Moorish lawn at the cottage - the fragrant and flowering meadow from wildflowers. Lawn with flowers: Creating a meadow lawn

A pedestrous meadow dodged with a dozen varieties of herbs and wildflowers, like a magnet, attracts his eyes. For you - secrets of landing and care for Mauritan lawn.


The perfect English lawn looks spectacular, but quite boring. Bright Moorish attracts naturalness and restrained beauty.

Advantages of a blooming lawn:

  • simple care, minimum of agrotechnical events;
  • to make a pleasant species, it is necessary to mow a plot only once - in the vegetative period;
  • easily pick up herbal and floral mixtures;
  • the number of plant species suitable for creating a pedestrous meadow in the country comes to forty;
  • beautiful corner is easy to create on not enough fertile soil;
  • the growth of weeds is slow enough;
  • it is possible to equip the Mauritan lawn even on a small area.

Stages of creating a flowering meadow with their own hands

It is not enough just to sow grass and wildflowers. Care for Mauritan lawn justBut the arrangement will require accuracy and attention to detail. Nothing supernatural, but negligence is inappropriate.

Step by step:

  1. Choose a suitable place. The best option is open, well lit by the sun.
  2. There is no special requirements for the soil of special requirements.
  3. The plot should not be very large. You can equip the flowering meadow next to a lively elevation, in front of the house or near the reservoir (if any).
  4. Buy seeds of herbs and meadow flowers. Combine flowers according to your taste, choosing brighter paint or tone quieter.
  5. Experienced summer residents recommend buying domestic varieties, they are better leaving in the local climate.
  6. Rice soil, get rid of weed plants and accumulated garbage. If weeds are too much, treat the soil with herbicides. Doses - according to the instructions.
  7. Skill the soil, make peat, fertilizer and sand. Before boarding, it is desirable to fow the soil nitrogen-containing compositions.
  8. The final stage is the compaction and alignment of the soil. It is possible to plant a Mauritan lawn in 2-3 weeks.

Seeds. Structure

For the arrangement of the flowering meadow on the site in specialized stores "All for garden-garden", "Green Peace", etc. For sale ready-made seed mixtures. In some packages there are cereals and seeds of flowering plants.

How to sow:

  1. First option: Mix the contents of both packages and hanging both herbs and flowers. The lawn will be more uniform.
  2. Option Second: sow cereals, and after flowers. As a result, bright "islands" will appear on the lawn.

Singing seeds only in a good warm soil. In different regions, this period comes from April-May.

Landing Rules:

  • moisten the soil, but do not pour it;
  • bloat seeds from 3 to 5 mm;
  • number of seeds: 10 g per 1 square. m;
  • gently crumple the soil and the lawn.

Shoots will appear in a week - two. By mid-July, the lawn with flowers will be perfect.

Tip: Non-woven material stretched over the future blooming lawn will speed up the germination of seeds and protect seeds from birds. Provide normal air access to the soil.

Flowers for flower and lawns

Bright corner, pleasing eye from spring and to the end of autumn, create easy.

Pick up plants blooming in different times.

Each owner will easily find suitable cereals and flowers.

Tip: The optimal ratio of colors and meadow herbs: 80% by 20% or 95% by 5%. Specify the store, which plants are annual, and which will please you for several years.

Popular herbs:

  1. Matlik meadow.
  2. Polevitsa thin.
  3. Pasture rags.
  4. Timothy grass.

Flowers for the Mauritan lawn:

  1. Mac East. Large, bright colors are noticeable from afar. Scarlet poppies - the raisher of the Penoye meadows, bloom in mid-May.
  2. Basalnica. Herbaceous perennial stuck in many corners of Russia. Fire-yellow buds - "Roses" will revive any lawn. Loves wet soil, several interesting varieties are derived.
  3. Vasileuk Polyeva. Gentle blue flowers give the lawn a nice view. It germinates well, has a long period of flowering.
  4. Chamomile meadow. Familiar to everyone a perennial. Flowers long, looks good next to bells and cornflowers.
  5. Clover meadow. Lowest plants with gentle-lilac flowers are unpretentious, please the eyes and attract the bees. Long flowering period.
  6. Nemesis. Beautiful, yellow or white flowers are collected in elegant inflorescences. The plant moves well in winter, grows perfectly at sunny sites.
  7. Marigold. The plant with bright yellow or orange colors got well in different regions of the country. Nogota bloom long, do not require special care.
  8. Chinese carnation. Buckets height up to 0.5 m with narrow leaves - frequent "guests" of Moorish or flowering lawns. Flowers - from white to purple, without fail with burgundy border and slots. Hybrid varieties - annual blossoms - from June to August.

Note! Many flowers for the Mauritan lawn turf. Butterflies and bees will often fly to you on the plot. Choose flowers with bright booton.

Registration of lawns with flowers. Photo Gallery

Stick basic rules for placing flowering plants:

  • sliding or pillowed perennials land in the foreground;
  • leave places for growth, observe the chess order;
  • on a small lawn, do not get carried away by the number of compositions;
  • pick plants with similar environmental requirements;
  • the range should provide flowering for a long time;
  • do not forget about bulbous species that are well combined with cereals.

Photo of the Moorish (blooming) lawn.

All like bright flax flowers among lawn grass. Relying on the experience of Forumhouse users, we will tell you how to equip a lawn with flowers, which annual and perennial plants can be planted in a lawn, and how to do it right.

What flowers can be put in the lawn

The best flats for lawns are tulips and other bulbies. The landing is carried out in early autumn, when the temperature of the soil at a depth of 15 cm drops to 9 degrees - if the soil is warmer, the tulips will be worse than rooted. Tulips can be planted directly into the ground under the grass, but it will be more correct to use when landing a plastic basket or a deep tray with a lattice bottom.

First neatly, with respect to the lawn, cut the piece of turf in size of the basket. The excavation should not be shallow - let the basket of the basket to the edge of the excavation will remain another centimeter three. If the soil is clay, supar on the bottom of the pit 2-3 centimeters of sand. Basket Fill with a mixture of land and sand (sand should not be too much, the main thing is that the soil is not too dense!). It will not be superfluous to add autumn fertilizers (according to the instructions). Do not forget that the bulbs in no case should come into contact with the fertilizer!

Basket (in Soviet times they used a jar from under herring, having done in the bottom of the hole with nails) needed for what. Tulips are well winter in the ground, even in the regions with a truly harsh climate. But every two years they are recommended to replant. If this is not done, the bulbs will go deep, and the flowers on the plants will be smaller. The basket will allow you to easily remove bulbs for transplant, you are guaranteed do not cut the bulbs and do not damage the grass - just as neatly remove the dend and then return it to the place.

Clean, healthy bulbs can be planted immediately, the bulbs with stains and other damage signs will need to land and must be treated with a fungicide for routing the planting material.

Choose the right depth for planting tulips - it should be equal to three bulbs altitudes.

The depth of the tulip planting is measured from the bulbs.

If the ground is heavy, plant a flower bulb for 2-3 centimeters smaller from the desired depth.

The basket must be filled with soil tightly, literally overflowing so that neither in it nor near the emptiness. Subsequently, the Earth will definitely seek, so the soil should be more, then the lawn will be smooth, without pamph. After landing, we neatly refund the Dern into place, slightly press it to the ground. After a few days the shovel cut can no longer be seen. In the spring, shortly after the end of flowering, primroses should be mounted with lawn grass. There are other flowers that can be scared without fear to ruin them.

Vasily Zhurov Landscape architect, user Forumhouse,

Daisies species, crocuses, daffodils, Veronica, Bowls ... Narcissal and Bowls need to give time to begte and tighten a little.

Care for such a lawn is simple. For mowing a lawn with flowers on which tulips or other bulbs grow, put a mower of centimeters for nine - then the plant will remain sufficiently enough of the sheet to form a new bulb.

