult. When sowing it is necessary to consider the following:

  • dolphinium needs cold stratification, so it is preferable to sowing it under winter;
  • just spare only fresh dolphinium seeds. If the landing is postponed to spring, then the seeds must be stored in the refrigerator;
  • you can only sung in the light, loose soil. In severe clay soil, they usually do not attend.

Dolphiniums are poorly transferred to the transplant, so it is desirable to sow them immediately at a permanent place. For sowing you need to choose the sunny, protected from the winds flowerbed. Seeds are sown not deep, by 2-3 mm, sowing for the winter you need to hide the mulch.

17. Karpatsky bell

Usually, the Karpatsky bell (Campanula Carpathica) is sown in the winter. Under the sowing is chosen well illuminated. Soil is preferred well drained with acidity close to neutral.

The preparation of the soil is standard, it consists in peroxide and making fertilizers. In the heavy ground is made by humus, sand. If the acidity is high - lime, dolomite flour or ash.

18. Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula) is a very attractive plant, but quite whimsical when growing from seeds. If you can't get the seedlings seedlings, try to sow lavender under the winter. The thing is that it is necessary to undergo a cold stratification step. If we sow in the spring, you will have to place a bark with crops in the refrigerator.

For the seeding of lavender to open ground, you need to choose a sunny, wind-protected place, be sure to be dry, without water stagnation. The soil for growing lavender should be loose and fertile. The plant is poorly growing on acidic soils, so at elevated acidity you need to make lime or wood ash.

When landing, the seeds are too strong in the soil, approximately 3-4 mm. You can spray the grooves with river sand seeds. After sowing, it is necessary to inspire for the winter after sowing, and with the onset of stable frosts - in the garden, throw more snow.

Usually shoots appear in May-June. Seeds can climb and later, therefore it is not necessary to strive to drag the bed too early. When seedlings appear, it is necessary to control watering - the soil must be wet, but not filled with water.

19. Lupine

Perennial Lupins (Lupinus) is not only a bright decoration of flower beds, but also a valuable plant-Siderate. Although, usually, like a Siderate, sow one-year Lupine. Unlike spring crops, when sowing under the winter, the seeds give friendly shoots.

Summer Lupine is better immediately at a permanent place. When sowing, it is necessary to take into account the size of adult plants, the seeds need to fall off with a distance of at least 25-30 cm. It is desirable to choose a solar place or a half-sustain, soil with acidity close to neutral. The plant does not tolerate the closure of groundwater.

20. Primula

Get primula (Primula) from seeds is not very simple, not every flower is obtained. Primulla seeds require stratification, therefore her sowing under the winter is desirable. It should be borne in mind that the germination of seeds is quite low, especially if the seeds are not just collected. The seeds have small flower, and seedlings at first very small. Therefore, it is recommended to sow not in bed, but in a separate box.

Soil before sowing need to prepare very carefully. If the soil on the plot is very dense, the small seedlings will be hard to break through. Therefore, the soil must necessarily be loose, well-drained. You can even go under the sowing of primroses with good shop soil. In such a soil, there will be no weed seeds. And as a rule, ready-made soils of good quality are very loose and lungs.

Primulus seeds are sown superficially, slightly falling asleep soil. Box with sowing is better to put in a half worth so that the spring sun does not burn gentle searches. It is necessary to carefully monitor the humidity of the soil. Small seedlings may die even with short-term drought, and with an excess of moisture - to suffer from the conjunction. Primulus shoots develop quite slowly. And all this time, crops need careful care.

21. Nyurist, or "Chamomile Sadovaya"

Nyuritian seeds (Leucanthemum), or chamomile garden, as often referred to this flower gardeners, differ in good winter hardiness, you can sow them both under winter and early spring. With such a crop, the inputs will be stronger and hardened.

Preparation of the garden and soil under the sowing are standard, soiling nyondyan can be on a seaside garden, and you can immediately at a permanent place.

Dear readers! In addition to the plants listed above, it is possible to sow under the winter acronite, arabis, a buznel, Gaylardia, gelenium, doronikum, a stone, Clematis, Legna, Len, Likhnis, Mokhokha, Own, Seduma, Rudbekia, Yarrow Garden. Of the two-year colors - Malva, Margitchka, forget-me-not, Turkish cloves.

As you can see, a list of colors that can be grown by sowing under the winter is quite large. Soviet sowing gives indisputable advantages, especially sowing perennials.

And also - it is convenient. Therefore, try, if there are doubts, sow part of seeds in the fall, another - in the spring.

Small seeds planted in spring can bring greater joy. Annual flowers blooming all summer, without seedling, are bright colors in the garden to late autumn, as well as enjoyment of a pleasant aroma of fragrant plants. Sometimes for this you do not even need to mess around with the seedle, everything that is required is to plant flowers immediately into the ground. A well-prepared bed of without weeds gives the life of every seed to ensure that they can gain a new soil and germinate.

If there is not much place in the house to plant seedlings and keep it in pallets and mini-greenhouses for several months, then the ideal option will be flowers without seedlings. Landing in this case is made immediately to the ground. Seeds dissipate either in a free order, right on the site of the future flower beds, or by a predetermined color scheme.

Knapweed (Centaurea cyanus), geliantus (Helianthus laetiflorus), sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), Iberis (Iberis umbellata), limnantes Douglas (Limnanthes douglasii), Foxglove (Digitalis fontanesii), nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), Nigella Damascus (Nigella), Zinnia (Zinnia) shown in photos below.

Time and landing process

In order for the seeds without seedlings to take root and quickly sprout, wait until the soil becomes warm and wet. Usually the best time is the middle of spring and the beginning of summer (April - June) or the premium sowing fall. If there is an opportunity to make a greenhouse, then the seeds can be planted in March. On the packages with seeds, the landing time is indicated, so further refer to it.

Plant landing tips in open ground:

  • The flowerbed must be switched to give seeds the opportunity to germinate. It is enough to do it to the depth of the shovel. If you are going to sow in a new place, it is better to brand the Earth twice. You can pre-prepare fertilizers or manure.
  • Cover the ground with plastic or film, so drove it and additionally protect from weeds.
  • When it comes to sow, lift the film and make a canopy in the form of a greenhouse. Be sure to paint the ground with water before planting, otherwise you have just planted seeds.
  • Make shallow pits, stuck in the ground sticks, or use the rake, and then carefully put the seed on the bottom at least 10-15 mm deep. Do not overdo it, leave a place at least in a finger width for small seeds.
  • Rables gently turn the earth and, if necessary, put a canopy. If you cover the film, on the edges you can put bricks or bottles with water so that it does not blown to the wind. Be careful, since the seeds can shove the birds, and young borsts are very much like caterpillars and snail.
  • In order not to forget what we planted and where exactly, put the plates or stick labels with the name of the plant.

Unpretentious pets

Vasilki (Centaurea Cyanus).


May be annual, perennial and even a semi-staple. For one and a half or two years unpretentious Vasilka (in the photo) are capable of growing up to 0.5-1 meters height. And their blue and blue flowers will add spring mood in the garden. Prefer sunny places with sand or clay soil, preferably with humus and good drainage. The pests are not attracted, but they may suffer from malicious dew with constant and abundant humidity.

Heliantus, or Sunflower decorative (Helianthus).


Perennial height from 1 to 2 meters. Flower seeds lined immediately in the ground, give germs that are revealed at the end of the summer - early autumn, bright yellow spots will delight to the first frosts, since this kind of heliantus cornozonotk. In addition, he is resistant to drought, but the sun prefers. As well as clay and sandy soils.

Iberis (Iberis Umbellata).


Pick for iberis lime, clay or sandy soil. Be sure to extend well and fall out on the sunny side. Height - from 10 to 50 cm. Flowers can be white, crimson, purple, pink. After the plant is flashing, it must be cut, so the next year it will again delight you.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements that is achieved with the help of the right ...

Flowering all summer

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus).

Sweet pea

Very simpler plant in cultivation and care. Most of his seeds are large and good to come true if they plant them in an open ground. Unpretentious famous colorcade varieties and Old fashioned give high shoots. Cupid, Bijou and Potted Fragrance are growing slightly lower, which will completely come for soils.

Limanhanges Douglas (Limnanthes Douglasii).

Limanhanges Douglas

The flower, similar to the boiled egg, is yellow in the middle and white along the edges. Approaculated by self-sowing, suitable for most types of soils and lawns. His unobtrusive beauty will reveal in Rokaria and Bordeur. Limanhanges is so compact plant that perfectly fit into a small garden, growing up to 15 cm long. Loves the sun or a small shadow.

Digitalis (Digitalis Fontanesii).


This is a twiser or blooming a few years a perennial. Creamy yellow bells contrast with a dark green stem, capable of growing from 50 cm to 1 meter. Flowering all summer in advance prefer chalk, clay and sandy soils. Drained, well-humidized land with an acidic or neutral pp perfectly suitable for them. It is undemanding to light, but best for them is a half. Cutting the stem will stimulate the growth of new colors. Please note that the shooter is subject to attacks of tribes and tracked nematodes.

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum Majus).


Semi-meter annual or perennial plant that can calmly do without seedlings. Perfectly feels in a bright sun, unpretentious to the soil composition. Shades are varied - from gentle cream and yellow to saturated orange and red. Of course, the nasturtium will fit into any garden composition, and if in the end of the autumn it is cut it, it will bloom the next year. The only nuance - attracts caterpillars, midges and toast. But the use of appropriate drugs can reliably protect it.

Chernushka Damaskaya (Nigella Damascena).

Chernushka Damaskaya

Unclear. Square the flowers immediately in the ground so that in the summer to admire their white and blue flowers. Sand, clay, limestone soils and a sunny side are the necessary conditions for it. For one year, Chernushka is capable of growing up to 50 cm, which allows you to use it as a border plant or in mix bears.

Landing and care for zinnius is not distinguished by complexity and does not frighten even inexperienced gardener. Great for garden in a rustic style.

15 plants for the first children's flower beds

Each mother knows how difficult it is to keep children in a premises in the spring time, so why try? Set aside and offer the child to be a gardener and lay your first small flower garden.

The fastest
On average, in annual plants from shoots before flowing runs 60-90 days. It will surely seem like an eternity. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the fastest among annuals. For this, do not forget to buy these flowers:

Eshcholce California

From shoots before the start of bloom 30-40 days
Plants light and thermal-loving, but can carry freezes to -4-5 ° C. Sowing seeds produced in April or October immediately at a permanent place. Gives Samoshev. Seedlings thinning, withsting the distance between plants 20-25 cm. Transplants are not transferred. It blooms abundantly from June to October.

Gypsophila Elegant

From shoots before the start of flowering 40-50 days
The plant light and thermal-loving, grows on solar, dry places, so far, but prefers light, well-known soils. Very fast growing plant. Use gypsophila landings in combination with anxolusion, year; Velchatts and other bright large large plants, for arrangements of bouquets. A varieties with pink and reddish flowers are significantly inferior on the decorativeness of elegant gypsophile. Gypsophila is often used in winter bouquets as a dried set.
We breed seeds - sowing soil:
For summer flowering in April - May
For early - in October (under the winter)
For autumn flowering - in June.
Blooms 1.5-2 months after sowing. Distance between plants after thinning 15-20 cm.


From shoots before starting bloom 45 days
Special care does not require, usually two feeders with mineral fertilizers during the growth period and during the period of bootonization, the soil loan and watering as needed. Year blooms in mid-July and blooms to frost. Flowers abundantly, prefers a sunny location.
Year is usually planted with seeds directly to the ground in April, May. If the garden is covered with a film, then shoots appear after 7-10 days, young plants are not afraid of frosts. In the phase of two-three real leaves, shoots cut out or searched, leaving the distance between the plants of 20-25 cm.

Simple in the cultivation of annuals or unpretentious annual

Calendula (marigold)

The plant is easy even for a beginner in flower growing. If, as farming, you will overst the gland baskets, the calendula will bloom to frosts. Calendula plant medicinal. Dried inflorescences are used to prepare tinctures, decractions with anti-inflammatory, binding, disinfectant and soothing effect. Flowers from June to November.
To land, you should choose a solar place, makes freezing to -5 ° C.
Calendula seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm early spring. Shoots appear after 1-2 weeks. Bloom in ten weeks. Gives selfoshev.

Iberis umbrella

Flowers Iberis 40-50 days after sowing
Sophyting seeds in an open soil in spring or late autumn. Gives Samoshev. Seedlings thinning, leaving the distance between the plants of 20 x 25 cm. To soils, Iberis is undemanding, but prefers light loam, the location is sunny. Plants easily carry spring and autumn frosts.
In the arid summer without watering the bloom is abundant only for a month. The flowering period lasts a month, so you can sow it in several stages. Aromaten.

Nigella Damaskaya (Chernushka, girlfriend in greenery)

Nigelle spread seeds, living them into open ground early in spring or under winter. Sleep at a distance of 15-20 cm. Flowers 1.5-2 months after 60-65 days after sowing. After a bunch of plants retain decorativeness due to the original form of fruits.

Zinnia Elegant

Annual, expanded, spreader or compact plant, 15-120 cm high, with rounded green or purple-greenish escapes, sowed with rigid large hairs.
Break of inflorescence is the most diverse - white, red, yellow, orange, pink, lilac, purple. Well tolerates high temperature and dry air, in crude cold weather blooms weakly, and sometimes the inflorescences are reinforced. It blooms well and develops on fertile soils with organic fertilizers made from autumn. Flowers zinnia elegant in July - September.
We bring zinnia seeds that are seeded in the seedlings in March - early April. Large seeds at 5-6 days. With a rare sowing seeds in the boxes, you can do without dive. The seedling landing at a permanent place is held at the end of May - early June, when the danger of the last spring frosts is passed, since the zinny does not tolerate low temperatures. The distance between plants when landing 25-30 cm. The graceful seedlings can be pushed to accelerate the agencies of the plants.
You can also search for seeds directly into open soil at the beginning and in mid-May, sowing may be protected by observer material.


This annals from the Malvian family with silk flowers is known for a long time, but today he is experiencing his second youth. Plants with a height of up to 1 m with beautiful large leaves and abundant "satin" funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm are very elegant in the mass. Therefore, the lavatar is planted with groups, included in mixboraders.
Blossoming it lasts from July to October. Svetigubiv, drought resistant, not afraid of light autumn frosts, so far is undemanding.
Sow the lavatar right into the ground in early May. The temperature of germination is 15-20 °. Shoots appear after 10-14 days (in modern varieties sometimes before). Faded flowers need to be removed. Lavaters perfectly stands in the cut.

Interesting plants
When selecting flowers for children's flower beds, it is necessary to focus not only on the plants simple in growing, but also on those attracting children's attention. This is, above all, fragrant plants (squeeze them on some distance from the playground and places where children are often going) and unusual in their shape. Some of these plants can be planted with the child, and some of them buy or grow seedl.

TO osmon twiceperly

Cosmeya is unpretentious, and is suitable even for a novice gardener. She is perfect dry, hot climate. Cosmey bushes can be cut, giving them different forms. A simple and simple flower from childhood, what girl in the summer did not make a "false nails" from the petals of cosmey?