Burgundy ribbon.

Repeat: so, right in the grass, only unpretentious bulbous ones are planted. In the lawn with flowers, all plants, except tulips, etc., planted directly in the grass, are good only in photos. In life, they will be like field weeds.

Sodmaster Agronom, user FORUMHOUSE

It is more correct to do this: place places under the flowerbed, to updo them with a border ribbon (you can narrow - 10 cm) so that it performs 1.5-2 cm above the level of soil, then put the lawn, and then put the flower beds.

If you put on a lawn roses, do not forget that the site under these bushes is better to prepare first, because they require a deeper soil processing than lawn. And the bushes can be planted after laying the lawn, at a time convenient for you. Many experienced gardeners say that it is difficult to grow these flowers on the lawn, and it is undesirable. Roses need a rosary or flowerbeds - it's all that you need to create your site, but according to plan.

The border tape is installed after the preparation of the soil under the lawn - it will be easier to take into account the laws level. If you put the tape in advance, it will prevent the soil.

Not only a border tape, but also a groove depth of 10-15 centimeters (and with the same width) will be able to prevent the stubborn cereals to creep onto a flower garden, the wall must be rinsed, vertical. But such an edge of the flower lawn will be done only or on very dense, clay soil, or with a strong, dense drainage. Border tape is the best option. If fruit bushes grow on the lawn, and you are worried that the grass will drag the root neck if you want to grow in the lawn such flowers as hosts, roses, irises and plant other plants, it will be the most right solution.


Burgundy tape can be replaced by plastic clapboard. Many gardeners believe that it is even more convenient and more practical than different types of border tape. Go through construction stores or markets and pay attention to the plastic lining of 12 centimeters wide. The smallest color is called "chocolate", so it is cheaper than others.

For gardeners brown color, on the contrary, preferably because of its unimprovability. Plastic lining is easy to put it, it looks gently. Install the lining so that at least three centimeters remained on the surface of the earth - then it will be convenient to work as a mower, without fearing to damage the flower lawn.

Red flax and other plants collected together form a multicolored sea of \u200b\u200bflowers. Pick up the plants correctly - and they will bloom from the beginning of the summer until the autumn itself.

Butterflies and bees Very fond of motley floral glads. Here, the butterfly-Golubanka drinks nectar from sulfur (Cosmos Sulphureus).

Preparing soil and planting plants

1. Soil On the site under the lawn, we reap for a depth of about 20 cm, break the major wrenches of the earth. Then burst them with robbles.
with a roundclum device, use the garden hose for markup.

2. in two weeks Plot again handle rake and remove sprouted weeds. A few days later, repeat the procedure again.

3. For uniform distribution Seeds from a flower mix on the surface of the soil to them mix dry sand, small sawdust, auxiliary components (for example, vermiculite). In some mixtures, such components are already part of.

4. Seeds post Armor and slightly endure the soil with a plank or special roller.

5. Seddled plot plenty. Before germination, the soil seed should always be slightly wet. And when shoots will appear, water the plants as needed.

And in a few weeks you will not recognize this clearing: it seems that the flower abundance was always here.

Always bloom, blossom everywhere!

Having created such floral glade in the garden, spread light accents: it may be a narrow strip along the fence, and a small island in the center of the lawn. Or decorate the colors for a short time unused garden sections.

Sunny place and well explosion, free of soil weeds - and flowering will be lush. The soil must be prepared for about four weeks Before the planned sowing or even from the fall of the previous year. Sow flowers from starting from mid-April to July.

You can always pick up lawn floral mixtures that are suitable for your garden- From the moisture-loving (aqua mixture) to drought-resistant (a mixture "Desert"). Flower compositions are selected in height, gamma paint, flowering time and preferred location. Types and varieties in mixtures are well combined with each other, besides, buying such a mixture, you can get rid of yourself from numerous bags with seeds. A small amount of seeds is needed: depending on the mixture, it is already enough of one to 5 g of the seed material for 1 square meter. M (accurate number is indicated on the package). If you sow too thick, fast-growing species will suppress those that grow slower, and the flower carpet will not be so distrect.