Depending on the variety, Cosmos twiceperous (C.Bipinnatus) can be from 60 cm to 1.5 meters high. Baskets are large, up to 10 cm (according to some sources - up to 15 cm) in diameter, consist of edge flowers, in use of the petals, and tubular, small, most often yellow forming a small disk. At the same time, the edge flowers can be a variety of colors - from white through pink to red or purple, various shades and degrees of saturation. Blossom comes in mid-July and lasts before frosts.
Cosmeus usually plant seeds in Open soil in May. Shoots appear after 8-15 days at a temperature of 18 ° C. Seedlings develop normally at a temperature of 15-18 ° C, not afraid of small frosts. 15-20 days after seedlings, seedlings are seeded or thinning at a distance of 30-35 cm.
When landing at the seedlings in early April, young plants of cosmei planting in the ground at the end of May, in this case the bloom comes a month earlier. Gives abundant self-sackers.

Cosmeya prefers sunny, wind-protected location. Soil will suit any, draned, relatively poor. On fertile soils grow up to the detriment of flowering. The feeder practically does not require.

Amaranth tailed (Fox's tail)

The high original annals (1 -1.5 meter), from the vertices of the stems of which the thick tail-like inflorescences of raspberry or red tones are scenic (up to 75 cm long). There are varieties of amarants with whitish-green and emerald inflorescences-tails of the same length. Of other amarants, the most common-decorative Indian Amaranth, tricolor, is the most common. Low and high grades - from 40 centimeters to 1.5 meters high, carry leaves, motley painted in yellow, green and red tones. Tailed Amaranth in abundance brings seeds and spring gives shoots from the autumn samoshev.
Sowing is produced in April to open soil or under the frame of the protected soil into a strongly fertilized humorous land. Shoots appear on the third or fourth day, they are distributed in the pots and the tops are discredited somewhat later to cause branchism.
Plants planted in an open ground after graduating from strong frosts, at the end of May - early June. The location should be sunny, ground - wet, well-filled with organic fertilizers. Distance when landing 40-50 centimeters. Landing is produced by independent groups or before shrubs.

COGY (Summer Cypress)

Coches are perfectly transferred to forming trimming, which will additionally interest the child when careing for it. And the autumn becomes a beautiful purple color.

Similar to cypressions thick bushes up to 1 m with a width of 60-70 cm in the fall painted in purple-red color. Cocians plant in one row along the tracks (at a distance of 1 m from each other) or small groups, alone on lawns. Cookies often gives shoots from the autumn self-session

Shoots and seedlings of the koches have a property quickly drawn when sowing in rooms. Ombols produced in April under the frame of protected soil or directly into open ground. Seeds pre-germinate. Shoots appear on the fourth-fifth day. You can use wounded seedlings of autumn sowing or self-sowing kihy. The strongest seedlings are pricted to the cotyledon, one in the 5-7-centimeter pots, which are swapped under the frames of the protected soil and contain with strong ventilation.
As the plant develops, they roll into larger pots with nutrient humus grounds. Sit into open ground in early June on solar places with nutritional soil.


Among these beauties, it is from India to highlight the comb and filament. At the sacrifice of the comb, soft scallops, similar to a cock, who always want to touch, and in the periodist - spectacular bright blizzards. Corosions - drywalk, the inflorescences are cut off in full dissolution, while the flowers blossomed first did not flow. The color of the blizzard and leaves are preserved perfectly.
For sacrifice, we need solar, warm and wind-protected areas. The plant loves the fertile soil, but poorly transfers the introduction of fresh fertilizers of organic origin. We have regular watering. Flowering - from the end of June to frosts. Flowers, without losing decorativeness, before frosts.

The targeting breeds seeds that are seeded in specially shot down boxes or greenhouses in the last days of March - early April. In the open soil seeds can be heated after it warms well and in the absence of frosts. The optimal distance between individual plants is 15-20 cm.

Garbagetic Kindergings (Cover Scallop) Reaches a height of 25-35 cm, has a compact bush.
Flowers are small, assembled in a comb's spectacular inflorescence, in shape resembling a roasting comb. Coloring flowers are yellow, pink, orange and mainly purple-red.

Cleaning permafrost reaches a height of 50-90 cm. Cructible bush. Burrying and bright inflorescences are 1/3 of the height of the plant.

Physalis decorative, or Physalis Franch
Elegant lanterns are often used in winter bouquets, for which they are cut and dried in September. There are also vegetable forms of Physalis.
Physalis multiplies seeds that sow immediately into the open ground. To obtain seedlings of seeds, seeds is carried out in the second half of April, and at the end of frosts, seedlings are planted into open ground.
While seedling does not take place, the protection of the seedlings of Physalis from the hot sun and regular watering is required. Physalis do not steply, as the fruits are formed on numerous lateral branches.
Perennial Physalis have creeping rhizomes, which contribute to rapid vegetative reproduction of the plant, so that the plant does not "spread out", it is best to limit it when landing.

Decorative sunflower

Sunflowers grow rapidly and children will be interested in watching their rapid growth. Sunflower loves the sun, however, transfers short shades. Sunflowers growing outside, it is necessary to provide support, as they can fall into windy weather.
In the southern regions you can sow sunflower from the autumn so that the plants use the moisture of winter precipitation. In Central Russia - directly to the ground in mid-May, nests for 2-3 seeds, at a distance of 35-45 cm. If the plants are planted one after 15 cm, then they will be longer, and the flowers are smaller. You can grow sunflower and ever, but in this case it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of light to the plant, otherwise the stems will be weak and curved. Sunflower shoots appear 6-8 days after sowing. The plant is afraid of frosts.

Malva Pink (rose rose)
This plant is as if created for children's flower beds and is simply obliged to grow close to the playground. Which of us in childhood did not make funny pupa from it?

A perennial plant is cultivated as a twirl. In the first year, it forms a rosette of large blade, along the edge of the toothed pubescent leaves, and the next year - direct, unbranched color-colored stems height from 100 to 250 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 10 - 15 cm, simple or terry, assembled in inflorescences (brush) up to 150 flowers. White color, yellow, pink, red, bordeaux, black and red. Flowering in July - September.

Malva Svetigubiv, drought-resistant, unpretentious. It is best to do well fertilized, breathable, drained soils. The best location is Freshing, protected from cold winds. In the dry time you need daily watering. In winter, Malva can freeze, so it should be covered with dry leaves.

Propasses seeds through seedlings or sowing directly into the ground. Blossom comes in July next year. In early sowing in March-April, the plants bloom for the first year.
Use for landing in groups, mixlers, along the hedge and walls, for decorating household buildings. Speected arrays lined with small groups of 2 - 3 plants every 3-4 meters on both sides of the track.

Nyurist (chamomile, PAP)

This favorite flower is simply obliged to grow on the playground. He loves children for the opportunity to pay for love.

Prefers well-lit places. At the shaded places there is a significant deterioration in the development of plants and their flowering. Nyurist is the greatest especially badly makes a lack of light. The soil should be fertile, aligned to a depth of 25-30 cm, sufficiently moistened and well drained. On poor soils, as well as with a lack of moisturizing, flowers are minced. Does not tolerate light sand or heavy clay soils and raw plots! In one place without transplanting, Nyurist is growing only three to four years. If the plant does not transplant, its inflorescences are minced, the winter hardiness decreases
Nyurist multiplies with seeds, the division of rhizomes and cuttings. Small plant seeds are sown in autumn or early spring. In the spring crop, shoots appear in 18-20 days. Seedlings grow pretty quickly, and in the second year bloom. They are attached to a permanent place in the flower garden in the fall in the first year after sowing.
To share the rhizomes and replanting the nornyazhi can be early in spring or autumn. They are divided into small parts. Sigger Dellets shallowly, but trying to fall asleep rhizome. The transplanted decenes grow very quickly.
For drawing use small roar rosettes of leaves. The cuttings are cut in the second half of summer with a piece of rhizomes - "with a heel". So they are better rooted.

Watch for annual flowers is always nice for the eyes. With its forms and the most unusual coloring, they will decorate any floweruba. Any garden or country area can be turned into a paradise place if with love relate to flowers and harmoniously sear them. At the same time, every year the flower bed, decorated with annual flowers, unlike perennial, will always look different.

To harmoniously dissolve the flowering plants on the garden, you can choose various combinations. Here you can show your creative abilities and turn any bed, any garden into the work of the arts. Even if you sear different flowers in the garden Grocery - as it fell, such a garden will also look beautiful in my own way. Annual flowers blooming all summer, no matter where they are planted and in what order will still decorate the garden.

The main feature of the beds, on which there are beautiful annuals, blooming all summer, is that they will be blooming and beautiful up to frosts.

Unpretentious flowers for flower beds, blooming all summer, divided into three groups:

  • flower homoors;
  • curly annuals.

Each of us wants to turn your country area or a garden in a paradise place and make it so that he is better to be a neighbor. This can be done, seeding on the site annual plants. The names are no need to know. It is enough just to go to the market and buy seeds, even if completely not familiar plants. There should be no problems with them. After all, there is nothing complicated in caring for flowers. In addition, every year it is possible to change the compositions, so the beds will always look different.

We will not give a full catalog of flowering plants, we will not restrict ourselves to the most common colors.

Mirabilis or Night Beauty - This is a homing, which blooms only at night. This second name - this night beauty received this thanks to this. Miracular flowers are painted in yellow, pink or crimson colors, blooming with sunset and bloom all night. With the onset of the morning they are closed.

In the care of this flower unpretentious. If it, for example, not to water, then he will dry soon. It has a tube root system, thanks to which it is well tolerating a summer drought.

Mirabilis is multiplied by the method of dividing a bush or seeds. So that the seeds rose faster, they are recommended for 1-2 days to soak in warm water. Seed seeds of Mirabilis is recommended in pots of two seeds. Pots should be filled with fertile soil so that the flowers feel comfortable. At the same time, to pose seeds in the pots should be about a month before the transference of germs in the bed. When the seeds go out, one of the shoots should be removed from each pot and leave the strongest. When the spring morning frosts completely stop, you can transplant the flowers in the open ground.


Barchatts or a different Tagtess are beautiful comfortable annuals that can be painted in different shades of yellow and white colors. There are uniformly painted, and there are striped. An interesting feature of these annuals is that they can be small, just up to 15 cm, and can be directly giants that can grow up to 80 cm.

To care for the velets is easy. They, like Miracilia, too well tolerate dry summer. Therefore, in additional watering, do not particularly need. They are enough rain. In Wiring, the velvets, as already mentioned, do not need, but without a weeding and fertilizer, they will feel comfortable. When these flowers bloom in full force, the part of them begins to dry out, because in addition to the weeding need to remove dried flowers.

To prepare for the next fly, it is necessary to collect seeds. They should be assembled at the end of July or early August. There is no need to pre-pump and plant seedlings. Seeds can be sowed on the bed immediately after the cessation of morning frosts. When the seeds should be seeded into open ground, it is impossible to say, since it depends on the region. In each region, weather and climatic conditions are different, therefore, these are their terms in each region. When sowing seeds, they can not be deepened by more than 2 centimeters. Seeds germinate about a week. Flowering the velvets, start only after 2 months.

There are four varieties of velvets:

  • Reprehension;
  • Throughly;
  • Rejected;
  • Anise.

All these varieties of the velvetts are beautiful and can decorate any garden, any garden or cottage.


This garden flower is not annual, but many years old, but you can also pay attention to it, because in the harsh winter conditions this flower can not be overwhelmed. That is, this plant, depending on the region, can be annual, and more years. Place such flowers usually along the troches or in the center of the flower composition. There is also such a variety that is planted into high vases. This is an ampel grade.

Flowers of the lion zea must be regularly water. After irrigation, the soil must be exploded. In additional care, this flower does not need. Watering must be performed by a spray gun. Dried inflorescences need to be removed by tweezers. In addition, you need to regularly remove weeds, otherwise the plant will not feel comfortably. Tall varieties to all of the time must be tested to the support.

The main feature of this garden plant is such that its seeds can lie "in Chulana" for several years waiting for landing in open ground. Seeds may not lose their germination for several years in a row. Before landing in open soil, the seeds of these plants must be sowed to pots with fertile soil. Seeds do not deepen. They must be scattered on the surface of the soil and sprinkle with large sand. First searches appear after a half months. After the appearance of the first germs of the pots, you need to endure the fresh air. It is necessary to put them in the shade or in places where the midday sun does not fall. When five leaves grow on shootings, it is advisable to discharge the trunk escape so that the plant grew up, but in width.

The first time seedlings grows pretty slowly and at this time it is very vulnerable. It can not be poured with water when watering. It must be remembered to accidentally not destroy the plants.


This flower is similar to a fabulous plant. The bush of this plant is height reaches a meter. It grows single flowers-bells painted in yellow, white and blue tones. The leaves have an uncomplicated oval shape. Buds on this plant grow large and grow up to 20 centimeters.

In care, this plant is quite whimperating. Page is desirable to water more often. If you water it irregularly, it will reset the buds and will just be a bush. This flower is very thermalized, therefore you need to choose a solar place when transplanting germs. If this flower is missing the sun, he will perish.

It is necessary to plant these plants in the pots. Seeds have a pretty bad germination. In order for them to go, they need a lot of moisture. Before sowing seeds in the pots, they need to soak in warm water for ten days. In order for such a flowering plant to feel comfortable, the air temperature should be at least 30 degrees. Shoot shoots for quite a long time. It may take a whole month for it, because you need to think about sowing.


Zinnia - truly magic flower. A variety of plants and colors of buds surprises. It is this flower that can be found. almost any dachaSince he is a universal favorite. They can be decorate any bed and everywhere it will be harmoniously fit into the overall combination. This annual plant grows in height can be from 20 to 100 centimeters. Buds are located on the top of the stem. This magic flower blooms all summer almost to the most frosts.

In the care of the zinnya. This is a thermo-loving plant. It loves the sun very much, because when landing shoots to open ground, you should choose the most hot and solar place. It is necessary to water it every day. It should be observed that the water does not fall on buds. You also need to regularly remove weeds from the soil. If the moisture of this flower, by saying, will not be enough, he will die. At least these flowers and reaches a meter in height, they do not need it in the garter to the support, since the stems are strong enough and strong to withstand their own weight.

Proper Qinnia by sowing seedswhich are characterized by a good germination. Even the old seeds spare well. Before sowing, seeds should be soaked in warm water per day. Seeds germinate and the first shoots appear after a few days. This plant does not tolerate the dive, because the seeds should be sown immediately into peat pots.


Cosmeya - the favorite of many dachensons. She can decorate any garden. It refers to one-year colors, blooming all summer without seedling. That is, it is not even necessary to plant it. It can be found in many summer cottages. Can grow up to a meter in height. The buds of this plant are usually painted in white, pink or blue colors. Cosmei leaves have an openwork form, very similar to dill and look pretty beautiful.

In care, this annual plant is so unpretentious that even a beginner can cope with him. Water you need once a week. Also once a week you need these plants to rinse and remove weary grass. In feeding the cosose does not needBut it does not hurt her additional fertilizer. It is important in this matter not to abuse with fertilizer, otherwise it is possible to reconcile a plant, and it will die. Dried stems and inflorescences should be deleted. Thus, their flowering is extended.