Until germination passes from one to three weeks during which the land in no way should save. If sowing was produced later than usual, watering the flowers are needed in the morning and in the evening. After another 4-6 weeks, the first buds are revealed. Caring for the melania with summer colors is mainly reduced to moderate watering into dry periods. A small feeding of plants during the summer contributes to an increase in flowering duration. Those who want to admire summer handsome, such as Esholovation, Cosmeya or Vasilki, can grow them in boxes and pots at their balcony or terrace. In this case, it is best to choose a mixture with low-speed or middle colors (a mixture of "mini" with a height of 15-50 cm) so that during the rain or strong wind the plants are not elevated.

Emboss landscape in a zone with abundant sunlight You can, using the Fiber Machine "Solar" of the company "Russian Garden - NK". The mixture consists of 18 seed species and does not require careful care. The colors defining the tone include Iberis, Sage Motley, Linnut Moroccan, Helipteruum, fragrant velvets, and a twiceper-free cosmy (Cosmos Bipinnatus) with flowers of a wide variety of shades.

In drawers and pots

Seeds on the tape allow you to achieve uniform sowing:
  • Fill the boxes with floral soil, sneak it and make a groove 1 cm deep.
  • Put ribbons with seeds on the bottom of the groove, pour, pour the land and break again.

Southed in a wicker basket Diverse remind poppy thickets along the fields with grain crops.

Romantic and festively But at the same time, a combination of poppy, ammoni large, purple cosmei and anxoloculation looks at ease.

Tip:remove plants only when they are completely covered. Even if the flowers have already been slightly faded, they still create certain color accents, and in combinations that resemble wild, they can safely leave them further ...

The selection of plants for the country site depends on many factors. The main is where the lawn will be located (South, Eastern side, place in the shade under the trees or sunny glade), if you have the opportunity to care for the lawn, and which flower composition you want to see.

Unpretentious perennial plants

If you are equipping a lawn that will not require haircuts and everyday care - choose for sowing those seeds that will bloom the entire summer season. Such a collection of unpretentious, resistant to pests and various diseases, persistently tolerates a large amount of precipitation and does not need a weeding and additional feeding fertilizers. Specially selected fees of such colors can grow on lawns for several years, without requiring the seasonal formation of flower beds and additional adjustment.

The advantage of perennial flowering plants lies in the fact that they have resistant to frost and sharp temperature drop in the off-season. This means that in the fall they will not need to plant the pots and hide into the premises before the onset of spring.

Options for the arrangement of lawn

There are several options for the formation of a lawn with blooming plants:

  • Plant landing alternating in flowering periods. The collection consists of several types of colors - primroses (richly flowering early spring), summer flowers and autumn (astilbi and Chinese Astra flower up to the first frosts). At the flower, it is necessary to plant irises and peonies, lilies, chamomiles and dahlias, and. Different periods of flowering form a landscaped painting changing bright colors.
  • Sowing field plants, blooming all summer - these are English roses, velvets, pansies, Chinese carnations, field chamomile, Rudbeckia, gypsophila.
  • Creating mixed flower beds. These are compositions from plants of various heights, shrubs, grasses, cereal and curly perennials. For the complex planting of plants that bloom the entire summer season, such unpretentious perennials, like Lupine, Karpathian bell, dolphinium, Chinese carnations are ideally suited.

Several rules for disembarking and care

Choosing flowers for lawns that bloom all summer, remember that when arbiaries, you will need to comply with some rules:

  1. Plants are completed only in cases where they have the same landing and cultivation conditions;
  2. Calculate the number of seeds so that the flowers and herbs filled the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lawn;
  3. The distance between the seedlings should strictly comply with the recommendations for landing;
  4. When choosing a colors, press the degree of illumination of the area under the lawn (violek, pyatki, pyatki, bumps are growing better in the shade
  5. Provide all plants in equally demanding to frequency and irrigation degree.