To multiply the cosmeya by landing seeds. Seying seeds can be in open soil immediately after snow comes down. Strongly deepen the seeds during the crop, there are no enough centimeters. Cosme is multiplied by self-saming. If in the first year of sowing cosmeya passed on the plot, then in the following years it can multiply by self-sowing.


Gazania is an annual flowering plant, leaves and buds similar to chamomile. Buds can be painted yellow, orange and red. These flowering plants look beautifully and in beds, and in vases.

In the care of such annual flowers for giving unpretentious. To achieve good flowering, you need regularly water the plant And remove weary grass. If you water it irregularly, then nothing terrible will happen, because the gazania is not afraid of drought. To the composition of the soil, this flower is also unpretentious. This annulled grows in even in non-fermentation soil, for which it is often called a weed.

Seeds of this plant can be sown immediately into the open ground in March. Soil must be pre-explode and moisturized. After sowing, you can not forget to cover the ground with glass to create a favorable atmosphere for germs. It is necessary to feed the gas in two weeks after the first searches.

Advantages of annual colors

If we affect the advantage of the advantages of annual colors, then it is necessary to note the fact that they are unpretentious about perennial plants. Caring for these flowers there is no need to constantly worry about how will the winter flowers. This is a big plus in favor of annuals. An even advantage is that, unlike perennial plants, the beds with which they always look equally, to form a composition on the garden in advance and every year such a garden will look like a year ago.

There are flowers of annuals that perfectly carry the open sun, and there are such that they love the shadow and bloom only in the shade. And there are flowers that bloom only at night. And it should be noted that they all look incredibly beautiful and always make an eye.

From the positive characteristics of the annuals, the following can be distinguished:

  • there is no need to take care of how the flowers will fall;
  • such plants can be decorated with flower beds and summer cottages;
  • annual flowers in care are usually unpretentious.

Annual plants and flowers

I am a young dacket and give preference to the velvets. These flowers do I like more than others. We have at the cottage, with them are planted and other different flowers. I will not list. All annuals. As for the question, what flowers it is better to plant on country clubs, then it must declare that it is better to plant one-year plants, because in this way you can diversify flower beds and plots.

Dmitry Zagodnoye

Agree. I have already been the old daccintier and also prefer annual plants. But I love perennial flowers too. You just need to land right to the "permanent place of residence." For example, rose bushes at the gate every year perfectly decorate the entrance to the country, and I do not want to change them every year.

Mila Kharkov

I also have a cottage. I also love more annual flowers. I like to decorate the countryside with flowers, and I go out every year on a plot among the flower. And I must say that perennial flowers are bored. Over the years, they just begin the eyes of the calling and they want to replace with other colors. Annual plants deprived of this shortageBecause it allows every year to decorate your country area in different ways.

Sergey Tkachov

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Pestry and bright flower beds always fill the garden with juicy paints. Annual flowers for giving are good in that they allow every year to create elegant scenic and unique vegetable compositions, which act as a bright decoration of the site. Using such plants, you can update the appearance of your site each season, the transformation garden in accordance with the mood and taste preferences.

What flower beds is better to do from annual colors

It is to create a truly luxurious landscape that is in the site. Most often of them form flower beds, modular flower beds and.

The main advantage of the beautiful seasoning annuals is the ability of only one season to pass the whole cycle of vegetation, pleaseing the glance of rapid development and lush flowering throughout the summer

Flower beds are vegetable compositions that have a certain shape and clear boundaries. Mostly flower beds give traditional round, square and rhombid forms

Ornamental arrangement of the club provides for the location of the elements of the composition in the same plane. The main advantage of such flower beds is their mobility: containers can always be rearranged on more highlighted areas, decoring empty places on the platform for recreation, or, on the contrary, decorate them quiet corners in the garden.

Modular flower beds are picturesque vegetable compositions, when the design of all sorts of containers are used.

The peculiarity of mixboraders is the selection and location of plants in such a way as a result, the multi-level compositions are formed, in which other plants are blooming for replacing

What to pay attention to the selection of plants?

Planning to complement a flower garden from perennials by several plants for one season, or wanting to create a flowerbed completely from annuals, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • Flowering period. All annual garden flowers are famous for long blossom, but still one of them ripen earlier, and others later. Among the spring can be allocated: pelargonium, begonia, petunia. From the beginning of June, zinnia, velvets, marigolds and cornflowers will appear. And until late autumn, the decoration of the flower beds will be: Astra, Laviter, Lion Zev and Calendula.
  • Place planting plant. With the arrangement of the palication, low and colorful velvets, nasturtiums and cornflowers are perfectly suitable. The spectacular decoration of the fence or walls of the gazebo can be made: decorative fragrant peas, eggs or curly beans. Geranium, Begonia, Petunia are well suited for landing in the containers.
  • Palette. Choosing beautiful flowers for the garden, each gardener gets a great opportunity to paint your site into favorite shades.

Restores - Sunconium Plants. In all its glory, they are manifested only on a rich, sufficiently moistened area, well-lit by sunlight.

Bring in a blooming green garden of bright yellow paints in the color, disembarking Coreopsis, Calceolaria, Sunflower and Lion Zev

Dilute the composition of the blue tones, you can landing the Eust Russell, Brachik Iberisoliste, Vasilka or Binders

Bright strokes of red are easy to add with the beauty of Salvia, "lights" of balsamine or terry "pumps" of stock roses

Drafting the low-speed annuals

The lowered plants whose height does not exceed 30 cm, against the background of more tallest "fellow" always look unusually elegant. Often they are planted as soil workers who successfully fill the "gaps" between the cutting decorative shrubs and rose bushes.

The lowest unpretentious annuals blooming all summer - Iberis, forming snow-white "clouds" of inflorescences, gentle blue nephophile, night violet with its unique aroma and extraordinarily elegant dwarf viola

A bright decoration or the magnificent "pillows" of the ageratum. The low-spirited plant forms dense flowering mats of a wide variety of shades, starting with a gentle white, and ending with blue and even saturated lilac.

Like sunny bunnies, sparkling with golden overflows, from the first days of summer and to late autumn decorate the plot of compact bugs of velvets with miniature flowers.

Cute heads of tiny daisy, framed by gentle green foliage or flowers of dwarf varieties of lion zea decorate borders along the garden track

Among the low beautiful combining and at the same time, uncompressive annuals can be allocated and compact varieties of cells of silver, phlox, a cross, forget-me-not, lobelia.

The average grade of annual plants

Flowers up to 80 cm high are good not only for creating mixborls and flower, often they make up the basis of breakdowns, parters and other mixed flower beds. Therefore, choosing plants for mixed compositions, it is important to pick up such varieties that will be harmoniously combined with other plantations in shape and color.

The range of average varieties is quite extensive, which allows you to create the most incredible compositions that will become a real "highlight" of the site.

Decoration of flowerbeds can spherical inflorescences of Verbena, bizarre Flower Flowers Anti-Rica, Scarlet "Caps" Poppy, or Dicky Lilac Salvia Spikelets

Among the average "counterparts", which are popular with gardeners, thanks to the extraordinary beauty and ease of care, you can allocate: dimorfootetuette, cosmeu, exolization, mattyol

When creating complex flower beds, annual plants fill empty places after twisted bulbous or free spaces between conifers. Seeds can be sung directly into the ground in a permanent place, but to obtain earlier flowering it is better to apply a seed basis.

Tall grades

Tall handsome, reaching the height of 1.5 meters, look at effectively both in soliter design and in a group landing.

The original supplement of the mixboarder will serve Georgina, Kozya, Amaranth, tobacco scented and decorative corn. Some varieties of such plants require garters to the support, which should be considered when choosing a place for landing like a closed plant.