In addition, be sure to pay attention to the height of the adult plant stem. High flowers should be planted on the lawn under the wall at home or fence, small - closer to the tracks.

In order for the plants you choose all summer, do not forget about regular. If the lawn is located in the open sun - do the aeration in the early morning or at sunset.

With a competent selection of plants and proper care, you will receive a real floral masterpiece. Perennial plants grow up very quickly, and after 2-3 years it will be possible to plant new plants, indulging in other corners of the country site.

Flowers for lawn (video)

In the desire to create your own hands landscape design at the cottage, many gardeners make a gross mistake, planting only shrubs, trees and flower beds, while completely forgetting about the "floor cover" of the garden - a lawn.

But what if, having heard about the difficulties of growing lawn grass, you are worried that you simply do not have enough strength to prepare the site, the fight against hard-speaking weeds, painstaking cultivation of seeds, fertilizer, regular watering and cat? The exit is - sit down the site is not herbal, and the blooming mixture for the lawn and create a variest, lightweight Mauritan lawn in the country.

It is formed by such a decorative colorful or single-wheel lawn due to the inclusion in the traditional mixture for lawn grass thirty or even forty meadow colors and cereals.

What is Moorish Lawn

By his appearance, the village lawn is obliged to Masrala (hence the name), which once, many centuries ago, owned part of Spain. Travelers who first set foot on the land of the city of Cordoba - the focus of the center of Moorish art, culture and science, were amazed by the wealth of the refined oasis. Everything in this cozy city was unusually beautiful. But especially beautiful was the garden, broken around the palace. Well-groomed and large, with fountains and, all it was falling on wildflowers, emerald lawn grass and decorative cereals.

The new decision of the usual lawn had to taste to the European nomads. They adopted the custom to plant wild blooming herbs and cereals on deserted sites, partially replacing their neatly cut-off lawns on naturally beautiful, which do not require significant care, flowering meadows - lawns in the Mauritan style.

The advantage of lawns of this type is mainly that they can be placed even in those areas of the garden, where the soil is depleted and drained (or mooring). They do not need to spend a lot of money, and seeds for a long-term blooming lawn pick up very easily. In order for the decorative meadow, the whole season is covered by blossom - it is enough to know the timing of flowering of each plant in the composition.

Grass, flowers and herbs for Mauritan lawn

So, you took the final decision to break the Mauritan lawn at the cottage. Plant seeds for multicolor meadows should choose unpretentious, easy to care. Singing a plot with special mixtures of perennial cereal grasses with the inclusion of perennial and decorative and blooming colors. (The greater the sowing rate, the denser the flowers will grow to each other).

Important! All colors should bloom long. And then, fighting, reset seeds, in order to exist next year again.

The best plants for the Mauritan lawn

Decorative perennial cereals

  • Wildlife thin;
  • Timothy grass;
  • Sliced \u200b\u200btool;
  • Oatman red;
  • Mattik meadow;
  • Life;
  • Lagurus;
  • Pasture rags.

Rannuneyurizing bulbous

  • Proleski;
  • Snowmen;
  • Tulips;
  • Luk-Anzur;
  • Ryabiki;
  • Daffodils;
  • Crocuses;
  • Cyclamen.

Meadow (wild) perennial flowers

  • California and East Mac;
  • Nemesis;
  • Meadow chamomile;
  • Echinacea;
  • Quaking grass;
  • Arnica;
  • Gaylardia is oestylene;
  • Gentian;
  • Loosestrife;
  • Tansy.

Annual plants

  • Forget-me-not;
  • Nemesis;
  • Mattiola counya;
  • Delphinium;
  • Chernushka;
  • Cornflowers;
  • Dimorphothek ladder;
  • Hydrogen;
  • Marigold;
  • Bells;
  • Gypsophila;
  • Flox Drummond;
  • Lobulia Sea;
  • Daisies;
  • Clover;
  • Faselius bell tower;
  • Primrose;
  • Carnations;
  • Nasturtium;
  • Golden;
  • Agrostum sowing;
  • Snapdragon;
  • Linas, etc.