The center of any composition can be: Aruncus with white blurred inflorescences, or duration decorated with snow-white flowers, outwardly resembling a bell

For single landings that look most effectively against the background of a bright green lawn, a dolphinium, Klecevine and annual terry varieties of Malv better fit

Tall flowers fill the background in the multi-level flower beds, they decorate unsightly walls of buildings and are used as a living hedge.

Among the extensive family of annual plants there are even fast-growing, capable of changing the unsightly walls of economic buildings, fences and fences in just three to four months.

In areas where perennial lianas are planted, which do not yet give the desired effect, a great help to plant a fragrant peas, nasturtium ingenic, sampie or decorative beans

Restores are universal plants for landscaping and decorating the site. Even after cutting, they do not lose their decorativeness, the breeze, helichrum, bristle, and homophrena. Florist lovers are used to create winter bouquets.

For decorative design of garden sites, annual flowers, blooming all summer use in great demand. Their brighter than that of perennials color, allows each season to diversify the flower beds with new colors.

Advantages of annual colors

Many gardeners consider these plants an ideal option for growing in their sites. With their help, you can create modular flower beds using a variety of vases, mixed compositions from bottled plants. Unpretentious annual flowers, blooming all summer, do not require special care, they do not need to be prepared for wintering, worry about the fact that plants can be subjected to first frosts. A variety of color scheme allows you to create the most amazing composition of the beauty of the composition adorning the plot throughout the summer. Favorable advantage is the ability to choose a plant suitable at height. Many of them breed self-sowed and give not one harvest during the season.

Little grades

These flowers look good at close range and look especially attractive. They are used to design borders or border when creating flower beds. You can pick up the lowest varieties of calendula, lion zea, phlox, nasturtiums. These annual flowers blooming all summer are suitable for the design of the flower, and to create a mountaineering.

Ageratum. Forms tight inflorescences of white, blue or lilac color. Prefers areas well lit by the sun.

Viola. The height of the plant does not exceed 25 cm, and the flowers can have the most diverse color. Even at the occurrence of frosts, it does not stop throwing out new blooms.

In the shade and in the sun wonderful one of the lowest varieties - Lobelia feels. Satisfied at the beginning of May as a flowerbed and containers of any size.

It looks beautifully a flower garden in which there is begonia. There are several dwarf varieties of this plant, the height of which is from 15 to 20 cm.

The average grades

Velhetsom - annual flowers blooming all summer. Without seedlings, it is quite well multiplied by self-sacker. They will decorate any garden, very unpretentious, need only abundant irrigation. They are compact small bushes up to 30 cm in height.

Zinnia is considered to have gardeners with a wand-grinding, thanks to a wide variety of varieties of various color. Flowers are similar to dahlia, there can be quite large - up to 12 cm in diameter. Seeds germinate very quickly, so sowing on seedlings produced later than the rest of the varieties.

One of the most popular colors is petunia. Her small seeds are sown in February directly on the surface of the soil without fridge. Petunia does not differ in high weighting, so the amount of planting material must be several times higher than the norm.

Tall grades

These handsometers can equally look great both in single landings and in common flower bed. Some gardeners prefer to grow annual flowers, blooming all summer, without seedling. For them, an ideal option is an amaranth. This is a real proportion of almost three-meter growth. Very spectacular thanks to its fluffy earrings and the leaves of various shades. Seeds planted in open soil successfully come true and give excellent germination. They love this flower and for the fact that after cutting it is very long saved.

Rudbeckia - these annual flowers, blooming all summer, attract the look at any corner of the garden, wherever they are. Propagated by seeds, as well as the division of the bush. This non-additive plant requires only feeding with mineral fertilizers 3 times during the summer. Under favorable conditions, it can grow up to 2 meters.

Klecers. For high growth and impressive leaves, it is called another Russian palm. In addition, these annual flowers blooming all summer, perfectly feel under the sultry rays of the Sun and do not suffer cold. Locking the ticklaith to a permanent place, it is necessary to make sure that the gaps between the seedlings were at least 1 meter. Good watering and drainage of the soil - that's all you need for normal growth to this plant.

Selection of annual colors

In order for the flower garden to please the view throughout the summer, you need to properly approach its layout and selection of plants, balanceing them in terms of flowering, height and some other features. Usually placed around the flower beds, which make the role of the border, then follow the medium, and the highest plants are planted in the center.

For landing in containers, it is recommended to use petunia, geranium, begonia and others as ampellated colors. To decorate the gazebo, the fence or the arch will be helped by film flowers, such as Ipomeya, nasturtium, curly beans. For decoration of the alpine slides, annual flowers, flowering all summer - Verbena, Lion Zev, Brachik are suitable. High colors look good as a living hedge in parisades, fences or walls of the structure.

Flowering period

This is an important factor when choosing a planting material for the design of the site. Only with the time of flowering of each plant you can create continuously blooming flower beds. The first to bloom the poppy, begonia, cornflowers, lavaters. Other plants bloom a little later, but these are annual flowers blooming all summer. The names of them are very familiar to everyone - Astra, Nasturtium, calendula. The garden plot of curly petunias, velvets, balsam, zinnia will be decorated the longest. They do not stop blossoming almost to the most frosts.

Annual Flowers - Landing and Care

Most annuals are grown with seedlings or directly seed seeds into the soil. In any case, you need to be confident as a planting material. Therefore, to acquire seeds is best at well-known manufacturers who have already proven themselves in the flower market.

Before sowing, shallow grooves are made, no more than 2 cm, in which seeds close at a short distance from each other. It is recommended to increase their number twice, living in an open soil annual flowers for flower beds.

Flowering all summer plants still need some care, despite their unpretentiousness. They needed watering into hot and dry weather, as well as during flowering. The soil must be loosened if it is required, but it is best to mulch.

Periodically entered the feeding. At first 2 weeks after the seedling landing, when 3-4 real leaves appear on the plants. The next feeding is made when buds are formed, then when flowering and after it. In the spring, it must be organic fertilizers, and from the moment the plants begin to bloom - mineral.

Flowers that grow in containers need more fertilizer making.

In order for the garden from spring to autumn to paints, the best option is to plant one-year flowers, blooming all summer. Photos of all sorts of compositions that can be created using bright annuals, simply amaze with their splendor and variety. We just need to competently approach this issue.

The country site is difficult to present without flowering plants. Perennial and annual garden flowers are a wonderful material for decorating the territory, and all sorts of flower beds, Rabata, Mixboro and Alpinaria are actively used in landscape design.

Advantages of annual plants

Annual flowers are those whose life lasts one warm season, as well as perennial plants that do not tolerate our harsh winters. Sometimes there are two-bedrooms in this group (representatives of flora officials blooming for the second year). So what are the advantages of such colors?

    • One of the most important advantages of annuals is their diversity. There are hundreds of species and thousands of varieties of these plants that will satisfy the most demanding taste and will be able to solve a variety of tasks in the design of the site.

    • Annual flowers are often more enduring and unpretentious compared to perennial relatives.
    • The use of annual plants in landscaping makes it possible to create new compositions every year.
    • This annuals bloom much longer and brighter many years of relatives, and thanks to their diversity, it is much easier to pick up the "material" for continuous flowering bed.
    • With the help of annuals, you can create correct geometric patterns, and any pattern on the flower bed will look careful - in contrast to perennials, these plants almost do not grow and do not dismiss the space from the neighbors.

What compositions create from annual colors

Annual plants are suitable for almost all types of flower beds, it is due to them the greatest brightness and harmony of the composition.

  • Modular flower garden - a composition of several types of annuals lined with containers. As a rule, such landings have proper geometric forms, but there are exceptions. Most of all modular flower beds, located horizontally, are suitable for gardens that are regular character, and vertically directed - this is a real flight of fantasy, here you can experiment with the form of containers, and with the methods of location, and, of course, with color gamut plants.