When making a low Moorish lawn, anise, chamber, mint and melissa are often used. High - fragrant herbs and flowers that highlight a lot of pollen and thereby attract the garden of motley butterflies and honey bees into the garden.

The onions in the Moorish lawn are the first to paint the garden in the spring, while other meadow plants are barely punctured from the soil. In the summer, when the primroses pleases, their fading leaves will hide herring color grass and meadow flowers.

Council. If you are a beginner, then it is better to start sowing the Mauritan lawn with a single-volume mixture - without proper, although not difficult care, a multi-storey lawn from several plants through time will be reminded not a charming lawn, but a saucer with weeds. (Unusually fabulous, the lawn is from low-grade carnations and thyme - to grow his own pleasure independently).

The following flowers for the Mauritan lawn are shown in the photo below: blue cornflowers, chrysanthemum sowing, Mac Magnifier, Agrocente Common and Pupovka field.

Material prepared for WWW.Site site

Such a wonderful multi-color lawn turned out to be only 5 types of field plants (on average, 20-40 unpretentious cereals and colors can be included in the device of the Mauritanian meadow). It all depends on the landscape design of your garden.

Mauritan lawn - buy or sow with your own hands?

A mixture for Mauritan lawn is easy to buy for small money in the store for gardeners and dachans (preferred is recommended to domestic seeds) or make a mixture yourself. If we talk about the approximate ratio of plants, it should be as follows: 80% of cereal herbs and 20% of colors. The mixture is sown at the rate of 10 g per 1 square. m.

If I really want a very blooming lawn, then do exactly the opposite than on the purchased mixtures. Make up your lawn of 70% of annual and 20% of low-grass grass. It turns out very beautiful.

Sowing Moorish lawn is carried out in the same way as decorative lawn grass - from early spring. In order for the plants to be fully developed and bloomed, they are recommended to plant them in unnecessary places. If you are planning to organize a meadow among the trees, then prefer such plants like mefiyan, candy, lily, whitewash, Aroneism, Averetic, Aronechnik, Trillium, Snowdrop, etc.

By doing the device of a magnificent live carpet, do not assume too much, well-lit square.

Landing of Moorish Lawn - Step-by-step instructions

  • Step 1

We liberate the soil from weeds (highly infected areas process with glyphosate several times) and, after about a month, we remove the upper layer of the soil at a depth of 8-10 cm.

  • Step 2.

Thoroughly leaving the soil shovel by 25 cm deep and bring low-fat organic fertilizers, sand and peat. It is necessary to do it 8-10 days before sowing.

  • Step 3.

We provide a slope of 3graduce for the flow of rainwater from the lawn. (High-quality drainage laying, thereby not allowing the transformation of your flowering lawn into a swamp due to long summer shower).

  • Step 4.

Immediately before planting, align and seal the ground with a bayonet shovel and rakes, and then a garden rink. It is recommended to do it in dry weather.

  • Step 5.

After alignment, once again we go over the surface of the site with special lawn rakes. This is necessary to remove the bugs again formed after sealing.

  • Step 6.

On a flat, soft and moderately moisturized surface, extinguishing a manually mixture for Mauritan lawn mixed with sand in proportions 1: 3 (per 100 g of dry sand accounts for about 0.0001 g of seeds). You can sing the site evenly or make islands from flowers, first having drilled grassy herbs, and between them meadow flowers.

  • Step 7.

Immerse the seeds with robbles to a depth of 5 mm, press and produce drip watering (a strong water pressure can blur sowing).

  • Step 8.

We hide the area with nonwoven material - in this case, shoots will be uniform and friendly. But even if shoots seem too rare, in no case in any case, do not hurry to learn - the difference is boiling at different times, sometimes the interval can reach 4 weeks.