Mixboro from annual plants

  • Mixboro from annual plants is a very spectacular landscape composition, it is important to choose the right coloring flowers in height and land with them.
  • Flowerbed is perhaps the most popular composition that can be worn both regular and natural character. Annual garden flowers here can be an excellent addition to the already growing multi-year representatives of the flora or be the basis. The creation of such a flower garden is limited only by fantasy and available free space.
  • Borders and Rabata from annuals are also quite common. They are organized along the garden tracks or fences, larches of low-level plants are made up of other compositions or buildings. When creating such a flower garden is limited to one or two species.

Borders and Rabata from annuals

The color palette is a key point when creating a flower garden and depends on personal preferences. Among the variety of annual plants, you can find species and varieties that meet any request.

  • The flower beds are interesting, selected from different shades of the same color, for example, in pink or blue colors. A good addition here are plants with white flowers.

  • Continuously blooming flower bed in yellow tones will bring the solar mood in any corner of the garden.
  • The flower garden in the "rustic" style is a bright classic of summer cottages. Here the main thing is to competently pick up shades in order not to get too much the composition from which the eyes will be tired.

Requirements for lighting

Choosing species for a flower bed, it is important to take into account their requirements for growing conditions, such as the composition of the soil, the necessary humidity and lighting. If the first two factors can "adjust" under any flower, then with the number of light can not be done - it remains only to pick up those species that will grow with this level of lighting.

The easiest way, if the flower garden is located in a sunny place or in multiple lighting, because most annual garden flowers are light-loving plants and are revealed in all its glory only with sufficient suns.

With the flower beds, the case is more complicated, but there is from what to choose from. Some species of colors are shadowed and can grow both in the sun and in a half. So, the shadowless and teothelubileu annuals:

    • diace;
    • fragrant tobacco;
    • lobelia;
    • begonia eternal;
    • balsam.

Dialation Easy tobacco Balsam

Height of plants

Plant dimensions - an important parameter to be taken into account when drawing up a flower bed plan and choosing its "residents".

Little types and varieties

The plants are considered shortly, the height of which does not exceed 30-40 cm. This is the main material for filling the flower and creating borders. Low flowers occupy the forefront plans are planted as a background or framing, they can also be seen on the Alpine slides and in rockers.

Iberis - a strong tight plant with a height of 25-40 cm, the stems of its reprehension and densely sat down with dark green small leaves. Flowers collected in inflorescences that can be white, pink or lilac color, appear in the second half of summer and tightly cover the bush, forming a practically solid carpet. Iberis prefers solar places with sandy or rocky soil, drought-resistant and does not tolerate moisture. This flower is better to plant a straight sowing in the ground.

Lobelia It has forms both with reprehensive and ampel stems of 15-45 cm high. Its numerous branches are covered with small unspecified leaves, in the sinuses of which are small, only 1-2 in diameter, flowers. Color painting can be white, pink, blue, dark blue or lilac. This plant prefers light soil and sufficient moisture, heat and drought can lead to cessation of flowering. Lobelia is seeded early, as it grows and develops slowly.

Neophila It has half-bodied branched stems that rise above the ground for a maximum of 20 cm. The leaves of it are half-disseated and covered with a pile. Similar to large bells flowers can be white, lilac, blue. Some varieties inside the flower there are "peephole" of dark blue. Eleophile loves increased humidity and loose soil, and grown it with a seaside way.



The mid-grade flowers have a height from 40 to 80 cm, and their place is the middle and back plan for flower beds or mixlers.

Calendula - Plant reaching a height of 30-60 cm with strong stem and lanceal leaves. Flowers - baskets are pretty large, 5-7 cm in diameter, and can be simple, terry and semi-marginal, color varies from cream to orange. On one stem, several inflorescences can be located. This flower is unpretentious, tolerate drought and small negative temperatures. We put the calendula with direct sowing into the ground.


Poppy - annual with oval or slightly pointed at the ends of leaves and stems. Flowers are located on flowers singly and can reach the diameter of 7-8 cm. The color is usually allay, but there are varieties with white, yellow and even purple petals. Unpretentious and can grow on any soil. Heat it directly into the ground, including under the winter.

Snapdragon - Flower whose parameters vary depending on the variety. The stem can be single or branched, the color of the leaves varies from light to dark green, and the height of the entire bush is from 10 to 70 cm. The color of colon-shaped inflorescence can also be different, there are varieties with white, pink, raspberry, burgundy and dark Red flowers. This plant prefers light soil and moderate watering, and it is grown by a seaside way.



These are large flowers whose height exceeds 80-100 cm. They are planted on the backdrop of flower beds, as well as along fences and buildings.

Decorative sunflower, like his oil-made fellow, can grow up to 3 m in height. Inflorescences - baskets, terry or simple, have petals of different shades of yellow, red and orange and reaches a diameter of 10 to 30 cm. This is an indispensable homing for the garden in the power of "Country". He is unpretentious, and spread it to a straight sowing into the ground.

Amaranth - Plant with powerful stems up to 1.5 m. The leaves are large and can be both green and purple. Flowers are small and assembled into drooping inflorescences of raspberry or red. This annual prefers nutritious neutral soils, completely does not tolerate the convergence and is afraid of cold weather.

Duration of blossom

Duration of flowering also play an important role, because knowing them, you can choose exactly those annuals that will serve the garden decoration for the longest time. The blooming all summer annual flowers is a fairly extensive group, and some of its representatives are described below.

Annual blooming all summer

Easy tobacco - a modest small plant with lanceal leaves and star-like flowers that have a beautiful aroma. Coloring flowers can be white, yellow or pink. Tobacco prefers fertile soil and moderate watering. Split it through seedlings.

Zinnia It has many varieties that differ in height, shape and painting of flowers. There are varieties with terry, semi-world, simple and complex shape inflorescences. Coloring is also diverse and can be all shades of red, orange and yellow. In general, Zinny requires regular irrigation, good lighting and wind protection. Grow it through seedlings.

Dialation - A low stronding annual with brilliant bright green leaves of the lancing form. Flowers resembling sinks are located at the ends of the shoots and may have the color of all shades of pink. Diatsius can grow on any soils, if only there was no stagnation of moisture. We bring it to a straight sowing into the ground.

Marigold - Popular annual, whose inflorescences are painted in all shades of yellow and orange. Depending on the variety, the growth of the Kusta ranges from 20 to 100 cm. This flower is unpretentious, and it can be sown directly into the ground.

Verbena - Plant, one stem that turns into a whole bouquet. Its similar on primulus Flowers are collected in thyroid inflorescences with a diameter of about 10 cm and can have a variety of color: white, pink, red, purple. Also there are varieties with two-color buds. Verbena is unpretentious, but it categorically does not tolerate organic fertilizers. Grow it through seedlings.

Petunia - Another popular annual. Depending on the variety, its bushes are swept into small and numerous flowers or a small amount of bright and large. The plant is quite capricious, it needs fertile soil and moderate watering. Large-colored forms lose decorativeness due to rain.

Autumn annuals

Aster, or Chinese Callistefus - Well-known annual, whose varieties are thousands. A rather unpretentious flower, which can be grown both through seedlings and sowing the ground under the winter.

Ageratum - Unusual annual with triangular, rhombic or rounded leaves and loose inflorescences of fragrant flowers, white, lilac or blue colors. It blooms up to frosts.

Astra, or Callistefus Chinese Ageratum

Growing annual plants

Annual garden flowers are grown by straight seeds in the ground either through seedlings. The second method takes much longer time and strength, but allows you to get stronger specimens. In addition, such plants bloom much earlier than planted immediately into the ground.

Annuals from seedlings

Upon receipt of flowers in this way, it is important to comply with the landing deadlines that depend on the region. The most slow-growing species begin to search in February-March, and fast-growing - you can plant in mid-April.

  • The soil for seedlings should be light and nutritious enough, it can be purchased in garden stores or prepare yourself.
  • Seeds Before disembarking, it is recommended to displaced a weak solution of manganese and process growth stimulants - it allows you to protect the raptber from diseases.
  • Depending on the size, the seeds are planted on a small depth or on the surface of the soil.
  • The containers are closed with a food film, which is periodically lifted for ventilating, otherwise mold can start.
  • Very small seeds can be mixed with large sand - it contributes to a more uniform planting.

After the inputs appear, the film is removed, and drawers with sprouts are transferred to a lighter place. And after the formation of several pairs of real leaves, the sprouts are seated into separate containers of 1-3 pieces, where they are moving up to the landing in the ground.

Seedling will be strong if it is fertilized every week. The first feeder is carried out 7-10 days after dive - the raptitz is watered with a diluted solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

In the open ground, seedlings are planted with the onset of heat, depending on the region. Cold-resistant species can be sent to the street at the beginning of May, but the thermal-loving plants are planted not earlier than the end of May - early June.

Reckless way

Not all plants transfer the transplant, and it is not always advisable to grow seedlings. In such cases, apply the landing immediately to a permanent place.

Make it, as a rule, at the beginning of the middle of May, when the soil is already progressing and unexpected cold will not destroy shoots. Heat-loving species is better to plant in the second half of the month.

The seeds are sown in the wells for several pieces (the distance between the wells is kept according to the recommendations for this species), and sprinkle with light soil. The emerging shoots thin after the appearance of several pairs of real leaves so that 1-2 of the most strong sprout remains in the "nest".

Cool-resistant annuals can be sulking under the winter, in the already freezing ground.

Annual garden flowers are unpretentious, but to obtain a full bloom must be observed several conditions:

  • It is not necessary to plant specimens too closely, it negatively affects the development of plants, and, accordingly, on the quality of flowering.

  • Watering should be regular, but on hot days "Water treatments" is better transferred to the evening or morning.
  • Some annuals (for example, large-flowered varieties of petunias) are losing decorativeness when the water is hit on them, so they can only water the root.
  • Fertilizers are required annuals only in the period before flowering. Wood ashes and complex fertilizers for flowering plants are used as feeding.
  • Faded flowers need to be removed, it allows longer to keep decorativeness and avoid self-seams. After withering all the flowers, the plant can be removed from the flower beds, and put a new one in his place.

Everyone wants his plot to look beautiful. Green plantings, of course, please the eye, but, agree, the bright stains of the flower beds even more raise the mood, especially on cloudy days.

If you want your plot for many months to please you with bright juicy paints, plant floral cultures on its territory.

And spring for this is the time.

Methods of spring planting colors

There are three options for disembarking floral crops in open ground:


2. Seeds - reckless;

3. Tubers, rhizomes - landing as a result of fission of perennials.

Emergency method

Of all the listed options, the confused is the most cost and time consuming, but the results are worth it. Pros of this method - plants bloom earlier and longer. There are flowers that can be grown only by a confused method, in particular cultures with small seeds:, Viola, etc.

Seeds seeds on seedlings from January to April, a specific period depends on the duration of the growing season of a specific species. On bags with seeds usually write sowing time.

For cultivation of seedlings, any universal soil is used, or a forest or garden soil, which is pre-disinfected from weeds and pests. All decisions before use also disinfect.

Seeds sow in shallow boxes and are covered with a film or glass. The germination occurs at a temperature of 20-24 ° C, the lighting at this stage does not need. From time to time, crops are watered and ventilated.

If shoots appear, the box is transferred to a light place, in some cases there may be needed additional lamp lighting. Temperature at this stage of development - 16-18 ° C.

When the first real leaves appear, the seedlings are seeded (dive) in small capacity (cups) for better development of the root system. It is planted in an open ground when the threat of frosts in the middle of May has passed.

Reckless way

Those who want to create a flower garden on the site, making a minimum effort and costs, choose a reckless method. I threw the seed into the ground, watered, it grown, and no problems with the seedle.

However, in this way, only frost-resistant plants can be grown. And some cultures do not tolerate transplants at all, so they are grown exclusively to a reckless way. For example: Cosmeu, Vasilka, Gypsophile, Naughty, Cutup and others.

The exact time of sowing in the open ground is primarily dependent on the local climate and from current weather.

The duration also affects the duration of the growing season. For example, cold-resistant cultures with a long period of vegetation are seeded at an early period (approximately in mid-April). And late sowing (approximately from mid-May and before the beginning of autumn) are used to thermo-loving cultures with a short period of vegetation.

Seed seeds in prepared soil. For small seeds make grooves, for large sockets. The depth of planting seed should be equal to the sum of 2-3 of its diameters. And the distance between the seeds is at least 1 cm.

Then sowing several times thinned. The first time - when the first real leaves are shown, it is left between seedlings 5 \u200b\u200bcm. Repeably thin 10 days after the first, but the distance is left more - between small plants 10 cm, between the large 30-40 cm.

Flowers can be grown with seedlings or seed seeds immediately into open ground. In a seaside method, there is an earlier bloom of cultures, but the reckless - less time consuming, therefore it is very popular among the gardeners.

Perennials, many types of annuals that have a not too long period of time from landing to flowering, as well as plants that are poorly transferred to flowering, as well as plants that are poorly transferred - poppies, Naturezia, Eshcholce, Ipomeya, Mattiola, Lupine, Vasilki, Cosmeya, etc.

The timing of the spring plant depend on the climatic zone, on average seeds seed from April to the end of May, when the threat of frosts takes place.

In mid-April, the seeds of Alissum, Eshcholiya, fragrant peas, flax, calendula, mattiols, poppies, year, scented, decorative cereals, can be seized in open ground.

Already at the end of April - the beginning of May, delphiniums are planted, various types of carnations, annual phlox, nasturtium, gypsophile, asters, various varieties of velvetsev, Portulak.

At the end of May, planting crops that germinate at high temperatures - IPOMEY, daisy, forget-me-not, pansies.

Seeds of some colors (asters, cornflaws, lavender, cooke, Cosmeya, Lavaters, Dolphinium, Yarrow, etc.) can be planted in autumn, in front of the first frosts. This method allows us to go through natural hardening and stratification, as well as get earlier flowering.

Preparation of soil

Before planting the soil, it is necessary to accomplish and make fertilizers. Heavy soil (clay, loam) is picked up in front of the crop sowing, as it has a property very quickly. In such soils, it is not bad to make compost, peat or sawdust (autumn) to improve their structure. In loose and light fertile soils, the seeds are good and friendly, thanks to this, there are earlier blossoms of plants.

Landing seeds in the ground

Seeds of colors can be pre-soaked in a solution of special preparations - growth stimulants. Such processing will allow them not only to pass faster, but also improve disease resistance, and also accelerates the further development of shoots.

Too small seeds are sown dry. For a more uniform distribution over the surface, they are sometimes mixed with sand

The wet soil is pre-spilled by robbles, then seed seeds into special grooves, or the groza and sprinkle with a layer of soil. Too large seeds are planted in separate pits (nests). The depth of planting depends on the type of plant, but according to the overall rules is equal to the double diameter of the seed. Then they are covered with a layer of soil and, if necessary, watered.

Seeds of some plants - Portulak, Petunia, etc. They have the properties to germinate only in light, so they are evenly scattered over the surface and do not sprinkle, but only slightly pressed to the ground.

Before the first sprouts come, the soil should always be maintained in a wet state. To reduce moisture loss, you can the surface of the soil, until the first shoots appear, cover the film.